done documenting and added a section on icite and classics. new functions \AuthorTitleDelim and \TitlePageDelim

This commit is contained in:
Robert Alessi 2019-03-17 18:19:05 +01:00
parent 2feb69c215
commit e4585f6ce5
5 changed files with 170 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -6,13 +6,27 @@ LOCAL = $(shell kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFLOCAL)
UTREE = $(shell kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFHOME)
exts := md bib ins dtx html
extsi := tex
texsamples := $(basename $(wildcard $(PWD)/samples/*.tex))
findopts := $(foreach ext,$(exts),-or -iname "*.$(ext)")
findoptsi := $(foreach ext,$(extsi),-or -iname "*.$(ext)")
# Look into this later
# $(if $(wildcard $(PWD)/TMP/$(notdir $1).bcf),biber $(PWD)/TMP/$(notdir $1),)
define dosamples
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape $1 >/dev/null
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape $1 >/dev/null
if [ -f $(PWD)/TMP/$(notdir $1)-primary.idx ]; \
then texindy -M $(PWD)/TMP/$(notdir $1).xdy $(PWD)/TMP/$(notdir $1)-primary.idx >/dev/null; fi
if [ -f $(PWD)/TMP/$(notdir $1).bcf ]; then biber $(PWD)/TMP/$(notdir $1) >/dev/null; fi
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape $1 >/dev/null
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape $1 >/dev/null
all: $(NAME).pdf
# test -e || exit 0
$(NAME).pdf: $(NAME).dtx
@ echo "Make documentation..."
lualatex --shell-escape --recorder --interaction=batchmode $(NAME).dtx >/dev/null
biber $(NAME) >/dev/null
lualatex --shell-escape --recorder --interaction=batchmode $(NAME).dtx >/dev/null
@ -22,35 +36,16 @@ $(NAME).pdf: $(NAME).dtx
if [ -f primary.idx ]; then texindy -M icite.xdy primary.idx >/dev/null; fi
lualatex --shell-escape --recorder --interaction=nonstopmode $(NAME).dtx > /dev/null
lualatex --shell-escape --recorder --interaction=nonstopmode $(NAME).dtx > /dev/null
@ echo "Make sample files..."
if [ ! -d $(PWD)/TMP ]; then mkdir $(PWD)/TMP; fi
cp $(PWD)/samples/*.bib $(PWD)/TMP
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-biblatex.tex
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-biblatex.tex
texindy -M $(PWD)/TMP/icite-biblatex.xdy $(PWD)/TMP/pr-sources.idx
biber $(PWD)/TMP/icite-biblatex
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-biblatex.tex
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-biblatex.tex
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-nobiblatex.tex
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-nobiblatex.tex
texindy -M $(PWD)/TMP/icite-nobiblatex.xdy $(PWD)/TMP/pr-sources.idx
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-nobiblatex.tex
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-nobiblatex.tex
$(foreach file,$(texsamples), $(call dosamples, $(file)))
mv TMP/*.pdf samples/
if [ ! -d $(PWD)/TMP ]; then mkdir $(PWD)/TMP; fi
cp $(PWD)/samples/*.bib $(PWD)/TMP
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-biblatex.tex
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-biblatex.tex
texindy -M $(PWD)/TMP/icite-biblatex.xdy $(PWD)/TMP/pr-sources.idx
biber $(PWD)/TMP/icite-biblatex
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-biblatex.tex
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-biblatex.tex
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-nobiblatex.tex
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-nobiblatex.tex
texindy -M $(PWD)/TMP/icite-nobiblatex.xdy $(PWD)/TMP/pr-sources.idx
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-nobiblatex.tex
lualatex --output-dir=$(PWD)/TMP --shell-escape samples/icite-nobiblatex.tex
$(foreach file,$(texsamples), $(call dosamples, $(file)))
mv TMP/*.pdf samples/
@ -109,9 +104,10 @@ package: distclean all
cp -r samples/ doc/latex/$(NAME)/
mkdir -p source/latex/$(NAME)/
cp Makefile $(NAME).{dtx,ins} source/latex/$(NAME)/
zip -r $(NAME) tex doc source
# zip -r $(NAME) tex doc source
rm -rf tex/ source/ doc/
tar czf $(NAME)-$(VERS).tar.gz $(NAME) $(NAME)/
# tar czf $(NAME)-$(VERS).tar.gz $(NAME) $(NAME)/
tar czf $(NAME)-$(VERS).tar.gz $(NAME)/
rm -rf $(NAME)/
.PHONY: all lualatex clean distclean inst local uninst install uninstall zip package samples

