
413 lines
8.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) Lewis Baker
// Licenced under MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include <cppcoro/generator.hpp>
#include <cppcoro/on_scope_exit.hpp>
#include <cppcoro/fmap.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <forward_list>
#include "doctest/doctest.h"
using cppcoro::generator;
TEST_CASE("default-constructed generator is empty sequence")
generator<int> ints;
CHECK(ints.begin() == ints.end());
TEST_CASE("generator of arithmetic type returns by copy")
auto f = []() -> generator<float>
co_yield 1.0f;
co_yield 2.0f;
auto gen = f();
auto iter = gen.begin();
// TODO: Should this really be required?
//static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(*iter), float>::value, "operator* should return float by value");
CHECK(*iter == 1.0f);
CHECK(*iter == 2.0f);
CHECK(iter == gen.end());
TEST_CASE("generator of reference returns by reference")
auto f = [](float& value) -> generator<float&>
co_yield value;
float value = 1.0f;
for (auto& x : f(value))
CHECK(&x == &value);
x += 1.0f;
CHECK(value == 2.0f);
TEST_CASE("generator of const type")
auto fib = []() -> generator<const std::uint64_t>
std::uint64_t a = 0, b = 1;
while (true)
co_yield b;
b += std::exchange(a, b);
std::uint64_t count = 0;
for (auto i : fib())
if (i > 1'000'000) {
// 30th fib number is 832'040
CHECK(count == 30);
TEST_CASE("value-category of fmap() matches reference type")
using cppcoro::fmap;
auto checkIsRvalue = [](auto&& x) {
CHECK(x == 123);
return x;
auto checkIsLvalue = [](auto&& x) {
CHECK(x == 123);
return x;
auto checkIsConstLvalue = [](auto&& x) {
CHECK(x == 123);
return x;
auto checkIsConstRvalue = [](auto&& x) {
CHECK(x == 123);
return x;
auto consume = [](auto&& range) {
for (auto&& x : range) {
consume([]() -> generator<int> { co_yield 123; }() | fmap(checkIsLvalue));
consume([]() -> generator<const int> { co_yield 123; }() | fmap(checkIsConstLvalue));
consume([]() -> generator<int&> { co_yield 123; }() | fmap(checkIsLvalue));
consume([]() -> generator<const int&> { co_yield 123; }() | fmap(checkIsConstLvalue));
consume([]() -> generator<int&&> { co_yield 123; }() | fmap(checkIsRvalue));
consume([]() -> generator<const int&&> { co_yield 123; }() | fmap(checkIsConstRvalue));
TEST_CASE("generator doesn't start until its called")
bool reachedA = false;
bool reachedB = false;
bool reachedC = false;
auto f = [&]() -> generator<int>
reachedA = true;
co_yield 1;
reachedB = true;
co_yield 2;
reachedC = true;
auto gen = f();
auto iter = gen.begin();
CHECK(*iter == 1);
CHECK(*iter == 2);
CHECK(iter == gen.end());
TEST_CASE("destroying generator before completion destructs objects on stack")
bool destructed = false;
bool completed = false;
auto f = [&]() -> generator<int>
auto onExit = cppcoro::on_scope_exit([&]
destructed = true;
co_yield 1;
co_yield 2;
completed = true;
auto g = f();
auto it = g.begin();
auto itEnd = g.end();
CHECK(it != itEnd);
CHECK(*it == 1u);
TEST_CASE("generator throwing before yielding first element rethrows out of begin()")
class X {};
auto g = []() -> cppcoro::generator<int>
throw X{};
FAIL("should have thrown");
catch (const X&)
TEST_CASE("generator throwing after first element rethrows out of operator++")
class X {};
auto g = []() -> cppcoro::generator<int>
co_yield 1;
throw X{};
auto iter = g.begin();
REQUIRE(iter != g.end());
FAIL("should have thrown");
catch (const X&)
template<typename FIRST, typename SECOND>
auto concat(FIRST&& first, SECOND&& second)
using value_type = std::remove_reference_t<decltype(*first.begin())>;
return [](FIRST first, SECOND second) -> cppcoro::generator<value_type>
for (auto&& x : first) co_yield x;
for (auto&& y : second) co_yield y;
}(std::forward<FIRST>(first), std::forward<SECOND>(second));
TEST_CASE("safe capture of r-value reference args")
using namespace std::string_literals;
// Check that we can capture l-values by reference and that temporary
// values are moved into the coroutine frame.
