cover letter for added

This commit is contained in:
shelldweller 2021-12-23 08:11:30 -07:00
parent ab9a7ca710
commit 15928f72af
2 changed files with 82 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
\begin{letter}{Pearson \\}
\begin{letter}{ \\}
@ -60,9 +60,9 @@}
\opening{To Whom It May Concern,}
This letter serves as my cover letter in applying for the position of "Digital Math Content Developer", as found on
This letter serves as my cover letter in applying for the position of "Math Video Creator (Contract)", as found on
After receiving my Masters Degree in Mathematics, I have worked mostly in the educational field as a University Professor and College Instructor. I have been working toward a slight career shift for the last few years, becoming more interested in the technical side of online learning. I became certified in Online Learning and Teaching from my former employer back when life seemed more normal. The COVID-19 situation radically changed the working environment, and all of the reasons that I enjoyed being a full-time College Mathematics Instructor completely vanished. I took that as a sign that I needed to start thinking about a career change. I decided to sign up for the Data Science Professional Certification program through HarvardX, just to expand my credentials and to demonstrate my technical abilities as a programmer. I was about 2/3 of the way thorough the program when a drastic change in campus policy inspired me to resign from teaching and focus on my coursework full time. I completed the certification in November of 2021, and am currently looking for work while I build my dream off-grid home in Northern New Mexico. There is no time like the present to do what you have always wanted.
After receiving my Masters Degree in Mathematics, I have worked mostly in the educational field as a University Professor and College Instructor. I have been working toward a slight career shift for the last few years, becoming more interested in the technical side of online learning. I became certified in Online Learning and Teaching from my former employer back when life seemed more normal. The COVID-19 situation radically changed the working environment, and all of the reasons that I enjoyed being a full-time College Mathematics Instructor completely vanished. I took that as a sign that I needed to start thinking about a career change. I decided to sign up for the Data Science Professional Certification program through HarvardX, just to expand my credentials and to demonstrate my technical abilities as a programmer. I was about 2/3 of the way thorough the program when a drastic change in the campus environment inspired me to resign from teaching and focus on my coursework full time. I completed the certification in November of 2021, and am currently looking for work while I build my dream off-grid home in Northern New Mexico. There is no time like the present to do what you have always wanted.
I look forward to arranging an interview if possible. I live in Northern New Mexico, so a remote interview of some kind would be preferred. Thank you for taking the time to look over my credentials and consider my candidacy.

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
% Plain Cover Letter
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (28/5/13)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% Original author:
% Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
\documentclass[11pt]{letter} % Default font size of the document, change to 10pt to fit more text
\usepackage{newcent} % Default font is the New Century Schoolbook PostScript font
%\usepackage{helvet} % Uncomment this (while commenting the above line) to use the Helvetica font
% Margins
\topmargin=-1in % Moves the top of the document 1 inch above the default
\textheight=8.5in % Total height of the text on the page before text goes on to the next page, this can be increased in a longer letter
\oddsidemargin=-10pt % Position of the left margin, can be negative or positive if you want more or less room
\textwidth=6.5in % Total width of the text, increase this if the left margin was decreased and vice-versa
\let\raggedleft\raggedright % Pushes the date (at the top) to the left, comment this line to have the date on the right
\begin{letter}{ \\
100 View Street #202 \\
Mountain View, CA 94041}
\large\bf Mr. Kaylee Robert Tejeda \\ % Your name
\vspace{20pt} \hrule height 1pt % If you would like a horizontal line separating the name from the address, uncomment the line to the left of this text
5021 El Corte Miramar NE, Apt. C \\ Albuquerque, NM 87111 \\ (505) 414-9509 % Your address and phone number
\signature{Kaylee Robert Tejeda} % Your name for the signature at the bottom
\opening{To Whom It May Concern,}
This letter serves as my cover letter in applying for the position of "Math Video Creator (Contract)", as found on
After receiving my Masters Degree in Mathematics, I have worked mostly in the educational field as a University Professor and College Instructor. I have been working toward a slight career shift for the last few years, becoming more interested in the technical side of online learning. I became certified in Online Learning and Teaching from my former employer back when life seemed more normal. The COVID-19 situation radically changed the working environment, and all of the reasons that I enjoyed being a full-time College Mathematics Instructor completely vanished. I took that as a sign that I needed to start thinking about a career change. I decided to sign up for the Data Science Professional Certification program through HarvardX, just to expand my credentials and to demonstrate my technical abilities as a programmer. I was about 2/3 of the way thorough the program when a drastic change in the campus environment inspired me to resign from teaching and focus on my coursework full time. I completed the certification in November of 2021, and am currently looking for work while I build my dream off-grid home in Northern New Mexico. There is no time like the present to do what you have always wanted.
I look forward to arranging an interview if possible. I live in Northern New Mexico, so a remote interview of some kind would be preferred. Thank you for taking the time to look over my credentials and consider my candidacy.
\closing{Sincerely yours,}
%\encl{Curriculum vitae, employment form} % List your enclosed documents here, comment this out to get rid of the "encl:"