Witchmagic fixed #1 and #2

This commit is contained in:
Andrew S. Rightenburg 2023-03-19 16:57:44 -04:00
parent 1d3ca1a569
commit 30ed06a71b

View file

@ -160,6 +160,11 @@ void editor::file::insert(int start_position, string text_to_insert) {
fstream edit_file(file_name, ios::binary | ios::out | ios::in);
if (edit_file.is_open()) {
int insert_length = text_to_insert.length();
int new_file_length = file_length + insert_length;
// Are we writing to EOF, or in the middle of the file?
if (start_position == (file_length - 1)) {
// Writing TO EOF
@ -169,46 +174,71 @@ void editor::file::insert(int start_position, string text_to_insert) {
// Insert
edit_file.write(text_to_insert.c_str(), text_to_insert.length());
// Add a newline char
edit_file.seekp(new_file_length - 1, ios::beg);
edit_file.write("\n", 1);
} else {
// Writing BEFORE EOF
// Calculate the amount we have to shift text
int shift_by_amount = text_to_insert.length();
// Which is smaller? Length of insert, or block_size?
int amount_to_store = min(insert_length, block_size);
// Calculate distance from start_position to current EOF
int distance = (file_length - 1) - start_position;
// What will be the new file length?
int new_file_length = file_length + shift_by_amount;
// Open read stream
ifstream edit_file_ifstream(file_name, ifstream::binary);
// Allocate memory
string buffer(distance, ' ');
// Set position
// Read data into buffer
edit_file_ifstream.read(&buffer[0], distance);
cout << "buffer: " << buffer << endl << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < (new_file_length - file_length - 1); i++) {
edit_file.seekp(file_length + i, ios::beg);
// Adjust the length of the file by adding 0s to the end
for (int i = (file_length - 1); i < (new_file_length - 1); i++) {
edit_file.seekp(i, ios::beg);
edit_file.write("0", 1);
cout << endl << "replace " << (new_file_length - 1) - buffer.length() << " " << buffer << endl;
replace((new_file_length - 1) - buffer.length(), buffer);
// Add a newline char
edit_file.seekp(new_file_length - 1, ios::beg);
edit_file.write("\n", 1);
replace(start_position, text_to_insert);
for (int i = (new_file_length - 1); i > start_position; i = (i - amount_to_store)) {
int copy_to_this_position = (i - (amount_to_store - 1)) - 1;
int copy_from_this_position = (copy_to_this_position - insert_length);
// Final iteration:
// If we discover that our "copy_from" position is before our start_position,
// (Due to block_size shenanigans --
// E.g: block_size = 1024, but we only have 512 bytes left in the loop)
// Then we re-set the copy_from to the start_position,
// Fix the copy_to, change amount_to_store to what's LEFT
// (In the above example, 512 rather than 1024)
// And set i = start_position to make sure the loop doesn't run again after this
if (copy_from_this_position < start_position) {
int difference = start_position - copy_from_this_position;
copy_from_this_position = start_position;
copy_to_this_position = copy_to_this_position + difference;
amount_to_store = amount_to_store - difference;
i = start_position; // Terminate loop
char* temp_data_storage = new char[amount_to_store + 1]{0}; // Allocate memory
// Store read portion into allocated memory
edit_file.seekg(copy_from_this_position, ios::beg);
edit_file.read(temp_data_storage, amount_to_store);
// Add a NUL char to the end to terminate the string
temp_data_storage[amount_to_store] = 0;
// Copy it to its new proper place
edit_file.seekp(copy_to_this_position, ios::beg);
edit_file.write(temp_data_storage, amount_to_store);
delete[] temp_data_storage; // Free memory
// Calculate amount to load into memory
// Expl.: Which is smaller? Distance, or block_size?
int amount_to_load_into_memory = min(distance, block_size);
// Now, finally, insert the damn data (user inputted data)
edit_file.seekp(start_position, ios::beg);
edit_file.write(text_to_insert.c_str(), text_to_insert.length());