std::string byRef = "bar";
auto g = concat("foo"s, concat(byRef, std::vector<char>{ 'b', 'a', 'z' }));
byRef = "buzz";
std::string s;
for (char c : g)
s += c;
CHECK(s == "foobuzzbaz");
cppcoro::generator<int> range(int start, int end)
for (; start < end; ++start)
co_yield start;
TEST_CASE("fmap operator")
cppcoro::generator<int> gen = range(0, 5)
| cppcoro::fmap([](int x) { return x * 3; });
auto it = gen.begin();
CHECK(*it == 0);
CHECK(*++it == 3);
CHECK(*++it == 6);
CHECK(*++it == 9);
CHECK(*++it == 12);
CHECK(++it == gen.end());
template<std::size_t window, typename Range>
cppcoro::generator<const double> low_pass(Range rng)
auto it = std::begin(rng);
const auto itEnd = std::end(rng);
const double invCount = 1.0 / window;
double sum = 0;
using iter_cat =
typename std::iterator_traits<decltype(it)>::iterator_category;
if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<std::random_access_iterator_tag, iter_cat>)
for (std::size_t count = 0; it != itEnd && count < window; ++it)
sum += *it;
co_yield sum / count;
for (; it != itEnd; ++it)
sum -= *(it - window);
sum += *it;
co_yield sum * invCount;
else if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<std::forward_iterator_tag, iter_cat>)
auto windowStart = it;
for (std::size_t count = 0; it != itEnd && count < window; ++it)
sum += *it;
co_yield sum / count;
for (; it != itEnd; ++it, ++windowStart)
sum -= *windowStart;
sum += *it;
co_yield sum * invCount;
// Just assume an input iterator
double buffer[window];
for (std::size_t count = 0; it != itEnd && count < window; ++it)
buffer[count] = *it;
sum += buffer[count];
co_yield sum / count;
for (std::size_t pos = 0; it != itEnd; ++it, pos = (pos + 1 == window) ? 0 : (pos + 1))
sum -= std::exchange(buffer[pos], *it);
sum += buffer[pos];
co_yield sum * invCount;
// HACK: Disable this test as it's causing heap corruption errors under MSVC 2017 Update 5 x86 debug builds.
// Still needs investigation of root cause.
TEST_CASE("low_pass" * doctest::skip{ true })
// With random-access iterator
auto gen = low_pass<4>(std::vector<int>{ 10, 13, 10, 15, 18, 9, 11, 15 });
auto it = gen.begin();
CHECK(*it == 10.0);
CHECK(*++it == 11.5);
CHECK(*++it == 11.0);
CHECK(*++it == 12.0);
CHECK(*++it == 14.0);
CHECK(*++it == 13.0);
CHECK(*++it == 13.25);
CHECK(*++it == 13.25);
CHECK(++it == gen.end());
// With forward-iterator
auto gen = low_pass<4>(std::forward_list<int>{ 10, 13, 10, 15, 18, 9, 11, 15 });
auto it = gen.begin();
CHECK(*it == 10.0);
CHECK(*++it == 11.5);
CHECK(*++it == 11.0);
CHECK(*++it == 12.0);
CHECK(*++it == 14.0);
CHECK(*++it == 13.0);
CHECK(*++it == 13.25);
CHECK(*++it == 13.25);
CHECK(++it == gen.end());
// With input-iterator
auto gen = low_pass<3>(range(10, 20));
auto it = gen.begin();
CHECK(*it == 10.0);
CHECK(*++it == 10.5);
CHECK(*++it == 11.0);
CHECK(*++it == 12.0);
CHECK(*++it == 13.0);
CHECK(*++it == 14.0);
CHECK(*++it == 15.0);
CHECK(*++it == 16.0);
CHECK(*++it == 17.0);
CHECK(*++it == 18.0);
CHECK(++it == gen.end());