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+(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/auxhook/auxhook.sty +Package: auxhook 2019-12-17 v1.6 Hooks for auxiliary files (HO) +) +\@linkdim=\dimen155 +\Hy@linkcounter=\count275 +\Hy@pagecounter=\count276 + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/pd1enc.def +File: pd1enc.def 2021-02-27 v7.00k Hyperref: PDFDocEncoding definition (HO) +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/hyperref-langpatches.def +File: hyperref-langpatches.def 2021-02-27 v7.00k Hyperref: patches for babel la +nguages +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/intcalc/intcalc.sty +Package: intcalc 2019/12/15 v1.3 Expandable calculations with integers (HO) +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/etexcmds/etexcmds.sty +Package: etexcmds 2019/12/15 v1.7 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands (HO) +) +\Hy@SavedSpaceFactor=\count277 + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/puenc.def +File: puenc.def 2021-02-27 v7.00k Hyperref: PDF Unicode definition (HO) + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/puenc-greekbasic.def +File: puenc-greekbasic.def 2021-02-27 v7.00k Hyperref: PDF Unicode definition ( +greek block) (HO) +)) +Package hyperref Info: Hyper figures OFF on input line 4192. +Package hyperref Info: Link nesting OFF on input line 4197. +Package hyperref Info: Hyper index ON on input line 4200. +Package hyperref Info: Plain pages OFF on input line 4207. +Package hyperref Info: Backreferencing OFF on input line 4212. +Package hyperref Info: Implicit mode ON; LaTeX internals redefined. +Package hyperref Info: Bookmarks ON on input line 4445. +\c@Hy@tempcnt=\count278 +LaTeX Info: Redefining \url on input line 4804. +\XeTeXLinkMargin=\dimen156 + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/bitset/bitset.sty +Package: bitset 2019/12/09 v1.3 Handle bit-vector datatype (HO) + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/bigintcalc/bigintcalc.sty +Package: bigintcalc 2019/12/15 v1.5 Expandable calculations on big integers (HO +) +)) +\Fld@menulength=\count279 +\Field@Width=\dimen157 +\Fld@charsize=\dimen158 +Package hyperref Info: Hyper figures OFF on input line 6075. +Package hyperref Info: Link nesting OFF on input line 6080. +Package hyperref Info: Hyper index ON on input line 6083. +Package hyperref Info: backreferencing OFF on input line 6090. +Package hyperref Info: Link coloring OFF on input line 6095. +Package hyperref Info: Link coloring with OCG OFF on input line 6100. +Package hyperref Info: PDF/A mode OFF on input line 6105. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \ref on input line 6145. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \pageref on input line 6149. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/atbegshi-ltx.sty +Package: atbegshi-ltx 2020/08/17 v1.0a Emulation of the original atbegshi packa +ge +with kernel methods +) +\Hy@abspage=\count280 +\c@Item=\count281 +\c@Hfootnote=\count282 +) +Package hyperref Info: Driver (autodetected): hxetex. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/hxetex.def +File: hxetex.def 2021-02-27 v7.00k Hyperref driver for XeTeX + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/stringenc/stringenc.sty +Package: stringenc 2019/11/29 v1.12 Convert strings between diff. encodings (HO +) +) +\pdfm@box=\box52 +\c@Hy@AnnotLevel=\count283 +\HyField@AnnotCount=\count284 +\Fld@listcount=\count285 +\c@bookmark@seq@number=\count286 + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/rerunfilecheck/rerunfilecheck.sty +Package: rerunfilecheck 2019/12/05 v1.9 Rerun checks for auxiliary files (HO) + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/atveryend-ltx.sty +Package: atveryend-ltx 2020/08/19 v1.0a Emulation of the original atvery packag +e +with kernel methods +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/uniquecounter/uniquecounter.sty +Package: uniquecounter 2019/12/15 v1.4 Provide unlimited unique counter (HO) +) +Package uniquecounter Info: New unique counter `rerunfilecheck' on input line 2 +86. +) +\Hy@SectionHShift=\skip57 +) +Package hyperref Info: Option `colorlinks' set `true' on input line 41. +Package hyperref Info: Option `breaklinks' set `true' on input line 41. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/titlesec/titlesec.sty +Package: titlesec 2019/10/16 v2.13 Sectioning titles +\ttl@box=\box53 +\beforetitleunit=\skip58 +\aftertitleunit=\skip59 +\ttl@plus=\dimen159 +\ttl@minus=\dimen160 +\ttl@toksa=\toks21 +\titlewidth=\dimen161 +\titlewidthlast=\dimen162 +\titlewidthfirst=\dimen163 +) (./cv_9.aux) +\openout1 = `cv_9.aux'. + +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for TS1/cmr/m/n on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for TS1+cmr on input line 4 +7. + 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Info: ... okay on input line 47. + +Package fontspec Info: Adjusting the maths setup (use [no-math] to avoid +(fontspec) this). + +\symlegacymaths=\mathgroup4 +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `legacymaths' in version `bold' +(Font) OT1/cmr/m/n --> OT1/cmr/bx/n on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \acute on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \grave on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \ddot on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \tilde on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \bar on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \breve on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \check on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \hat on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \dot on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \mathring on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \colon on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Gamma on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Delta on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Theta on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Lambda on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Xi on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Pi on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Sigma on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Upsilon on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Phi on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Psi on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Omega on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \mathdollar on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring symbol font `operators' on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Encoding `OT1' has changed to `TU' for symbol font +(Font) `operators' in the math 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alphabet `\mathtt' in version `normal' +(Font) OT1/cmtt/m/n --> TU/lmtt/m/n on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `operators' in version `bold' +(Font) TU/Hack(0)/m/n --> TU/Hack(0)/b/n on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathit' in version `bold' +(Font) OT1/cmr/bx/it --> TU/Hack(0)/b/it on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathsf' in version `bold' +(Font) OT1/cmss/bx/n --> TU/lmss/b/n on input line 47. +LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathtt' in version `bold' +(Font) OT1/cmtt/m/n --> TU/lmtt/b/n on input line 47. + +*geometry* driver: auto-detecting +*geometry* detected driver: xetex +*geometry* verbose mode - [ preamble ] result: +* driver: xetex +* paper: a4paper +* layout: +* layoutoffset:(h,v)=(0.0pt,0.0pt) +* modes: +* h-part:(L,W,R)=(94.75394pt, 408.0pt, 94.75394pt) +* v-part:(T,H,B)=(76.58502pt, 660.1549pt, 108.30692pt) +* \paperwidth=597.50787pt +* \paperheight=845.04684pt +* 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+LaTeX Info: Redefining \ref on input line 47. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \pageref on input line 47. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \nameref on input line 47. + +(./cv_9.out) (./cv_9.out) +\@outlinefile=\write3 +\openout3 = `cv_9.out'. + + + +Package hyperref Warning: Rerun to get /PageLabels entry. + +LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size +(Font) <7> on input line 61. +LaTeX Font Info: External font `cmex10' loaded for size +(Font) <5> on input line 61. + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'Hack(1)' created for font 'Hack' with +(fontspec) options [Mapping=tex-text,Ligatures=TeX,SmallCapsFont = +(fontspec) Hack,VerticalPosition=Superior]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=tex- +text;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=tex- +text;" +(fontspec) - 'bold' (b/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/B/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=te +x-text;" +(fontspec) - 'bold small caps' (b/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=tex- +text;" +(fontspec) - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/I/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=te +x-text;" +(fontspec) - 'italic small caps' (m/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=tex- +text;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic' (b/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/BI/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=t +ex-text;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic small caps' (b/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=tex- +text;" + + +Overfull \hbox (31.32895pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 74--91 +[][] + [] + + +Overfull \hbox (143.79788pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 98--122 +[][] + [] + + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'Hack(2)' created for font 'Hack' with +(fontspec) options +(fontspec) [Mapping=tex-text,Ligatures=TeX,SmallCapsFont=Hack]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;mapping=tex-text;" + +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;mapping=tex-text;" + +(fontspec) - 'bold' (b/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/B/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;mapping=tex-text +;" +(fontspec) - 'bold small caps' (b/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;mapping=tex-text;" + +(fontspec) - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/I/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;mapping=tex-text +;" +(fontspec) - 'italic small caps' (m/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;mapping=tex-text;" + +(fontspec) - 'bold italic' (b/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/BI/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;mapping=tex-tex +t;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic small caps' (b/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;mapping=tex-text;" + + + +Package fontspec Info: Font family 'Hack(3)' created for font 'Hack' with +(fontspec) options +(fontspec) [Mapping=tex-text,Ligatures=TeX,SmallCapsFont=Hack,Verti +calPosition=Superior]. +(fontspec) +(fontspec) This font family consists of the following NFSS +(fontspec) series/shapes: +(fontspec) +(fontspec) - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=tex- +text;" +(fontspec) - 'small caps' (m/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=tex- +text;" +(fontspec) - 'bold' (b/n) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/B/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=te +x-text;" +(fontspec) - 'bold small caps' (b/sc) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=tex- +text;" +(fontspec) - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/I/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=te +x-text;" +(fontspec) - 'italic small caps' (m/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=tex- +text;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic' (b/it) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/BI/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=t +ex-text;" +(fontspec) - 'bold italic small caps' (b/scit) with NFSS spec.: +(fontspec) <->"Hack/OT:script=latn;language=dflt;+sups;mapping=tex- +text;" + + +Overfull \hbox (103.66116pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 129--134 +[][] + [] + + +./cv_9.tex:156: Package fontspec Error: The font "Fontin-Regular" cannot be fou +nd. + +For immediate help type H . + ... + +l.156 ...sFont=Fontin SmallCaps]{Fontin-Regular}\\ + +? +./cv_9.tex:156: Emergency stop. + ... + +l.156 ...sFont=Fontin SmallCaps]{Fontin-Regular}\\ + + +A font might not be found for many reasons. + Check the spelling, where the font is installed etc. etc. + + When in doubt, ask someone for help! + + + +Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: + 14986 strings out of 476919 + 270099 string characters out of 5827663 + 620953 words of memory out of 5000000 + 34807 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 + 403998 words of font info for 54 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 + 1348 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 + 83i,9n,89p,1193b,443s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s +No pages of output. diff --git a/CV/cv_9.out b/CV/cv_9.out new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/CV/cv_9.pdf b/CV/cv_9.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b341ad3 Binary files /dev/null and b/CV/cv_9.pdf differ diff --git a/CV/cv_9.tex b/CV/cv_9.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5075bda --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/cv_9.tex @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% Plasmati Graduate CV +% LaTeX Template +% Version 1.0 (24/3/13) +% +% This template has been downloaded from: +% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com +% +% Original author: +% Alessandro Plasmati (alessandro.plasmati@gmail.com) +% +% License: +% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/) +% +% Important note: +% This template needs to be compiled with XeLaTeX. +% The main document font is called Fontin and can be downloaded for free +% from here: http://www.exljbris.com/fontin.html +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% PACKAGES AND OTHER DOCUMENT CONFIGURATIONS +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} % Default font size and paper size + +\usepackage{fontspec} % For loading fonts +\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} +\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont = Hack]{Hack} % Main document font + +\usepackage{xunicode,xltxtra,url,parskip} % Formatting packages + +\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} % Required for specifying custom colors + +\usepackage[big]{layaureo} % Margin formatting of the A4 page, an alternative to layaureo can be \usepackage{fullpage} +% To reduce the height of the top margin uncomment: \addtolength{\voffset}{-1.3cm} + +\usepackage{hyperref} % Required for adding links and customizing them +\definecolor{linkcolour}{rgb}{0,0.2,0.6} % Link color +\hypersetup{colorlinks,breaklinks,urlcolor=linkcolour,linkcolor=linkcolour} % Set link colors throughout the document + +\usepackage{titlesec} % Used to customize the \section command +\titleformat{\section}{\Large\scshape\raggedright}{}{0em}{}[\titlerule] % Text formatting of sections +\titlespacing{\section}{0pt}{3pt}{3pt} % Spacing around sections + +\begin{document} + +\pagestyle{empty} % Removes page numbering + +\font\fb=''[cmr10]'' % Change the font of the \LaTeX command under the skills section + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\par{\centering{\Huge John \textsc{Smith}}\bigskip\par} % Your name + +\section{Personal Data} + +\begin{tabular}{rl} +\textsc{Place and Date of Birth:} & Canada | 20 November 1987 \\ +\textsc{Address:} & 123 Broadway, City, State, Canada \\ +\textsc{Phone:} & +1 111 1112\\ +\textsc{email:} & \href{mailto:john@smith.com}{john@smith.com} +\end{tabular} + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% WORK EXPERIENCE +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\section{Work Experience} + +\begin{tabular}{r|p{11cm}} +\emph{Current} & 1\textsuperscript{st} year Analyst at \textsc{Lehman Brothers}, London \\ +\textsc{Mar 2012} & \emph{Commodities Structured Trading}\\ +& \footnotesize{Developed spreadsheets for risk analysis on exotic derivatives on a wide array of commodities (\textit{ags, oils, precious} and \textit{base metals}), managed blotter and secondary trades on structured notes, liaised with Middle Office, Sales and Structuring for bookkeeping.}\\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\ + +%------------------------------------------------ + +\textsc{Jul 2010-Oct 2011} & Summer Intern at \textsc{Intech Inc}, Chicago \emph{}\\ +& \footnotesize{Received pre-placed offer from the Exotics Trading Desk as a result of very positive review. Rated ``\emph{truly distinctive}'' for Analytical Skills and Teamwork.}\\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\ + +%------------------------------------------------ + +\textsc{Jan-Mar 2011} & Computer Technician at \textsc{Buy More}, Burbank \emph{}\\ +& \footnotesize{Worked in the Nerd Herd and helped to solve computer problems by asking customers to turn their computers off and on again.} +\end{tabular} + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% EDUCATION +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\section{Education} + +\begin{tabular}{rl} +\textsc{July} 2012 & Master of Commerce in \textsc{Finance}, \textbf{The University of California}, Berkeley\\ +& 110/110 \small\emph{First Class Honours} | Major: Quantitative Finance\\ +& Thesis: ``Money is the Root of All Evil - Or is it?'' | \small Advisor: Prof. James \textsc{Smith}\\ +&\normalsize \textsc{Gpa}: 8.0/9.0\hyperlink{grds}{\hfill | \footnotesize Detailed List of Exams}\\ +&\\ + +%------------------------------------------------ + +\textsc{July} 2011& Undergraduate Degree in \textsc{}\textsc{Business Studies} \\&110/110 \small\emph{Commerce Specialization}, \normalsize\textbf{The University of California}, Berkeley\\ +& Heavily specialized in mundane paperwork | \small Advisor: Stefano \textsc{Bonini}\\ +&\normalsize \textsc{Gpa}: 7.5/9.0 \hyperlink{grds_usc}{\hfill| \footnotesize Detailed List of Exams}\\ +&\\ + +%------------------------------------------------ + +\textsc{Fall} 2008 & Exchange Semester at \textbf{University of Southern California}, Los Angeles\\ +& \textsc{Gpa}: 8.0/9.0 \hyperlink{grds_usc}{\hfill| \footnotesize Detailed List of Exams}\\ +&\\ + +%------------------------------------------------ + +\textsc{July} 2006& \textbf{Liceo Classico ``E. Duni''}, Matera | Final Grade: 100/100 +\end{tabular} + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% SCHOLARSHIPS AND ADDITIONAL INFO +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\section{Scholarships and Certificates} + +\begin{tabular}{rl} +\textsc{Sept.} 2012 & Faculty of Science Masters Scholarship \footnotesize(\$30,000)\normalsize\\ + +\textsc{June} 2010 & {\textsc{Gmat}\textregistered}\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont=Hack]{Hack}: 730 (\textsc{q:50;v:39}) 96\textsuperscript{th} percentile; \textsc{awa}: 6.0/6.0 (89\textsuperscript{th} percentile) +\end{tabular} + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% LANGUAGES +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\section{Languages} + +\begin{tabular}{rl} +\textsc{English:} & Fluent\\ + +\textsc{Italian:} & Mothertongue\\ + +\textsc{French:} & Basic Knowledge\\ +\end{tabular} + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% COMPUTER SKILLS +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\section{Computer Skills} + +\begin{tabular}{rl} +Basic Knowledge: & \textsc{php}, my\textsc{sql}, \textsc{html}, Access, \textsc{Linux}, ubuntu, {\fb \LaTeX}\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont=Fontin SmallCaps]{Fontin-Regular}\\ + +Intermediate Knowledge: & \textsc{vba}, Excel, Word, PowerPoint\\ +\end{tabular} + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\section{Interests and Activities} + +Technology, Open-Source, Programming\\ +Paradoxes in Decision Making, Psychoanalysis, Behavioural Finance\\ +Football, Travelling + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\newpage + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% GRADE TABLES +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\par{\centering\Large \hypertarget{grds}{Master of Science in \textsc{Finance}}\par}\large{\centering Grades\par}\normalsize + +\begin{center} +\begin{tabular}{lcc} +\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textsc{Exam}} & \textsc{Grade}&\textsc{Credit Hrs}\\ \hline +Corporate Finance (Valuation) & 25 & 6\\ +Financial Statement Analysis & 28 & 6\\ +Statistics & 27 & 6\\ +Theory of Finance & 26 & 6\\ +Quantitative Methods for Finance & 30 & 6\\ +Econometrics & 24 & 6\\ +Derivatives & 31 & 6\\ +Management of Financial and Insurance Companies & 30 & 6\\ +Business Law & 31 & 6\\ +Investment Banking & 28 & 6\\ \\ +Behavioral Models for Economics and Finance & 29 & 6\\ +Numerical Methods for Finance & 29 & 6\\ +Advanced Derivatives & 30 & 6\\ +Fixed Income (Advanced Methods) & 30 & 6\\ \\ +English Language & 30 & 4\\ +French Language & 31 & 4\\ +Internship & & 8\\ +Final Thesis & & 20\\ +& Total & 120\\\cline{2-3} +&\textsc{Gpa}&\textbf{8.0} +\end{tabular} +\end{center} +\bigskip +\hrule +\bigskip + +%------------------------------------------------ + +\bigskip + +\par{\centering\Large \hypertarget{grds_usc}{Exchange Program at \textsc{usc}, Los Angeles}\par}\large{\centering Grades\par}\normalsize + +\begin{center} +\begin{tabular}{lcc} +\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textsc{Exam}} & \textsc{Grade} & \textsc{Grade Points}\\ +\hline +Corporate Financial Strategy & A & 4\\ +Derivatives & A & 4\\ +Money, Credit, and Banking & A & 4\\ +Business Strategy & A- & 3.5\\ +& &\\\cline{2-3} +& \textsc{Gpa} & \textbf{3.875} +\end{tabular} +\end{center} + +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +\end{document} diff --git a/CV/missfont.log b/CV/missfont.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13ebe21 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/missfont.log @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +mktextfm Fontin +mktextfm Fontin-Regular +mktextfm Fontin-Regular diff --git a/CV/moderncv.zip b/CV/moderncv.zip new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0af996e Binary files /dev/null and b/CV/moderncv.zip differ diff --git a/CV/moderncv/CHANGELOG b/CV/moderncv/CHANGELOG new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5509461 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/CHANGELOG @@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ +version: 2.2.0 (2021-07-28) +- Remove dot in cventry when using moderncvbodyi. +- Remove http baseurl in hyperref. +- Change font encoding to use fontspec with Latin Modern for luatex and xetex, + else inputenc / fontenc / lmodern (https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/496643). +- Add birthdate field command. +- Add Social entries for WhatsApp, Signal and Matrix. +- Fix Researcher ID not showing (#29). +- Make options 'symbols' and 'nosymbols' available to all styles to toggle whether + symbols should be used or not. Include symbols in oldstyle by default. +- Migrate older newcommand syntax in moderncvcollection.sty to the xparse syntax. +- Fix resumé typo in template. Is now résumé. +- Various other minor fixes. + +version 2.1.0 (21 Jan 2021) +- maintainer change: now team maintained (https://github.com/moderncv), since + original repository is basically dead since 2016. +- new \social options: Xing, Skype, GitLab, Bitbucket, stack overflow, ORCID, + ResearcherID, ResearchGate, Telegram and Google Scholar +- hyperlinks in phone numbers +- switch from l3regex to expl3 +- new skill matrix feature +- move to fonawesome5 package +- default to https + +version 2.0.0 (28 Jul 2015) + - refactored the code into heads, body, foot and icon substyles. All styles + (classic, casual, banking and oldstyle) are just a combination of these and + some font selection. Mixing substyles (e.g., the banking header with the + classic body) is now trivial by using the \moderncvhead, \moderncvbody, + \moderncvfoot and \moderncvicons commands. Each of these take a substyle number + as argument. \moderncvcolor takes a color name as argument. + - added a new style, "fancy". + - added an optional argument to \moderncvstyle to specify style options, i.e. + \moderncvstyle[options]{style}. Below is a list of the available options per + style: + * classic + > to specify of one's name should appear left or right at the top: "left" + (default) or "right; + * casual + > to specify of one's name should appear left or right at the top: "left" + (default) or "right; + * banking + > to specify how the section- and subsectionrules should be set: + "fullrules", "shortrules", "mixedrules" (default; full rules for sections, + short rules for subsections), "centered" (fullrules with centered title) + and "norules" (norules, small caps font); + > to specify how the body should be aligned: left" (default), "center" or + "right"; + * oldstyle & fancy + n/a + - added a new color variant: "burgundy". + - corrected the color of \addressstyle to match the one effectively used + (color2). + - adjusted the bibliography spacing to handle entries with or without labels. + - added a check on the emptyness of \title when setting the hyperref document + properties. + +version 1.5.1 (29 Apr 2013) + - made sure that XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX is in use before loading the awesome icon + set and if not, revert to the marvosym icon set. + +version 1.5.0 (23 Apr 2013) + - added a command to showcase social accounts in one's personal information: + \social. The command currently handles automatically LinkedIn, Twitter and + Github accounts, and other links can be provided explicitly. + - added a new icon set: "awesome" (using the icons from the Font Awesome font). + - set the "awesome" icon set as the default for the "casual" and "banking" + style variants (can be changed back with \moderncvicons{marvosym}). + - forced all the icons of the "letters" icon set to be of the same width, for + alignment purpose. + - added a letter icon ("W") for the homepage of the "letters" icon set. + - forced some white space between the main text and the footer of the "casual" + style variant. + - removed the rule below the headings of the cvcolumns environment. + +version 1.4.0 (28 Mar 2013) + - deprecated \phone, \mobile and \fax in favour of \phone[], where + can be "fixed" (default), "mobile" or "fax". As part of the change, one can now + use each of these multiple times, to e.g. display multiple mobile phone numbers. + - deprecated \firstname and \familyname in favour of \name{}{}. + - added a new mechanism to select amongs different possible icon sets: + \moderncvicons{}, where can be "marvosym" (used by + default in the "banking", "casual" and "classic" style variants) or "letters" + (used by default in the "oldstyle" style variant). \moderncvicons should + always be called after \moderncvstyle in order to override the style variants + defaults. + - added a command to control the font of the page numbering: \pagenumberfont, + as requested by fr1a1nky (launchpad question #224496). + - removed the use of the suffix package. + +version 1.3.0 (09 Feb 2013) + - added a new environment to create multiple columns: cvcolumns. Each column + is then created by \cvcolumn[width]{header}{content}, where the optional width + is given as a fraction of the total width (between 0 and 1). The header and + content are robust and can contain any paragraph command (e.g., a nest itemize + environment). + - added a macro (\pdfpagemode) to control what is visible upon opening compiled + pdfs (assuming pdf reader support), as suggested by U. Stöhr. + Possible values include: "UseNone" (only the document), "UseThumbs" (show + thumbnails), "UseOutlines" (show bookmarks) and "FullScreen" (open in + fullscreen mode). + - added a 3rd, fully optional (can be omitted or left blank) argument to + \address to specify a country, as requested on launchpad (launchpad bug + #1063995). + - compacted list environments further. + - replaced the use of the xargs package by the xparse one. + +version 1.2.1 (04 Dec 2012) + - fixed a regression bug introduced in version 1.2.0 in the header of the + "banking" style when no title is used, as reported on tex.stackexchange + (question #85427). + +version 1.2.0 (31 Oct 2012) + - updated the "banking" style header to include the option to show a title. + - set the values of \arrayrulewidth and \doublerulesep to their standard values + (0.4pt and 2pt resp.) to enable the drawing of rules in tabulars and arrays by + default. + - modified the code of \makecvtitle and \makelettertitle of the "casual" style + to avoid it to cause horizontal alignment issues after and before itself. + - corrected a bug in \makelettertitle of most styles that displayed the current + date (\today) instead of the date given through the \date command, as reported + by B. Schlimmchen and S. Fnord. + - removed the need to set pdfpagelabels=false when loading hyperref, by putting + \pagenumbering{arabic} (to define \thepage) before loading hyperref, as figured + out by J. Wolf. + - corrected the line wrapping of \cvlistitem of the "banking" style. + - corrected a bug in \makecvtitle and \makelettertitle of the "banking" style. + - removed an unwanted space in the footer of the "casual" style. + - moved the font style definitions to moderncv.cls for better readability + (moderncv.cls is meant to be a sort of header file, implementing only some + macros shared by all styles and defining the macros that the style files need + to implement). + +version 1.1.3 (10 Aug 2012) + - corrected a longstanding issue causing hyperref to issue two warnings + regarding its "pdfpagelabels" option, as pointed out and solved by P. Leifeld + (launchpad bug #1035466). + +version 1.1.2 (09 Aug 2012) + - fixed a regression bug introduced in version 1.0.0 in the footer of the + "casual" style, as discovered on tex.stackexchange (question #66316). + +version 1.1.1 (30 Jul 2012) + - fixed a compatibility issue introduced in version 1.0.0 when + \maketitlenamewidth was renamed to \makecvtitlenamewidth, as reported by Peppe + on launchpad (launchpad bug #1030802). The template now correctly uses + \makecvtitlenamewidth, and \maketitlenamewidth was created as an alias for + backward compatibility. + +version 1.1.0 (29 Jul 2012) + - fixed the switching from letter to resume, correcting spacing errors when a + letter is typeset before the resume, as noticed by U. Gabor. + - fixed the vertical alignment of the footers, as reported by T. Homa. + Footers are now aligned to the bottom and the letter and cv footers are + perfectly aligned in the "casual" style. + - prepared moderncv for fontspec font loading (still commented in code). + - changed the handling of the "sans" and "roman" class options, to be reflected + at the beginning of the document and override style font choices. + - turned unicode support in hyperref on by default. + - tweaked the use of \textbullet to avoid the fall-back to Computer Modern + fonts and prepared the use of symbols from the MarVoSym font for fontspec + (LauLaTeX or XeLaTeX). + - tweaked the \subsectionfill of the "banking" style to distribute extra space + evenly between leaders. + - added two options to change the "Enclosure" string used for the letter + enclosure: either specify another string as optional argument to \enclosure, + or redefine \enclname, as suggested by D. Wille. + +version 1.0.0 (26 Mar 2012) + - added commands to generate letters for every resume style: \recipient, \date, + \opening, \closing, \enclosure, \makelettertitle and \makeletterclosing. The + old \maketitle and \makefooter commands are now deprecated and replaced by + \makecvtitle and \makecvfooter. + - changed the alignment algorithm for the personal data display in the oldstyle + style, as to align on the baseline of the first line with the surrounding text. + +version 0.19.0 (06 Feb 2012) + - reintroduced the ability to force the width reserved to display the name + in the resume header for the classic style (\maketitlenamewidth). + - improved the pdf metadata, as reported by S. Wunsch (launchpad bug #922476). + - fixed a footersymbol bug in the casual style when no mobile number was given, + as reported by S. Wunsch (launchpad bug #922470). + - fixed a display bug when an address was given without postcode/city, as + reported by O. Shaneh (launchpad bug #670263). + +version 0.18.0 (05 Feb 2012) + - corrected the handling of pdf bookmarks, as suggested on stackexchange by + U. Fischer. + - improved the spacing between sections and subsections by using \addvspace + instead of \vspace. + - corrected the spacing between entries with nested itemize environments + (temporary solution working only for single line items). + - added a check in the oldstyle style for an empty 4th argument in the + \cvdoubleitem definition, to avoid printing a colon without preceding label. + - added a new style on top of classic, casual and oldstyle: banking. + +version 0.17.0 (25 Jan 2012) + - changed the footer algorithm of style casual to avoid starting lines with + the footer symbol. + - aligned the space before and after the title across styles. + - added an optional title to the casual style. + - changed the definition of the font styles to avoid undesired extra spacing. + - added a Spanish template, kindly provided by I. Buitrón. + - corrected the vertical misalignment between the page number and the center + footer in the casual style. + +version 0.16.0 (15 Jan 2012) + - added starred versions of \section and \subsection (that are identical to + their non-starred version, to e.g. enable biblatex support as requested by + S. Verberkt (launchpad bug #913102). + - corrected a misalignment of the colored rule in front of the section titles + in the classic and casual styles, as reported by P. Neidhardt (launchpad bug + #915910). + +version 0.15.1 (23 December 2011) + - corrected a bug in the classic style causing the address font and color not + being carried over newlines, as reported by J. Smith. + +version 0.15.0 (19 December 2011) + - corrected list spacing. + - corrected inconsistent use of sans serif fonts in roman layout option. + - the lmodern fonts are now automatically loaded only if installed on the + system. The "nolmodern" option is now therefore obsolete. + - complete code refactoring separating themes in separate styles and colors. + - renamed \cvline to \cvitem, \cvlanguage to \cvitemwithcomment and \cvcomputer + to \cvdoubleitem (the old command name still work and redirect to the new ones, + but are deprecated). + - removed the arbitrary minipage widths of skill proficiency vs comment in + \cvitemwithcomments. The skill proficiency is now typeset exactly as given + (i.e. one one line if no linebreaks are implicitly given) and the comment uses + the remaining horizontal space. + - changed the optional argument of \cvlistitem and \cvlistdoubleitem to specify + the vertical skip after the item (as for \cvitem, cvitemwithcomments, etc). + The way to change the list symbol is to redefine \listitemsymbol. + - added a new style on top of classic and casual: oldstyle. + - loaded the microtype package to improve typography. + +version 0.14.0 (04 December 2011) + - added support for CJK, thanks to the help of P. D'Apice. + - the use of \recomputelengths after modifying any length in the preamble is + now unnecessary; \recomputelength is automatically called at the start of the + document. + +version 0.13.1 (11 November 2011) + - corrected a bug introduced by v0.13 in the classic style when no \photo is + used, as reported by S. Gislais (launchpad bug #888702). + +version 0.13.0 (06 November 2011) + - added a "black" color option to render the resume in black & white, as + suggested by F. Bicarri. + - removed the pdflatex option when loading hyperref to enable other engines + (e.g., dvips, xetex), leftover from the v 0.11 cleanup, as reported by + K. Amaterasu and P. Mavrogiorgos (launchpad bugs #754693 and #859834). + - added a "purple" color option, as proposed by B. Ravel. + - added a 3rd optional argument to the \photo command to control the thickness + of the framebox. Setting it to 0pt will disable the frame around the photo, as + requested by T. Krennwallner (launchpad bug #664568). + +version 0.12.0 (03 August 2010) + - prevented pagebreaks after sections and subsections (launchpad bug #409902), + as originally reported by C. Gaspoz and fixed by launchpad user tentotwo). + +version 0.11.0 (20 July 2010) + - removed the \ifpdf check when loading the graphicx package, as graphicx does + does check internally and this was preventing proper functionning with xelatex + and luatex, as reported by A. Trautmann. The same check was also removed + everywhere else in the document (i.e. when loading the color and hyperref + packages). + +version 0.10.0 (13 June 2010) + - fixed a compatibility issue with the natbib package (natbib uses \section* + to format the bibliography title, while only \section was defined by + moderncv), as reported on launchpad (launchpad bug #393920). + - fixed a compatibility issues with (any package relying on) the etoolbox + package, due to the double definition of \AtEndPreamble, as reported by + D. Becker. + +version 0.9.0 (31 May 2010) + - added support for the itemize, enumerate and description environments. + +version 0.8.0 (24 May 2010) + - added support for multibib. Also modified the template to illustrate how to + show labels in the bibliography, as requested by Tom D. R. and Stefan K. + - added a command to indicate your personal homepage (\homepage{url}), as + requested by J. de Jong and A. Pairet. + - corrected an alignment bug for text following a \quote with no immediate + \section, as kindly reported by J. Vermeulen and L. Saliou. + - corrected a spacing bug when no blank line (or \par) is left after + \maketitle. Thanks to A. Menzel for reporting the strange behaviour. + - corrected the alignment of the extrainfo title part when no picture was + used, as reported by M. Bana. + - corrected the missplacement of pdf bookmarks as noticed by L. Fortunato. + - corrected several bugs linked to the code for checking for empty arguments + in \cventry, as reported by B. Ekran (launchpad bug #268768), L. Păncescu and + E. Gregorio. + +version 0.7.0 (17 June 2008) + - corrected an outstanding spacing bug (space between cvlines longer + than 1 line). + - removed the need to use \closesection and \emptysection as internal + tabulars are now always closed. This allows she use of bibliography packages + such as bibunits. Thanks to S. Busch for pointing out the incompatibility and + helping testing out the bug correction. + - changed the definition of \photo: the first (optional) argument should + give the desired width of the picture, instead of its height + - corrected an alignment bug for \cvlistitems longer than 1 line, as + reported by S. Nikolopoulos. + - deprecated the commands \sethintscolumnlength and \sethintscolumntowidth. + Instead, just set \hintscolumnwidth to the desired length by using the regular + \setlength or \settowidth commands, and call \recomputelengths. + - added the ability to control the width of the name placeholder in the + classic theme, by setting the length \maketitlenamewidth. Again, don't forget + to call \recomputelengths afterward. + +version 0.6.0 (28 May 2007) + - corrected some spacing bugs and cleaned up the code. + - corrected a bug in the bibliography file of the examples spotted by + U. Stöhr. + - added color variants to the classic and casual style, as suggested by + U. Stöhr. + - added a page counter for resumes running longer than 1 page, as requested by + A. Martin. It can be disabled by the command \nopagenumbers{}. + - added commands to include a mobile phone and fax number. + - made the symbols used for the phone number, the email, ... customizable. + To modify those symbols, just redefine \phonesymbol, emailsymbol, ... + - corrected the pdf information given to hyperref as pointed out by + C. Knuepfer. + - rewrote the examples. + +version 0.5.0 (9 September 2006) + - added a \photo command to display a picture. That command takes the name of + the file with the picture as argument, and the desired height as optional + argument. + - implemented the needed commands to make moderncv compatible with BibTeX, as + suggested by J. Lie. This makes it possible to display one's publications, + stored in the BibTeX file 'publications.bib' + by using: + \nocite{*} + \bibliographystyle{plain} + \bibliography{publications} + As usual, the name of the section title can be changed by redefining the + command \refname. + - added the \today command, useful for example if one need to add the date the + resumé was produced with + \closesection{} + \vfill{\hfill{\scriptsize Produced \today.}} + at the end of your CV, as suggested by F. Hammann. + +version 0.4.0 (2 May 2006) + - removed the dependency on the geometry package, so that users can now invoke + it themselve, and easily change the geometry of the page. + +version 0.3.0 (10 April 2006) + - moderncv now uses the 'longtable' class, allowing cv sections to split + across multiple pages. + - the different lengths used by moderncv are now customizable! In particular, + the first column (the one containing the date in the examples), can now be set + to any width, for people needing a smaller or larger one. To do that, either + use + \sethintscolumnlength{}, + where is the desired length in a unit LaTeX understands, or + \sethintscolumntowidth{}, + where is a string of the desired length (usually, the longest string + that has to appear in the column). Thanks to A. Pöge for pointing out the need + of such a feature. + - added the command \emptysection{}, which makes it possible to start a + section without name. In combination with \closesection{}, this makes it + possible to drop out of the layout of moderncv, and come back to it later. + This should make the inclusion of arbitrary elements not covered by moderncv + code possible. + - corrected a spacing problem in the cventry command, as pointed out and + solved by B. Eßmann. + +version 0.2.0 (6 March 2006) + - rewrite of the code to have the styles (fonts, colours, headers and footers) + be defined in different files than the class. The styles are now defined in a + separate file per style, named moderncvstyle. It should now be + easy to write your own style, starting from moderncvstyleempty.sty. If you + feel you have created a nice style, just email it to me and I'll include it in + the next version. + - due to the previous point, styles are now loaded by the command + \moderncvstyle{style_name}. I couldn't figure out a way to preserve the old + "casual" and "classic" class options, so these are now broken! Use + \moderncvstyle{casual} or \moderncvstyle{classic} at the beginning of your + document. This should be the only incompatibility with version 0.1. + - added class option "nolmodern" for people without the latin modern fonts. + - corrected some English mistakes in the examples. Thanks to M. H. Prager for + pointing them out. + - added a \cvlistitem to produce items with a bullet (or whatever is defined + in \listitemsymbol), and renamed \cvresume to \cvlistdoubleitem for + consistency purpose. For compatibility reasons, the command \cvresume still + works, but should be avoided. + +version 0.1.0 (1 March 2006) + - first release. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/KNOWN_BUGS b/CV/moderncv/KNOWN_BUGS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15b86ec --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/KNOWN_BUGS @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +- When using the "fancy" style, undesired space is added between the bibliography + head and the first entry, as well as after the last entry +- Moderncv is incompatible with biblatex. +- Footnotes generates errors (though the output seem correct when running with + "-interaction=nonstopmode") +- When using CJK, the last \clearpage required for fancyhdr to work properly kills + the "lastpage" counter, hence also the page numbering. +- Moderncv produces an error ("lonely \item--perhaps a missing list environment") + when used with bibentry, through the output is actually correct. Amongst other, + this causes compilation by LyX to stop. +- The space after a cventry gets eaten up when the last argument contains a nested + itemize environment. An ugly hack and incomplete solution was implemented by + including a \strut in every item label, but this doesn't solve the problem for + multi-line items. Ideally, the strut should end the item, but there seems to be + no way to do this. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/LICENSE.txt b/CV/moderncv/LICENSE.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8b699e --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/LICENSE.txt @@ -0,0 +1,415 @@ +The LaTeX Project Public License +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- + +LPPL Version 1.3c 2008-05-04 + +Copyright 1999 2002-2008 LaTeX3 Project + Everyone is allowed to distribute verbatim copies of this + license document, but modification of it is not allowed. + + +PREAMBLE +======== + +The LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) is the primary license under +which the LaTeX kernel and the base LaTeX packages are distributed. + +You may use this license for any work of which you hold the copyright +and which you wish to distribute. This license may be particularly +suitable if your work is TeX-related (such as a LaTeX package), but +it is written in such a way that you can use it even if your work is +unrelated to TeX. + +The section `WHETHER AND HOW TO DISTRIBUTE WORKS UNDER THIS LICENSE', +below, gives instructions, examples, and recommendations for authors +who are considering distributing their works under this license. + +This license gives conditions under which a work may be distributed +and modified, as well as conditions under which modified versions of +that work may be distributed. + +We, the LaTeX3 Project, believe that the conditions below give you +the freedom to make and distribute modified versions of your work +that conform with whatever technical specifications you wish while +maintaining the availability, integrity, and reliability of +that work. If you do not see how to achieve your goal while +meeting these conditions, then read the document `cfgguide.tex' +and `modguide.tex' in the base LaTeX distribution for suggestions. + + +DEFINITIONS +=========== + +In this license document the following terms are used: + + `Work' + Any work being distributed under this License. + + `Derived Work' + Any work that under any applicable law is derived from the Work. + + `Modification' + Any procedure that produces a Derived Work under any applicable + law -- for example, the production of a file containing an + original file associated with the Work or a significant portion of + such a file, either verbatim or with modifications and/or + translated into another language. + + `Modify' + To apply any procedure that produces a Derived Work under any + applicable law. + + `Distribution' + Making copies of the Work available from one person to another, in + whole or in part. Distribution includes (but is not limited to) + making any electronic components of the Work accessible by + file transfer protocols such as FTP or HTTP or by shared file + systems such as Sun's Network File System (NFS). + + `Compiled Work' + A version of the Work that has been processed into a form where it + is directly usable on a computer system. This processing may + include using installation facilities provided by the Work, + transformations of the Work, copying of components of the Work, or + other activities. Note that modification of any installation + facilities provided by the Work constitutes modification of the Work. + + `Current Maintainer' + A person or persons nominated as such within the Work. If there is + no such explicit nomination then it is the `Copyright Holder' under + any applicable law. + + `Base Interpreter' + A program or process that is normally needed for running or + interpreting a part or the whole of the Work. + + A Base Interpreter may depend on external components but these + are not considered part of the Base Interpreter provided that each + external component clearly identifies itself whenever it is used + interactively. Unless explicitly specified when applying the + license to the Work, the only applicable Base Interpreter is a + `LaTeX-Format' or in the case of files belonging to the + `LaTeX-format' a program implementing the `TeX language'. + + + +CONDITIONS ON DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION +=========================================== + +1. Activities other than distribution and/or modification of the Work +are not covered by this license; they are outside its scope. In +particular, the act of running the Work is not restricted and no +requirements are made concerning any offers of support for the Work. + +2. You may distribute a complete, unmodified copy of the Work as you +received it. Distribution of only part of the Work is considered +modification of the Work, and no right to distribute such a Derived +Work may be assumed under the terms of this clause. + +3. You may distribute a Compiled Work that has been generated from a +complete, unmodified copy of the Work as distributed under Clause 2 +above, as long as that Compiled Work is distributed in such a way that +the recipients may install the Compiled Work on their system exactly +as it would have been installed if they generated a Compiled Work +directly from the Work. + +4. If you are the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may, without +restriction, modify the Work, thus creating a Derived Work. You may +also distribute the Derived Work without restriction, including +Compiled Works generated from the Derived Work. Derived Works +distributed in this manner by the Current Maintainer are considered to +be updated versions of the Work. + +5. If you are not the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may modify +your copy of the Work, thus creating a Derived Work based on the Work, +and compile this Derived Work, thus creating a Compiled Work based on +the Derived Work. + +6. If you are not the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may +distribute a Derived Work provided the following conditions are met +for every component of the Work unless that component clearly states +in the copyright notice that it is exempt from that condition. Only +the Current Maintainer is allowed to add such statements of exemption +to a component of the Work. + + a. If a component of this Derived Work can be a direct replacement + for a component of the Work when that component is used with the + Base Interpreter, then, wherever this component of the Work + identifies itself to the user when used interactively with that + Base Interpreter, the replacement component of this Derived Work + clearly and unambiguously identifies itself as a modified version + of this component to the user when used interactively with that + Base Interpreter. + + b. Every component of the Derived Work contains prominent notices + detailing the nature of the changes to that component, or a + prominent reference to another file that is distributed as part + of the Derived Work and that contains a complete and accurate log + of the changes. + + c. No information in the Derived Work implies that any persons, + including (but not limited to) the authors of the original version + of the Work, provide any support, including (but not limited to) + the reporting and handling of errors, to recipients of the + Derived Work unless those persons have stated explicitly that + they do provide such support for the Derived Work. + + d. You distribute at least one of the following with the Derived Work: + + 1. A complete, unmodified copy of the Work; + if your distribution of a modified component is made by + offering access to copy the modified component from a + designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy + the Work from the same or some similar place meets this + condition, even though third parties are not compelled to + copy the Work along with the modified component; + + 2. Information that is sufficient to obtain a complete, + unmodified copy of the Work. + +7. If you are not the Current Maintainer of the Work, you may +distribute a Compiled Work generated from a Derived Work, as long as +the Derived Work is distributed to all recipients of the Compiled +Work, and as long as the conditions of Clause 6, above, are met with +regard to the Derived Work. + +8. The conditions above are not intended to prohibit, and hence do not +apply to, the modification, by any method, of any component so that it +becomes identical to an updated version of that component of the Work as +it is distributed by the Current Maintainer under Clause 4, above. + +9. Distribution of the Work or any Derived Work in an alternative +format, where the Work or that Derived Work (in whole or in part) is +then produced by applying some process to that format, does not relax or +nullify any sections of this license as they pertain to the results of +applying that process. + +10. a. A Derived Work may be distributed under a different license + provided that license itself honors the conditions listed in + Clause 6 above, in regard to the Work, though it does not have + to honor the rest of the conditions in this license. + + b. If a Derived Work is distributed under a different license, that + Derived Work must provide sufficient documentation as part of + itself to allow each recipient of that Derived Work to honor the + restrictions in Clause 6 above, concerning changes from the Work. + +11. This license places no restrictions on works that are unrelated to +the Work, nor does this license place any restrictions on aggregating +such works with the Work by any means. + +12. Nothing in this license is intended to, or may be used to, prevent +complete compliance by all parties with all applicable laws. + + +NO WARRANTY +=========== + +There is no warranty for the Work. Except when otherwise stated in +writing, the Copyright Holder provides the Work `as is', without +warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not +limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a +particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance +of the Work is with you. Should the Work prove defective, you assume +the cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. + +In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing +will The Copyright Holder, or any author named in the components of the +Work, or any other party who may distribute and/or modify the Work as +permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any general, +special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of any use of +the Work or out of inability to use the Work (including, but not limited +to, loss of data, data being rendered inaccurate, or losses sustained by +anyone as a result of any failure of the Work to operate with any other +programs), even if the Copyright Holder or said author or said other +party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. + + +MAINTENANCE OF THE WORK +======================= + +The Work has the status `author-maintained' if the Copyright Holder +explicitly and prominently states near the primary copyright notice in +the Work that the Work can only be maintained by the Copyright Holder +or simply that it is `author-maintained'. + +The Work has the status `maintained' if there is a Current Maintainer +who has indicated in the Work that they are willing to receive error +reports for the Work (for example, by supplying a valid e-mail +address). It is not required for the Current Maintainer to acknowledge +or act upon these error reports. + +The Work changes from status `maintained' to `unmaintained' if there +is no Current Maintainer, or the person stated to be Current +Maintainer of the work cannot be reached through the indicated means +of communication for a period of six months, and there are no other +significant signs of active maintenance. + +You can become the Current Maintainer of the Work by agreement with +any existing Current Maintainer to take over this role. + +If the Work is unmaintained, you can become the Current Maintainer of +the Work through the following steps: + + 1. Make a reasonable attempt to trace the Current Maintainer (and + the Copyright Holder, if the two differ) through the means of + an Internet or similar search. + + 2. If this search is successful, then enquire whether the Work + is still maintained. + + a. If it is being maintained, then ask the Current Maintainer + to update their communication data within one month. + + b. If the search is unsuccessful or no action to resume active + maintenance is taken by the Current Maintainer, then announce + within the pertinent community your intention to take over + maintenance. (If the Work is a LaTeX work, this could be + done, for example, by posting to comp.text.tex.) + + 3a. If the Current Maintainer is reachable and agrees to pass + maintenance of the Work to you, then this takes effect + immediately upon announcement. + + b. If the Current Maintainer is not reachable and the Copyright + Holder agrees that maintenance of the Work be passed to you, + then this takes effect immediately upon announcement. + + 4. If you make an `intention announcement' as described in 2b. above + and after three months your intention is challenged neither by + the Current Maintainer nor by the Copyright Holder nor by other + people, then you may arrange for the Work to be changed so as + to name you as the (new) Current Maintainer. + + 5. If the previously unreachable Current Maintainer becomes + reachable once more within three months of a change completed + under the terms of 3b) or 4), then that Current Maintainer must + become or remain the Current Maintainer upon request provided + they then update their communication data within one month. + +A change in the Current Maintainer does not, of itself, alter the fact +that the Work is distributed under the LPPL license. + +If you become the Current Maintainer of the Work, you should +immediately provide, within the Work, a prominent and unambiguous +statement of your status as Current Maintainer. You should also +announce your new status to the same pertinent community as +in 2b) above. + + +WHETHER AND HOW TO DISTRIBUTE WORKS UNDER THIS LICENSE +====================================================== + +This section contains important instructions, examples, and +recommendations for authors who are considering distributing their +works under this license. These authors are addressed as `you' in +this section. + +Choosing This License or Another License +---------------------------------------- + +If for any part of your work you want or need to use *distribution* +conditions that differ significantly from those in this license, then +do not refer to this license anywhere in your work but, instead, +distribute your work under a different license. You may use the text +of this license as a model for your own license, but your license +should not refer to the LPPL or otherwise give the impression that +your work is distributed under the LPPL. + +The document `modguide.tex' in the base LaTeX distribution explains +the motivation behind the conditions of this license. It explains, +for example, why distributing LaTeX under the GNU General Public +License (GPL) was considered inappropriate. Even if your work is +unrelated to LaTeX, the discussion in `modguide.tex' may still be +relevant, and authors intending to distribute their works under any +license are encouraged to read it. + +A Recommendation on Modification Without Distribution +----------------------------------------------------- + +It is wise never to modify a component of the Work, even for your own +personal use, without also meeting the above conditions for +distributing the modified component. While you might intend that such +modifications will never be distributed, often this will happen by +accident -- you may forget that you have modified that component; or +it may not occur to you when allowing others to access the modified +version that you are thus distributing it and violating the conditions +of this license in ways that could have legal implications and, worse, +cause problems for the community. It is therefore usually in your +best interest to keep your copy of the Work identical with the public +one. Many works provide ways to control the behavior of that work +without altering any of its licensed components. + +How to Use This License +----------------------- + +To use this license, place in each of the components of your work both +an explicit copyright notice including your name and the year the work +was authored and/or last substantially modified. Include also a +statement that the distribution and/or modification of that +component is constrained by the conditions in this license. + +Here is an example of such a notice and statement: + + %% pig.dtx + %% Copyright 2005 M. Y. Name + % + % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the + % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 + % of this license or (at your option) any later version. + % The latest version of this license is in + % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt + % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX + % version 2005/12/01 or later. + % + % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. + % + % The Current Maintainer of this work is M. Y. Name. + % + % This work consists of the files pig.dtx and pig.ins + % and the derived file pig.sty. + +Given such a notice and statement in a file, the conditions +given in this license document would apply, with the `Work' referring +to the three files `pig.dtx', `pig.ins', and `pig.sty' (the last being +generated from `pig.dtx' using `pig.ins'), the `Base Interpreter' +referring to any `LaTeX-Format', and both `Copyright Holder' and +`Current Maintainer' referring to the person `M. Y. Name'. + +If you do not want the Maintenance section of LPPL to apply to your +Work, change `maintained' above into `author-maintained'. +However, we recommend that you use `maintained', as the Maintenance +section was added in order to ensure that your Work remains useful to +the community even when you can no longer maintain and support it +yourself. + +Derived Works That Are Not Replacements +--------------------------------------- + +Several clauses of the LPPL specify means to provide reliability and +stability for the user community. They therefore concern themselves +with the case that a Derived Work is intended to be used as a +(compatible or incompatible) replacement of the original Work. If +this is not the case (e.g., if a few lines of code are reused for a +completely different task), then clauses 6b and 6d shall not apply. + + +Important Recommendations +------------------------- + + Defining What Constitutes the Work + + The LPPL requires that distributions of the Work contain all the + files of the Work. It is therefore important that you provide a + way for the licensee to determine which files constitute the Work. + This could, for example, be achieved by explicitly listing all the + files of the Work near the copyright notice of each file or by + using a line such as: + + % This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt. + + in that place. In the absence of an unequivocal list it might be + impossible for the licensee to determine what is considered by you + to comprise the Work and, in such a case, the licensee would be + entitled to make reasonable conjectures as to which files comprise + the Work. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/README.md b/CV/moderncv/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d87ba73 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# moderncv + +## A modern curriculum vitae class for LaTeX + +**moderncv** provides a documentclass for typesetting curricula vitae in various styles. Moderncv aims to be both straightforward to use and customizable, providing five ready-made styles (classic, casual, banking, oldstyle and fancy) and allowing one to define his own by modifying colors, fonts, icons, etc. + +Most commands are defined in such a way that arguments are optional. + +Until a decent manual is written, one can always look in the `template.tex` file for an example. It can be compiled to pdf via `latexmk -pdf ./template.tex`. + +## Licence +moderncv is licensed under the [LPPL-1.3c](https://spdx.org/licenses/LPPL-1.3c.html). + +## Origin +Original author: Xavier Danaux
+Original repository: https://github.com/xdanaux/moderncv
+This repository is a fork aiming to maintain moderncv inside CTAN, since upstream is dead since 2016. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/manual/moderncv_userguide.pdf b/CV/moderncv/manual/moderncv_userguide.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cadbefe Binary files /dev/null and b/CV/moderncv/manual/moderncv_userguide.pdf differ diff --git a/CV/moderncv/manual/moderncv_userguide.tex b/CV/moderncv/manual/moderncv_userguide.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26d2016 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/manual/moderncv_userguide.tex @@ -0,0 +1,462 @@ +%% moderncv_userguide.tex (compiled with pdfLaTeX) +%% Copyright 2007 Cristina Sambo +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + +\documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} + +\title{\bfseries Moderncv -- v. 0.6} +\author{Package by Xavier Danaux \\ \begin{small}Documentation by Cristina Sambo \end{small}} +\date{} + +%language and encoding options +\usepackage[english]{babel} +\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} +\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} + +%font options +\usepackage{txfonts} +\usepackage{marvosym} +\usepackage{pifont} + +%margins, spacing and page layout +\usepackage[pdftex,colorlinks=true]{hyperref} %(hyperref must be loaded before geometry) +\usepackage[pdftex]{geometry} +\geometry{top=2.5cm, bottom=3cm} +\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} %(to soppress indentation when starting a new paragraph) +\frenchspacing %(to soppress additional space after a full stop) + +%packages +\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} +\usepackage[pdftex]{xcolor} +\usepackage[labelfont=sl,font=small,width=0.9\textwidth]{caption} +\usepackage{marvosym} +\usepackage{latexsym} + +%pdfLaTeX options +\pdfpagewidth=\paperwidth +\pdfpageheight=\paperheight +\pdfimageresolution=150 +\pdfinfo{ + /Title (Moderncv -- v. 0.6) + /Author (Cristina Sambo) + /Subject (Moderncv package user's guide) + /Keywords (curriculum vitae, LaTeX) +} + +%my commands +\definecolor{bluecv}{rgb}{0.25,0.5,0.75} +\definecolor{greencv}{rgb}{0.55,0.85,0.35} +\definecolor{redcv}{rgb}{1.00,0.30,0.30} +\definecolor{orangecv}{rgb}{1,0.65,0.20} +\definecolor{greycv}{rgb}{0.75,0.75,0.75} + +%================== +% DOCUMENT BEGINNING +%================== +\begin{document} +\maketitle + +\begin{abstract} +\noindent \texttt{Moderncv}, as its author says in the readme file, provides a documentclass for typesetting modern curriculum vitaes in various styles. It is fairly customizable, allowing you to define your own style by changing the colors, the fonts, \dots\ and provides two default styles: classic and casual. +\end{abstract} + +\section{Introduction} +When I saw for the first time this class I was amazing: ``Here it is what I need'', I thought. Using the very clear examples, was easy to make my first curriculum. +Indeed the class is very simple to use, in this documentation I will only put together all the things to help users to have all on hand. + +\smallskip +\texttt{Moderncv} requires the following packages: \texttt{ifthen}, \texttt{ifpdf}, \texttt{color}, \texttt{lmodern}, \texttt{marvosym}, \texttt{url}, \texttt{hyperref}, \texttt{longtable}, \texttt{graphicx}, \texttt{fancyhdr}, usually all just included in the \LaTeX\ distributions. + +\section{In the preamble} + +At the very beginning of your preamble (that is the part before \verb|\begin{document}|) insert: + +\begin{verbatim} +\documentclass[]{moderncv} +\end{verbatim} + +where the options are: + +\begin{description} + \item[paper size options:] \texttt{a4paper}, \texttt{a5paper}, \texttt{b5paper}, \texttt{letterpaper}, \texttt{legalpaper}, \texttt{ex\-ec\-u\-tive\-pa\-per}, \texttt{landscape} + \item[font size options:] \texttt{10pt}, \texttt{11pt}, \texttt{12pt} + \item[font option:] \texttt{nolmodern}, for people without the latin modern fonts + \item[color option:] \texttt{nocolor}, to have all in black and white + \item[draft/final options:] \texttt{draft}, \texttt{final} +\end{description} + +The default options are: \texttt{a4paper}, \texttt{11pt}, \texttt{color}, \texttt{final}. + +After the documentclass specification, choose the theme for your curriculum vit\ae: + +\begin{verbatim} +\moderncvtheme[]{casual} +\end{verbatim} + +which is the default theme, or + +\begin{verbatim} +\moderncvtheme[]{classic} +\end{verbatim} + +where the theme options are: + +\begin{description} + \item[color options:] you can choose between five color: + \begin{itemize} + \item[\texttt{blue}] {\color{bluecv}\rule{1cm}{2ex}} (default color) + \item[\texttt{green}] {\color{greencv}\rule{1cm}{2ex}} + \item[\texttt{red}] {\color{redcv}\rule{1cm}{2ex}} + \item[\texttt{orange}] {\color{orangecv}\rule{1cm}{2ex}} + \item[\texttt{grey}] {\color{greycv}\rule{1cm}{2ex}} + \end{itemize} + \item[roman option:] \texttt{roman}, for {\fontsize{11}{12} \usefont{T1}{lmr}{m}{n}\selectfont roman} fonts, instead of \fontsize{11}{12} \usefont{T1}{lmss}{m}{n}\selectfont sans serif fonts. +\end{description} + +Then you have to specify the character encoding (utf8, latin1, and so on): + +\begin{verbatim} +\usepackage[]{inputenc} +\end{verbatim} + +and you can adjust the page geometry: + +\begin{verbatim} +\usepackage[]{geometry} +\recomputelengths +\end{verbatim} + +where \verb|\recomputelengths| is required when changes are made to page layout lengths. + +Now we can get into the part most related to our curriculum vit\ae: our personal data. They will be inserted in the header of the first page, in the classic theme, or in the footer of every page, in the case of casual theme. + +\begin{itemize} +\item \verb|\firstname{John}| +\item \verb|\familyname{Doe}| +\item \verb|\title{Resum\'e title}|: optional +\item \verb|\address{street and number}{postcode city}|: optional +\item \verb|\mobile{mobile}|: optional +\item \verb|\phone{phone}|: optional +\item \verb|\fax{fax}|: optional +\item \verb|\email{email}|: optional +\item \verb|\extrainfo{additional information}|: optional; here you can put, for example, the address of your website +\item \verb|\photo[64pt]{picture}|: optional; \texttt{64pt} is the height the picture, you can set here the size you prefer; \texttt{picture} is the name of the picture file +\item \verb|\quote{Some quote}|: optional +\end{itemize} + +Finally you can suppress automatic page numbering for CVs longer than one page: + +\begin{verbatim} +\nopagenumbers{} +\end{verbatim} + +\subsection{Examples} + +In practice, you will type: + +\begin{verbatim} +\documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{moderncv} + +% moderncv themes +\moderncvtheme[green]{casual} + +% character encoding +\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} + +% adjust the page margins +\usepackage[scale=0.8]{geometry} +\recomputelengths + +% personal data +\firstname{John} +\familyname{Doe} +\title{Design enthusiast} +\address{12 somestreet}{3456 somecity} +\mobile{+123 456 7890} +\phone{+12 (3)456 78 90} +\fax{+12 (3)456 78 90} +\email{jdoe@design.org} +\extrainfo{\weblink{www.ctan.org}} +\photo[64pt]{jdoe_picture} +\quote{Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, +and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to +move in the opposite direction.} + +\begin{document} +\maketitle + +... + +\end{document} +\end{verbatim} + +to obtain a casual moderncv in green, as shown in figure \ref{fig:casual}, and you will substitute the line describing the theme with: + +\begin{verbatim} +% moderncv themes +\moderncvtheme[blue]{classic} +\end{verbatim} + +to obtain a classic moderncv in blue, as shown in figure \ref{fig:classic}. + + +\begin{figure}[p] + \centering + \fbox{\includegraphics[angle=90,width=\textwidth]{cv_casual.pdf}} + \caption{An example of casual moderncv in green.} + \label{fig:casual} +\end{figure} + +\begin{figure}[p] + \centering + \fbox{\includegraphics[angle=90,width=\textwidth]{cv_classic.pdf}} + \caption{An example of classic moderncv in blue.} + \label{fig:classic} +\end{figure} + +\section{Customize sections} + +Now we are ready to edit the part between \verb|\begin{document}| and \verb|\end{document}|. + +As you can seen in figure \ref{fig:casual} e \ref{fig:classic}, you can divide your CV into sections, each of them describing what you are, what you know and what you have done in your life. Every section is divide into items chosen from different flavours. More in details: + +\subsection{Section} + +The command to open a new section is: + +\begin{verbatim} +\section{} +\end{verbatim} + +and every section can be divided into subsections: + +\begin{verbatim} +\subsection{<title>} +\end{verbatim} + +If necessary, there is a command to close the section: + +\begin{verbatim} +\closesection{} +\end{verbatim} + +and even one to create an empty section: + +\begin{verbatim} +\emptysection{} +\end{verbatim} + +An example of their usage can be the next one: + +\begin{verbatim} +\section{Section with your own content}\closesection +Your content here, inside the normal \LaTeX{} environment. +You can use any regular \LaTeX{} command, display mathematics +\[e =m\,c^2,\] +put some table or figure, \dots + +\emptysection{} +\cvitem{Now}{Back to moderncv layout, without making a new section :-)} +\end{verbatim} + +whose results is shown in figure \ref{fig:ex_sec}. + +\begin{figure}[!ht] + \centering + \fbox{\includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{ex_sec}} + \caption{Example of usage of section commands.} + \label{fig:ex_sec} +\end{figure} + +\subsection{Items} + +Inside sections, you can choose between different kind of items depending on the purpose: + +\begin{itemize} + \item in the sections describing your education or your job experiences, you can use: + \begin{verbatim} +\cventry{years}{degree/job title}{institution/employer} +{localization}{optional: grade/...} +{optional: comment/job description} + \end{verbatim} +\vspace{-20pt} +where the last three arguments are optional + \item inside `language' cvsection environment, you can type every entry with: + \begin{verbatim} +\cvlanguage{name}{level}{comment} + \end{verbatim} + \item inside `computer skills' cvsection environment, you can type every entry with: + \begin{verbatim} +\cvcomputer{category}{programs}{category}{programs} + \end{verbatim} + \item to typeset lines with a hint on the left: + \begin{verbatim} +\cvline{leftmark}{text} + \end{verbatim} + \item to typeset entry with a description on the left, but in two columns inside a cvsection: + \begin{verbatim} +\cvdoubleitem{subtitle}{text}{subtitle}{text} + \end{verbatim} + \item to typeset lists on one column inside a cvsection: + \begin{verbatim} +\cvlistitem{point1} + \end{verbatim} + \item to typeset lists on two columns inside a cvsection: + \begin{verbatim} +\cvlistdoubleitem{point1}{point2} + \end{verbatim} + \item to add a section listing all your publications stored in a BibTeX file: + \begin{verbatim} +\nocite{*} +\bibliographystyle{plain} +\bibliography{BibTeX_file} + \end{verbatim} +\vspace{-20pt} + where the name of the section title can be changed by redefining the \texttt{refname} with \verb|\renewcommand{\refname}{<new_name>}| +\end{itemize} + +\subsubsection*{Example} + +Let's put all together and see in figure \ref{fig:sections} what is the result: + +\begin{verbatim} +... preamble ... +\begin{document} +\section{Education} +\cventry{year--year}{Degree}{Institution}{City}{\textit{Grade}}{Description} +\cventry{year--year}{Degree}{Institution}{City}{\textit{Grade}}{Description} +% +\section{Master thesis} +\cvline{title}{\emph{Title}} +\cvline{supervisors}{Supervisors} +\cvline{description}{\small Short thesis abstract} +% +\section{Experience} +\subsection{Vocational} +\cventry{year--year}{Job title}{Employer}{City}{}{Description} +\cventry{year--year}{Job title}{Employer}{City}{}{Description} +\subsection{Miscellaneous} +\cventry{year--year}{Job title}{Employer}{City}{}% + {Description line 1\newline{}Description line 2} +% +\section{Languages} +\cvlanguage{language 1}{Skill level}{Comment} +\cvlanguage{language 2}{Skill level}{Comment} +% +\section{Computer skills} +\cvcomputer{category 1}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ}{category 3}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ} +\cvcomputer{category 2}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ}{category 4}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ} +% +\section{Interests} +\cvline{hobby 1}{\small Description} +\cvline{hobby 2}{\small Description} +\cvline{hobby 3}{\small Description} +% +\closesection{} +\pagebreak +% +\section{Extra} +\cvlistitem{Item 1} +\cvlistitem{Item 2} +\cvlistitem{Item 3} +% +\section{Extra 2} +\cvlistdoubleitem{Item 1}{Item 4} +\cvlistdoubleitem{Item 2}{Item 5} +\cvlistdoubleitem{Item 3}{} +% +% Publications from a BibTeX file +\nocite{*} +\bibliographystyle{plain} +\bibliography{publications} % 'publications' is the name of a BibTeX file +% +\end{document} +\end{verbatim} + +\begin{figure}[!ht] + \centering + \fbox{\includegraphics[angle=90,width=\textwidth]{test_cvsection2.pdf}}\\ + \fbox{\includegraphics[angle=90,width=\textwidth]{test_cvsection1.pdf}} +\caption{Example of usage of items inside cvsections.} + \label{fig:sections} +\end{figure} + +\section{More customizations} + +You have some useful commands to personalize your CV further. + +\subsection*{Modifying the symbols} +You can modify the symbols used for the personal data (phone number, the email, \ldots) redefining \texttt{phonesymbol}, \texttt{emailsymbol}, \texttt{addresssymbol}, \texttt{mobilesymbol}, \texttt{faxsymbol}. + +For example: if you want to use the dingbat fonts, load the \texttt{pifont} package in the preamble, then substitute the default symbol \Telefon\ with the dingbat symbol \ding{38}\ by: +\begin{verbatim} +\renewcommand{\phonesymbol}{\ding{38}} +\end{verbatim} + +You can change the symbol for lists in two way: +\begin{itemize} + \item redefining the command \texttt{listitemsymbol}: \verb|\renewcommand{\listitemsymbol}{-}| + \item adding a specification for the label in \texttt{cvlistitem} and \texttt{cvlistdoubleitem} +\end{itemize} + +For example: the following code produces the result shown in figure \ref{fig:ex_items}. + +\begin{verbatim} +\closesection{} % needed to renewcommands +\renewcommand{\listitemsymbol}{-} % change the symbol for lists + +\section{Extra 1} +\cvlistitem{Item 1} +\cvlistitem{Item 2} +\cvlistitem[+]{Item 3} % optional other symbol + +\section{Extra 2} +\cvlistdoubleitem[\Neutral]{Item 1}{Item 4} +\cvlistdoubleitem[\Neutral]{Item 2}{Item 5} +\cvlistdoubleitem[\Neutral]{Item 3}{} +\end{verbatim} + +\begin{figure}[!hbt] + \centering + \fbox{\includegraphics[width=.8\textwidth]{ex_items.png}} + \caption{Example of customization of the list labels.} + \label{fig:ex_items} +\end{figure} + +\subsection*{Adjusting lenghts} +The different lengths used by moderncv are customizable by +\begin{verbatim} +\setlength{<length>}{<new_dimensions>} +\end{verbatim} +where \texttt{<length>} are \texttt{quote\-width}, \texttt{sep\-a\-ra\-tor\-col\-umn\-width}, \texttt{main\-col\-umn\-width}, \texttt{doub\-le\-i\-tem\-main\-col\-umn\-width}, \texttt{list\-i\-tem\-sym\-bol\-width}, \texttt{list\-doub\-le\-i\-tem\-main\-col\-umn\-width}, + +In particular, the first column, can be set to any width. You can do that in two way: +\begin{itemize} + \item using \verb|\sethintscolumnlength{<length>}|, where \texttt{<length>} is the desired length in a unit LaTeX understands + \item using \verb|\sethintscolumntowidth{<string>}|, where \texttt{<string>} is a string of the desired length (usually, the longest string that has to appear in the column) +\end{itemize} + +\subsection*{Additional commands} +There are commands to manage hypertextual links: +\begin{itemize} + \item[-] \verb|\weblink[optional text]{link}| + \item[-] \verb|\httplink[optional text]{link}| + \item[-] \verb|\emaillink[optional text]{link}| +\end{itemize} + +There is a \verb|\today| command, useful for example if you need to add the date the CV was produced. + +\subsection*{Putting things at the end of CV} +Sometimes there is the need to add some lines at the end of the CV. For example, in Italy is necessary to add the permission to treat the personal data contained in the r\'esum\'e. You can do that dropping out of the layout of \texttt{moderncv} and pushing the lines at the end by the command \verb|\vfill|: +\begin{verbatim} +\emptysection{}\closesection +\vfill +\begin{center} +\textit{\small Ai sensi del D. Lgs. 196/2003 ...