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2021-11-24 19:02:25 +01:00
%% start of file `moderncvskillmatrix.sty'.
%% Copyright 2021 David Seus (
% This package provides a skill matrix template for the moderncv package.
% Some recruiting firms require applicants to rate their skills, computer
% skills, management tools, or similar in a table involving a graphical
% illustration of their skill level. This package implements this idea
% and provides the following commands to use within the moderncv
% package:
% \cvskill{<1-5>}
% Illustrate skill level with little colored boxes.
% By default five skill levels are predefined.
% Input:
% input_1: integer between 0 and 5
% Example usages:
% \cvskill{3}
% \cvskilllegend[*][<post_padding>][<first_level>][<second_level>][<third_level>][<fourth_level>][<fifth_level>]{<name>}
% Print legend table explaining the meaning of \cvskill{1}...\cvskill{5}.
% Input:
% asterix (optional): include vertical (dashed) lines. This behaviour depends on the body style.
% For the fancy style, the asterix has no meaning.
% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em>
% input_2 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{1}, default: <basic knowledge>
% input_3 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{2}, default: <intermediate knowledge with some project experience>
% input_4 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{3}, default: <extensive project experience>
% input_5 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{4}, default: <deepened expert knowledge>
% input_6 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{5}, default: <expert/guru>
% input_7: string giving a name to the legend, default: <>
% Example usages:
% \cvskilllegend{} print default legend
% \cvskilllegend[0.5em]{Legend} print default legend, but adjust post padding and display the word ``Legend''.
% \cvskilllegend*[0.2em][Grundkenntnisse][Grundkenntnisse und eigene Erfahrung in Projekten][Umfangreiche Erfahrung in Projekten][Vertiefte Expertenkenntnisse][Experte/Guru]{Legende} Fully adjust legend to German example and including dashed lines
% Note:
% -The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskilllegendcolumns, see \setcvskilllegendcolumns
% -The design of the table is such that the <second_level> entry stands in the first column but
% occupies rows two and three. This has been done to accomodate english and german defaults.
% An alternative is provided by \cvskillplainlegend
% \cvskillplainlegend[*][<post_padding>][<first_level>][<second_level>][<third_level>][<fourth_level>][<fifth_level>]{<name>}
% Print alternative legend table explaining the meaning of \cvskill{1}...\cvskill{5}.
% In this legend, the first three skill levels are in one column
% Input:
% asterix (optional): include vertical (dashed) lines. This behaviour depends on the body style.
% For the fancy style, the asterix has no meaning.
% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em>
% input_2 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{1}, default: <basic knowledge>
% input_3 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{2}, default: <intermediate knowledge with some project experience>
% input_4 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{3}, default: <extensive project experience>
% input_5 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{4}, default: <deepened expert knowledge>
% input_6 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{5}, default: <expert/guru>
% input_7: string giving a name to the legend, default: <>
% Example usages:
% \cvskillplainlegend{} print default legend
% \cvskillplainlegend[0.5em]{Legend} print default legend, but adjust post padding and display the word ``Legend''.
% \cvskillplainlegend*[0.2em][Grundkenntnisse][Grundkenntnisse und eigene Erfahrung in Projekten][Umfangreiche Erfahrung in Projekten][Vertiefte Expertenkenntnisse][Experte/Guru]{Legende} Fully adjust legend to German example and including dashed lines
% Note:
% -The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskilllegendcolumns, see \setcvskilllegendcolumns
% \cvskillhead[<post_padding>][<Level>][<Skill>][<Years>][<Comment>]%
% add skill matrix line acting as header explaining the meaning of columns.
% Input:
% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em>
% input_2 (optional): string naming the level column (2nd column), default: <Level>
% input_3 (optional): string naming the skill column (3nd column), default: <Skill>
% input_4 (optional): string naming the experience-in-years column (4th column), default: <Years>
% input_5 (optional): string naming the comment column (5th column), default: <Comment>
% Example usages:
% \cvskillhead print default head.
% \cvskillhead[0.5em] print default head, but adjust post padding.
% \cvskillhead[0.25em][Level][F\"ahigkeit][Jahre][Bemerkung] Fully adjust head to German example
% Note:
% - The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskillcolumns command, see \setcvskillcolumns.
