rail5 c099a8245b
Implemented cron jobs
Auto-delete old builds, auto-delete old logs, auto-upgrade VMs
Settable through settings.web.php
2024-10-11 20:53:35 +08:00

247 lines
5.9 KiB

* autobuild-web
* Copyright (C) 2024 rail5
* This is free software (GNU Affero GPL v3), and you are permitted to redistribute it under certain conditions
* Please see the LICENSE file for more information
require_once "global.php";
/* Logging & log file functions */
$log_directory = "/var/autobuild/web/log";
$autobuild_directory = "/var/autobuild";
$autobuild_repos_directory = "$autobuild_directory/repo";
$autobuild_builds_directory = "$autobuild_directory/builds";
function get_build_logs() {
global $log_directory;
return array_filter(glob("$log_directory/*.log"), 'file_not_empty');
function get_log_file($log_number) {
global $log_directory;
$log_file = "$log_directory/$log_number.log";
$valid_log = file_exists($log_file)
&& dirname(realpath($log_file)) == $log_directory;
if (!$valid_log) {
$_GET["error"] = "invalid-log";
redirect_and_die("back", $_GET);
return "";
return $log_file;
function create_log_file() {
global $log_directory;
$log_number = random_string();
$log_file = "$log_directory/$log_number.log";
while (file_exists($log_file)) {
$log_number = random_string();
$log_file = "$log_directory/$log_number.log";
file_put_contents($log_file, "");
// Make sure the autobuild user can write to the log file
chmod($log_file, 0770);
return $log_file;
function delete_log($log_number) {
global $log_directory;
$log_file = get_log_file($log_number);
$status_file = get_status_file($log_number);
$jobid = escapeshellarg(get_job_jobid($log_number));
run_autobuild("-r $jobid");
function get_status_file($log_number) {
global $log_directory;
$status_file = "$log_directory/$log_number.status";
return $status_file;
function write_status_file($log_number, $status_code) {
$status_file = get_status_file($log_number);
file_put_contents($status_file, $status_code);
// Make sure the autobuild user can read/write the status file
chmod($status_file, 0770);
return $status_file;
function delete_all_logs() {
global $log_directory;
$logs = array_filter(glob("$log_directory/*.{log,status}", GLOB_BRACE));
foreach ($logs as $log) {
run_autobuild("-r all");
function get_logs_to_clear($older_than) {
global $log_directory;
$logs = array_filter(glob("$log_directory/*.log"), 'file_not_empty');
$logs_to_clear = array();
foreach ($logs as $log) {
$log_number = basename($log, ".log");
$timestamp = filemtime($log);
if ((time() - $timestamp) > ($older_than * 60) && get_job_status($log_number) != 4) {
$logs_to_clear[] = $log_number;
return $logs_to_clear;
function get_job_pid($log_number) {
global $log_directory;
$log_file = escapeshellarg(get_log_file($log_number));
return trim(`head -n 1 $log_file | awk '{print \$2}'`);
function get_job_jobid($log_number) {
global $log_directory;
$log_file = escapeshellarg(get_log_file($log_number));
return trim(`sed -n '2{p;q;}' $log_file | awk '{print \$2}'`);
function get_job_status($log_number) {
global $log_directory;
global $autobuild_builds_directory;
* 3 bits:
* First bit: Is the job still running?
* Second bit: Did autobuild report success?
* Third bit: Is the job either QUEUED or was it CANCELED?
* From this, here are the status codes:
* 000: (Decimal 0)
* Job failed
* 001: (Decimal 1)
* Job canceled
* 010: (Decimal 2)
* Job completed successfully
* 100: (Decimal 4)
* Job in progress
* 101: (Decimal 5)
* Job queued
* We don't need to care about any other codes
if (file_exists(get_status_file($log_number))) {
return intval(file_get_contents(get_status_file($log_number)));
// Get the PID and the Job ID
$pid = get_job_pid($log_number);
$jobid = get_job_jobid($log_number);
$log_file = escapeshellarg(get_log_file($log_number));
$logfile_last_line = trim(`tail -n 1 $log_file`);
$in_progress = 4 * file_exists("/proc/$pid");
$reported_success = 2 * ($logfile_last_line == "Success");
$queued_or_canceled = 1 * (($logfile_last_line == "Queued") || ($logfile_last_line == "Canceled"));
$status_code = $in_progress | $reported_success | $queued_or_canceled;
if (($status_code & 4) == 0) {
// Job is not running anymore -- write a status file
write_status_file($log_number, $status_code);
return $status_code;
function get_builds_to_clear($older_than) {
global $autobuild_builds_directory;
$builds = array_filter(glob("$autobuild_builds_directory/*"), 'is_dir');
$builds_to_clear = array();
foreach ($builds as $build) {
$timestamp = filemtime("$build/.");
if ((time() - $timestamp) > ($older_than * 60)) {
$builds_to_clear[] = basename($build);
return $builds_to_clear;
function print_status_code($status_code, $html = false) {
$label = "";
$color = "000000";
switch ($status_code) {
case 0:
$label = "Failed";
$color = "FF0000";
case 1:
$label = "Canceled";
$color = "FF0000";
case 2:
$label = "Successful";
$color = "00FF00";
case 4:
$label = "In progress";
$color = "0000FF";
case 5:
$label = "Queued";
$color = "0000FF";
if ($html) {
$label = "<font color=\"#$color\">$label</font>";
return $label;
function get_download_links($log_number) {
global $log_directory;
global $autobuild_builds_directory;
$jobid = get_job_jobid($log_number);
$build_files_directory = "$autobuild_builds_directory/$jobid";
$package_directories = array_filter(glob(pattern: "$build_files_directory/*"), 'is_dir');
$package_debs = array();
foreach ($package_directories as $package_directory) {
foreach (glob("$package_directory/*.deb") as $deb) {
$deb = str_replace($autobuild_builds_directory, "", $deb);
$path_components = explode("/", $deb);
$download_link = "download.php?jobid=".$path_components[1]."&pkg=".$path_components[2]."&file=".$path_components[3];
$package_debs[$path_components[3]] = $download_link;
return $package_debs;