2023-06-28 16:25:32 -04:00

148 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable file

;;; Written by smolsheep
; Tested for Gambit v4.9.4
(srfi 13) ;; String-tokenize acts as split
(srfi 14) ;; Include char-set stuff.
(srfi 28) ;; Format for return in funcs
(define (stripDec num)
"Truncates and removes decimal point, combines with finale"
(string-delete #\. (number->string (truncate num))))
(define (strCont container test)
"Checks if test contains the string cont and returns true/false"
;; Doesn't equal false. This forces it to be true/false instead
;; of numeric output from string-contains on true.
(not (eq? #f
;; Checks if the container string includes the test string.
(string-contains container test))))
(define (readFile filename)
"Reads a file and returns the first line"
(with-input-from-file filename
(lambda ()
(let loop ((lines '())
(next-line (read-line)))
(if (eof-object? next-line)
(reverse lines)
(loop (cons next-line lines)
(define batList
(directory-files "/sys/class/power_supply"))
;; Setup battery string and define the battery getter
(define (batCat batList)
"Read a battery and add to batStr"
;; If string contains BAT, add to the BAT string.
;; TODO: add charge status icons.
(let ((batStr ""))
(for-each (lambda (bat)
(if (string<= "BAT" bat)
(set! batStr (string-append "[ " bat " "
(list-ref (readFile (string-append "/sys/class/power_supply/" bat "/capacity")) 0 ) "% ] " batStr ) )))
;; Run loop for batteries.
(define batStr (batCat batList))
;; Get wifi interface and quality
(define wifi
(string-tokenize (list-ref (readFile "/proc/net/wireless") 2)))
(define wifiName
(string-delete #\: (list-ref wifi 0)))
(define wifiQual
(stripDec (string->number (list-ref wifi 2))))
;; Get OS release
(define osRaw (readFile "/etc/os-release"))
;; Create loop
(define osRel)
(define osTemp)
(define (osParse line)
(set! osTemp (string-tokenize line (char-set-xor! char-set:full char-set:symbol)))
(if (string= (list-ref osTemp 0) "NAME")
(set! osRel (string-delete #\" (list-ref osTemp 1)))))
;; Do loop
(for-each osParse osRaw)
;; Get system uptime
(define uptime
(string->number (list-ref
(string-tokenize (list-ref
(readFile "/proc/uptime") 0 )) 0 )))
;; Calculate individual uptime values
(define days
(stripDec (floor (/ uptime 86400))) )
(define hours
(stripDec (floor (/ (modulo (round uptime) 86400) 3600))) )
(define minutes
(stripDec (floor (/ (modulo (modulo (round uptime) 86400) 3600) 60))) )
;; Get kernel and hardware name
(define hardware (readFile "/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name"))
(define kernel (readFile "/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease"))
;; Get user shell
(define shell
;; Obtain last elment by flipping order.
(list-ref (reverse
(string-tokenize (getenv "SHELL") char-set:letter)) 0))
(define flower (readFile "~/.scripts/flower.txt"))
;; Define ansi break
(define ansi "\33[")
;; Clear terminal
(display (string-append ansi "H" ansi "2J" ansi "3J"))
;; For each line of flowerfile, print line.
(for-each (lambda (line)
(print line)
;; Bar color output
(define barFmt (string-append ansi "37m - "))
(define col1 (string-append ansi "36m"))
(define col2 (string-append ansi "34m"))
;; Defining list of all outputs to loop through.
(define outList
(list " model" hardware)
(list "distro" osRel)
(list "kernel" kernel)
(list " shell" shell )
(list "uptime" (format "~ad ~ah ~am" days hours minutes) )
(list " bat" batStr )
(list " wifi" (format "[ ~a ~a% ]" wifiName wifiQual )
;; Set count and color as global loop vars prior to loop
(let ((count 0) (colorStr ""))
;; Do loop
(for-each (lambda (vals)
;; If count is proper, set vars.
(if (eq? count 1)
(set! count 0)
(set! colorStr col1))
(set! count 1)
(set! colorStr col2)))
;; Output content.
colorStr (list-ref vals 0) barFmt (list-ref vals 1))
(newline))) outList ))