} +\end{center} +\end{verbatim} + +\end{document} diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncv.cls b/CV/moderncv/moderncv.cls new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b14fc53 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncv.cls @@ -0,0 +1,762 @@ +%% start of file `moderncv.cls'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesClass{moderncv}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter document class] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% class options +% +% (need to be done before the external package loading, for example because +% we need \paperwidth, \paperheight and \@ptsize to be defined before loading +% geometry and fancyhdr) +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% paper size option +\DeclareOption{a4paper}{ + \setlength\paperheight{297mm} + \setlength\paperwidth{210mm}} +\DeclareOption{a5paper}{ + \setlength\paperheight{210mm} + \setlength\paperwidth{148mm}} +\DeclareOption{b5paper}{ + \setlength\paperheight{250mm} + \setlength\paperwidth{176mm}} +\DeclareOption{letterpaper}{ + \setlength\paperheight{11in} + \setlength\paperwidth{8.5in}} +\DeclareOption{legalpaper}{ + \setlength\paperheight{14in} + \setlength\paperwidth{8.5in}} +\DeclareOption{executivepaper}{ + \setlength\paperheight{10.5in} + \setlength\paperwidth{7.25in}} +\DeclareOption{landscape}{ + \setlength\@tempdima{\paperheight} + \setlength\paperheight{\paperwidth} + \setlength\paperwidth{\@tempdima}} + +% font size options +\newcommand\@ptsize{} +\DeclareOption{10pt}{\renewcommand\@ptsize{0}} +\DeclareOption{11pt}{\renewcommand\@ptsize{1}} +\DeclareOption{12pt}{\renewcommand\@ptsize{2}} + +% font type options +\DeclareOption{sans}{\AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}}} +\DeclareOption{roman}{\AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\rmdefault}}} + +% draft/final option +\DeclareOption{draft}{\setlength\overfullrule{5pt}} +\DeclareOption{final}{\setlength\overfullrule{0pt}} + +% execute default options +\ExecuteOptions{a4paper,11pt,final} + +% process given options +\ProcessOptions\relax +\input{size1\@ptsize.clo} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% \AtEndPreamble hook (loading etoolbox instead of defining the macro, as to avoid incompatibilities with etoolbox (and packages relying on it) defining the macro too) +\RequirePackage{etoolbox} +%\let\@endpreamblehook\@empty +%\def\AtEndPreamble{\g@addto@macro\@endpreamblehook} +%\let\document@original\document +%\def\document{\endgroup\@endpreamblehook\begingroup\document@original} + +% if... then... else... constructs +\RequirePackage{ifthen} +% TODO: move to xifthen and \isempty{<arg>} instead of \equal{<arg>}{} + +% color +\RequirePackage[table]{xcolor} + +% font loading +\RequirePackage{ifxetex,ifluatex} +\newif\ifxetexorluatex +\ifxetex + \xetexorluatextrue +\else + \ifluatex + \xetexorluatextrue + \else + \xetexorluatexfalse + \fi +\fi + +% for luatex and xetex, do not use inputenc and fontenc +% see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/496643 +\ifxetexorluatex + \RequirePackage{fontspec} + \defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX} + \RequirePackage{unicode-math} + \setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman} + \setsansfont{Latin Modern Sans} + \setmonofont{Latin Modern Mono} + \setmathfont{Latin Modern Math} +\else + \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} + \RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} + \RequirePackage{lmodern} +\fi + +% hyper links (hyperref is loaded at the end of the preamble to pass options required by loaded packages such as CJK) +\newcommand*\pdfpagemode{UseNone}% do not show thumbnails or bookmarks on opening (on supporting browsers); set \pdfpagemode to "UseOutlines" to show bookmarks +\RequirePackage{url} +\urlstyle{tt} +\AtEndPreamble{ + \pagenumbering{arabic}% has to be issued before loading hyperref, as to set \thepage and hence to avoid hyperref issuing a warning and setting pdfpagelabels=false + \RequirePackage[unicode]{hyperref}% unicode is required for unicode pdf metadata + \hypersetup{ + breaklinks, + pdfborder = 0 0 0, + pdfpagemode = \pdfpagemode, + pdfstartpage = 1, + pdfcreator = {\LaTeX{} with 'moderncv' package}, +% pdfproducer = {\LaTeX{}},% will/should be set automatically to the correct TeX engine used + bookmarksopen = true, + bookmarksdepth= 2,% to show sections and subsections + pdfauthor = {\@firstname{}~\@lastname{}}, + pdftitle = {\@firstname{}~\@lastname{}\notblank{\@title}{ -- \@title}{}}, + pdfsubject = {R\'{e}sum\'{e} of \@firstname{}~\@lastname{}}, + pdfkeywords = {\@firstname{}~\@lastname{}, curriculum vit\ae{}, r\'{e}sum\'{e}}}} + +% graphics +\RequirePackage{graphicx} + +% headers and footers +\RequirePackage{fancyhdr} +\fancypagestyle{plain}{ + \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} + \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} + \fancyhf{}} +% page numbers in footer if more than 1 page +\newif\if@displaypagenumbers\@displaypagenumberstrue +\newcommand*{\nopagenumbers}{\@displaypagenumbersfalse} +\AtEndPreamble{% + \AtBeginDocument{% + % fancyhdr length + \renewcommand{\headwidth}{\textwidth} + \if@displaypagenumbers% + \@ifundefined{r@lastpage}{}{% + \ifthenelse{\pageref{lastpage}>1}{% + \newlength{\pagenumberwidth}% + \settowidth{\pagenumberwidth}{\color{color2}\addressfont\itshape\strut\thepage/\pageref{lastpage}}% + \fancypagestyle{plain}{% + \fancyfoot[r]{\parbox[b]{\pagenumberwidth}{\color{color2}\pagenumberfont\strut\thepage/\pageref{lastpage}}}}% the parbox is required to ensure alignment with a possible center footer (e.g., as in the casual style) + \pagestyle{plain}}{}}\fi}% + \AtEndDocument{\label{lastpage}}} +\pagestyle{plain} + +% reduced list spacing +% package providing hooks into lists +% originally developped by Jakob Schiotz (see http://dcwww.camd.dtu.dk/~schiotz/comp/LatexTips/tweaklist.sty) +% modified and distributed with moderncv(not available otherwise on ctan) +\RequirePackage{tweaklist} +\renewcommand*{\itemhook}{% + \@minipagetrue% removes spacing before lists as they use \addvspace, which doesn't add vertical space inside minipages + \@noparlisttrue% removes spacing at end of lists, caused by \par + \setlength{\topsep}{0pt}% normally not required thanks to \@minipagetrue + \setlength{\partopsep}{0pt}% normally not required thanks to \@minipagetrue + \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}% not required when \itemsep and \parskip are set to 0pt (?) + \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}% + \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}} +\renewcommand*{\enumhook}{\itemhook{}} +\renewcommand*{\deschook}{\itemhook{}} + +% lengths calculations +\RequirePackage{calc} + +% advanced command arguments (LaTeX 3) +\RequirePackage{xparse} +% TODO (?): replace all \newcommand by \NewDocumentCommand + +% micro-typography (e.g., character protrusion, font expansion, hyphenatable letterspacing) +\RequirePackage{microtype} + +% stack of key-value elements, used to save personal information +\RequirePackage{moderncvcollection} + +% compatibility package with older versions of moderncv +\RequirePackageWithOptions{moderncvcompatibility} + +\RequirePackage{expl3} + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% class definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% minimal base settings +\setlength\lineskip{1\p@} +\setlength\normallineskip{1\p@} +\renewcommand\baselinestretch{} +\setlength{\parindent}{0\p@} +\setlength{\parskip}{0\p@} +\setlength\columnsep{10\p@} +\setlength\columnseprule{0\p@} +\setlength\fboxsep{3\p@} +\setlength\fboxrule{.4\p@} +\setlength\arrayrulewidth{.4\p@} +\setlength\doublerulesep{2\p@} + +% not set on purpose +%\setlength\arraycolsep{5\p@} +%\setlength\tabcolsep{6\p@} +%\setlength\tabbingsep{\labelsep} + +\raggedbottom +\onecolumn + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% overall design commands definitions +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% elements +%--------- +% defines one's name +% usage: \name{<firstname>}{<lastname>} +\newcommand*{\name}[2]{\def\@firstname{#1}\def\@lastname{#2}} + +% defines one's title (optional) +% usage: \title{<title>} +\renewcommand*{\title}[1]{\def\@title{#1}} + +% defines one's address (optional) +% usage: \address{<street>}{<city>}{<country>} +% where the <city> and <country> arguments can be omitted or provided empty +\NewDocumentCommand{\address}{mG{}G{}}{\def\@addressstreet{#1}\def\@addresscity{#2}\def\@addresscountry{#3}} + +% defines one's birthday (optional) +% usage: \born{date, place} +\newcommand*{\born}[1]{\def\@born{#1}} + +% defines one's email (optional) +% usage: \email{<email adress>} +\newcommand*{\email}[1]{\def\@email{#1}} + +% defines one's home page (optional) +% usage: \homepage{<url>} +\newcommand*{\homepage}[1]{\def\@homepage{#1}} + +% adds a fixed/mobile/fax number to one's personal information (optional) +% usage: \phone[<optional type>]{<number>} +% where <optional type> should be either "fixed" (default), "mobile" or "fax +\collectionnew{phones} +\NewDocumentCommand{\phone}{O{fixed}m}{% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{fax}}% + {\collectionadd[#1]{phones}{#2}} + {\collectionadd[#1]{phones}{\protect\tellink{#2}}} + } + + +% http://latex.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12239 +\def\SplitMyMacro#1/#2{#2} + + +% adds a social link to one's personal information (optional) +% usage: \social[<optional type>][<optional url>]{<account name>} +% where <optional type> should be either "linkedin", "xing", "twitter", "github", "gitlab", "bitbucket" or "skype" +\collectionnew{socials} +\NewDocumentCommand{\social}{O{}O{}m}{% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}% + {% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{linkedin}} {\collectionadd[linkedin]{socials} {\protect\httpslink[#3]{www.linkedin.com/in/#3}}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{xing}} {\collectionadd[xing]{socials} {\protect\httpslink[#3]{www.xing.com/profile/#3}}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{twitter}} {\collectionadd[twitter]{socials} {\protect\httpslink[#3]{twitter.com/#3}}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{github}} {\collectionadd[github]{socials} {\protect\httpslink[#3]{github.com/#3}}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{gitlab}} {\collectionadd[gitlab]{socials} {\protect\httpslink[#3]{gitlab.com/#3}}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{stackoverflow}}{\collectionadd[stackoverflow]{socials}{\protect\httpslink[#3]{stackoverflow.com/users/#3}}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{bitbucket}} {\collectionadd[bitbucket]{socials} {\protect\httpslink[#3]{bitbucket.org/#3}}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{skype}} {\collectionadd[skype]{socials} {#3}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{orcid}} {\collectionadd[orcid]{socials} {\protect\httpslink[#3]{orcid.org/#3}}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{researchgate}} {\collectionadd[researchgate]{socials} {\protect\httpslink[#3]{www.researchgate.net/profile/#3}}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{researcherid}} {\collectionadd[researcherid]{socials} {\protect\httpslink[#3]{www.researcherid.com/rid/#3}}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{telegram}} {\collectionadd[telegram]{socials} {\protect\httpslink[#3]{t.me/#3}}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{whatsapp}} {\collectionadd[whatsapp]{socials} {\protect\httpslink[#3]{wa.me/#3}}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{signal}} {\collectionadd[signal]{socials} {#3}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{matrix}} {\collectionadd[matrix]{socials} {\httpslink[#3]{matrix.to/\#/#3}}} {}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{googlescholar}}{\collectionadd[googlescholar]{socials}{\protect\httpslink[#3]{scholar.google.com/citations?user=#3}}} {}% {}% + } + {\collectionadd[#1]{socials}{\protect\httpslink[#3]{#2}}}}% + +% defines additional personal information (optional) +% usage: \extrainfo{<text>} +\newcommand*{\extrainfo}[1]{\def\@extrainfo{#1}} + +% colors +%------- +\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0,0,0}% main default color, normally left to black +\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{0,0,0}% primary scheme color +\definecolor{color2}{rgb}{0,0,0}% secondary scheme color +\definecolor{color3}{rgb}{0,0,0}% tertiary scheme color + +% symbols +%-------- +% itemize labels (the struts were added to correct inter-item spacing (works for single line items, until a solution is found for multi-line ones...) +\newcommand*{\labelitemi} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\large\rmfamily\textbullet}}% the \rmfamily is required to force Latin Modern fonts when using sans serif, as OMS/lmss/m/n is not defined and gets substituted by OMS/cmsy/m/n +\newcommand*{\labelitemii} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\large\bfseries-}} +\newcommand*{\labelitemiii} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\rmfamily\textperiodcentered}}% alternative: \textasteriskcentered; the \rmfamily is required to force Latin Modern fonts when using sans serif, as OMS/lmss/m/n is not defined and gets substituted by OMS/cmsy/m/n +\newcommand*{\labelitemiv} {\labelitemiii} + +% enumerate labels +\renewcommand{\theenumi} {\@arabic\c@enumi} +\renewcommand{\theenumii} {\@alph\c@enumii} +\renewcommand{\theenumiii} {\@roman\c@enumiii} +\renewcommand{\theenumiv} {\@Alph\c@enumiv} + +% other symbols +\newcommand*{\listitemsymbol} {\labelitemi~} +\newcommand*{\addresssymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\bornsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\mobilephonesymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\fixedphonesymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\faxphonesymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\emailsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\homepagesymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\linkedinsocialsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\xingsocialsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\twittersocialsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\githubsocialsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\gitlabsocialsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\stackoverflowsocialsymbol}{} +\newcommand*{\bitbucketsocialsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\skypesocialsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\orcidsocialsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\researchgatesocialsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\researcheridsocialsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\googlescholarsocialsymbol}{} +\newcommand*{\telegramsocialsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\whatsappsocialsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\matrixsocialsymbol} {} +\newcommand*{\signalsocialsymbol} {} + +% other +%------ +% fonts +\AtBeginDocument{\normalfont\color{color0}} + +% strings for internationalisation +\newcommand*{\refname}{Publications} +\newcommand*{\enclname}{Enclosure} + +% makes the footer (normally used both for the resume and the letter) +% usage: \makefooter +\newcommand*{\makefooter}{}% + +\newcommand*{\@loadmoderncvpackage}[3][]{% + \begingroup\edef\x{\endgroup% + \noexpand\RequirePackage[#1]{moderncv#2\ifcase#3\or i\or ii\or iii\or iv\or v\or vi\or vii\or viii\or ix\or x\fi}% + }\x} + +% loads a style variant (a combination of header, body and footer) +% usage: \moderncvstyle{<style variant name>} +\newcommand*{\moderncvstyle}[2][]{% + \RequirePackage[#1]{moderncvstyle#2}} + +% loads a header variant +% usage: \moderncvhead[<optional head option>]{<header variant number>} +\newcommand*{\moderncvhead}[2][]{% + \@loadmoderncvpackage[#1]{head}{#2}} + +% loads a body variant +% usage: \moderncvbody[<optional body option>]{<body variant number>} +\newcommand*{\moderncvbody}[2][]{% + \@loadmoderncvpackage[#1]{body}{#2}} + +% loads a footer variant +% usage: \moderncvfoot[<optional foot option>]{<foot variant number>} +\newcommand*{\moderncvfoot}[2][]{% + \@loadmoderncvpackage[#1]{foot}{#2}} + +% loads a color scheme +% usage: \moderncvcolor{<color scheme name>} +\newcommand*{\moderncvcolor}[1]{% + \RequirePackage{moderncvcolor#1}} + +% loads an icons set +% usage: \moderncvicons{<icon set name>} +\newcommand*{\moderncvicons}[1]{% + \RequirePackage{moderncvicons#1}} + +% recomputes all automatic lengths +\newcommand*{\recomputeheadlengths}{\recomputecvheadlengths} +\newcommand*{\recomputebodylengths}{\recomputecvbodylengths} +\newcommand*{\recomputefootlengths}{\recomputecvfootlengths} +\newcommand*{\recomputelengths}{\recomputecvlengths} +\AtBeginDocument{\recomputelengths{}} + +% creates a command if not yet defined +\newcommand*{\@initializecommand}[2]{% + \ifdefined#1 + \renewcommand{#1}{#2}% + \else% + \newcommand*{#1}{#2}\fi} + +% creates a length if not yet defined +\newcommand*{\@initializelength}[1]{% + \ifdefined#1 + \else% + \newlength{#1}\fi% + \setlength{#1}{0pt}} + +% creates a box if not yet defined +\newcommand*{\@initializebox}[1]{% + \ifdefined#1 + \savebox{#1}{}% + \else% + \newsavebox{#1}\fi} + +% creates an if switch if not yet defined +\newcommand*{\@initializeif}[1]{% +% \ifdefined#1% not working due to the nested \if +% \else% + \newif#1%\fi + } + +% custom strut for spacing; the first argument is the vertical offset of the strut, the second its total height +\newcommand*{\@moderncvstrut}[2]{% + \rule[-#1]{0pt}{#2}} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% resume design commands definitions +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% elements +% defines one's picture (optional) +% usage: photo[<picture width>][<picture frame thickness>]{<picture filename>} +\NewDocumentCommand{\photo}{O{64pt}O{0.4pt}m}{\def\@photowidth{#1}\def\@photoframewidth{#2}\def\@photo{#3}} +\newcommand*{\quote}[1]{\def\@quote{#1}} + +% fonts +\newcommand*{\namefont}{} +\newcommand*{\titlefont}{} +\newcommand*{\addressfont}{} +\newcommand*{\quotefont}{} +\newcommand*{\sectionfont}{} +\newcommand*{\subsectionfont}{} +\newcommand*{\hintfont}{} +\newcommand*{\pagenumberfont}{\addressfont\itshape} +% fake small caps - cfr http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/55664/fake-small-caps-with-xetex-fontspec +%\def\fakesc{\bgroup\obeyspaces\fakescaux} +%\def\fakescaux#1{\fakescauxii #1\relax\relax\egroup} +%\def\fakescauxii#1{% +%\ifx\relax#1\else \ifcat#1\@sptoken{} \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\fakescauxii\else +%\ifnum`#1=\uccode`#1 {\normalsize #1}\else {\footnotesize \uppercase{#1}}\fi \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\fakescauxii\expandafter\fi\fi} + +% styles +\newcommand*{\namestyle}[1]{{\namefont#1}} +\newcommand*{\titlestyle}[1]{{\titlefont#1}} +\newcommand*{\addressstyle}[1]{{\addressfont#1}} +\newcommand*{\quotestyle}[1]{{\quotefont#1}} +\newcommand*{\sectionstyle}[1]{{\sectionfont#1}} +\newcommand*{\subsectionstyle}[1]{{\subsectionfont#1}} +\newcommand*{\hintstyle}[1]{{\hintfont#1}} +\newcommand*{\pagenumberstyle}[1]{{\pagenumberfont#1}} + +% recompute all resume lengths +\newcommand*{\recomputecvheadlengths}{} +\newcommand*{\recomputecvbodylengths}{} +\newcommand*{\recomputecvfootlengths}{} +\newcommand*{\recomputecvlengths}{% + \recomputecvheadlengths% + \recomputecvbodylengths% + \recomputecvfootlengths} + +% internal maketitle command to issue a new line only when required +\newif\if@firstdetailselement\@firstdetailselementtrue +\newcommand*{\makenewline}[1][0pt]{% + \if@firstdetailselement% + \strut% to ensure baseline alignment, e.g. with when put in the margin vs sections that also contains a \strut + \else% + \\[#1]\fi% + \@firstdetailselementfalse} + +% makes the resume title +% usage: \makecvtitle +\newcommand*{\makecvtitle}{% + \makecvhead% + \makecvfoot} +\newcommand*{\makecvhead}{} +\newcommand*{\makecvfoot}{} + +% makes a resume section +% usage: \section{<title>} +% identical starred and non-starred variants should be defined for compatibility with other packages (e.g. with natbib, that uses \section*{} for the bibliography header) +\NewDocumentCommand{\section}{sm}{} + +% makes a resume subsection +% usage: \subsection{title} +\NewDocumentCommand{\subsection}{sm}{} + +% makes a resume line with a header and a corresponding text +% usage: \cvitem[spacing]{header}{text} +\newcommand*{\cvitem}[3][.25em]{} + +% makes a resume line 2 headers and their corresponding text +% usage: \cvdoubleitem[spacing]{header1}{text1}{header2}{text2} +\newcommand*{\cvdoubleitem}[5][.25em]{} + +% makes a resume line with a list item +% usage: \cvlistitem[label]{item} +\newcommand*{\cvlistitem}[2][\listitemsymbol]{} + +% makes a resume line with 2 list items +% usage: \cvlistdoubleitem[label]{item1}{item2} +\newcommand*{\cvlistdoubleitem}[3][\listitemsymbol]{} + +% makes a typical resume job / education entry +% usage: \cventry[spacing]{years}{degree/job title}{institution/employer}{localization}{optionnal: grade/...}{optional: comment/job description} +\newcommand*{\cventry}[7][.25em]{} + +% makes a resume entry with a proficiency comment +% usage: \cvitemwithcomment[spacing]{header}{text}{comment} +\newcommand*{\cvitemwithcomment}[4][.25em]{} + +% makes a generic hyperlink +% usage: \link[optional text]{link} +\newcommand*{\link}[2][]{% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}% + {\href{#2}{#2}}% + {\href{#2}{\detokenize{#1}}}} + +% makes a http hyperlink +% usage: \httplink[optional text]{link} +\newcommand*{\httplink}[2][]{% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}% + {\href{http://#2}{#2}}% + {\href{http://#2}{\detokenize{#1}}}} + + +% makes an https hyperlink +% usage: \httpslink[optional text]{link} +\newcommand*{\httpslink}[2][]{% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}% + {\href{https://#2}{#2}}% + {\href{https://#2}{\detokenize{#1}}}} + +% makes an email hyperlink +% usage: \emaillink[optional text]{link} +\newcommand*{\emaillink}[2][]{% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}% + {\href{mailto:#2}{#2}}% + {\href{mailto:#2}{\detokenize{#1}}}} + +% makes a tel hyperlink +% usage: \tellink[optional text]{link} +\newcommand*{\tellink}[2][]{% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}% + {\expandafter\onlynumberslink\expandafter{#2}{#2}}% + {\expandafter\onlynumberslink\expandafter{#2}{#1}}} + +\ExplSyntaxOn +\tl_new:N \l_onlynumberslink_tl +\cs_new:Npn \onlynumberslink #1 #2 { + \tl_set:Nn \l_onlynumberslink_tl {#1} + \regex_replace_all:nnN {[^0-9+]} {} \l_onlynumberslink_tl + \href{ tel\token_to_str:N : \tl_use:N \l_onlynumberslink_tl}{ #2 } +} +\ExplSyntaxOff + +% cvcolumns environment, where every column is created through \cvcolumn +% usage: \begin{cvcolumns} +% \cvcolumn[width]{head}{content} +% \cvcolumn[width]{head}{content} +% ... +% \end{cvcolumns} +% where "width" is the width as a fraction of the line length (between 0 and 1), "head" is the column header and "content" its content +\newcounter{cvcolumnscounter}% counter for the number of columns +\newcounter{cvcolumnsautowidthcounter}% counter for the number of columns with no column width provided, and which will then be equally distributed +\newcounter{tmpiteratorcounter}% counter for any temporary purpose (e.g., iterating loops) +\newlength{\cvcolumnsdummywidth}\setlength{\cvcolumnsdummywidth}{1000pt}% dummy width for total width, in order to enable arithmetics (TeX has no float variables, only integer counters or lengths) +\newlength{\cvcolumnswidth}% total width available for head / content +\newlength{\cvcolumnsautowidth}% total width of columns with no explicit width provided +\newlength{\cvcolumnautowidth}% width of one of the columns with no explicit width provided (based on equal distribution of remaining space) +\newif\if@cvcolumns@head@empty% whether or not at least one of the columns has a header +\newenvironment*{cvcolumns}% + {% at environment opening: reset counters, lengths and ifs + \setcounter{cvcolumnscounter}{0}% + \setcounter{cvcolumnsautowidthcounter}{0}% + \setlength{\cvcolumnsautowidth}{\cvcolumnsdummywidth}% + \setlength{\cvcolumnautowidth}{0pt}% + \@cvcolumns@head@emptytrue\ignorespaces}% + {% at environment closing: typeset environment + % compute the width of each cvcolumn, considering a spacing of \separatorcolumnwidth and the columns with set width + \ifnum\thecvcolumnscounter>0% + \setlength{\cvcolumnswidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\value{cvcolumnscounter}\separatorcolumnwidth+\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\cvcolumnautowidth}{\cvcolumnswidth*\ratio{\cvcolumnsautowidth}{\cvcolumnsdummywidth}/\value{cvcolumnsautowidthcounter}}\fi% + % pre-aggregate the tabular definition, heading and content (required before creating the tabular, as the tabular environment doesn't like loops --- probably because "&" generates a \endgroup) + % - the tabular definition is the aggregation of the different "\cvcolumn<i>@def" (by default "p{\cvcolumnautowidth}"), separated by "@{\hspace*{\separatorcolumnwidth}}" + % - the tabular heading is the aggregation of the different "\cvcolumn<i>@head", separated by "&" + % - the tabular content is the aggregation of the different "\cvcolumn<i>@content", separated by "&" + % to aggregate the different elements, \protected@edef or \g@addto@macro is required to avoid that \cvcolumns@def, -@head and -@content get expanded in subsequent redefinitions, which would cause errors due to the expansions of \hspace, of \subsectionstyle and possibly of user content/argument such as font commands + \def\cvcolumns@def{}% + \def\cvcolumns@head{}% + \def\cvcolumns@content{}% + \setcounter{tmpiteratorcounter}{0}% + % loop based on \g@addto@macro + \loop\ifnum\thetmpiteratorcounter<\thecvcolumnscounter% + \ifnum\thetmpiteratorcounter=0\else% + \g@addto@macro\cvcolumns@def{@{\hspace*{\separatorcolumnwidth}}}% + \g@addto@macro\cvcolumns@head{&}% + \g@addto@macro\cvcolumns@content{&}\fi% +% \expandafter\g@addto@macro\expandafter\cvcolumns@def\expandafter{\csname cvcolumn\roman{tmpiteratorcounter}@def\endcsname}% % this creates issues with the colortbl" package (loaded by xcolor when passing the "table" option) as the column definitions passed to \begin{tabular} contains \cvcolumn<i>@def references that it doesn't understand; the next 2 lines expand \cvcolumn@def to the point it doesn't + \edef\tmpcvcolumn@def{\csname cvcolumn\roman{tmpiteratorcounter}@def\endcsname}% + \expandafter\g@addto@macro\expandafter\cvcolumns@def\expandafter{\tmpcvcolumn@def}% + \expandafter\g@addto@macro\expandafter\cvcolumns@head\expandafter{\csname cvcolumn\roman{tmpiteratorcounter}@head\endcsname}% + \expandafter\g@addto@macro\expandafter\cvcolumns@content\expandafter{\csname cvcolumn\roman{tmpiteratorcounter}@content\endcsname}% + \stepcounter{tmpiteratorcounter}% + \repeat% +% % same loop based on \protected@edef +% \loop\ifnum\thetmpiteratorcounter<\thecvcolumnscounter% +% \ifnum\thetmpiteratorcounter=0\else% +% \protected@edef\cvcolumns@def{\cvcolumns@def @{\hspace*{\separatorcolumnwidth}}}% +% \protected@edef\cvcolumns@head{\cvcolumns@head &}% +% \protected@edef\cvcolumns@content{\cvcolumns@content &}\fi% +% \expandafter\protected@edef\expandafter\cvcolumns@def\expandafter{\expandafter\cvcolumns@def\expandafter\protect\csname cvcolumn\roman{tmpiteratorcounter}@def\endcsname}% +% \expandafter\protected@edef\expandafter\cvcolumns@head\expandafter{\expandafter\cvcolumns@head\expandafter\protect\csname cvcolumn\roman{tmpiteratorcounter}@head\endcsname}% +% \expandafter\protected@edef\expandafter\cvcolumns@content\expandafter{\expandafter\cvcolumns@content\expandafter\protect\csname cvcolumn\roman{tmpiteratorcounter}@content\endcsname}% +% \stepcounter{tmpiteratorcounter}% +% \repeat% + % create the tabular + \cvitem{}{% +% \begin{tabular}{\cvcolumns@def}% this conflicts with the "colortbl" package (loaded by xcolor when passing the "table" option), and requires the below 2 lines to expand \cvcolumns@def + \def\begincvcolumns{\begin{tabular}[t]}% "[t]" is required for some body styles; the default alignment is "[c]" + \expandafter\begincvcolumns\expandafter{\cvcolumns@def}% + \if@cvcolumns@head@empty\else% + \cvcolumns@head%\\[-.8em]% +% {\color{color1}\rule{\maincolumnwidth}{.25pt}}% + \\\fi% + \cvcolumns@content% + \end{tabular}}} + +% cvcolumn command, to create a column inside a cvcolumns environment +% usage: \cvcolumn[width]{head}{content} +% where "width" is the width as a fraction of the line length (between 0 and 1), "head" is the column header and "content" its content ("head" and "content" can contain "\\", "\newline" or any other paragraph command such as "itemize") +\newcommand*{\cvcolumn}[3][\cvcolumnautowidth]{% +% \def\cvcolumn@width{}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\cvcolumnautowidth}}% + {% if no width fraction is provided, count this column as auto-adjusted and set its width to \cvcolumnsautowidth + \stepcounter{cvcolumnsautowidthcounter}% + \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\expandafter\csname cvcolumn\roman{cvcolumnscounter}@def\endcsname{p{\cvcolumnautowidth}}% + \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\expandafter\csname cvcolumn\roman{cvcolumnscounter}@head\endcsname{\protect\parbox[b]{\cvcolumnautowidth}{\protect\subsectionstyle{#2}}}}% + {% if a width is provided, set the width of the column to it and decrease the available space for auto-adjusted columns + \addtolength{\cvcolumnsautowidth}{-#1\cvcolumnsdummywidth}% + \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\expandafter\csname cvcolumn\roman{cvcolumnscounter}@def\endcsname{p{#1\cvcolumnswidth}}% + \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\expandafter\csname cvcolumn\roman{cvcolumnscounter}@head\endcsname{\protect\parbox[b]{#1\cvcolumnswidth}{\protect\subsectionstyle{#2}}}}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{\@cvcolumns@head@emptyfalse}% + \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\expandafter\csname cvcolumn\roman{cvcolumnscounter}@content\endcsname{\protect\cvcolumncell{#3}}% + \stepcounter{cvcolumnscounter}% + \ignorespaces} + +% internal cvcolumncell command, that enables a cvcolumn cell to contain paragraph commands (lists, newlines, etc) +\newcommand*{\cvcolumncell}[1]{{% put cell inside a group, so that command redefinitions are only local + % roughly restore \\ to its regular definition (outside of tabular) + \renewcommand*{\\}{\newline}% + % enclose the contents of the cell inside a vertical box, to allow paragraph commands + \protect\vtop{#1}}} + +% thebibliography environment, for use with BibTeX and possibly multibib +\newlength{\bibindent} +\setlength{\bibindent}{1.5em} +% bibliography item label +\newcommand*{\bibliographyitemlabel}{}% use \@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}} for BibTeX labels +%\newif\if@multibibfirstbib\@multibibfirstbibfalse +% bibliography head (section, etc}, depending on whether multibib is used +\newcommand*{\bibliographyhead}[1]{\section{#1}} +\AtEndPreamble{\@ifpackageloaded{multibib}{\renewcommand*{\bibliographyhead}[1]{\subsection{#1}}}{}} +% thebibliography environment definition +\newenvironment{thebibliography}[1]{}{} +\newcommand*{\newblock}{\hskip .11em\@plus.33em\@minus.07em} +\let\@openbib@code\@empty +%% fix a bug (hardcoded bib label) in \@bibitem +%\renewcommand\@bibitem[1]{% +% \item\if@filesw \immediate\write\@auxout +% {\string\bibcite{#1}{\theenumiv}}\fi\ignorespaces}% replaced "\the\value{\@listctr}" with "\theenumiv" + +% itemize, enumerate and description environment +\setlength{\leftmargini} {1em} +\leftmargin\leftmargini +\setlength{\leftmarginii} {\leftmargini} +\setlength{\leftmarginiii} {\leftmargini} +\setlength{\leftmarginiv} {\leftmargini} +\setlength{\leftmarginv} {\leftmargini} +\setlength{\leftmarginvi} {\leftmargini} +\setlength{\labelsep} {.5em}% this is the distance between the label and the body, but it pushes the label to the left rather than pushing the body to the right (to do the latter, modify \leftmargin(i) +\setlength{\labelwidth} {\leftmargini}% unfortunately, \labelwidth is not defined by item level (i.e. no \labeliwidth, \labeliiwidth, etc) +\addtolength{\labelwidth} {-\labelsep} +\@beginparpenalty -\@lowpenalty +\@endparpenalty -\@lowpenalty +\@itempenalty -\@lowpenalty +\newcommand\labelenumi{\theenumi.} +\newcommand\labelenumii{(\theenumii)} +\newcommand\labelenumiii{\theenumiii.} +\newcommand\labelenumiv{\theenumiv.} +\renewcommand\p@enumii{\theenumi} +\renewcommand\p@enumiii{\p@enumii(\theenumii)} +\renewcommand\p@enumiv{\p@enumiii\theenumiii} +% description label +\newcommand*\descriptionlabel[1]{\hspace\labelsep\normalfont\bfseries#1} + +% classical \today definition +\def\today{\ifcase\month\or + January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or + July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi + \space\number\day, \number\year} + +%\newcommand{\widthofautobox}[1]{% +% \widthof{\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}#1\end{tabular}}} + +%\newcommand{\autobox}[2][b]{% +% \parbox[#1]{\widthofautobox{#2}}{#2}} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% letter design commands definitions +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% elements +\newcommand*{\recipient}[2]{\def\@recipientname{#1}\def\@recipientaddress{#2}} +\renewcommand*{\date}[1]{\def\@date{#1}}\date{\today} +\newcommand*{\opening}[1]{\def\@opening{#1}} +\newcommand*{\closing}[1]{\def\@closing{#1}} +\newcommand*{\enclosure}[2][]{% + % if an optional argument is provided, use it to redefine \enclname + \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{\renewcommand*{\enclname}{#1}}% + \def\@enclosure{#2}} + +% recompute all letter lengths +\newcommand*{\recomputeletterheadlengths}{} +\newcommand*{\recomputeletterbodylengths}{} +\newcommand*{\recomputeletterfootlengths}{} +\newcommand*{\recomputeletterlengths}{% + \recomputeletterheadlengths% + \recomputeletterbodylengths% + \recomputeletterfootlengths} + +% makes the letter title +% usage: \makelettertitle +\newcommand*{\makelettertitle}{% + \makeletterhead% + \makeletterfoot} +\newcommand*{\makeletterhead}{} +\newcommand*{\makeletterfoot}{} + +% makes the letter closing +% usage: \makeletterclosing +\newcommand*{\makeletterclosing}{} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncv.cls'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvbodyi.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvbodyi.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d453641 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvbodyi.sty @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvbodyi.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvbodyi}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter body variant: 1] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% provides the commands for the skillmatrix as well as the command +% \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths +\RequirePackage[moderncvbodyi]{moderncvskillmatrix} + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% overall body definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts +\renewcommand*{\sectionfont}{\Large\mdseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\subsectionfont}{\large\mdseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\hintfont}{} + +% styles +\renewcommand*{\sectionstyle}[1]{{\sectionfont\textcolor{color1}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\subsectionstyle}[1]{{\subsectionfont\textcolor{color1}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\hintstyle}[1]{{\hintfont\textcolor{color0}{#1}}} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% resume body definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lengths +% used by \cvitem (and all children command) +\@initializelength{\hintscolumnwidth} \setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{0.175\textwidth} +\@initializelength{\separatorcolumnwidth} \setlength{\separatorcolumnwidth}{0.025\textwidth} +\@initializelength{\maincolumnwidth} +% used by \cvdoubleitem +\@initializelength{\doubleitemcolumnwidth} +% used by \cvlistitem +\@initializelength{\listitemsymbolwidth} \settowidth{\listitemsymbolwidth}{\listitemsymbol} +\@initializelength{\listitemcolumnwidth} +% used by \cvlistdoubleitem +\@initializelength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth} +% default moderncv \photo (change the definition such that by default the photo and its box align with the section bars +\RenewDocumentCommand{\photo}{O{\hintscolumnwidth-0.8pt-2\fboxsep}O{0.4pt}m}{\def\@photowidth{#1}\def\@photoframewidth{#2}\def\@photo{#3}}% + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\recomputecvbodylengths}{% + % body lengths + \setlength{\maincolumnwidth}{\textwidth-\leftskip-\rightskip-\separatorcolumnwidth-\hintscolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\listitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth}% + \setlength{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\hintscolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}{0.5\doubleitemcolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth}% + \setlength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}{0.5\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}% + \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths + % regular lengths + \setlength{\parskip}{0\p@}} + + +\@initializelength{\baseletterheight} +\settoheight{\baseletterheight}{\sectionstyle{o}} 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+ \begin{minipage}[t]{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}#3\end{minipage}% + \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth + \begin{minipage}[t]{\hintscolumnwidth}\raggedleft\hintstyle{#4}\end{minipage}% + \hspace*{\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \begin{minipage}[t]{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}#5\end{minipage}}} + +\renewcommand*{\cvlistitem}[2][.25em]{% + \cvitem[#1]{}{\listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listitemcolumnwidth}#2\end{minipage}}} + +\renewcommand*{\cvlistdoubleitem}[3][.25em]{% + \cvitem[#1]{}{\listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}#2\end{minipage}% + \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth + \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{}}% + {}% + {\listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}#3\end{minipage}}}} + +\renewcommand*{\cventry}[7][.25em]{% + \cvitem[#1]{#2}{% + {\bfseries#3}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{, {\slshape#4}}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{, #5}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, #6}% + \strut% + \ifx&% + \else{\newline{}\begin{minipage}[t]{\linewidth}\small#7\end{minipage}}\fi}} + +\@initializebox{\cvitemwithcommentbox} +\@initializelength{\cvitemwithcommentskilllength} +\@initializelength{\cvitemwithcommentcommentlength} +\renewcommand*{\cvitemwithcomment}[4][.25em]{% + \savebox{\cvitemwithcommentbox}{{#3}}% + \setlength{\cvitemwithcommentskilllength}{\widthof{\usebox{\cvitemwithcommentbox}}}% + \setlength{\cvitemwithcommentcommentlength}{\maincolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth-\cvitemwithcommentskilllength}% + \cvitem[#1]{#2}{% + \begin{minipage}[t]{\cvitemwithcommentskilllength}\usebox{\cvitemwithcommentbox}\end{minipage}% + \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth + \begin{minipage}[t]{\cvitemwithcommentcommentlength}\raggedleft\small\itshape#4\end{minipage}}} + +\renewenvironment{thebibliography}[1]% + {% + \bibliographyhead{\refname}% +% \small% + \begin{list}{\bibliographyitemlabel}% + {% + \setlength{\topsep}{0pt}% + \setlength{\labelwidth}{\hintscolumnwidth}% + 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`moderncvbodyi.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvbodyii.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvbodyii.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d453641 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvbodyii.sty @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvbodyi.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvbodyi}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter body variant: 1] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% provides the commands for the skillmatrix as well as the command +% \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths +\RequirePackage[moderncvbodyi]{moderncvskillmatrix} + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% overall body definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts +\renewcommand*{\sectionfont}{\Large\mdseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\subsectionfont}{\large\mdseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\hintfont}{} + +% styles +\renewcommand*{\sectionstyle}[1]{{\sectionfont\textcolor{color1}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\subsectionstyle}[1]{{\subsectionfont\textcolor{color1}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\hintstyle}[1]{{\hintfont\textcolor{color0}{#1}}} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% resume body definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lengths +% used by \cvitem (and all children command) +\@initializelength{\hintscolumnwidth} \setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{0.175\textwidth} +\@initializelength{\separatorcolumnwidth} \setlength{\separatorcolumnwidth}{0.025\textwidth} +\@initializelength{\maincolumnwidth} +% used by \cvdoubleitem +\@initializelength{\doubleitemcolumnwidth} +% used by \cvlistitem +\@initializelength{\listitemsymbolwidth} \settowidth{\listitemsymbolwidth}{\listitemsymbol} +\@initializelength{\listitemcolumnwidth} +% used by \cvlistdoubleitem +\@initializelength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth} +% default moderncv \photo (change the definition such that by default the photo and its box align with the section bars +\RenewDocumentCommand{\photo}{O{\hintscolumnwidth-0.8pt-2\fboxsep}O{0.4pt}m}{\def\@photowidth{#1}\def\@photoframewidth{#2}\def\@photo{#3}}% + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\recomputecvbodylengths}{% + % body lengths + \setlength{\maincolumnwidth}{\textwidth-\leftskip-\rightskip-\separatorcolumnwidth-\hintscolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\listitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth}% + \setlength{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\hintscolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}{0.5\doubleitemcolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth}% + \setlength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}{0.5\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}% + \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths + % regular lengths + \setlength{\parskip}{0\p@}} + + +\@initializelength{\baseletterheight} +\settoheight{\baseletterheight}{\sectionstyle{o}} +\setlength{\baseletterheight}{\baseletterheight-0.95ex} +\RenewDocumentCommand{\section}{sm}{% + \par\addvspace{2.5ex}% + \phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs + \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#2}% + 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\hspace*{\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \begin{minipage}[t]{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}#5\end{minipage}}} + +\renewcommand*{\cvlistitem}[2][.25em]{% + \cvitem[#1]{}{\listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listitemcolumnwidth}#2\end{minipage}}} + +\renewcommand*{\cvlistdoubleitem}[3][.25em]{% + \cvitem[#1]{}{\listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}#2\end{minipage}% + \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth + \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{}}% + {}% + {\listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}#3\end{minipage}}}} + +\renewcommand*{\cventry}[7][.25em]{% + \cvitem[#1]{#2}{% + {\bfseries#3}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{, {\slshape#4}}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{, #5}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, #6}% + \strut% + \ifx&% + \else{\newline{}\begin{minipage}[t]{\linewidth}\small#7\end{minipage}}\fi}} + +\@initializebox{\cvitemwithcommentbox} +\@initializelength{\cvitemwithcommentskilllength} +\@initializelength{\cvitemwithcommentcommentlength} +\renewcommand*{\cvitemwithcomment}[4][.25em]{% + \savebox{\cvitemwithcommentbox}{{#3}}% + \setlength{\cvitemwithcommentskilllength}{\widthof{\usebox{\cvitemwithcommentbox}}}% + \setlength{\cvitemwithcommentcommentlength}{\maincolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth-\cvitemwithcommentskilllength}% + \cvitem[#1]{#2}{% + \begin{minipage}[t]{\cvitemwithcommentskilllength}\usebox{\cvitemwithcommentbox}\end{minipage}% + \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth + \begin{minipage}[t]{\cvitemwithcommentcommentlength}\raggedleft\small\itshape#4\end{minipage}}} + +\renewenvironment{thebibliography}[1]% + {% + \bibliographyhead{\refname}% +% \small% + \begin{list}{\bibliographyitemlabel}% + {% + \setlength{\topsep}{0pt}% + \setlength{\labelwidth}{\hintscolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\labelsep}{\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \leftmargin\labelwidth% + \advance\leftmargin\labelsep% + \@openbib@code% + \usecounter{enumiv}% + \let\p@enumiv\@empty% + \renewcommand\theenumiv{\@arabic\c@enumiv}}% + \sloppy% + 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`moderncvbodyiii.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvbodyiii}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter body variant: 3] + +% rules type options: "fullrules", "shortrules", "mixedrules" (default) or "norules" +\@initializeif{\if@fullrules}\@fullrulesfalse +\DeclareOption{fullrules} {\@fullrulestrue\@shortrulesfalse\@mixedrulesfalse\@norulesfalse} +\@initializeif{\if@shortrules}\@shortrulesfalse +\DeclareOption{shortrules}{\@fullrulesfalse\@shortrulestrue\@mixedrulesfalse\@norulesfalse} +\@initializeif{\if@mixedrules}\@mixedrulesfalse +\DeclareOption{mixedrules}{\@fullrulesfalse\@shortrulesfalse\@mixedrulestrue\@norulesfalse} +\@initializeif{\if@norules}\@norulesfalse +\DeclareOption{norules} {\@fullrulesfalse\@shortrulesfalse\@mixedrulesfalse\@norulestrue} + +% section alignment options: "left" (default), "center" or "right" +\@initializeif{\if@left}\@leftfalse +\DeclareOption{left} {\@lefttrue\@centerfalse\@rightfalse} +\@initializeif{\if@center}\@centerfalse +\DeclareOption{center} {\@leftfalse\@centertrue\@rightfalse} +\@initializeif{\if@right}\@rightfalse +\DeclareOption{right} {\@leftfalse\@centerfalse\@righttrue} + +\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options +\ExecuteOptions{mixedrules,left} +\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% provides the commands for the skillmatrix as well as the command +% \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths +\RequirePackage[moderncvbodyiii]{moderncvskillmatrix} + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% overall body definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts +\renewcommand*{\sectionfont}{% + \if@norules% + \Large\bfseries\scshape% + \else% + \Large\bfseries\upshape\fi} +\renewcommand*{\subsectionfont}{% + \if@norules% + \large\mdseries\itshape% + \else% + \large\upshape\fontseries{sb}\selectfont\fi} +\renewcommand*{\hintfont}{\bfseries} + +% styles +\renewcommand*{\sectionstyle}[1]{{% + \if@center\centering\else% + \if@right\raggedleft\fi\fi% + \sectionfont\textcolor{color1}{#1}% + \if@shortrules\else% + 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+\@initializelength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth} + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\recomputecvbodylengths}{% + % body lengths + \setlength{\maincolumnwidth}{\textwidth-\leftskip-\rightskip}% + \setlength{\listitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth}% + \setlength{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}{0.5\doubleitemcolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth}% + \setlength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}{0.5\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}% + \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths + % regular lengths + \setlength{\parskip}{0\p@}} + +\RenewDocumentCommand{\section}{sm}{% + \par\addvspace{2.5ex}% + \phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs + \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#2}% + \if@left\else\if@fullrules\else\if@mixedrules\else% + \sectionrule\fi\fi\fi% + \strut\sectionstyle{#2}% + \if@fullrules% + \sectionrule% + \else\if@mixedrules% + \sectionrule% + \else\if@right\else% + \sectionrule\fi\fi\fi% + \par\nobreak\addvspace{1ex}\@afterheading} + +\RenewDocumentCommand{\subsection}{sm}{% + \par\addvspace{1ex}% + \phantomsection{}% + \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{#2}% + \if@left\else\if@fullrules\else% + \subsectionrule\fi\fi% + \strut\subsectionstyle{#2}% + \if@fullrules% + \subsectionrule% + \else\if@right\else% + \subsectionrule\fi\fi% + \par\nobreak\addvspace{0.5ex}\@afterheading} + +\newcommand*{\sectionrule}{} +\newcommand*{\subsectionrule}{} +\if@fullrules% + \renewcommand*{\sectionrule}{\par\nobreak\vspace*{-.7\baselineskip}\leavevmode{\color{color1}\leaders\hbox{\rule{1pt}{0.4pt}}\hfill\kern0pt}} + \renewcommand*{\subsectionrule}{\par\nobreak\vspace*{-.7\baselineskip}\leavevmode{\color{color1}\xleaders\hbox to 0.35em{\scriptsize.}\hfill}}\fi% different subsectionrules will not be perfectly aligned, but remaining space at the end of the fill will be distributed evenly between leaders, so it will be barely visible} +\if@shortrules% + \renewcommand*{\sectionrule}{\leavevmode{\color{color1}\leaders\hbox{\rule{1pt}{0.4pt}}\hfill\kern0pt}} + \renewcommand*{\subsectionrule}{\leavevmode{\color{color1}\xleaders\hbox to 0.35em{\scriptsize.}\hfill}}\fi% different subsectionrules will not be perfectly aligned, but remaining space at the end of the fill will be distributed evenly between leaders, so it will be barely visible}} +\if@mixedrules% + \renewcommand*{\sectionrule}{\par\nobreak\vspace*{-.7\baselineskip}\leavevmode{\color{color1}\leaders\hbox{\rule{1pt}{0.4pt}}\hfill\kern0pt}} + \renewcommand*{\subsectionrule}{\leavevmode{\color{color1}\xleaders\hbox to 0.35em{\scriptsize.}\hfill}}\fi% different subsectionrules will not be perfectly aligned, but remaining space at the end of the fill will be distributed evenly between leaders, so it will be barely visible}} +\if@norules% + \renewcommand*{\sectionrule}{} + \renewcommand*{\subsectionrule}{}\fi + +\renewcommand*{\cvitem}[3][.25em]{% + \ifstrempty{#2}{}{\hintstyle{#2}: }{#3}% + \par\addvspace{#1}} + +\renewcommand*{\cvdoubleitem}[5][.25em]{% + \begin{minipage}[t]{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}\hintstyle{#2}: #3\end{minipage}% + \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth + \begin{minipage}[t]{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}\ifstrempty{#4}{}{\hintstyle{#4}: }#5\end{minipage}% + \par\addvspace{#1}} + +\renewcommand*{\cvlistitem}[2][.25em]{% + \listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listitemcolumnwidth}#2\end{minipage}% + \par\addvspace{#1}} + +\renewcommand*{\cvlistdoubleitem}[3][.25em]{% + \cvitem[#1]{}{\listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}#2\end{minipage}% + \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth + \ifstrempty{#3}% + {}% + {\listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}#3\end{minipage}}}} + +\renewcommand*{\cventry}[7][.25em]{ + \begin{tabular*}{\maincolumnwidth}{l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r}% + % skip the company name and location line if both are empty, allowing one to show multiple roles within the same company without repeating it + \ifboolexpr{% + test {\ifstrempty{#4}} + and + test {\ifstrempty{#5}}}% + {}% + {{\bfseries #4} & {\bfseries #5}\\}% + {\itshape #3\ifstrempty{#6}{}{, #6}} & {\itshape #2}\\% + \end{tabular*}% + \ifx&% + \else{\\% + \begin{minipage}{\maincolumnwidth}% + \small#7% + \end{minipage}}\fi% + \par\addvspace{#1}} + +\@initializebox{\cvitemwithcommentmainbox} +\@initializelength{\cvitemwithcommentmainlength} +\@initializelength{\cvitemwithcommentcommentlength} +\renewcommand*{\cvitemwithcomment}[4][.25em]{% + \savebox{\cvitemwithcommentmainbox}{\ifstrempty{#2}{}{\hintstyle{#2}: }#3}% + \setlength{\cvitemwithcommentmainlength}{\widthof{\usebox{\cvitemwithcommentmainbox}}}% + \setlength{\cvitemwithcommentcommentlength}{\maincolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth-\cvitemwithcommentmainlength}% + \begin{minipage}[t]{\cvitemwithcommentmainlength}\usebox{\cvitemwithcommentmainbox}\end{minipage}% + \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth + \begin{minipage}[t]{\cvitemwithcommentcommentlength}\raggedleft\small\itshape#4\end{minipage}% + \par\addvspace{#1}} + +\renewenvironment{thebibliography}[1]% + {% + \bibliographyhead{\refname}% +% \small% + \begin{list}{\bibliographyitemlabel}% + {% + \setlength{\topsep}{0pt}% + \setlength{\labelwidth}{0pt}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\bibliographyitemlabel}{}}% + {\setlength{\labelsep}{0pt}}% + {\setlength{\labelsep}{\separatorcolumnwidth}}% + \leftmargin\labelwidth% + \advance\leftmargin\labelsep% + \@openbib@code% + \usecounter{enumiv}% + \let\p@enumiv\@empty% + \renewcommand\theenumiv{\@arabic\c@enumiv}}% + \sloppy% + \clubpenalty4000%\@clubpenalty \clubpenalty% + \widowpenalty4000% + \sfcode`\.\@m% + \sfcode `\=1000\relax}% + {% + \def\@noitemerr{\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}% + \end{list}} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% letter style definition 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+%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvbodyiv}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter body variant: 4] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% provides the commands for the skillmatrix as well as the command +% \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths +\RequirePackage[moderncvbodyiv]{moderncvskillmatrix} + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% overall body definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts +\renewcommand*{\sectionfont}{\Large\bfseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\subsectionfont}{\large\bfseries\itshape} 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+\@initializelength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth} + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\recomputecvbodylengths}{% + % body lengths + \setlength{\maincolumnwidth}{\textwidth-\leftskip-\rightskip}% + \setlength{\listitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth}% + \setlength{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}{0.5\doubleitemcolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth}% + \setlength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}{0.5\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}% + \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths + % regular lengths + \setlength{\parskip}{0\p@}} + +\RenewDocumentCommand{\section}{sm}{% + \par\addvspace{2.5ex}% + \phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs + \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#2}% + \strut\sectionstyle{#2}% + \par\nobreak\addvspace{1ex}\@afterheading} + +\RenewDocumentCommand{\subsection}{sm}{% + \par\addvspace{1ex}% + \phantomsection{}% + \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{#2}% + \strut\subsectionstyle{#2}% + \par\nobreak\addvspace{0.5ex}\@afterheading} + +\renewcommand*{\cvitem}[3][.25em]{% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{\hintstyle{#2}: }{#3}% + \par\addvspace{#1}} + +\renewcommand*{\cvdoubleitem}[5][.25em]{% + \begin{minipage}[t]{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}\hintstyle{#2}: #3\end{minipage}% + \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth + \begin{minipage}[t]{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{\hintstyle{#4}: }#5\end{minipage}% + \par\addvspace{#1}} + +\renewcommand*{\cvlistitem}[2][.25em]{% + \cvitem[#1]{}{\listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listitemcolumnwidth}#2\end{minipage}}} + +\renewcommand*{\cvlistdoubleitem}[3][.25em]{% + \cvitem[#1]{}{\listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}#2\end{minipage}% + \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth + \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{}}% + {}% + {\listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}#3\end{minipage}}}} + 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\clubpenalty4000%\@clubpenalty \clubpenalty% + \widowpenalty4000% + \sfcode`\.\@m% + \sfcode `\=1000\relax}% + {% + \def\@noitemerr{\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}% + \end{list}} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% letter style definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% commands +\renewcommand*{\recomputeletterbodylengths}{% + \recomputecvbodylengths% + \setlength{\parskip}{6\p@}} + +\renewcommand*{\makeletterclosing}{ + \@closing\\[3em]% + {\bfseries\@firstname~\@lastname}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@enclosure}}{}{% + \\% + \vfil% + {\color{color2}\itshape\enclname: \@enclosure}}% + \vfil} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvbodyiv.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvbodyv.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvbodyv.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ffeaf8f --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvbodyv.sty @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvbodyv.sty'. +%% Copyright 2015-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvbodyv}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter body variant: 5] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% provides the commands for the skillmatrix as well as the command +% \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths +\RequirePackage[moderncvbodyv]{moderncvskillmatrix} + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% overall style definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% resume style definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts +\renewcommand*{\sectionfont}{\Large\mdseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\subsectionfont}{\large\mdseries\slshape} +\renewcommand*{\hintfont}{\bfseries} + +% styles +\renewcommand*{\sectionstyle}[1]{{\sectionfont\textcolor{color1}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\subsectionstyle}[1]{{\subsectionfont\textcolor{color1}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\hintstyle}[1]{{\hintfont\textcolor{color0}{#1}}} + +% lengths +% used by \cvitem (and all children command) +\@initializelength{\hintscolumnwidth} \setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{0.25\textwidth} +\@initializelength{\separatorcolumnwidth} \setlength{\separatorcolumnwidth}{0.025\textwidth} +\@initializelength{\separatorrulewidth} \setlength{\separatorrulewidth}{1.2\p@}% +\@initializelength{\maincolumnwidth} +% used by \cvdoubleitem +\@initializelength{\doubleitemcolumnwidth} +% used by \cvlistitem +\@initializelength{\listitemsymbolwidth} \settowidth{\listitemsymbolwidth}{\listitemsymbol} +\@initializelength{\listitemcolumnwidth} +%\@initializelength{\listitemmaincolumnwidth} +% used by \cvlistdoubleitem +\@initializelength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth} +%\@initializelength{\listdoubleitemmaincolumnwidth} + +% commands +\@initializecommand{\recomputecvbodylengths}{% + % body lengths + \setlength{\maincolumnwidth}{\textwidth-\leftskip-\rightskip-\separatorcolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth-\hintscolumnwidth-\separatorrulewidth}% + \setlength{\listitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth}% + \setlength{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}{0.5\doubleitemcolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth-\listitemsymbolwidth}% + \setlength{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}{0.5\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}% + \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths + % regular lengths + \setlength{\parskip}{0\p@}} + +\@initializeif{\if@aftersection}\@aftersectionfalse% +\RenewDocumentCommand{\section}{sm}{% + \addvspace{2.5ex}% + \phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs + \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#2}% + \noindent\rlap{\@cvitem{\raggedleft\sectionstyle{#2}}{}}% + \nobreak\@afterheading\@aftersectiontrue\ignorespaces} + +%\@initializeif{\if@aftersubsection}\@aftersubsectionfalse% +\RenewDocumentCommand{\subsection}{sm}{% + %\addvspace{1ex}% + \vspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}% HACK; I don't understand where the space is coming from, nor what it's exact value is :( + \if@aftersection% + \par\ignorespaces\fi% + \phantomsection{}% reset the anchor for hyperrefs + \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{#2}% + \noindent\rlap{\@cvitem{\if@aftersection\else\@moderncvstrut{4pt}{24pt}\fi\raggedleft\subsectionstyle{#2}}{}}% + \nobreak\@afterheading\@aftersectiontrue\ignorespaces} + +\renewcommand*{\cvitem}[3][.5ex]{% + \@cvitem[#1]{}{\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{\hintstyle{#2}: }{#3}}% + } +% \RenewDocumentCommand{\cvitem}{+O{.5ex} +m +m}{% +% \IfNoValueTF{#2}{% +% \@cvitem[#1]{}{#3}% +% }{% +% \@cvitem[#1]{}{\hintstyle{#2}: {#3}}% +% }% +% } + +% underlying command to implement \cvitem, \subsection and \section +\newcommand*{\@cvitem}[3][.5ex]{% + \arrayrulecolor{color1}% + \setlength\arrayrulewidth{\separatorrulewidth}% + \if@aftersection\else% + \vspace*{-\separatorrulewidth}\fi% HACK; I don't understand where the space is coming from, nor what it's exact value is :( + \noindent% +% \setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}\framebox{% start of debuging + \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}p{\hintscolumnwidth}@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}|@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}p{\maincolumnwidth}@{}}% + \@moderncvstrut{4pt}{16pt}#2 \\[#1]% the spacing needs to be inside the cell for the vertical rule to extend correctly + \end{tabular}% +% }% end of debuging + \par\@aftersectionfalse\ignorespaces} + +\renewcommand*{\cvdoubleitem}[5][.5ex]{% + \@cvitem[#1]{}{% + \begin{minipage}[t]{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}\hintstyle{#2}: #3\end{minipage}% + \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth + \begin{minipage}[t]{\doubleitemcolumnwidth}\ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{\hintstyle{#4}: }#5\end{minipage}}} + +\renewcommand*{\cvlistitem}[2][.5ex]{% + \@cvitem[#1]{}{\listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listitemcolumnwidth}#2\end{minipage}}} + +\renewcommand*{\cvlistdoubleitem}[3][.5ex]{% + \@cvitem[#1]{}{\listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}#2\end{minipage}% + \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth + \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{}}% + {}% + {\listitemsymbol\begin{minipage}[t]{\listdoubleitemcolumnwidth}#3\end{minipage}}}} + +\@initializebox{\cventryyearbox} +\@initializelength{\cventrytitleboxwidth} +\renewcommand*{\cventry}[7][.5ex]{% + \savebox{\cventryyearbox}{% + \hspace*{2\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \hintstyle{#2}}% + \setlength{\cventrytitleboxwidth}{\widthof{\usebox{\cventryyearbox}}}% + \setlength{\cventrytitleboxwidth}{\maincolumnwidth-\cventrytitleboxwidth}% + \cvitem[#1]{}{% + \parbox[t]{\cventrytitleboxwidth}{% + \strut% + {\bfseries#3}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#4}{}}{}{, {\slshape#4}}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}{}{, #5}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, #6}% + .\strut}% + \usebox{\cventryyearbox}}% + \ifx&% + \else% + \vspace*{-4pt}% + \cvitem[#1]{}{\small#7}\fi} + +\@initializebox{\cvitemwithcommentmainbox} +\@initializelength{\cvitemwithcommentmainlength} +\@initializelength{\cvitemwithcommentcommentlength} +\renewcommand*{\cvitemwithcomment}[4][.5ex]{% + \savebox{\cvitemwithcommentmainbox}{\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{\hintstyle{#2}: }#3}% + \setlength{\cvitemwithcommentmainlength}{\widthof{\usebox{\cvitemwithcommentmainbox}}}% + \setlength{\cvitemwithcommentcommentlength}{\maincolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth-\cvitemwithcommentmainlength}% + \@cvitem[#1]{}{% + \begin{minipage}[t]{\cvitemwithcommentmainlength}\usebox{\cvitemwithcommentmainbox}\end{minipage}% + \hfill% fill of \separatorcolumnwidth + \begin{minipage}[t]{\cvitemwithcommentcommentlength}\raggedleft\small\itshape#4\end{minipage}}} + +\renewenvironment{thebibliography}[1]% BUG/TODO: remove extra space between heading and first bibliography entry, as well as after last one + {% + \bibliographyhead{\refname}% +% \small% + \arrayrulecolor{color1}% + \setlength\arrayrulewidth{\separatorrulewidth}% + \noindent% + \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}p{\hintscolumnwidth}@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}|@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}p{\maincolumnwidth}@{}}% + \@moderncvstrut{4pt}{16pt} &% + 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+\renewcommand*{\recomputeletterbodylengths}{% + \recomputecvbodylengths% + \setlength{\parskip}{6\p@}} + +\renewcommand*{\makeletterclosing}{ + \@closing\\[3em]% + {\bfseries \@firstname~\@lastname}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@enclosure}}{}{% + \\% + \vfill% + {\color{color2}\itshape\enclname: \@enclosure}}} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvbodyv.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvcollection.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcollection.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aec3bea --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcollection.sty @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvcollection.sty'. +%% Copyright 2013-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvcollection}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 moderncv collections] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% requirements +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +\RequirePackage{ifthen} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% code +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +% creates a new collection +% usage: \collectionnew{<collection name>} +\NewDocumentCommand\collectionnew{m}{% + \newcounter{collection@#1@count}% +}% + +% adds an item to a collection +% usage: \collectionadd[<optional key>]{<collection name>}{<item to add>} +\NewDocumentCommand\collectionadd{ O{} m m }{% + \expandafter\def\csname collection@#2@item\roman{collection@#2@count}\endcsname{#3}% + \def\optional@FirstArg{#1}% + \ifdefempty{\optional@FirstArg}{% + \relax% if #1 is empty + }{% + \expandafter\def\csname collection@#2@key\roman{collection@#2@count}\endcsname{#1}% + }% + \stepcounter{collection@#2@count}% +}% +% returns the number of items in a collection +% usage: \collectioncount{<collection name>} +\NewDocumentCommand\collectioncount{m}{% + \value{collection@#1@count}% +}% +% gets an item from a collection +% usage: \collectiongetitem{<collection name>}{<element id>} +% where <element id> is an integer between 0 and (collectioncount-1) +\NewDocumentCommand\collectiongetitem{m m}{% + \csname collection@#1@item\romannumeral #2\endcsname% +}% + +% gets a key from a collection +% usage: \collectiongetkey{<collection name>}{<element id>} +% where <element id> is an integer between 0 and (collectioncount-1) +\NewDocumentCommand\collectiongetkey{m m}{% + \csname collection@#1@key\romannumeral #2\endcsname% +}% +% loops through a collection and perform the given operation on every element +% usage: \collectionloop{<collection name>}{<operation sequence>} +% where <operation sequence> is the code sequence to be evaluated for each collection item, +% code which can refer to \collectionloopid, \collectionloopkey, \collectionloopitem and +% \collectionloopbreak +\newcounter{collection@iterator} +\NewDocumentCommand\collectionloopbreak{}{\let\iterate\relax} +\NewDocumentCommand\collectionloop{m m}{% + \setcounter{collection@iterator}{0}% + \loop\ifnum\value{collection@iterator}<\value{collection@#1@count}% + \def\collectionloopid{\arabic{collection@iterator}}% + \def\collectionloopitem{\collectiongetitem{#1}{\collectionloopid}}% + \def\collectionloopkey{\collectiongetkey{#1}{\collectionloopid}}% + #2% + \stepcounter{collection@iterator}% + \repeat% +} + +% loops through a collection and finds the (first) element matching the given key +% usage: \collectionfindbykey{<collection name>}{key>} +\NewDocumentCommand\collectionfindbykey{m m}{% + \collectionloop{#1}{% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\collectionloopkey}{#2}}{\collectionloopitem\collectionloopbreak}{}}% +}% + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvcollection.cls'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorblack.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorblack.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96bf928 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorblack.sty @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvcolorblack.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvcolorblack}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter color scheme: black] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% color scheme definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0,0,0}% black +\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{0,0,0}% black +\definecolor{color2}{rgb}{0,0,0}% black + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvcolorblack.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorblue.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorblue.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..09d1770 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorblue.sty @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvcolorblue.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvcolorblue}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter color scheme: blue] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% color scheme definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0,0,0}% black +\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{0.22,0.45,0.70}% light blue +\definecolor{color2}{rgb}{0.45,0.45,0.45}% dark grey + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvcolorblue.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorburgundy.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorburgundy.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a27690e --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorburgundy.sty @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvcolorburgundy.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvcolorburgundy}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter color scheme: burgundy] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% color scheme definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0,0,0}% black +\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{0.596078,0,0}% burgundy: 139/255 (0.545098) or 152/255 (0.596078) +\definecolor{color2}{rgb}{0.45,0.45,0.45}% dark grey + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvcolorburgundy.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorgreen.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorgreen.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f4de1f --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorgreen.sty @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvcolorgreen.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvcolorgreen}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter color scheme: green] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% color scheme definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0,0,0}% black +\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{0.35,0.70,0.30}% green +\definecolor{color2}{rgb}{0.45,0.45,0.45}% dark grey + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvcolorgreen.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorgrey.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorgrey.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46e9bed --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorgrey.sty @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvcolorgrey.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvcolorgrey}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter color scheme: grey] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% color scheme definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0,0,0}% black +\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{0.55,0.55,0.55}% dark grey +\definecolor{color2}{rgb}{0.55,0.55,0.55}% dark grey + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvcolorgrey.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolororange.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolororange.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a63e65 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolororange.sty @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvcolororange.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvcolororange}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter color scheme: orange] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% color scheme definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0,0,0}% black +\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{0.95,0.55,0.15}% orange +\definecolor{color2}{rgb}{0.45,0.45,0.45}% dark grey + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvcolororange.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorpurple.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorpurple.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1c44e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorpurple.sty @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvcolorpurple.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvcolorpurple}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter color scheme: purple] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% color scheme definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0,0,0}% black +\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{0.50,0.33,0.80}% purple +\definecolor{color2}{rgb}{0.45,0.45,0.45}% dark grey + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvcolorpurple.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorred.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorred.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9a689b --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcolorred.sty @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvcolorred.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvcolorred}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter color scheme: red] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% color scheme definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\definecolor{color0}{rgb}{0,0,0}% black +\definecolor{color1}{rgb}{0.95,0.20,0.20}% red +\definecolor{color2}{rgb}{0.45,0.45,0.45}% dark grey + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvcolorred.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvcompatibility.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcompatibility.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2a29aa --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvcompatibility.sty @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvcompatibility.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvcompatibility}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter compatibility patches] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% package options +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% old casual option (version 0.1) +%\DeclareOption{casual}{\input{moderncvstylecasual.sty}} + +% old classic option (version 0.1) +%\DeclareOption{classic}{\input{moderncvstyleclassic.sty}} + +\DeclareOption*{} + +% process given options +\ProcessOptions\relax + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% definitions +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% compatibility with version 0.1 +\newcommand*{\cvresume}[2]{\cvlistdoubleitem{#1}{#2}} + +% compatibility with versions <= 0.2 +% section, cvline, ... with width argument... +%\newcommand*{\section}[2][0.825]{% +% \closesection{}% +% \@sectionopentrue% +% \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{#2} +% \begin{longtable}[t]{@{}r@{\hspace{.025\textwidth}}@{}p{#1\textwidth}@{}}% +%% \colorrule{.15\textwidth}&\mbox{\color{sectiontitlecolor}\sectionfont#2}\\[1ex]}% +% {\color{sectionrectanglecolor}\rule{0.15\textwidth}{1ex}}&\mbox{\color{sectiontitlecolor}\sectionfont#2}\\[1ex]}% +%\newcommand*{\cvline}[3][.825]{% +% \begin{minipage}[t]{\hintscolumnwidth}\raggedleft\small\sffamily#2\end{minipage}&\begin{minipage}[t]{\maincolumnwidth}#3\end{minipage}\\} +%\newcommand*{\cvitem}[3][.825]{% +% \cvline[#1]{#2}{#3\vspace*{.75em}}} % the \vspace*{} inside the cvline environment is a hack... (should conceptually be outside the environment) + +% compatibility with versions <= 0.5 +%\newcommand*{\cvitem}[2]{\cvline{#1}{#2}} +%\newcommand*{\moderncvstyle}[1]{\moderncvtheme{#1}} + +% compatibility with versions <= 0.7 +\newcommand*{\closesection}{} +\newcommand*{\emptysection}{} +\newcommand*{\sethintscolumnlength}[1]{% + \setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{#1}% + \recomputelengths} +\newcommand*{\sethintscolumntowidth}[1]{% + \settowidth{\hintscolumnwidth}{#1}% + \recomputelengths} + +% compatibility with versions <= 0.15 +\newcommand*{\cvline}[2]{\cvitem{#1}{#2}} +\newcommand*{\cvlanguage}[3]{\cvitemwithcomment{#1}{#2}{#3}} +\newcommand*{\cvcomputer}[4]{\cvdoubleitem{#1}{\small#2}{#3}{\small#4}} +\newcommand*{\moderncvtheme}[2][blue]{% + \moderncvcolor{#1}% + \moderncvstyle{#2}} + +% compatibility with versions <= 0.19 +\newcommand*{\maketitle}{\makecvtitle}% +\title{}% to avoid LaTeX complaining that \maketitle is a called without first a call to \title +\newcommand*{\maketitlenamewidth}{\makecvtitlenamewidth} + +% compatibility with versions <= 1.3.0 +\newcommand*{\firstname}[1]{\def\@firstname{#1}} +\newcommand*{\lastname}[1]{\def\@lastname{#1}} +\newcommand*{\givenname}[1]{\def\@firstname{#1}} +\newcommand*{\familyname}[1]{\def\@lastname{#1}} +\def\@familyname{\@lastname} + +% compatibility with versions <= 1.4.0 +\newcommand*{\mobile}[1]{\collectionadd[mobile]{phones}{#1}} +%\newcommand*{\phone}[1]{\collectionadd[fixed]{phones}{#1}}% implicit, as \phone{...} defaults to \phone[fixed]{...} +\newcommand*{\fax}[1]{\collectionadd[fax]{phones}{#1}} +\newcommand*{\@mobile}{\collectionfindbykey{phones}{mobile}} +\newcommand*{\@phone}{\collectionfindbykey{phones}{fixed}} +\newcommand*{\@fax}{\collectionfindbykey{phones}{fax}} +\newcommand*{\phonesymbol}{\fixedphonesymbol} +\newcommand*{\mobilesymbol}{\mobilephonesymbol} +\newcommand*{\faxsymbol}{\faxphonesymbol} + +% compatibility with versions <= 1.5.1 +\newcommand*{\makecvtitlenamewidth}{\makecvheadnamewidth} % only used in header variants 1 and 4, themself used by the classic and oldstyle styles + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvcompatibility.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvdebugtools.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvdebugtools.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a19a192 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvdebugtools.sty @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvdebugtools.sty'. +%% Copyright 2013-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvdebugtools}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter debug tools] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\RequirePackage{tikz} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% debug tools +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% code of \tracedebugvrule and \tracedebughrule provided by Gonzalo Medina on TeX.SX (cfr tex.stackexchange.com/a/110805/10102) +\newcounter{debugrule} +\pgfdeclarelayer{background} +\pgfsetlayers{background,main} + +\DeclareDocumentCommand{\tracedebugvrule}{oO{0pt}}{% + \stepcounter{debugrule}% + \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] + \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} + \coordinate (a\thedebugrule); + \draw[red,thin,#1] + ([xshift=#2]a\thedebugrule|-current page.north) -- ([xshift=#2]a\thedebugrule|-current page.south); + \end{pgfonlayer} + \end{tikzpicture}} + +\DeclareDocumentCommand{\tracedebughrule}{oO{0pt}}{% + \stepcounter{debugrule}% + \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] + \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} + \coordinate (b\thedebugrule); + \draw[red,thin,#1] + ([yshift=#2]b\thedebugrule-|current page.west) -- ([yshift=#2]b\thedebugrule-|current page.east); + \end{pgfonlayer} + \end{tikzpicture}} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvdebugtools.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvfooti.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvfooti.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2e8657 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvfooti.sty @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvfooti.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvfooti}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter footer variant: 1] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% overall foot definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts +\renewcommand*{\addressfont}{\normalsize\mdseries\slshape} + +% symbols +% footer symbol used to separate footer elements +\newcommand*{\footsymbol}{% + {~~~{\rmfamily\textbullet}~~~}}% the \rmfamily is required to force Latin Modern fonts when using sans serif, as OMS/lmss/m/n is not defined and gets substituted by OMS/cmsy/m/n + +% lengths +\@initializelength{\footwidth}% +\renewcommand*{\recomputefootlengths}{% + \setlength{\footwidth}{0.8\textwidth}} + +% commands +% internal command to add an element to the footer +% it collects the elements in a temporary box, and checks when to flush the box +\@initializebox{\footbox}% +\@initializebox{\foottempbox}% +\@initializelength{\footboxwidth}% +\@initializeif{\if@firstfootelement}\@firstfootelementtrue% +% adds an element to the footer, separated by footsymbol +% usage: \addtofoot[footsymbol]{element} +\newcommand*{\addtofoot}[2][\footsymbol]{% + \if@firstfootelement% + \savebox{\foottempbox}{\usebox{\footbox}#2}% + \else% + \savebox{\foottempbox}{\usebox{\footbox}#1#2}\fi% + \settowidth{\footboxwidth}{\usebox{\foottempbox}}% + \ifnum\footboxwidth<\footwidth% + \savebox{\footbox}{\usebox{\foottempbox}}% + \@firstfootelementfalse% + \else% + \flushfoot\\% + \savebox{\footbox}{#2}% + \savebox{\foottempbox}{#2}% + \settowidth{\footboxwidth}{\usebox{\footbox}}% + \@firstfootelementfalse\fi} +% internal command to flush the foot +\newcommand*{\flushfoot}{% + \strut\usebox{\footbox}% + \savebox{\footbox}{}% + \savebox{\foottempbox}{}% + \setlength{\footboxwidth}{0pt}} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% resume foot definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lenghts +\renewcommand*{\recomputecvfootlengths}{\recomputefootlengths} + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\makecvfoot}{% + \recomputecvfootlengths{}% + \fancypagestyle{plain}{% + \fancyfoot[c]{% + \parbox[b]{\footwidth}{% + \centering% + \color{color2}\addressfont% + \vspace{\baselineskip}% forces a white line to ensure space between main text and footer (as footer height can't be known in advance) + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@addressstreet}}{}{\addtofoot[]{\addresssymbol\@addressstreet}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\addtofoot[~--~]{\@addresscity}}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and \addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscountry}{}}{}{\addtofoot[~--~]{\@addresscountry}}% + \flushfoot\@firstfootelementtrue\\}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@born}}{}{\addtofoot{\bornsymbol\@born}\flushfoot\@firstfootelementtrue\\}% + \collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number + \addtofoot{\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@email}}{}{\addtofoot{\emailsymbol\emaillink{\@email}}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@homepage}}{}{\addtofoot{\homepagesymbol\httpslink{\@homepage}}}% + \collectionloop{socials}{% the key holds the social type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the link + \addtofoot{\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@extrainfo}}{}{\addtofoot{\@extrainfo}}% + \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\footboxwidth=0pt}}{}{\flushfoot}% the lengthtest is required to avoid flushing an empty footer, which could cause a blank line due to the \\ after the address, if no other personal info is used + }}}% + \pagestyle{plain}} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% letter foot definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% commands +\renewcommand*{\recomputeletterfootlengths}{\recomputefootlengths} +\renewcommand*{\makeletterfoot}{% + \recomputeletterfootlengths{}% + \fancypagestyle{plain}{% + \fancyfoot[c]{% + \parbox[b]{\footwidth}{% + \centering% + \addressfont\color{color2}% + \vspace{\baselineskip}% forces a white line to ensure space between main text and footer (as footer height can't be known in advance) + \vspace{-\baselineskip}% to cancel out the extra vertical space taken by the name (below) and ensure perfect alignment of letter and cv footers + \strut{\bfseries\upshape\@firstname~\@lastname}\\% the \strut is required to ensure the line is exactly \baselineskip tall + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@addressstreet}}{}{\addtofoot[]{\addresssymbol\@addressstreet}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\addtofoot[~--~]{\@addresscity}}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscountry}{}}{}{\addtofoot[~--~]{\@addresscountry}}% + \flushfoot\@firstfootelementtrue\\}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@born}}{}{\addtofoot{\bornsymbol\@born}\flushfoot\@firstfootelementtrue\\}% + \collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number + \addtofoot{\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@email}}{}{\addtofoot{\emailsymbol\emaillink{\@email}}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@homepage}}{}{\addtofoot{\homepagesymbol\httpslink{\@homepage}}}% + \collectionloop{socials}{% the key holds the social type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the link + \addtofoot{\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@extrainfo}}{}{\addtofoot{\@extrainfo}}% + \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\footboxwidth=0pt}}{}{\flushfoot}% the lengthtest is required to avoid flushing an empty footer, which could cause a blank line due to the \\ after the address, if no other personal info is used + }}}% + \pagestyle{plain}} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvfooti.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadi.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadi.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7e4af5 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadi.sty @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvheadi.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvheadi}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter header variant: 1] + +% details options: "details" (default) or "nodetails" +\@initializeif{\if@details}\@detailsfalse +\DeclareOption{details} {\@detailstrue} +\DeclareOption{nodetails} {\@detailsfalse} + +% left/right options: "left" (default) or "right" +\@initializeif{\if@left} \@leftfalse +\DeclareOption{left} {\@lefttrue\@rightfalse} +\@initializeif{\if@right}\@rightfalse +\DeclareOption{right} {\@leftfalse\@righttrue} + +\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options +\ExecuteOptions{details,left} +\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% overall head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts +\renewcommand*{\namefont}{\fontsize{34}{36}\mdseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\titlefont}{\LARGE\mdseries\slshape} +\renewcommand*{\addressfont}{\small\mdseries\slshape} +\renewcommand*{\quotefont}{\large\slshape} + +% styles +\renewcommand*{\namestyle}[1]{{\namefont\textcolor{color0}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\titlestyle}[1]{{\titlefont\textcolor{color2}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\addressstyle}[1]{{\addressfont\textcolor{color2}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\quotestyle}[1]{{\quotefont\textcolor{color1}{#1}}} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% resume head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lengths +\@initializelength{\quotewidth} +\@initializelength{\makecvheadnamewidth}% optional makecvheadname width to force a certain width (if set/remains to 0pt, the width is calculated automatically) +\renewcommand*{\recomputecvheadlengths}{% + \setlength{\quotewidth}{0.65\textwidth}} + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\makecvhead}{% + % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa) + \recomputecvlengths% + % optional detailed information (pre-rendering) + \@initializebox{\makecvheaddetailsbox}% + \if@details% + \def\phonesdetails{}% + \collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number + \protected@edef\phonesdetails{\phonesdetails\protect\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}% + \def\socialsdetails{}% + \collectionloop{socials}{% the key holds the social type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the link + \protected@edef\socialsdetails{\socialsdetails\protect\makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}% + \savebox{\makecvheaddetailsbox}{% + \addressfont\color{color2}% + \if@left\begin{tabular}[b]{@{}r@{}}\fi% + \if@right\begin{tabular}[b]{@{}l@{}}\fi% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@addressstreet}}{}{\makenewline\addresssymbol\@addressstreet% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscountry}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscountry}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@born}}{}{\makenewline\bornsymbol\@born}% + \phonesdetails% needs to be pre-rendered as loops and tabulars seem to conflict + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@email}}{}{\makenewline\emailsymbol\emaillink{\@email}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@homepage}}{}{\makenewline\homepagesymbol\httpslink{\@homepage}}% + \socialsdetails% needs to be pre-rendered as loops and tabulars seem to conflict + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@extrainfo}}{}{\makenewline\@extrainfo}% + \end{tabular} + }\fi% + % optional photo (pre-rendering) + \@initializebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}% + \savebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}{% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@photo}}% + {}% + {% + \if@left% + \hspace*{\separatorcolumnwidth}\fi% + \color{color1}% + \setlength{\fboxrule}{\@photoframewidth}% + \ifdim\@photoframewidth=0pt% + \setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}\fi% + \framebox{\includegraphics[width=\@photowidth]{\@photo}}}% + \if@right% + \hspace*{\separatorcolumnwidth}\fi}% + % name and title (pre-rendering) + \@initializelength{\makecvheaddetailswidth}\settowidth{\makecvheaddetailswidth}{\usebox{\makecvheaddetailsbox}}% + \@initializelength{\makecvheadpicturewidth}\settowidth{\makecvheadpicturewidth}{\usebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}}% + \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\makecvheadnamewidth=0pt}}% check for dummy value (equivalent to \ifdim\makecvheadnamewidth=0pt) + {\setlength{\makecvheadnamewidth}{\textwidth-\makecvheaddetailswidth-\makecvheadpicturewidth}}% + {}% + \@initializebox{\makecvheadnamebox}% + \savebox{\makecvheadnamebox}{% + \begin{minipage}[b]{\makecvheadnamewidth}% + \if@left\raggedright\fi% + \if@right\raggedleft\fi% + \namestyle{\@firstname\ \@lastname}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@title}{}}{}{\\[1.25em]\titlestyle{\@title}}% + \end{minipage}}% + % rendering + \if@left% + \usebox{\makecvheadnamebox}% + \hfill% + \llap{\usebox{\makecvheaddetailsbox}}% \llap is used to suppress the width of the box, allowing overlap if the value of makecvheadnamewidth is forced + \usebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}\fi% + \if@right% + \usebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}% + \rlap{\usebox{\makecvheaddetailsbox}}% \llap is used to suppress the width of the box, allowing overlap if the value of makecvheadnamewidth is forced + \hfill% + \usebox{\makecvheadnamebox}\fi% + \\[2.5em]% + % optional quote + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@quote}}% + {}% + {{\centering\begin{minipage}{\quotewidth}\centering\quotestyle{\@quote}\end{minipage}\\[2.5em]}}% + \par}% to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \makecvhead + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% letter head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lengths +%\renewcommand*{\recomputeletterheadlengths}{} + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\makeletterhead}{% + % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa) + \recomputeletterlengths% + % sender contact info + \hfill% + \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth}% + % optional detailed information + \if@details% + \raggedleft% + \addressfont\textcolor{color2}{% + {\bfseries\upshape\@firstname~\@lastname}\@firstdetailselementfalse% + % optional detailed information + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@addressstreet}}{}{\makenewline\addresssymbol\@addressstreet% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscountry}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscountry}}% + \collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number + \makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@email}}{}{\makenewline\emailsymbol\emaillink{\@email}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@homepage}}{}{\makenewline\homepagesymbol\httpslink{\@homepage}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@extrainfo}}{}{\makenewline\@extrainfo}}\fi% + \end{minipage}\\[1em] + % recipient block + \begin{minipage}[t]{.5\textwidth} + \raggedright% + \addressfont% + {\bfseries\upshape\@recipientname}\\% + \@recipientaddress% + \end{minipage} + % date + \hfill% US style +% \\[1em]% UK style + \@date\\[2em]% US informal style: "January 1, 1900"; UK formal style: "01/01/1900" + % opening + \raggedright% + \@opening\\[1.5em]% + % ensure no extra spacing after \makelettertitle due to a possible blank line +% \ignorespacesafterend% not working + \hspace{0pt}\par\vspace{-\baselineskip}\vspace{-\parskip}} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvheadi.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadii.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadii.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dccd2fc --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadii.sty @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvheadii.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvheadii}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter header variant: 2] + +% details options: "details" or "nodetails" (default) +\@initializeif{\if@details}\@detailsfalse +\DeclareOption{details}{\@detailstrue} +\DeclareOption{nodetails}{\@detailsfalse} + +% name design options: "alternate" (lowercase names & title, no spacing) +\@initializeif{\if@alternate}\@alternatefalse +\DeclareOption{alternate}{\@alternatetrue} + +% left/right options: "left" or "right" (default) +\@initializeif{\if@left} \@leftfalse +\DeclareOption{left} {\@lefttrue\@rightfalse} +\@initializeif{\if@right}\@rightfalse +\DeclareOption{right} {\@leftfalse\@righttrue} + +\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options +\ExecuteOptions{nodetails,right} +\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% overall head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts +\renewcommand*{\namefont}{\fontsize{38}{40}\mdseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\titlefont}{\LARGE\mdseries\slshape} +\renewcommand*{\addressfont}{\normalsize\mdseries\slshape} +\renewcommand*{\quotefont}{\large\slshape} + +% styles +\renewcommand*{\namestyle}[1]{{\namefont\textcolor{color0}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\titlestyle}[1]{{\titlefont\textcolor{color2}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\addressstyle}[1]{{\addressfont\textcolor{color2}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\quotestyle}[1]{{\quotefont\textcolor{color1}{#1}}} + +% commands +\@initializecommand{\makeheaddetailssymbol}{% + {~~~{\rmfamily\textbullet}~~~}}% the \rmfamily is required to force Latin Modern fonts when using sans serif, as OMS/lmss/m/n is not defined and gets substituted by OMS/cmsy/m/n +% internal command to add an element to the footer +% it collects the elements in a temporary box, and checks when to flush the box +\@initializebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}% +\@initializebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}% +\@initializelength{\makeheaddetailswidth}% +\@initializelength{\makeheaddetailsboxwidth}% +\@initializeif{\if@firstmakeheaddetailselement}\@firstmakeheaddetailselementtrue% +% adds an element to the makehead, separated by makeheadsymbol +% usage: \addtomakehead[makeheadsymbol]{element} +\newcommand*{\addtomakeheaddetails}[2][\makeheaddetailssymbol]{% TODO: use \@initializecommand, which requires modifying its definition to handle mandatory and optional arguments + \if@firstmakeheaddetailselement% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}#2}% + \else% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}#1#2}\fi% + \settowidth{\makeheaddetailsboxwidth}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}}% + \ifnum\makeheaddetailsboxwidth<\makeheaddetailswidth% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}}% + \@firstmakeheaddetailselementfalse% + \else% + \flushmakeheaddetails\\\null% \null is required as there is no box on the line after \\, so glue such as \hfill (and leaders) disappear; this is in contrast to after \par, where the next line starts with an indent box (even after \noindent) + \savebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}{#2}% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}{#2}% + \settowidth{\makeheaddetailsboxwidth}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}}% + \@firstmakeheaddetailselementfalse\fi} +% internal command to flush the makehead +\@initializecommand{\flushmakeheaddetails}{% + \if@right\hfill\fi% + \strut\usebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}{}% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}{}% + \setlength{\makeheaddetailsboxwidth}{0pt}} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% resume head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lengths +\@initializelength{\quotewidth} +\renewcommand*{\recomputecvheadlengths}{% + \setlength{\makeheaddetailswidth}{\textwidth}% + \setlength{\quotewidth}{0.65\textwidth}} + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\makecvhead}{% TODO: use \@initializecommand, which requires modifying its definition to handle \par + % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa) + \recomputecvlengths% + % optional picture (pre-rendering) + \@initializebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}% + \savebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}{% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@photo}}% + {}% + {% + \setlength\fboxrule{\@photoframewidth}% + \ifdim\@photoframewidth=0pt% + \setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}\fi% + {\color{color1}\framebox{\includegraphics[width=\@photowidth]{\@photo}}}}}% + % name (pre-rendering) + \@initializelength{\makecvheadpicturewidth}% + \settowidth{\makecvheadpicturewidth}{\usebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}}% + \@initializebox{\makecvheadnamebox}% + \savebox{\makecvheadnamebox}{% + \parbox[b]{\textwidth-\makecvheadpicturewidth}{% + \if@left\raggedright\fi% + \if@right\raggedleft\fi% + \namefont% + \if@alternate% alternate design: first- and lastname in lowercase with no space in between (distinction is made by color difference) + {\color{color2!50}\MakeLowercase\@firstname}{\color{color2}\MakeLowercase\@lastname}% + \else% default design: first- and lastname as given with a space in between + {\color{color2!50}\@firstname} {\color{color2}\@lastname}\fi}}% + % rendering + \if@left% + \usebox{\makecvheadnamebox}% + \usebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}\fi + \if@right% + \usebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}% + \usebox{\makecvheadnamebox}\fi\\[-.35em]% + {\color{color2!50}\rule{\textwidth}{.25ex}}% + % optional detailed information + \if@details{% + \\\null% + \addressfont\color{color2}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@addressstreet}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\addresssymbol\@addressstreet}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails[~--~]{\@addresscity}}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and \addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscountry}{}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails[~--~]{\@addresscountry}}% + \flushmakeheaddetails\@firstmakeheaddetailselementtrue\\\null}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@born}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\bornsymbol\@born}}% + \collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number + \addtomakeheaddetails{\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@email}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\emailsymbol\emaillink{\@email}}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@homepage}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\homepagesymbol\httpslink{\@homepage}}}% + \collectionloop{socials}{% the key holds the social type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the link + \addtomakeheaddetails{\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@extrainfo}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\@extrainfo}}% + \flushmakeheaddetails}\fi% need to force a \par after this to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \makehead + % optional title + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@title}{}}{}{% + \\[1.25em]\null% \null is required as there is no box on the line after \\, so glue such as \hfill (and leaders) disappear; this is in contrast to after \par, where the next line starts with an indent box (even after \noindent) + \if@right\hfill\fi% + \if@alternate% + \titlestyle{\MakeLowercase\@title}% + \else% + \titlestyle{\@title}\fi% + }\\[2.5em]% + % optional quote + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@quote}}% + {}% + {{\null\hfill% + \begin{minipage}{\quotewidth}% + \centering% + \quotestyle{\@quote}% + \end{minipage}\hfill\null\\[2.5em]}}% + \par}% to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \maketitle + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% letter head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lengths +%\renewcommand*{\recomputeletterheadlengths}{} + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\makeletterhead}{% + % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa) + \recomputeletterlengths% + % recipient block + \begin{minipage}[t]{.5\textwidth} + \raggedright% + \addressfont% + {\bfseries\upshape\@recipientname}\\% + \@recipientaddress% + \end{minipage} + % date + \hfill% US style +% \\[1em]% UK style + \@date\\[2em]% US informal style: "January 1, 1900"; UK formal style: "01/01/1900" + % opening + \raggedright% + \@opening\\[1.5em]% + % ensure no extra spacing after \makelettertitle due to a possible blank line +% \ignorespacesafterend% not working + \hspace{0pt}\par\vspace{-\baselineskip}\vspace{-\parskip}} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvheadii.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadiii.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadiii.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c13f1bf --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadiii.sty @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvheadiii.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvheadiii}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter header variant: 3] + +% details options: "details" (default) or "nodetails" +\@initializeif{\if@details}\@detailsfalse +\DeclareOption{details}{\@detailstrue} +\DeclareOption{nodetails}{\@detailsfalse} + +\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options +\ExecuteOptions{details} +\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% overall head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts +\renewcommand*{\namefont}{\Huge\bfseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\titlefont}{\Huge\mdseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\addressfont}{\normalsize\mdseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\quotefont}{\large\slshape} + +% styles +\renewcommand*{\namestyle}[1]{{\namefont\textcolor{color1}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\titlestyle}[1]{{\titlefont\textcolor{color2!85}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\addressstyle}[1]{{\addressfont\textcolor{color2}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\quotestyle}[1]{{\quotefont\textcolor{color1}{#1}}} + +% commands +\@initializecommand{\makeheaddetailssymbol}{% + {~~~{\rmfamily\textbullet}~~~}}% the \rmfamily is required to force Latin Modern fonts when using sans serif, as OMS/lmss/m/n is not defined and gets substituted by OMS/cmsy/m/n +% internal command to add an element to the footer +% it collects the elements in a temporary box, and checks when to flush the box +\@initializebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}% +\@initializebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}% +\@initializelength{\makeheaddetailswidth}% +\@initializelength{\makeheaddetailsboxwidth}% +\@initializeif{\if@firstmakeheaddetailselement}\@firstmakeheaddetailselementtrue% +% adds an element to the makehead, separated by makeheadsymbol +% usage: \addtomakehead[makeheadsymbol]{element} +\newcommand*{\addtomakeheaddetails}[2][\makeheaddetailssymbol]{% TODO: use \@initializecommand, which requires modifying its definition to handle mandatory and optional arguments + \if@firstmakeheaddetailselement% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}#2}% + \else% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}#1#2}\fi% + \settowidth{\makeheaddetailsboxwidth}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}}% + \ifnum\makeheaddetailsboxwidth<\makeheaddetailswidth% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}}% + \@firstmakeheaddetailselementfalse% + \else% + \flushmakeheaddetails\\% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}{#2}% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}{#2}% + \settowidth{\makeheaddetailsboxwidth}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}}% + \@firstmakeheaddetailselementfalse\fi} +% internal command to flush the makehead +\@initializecommand{\flushmakeheaddetails}{% + \ifnum\makeheaddetailsboxwidth>0% + \strut\usebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}{}% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}{}% + \setlength{\makeheaddetailsboxwidth}{0pt}\fi} +\@initializecommand{\makehead}{% + \setlength{\makeheaddetailswidth}{0.8\textwidth}% + \hfil% + \parbox{\makeheaddetailswidth}{% + \centering% + % name and title + \namestyle{\@firstname~\@lastname}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@title}{}}{}{\titlestyle{~|~\@title}}% \isundefined doesn't work on \@title, as LaTeX itself defines \@title (before it possibly gets redefined by \title) + % optional detailed information + \if@details{% + \\% + \addressfont\color{color2}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@addressstreet}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\addresssymbol\@addressstreet}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails[~--~]{\@addresscity}}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and \addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscountry}{}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails[~--~]{\@addresscountry}}% + \flushmakeheaddetails\@firstmakeheaddetailselementtrue\\}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@born}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\bornsymbol\@born}}% + \collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number + \addtomakeheaddetails{\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@email}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\emailsymbol\emaillink{\@email}}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@homepage}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\homepagesymbol\httpslink{\@homepage}}}% + \collectionloop{socials}{% the key holds the social type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the link + \addtomakeheaddetails{\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@extrainfo}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\@extrainfo}}% + \flushmakeheaddetails}\fi}\\[2.5em]}% need to force a \par after this to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \makehead + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% resume head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lengths +\@initializelength{\quotewidth} +\renewcommand*{\recomputecvheadlengths}{% + \setlength{\quotewidth}{0.65\textwidth}} + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\makecvhead}{% TODO: use \@initializecommand, which requires modifying its definition to handle \par + % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa) + \recomputecvlengths% + \makehead% + % optional quote + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@quote}}% + {}% + {{\centering\begin{minipage}{\quotewidth}\centering\quotestyle{\@quote}\end{minipage}\\[2.5em]}}% + \par}% to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \maketitle} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% letter head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lengths +%\renewcommand*{\recomputeletterheadlengths}{} + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\makeletterhead}{% + % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa) + \recomputeletterlengths% + % sender block + \makehead% + \par% + % recipient block + \begin{minipage}[t]{.5\textwidth} + \raggedright% + \addressfont% + {\bfseries\upshape\@recipientname}\\% + \@recipientaddress% + \end{minipage} + % date + \hfill% US style +% \\[1em]% UK style + \@date\\[2em]% US informal style: "January 1, 1900"; UK formal style: "01/01/1900" + % opening + \raggedright% + \@opening\\[1.5em]% + % ensure no extra spacing after \makelettertitle due to a possible blank line +% \ignorespacesafterend% not working + \hspace{0pt}\par\vspace{-\baselineskip}\vspace{-\parskip}} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvheadiii.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadiv.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadiv.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8cf4f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadiv.sty @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvheadiv.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvheadiv}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter header variant: 4] + +% details options: "details" (default) or "nodetails" +\@initializeif{\if@details}\@detailsfalse +\DeclareOption{details}{\@detailstrue} +\DeclareOption{nodetails}{\@detailsfalse} + +\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options +\ExecuteOptions{details} +\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% change the layout of the page on the fly, for resume or letter layout +\RequirePackage{changepage} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% overall head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts +\renewcommand*{\namefont}{\fontsize{34}{36}\mdseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\titlefont}{\LARGE\mdseries\slshape} +\renewcommand*{\addressfont}{\small\mdseries} +\renewcommand*{\quotefont}{\large\itshape} + +% styles +\renewcommand*{\namestyle}[1]{{\namefont\textcolor{color0}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\titlestyle}[1]{{\titlefont\textcolor{color2}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\addressstyle}[1]{{\addressfont\textcolor{color2}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\quotestyle}[1]{{\quotefont\textcolor{color1}{#1}}} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% resume head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lengths +\@initializelength{\quotewidth} +\@initializelength{\makecvheadnamewidth}% optional makecvheadname width to force a certain width (if set/remains to 0pt, the width is calculated automatically) +\setlength{\marginparwidth}{0\p@} +\setlength{\marginparsep}{0\p@} +\renewcommand*{\recomputecvheadlengths}{% + \changepage{}{+\marginparwidth+\marginparsep}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}% if a letter was typeset before the resume, \marginparwidth and \marginparsep will be non-zero; otherwise, this has no effect + \setlength{\marginparwidth}{0\p@}% + \setlength{\marginparsep}{0\p@}% + \setlength{\quotewidth}{0.85\textwidth}} + +% commands +\newcommand*{\makecvheadinfo}[1]{% TODO: use \@initializecommand, which requires modifying its definition to handle mandatory and optional arguments + \newbox{\makecvheadinfobox}% + \savebox{\makecvheadinfobox}{\parbox[t]{\hintscolumnwidth}{#1}}% + \newlength{\makecvheadinfoheight}% + \setlength{\makecvheadinfoheight}{\totalheightof{\usebox{\makecvheadinfobox}}}% the total height of the parbox is the sum of its height (\the\ht\makeinfobox) and its depth (\the\dp\makeinfobox); the \totalheightof command is provided by the "calc" package + \usebox{\makecvheadinfobox}\vspace{-\makecvheadinfoheight}% +% \newlength{\leftcolumnwidth}% +% \setlength{\leftcolumnwidth}{\hintscolumnwidth+\separatorcolumnwidth}% +% \par\vspace{-\baselineskip}\vspace{-\parskip}\leftskip=\leftcolumnwidth% + \par\vspace{-\baselineskip}\vspace{-\parskip}% + \leftskip=\dimexpr\hintscolumnwidth+\separatorcolumnwidth\relax% \dimexpr require e-TeX engine extensions + \recomputecvlengths} % need to recompute the layout lenghts as we just changed \leftskip +\renewcommand*{\makecvhead}{ + % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa) + \recomputecvlengths% + % optional picture box + \newbox{\makecvheadpicturebox}% + \savebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}{% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@photo}}% + {}% + {% + \color{color1}% + \setlength\fboxrule{\@photoframewidth}% + \ifdim\@photoframewidth=0pt% + \setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}\fi% + \framebox{\includegraphics[width=\@photowidth]{\@photo}}}}% + % name and optional title + \newlength{\makecvheadpicturewidth}\settowidth{\makecvheadpicturewidth}{\usebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}}% + \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\makecvheadnamewidth=0pt}}% check for dummy value (equivalent to \ifdim\makecvheadnamewidth=0pt) + {\setlength{\makecvheadnamewidth}{\textwidth-\makecvheadpicturewidth}}% + {}% + \begin{minipage}[b]{\makecvheadnamewidth}% + \namestyle{\@firstname\ \@lastname}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@title}{}}{}{\\[1.25em]\titlestyle{\@title}}% + \end{minipage}% + % optional photo + \usebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}\\[2.5em]% + % optional quote + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@quote}}% + {}% + {{\centering\begin{minipage}{\quotewidth}\centering\quotestyle{\@quote}\end{minipage}\\[2.5em]}}% + % optional details + \if@details% + \makecvheadinfo{% + \addressfont\color{color2}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@addressstreet}}{}{\makenewline\addresssymbol\@addressstreet% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and \addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscountry}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscountry}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@born}}{}{\makenewline\hbox to 1.0em{\bornsymbol}~\@born}% + \collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number + \makenewline\hbox to 1.0em{\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname}~\collectionloopitem}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@email}}{}{\makenewline\hbox to 1.0em{\emailsymbol}~\emaillink{\@email}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@homepage}}{}{\makenewline\hbox to 1.0em{\homepagesymbol}~\httpslink{\@homepage}}% + \collectionloop{socials}{% the key holds the social type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the link + \makenewline\hbox to 1.0em{\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname}~\collectionloopitem}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@extrainfo}}{}{\makenewline\@extrainfo}}\fi} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% letter head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lengths +%\newlength{\textwidthdelta}% +\renewcommand*{\recomputeletterheadlengths}{% + \recomputecvlengths% +% \setlength{\textwidthdelta}{+\marginparwidth+\marginparsep}% +% \addtolength{\textwidthdelta}{-\marginparwidth-\marginparsep}% +% \changepage{}{\textwidthdelta}{-\textwidthdelta}{}{}{}{}{}{}%\changepage{<textheight>}{<textwidth>}{<evensidemargin>}{<oddsidemargin>}{<columnsep>}{<topmargin>}{<headheight>}{<headsep>}{<footskip>} + \setlength{\marginparwidth}{\hintscolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\marginparsep}{2\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \changepage{}{-\marginparwidth-\marginparsep}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}%\changepage{<textheight>}{<textwidth>}{<evensidemargin>}{<oddsidemargin>}{<columnsep>}{<topmargin>}{<headheight>}{<headsep>}{<footskip>} + } + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\makeletterhead}{% + % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa) + \leftskip=0pt% needs to be set before \recomputeletterlengths + \recomputeletterlengths% + % recipient block + {\addressfont% + {\bfseries\upshape\@recipientname}\\% + \@recipientaddress}\\[1em]% + % date + \@date\\[2em]% + % opening + \@opening\\[1.5em]% + % sender contact info + \if@details% + \hspace{0pt}% + \marginpar{% + \addressfont\textcolor{color2}{% + {\bfseries\@firstname~\@lastname}\@firstdetailselementfalse% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@addressstreet}}{}{\makenewline\addresssymbol\@addressstreet% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and \addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscountry}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscountry}}% + \collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number + \makenewline\hbox to 1.0em{\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname}~\collectionloopitem}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@email}}{}{\makenewline\hbox to 1.0em{\emailsymbol}~\emaillink{\@email}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@homepage}}{}{\makenewline\hbox to 1.0em{\homepagesymbol}~\httpslink{\@homepage}}% + \collectionloop{socials}{% the key holds the social type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the link + \makenewline\hbox to 1.0em{\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname}~\collectionloopitem}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@extrainfo}}{}{\makenewline\@extrainfo}}}% + % ensure no extra spacing after \makelettertitle due to a possible blank line + %\ignorespacesafterend% not working + \par\vspace{-\baselineskip}\vspace{-\parskip}\fi} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvheadiv.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadv.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadv.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1bed096 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadv.sty @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvheadv.sty'. +%% Copyright 2015-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvheadv}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter header variant: 5] + +% details options: "details" (default) or "nodetails" +\@initializeif{\if@details}\@detailsfalse +\DeclareOption{details} {\@detailstrue} +\DeclareOption{nodetails} {\@detailsfalse} + +\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options +\ExecuteOptions{details} +\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% overall head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts +\renewcommand*{\namefont}{\fontsize{34}{36}\mdseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\titlefont}{\LARGE\mdseries\slshape} +\renewcommand*{\addressfont}{\small\mdseries\slshape} +\renewcommand*{\quotefont}{\large\slshape} + +% styles +\renewcommand*{\namestyle}[1]{{\namefont\textcolor{color0}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\titlestyle}[1]{{\titlefont\textcolor{color2}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\addressstyle}[1]{{\addressfont\textcolor{color2}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\quotestyle}[1]{{\quotefont\textcolor{color1}{#1}}} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% resume head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lengths +\@initializelength{\quotewidth} +\renewcommand*{\recomputecvheadlengths}{% + \setlength{\quotewidth}{0.65\textwidth}} + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\makecvhead}{% + % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa) + \recomputecvlengths% + % optional photo (pre-rendering) + \@initializebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}% + \savebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}{% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@photo}}% + {}% + {% + \color{color1}% + \setlength{\fboxrule}{\@photoframewidth}% + \ifdim\@photoframewidth=0pt% + \setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}\fi% + \framebox{\includegraphics[width=\@photowidth]{\@photo}}}}% + % rendering + \@makecvtitle% + {% + \raggedleft% + % optional photo + \usebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}% + % optional details + \if@details% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@photo}}{}{\\[0.5em]}% + \addressfont\color{color2}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@addressstreet}}{}{\makenewline\addresssymbol\@addressstreet% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and \addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscountry}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscountry}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@born}}{}{\makenewline\bornsymbol~\@born}% + \collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number + \makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname~\collectionloopitem}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@email}}{}{\makenewline\emailsymbol~\emaillink{\@email}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@homepage}}{}{\makenewline\homepagesymbol~\httpslink{\@homepage}}% + \collectionloop{socials}{% the key holds the social type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the link + \makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname~\collectionloopitem}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@extrainfo}}{}{\makenewline\@extrainfo}\fi}% + {% + % name and optional title + \newlength{\makecvheadpictureboxskip}% + \setlength{\makecvheadpictureboxskip}{\totalheightof{\usebox{\makecvheadpicturebox}}}% + \namestyle{\@firstname\ \@lastname}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@title}{}}{ + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@quote}}% + {}% + {\\[1.25em]\begin{minipage}{\quotewidth}\quotestyle{\@quote}\end{minipage}\\[2.5em]} + }{ + \\[1.25em]\titlestyle{\@title}\\[2.5em]% + % optional quote + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@quote}}% + {}% + {\begin{minipage}{\quotewidth}\quotestyle{\@quote}\end{minipage}\\[2.5em]}}}% + \par}% to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \makecvhead + +% underlying command to implement \makecvtitle, identical to \@cvitem from moderncvbodyv +\let\standarddoublebackslash\\% +\newcommand*{\@makecvtitle}[3][.5ex]{% + \arrayrulecolor{color1}% + \setlength\arrayrulewidth{1.2\p@}% + \if@aftersection\else% + \vspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\fi% HACK; I don't understand where the space is coming from, nor what it's exact value is :( + \noindent% + \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}p{\hintscolumnwidth}@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}|@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}p{\maincolumnwidth}@{}}% + \@moderncvstrut{4pt}{16pt}% + \begin{minipage}[t]{\hintscolumnwidth}#2\end{minipage} + &\begin{minipage}[t]{\maincolumnwidth}#3\end{minipage}% + \\[#1]% the spacing needs to be inside the cell for the vertical rule to extend correctly + \end{tabular}% + \par\@aftersectionfalse\ignorespaces} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% letter head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lengths +%\renewcommand*{\recomputeletterheadlengths}{} + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\makeletterhead}{% + % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa) + \recomputeletterlengths% + % sender contact info + \hfill% + \begin{minipage}{.5\textwidth}% + % optional detailed information + \if@details% + \raggedleft% + \addressfont\textcolor{color2}{% + {\bfseries\upshape\@firstname~\@lastname}\@firstdetailselementfalse% + % optional detailed information + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@addressstreet}}{}{\makenewline\addresssymbol\@addressstreet% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscity}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscountry}{}}{}{\makenewline\@addresscountry}}% + \collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number + \makenewline\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@email}}{}{\makenewline\emailsymbol\emaillink{\@email}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@homepage}}{}{\makenewline\homepagesymbol\httpslink{\@homepage}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@extrainfo}}{}{\makenewline\@extrainfo}}\fi% + \end{minipage}\\[1em] + % recipient block + \begin{minipage}[t]{.5\textwidth} + \raggedright% + \addressfont% + {\bfseries\upshape\@recipientname}\\% + \@recipientaddress% + \end{minipage} + % date + \hfill% US style +% \\[1em]% UK style + \@date\\[2em]% US informal style: "January 1, 1900"; UK formal style: "01/01/1900" + % opening + \raggedright% + \@opening\\[1.5em]% + % ensure no extra spacing after \makelettertitle due to a possible blank line +% \ignorespacesafterend% not working + \hspace{0pt}\par\vspace{-\baselineskip}\vspace{-\parskip}} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvheadv.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadvi.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadvi.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0734552 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvheadvi.sty @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvheadvi.sty'. +%% Copyright 2015-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvheadvi}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter header: 6] + +% details options: "details" (default) or "nodetails" +\@initializeif{\if@details}\@detailsfalse +\DeclareOption{details}{\@detailstrue} +\DeclareOption{nodetails}{\@detailsfalse} + +% left/right options: "left" (default) or "right" +\@initializeif{\if@left} \@leftfalse +\DeclareOption{left} {\@lefttrue\@rightfalse} +\@initializeif{\if@right}\@rightfalse +\DeclareOption{right} {\@leftfalse\@righttrue} + +\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options +\ExecuteOptions{details, left} +\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% overall head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts +\renewcommand*{\namefont}{\Huge\bfseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\titlefont}{\Huge\mdseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\addressfont}{\normalsize\mdseries\upshape} +\renewcommand*{\quotefont}{\large\slshape} + +% styles +\renewcommand*{\namestyle}[1]{{\namefont\textcolor{color1}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\titlestyle}[1]{{\titlefont\textcolor{color2!85}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\addressstyle}[1]{{\addressfont\textcolor{color2}{#1}}} +\renewcommand*{\quotestyle}[1]{{\quotefont\textcolor{color1}{#1}}} + +% commands +\@initializecommand{\makehead}{% + \setlength{\makeheaddetailswidth}{\textwidth}% + % name and title + \if@left\hfill\fi% + \namestyle{\@firstname~\@lastname}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@title}{}}{}{\titlestyle{~|~\@title}}\\[-.35em]% \isundefined doesn't work on \@title, as LaTeX itself defines \@title (before it possibly gets redefined by \title) + % rule + {\color{color1}\rule{\textwidth}{.25ex}}} + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% resume head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lengths +\@initializelength{\quotewidth} +\renewcommand*{\recomputecvheadlengths}{% + \setlength{\quotewidth}{0.65\textwidth}} + +% commands +\@initializecommand{\makeheaddetailssymbol}{% + {~~~{\rmfamily\textbullet}~~~}}% the \rmfamily is required to force Latin Modern fonts when using sans serif, as OMS/lmss/m/n is not defined and gets substituted by OMS/cmsy/m/n +% internal command to add an element to the footer +% it collects the elements in a temporary box, and checks when to flush the box +\@initializebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}% +\@initializebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}% +\@initializelength{\makeheaddetailswidth}% +\@initializelength{\makeheaddetailsboxwidth}% +\@initializeif{\if@firstmakeheaddetailselement}\@firstmakeheaddetailselementtrue% +% adds an element to the makehead, separated by makeheadsymbol +% usage: \addtomakehead[makeheadsymbol]{element} +\newcommand*{\addtomakeheaddetails}[2][\makeheaddetailssymbol]{% TODO: use \@initializecommand, which requires modifying its definition to handle mandatory and optional arguments + \if@firstmakeheaddetailselement% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}#2}% + \else% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}#1#2}\fi% + \settowidth{\makeheaddetailsboxwidth}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}}% + \ifnum\makeheaddetailsboxwidth<\makeheaddetailswidth% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}}% + \@firstmakeheaddetailselementfalse% + \else% + \flushmakeheaddetails\\\null% \null is required as there is no box on the line after \\, so glue such as \hfill (and leaders) disappear; this is in contrast to after \par, where the next line starts with an indent box (even after \noindent) + \savebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}{#2}% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}{#2}% + \settowidth{\makeheaddetailsboxwidth}{\usebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}}% + \@firstmakeheaddetailselementfalse\fi} +% internal command to flush the makehead +\@initializecommand{\flushmakeheaddetails}{% + \if@right\hfill\fi% + \strut\usebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailsbox}{}% + \savebox{\makeheaddetailstempbox}{}% + \setlength{\makeheaddetailsboxwidth}{0pt}} +\renewcommand*{\makecvhead}{% TODO: use \@initializecommand, which requires modifying its definition to handle \par + % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa) + \recomputecvlengths% + \makehead% + % optional detailed information + \if@details{% + \\\null% + \addressfont\color{color2}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@addressstreet}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\addresssymbol\@addressstreet}% + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails[~--~]{\@addresscity}}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and \addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty + \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscountry}{}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails[~--~]{\@addresscountry}}% + \flushmakeheaddetails\@firstmakeheaddetailselementtrue\\\null}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@born}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\bornsymbol\@born}}% + \collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number + \addtomakeheaddetails{\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@email}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\emailsymbol\emaillink{\@email}}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@homepage}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\homepagesymbol\httpslink{\@homepage}}}% + \collectionloop{socials}{% the key holds the social type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the link + \addtomakeheaddetails{\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}% + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@extrainfo}}{}{\addtomakeheaddetails{\@extrainfo}}% + \flushmakeheaddetails}\fi% need to force a \par after this to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \makehead; not forcing it here because of the possible quote + % optional quote + \ifthenelse{\isundefined{\@quote}}% + {}% + {{\\[1.25em]\null\hfill% + \begin{minipage}{\quotewidth}% + \centering\quotestyle{\@quote}% + \end{minipage}\hfill\null}}\\[2.5em]% + \par}% to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \maketitle} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% letter head definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% lengths +%\renewcommand*{\recomputeletterheadlengths}{} + +% commands +\renewcommand*{\makeletterhead}{% + % recompute lengths (in case we are switching from letter to resume, or vice versa) + \recomputeletterlengths% + % sender block + \makehead\\[2.5em]% + \par% to avoid weird spacing bug at the first section if no blank line is left after \maketitle} + % recipient block + \begin{minipage}[t]{.5\textwidth} + \raggedright% + \addressfont% + {\bfseries\upshape\@recipientname}\\% + \@recipientaddress% + \end{minipage} + % date + \hfill% US style +% \\[1em]% UK style + \@date\\[2em]% US informal style: "January 1, 1900"; UK formal style: "01/01/1900" + % opening + \raggedright% + \@opening\\[1.5em]% + % ensure no extra spacing after \makelettertitle due to a possible blank line +% \ignorespacesafterend% not working + \hspace{0pt}\par\vspace{-\baselineskip}\vspace{-\parskip}} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvheadvi.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncviconsawesome.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncviconsawesome.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c833d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncviconsawesome.sty @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +%% start of file `moderncviconsawesome.sty'. +%% Copyright 2013-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncviconsawesome}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter icons: awesome] + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% Font Awesome font +\RequirePackage{fontawesome5} +% Package for academic icons +\RequirePackage{academicons} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% symbols definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\renewcommand*{\labelitemi} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\tiny\faCircle}} +%\renewcommand*{\labelitemii} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\large\bfseries-}} % no change from default in moderncv.cls +%\renewcommand*{\labelitemiii} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\rmfamily\textperiodcentered}}% no change from default in moderncv.cls +%\renewcommand*{\labelitemiv} {\labelitemiii} % no change from default in moderncv.cls + + +\renewcommand*{\addresssymbol} {} +\renewcommand*{\mobilephonesymbol} {{\small\faMobile}~} +\renewcommand*{\fixedphonesymbol} {{\small\faPhone}~} +\renewcommand*{\faxphonesymbol} {{\small\faFax}~} % alternative: \faPrint +\renewcommand*{\emailsymbol} {{\small\faEnvelope}~} % alternative: \faInbox +\renewcommand*{\homepagesymbol} {{\small\faGlobe}~} % alternative: \faHome +\renewcommand*{\linkedinsocialsymbol} {{\small\faLinkedin}~} % alternative: \faLinkedinSquare +\renewcommand*{\xingsocialsymbol} {{\small\faXing}~} % alternative: \faXingSquare +\renewcommand*{\twittersocialsymbol} {{\small\faTwitter}~} % alternative: \faTwitterSquare +\renewcommand*{\githubsocialsymbol} {{\small\faGithub}~} % alternative: \faGithubSquare, \faGithubSquare +\renewcommand*{\gitlabsocialsymbol} {{\small\faGitlab}~} +\renewcommand*{\stackoverflowsocialsymbol}{{\small\faStackOverflow}~} +\renewcommand*{\bitbucketsocialsymbol} {{\small\faBitbucket}~} +\renewcommand*{\skypesocialsymbol} {{\small\faSkype}~} +\renewcommand*{\orcidsocialsymbol} {{\small\aiOrcid}~} +\renewcommand*{\researchgatesocialsymbol} {{\small\aiResearchGate}~} +\renewcommand*{\researcheridsocialsymbol} {{\small\aiResearcherID}~} % alternative: \aiResearcherIDSquare +\renewcommand*{\telegramsocialsymbol} {{\small\faTelegram}~} +\renewcommand*{\googlescholarsocialsymbol}{{\small\aiGoogleScholar}~} +\renewcommand*{\telegramsocialsymbol} {{\small\faTelegram}~} +\renewcommand*{\whatsappsocialsymbol} {{\small\faWhatsapp}~} +\renewcommand*{\signalsocialsymbol} {} +\renewcommand*{\matrixsocialsymbol} {} +\renewcommand*{\bornsymbol} {{\small\faAsterisk}~} + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncviconsawesome.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncviconsletters.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncviconsletters.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20c74f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncviconsletters.sty @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +%% start of file `moderncviconsletters.sty'. +%% Copyright 2013-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncviconsletters}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter icons: letters] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% MarVoSym font +%\RequirePackage{marvosym} +\newcommand*{\marvosymbol}[1]{} +%\ifxetexorluatex +% \renewcommand*{\marvosymbol}[1]{{\fontspec{MarVoSym}\char#1}} +%\else + \renewcommand*{\marvosymbol}[1]{{\fontfamily{mvs}\fontencoding{U}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{n}\selectfont\char#1}} +%\fi + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% symbols definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\renewcommand*{\labelitemi} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\marvosymbol{123}}} % equivalent to \Neutral from marvosym package; alternative: \fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{ding}\selectfont\tiny\symbol{'102} +%\renewcommand*{\labelitemii} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\large\bfseries-}} % no change from default in moderncv.cls +%\renewcommand*{\labelitemiii} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\rmfamily\textperiodcentered}}% no change from default in moderncv.cls +%\renewcommand*{\labelitemiv} {\labelitemiii} % no change from default in moderncv.cls + +\renewcommand*{\addresssymbol} {} +\renewcommand*{\mobilephonesymbol} {\textbf{M}~} +\renewcommand*{\fixedphonesymbol} {\textbf{T}~} +\renewcommand*{\faxphonesymbol} {\textbf{F}~} +\renewcommand*{\emailsymbol} {\textbf{E}~} +\renewcommand*{\homepagesymbol} {\textbf{W}~} +\renewcommand*{\linkedinsocialsymbol} {\textbf{in}~} +\renewcommand*{\xingsocialsymbol} {\textbf{xi}~} +\renewcommand*{\twittersocialsymbol} {\textbf{tw}~} +\renewcommand*{\githubsocialsymbol} {\textbf{gh}~} +\renewcommand*{\gitlabsocialsymbol} {\textbf{gl}~} +\renewcommand*{\stackoverflowsocialsymbol}{\textbf{so}~} +\renewcommand*{\bitbucketsocialsymbol} {\textbf{bb}~} +\renewcommand*{\skypesocialsymbol} {\textbf{sk}~} +\renewcommand*{\orcidsocialsymbol} {\textbf{orcid}~} +\renewcommand*{\researchgatesocialsymbol} {\textbf{rg}~} +\renewcommand*{\researcheridsocialsymbol} {\textbf{ri}~} +\renewcommand*{\telegramsocialsymbol} {\textbf{tg}~} +\renewcommand*{\whatsappsocialsymbol} {\textbf{wa}~} +\renewcommand*{\signalsocialsymbol} {\textbf{si}~} +\renewcommand*{\matrixsocialsymbol} {\textbf{ma}~} +\renewcommand*{\googlescholarsocialsymbol}{\textbf{gs}~} +\renewcommand*{\bornsymbol} {\textbf{B}~} + +\renewcommand*{\listitemsymbol} {\labelitemi~} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncviconsletters.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncviconsmarvosym.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncviconsmarvosym.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34962fa --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncviconsmarvosym.sty @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +%% start of file `moderncviconsmarvosym.sty'. +%% Copyright 2013-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncviconsmarvosym}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter icons: marvosym] + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% MarVoSym font +%\RequirePackage{marvosym} +\newcommand*{\marvosymbol}[1]{} +%\ifxetexorluatex +% \renewcommand*{\marvosymbol}[1]{{\fontspec{MarVoSym}\char#1}} +%\else + \renewcommand*{\marvosymbol}[1]{{\fontfamily{mvs}\fontencoding{U}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{n}\selectfont\char#1}} +%\fi + +% tikz drawings +\RequirePackage{tikz} + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% symbols definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\renewcommand*{\labelitemi} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\marvosymbol{123}}} % equivalent to \Neutral from marvosym package; alternative: \fontencoding{U}\fontfamily{ding}\selectfont\tiny\symbol{'102} +%\renewcommand*{\labelitemii} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\large\bfseries-}} % no change from default in moderncv.cls +%\renewcommand*{\labelitemiii} {\strut\textcolor{color1}{\rmfamily\textperiodcentered}}% no change from default in moderncv.cls +%\renewcommand*{\labelitemiv} {\labelitemiii} % no change from default in moderncv.cls + +\renewcommand*{\addresssymbol} {} +\renewcommand*{\mobilephonesymbol} {\marvosymbol{72}~} +\renewcommand*{\fixedphonesymbol} {\marvosymbol{84}~} +\renewcommand*{\faxphonesymbol} {\marvosymbol{117}~} +\renewcommand*{\emailsymbol} {\marvosymbol{66}~} +\renewcommand*{\homepagesymbol} {{\Large\marvosymbol{205}}~} +\renewcommand*{\linkedinsocialsymbol}{% + \protect\raisebox{-0.165em}{% + \protect\begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.08em, y=0.08em, xscale=0.25, yscale=-0.25, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt] + \protect\begin{scope}[cm={{0.60,0.0,0.0,0.60,(346.39,123.07)}}] + \protect\path[fill=color2] + (381,202) -- (434,202) .. controls (439,202) and (442,205) .. + (442,210) -- (442,264) .. controls (442,268) and (439,272) .. + (434,272) -- (381,272) .. controls (376,272) and (372,268) .. + (372,264) -- (372,210) .. controls (372,205) and (376,202) .. + (381,202) -- cycle; + \protect\begin{scope}[xscale=0.98, yscale=1.02, fill=white] + \protect\path[fill=white] + (403,253) -- (403,224) -- (394,224) -- (394,253) -- + cycle(398,211) .. controls (397,211) and (395,212) .. + (395,213) .. controls (394,213) and (393,215) .. + (393,216) .. controls (393,217) and (394,218) .. + (395,219) .. controls (395,220) and (397,220) .. + (398,220) .. controls (400,220) and (401,220) .. + (402,219) .. controls (402,218) and (403,217) .. + (403,216) .. controls (403,215) and (402,213) .. + (402,213) .. controls (401,212) and (400,211) .. + (398,211) -- cycle; + \protect\path[fill=white] + (410,253) -- (419,253) -- + (419,236) .. controls (419,236) and (419,235) .. + (419,235) .. controls (419,235) and (419,234) .. + (419,234) .. controls (419,233) and (420,232) .. + (421,232) .. controls (422,231) and (423,231) .. + (424,231) .. controls (425,231) and (427,231) .. + (427,232) .. controls (428,234) and (428,235) .. + (428,237) -- (428,253) -- (437,253) -- + (437,236) .. controls (437,232) and (436,228) .. + (434,226) .. controls (433,224) and (430,223) .. + (427,223) .. controls (425,223) and (423,224) .. + (421,225) .. controls (420,226) and (419,227) .. + (418,228) -- (418,228) -- (417,224) -- + (410,224) .. controls (410,225) and (410,227) .. + (410,228) .. controls (410,230) and (410,231) .. + (410,233) -- cycle; + \protect\end{scope}% + \protect\end{scope}% + \protect\end{tikzpicture}}% + ~} +\renewcommand*{\xingsocialsymbol}{} +\renewcommand*{\twittersocialsymbol} {% + \protect\raisebox{0em}{% + \protect\begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.08em, y=0.08em, xscale=0.005, yscale=-0.005, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt] + \protect\path[fill=color2] + (2000, 192) .. controls (1926, 225) and (1847, 247) .. + (1764, 257) .. controls (1849, 206) and (1914, 126) .. + (1945, 30) .. controls (1865, 77) and (1778, 111) .. + (1684, 130) .. controls (1609, 50) and (1503, 0) .. + (1385, 0) .. controls (1158, 0) and ( 974, 184) .. + ( 974, 410) .. controls ( 974, 442) and ( 978, 474) .. + ( 985, 504) .. controls ( 644, 487) and ( 342, 323) .. + ( 139, 75) .. controls ( 104, 136) and ( 84, 206) .. + ( 84, 281) .. controls ( 84, 424) and ( 156, 549) .. + ( 266, 623) .. controls ( 199, 621) and ( 136, 602) .. + ( 80, 572) .. controls ( 80, 573) and ( 80, 575) .. + ( 80, 577) .. controls ( 80, 776) and ( 222, 941) .. + ( 409, 979) .. controls ( 375, 988) and ( 339, 993) .. + ( 301, 993) .. controls ( 275, 993) and ( 249, 991) .. + ( 224, 986) .. controls ( 276,1149) and ( 428,1268) .. + ( 607,1271) .. controls ( 467,1381) and ( 290,1447) .. + ( 98,1447) .. controls ( 65,1447) and ( 32,1445) .. + ( 0,1441) .. controls ( 182,1557) and ( 397,1625) .. + ( 629,1625) .. controls (1384,1625) and (1796,1000) .. + (1796, 458) .. controls (1796, 440) and (1796, 422) .. + (1795, 405) .. controls (1875, 347) and (1945, 275) .. + (2000, 192); + \protect\end{tikzpicture}}% + ~} +\renewcommand*{\githubsocialsymbol} {% + \protect\raisebox{-0.15em}{% + \protect\begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.08em, y=0.08em, xscale=0.25, yscale=-0.25, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt] + \protect\begin{scope}[shift={(507,387)}] + \protect\path[fill=color2] + (117, 60) .. controls (117, 71) and (108, 81) .. + ( 96, 81) .. controls ( 85, 81) and ( 75, 71) .. + ( 75, 60) .. controls ( 75, 48) and ( 85, 39) .. + ( 96, 39) .. controls (108, 39) and (117, 48) .. + (117, 60) -- cycle; + \protect\path[cm={{0.88,0.0,0.0,0.88,(11.10,6.89)}}, fill=white] + (117, 60) .. controls (117, 71) and (108, 81) .. + ( 96, 81) .. controls ( 85, 81) and ( 75, 71) .. + ( 75, 60) .. controls ( 75, 48) and ( 85, 39) .. + ( 96, 39) .. controls (108, 39) and (117, 48) .. + (117, 60) -- cycle; + \protect\path[fill=color2, nonzero rule] + (103, 45) .. controls (103, 45) and (101, 46) .. + (101, 47) -- (100, 47) -- + ( 99, 47) .. controls ( 99, 47) and ( 98, 47) .. + ( 97, 47) .. controls ( 94, 47) and ( 93, 47) .. + ( 92, 47) -- ( 92, 47) -- + ( 91, 47) .. controls ( 90, 46) and ( 88, 45) .. + ( 88, 45) .. controls ( 88, 45) and ( 88, 45) .. + ( 87, 45) .. controls ( 87, 45) and ( 87, 45) .. + ( 87, 45) .. controls ( 86, 46) and ( 86, 48) .. + ( 86, 49) -- ( 87, 50) -- + ( 86, 51) .. controls ( 85, 51) and ( 85, 52) .. + ( 85, 53) .. controls ( 85, 54) and ( 85, 57) .. + ( 85, 58) .. controls ( 85, 58) and ( 85, 58) .. + ( 82, 59) .. controls ( 79, 59) and ( 77, 59) .. + ( 77, 59) .. controls ( 77, 59) and ( 77, 59) .. + ( 78, 59) .. controls ( 80, 59) and ( 83, 59) .. + ( 85, 59) .. controls ( 85, 59) and ( 85, 59) .. + ( 85, 59) .. controls ( 86, 59) and ( 86, 59) .. + ( 86, 59) .. controls ( 86, 59) and ( 85, 59) .. + ( 84, 59) .. controls ( 82, 60) and ( 80, 60) .. + ( 79, 60) .. controls ( 78, 61) and ( 77, 61) .. + ( 77, 61) .. controls ( 77, 61) and ( 78, 61) .. + ( 79, 61) .. controls ( 81, 60) and ( 83, 60) .. + ( 85, 60) .. controls ( 86, 60) and ( 86, 60) .. + ( 86, 60) .. controls ( 86, 60) and ( 87, 61) .. + ( 88, 62) .. controls ( 89, 63) and ( 90, 63) .. + ( 92, 63) .. controls ( 92, 63) and ( 93, 64) .. + ( 93, 64) .. controls ( 93, 64) and ( 93, 64) .. + ( 93, 64) .. controls ( 92, 64) and ( 92, 65) .. + ( 92, 65) .. controls ( 92, 66) and ( 90, 66) .. + ( 89, 66) .. controls ( 88, 66) and ( 88, 66) .. + ( 87, 65) .. controls ( 87, 64) and ( 86, 63) .. + ( 86, 63) .. controls ( 85, 63) and ( 84, 63) .. + ( 84, 63) .. controls ( 84, 63) and ( 84, 63) .. + ( 84, 63) .. controls ( 85, 64) and ( 86, 65) .. + ( 86, 66) .. controls ( 87, 67) and ( 87, 68) .. + ( 88, 68) .. controls ( 89, 68) and ( 89, 68) .. + ( 90, 68) -- ( 92, 68) -- ( 92, 70) -- ( 92, 72) -- + ( 91, 72) .. controls ( 91, 72) and ( 91, 73) .. + ( 91, 73) .. controls ( 90, 73) and ( 90, 73) .. + ( 91, 73) .. controls ( 92, 73) and ( 92, 73) .. + ( 92, 73) .. controls ( 93, 73) and ( 93, 73) .. + ( 93, 70) .. controls ( 93, 67) and ( 93, 67) .. + ( 94, 66) -- ( 94, 66) -- + ( 94, 69) .. controls ( 94, 71) and ( 94, 73) .. + ( 94, 73) .. controls ( 94, 73) and ( 94, 73) .. + ( 93, 74) .. controls ( 93, 74) and ( 93, 74) .. + ( 93, 74) .. controls ( 93, 74) and ( 93, 74) .. + ( 94, 74) .. controls ( 94, 74) and ( 95, 74) .. + ( 96, 73) .. controls ( 96, 72) and ( 96, 71) .. + ( 96, 68) -- ( 96, 66) -- ( 96, 66) -- + ( 96, 69) .. controls ( 96, 72) and ( 96, 72) .. + ( 97, 73) .. controls ( 97, 74) and ( 99, 74) .. + ( 99, 74) .. controls ( 99, 74) and ( 99, 74) .. + ( 99, 73) .. controls ( 99, 73) and ( 98, 73) .. + ( 98, 72) .. controls ( 98, 72) and ( 98, 66) .. + ( 98, 66) .. controls ( 98, 66) and ( 99, 66) .. + ( 99, 66) .. controls ( 99, 67) and ( 99, 67) .. + ( 99, 69) .. controls ( 99, 71) and ( 99, 72) .. + ( 99, 72) .. controls ( 99, 73) and (100, 73) .. + (100, 73) .. controls (101, 73) and (101, 73) .. + (101, 73) .. controls (102, 73) and (102, 73) .. + (102, 73) .. controls (101, 72) and (101, 72) .. + (101, 69) .. controls (101, 66) and (101, 65) .. + (100, 65) .. controls (100, 64) and (100, 64) .. + (100, 64) -- ( 99, 64) -- + (100, 63) .. controls (101, 63) and (102, 63) .. + (103, 63) .. controls (104, 62) and (106, 61) .. + (106, 60) -- (106, 60) -- + (107, 60) .. controls (109, 60) and (113, 60) .. + (115, 61) .. controls (115, 61) and (115, 61) .. + (115, 61) .. controls (115, 60) and (111, 60) .. + (108, 59) .. controls (107, 59) and (107, 59) .. + (107, 59) .. controls (107, 59) and (107, 59) .. + (107, 59) -- (107, 59) -- + (108, 59) .. controls (110, 59) and (112, 59) .. + (114, 59) .. controls (115, 59) and (115, 59) .. + (115, 59) .. controls (115, 59) and (112, 59) .. + (109, 59) .. controls (108, 58) and (107, 58) .. + (107, 58) .. controls (107, 58) and (107, 58) .. + (107, 58) .. controls (107, 57) and (107, 56) .. + (107, 55) .. controls (107, 53) and (107, 53) .. + (107, 53) .. controls (107, 52) and (106, 51) .. + (106, 50) -- (105, 50) -- + (105, 48) .. controls (105, 47) and (105, 46) .. + (105, 46) -- (105, 45) -- + (104, 45) .. controls (104, 45) and (104, 45) .. + (103, 45) -- cycle; + \protect\end{scope}% + \protect\end{tikzpicture}}% + ~} +\renewcommand*{\gitlabsocialsymbol}{} +\renewcommand*{\stackoverflowsocialsymbol}{} +\renewcommand*{\googlescholarsocialsymbol}{} +\renewcommand*{\telegramsocialsymbol}{} +\renewcommand*{\whatsappsocialsymbol}{} +\renewcommand*{\signalsocialsymbol}{} +\renewcommand*{\matrixsocialsymbol}{} +\renewcommand*{\orcidsocialsymbol}{} +\renewcommand*{\researchgatesocialsymbol}{} +\renewcommand*{\researcheridsocialsymbol}{} +\renewcommand*{\bitbucketsocialsymbol}{} +\renewcommand*{\skypesocialsymbol} {% + \protect\raisebox{-0.15em}{% + \protect\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.08em, x=0.08em, xscale=0.020, yscale=-0.020, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt] + \protect\begin{scope}[shift={(507,387)}] + \protect\path[fill=color2,even odd rule] + (487.6550,288.9690) .. controls (489.0610,278.5690) and (489.8700,267.9960) .. + (489.8700,257.2330) .. controls (489.8700,128.0770) and (384.5990,23.3610) .. + (254.7670,23.3610) .. controls (241.8630,23.3610) and (229.2120,24.4210) .. + (216.9010,26.4410) .. controls (194.8280,12.0570) and (168.5590,3.6740) .. + (140.2880,3.6740) .. controls (62.7660,3.6740) and (0.0000,66.4820) .. + (0.0000,143.9800) .. controls (0.0000,172.1780) and (8.2990,198.3740) .. + (22.5900,220.3690) .. controls (20.6650,232.3860) and (19.6810,244.6920) .. + (19.6810,257.2290) .. controls (19.6810,386.4050) and (124.8980,491.1100) .. + (254.7660,491.1100) .. controls (269.4230,491.1100) and (283.6930,489.6840) .. + (297.5620,487.1780) .. controls (319.1120,500.5470) and (344.4960,508.3260) .. + (371.7080,508.3260) .. controls (449.2100,508.3260) and (512.0010,445.5020) .. + (512.0010,368.0120) .. controls (511.9980,338.7190) and (503.0410,311.4840) .. + (487.6550,288.9690) -- cycle(276.7400,429.5960) .. controls (202.0340,433.4870) and (167.0750,416.9590) .. (135.0500,386.9050) .. controls (99.2850,353.3370) and (113.6520,315.0500) .. + (142.7900,313.1040) .. controls (171.9120,311.1590) and (189.3980,346.1160) .. + (204.9410,355.8400) .. controls (220.4650,365.5280) and (279.5340,387.6000) .. + (310.7350,351.9320) .. controls (344.7100,313.1040) and (288.1410,293.0120) .. + (246.6760,286.9300) .. controls (187.4730,278.1640) and (112.7260,246.1370) .. + (118.5410,183.0230) .. controls (124.3580,119.9490) and (172.1230,87.6090) .. + (222.3910,83.0470) .. controls (286.4680,77.2300) and (328.1820,92.7540) .. + (361.1760,120.9070) .. controls (399.3270,153.4360) and (378.6840,189.8010) .. + (354.3770,192.7270) .. controls (330.1660,195.6360) and (302.9730,139.2230) .. + (249.5860,138.3750) .. controls (194.5590,137.5110) and (157.3690,195.6360) .. + (225.3000,212.1590) .. controls (293.2660,228.6640) and (366.0500,235.4450) .. + (392.2610,297.5760) .. controls (418.4900,359.7130) and (351.5070,425.7010) .. + (276.7400,429.5960) -- cycle; + \protect\end{scope}% + \protect\end{tikzpicture}}% + ~} + \renewcommand*{\bornsymbol}{} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncviconsmarvosym.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvskillmatrix.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvskillmatrix.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..479edee --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvskillmatrix.sty @@ -0,0 +1,1051 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvskillmatrix.sty'. +%% Copyright 2021 David Seus (cryptointerest@posteo.de). +% +% This package provides a skill matrix template for the moderncv package. +% Some recruiting firms require applicants to rate their skills, computer +% skills, management tools, or similar in a table involving a graphical +% illustration of their skill level. This package implements this idea +% and provides the following commands to use within the moderncv +% package: +% +% +% PUBLIC COMMANDS +% \cvskill{<1-5>} +% Illustrate skill level with little colored boxes. +% By default five skill levels are predefined. +% +% Input: +% input_1: integer between 0 and 5 +% +% Example usages: +% \cvskill{3} +% +% +% \cvskilllegend[*][<post_padding>][<first_level>][<second_level>][<third_level>][<fourth_level>][<fifth_level>]{<name>} +% Print legend table explaining the meaning of \cvskill{1}...\cvskill{5}. +% +% Input: +% asterix (optional): include vertical (dashed) lines. This behaviour depends on the body style. +% For the fancy style, the asterix has no meaning. +% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em> +% input_2 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{1}, default: <basic knowledge> +% input_3 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{2}, default: <intermediate knowledge with some project experience> +% input_4 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{3}, default: <extensive project experience> +% input_5 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{4}, default: <deepened expert knowledge> +% input_6 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{5}, default: <expert/guru> +% input_7: string giving a name to the legend, default: <> +% +% Example usages: +% \cvskilllegend{} print default legend +% \cvskilllegend[0.5em]{Legend} print default legend, but adjust post padding and display the word ``Legend''. +% \cvskilllegend*[0.2em][Grundkenntnisse][Grundkenntnisse und eigene Erfahrung in Projekten][Umfangreiche Erfahrung in Projekten][Vertiefte Expertenkenntnisse][Experte/Guru]{Legende} Fully adjust legend to German example and including dashed lines +% +% Note: +% -The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskilllegendcolumns, see \setcvskilllegendcolumns +% -The design of the table is such that the <second_level> entry stands in the first column but +% occupies rows two and three. This has been done to accomodate english and german defaults. +% An alternative is provided by \cvskillplainlegend +% +% +% \cvskillplainlegend[*][<post_padding>][<first_level>][<second_level>][<third_level>][<fourth_level>][<fifth_level>]{<name>} +% Print alternative legend table explaining the meaning of \cvskill{1}...\cvskill{5}. +% In this legend, the first three skill levels are in one column +% +% Input: +% asterix (optional): include vertical (dashed) lines. This behaviour depends on the body style. +% For the fancy style, the asterix has no meaning. +% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em> +% input_2 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{1}, default: <basic knowledge> +% input_3 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{2}, default: <intermediate knowledge with some project experience> +% input_4 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{3}, default: <extensive project experience> +% input_5 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{4}, default: <deepened expert knowledge> +% input_6 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{5}, default: <expert/guru> +% input_7: string giving a name to the legend, default: <> +% +% Example usages: +% \cvskillplainlegend{} print default legend +% \cvskillplainlegend[0.5em]{Legend} print default legend, but adjust post padding and display the word ``Legend''. +% \cvskillplainlegend*[0.2em][Grundkenntnisse][Grundkenntnisse und eigene Erfahrung in Projekten][Umfangreiche Erfahrung in Projekten][Vertiefte Expertenkenntnisse][Experte/Guru]{Legende} Fully adjust legend to German example and including dashed lines +% +% Note: +% -The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskilllegendcolumns, see \setcvskilllegendcolumns +% +% +% \cvskillhead[<post_padding>][<Level>][<Skill>][<Years>][<Comment>]% +% add skill matrix line acting as header explaining the meaning of columns. +% +% Input: +% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em> +% input_2 (optional): string naming the level column (2nd column), default: <Level> +% input_3 (optional): string naming the skill column (3nd column), default: <Skill> +% input_4 (optional): string naming the experience-in-years column (4th column), default: <Years> +% input_5 (optional): string naming the comment column (5th column), default: <Comment> +% +% Example usages: +% \cvskillhead print default head. +% \cvskillhead[0.5em] print default head, but adjust post padding. +% \cvskillhead[0.25em][Level][F\"ahigkeit][Jahre][Bemerkung] Fully adjust head to German example +% +% Note: +% - The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskillcolumns command, see \setcvskillcolumns. +% +% +% \cvskillentry[*][<post_padding>]{<skill_cathegory>}{<0-5>}{<skill_name>}{<years_of_experience>}{<comment>}% +% add cvskill matrix row. +% +% Input: +% asterix (optional): include horizontal (dashed) line above the entered line. This behaviour depends on the body style. +% For the fancy style, the asterix has no meaning. +% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em> +% input_2: string, naming skill cathegory, default: <> +% input_3: integer between 0 and 5, describing level of skill. \cvskill{input_2} is called internally, default: <> +% input_4: string, naming the skill, default: <> +% input_5: positive real number, stating the number of years of experience with this skill , default: <> +% input_6: string, explaining details w.r.t. that particual skill default: <> +% +% Example usages: +% \cvskillentry*{Language:}{3}{Python}{2}{I have done a million projects with Python} +% \cvskillentry{}{2}{Lilypond}{14}{So much sheet music! Man I'm the best!} +% \cvskillentry{}{3}{\LaTeX}{14}{Clearly I rock at \LaTeX} +% \cvskillentry*[1.5em]{OS:}{3}{Linux}{2}{I only use Archlinux} +% +% Note: +% - The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskillcolumns command, see \setcvskillcolumns. +% +% +% \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][<factor>][<exp_width>] +% adjust column width of skill table +% +% The \cvskillentry command comes with default FIXED width definitions of the kill matrix for the columns +% based on the author's own skill matrix. This is necessary to ensure that the entries are nicely aligned +% and actually yield a decent looking table. The defaults depend on the style used and are chosen reasonably. +% However, depending on the user input and the style that is used some of the columns might need adjustments. +% The \setcvskillcolumns command provides means to influence the width of the first, the third and the fourth +% skill matrix column. The second column containg the output of \cvskill remains fixed width. The last column, +% the comment column gets recalculated according to the setting of the other columns. +% +% Input +% Input_1 (optional): width smaller than \textwidth, default <\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth> +% Input_2 (optional): float between 0 and 1 adjusting how much percent of the table width without +% the first column is used columns two, three and four. Through this parameter +% the width of the 3rd column (skill name) can be adjusted, default <\skillmatrix@columnwidth> +% Input_3 (optional): width smaller than \textwidth, setting the width of the 4th column +% (Years of experience), default <\cvskill@experiencewidth> +% +% Example usage +% \setcvskillcolumns[5em][][]% adjust first column. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[5em] +% \setcvskillcolumns[][0.45][]% adjust third (skill) column. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[][0.45] +% \setcvskillcolumns[][][\widthof{``Year''}]% adjust fourth (years) column. +% \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Language''}][0.48][]% adjust 1st and 3rd columns. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Language''}][0.45] +% \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Management Tools''}][0.6][3em]% ajust all at once. +% +% Note +% - For the styles 'classic' and 'casual' the first column is set to hintscolumnwidth such that +% it aligns with the rest of the entries. A readjustment of the first column should therefor +% be avoided. It is recomended to only use \setcvskillcolumns in the form of +% \setcvskillcolumns[][<factor>][<width>], thereby leaving the defaults in place for the first column. +% +% +% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>][<factor>] +% adjust column width of legend +% +% The \cvskilllegend command comes with default FIXED width definitions for the columns of the legend matrix +% such that the default english and german examples look good. +% However, depending on the user input (translation) and the style that is used some adjustment might be needed. +% The \setcvskilllegendcolumns command provides means to influence all columns except the ones containing +% \cvskill commands. The second column containg the output of \cvskill remains fixed width. The last column, +% the comment column gets recalculated according to the setting of the other columns. +% +% Input +% Input_1 (optional): length smaller than \textwidth influencing the width of the first column +% where depending on the style the legend_string gets printed. In case the +% string is left empty adjusting this width allows moving the legend horizontally. +% Default <\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth> +% Input_2 (optional): float between 0 and 1 influencing the width of the left legend descritor column, +% aka \cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth. The desriptor column on the right, +% \cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth is influenced by the factor 1-<factor>. +% Default <\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor> +% +% Example usage +% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][0.45]%% adjust left desriptor column. +% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[\widthof{``Legend''}][0.45]% adjust both left descriptor column and string column +% +% Note +% - Due to implementation of \cvskilllegend for style 'fancy' (moderncvbodyv) +% the first optional variable has no effect in this case. +% - For the styles 'classic' and 'casual' the first column is set to hintscolumnwidth such that +% it aligns with the rest of the entries. A readjustment of the first column should therefor +% be avoided. It is recomended to only use \cvskilllegend in the form of +% \cvskilllegend[][<factor>], thereby leaving the defaults in place for the first column. +% - For style 'banking' the first column is set to align with the rest of the \cvskillentry entries +% Therefor adjusting the first column can be used to widen the table while moving it around. If no +% legend string is used, setting \cvskilllegend[0em] maximises the real enstate for the legend. +% +% +% PRIVATE COMMANDS +% +% \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths +% compute all lengths necessary for the skill matrix depending on +% the moderncv style (moderncvbody) +% +% Input: none +% +% Example usage (only internally in moderncvbody<i-v>.sty) +% \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths +% +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvskillmatrix}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter skill matrix] + +% The definitions need to be adjusted depending on which moderncvbody<i-v>.sty style is usde. +% body type options: "moderncvbodyi" (default), "moderncvbodyii", "moderncvbodyiii", "moderncvbodyiv" or "moderncvbodyv" +\@initializeif{\if@moderncvbodyi}\@moderncvbodyifalse +\DeclareOption{moderncvbodyi}{\@moderncvbodyitrue\@moderncvbodyiifalse\@moderncvbodyiiifalse\@moderncvbodyivfalse\@moderncvbodyvfalse} +\@initializeif{\if@moderncvbodyii}\@moderncvbodyiifalse % this option is added in case moderncvbodyii gets implemented standalone +\DeclareOption{moderncvbodyii}{\@moderncvbodyifalse\@moderncvbodyiitrue\@moderncvbodyiiifalse\@moderncvbodyivfalse\@moderncvbodyvfalse} +\@initializeif{\if@moderncvbodyiii}\@moderncvbodyiiifalse +\DeclareOption{moderncvbodyiii}{\@moderncvbodyifalse\@moderncvbodyiifalse\@moderncvbodyiiitrue\@moderncvbodyivfalse\@moderncvbodyvfalse} +\@initializeif{\if@moderncvbodyiv}\@moderncvbodyivfalse +\DeclareOption{moderncvbodyiv}{\@moderncvbodyifalse\@moderncvbodyiifalse\@moderncvbodyiiifalse\@moderncvbodyivtrue\@moderncvbodyvfalse} +\@initializeif{\if@moderncvbodyv}\@moderncvbodyvfalse +\DeclareOption{moderncvbodyv}{\@moderncvbodyifalse\@moderncvbodyiifalse\@moderncvbodyiiifalse\@moderncvbodyivfalse\@moderncvbodyvtrue} + +\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options +\ExecuteOptions{moderncvbodyi} +\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\RequirePackage{tikz} +\RequirePackage{multirow} +% package arydshln is needed for the dashed lines but is incompatible with fancy style +\if@moderncvbodyv% +% \RequirePackage{arydshln} % incompatible with fancy style +\else% + \RequirePackage{arydshln} % incompatible with fancy style +\fi + +% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% % \cvskill command +% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% The code for the Skilllevel illustration with the little boxes. +% This is idea stolen from the limecv package, see https://github.com/opieters/limecv.git +\@initializelength{\cvSkill@RectangleSize} +\setlength{\cvSkill@RectangleSize}{1.2ex} +\newcount\my@repeat@count +\DeclareDocumentCommand{\cvskill}{m}{% +% Illustrate skill level with little colored boxes. +% By default five skill levels are predefined. +% +% Input: +% integer between 0 and 5 +% Example usage: +% \cvskill{3} + \begingroup + \my@repeat@count=\z@ + \@whilenum\my@repeat@count<#1\do{\tikz\filldraw[color1] (0, 0) rectangle (\cvSkill@RectangleSize, \cvSkill@RectangleSize);\advance% + \my@repeat@count\@ne\,}% + \my@repeat@count=\numexpr5-\z@\relax + \@whilenum\my@repeat@count>#1\do{\tikz\filldraw[color2!30] (0, 0) rectangle (\cvSkill@RectangleSize, \cvSkill@RectangleSize);\advance% + \my@repeat@count\m@ne\,}% + \endgroup +}% end \cvskill + +% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% % \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths +% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +% initialise lengths needed for the skillmatrix +\@initializelength{\cvskill@width} +\@initializelength{\cvskill@descriptorwidth} +\@initializelength{\cvskill@experiencewidth} +\@initializelength{\skillmatrix@columnwidth} +\@initializelength{\skillmatrix@commentwidth} +\@initializelength{\skillmatrix@padding} +\@initializelength{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth} +\@initializelength{\skillmatrix@bodylength} +\@initializelength{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth} +\@initializelength{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth} +\@initializelength{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth} +\@initializelength{\skilllegend@padding} +\@initializelength{\skilllegend@bodylength} + +% \separatorrulewidth is defined in moderncvbodyv.sty and we need to +% define it to not throw an error in the other cases +\if@moderncvbodyv% +% +\else% + \@initializelength{\separatorrulewidth} + \setlength{\separatorrulewidth}{1ex} +\fi + +\DeclareDocumentCommand{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor}{}{}% +%% DEFINITION \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths +% declare the command \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths empty +\DeclareDocumentCommand{\recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths}{}{}% +% compute all lengths necessary for the skill matrix depending on +% the moderncv style (moderncvbody) +% +% Input: none +% +% Example usage (only internally in moderncvbody<i-v>.sty) +% \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths + +% Definition of \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths for moderncvbodyi +\if@moderncvbodyi% + \RenewDocumentCommand{\recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths}{}{% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@padding}{1ex}% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth}{\hintscolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\cvskill@width}{\widthof{\cvskill{5}}}% + \setlength{\cvskill@experiencewidth}{\widthof{``Year''}}% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@bodylength}{\maincolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@columnwidth}{0.45\skillmatrix@bodylength}% + \setlength{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}{\skillmatrix@columnwidth-\cvskill@width-\cvskill@experiencewidth}% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@commentwidth}{\skillmatrix@bodylength-\skillmatrix@columnwidth-3\skillmatrix@padding}% + % lengths and definitions needed for the legends + % note that \skillmatrix@padding also affects the appearance of legends + \setlength{\skilllegend@padding}{0.25ex}% + \setlength{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth}{\hintscolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\skilllegend@bodylength}{\skillmatrix@bodylength}% + \RenewDocumentCommand{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor}{}{0.5}% + } +\fi +% Definition of \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths for moderncvbodyiii +\if@moderncvbodyiii% + \RenewDocumentCommand{\recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths}{}{% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@padding}{1ex}% + \setlength{\separatorcolumnwidth}{\skillmatrix@padding}% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth}{\widthof{``Language''}}% + \setlength{\cvskill@width}{\widthof{\cvskill{5}}}% + \setlength{\cvskill@experiencewidth}{\widthof{``Year''}}% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@bodylength}{\maincolumnwidth-\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@columnwidth}{0.45\skillmatrix@bodylength}% + \setlength{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}{\skillmatrix@columnwidth-\cvskill@width-\cvskill@experiencewidth}% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@commentwidth}{\skillmatrix@bodylength-\skillmatrix@columnwidth-3\skillmatrix@padding}% + % lengths and definitions needed for the legends + % note that \skillmatrix@padding also affects the appearance of legends + \setlength{\skilllegend@padding}{0.25ex}% + \setlength{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth}{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\skilllegend@bodylength}{\skillmatrix@bodylength}% + \RenewDocumentCommand{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor}{}{0.5}% + } +\fi +% Definition of \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths for moderncvbodyiv +\if@moderncvbodyiv% + \RenewDocumentCommand{\recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths}{}{% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@padding}{1ex} + \setlength{\separatorcolumnwidth}{\skillmatrix@padding} + \setlength{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth}{\widthof{``Languagi''}} + \setlength{\cvskill@width}{\widthof{\cvskill{5}}} + \setlength{\cvskill@experiencewidth}{\widthof{``Year''}} + \setlength{\skillmatrix@bodylength}{\maincolumnwidth-\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth} + \setlength{\skillmatrix@columnwidth}{0.45\skillmatrix@bodylength}% + \setlength{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}{\skillmatrix@columnwidth-\cvskill@width-\cvskill@experiencewidth} + \setlength{\skillmatrix@commentwidth}{\skillmatrix@bodylength-\skillmatrix@columnwidth-3\skillmatrix@padding}% + % lengths and definitions needed for the legends + % note that \skillmatrix@padding also affects the appearance of legends + \setlength{\skilllegend@padding}{0.25ex} + \setlength{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth}{0ex}%\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth + \setlength{\skilllegend@bodylength}{\maincolumnwidth} + \RenewDocumentCommand{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor}{}{0.45}% + } +\fi +% Definition of \recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths for moderncvbodyv +\if@moderncvbodyv% + \RenewDocumentCommand{\recompute@cvskillmatrix@lengths}{}{% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@padding}{1ex}% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth}{\widthof{``Languages''}}% + \setlength{\cvskill@width}{\widthof{\cvskill{5}}}% + \setlength{\cvskill@experiencewidth}{\widthof{``Year''}}% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@bodylength}{\maincolumnwidth-\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth-\skillmatrix@padding}%\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth + \setlength{\skillmatrix@columnwidth}{0.45\skillmatrix@bodylength}% + \setlength{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}{\skillmatrix@columnwidth-\cvskill@width-\cvskill@experiencewidth}% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@commentwidth}{\skillmatrix@bodylength-\skillmatrix@columnwidth-3\skillmatrix@padding}% + % lengths and definitions needed for the legends + % note that \skillmatrix@padding also affects the appearance of legends + \setlength{\skilllegend@padding}{0.25ex}% + \setlength{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth}{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\skilllegend@bodylength}{\maincolumnwidth}% + \RenewDocumentCommand{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor}{}{0.48}% + }% +\fi + +% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% % \setcvskillcolumns and \setcvskilllegendcolumns +% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][<factor>][<exp_width>] +\DeclareDocumentCommand{\setcvskillcolumns}{+O{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth} +O{\skillmatrix@columnwidth} +O{\cvskill@experiencewidth}}{% +% adjust column width of skill table +% +% The \cvskillentry command comes with default FIXED width definitions of the kill matrix for the columns +% based on the author's own skill matrix. This is necessary to ensure that the entries are nicely aligned +% and actually yield a decent looking table. The defaults depend on the style used and are chosen reasonably. +% However, depending on the user input and the style that is used some of the columns might need adjustments. +% The \setcvskillcolumns command provides means to influence the width of the first, the third and the fourth +% skill matrix column. The second column containg the output of \cvskill remains fixed width. The last column, +% the comment column gets recalculated according to the setting of the other columns. +% +% Input +% Input_1 (optional): width smaller than \textwidth, default <\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth> +% Input_2 (optional): float between 0 and 1 adjusting how much percent of the table width without +% the first column is used columns two, three and four. Through this parameter +% the width of the 3rd column (skill name) can be adjusted, default <\skillmatrix@columnwidth> +% Input_3 (optional): width smaller than \textwidth, setting the width of the 4th column +% (Years of experience), default <\cvskill@experiencewidth> +% +% Example usage +% \setcvskillcolumns[5em][][]% adjust first column. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[5em] +% \setcvskillcolumns[][0.45][]% adjust third (skill) column. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[][0.45] +% \setcvskillcolumns[][][\widthof{``Year''}]% adjust fourth (years) column. +% \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Language''}][0.48][]% adjust 1st and 3rd columns. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Language''}][0.45] +% \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Management Tools''}][0.6][3em]% ajust all at once. +% +% Note +% - For the styles 'classic' and 'casual' the first column is set to hintscolumnwidth such that +% it aligns with the rest of the entries. A readjustment of the first column should therefor +% be avoided. It is recomended to only use \setcvskillcolumns in the form of +% \setcvskillcolumns[][<factor>][<width>], thereby leaving the defaults in place for the first column. +% + \def\arg@new@hintscolumnwidth{#1}% <-- all these terminal % signs are necessary for the fancy style to not show weird spaces!!! + \def\arg@new@bodyLengthFactor{#2}% + \def\arg@new@experienceWidth{#3}% + % Check for empty arguments. Defaults are given. Thus a call of \setcvskillcolumns + % without any arguments leads to nonempty arguments \arg@new@hintscolumnwidth and + % \def\arg@new@bodyLengthFactor{#2}. However, we need to take care of calls like + % \setcvskillcolumns[], \setcvskillcolumns[][], \setcvskillcolumns[][][] or even + % \setcvskillcolumns[<somelength>][], \setcvskillcolumns[][<somefactor>] \setcvskillcolumns[][][<length>] + \ifdefempty{\arg@new@hintscolumnwidth}{% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns[], \setcvskillcolumns[][] or \setcvskillcolumns[][<somefactor>] + \ifdefempty{\arg@new@bodyLengthFactor}{% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns[][] do nothing here and check if third argument is empty + \ifdefempty{\arg@new@experienceWidth}{% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns[][][] do nothing here + }{% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns[][][<length>]. reset \cvskill@experiencewidth and + % \cvskill@descriptorwidth accordingly + \setlength{\cvskill@experiencewidth}{\arg@new@experienceWidth}% + \setlength{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}{\skillmatrix@columnwidth-\cvskill@width-\cvskill@experiencewidth}% + }% + }{% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns[][<somefactor>], \setcvskillcolumns[][<somefactor>][<possilly length>] + \setlength{\skillmatrix@columnwidth}{\arg@new@bodyLengthFactor\skillmatrix@bodylength}% + \ifdefempty{\arg@new@experienceWidth}{% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns[][<somefactor>][] do nothing here + }{% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns[][<somefactor>][<length>]. reset \cvskill@experiencewidth and + % \cvskill@descriptorwidth accordingly + \setlength{\cvskill@experiencewidth}{\arg@new@experienceWidth}% + \setlength{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}{\skillmatrix@columnwidth-\cvskill@width-\cvskill@experiencewidth}% + }% + \setlength{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}{\skillmatrix@columnwidth-\cvskill@width-\cvskill@experiencewidth}% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@commentwidth}{\skillmatrix@bodylength-\skillmatrix@columnwidth-3\skillmatrix@padding}% + }% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns[] nothing needs to be done here recalculate lengths affected by the change + }{% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns, \setcvskillcolumns[<width>], \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][] + % or \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][<somefactor>] + \setlength{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth}{\arg@new@hintscolumnwidth}% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@bodylength}{\maincolumnwidth-\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth}% + % in case second argument is given but left empty use default + \ifdefempty{\arg@new@bodyLengthFactor}{% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][] do nothing here and use default + % \skillmatrix@columnwidth and check third argument + \ifdefempty{\arg@new@experienceWidth}{% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][][] do nothing here + }{% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][][<length>]. reset \cvskill@experiencewidth and + % \cvskill@descriptorwidth accordingly + \setlength{\cvskill@experiencewidth}{\arg@new@experienceWidth}% +% \setlength{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}{\skillmatrix@columnwidth-\cvskill@width-\cvskill@experiencewidth}% + }% + }{% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns, \setcvskillcolumns[<width>], \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][<somefactor>] + \setlength{\skillmatrix@columnwidth}{\arg@new@bodyLengthFactor\skillmatrix@bodylength}% + \ifdefempty{\arg@new@experienceWidth}{% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][<somefactor>][] do nothing here + }{% + % Case \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][<somefactor>][<length>]. reset \cvskill@experiencewidth and + % \cvskill@descriptorwidth accordingly + \setlength{\cvskill@experiencewidth}{\arg@new@experienceWidth}% +% \setlength{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}{\skillmatrix@columnwidth-\cvskill@width-\cvskill@experiencewidth}% + }% + }% + \setlength{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}{\skillmatrix@columnwidth-\cvskill@width-\cvskill@experiencewidth}% + \setlength{\skillmatrix@commentwidth}{\skillmatrix@bodylength-\skillmatrix@columnwidth-3\skillmatrix@padding}% + }% +}% +% +% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>][<factor>] +\DeclareDocumentCommand{\setcvskilllegendcolumns}{+O{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth} +O{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor}}{% +% adjust column width of legend +% +% The \cvskilllegend command comes with default FIXED width definitions for the columns of the legend matrix +% such that the default english and german examples look good. +% However, depending on the user input (translation) and the style that is used some adjustment might be needed. +% The \setcvskilllegendcolumns command provides means to influence all columns except the ones containing +% \cvskill commands. The second column containg the output of \cvskill remains fixed width. The last column, +% the comment column gets recalculated according to the setting of the other columns. +% +% Input +% Input_1 (optional): length smaller than \textwidth influencing the width of the first column +% where depending on the style the legend_string gets printed. In case the +% string is left empty adjusting this width allows moving the legend horizontally. +% Default <\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth> +% Input_2 (optional): float between 0 and 1 influencing the width of the left legend descritor column, +% aka \cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth. The desriptor column on the right, +% \cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth is influenced by the factor 1-<factor>. +% Default <\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor> +% +% Example usage +% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][0.45]%% adjust left desriptor column. +% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[\widthof{``Legend''}][0.45]% adjust both left descriptor column and string column +% +% Note +% - Due to implementation of \cvskilllegend for style 'fancy' (moderncvbodyv) +% the first optional variable has no effect in this case. +% - For the styles 'classic' and 'casual' the first column is set to hintscolumnwidth such that +% it aligns with the rest of the entries. A readjustment of the first column should therefor +% be avoided. It is recomended to only use \cvskilllegend in the form of +% \cvskilllegend[][<factor>], thereby leaving the defaults in place for the first column. +% - For style 'banking' the first column is set to align with the rest of the \cvskillentry entries +% Therefor adjusting the first column can be used to widen the table while moving it around. If no +% legend string is used, setting \cvskilllegend[0em] maximises the real enstate for the legend. +% + \def\arg@new@legend@hintscolumnwidth{#1}% + \def\arg@new@legend@leftDescriptorFactor{#2}% + % Check for empty arguments. See explanation above + \ifdefempty{\arg@new@legend@hintscolumnwidth}{% + % Case \setcvskilllegendcolumns[], \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][] or \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][<somefactor>] + \ifdefempty{\arg@new@legend@leftDescriptorFactor}{% +% % Case \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][] do nothing here, i.e. leave default values unaltered + }{% + % Case \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][<somefactor>], \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][<somefactor>] + \RenewDocumentCommand{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor}{}{\arg@new@legend@leftDescriptorFactor}% + }% +% % Case \setcvskilllegendcolumns[] nothing needs to be done here i.e. leave default values unaltered + }{% + % Case \setcvskilllegendcolumns, \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>], \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>][] + % or \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>][<somefactor>] + \setlength{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth}{\arg@new@legend@hintscolumnwidth}% + \if@moderncvbodyi% + \setlength{\skilllegend@bodylength}{\textwidth-\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \fi% + \if@moderncvbodyiii% + \setlength{\skilllegend@bodylength}{\textwidth-\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \fi% + \if@moderncvbodyiv% + \setlength{\skilllegend@bodylength}{\maincolumnwidth-\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth-\separatorcolumnwidth}% + \fi% + % in case second argument is given but left empty use default + \ifdefempty{\arg@new@legend@leftDescriptorFactor}{% + % Case \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>][] do nothing here and leave default values unaltered + }{% + % Case \setcvskilllegendcolumns, \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>], \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>][<somefactor>] + \RenewDocumentCommand{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor}{}{\arg@new@legend@leftDescriptorFactor}% + }% + }% +}% +% +% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% % \cvskilllegend +% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% default legend style +% \cvskilllegend[*][<post_padding>][<first_level>][<second_level>][<third_level>][<fourth_level>][<fifth_level>]{<name>} +\NewDocumentCommand\skillLegend@FontSize{}{\scriptsize} +\DeclareDocumentCommand\cvskilllegend{s +O{} +O{} +O{} +O{} +O{} +O{} +m}{}% +% Print legend table explaining the meaning of \cvskill{1}...\cvskill{5}. +% +% Input: +% asterix (optional): include vertical (dashed) lines. This behaviour depends on the body style. +% For the fancy style, the asterix has no meaning. +% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em> +% input_2 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{1}, default: <basic knowledge> +% input_3 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{2}, default: <intermediate knowledge with some project experience> +% input_4 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{3}, default: <extensive project experience> +% input_5 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{4}, default: <deepened expert knowledge> +% input_6 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{5}, default: <expert/guru> +% input_7: string giving a name to the legend, default: <> +% +% Example usages: +% \cvskilllegend{} print default legend +% \cvskilllegend[0.5em]{Legend} print default legend, but adjust post padding and display the word ``Legend''. +% \cvskilllegend*[0.2em][Grundkenntnisse][Grundkenntnisse und eigene Erfahrung in Projekten][Umfangreiche Erfahrung in Projekten][Vertiefte Expertenkenntnisse][Experte/Guru]{Legende} Fully adjust legend to German example and including dashed lines +% +% Note: +% -The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskilllegendcolumns, see \setcvskilllegendcolumns +% -The design of the table is such that the <second_level> entry stands in the first column but +% occupies rows two and three. This has been done to accomodate english and german defaults. +% An alternative is provided by \cvskillplainlegend + +% declare default legend entries +\NewDocumentCommand\skillLegend@defaultLevelOne{}{basic knowledge} +\NewDocumentCommand\skillLegend@defaultLevelTwo{}{intermediate knowledge with some project experience} +\NewDocumentCommand\skillLegend@defaultLevelThree{}{extensive project experience} +\NewDocumentCommand\skillLegend@defaultLevelFour{}{deepened expert knowledge} +\NewDocumentCommand\skillLegend@defaultLevelFive{}{expert\,/\,specialist} +% Redefinition of \cvskilllegend valid for moderncvbodyi, moderncvbodyii, moderncvbodyiii +\RenewDocumentCommand\cvskilllegend{s +O{.25em} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelOne} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelTwo} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelThree} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelFour} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelFive} +m}{% + \IfBooleanTF#1{% if a star is given, add dashed line + \begingroup% + \arrayrulecolor{color1}% + % calculate descriptor widths + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-3\skilllegend@padding}% + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@bodylength-\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-3\skilllegend@padding}% + \begin{tabular}{@{}p{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth}% + @{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skilllegend@padding}};{.6pt/1pt}%% + p{2\skilllegend@padding}p{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}@{}@{\hspace{2\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skilllegend@padding}};{.6pt/1pt}% + p{2\skilllegend@padding}% + p{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}@{}}% + \raggedleft\hintstyle{#8} & \cvskill{1}& & {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{3}& &{\skillLegend@FontSize #5 } \\% + % + & \cvskill{2} & & \multirow{2}{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{{\skillLegend@FontSize #4}} & \cvskill{4}& & {\skillLegend@FontSize #6 } \\% + % + & & & & \cvskill{5}& & {\skillLegend@FontSize #7 }% + \end{tabular}% + \endgroup + \par\addvspace{#2}}{% + % if no star is given, do not add dashed line. We need less padding in this case + \begingroup% + % calculate descriptor columns width. note the adjusted padding + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-1\skilllegend@padding}% + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@bodylength-\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-1\skilllegend@padding}% + \begin{tabular}{@{}p{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth}% + @{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skilllegend@padding}}% + p{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}@{\hspace{2\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skilllegend@padding}}% + p{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}@{}}% + \raggedleft\hintstyle{#8} & \cvskill{1}\, & \,{\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{3}\, &\,{\skillLegend@FontSize #5 } \\% + % + & \cvskill{2}\, & \,\multirow{2}{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{{\skillLegend@FontSize #4}} & \cvskill{4}\, &\,{\skillLegend@FontSize #6 } \\% + % + & & & \cvskill{5}\, &\,{\skillLegend@FontSize #7 }% + \end{tabular}% + \endgroup% + \par\addvspace{#2}% + }% +}% +% Redefinition of \cvskilllegend valid for moderncvbodyiv +\if@moderncvbodyiv% + \RenewDocumentCommand\cvskilllegend{s +O{.25em} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelOne} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelTwo} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelThree} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelFour} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelFive} +m}{% + \def\arg@legendString{#8}% + \ifdefempty{\arg@legendString}{% + }{% + \cvitem[0.25em]{\hintstyle{#8}}{}% + }% + \IfBooleanTF#1{% if a star is given, add dashed line + \begingroup% + % recalculate desrciptor widths on the fly. Allows for different padding + % in the stared and nonstared case + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-4\skilllegend@padding}% + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@bodylength-\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-4\skilllegend@padding}% + \arrayrulecolor{color1} + \begin{tabular}{@{}p{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth} + @{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skilllegend@padding}};{.6pt/1pt}% + p{2\skilllegend@padding}% + p{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}@{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skilllegend@padding}};{.6pt/1pt}% + p{2\skilllegend@padding}p{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}@{}}% + \raggedleft\hintstyle{} & \cvskill{1} & & {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{3} & & {\skillLegend@FontSize #5 } \\ + % + & \cvskill{2} & & \multirow{2}{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{{\skillLegend@FontSize #4}} & \cvskill{4} & &{\skillLegend@FontSize #6 } \\ + % + & & & & \cvskill{5}& & {\skillLegend@FontSize #7 } + \end{tabular}% + \endgroup% + \par\addvspace{#2}}{ + \begingroup% + % oddly enough, we should only need to subtract 2 paddings in the descritorwidths. + % but while testing I got overflow of text into the margin + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-4\skilllegend@padding}% + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@bodylength-\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-5\skilllegend@padding}% + \begin{tabular}{@{}p{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth} + @{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{2\skilllegend@padding}}% + p{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}@{\hspace{2\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{2\skilllegend@padding}}% + p{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}@{}}% + \raggedleft\hintstyle{} & \cvskill{1} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{3} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #5 } \\ + % + & \cvskill{2} & \multirow{2}{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{{\skillLegend@FontSize #4}} & \cvskill{4} &{\skillLegend@FontSize #6 } \\ + % + & & & \cvskill{5} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #7 } + \end{tabular}% + \endgroup% + \par\addvspace{#2} + } + } +\fi +% Redefinition of \cvskilllegend valid for moderncvbodyv +\if@moderncvbodyv% + \DeclareDocumentCommand\@starIndependentTabular{}{}% + \RenewDocumentCommand\cvskilllegend{s +O{.25em} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelOne} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelTwo} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelThree} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelFour} +O{\skillLegend@defaultLevelFive} +m}{% + % check whether Argument #8 is given and if so provide it as cvitem + \def\arg@legendString{#8}% + \ifdefempty{\arg@legendString}{% + \vspace*{-\separatorrulewidth}% HACK; I don't understand where the space is coming from, nor what it's exact value is :( + }{% + \cvitem[-0.5em]{#8}{}% + }% + \arrayrulecolor{color1}% + \setlength\arrayrulewidth{\separatorrulewidth}% + \RenewDocumentCommand{\@starIndependentTabular}{}{% + \begingroup% + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-3\skilllegend@padding}% + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@bodylength-\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-3\skilllegend@padding}% +% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.0}% + \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}p{\hintscolumnwidth}%\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth + @{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}|@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{3\skilllegend@padding}}% + p{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}@{\hspace{2\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{3\skilllegend@padding}}% + p{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}@{}}% + \@moderncvstrut{4pt}{16pt} & \cvskill{1}& {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{3}& {\skillLegend@FontSize #5 }\\% + % + & \cvskill{2}& \multirow{2}{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{{\skillLegend@FontSize #4}} & \cvskill{4}& {\skillLegend@FontSize #6 }\\% + % + & & & \cvskill{5} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #7 }\\[#2]% the spacing needs to be inside the cell for the vertical rule to extend correctly + \end{tabular}% + \endgroup% + \par\@aftersectionfalse\ignorespaces% + }% + % because of this weird style and the position of the parameter [#2], the dashed lines of the other version look bad. So no lines. + \IfBooleanTF#1{% + \@starIndependentTabular% + }{% + \@starIndependentTabular% + }% + }% +\fi + +% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% % \cvskillplainlegend +% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% alternative legend style +% \cvskillplainlegend[*][<post_padding>][<first_level>][<second_level>][<third_level>][<fourth_level>][<fifth_level>]{<name>} +\DeclareDocumentCommand\cvskillplainlegend{s +O{} +O{} +O{} +O{} +O{} +O{} +m}{}% +% Print alternative legend table explaining the meaning of \cvskill{1}...\cvskill{5}. +% In this legend, the first three skill levels are in one column +% +% Input: +% asterix (optional): include vertical (dashed) lines. This behaviour depends on the body style. +% For the fancy style, the asterix has no meaning. +% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em> +% input_2 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{1}, default: <basic knowledge> +% input_3 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{2}, default: <intermediate knowledge with some project experience> +% input_4 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{3}, default: <extensive project experience> +% input_5 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{4}, default: <deepened expert knowledge> +% input_6 (optional): string describing meaning of \cvskill{5}, default: <expert/guru> +% input_7: string giving a name to the legend, default: <> +% +% Example usages: +% \cvskillplainlegend{} print default legend +% \cvskillplainlegend[0.5em]{Legend} print default legend, but adjust post padding and display the word ``Legend''. +% \cvskillplainlegend*[0.2em][Grundkenntnisse][Grundkenntnisse und eigene Erfahrung in Projekten][Umfangreiche Erfahrung in Projekten][Vertiefte Expertenkenntnisse][Experte/Guru]{Legende} Fully adjust legend to German example and including dashed lines +% +% Note: +% -The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskilllegendcolumns, see \setcvskilllegendcolumns + +% declare default legend entries +\NewDocumentCommand\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelOne{}{basic knowlegde} +\NewDocumentCommand\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelTwo{}{intermediate knowledge, some project experience} +\NewDocumentCommand\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelThree{}{extensive project experience} +\NewDocumentCommand\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFour{}{deepened expert knowledge} +\NewDocumentCommand\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFive{}{expert/guru} +% Redefinition of \cvskillplainlegend valid for moderncvbodyi, moderncvbodyii, moderncvbodyiii +\RenewDocumentCommand\cvskillplainlegend{s +O{.25em} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelOne} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelTwo} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelThree} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFour} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFive} +m}{% + \IfBooleanTF#1{% if a star is given, add dashed line + \begingroup% + \arrayrulecolor{color1}% + % calculate descriptor widths + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-3\skilllegend@padding}% + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@bodylength-\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-3\skilllegend@padding}% + \begin{tabular}{@{}p{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth}% + @{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skilllegend@padding}};{.6pt/1pt}%% + p{2\skilllegend@padding}p{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}@{}@{\hspace{2\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skilllegend@padding}};{.6pt/1pt}% + p{2\skilllegend@padding}% + p{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}@{}}% + \raggedleft\hintstyle{#8} & \cvskill{1}& & {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{4}& &{\skillLegend@FontSize #6} \\% + % + & \cvskill{2} & & {\skillLegend@FontSize #4} & \cvskill{5}& & {\skillLegend@FontSize #7} \\% + % + & \cvskill{3} & & {\skillLegend@FontSize #5} & & & % + \end{tabular}% + \endgroup% + \par\addvspace{#2}}{% + % if no star is given, do not add dashed line + \begingroup% + % calculate descriptor widths, note that we use less padding + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-2\skilllegend@padding}% + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@bodylength-\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-2\skilllegend@padding}% + \begin{tabular}{@{}p{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth}% + @{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{2\skilllegend@padding}}% + p{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}@{\hspace{2\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{2\skilllegend@padding}}% + p{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}@{}}% + \raggedleft\hintstyle{#8} & \cvskill{1} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{4} &{\skillLegend@FontSize #6} \\% + % + & \cvskill{2} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #4} & \cvskill{5} &{\skillLegend@FontSize #7} \\% + % + & \cvskill{3} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #5 } & & % + \end{tabular}% + \endgroup% + \par\addvspace{#2}% + }% +}% +% Redefinition of \cvskillplainlegend valid for moderncvbodyiv +\if@moderncvbodyiv% + \RenewDocumentCommand\cvskillplainlegend{s +O{.25em} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelOne} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelTwo} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelThree} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFour} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFive} +m}{% + \def\arg@legendString{#8}% + \ifdefempty{\arg@legendString}{% + }{% + \cvitem[0.25em]{\hintstyle{#8}}{}% + }% + \IfBooleanTF#1{% if a star is given, add dashed line + \begingroup% + \arrayrulecolor{color1} + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-6\skilllegend@padding}% + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@bodylength-\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-6\skilllegend@padding}% + \begin{tabular}{@{}p{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth} + @{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skilllegend@padding}};{.6pt/1pt}% + p{2\skilllegend@padding}% + p{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}@{\hspace{2\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skilllegend@padding}};{.6pt/1pt}% + p{2\skilllegend@padding}p{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}@{}}% + \raggedleft\hintstyle{} & \cvskill{1} & & {\skillLegend@FontSize#3} & \cvskill{4} & & {\skillLegend@FontSize#6}\\% + % + & \cvskill{2} & &{\skillLegend@FontSize#4} & \cvskill{5} & &{\skillLegend@FontSize#7}\\% + % + & \cvskill{3} & &{\skillLegend@FontSize#5} & & &% + \end{tabular}% + \endgroup% + \par\addvspace{#2}}{ + % if no star is given, do not add dashed line + \begingroup + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-3\skilllegend@padding}% + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@bodylength-\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-4\skilllegend@padding}% + \begin{tabular}{@{}p{\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth} + @{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skilllegend@padding}}% + p{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}@{\hspace{2\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skilllegend@padding}}% + p{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}@{}}% + \raggedleft\hintstyle{} & \cvskill{1} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{4} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #6} \\ + % + & \cvskill{2} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #4} & \cvskill{5} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #7} \\ + % + & \cvskill{3} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #5} & & % + \end{tabular}% + \endgroup + \par\addvspace{#2} + } + } +\fi +% Redefinition of \cvskillplainlegend valid for moderncvbodyv +\if@moderncvbodyv% + \RenewDocumentCommand\cvskillplainlegend{s +O{.25em} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelOne} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelTwo} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelThree} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFour} +O{\skillPlainLegend@defaultLevelFive} +m}{% + % check whether Argument #8 is given and if so provide it as cvitem + \def\arg@legendString{#8}% + \ifdefempty{\arg@legendString}{% + \vspace*{-\separatorrulewidth}% HACK; I don't understand where the space is coming from, nor what it's exact value is :( + }{% + \cvitem[-0.5em]{#8}{}% + }% + \arrayrulecolor{color1}% + \setlength\arrayrulewidth{\separatorrulewidth}% + \RenewDocumentCommand{\@starIndependentTabular}{}{% + \begingroup% +% \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.0}% + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-2\skilllegend@padding}% + \setlength{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}{\skilllegend@bodylength-\skilllegend@leftdesriptorfactor\skilllegend@bodylength-\cvskill@width-\skillmatrix@padding-2\skilllegend@padding}% + \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}p{\hintscolumnwidth}%\skilllegend@hintscolumnwidth + @{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}|@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{2\skilllegend@padding}}% + p{\cvskilllegend@leftdescriptorwidth}@{\hspace{2\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{2\skilllegend@padding}}% + p{\cvskilllegend@rightdescriptorwidth}@{}}% + \@moderncvstrut{4pt}{16pt} & \cvskill{1} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #3} & \cvskill{4} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #6}\\% + % + & \cvskill{2} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #4} & \cvskill{5} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #7}\\% + % + & \cvskill{3} & {\skillLegend@FontSize #5} & & \\[#2]% the spacing needs to be inside the cell for the vertical rule to extend correctly + \end{tabular}% + \endgroup% + \par\@aftersectionfalse\ignorespaces% + }% + % because of this weird style and the position of the parameter [#2], the dashed lines of the other version look bad. So no lines. + \IfBooleanTF#1{% + \@starIndependentTabular% + }{% + \@starIndependentTabular% + }% + }% +\fi + +% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% % \cvskillhead +% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NewDocumentCommand\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont{}{\normalfont} +\DeclareDocumentCommand\cvskillhead{+O{} +O{} +O{} +O{} +O{}}{}% +% add skill matrix line acting as header explaining the meaning of columns. +% +% Input: +% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em> +% input_2 (optional): string naming the level column (2nd column), default: <Level> +% input_3 (optional): string naming the skill column (3nd column), default: <Skill> +% input_4 (optional): string naming the experience-in-years column (4th column), default: <Years> +% input_5 (optional): string naming the comment column (5th column), default: <Comment> +% +% Example usages: +% \cvskillhead print default head. +% \cvskillhead[0.5em] print default head, but adjust post padding. +% \cvskillhead[0.25em][Level][F\"ahigkeit][Jahre][Bemerkung] Fully adjust head to German example +% +% Note: +% - The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskillcolumns command, see \setcvskillcolumns. + +\NewDocumentCommand\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultOne{}{Level} +\NewDocumentCommand\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultTwo{}{Skill} +\NewDocumentCommand\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultThree{}{Years} +\NewDocumentCommand\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultFour{}{Comment} +% Definition of \cvskillhead valid for moderncvbodyi, moderncvbodyii, moderncvbodyiii, moderncvbodyiv +\RenewDocumentCommand\cvskillhead{O{.25em} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultOne} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultTwo} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultThree} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultFour}}{% + \begingroup + \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.25} + \arrayrulecolor{color1} + \begin{tabular}{@{}p{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth}@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}@{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@experiencewidth}@{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}} + p{\skillmatrix@commentwidth}@{}}% + & \centering{\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont #2} & \centering{\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont #3} & \centering{\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont #4} & {\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont #5} + \end{tabular}% + \endgroup + \par\addvspace{#1} +} +% Definition of \cvskillhead valid moderncvbodyv +\if@moderncvbodyv% + \RenewDocumentCommand\cvskillhead{O{.25em} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultOne} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultTwo} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultThree} +O{\skillMatrix@HeaderDefaultFour}}{% + \arrayrulecolor{color1}% + \setlength\arrayrulewidth{\separatorrulewidth}% + \vspace*{-\separatorrulewidth}% HACK; I don't understand where the space is coming from, nor what it's exact value is :( + \begingroup% + % \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.25}% + \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}p{\hintscolumnwidth}% + @{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}|@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}% + p{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth}% + @{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}@{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@experiencewidth}@{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\skillmatrix@commentwidth}@{}}% + & & \centering{\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont#2} & \centering{\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont#3} & \centering{\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont#4} & {\cvSkillMatrix@HeadFont#5} \\[#1]% the spacing needs to be inside the cell for the vertical rule to extend correctly + \end{tabular}% + \endgroup% + \par\@aftersectionfalse\ignorespaces% + }% +\fi + +% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% % \cvskillentry +% %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% \cvskillentry[*][<post_padding>]{<skill_cathegory>}{<0-5>}{<skill_name>}{<years_of_experience>}{<comment>}% +\DeclareDocumentCommand\cvskillentry{s +O{} +m +m +m +m +m}{}% +% add cvskill matrix row. +% +% Input: +% asterix (optional): include horizontal (dashed) line above the entered line. This behaviour depends on the body style. +% For the fancy style, the asterix has no meaning. +% input_1 (optional): padding length appended to the legend, default: <0.25em> +% input_2: string, naming skill cathegory, default: <> +% input_3: integer between 0 and 5, describing level of skill. \cvskill{input_2} is called internally, default: <> +% input_4: string, naming the skill, default: <> +% input_5: positive real number, stating the number of years of experience with this skill , default: <> +% input_6: string, explaining details w.r.t. that particual skill default: <> +% +% Example usages: +% \cvskillentry*{Language:}{3}{Python}{2}{I have done a million projects with Python} +% \cvskillentry{}{2}{Lilypond}{14}{So much sheet music! Man I'm the best!} +% \cvskillentry{}{3}{\LaTeX}{14}{Clearly I rock at \LaTeX} +% \cvskillentry*[1.5em]{OS:}{3}{Linux}{2}{I only use Archlinux} +% +% Note: +% - The width of the columns can be adjusted by the \setcvskillcolumns command, see \setcvskillcolumns. + +% Definition of \cvskillentry valid for moderncvbodyi, moderncvbodyii, moderncvbodyiii, moderncvbodyiv +\RenewDocumentCommand\cvskillentry{s +O{.25em} +m +m +m +m +m}{% + %test for the star * in the command + \IfBooleanTF{#1}{% If a star is seen a dotted line is drawn above the entry + \begingroup + \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.25} + \arrayrulecolor{color1} + \begin{tabular}{@{}p{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth}@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}@{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@experiencewidth} @{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\skillmatrix@commentwidth}@{}}% + \cdashline{2-5}[.6pt/1pt] + \raggedleft\hintstyle{#3} &\centering \cvskill{#4} &\centering {#5} & \centering {#6} &{\itshape#7}% + \end{tabular}% + \endgroup + \par\addvspace{#2} + }{% If no star is seen no line is drawn + \begin{tabular}{@{}p{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth}@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}@{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@experiencewidth}% + @{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\skillmatrix@commentwidth}@{}}% + \raggedleft\hintstyle{#3} &\centering \cvskill{#4} &\centering {#5} & \centering {#6} &{\itshape#7}% + \end{tabular}% + \par\addvspace{#2} + } +} + +% Definition of \cvskillentry valid for moderncvbodyv +\if@moderncvbodyv% + \DeclareDocumentCommand\@starIndependentMatrixEntry{}{}% + \RenewDocumentCommand\cvskillentry{s O{.25em} +m +m +m +m +m}{% + \arrayrulecolor{color1}% + \setlength\arrayrulewidth{\separatorrulewidth}% + \vspace*{-\separatorrulewidth}% HACK; I don't understand where the space is coming from, nor what it's exact value is :( + %test for the star * in the command + \RenewDocumentCommand{\@starIndependentMatrixEntry}{}{% + \begingroup% + \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.25}% + \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}p{\hintscolumnwidth}% + @{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}|@{\hspace{\separatorcolumnwidth}}p{\skillmatrix@hintscolumnwidth} + @{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@width}@{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@descriptorwidth}@{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}% + p{\cvskill@experiencewidth} @{\hspace{\skillmatrix@padding}}p{\skillmatrix@commentwidth}@{}}% + % \cline{3-6}% + & \raggedleft\hintstyle{#3} &\centering \cvskill{#4} &\centering {#5} & \centering {#6} &{\itshape#7}\\[#2]% + \end{tabular}% + \endgroup% + }% + \IfBooleanTF{#1}{% the star does not do anything here + \@starIndependentMatrixEntry% + }{% + \@starIndependentMatrixEntry% + }% + \par\@aftersectionfalse\ignorespaces% + }% +\fi +% +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvskillmatrix.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvstylebanking.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvstylebanking.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2cfc75e --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvstylebanking.sty @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvstylebanking.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvstylebanking}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter style scheme: banking] + +% body rules type options: "fullrules", "shortrules", "mixedrules" (default) or "norules" +\@initializecommand{\moderncvstylebodyoptions}{} +\DeclareOption{fullrules} {\edef\moderncvstylebodyoptions{\moderncvstylebodyoptions,fullrules}} +\DeclareOption{shortrules} {\edef\moderncvstylebodyoptions{\moderncvstylebodyoptions,shortrules}} +\DeclareOption{mixedrules} {\edef\moderncvstylebodyoptions{\moderncvstylebodyoptions,mixedrules}} +\DeclareOption{norules} {\edef\moderncvstylebodyoptions{\moderncvstylebodyoptions,norules}} + +% body section alignment options: "left" (default), "center" or "right" +\DeclareOption{left} {\edef\moderncvstylebodyoptions{\moderncvstylebodyoptions,left}} +\DeclareOption{center} {\edef\moderncvstylebodyoptions{\moderncvstylebodyoptions,center}} +\DeclareOption{right} {\edef\moderncvstylebodyoptions{\moderncvstylebodyoptions,right}} + +% toggle use of symbol fonts. +\@initializeif{\if@symbols}\@symbolsfalse +\DeclareOption{symbols} {\@symbolstrue} +\DeclareOption{nosymbols} {\@symbolsfalse} + +\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options +\ExecuteOptions{mixedrules,left,symbols} +\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts & icons +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% TeX Gyre Pagella font +%\ifxetexorluatex +% \setmainfont{Tex-Gyre Pagella} +% \setsansfont{Tex-Gyre Pagella} +% \setmathfont{Tex-Gyre Pagella} +% \setmathfont[range=\mathit,\mathsfit]{Tex-Gyre Pagella Italic} +% \setmathfont[range=\mathbfup,\mathbfsfup]{Tex-Gyre Pagella Bold} +% \setmathfont[range=\mathbfit,\mathbfsfit]{Tex-Gyre Pagella Bold Italic} +%\else + \IfFileExists{tgpagella.sty}% + {% + \RequirePackage{tgpagella}% + \renewcommand*{\familydefault}{\rmdefault}}% + {} +%\fi + +% symbols +\if@symbols + \ifxetexorluatex + \moderncvicons{awesome} % use font-awesome symbols if lualatex or xelatex is used + \else + \moderncvicons{marvosym} % use marvosym symbols pdflatex is used + \fi +\else + \moderncvicons{letters} % do not use symbols, use letters +\fi + + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% header, body & footer +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\moderncvhead{3} +\moderncvbody[\moderncvstylebodyoptions]{3} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvstylebanking.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvstylecasual.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvstylecasual.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f591830 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvstylecasual.sty @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvstylecasual.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvstylecasual}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter style scheme: casual] + +% head section alignment options: "left" (default) or "right" +\@initializecommand{\moderncvstyleheadoptions}{} +\DeclareOption{left} {\edef\moderncvstyleheadoptions{\moderncvstyleheadoptions,left}} +\DeclareOption{right}{\edef\moderncvstyleheadoptions{\moderncvstyleheadoptions,right}} + +% toggle use of symbol fonts. +\@initializeif{\if@symbols}\@symbolsfalse +\DeclareOption{symbols} {\@symbolstrue} +\DeclareOption{nosymbols} {\@symbolsfalse} + +\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options +\ExecuteOptions{right,symbols} +\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts & icons +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% Latin Modern fonts +%\ifxetexorluatex +% \setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman} +% \setsansfont{Latin Modern Sans} +% \setmathfont{Latin Modern Math} +%\else +% \IfFileExists{lmodern.sty}% +% {\RequirePackage{lmodern}}% +% {} +%\fi + +% symbols +\if@symbols + \ifxetexorluatex + \moderncvicons{awesome} % use font-awesome symbols if lualatex or xelatex is used + \else + \moderncvicons{marvosym} % use marvosym symbols pdflatex is used + \fi +\else + \moderncvicons{letters} % do not use symbols, use letters +\fi + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% header, body & footer +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\moderncvhead[\moderncvstyleheadoptions]{2} +\moderncvbody{1} +\moderncvfoot{1} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvstylecasual.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvstyleclassic.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvstyleclassic.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe4a511 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvstyleclassic.sty @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvstyleclassic.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvstyleclassic}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter style scheme: classic] + +% head section alignment options: "left" (default) or "right" +\@initializecommand{\moderncvstyleheadoptions}{} +\DeclareOption{left} {\edef\moderncvstyleheadoptions{\moderncvstyleheadoptions,left}} +\DeclareOption{right}{\edef\moderncvstyleheadoptions{\moderncvstyleheadoptions,right}} + +% toggle use of symbol fonts. +\@initializeif{\if@symbols}\@symbolsfalse +\DeclareOption{symbols} {\@symbolstrue} +\DeclareOption{nosymbols} {\@symbolsfalse} + +\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options +\ExecuteOptions{left,symbols} +\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts & icons +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% Latin Modern fonts +%\ifxetexorluatex +% \setmainfont{Latin Modern Roman} +% \setsansfont{Latin Modern Sans} +% \setmathfont{Latin Modern Math} +%\else +% \IfFileExists{lmodern.sty}% +% {\RequirePackage{lmodern}}% +% {} +%\fi + +% symbols +\if@symbols + \ifxetexorluatex + \moderncvicons{awesome} % use font-awesome symbols if lualatex or xelatex is used + \else + \moderncvicons{marvosym} % use marvosym symbols pdflatex is used + \fi +\else + \moderncvicons{letters} % do not use symbols, use letters +\fi + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% header, body & footer +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\moderncvhead[\moderncvstyleheadoptions]{1} +\moderncvbody{1} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvstyleclassic.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvstyleempty.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvstyleempty.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f41e068 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvstyleempty.sty @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvstyleempty.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvstyleempty}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae scheme: empty] + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% required packages +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% package options +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% toggle use of symbol fonts. +\@initializeif{\if@symbols}\@symbolsfalse +\DeclareOption{symbols} {\@symbolstrue} +\DeclareOption{nosymbols} {\@symbolsfalse} + +\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options +\ExecuteOptions{symbols} +\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% style definition +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts & icons +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% symbols +\if@symbols + \ifxetexorluatex + \moderncvicons{awesome} % use font-awesome symbols if lualatex or xelatex is used + \else + \moderncvicons{marvosym} % use marvosym symbols pdflatex is used + \fi +\else + \moderncvicons{letters} % do not use symbols, use letters +\fi + +% see moderncv.cls for command declarations that needs to be implemented, e.g. \maketitle, \section, \subsections, \cvline, etc + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvstyleempty.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvstylefancy.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvstylefancy.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5756eec --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvstylefancy.sty @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvstylefancy.sty'. +%% Copyright 2015-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvstylefancy}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter style scheme: fancy] + +% toggle use of symbol fonts. +\@initializeif{\if@symbols}\@symbolsfalse +\DeclareOption{symbols} {\@symbolstrue} +\DeclareOption{nosymbols} {\@symbolsfalse} + +\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options +\ExecuteOptions{symbols} +\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts & icons +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% EB Garamond font +%\ifxetexorluatex +% \setmainfont{EB Garamond} +% \setsansfont{EB Garamond} +% \setmathfont{EB Garamond} +%\else + \IfFileExists{ebgaramond.sty}% + {\RequirePackage{ebgaramond}}% + {} +%\fi + + +% symbols +\if@symbols + \ifxetexorluatex + \moderncvicons{awesome} % use font-awesome symbols if lualatex or xelatex is used + \else + \moderncvicons{marvosym} % use marvosym symbols pdflatex is used + \fi +\else + \moderncvicons{letters} % do not use symbols, use letters +\fi + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% header, body & footer +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\moderncvhead{5} +\moderncvbody{5} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvstylefancy.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/moderncvstyleoldstyle.sty b/CV/moderncv/moderncvstyleoldstyle.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a2921e --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/moderncvstyleoldstyle.sty @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +%% start of file `moderncvstyleoldstyle.sty'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% identification +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesPackage{moderncvstyleoldstyle}[2021-07-28 v2.2.0 modern curriculum vitae and letter style scheme: oldstyle] + +% toggle use of symbol fonts. +\@initializeif{\if@symbols}\@symbolsfalse +\DeclareOption{symbols} {\@symbolstrue} +\DeclareOption{nosymbols} {\@symbolsfalse} + +\DeclareOption*{}% avoid choking on unknown options +\ExecuteOptions{symbols} +\ProcessOptions*\relax% \ProcessOptions* processes the options in the order provided (i.e., with the later ones possibly overriding the former ones), while \ProcessOptions processes them in the order of the package + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% fonts & icons +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% Kurier font +%\ifxetexorluatex +% \setmainfont[Numbers={OldStyle,Proportional}, BoldFont={Kurier Bold}, ItalicFont={Kurier Light Italic}, BoldItalicFont={Kurier Bold Italic}]{Kurier Light} +% \setsansfont[Numbers={OldStyle,Proportional}, BoldFont={Kurier Bold}, ItalicFont={Kurier Light Italic}, BoldItalicFont={Kurier Bold Italic}]{Kurier Light} +% \setmathfont{Kurier Light} +% \setmathfont[range=\mathit,\mathsfit]{Kurier Light Italic} +% \setmathfont[range=\mathbfup,\mathbfsfup]{Kurier Bold} +% \setmathfont[range=\mathbfit,\mathbfsfit]{Kurier Bold Italic} +%\else + \IfFileExists{kurier.sty}% + {\RequirePackage[light,math]{kurier}}% + {} +%\fi + +% symbols +\if@symbols + \ifxetexorluatex + \moderncvicons{awesome} % use font-awesome symbols if lualatex or xelatex is used + \else + \moderncvicons{marvosym} % use marvosym symbols pdflatex is used + \fi +\else + \moderncvicons{letters} % do not use symbols, use letters +\fi + + +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% header, body & footer +%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\moderncvhead{4} +\moderncvbody{4} + + +\endinput + + +%% end of file `moderncvstyleoldstyle.sty'. diff --git a/CV/moderncv/picture.eps b/CV/moderncv/picture.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7415b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/picture.eps @@ -0,0 +1,958 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Creator: (ImageMagick) +%%Title: (picture.eps) +%%CreationDate: (2012-03-25T00:18:42-04:00) +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 94 94 +%%HiResBoundingBox: 0 0 94 94 +%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit +%%LanguageLevel: 1 +%%Pages: 1 +%%EndComments + +%%BeginDefaults +%%EndDefaults + +%%BeginProlog +% +% Display a color image. The image is displayed in color on +% Postscript viewers or printers that support color, otherwise +% it is displayed as grayscale. +% +/DirectClassPacket +{ + % + % Get a DirectClass packet. + % + % Parameters: + % red. + % green. + % blue. + % length: number of pixels minus one of this color (optional). + % + currentfile color_packet readhexstring pop pop + compression 0 eq + { + /number_pixels 3 def + } + { + currentfile byte readhexstring pop 0 get + /number_pixels exch 1 add 3 mul def + } ifelse + 0 3 number_pixels 1 sub + { + pixels exch color_packet putinterval + } for + pixels 0 number_pixels getinterval +} bind def + +/DirectClassImage +{ + % + % Display a DirectClass image. + % + systemdict /colorimage known + { + columns rows 8 + [ + columns 0 0 + rows neg 0 rows + ] + { DirectClassPacket } false 3 colorimage + } + { + % + % No colorimage operator; convert to grayscale. + % + columns rows 8 + [ + columns 0 0 + rows neg 0 rows + ] + { GrayDirectClassPacket } image + } ifelse +} bind def + +/GrayDirectClassPacket +{ + % + % Get a DirectClass packet; convert to grayscale. + % + % Parameters: + % red + % green + % blue + % length: number of pixels minus one of this color (optional). + % + currentfile color_packet readhexstring pop pop + color_packet 0 get 0.299 mul + color_packet 1 get 0.587 mul add + color_packet 2 get 0.114 mul add + cvi + /gray_packet exch def + compression 0 eq + { + /number_pixels 1 def + } + { + currentfile byte readhexstring pop 0 get + /number_pixels exch 1 add def + } ifelse + 0 1 number_pixels 1 sub + { + pixels exch gray_packet put + } for + pixels 0 number_pixels getinterval +} bind def + +/GrayPseudoClassPacket +{ + % + % Get a PseudoClass packet; convert to grayscale. + % + % Parameters: + % index: index into the colormap. + % length: number of pixels minus one of this color (optional). + % + currentfile byte readhexstring pop 0 get + /offset exch 3 mul def + /color_packet colormap offset 3 getinterval def + color_packet 0 get 0.299 mul + color_packet 1 get 0.587 mul add + color_packet 2 get 0.114 mul add + cvi + /gray_packet exch def + compression 0 eq + { + /number_pixels 1 def + } + { + currentfile byte readhexstring pop 0 get + /number_pixels exch 1 add def + } ifelse + 0 1 number_pixels 1 sub + { + pixels exch gray_packet put + } for + pixels 0 number_pixels getinterval +} bind def + +/PseudoClassPacket +{ + % + % Get a PseudoClass packet. + % + % Parameters: + % index: index into the colormap. + % length: number of pixels minus one of this color (optional). + % + currentfile byte readhexstring pop 0 get + /offset exch 3 mul def + /color_packet colormap offset 3 getinterval def + compression 0 eq + { + /number_pixels 3 def + } + { + currentfile byte readhexstring pop 0 get + /number_pixels exch 1 add 3 mul def + } ifelse + 0 3 number_pixels 1 sub + { + pixels exch color_packet putinterval + } for + pixels 0 number_pixels getinterval +} bind def + +/PseudoClassImage +{ + % + % Display a PseudoClass image. + % + % Parameters: + % class: 0-PseudoClass or 1-Grayscale. + % + currentfile buffer readline pop + token pop /class exch def pop + class 0 gt + { + currentfile buffer readline pop + token pop /depth exch def pop + /grays columns 8 add depth sub depth mul 8 idiv string def + columns rows depth + [ + columns 0 0 + rows neg 0 rows + ] + { currentfile grays readhexstring pop } image + } + { + % + % Parameters: + % colors: number of colors in the colormap. + % colormap: red, green, blue color packets. + % + currentfile buffer readline pop + token pop /colors exch def pop + /colors colors 3 mul def + /colormap colors string def + currentfile colormap readhexstring pop pop + systemdict /colorimage known + { + columns rows 8 + [ + columns 0 0 + rows neg 0 rows + ] + { PseudoClassPacket } false 3 colorimage + } + { + % + % No colorimage operator; convert to grayscale. + % + columns rows 8 + [ + columns 0 0 + rows neg 0 rows + ] + { GrayPseudoClassPacket } image + } ifelse + } ifelse +} bind def + +/DisplayImage +{ + % + % Display a DirectClass or PseudoClass image. + % + % Parameters: + % x & y translation. + % x & y scale. + % label pointsize. + % image label. + % image columns & rows. + % class: 0-DirectClass or 1-PseudoClass. + % compression: 0-none or 1-RunlengthEncoded. + % hex color packets. + % + gsave + /buffer 512 string def + /byte 1 string def + /color_packet 3 string def + /pixels 768 string def + + currentfile buffer readline pop + token pop /x exch def + token pop /y exch def pop + x y translate + currentfile buffer readline pop + token pop /x exch def + token pop /y exch def pop + currentfile buffer readline pop + token pop /pointsize exch def pop + /Times-Roman findfont pointsize scalefont setfont + x y scale + currentfile buffer readline pop + token pop /columns exch def + token pop /rows exch def pop + currentfile buffer readline pop + token pop /class exch def pop + currentfile buffer readline pop + token pop /compression exch def pop + class 0 gt { PseudoClassImage } { DirectClassImage } ifelse +} bind def +%%EndProlog +%%Page: 1 1 +%%PageBoundingBox: 0 0 94 94 +userdict begin +DisplayImage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Use iftex instead. +) +\Gm@cnth=\count292 +\Gm@cntv=\count293 +\c@Gm@tempcnt=\count294 +\Gm@bindingoffset=\dimen260 +\Gm@wd@mp=\dimen261 +\Gm@odd@mp=\dimen262 +\Gm@even@mp=\dimen263 +\Gm@layoutwidth=\dimen264 +\Gm@layoutheight=\dimen265 +\Gm@layouthoffset=\dimen266 +\Gm@layoutvoffset=\dimen267 +\Gm@dimlist=\toks34 +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/hyperref.sty +Package: hyperref 2021-02-27 v7.00k Hypertext links for LaTeX + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/ltxcmds/ltxcmds.sty +Package: ltxcmds 2020-05-10 v1.25 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO) +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pdftexcmds/pdftexcmds.sty +Package: pdftexcmds 2020-06-27 v0.33 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO +) + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/infwarerr/infwarerr.sty +Package: infwarerr 2019/12/03 v1.5 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO) +) +Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@primitive is available. +Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@ifprimitive is available. +Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdfdraftmode found. +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/kvsetkeys/kvsetkeys.sty +Package: kvsetkeys 2019/12/15 v1.18 Key value parser (HO) +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/kvdefinekeys/kvdefinekeys.sty +Package: kvdefinekeys 2019-12-19 v1.6 Define keys (HO) +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pdfescape/pdfescape.sty +Package: pdfescape 2019/12/09 v1.15 Implements pdfTeX's escape features (HO) +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hycolor/hycolor.sty +Package: hycolor 2020-01-27 v1.10 Color options for hyperref/bookmark (HO) +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/letltxmacro/letltxmacro.sty +Package: letltxmacro 2019/12/03 v1.6 Let assignment for LaTeX macros (HO) +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/auxhook/auxhook.sty +Package: auxhook 2019-12-17 v1.6 Hooks for auxiliary files (HO) +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/kvoptions/kvoptions.sty +Package: kvoptions 2020-10-07 v3.14 Key value format for package options (HO) +) +\@linkdim=\dimen268 +\Hy@linkcounter=\count295 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line 6080. +Package hyperref Info: Hyper index ON on input line 6083. +Package hyperref Info: backreferencing OFF on input line 6090. +Package hyperref Info: Link coloring OFF on input line 6095. +Package hyperref Info: Link coloring with OCG OFF on input line 6100. +Package hyperref Info: PDF/A mode OFF on input line 6105. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \ref on input line 6145. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \pageref on input line 6149. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/atbegshi-ltx.sty +Package: atbegshi-ltx 2020/08/17 v1.0a Emulation of the original atbegshi packa +ge +with kernel methods +) +\Hy@abspage=\count300 +\c@Item=\count301 +\c@Hfootnote=\count302 +) +Package hyperref Info: Driver (autodetected): hpdftex. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hyperref/hpdftex.def +File: hpdftex.def 2021-02-27 v7.00k Hyperref driver for pdfTeX + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/atveryend-ltx.sty +Package: atveryend-ltx 2020/08/19 v1.0a Emulation of the original atvery packag +e +with kernel methods +) +\Fld@listcount=\count303 +\c@bookmark@seq@number=\count304 + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/rerunfilecheck/rerunfilecheck.sty +Package: rerunfilecheck 2019/12/05 v1.9 Rerun checks for auxiliary files (HO) + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/uniquecounter/uniquecounter.sty +Package: uniquecounter 2019/12/15 v1.4 Provide unlimited unique counter (HO) +) +Package uniquecounter Info: New unique counter `rerunfilecheck' on input line 2 +86. +) +\Hy@SectionHShift=\skip100 +) +Package hyperref Info: Option `breaklinks' set `true' on input line 74. +Package hyperref Info: Option `bookmarksopen' set `true' on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for T1+lmr on input line 74 +. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/lm/t1lmr.fd +File: t1lmr.fd 2015/05/01 v1.6.1 Font defs for Latin Modern +) +No file template.aux. +\openout1 = `template.aux'. + +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for TS1/cmr/m/n on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for PD1/pdf/m/n on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for PU/pdf/m/n on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 74. +LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for T1+lmss on input line 7 +4. +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/lm/t1lmss.fd +File: t1lmss.fd 2015/05/01 v1.6.1 Font defs for Latin Modern +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/mkii/supp-pdf.mkii +[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).] +\scratchcounter=\count305 +\scratchdimen=\dimen272 +\scratchbox=\box67 +\nofMPsegments=\count306 +\nofMParguments=\count307 +\everyMPshowfont=\toks35 +\MPscratchCnt=\count308 +\MPscratchDim=\dimen273 +\MPnumerator=\count309 +\makeMPintoPDFobject=\count310 +\everyMPtoPDFconversion=\toks36 +) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/epstopdf-pkg/epstopdf-base.sty +Package: epstopdf-base 2020-01-24 v2.11 Base part for package epstopdf +Package epstopdf-base Info: Redefining graphics rule for `.eps' on input line 4 +85. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/latexconfig/epstopdf-sys.cfg +File: epstopdf-sys.cfg 2010/07/13 v1.3 Configuration of (r)epstopdf for TeX Liv +e +)) +LaTeX Info: Redefining \microtypecontext on input line 74. +Package microtype Info: Generating PDF output. +Package microtype Info: Character protrusion enabled (level 2). +Package microtype Info: Using default protrusion set `alltext'. +Package microtype Info: Automatic font expansion enabled (level 2), +(microtype) stretch: 20, shrink: 20, step: 1, non-selected. +Package microtype Info: Using default expansion set `alltext-nott'. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \showhyphens on input line 74. +Package microtype Info: No adjustment of tracking. +Package microtype Info: No adjustment of interword spacing. +Package microtype Info: No adjustment of character kerning. +Package microtype Info: Loading generic protrusion settings for font family +(microtype) `lmss' (encoding: T1). +(microtype) For optimal results, create family-specific settings. +(microtype) See the microtype manual for details. + +*geometry* driver: auto-detecting +*geometry* detected driver: pdftex +*geometry* verbose mode - [ preamble ] result: +* driver: pdftex +* paper: a4paper +* layout: <same size as paper> +* 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Data extraction from label references (HO) +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/generic/gettitlestring/gettitlestring.sty +Package: gettitlestring 2019/12/15 v1.6 Cleanup title references (HO) +) +\c@section@level=\count311 +) +LaTeX Info: Redefining \ref on input line 74. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \pageref on input line 74. +LaTeX Info: Redefining \nameref on input line 74. +\@outlinefile=\write4 +\openout4 = `template.out'. + +\makecvheadpicturebox=\box68 +<picture.jpg, id=7, 94.3525pt x 94.3525pt> +File: picture.jpg Graphic file (type jpg) +<use picture.jpg> +Package pdftex.def Info: picture.jpg used on input line 77. +(pdftex.def) Requested size: 64.0pt x 63.99902pt. +\makecvheadpicturewidth=\skip101 +\makecvheadnamebox=\box69 +LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for OT1+lmr on input line 7 +7. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/lm/ot1lmr.fd +File: ot1lmr.fd 2015/05/01 v1.6.1 Font defs for Latin Modern +) +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/microtype/mt-cmr.cfg +File: mt-cmr.cfg 2013/05/19 v2.2 microtype config. file: Computer Modern Roman +(RS) +) +LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for OML+lmm on input line 7 +7. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/lm/omllmm.fd +File: omllmm.fd 2015/05/01 v1.6.1 Font defs for Latin Modern +) +LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for OMS+lmsy on input line +77. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/lm/omslmsy.fd +File: omslmsy.fd 2015/05/01 v1.6.1 Font defs for Latin Modern +) +LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for OMX+lmex on input line +77. + +(/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/lm/omxlmex.fd +File: omxlmex.fd 2015/05/01 v1.6.1 Font defs for Latin Modern +) +LaTeX Font Info: External font `lmex10' loaded for size +(Font) <10.95> on input line 77. +LaTeX Font Info: External font `lmex10' loaded for size +(Font) <8> on input line 77. +LaTeX Font Info: External font `lmex10' loaded for size +(Font) <6> on input line 77. + +Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 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188. + +No file template.bbl. +[3] [4 + +] (./template.aux) + +LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references. + + +LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right. + + +Package rerunfilecheck Warning: File `template.out' has changed. +(rerunfilecheck) Rerun to get outlines right +(rerunfilecheck) or use package `bookmark'. + +Package rerunfilecheck Info: Checksums for `template.out': +(rerunfilecheck) Before: <no file> +(rerunfilecheck) After: AA9092ABB19C9D0A9F8861742CA2A7BC;1177. + ) +Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: + 22180 strings out of 478994 + 402308 string characters out of 5864716 + 820566 words of memory out of 5000000 + 39104 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 + 480903 words of font info for 120 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 + 1141 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 + 117i,20n,116p,688b,1006s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s +{/usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/lm/lm-mathex.enc}{/usr/share/texmf-dis +t/fonts/enc/dvips/lm/lm-mathsy.enc}{/usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/lm/lm +-mathit.enc}{/usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/lm/lm-rm.enc}{/usr/share/tex +mf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/lm/lm-ec.enc}{/usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/lm/ +lm-ts1.enc}</usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/lm/lmex10.pfb></usr/share/ +texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/lm/lmmi10.pfb></usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/ +public/lm/lmmi8.pfb></usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/lm/lmr10.pfb></us +r/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/lm/lmr8.pfb></usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/ +type1/public/lm/lmro10.pfb></usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/lm/lmss10. +pfb></usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/lm/lmss12.pfb></usr/share/texmf-d +ist/fonts/type1/public/lm/lmss17.pfb></usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/ +lm/lmss8.pfb></usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/lm/lmssbx10.pfb></usr/sh +are/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/lm/lmsso10.pfb></usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/t +ype1/public/lm/lmsso12.pfb></usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/lm/lmsso17 +.pfb></usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/lm/lmsso8.pfb></usr/share/texmf- +dist/fonts/type1/public/lm/lmsy8.pfb></usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/ +marvosym/marvosym.pfb> +Output written on template.pdf (4 pages, 305912 bytes). +PDF statistics: + 225 PDF objects out of 1000 (max. 8388607) + 167 compressed objects within 2 object streams + 17 named destinations out of 1000 (max. 500000) + 49170 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 51595 (max. 10000000) + diff --git a/CV/moderncv/template.out b/CV/moderncv/template.out new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18b6b43 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/template.out @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.1}{\376\377\000E\000d\000u\000c\000a\000t\000i\000o\000n}{}% 1 +\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.2}{\376\377\000M\000a\000s\000t\000e\000r\000\040\000t\000h\000e\000s\000i\000s}{}% 2 +\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.3}{\376\377\000E\000x\000p\000e\000r\000i\000e\000n\000c\000e}{}% 3 +\BOOKMARK [2][]{section*.4}{\376\377\000V\000o\000c\000a\000t\000i\000o\000n\000a\000l}{section*.3}% 4 +\BOOKMARK [2][]{section*.5}{\376\377\000M\000i\000s\000c\000e\000l\000l\000a\000n\000e\000o\000u\000s}{section*.3}% 5 +\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.6}{\376\377\000L\000a\000n\000g\000u\000a\000g\000e\000s}{}% 6 +\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.7}{\376\377\000C\000o\000m\000p\000u\000t\000e\000r\000\040\000s\000k\000i\000l\000l\000s}{}% 7 +\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.8}{\376\377\000S\000k\000i\000l\000l\000\040\000m\000a\000t\000r\000i\000x}{}% 8 +\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.9}{\376\377\000I\000n\000t\000e\000r\000e\000s\000t\000s}{}% 9 +\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.10}{\376\377\000E\000x\000t\000r\000a\000\040\0001}{}% 10 +\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.11}{\376\377\000E\000x\000t\000r\000a\000\040\0002}{}% 11 +\BOOKMARK [1][]{section*.12}{\376\377\000R\000e\000f\000e\000r\000e\000n\000c\000e\000s}{}% 12 diff --git a/CV/moderncv/template.pdf b/CV/moderncv/template.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f7941c Binary files /dev/null and b/CV/moderncv/template.pdf differ diff --git a/CV/moderncv/template.tex b/CV/moderncv/template.