const prisma = require("../clients/prisma"); const megisTypes = { 0: "bcaa megis PoroSad", 7: "lemon sugar free megis BroBalt", 15: "sugar free megis! PogChamp", 30: "normal megis!!! AngelThump", }; function secondsToHMS(secs) { function z(n) { return (n < 10 ? "0" : "") + n; } var sign = secs < 0 ? "-" : ""; secs = Math.abs(secs); return ( sign + z((secs / 3600) | 0) + ":" + z(((secs % 3600) / 60) | 0) + ":" + Math.floor(z(secs % 60)) ); } // this command does things that should be done seperately, // probably will extract adding the user to the database to // another command when i start doing another command that also needs that functionality const command = { name: "megis", desc: "economy command: get megis once per hour", restricted: false, mod: false, run: async (client, msg, splitted) => { const now = new Date().getTime(); const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { userId: msg.senderUserID, }, include: { megis: true, }, }); switch (splitted[2]) { case "start": { if (user) { await client.say( msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, already started` ); return; } const createUser = await prisma.user.create({ data: { userId: msg.senderUserID, megis: { create: { megis: 0, cdrActive: false, }, }, }, include: { megis: true, }, }); if (!createUser) { await client.say( msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, something went wrong with adding you to the database` ); return; } await client.say(msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, success`); break; } case "cdr": { if (!user) { await client.say( msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, run '% megis start' first` ); return; } if (user.megis.cdrActive) { await client.say( msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, you already have a cdr active` ); return; } if (now < user.megis.cdrCd) { await client.say( msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, cdr still on cooldown for ${secondsToHMS( (user.megis.cdrCd - now) / 1000 )} 🕒` ); return; } if (user.megis.megis < 15) { await client.say( msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, you have don't have enough megis to buy a cdr! You have ${user.megis.megis} ` ); return; } const cdr = await prisma.user.update({ where: { userId: msg.senderUserID, }, data: { megis: { update: { megis: { decrement: 15, }, cdrActive: true, cdrCd: String(now + 3600000), }, }, }, }); if (!cdr) { await client.say( msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, something went wrong with resetting your cdr` ); return; } await client.say( msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, no sleep tonight... (-15 megis: cooldown reset)` ); break; } default: { if (!user) { await client.say( msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, run '% megis start' first` ); return; } if (!user.megis.cdrActive) { const timeMs = now; if (timeMs < user.megis.megisCd) { await client.say( msg.channelName, `${ msg.displayName }, Two cans per day... (on timeout for ${secondsToHMS( (user.megis.megisCd - now) / 1000 )} 🕒 ) ` ); return; } } const megis = Object.keys(megisTypes)[ Math.floor(Math.random() * Object.keys(megisTypes).length) ]; const updateUser = await prisma.user.update({ where: { userId: msg.senderUserID, }, data: { megis: { update: { megis: { increment: parseInt(megis), }, megisCd: String(now + 1800000), cdrActive: false, }, }, }, include: { megis: true, }, }); if (!updateUser) { await client.say( msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, something went wrong` ); return; } await client.say( msg.channelName, `${msg.displayName}, +${megis} megis! ${megisTypes[megis]} Total megis: ${updateUser.megis.megis}` ); break; } } }, }; module.exports = { command };