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// Copyright (c) Lewis Baker
// Licenced under MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include <cppcoro/task.hpp>
#include <cppcoro/single_consumer_event.hpp>
#include <cppcoro/sync_wait.hpp>
#include <cppcoro/when_all_ready.hpp>
#include <cppcoro/fmap.hpp>
#include "counted.hpp"
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include "doctest/doctest.h"
TEST_CASE("task doesn't start until awaited")
bool started = false;
auto func = [&]() -> cppcoro::task<>
started = true;
cppcoro::sync_wait([&]() -> cppcoro::task<>
auto t = func();
co_await t;
TEST_CASE("awaiting default-constructed task throws broken_promise")
cppcoro::sync_wait([&]() -> cppcoro::task<>
cppcoro::task<> t;
CHECK_THROWS_AS(co_await t, const cppcoro::broken_promise&);
TEST_CASE("awaiting task that completes asynchronously")
bool reachedBeforeEvent = false;
bool reachedAfterEvent = false;
cppcoro::single_consumer_event event;
auto f = [&]() -> cppcoro::task<>
reachedBeforeEvent = true;
co_await event;
reachedAfterEvent = true;
cppcoro::sync_wait([&]() -> cppcoro::task<>
auto t = f();
(void)co_await cppcoro::when_all_ready(
[&]() -> cppcoro::task<>
co_await t;
[&]() -> cppcoro::task<>
TEST_CASE("destroying task that was never awaited destroys captured args")
auto f = [](counted c) -> cppcoro::task<counted>
co_return c;
CHECK(counted::active_count() == 0);
auto t = f(counted{});
CHECK(counted::active_count() == 1);
CHECK(counted::active_count() == 0);
TEST_CASE("task destructor destroys result")
auto f = []() -> cppcoro::task<counted>
co_return counted{};
auto t = f();
CHECK(counted::active_count() == 0);
auto& result = cppcoro::sync_wait(t);
CHECK(counted::active_count() == 1);
CHECK(result.id == 0);
CHECK(counted::active_count() == 0);
TEST_CASE("task of reference type")
int value = 3;
auto f = [&]() -> cppcoro::task<int&>
co_return value;
cppcoro::sync_wait([&]() -> cppcoro::task<>
SUBCASE("awaiting rvalue task")
decltype(auto) result = co_await f();
std::is_same<decltype(result), int&>::value,
"co_await r-value reference of task<int&> should result in an int&");
CHECK(&result == &value);
SUBCASE("awaiting lvalue task")
auto t = f();
decltype(auto) result = co_await t;
std::is_same<decltype(result), int&>::value,
"co_await l-value reference of task<int&> should result in an int&");
CHECK(&result == &value);
TEST_CASE("passing parameter by value to task coroutine calls move-constructor exactly once")
auto f = [](counted arg) -> cppcoro::task<>
counted c;
CHECK(counted::active_count() == 1);
CHECK(counted::default_construction_count == 1);
CHECK(counted::copy_construction_count == 0);
CHECK(counted::move_construction_count == 0);
CHECK(counted::destruction_count == 0);
auto t = f(c);
// Should have called copy-constructor to pass a copy of 'c' into f by value.
CHECK(counted::copy_construction_count == 1);
// Inside f it should have move-constructed parameter into coroutine frame variable
//WARN_MESSAGE(counted::move_construction_count == 1,
// "Known bug in MSVC 2017.1, not critical if it performs multiple moves");
// Active counts should be the instance 'c' and the instance captured in coroutine frame of 't'.
CHECK(counted::active_count() == 2);
CHECK(counted::active_count() == 1);
TEST_CASE("task<void> fmap pipe operator")
using cppcoro::fmap;
cppcoro::single_consumer_event event;
auto f = [&]() -> cppcoro::task<>
co_await event;
auto t = f() | fmap([] { return 123; });
[&]() -> cppcoro::task<>
CHECK(co_await t == 123);
[&]() -> cppcoro::task<>
TEST_CASE("task<int> fmap pipe operator")
using cppcoro::task;
using cppcoro::fmap;
using cppcoro::sync_wait;
using cppcoro::make_task;
auto one = [&]() -> task<int>
co_return 1;
SUBCASE("r-value fmap / r-value lambda")
auto t = one()
| fmap([delta = 1](auto i) { return i + delta; });
CHECK(sync_wait(t) == 2);
SUBCASE("r-value fmap / l-value lambda")
using namespace std::string_literals;
auto t = [&]
auto f = [prefix = "pfx"s](int x)
return prefix + std::to_string(x);
// Want to make sure that the resulting awaitable has taken
// a copy of the lambda passed to fmap().
return one() | fmap(f);
CHECK(sync_wait(t) == "pfx1");
SUBCASE("l-value fmap / r-value lambda")
using namespace std::string_literals;
auto t = [&]
auto addprefix = fmap([prefix = "a really really long prefix that prevents small string optimisation"s](int x)
return prefix + std::to_string(x);
// Want to make sure that the resulting awaitable has taken
// a copy of the lambda passed to fmap().
return one() | addprefix;
CHECK(sync_wait(t) == "a really really long prefix that prevents small string optimisation1");
SUBCASE("l-value fmap / l-value lambda")
using namespace std::string_literals;
task<std::string> t;
auto lambda = [prefix = "a really really long prefix that prevents small string optimisation"s](int x)
return prefix + std::to_string(x);
auto addprefix = fmap(lambda);
// Want to make sure that the resulting task has taken
// a copy of the lambda passed to fmap().
t = make_task(one() | addprefix);
CHECK(sync_wait(t) == "a really really long prefix that prevents small string optimisation1");
TEST_CASE("chained fmap pipe operations")
using namespace std::string_literals;
using cppcoro::task;
using cppcoro::sync_wait;
auto prepend = [](std::string s)
using cppcoro::fmap;
return fmap([s = std::move(s)](const std::string& value) { return s + value; });
auto append = [](std::string s)
using cppcoro::fmap;
return fmap([s = std::move(s)](const std::string& value){ return value + s; });
auto asyncString = [](std::string s) -> task<std::string>
co_return std::move(s);
auto t = asyncString("base"s) | prepend("pre_"s) | append("_post"s);
CHECK(sync_wait(t) == "pre_base_post");
TEST_CASE("lots of synchronous completions doesn't result in stack-overflow")
auto completesSynchronously = []() -> cppcoro::task<int>
co_return 1;
auto run = [&]() -> cppcoro::task<>
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1'000'000; ++i)
sum += co_await completesSynchronously();
CHECK(sum == 1'000'000);