• v3.3.2 1560e028dc

    v3.3.2 Stable

    rail5 released this 2024-10-13 10:15:27 +02:00 | 4 commits to main since this release

    • autobuild-web: Paginated logs page
      By default, displaying 10 logs per page
    • autobuild-web: Pass the logs directory to autobuild -L instead of a
      specific log file
    • autobuild-web: Default unchecked 'upgrade first' on build.php
    • autobuild-web: Patched a bug in the cron jobs that could have
      potentially cleared logs which were in-progress
    • autobuild: Dynamically assign file descriptors to queue files
    • autobuild: Allow only directories as arguments to -L
  • v3.3.1 2829a70437

    v3.3.1 Stable

    rail5 released this 2024-10-12 07:59:18 +02:00 | 14 commits to main since this release

    • autobuild: Handle job queueing properly
      This closes #53
    • autobuild-web: Security: verify captcha isn't blank
    • autobuild-web: Allow signing key management via web ui
      This closes #49. Outsourced signing key creation to autobuild
  • v3.3.0 fcf3458058

    v3.3.0 Stable

    rail5 released this 2024-10-11 15:44:43 +02:00 | 36 commits to main since this release

    • autobuild-web: Settings page is now split into 3 sections:
      settings.web.php, settings.autobuild.php, and settings.farm.php
    • autobuild-web: Implemented Build Farm management through web UI
      Can install, upgrade, and remove build farm VMs through
    • autobuild-web: Implemented cron jobs
      Auto-delete old builds, auto-delete old logs, auto-upgrade VMs
      Configurable through settings.web.php
    • autobuild: Make sure to restore build environment's original state
      if the job is interrupted. In particular, if we're cancelling, we
      need to make sure we clear any 'upgrading' or 'installing' files we
    • autobuild-web: Added case-insensitive captcha to the login page
      The debian package php-gregwar- captcha is now a dependency of
    • autobuild: Fixed a bug where the initrd preseed wasn't always
      properly applied
    • autobuild: Now accepts an -i argument (--install-vm), which, when
      paired with one of the options --amd64, --i386, --arm64, does exactly
      what you would expect.
    • autobuild: Swapped wget for cURL
    • autobuild: Build logs now report success or failure at the end
  • v3.2.5 3cc4c30c45

    v3.2.5 Stable

    rail5 released this 2024-10-07 13:12:13 +02:00 | 66 commits to main since this release

    • Patched a bug: first repo was not called 'default'
  • v3.2.4 f7e26d018e

    v3.2.4 Stable

    rail5 released this 2024-10-07 12:36:06 +02:00 | 68 commits to main since this release

    • Added repository menu to autobuild-web
    • Added gpg to dependencies list
  • v3.2.3 8383b9e9d0

    v3.2.3 Stable

    rail5 released this 2024-10-07 06:19:14 +02:00 | 82 commits to main since this release

    • autobuild-web: Run PHP as _autobuild user rather than www-data
      Security improvement for autobuild-web
      Incidentally, this allows nginx users to run autobuild-web
      without having configured PHP in their nginx conf already, since
      we're now running php-fpm instead of relying on the web server's
      configuration for PHP.
  • v3.2.2 89a25894fd

    v3.2.2 Stable

    rail5 released this 2024-10-06 09:08:14 +02:00 | 85 commits to main since this release

    • Added support for nginx in autobuild-web
      Autobuild-web now works with either nginx or apache. Hopefully we
      can add more httpd options later.
  • v3.2.1 3b2987f007

    v3.2.1 Stable

    rail5 released this 2024-10-06 05:08:12 +02:00 | 103 commits to main since this release

    • Only remove /var/autobuild/web if apt remove --purge
    • Removed 1,000 lines of PHP
      autobuild-web now uses 'toml2json' (provided by 'reserialize')
      to parse the config file, instead of bundling a 1,000-line toml parser
    • Patched bug in postinst/postrm maintainer scripts introduced in 3.2.0
      which would reset your config.toml
  • v3.2.0 b2e3dfbc3e

    v3.2.0 Stable

    rail5 released this 2024-10-05 18:31:19 +02:00 | 106 commits to main since this release

    • Created first version of autobuild-web package
      This package provides a web frontend for autobuild accessible at
      A few todo items:
      (1) At the moment it only works with apache. It should work with any
      package providing 'httpd'
      (2) The 'repositories' page hasn't been set up yet
    • Interrupts now kill the daemon in a much more sensible way
    • Added support for managing multiple debian repositories
      Option -d now requires an argument specifying which repo to publish to
    • Added -u and -n options for upgrading build farm vms
      -u/--upgrade simply upgrades the build farm vms and then exits
      -n/--no-upgrade tells autobuild to skip upgrading build farm vms
      before building your packages
    • Added locale generation to initrd preseed in build farm VMs
      This removes the possibility for dubious locale warnings in the build
      farm VMs which would otherwise pollute our build logs
    • Generate job id for builds before starting
      Previously, the builds were saved in /var/autobuild/builds/PID
      Generating a job ID based on the current timestamp + the PID reduces
      the chance for collisions in the event that the builds directory
      hasn't been cleaned
    • Added -L option to redirect output to a specified log file or folder
  • v3.1.7 9ca91bac24

    v3.1.7 Stable

    rail5 released this 2024-09-29 02:33:42 +02:00 | 130 commits to main since this release

    • Copy config file to /var/autobuild on new installs in -s