% \cvskillentry[*][<post_padding>]{<skill_cathegory>}{<0-5>}{<skill_name>}{<years_of_experience>}{<comment>}%
% add cvskill matrix row.
% Input:
% asterix (optional): include horizontal (dashed) line above the entered line. This behaviour depends on the body style.
% For the fancy style, the asterix has no meaning.
% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em>
% input_2: string, naming skill cathegory, default: <>
% input_3: integer between 0 and 5, describing level of skill. \cvskill{input_2} is called internally, default: <>
% input_4: string, naming the skill, default: <>
% input_5: positive real number, stating the number of years of experience with this skill , default: <>
% input_6: string, explaining details w.r.t. that particual skill default: <>
% Example usages:
% \cvskillentry*{Language:}{3}{Python}{2}{I have done a million projects with Python}
% \cvskillentry{}{2}{Lilypond}{14}{So much sheet music! Man I'm the best!}
% \cvskillentry{}{3}{\LaTeX}{14}{Clearly I rock at \LaTeX}
% \cvskillentry*[1.5em]{OS:}{3}{Linux}{2}{I only use Archlinux}
% Note:
% - The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskillcolumns command, see \setcvskillcolumns.
% \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][<factor>][<exp_width>]
% adjust column width of skill table
% The \cvskillentry command comes with default FIXED width definitions of the kill matrix for the columns
% based on the author's own skill matrix. This is necessary to ensure that the entries are nicely aligned
% and actually yield a decent looking table. The defaults depend on the style used and are chosen reasonably.
% However, depending on the user input and the style that is used some of the columns might need adjustments.
% The \setcvskillcolumns command provides means to influence the width of the first, the third and the fourth
% skill matrix column. The second column containg the output of \cvskill remains fixed width. The last column,
% the comment column gets recalculated according to the setting of the other columns.
% Input
% Input_1 (optional): width smaller than \textwidth, default <\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth>
% Input_2 (optional): float between 0 and 1 adjusting how much percent of the table width without
% the first column is used columns two, three and four. Through this parameter
% the width of the 3rd column (skill name) can be adjusted, default <\skillmatrix@columnwidth>
% Input_3 (optional): width smaller than \textwidth, setting the width of the 4th column
% (Years of experience), default <\cvskill@experiencewidth>
% Example usage
% \setcvskillcolumns[5em][][]% adjust first column. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[5em]
% \setcvskillcolumns[][0.45][]% adjust third (skill) column. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[][0.45]
% \setcvskillcolumns[][][\widthof{``Year''}]% adjust fourth (years) column.
% \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Language''}][0.48][]% adjust 1st and 3rd columns. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Language''}][0.45]
% \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Management Tools''}][0.6][3em]% ajust all at once.
% Note
% - For the styles 'classic' and 'casual' the first column is set to hintscolumnwidth such that
% it aligns with the rest of the entries. A readjustment of the first column should therefor
% be avoided. It is recomended to only use \setcvskillcolumns in the form of
% \setcvskillcolumns[][<factor>][<width>], thereby leaving the defaults in place for the first column.
% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>][<factor>]
% adjust column width of legend
% The \cvskilllegend command comes with default FIXED width definitions for the columns of the legend matrix
% such that the default english and german examples look good.
% However, depending on the user input (translation) and the style that is used some adjustment might be needed.
% The \setcvskilllegendcolumns command provides means to influence all columns except the ones containing
% \cvskill commands. The second column containg the output of \cvskill remains fixed width. The last column,
% the comment column gets recalculated according to the setting of the other columns.
% Input
% Input_1 (optional): length smaller than \textwidth influencing the width of the first column
% where depending on the style the legend_string gets printed. In case the
% string is left empty adjusting this width allows moving the legend horizontally.
% Default <\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth>
% Input_2 (optional): float between 0 and 1 influencing the width of the left legend descritor column,
% aka \cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth. The desriptor column on the right,
% \cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth is influenced by the factor 1-<factor>.
% Default <\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor>
% Example usage
% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][0.45]%% adjust left desriptor column.
% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[\widthof{``Legend''}][0.45]% adjust both left descriptor column and string column
% Note
% - Due to implementation of \cvskilllegend for style 'fancy' (moderncvbodyv)
% the first optional variable has no effect in this case.
% - For the styles 'classic' and 'casual' the first column is set to hintscolumnwidth such that
% it aligns with the rest of the entries. A readjustment of the first column should therefor
% be avoided. It is recomended to only use \cvskilllegend in the form of
% \cvskilllegend[][<factor>], thereby leaving the defaults in place for the first column.
% - For style 'banking' the first column is set to align with the rest of the \cvskillentry entries
% Therefor adjusting the first column can be used to widen the table while moving it around. If no
% legend string is used, setting \cvskilllegend[0em] maximises the real enstate for the legend.
% \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths
% compute all lengths necessary for the skill matrix depending on
% the moderncv style (moderncvbody)
% Input: none
% Example usage (only internally in moderncvbody<i-v>.sty)
% \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at
% identification
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvskillmatrix}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter skill matrix]
% The definitions need to be adjusted depending on which moderncvbody<i-v>.sty style is usde.
% body type options: "moderncvbodyi" (default), "moderncvbodyii", "moderncvbodyiii", "moderncvbodyiv" or "moderncvbodyv"
\@initializeif{\if@moderncvbodyii}\@moderncvbodyiifalse % this option is added in case moderncvbodyii gets implemented standalone
\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options
\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package
% required packages
% package arydshln is needed for the dashed lines but is incompatible with fancy style
% \RequirePackage{arydshln} % incompatible with fancy style
\RequirePackage{arydshln} % incompatible with fancy style
% %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% % \cvskill command
% %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% The code for the Skilllevel illustration with the little boxes.
% This is idea stolen from the limecv package, see
% Illustrate skill level with little colored boxes.
% By default five skill levels are predefined.
% Input:
% integer between 0 and 5
% Example usage:
% \cvskill{3}
\@whilenum\my@repeat@count<#1\do{\tikz\filldraw[color1] (0, 0) rectangle (\cvSkill@RectangleSize, \cvSkill@RectangleSize);\advance%
\@whilenum\my@repeat@count>#1\do{\tikz\filldraw[color2!30] (0, 0) rectangle (\cvSkill@RectangleSize, \cvSkill@RectangleSize);\advance%
}% end \cvskill
% %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% % \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths
% %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% initialise lengths needed for the skillmatrix
% \separatorrulewidth is defined in moderncvbodyv.sty and we need to
% define it to not throw an error in the other cases
%% DEFINITION \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths
% declare the command \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths empty
% compute all lengths necessary for the skill matrix depending on
% the moderncv style (moderncvbody)
% Input: none
% Example usage (only internally in moderncvbody<i-v>.sty)
% \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths
% Definition of \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths for moderncvbodyi
% lengths and definitions needed for the legends
% note that \skillmatrix@padding also affects the appearance of legends
% Definition of \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths for moderncvbodyiii
% lengths and definitions needed for the legends
% note that \skillmatrix@padding also affects the appearance of legends
% Definition of \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths for moderncvbodyiv
% lengths and definitions needed for the legends
% note that \skillmatrix@padding also affects the appearance of legends
% Definition of \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths for moderncvbodyv
% lengths and definitions needed for the legends
% note that \skillmatrix@padding also affects the appearance of legends
% %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% % \setcvskillcolumns and \setcvskilllegendcolumns
% %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][<factor>][<exp_width>]
\DeclareDocumentCommand{\setcvskillcolumns}{+O{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth} +O{\skillmatrix@columnwidth} +O{\cvskill@experiencewidth}}{%
% adjust column width of skill table
% The \cvskillentry command comes with default FIXED width definitions of the kill matrix for the columns
% based on the author's own skill matrix. This is necessary to ensure that the entries are nicely aligned
% and actually yield a decent looking table. The defaults depend on the style used and are chosen reasonably.
% However, depending on the user input and the style that is used some of the columns might need adjustments.
% The \setcvskillcolumns command provides means to influence the width of the first, the third and the fourth
% skill matrix column. The second column containg the output of \cvskill remains fixed width. The last column,
% the comment column gets recalculated according to the setting of the other columns.