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1083fc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/template.tex @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +%% start of file `template.tex'. +%% Copyright 2006-2015 Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +\documentclass[11pt,a4paper,sans]{moderncv} % possible options include font size ('10pt', '11pt' and '12pt'), paper size ('a4paper', 'letterpaper', 'a5paper', 'legalpaper', 'executivepaper' and 'landscape') and font family ('sans' and 'roman') + +% moderncv themes +\moderncvstyle{casual} % style options are 'casual' (default), 'classic', 'banking', 'oldstyle' and 'fancy' +\moderncvcolor{blue} % color options 'black', 'blue' (default), 'burgundy', 'green', 'grey', 'orange', 'purple' and 'red' +%\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} % to set the default font; use '\sfdefault' for the default sans serif font, '\rmdefault' for the default roman one, or any tex font name +%\nopagenumbers{} % uncomment to suppress automatic page numbering for CVs longer than one page + +% character encoding +%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % if you are not using xelatex ou lualatex, replace by the encoding you are using +%\usepackage{CJKutf8} % if you need to use CJK to typeset your resume in Chinese, Japanese or Korean + +% adjust the page margins +\usepackage[scale=0.75]{geometry} +\setlength{\footskip}{122.40004pt} % depending on the amount of information in the footer, you need to change this value. comment this line out and set it to the size given in the warning +%\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{3cm} % if you want to change the width of the column with the dates +%\setlength{\makecvheadnamewidth}{10cm} % for the 'classic' style, if you want to force the width allocated to your name and avoid line breaks. be careful though, the length is normally calculated to avoid any overlap with your personal info; use this at your own typographical risks... + +% personal data +\name{John}{Doe} +\title{Résumé title} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\born{4 July 1776} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\address{street and number}{postcode city}{country}% optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; the "postcode city" and "country" arguments can be omitted or provided empty +\phone[mobile]{+1~(234)~567~890} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; the optional "type" of the phone can be "mobile" (default), "fixed" or "fax" +\phone[fixed]{+2~(345)~678~901} +\phone[fax]{+3~(456)~789~012} +\email{john@doe.org} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\homepage{www.johndoe.com} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted + +% Social icons +\social[linkedin]{john.doe} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[xing]{john_doe} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[twitter]{jdoe} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[github]{jdoe} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[gitlab]{jdoe} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[stackoverflow]{0000000/johndoe} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[bitbucket]{jdoe} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[skype]{jdoe} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[orcid]{0000-0000-000-000} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[researchgate]{jdoe} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[researcherid]{jdoe} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[telegram]{jdoe} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[whatsapp]{12345678901} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[signal]{12345678901} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[matrix]{@johndoe:matrix.org} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\social[googlescholar]{googlescholarid} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted + + +\extrainfo{additional information} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted +\photo[64pt][0.4pt]{picture} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted; '64pt' is the height the picture must be resized to, 0.4pt is the thickness of the frame around it (put it to 0pt for no frame) and 'picture' is the name of the picture file +\quote{Some quote} % optional, remove / comment the line if not wanted + +% bibliography adjustments (only useful if you make citations in your resume, or print a list of publications using BibTeX) +% to show numerical labels in the bibliography (default is to show no labels) +%\makeatletter\renewcommand*{\bibliographyitemlabel}{\@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}}}\makeatother +\renewcommand*{\bibliographyitemlabel}{[\arabic{enumiv}]} +% to redefine the bibliography heading string ("Publications") +%\renewcommand{\refname}{Articles} + +% bibliography with mutiple entries +%\usepackage{multibib} +%\newcites{book,misc}{{Books},{Others}} +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +% content +%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +\begin{document} +%\begin{CJK*}{UTF8}{gbsn} % to typeset your resume in Chinese using CJK +%----- resume --------------------------------------------------------- +\makecvtitle + +\section{Education} +\cventry{year--year}{Degree}{Institution}{City}{\textit{Grade}}{Description} % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty +\cventry{year--year}{Degree}{Institution}{City}{\textit{Grade}}{Description} + +\section{Master thesis} +\cvitem{title}{\emph{Title}} +\cvitem{supervisors}{Supervisors} +\cvitem{description}{Short thesis abstract} + +\section{Experience} +\subsection{Vocational} +\cventry{year--year}{Job title}{Employer}{City}{}{General description no longer than 1--2 lines.\newline{} +Detailed achievements: +\begin{itemize} +\item Achievement 1 +\item Achievement 2 (with sub-achievements) + \begin{itemize} + \item Sub-achievement (a); + \item Sub-achievement (b), with sub-sub-achievements (don't do this!); + \begin{itemize} + \item Sub-sub-achievement i; + \item Sub-sub-achievement ii; + \item Sub-sub-achievement iii; + \end{itemize} + \item Sub-achievement (c); + \end{itemize} +\item Achievement 3 +\item Achievement 4 +\end{itemize}} +\cventry{year--year}{Job title}{Employer}{City}{}{Description line 1\newline{}Description line 2\newline{}Description line 3} +\subsection{Miscellaneous} +\cventry{year--year}{Job title}{Employer}{City}{}{Description} + +\section{Languages} +\cvitemwithcomment{Language 1}{Skill level}{Comment} +\cvitemwithcomment{Language 2}{Skill level}{Comment} +\cvitemwithcomment{Language 3}{Skill level}{Comment} +\cvitemwithcomment{Language 4}{Skill level}{Comment} + +\section{Computer skills} +\cvdoubleitem{category 1}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ}{category 4}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ} +\cvdoubleitem{category 2}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ}{category 5}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ} +\cvdoubleitem{category 3}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ}{category 6}{XXX, YYY, ZZZ} + +\section{Skill matrix} +\cvitem{Skill matrix}{Alternatively, provide a skill matrix to show off your skills} +%% Skill matrix as an alternative to rate one's skills, computer or other. + +%% Adjusts width of skill matrix columns. +%% Usage \setcvskillcolumns[<width>][<factor>][<exp_width>] +%% <width>, <exp_width> should be lengths smaller than \textwidth, <factor> needs to be between 0 and 1. +%% Examples: +% \setcvskillcolumns[5em][][]% adjust first column. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[5em] +% \setcvskillcolumns[][0.45][]% adjust third (skill) column. Same as \setcvskillcolumns[][0.45] +% \setcvskillcolumns[][][\widthof{``Year''}]% adjust fourth (years) column. +% \setcvskillcolumns[][0.45][\widthof{``Year''}]% +% \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Languag''}][0.48][] +% \setcvskillcolumns[\widthof{``Languag''}]% + +%% Adjusts width of legend columns. Usage \setcvskilllegendcolumns[<width>][<factor>] +%% <factor> needs to be between 0 and 1. <width> should be a length smaller than \textwidth +%% Examples: +% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][0.45] +% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[\widthof{``Legend''}][0.45] +% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[0ex][0.46]% this is usefull for the banking style + +%% Add a legend if you are using \cvskill{<1-5>} command or \cvskillentry +%% Usage \cvskilllegend[*][<post_padding>][<first_level>][<second_level>][<third_level>][<fourth_level>][<fifth_level>]{<name>} +% \cvskilllegend % insert default legend without lines +\cvskilllegend*[1em]{}% adjust post spacing +% \cvskilllegend*{Legend}% Alternatively add a description string +%% adjust the legend entries for other languages, here German +% \cvskilllegend[0.2em][Grundkenntnisse][Grundkenntnisse und eigene Erfahrung in Projekten][Umfangreiche Erfahrung in Projekten][Vertiefte Expertenkenntnisse][Experte\,/\,Spezialist]{Legende} + +%% Alternative legend style with the first three skill levels in one column +%% Usage \cvskillplainlegend[*][<post_padding>][<first_level>][<second_level>][<third_level>][<fourth_level>][<fifth_level>]{<name>} +% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][0.6]% works for classic, casual, banking +% \setcvskilllegendcolumns[][0.55]% works better for oldstyle and fancy +% \cvskillplainlegend{} +% \cvskillplainlegend[0.2em][Grundkenntnisse][Grundkenntnisse und eigene Erfahrung in Projekten][Umfangreiche Erfahrung in Projekten][Vertiefte Expertenkenntnisse][Experte/Guru]{Legende} + +%% Add a head of the skill matrix table with descriptions. +%% Usage \cvskillhead[<post_padding>][<Level>][<Skill>][<Years>][<Comment>]% +\cvskillhead[-0.1em]% this inserts the standard legend in english and adjust padding +%% Adjust head of the skill matrix for other languages +% \cvskillhead[0.25em][Level][F\"ahigkeit][Jahre][Bemerkung] + +%% \cvskillentry[*][<post_padding>]{<skill_cathegory>}{<0-5>}{<skill_name>}{<years_of_experience>}{<comment>}% +%% Example usages: +\cvskillentry*{Language:}{3}{Python}{2}{I'm so experienced in Python and have realised a million projects. At least.} +\cvskillentry{}{2}{Lilypond}{14}{So much sheet music! Man, I'm the best!} +\cvskillentry{}{3}{\LaTeX}{14}{Clearly I rock at \LaTeX} +\cvskillentry*{OS:}{3}{Linux}{2}{I only use Archlinux btw}% notice the use of the starred command and the optional +\cvskillentry*[1em]{Methods}{4}{SCRUM}{8}{SCRUM master for 5 years} +%% \cvskill{<0-5>} command +% \cvitem{\textbackslash{cvskill}:}{Skills can be visually expressed by the \textbackslash{cvskill} command, e.g. \cvskill{2}} + +\section{Interests} +\cvitem{hobby 1}{Description} +\cvitem{hobby 2}{Description} +\cvitem{hobby 3}{Description} + +\section{Extra 1} +\cvlistitem{Item 1} +\cvlistitem{Item 2} +\cvlistitem{Item 3. This item is particularly long and therefore normally spans over several lines. Did you notice the indentation when the line wraps?} + +\section{Extra 2} +\cvlistdoubleitem{Item 1}{Item 4} +\cvlistdoubleitem{Item 2}{Item 5\cite{book2}} +\cvlistdoubleitem{Item 3}{Item 6. Like item 3 in the single column list before, this item is particularly long to wrap over several lines.} + +\section{References} +\begin{cvcolumns} + \cvcolumn{Category 1}{\begin{itemize}\item Person 1\item Person 2\item Person 3\end{itemize}} + \cvcolumn{Category 2}{Amongst others:\begin{itemize}\item Person 1, and\item Person 2\end{itemize}(more upon request)} + \cvcolumn[0.5]{All the rest \& some more}{\textit{That} person, and \textbf{those} also (all available upon request).} +\end{cvcolumns} + +% Publications from a BibTeX file without multibib +% for numerical labels: \renewcommand{\bibliographyitemlabel}{\@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}}}% CONSIDER MERGING WITH PREAMBLE PART +% to redefine the heading string ("Publications"): \renewcommand{\refname}{Articles} +\nocite{*} +\bibliographystyle{plain} +\bibliography{publications} % 'publications' is the name of a BibTeX file + +% Publications from a BibTeX file using the multibib package +%\section{Publications} +%\nocitebook{book1,book2} +%\bibliographystylebook{plain} +%\bibliographybook{publications} % 'publications' is the name of a BibTeX file +%\nocitemisc{misc1,misc2,misc3} +%\bibliographystylemisc{plain} +%\bibliographymisc{publications} % 'publications' is the name of a BibTeX file + +\clearpage +%----- letter --------------------------------------------------------- +% recipient data +\recipient{Company Recruitment team}{Company, Inc.\\123 somestreet\\some city} +\date{January 01, 1984} +\opening{Dear Sir or Madam,} +\closing{Yours faithfully,} +\enclosure[Attached]{curriculum vit\ae{}} % use an optional argument to use a string other than "Enclosure", or redefine \enclname +\makelettertitle + +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis ullamcorper neque sit amet lectus facilisis sed luctus nisl iaculis. Vivamus at neque arcu, sed tempor quam. Curabitur pharetra tincidunt tincidunt. Morbi volutpat feugiat mauris, quis tempor neque vehicula volutpat. Duis tristique justo vel massa fermentum accumsan. Mauris ante elit, feugiat vestibulum tempor eget, eleifend ac ipsum. Donec scelerisque lobortis ipsum eu vestibulum. Pellentesque vel massa at felis accumsan rhoncus. + +Suspendisse commodo, massa eu congue tincidunt, elit mauris pellentesque orci, cursus tempor odio nisl euismod augue. Aliquam adipiscing nibh ut odio sodales et pulvinar tortor laoreet. Mauris a accumsan ligula. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse vulputate sem vehicula ipsum varius nec tempus dui dapibus. Phasellus et est urna, ut auctor erat. Sed tincidunt odio id odio aliquam mattis. Donec sapien nulla, feugiat eget adipiscing sit amet, lacinia ut dolor. Phasellus tincidunt, leo a fringilla consectetur, felis diam aliquam urna, vitae aliquet lectus orci nec velit. Vivamus dapibus varius blandit. + +Duis sit amet magna ante, at sodales diam. Aenean consectetur porta risus et sagittis. Ut interdum, enim varius pellentesque tincidunt, magna libero sodales tortor, ut fermentum nunc metus a ante. Vivamus odio leo, tincidunt eu luctus ut, sollicitudin sit amet metus. Nunc sed orci lectus. Ut sodales magna sed velit volutpat sit amet pulvinar diam venenatis. + +Albert Einstein discovered that $e=mc^2$ in 1905. + +\[ e=\lim_{n \to \infty} \left(1+\frac{1}{n}\right)^n \] + +\makeletterclosing + +%\clearpage\end{CJK*} % if you are typesetting your resume in Chinese using CJK; the \clearpage is required for fancyhdr to work correctly with CJK, though it kills the page numbering by making \lastpage undefined +\end{document} + + +%% end of file `template.tex'. + diff --git a/CV/moderncv/tweaklist.sty b/CV/moderncv/tweaklist.sty new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e369d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/CV/moderncv/tweaklist.sty @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +%% start of file `tweaklist.sty'. +%% Original by Jakob Schiotz, downloaded from http://dcwww.camd.dtu.dk/~schiotz/comp/LatexTips/tweaklist.sty; not found on ctan. +%% Modified by Xavier Danaux (xdanaux@gmail.com), 2020-2021 moderncv maintainers (github.com/moderncv). +% +% The tweaklist.sty package redefines the itemize, enumerate and description packages, so that all parameters can be adjusted. +% This was done by copying the original definitions, and adding "hook commands" that are executed when entering the environment. +% The hook commands are initially empty, but can be redefined with \renewcommand. +% +% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the +% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c, +% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/. + + +% hooks for the itemize environment +\def\itemhook{} +\def\itemhooki{} +\def\itemhookii{} +\def\itemhookiii{} +\def\itemhookiv{} +% hooks for the enumerate environment +\def\enumhook{} +\def\enumhooki{} +\def\enumhookii{} +\def\enumhookiii{} +\def\enumhookiv{} +% hook for the description environment +\def\deschook{} +% original environment definitions, with hooks added +\def\enumerate{% + \ifnum \@enumdepth >\thr@@\@toodeep\else + \advance\@enumdepth\@ne + \edef\@enumctr{enum\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth}% + \expandafter + \list + \csname label\@enumctr\endcsname + {% + \enumhook \csname enumhook\romannumeral\the\@enumdepth\endcsname% + \usecounter\@enumctr\def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}% + }% + \fi} +\def\itemize{% + \ifnum \@itemdepth >\thr@@\@toodeep\else + \advance\@itemdepth\@ne + \edef\@itemitem{labelitem\romannumeral\the\@itemdepth}% + \expandafter + \list + \csname\@itemitem\endcsname + {% + \itemhook \csname itemhook\romannumeral\the\@itemdepth\endcsname% + \def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}% + }% + \fi} +\newenvironment{description} + {\list{}{\deschook\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin + \let\makelabel\descriptionlabel}} + {\endlist} diff --git a/resume/Resume-KRTejeda.doc b/resume/Resume-KRTejeda.doc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e25f1f Binary files /dev/null and b/resume/Resume-KRTejeda.doc differ diff --git a/resume/resume-K-Tejeda.doc b/resume/resume-K-Tejeda.doc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7de0ab Binary files /dev/null and b/resume/resume-K-Tejeda.doc differ diff --git a/thesis/krt_thesis-final_14.05.14.pdf b/thesis/krt_thesis-final_14.05.14.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59202b9 Binary files /dev/null and b/thesis/krt_thesis-final_14.05.14.pdf differ diff --git a/thesis/notebooks/polyroots_idcheck2.nb b/thesis/notebooks/polyroots_idcheck2.nb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea10d31 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/notebooks/polyroots_idcheck2.nb @@ -0,0 +1,10656 @@ +(*CacheID: 234*) +(* Internal cache information: +NotebookFileLineBreakTest +NotebookFileLineBreakTest +NotebookDataPosition[ 0, 0] +NotebookDataLength[ 484185, 10655] +NotebookOptionsPosition[ 473879, 10398] +NotebookOutlinePosition[ 474421, 10418] +CellTagsIndexPosition[ 474378, 10415] +WindowFrame->Normal*) + +(* Beginning of Notebook Content *) +Notebook[{ +Cell[BoxData[""], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{3.606329091353526*^9, 3.606389721009507*^9, + 3.6063905747627487`*^9}], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"(*", " ", + RowBox[{ + "set", " ", 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+ 3.606408499954067*^9, 3.606408517142367*^9}, {3.60640854904088*^9, + 3.606408560925963*^9}, {3.606409240857966*^9, 3.606409306348556*^9}, { + 3.606589882244051*^9, 3.606589931318139*^9}, {3.606592504224066*^9, + 3.606592505615464*^9}, {3.606592550195113*^9, 3.6065926103685923`*^9}, { + 3.60659272375148*^9, 3.6065927633047447`*^9}, {3.606592803959446*^9, + 3.606592827359495*^9}, {3.6065929120609713`*^9, 3.606592924964346*^9}, { + 3.606594815612508*^9, 3.606594841703405*^9}, {3.606862387421555*^9, + 3.606862395506516*^9}, {3.606862451610024*^9, 3.606862491535399*^9}, { + 3.606862565944261*^9, 3.606862568089385*^9}, {3.606862599532646*^9, + 3.606862601512785*^9}, {3.6068626539471607`*^9, 3.606862655156254*^9}, { + 3.6068627269048*^9, 3.606862756692995*^9}, {3.606862787314844*^9, + 3.606862839262838*^9}, {3.6069309401200237`*^9, 3.606930973207406*^9}, { + 3.606931578731544*^9, 3.606931623640398*^9}, {3.606931703441383*^9, + 3.60693173423737*^9}, {3.606931855235434*^9, 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3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421853980562*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"identity error accuracy ~ \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.\"","\"E\"","\"-028\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0``28., + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm["identity error accuracy ~ ", + ScientificForm[0``28., 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, 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3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421853982909*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "2"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 2], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421853984091*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218539851427`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-1.50000000000000000000000000\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -1.5`28.08804562952784, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"8.66025403784438646763723171\"","\"E\"","\"-001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 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3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421853986949*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 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3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421853989447*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421853990491*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "3"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 3], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421853991763*^9}], + 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3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421853994825*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-1.83890732268695720354426464\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -1.838907322686957203544264644647997816681262001528358604161`28.\ +00997765138512, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + 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3.607421853996557*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218539977283`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"identity error accuracy ~ \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.\"","\"E\"","\"-026\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0``26.346787486224656, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm["identity error accuracy ~ ", + ScientificForm[ + 0``26.346787486224656, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854029261*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 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of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "4"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 4], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218540322227`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854033565*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-2.89621060282037216839439393\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -2.896210602820372168394393925275608944146143368675358754666`28.\ +131868929435065, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"8.67234128934503751818973215\"","\"E\"","\"-001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0.867234128934503751818973214920228804501827169195786951996`27.\ +60817515096551, + Editable->False], + 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{3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854035242*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-2.10378939717962783160560607\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 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3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218540372133`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854038351*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"identity error accuracy ~ \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.\"","\"E\"","\"-025\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0``25.3767507096021, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm["identity error accuracy ~ ", + ScientificForm[0``25.3767507096021, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218541088123`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854110558*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "5"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 5], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218541120787`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854113366*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-3.64673859532964325973516964\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -3.646738595329643259735169636162305417111424031488880738311`28., + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"0\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-3.\ +646738595329643259735169636162305417111424031488880738311`28., 27, + NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[0, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854115058*^9}], + 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3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218541509933`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-2.32467430318164522711600093\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -2.324674303181645227116000932683913437830856311618274043085`27.\ +88736325462724, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"3.57102292033797640038610261\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 3.571022920337976400386102613517977804540777357641932792483`28.\ +073793777342427, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-2.\ +324674303181645227116000932683913437830856311618274043085`27.88736325462724, + 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 3.571022920337976400386102613517977804540777357641932792483`28.\ +073793777342427, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + 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{3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854154705*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"identity error accuracy ~ \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.\"","\"E\"","\"-024\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0``24.32559818715472, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm["identity error accuracy ~ ", + ScientificForm[0``24.32559818715472, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + 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3.6074218543432426`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854377467*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "6"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 6], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218543789473`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854380164*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-4.24835939586336394493607975\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -4.248359395863363944936079753146280477668542666519140873301`28.\ +141644264220183, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"8.67509673231365606386441571\"","\"E\"","\"-001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0.867509673231365606386441571250295351780639803571237669947`27.\ +45169734097075, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-4.\ +248359395863363944936079753146280477668542666519140873301`28.141644264220183, + 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 0.867509673231365606386441571250295351780639803571237669947`27.\ +45169734097075, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + 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3.607421854381518*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-3.73570835632581466794136197\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -3.735708356325814667941361969780243107541902484173518378149`28.\ +063305531389904, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"2.62627231144712564049355159\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 2.626272311447125640493551588309406366173842954995444521846`27.\ +91027232249121, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + 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3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854383233*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-2.51593224781082138712255828\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -2.515932247810821387122558277113179011092418462537027232931`27.\ +83947610599597, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"4.49267295365394253591824392\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 4.492672953653942535918243920867851109515477993632342813903`28.\ +091281969355933, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-2.\ +515932247810821387122558277113179011092418462537027232931`27.83947610599597, + 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 4.492672953653942535918243920867851109515477993632342813903`28.\ +091281969355933, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218543853197`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854386956*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"identity error accuracy ~ \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.\"","\"E\"","\"-023\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0``23.20502425594887, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm["identity error accuracy ~ ", + ScientificForm[0``23.20502425594887, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + 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3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854730236*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "7"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 7], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218547318163`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218547334547`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-4.97178685852793567786117785\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -4.971786858527935677861177850004976693219948334807143643303`28., + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + 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3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854734872*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-4.75829052815462894523746281\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 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StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 1.739286061130536542893811901196961833825681169398480975874`27.\ +686203156546405, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421854736659*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-4.07013916363813747170592771\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -4.07013916363813747170592770800151258369895544754309045086`28.\ +02940091049588, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + 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3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218552173653`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421855247262*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "8"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 8], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421855248742*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421855250033*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + 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3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218552513943`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-5.20484079063688191825036523\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -5.204840790636881918250365230415164578923040513874703311529`28.\ +10160018378988, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" 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3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218552532053`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-4.36828921720240240703092253\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -4.368289217202402407030922529442135028671843356285606074775`27.\ +997705767032652, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"4.41444250047153908355026146\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 4.414442500471539083550261461954020761771930437896815431422`28.\ +002270246832193, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 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{3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421855255021*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-2.83898394889763047571961928\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -2.838983948897630475719619283301721879143251930981292386563`27.\ +761111649506002, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"6.35391129860487682208469639\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 6.353911298604876822084696385377960139615733141955569365887`28.\ +110989860123997, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-2.\ +838983948897630475719619283301721879143251930981292386563`27.761111649506002, + 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 6.353911298604876822084696385377960139615733141955569365887`28.\ 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3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421855256935*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218552585583`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"identity error accuracy ~ \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.\"","\"E\"","\"-020\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0``20.79005090797805, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm["identity error accuracy ~ ", + ScientificForm[0``20.79005090797805, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218559451847`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421855951397*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "9"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 9], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421855952797*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421855953988*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-6.29701918171496853775919603\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -6.297019181714968537759196030773344670504710750522533073578`28., + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + 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3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218559551888`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-6.12936790427427278778116357\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -6.129367904274272787781163573381048705088524536716359081918`28.\ +133725078602552, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.73784838348086250370031346\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 1.737848383480862503700313459872427282370026809016046230178`27.\ +586321272982484, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-6.\ +129367904274272787781163573381048705088524536716359081918`28.133725078602552, + 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 1.737848383480862503700313459872427282370026809016046230178`27.\ +586321272982484, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218559658823`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-5.60442181950778141621337163\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -5.604421819507781416213371629732624313267953345388864745286`28.\ +079070376173423, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"3.49815691788609357601465626\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 3.498156917886093576014656257245419242373343545586211821135`27.\ +874378847805072, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-5.\ +604421819507781416213371629732624313267953345388864745286`28.079070376173423, + 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 3.498156917886093576014656257245419242373343545586211821135`27.\ +874378847805072, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + 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3.607421855976038*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-4.63843988718039029665812495\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -4.638439887180390296658124949708114666169798911708680222607`27.\ +968322397737058, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"5.31727167543565114230342731\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 5.317271675435651142303427313688255591052766834697295747641`28.\ +027639315391184, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + 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3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421855985965*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-2.97926079818007123046774183\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -2.979260798180071230467741831791539980221367830924809785667`27.\ +72828259357297, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] 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{3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218559958*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421855997463*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"identity error accuracy ~ \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.\"","\"E\"","\"-019\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0``19.508449464152395, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm["identity error accuracy ~ ", + ScientificForm[ + 0``19.508449464152395, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + 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3.607421857146552*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218571533403`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "10"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 10], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218571549397`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218571560087`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-6.92204490542724611542320812\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -6.922044905427246115423208121814873673206348225939088651847`28.\ +147129674739453, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + 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3.607421857158103*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-6.61529096547687025894515467\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -6.615290965476870258945154671681700769195612625920149026416`28.\ +119064397889073, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"2.61156792080008987349400899\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 2.611567920800089873494008989625082281015326059913927121474`27.\ +715416772342216, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + 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{3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421857182961*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-4.88621956685899957989604215\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -4.886219566858999579896042153614094646508038755761028268369`27.\ +941112075304165, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"6.22498548247156710752681539\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 6.224985482471567107526815394285054648419473246152110476352`28.\ +046277439732464, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 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3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218571945972`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-3.10891623364909820537418967\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -3.108916233649098205374189673402085014624105035386771098969`27.\ +698633773943577, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"8.23269945907358745046141002\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 8.232699459073587450461410020826720687121794063399495494479`28.\ +12156701478507, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-3.\ +108916233649098205374189673402085014624105035386771098969`27.698633773943577, + 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 8.232699459073587450461410020826720687121794063399495494479`28.\ +12156701478507, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421857208791*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421857211258*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"identity error accuracy ~ \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.\"","\"E\"","\"-018\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0``18.183938372638888, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm["identity error accuracy ~ ", + ScientificForm[ + 0``18.183938372638888, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421858820648*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421858831539*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "11"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 11], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421858832863*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421858834031*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-7.62233984579642949207664512\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -7.622339845796429492076645116490920299807078268779604002878`28., + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], 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3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421858868946*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-5.11564828390827892036268160\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -5.115648283908278920362681601715921839064786227235973247809`27.\ +915868990192145, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + 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3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218588795147`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-3.22972208992030602291885715\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -3.229722089920306022918857148666523003041767324889765809805`27.\ +671618737877466, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"9.17711156870857844433181315\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 9.177111568708578444331813153300923446242741385313977877534`28.\ +125159595545238, + Editable->False], + 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{3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421858890788*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 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3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421861302067*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "12"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 12], + Editable->False]], "Print", + 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3.6074218613035088`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218613047857`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-8.25342201141208096388242751\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -8.253422011412080963882427513488528493154454629768627287993`28.\ +148128121547078, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"8.67693572009768815999260468\"","\"E\"","\"-001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0.867693572009768815999260467641463451500105201122128729521`27.\ +169860449811377, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 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{3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421861306672*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-7.99727059960143416395771680\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -7.997270599601434163957716804483487469346190584172590945372`28.\ +12855193630947, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"2.60906653694579815898358031\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 2.609066536945798158983580305981343657984281816668310037812`27.\ +64209529974851, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-7.\ +997270599601434163957716804483487469346190584172590945372`28.12855193630947, + 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 2.609066536945798158983580305981343657984281816668310037812`27.\ +64209529974851, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.60742186130846*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-7.46557124035177041635434551\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -7.465571240351770416354345506678939977690873369231949168118`28.\ +08653106857972, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"4.37016959335456516328553217\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 4.370169593354565163285532165369293451454205205020183280375`27.\ +85396631547872, + Editable->False], + 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{3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421861310359*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-6.61100424995635186370036445\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 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StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 6.171534993037229696775564129178236067967593121878584731088`27.\ +98454953720607, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421861347398*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-5.32970859087582917461993816\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -5.329708590875829174619938155659489031456124533000138507849`27.\ +89238215967701, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + 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3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421861350938*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421861352066*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"identity error accuracy ~ \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.\"","\"E\"","\"-015\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0``15.420809995839756, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm["identity error accuracy ~ ", + ScientificForm[ + 0``15.420809995839756, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218647576714`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218648074627`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "13"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 13], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421864808839*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421864810089*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + 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StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[0, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421864811898*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-8.83025208414490416096754110\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -8.830252084144904160967541099492507258730801126670545673497`28.\ +1422741106881, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.73666640030763054334032015\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 1.736666400307630543340320151210398684598004438383398864406`27.\ 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3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421864814555*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + 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3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421864817463*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-7.84438027706259622338290970\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -7.844380277062596223382909700189627900307048567185502928056`28.\ +07001707536595, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" 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3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421864865732*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-6.90037282614665984409350267\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -6.900372826146659844093502667673255271652401082513974358065`27.\ +994642275003777, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"7.07064431215294895763843768\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 7.070644312152948957638437677635111468887253131862678646725`28.\ +005228709430263, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 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{3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421864867985*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-5.53068098334403653612614328\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -5.530680983344036536126143278479261288871661433077849589876`27.\ +870456783129907, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"8.97224777515578769951113656\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 8.972247775155787699511136561123932463277848820111051618897`28.\ +080579433026763, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-5.\ +530680983344036536126143278479261288871661433077849589876`27.870456783129907, + 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 8.972247775155787699511136561123932463277848820111051618897`28.\ 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3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421864870203*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-3.44986722062872316336758754\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -3.449867220628723163367587536123896565163735421754290044439`27.\ +623902194001086, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.10739285522161970404484911\"","\"E\"","\"+001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 11.073928552216197040448491147192397351822226566824884672125`28.\ +13040153100731, + Editable->False], + 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{3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421864872404*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 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"\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.\"","\"E\"","\"-013\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0``13.988107880908503, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm["identity error accuracy ~ ", + ScientificForm[ + 0``13.988107880908503, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421869821816*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 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{3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.60742186987313*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-9.36314585160955222518717854\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -9.363145851609552225187178540494319939925357233401364028737`28.\ +134294806145867, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 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3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421869875527*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-8.91100055537504426431713428\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -8.91100055537504426431713427771422015606916099798108110963`28.\ +10387878074384, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"4.36160417830244736590463016\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 4.361604178302447365904630155535797157770846640249386928201`27.\ +793598560206178, + Editable->False], + 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{3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218698774433`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-8.19884696998847462160089744\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], 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3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218699189863`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-7.17239596217181731547627714\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -7.172395962171817315476277138741194621941966522442454461609`27.\ +97580114709944, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + 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3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421869923259*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-3.55108688338062601791312240\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -3.551086883380626017913122396862590794900286851880325112993`27.\ +60261053161616, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.20257380322545244924387964\"","\"E\"","\"+001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 12.025738032254524492438796365823911787369029977027213224735`28.\ +132360972406545, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-3.\ +551086883380626017913122396862590794900286851880325112993`27.60261053161616, + 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 12.025738032254524492438796365823911787369029977027213224735`28.\ +132360972406545, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + 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{3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421869967628*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421869970106*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"identity error accuracy ~ \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.\"","\"E\"","\"-012\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0``12.524559433378114, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm["identity error accuracy ~ ", + ScientificForm[ + 0``12.524559433378114, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + 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3.6074218764461317`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421876506632*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "15"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 15], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421876508222*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218765100527`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-1.02731096663224778078893516\"","\"E\"","\"+001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -10.273109666322477807889351600855850135383899733863967546525`28., + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + 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3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421876512046*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-1.01709139964400681778642607\"","\"E\"","\"+001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 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+Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"identity error accuracy ~ \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.\"","\"E\"","\"-011\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0``11.032198212101715, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm["identity error accuracy ~ ", + ScientificForm[ + 0``11.032198212101715, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421885250683*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421885295417*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "16"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary 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3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421885296803*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421885298188*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-1.09118860786775030650439450\"","\"E\"","\"+001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -10.91188607867750306504394501380117850359216831349809040623`28.\ +149146176157036, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"8.67722527435720452392272192\"","\"E\"","\"-001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0.867722527435720452392272192234454653222302844202502120045`27.\ +049627225467432, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + 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3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421885299728*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-1.07189858189780134799231120\"","\"E\"","\"+001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -10.718985818978013479923112007375975716833294471505119559653`28.\ +138039734465018, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"2.60656700725828947911621149\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 2.606567007258289479116211494711368700341440553291201744429`27.\ +523954931961, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-10.\ +718985818978013479923112007375975716833294471505119559653`28.138039734465018, + 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 2.606567007258289479116211494711368700341440553291201744429`27.\ +523954931961, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218853015947`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-1.03251196023414622533772726\"","\"E\"","\"+001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -10.325119602341462253377272569044649070467990293476074246585`28.\ +11494249348677, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"4.35616338060960859540158749\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 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{3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.60742188540862*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-6.07124138290869981857329635\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -6.071241382908699818573296347485706809902957972575210440941`27.\ +81243169193452, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.17478749384808882640804452\"","\"E\"","\"+001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 11.747874938480888264080445185998183157725384364532898588539`28.\ +099113506471255, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-6.\ +071241382908699818573296347485706809902957972575210440941`27.81243169193452, + 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 11.747874938480888264080445185998183157725384364532898588539`28.\ 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3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074218854105673`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-3.73923179716087263607692588\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -3.739231797160872636076925876484735742152426700004671755012`27.\ +564091576702104, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.39350284758133825846001679\"","\"E\"","\"+001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 13.935028475813382584600167876711488160799570324186191408721`28.\ +135417049063047, + Editable->False], + 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{3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421895895505*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 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"-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.48921589246642892796739770\"","\"E\"","\"+001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 14.892158924664289279673977047053740107916241549491098587283`28.\ +136627195056988, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-3.\ +827173785099386817929796400272315726443175281574628200516`27.54654771603111, + 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 14.892158924664289279673977047053740107916241549491098587283`28.\ +136627195056988, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + 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{3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421896082469*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421896084244*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"identity error accuracy ~ \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.\"","\"E\"","\"-07\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0``7.967964916066963, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm["identity error accuracy ~ ", + ScientificForm[0``7.967964916066963, 28, NumberFormat -> (Row[{"1.", "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-0", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+0", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + 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3.607421911336812*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074219113854017`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "18"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 18], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421911386806*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 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3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421911545061*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421911546682*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"identity error accuracy ~ \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + 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3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421930094541*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421930149968*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "19"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 19], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 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"", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[0, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 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{3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074219303579273`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-3.99275891788235286601158213\"","\"E\"","\"+000\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -3.992758917882352866011582125474304079284504831509441732619`27.\ +514285737221602, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"1.68106920601116228524404469\"","\"E\"","\"+001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 16.810692060111622852440446881620204156165357895707725201305`28.\ +138598241643233, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + 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3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.607421953687484*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 3.607376212212762*^9, 3.607376281213224*^9, + 3.607376423562276*^9, {3.607376507717311*^9, 3.607376514653617*^9}, + 3.607376546166216*^9, 3.6073765792749157`*^9, 3.6073769554540453`*^9, + 3.6073775166230373`*^9, 3.6073775575017557`*^9, 3.607377646284739*^9, + 3.6073778349429398`*^9, 3.607378012645046*^9, 3.6073783384965153`*^9, + 3.607378612132934*^9, {3.6073796147460623`*^9, 3.607379628007285*^9}, + 3.6073856296965017`*^9, {3.607386110736562*^9, 3.607386140013751*^9}, + 3.6073863022804327`*^9, 3.607386879154635*^9, 3.607386959452016*^9, { + 3.607387504882648*^9, 3.60738752974026*^9}, 3.6074219537279863`*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{"\<\"real and imaginary parts of roots for l=\"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", "20"}], + SequenceForm["real and imaginary parts of roots for l=", 20], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 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3.607421953731187*^9}], + +Cell[BoxData[ + InterpretationBox[ + RowBox[{ + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"-1.35674242831533132904409805\"","\"E\"","\"+001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + -13.567424283153313290440980536702221270461859784267617054497`28.\ +149628560068248, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" \"\>", + "\[InvisibleSpace]", + TagBox[ + InterpretationBox[ + TemplateBox[{"\"8.67736254955798277563901221\"","\"E\"","\"-001\""}, + "RowDefault"], + 0.867736254955798277563901220731193928999040082575495794036`26.\ +95551889663543, + Editable->False], + ScientificForm[#, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]& ]}], + SequenceForm[ + ScientificForm[-13.\ +567424283153313290440980536702221270461859784267617054497`28.149628560068248, + 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )], " ", + ScientificForm[ + 0.867736254955798277563901220731193928999040082575495794036`26.\ +95551889663543, 27, NumberFormat -> (Row[{#, "E", + If[#3 == "", "+000", + If[Part[ + Characters[#3], 1] == "-", + StringJoin["-00", + StringDrop[#3, 1]], + StringJoin["+00", #3]]]}]& )]], + Editable->False]], "Print", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607371749879719*^9, {3.607371853250555*^9, 3.6073719150762253`*^9}, + 3.607371956166585*^9, 3.607371998049963*^9, 3.607372139184589*^9, + 3.6073722265888443`*^9, {3.607372263782905*^9, 3.6073722879501047`*^9}, + 3.6073749442414217`*^9, 3.607375138560136*^9, 3.607375763487343*^9, + 3.6073759361903343`*^9, 3.607376012203405*^9, {3.607376079102482*^9, + 3.607376127323522*^9}, 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"Print"], +Cell[132747, 2720, 1076, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[133826, 2737, 1888, 39, 23, "Print"], +Cell[135717, 2778, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[136794, 2795, 1260, 20, 23, "Print"], +Cell[138057, 2817, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[139134, 2834, 2610, 62, 23, "Print"], +Cell[141747, 2898, 2831, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[144581, 2966, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[147413, 3034, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[150245, 3102, 2823, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[153071, 3170, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[154148, 3187, 1892, 40, 23, "Print"], +Cell[156043, 3229, 1076, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[157122, 3246, 1264, 20, 23, "Print"], +Cell[158389, 3268, 1076, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[159468, 3285, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[162300, 3353, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[165132, 3421, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[167964, 3489, 2831, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[170798, 3557, 2827, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[173628, 3625, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[174705, 3642, 1892, 40, 23, "Print"], +Cell[176600, 3684, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[177677, 3701, 1262, 20, 23, "Print"], +Cell[178942, 3723, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[180019, 3740, 2608, 62, 23, "Print"], +Cell[182630, 3804, 2818, 65, 23, "Print"], +Cell[185451, 3871, 2827, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[188281, 3939, 2827, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[191111, 4007, 2831, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[193945, 4075, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[196777, 4143, 1073, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[197853, 4160, 1894, 40, 23, "Print"], +Cell[199750, 4202, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[200827, 4219, 1264, 20, 23, "Print"], +Cell[202094, 4241, 1076, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[203173, 4258, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[206005, 4326, 2824, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[208832, 4394, 2825, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[211660, 4462, 2820, 65, 23, "Print"], +Cell[214483, 4529, 2827, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[217313, 4597, 2831, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[220147, 4665, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[221224, 4682, 1894, 40, 23, "Print"], +Cell[223121, 4724, 1076, 15, 23, "Print"], 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23, "Print"], +Cell[275311, 5901, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[276388, 5918, 1262, 20, 23, "Print"], +Cell[277653, 5940, 1076, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[278732, 5957, 2610, 62, 23, "Print"], +Cell[281345, 6021, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[284177, 6089, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[287009, 6157, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[289841, 6225, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[292673, 6293, 2827, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[295503, 6361, 2833, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[298339, 6429, 2826, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[301168, 6497, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[302245, 6514, 1892, 40, 23, "Print"], +Cell[304140, 6556, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[305217, 6573, 1262, 20, 23, "Print"], +Cell[306482, 6595, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[307559, 6612, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[310391, 6680, 2827, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[313221, 6748, 2831, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[316055, 6816, 2820, 65, 23, "Print"], +Cell[318878, 6883, 2825, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[321706, 6951, 2826, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[324535, 7019, 2831, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[327369, 7087, 2833, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[330205, 7155, 1076, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[331284, 7172, 1881, 39, 23, "Print"], +Cell[333168, 7213, 1076, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[334247, 7230, 1262, 20, 23, "Print"], +Cell[335512, 7252, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[336589, 7269, 2612, 62, 23, "Print"], +Cell[339204, 7333, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[342036, 7401, 2833, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[344872, 7469, 2831, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[347706, 7537, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[350538, 7605, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[353370, 7673, 2825, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[356198, 7741, 2828, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[359029, 7809, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[361861, 7877, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[362938, 7894, 1885, 39, 23, "Print"], +Cell[364826, 7935, 1076, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[365905, 7952, 1262, 20, 23, "Print"], +Cell[367170, 7974, 1076, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[368249, 7991, 2824, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[371076, 8059, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], 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23, "Print"], +Cell[429289, 9409, 1885, 39, 23, "Print"], +Cell[431177, 9450, 1076, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[432256, 9467, 1262, 20, 23, "Print"], +Cell[433521, 9489, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[434598, 9506, 2831, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[437432, 9574, 2827, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[440262, 9642, 2831, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[443096, 9710, 2831, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[445930, 9778, 2827, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[448760, 9846, 2831, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[451594, 9914, 2831, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[454428, 9982, 2831, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[457262, 10050, 2831, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[460096, 10118, 2829, 66, 23, "Print"], +Cell[462928, 10186, 1074, 15, 23, "Print"], +Cell[464005, 10203, 1891, 40, 23, "Print"] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[465945, 10249, 94, 1, 32, InheritFromParent], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[466064, 10254, 897, 15, 43, "Print"], +Cell[466964, 10271, 787, 11, 23, "Print"], +Cell[467754, 10284, 857, 14, 23, "Print"], +Cell[468614, 10300, 787, 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"Print"], +Cell[57145, 1332, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[59342, 1392, 2190, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[61535, 1452, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[61730, 1457, 322, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[62055, 1466, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[64250, 1526, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[66445, 1586, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[68640, 1646, 2188, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[70831, 1706, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[71026, 1711, 322, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[71351, 1720, 1849, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[73203, 1775, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[75400, 1835, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[77597, 1895, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[79794, 1955, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[81991, 2015, 194, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[82188, 2020, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[82517, 2029, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[84716, 2089, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[86913, 2149, 2193, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[89109, 2209, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[91308, 2269, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[93505, 2329, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[93700, 2334, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[94029, 2343, 1849, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[95881, 2398, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[98080, 2458, 2190, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[100273, 2518, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[102468, 2578, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[104667, 2638, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[106862, 2698, 194, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[107059, 2703, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[107386, 2712, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[109581, 2772, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[111778, 2832, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[113977, 2892, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[116172, 2952, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[118369, 3012, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[120566, 3072, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[120761, 3077, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[121088, 3086, 1849, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[122940, 3141, 2190, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[125133, 3201, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[127328, 3261, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[129525, 3321, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[131722, 3381, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[133919, 3441, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[136114, 3501, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[136309, 3506, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[136636, 3515, 2191, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[138830, 3575, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[141025, 3635, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[143222, 3695, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[145417, 3755, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[147614, 3815, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[149811, 3875, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[152015, 3936, 191, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[152209, 3941, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[152536, 3950, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[154390, 4005, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[156585, 4065, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[158780, 4125, 2189, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[160972, 4185, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[163171, 4245, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[165366, 4305, 2197, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[167566, 4366, 2200, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[169769, 4427, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[169964, 4432, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[170293, 4441, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[172492, 4501, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[174689, 4561, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[176890, 4621, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[179087, 4681, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[181284, 4741, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[183479, 4801, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[185683, 4862, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[187887, 4923, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[188082, 4928, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[188411, 4937, 1853, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[190267, 4992, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[192468, 5052, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[194665, 5112, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[196862, 5172, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[199061, 5232, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[201260, 5292, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[203464, 5353, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[205670, 5414, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[207874, 5475, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[208069, 5480, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[208396, 5489, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[210597, 5549, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[212798, 5609, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[214999, 5669, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[217200, 5729, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[219401, 5789, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[221598, 5849, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[223802, 5910, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[226006, 5971, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[228210, 6032, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[228405, 6037, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[228734, 6046, 1850, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[230587, 6101, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[232784, 6161, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[234982, 6221, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[237179, 6281, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[239378, 6341, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[241577, 6401, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[243781, 6462, 2195, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[245979, 6523, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[248176, 6583, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[250380, 6644, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[250575, 6649, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[250902, 6658, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[253101, 6718, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[255300, 6778, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[257501, 6838, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[259702, 6898, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[261901, 6958, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[264100, 7018, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[266304, 7079, 2200, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[268507, 7140, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[270706, 7200, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[272910, 7261, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[273105, 7266, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[273432, 7275, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[275286, 7330, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[277483, 7390, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[279682, 7450, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[281881, 7510, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[284078, 7570, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[286277, 7630, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[288483, 7691, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[290689, 7752, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[292888, 7812, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[295092, 7873, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[297296, 7934, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[297491, 7939, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[297818, 7948, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[300015, 8008, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[302210, 8068, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[304411, 8128, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[306610, 8188, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[308807, 8248, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[311006, 8308, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[313212, 8369, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[315418, 8430, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[317620, 8491, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[319824, 8552, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[322028, 8613, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[322223, 8618, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[322552, 8627, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[324406, 8682, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[326607, 8742, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[328806, 8802, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[331003, 8862, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[333202, 8922, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[335403, 8982, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[337609, 9043, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[339813, 9104, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[342017, 9165, 2200, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[344220, 9226, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[346424, 9287, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[348626, 9348, 194, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[348823, 9353, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[349150, 9362, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[351347, 9422, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[353546, 9482, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[355745, 9542, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[357946, 9602, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[360145, 9662, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[362344, 9722, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[364550, 9783, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[366755, 9844, 2198, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[368956, 9905, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[371160, 9966, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[373362, 10027, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[375564, 10088, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[375759, 10093, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[376086, 10102, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[377940, 10157, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[380139, 10217, 2193, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[382335, 10277, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[384532, 10337, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[386731, 10397, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[388930, 10457, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[391136, 10518, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[393337, 10578, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[395543, 10639, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[397740, 10699, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[399937, 10759, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[402141, 10820, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[404347, 10881, 194, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[404544, 10886, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[404871, 10895, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[407068, 10955, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[409269, 11015, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[411468, 11075, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[413665, 11135, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[415866, 11195, 2191, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[418060, 11255, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[420268, 11316, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[422476, 11377, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[424682, 11438, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[426888, 11499, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[429092, 11560, 2197, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[431292, 11621, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[433496, 11682, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[433691, 11687, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[434018, 11696, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[435872, 11751, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[438069, 11811, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[440268, 11871, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[442469, 11931, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[444668, 11991, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[446867, 12051, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[449075, 12112, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[451280, 12173, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[453486, 12234, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[455687, 12294, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[457895, 12355, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[460092, 12415, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[462296, 12476, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[464500, 12537, 194, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[464697, 12542, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[465026, 