
354 lines
13 KiB

# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:foldmethod=marker
def setup(c, flavour, samecolorrows=False):
palette = {}
# flavours {{{
if flavour == "latte":
palette = {
"rosewater": "#dc8a78",
"flamingo": "#dd7878",
"pink": "#ea76cb",
"mauve": "#8839ef",
"red": "#d20f39",
"maroon": "#e64553",
"peach": "#fe640b",
"yellow": "#df8e1d",
"green": "#40a02b",
"teal": "#179299",
"sky": "#04a5e5",
"sapphire": "#209fb5",
"blue": "#1e66f5",
"lavender": "#7287fd",
"text": "#4c4f69",
"subtext1": "#5c5f77",
"subtext0": "#6c6f85",
"overlay2": "#7c7f93",
"overlay1": "#8c8fa1",
"overlay0": "#9ca0b0",
"surface2": "#acb0be",
"surface1": "#bcc0cc",
"surface0": "#ccd0da",
"base": "#eff1f5",
"mantle": "#e6e9ef",
"crust": "#dce0e8",
elif flavour == "frappe":
palette = {
"rosewater": "#f2d5cf",
"flamingo": "#eebebe",
"pink": "#f4b8e4",
"mauve": "#ca9ee6",
"red": "#e78284",
"maroon": "#ea999c",
"peach": "#ef9f76",
"yellow": "#e5c890",
"green": "#a6d189",
"teal": "#81c8be",
"sky": "#99d1db",
"sapphire": "#85c1dc",
"blue": "#8caaee",
"lavender": "#babbf1",
"text": "#c6d0f5",
"subtext1": "#b5bfe2",
"subtext0": "#a5adce",
"overlay2": "#949cbb",
"overlay1": "#838ba7",
"overlay0": "#737994",
"surface2": "#626880",
"surface1": "#51576d",
"surface0": "#414559",
"base": "#303446",
"mantle": "#292c3c",
"crust": "#232634",
elif flavour == "macchiato":
palette = {
"rosewater": "#f4dbd6",
"flamingo": "#f0c6c6",
"pink": "#f5bde6",
"mauve": "#c6a0f6",
"red": "#ed8796",
"maroon": "#ee99a0",
"peach": "#f5a97f",
"yellow": "#eed49f",
"green": "#a6da95",
"teal": "#8bd5ca",
"sky": "#91d7e3",
"sapphire": "#7dc4e4",
"blue": "#8aadf4",
"lavender": "#b7bdf8",
"text": "#cad3f5",
"subtext1": "#b8c0e0",
"subtext0": "#a5adcb",
"overlay2": "#939ab7",
"overlay1": "#8087a2",
"overlay0": "#6e738d",
"surface2": "#5b6078",
"surface1": "#494d64",
"surface0": "#363a4f",
"base": "#24273a",
"mantle": "#1e2030",
"crust": "#181926",
palette = {
"rosewater": "#f5e0dc",
"flamingo": "#f2cdcd",
"pink": "#f5c2e7",
"mauve": "#cba6f7",
"red": "#f38ba8",
"maroon": "#eba0ac",
"peach": "#fab387",
"yellow": "#f9e2af",
"green": "#a6e3a1",
"teal": "#94e2d5",
"sky": "#89dceb",
"sapphire": "#74c7ec",
"blue": "#89b4fa",
"lavender": "#b4befe",
"text": "#cdd6f4",
"subtext1": "#bac2de",
"subtext0": "#a6adc8",
"overlay2": "#9399b2",
"overlay1": "#7f849c",
"overlay0": "#6c7086",
"surface2": "#585b70",
"surface1": "#45475a",
"surface0": "#313244",
"base": "#1e1e2e",
"mantle": "#181825",
"crust": "#11111b",
# }}}
# completion {{{
# Background color of the completion widget category headers.
c.colors.completion.category.bg = palette["base"]
# Bottom border color of the completion widget category headers.
c.colors.completion.category.border.bottom = palette["mantle"]
# Top border color of the completion widget category headers.
c.colors.completion.category.border.top = palette["overlay2"]