% Input
% Input_1 (optional): width smaller than \textwidth, default <\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth>
% Input_2 (optional): float between 0 and 1 adjusting how much percent of the table width without
% the first column is used columns two, three and four. Through this parameter
% the width of the 3rd column (skill name) can be adjusted, default <\skillmatrix@columnwidth>
% Input_3 (optional): width smaller than \textwidth, setting the width of the 4th column
% (Years of experience), default <\cvskill@experiencewidth>
% Example usage
% \setcvskillcolumns[5em][][]% adjust first column. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[5em]
% \setcvskillcolumns[][0.45][]% adjust third (skill) column. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[][0.45]
% \setcvskillcolumns[][][\widthof{``Year''}]% adjust fourth (years) column.
% \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Language''}][0.48][]% adjust 1st and 3rd columns. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Language''}][0.45]
% \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Management Tools''}][0.6][3em]% ajust all at once.
% Note
% - For the styles 'classic' and 'casual' the first column is set to hintscolumnwidth such that
% it aligns with the rest of the entries. A readjustment of the first column should therefor
% be avoided. It is recomended to only use \setcvskillcolumns in the form of
% \setcvskillcolumns[][<factor>][<width>], thereby leaving the defaults in place for the first column.
\def\arg@new@hintscolumnwidth{#1}% <-- all these terminal % signs are necessary for the fancy style to not show weird spaces!!!
% Check for empty arguments. Defaults are given. Thus a call of \setcvskillcolumns
% without any arguments leads to nonempty arguments \arg@new@hintscolumnwidth and
% \def\arg@new@bodyLengthFactor{#2}. However, we need to take care of calls like
% \setcvskillcolumns[], \setcvskillcolumns[][], \setcvskillcolumns[][][] or even
% \setcvskillcolumns[<somelength>][], \setcvskillcolumns[][<somefactor>] \setcvskillcolumns[][][<length>]
% Case \setcvskillcolumns[], \setcvskillcolumns[][] or \setcvskillcolumns[][<somefactor>]
% Case \setcvskillcolumns[][] do nothing here and check if third argument is empty
% Case \setcvskillcolumns[][][] do nothing here
% Case \setcvskillcolumns[][][<length>]. reset \cvskill@experiencewidth and
% \cvskill@descriptorwidth accordingly
% Case \setcvskillcolumns[][<somefactor>], \setcvskillcolumns[][<somefactor>][<possilly length>]
% Case \setcvskillcolumns[][<somefactor>][] do nothing here
% Case \setcvskillcolumns[][<somefactor>][<length>]. reset \cvskill@experiencewidth and
% \cvskill@descriptorwidth accordingly
% Case \setcvskillcolumns[] nothing needs to be done here recalculate lengths affected by the change
% Case \setcvskillcolumns, \setcvskillcolumns[<width>], \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][]
% or \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][<somefactor>]
% in case second argument is given but left empty use default
% Case \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][] do nothing here and use default
% \skillmatrix@columnwidth and check third argument
% Case \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][][] do nothing here
% Case \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][][<length>]. reset \cvskill@experiencewidth and
% \cvskill@descriptorwidth accordingly
% \setlength{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}{\skillmatrix@columnwidth-\cvskill@width-\cvskill@experiencewidth}%
% Case \setcvskillcolumns, \setcvskillcolumns[<width>], \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][<somefactor>]
% Case \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][<somefactor>][] do nothing here
% Case \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][<somefactor>][<length>]. reset \cvskill@experiencewidth and
% \cvskill@descriptorwidth accordingly
% \setlength{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}{\skillmatrix@columnwidth-\cvskill@width-\cvskill@experiencewidth}%
% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>][<factor>]
\DeclareDocumentCommand{\setcvskilllegendcolumns}{+O{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth} +O{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor}}{%
% adjust column width of legend
% The \cvskilllegend command comes with default FIXED width definitions for the columns of the legend matrix
% such that the default english and german examples look good.
% However, depending on the user input (translation) and the style that is used some adjustment might be needed.
% The \setcvskilllegendcolumns command provides means to influence all columns except the ones containing
% \cvskill commands. The second column containg the output of \cvskill remains fixed width. The last column,
% the comment column gets recalculated according to the setting of the other columns.