12551, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[467225, 12611, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[469424, 12671, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[471623, 12731, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[473824, 12791, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[476021, 12851, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[478220, 12911, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[480426, 12972, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[482630, 13033, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[484836, 13094, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[487031, 13154, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[489228, 13214, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[491425, 13274, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[493620, 13334, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[495817, 13394, 191, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[496011, 13399, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[496340, 13408, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[498194, 13463, 2191, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[500388, 13523, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[502587, 13583, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[504786, 13643, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[506985, 13703, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[509184, 13763, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[511383, 13823, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[513589, 13884, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[515795, 13945, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[517999, 14006, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[520205, 14067, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[522406, 14127, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[524612, 14188, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[526814, 14249, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[529018, 14310, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[529213, 14315, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[529542, 14324, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[531741, 14384, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[533940, 14444, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[536139, 14504, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[538336, 14564, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[540531, 14624, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[542732, 14684, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[544938, 14745, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[547135, 14805, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[549341, 14866, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[551547, 14927, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[553753, 14988, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[555950, 15048, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[558156, 15109, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[560360, 15170, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[562562, 15231, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[562757, 15236, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[563086, 15245, 1847, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[564936, 15300, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[567137, 15360, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[569336, 15420, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[571535, 15480, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[573734, 15540, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[575931, 15600, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[578135, 15661, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[580343, 15722, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[582549, 15783, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[584748, 15843, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[586954, 15904, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[589153, 15964, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[591358, 16025, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[593564, 16086, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[595761, 16146, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[597960, 16206, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[598155, 16211, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[598484, 16220, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[600681, 16280, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[602880, 16340, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[605077, 16400, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[607276, 16460, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[609473, 16520, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[611672, 16580, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[613878, 16641, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[616084, 16702, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[618283, 16762, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[620482, 16822, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[622690, 16883, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[624896, 16944, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[627102, 17005, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[629308, 17066, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[631503, 17126, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[633709, 17187, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[633904, 17192, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[634231, 17201, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[636085, 17256, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[638282, 17316, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[640481, 17376, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[642680, 17436, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[644879, 17496, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[647076, 17556, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[649282, 17617, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[651488, 17678, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[653693, 17739, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[655901, 17800, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[658107, 17861, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[660313, 17922, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[662519, 17983, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[664723, 18044, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[666931, 18105, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[669135, 18166, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[671341, 18227, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[671536, 18232, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[671865, 18241, 2191, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[674059, 18301, 2193, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[676255, 18361, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[678454, 18421, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[680653, 18481, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[682850, 18541, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[685049, 18601, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[687255, 18662, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[689461, 18723, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[691667, 18784, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[693869, 18845, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[696075, 18906, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[698281, 18967, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[700487, 19028, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[702693, 19089, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[704890, 19149, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[707094, 19210, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[709291, 19270, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[709486, 19275, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[709815, 19284, 1849, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[711667, 19339, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[713866, 19399, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[716063, 19459, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[718262, 19519, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[720461, 19579, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[722662, 19639, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[724868, 19700, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[727076, 19761, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[729282, 19822, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[731481, 19882, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[733687, 19943, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[735891, 20004, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[738097, 20065, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[740303, 20126, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[742498, 20186, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[744704, 20247, 2200, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[746907, 20308, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[749111, 20369, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[749306, 20374, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[749635, 20383, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[751832, 20443, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[754031, 20503, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[756230, 20563, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[758431, 20623, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[760630, 20683, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[762827, 20743, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[765033, 20804, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[767239, 20865, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[769445, 20926, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[771653, 20987, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[773859, 21048, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[776058, 21108, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[778264, 21169, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[780470, 21230, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[782676, 21291, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[784882, 21352, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[787086, 21413, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[789290, 21474, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[789485, 21479, 323, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[789811, 21488, 1853, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[791667, 21543, 2190, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[793860, 21603, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[796061, 21663, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[798258, 21723, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[800457, 21783, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[802656, 21843, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[804862, 21904, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[807070, 21965, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[809269, 22025, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[811477, 22086, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[813683, 22147, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[815887, 22208, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[818086, 22268, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[820290, 22329, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[822496, 22390, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[824702, 22451, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[826908, 22512, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[829107, 22572, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[831311, 22633, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[831506, 22638, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[831833, 22647, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[834030, 22707, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[836227, 22767, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[838426, 22827, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[840625, 22887, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[842820, 22947, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[845019, 23007, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[847216, 23067, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[849424, 23128, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[851628, 23189, 2193, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[853824, 23249, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[856030, 23310, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[858236, 23371, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[860442, 23432, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[862648, 23493, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[864849, 23553, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[867055, 23614, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[869261, 23675, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[871458, 23735, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[873662, 23796, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[873857, 23801, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[874184, 23810, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[876038, 23865, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[878239, 23925, 2190, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[880432, 23985, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[882631, 24045, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[884832, 24105, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[887033, 24165, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[889232, 24225, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[891436, 24286, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[893631, 24346, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[895837, 24407, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[898038, 24467, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[900246, 24528, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[902450, 24589, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[904654, 24650, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[906858, 24711, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[909057, 24771, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[911263, 24832, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[913471, 24893, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[915666, 24953, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[917870, 25014, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[918065, 25019, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[918394, 25028, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[920593, 25088, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[922792, 25148, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[924989, 25208, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[927190, 25268, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[929387, 25328, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[931588, 25388, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[933794, 25449, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[935993, 25509, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[938197, 25570, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[940394, 25630, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[942600, 25691, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[944806, 25752, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[947012, 25813, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[949218, 25874, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[951424, 25935, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[953630, 25996, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[955836, 26057, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[958042, 26118, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[960246, 26179, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[962452, 26240, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[962647, 26245, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[962974, 26254, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[964828, 26309, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[967023, 26369, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[969222, 26429, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[971421, 26489, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[973620, 26549, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[975819, 26609, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[978027, 26670, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[980231, 26731, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[982435, 26792, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[984641, 26853, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[986840, 26913, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[989039, 26973, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[991243, 27034, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[993449, 27095, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[995655, 27156, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[997859, 27217, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1000063, 27278, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1002269, 27339, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1004475, 27400, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1006679, 27461, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1008881, 27522, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1009076, 27527, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1009405, 27536, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1011600, 27596, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1013799, 27656, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1015998, 27716, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1018197, 27776, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1020396, 27836, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1022593, 27896, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1024799, 27957, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1027007, 28018, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1029209, 28079, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1031408, 28139, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1033614, 28200, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1035818, 28261, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1038022, 28322, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1040228, 28383, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1042434, 28444, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1044633, 28504, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1046839, 28565, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1049045, 28626, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1051244, 28686, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1053448, 28747, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1055652, 28808, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1055847, 28813, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1056174, 28822, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1058028, 28877, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1060225, 28937, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1062424, 28997, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1064623, 29057, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1066822, 29117, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1069019, 29177, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1071225, 29238, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1073423, 29298, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1075629, 29359, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1077828, 29419, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1080027, 29479, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1082233, 29540, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1084428, 29600, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1086629, 29660, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1088826, 29720, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1091032, 29781, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1093236, 29842, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1095444, 29903, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1097650, 29964, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1099855, 30025, 2191, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1102049, 30085, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1104251, 30146, 191, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1104445, 30151, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1104772, 30160, 2193, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1106968, 30220, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1109163, 30280, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1111358, 30340, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1113556, 30400, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1115755, 30460, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1117953, 30520, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1120159, 30581, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1122358, 30641, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1124562, 30702, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1126768, 30763, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1128974, 30824, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1131180, 30885, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1133379, 30945, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1135578, 31005, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1137777, 31065, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1139983, 31126, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1142189, 31187, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1144397, 31248, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1146603, 31309, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1148811, 31370, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1151015, 31431, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1153214, 31491, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1153409, 31496, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1153736, 31505, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1155590, 31560, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1157787, 31620, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1159985, 31680, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1162184, 31740, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1164381, 31800, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1166578, 31860, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1168782, 31921, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1170988, 31982, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1173196, 32043, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1175400, 32104, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1177597, 32164, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1179801, 32225, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1182007, 32286, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1184213, 32347, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1186417, 32408, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1188621, 32469, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1190829, 32530, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1193033, 32591, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1195239, 32652, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1197447, 32713, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1199653, 32774, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1201857, 32835, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1204063, 32896, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1204258, 32901, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1204585, 32910, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1206782, 32970, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1208981, 33030, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1211178, 33090, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1213376, 33150, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1215575, 33210, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1217774, 33270, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1219980, 33331, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1222175, 33391, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1224372, 33451, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1226571, 33511, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1228777, 33572, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1230983, 33633, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1233182, 33693, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1235388, 33754, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1237587, 33814, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1239795, 33875, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1242001, 33936, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1244207, 33997, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1246413, 34058, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1248614, 34118, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1250818, 34179, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1253024, 34240, 2190, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1255217, 34300, 194, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1255414, 34305, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1255741, 34314, 1850, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1257594, 34369, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1259791, 34429, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1261988, 34489, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1264185, 34549, 2193, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1266381, 34609, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1268580, 34669, 2193, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1270776, 34729, 2188, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1272967, 34789, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1275173, 34850, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1277379, 34911, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1279585, 34972, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1281793, 35033, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1283999, 35094, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1286198, 35154, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1288404, 35215, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1290605, 35275, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1292810, 35336, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1295015, 35397, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1297221, 35458, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1299423, 35519, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1301629, 35580, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1303831, 35641, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1306035, 35702, 2200, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1308238, 35763, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1308433, 35768, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1308760, 35777, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1310957, 35837, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1313156, 35897, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1315355, 35957, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1317554, 36017, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1319753, 36077, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1321951, 36137, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1324159, 36198, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1326354, 36258, 2190, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1328547, 36318, 2200, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1330750, 36379, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1332945, 36439, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1335153, 36500, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1337352, 36560, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1339558, 36621, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1341764, 36682, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1343970, 36743, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1346176, 36804, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1348382, 36865, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1350579, 36925, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1352785, 36986, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1354989, 37047, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1357188, 37107, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1359392, 37168, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1361596, 37229, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1361791, 37234, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1362120, 37243, 1853, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1363976, 37298, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1366171, 37358, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1368366, 37418, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1370565, 37478, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1372764, 37538, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1374963, 37598, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1377165, 37659, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1379371, 37720, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1381568, 37780, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1383774, 37841, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1385980, 37902, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1388186, 37963, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1390392, 38024, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1392600, 38085, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1394806, 38146, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1397014, 38207, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1399220, 38268, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1401426, 38329, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1403630, 38390, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1405829, 38450, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1408033, 38511, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1410239, 38572, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1412445, 38633, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1414649, 38694, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1416846, 38754, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1417041, 38759, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1417368, 38768, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1419567, 38828, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1421768, 38888, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1423965, 38948, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1426162, 39008, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1428361, 39068, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1430560, 39128, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1432764, 39189, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1434972, 39250, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1437178, 39311, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1439386, 39372, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1441592, 39433, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1443798, 39494, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1446004, 39555, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1448203, 39615, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1450409, 39676, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1452617, 39737, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1454825, 39798, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1457031, 39859, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1459237, 39920, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1461436, 39980, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1463640, 40041, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1465845, 40102, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1468049, 40163, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1470253, 40224, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1472450, 40284, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1472645, 40289, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1472972, 40298, 1853, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1474828, 40353, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1477025, 40413, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1479223, 40473, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1481424, 40533, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1483621, 40593, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1485820, 40653, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1488024, 40714, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1490230, 40775, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1492436, 40836, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1494644, 40897, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1496852, 40958, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1499058, 41019, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1501264, 41080, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1503470, 41141, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1505678, 41202, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1507884, 41263, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1510092, 41324, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1512289, 41384, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1514495, 41445, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1516703, 41506, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1518911, 41567, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1521117, 41628, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1523321, 41689, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1525527, 41750, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1527731, 41811, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1529928, 41871, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1530123, 41876, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1530452, 41885, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1532651, 41945, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1534849, 42005, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1537048, 42065, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1539246, 42125, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1541443, 42185, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1543642, 42245, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1545843, 42305, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1548042, 42365, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1550248, 42426, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1552456, 42487, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1554660, 42548, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1556866, 42609, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1559072, 42670, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1561280, 42731, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1563486, 42792, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1565692, 42853, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1567896, 42914, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1570102, 42975, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1572308, 43036, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1574509, 43096, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1576717, 43157, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1578923, 43218, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1581122, 43278, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1583321, 43338, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1585525, 43399, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1587729, 43460, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1587924, 43465, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1588253, 43474, 1849, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1590105, 43529, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1592304, 43589, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1594503, 43649, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1596704, 43709, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1598901, 43769, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1601100, 43829, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1603308, 43890, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1605514, 43951, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1607722, 44012, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1609928, 44073, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1612136, 44134, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1614335, 44194, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1616530, 44254, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1618734, 44315, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1620942, 44376, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1623148, 44437, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1625354, 44498, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1627558, 44559, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1629760, 44620, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1631966, 44681, 2191, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1634160, 44741, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1636359, 44801, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1638564, 44862, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1640770, 44923, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1642967, 44983, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1645171, 45044, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1647375, 45105, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1647570, 45110, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1647899, 45119, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1650096, 45179, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1652293, 45239, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1654492, 45299, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1656693, 45359, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1658892, 45419, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1661091, 45479, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1663292, 45539, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1665498, 45600, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1667704, 45661, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1669910, 45722, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1672116, 45783, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1674324, 45844, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1676530, 45905, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1678727, 45965, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1680935, 46026, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1683133, 46086, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1685332, 46146, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1687531, 46206, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1689735, 46267, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1691941, 46328, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1694138, 46388, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1696344, 46449, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1698543, 46509, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1700748, 46570, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1702947, 46630, 2197, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1705147, 46691, 2200, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1707350, 46752, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1707545, 46757, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1707872, 46766, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1709726, 46821, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1711925, 46881, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1714126, 46941, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1716325, 47001, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1718524, 47061, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1720725, 47121, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1722929, 47182, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1725135, 47243, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1727341, 47304, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1729547, 47365, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1731755, 47426, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1733952, 47486, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1736158, 47547, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1738362, 47608, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1740568, 47669, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1742770, 47730, 2200, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1744973, 47791, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1747177, 47852, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1749376, 47912, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1751582, 47973, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1753788, 48034, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1755987, 48094, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1758188, 48154, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1760392, 48215, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1762594, 48276, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1764795, 48336, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1767001, 48397, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1769205, 48458, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1769400, 48463, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1769727, 48472, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1771926, 48532, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1774125, 48592, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1776322, 48652, 2193, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1778518, 48712, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1780717, 48772, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1782916, 48832, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1785122, 48893, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1787328, 48954, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1789525, 49014, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1791731, 49075, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1793939, 49136, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1796145, 49197, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1798351, 49258, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1800557, 49319, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1802763, 49380, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1804971, 49441, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1807166, 49501, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1809370, 49562, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1811576, 49623, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1813784, 49684, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1815992, 49745, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1818198, 49806, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1820404, 49867, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1822612, 49928, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1824818, 49989, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1827022, 50050, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1829217, 50110, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1831416, 50170, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1831611, 50175, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1831938, 50184, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1833792, 50239, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1835993, 50299, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1838192, 50359, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1840391, 50419, 2191, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1842585, 50479, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1844786, 50539, 2192, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1846981, 50599, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1849187, 50660, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1851385, 50720, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1853582, 50780, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1855788, 50841, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1857996, 50902, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1860202, 50963, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1862408, 51024, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1864609, 51084, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1866817, 51145, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1869014, 51205, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1871213, 51265, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1873419, 51326, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1875625, 51387, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1877831, 51448, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1880039, 51509, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1882247, 51570, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1884455, 51631, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1886661, 51692, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1888860, 51752, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1891066, 51813, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1893272, 51874, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1895478, 51935, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1895673, 51940, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1896002, 51949, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1898199, 52009, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1900398, 52069, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1902597, 52129, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1904796, 52189, 2193, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1906992, 52249, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1909193, 52309, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1911399, 52370, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1913603, 52431, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1915802, 52491, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1918008, 52552, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1920207, 52612, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1922413, 52673, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1924619, 52734, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1926827, 52795, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1929031, 52856, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1931237, 52917, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1933436, 52977, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1935644, 53038, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1937848, 53099, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1940056, 53160, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1942262, 53221, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1944463, 53281, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1946671, 53342, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1948870, 53402, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1951074, 53463, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1953272, 53523, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1955478, 53584, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1957684, 53645, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1959886, 53706, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1960081, 53711, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1960408, 53720, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1962262, 53775, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1964461, 53835, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1966660, 53895, 2188, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1968851, 53955, 2190, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1971044, 54015, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1973243, 54075, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1975442, 54135, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1977648, 54196, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1979853, 54257, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1982058, 54318, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1984264, 54379, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1986470, 54440, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1988678, 54501, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1990884, 54562, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1993090, 54623, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1995294, 54684, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1997500, 54745, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[1999701, 54805, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2001900, 54865, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2004104, 54926, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2006312, 54987, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2008518, 55048, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2010726, 55109, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2012932, 55170, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2015129, 55230, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2017334, 55291, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2019540, 55352, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2021745, 55413, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2023951, 55474, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2026155, 55535, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2026350, 55540, 326, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2026679, 55549, 2191, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2028873, 55609, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2031072, 55669, 2190, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2033265, 55729, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2035466, 55789, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2037663, 55849, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2039864, 55909, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2042070, 55970, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2044276, 56031, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2046482, 56092, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2048679, 56152, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2050878, 56212, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2053075, 56272, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2055279, 56333, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2057476, 56393, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2059677, 56453, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2061881, 56514, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2064080, 56574, 2193, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2066276, 56634, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2068480, 56695, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2070681, 56755, 2197, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2072881, 56816, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2075087, 56877, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2077295, 56938, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2079501, 56999, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2081707, 57060, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2083913, 57121, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2086121, 57182, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2088318, 57242, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2090524, 57303, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2092728, 57364, 194, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2092925, 57369, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2093252, 57378, 1851, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2095106, 57433, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2097307, 57493, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2099504, 57553, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2101703, 57613, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2103902, 57673, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2106101, 57733, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2108307, 57794, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2110513, 57855, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2112719, 57916, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2114925, 57977, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2117129, 58038, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2119333, 58099, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2121537, 58160, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2123735, 58220, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2125941, 58281, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2128149, 58342, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2130353, 58403, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2132559, 58464, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2134765, 58525, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2136973, 58586, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2139179, 58647, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2141385, 58708, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2143591, 58769, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2145797, 58830, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2148003, 58891, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2150209, 58952, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2152415, 59013, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2154621, 59074, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2156822, 59134, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2159028, 59195, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2161232, 59256, 194, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2161429, 59261, 323, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2161755, 59270, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2163952, 59330, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2166149, 59390, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2168346, 59450, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2170544, 59510, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2172745, 59570, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2174944, 59630, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2177141, 59690, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2179347, 59751, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2181553, 59812, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2183752, 59872, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2185956, 59933, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2188162, 59994, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2190368, 60055, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2192569, 60115, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2194768, 60175, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2196974, 60236, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2199180, 60297, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2201388, 60358, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2203592, 60419, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2205789, 60479, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2207993, 60540, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2210201, 60601, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2212407, 60662, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2214606, 60722, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2216812, 60783, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2219018, 60844, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2221224, 60905, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2223428, 60966, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2225632, 61027, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2227840, 61088, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2230044, 61149, 192, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2230239, 61154, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2230566, 61163, 1849, 53, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2232418, 61218, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2234615, 61278, 2190, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2236808, 61338, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2239007, 61398, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2241206, 61458, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2243403, 61518, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2245607, 61579, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2247813, 61640, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2250021, 61701, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2252227, 61762, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2254433, 61823, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2256639, 61884, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2258845, 61945, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2261053, 62006, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2263259, 62067, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2265465, 62128, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2267673, 62189, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2269877, 62250, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2272085, 62311, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2274293, 62372, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2276492, 62432, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2278698, 62493, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2280904, 62554, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2283103, 62614, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2285309, 62675, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2287515, 62736, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2289714, 62796, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2291922, 62857, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2294127, 62918, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2296332, 62979, 2194, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2298529, 63039, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2300733, 63100, 194, 3, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2300930, 63105, 324, 7, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2301257, 63114, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2303456, 63174, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2305655, 63234, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2307854, 63294, 2195, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2310052, 63354, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2312253, 63414, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2314454, 63474, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2316660, 63535, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2318868, 63596, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2321074, 63657, 2202, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2323279, 63718, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2325478, 63778, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2327684, 63839, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2329888, 63900, 2198, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2332089, 63960, 2199, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2334291, 64021, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2336497, 64082, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2338703, 64143, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2340909, 64204, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2343115, 64265, 2201, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2345319, 64326, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2347527, 64387, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2349735, 64448, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2351943, 64509, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2354149, 64570, 2205, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2356357, 64631, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2358563, 64692, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2360769, 64753, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2362975, 64814, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2365174, 64874, 2196, 58, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2367373, 64934, 2203, 59, 23, "Print"], +Cell[2369579, 64995, 2200, 59, 23, "Print"] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[2371806, 65058, 94, 1, 32, InheritFromParent], +Cell[2371903, 65061, 119, 2, 32, InheritFromParent], +Cell[2372025, 65065, 94, 1, 32, InheritFromParent], +Cell[2372122, 65068, 94, 1, 32, "Input"], +Cell[2372219, 65071, 94, 1, 32, "Input"], +Cell[2372316, 65074, 92, 1, 32, "Input"], +Cell[2372411, 65077, 96, 1, 32, "Input"], +Cell[2372510, 65080, 94, 1, 32, "Input"], +Cell[2372607, 65083, 94, 1, 32, "Input"], +Cell[2372704, 65086, 290, 4, 77, "Input"], +Cell[2372997, 65092, 197, 3, 77, "Input"], +Cell[2373197, 65097, 90, 1, 32, InheritFromParent], +Cell[2373290, 65100, 167, 2, 32, "Input"], +Cell[2373460, 65104, 92, 1, 32, "Input"] +} +] +*) + diff --git a/thesis/notebooks/r-line.nb b/thesis/notebooks/r-line.nb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da0e48b --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/notebooks/r-line.nb @@ -0,0 +1,532 @@ +(* Content-type: application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica *) + +(*** Wolfram Notebook File ***) +(* http://www.wolfram.com/nb *) + +(* CreatedBy='Mathematica 9.0' *) + +(*CacheID: 234*) +(* Internal cache information: +NotebookFileLineBreakTest +NotebookFileLineBreakTest +NotebookDataPosition[ 157, 7] +NotebookDataLength[ 25443, 523] +NotebookOptionsPosition[ 25132, 507] +NotebookOutlinePosition[ 25467, 522] +CellTagsIndexPosition[ 25424, 519] +WindowFrame->Normal*) + +(* Beginning of Notebook Content *) +Notebook[{ + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[BoxData[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"numRegion", "[", + RowBox[{"expr_", ",", + RowBox[{"var_Symbol:", "x"}], ",", + RowBox[{"range", ":", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"xmin_", ",", "xmax_"}], "}"}], ":", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"0", ",", "0"}], "}"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{"opts", ":", + RowBox[{"OptionsPattern", "[", "]"}]}]}], "]"}], ":=", + RowBox[{"Module", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"le", "=", + RowBox[{"LogicalExpand", "[", + RowBox[{"Reduce", "[", + RowBox[{"expr", ",", "var", ",", "Reals"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ",", + "y", ",", "opendots", ",", "closeddots", ",", "max", ",", "min", ",", + "len"}], "}"}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"opendots", "=", + RowBox[{"Cases", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Flatten", "[", + RowBox[{"le", "/.", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"And", "|", "Or"}], "\[Rule]", "List"}]}], "]"}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"n_", "<", "var"}], "|", + RowBox[{"n_", ">", "var"}], "|", + RowBox[{"var", "<", "n_"}], "|", + RowBox[{"var", ">", "n_"}]}], "\[RuleDelayed]", "n"}]}], "]"}]}], + ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"closeddots", "=", + RowBox[{"Cases", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Flatten", "[", + RowBox[{"le", "/.", + RowBox[{ + 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"y", "<", "1"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"var", ",", + RowBox[{"min", "-", + RowBox[{"len", "/", "10"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{"max", "+", + RowBox[{"len", "/", "10"}]}]}], "}"}], ",", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"y", ",", + RowBox[{"-", "1"}], ",", "1"}], "}"}], ",", + RowBox[{"Epilog", "\[Rule]", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"Thick", ",", "Red", ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Line", "[", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"#", ",", "1"}], "}"}], ",", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"#", ",", + RowBox[{"-", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], "]"}], "&"}], "/@", + "closeddots"}], ",", "Dotted", ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Line", "[", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"#", ",", "1"}], "}"}], ",", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"#", ",", + RowBox[{"-", "1"}]}], "}"}]}], "}"}], "]"}], "&"}], "/@", + "opendots"}]}], "}"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{"Axes", "\[Rule]", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"True", ",", "False"}], "}"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{"Frame", "\[Rule]", "False"}], ",", + 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+wHxgPjAfmA/MB+ZjcDqvhg/MB+YD84H5wHxgPjAfmA/MB+YD84H5wHxgPjAf +mI9l6XkmfGA+MB+YD8wH5gPzgfnAfGA+MB+YD8wH5gPzgfnAfPwgPe+GD8wH +5gPzgfnAfGA+MB+YD8wH5gPzgfnAfGA+MB+YjwfT+5DwgfnAfGA+MB+YD8wH +5gPzgfnAfGA+MB+YD8wH5gNn3hfmMu8Lc5n3hbnM+8Jc5n1hLvO+MJd5X5jL +vC/MZd4X5jLvC3OZ94W5zPvCXOZ9YS7zvjCXeV+Yy7wvzGXeF+YefKTdyPuH +fJMrzc/XPXPwmvx5bVfw8Px+tD24ff78Uh+8OL9/bwxen//8muCz8/lVwZvz +9cXBO/M8I7hJ/n/VNXhJqsfvfTd9Prht+v7g99L1gxem3xd8Rvr9wUPT3xf8 +fvr7gy9IfoKz/rx/xd4/Yu/f4vcfev+EvX/B3j9gz9/Y8yf2/IU9f2Dnb+z8 +iZ2/sPMHtv9i+w82f7H5g/XfqB1Nirt8sC/Wm37EDQtvHNvvmn25vjXdO3av ++HiOvPUoj+UPv/WFGxuKdkXeepXH8q82/87D42u2Rd56lsfyV0/p+/ceZVsi +b73LY/lt+fXwYeT1gzyWPz/v64PI6xd5LH9f3v+7kddP8li+Mv/3vx15/SaP +5bvkrzc58vpRHss/n//8M3F/9as8lp+X9zU38vo53k8fYvlz8+tjWeT1uzyW +X5pfj+9F3jyQx/IP5NfnusibF/JY/tmjx1xVPGlT5M0TeSz/Rb/z21Q03xp5 +80Yey/ecvmJvbfmOyJtH8lj+tRMGzyta/FHkzSt5LH/sr1o+XV68N8tx//+W +vm/O2A+a977mmAPRn/YXrK4f1bP9eX36eyKvH+Wz/bk/+Yq8fpTP9ue4dD8i +rx/ls/35aLrfkdeP8tn+XJXWU+T1o3y2Py9O6zXy+lE+25/LUz9EXj/KZ/vz 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{}}]], "Output", + CellChangeTimes->{ + 3.607867749227479*^9, 3.607867786585499*^9, 3.607868587378818*^9, { + 3.607868639064415*^9, 3.607868696806839*^9}, 3.607868746769415*^9, { + 3.607868794963891*^9, 3.6078688389460506`*^9}, 3.608127268025208*^9, + 3.608127305438632*^9, 3.608127341226541*^9, 3.6081273750819073`*^9, { + 3.60812741126084*^9, 3.608127446917796*^9}, {3.60812748164819*^9, + 3.608127643565487*^9}}] +}, Open ]] +}, +WindowSize->{740, 623}, +WindowMargins->{{Automatic, 13}, {9, Automatic}}, +FrontEndVersion->"9.0 for Linux x86 (64-bit) (February 7, 2013)", +StyleDefinitions->"Default.nb" +] +(* End of Notebook Content *) + +(* Internal cache information *) +(*CellTagsOutline +CellTagsIndex->{} +*) +(*CellTagsIndex +CellTagsIndex->{} +*) +(*NotebookFileOutline +Notebook[{ +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[579, 22, 6280, 160, 477, "Input"], +Cell[6862, 184, 18254, 320, 42, "Output"] +}, Open ]] +} +] +*) + +(* End of internal cache information *) diff --git 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+ RowBox[{"OptionsPattern", "[", "]"}]}]}], "]"}], ":=", + RowBox[{"Module", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"le", "=", + RowBox[{"LogicalExpand", "[", + RowBox[{"Reduce", "[", + RowBox[{"expr", ",", "var", ",", "Reals"}], "]"}], "]"}]}], ",", + "y", ",", "opendots", ",", "closeddots", ",", "max", ",", "min", ",", + "len"}], "}"}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"opendots", "=", + RowBox[{"Cases", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Flatten", "[", + RowBox[{"le", "/.", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"And", "|", "Or"}], "\[Rule]", "List"}]}], "]"}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"n_", "<", "var"}], "|", + RowBox[{"n_", ">", "var"}], "|", + RowBox[{"var", "<", "n_"}], "|", + RowBox[{"var", ">", "n_"}]}], "\[RuleDelayed]", "n"}]}], "]"}]}], + ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"closeddots", "=", + RowBox[{"Cases", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Flatten", "[", + RowBox[{"le", "/.", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"And", "|", "Or"}], "\[Rule]", "List"}]}], "]"}], ",", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + 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13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 13.655 m +268.419 13.497 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 13.497 m +236.745 13.497 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.497 m +281.089 13.813 L +281.089 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 13.813 m +217.741 14.447 L +230.41 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.863 m +78.376 13.18 L +78.376 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 12.546 m +154.393 13.18 L +167.063 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 12.546 m +91.045 13.18 L +103.715 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 12.546 m +103.715 13.18 L +116.384 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 12.546 m +116.384 13.18 L +129.054 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 12.546 m +129.054 13.18 L +141.723 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 12.546 m +141.723 13.18 L +154.393 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 13.18 m +129.054 13.813 L +141.723 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 12.546 m +167.063 13.18 L +179.732 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 12.546 m +78.376 13.18 L +91.045 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 13.18 m +217.741 13.813 L +230.41 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 12.546 m +179.732 13.18 L +192.402 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 12.546 m +205.071 13.18 L +217.741 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.863 m +281.089 13.18 L +281.089 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.23 m +78.376 12.546 L +78.376 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 13.022 m +268.419 12.863 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 11.913 m +78.376 12.546 L +91.045 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 11.913 m +103.715 12.546 L +116.384 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 11.913 m +91.045 12.546 L +103.715 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 12.388 m +268.419 12.23 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 12.863 m +236.745 12.863 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 11.913 m +116.384 12.546 L +129.054 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 11.913 m +129.054 12.546 L +141.723 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 11.913 m +179.732 12.546 L +192.402 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 11.913 m +154.393 12.546 L +167.063 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 11.913 m +192.402 12.546 L +205.071 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 11.913 m +217.741 12.546 L +230.41 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 12.23 m +236.745 12.23 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.23 m +281.089 12.546 L +281.089 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 11.913 m +141.723 12.546 L +154.393 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 11.913 m +205.071 12.546 L +217.741 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.596 m +78.376 11.913 L +78.376 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 11.279 m +78.376 11.913 L +91.045 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 11.596 m +236.745 11.596 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 11.279 m +103.715 11.913 L +116.384 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 11.279 m +116.384 11.913 L +129.054 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 11.279 m +129.054 11.913 L +141.723 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 11.279 m +141.723 11.913 L +154.393 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 11.279 m +192.402 11.913 L +205.071 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 11.279 m +91.045 11.913 L +103.715 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 11.279 m +154.393 11.913 L +167.063 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 11.279 m +167.063 11.913 L +179.732 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 12.546 m +192.402 13.18 L +205.071 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 11.279 m +179.732 11.913 L +192.402 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 12.546 m +217.741 13.18 L +230.41 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 11.755 m +268.419 11.596 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.596 m +281.089 11.913 L +281.089 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.963 m +78.376 11.279 L +78.376 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 10.646 m +78.376 11.279 L +91.045 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 11.279 m +217.741 11.913 L +230.41 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 11.279 m +205.071 11.913 L +217.741 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 10.646 m +91.045 11.279 L +103.715 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 10.646 m +103.715 11.279 L +116.384 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 13.18 m +205.071 12.546 L +192.402 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 10.646 m +129.054 11.279 L +141.723 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 10.646 m +154.393 11.279 L +167.063 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 10.646 m +179.732 11.279 L +192.402 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 10.646 m +192.402 11.279 L +205.071 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 10.646 m +167.063 11.279 L +179.732 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 10.646 m +205.071 11.279 L +217.741 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.329 m +78.376 10.646 L +78.376 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 11.121 m +268.419 10.963 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 10.646 m +217.741 11.279 L +230.41 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.963 m +281.089 11.279 L +281.089 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 10.012 m +78.376 10.646 L +91.045 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 10.012 m +192.402 10.646 L +205.071 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 10.012 m +116.384 10.646 L +129.054 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 10.012 m +129.054 10.646 L +141.723 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 10.012 m +141.723 10.646 L +154.393 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 10.012 m +154.393 10.646 L +167.063 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 10.012 m +91.045 10.646 L +103.715 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 10.963 m +236.745 10.963 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 10.012 m +167.063 10.646 L +179.732 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 10.012 m +179.732 10.646 L +192.402 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 10.646 m +141.723 11.279 L +154.393 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 10.012 m +205.071 10.646 L +217.741 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 10.329 m +236.745 10.329 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 10.488 m +268.419 10.329 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.329 m +281.089 10.646 L +281.089 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.696 m +78.376 10.012 L +78.376 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 9.379 m +78.376 10.012 L +91.045 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 9.379 m +91.045 10.012 L +103.715 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 9.379 m +129.054 10.012 L +141.723 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 9.379 m +116.384 10.012 L +129.054 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 9.379 m +141.723 10.012 L +154.393 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 10.012 m +103.715 10.646 L +116.384 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 9.379 m +154.393 10.012 L +167.063 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 9.854 m +268.419 9.696 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 9.379 m +179.732 10.012 L +192.402 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 9.379 m +192.402 10.012 L +205.071 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 9.379 m +205.071 10.012 L +217.741 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 9.379 m +217.741 10.012 L +230.41 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 9.696 m +236.745 9.696 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 10.012 m +217.741 10.646 L +230.41 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.696 m +281.089 10.012 L +281.089 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 9.379 m +167.063 10.012 L +179.732 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.062 m +78.376 9.379 L +78.376 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 8.746 m +78.376 9.379 L +91.045 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 8.746 m +91.045 9.379 L +103.715 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 8.746 m +129.054 9.379 L +141.723 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 8.746 m +141.723 9.379 L +154.393 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 8.746 m +154.393 9.379 L +167.063 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 8.746 m +167.063 9.379 L +179.732 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 8.112 m +129.054 8.746 L +141.723 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 8.746 m +116.384 9.379 L +129.054 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 8.746 m +179.732 9.379 L +192.402 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 8.746 m +192.402 9.379 L +205.071 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 8.112 m +141.723 8.746 L +154.393 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 8.746 m +205.071 9.379 L +217.741 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 9.062 m +236.745 9.062 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.062 m +281.089 9.379 L +281.089 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.429 m +78.376 8.746 L +78.376 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 9.221 m +268.419 9.062 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 8.112 m +78.376 8.746 L +91.045 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 8.112 m +103.715 8.746 L +116.384 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 8.746 m +217.741 9.379 L +230.41 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 8.112 m +91.045 8.746 L +103.715 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 8.112 m +116.384 8.746 L +129.054 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 11.913 m +167.063 12.546 L +179.732 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 8.112 m +154.393 8.746 L +167.063 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 7.479 m +116.384 8.112 L +129.054 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 8.112 m +192.402 8.746 L +205.071 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 8.112 m +205.071 8.746 L +217.741 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 8.112 m +217.741 8.746 L +230.41 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 8.429 m +236.745 8.429 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 7.479 m +78.376 8.112 L +91.045 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 8.112 m +179.732 8.746 L +192.402 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 8.587 m +268.419 8.429 L +262.084 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.429 m +281.089 8.746 L +281.089 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 8.112 m +167.063 8.746 L +179.732 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.795 m +78.376 8.112 L +78.376 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 8.746 m +103.715 9.379 L +116.384 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 7.479 m +129.054 8.112 L +141.723 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 7.479 m +141.723 8.112 L +154.393 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 7.479 m +154.393 8.112 L +167.063 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 7.479 m +167.063 8.112 L +179.732 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 7.479 m +103.715 8.112 L +116.384 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 7.479 m +91.045 8.112 L +103.715 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 7.479 m +179.732 8.112 L +192.402 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 7.479 m +192.402 8.112 L +205.071 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 9.379 m +103.715 10.012 L +116.384 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 7.479 m +205.071 8.112 L +217.741 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 7.795 m +236.745 7.795 