BC color.

This commit is contained in:
#root_informatica 2024-06-13 22:51:35 -03:00
parent a8621a8df4
commit 110dfc34bb

View file

@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ if [ -f "$TMPIMG" ]; then
# overwrite the values in ~/.config/wms/wms_var
sed -i "s/^.*\bAC=\b.*$/AC=$ac/" $WMSVAR # new acive color
sed -i "s/^.*\bIC=\b.*$/IC=$ic/" $WMSVAR # new inactive color
# sed -i "s/^.*\bBC=\b.*$/BC=$bc/" $WMSVAR # new background color
sed -i "s/^.*\bBC=\b.*$/BC=$bc/" $WMSVAR # new background color
# overwrite the xterm, emacs and nsxiv values in ~/.Xresources
# sed -i "s/\(XTerm\*background:\).*/\XTerm\*background: \#$bc/" $XVAR
# sed -i "s/\(Nsxiv\*window.background:\).*/\Nsxiv\*window.background: \#$bc/" $XVAR
# apply the change
wms_value.sh -d
wms_mainrole.sh -t
# wms_value.sh -d
wms_focuser.sh -t
xrdb -merge $XVAR