Lewis Baker a34527617d Remove io_context and just use io_service& directly.
Added io_work_scope RAII class to help with scoped lifetime of
io_service event loop.

Having io_context always increment the ref-count of active I/O
operations whenever passed by-value to a function seems like
unnecessary atomic operations when compared to selected usages of
io_work_scope which generally only need creation for top-level
2017-06-25 22:03:46 +09:30

59 lines
1.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) Lewis Baker
// Licenced under MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include <cppcoro/readable_file.hpp>
#include <cppcoro/file_share_mode.hpp>
#include <cppcoro/file_buffering_mode.hpp>
#include <experimental/filesystem>
namespace cppcoro
class read_only_file : public readable_file
/// Open a file for read-only access.
/// \param ioContext
/// The I/O context to use when dispatching I/O completion events.
/// When asynchronous read operations on this file complete the
/// completion events will be dispatched to an I/O thread associated
/// with the I/O context.
/// \param path
/// Path of the file to open.
/// \param shareMode
/// Specifies the access to be allowed on the file concurrently with this file access.
/// \param bufferingMode
/// Specifies the modes/hints to provide to the OS that affects the behaviour
/// of its file buffering.
/// \return
/// An object that can be used to read from the file.
/// \throw std::system_error
/// If the file could not be opened for read.
static read_only_file open(
io_service& ioService,
const std::experimental::filesystem::path& path,
file_share_mode shareMode = file_share_mode::read,
file_buffering_mode bufferingMode = file_buffering_mode::default_);
read_only_file(detail::win32::safe_handle&& fileHandle) noexcept;