% Input
% Input_1 (optional): length smaller than \textwidth influencing the width of the first column
% where depending on the style the legend_string gets printed. In case the
% string is left empty adjusting this width allows moving the legend horizontally.
% Default <\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth>
% Input_2 (optional): float between 0 and 1 influencing the width of the left legend descritor column,
% aka \cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth. The desriptor column on the right,
% \cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth is influenced by the factor 1-<factor>.
% Default <\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor>
% Example usage
% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][0.45]%% adjust left desriptor column.
% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[\widthof{``Legend''}][0.45]% adjust both left descriptor column and string column
% Note
% - Due to implementation of \cvskilllegend for style 'fancy' (moderncvbodyv)
% the first optional variable has no effect in this case.
% - For the styles 'classic' and 'casual' the first column is set to hintscolumnwidth such that
% it aligns with the rest of the entries. A readjustment of the first column should therefor
% be avoided. It is recomended to only use \cvskilllegend in the form of
% \cvskilllegend[][<factor>], thereby leaving the defaults in place for the first column.
% - For style 'banking' the first column is set to align with the rest of the \cvskillentry entries
% Therefor adjusting the first column can be used to widen the table while moving it around. If no
% legend string is used, setting \cvskilllegend[0em] maximises the real enstate for the legend.
% Check for empty arguments. See explanation above
% Case \setcvskilllegendcolumns[], \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][] or \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][<somefactor>]
% % Case \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][] do nothing here, i.e. leave default values unaltered
% Case \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][<somefactor>], \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][<somefactor>]
% % Case \setcvskilllegendcolumns[] nothing needs to be done here i.e. leave default values unaltered
% Case \setcvskilllegendcolumns, \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>], \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>][]
% or \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>][<somefactor>]
% in case second argument is given but left empty use default
% Case \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>][] do nothing here and leave default values unaltered
% Case \setcvskilllegendcolumns, \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>], \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>][<somefactor>]
% %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% % \cvskilllegend
% %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% default legend style
% \cvskilllegend[*][<post_padding>][<first_level>][<second_level>][<third_level>][<fourth_level>][<fifth_level>]{<name>}
\DeclareDocumentCommand\cvskilllegend{s +O{} +O{} +O{} +O{} +O{} +O{} +m}{}%
% Print legend table explaining the meaning of \cvskill{1}...\cvskill{5}.
% Input:
% asterix (optional): include vertical (dashed) lines. This behaviour depends on the body style.
% For the fancy style, the asterix has no meaning.
% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em>
% input_2 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{1}, default: <basic knowledge>
% input_3 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{2}, default: <intermediate knowledge with some project experience>
% input_4 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{3}, default: <extensive project experience>
% input_5 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{4}, default: <deepened expert knowledge>
% input_6 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{5}, default: <expert/guru>
% input_7: string giving a name to the legend, default: <>
% Example usages:
% \cvskilllegend{} print default legend
% \cvskilllegend[0.5em]{Legend} print default legend, but adjust post padding and display the word ``Legend''.
% \cvskilllegend*[0.2em][Grundkenntnisse][Grundkenntnisse und eigene Erfahrung in Projekten][Umfangreiche Erfahrung in Projekten][Vertiefte Expertenkenntnisse][Experte/Guru]{Legende} Fully adjust legend to German example and including dashed lines
% Note:
% -The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskilllegendcolumns, see \setcvskilllegendcolumns
% -The design of the table is such that the <second_level> entry stands in the first column but
% occupies rows two and three. This has been done to accomodate english and german defaults.