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 6.845 m +78.376 7.479 L +91.045 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 6.845 m +91.045 7.479 L +103.715 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.162 m +78.376 7.479 L +78.376 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 6.845 m +103.715 7.479 L +116.384 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 6.845 m +129.054 7.479 L +141.723 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 6.845 m +116.384 7.479 L +129.054 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.528 m +78.376 6.845 L +78.376 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.795 m +281.089 8.112 L +281.089 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 6.845 m +141.723 7.479 L +154.393 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 6.845 m +154.393 7.479 L +167.063 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 6.845 m +205.071 7.479 L +217.741 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 6.845 m +179.732 7.479 L +192.402 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 6.845 m +217.741 7.479 L +230.41 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 7.32 m +268.419 7.162 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.162 m +281.089 7.479 L +281.089 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 6.212 m +78.376 6.845 L +91.045 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 6.845 m +167.063 7.479 L +179.732 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 7.162 m +236.745 7.162 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 6.212 m +91.045 6.845 L +103.715 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 6.212 m +103.715 6.845 L +116.384 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.528 m +281.089 6.845 L +281.089 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 6.212 m +129.054 6.845 L +141.723 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 6.212 m +141.723 6.845 L +154.393 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 6.212 m +154.393 6.845 L +167.063 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 6.212 m +167.063 6.845 L +179.732 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 6.212 m +217.741 6.845 L +230.41 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 6.212 m +116.384 6.845 L +129.054 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 6.212 m +179.732 6.845 L +192.402 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 6.212 m +192.402 6.845 L +205.071 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 6.845 m +192.402 7.479 L +205.071 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 6.212 m +205.071 6.845 L +217.741 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 5.578 m +154.393 6.212 L +167.063 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.895 m +78.376 6.212 L +78.376 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 5.578 m +78.376 6.212 L +91.045 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 5.578 m +91.045 6.212 L +103.715 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 5.578 m +103.715 6.212 L +116.384 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 6.687 m +268.419 6.528 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 6.528 m +236.745 6.528 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 5.578 m +116.384 6.212 L +129.054 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 5.578 m +129.054 6.212 L +141.723 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 3.678 m +91.045 4.311 L +103.715 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 5.578 m +141.723 6.212 L +154.393 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 3.678 m +78.376 4.311 L +91.045 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 5.578 m +217.741 6.212 L +230.41 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 5.895 m +236.745 5.895 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 5.578 m +205.071 6.212 L +217.741 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 6.053 m +268.419 5.895 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.261 m +78.376 5.578 L +78.376 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.895 m +281.089 6.212 L +281.089 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 4.945 m +205.071 5.578 L +217.741 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 5.578 m +192.402 6.212 L +205.071 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 4.945 m +78.376 5.578 L +91.045 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 4.945 m +91.045 5.578 L +103.715 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 4.945 m +141.723 5.578 L +154.393 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 4.945 m +116.384 5.578 L +129.054 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 4.945 m +154.393 5.578 L +167.063 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 4.945 m +179.732 5.578 L +192.402 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 4.945 m +192.402 5.578 L +205.071 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 4.945 m +217.741 5.578 L +230.41 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 4.945 m +103.715 5.578 L +116.384 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 4.945 m +167.063 5.578 L +179.732 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 5.261 m +236.745 5.261 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 5.42 m +268.419 5.261 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 4.311 m +192.402 4.945 L +205.071 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.628 m +78.376 4.945 L +78.376 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 4.311 m +78.376 4.945 L +91.045 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 4.311 m +91.045 4.945 L +103.715 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 4.311 m +103.715 4.945 L +116.384 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 4.311 m +154.393 4.945 L +167.063 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.261 m +281.089 5.578 L +281.089 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 4.311 m +116.384 4.945 L +129.054 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 4.311 m +129.054 4.945 L +141.723 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 5.578 m +167.063 6.212 L +179.732 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 4.311 m +141.723 4.945 L +154.393 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 5.578 m +179.732 6.212 L +192.402 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 4.311 m +205.071 4.945 L +217.741 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 4.311 m +217.741 4.945 L +230.41 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 4.628 m +236.745 4.628 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 4.786 m +268.419 4.628 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 4.311 m +179.732 4.945 L +192.402 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 4.311 m +167.063 4.945 L +179.732 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.628 m +281.089 4.945 L +281.089 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.994 m +78.376 4.311 L +78.376 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 3.678 m +103.715 4.311 L +116.384 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 3.678 m +116.384 4.311 L +129.054 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 14.447 m +230.41 13.813 L +217.741 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 3.678 m +154.393 4.311 L +167.063 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 3.678 m +167.063 4.311 L +179.732 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 3.678 m +141.723 4.311 L +154.393 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 3.678 m +179.732 4.311 L +192.402 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 3.678 m +205.071 4.311 L +217.741 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 3.678 m +192.402 4.311 L +205.071 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 3.994 m +236.745 3.994 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 3.678 m +129.054 4.311 L +141.723 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 3.678 m +217.741 4.311 L +230.41 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 4.153 m +268.419 3.994 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 3.044 m +91.045 3.678 L +103.715 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 3.044 m +103.715 3.678 L +116.384 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 3.044 m +116.384 3.678 L +129.054 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.994 m +281.089 4.311 L +281.089 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 3.044 m +141.723 3.678 L +154.393 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 7.954 m +268.419 7.795 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 3.044 m +154.393 3.678 L +167.063 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 3.044 m +129.054 3.678 L +141.723 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 3.044 m +167.063 3.678 L +179.732 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 3.044 m +192.402 3.678 L +205.071 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 2.411 m +141.723 3.044 L +154.393 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 3.044 m +217.741 3.678 L +230.41 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 3.361 m +236.745 3.361 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 3.519 m +268.419 3.361 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.361 m +281.089 3.678 L +281.089 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 2.411 m +103.715 3.044 L +116.384 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 3.044 m +205.071 3.678 L +217.741 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 2.727 m +78.376 3.044 L +78.376 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 2.411 m +78.376 3.044 L +91.045 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 3.044 m +78.376 3.678 L +91.045 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 2.411 m +91.045 3.044 L +103.715 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 3.044 m +179.732 3.678 L +192.402 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 2.411 m +154.393 3.044 L +167.063 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 2.411 m +167.063 3.044 L +179.732 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 2.411 m +179.732 3.044 L +192.402 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 2.411 m +192.402 3.044 L +205.071 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 2.411 m +129.054 3.044 L +141.723 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 2.411 m +116.384 3.044 L +129.054 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 2.411 m +205.071 3.044 L +217.741 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 2.411 m +217.741 3.044 L +230.41 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.361 m +78.376 3.678 L +78.376 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 2.727 m +236.745 2.727 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 2.886 m +268.419 2.727 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 14.447 m +116.384 13.813 L +103.715 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 14.447 m +129.054 13.813 L +116.384 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 14.447 m +141.723 13.813 L +129.054 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 13.813 m +116.384 13.18 L +103.715 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 14.447 m +167.063 13.813 L +154.393 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 14.447 m +103.715 13.813 L +91.045 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 13.813 m +129.054 13.18 L +116.384 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 14.447 m +154.393 13.813 L +141.723 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 13.813 m +141.723 13.18 L +129.054 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 14.447 m +91.045 13.813 L +78.376 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 14.447 m +192.402 13.813 L +179.732 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 14.13 m +230.41 13.813 L +230.41 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 14.447 m +217.741 13.813 L +205.071 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 14.13 m +274.754 14.13 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 13.813 m +91.045 13.18 L +78.376 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 13.813 m +103.715 13.18 L +91.045 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 14.447 m +179.732 13.813 L +167.063 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 14.447 m +205.071 13.813 L +192.402 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 13.497 m +72.041 13.497 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 7.479 m +217.741 8.112 L +230.41 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 13.813 m +154.393 13.18 L +141.723 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 13.18 m +129.054 12.546 L +116.384 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 13.813 m +192.402 13.18 L +179.732 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 13.813 m +205.071 13.18 L +192.402 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 13.813 m +217.741 13.18 L +205.071 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.863 m +72.041 12.863 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 13.497 m +230.41 13.18 L +230.41 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 13.813 m +179.732 13.18 L +167.063 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 2.727 m +281.089 3.044 L +281.089 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 13.813 m +230.41 13.18 L +217.741 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 13.18 m +116.384 12.546 L +103.715 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 13.813 m +167.063 13.18 L +154.393 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 13.18 m +91.045 12.546 L +78.376 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 13.18 m +141.723 12.546 L +129.054 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 13.18 m +154.393 12.546 L +141.723 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 13.18 m +167.063 12.546 L +154.393 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 13.18 m +103.715 12.546 L +91.045 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 13.18 m +192.402 12.546 L +179.732 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 13.497 m +274.754 13.497 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 14.13 m +72.041 14.13 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 13.18 m +179.732 12.546 L +167.063 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 3.044 m +243.828 3.007 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 13.18 m +217.741 12.546 L +205.071 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 12.863 m +230.41 12.546 L +230.41 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.23 m +72.041 12.23 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 12.546 m +91.045 11.913 L +78.376 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.863 m +274.754 12.863 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 12.546 m +103.715 11.913 L +91.045 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 12.546 m +167.063 11.913 L +154.393 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 12.546 m +141.723 11.913 L +129.054 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 12.546 m +116.384 11.913 L +103.715 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 12.546 m +154.393 11.913 L +141.723 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 12.546 m +179.732 11.913 L +167.063 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 11.913 m +103.715 11.279 L +91.045 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 12.546 m +217.741 11.913 L +205.071 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 12.546 m +230.41 11.913 L +217.741 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 12.23 m +230.41 11.913 L +230.41 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.23 m +274.754 12.23 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 12.546 m +192.402 11.913 L +179.732 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 12.546 m +129.054 11.913 L +116.384 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 11.596 m +72.041 11.596 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 11.913 m +91.045 11.279 L +78.376 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 9.379 m +167.063 8.746 L +154.393 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 11.913 m +116.384 11.279 L +103.715 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 11.913 m +141.723 11.279 L +129.054 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 11.913 m +154.393 11.279 L +141.723 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 11.913 m +167.063 11.279 L +154.393 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 11.913 m +179.732 11.279 L +167.063 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 11.913 m +192.402 11.279 L +179.732 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 11.913 m +205.071 11.279 L +192.402 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 11.596 m +230.41 11.279 L +230.41 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 11.913 m +230.41 11.279 L +217.741 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 11.596 m +274.754 11.596 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 12.546 m +205.071 11.913 L +192.402 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.963 m +72.041 10.963 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 11.279 m +167.063 10.646 L +154.393 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 11.279 m +103.715 10.646 L +91.045 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 11.279 m +116.384 10.646 L +103.715 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 11.279 m +129.054 10.646 L +116.384 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 11.279 m +141.723 10.646 L +129.054 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 11.279 m +154.393 10.646 L +141.723 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 11.913 m +129.054 11.279 L +116.384 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 11.279 m +179.732 10.646 L +167.063 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 11.279 m +91.045 10.646 L +78.376 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 11.913 m +217.741 11.279 L +205.071 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 11.279 m +192.402 10.646 L +179.732 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 11.279 m +217.741 10.646 L +205.071 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.329 m +72.041 10.329 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 10.646 m +91.045 10.012 L +78.376 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.963 m +274.754 10.963 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 10.646 m +103.715 10.012 L +91.045 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 10.646 m +129.054 10.012 L +116.384 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 10.646 m +116.384 10.012 L +103.715 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.696 m +72.041 9.696 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 10.963 m +230.41 10.646 L +230.41 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 10.646 m +141.723 10.012 L +129.054 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 10.646 m +154.393 10.012 L +141.723 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 10.646 m +205.071 10.012 L +192.402 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 10.646 m +179.732 10.012 L +167.063 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 10.646 m +217.741 10.012 L +205.071 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 10.329 m +230.41 10.012 L +230.41 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.329 m +274.754 10.329 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 10.012 m +91.045 9.379 L +78.376 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 10.646 m +167.063 10.012 L +154.393 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 10.646 m +230.41 10.012 L +217.741 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 10.012 m +103.715 9.379 L +91.045 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 10.012 m +116.384 9.379 L +103.715 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.062 m +72.041 9.062 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 10.012 m +141.723 9.379 L +129.054 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 10.012 m +154.393 9.379 L +141.723 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 10.012 m +167.063 9.379 L +154.393 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 10.012 m +179.732 9.379 L +167.063 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 10.012 m +230.41 9.379 L +217.741 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 10.012 m +129.054 9.379 L +116.384 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 10.012 m +192.402 9.379 L +179.732 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 10.012 m +205.071 9.379 L +192.402 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 11.279 m +205.071 10.646 L +192.402 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 10.012 m +217.741 9.379 L +205.071 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 11.279 m +230.41 10.646 L +217.741 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 9.379 m +91.045 8.746 L +78.376 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 9.379 m +103.715 8.746 L +91.045 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 9.379 m +116.384 8.746 L +103.715 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 9.379 m +129.054 8.746 L +116.384 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.696 m +274.754 9.696 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 9.696 m +230.41 9.379 L +230.41 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 9.379 m +141.723 8.746 L +129.054 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 9.379 m +154.393 8.746 L +141.723 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 13.18 m +230.41 12.546 L +217.741 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 9.379 m +179.732 8.746 L +167.063 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 9.379 m +205.071 8.746 L +192.402 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 9.379 m +230.41 8.746 L +217.741 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 9.062 m +230.41 8.746 L +230.41 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 9.379 m +217.741 8.746 L +205.071 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.062 m +274.754 9.062 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 8.746 m +129.054 8.112 L +116.384 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 8.746 m +103.715 8.112 L +91.045 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 8.429 m +72.041 8.429 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 8.746 m +116.384 8.112 L +103.715 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 8.746 m +141.723 8.112 L +129.054 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 8.429 m +274.754 8.429 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 8.746 m +179.732 8.112 L +167.063 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 8.746 m +192.402 8.112 L +179.732 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 8.746 m +205.071 8.112 L +192.402 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 8.746 m +217.741 8.112 L +205.071 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 8.746 m +154.393 8.112 L +141.723 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 8.746 m +91.045 8.112 L +78.376 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 8.746 m +230.41 8.112 L +217.741 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 8.429 m +230.41 8.112 L +230.41 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 9.379 m +192.402 8.746 L +179.732 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.795 m +72.041 7.795 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 8.112 m +103.715 7.479 L +91.045 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 8.112 m +116.384 7.479 L +103.715 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 8.112 m +129.054 7.479 L +116.384 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 8.112 m +141.723 7.479 L +129.054 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 8.112 m +154.393 7.479 L +141.723 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 8.112 m +167.063 7.479 L +154.393 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 8.112 m +205.071 7.479 L +192.402 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 8.112 m +192.402 7.479 L +179.732 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 8.112 m +217.741 7.479 L +205.071 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 8.746 m +167.063 8.112 L +154.393 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 8.112 m +230.41 7.479 L +217.741 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 7.479 m +129.054 6.845 L +116.384 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.795 m +274.754 7.795 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.162 m +72.041 7.162 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 7.479 m +91.045 6.845 L +78.376 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 7.479 m +103.715 6.845 L +91.045 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 7.479 m +116.384 6.845 L +103.715 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 8.112 m +91.045 7.479 L +78.376 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 7.479 m +141.723 6.845 L +129.054 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 7.795 m +230.41 7.479 L +230.41 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 7.479 m +154.393 6.845 L +141.723 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 7.479 m +167.063 6.845 L +154.393 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 7.479 m +179.732 6.845 L +167.063 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 7.479 m +217.741 6.845 L +205.071 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 7.479 m +230.41 6.845 L +217.741 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 7.162 m +230.41 6.845 L +230.41 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.162 m +274.754 7.162 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 6.845 m +230.41 6.212 L +217.741 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 7.479 m +205.071 6.845 L +192.402 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 6.528 m +72.041 6.528 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 6.845 m +91.045 6.212 L +78.376 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 6.528 m +230.41 6.212 L +230.41 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 6.845 m +103.715 6.212 L +91.045 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 6.845 m +129.054 6.212 L +116.384 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 6.845 m +154.393 6.212 L +141.723 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 6.845 m +167.063 6.212 L +154.393 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 6.845 m +141.723 6.212 L +129.054 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 6.845 m +179.732 6.212 L +167.063 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 6.845 m +205.071 6.212 L +192.402 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 6.845 m +116.384 6.212 L +103.715 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 6.845 m +192.402 6.212 L +179.732 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 6.845 m +217.741 6.212 L +205.071 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 10.646 m +192.402 10.012 L +179.732 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 6.528 m +274.754 6.528 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 6.212 m +230.41 5.578 L +217.741 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 6.212 m +103.715 5.578 L +91.045 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 6.212 m +116.384 5.578 L +103.715 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 6.212 m +129.054 5.578 L +116.384 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 6.212 m +141.723 5.578 L +129.054 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 6.212 m +192.402 5.578 L +179.732 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 6.212 m +91.045 5.578 L +78.376 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 6.212 m +154.393 5.578 L +141.723 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 6.212 m +167.063 5.578 L +154.393 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.895 m +72.041 5.895 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 6.212 m +179.732 5.578 L +167.063 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 7.479 m +192.402 6.845 L +179.732 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 5.895 m +230.41 5.578 L +230.41 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.895 m +274.754 5.895 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.261 m +72.041 5.261 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 5.578 m +91.045 4.945 L +78.376 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 6.212 m +217.741 5.578 L +205.071 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 6.212 m +205.071 5.578 L +192.402 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 5.578 m +103.715 4.945 L +91.045 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 5.578 m +116.384 4.945 L +103.715 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 5.578 m +129.054 4.945 L +116.384 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 5.578 m +141.723 4.945 L +129.054 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 5.578 m +154.393 4.945 L +141.723 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 5.578 m +205.071 4.945 L +192.402 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 5.578 m +217.741 4.945 L +205.071 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 5.578 m +192.402 4.945 L +179.732 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 5.578 m +230.41 4.945 L +217.741 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.261 m +274.754 5.261 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 5.261 m +230.41 4.945 L +230.41 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 4.945 m +205.071 4.311 L +192.402 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 5.578 m +179.732 4.945 L +167.063 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 4.628 m +72.041 4.628 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 4.945 m +91.045 4.311 L +78.376 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 4.945 m +141.723 4.311 L +129.054 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 4.945 m +116.384 4.311 L +103.715 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 4.945 m +154.393 4.311 L +141.723 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 4.945 m +179.732 4.311 L +167.063 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 4.945 m +192.402 4.311 L +179.732 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 4.945 m +217.741 4.311 L +205.071 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 4.945 m +103.715 4.311 L +91.045 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 4.945 m +167.063 4.311 L +154.393 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 4.945 m +230.41 4.311 L +217.741 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 4.628 m +230.41 4.311 L +230.41 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 4.311 m +205.071 3.678 L +192.402 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.994 m +72.041 3.994 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 4.311 m +91.045 3.678 L +78.376 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 4.311 m +103.715 3.678 L +91.045 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 4.311 m +116.384 3.678 L +103.715 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 4.311 m +167.063 3.678 L +154.393 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 4.628 m +274.754 4.628 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 4.311 m +129.054 3.678 L +116.384 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 4.311 m +141.723 3.678 L +129.054 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 4.945 m +129.054 4.311 L +116.384 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 4.311 m +154.393 3.678 L +141.723 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 3.678 m +116.384 3.044 L +103.715 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 4.311 m +217.741 3.678 L +205.071 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 4.311 m +230.41 3.678 L +217.741 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 3.994 m +230.41 3.678 L +230.41 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.994 m +274.754 3.994 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 4.311 m +192.402 3.678 L +179.732 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 4.311 m +179.732 3.678 L +167.063 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.361 m +72.041 3.361 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 3.678 m +91.045 3.044 L +78.376 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 3.678 m +103.715 3.044 L +91.045 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 3.678 m +129.054 3.044 L +116.384 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.311 m +262.084 4.628 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 3.678 m +167.063 3.044 L +154.393 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 3.678 m +179.732 3.044 L +167.063 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 3.678 m +192.402 3.044 L +179.732 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 3.678 m +205.071 3.044 L +192.402 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 3.044 m +179.732 2.411 L +167.063 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 3.678 m +154.393 3.044 L +141.723 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 3.678 m +217.741 3.044 L +205.071 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 3.678 m +230.41 3.044 L +217.741 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 3.044 m +192.402 2.411 L +179.732 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 3.361 m +230.41 3.044 L +230.41 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 2.727 m +72.041 2.727 L +65.706 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 3.044 m +103.715 2.411 L +91.045 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 3.044 m +116.384 2.411 L +103.715 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 3.044 m +91.045 2.411 L +78.376 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 3.044 m +129.054 2.411 L +116.384 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 3.044 m +154.393 2.411 L +141.723 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.361 m +274.754 3.361 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 3.044 m +141.723 2.411 L +129.054 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 3.044 m +167.063 2.411 L +154.393 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.678 m +262.084 3.994 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 3.044 m +205.071 2.411 L +192.402 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.746 m +262.084 9.062 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 2.727 m +230.41 2.411 L +230.41 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 2.727 m +274.754 2.727 L +268.419 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.813 m +262.084 14.13 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.18 m +262.084 13.497 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.646 m +262.084 10.963 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 3.044 m +230.41 2.411 L +217.741 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 12.546 m +262.084 12.863 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.913 m +262.084 12.23 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 3.044 m +217.741 2.411 L +205.071 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.279 m +262.084 11.596 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 3.678 m +141.723 3.044 L +129.054 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.112 m +262.084 8.429 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 7.479 m +262.084 7.795 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.845 m +262.084 7.162 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.212 m +262.084 6.528 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 9.379 m +262.084 9.696 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.012 m +262.084 10.329 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 5.578 m +262.084 5.895 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.945 m +262.084 5.261 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 4.945 m +129.054 5.578 L +141.723 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.044 m +262.084 3.361 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 8.587 m +72.041 8.746 L +72.041 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 13.022 m +262.084 13.18 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 12.388 m +262.084 12.546 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 13.655 m +262.084 13.813 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 11.755 m +262.084 11.913 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 10.488 m +262.084 10.646 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 11.121 m +262.084 11.279 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 9.221 m +262.084 9.379 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 14.288 m +262.084 14.447 L +268.419 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 9.854 m +262.084 10.012 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 8.587 m +262.084 8.746 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 6.053 m +262.084 6.212 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 5.42 m +262.084 5.578 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 4.786 m +262.084 4.945 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 7.954 m +262.084 8.112 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 3.519 m +262.084 3.678 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 5.578 m +167.063 4.945 L +154.393 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 2.886 m +262.084 3.044 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 4.153 m +262.084 4.311 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 14.288 m +72.041 14.447 L +72.041 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 13.972 m +65.706 14.13 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 12.071 m +65.706 12.23 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 13.655 m +72.041 13.813 L +72.041 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.18 m +72.041 13.497 L +78.376 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 13.338 m +65.706 13.497 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 13.655 m +65.706 13.497 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 13.022 m +65.706 12.863 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 14.288 m +65.706 14.13 L +65.706 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 13.022 m +72.041 13.18 L +72.041 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.546 m +72.041 12.863 L +78.376 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 6.687 m +262.084 6.845 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 12.705 m +65.706 12.863 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.813 m +72.041 14.13 L +78.376 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 12.388 m +65.706 12.23 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 11.755 m +72.041 11.913 L +72.041 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.279 m +72.041 11.596 L +78.376 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 11.438 m +65.706 11.596 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.913 m +72.041 12.23 L +78.376 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 12.388 m +72.041 12.546 L +72.041 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 11.755 m +65.706 11.596 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 11.121 m +72.041 11.279 L +72.041 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 7.32 m +262.084 7.479 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.646 m +72.041 10.963 L +78.376 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 10.804 m +65.706 10.963 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 10.488 m +65.706 10.329 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 9.854 m +72.041 10.012 L +72.041 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.379 m +72.041 9.696 L +78.376 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 7.637 m +65.706 7.795 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 9.854 m +65.706 9.696 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 10.171 m +65.706 10.329 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 7.954 m +65.706 7.795 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 9.537 m +65.706 9.696 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 7.32 m +72.041 7.479 L +72.041 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.012 m +72.041 10.329 L +78.376 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.746 m +72.041 9.062 L +78.376 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.112 m +72.041 8.429 L +78.376 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 9.221 m +65.706 9.062 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 8.27 m +65.706 8.429 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 7.954 m +72.041 8.112 L +72.041 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.479 m +72.041 7.795 L +78.376 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 9.221 m +72.041 9.379 L +72.041 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 8.904 m +65.706 9.062 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 8.587 m +65.706 8.429 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 2.411 m +262.084 2.727 L +268.419 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.845 m +72.041 7.162 L +78.376 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 5.103 m +65.706 5.261 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 6.687 m +72.041 6.845 L +72.041 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.212 m +72.041 6.528 L +78.376 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 6.37 m +65.706 6.528 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 5.737 m +65.706 5.895 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 6.053 m +72.041 6.212 L +72.041 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 7.32 m +65.706 7.162 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 11.121 m +65.706 10.963 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 6.687 m +65.706 6.528 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.945 m +72.041 5.261 L +78.376 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 7.003 m +65.706 7.162 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 6.053 m +65.706 5.895 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 5.42 m +65.706 5.261 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 4.786 m +72.041 4.945 L +72.041 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.311 m +72.041 4.628 L +78.376 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 5.42 m +72.041 5.578 L +72.041 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 4.786 m +65.706 4.628 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.578 m +72.041 5.895 L +78.376 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 10.488 m +72.041 10.646 L +72.041 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 4.47 m +65.706 4.628 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 4.153 m +72.041 4.311 L +72.041 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.678 m +72.041 3.994 L +78.376 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 3.836 m +65.706 3.994 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 3.203 m +65.706 3.361 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 3.519 m +65.706 3.361 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.044 m +72.041 3.361 L +78.376 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 2.886 m +72.041 3.044 L +72.041 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 2.569 m +65.706 2.727 L +65.706 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 2.411 m +72.041 2.727 L +78.376 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 13.18 m +236.745 12.863 L +230.41 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 3.519 m +72.041 3.678 L +72.041 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 2.886 m +65.706 2.727 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 14.13 m +62.539 14.288 L +65.706 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 14.13 m +243.08 14.13 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 14.447 m +236.745 14.13 L +230.41 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 13.813 m +236.745 13.497 L +230.41 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 13.497 m +243.08 13.497 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.863 m +62.539 13.022 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 12.546 m +236.745 12.863 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 13.497 m +62.539 13.655 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 13.18 m +236.745 13.497 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 12.863 m +243.08 12.863 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.23 m +62.539 12.388 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.329 m +62.539 10.488 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 11.913 m +236.745 12.23 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 12.23 m +243.08 12.23 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 11.596 m +62.539 11.755 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 11.913 m +236.745 11.596 L +230.41 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 11.279 m +236.745 10.963 L +230.41 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 12.546 m +236.745 12.23 L +230.41 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 11.279 m +236.745 11.596 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 11.596 m +243.08 11.596 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 13.813 m +236.745 14.13 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.963 m +62.539 11.121 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.062 m +62.539 9.221 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 10.646 m +236.745 10.329 L +230.41 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 10.012 m +236.745 10.329 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 10.329 m +243.08 10.329 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.696 m +62.539 9.854 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 10.963 m +243.08 10.963 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 10.646 m +236.745 10.963 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 10.012 m +236.745 9.696 L +230.41 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 9.379 m +236.745 9.696 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 2.727 m +243.08 2.727 L +243.08 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 9.696 m +243.08 9.696 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 2.411 m +236.745 2.727 L +243.08 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 8.746 m +236.745 8.429 L +230.41 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 8.112 m +236.745 8.429 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 8.429 m +62.539 8.587 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 8.429 m +243.08 8.429 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 8.112 m +236.745 7.795 L +230.41 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.795 m +62.539 7.954 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.895 m +62.539 6.053 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 9.062 m +243.08 9.062 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 7.479 m +236.745 7.795 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 7.795 m +243.08 7.795 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 7.162 m +243.08 7.162 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 7.479 m +236.745 7.162 L +230.41 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 6.528 m +62.539 6.687 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 6.212 m +236.745 6.528 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 6.528 m +243.08 6.528 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 6.212 m +236.745 5.895 L +230.41 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.162 m +62.539 7.32 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 6.845 m +236.745 6.528 L +230.41 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 5.578 m +236.745 5.895 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 5.895 m +243.08 5.895 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 3.994 m +243.08 3.994 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 5.578 m +236.745 5.261 L +230.41 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 4.945 m +236.745 5.261 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 5.261 m +243.08 5.261 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 4.628 m +62.539 4.786 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.994 m +62.539 4.153 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.261 m +62.539 5.42 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 4.945 m +236.745 4.628 L +230.41 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 4.311 m +236.745 4.628 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 9.379 m +236.745 9.062 L +230.41 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 4.628 m +243.08 4.628 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 8.746 m +236.745 9.062 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.361 m +62.539 3.519 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 3.678 m +236.745 3.361 L +230.41 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 3.044 m +236.745 3.361 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 3.361 m +243.08 3.361 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 3.678 m +236.745 3.994 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 4.311 m +236.745 3.994 L +230.41 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 2.727 m +62.539 2.886 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 3.044 m +236.745 2.727 L +230.41 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 14.288 m +62.539 14.447 L +65.706 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 14.13 m +72.041 14.447 L +78.376 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.261 m +72.041 5.578 L +78.376 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 14.13 m +72.041 13.813 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.497 m +72.041 13.813 L +78.376 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 14.13 m +68.874 14.288 L +72.041 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.813 m +68.874 13.655 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.497 m +72.041 13.18 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 13.497 m +68.874 13.655 L +72.041 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.18 m +68.874 13.022 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 14.447 m +68.874 14.288 L +65.706 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.863 m +72.041 13.18 L +78.376 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.863 m +68.874 13.022 L +72.041 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.23 m +68.874 12.388 L +72.041 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.23 m +72.041 11.913 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.596 m +72.041 11.913 L +78.376 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.863 m +72.041 12.546 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 11.596 m +68.874 11.755 L +72.041 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 13.497 m +265.252 13.655 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.596 m +72.041 11.279 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.913 m +68.874 11.755 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.963 m +72.041 11.279 L +78.376 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.963 m +68.874 11.121 L +72.041 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.062 m +68.874 9.221 L +72.041 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.329 m +72.041 10.646 L +78.376 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.646 m +68.874 10.488 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.329 m +68.874 10.488 L +72.041 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.329 m +72.041 10.012 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.696 m +72.041 9.379 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.963 m +72.041 10.646 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.696 m +72.041 10.012 L +78.376 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.012 m +68.874 9.854 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.546 m +68.874 12.388 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.696 m +68.874 9.854 L +72.041 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.279 m +68.874 11.121 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.062 m +72.041 8.746 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.429 m +72.041 8.746 L +78.376 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.746 m +68.874 8.587 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 8.429 m +68.874 8.587 L +72.041 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.379 m +68.874 9.221 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.062 m +72.041 9.379 L +78.376 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.429 m +72.041 8.112 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.795 m +72.041 8.112 L +78.376 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.23 m +72.041 12.546 L +78.376 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.112 m +68.874 7.954 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.795 m +68.874 7.954 L +72.041 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.162 m +72.041 6.845 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.528 m +72.041 6.845 L +78.376 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.845 m +68.874 6.687 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 4.628 m +68.874 4.786 L +72.041 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.528 m +72.041 6.212 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.162 m +68.874 7.32 L +72.041 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.628 m +72.041 4.311 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 6.528 m +68.874 6.687 L +72.041 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.994 m +72.041 4.311 L +78.376 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.479 m +68.874 7.32 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.212 m +68.874 6.053 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.578 m +68.874 5.42 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.895 m +72.041 5.578 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.261 m +68.874 5.42 L +72.041 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.628 m +72.041 4.945 L +78.376 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.945 m +68.874 4.786 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.895 m +72.041 6.212 L +78.376 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.895 m +68.874 6.053 L +72.041 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.261 m +72.041 4.945 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 6.845 m +236.745 7.162 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.311 m +68.874 4.153 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 14.288 m +268.419 14.13 L +268.419 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.361 m +72.041 3.678 L +78.376 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.678 m +68.874 3.519 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.361 m +68.874 3.519 L +72.041 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 2.727 m +68.874 2.886 L +72.041 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 2.727 m +72.041 3.044 L +78.376 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.994 m +72.041 3.678 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.795 m +72.041 7.479 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.361 m +72.041 3.044 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 14.13 m +268.419 14.13 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.994 m +68.874 4.153 L +72.041 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 14.288 m +274.754 14.447 L +274.754 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 14.13 m +265.252 14.288 L +268.419 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 14.447 m +265.252 14.288 L +262.084 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 13.655 m +274.754 13.813 L +274.754 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.813 m +274.754 14.13 L +281.089 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.497 m +268.419 13.497 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.044 m +68.874 2.886 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.162 m +72.041 7.479 L +78.376 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.18 m +274.754 13.497 L +281.089 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 13.655 m +268.419 13.497 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.813 m +265.252 13.655 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.361 m +274.754 3.678 L +281.089 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 13.022 m +268.419 12.863 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.863 m +265.252 13.022 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 12.863 m +268.419 12.863 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.18 m +265.252 13.022 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.913 m +274.754 12.23 L +281.089 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 12.388 m +274.754 12.546 L +274.754 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 11.121 m +274.754 11.279 L +274.754 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.546 m +274.754 12.863 L +281.089 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 12.23 m +268.419 12.23 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 12.388 m +268.419 12.23 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.279 m +274.754 11.596 L +281.089 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 12.546 m +265.252 12.388 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.596 m +268.419 11.596 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 11.596 m +265.252 11.755 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.913 m +265.252 11.755 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.646 m +274.754 10.963 L +281.089 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.23 m +265.252 12.388 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 11.755 m +268.419 11.596 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.963 m +268.419 10.963 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 11.121 m +268.419 10.963 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 9.854 m +268.419 9.696 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.279 m +265.252 11.121 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 10.488 m +274.754 10.646 L +274.754 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.012 m +274.754 10.329 L +281.089 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.329 m +268.419 10.329 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 9.854 m +274.754 10.012 L +274.754 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.963 m +265.252 11.121 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 10.488 m +268.419 10.329 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.329 m +265.252 10.488 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 11.755 m +274.754 11.913 L +274.754 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.646 m +265.252 10.488 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 9.379 m +265.252 9.221 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.696 m +265.252 9.854 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.012 m +265.252 9.854 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 9.221 m +274.754 9.379 L +274.754 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.746 m +274.754 9.062 L +281.089 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 9.696 m +268.419 9.696 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.379 m +274.754 9.696 L +281.089 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 9.062 m +268.419 9.062 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 9.221 m +268.419 9.062 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.062 m +265.252 9.221 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 8.587 m +274.754 8.746 L +274.754 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.945 m +265.252 4.786 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 8.587 m +268.419 8.429 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 8.429 m +265.252 8.587 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.746 m +265.252 8.587 L +262.084 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 7.954 m +274.754 8.112 L +274.754 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.212 m +274.754 6.528 L +281.089 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.429 m +268.419 8.429 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.479 m +274.754 7.795 L +281.089 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 7.795 m +268.419 7.795 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.528 m +268.419 6.528 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 7.954 m +268.419 7.795 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.112 m +265.252 7.954 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.845 m +274.754 7.162 L +281.089 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 7.162 m +268.419 7.162 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 7.32 m +274.754 7.479 L +274.754 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 7.32 m +268.419 7.162 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 7.479 m +265.252 7.32 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.795 m +265.252 7.954 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.162 m +265.252 7.32 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 6.687 m +274.754 6.845 L +274.754 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 4.153 m +274.754 4.311 L +274.754 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 6.687 m +268.419 6.528 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.261 m +265.252 5.42 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 6.053 m +274.754 6.212 L +274.754 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.578 m +274.754 5.895 L +281.089 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 5.895 m +268.419 5.895 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 6.053 m +268.419 5.895 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.945 m +274.754 5.261 L +281.089 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.845 m +265.252 6.687 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.895 m +265.252 6.053 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.212 m +265.252 6.053 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 6.528 m +265.252 6.687 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 5.42 m +274.754 5.578 L +274.754 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.112 m +274.754 8.429 L +281.089 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 5.578 m +265.252 5.42 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 4.786 m +274.754 4.945 L +274.754 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.311 m +274.754 4.628 L +281.089 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.628 m +268.419 4.628 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 5.42 m +268.419 5.261 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 5.261 m +268.419 5.261 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 4.786 m +268.419 4.628 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 4.628 m +265.252 4.786 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.678 m +271.586 3.519 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.678 m +274.754 3.994 L +281.089 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.795 m +274.754 8.112 L +281.089 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.311 m +265.252 4.153 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 3.519 m +274.754 3.678 L +274.754 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.994 m +265.252 4.153 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.044 m +274.754 3.361 L +281.089 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 3.519 m +268.419 3.361 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.361 m +268.419 3.361 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.678 m +265.252 3.519 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 4.153 m +268.419 3.994 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.361 m +265.252 3.519 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 2.886 m +274.754 3.044 L +274.754 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 2.727 m +265.252 2.886 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.044 m +265.252 2.886 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 14.13 m +274.754 14.447 L +281.089 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 2.411 m +274.754 2.727 L +281.089 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 14.13 m +271.586 14.288 L +274.754 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 13.022 m +274.754 13.18 L +274.754 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 14.13 m +274.754 13.813 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 14.447 m +271.586 14.288 L +268.419 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.497 m +274.754 13.813 L +281.089 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 13.497 m +271.586 13.655 L +274.754 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 11.596 m +271.586 11.755 L +274.754 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.863 m +274.754 13.18 L +281.089 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.18 m +271.586 13.022 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.863 m +271.586 13.022 L +274.754 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.863 m +274.754 12.546 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.23 m +274.754 11.913 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.497 m +274.754 13.18 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.23 m +274.754 12.546 L +281.089 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.546 m +271.586 12.388 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 2.886 m +268.419 2.727 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.23 m +271.586 12.388 L +274.754 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.813 m +271.586 13.655 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.596 m +274.754 11.279 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.963 m +274.754 11.279 L +281.089 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.279 m +271.586 11.121 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.963 m +271.586 11.121 L +274.754 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.913 m +271.586 11.755 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.596 m +274.754 11.913 L +281.089 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.963 m +274.754 10.646 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.329 m +274.754 10.646 L +281.089 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 2.727 m +268.419 2.727 L +268.419 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.646 m +271.586 10.488 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.329 m +271.586 10.488 L +274.754 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.696 m +274.754 9.379 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.062 m +274.754 9.379 L +281.089 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.379 m +271.586 9.221 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.162 m +271.586 7.32 L +274.754 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.062 m +274.754 8.746 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.696 m +271.586 9.854 L +274.754 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.162 m +274.754 6.845 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.062 m +271.586 9.221 L +274.754 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.528 m +274.754 6.845 L +281.089 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.012 m +271.586 9.854 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.746 m +271.586 8.587 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.112 m +271.586 7.954 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.429 m +274.754 8.112 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.795 m +271.586 7.954 L +274.754 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.162 m +274.754 7.479 L +281.089 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.479 m +271.586 7.32 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.429 m +274.754 8.746 L +281.089 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 8.429 m +271.586 8.587 L +274.754 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.795 m +274.754 7.479 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.994 m +268.419 3.994 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.845 m +271.586 6.687 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 4.628 m +271.586 4.786 L +274.754 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.895 m +274.754 6.212 L +281.089 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.212 m +271.586 6.053 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.895 m +271.586 6.053 L +274.754 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.261 m +271.586 5.42 L +274.754 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.261 m +274.754 5.578 L +281.089 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.528 m +274.754 6.212 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.329 m +274.754 10.012 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.895 m +274.754 5.578 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.945 m +271.586 4.786 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 6.528 m +271.586 6.687 L +274.754 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.261 m +274.754 4.945 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.628 m +274.754 4.311 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.994 m +274.754 4.311 L +281.089 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.311 m +271.586 4.153 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.628 m +274.754 4.945 L +281.089 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.994 m +274.754 3.678 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.578 m +271.586 5.42 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.696 m +274.754 10.012 L +281.089 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.994 m +271.586 4.153 L +274.754 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 8.112 m +179.732 7.479 L +167.063 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.361 m +271.586 3.519 L +274.754 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 9.696 m +243.828 9.658 L +243.08 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 14.168 m +243.822 14.13 L +243.08 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.032 m +243.822 3.994 L +243.08 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.665 m +243.822 4.628 L +243.08 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 14.447 m +243.828 14.409 L +243.08 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 14.394 m +261.045 14.447 L +262.084 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 2.765 m +243.822 2.727 L +243.08 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.398 m +243.822 3.361 L +243.08 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.267 m +243.822 12.23 L +243.08 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.566 m +243.822 6.528 L +243.08 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.634 m +243.822 11.596 L +243.08 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.199 m +243.822 7.162 L +243.08 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.833 m +243.822 7.795 L +243.08 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.901 m +243.822 12.863 L +243.08 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.932 m +243.822 5.895 L +243.08 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 2.78 m +60.429 2.991 L +62.539 2.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.681 m +60.429 4.892 L +62.539 4.786 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.848 m +60.429 8.059 L +62.539 7.954 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.414 m +60.429 3.625 L +62.539 3.519 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.314 m +60.429 5.525 L +62.539 5.42 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.948 m +60.429 6.159 L +62.539 6.053 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.581 m +60.429 6.792 L +62.539 6.687 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.215 m +60.429 7.426 L +62.539 7.32 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 2.727 m +274.754 3.044 L +281.089 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.299 m +243.822 5.261 L +243.08 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.044 m +271.586 2.886 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.761 m +261.045 13.813 L +262.084 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 2.727 m +271.586 2.886 L +274.754 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.534 m +243.822 13.497 L +243.08 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11 m +243.822 10.963 L +243.08 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.1 m +243.822 9.062 L +243.08 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 6.528 m +243.828 6.491 L +243.08 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.249 m +243.822 6.212 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 6.528 m +261.033 6.581 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.982 m +243.822 4.945 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 5.261 m +243.828 5.224 L +243.08 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 5.895 m +243.828 5.857 L +243.08 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 5.895 m +261.033 5.947 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 6.845 m +243.828 6.808 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.731 m +60.429 3.942 L +62.539 3.836 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 7.479 m +261.033 7.531 L +262.084 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.616 m +243.822 5.578 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 3.361 m +261.033 3.414 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 5.261 m +261.033 5.314 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 3.994 m +261.033 4.047 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.715 m +243.822 3.678 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.361 m +274.754 3.044 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.998 m +60.429 5.209 L +62.539 5.103 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.733 m +243.822 9.696 L +243.08 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.466 m +243.822 8.429 L +243.08 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.367 m +243.822 10.329 L +243.08 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.047 m +60.429 4.258 L +62.539 4.