# Foreground color of completion widget category headers.
c.colors.completion.category.fg = palette["green"]
# Background color of the completion widget for even and odd rows.
if samecolorrows:
c.colors.completion.even.bg = palette["mantle"]
c.colors.completion.odd.bg = c.colors.completion.even.bg
c.colors.completion.even.bg = palette["mantle"]
c.colors.completion.odd.bg = palette["crust"]
# Text color of the completion widget.
c.colors.completion.fg = palette["subtext0"]
# Background color of the selected completion item.
c.colors.completion.item.selected.bg = palette["surface2"]
# Bottom border color of the selected completion item.
c.colors.completion.item.selected.border.bottom = palette["surface2"]
# Top border color of the completion widget category headers.
c.colors.completion.item.selected.border.top = palette["surface2"]
# Foreground color of the selected completion item.
c.colors.completion.item.selected.fg = palette["text"]
# Foreground color of the selected completion item.
c.colors.completion.item.selected.match.fg = palette["rosewater"]
# Foreground color of the matched text in the completion.
c.colors.completion.match.fg = palette["text"]
# Color of the scrollbar in completion view
c.colors.completion.scrollbar.bg = palette["crust"]
# Color of the scrollbar handle in completion view.
c.colors.completion.scrollbar.fg = palette["surface2"]
# }}}
# downloads {{{
c.colors.downloads.bar.bg = palette["base"]
c.colors.downloads.error.bg = palette["base"]
c.colors.downloads.start.bg = palette["base"]
c.colors.downloads.stop.bg = palette["base"]
c.colors.downloads.error.fg = palette["red"]
c.colors.downloads.start.fg = palette["blue"]
c.colors.downloads.stop.fg = palette["green"]
c.colors.downloads.system.fg = "none"
c.colors.downloads.system.bg = "none"
# }}}
# hints {{{
# Background color for hints. Note that you can use a `rgba(...)` value
# for transparency.
c.colors.hints.bg = palette["peach"]
# Font color for hints.
c.colors.hints.fg = palette["mantle"]
# Hints
c.hints.border = "1px solid " + palette["mantle"]
# Font color for the matched part of hints.
c.colors.hints.match.fg = palette["subtext1"]
# }}}
# keyhints {{{
# Background color of the keyhint widget.
c.colors.keyhint.bg = palette["mantle"]
# Text color for the keyhint widget.
c.colors.keyhint.fg = palette["text"]
# Highlight color for keys to complete the current keychain.
c.colors.keyhint.suffix.fg = palette["subtext1"]
# }}}
# messages {{{
# Background color of an error message.
c.colors.messages.error.bg = palette["overlay0"]
# Background color of an info message.
c.colors.messages.info.bg = palette["overlay0"]
# Background color of a warning message.
c.colors.messages.warning.bg = palette["overlay0"]
# Border color of an error message.
c.colors.messages.error.border = palette["mantle"]
# Border color of an info message.
c.colors.messages.info.border = palette["mantle"]
# Border color of a warning message.
c.colors.messages.warning.border = palette["mantle"]
# Foreground color of an error message.
c.colors.messages.error.fg = palette["red"]
# Foreground color an info message.
c.colors.messages.info.fg = palette["text"]
# Foreground color a warning message.
c.colors.messages.warning.fg = palette["peach"]
# }}}
# prompts {{{
# Background color for prompts.
c.colors.prompts.bg = palette["mantle"]
# ## Border used around UI elements in prompts.
c.colors.prompts.border = "1px solid " + palette["overlay0"]
# Foreground color for prompts.
c.colors.prompts.fg = palette["text"]
# Background color for the selected item in filename prompts.
c.colors.prompts.selected.bg = palette["surface2"]
# Background color for the selected item in filename prompts.
c.colors.prompts.selected.fg = palette["rosewater"]
# }}}
# statusbar {{{
# Background color of the statusbar.
c.colors.statusbar.normal.bg = palette["base"]
# Background color of the statusbar in insert mode.
c.colors.statusbar.insert.bg = palette["crust"]