% An alternative is provided by \cvskillplainlegend
% declare default legend entries
\NewDocumentCommand\skillLegend@defaultLevelOne{}{basic knowledge}
\NewDocumentCommand\skillLegend@defaultLevelTwo{}{intermediate knowledge with some project experience}
\NewDocumentCommand\skillLegend@defaultLevelThree{}{extensive project experience}
\NewDocumentCommand\skillLegend@defaultLevelFour{}{deepened expert knowledge}
% Redefinition of \cvskilllegend valid for moderncvbodyi, moderncvbodyii, moderncvbodyiii
\RenewDocumentCommand\cvskilllegend{s +O{.25em} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelOne} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelTwo} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelThree} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelFour} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelFive} +m}{%
\IfBooleanTF#1{% if a star is given, add dashed line
% calculate descriptor widths
\raggedleft\hintstyle{#8} & \cvskill{1}& & {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{3}& &{\skillLegend@FontSize #5 } \\%
& \cvskill{2} & & \multirow{2}{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{{\skillLegend@FontSize #4}} & \cvskill{4}& & {\skillLegend@FontSize #6 } \\%
& & & & \cvskill{5}& & {\skillLegend@FontSize #7 }%
% if no star is given, do not add dashed line. We need less padding in this case
% calculate descriptor columns width. note the adjusted padding
\raggedleft\hintstyle{#8} & \cvskill{1}\, & \,{\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{3}\, &\,{\skillLegend@FontSize #5 } \\%
& \cvskill{2}\, & \,\multirow{2}{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{{\skillLegend@FontSize #4}} & \cvskill{4}\, &\,{\skillLegend@FontSize #6 } \\%
& & & \cvskill{5}\, &\,{\skillLegend@FontSize #7 }%
% Redefinition of \cvskilllegend valid for moderncvbodyiv
\RenewDocumentCommand\cvskilllegend{s +O{.25em} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelOne} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelTwo} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelThree} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelFour} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelFive} +m}{%
\IfBooleanTF#1{% if a star is given, add dashed line
% recalculate desrciptor widths on the fly. Allows for different padding
% in the stared and nonstared case
\raggedleft\hintstyle{} & \cvskill{1} & & {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{3} & & {\skillLegend@FontSize #5 } \\
& \cvskill{2} & & \multirow{2}{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{{\skillLegend@FontSize #4}} & \cvskill{4} & &{\skillLegend@FontSize #6 } \\
& & & & \cvskill{5}& & {\skillLegend@FontSize #7 }
% oddly enough, we should only need to subtract 2 paddings in the descritorwidths.
% but while testing I got overflow of text into the margin
\raggedleft\hintstyle{} & \cvskill{1} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{3} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #5 } \\
& \cvskill{2} & \multirow{2}{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{{\skillLegend@FontSize #4}} & \cvskill{4} &{\skillLegend@FontSize #6 } \\
& & & \cvskill{5} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #7 }
% Redefinition of \cvskilllegend valid for moderncvbodyv
\RenewDocumentCommand\cvskilllegend{s +O{.25em} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelOne} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelTwo} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelThree} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelFour} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelFive} +m}{%
% check whether Argument #8 is given and if so provide it as cvitem
\vspace*{-\separatorrulewidth}% HACK; I don't understand where the space is coming from, nor what it's exact value is :(
% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.0}%
\@moderncvstrut{4pt}{16pt} & \cvskill{1}& {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{3}& {\skillLegend@FontSize #5 }\\%
& \cvskill{2}& \multirow{2}{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{{\skillLegend@FontSize #4}} & \cvskill{4}& {\skillLegend@FontSize #6 }\\%
& & & \cvskill{5} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #7 }\\[#2]% the spacing needs to be inside the cell for the vertical rule to extend correctly
% because of this weird style and the position of the parameter [#2], the dashed lines of the other version look bad. So no lines.
% %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% % \cvskillplainlegend
% %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% alternative legend style
% \cvskillplainlegend[*][<post_padding>][<first_level>][<second_level>][<third_level>][<fourth_level>][<fifth_level>]{<name>}
\DeclareDocumentCommand\cvskillplainlegend{s +O{} +O{} +O{} +O{} +O{} +O{} +m}{}%
% Print alternative legend table explaining the meaning of \cvskill{1}...\cvskill{5}.
% In this legend, the first three skill levels are in one column
% Input:
% asterix (optional): include vertical (dashed) lines. This behaviour depends on the body style.
% For the fancy style, the asterix has no meaning.
% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em>
% input_2 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{1}, default: <basic knowledge>
% input_3 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{2}, default: <intermediate knowledge with some project experience>
% input_4 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{3}, default: <extensive project experience>
% input_5 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{4}, default: <deepened expert knowledge>
% input_6 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{5}, default: <expert/guru>
% input_7: string giving a name to the legend, default: <>
% Example usages:
% \cvskillplainlegend{} print default legend
% \cvskillplainlegend[0.5em]{Legend} print default legend, but adjust post padding and display the word ``Legend''.
% \cvskillplainlegend*[0.2em][Grundkenntnisse][Grundkenntnisse und eigene Erfahrung in Projekten][Umfangreiche Erfahrung in Projekten][Vertiefte Expertenkenntnisse][Experte/Guru]{Legende} Fully adjust legend to German example and including dashed lines
% Note:
% -The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskilllegendcolumns, see \setcvskilllegendcolumns
% declare default legend entries
\NewDocumentCommand\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelOne{}{basic knowlegde}
\NewDocumentCommand\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelTwo{}{intermediate knowledge, some project experience}
\NewDocumentCommand\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelThree{}{extensive project experience}
\NewDocumentCommand\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFour{}{deepened expert knowledge}
% Redefinition of \cvskillplainlegend valid for moderncvbodyi, moderncvbodyii, moderncvbodyiii
\RenewDocumentCommand\cvskillplainlegend{s +O{.25em} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelOne} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelTwo} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelThree} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFour} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFive} +m}{%
\IfBooleanTF#1{% if a star is given, add dashed line
% calculate descriptor widths
\raggedleft\hintstyle{#8} & \cvskill{1}& & {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{4}& &{\skillLegend@FontSize #6} \\%
& \cvskill{2} & & {\skillLegend@FontSize #4} & \cvskill{5}& & {\skillLegend@FontSize #7} \\%
& \cvskill{3} & & {\skillLegend@FontSize #5} & & & %
% if no star is given, do not add dashed line
% calculate descriptor widths, note that we use less padding
\raggedleft\hintstyle{#8} & \cvskill{1} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{4} &{\skillLegend@FontSize #6} \\%
& \cvskill{2} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #4} & \cvskill{5} &{\skillLegend@FontSize #7} \\%
& \cvskill{3} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #5 } & & %
% Redefinition of \cvskillplainlegend valid for moderncvbodyiv
\RenewDocumentCommand\cvskillplainlegend{s +O{.25em} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelOne} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelTwo} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelThree} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFour} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFive} +m}{%
\IfBooleanTF#1{% if a star is given, add dashed line
\raggedleft\hintstyle{} & \cvskill{1} & & {\skillLegend@FontSize#3} & \cvskill{4} & & {\skillLegend@FontSize#6}\\%
& \cvskill{2} & &{\skillLegend@FontSize#4} & \cvskill{5} & &{\skillLegend@FontSize#7}\\%
& \cvskill{3} & &{\skillLegend@FontSize#5} & & &%
% if no star is given, do not add dashed line
\raggedleft\hintstyle{} & \cvskill{1} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{4} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #6} \\
& \cvskill{2} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #4} & \cvskill{5} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #7} \\
& \cvskill{3} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #5} & & %
% Redefinition of \cvskillplainlegend valid for moderncvbodyv
\RenewDocumentCommand\cvskillplainlegend{s +O{.25em} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelOne} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelTwo} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelThree} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFour} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFive} +m}{%
% check whether Argument #8 is given and if so provide it as cvitem
\vspace*{-\separatorrulewidth}% HACK; I don't understand where the space is coming from, nor what it's exact value is :(
% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.0}%
\@moderncvstrut{4pt}{16pt} & \cvskill{1} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{4} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #6}\\%
& \cvskill{2} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #4} & \cvskill{5} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #7}\\%
& \cvskill{3} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #5} & & \\[#2]% the spacing needs to be inside the cell for the vertical rule to extend correctly
% because of this weird style and the position of the parameter [#2], the dashed lines of the other version look bad. So no lines.
% %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% % \cvskillhead
% %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\DeclareDocumentCommand\cvskillhead{+O{} +O{} +O{} +O{} +O{}}{}%
% add skill matrix line acting as header explaining the meaning of columns.
