Lewis Baker 8ce850efcf Simplify shared_task reference counting.
No longer decrement the reference count in final_suspend()
as it's not needed for a lazy shared_task where there is
always guaranteed to be one awaiting shared_task.
This also fixes a potential memory leak of the coroutine
frame if a shared_task is never awaited.

Modified condition used for decrementing ref-count to
work around potential codegen bug in Clang (PR35068).
2017-10-26 22:12:45 +10:30

512 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) Lewis Baker
// Licenced under MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include <cppcoro/config.hpp>
#include <cppcoro/awaitable_traits.hpp>
#include <cppcoro/broken_promise.hpp>
#include <cppcoro/task.hpp>
#include <cppcoro/detail/remove_rvalue_reference.hpp>
#include <atomic>
#include <exception>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <experimental/coroutine>
namespace cppcoro
template<typename T>
class shared_task;
namespace detail
struct shared_task_waiter
std::experimental::coroutine_handle<> m_continuation;
shared_task_waiter* m_next;
class shared_task_promise_base
friend struct final_awaiter;
struct final_awaiter
bool await_ready() const noexcept { return false; }
template<typename PROMISE>
void await_suspend(std::experimental::coroutine_handle<PROMISE> h) noexcept
shared_task_promise_base& promise = h.promise();
// Exchange operation needs to be 'release' so that subsequent awaiters have
// visibility of the result. Also needs to be 'acquire' so we have visibility
// of writes to the waiters list.
void* const valueReadyValue = &promise;
void* waiters = promise.m_waiters.exchange(valueReadyValue, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
if (waiters != nullptr)
shared_task_waiter* waiter = static_cast<shared_task_waiter*>(waiters);
while (waiter->m_next != nullptr)
// Read the m_next pointer before resuming the coroutine
// since resuming the coroutine may destroy the shared_task_waiter value.
auto* next = waiter->m_next;
waiter = next;
// Resume last waiter in tail position to allow it to potentially
// be compiled as a tail-call.
void await_resume() noexcept {}
shared_task_promise_base() noexcept
: m_waiters(&this->m_waiters)
, m_refCount(1)
, m_exception(nullptr)
std::experimental::suspend_always initial_suspend() noexcept { return {}; }
final_awaiter final_suspend() noexcept { return {}; }
void unhandled_exception() noexcept
m_exception = std::current_exception();
bool is_ready() const noexcept
const void* const valueReadyValue = this;
return m_waiters.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == valueReadyValue;
void add_ref() noexcept
m_refCount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
/// Decrement the reference count.
/// \return
/// true if successfully detached, false if this was the last
/// reference to the coroutine, in which case the caller must
/// call destroy() on the coroutine handle.
bool try_detach() noexcept
return m_refCount.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel) != 1;
/// Try to enqueue a waiter to the list of waiters.
/// \param waiter
/// Pointer to the state from the waiter object.
/// Must have waiter->m_coroutine member populated with the coroutine
/// handle of the awaiting coroutine.
/// \param coroutine
/// Coroutine handle for this promise object.
/// \return
/// true if the waiter was successfully queued, in which case
/// waiter->m_coroutine will be resumed when the task completes.
/// false if the coroutine was already completed and the awaiting
/// coroutine can continue without suspending.
bool try_await(shared_task_waiter* waiter, std::experimental::coroutine_handle<> coroutine)
void* const valueReadyValue = this;
void* const notStartedValue = &this->m_waiters;
constexpr void* startedNoWaitersValue = static_cast<shared_task_waiter*>(nullptr);
// NOTE: If the coroutine is not yet started then the first waiter
// will start the coroutine before enqueuing itself up to the list
// of suspended waiters waiting for completion. We split this into
// two steps to allow the first awaiter to return without suspending.
// This avoids recursively resuming the first waiter inside the call to
// coroutine.resume() in the case that the coroutine completes
// synchronously, which could otherwise lead to stack-overflow if
// the awaiting coroutine awaited many synchronously-completing
// tasks in a row.
// Start the coroutine if not already started.
void* oldWaiters = m_waiters.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (oldWaiters == notStartedValue &&
// Start the task executing.
oldWaiters = m_waiters.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
// Enqueue the waiter into the list of waiting coroutines.
if (oldWaiters == valueReadyValue)
// Coroutine already completed, don't suspend.
return false;
waiter->m_next = static_cast<shared_task_waiter*>(oldWaiters);
} while (!m_waiters.compare_exchange_weak(
return true;
bool completed_with_unhandled_exception()
return m_exception != nullptr;
void rethrow_if_unhandled_exception()
if (m_exception != nullptr)
std::atomic<std::uint32_t> m_refCount;
// Value is either
// - nullptr - indicates started, no waiters
// - this - indicates value is ready
// - &this->m_waiters - indicates coroutine not started
// - other - pointer to head item in linked-list of waiters.
// values are of type 'cppcoro::shared_task_waiter'.
