
316 lines
8.5 KiB

#ifndef FSTREAM
#define FSTREAM
#include <fstream>
#ifndef IOSTREAM
#define IOSTREAM
#include <iostream>
bool reader::file::init(std::string path) {
if (!file_exists(path)) {
init_error_message = "File '" + path + "' does not exist";
return false;
file_name = path;
std::ifstream file_stream(file_name, std::ifstream::binary);
if (!file_stream) {
init_error_message = "Could not open file '" + file_name + "' for reading";
return false;
// get length of file
file_stream.seekg(0, file_stream.end);
file_length = file_stream.tellg();
initialized = true;
return true;
std::string reader::file::read(int64_t start_position, int64_t length) {
std::ifstream file_stream(file_name, std::ifstream::binary);
// allocate memory
std::string buffer(length, ' ');
// set position
// read data as a block
file_stream.read(&buffer[0], length);
return buffer;
bool reader::file::do_read_job() {
If just_outputting_positions == true,
Then we don't need to actually read the file,
Just output in the format "startposition endposition"
if (just_outputting_positions) {
std::cout << start_position << " " << end_position-1 << std::endl;
return true;
for (int64_t i = start_position; i < end_position; (i = i + block_size)) {
int64_t amount_left_in_file = (end_position - i);
if (block_size > amount_left_in_file) {
block_size = amount_left_in_file;
std::cout << read(i, block_size);
return true;
bool reader::file::do_normal_search() {
int64_t match_start = 0;
int64_t match_end = 0;
// Only call the .length() function ONCE and store it
// To save on resources
int search_query_length = search_query.length();
if (block_size <= search_query_length) {
// If the block size is smaller than the length of the search query,
// The user is just being silly.
// We'll reset it to 1 larger than the length of the search query
block_size = search_query_length + 1;
int shift_by_this_much = (block_size - search_query_length);
for (int64_t i = start_position; i < end_position; (i = i + shift_by_this_much)) {
int64_t amount_left_in_file = (end_position - i);
if (block_size > amount_left_in_file || shift_by_this_much > amount_left_in_file) {
block_size = amount_left_in_file;
shift_by_this_much = amount_left_in_file;
std::string block_data = read(i, block_size);
// Check if the WHOLE search query is in the block
// And if so, just output it
size_t search_result = block_data.find(search_query);
// Next cycle if no match was found
if (search_result == -1) {
// Start & end position RELATIVE to this block
start_position = search_result;
end_position = (start_position + search_query_length);
// ABSOLUTE start & end position
// (that is, relative to the start of the file)
match_start = (i + start_position);
match_end = (match_start + search_query_length);
if (just_outputting_positions) {
std::cout << match_start << " " << match_end-1 << std::endl;
return true;
std::cout << block_data.substr(start_position, search_query_length) << std::endl;
return true;
return false;
bool reader::file::do_regex_search() {
A std::regex search in Polonius should happen this way:
0. Validate the regular expression (TODO: expression currently not validated before running)
1. Parse the regular expression into its component parts
Expression: 'abc[a-z]+235'
Should be split into:
'a' 'b' 'c'
'2' '3' '5'
And recombined into multiple expressions:
a. 'abc[a-z]+235'
b. 'abc[a-z]+23'
c. 'abc[a-z]+2'
d. 'abc[a-z]+'
e. 'abc'
f. 'ab'
g. 'a'
2. Search the loaded block (of size block_size) for a match for the full expression (a)
If found, skip to the final step
If not found:
3. Search: Does the loaded block END WITH a partial match? (Any of the expressions listed above after expression a)
If no, load block #2 and go back to step #2
If yes:
4. Load a new block (of size block_size) STARTING FROM the start position of the aforementioned partial match, and
restart the process HERE from step #2
Report the found match
One important restriction is that we will be limited to finding std::regex matches no longer than the user-specified block size
(default 10KB)
At the moment, it's also possible to construct situations in which there is a match present, but Polonius will not be able to find it.
Consider the expression:
Run on a file with the contents:
With a block size of 4 bytes
The proper match would be:
3 5
Polonius scans the first block for a match of the full expression:
None found, it checks if it ends for a PARTIAL MATCH of the expression's first component ([C-Z]{2}), and finds that it does not
Polonius then moves on to the next block:
It finds that this block ends with a partial match ([C-Z]{2})... etc
But, we've already missed our full match (CDE)
int64_t match_start = 0;
int64_t match_end = 0;
std::vector<std::string> sub_expressions = create_sub_expressions(search_query);
for (int64_t current_index = start_position; current_index < end_position; (current_index = current_index + block_size)) {
int64_t amount_left_in_file = (end_position - current_index);
if (block_size > amount_left_in_file) {
block_size = amount_left_in_file;
std::string block_data = read(current_index, block_size);
std::smatch regex_search_result;
std::regex expression(search_query);
bool full_match_found = regex_search(block_data, regex_search_result, expression);
if (!full_match_found) {
for (int64_t j = 0; j < sub_expressions.size(); j++) {
std::smatch sub_expression_search_result;
std::regex sub_expression(sub_expressions[j] + R"($)"); // 'R"($)"' signifies that the std::string must END with the match
// Partial match found?
bool partial_match_found = regex_search(block_data, sub_expression_search_result, sub_expression);
int64_t partial_match_position = sub_expression_search_result.prefix().length();
if (partial_match_found && partial_match_position > 0) {
current_index = current_index + partial_match_position;
goto regex_scan;
// ABSOLUTE start & end position
// (that is, relative to the start of the file)
match_start = current_index + (regex_search_result.prefix().length());
match_end = current_index + (block_size - regex_search_result.suffix().length());
if (just_outputting_positions) {
std::cout << match_start << " " << match_end-1 << std::endl;
return true;
std::cout << regex_search_result[0] << std::endl;
return true;
return false;
bool reader::file::do_search_job() {
if (query_type == t_normal_search) {
return do_normal_search();
} else if (query_type == t_regex_search) {
return do_regex_search();
return false;
bool reader::file::do_job() {
if (!initialized) {
std::cout << "Error reading file" << std::endl;
return false;
// Make sure we're not trying to read outside the bounds of the file
// And fail open if so
// First check the start position
if (start_position > file_length) {
// And just read the last byte
start_position = (file_length - 2);
// Now check the end position
end_position = (start_position + amount_to_read);
if (end_position > file_length) {
// Just set it to read till the end of the file & not further
amount_to_read = (file_length - start_position);
end_position = (start_position + amount_to_read);
if (job == read_job) {
return do_read_job();
if (job == search_job) {
return do_search_job();
return false;
std::string reader::file::get_init_error_message() {
return init_error_message;
int64_t reader::file::get_file_length() {
return file_length;
void reader::file::set_start_position(int64_t position) {
start_position = position;
void reader::file::set_amount_to_read(int64_t amount) {
amount_to_read = amount;
void reader::file::set_just_outputting_positions(bool flag) {
just_outputting_positions = flag;
void reader::file::set_block_size(int size) {
block_size = size;
void reader::file::set_search_query(std::string query) {
search_query = query;
void reader::file::set_search_type(search_type normal_or_regex) {
query_type = normal_or_regex;
void reader::file::set_job_type(job_type input_job) {
job = input_job;