% Input:
% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em>
% input_2 (optional): string naming the level column (2nd column), default: <Level>
% input_3 (optional): string naming the skill column (3nd column), default: <Skill>
% input_4 (optional): string naming the experience-in-years column (4th column), default: <Years>
% input_5 (optional): string naming the comment column (5th column), default: <Comment>
% Example usages:
% \cvskillhead print default head.
% \cvskillhead[0.5em] print default head, but adjust post padding.
% \cvskillhead[0.25em][Level][F\"ahigkeit][Jahre][Bemerkung] Fully adjust head to German example
% Note:
% - The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskillcolumns command, see \setcvskillcolumns.
% Definition of \cvskillhead valid for moderncvbodyi, moderncvbodyii, moderncvbodyiii, moderncvbodyiv
\RenewDocumentCommand\cvskillhead{O{.25em} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultOne} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultTwo} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultThree} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultFour}}{%
& \centering{\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont #2} & \centering{\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont #3} & \centering{\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont #4} & {\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont #5}
% Definition of \cvskillhead valid moderncvbodyv
\RenewDocumentCommand\cvskillhead{O{.25em} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultOne} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultTwo} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultThree} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultFour}}{%
\vspace*{-\separatorrulewidth}% HACK; I don't understand where the space is coming from, nor what it's exact value is :(
% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.25}%
& & \centering{\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont#2} & \centering{\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont#3} & \centering{\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont#4} & {\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont#5} \\[#1]% the spacing needs to be inside the cell for the vertical rule to extend correctly
% %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% % \cvskillentry
% %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% \cvskillentry[*][<post_padding>]{<skill_cathegory>}{<0-5>}{<skill_name>}{<years_of_experience>}{<comment>}%
\DeclareDocumentCommand\cvskillentry{s +O{} +m +m +m +m +m}{}%
% add cvskill matrix row.
% Input:
% asterix (optional): include horizontal (dashed) line above the entered line. This behaviour depends on the body style.
% For the fancy style, the asterix has no meaning.
% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em>
% input_2: string, naming skill cathegory, default: <>
% input_3: integer between 0 and 5, describing level of skill. \cvskill{input_2} is called internally, default: <>
% input_4: string, naming the skill, default: <>
% input_5: positive real number, stating the number of years of experience with this skill , default: <>
% input_6: string, explaining details w.r.t. that particual skill default: <>
% Example usages:
% \cvskillentry*{Language:}{3}{Python}{2}{I have done a million projects with Python}
% \cvskillentry{}{2}{Lilypond}{14}{So much sheet music! Man I'm the best!}
% \cvskillentry{}{3}{\LaTeX}{14}{Clearly I rock at \LaTeX}
% \cvskillentry*[1.5em]{OS:}{3}{Linux}{2}{I only use Archlinux}
% Note:
% - The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskillcolumns command, see \setcvskillcolumns.
% Definition of \cvskillentry valid for moderncvbodyi, moderncvbodyii, moderncvbodyiii, moderncvbodyiv
\RenewDocumentCommand\cvskillentry{s +O{.25em} +m +m +m +m +m}{%
%test for the star * in the command
\IfBooleanTF{#1}{% If a star is seen a dotted line is drawn above the entry
p{\cvskill@experiencewidth} @{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}%
\raggedleft\hintstyle{#3} &\centering \cvskill{#4} &\centering {#5} & \centering {#6} &{\itshape#7}%
}{% If no star is seen no line is drawn
\raggedleft\hintstyle{#3} &\centering \cvskill{#4} &\centering {#5} & \centering {#6} &{\itshape#7}%
% Definition of \cvskillentry valid for moderncvbodyv
\RenewDocumentCommand\cvskillentry{s O{.25em} +m +m +m +m +m}{%
\vspace*{-\separatorrulewidth}% HACK; I don't understand where the space is coming from, nor what it's exact value is :(
%test for the star * in the command
p{\cvskill@experiencewidth} @{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}p{\skillmatrix@commentwidth}@{}}%
% \cline{3-6}%
& \raggedleft\hintstyle{#3} &\centering \cvskill{#4} &\centering {#5} & \centering {#6} &{\itshape#7}\\[#2]%
\IfBooleanTF{#1}{% the star does not do anything here
%% end of file `moderncvskillmatrix.sty'.