WIKIUPSTREAM= VERSION=$$(dpkg-parsechangelog -l debian/changelog --show-field version) all: update-version reader editor curses update-version: # Read the latest version number from debian/changelog # And update shared/version.h with that number # This ensures that the output of --version # For each of the binaries is always up-to-date @ \ if [ "$(VERSION)" != "" ]; then \ echo "#define program_version \"$(VERSION)\"" > shared/version.h; \ echo "$(VERSION)"; \ fi; manual: # Git pull wiki & run pandoc to create manual pages # You must have Git and Pandoc installed for this @ \ if [ -d "$(WIKIDIRECTORY)" ]; then \ cd "$(WIKIDIRECTORY)" && git pull "$(WIKIUPSTREAM)"; \ else \ git clone "$(WIKIUPSTREAM)" "$(WIKIDIRECTORY)"; \ fi; pandoc --standalone --to man "$(WIKIDIRECTORY)/" -o debian/polonius-editor.1 pandoc --standalone --to man "$(WIKIDIRECTORY)/" -o debian/polonius-reader.1 reader: cd read && $(MAKE) mv read/bin/polonius-reader ./ editor: cd edit && $(MAKE) mv edit/bin/polonius-editor ./ curses: cd cli && $(MAKE) mv cli/bin/polonius ./ install: install -m 0755 polonius-reader /usr/bin install -m 0755 polonius-editor /usr/bin clean: rm -f ./polonius-reader cd read && $(MAKE) clean rm -f ./polonius-editor cd edit && $(MAKE) clean rm -f ./polonius cd cli && $(MAKE) clean