View File

@ -349,10 +349,10 @@ Running "make install" installs the files in the local TeX tree.
\newunicodechar{Ǧ}{Ǧ} %
\hypersetup{unicode=true, colorlinks, allcolors=blue,
linktocpage=true, pdfauthor={Robert Alessi}, pdftitle={The
@ -367,9 +367,10 @@ Running "make install" installs the files in the local TeX tree.
pdfmetalang={en-US}, pdftype={Text}, pdfkeywords={bibtex, biblatex,
@ -670,6 +671,8 @@ Running "make install" installs the files in the local TeX tree.
% \fi
% \subsection{Preamble-only commands}
% The following commands may be found in the preamble only.
% \paragraph{Styling the titles}
% \DescribeMacro{\SetTitleStyle} By default, \package{icite} prints
% the titles of the works cited in italics.\\
@ -688,6 +691,21 @@ Running "make install" installs the files in the local TeX tree.
% As this example shows, |#1| is the token that is replaced with the
% actual title in the formatting directives of the \cs{SetTitleStyle}
% command.
% \paragraph{Delimiters}
% \NEWfeature{v1.2}\DescribeMacro{\AuthorTitleDelim}
% \cs{AuthorTitleDelim}\marg{delimiter} sets the delimiter between
% authors and titles in the body text when the |nobibengine| option is
% set to |true|. The default delimiter is a comma and a space.
% \DescribeMacro{\TitlePageDelim}
% \cs{TitlePageDelim}\marg{delimiter} sets the delimiter between
% titles and pages in the body text when the |nobibengine| option is
% set to |true|. The default delimiter is a comma and a space.
% \subsection[\textsf{icite} for the Impatient]%
% {\package{icite} for the Impatient}
% Read \href{samples/icite-minimal.pdf}{\texttt{icite-minimal.pdf}}.
% \subsection{Entry fields}
% \label{sec:entry-fields}
@ -1004,7 +1022,7 @@ Running "make install" installs the files in the local TeX tree.
% \subsection[The \textsf{classics} package]%
% {The \package{classics} package} %
% \label{sec:classics-usage}
% As said above on \cpageref{ref:classics-pkg}, it is advisable to use
% As said above \vpageref{ref:classics-pkg}, it is advisable to use
% the \package{classics} package to format volume, page, column, line
% numbers and the like which are inserted in the \meta{post} optional
% argument of the \cs{icite} command\autocite{classics}. An example of
@ -1219,7 +1237,32 @@ Running "make install" installs the files in the local TeX tree.
% \end{macrocode}
% \DescribeMacro{\AuthorTitleDelim}
% \changes{v1.2}{2019/03/16}{\cs{AuthorTitleDelim}: delimiter
% between authors and titles}\cs{AuthorTitleDelim}\marg{delimiter}
% sets the delimiter between authors and titles in the body text when
% the |nobibengine| option is set to |true|. The default delimiter is
% a comma.
% \begin{macrocode}
\def\ic@authtitdelim{, }
% \end{macrocode}
% \DescribeMacro{\TitlePageDelim}
% \changes{v1.2}{2019/03/16}{\cs{TitlePageDelim}: the delimiter
% between titles and pages}\cs{TitlePageDelim}\marg{delimiter} sets
% the delimiter between titles and pages in the body text when the
% |nobibengine| option is set to |true|. The default delimiter is a
% comma.
% \begin{macrocode}
\def\ic@titpgdelim{, }
% \end{macrocode}
% \DescribeMacro{\icite} \cs{icite} both inserts a formatted citation
% and an entry in the \emph{index locorum citatorum}. It is to be used
% in place of any \hologo{BibTeX} or Bib\LaTeX\ citation command the
@ -1292,7 +1335,7 @@ Running "make install" installs the files in the local TeX tree.
\@useauthor, \TitleStyle{\@usetitle}%
@ -1324,7 +1367,8 @@ Running "make install" installs the files in the local TeX tree.
\@useauthor, \TitleStyle{\@usetitle}, {#1}%
\@shorthand, {#1}%
@ -1355,7 +1399,8 @@ Running "make install" installs the files in the local TeX tree.
#1 \@useauthor, \TitleStyle{\@usetitle}, {#2}%
#1 \@useauthor\ic@authtitdelim\TitleStyle{\@usetitle}%
#1 \@shorthand, {#2}%

