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This commit is contained in:
#root_sti 2022-09-01 17:30:58 +00:00
parent 552d4418e8
commit 07a0f47558

.ratpoison_keymap Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
[ C-t * ]=basic calc
[ C-t ? ]=cheatsheet
[ C-t ! ]=ratpoison exec
[ C-t / ]=ratpoison open with dmenu
[ C-t - ]=show root window
[ C-t + ]=unshow root window
[ C-t " ]=xlinks2 with bookmarks
[ C-t b ]=banish the cursor
[ C-t B ]=frame color
[ C-t C ]=copy file with dmenu
[ C-t c ]=copy selection
[ C-t D ]=delete group
[ C-t d ]=make a dedicate frame
[ C-t E ]=ratpoison session
[ C-t e ]=windows group expo
[ C-t f ]=select frame interactive
[ C-t G ]=show and select gropus with dmenu
[ C-t g ]=show groups
[ C-t H ]=exchange left frame
[ C-t h ]=focus left frame
[ C-t J ]=exchange down frame
[ C-t j ]=focus down frame
[ C-t K ]=exchange up frame
[ C-t k ]=focus up frame
[ C-t L ]=exchange up frame
[ C-t l ]=focusright frame
[ C-t M ]=merge window from group
[ C-t m ]=move window to group
[ C-t Menu ]=exec dmenu_run
[ C-t N ]=go to next group
[ C-t n ]=next window
[ C-t o ]=left one panel
[ C-t P ]=go to prev group
[ C-t p ]=prev window
[ C-t q ]=delete window
[ C-t Q ]=kill window by name
[ C-t R ]=remove panel
[ C-t r ]=resize panel (h,j,k,l)
[ C-t Return ]=exec terminal emulator
[ C-t s ]=horizontal split
[ C-t Shift-ISO_Left_Tab ]=focus last group
[ C-t Shift-space ]=termp wm
[ C-t space ]=show topbar
[ C-t Tab ]=focus last panel
[ C-t W ]=show and select group windows with dmenu
[ C-t w ]=show group windows
[ C-t x ]=group rename
[ Super ? ]=ratpoison keymap
[ Super 1 ]=mouse button left
[ Super 2 ]=mouse button middle
[ Super 3 ]=mouse button right
[ Super c ]=capture audo/video
[ Super h ]=move mouse to left
[ Super H ]=move mouse to left fast
[ Super j ]=move mouse to down
[ Super J ]=move mouse to down fast
[ Super k ]= move mouse to up
[ Super K ]=move mouse to up fast
[ Super l ]=move mouse to right
[ Super L ]=move mouse to right fast
[ Super m ]=ratpoison musicplayer
[ Super n ]=next frame
[ Super P ]= continue ffplay
[ Super p ]=pause ffplay
[ Super p ]=prev frame
[ Super Print ]=screenshots
[ Super q ]=delete window and frame
[ Super Return ]=tilling mode
[ Super s ]=mouse selection hold
[ Super S ]=mouse selection release
[ Super XF86Audiolowervolume ]=down the audio volume
[ Super XF86AudioMute ]=exec pulsemixer
[ Super XF86AudioRaiseVolume ]=up the audio volume
[ Super XF86Display ]=lock the screenkey