Warning: Your PHP configuration has disabled file uploads

Please check your php.ini for the line:

file_uploads = On

'; } // Check for SQLite and PDO if (!extension_loaded("pdo_sqlite")) { echo '

Warning: You do not have the PHP SQLite extension installed.

Please install the PHP sqlite3 extension before moving forward

'; } if (!extension_loaded("zip")) { echo '

Warning: You do not have the PHP ZIP extension installed.

Please install the PHP-zip extension before moving forward

'; } echo '

php.ini specifies your server\'s maximum upload filesize as: '.min(ini_get('post_max_size'), ini_get('upload_max_filesize')).'

To change this, edit the value of upload_max_filesize (currently '.ini_get('upload_max_filesize').') in your php.ini
The value of post_max_size (currently '.ini_get('post_max_size').') must always be larger than upload_max_filesize

'; echo '

php.ini specifies that your server can permit uploads of up to '.ini_get('max_file_uploads').' files in one request

To change this, edit the value of max_file_uploads in your php.ini

'; ?>
Create admin (uploader) account

Create a second user who can also upload files?

Initialized SQLite database'; // Populate the 'users' table $admin_password_hash = password_hash($_POST['password'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $user_password_hash = password_hash($_POST['pass2'], PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $add_user = contactDB("INSERT INTO users (user_name, user_password, auto_delete_files_after) VALUES ('".$_POST['username']."', '$admin_password_hash', -1);", 0); if ($_POST['makeuser']) { $add_user = contactDB("INSERT INTO users (user_name, user_password, auto_delete_files_after) VALUES ('".$_POST['user2']."', '$user_password_hash', -1);", 0); } echo '
User(s) created.'; // Delete setup.php unlink("./setup.php"); header('Refresh: 2; URL = index.php'); } ?>