# Background color of the statusbar in command mode.
c.colors.statusbar.command.bg = palette["base"]
# Background color of the statusbar in caret mode.
c.colors.statusbar.caret.bg = palette["base"]
# Background color of the statusbar in caret mode with a selection.
c.colors.statusbar.caret.selection.bg = palette["base"]
# Background color of the progress bar.
c.colors.statusbar.progress.bg = palette["base"]
# Background color of the statusbar in passthrough mode.
c.colors.statusbar.passthrough.bg = palette["base"]
# Foreground color of the statusbar.
c.colors.statusbar.normal.fg = palette["text"]
# Foreground color of the statusbar in insert mode.
c.colors.statusbar.insert.fg = palette["rosewater"]
# Foreground color of the statusbar in command mode.
c.colors.statusbar.command.fg = palette["text"]
# Foreground color of the statusbar in passthrough mode.
c.colors.statusbar.passthrough.fg = palette["peach"]
# Foreground color of the statusbar in caret mode.
c.colors.statusbar.caret.fg = palette["peach"]
# Foreground color of the statusbar in caret mode with a selection.
c.colors.statusbar.caret.selection.fg = palette["peach"]
# Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar on error.
c.colors.statusbar.url.error.fg = palette["red"]
# Default foreground color of the URL in the statusbar.
c.colors.statusbar.url.fg = palette["text"]
# Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar for hovered links.
c.colors.statusbar.url.hover.fg = palette["sky"]
# Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar on successful load
c.colors.statusbar.url.success.http.fg = palette["teal"]
# Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar on successful load
c.colors.statusbar.url.success.https.fg = palette["green"]
# Foreground color of the URL in the statusbar when there's a warning.
c.colors.statusbar.url.warn.fg = palette["yellow"]
# Background color of the statusbar in private browsing mode.
c.colors.statusbar.private.bg = palette["mantle"]
# Foreground color of the statusbar in private browsing mode.
c.colors.statusbar.private.fg = palette["subtext1"]
# Background color of the statusbar in private browsing + command mode.
c.colors.statusbar.command.private.bg = palette["base"]
# Foreground color of the statusbar in private browsing + command mode.
c.colors.statusbar.command.private.fg = palette["subtext1"]
# }}}
# tabs {{{
# Background color of the tab bar.
c.colors.tabs.bar.bg = palette["crust"]
# Background color of unselected even tabs.
c.colors.tabs.even.bg = palette["surface2"]
# Background color of unselected odd tabs.
c.colors.tabs.odd.bg = palette["surface1"]
# Foreground color of unselected even tabs.
c.colors.tabs.even.fg = palette["overlay2"]
# Foreground color of unselected odd tabs.
c.colors.tabs.odd.fg = palette["overlay2"]
# Color for the tab indicator on errors.
c.colors.tabs.indicator.error = palette["red"]
# Color gradient interpolation system for the tab indicator.
# Valid values:
# - rgb: Interpolate in the RGB color system.
# - hsv: Interpolate in the HSV color system.
# - hsl: Interpolate in the HSL color system.
# - none: Don't show a gradient.
c.colors.tabs.indicator.system = "none"
# ## Background color of selected even tabs.
c.colors.tabs.selected.even.bg = palette["base"]
# ## Background color of selected odd tabs.
c.colors.tabs.selected.odd.bg = palette["base"]
# ## Foreground color of selected even tabs.
c.colors.tabs.selected.even.fg = palette["text"]
# ## Foreground color of selected odd tabs.
c.colors.tabs.selected.odd.fg = palette["text"]
# }}}
# context menus {{{
c.colors.contextmenu.menu.bg = palette["base"]
c.colors.contextmenu.menu.fg = palette["text"]
c.colors.contextmenu.disabled.bg = palette["mantle"]
c.colors.contextmenu.disabled.fg = palette["overlay0"]
c.colors.contextmenu.selected.bg = palette["overlay0"]
c.colors.contextmenu.selected.fg = palette["rosewater"]
# }}}
# background color for webpages {{{
c.colors.webpage.bg = palette["base"]
# }}}
# Allows personal overrides in standard config
return palette