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
\usepackage[citecmd=autocite, defaultindex=none]{icite}
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
\makeindex[name=pr-sources, title={Index locorum citatorum}]
\makeindex[name=\jobname-primary, title={Index locorum citatorum}]
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ index of passages cited in combination with Bib\LaTeX.
The relevant part of the preamble which is used here follows:
\usepackage[citecmd=autocite, defaultindex=none]{icite}
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ The relevant part of the preamble which is used here follows:
\makeindex[name=pr-sources, title={Index locorum citatorum}]
\makeindex[name=icite-biblatex-primary, title={Index locorum citatorum}]
@ -68,12 +68,13 @@ The relevant part of the preamble which is used here follows:
\item |citecmd=autocite| instructs \textsf{icite} to use the
|\autocite| command to insert the citations in the body text.
\item |defaultindex=none| disables indexing by default.
\item |\IndexSubtypeAs{ancient}{pr-sources}| makes an exception for
authors whose |entrysubtype| field matches the string |ancient| and
instructs \textsf{icite} to have them indexed in an index named
\item To actually produce the index, |\printindex[pr-sources]| is needed
at the end of the document.
\item |\IndexSubtypeAs{ancient}{icite-biblatex-primary}| makes an
exception for authors whose |entrysubtype| field matches the string
|ancient| and instructs \textsf{icite} to have them indexed in an
index named\\ |icite-biblatex-primary|.
\item To actually produce the index,
|\printindex[icite-biblatex-primary]| is needed at the end of the
\section*{Body text}
@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ another\icite[\arist{1253}[a][30--39]]{Aristotle:Politica}.
This passage should not be indexed\icite[44--78]{Reynolds.Wilson1994}.
\section*{Bibliographical database}

samples/icite-minimal.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
\textbf{\textsf{icite sample file}} --- \cczero\ This
file is public domain
\item Start a new document, copy and paste the code that follows.
\item The default citation command used by \textsf{icite} has been set
to \verb|autocite|. Adapt.
\item The \textsf{biblatex} style file selected is
\verb|oxnotes|. Adapt.
\item Insert the citations in the body text with
\item Compile the document with \verb|--shell-escape|.\footnote{More
information on how to do this: \url{}}
(merge-rule "\*" "" :eregexp)
% load icite
\usepackage[citecmd=autocite, defaultindex=loccit]{icite}
% prepare the index
title={Index locorum citatorum},
options=-M \jobname.xdy]
% load biblatex
Your document goes here.

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
\usepackage[defaultindex=none, nobibengine]{icite}
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
\makeindex[name=pr-sources, title={Index locorum citatorum}]
\makeindex[name=\jobname-primary, title={Index locorum citatorum}]
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Bib\LaTeX.
The relevant part of the preamble which is used here follows:
\usepackage[defaultindex=none, nobibengine]{icite}
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ The relevant part of the preamble which is used here follows:
\makeindex[name=pr-sources, title={Index locorum citatorum}]
\makeindex[name=icite-nobiblatex-primary, title={Index locorum citatorum}]
@ -64,12 +64,13 @@ The relevant part of the preamble which is used here follows:
\item |defaultindex=none| disables indexing by default.
\item |nobibengine| instructs \textsf{icite} to insert the citations
in the body text without using either \hologo{BibTeX} or Bib\LaTeX.
\item |\IndexSubtypeAs{ancient}{pr-sources}| makes an exception for
authors whose |entrysubtype| field matches the string |ancient| and
instructs \textsf{icite} to have them indexed in an index named
\item To actually produce the index, |\printindex[pr-sources]| is
needed at the end of the document.
\item |\IndexSubtypeAs{ancient}{icite-nobiblatex-primary}| makes an
exception for authors whose |entrysubtype| field matches the string
|ancient| and instructs \textsf{icite} to have them indexed in an
index named\\ |icite-nobiblatex-primary|.
\item To actually produce the index,
|\printindex[icite-nobiblatex-primary]| is needed at the end of the
\section*{Body text}
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ and another.\footnote{%
This passage should not be
\section*{Bibliographical database}