// indicates that the coroutine has been started.
std::atomic<void*> m_waiters;
std::exception_ptr m_exception;
template<typename T>
class shared_task_promise : public shared_task_promise_base
shared_task_promise() noexcept = default;
if (this->is_ready() && !this->completed_with_unhandled_exception())
shared_task<T> get_return_object() noexcept;
typename VALUE,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<VALUE&&, T>>>
void return_value(VALUE&& value)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible_v<T, VALUE&&>)
new (&m_valueStorage) T(std::forward<VALUE>(value));
T& result()
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&m_valueStorage);
// Not using std::aligned_storage here due to bug in MSVC 2015 Update 2
// that means it doesn't work for types with alignof(T) > 8.
// See MS-Connect bug #2658635.
alignas(T) char m_valueStorage[sizeof(T)];
class shared_task_promise<void> : public shared_task_promise_base
shared_task_promise() noexcept = default;
shared_task<void> get_return_object() noexcept;
void return_void() noexcept
void result()
template<typename T>
class shared_task_promise<T&> : public shared_task_promise_base
shared_task_promise() noexcept = default;
shared_task<T&> get_return_object() noexcept;
void return_value(T& value) noexcept
m_value = std::addressof(value);
T& result()
return *m_value;
T* m_value;
template<typename T = void>
class shared_task
using promise_type = detail::shared_task_promise<T>;
using value_type = T;
struct awaitable_base
std::experimental::coroutine_handle<promise_type> m_coroutine;
detail::shared_task_waiter m_waiter;
awaitable_base(std::experimental::coroutine_handle<promise_type> coroutine) noexcept
: m_coroutine(coroutine)
bool await_ready() const noexcept
return !m_coroutine || m_coroutine.promise().is_ready();
bool await_suspend(std::experimental::coroutine_handle<> awaiter) noexcept
m_waiter.m_continuation = awaiter;
return m_coroutine.promise().try_await(&m_waiter, m_coroutine);
shared_task() noexcept
: m_coroutine(nullptr)
explicit shared_task(std::experimental::coroutine_handle<promise_type> coroutine)
: m_coroutine(coroutine)
// Don't increment the ref-count here since it has already been
// initialised to 2 (one for shared_task and one for coroutine)
// in the shared_task_promise constructor.
shared_task(shared_task&& other) noexcept
: m_coroutine(other.m_coroutine)
other.m_coroutine = nullptr;
shared_task(const shared_task& other) noexcept
: m_coroutine(other.m_coroutine)
if (m_coroutine)
shared_task& operator=(shared_task&& other) noexcept
if (&other != this)
m_coroutine = other.m_coroutine;
other.m_coroutine = nullptr;
return *this;
shared_task& operator=(const shared_task& other) noexcept
if (m_coroutine != other.m_coroutine)
m_coroutine = other.m_coroutine;
if (m_coroutine)
return *this;
void swap(shared_task& other) noexcept
std::swap(m_coroutine, other.m_coroutine);
/// \brief
/// Query if the task result is complete.
/// Awaiting a task that is ready will not block.
bool is_ready() const noexcept
return !m_coroutine || m_coroutine.promise().is_ready();
auto operator co_await() const noexcept
struct awaitable : awaitable_base
using awaitable_base::awaitable_base;
decltype(auto) await_resume()
if (!this->m_coroutine)
throw broken_promise{};
return this->m_coroutine.promise().result();
return awaitable{ m_coroutine };
/// \brief
/// Returns an awaitable that will await completion of the task without
/// attempting to retrieve the result.
auto when_ready() const noexcept
struct awaitable : awaitable_base
using awaitable_base::awaitable_base;
void await_resume() const noexcept {}
return awaitable{ m_coroutine };
template<typename U>
friend bool operator==(const shared_task<U>&, const shared_task<U>&) noexcept;
void destroy() noexcept
if (m_coroutine)
if (!m_coroutine.promise().try_detach())
std::experimental::coroutine_handle<promise_type> m_coroutine;
template<typename T>
bool operator==(const shared_task<T>& lhs, const shared_task<T>& rhs) noexcept
return lhs.m_coroutine == rhs.m_coroutine;
template<typename T>
bool operator!=(const shared_task<T>& lhs, const shared_task<T>& rhs) noexcept
return !(lhs == rhs);
template<typename T>
void swap(shared_task<T>& a, shared_task<T>& b) noexcept
namespace detail
template<typename T>
shared_task<T> shared_task_promise<T>::get_return_object() noexcept
return shared_task<T>{
template<typename T>
shared_task<T&> shared_task_promise<T&>::get_return_object() noexcept
return shared_task<T&>{
inline shared_task<void> shared_task_promise<void>::get_return_object() noexcept
return shared_task<void>{
template<typename AWAITABLE>
auto make_shared_task(AWAITABLE awaitable)
-> shared_task<detail::remove_rvalue_reference_t<typename awaitable_traits<AWAITABLE>::await_result_t>>
co_return co_await static_cast<AWAITABLE&&>(awaitable);