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.364 m +60.429 4.575 L +62.539 4.47 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.349 m +243.822 4.311 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.082 m +243.822 3.044 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 4.628 m +261.033 4.681 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 3.361 m +243.828 3.324 L +243.08 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 4.628 m +243.828 4.59 L +243.08 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 3.994 m +243.828 3.957 L +243.08 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.482 m +60.429 8.693 L +62.539 8.587 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.749 m +60.429 9.96 L +62.539 9.854 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 14.183 m +60.429 14.394 L +62.539 14.288 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.227 m +261.045 11.279 L +262.084 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.96 m +261.045 10.012 L +262.084 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.593 m +261.045 10.646 L +262.084 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.86 m +261.045 11.913 L +262.084 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.494 m +261.045 12.546 L +262.084 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.793 m +261.045 6.845 L +262.084 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.426 m +261.045 7.479 L +262.084 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.376 m +261.045 8.429 L +262.084 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.127 m +261.045 13.18 L +262.084 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.693 m +261.045 8.746 L +262.084 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.326 m +261.045 9.379 L +262.084 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.059 m +261.045 8.112 L +262.084 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.811 m +261.045 12.863 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.177 m +261.045 12.23 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.544 m +261.045 11.596 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.892 m +261.045 4.945 L +262.084 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.526 m +261.045 5.578 L +262.084 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.259 m +261.045 4.311 L +262.084 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.625 m +261.045 3.678 L +262.084 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 2.992 m +261.045 3.044 L +262.084 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.743 m +261.045 7.795 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 14.078 m +261.045 14.13 L +262.084 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.643 m +261.045 9.696 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.91 m +261.045 10.963 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.159 m +261.045 6.212 L +262.084 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.277 m +261.045 10.329 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.01 m +261.045 9.062 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.444 m +261.045 13.497 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 6.212 m +243.828 6.174 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.109 m +261.045 7.162 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.233 m +60.429 13.444 L +62.539 13.338 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.842 m +261.045 5.895 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.209 m +261.045 5.261 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.575 m +261.045 4.628 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 4.153 m +65.706 3.994 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.016 m +60.429 11.227 L +62.539 11.121 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.382 m +60.429 10.593 L +62.539 10.488 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.115 m +60.429 9.326 L +62.539 9.221 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.55 m +60.429 13.76 L +62.539 13.655 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.942 m +261.045 3.994 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.916 m +60.429 13.127 L +62.539 13.022 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.649 m +60.429 11.86 L +62.539 11.755 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.283 m +60.429 12.493 L +62.539 12.388 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.308 m +261.045 3.361 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 2.411 m +261.033 2.463 L +262.084 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 2.675 m +261.045 2.727 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.476 m +261.045 6.528 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.898 m +60.429 7.109 L +62.539 7.003 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.332 m +60.429 11.543 L +62.539 11.438 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.966 m +60.429 12.177 L +62.539 12.071 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.599 m +60.429 12.81 L +62.539 12.705 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.866 m +60.429 14.077 L +62.539 13.972 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.265 m +60.429 6.475 L +62.539 6.37 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.531 m +60.429 7.742 L +62.539 7.637 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.065 m +60.429 10.276 L +62.539 10.171 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.699 m +60.429 10.91 L +62.539 10.804 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.432 m +60.429 9.643 L +62.539 9.537 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.165 m +60.429 8.376 L +62.539 8.27 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.798 m +60.429 9.009 L +62.539 8.904 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 7.479 m +243.828 7.441 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.631 m +60.429 5.842 L +62.539 5.737 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 8.112 m +243.828 8.075 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 8.112 m +261.033 8.165 L +262.084 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 10.963 m +243.828 10.925 L +243.08 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 12.23 m +261.033 12.282 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 12.863 m +261.033 12.916 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 11.596 m +261.033 11.649 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 11.596 m +243.828 11.559 L +243.08 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.317 m +243.822 11.279 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 12.863 m +243.828 12.826 L +243.08 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.584 m +243.822 12.546 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.95 m +243.822 11.913 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 12.23 m +243.828 12.192 L +243.08 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.883 m +243.822 6.845 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 10.646 m +261.033 10.699 L +262.084 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 11.279 m +261.033 11.332 L +262.084 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 12.546 m +243.828 12.509 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 10.646 m +243.828 10.609 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 11.279 m +243.828 11.242 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 12.546 m +261.033 12.599 L +262.084 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 7.162 m +261.033 7.214 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 11.913 m +243.828 11.875 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 11.913 m +261.033 11.965 L +262.084 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 2.464 m +60.429 2.675 L +62.539 2.569 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 13.18 m +261.033 13.232 L +262.084 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.097 m +60.429 3.308 L +62.539 3.203 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.851 m +243.822 13.813 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 9.062 m +243.828 9.025 L +243.08 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.783 m +243.822 8.746 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 9.062 m +261.033 9.115 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 7.795 m +243.828 7.758 L +243.08 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.05 m +243.822 10.012 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 10.329 m +243.828 10.292 L +243.08 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 10.329 m +261.033 10.382 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.416 m +243.822 9.379 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 9.696 m +261.033 9.748 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.516 m +243.822 7.479 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 7.795 m +261.033 7.848 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 10.963 m +261.033 11.015 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.217 m +243.822 13.18 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 14.13 m +261.033 14.183 L +262.084 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 13.497 m +261.033 13.549 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 13.497 m +243.828 13.459 L +243.08 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.683 m +243.822 10.646 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 7.162 m +243.828 7.124 L +243.08 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 8.429 m +243.828 8.391 L +243.08 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 8.429 m +261.033 8.481 L +262.084 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.149 m +243.822 8.112 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 14.13 m +243.828 14.093 L +243.08 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 13.18 m +243.828 13.142 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 3.044 m +261.033 3.097 L +262.084 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 5.578 m +261.033 5.631 L +262.084 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 13.813 m +243.828 13.776 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 13.813 m +261.033 13.866 L +262.084 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 4.311 m +261.033 4.364 L +262.084 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 9.379 m +261.033 9.432 L +262.084 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 4.945 m +243.828 4.907 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 6.845 m +261.033 6.898 L +262.084 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 5.578 m +243.828 5.541 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 9.379 m +243.828 9.342 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 3.678 m +243.828 3.64 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 10.012 m +261.033 10.065 L +262.084 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 6.212 m +261.033 6.264 L +262.084 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 10.012 m +243.828 9.975 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 3.678 m +261.033 3.73 L +262.084 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 2.727 m +243.828 2.69 L +243.08 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 2.448 m +243.822 2.411 L +243.08 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 8.746 m +243.828 8.708 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 4.945 m +261.033 4.997 L +262.084 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 4.311 m +243.828 4.274 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 8.746 m +261.033 8.798 L +262.084 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 2.727 m +261.033 2.78 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.708 m +243.828 8.466 L +243.08 8.429 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.391 m +243.828 8.149 L +243.08 8.112 L +243.08 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.414 m +261.033 3.625 L +262.084 3.678 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 7.795 m +60.429 7.848 L +62.539 7.954 L +65.706 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.541 m +243.828 5.299 L +243.08 5.261 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 2.78 m +261.033 2.992 L +262.084 3.044 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.282 m +261.033 12.494 L +262.084 12.546 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 8.429 m +60.429 8.482 L +62.539 8.587 L +65.706 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.047 m +261.033 4.259 L +262.084 4.311 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.693 m +60.435 8.746 L +65.706 8.746 L +62.539 8.587 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.681 m +261.033 4.892 L +262.084 4.945 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.059 m +60.435 8.112 L +65.706 8.112 L +62.539 7.954 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 14.183 m +261.033 14.394 L +262.084 14.447 L +262.084 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 12.863 m +60.429 12.916 L +62.539 13.022 L +65.706 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.159 m +60.435 6.212 L +65.706 6.212 L +62.539 6.053 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.916 m +261.033 13.127 L +262.084 13.18 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.808 m +243.828 6.566 L +243.08 6.528 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.581 m +261.033 6.793 L +262.084 6.845 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.776 m +243.828 13.534 L +243.08 13.497 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.127 m +60.435 13.18 L +65.706 13.18 L +62.539 13.022 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.214 m +261.033 7.426 L +262.084 7.479 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.947 m +261.033 6.159 L +262.084 6.212 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.314 m +261.033 5.526 L +262.084 5.578 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.491 m +243.828 6.249 L +243.08 6.212 L +243.08 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.549 m +261.033 13.761 L +262.084 13.813 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.459 m +243.828 13.217 L +243.08 13.18 L +243.08 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.792 m +60.435 6.845 L +65.706 6.845 L +62.539 6.687 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.242 m +243.828 11 L +243.08 10.963 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.758 m +243.828 7.516 L +243.08 7.479 L +243.08 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.174 m +243.828 5.932 L +243.08 5.895 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.643 m +60.435 9.696 L +65.706 9.696 L +62.539 9.537 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 7.479 m +60.429 7.531 L +62.539 7.637 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.441 m +243.828 7.199 L +243.08 7.162 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 9.696 m +60.429 9.749 L +62.539 9.854 L +65.706 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 10.329 m +60.429 10.382 L +62.539 10.488 L +65.706 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.96 m +60.435 10.012 L +65.706 10.012 L +62.539 9.854 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.593 m +60.435 10.646 L +65.706 10.646 L +62.539 10.488 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.609 m +243.828 10.367 L +243.08 10.329 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 2.991 m +60.435 3.044 L +65.706 3.044 L +62.539 2.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.292 m +243.828 10.05 L +243.08 10.012 L +243.08 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.342 m +243.828 9.1 L +243.08 9.062 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.658 m +243.828 9.416 L +243.08 9.379 L +243.08 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 3.044 m +60.429 3.097 L +62.539 3.203 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 3.678 m +60.429 3.731 L +62.539 3.836 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.975 m +243.828 9.733 L +243.08 9.696 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 9.062 m +60.429 9.115 L +62.539 9.221 L +65.706 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 4.311 m +60.429 4.364 L +62.539 4.47 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 4.945 m +60.429 4.998 L +62.539 5.103 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.025 m +243.828 8.783 L +243.08 8.746 L +243.08 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.326 m +60.435 9.379 L +65.706 9.379 L +62.539 9.221 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.124 m +243.828 6.883 L +243.08 6.845 L +243.08 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 5.578 m +60.429 5.631 L +62.539 5.737 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 2.727 m +60.429 2.78 L +62.539 2.886 L +65.706 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 7.162 m +60.429 7.215 L +62.539 7.32 L +65.706 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.115 m +261.033 9.326 L +262.084 9.379 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 6.845 m +60.429 6.898 L +62.539 7.003 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.426 m +60.435 7.479 L +65.706 7.479 L +62.539 7.32 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.075 m +243.828 7.833 L +243.08 7.795 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 8.746 m +60.429 8.798 L +62.539 8.904 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 8.112 m +60.429 8.165 L +62.539 8.27 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 6.212 m +60.429 6.265 L +62.539 6.37 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.224 m +243.828 4.982 L +243.08 4.945 L +243.08 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 10.012 m +60.429 10.065 L +62.539 10.171 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 10.646 m +60.429 10.699 L +62.539 10.804 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 2.69 m +243.828 2.448 L +243.08 2.411 L +243.08 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 9.379 m +60.429 9.432 L +62.539 9.537 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 11.279 m +60.429 11.332 L +62.539 11.438 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 11.913 m +60.429 11.966 L +62.539 12.071 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.525 m +60.435 5.578 L +65.706 5.578 L +62.539 5.42 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 5.261 m +60.429 5.314 L +62.539 5.42 L +65.706 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.848 m +261.033 8.059 L +262.084 8.112 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 12.546 m +60.429 12.599 L +62.539 12.705 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.748 m +261.033 9.96 L +262.084 10.012 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.475 m +60.435 6.528 L +65.706 6.528 L +62.539 6.37 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.192 m +243.828 11.95 L +243.08 11.913 L +243.08 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.493 m +60.435 12.546 L +65.706 12.546 L +62.539 12.388 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.509 m +243.828 12.267 L +243.08 12.23 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 4.628 m +60.429 4.681 L +62.539 4.786 L +65.706 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.308 m +60.435 3.361 L +65.706 3.361 L +62.539 3.203 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 11.596 m +60.429 11.649 L +62.539 11.755 L +65.706 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 13.813 m +60.429 13.866 L +62.539 13.972 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.842 m +60.435 5.895 L +65.706 5.895 L +62.539 5.737 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.209 m +60.435 5.261 L +65.706 5.261 L +62.539 5.103 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.165 m +261.033 8.376 L +262.084 8.429 L +262.084 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.798 m +261.033 9.01 L +262.084 9.062 L +262.084 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 12.23 m +60.429 12.283 L +62.539 12.388 L +65.706 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 14.077 m +60.435 14.13 L +65.706 14.13 L +62.539 13.972 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.575 m +60.435 4.628 L +65.706 4.628 L +62.539 4.47 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.942 m +60.435 3.994 L +65.706 3.994 L +62.539 3.836 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.444 m +60.435 13.497 L +65.706 13.497 L +62.539 13.338 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.531 m +261.033 7.743 L +262.084 7.795 L +262.084 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 2.411 m +60.429 2.464 L +62.539 2.569 L +65.706 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.957 m +243.828 3.715 L +243.08 3.678 L +243.08 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.274 m +243.828 4.032 L +243.08 3.994 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.276 m +60.435 10.329 L +65.706 10.329 L +62.539 10.171 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.91 m +60.435 10.963 L +65.706 10.963 L +62.539 10.804 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.258 m +60.435 4.311 L +65.706 4.311 L +62.539 4.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.376 m +60.435 8.429 L +65.706 8.429 L +62.539 8.27 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.009 m +60.435 9.062 L +65.706 9.062 L +62.539 8.904 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 3.994 m +60.429 4.047 L +62.539 4.153 L +65.706 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 2.675 m +60.435 2.727 L +65.706 2.727 L +62.539 2.569 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.81 m +60.435 12.863 L +65.706 12.863 L +62.539 12.705 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.177 m +60.435 12.23 L +65.706 12.23 L +62.539 12.071 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 6.528 m +60.429 6.581 L +62.539 6.687 L +65.706 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.109 m +60.435 7.162 L +65.706 7.162 L +62.539 7.003 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 14.394 m +60.435 14.447 L +62.539 14.447 L +62.539 14.288 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.59 m +243.828 4.349 L +243.08 4.311 L +243.08 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.907 m +243.828 4.665 L +243.08 4.628 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.742 m +60.435 7.795 L +65.706 7.795 L +62.539 7.637 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.543 m +60.435 11.596 L +65.706 11.596 L +62.539 11.438 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.898 m +261.033 7.109 L +262.084 7.162 L +262.084 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.264 m +261.033 6.476 L +262.084 6.528 L +262.084 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.432 m +261.033 9.643 L +262.084 9.696 L +262.084 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.826 m +243.828 12.584 L +243.08 12.546 L +243.08 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 14.409 m +243.828 14.168 L +243.08 14.13 L +243.08 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.76 m +60.435 13.813 L +65.706 13.813 L +62.539 13.655 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 14.093 m +243.828 13.851 L +243.08 13.813 L +243.08 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.097 m +261.033 3.308 L +262.084 3.361 L +262.084 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.892 m +60.435 4.945 L +65.706 4.945 L +62.539 4.786 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.142 m +243.828 12.901 L +243.08 12.863 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.875 m +243.828 11.634 L +243.08 11.596 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 13.497 m +60.429 13.55 L +62.539 13.655 L +65.706 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 5.895 m +60.429 5.948 L +62.539 6.053 L +65.706 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.649 m +261.033 11.86 L +262.084 11.913 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.382 m +261.033 10.593 L +262.084 10.646 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 14.13 m +60.429 14.183 L +62.539 14.288 L +65.706 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.015 m +261.033 11.227 L +262.084 11.279 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 13.18 m +60.429 13.233 L +62.539 13.338 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.857 m +243.828 5.616 L +243.08 5.578 L +243.08 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.007 m +243.828 2.765 L +243.08 2.727 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 3.361 m +60.429 3.414 L +62.539 3.519 L +65.706 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.625 m +60.435 3.678 L +65.706 3.678 L +62.539 3.519 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 10.963 m +60.429 11.016 L +62.539 11.121 L +65.706 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.86 m +60.435 11.913 L +65.706 11.913 L +62.539 11.755 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.332 m +261.033 11.544 L +262.084 11.596 L +262.084 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.64 m +243.828 3.398 L +243.08 3.361 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.065 m +261.033 10.277 L +262.084 10.329 L +262.084 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.631 m +261.033 5.842 L +262.084 5.895 L +262.084 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.997 m +261.033 5.209 L +262.084 5.261 L +262.084 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.364 m +261.033 4.575 L +262.084 4.628 L +262.084 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.227 m +60.435 11.279 L +65.706 11.279 L +62.539 11.121 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.866 m +261.033 14.078 L +262.084 14.13 L +262.084 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.232 m +261.033 13.444 L +262.084 13.497 L +262.084 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.559 m +243.828 11.317 L +243.08 11.279 L +243.08 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 2.463 m +261.033 2.675 L +262.084 2.727 L +262.084 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.73 m +261.033 3.942 L +262.084 3.994 L +262.084 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.925 m +243.828 10.683 L +243.08 10.646 L +243.08 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.324 m +243.828 3.082 L +243.08 3.044 L +243.08 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.481 m +261.033 8.693 L +262.084 8.746 L +262.084 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.699 m +261.033 10.91 L +262.084 10.963 L +262.084 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.965 m +261.033 12.177 L +262.084 12.23 L +262.084 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.599 m +261.033 12.811 L +262.084 12.863 L +262.084 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +0 g +0.6 g +0.36 w +[ ] 0 setdash +3.25 setmiterlimit +72.041 14.447 m +65.706 14.447 L +62.539 14.447 L +60.435 14.447 L +60.429 14.394 L +60.429 14.183 L +60.435 14.13 L +60.429 14.077 L +60.429 13.866 L +60.435 13.813 L +60.429 13.76 L +60.429 13.55 L +60.435 13.497 L +60.429 13.444 L +60.429 13.233 L +60.435 13.18 L +60.429 13.127 L +60.429 12.916 L +60.435 12.863 L +60.429 12.81 L +60.429 12.599 L +60.435 12.546 L +60.429 12.493 L +60.429 12.283 L +60.435 12.23 L +60.429 12.177 L +60.429 11.966 L +60.435 11.913 L +60.429 11.86 L +60.429 11.649 L +60.435 11.596 L +60.429 11.543 L +60.429 11.332 L +60.435 11.279 L +60.429 11.227 L +60.429 11.016 L +60.435 10.963 L +60.429 10.91 L +60.429 10.699 L +60.435 10.646 L +60.429 10.593 L +60.429 10.382 L +60.435 10.329 L +60.429 10.276 L +60.429 10.065 L +60.435 10.012 L +60.429 9.96 L +60.429 9.749 L +60.435 9.696 L +60.429 9.643 L +60.429 9.432 L +60.435 9.379 L +60.429 9.326 L +60.429 9.115 L +60.435 9.062 L +60.429 9.009 L +60.429 8.798 L +60.435 8.746 L +60.429 8.693 L +60.429 8.482 L +60.435 8.429 L +60.429 8.376 L +60.429 8.165 L +60.435 8.112 L +60.429 8.059 L +60.429 7.848 L +60.435 7.795 L +60.429 7.742 L +60.429 7.531 L +60.435 7.479 L +60.429 7.426 L +60.429 7.215 L +60.435 7.162 L +60.429 7.109 L +60.429 6.898 L +60.435 6.845 L +60.429 6.792 L +60.429 6.581 L +60.435 6.528 L +60.429 6.475 L +60.429 6.265 L +60.435 6.212 L +60.429 6.159 L +60.429 5.948 L +60.435 5.895 L +60.429 5.842 L +60.429 5.631 L +60.435 5.578 L +60.429 5.525 L +60.429 5.314 L +60.435 5.261 L +60.429 5.209 L +60.429 4.998 L +60.435 4.945 L +60.429 4.892 L +60.429 4.681 L +60.435 4.628 L +60.429 4.575 L +60.429 4.364 L +60.435 4.311 L +60.429 4.258 L +60.429 4.047 L +60.435 3.994 L +60.429 3.942 L +60.429 3.731 L +60.435 3.678 L +60.429 3.625 L +60.429 3.414 L +60.435 3.361 L +60.429 3.308 L +60.429 3.097 L +60.435 3.044 L +60.429 2.991 L +60.429 2.78 L +60.435 2.727 L +60.429 2.675 L +60.429 2.464 L +60.435 2.411 L +65.706 2.411 L +78.376 2.411 L +91.045 2.411 L +103.715 2.411 L +116.384 2.411 L +129.054 2.411 L +141.723 2.411 L +154.393 2.411 L +167.063 2.411 L +179.732 2.411 L +192.402 2.411 L +205.071 2.411 L +217.741 2.411 L +230.41 2.411 L +243.08 2.411 L +243.822 2.411 L +243.828 2.448 L +243.828 2.69 L +243.822 2.727 L +243.828 2.765 L +243.828 3.007 L +243.822 3.044 L +243.828 3.082 L +243.828 3.324 L +243.822 3.361 L 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+%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +6.48 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +9.188 6 m +(r) N +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO +4.601 /Times-Roman-MISO Msf +11.703 7.039 m +(0) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -53.247 -10.589 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +[ ] 0 setdash +p +0 setlinecap +243.834 8.429 m +243.834 6.979 L +s +P +p +np 235 9 m +235 20 L +253 20 L +253 9 L +cp +clip np +p +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +[1 0 0 1 236.381 10.589 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +p +np -2.381 -2.589 m +-2.381 10.411 L +17.619 10.411 L +17.619 -2.589 L +cp +clip np +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +6.48 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +0 6 m +(r) N +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +4.601 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +2.547 7.008 m +(B) N +6.48 /Mathematica1 Msf +6.719 6 m +(-) N +11.891 6 m +(d) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -236.381 -10.589 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +[ ] 0 setdash +p +0 setlinecap +275.357 8.429 m +275.357 6.979 L +s +P +p +np 271 9 m +271 20 L +280 20 L +280 9 L +cp +clip np +p +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +[1 0 0 1 272.497 10.589 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +p +np -2.497 -2.589 m +-2.497 10.411 L +8.503 10.411 L +8.503 -2.589 L +cp +clip np +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +6.48 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +0 6 m +(r) N +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +4.601 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +2.547 7.008 m +(B) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -272.497 -10.589 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +[ ] 0 setdash +p +0 setlinecap +35.352 8.429 m +286.104 8.429 L +s +P +p +np 290 3 m +290 14 L +296 14 L +296 3 L +cp +clip np +p +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +[1 0 0 1 291.864 4.679 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +p +np -2.864 -2.679 m +-2.864 10.321 L +5.136 10.321 L +5.136 -2.679 L +cp +clip np +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +6.48 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +0 6 m +(r) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -291.864 -4.679 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +p +np 35 2 m +35 16 L +287 16 L +287 2 L +cp +clip np +1 0 0 r +1.44 w +[ ] 0 setdash +60.427 2.411 m +60.427 14.447 L +s +243.834 2.411 m +243.834 14.447 L +s +[ 0.72 2.88 ] 0 setdash +261.028 2.411 m +261.028 14.447 L +s +P +P +P +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +P +P +%Trailer +%EOF diff --git a/thesis/slideshow/PDFfigs/rline.pdf b/thesis/slideshow/PDFfigs/rline.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cacd9f Binary files /dev/null and b/thesis/slideshow/PDFfigs/rline.pdf differ diff --git a/thesis/slideshow/PDFfigs/zerosofK.pdf b/thesis/slideshow/PDFfigs/zerosofK.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d18af6 Binary files /dev/null and b/thesis/slideshow/PDFfigs/zerosofK.pdf differ diff --git a/thesis/slideshow/bib.tex b/thesis/slideshow/bib.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c7098a --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/slideshow/bib.tex @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{References} +\scriptsize +\begin{itemize} +\item Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun {\em Handbook of Mathematical Functions} 1964: National Bureau of Standards. + +\item G. N. Watson {\em A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions, 2nd. ed} 1966: Cambridge University Press. + +\item Marcus J. Grote and Joseph B. Keller ``On Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions" {\em Journal of Computational Physics}, 122, 231 - 243, 1995. + +\item F. W. J. Olver, {\em The Asymptotic Expansion of Bessel Functions of Large Order}, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 247 (1954) 328-368. +\item P. K. Chattopadhyay, {\em Mathematical Physics}, 1990: New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers. + +\end{itemize} +\end{frame} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/thesis/slideshow/ch1.tex b/thesis/slideshow/ch1.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3268d51 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/slideshow/ch1.tex @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Introduction} +\small +\begin{block}{\bf Setting} +\begin{itemize} +\item Outgoing solutions to the ``radial wave equation" +\item Transparent radiation boundary conditions on spherical domain +\item \alert{Dirichlet-to-Neumann map}, \alert{Macdonald function} +\end{itemize} +\end{block} +\begin{block}{\bf Outline} +\begin{itemize} +\item Radial wave equation and the Macdonald function +\item Non-reflecting boundary conditions +\item Identities for roots of the Macdonald function +\item Other work +\end{itemize} +\end{block} +\end{frame} + + +\begin{frame} +\begin{center} +\Huge Radial Wave Equation +\end{center} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Radial Wave Equation} +\scriptsize +\begin{block}{\bf Overview} +\begin{itemize} +\item +Ordinary wave equation on $\color{ec}\mathbb{R}^{3}$, ($\color{ec}c=1$ here): +\hspace{2em} +$\color{ec} \Delta\psi - \frac{1}{c^{2}}\frac{\partial^{2}\psi}{\partial t^{2}} = 0$ +\item +Laplace operator in spherical coordinates: +$$\color{ec} +\Delta\psi = \frac{1}{r^{2}}\frac{\partial}{\partial r} r^{2} \frac{\partial}{\partial r} \psi + \frac {1}{r^{2}}\Delta_{S^2} \psi, \hspace{2em} \Delta_{S^2} = \frac{1}{\sin \theta}\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}\sin\theta\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta} + \frac{1}{\sin^{2}\theta}\frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial \phi^{2}} +$$ +\item +Generic solution in terms of $\color{ec} Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi)$ of $\color{ec} \Delta_{S^2}$, where +$$\color{ec} \Delta_{S^2}Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi) = -\ell(\ell+1)Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi)$$ +is: +$$\color{ec} +\psi = \sum_{\ell =0}^\infty \sum_{m = - \ell}^\ell \psi_{\ell m}(t,r) Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi) = \sum_{\ell =0}^\infty \sum_{m = - \ell}^\ell \frac{\Psi_{\ell m}(t,r)}{r}Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi). +$$ +\end{itemize} +\end{block} +\end{frame} + + +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Radial Wave Equation} +\scriptsize +\begin{block}{\bf Overview} +\begin{itemize} +\item "multipole" solution $\color{ec} +\psi(t,r\sin\theta\cos\phi,r\sin\theta\sin\phi,r\cos\theta)$: +$$\color{ec} +\psi_{\ell m}(t,r)Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi) = r^{-1}\Psi_{\ell m}(t,r) Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi) +$$ +\item Eliminating angular dependence, multipole coefficients $\color{ec} \psi_{\ell m}$ and $\color{ec} \Psi_{\ell m}$ satisfy: +$$\color{ec} + - \partial^2_t \psi_{\ell m}+ \partial^2_r \psi_{\ell m} ++ \frac{2}{r}\partial_r \psi_{\ell m}- \frac{\ell(\ell+1)}{r^2}\psi_{\ell m} = 0, +$$ +$$\color{ec} +-\partial^2_t\Psi_{\ell m} + \partial^2_r\Psi_{\ell m} - \frac{\ell(\ell+1)}{r^2}\Psi_{\ell m} = 0. +$$ +\end{itemize} +\end{block} +\end{frame} diff --git a/thesis/slideshow/ch2.tex b/thesis/slideshow/ch2.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..729d421 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/slideshow/ch2.tex @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Radial Wave Equation} +\scriptsize +\begin{block}{\bf Overview} +\begin{itemize} +\item The Macdonald function $\color{eqncolor}K_\nu (z)$ is a solution to the modified Bessel equation: +$$\color{eqncolor} +z^2 w'' + zw' - (z^2 + \nu^2)w = 0 +$$ +\item For half-integer order, +$$\color{eqncolor} +K_{\ell + 1/2}(z) = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2z}} e^{-z} W_\ell(z), \qquad +W_\ell(z) = \sum_{k=0}^\ell \frac{c_{\ell k}}{z^k},\qquad +c_{\ell k} = \frac{1}{2^k k!}\frac{(\ell + k)!}{(\ell - k)!} +$$ +\item $\color{eqncolor} K_{\ell+1/2}(z)$ can also be expressed using the monic \emph{Bessel polynomial} $\color{eqncolor}p_{\ell}(z)$: +$$\color{eqncolor} +K_{\ell+1/2}(z) = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2z}}\frac{e^{-z}}{z^\ell}p_{\ell}(z), \hspace{2em} p_{\ell}(z) = \sum_{k=0}^{\ell}c_{\ell k}z^{\ell-k} +$$ +\end{itemize} +\end{block} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Radial Wave Equation} +\scriptsize +\begin{block}{\bf Overview} +\begin{itemize} +\item The set $\color{eqncolor}\{b_{\ell j}/(\ell+1/2): j = 1,\dots,\ell\}$ is the collection of roots scaled by the Bessel order $\color{eqncolor}\nu = \ell + 1/2$. +\item These roots accumulate on a fixed transcendental curve in the left-half plane, a parametrization of which is given by: +$$\color{eqncolor} +z(\lambda) = -\sqrt{\lambda^2 - \lambda\tanh\lambda}\pm +\mathrm{i}\sqrt{\lambda\coth\lambda-\lambda^2} +$$ +for $\color{eqncolor}\lambda \in [0,\lambda_0]$, where $\color{eqncolor}\lambda_0 \simeq 1.19967864025773$ +solves $\color{eqncolor}\tanh\lambda_0 = 1/\lambda_0$. +\end{itemize} +\end{block} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Radial Wave Equation} +\small +\begin{columns}[c] +\column{0.1in} +\column{3.1in} +Scaled zeros $\displaystyle +\color{eqncolor}\frac{b_{\ell j}}{(\ell+1/2)}$ +of $\color{eqncolor}K_{\ell+1/2}(z)$ and $\color{eqncolor}W_\ell(z)$: +\\[2mm] +${\color{red}+}$ $\displaystyle \color{eqncolor} +K_{3/2}(z) = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2 z}} e^{-z}\left(1+\frac{1}{z}\right)$ +\\[2mm] +$\color{blue}\diamond$ $\displaystyle \color{eqncolor} +K_{5/2}(z) = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2 z}}e^{-z}\left(1+\frac{3}{z}+\frac{3}{z^2}\right)$ +\\[2mm] +$\color{black}\circ$ $\displaystyle \color{eqncolor} +K_{7/2}(z) = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2 z}} e^{-z}\left( +1+\frac{6}{z} + \frac{15}{z^2} + \frac{15}{z^3}\right)$ +\\[2mm] +$\color{magenta}*$ $\displaystyle \color{eqncolor} +K_{9/2}(z) = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2 z}} e^{-z}\left( +1+\frac{10}{z} + \frac{45}{z^2} + \frac{105}{z^3} + \frac{105}{z^4}\right)$ +\column{1.4in} +\begin{picture}(-1.0,-2.0) + \put(-0.3,-0.65){\includegraphics[width=11cm]{PDFfigs/zerosofK.pdf}} +\end{picture} +\end{columns} +\end{frame} diff --git a/thesis/slideshow/ch4.tex b/thesis/slideshow/ch4.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88ec392 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/slideshow/ch4.tex @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ + + +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Technical Lemma (History Integrals)} +\scriptsize +\begin{block}{\bf Lemma} +Let $\color{eqncolor}r=r_B$ and $\color{eqncolor}f \in C_0^\infty (D)$, and define +$$\color{eqncolor} +I^{(p)}[b,r,f]=\int_0^t e^{(b(t-t')/r)}f^{(p)}(t'-r)dt' +$$ +Then, we have +$$\color{eqncolor} +I^{(p)}[b,r,f]=(b/r)^p I^{(0)}[b,r,f] + \sum_{j=1}^{p}(b/r)^{p-j}f^{(j-1)}(t-r) +$$ +\end{block} +\end{frame} +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Technical Lemma (History Integrals)} +\scriptsize +\begin{block}{\bf Proof by induction} +We show: +$$\color{eqncolor} +I^{(p)} [b,r,f] = (b/r)^p I^{(0)}[b,r,f] +\sum_{j=1}^p (b/r)^{p-j}\big[f^{(j-1)}(t-r)-e^{(bt/r)}f^{(j-1)}(-r)\big] \hspace{2em}(**) +$$ +The second term within the square brackets vanishes since $\color{eqncolor}r=r_B \notin D$. Note there are no boundary terms at $\color{eqncolor}t'=0$, only $\color{eqncolor}t'=t$. Integration by parts establishes the last formula for $\color{eqncolor}p=1$. Similarly, +$$\color{eqncolor} +I^{(p)} [b,r,f] = (b/r)I^{(p-1)}[b,r,f] + f^{(p-1)}(t-r)-e^{(bt/r)}f^{(p-1)}(-r). +$$ +Assuming now that $\color{eqncolor}(**)$ holds with $\color{eqncolor}p$ replaced by $\color{eqncolor}p-1$, we insert the $\color{eqncolor}p-1$ result into the last equation, thereby recovering $\color{eqncolor}(**)$ and verifying the induction step. +\end{block} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{{\bf Main Result}} +\scriptsize +\begin{block}{\bf Theorem} +The roots $\color{eqncolor}{b_{\ell j} : j = 1,...,\ell}$ of the $\color{eqncolor}\ell^{th}$ degree polynomial +$$\color{eqncolor}p_{\ell}(z)= \sum_{k=0}^{\ell}c_{\ell k}z^{\ell-k} +$$ +also obey the following set of $\color{eqncolor}\ell$ algebraic equations: (Newton's identities!) +$$\color{eqncolor} +-kc_{\ell k} = \sum_{n=1}^{\ell} b_{\ell n}\sum_{q=1}^k c_{\ell,q-1}(b_{\ell n})^{k-q}, \hspace{2em} k=1,...,\ell +$$ +Here we assume $\color{eqncolor}\ell \geq 1$. +\end{block} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{{\bf Main Result:} careful proof (1)} +\scriptsize +\begin{block}{\bf proof} +Taking $\color{eqncolor}r=r_B$ and $\color{eqncolor}t>0$, we get +$$\color{eqncolor} +\frac{1}{r}\int_0^t \Omega_{\ell}(t-t',r)\Psi_{\ell}(t',r)dt' = \sum_{n=1}^\ell (b_{\ell n}/r^2)\int_0^t \exp(b_{\ell n}(t-t')/r)\Psi_{\ell}(t',r)dt' +$$ +$$\color{eqncolor} += \sum_{n=1}^{\ell}(b_{\ell n}/r^2)\sum_{k=0}^\ell r^{-k} c_{\ell k} I^{(\ell-k)}[b_{\ell n},r,f]. +$$ +Previous lemma gives +$$\color{eqncolor} +I^{(\ell - k)} [b_{\ell n},r,f] = (b_{\ell n}/r)^{\ell -k} I^{(0)} [b_{\ell n},r,f] + \sum_{j=1}^{\ell -k} (b_{\ell n}/r)^{\ell - k - j} f^{(j-1)}(t-r). +$$ +\end{block} +\end{frame} +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{{\bf Main Result:} careful proof continued...(2)} +\scriptsize +\begin{block}{} +Combination of the last two equations yields +$$\color{eqncolor} +\frac{1}{r}\int_0^t \Omega_{\ell}(t-t',r)\Psi_{\ell}(t',r)dt' = r^{-(\ell+2)} \sum_{n=1}^\ell b_{\ell n}I^{(0)}[b_{\ell n},r,f] \sum_{k=0}^{\ell} c_{\ell k}(b_{\ell n})^{\ell -k} +$$ +$$\color{eqncolor} + + \sum_{n=1}^{\ell}(b_{\ell n}/r^2)\sum_{k=0}^\ell r^{-k} c_{\ell k} \sum_{j=1}^{\ell-k}(b_{\ell n}/r)^{\ell - k - j} f^{(j-1)}(t-r). +$$ +\end{block} +\end{frame} +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{{\bf Main Result:} careful proof continued...(3)} +\scriptsize +\begin{block}{} +Since $\color{eqncolor}\sum_{k=0}^{\ell} c_{\ell k}(b_{\ell n})^{\ell-k} = p_{\ell}(b_{\ell n})$ is the Bessel polynomial evaluated at one of its roots, the first term on the right-hand side of the last expression vanishes. Whence, up to now +$$\color{eqncolor} +\frac{1}{r}\int_0^t \Omega_{\ell}(t-t',r)\Psi_{\ell}(t',r)dt' = \sum_{n=1}^{\ell}(b_{\ell n}/r^2)\sum_{k=0}^\ell r^{-k} c_{\ell k} \sum_{j=1}^{\ell-k}(b_{\ell n}/r)^{\ell - k - j} f^{(j-1)}(t-r). +$$ +\end{block} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{{\bf Main Result:} careful proof continued...(4)} +\scriptsize +\begin{block}{} +Within the sum over $\color{eqncolor}k$, the sum over $\color{eqncolor}j$ is empty when $\color{eqncolor}k=\ell$. Therefore, here we may replace $\color{eqncolor}\sum_{k=0}^{\ell}$ by $\color{eqncolor}\sum_{k=0}^{\ell-1}$. Re-indexing $\color{eqncolor}q = k+1$, yields +$$\color{eqncolor} +\frac{1}{r}\int_0^t \Omega_{\ell}(t-t',r)\Psi_{\ell}(t',r)dt' +$$ +$$\color{eqncolor} += \sum_{n=1}^{\ell}(b_{\ell n}/r^2)\sum_{q=1}^\ell r^{-(q-1)} c_{\ell, q-1} \sum_{j=1}^{\ell-q+1}(b_{\ell n}/r)^{\ell - q - j +1} f^{(j-1)}(t-r). +$$ +\end{block} +\end{frame} +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{{\bf Main Result:} careful proof continued...(5)} +\scriptsize +\begin{block}{} +The double sum $\color{eqncolor}\sum_{q=1}^\ell \sum_{j=1}^{\ell - q + 1}(terms)_{jq}$ is equivalent to $\color{eqncolor}\sum_{j=1}^\ell \sum_{q=1}^{\ell - j + 1}(terms)_{jq}$. We may group the two inner sums and make this exchange, thereby reaching +$$\color{eqncolor} +\frac{1}{r}\int_0^t \Omega_{\ell}(t-t',r)\Psi_{\ell}(t',r)dt' = +$$ +$$\color{eqncolor} +\sum_{n=1}^{\ell}b_{\ell n}\sum_{j=1}^\ell r^{j-(\ell+2)} \sum_{q=1}^{\ell-j+1}c_{\ell, q-1}(b_{\ell n})^{\ell - q - j +1} f^{(j-1)}(t-r). +$$ +\end{block} +\end{frame} +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{{\bf Main Result:} careful proof continued...(6)} +\scriptsize +\begin{block}{} +Through re-indexing of sums we get to +$$\color{eqncolor} +\frac{1}{r}\int_0^t \Omega_{\ell}(t-t',r)\Psi_{\ell}(t',r)dt' = \sum_{n=1}^{\ell}b_{\ell n}\sum_{k=1}^\ell r^{-(k+1)} \sum_{q=1}^{k}c_{\ell, q-1}(b_{\ell n})^{k - q} f^{(\ell -k)}(t-r), +$$ +which is the desired form. Recalling that we have set $\color{eqncolor}r=r_B$, +$$\color{eqncolor} +-\sum_{k=1}^\ell kr^{-(k+1)}c_{\ell k} f^{(\ell-k)}(t-r) = \sum_{k=1}^{\ell}r^{-(k+1)} \sum_{n=1}^\ell b_{\ell n} \sum_{q=1}^{k} c_{\ell , q-1} (b_{\ell n})^{k-q}f^{(\ell-k)}(t-r), +$$ +and we may express that last equation as +$$\color{eqncolor} +0 = \sum_{k=1}^\ell r^{-(k+1)}E_k f^{(\ell-k)}(u), \hspace{2em} E_k = kc_{\ell k} + \sum_{n=1}^\ell b_{\ell n} \sum_{q=1}^k c_{\ell ,q-1} (b_{\ell n})^{k-q}. +$$ +Here $\color{eqncolor}u=t-r$ is retarded time. +\end{block} +\end{frame} +%\begin{frame} +%\frametitle{proof...continued(7)} +%\scriptsize +%\begin{block}{} +%Introducing the operator $\color{eqncolor}Q \equiv (\partial_t + \partial_r) r^2$, +%we then use induction to show that +%$$\color{eqncolor} +%Q^p \sum_{k=1}^\ell r^{-(k+1)}E_k f^{(\ell-k)}(u) +%= \sum_{k=p+1}^\ell (-1)^p \frac{(k-1)!}{(k-p-1)!} +%r^{-(k-p+1)}E_k f^{(\ell-k)}(u). +%$$ +%For $\color{eqncolor}p=\ell-1$, this identity implies $\color{eqncolor}E_\ell = 0$. +%Then assuming $\color{eqncolor}E_{p+2} = \dots = E_\ell = 0$, we find +%$$\color{eqncolor} +%Q^p \sum_{k=1}^\ell r^{-(k+1)}E_k f^{(\ell-k)}(u) +%= (-1)^p \frac{p!}{r^2} E_{p+1} f^{(\ell-p-1)}(u), +%$$ +%yielding $\color{eqncolor}E_{p+1} = 0$. Therefore, backwards iteration +%$\color{eqncolor}p = \ell-1,\ell-2,\dots,0$ establishes that $\color{eqncolor}E_k=0$ for $\color{eqncolor}k=1,\dots,\ell$. +%\end{block} +%\end{frame} +%\begin{frame} +%\small +%\frametitle{Sample calculation for $\ell=1$} +%\begin{itemize} +%Sample calculation for $\ell=1$ +%\end{frame} diff --git a/thesis/slideshow/ch5.tex b/thesis/slideshow/ch5.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d710910 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/slideshow/ch5.tex @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Also in thesis} +\scriptsize +\begin{itemize} +\item Numerical check using {\bf Mathematica} +\item Watson's argument showing poles are simple and in left-half plane. +\end{itemize} +\begin{block}{real and imaginary parts of roots for $\color{eqncolor}\ell=20$} + +-1.35674242831533132904409805E+001 8.67736254955798277563901221E-001 +-1.34125971436066018984302504E+001 2.60540014717949754240528038E+000 +-1.30988224745771632490213023E+001 4.34986491179146240148265878E+000 +-1.26172813166098517250117887E+001 6.10647987005239646124623649E+000 +-1.19530908024999872535298649E+001 7.88205843424744989157438123E+000 +-1.10825803337311520272082869E+001 9.68609324182857851119637990E+000 +-9.96776247886039112461620511E+000 1.15331147285162466386412696E+001 +-8.54389572685003190873213213E+000 1.34480452734196997247112442E+001 +-6.68552687829519020092395369E+000 1.54813061879236185543330417E+001 +-4.07101856181631732208523537E+000 1.77718690688854561225973949E+001 + +\end{block} +\end{frame} + +%\begin{frame} +%\frametitle{{\bf Numerical test} using {\bf Mathematica}} +%\scriptsize +%\begin{block}{more code} +%\pmb{}\\ +%\pmb{\text{(* print out formatted tables of polynomial roots *)}}\\ +%\pmb{\text{For}[j=1, j<l+1, j\text{++}}\\ +%\pmb{\text{If}[\text{Im}[\text{Part}[\text{Part}[\{z\}\text{/.}\text{polyroots},j-1],1]]<0,,}\\ +%\pmb{\text{Print}[\text{ScientificForm}[\text{Re}[\text{Part}[\text{Part}[\{z\}\text{/.}\text{polyroots},j-1],1]],\text{numdigits}-1, }\\ +%\pmb{\text{NumberFormat} \to }\\ +%\pmb{(\text{Row}[\{\text{$\#$1},\text{E},\text{If}[\text{$\#$3}==\text{{``}{''}},\text{{``}+000{''}},\text{If}[\text{Part}[\text{Characters}[\text{$\#$3}],1]==\text{{``}-{''}},}\\ +%\pmb{\text{StringJoin}[\text{{``}-00{''}},\text{StringDrop}[\text{$\#$3},1]], \text{StringJoin}[\text{{``}+00{''}},\text{$\#$3}]]]\}]\&)], }\\ +%\pmb{\text{{``} {''}},\text{ScientificForm}[\text{Im}[\text{Part}[\text{Part}[\{z\}\text{/.}\text{polyroots},j-1],1]],\text{numdigits}-1, }\\ +%\pmb{\text{NumberFormat} \to }\\ +%\pmb{(\text{Row}[\{\text{$\#$1},\text{E},\text{If}[\text{$\#$3}==\text{{``}{''}},\text{{``}+000{''}},\text{If}[\text{Part}[\text{Characters}[\text{$\#$3}],1]==\text{{``}-{''}},}\\ +%\pmb{\text{StringJoin}[\text{{``}-00{''}},\text{StringDrop}[\text{$\#$3},1]], \text{StringJoin}[\text{{``}+00{''}},\text{$\#$3}]]]\}]\&)]]}\\ +%\pmb{]}\\ +%\pmb{]}\\ +%\pmb{}\\ +%\pmb{\text{(* print error norm of all roots for a given value of l *)}}\\ +%\pmb{\text{Print} []}\\ +%\pmb{\text{Print}[\text{{``}identity error accuracy $\sim $ {''}},}\\ +%\pmb{\text{ScientificForm}[\text{Max}[\text{Abs}[\text{Part}[\text{Part}[\text{Delete}[\text{Reap}[\text{For}[k=1, k<l+1, k\text{++},\text{Sow}[\text{identity}]];}\\ +%\pmb{],1],1],1]]],\text{numdigits},}\\ +%\pmb{\text{NumberFormat}\to }\\ +%\pmb{(\text{Row}[\{\text{{``}1.{''}},\text{E},\text{If}[\text{$\#$3}==\text{{``}{''}},\text{{``}+000{''}},\text{If}[\text{Part}[\text{Characters}[\text{$\#$3}],1]==\text{{``}-{''}},}\\ +%\pmb{\text{StringJoin}[\text{{``}-0{''}},\text{StringDrop}[\text{$\#$3},1]], \text{StringJoin}[\text{{``}+0{''}},\text{$\#$3}]]]\}]\&)]] }\\ +%\pmb{]}\\ +%\pmb{}\\ +%\pmb{}\) +%\end{block} +%\end{frame} + +%\begin{frame} +%\frametitle{{\bf Numerical test} using {\bf Mathematica}} +%\scriptsize +%\begin{block}{\bf output} +%\begin{itemize} +%\item Put results for $\ell=20$ here. +%\end{itemize} +%\end{block} +%\end{frame} diff --git a/thesis/slideshow/krt-beamer_thesis-5-07.aux b/thesis/slideshow/krt-beamer_thesis-5-07.aux new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8629eed --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/slideshow/krt-beamer_thesis-5-07.aux @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +\relax +\ifx\hyper@anchor\@undefined +\global \let \oldcontentsline\contentsline +\gdef \contentsline#1#2#3#4{\oldcontentsline{#1}{#2}{#3}} +\global \let \oldnewlabel\newlabel +\gdef \newlabel#1#2{\newlabelxx{#1}#2} +\gdef \newlabelxx#1#2#3#4#5#6{\oldnewlabel{#1}{{#2}{#3}}} +\AtEndDocument{\let \contentsline\oldcontentsline +\let \newlabel\oldnewlabel} +\else +\global \let \hyper@last\relax +\fi + +\@writefile{toc}{\beamer@endinputifotherversion {3.10pt}} +\@writefile{nav}{\beamer@endinputifotherversion {3.10pt}} +\select@language{english} +\@writefile{toc}{\select@language{english}} +\@writefile{lof}{\select@language{english}} +\@writefile{lot}{\select@language{english}} +\@writefile{nav}{\headcommand {\slideentry {0}{0}{1}{1/1}{}{0}}} +\@writefile{nav}{\headcommand {\beamer@framepages {1}{1}}} 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k)!} +$$ +\end{block} +\end{frame} diff --git a/thesis/slideshow/note-B.tex b/thesis/slideshow/note-B.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f076a41 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/slideshow/note-B.tex @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +%-------------------------------------------------------------- +\begin{frame} +\frametitle{Radial Wave Equation} +\begin{block}{} +By induction, +$$\color{ec} +\Psi_{\ell} = -\Big(\frac{\partial}{\partial r} - \frac{\ell}{r}\Big)\Psi_{\ell -1}, \hspace{2em} D^+_\ell = -\Big(\frac{\partial}{\partial r} - \frac{\ell}{r}\Big) +$$ +If +$$\color{ec} +-\partial^2_t\Psi_{\ell-1} + \partial^2_r\Psi_{\ell-1} - \frac{\ell(\ell-1)}{r^2}\Psi_{\ell-1} = 0, +$$ +Then +$$\color{ec} +-\partial^2_t(D^+_\ell \Psi_{\ell -1}) +\partial^2_r(D^+_\ell \Psi_{\ell-1}) - \frac{\ell(\ell +1)}{r^2}D^+_\ell \Psi_{\ell-1} = 0. +$$ +\end{block} +\end{frame} diff --git a/thesis/slideshow/note-C.tex b/thesis/slideshow/note-C.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2ccad0 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/slideshow/note-C.tex @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +%-------------------------------------------------------------- +\begin{frame} +\begin{center} +\Huge Non-reflecting Boundary Conditions +\end{center} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} +\scriptsize +\frametitle{Lemma [needed to compute LT of $\Psi_\ell(t,r)$]} +\begin{figure} + \includegraphics[width=10cm]{PDFfigs/rline.pdf} + \caption{ + $\color{ec} D$ and open region $\color{ec}r>r_B-\delta$} +\end{figure} +Assume $\color{ec} f(u)$ supported on $ \color{ec} [-r_B+\delta, -r_0-\delta]=D$, +$\color{ec} f\in C_0^\infty (D)$. +\begin{block}{} +For $\color{eqncolor}r > r_B - \delta$, Fourier-Laplace transform of $\color{eqncolor}f^{(\ell - k)}(t-r)$ is +$$\color{eqncolor} +s^{\ell-k}e^{-sr}a(s), \hspace{2em} a(s) = \int_{-r_B+ \delta}^{-r_0-\delta} e^{-su} f(u) du. +$$ +\end{block} +\begin{block}{proof} +$$\color{eqncolor} +\int_0^\infty e^{-st} f^{(\ell-k)}(t-r)dt = e^{-sr} \int_{-r}^\infty e^{-su}f^{(\ell-k)}(u) du +$$ +$$\color{eqncolor} += e^{-sr} \int_{-r_B+\delta}^{-r_0-\delta} e^{-su}f^{(\ell-k)}(u) du, \hspace{2em} -r<-r_B+\delta +$$ +\end{block} +\end{frame} diff --git a/thesis/slideshow/note-D.tex b/thesis/slideshow/note-D.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba6d8c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/slideshow/note-D.tex @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +%-------------------------------------------------------------- +\begin{frame} +\scriptsize +\frametitle{Laplace Transform of $\Psi_\ell(t,r)$} +\begin{block}{} +Therefore, for $\color{eqncolor}r=r_B$, +$$\color{eqncolor} +\widehat{\Psi}_{\ell}(s,r) = \sum_{k=0}^\ell \frac{c_{\ell k}}{r^k}\big(s^{\ell-k}e^{-sr}a(s)\big) +$$ +$$\color{eqncolor} += a(s)s^{\ell}e^{-sr}W_\ell (sr), \hspace{2em} W_\ell (sr)=\sum_{k=0}^\ell \frac{c_{\ell k}}{z^k} +$$ +$$\color{eqncolor} +s\widehat{\Psi}_\ell(s,r) + \partial_r \widehat{\Psi}_\ell(s,r) = \frac{1}{r}(sr)\frac{W'_\ell(s,r)}{W_\ell(s,r)}\widehat{\Psi}_\ell=\frac{1}{r}\sum_{j=1}^\ell \frac{b_{\ell j}/r}{s-b_{\ell j}/r}\widehat{\Psi}_\ell, +$$ +Laplace Convolution Theorem: +$$\color{eqncolor} +\partial_t \Psi_\ell(t,r) + \partial_r \Psi_\ell(t,r) = \frac{1}{r} \int_0^t \Omega_\ell(t-t',r)\Psi_\ell(t',r)dt', \hspace{2em} \Omega_\ell(t,r) = \sum_{k=1}^\ell \frac{b_{\ell k}}{r}e^{\frac{b_{\ell k}}{r}t} +$$ +\end{block} +\end{frame} diff --git a/thesis/slideshow/note-E.tex b/thesis/slideshow/note-E.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15afdfd --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/slideshow/note-E.tex @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +%-------------------------------------------------------------- +\begin{frame} +\begin{center} +\Huge Identities for Roots of Macdonald function +\end{center} +\end{frame} + +\begin{frame} +\scriptsize +\frametitle{Sketch of Main Results} +\begin{itemize} +\item +Substitute $\color{eqncolor}\Psi_\ell(t,r) = +\sum_{k=0}^\ell \frac{1}{r^k} c_{\ell k} f^{(\ell-k)}(t-r)$ into +$$\color{eqncolor} +\partial_t \Psi_\ell(t,r) + \partial_r \Psi_\ell(t,r)= +\sum_{n=1}^\ell \frac{b_{\ell n}}{r^2} +\int_0^t e^{\frac{b_{\ell n}}{r}(t-t')} \Psi_\ell(t',r)dt' +$$ +\item Result: +$$\color{eqncolor} +-\sum_{k=1}^\ell \frac{k}{r^{k+1}} c_{\ell k} f^{(\ell-k)}(t-r) += \sum_{n=1}^\ell \frac{b_{\ell n}}{r^2} +\sum_{k=0}^\ell +\frac{1}{r^k} c_{\ell k} +I^{(\ell-k)}[b_{\ell n},r,f] +$$ + +\item +Here $\color{eqncolor}I^{(p)}[b,r,f] \equiv \int_0^t +e^{\frac{b}{r}(t-t')} f^{(p)}(t'-r) dt'$ + +\item +Work into form (argument sketched later...integration by parts) +$$\color{eqncolor} +0 = \sum_{k=1}^\ell r^{-(k+1)} E_k f^{(\ell-k)}(u),\quad +E_k = k c_{\ell k} + \sum_{n=1}^\ell b_{\ell n} \sum_{q=1}^k c_{\ell,q-1} +(b_{\ell n})^{k-q} +$$ +\end{itemize} +\end{frame} +\begin{frame} +\scriptsize +\frametitle{Sketch of Main Results} +\begin{itemize} +\item +Starting with (last line of last slide) +$$\color{eqncolor} +0 = \sum_{k=1}^\ell r^{-(k+1)} E_k f^{(\ell-k)}(u),\quad +E_k = k c_{\ell k} + \sum_{n=1}^\ell b_{\ell n} \sum_{q=1}^k c_{\ell,q-1} +(b_{\ell n})^{k-q}, +$$ +isolate terms $\color{eqncolor}E_k f^{(\ell-k)}(u)$ with operator $\color{eqncolor}Q += (\partial_t + \partial_r)r^2$. +\item Example ($\color{eqncolor}\ell = 3$): +\begin{align*}\color{eqncolor} +Q\big[ + \frac{1}{r^2} E_1 f''(u) + + \frac{1}{r^3} E_2 f'(u) + + \frac{1}{r^4} E_3 f(u) \big] \color{eqncolor} & = +\color{eqncolor}-\frac{1}{r^2}E_2 f'(u)-\frac{2}{r^3}E_3 f(u)\\ + \color{eqncolor} Q^2\big[ + \frac{1}{r^2} E_1 f''(u) + + \frac{1}{r^3} E_2 f'(u) + + \frac{1}{r^4} E_3 f(u) \big] \color{eqncolor}& \color{eqncolor}= \frac{6}{r^2}E_3 f(u) +\end{align*} +\item +Profile $\color{eqncolor}f$ arbitrary +$\color{eqncolor}\implies E_3 = 0 \implies E_2 = 0 \implies E_1 = 0$. +\end{itemize} +\end{frame} diff --git a/thesis/tex etc/eeceTR.cls b/thesis/tex etc/eeceTR.cls new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0feb19 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/tex etc/eeceTR.cls @@ -0,0 +1,835 @@ +%% +%% This is file `unmeereport.cls', generated +%% on <1995/10/31> with the jwhhacks utility (3.2zzz). +%% +%% The original source files were: +%% +%% unmeereport.dtx +%% +%% +%% This is a generated file. +%% +%% Copyright 1995 by James W. 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Solidus \/ +%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< +%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? +%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ +%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ +%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| +%% Right brace \} Tilde \~} +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesClass{eeceTR} + [1995/10/31 + UNM EECE report class-mod-05/10/00] +\newcommand\@ptsize{} +\newif\if@restonecol +\newif\if@openright +\newif\if@openbib +\@openbibfalse +\DeclareOption{a4paper} + {\setlength\paperheight {297mm}% + \setlength\paperwidth {210mm}} +\DeclareOption{a5paper} + {\setlength\paperheight {210mm}% + \setlength\paperwidth {148mm}} +\DeclareOption{b5paper} + {\setlength\paperheight {250mm}% + \setlength\paperwidth {176mm}} +\DeclareOption{letterpaper} + {\setlength\paperheight {11in}% + \setlength\paperwidth {8.5in}} +\DeclareOption{legalpaper} + {\setlength\paperheight {14in}% + \setlength\paperwidth {8.5in}} +\DeclareOption{executivepaper} + {\setlength\paperheight {10.5in}% + \setlength\paperwidth {7.25in}} +\DeclareOption{landscape} + {\setlength\@tempdima {\paperheight}% + \setlength\paperheight {\paperwidth}% + \setlength\paperwidth {\@tempdima}} +\DeclareOption{10pt}{\renewcommand\@ptsize{0}} +\DeclareOption{11pt}{\renewcommand\@ptsize{1}} +\DeclareOption{12pt}{\renewcommand\@ptsize{2}} +\DeclareOption{oneside}{\@twosidefalse \@mparswitchfalse} +\DeclareOption{twoside}{\@twosidetrue \@mparswitchtrue} +\DeclareOption{draft}{\setlength\overfullrule{5pt}} +\DeclareOption{final}{\setlength\overfullrule{0pt}} +\DeclareOption{openright}{\@openrighttrue} +\DeclareOption{openany}{\@openrightfalse} +\DeclareOption{onecolumn}{\@twocolumnfalse} +\DeclareOption{twocolumn}{\@twocolumntrue} +\DeclareOption{leqno}{\input{leqno.clo}} +\DeclareOption{fleqn}{\input{fleqn.clo}} +\DeclareOption{openbib}{\@openbibtrue} +\ExecuteOptions{letterpaper,10pt,oneside,onecolumn,final,openright} +\ProcessOptions +\RequirePackage{epsfig} +\RequirePackage{pslatex} +\input{unm1\@ptsize.clo} +\setlength\lineskip{1\p@} +\setlength\normallineskip{1\p@} +\renewcommand\baselinestretch{} +\newlength\@chosenpointsize +\setlength\@chosenpointsize{1\@ptsize\p@} +\setlength\parskip{0.5\@chosenpointsize \@plus \p@} +\@lowpenalty 51 +\@medpenalty 151 +\@highpenalty 301 +\setcounter{topnumber}{2} +\renewcommand\topfraction{.7} +\setcounter{bottomnumber}{1} +\renewcommand\bottomfraction{.7} +\setcounter{totalnumber}{3} +\renewcommand\textfraction{0} +\renewcommand\floatpagefraction{1} +\setcounter{dbltopnumber}{2} +\renewcommand\dbltopfraction{.7} +\renewcommand\dblfloatpagefraction{.5} +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: + +\if@twoside + \def\ps@headings{% + \def\@oddfoot{\hfil\thepage\hfil} + \let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot + \def\@evenhead{{\slshape \@reporttype \@techrepnum\ }\hfil% + {\bfseries \leftmark}}% + \def\@oddhead{{\bfseries \rightmark}\hfil% + {\slshape \@reporttype \@techrepnum\ }}% + \let\@mkboth\markboth + \def\chaptermark##1{% + \markboth {% + ##1}{}} + \def\sectionmark##1{% + \markright {% + ##1}}} +\else + \def\ps@headings{% + \def\@oddfoot{\hfil\thepage\hfil} + \def\@oddhead{{\slshape \@reporttype \@techrepnum\ }\hfil% + {\bfseries \rightmark}}% + \let\@mkboth\markboth + \def\chaptermark##1{% + \markright {% + ##1}}} +\fi + +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: + +\def\ps@myheadings{% + \let\@oddfoot\@empty\let\@evenfoot\@empty + \def\@evenhead{\thepage\hfil\slshape\leftmark}% + \def\@oddhead{{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil\thepage}% + \let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo + \let\chaptermark\@gobble + \let\sectionmark\@gobble + } + +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +% This material was taken from fancybox.sty by Timothy Van Zandt. 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+\def\techrepnum#1{\gdef\@techrepnum{#1}} + \techrepnum{} +\def\reporttype#1{\gdef\@reporttype{#1}} + \reporttype{UNM Technical Report: EECE-TR-} +\def\date#1{\gdef\@date{#1}} + \date{\today} + +\newcommand\maketitle{% + \thisfancypage{% + \setlength{\fboxsep}{10pt}% + \doublebox}{} + \@maketitle + \if@twoside\begin{titlepage}\mbox{}\end{titlepage}\fi +} + +\def\@maketitle{% + \begin{titlepage}% + \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.6in} + \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0.1in} + \let\footnotesize\small + \let\footnoterule\relax + \null\vfil + \begin{center}% + \vspace{-4ex}% + {\Huge\sc Department of Electrical and }% + \vskip 0.5ex% + {\Huge\sc Computer Engineering \par}% + \vskip 2ex% + \psfig{file=unm_logo.eps,width=1.5in}% + \vskip 1ex% + {\Huge\sc School of Engineering}% + \vskip 0.5ex% + {\Huge\sc University of New Mexico \par}% + \vskip 3ex% + {\Large\bfseries \@title \par}% + \vskip 12ex plus2ex minus8ex% + {\large % + \lineskip .75em% + \begin{tabular}[t]{c}% + \@author + 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+\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{Glossary}{xi}} +\citation{watson} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}Introduction}{1}} +\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} +\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} +\citation{keller} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {2}Radiation boundary conditions and the radial wave equation}{2}} +\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} +\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} +\newlabel{section:Overview}{{2.1}{2}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.1}Overview}{2}} +\newlabel{eq:3+1wave}{{2.1}{2}} +\newlabel{section:The radial wave equation}{{2.2}{3}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.2}The radial wave equation}{3}} +\newlabel{gensolution}{{2.3}{3}} +\newlabel{eq:harmonic}{{2.4}{3}} +\newlabel{eq:radial1}{{2.5}{3}} +\citation{stegun} +\citation{watson} +\newlabel{eq:radial2}{{2.6}{4}} +\newlabel{wavefield}{{2.7}{4}} +\newlabel{established}{{2.8}{4}} +\citation{stegun} +\citation{stegun} +\citation{watson} +\citation{olver} +\newlabel{section:Bessel functions as outgoing solutions}{{2.3}{5}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.3}Macdonald function as an outgoing solution}{5}} +\newlabel{bessel}{{2.11}{5}} +\newlabel{eq:kerneldef}{{2.12}{5}} +\newlabel{macdonald}{{2.13}{5}} +\newlabel{besselpoly}{{2.14}{5}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {2.1}{\ignorespaces Scaled roots of $K_{\ell +1/2}(z)$.}}{6}} +\newlabel{fig:zerosofK}{{2.1}{6}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {3}Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions}{7}} +\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} +\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} +\newlabel{thm2}{{3.0.1}{7}} +\newlabel{thrm2eq1}{{3.1}{7}} +\newlabel{thrm2eq2}{{3.2}{7}} +\newlabel{thrm2eq3}{{3.3}{7}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3.1}{\ignorespaces Radial axis with support of $\Psi _\ell (0,r)$ and point at $r_B-\epsilon \delta $ (the dashed line). }}{8}} +\newlabel{fig:radialaxis}{{3.1}{8}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {3.2}{\ignorespaces Retarded time axis and support of profile function $f$. }}{8}} +\newlabel{fig:retardedtimeaxis}{{3.2}{8}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.1}Proof of {\bf Theorem 3.0.1\hbox {}}}{8}} +\newlabel{laplacelemma}{{3.1.1}{8}} +\newlabel{laplacetransform}{{3.4}{8}} +\newlabel{fdbc}{{3.6}{9}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.2}Alternative proof.}{11}} +\newlabel{laplacekernel}{{3.17}{11}} +\newlabel{incoming}{{3.19}{11}} +\newlabel{outgoing}{{3.20}{11}} +\newlabel{wronskian}{{3.21}{11}} +\citation{mathphys} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {4}Newton's Identities}{14}} +\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} +\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} +\newlabel{section:Main Result}{{4.1}{14}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.1}Main result}{14}} +\newlabel{thm1}{{4.1.1}{14}} +\newlabel{thrm1eq1}{{4.2}{14}} +\newlabel{newtonid}{{4.3}{14}} +\citation{kalman} +\newlabel{newtonid2}{{4.4}{15}} +\newlabel{identity}{{4.5}{15}} +\newlabel{lem1}{{4.1.2}{15}} +\newlabel{proofeq2}{{4.8}{15}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.2}Proof of {\bf Theorem 4.1.1\hbox {}}}{16}} +\newlabel{desired}{{4.16}{17}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {5}Numerical root evaluation and identity check for several values of $\ell $}{19}} +\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} +\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} +\newlabel{idcheck}{{5.1}{19}} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.1}Root finding and identity verification for $\ell = 20$ to 27 digits of precision}{20}} +\@writefile{lot}{\contentsline {table}{\numberline {5.1}{\ignorespaces Roots of $K_{\ell +1/2}(z)$ for $\ell = 1, ..., 20$}}{22}} +\citation{kalman} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {6}Conclusion}{30}} +\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} +\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} +\citation{watson} +\citation{watson} +\citation{stegun} +\citation{stegun} +\citation{watson} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {A}Location and count of Macdonald roots}{31}} +\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} +\@writefile{lot}{\addvspace {10\p@ }} +\newlabel{besselintegral}{{A.1}{31}} +\citation{watson} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {A.1}Root count for $K_{\ell +1/2}(z)$}{32}} +\citation{watson} +\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {A.2}Root count for $K_\nu (z)$}{33}} +\newlabel{kreim}{{A.5}{33}} +\newlabel{phasechange}{{A.7}{33}} +\@writefile{lof}{\contentsline {figure}{\numberline {A.1}{\ignorespaces Keyhole contour with arcs $\Gamma : |z|= R$ and $\gamma : |z|=\delta $}}{34}} +\newlabel{fig:keyhole}{{A.1}{34}} +\newlabel{eq:phase}{{A.11}{34}} +\bibcite{stegun}{1} +\bibcite{watson}{2} +\bibcite{keller}{3} +\bibcite{olver}{4} +\bibcite{mathphys}{5} +\bibcite{kalman}{6} 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coptic, serbian, turkish, welsh, esperanto, uppersorbian +, estonian, indonesian, interlingua, icelandic, kurmanji, slovenian, polish, po +rtuguese, spanish, galician, catalan, swedish, ukenglish, pinyin, loaded. +(./unmeethesis.cls +Document Class: unmeethesis 1995/10/31 UNM EECE dissertation class-mod 03/27/02 + +(/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/base/fleqn.clo +File: fleqn.clo 1998/08/17 v1.1c Standard LaTeX option (flush left equations) +\mathindent=\dimen102 +) (./unm12.clo +File: unm12.clo 1995/07/26 Standard UNM file (size option)-mod 09/17/01 +) +\@chosenpointsize=\skip41 +\@scaledpointsize=\skip42 +\@fancybox=\box26 +\do@VerbBox=\toks14 +\@temptextheight=\skip43 +\@temptextwidth=\skip44 +\@temptopmargin=\skip45 +\@tempheadheight=\skip46 +\@tempheadsep=\skip47 +\@tempfootskip=\skip48 +\c@part=\count79 +\c@chapter=\count80 +\c@section=\count81 +\c@subsection=\count82 +\c@subsubsection=\count83 +\c@paragraph=\count84 +\c@subparagraph=\count85 +\c@figure=\count86 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B +) [6 + + +] +(./krt-thesis_5-14c.toc [7 + + +]) +\tf@toc=\write4 +\openout4 = `krt-thesis_5-14c.toc'. + + [8] (./krt-thesis_5-14c.lof) +\tf@lof=\write5 +\openout5 = `krt-thesis_5-14c.lof'. + + [9 + +] +(./krt-thesis_5-14c.lot) +\tf@lot=\write6 +\openout6 = `krt-thesis_5-14c.lot'. + + [10 + +] [11 + +] +Chapter 1. +[1 + + +] +Chapter 2. +[2 + +] [3] [4] [5] +File: zerosofK.eps Graphic file (type eps) + <zerosofK.eps> [6] +Chapter 3. +[7 + +] +File: r-line_gr1.eps Graphic file (type eps) + <r-line_gr1.eps> +File: u-line_gr1.eps Graphic file (type eps) + <u-line_gr1.eps> [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] +Chapter 4. +[14 + +] [15] [16] [17] [18] +Chapter 5. +[19 + +] +Underfull \vbox (badness 2922) has occurred while \output is active [] + + [20] +Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active [] + + [21] +[22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] +Chapter 6. +[30 + +] +Appendix A. +[31 + +] [32] +File: keyhole.eps Graphic file (type eps) + <keyhole.eps> [33] + +Package amsmath Warning: Foreign command \atop; +(amsmath) \frac or \genfrac should be used instead +(amsmath) on input line 1075. + +[34] [35] [36 + +] (./krt-thesis_5-14c.aux) ) +Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: + 2706 strings out of 493849 + 35720 string characters out of 1152846 + 161220 words of memory out of 3000000 + 5924 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+50000 + 16677 words of font info for 64 fonts, out of 3000000 for 9000 + 714 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 + 27i,18n,24p,1017b,344s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,50000s + +Output written on krt-thesis_5-14c.dvi (46 pages, 121272 bytes). diff --git a/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.lot b/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.lot new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d84e73d --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.lot @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +\addvspace {10\p@ } +\addvspace {10\p@ } +\addvspace {10\p@ } +\addvspace {10\p@ } +\addvspace {10\p@ } +\contentsline {table}{\numberline {5.1}{\ignorespaces Roots of $K_{\ell +1/2}(z)$ for $\ell = 1, ..., 20$}}{22} +\addvspace {10\p@ } +\addvspace {10\p@ } diff --git a/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.pdf b/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d03d67e Binary files /dev/null and b/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.pdf differ diff --git a/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.ps b/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.ps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1882ca --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.ps @@ -0,0 +1,41390 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-2.0 +%%Creator: dvips(k) 5.98 Copyright 2009 Radical Eye Software +%%Title: krt-thesis_5-14c.dvi +%%CreationDate: Wed May 14 20:26:43 2014 +%%Pages: 46 +%%PageOrder: Ascend +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792 +%%DocumentFonts: CMBX12 CMR12 CMSY10 CMTI12 CMMI12 CMMI8 CMR8 MSBM10 +%%+ CMSY8 CMEX10 CMSL12 CMR6 Helvetica Times-Roman Times-Italic +%%+ Times-Roman-MISO Mathematica1 Times-Italic-MISO CMMI6 CMSY6 CMR17 +%%+ CMTT12 +%%DocumentPaperSizes: Letter +%%EndComments +%DVIPSWebPage: 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+B/h{1 M}B/i{2 M}B/j{3 M}B/k{4 M}B/w{0 rmoveto}B/l{p -4 w}B/m{p -3 w}B/n{ +p -2 w}B/o{p -1 w}B/q{p 1 w}B/r{p 2 w}B/s{p 3 w}B/t{p 4 w}B/x{0 S +rmoveto}B/y{3 2 roll p a}B/bos{/SS save N}B/eos{SS restore}B end + +%%EndProcSet +%%BeginProcSet: 8r.enc 0 0 +% File 8r.enc TeX Base 1 Encoding Revision 2.0 2002-10-30 +% +% @@psencodingfile@{ +% author = "S. Rahtz, P. MacKay, Alan Jeffrey, B. Horn, K. Berry, +% W. Schmidt, P. Lehman", +% version = "2.0", +% date = "27nov06", +% filename = "8r.enc", +% email = "tex-fonts@@tug.org", +% docstring = "This is the encoding vector for Type1 and TrueType +% fonts to be used with TeX. This file is part of the +% PSNFSS bundle, version 9" +% @} +% +% The idea is to have all the characters normally included in Type 1 fonts +% available for typesetting. This is effectively the characters in Adobe +% Standard encoding, ISO Latin 1, Windows ANSI including the euro symbol, +% MacRoman, and some extra characters from Lucida. +% +% Character code assignments were made as follows: +% +% (1) the Windows ANSI characters are almost all in their Windows ANSI +% positions, because some Windows users cannot easily reencode the +% fonts, and it makes no difference on other systems. The only Windows +% ANSI characters not available are those that make no sense for +% typesetting -- rubout (127 decimal), nobreakspace (160), softhyphen +% (173). quotesingle and grave are moved just because it's such an +% irritation not having them in TeX positions. +% +% (2) Remaining characters are assigned arbitrarily to the lower part +% of the range, avoiding 0, 10 and 13 in case we meet dumb software. +% +% (3) Y&Y Lucida Bright includes some extra text characters; in the +% hopes that other PostScript fonts, perhaps created for public +% consumption, will include them, they are included starting at 0x12. +% These are /dotlessj /ff /ffi /ffl. +% +% (4) hyphen appears twice for compatibility with both ASCII and Windows. +% +% (5) /Euro was assigned to 128, as in Windows ANSI +% +% (6) Missing characters from MacRoman encoding incorporated as follows: +% +% PostScript MacRoman TeXBase1 +% -------------- -------------- -------------- +% /notequal 173 0x16 +% /infinity 176 0x17 +% /lessequal 178 0x18 +% /greaterequal 179 0x19 +% /partialdiff 182 0x1A +% /summation 183 0x1B +% /product 184 0x1C +% /pi 185 0x1D +% /integral 186 0x81 +% /Omega 189 0x8D +% /radical 195 0x8E +% /approxequal 197 0x8F +% /Delta 198 0x9D +% /lozenge 215 0x9E +% +/TeXBase1Encoding [ +% 0x00 + /.notdef /dotaccent /fi /fl + /fraction /hungarumlaut /Lslash /lslash + /ogonek /ring /.notdef /breve + /minus /.notdef /Zcaron /zcaron +% 0x10 + /caron /dotlessi /dotlessj /ff + /ffi /ffl /notequal /infinity + /lessequal /greaterequal /partialdiff /summation + /product /pi /grave /quotesingle +% 0x20 + /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign + /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright + /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus + /comma /hyphen /period /slash +% 0x30 + /zero /one /two /three + /four /five /six /seven + /eight /nine /colon /semicolon + /less /equal /greater /question +% 0x40 + /at /A /B /C + /D /E /F /G + /H /I /J /K + /L /M /N /O +% 0x50 + /P /Q /R /S + /T /U /V /W + /X /Y /Z /bracketleft + /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore +% 0x60 + /quoteleft /a /b /c + /d /e /f /g + /h /i /j /k + /l /m /n /o +% 0x70 + /p /q /r /s + /t /u /v /w + /x /y /z /braceleft + /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef +% 0x80 + /Euro /integral /quotesinglbase /florin + /quotedblbase /ellipsis /dagger /daggerdbl + /circumflex /perthousand /Scaron /guilsinglleft + /OE /Omega /radical /approxequal +% 0x90 + /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblleft + /quotedblright /bullet /endash /emdash + /tilde /trademark /scaron /guilsinglright + /oe /Delta /lozenge /Ydieresis +% 0xA0 + /.notdef /exclamdown /cent /sterling + /currency /yen /brokenbar /section + /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft + /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron +% 0xB0 + /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior + /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered + /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright + /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown +% 0xC0 + /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde + /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla + /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis + /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis +% 0xD0 + /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute + /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply + /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex + /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls +% 0xE0 + /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde + /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla + /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis + /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis +% 0xF0 + /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute + /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide + /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex + /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis +] def + + +%%EndProcSet +%%BeginProcSet: texps.pro 0 0 +%! 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Jones +%Copyright: Copyright (c) 1997, 2009 American Mathematical Society +%Copyright: (<http://www.ams.org>), with Reserved Font Name CMTT12. +% This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. +% This license is in the accompanying file OFL.txt, and is also +% available with a FAQ at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL. +%%EndComments +FontDirectory/CMTT12 known{/CMTT12 findfont dup/UniqueID known{dup +/UniqueID get 5000833 eq exch/FontType get 1 eq and}{pop false}ifelse +{save true}{false}ifelse}{false}ifelse +11 dict begin +/FontType 1 def +/FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0 ]readonly def +/FontName /CMTT12 def +/FontBBox {-1 -234 524 695 }readonly def +/UniqueID 5000833 def +/PaintType 0 def +/FontInfo 9 dict dup begin +/version (003.002) readonly def +/Notice (Copyright \050c\051 1997, 2009 American Mathematical Society \050<http://www.ams.org>\051, with Reserved Font Name CMTT12.) readonly def +/FullName (CMTT12) readonly def +/FamilyName (Computer Modern) 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+(the)f(y)m(ears.)44 b(I)32 b(thank)h(m)m(y)f(family)-8 +b(,)0 2803 y(for)30 b(without)h(them)h(I)e(w)m(ould)i(not)e(exist.)45 +b(I)30 b(w)m(ould)i(also)f(lik)m(e)g(to)g(thank)g(those)g(who)g(b)s +(eliev)m(ed)i(in)e(me,)g(for)0 2923 y(their)d(moral)f(supp)s(ort;)j(as) +d(w)m(ell)i(as)e(those)h(who)g(doubted)g(me,)h(for)e(the)h(inspiration) +g(to)f(pro)m(v)m(e)h(otherwise.)0 3043 y(Some)33 b(of)f(this)h(w)m(ork) +h(w)m(as)f(supp)s(orted)h(b)m(y)f(NSF)g(gran)m(t)f(No.)44 +b(PHY)33 b(0855678.)p Black 1749 5645 a(v)p Black eop +end +%%Page: 6 5 +TeXDict begin 6 4 bop Black Black Black Black 331 320 +a Fw(On)64 b(Ro)5 b(ots)66 b(of)f(the)g(Macdonald)e(F)-16 +b(unction)1865 732 y Fv(b)m(y)1272 1027 y Fu(Ka)l(ylee)47 +b(Rob)t(ert)e(T)-11 b(ejeda)452 1372 y Ft(B.S.,)38 b(Pure)g +(Mathematics,)e(Univ)m(ersit)m(y)g(of)j(New)f(Mexico,)g(2003)581 +1617 y(M.S.,)g(Mathematics,)e(Univ)m(ersit)m(y)g(of)i(New)h(Mexico,)e +(2014)1659 2204 y Fu(Abstract)112 2557 y Fv(An)44 b(o)m(v)m(erview)i 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Black 184 w(8)p Black 146 2767 +a(A.1)124 b(Keyhole)34 b(con)m(tour)f(with)g(arcs)g(\000)28 +b(:)g Fs(j)p Fp(z)t Fs(j)f Fv(=)h Fp(R)34 b Fv(and)e +Fp(\015)h Fv(:)28 b Fs(j)p Fp(z)t Fs(j)g Fv(=)f Fp(\016)48 +b Fv(.)i(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)p +Black 135 w(34)p Black Black 1746 5645 a(ix)p Black eop +end +%%Page: 10 9 +TeXDict begin 10 8 bop Black Black 0 1287 a Fr(List)77 +b(of)g(T)-19 b(ables)146 1865 y Fv(5.1)148 b(Ro)s(ots)32 +b(of)h Fp(K)895 1880 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)1088 +1865 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))g(for)f Fp(`)c Fv(=)g(1)p +Fp(;)17 b(:::;)g Fv(20)64 b(.)50 b(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g +(.)g(.)g(.)f(.)h(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)g(.)p +Black 135 w(22)p Black Black 1759 5645 a(x)p Black eop +end +%%Page: 11 10 +TeXDict begin 11 9 bop Black Black 0 1287 a Fr(Glossary)p +Black 0 1835 a Fp( )63 1850 y Fo(`)p Black 621 1835 a +Fv(General)33 b(solution)g(to)f(the)h(radial)f(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)j +(equation)p Black 0 2093 a(\011)76 2108 y Fo(`)p Black +621 2093 a Fv(General)e(solution)g(de\014ned)h(to)e(remo)m(v)m(e)2152 +2025 y(1)p 2152 2070 49 4 v 2153 2161 a Fp(r)2243 2093 +y Fv(deca)m(y)p Black 10 2325 a Fk(b)0 2350 y Fv(\011)76 +2365 y Fo(`)p Black 621 2350 a Fv(Laplace)h(transform)f(of)h(the)g +(general)g(non-deca)m(ying)g(solution)g(ab)s(o)m(v)m(e)p +Black 0 2608 a(\012)70 2623 y Fo(`)p Black 621 2608 a +Fv(Radiation)f(b)s(oundary)h(k)m(ernel)h(for)e(the)h(radial)g(w)m(a)m +(v)m(e)h(equation)p Black 0 2866 a Fp(Y)57 2881 y Fo(`m)152 +2866 y Fv(\()p Fp(\022)s(;)17 b(\036)p Fv(\))p Black +243 w(Spherical)34 b(harmonics)p Black 0 3123 a Fp(I)43 +3138 y Fo(\027)86 3123 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\),)f Fp(K)354 +3138 y Fo(\027)398 3123 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))p Black +98 w(Mo)s(di\014ed)g(Bessel)i(functions)p Black 0 3381 +a Fp(p)49 3396 y Fo(`)82 3381 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))p +Black 414 w(Bessel)f(p)s(olynomial)p Black 0 3638 a Fp(b)41 +3653 y Fo(`n)p Black 621 3638 a Fv(Ro)s(ots)e(of)g(Bessel)i(p)s +(olynomial)p Black 0 3896 a Fs(W)8 b Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))p +Black 392 w(W)-8 b(ronskian)p Black 0 4153 a Fp(G)p Fv(\()p +Fp(r)m(;)17 b(\030)5 b Fv(;)17 b Fp(s)p Fv(\))p Black +245 w(Green's)33 b(function)p Black 1746 5645 a(xi)p +Black eop end +%%Page: 1 11 +TeXDict begin 1 10 bop Black Black 0 1254 a Fr(Chapter)78 +b(1)0 1810 y(In)-6 b(tro)6 b(duction)0 2429 y Fv(The)30 +b(o)m(v)m(erall)g(goal)f(of)f(this)i(thesis)h(is)e(to)g(explore)i(a)d +(set)i(of)f(iden)m(tities)i(that)e(arise)h(in)f(the)h(con)m(text)g(of)f +(out-)0 2604 y(going)f(w)m(a)m(v)m(es)j(and)d(the)h(half-in)m(teger)g +(order)f(mo)s(di\014ed)h(Bessel)i(equation.)42 b(W)-8 +b(e)29 b(deriv)m(e)h(iden)m(tities)h(for)d(the)0 2779 +y(ro)s(ots)e(of)g(the)i(Macdonald)f(function,)h(a)f(solution)g(to)f +(the)h(mo)s(di\014ed)h(Bessel)g(equation.)43 b(These)28 +b(iden)m(tities)0 2953 y(pro)m(v)m(e)i(to)f(b)s(e)g(Newton's)h(iden)m +(tities)h(whic)m(h)f(relate)g(a)e(p)s(olynomial's)i(co)s(e\016cien)m +(ts)h(to)e(the)g(p)s(o)m(w)m(er)h(sums)g(of)0 3128 y(its)37 +b(ro)s(ots.)55 b(Our)36 b(deriv)-5 b(ation)37 b(of)f(these)i(iden)m +(tities)g(exploits)g(the)f(concept)h(of)e(nonre\015ecting)i(b)s +(oundary)0 3302 y(conditions)44 b(for)e(the)i(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)g(equation) +g(in)f(the)g(presence)i(of)e(a)f(spherical)j(\\computational")e +(domain.)0 3477 y(These)37 b(iden)m(tities)g(are)e(then)g(v)m +(eri\014ed)i(n)m(umerically)g(using)f Fj(Mathematica)g +Fv(up)g(to)e(a)h(sp)s(eci\014ed)i(order.)0 3651 y(The)32 +b(actual)f(co)s(de)g(used,)i(along)d(with)i(the)f(tables)h(of)e(ro)s +(ots)h(generated)h(and)f(n)m(umerical)h(v)m(eri\014cation)g(of)0 +3826 y(the)37 b(iden)m(tit)m(y)h(for)e(eac)m(h)i(ro)s(ot)d(set)i(are)g +(presen)m(ted)h(in)f(the)g(\014nal)g(c)m(hapter.)56 b(Argumen)m(ts)38 +b([2])e(b)m(y)i(W)-8 b(atson)0 4000 y(concerning)31 b(the)f(lo)s +(cation)g(of)f(the)h(ro)s(ots)g(of)f(Macdonald's)i(function)f(are)g +(presen)m(ted)i(in)e(the)g(App)s(endix.)146 4246 y(Both)37 +b(subscript)h(st)m(yle)h(notation)d Fp(@)1493 4261 y +Fo(r)1568 4246 y Fv(and)h(ratio)f(notation)2420 4207 +y Fo(@)p 2403 4223 75 4 v 2403 4280 a(@)t(r)2525 4246 +y Fv(are)h(used)g(in)m(terc)m(hangeably)i(in)e(this)0 +4420 y(pap)s(er)32 b(to)g(represen)m(t)i(the)e(partial)g(deriv)-5 +b(ativ)m(e)33 b(with)g(resp)s(ect)g(to)e(the)i(radial)e(v)-5 +b(ariable)33 b Fp(r)h Fv(\(for)d(example\),)0 4595 y(with)e(the)g(c)m +(hoice)i(of)d(notation)g(based)i(on)e(readabilit)m(y)i(and)f(t)m(yp)s +(esetting.)44 b(Sometimes)30 b(w)m(e)g(also)f(use,)h(for)0 +4770 y(example,)k(the)f(notation)f(\011)1043 4785 y Fo(tt)1126 +4770 y Fv(=)c Fp(@)1286 4733 y Fn(2)1281 4794 y Fo(t)1326 +4770 y Fv(\011)k(to)h(denote)g(deriv)-5 b(ativ)m(es.)p +Black 1761 5645 a(1)p Black eop end +%%Page: 2 12 +TeXDict begin 2 11 bop Black Black 0 1254 a Fr(Chapter)78 +b(2)0 1810 y(Radiation)g(b)6 b(oundary)78 b(conditions)f(and)0 +2172 y(the)h(radial)e(w)-6 b(a)g(v)g(e)76 b(equation)0 +2881 y Fh(2.1)161 b(Ov)l(erview)0 3227 y Fv(In)33 b(mathematical)h(ph)m +(ysics,)h(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)g(phenomena)f(are)f(t)m(ypically)h(mo)s(delled) +g(b)m(y)g(h)m(yp)s(erb)s(olic)g(partial)e(dif-)0 3402 +y(feren)m(tial)38 b(equations)g(on)f(an)g(un)m(b)s(ounded)h(domain.)57 +b(Examples)39 b(include)f(acoustic,)h(electromagnetic,)0 +3576 y(elastic,)45 b(and)c(gra)m(vitational)g(phenomena.)71 +b(In)42 b(n)m(umerical)h(situations,)h(this)e(un)m(b)s(ounded)h(domain) +e(is)0 3751 y(usually)29 b(truncated)g(to)e(pro)s(duce)i(a)e +(computational)h(domain,)i(with)e(\\arti\014cial")g(b)s(oundary)g +(conditions)0 3925 y(\(BCs\))i(placed)g(at)f(the)h(domain's)g(b)s +(oundary)-8 b(,)30 b(an)f(arti\014cial)h(b)s(oundary)-8 +b(.)43 b(One)29 b(approac)m(h)h(for)f(pro)s(ducing)0 +4100 y(BCs)36 b(whic)m(h)g(ac)m(hiev)m(e)g(exact)g(domain)f(reduction)g +(\(i.e.)50 b(the)35 b(solution)g(on)g(the)g(computational)g(domain)0 +4274 y(agrees)i(with)h(the)f(restriction)h(thereon)g(of)e(the)h +(solution)h(on)e(the)i(un)m(b)s(ounded)g(domain\))f(in)m(v)m(olv)m(es)j +(the)0 4449 y(Diric)m(hlet-to-Neumann)33 b(\(DtN\))f(map)h([3].)146 +4694 y(Consider)h(the)f(case)h(of)e(the)h(ordinary)g(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)h +(equation)g(on)e Fm(R)2444 4658 y Fn(3)2483 4694 y Fv(,)244 +4975 y(\001)p Fp( )26 b Fs(\000)540 4907 y Fv(1)p 524 +4952 82 4 v 524 5043 a Fp(c)566 5014 y Fn(2)625 4907 +y Fp(@)681 4871 y Fn(2)722 4907 y Fp( )p 625 4952 164 +4 v 641 5043 a(@)5 b(t)732 5014 y Fn(2)826 4975 y Fv(=)28 +b(0)p Fp(:)2693 b Fv(\(2.1\))0 5255 y(The)38 b(initial)e(v)-5 +b(alue)38 b(problem)f(for)f(the)h(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)i(equation)e(can)g(b)s +(e)g(solv)m(ed)h(using)f(spherical)h(co)s(ordinates,)p +Black 1761 5645 a(2)p Black eop end +%%Page: 3 13 +TeXDict begin 3 12 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(2.)76 +b(Radiation)32 b(b)s(oundary)h(conditions)h(and)f(the)g(radial)f(w)m(a) +m(v)m(e)i(equation)p Black 0 440 a Fv(c)m(hosen)d(for)e(symmetry)j +(considerations.)44 b(W)-8 b(e)29 b(will)i(also)e(assume)i(unit)f(sp)s +(eed)g Fp(c)e Fv(=)g(1)h(in)g(the)h(rest)g(of)f(this)0 +615 y(pap)s(er)k(for)f(simplicit)m(y)-8 b(.)146 860 y(Let)28 +b Fp(D)j Fv(=)531 749 y Fk(n)598 860 y Fp(x)653 745 y +Fk(\014)653 805 y(\014)653 865 y(\014)686 860 y Fs(j)p +Fp(x)p Fs(j)d(\024)g Fp(r)974 875 y Fo(B)1035 749 y Fk(o)1129 +860 y Fv(con)m(tain)g(the)g(supp)s(ort)h(of)e(the)h(initial)g(data.)42 +b(Then)29 b(BCs)f(are)g(constructed)0 1035 y(on)38 b(the)h(b)s(oundary) +f Fp(@)5 b(D)42 b Fv(with)d(the)f(purp)s(ose)h(of)f(appro)m(ximating)h +(the)g(exact)g(solution)f(for)g(the)h(whole-)0 1209 y(space)32 +b(problem)g(restricted)g(to)f Fp(D)s Fv(.)42 b(W)-8 b(e)31 +b(w)m(an)m(t)h(BCs)g(whic)m(h)g(are)f(transparen)m(t)h(\(i.e.)43 +b(nonre\015ecting\).)i(An)0 1384 y(otherwise)39 b(appro)m(ximate)g(BC)f +(whic)m(h)i(do)s(es)e(not)f(b)s(eha)m(v)m(e)j(in)e(this)g(manner)g +(will)h(generate)f(a)g(spurious)0 1558 y(re\015ection,)26 +b(leading)e(to)e(n)m(umerical)j(error)e(in)g(the)h(computational)f +(domain)h Fp(D)s Fv(.)40 b(Suc)m(h)24 b(BC's)g(are)f(sp)s(eci\014ed)0 +1733 y(in)33 b(the)g(next)g(c)m(hapter.)45 b(Here)33 +b(w)m(e)h(la)m(y)f(some)g(groundw)m(ork)h(for)e(their)h(form)m +(ulation.)0 2220 y Fh(2.2)161 b(The)53 b(radial)h(w)l(a)l(v)l(e)e +(equation)0 2564 y Fv(In)33 b(spherical)h(co)s(ordinates)f(the)g +(Laplace)g(op)s(erator)f(has)h(the)g(form)244 2839 y(\001)p +Fp( )f Fv(=)552 2772 y(1)p 533 2816 87 4 v 533 2908 a +Fp(r)580 2879 y Fn(2)663 2772 y Fp(@)p 639 2816 104 4 +v 639 2908 a(@)5 b(r)753 2839 y(r)800 2798 y Fn(2)872 +2772 y Fp(@)p 849 2816 V 849 2908 a(@)g(r)963 2839 y( )26 +b Fv(+)1178 2772 y(1)p 1160 2816 87 4 v 1160 2908 a Fp(r)1207 +2879 y Fn(2)1256 2839 y Fv(\001)1337 2856 y Fo(S)1384 +2837 y Fg(2)1422 2839 y Fp( )t(;)212 b Fv(\001)1809 2856 +y Fo(S)1856 2837 y Fg(2)1923 2839 y Fv(=)2104 2772 y(1)p +2036 2816 185 4 v 2036 2908 a(sin)17 b Fp(\022)2265 2772 +y(@)p 2240 2816 106 4 v 2240 2908 a(@)5 b(\022)2372 2839 +y Fv(sin)18 b Fp(\022)2591 2772 y(@)p 2567 2816 V 2567 +2908 a(@)5 b(\022)2704 2839 y Fv(+)2899 2772 y(1)p 2812 +2816 224 4 v 2812 2911 a(sin)2932 2871 y Fn(2)2988 2911 +y Fp(\022)3085 2772 y(@)3141 2736 y Fn(2)p 3056 2816 +155 4 v 3056 2908 a Fp(@)g(\036)3170 2879 y Fn(2)3220 +2839 y Fp(;)452 b Fv(\(2.2\))0 3114 y(where)34 b(\001)363 +3131 y Fo(S)410 3112 y Fg(2)481 3114 y Fv(is)f(the)g(Laplace)g(op)s +(erator)f(on)h(the)g(unit)f(sphere.)146 3360 y(The)54 +b(general)e(solution)h(to)f(\(2.1\))g(can)g(then)h(b)s(e)g(expanded)h +(in)e(terms)i(of)d(the)i(eigenfunctions)0 3534 y Fp(Y)57 +3549 y Fo(`m)152 3534 y Fv(\()p Fp(\022)s(;)17 b(\036)p +Fv(\))32 b(of)g(\001)602 3551 y Fo(S)649 3532 y Fg(2)688 +3534 y Fv(:)244 3849 y Fp( )g Fv(=)479 3724 y Fl(1)442 +3754 y Fk(X)455 3966 y Fo(`)p Fn(=0)689 3724 y Fo(`)631 +3754 y Fk(X)603 3966 y Fo(m)p Fn(=)p Fl(\000)p Fo(`)820 +3849 y Fp( )883 3864 y Fo(`m)979 3849 y Fv(\()p Fp(t;)17 +b(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(Y)1238 3864 y Fo(`m)1333 3849 y Fv(\()p +Fp(\022)s(;)g(\036)p Fv(\))27 b(=)1726 3724 y Fl(1)1689 +3754 y Fk(X)1702 3966 y Fo(`)p Fn(=0)1936 3724 y Fo(`)1878 +3754 y Fk(X)1850 3966 y Fo(m)p Fn(=)p Fl(\000)p Fo(`)2077 +3781 y Fv(\011)2153 3796 y Fo(`m)2249 3781 y Fv(\()p +Fp(t;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))p 2077 3826 373 4 v 2240 3917 a +Fp(r)2460 3849 y(Y)2517 3864 y Fo(`m)2612 3849 y Fv(\()p +Fp(\022)s(;)g(\036)p Fv(\))p Fp(:)834 b Fv(\(2.3\))0 +4166 y(Here)33 b(the)g Fp(Y)455 4181 y Fo(`m)550 4166 +y Fv(\()p Fp(\022)s(;)17 b(\036)p Fv(\))32 b(are)h(the)g(standard)g +(spherical)h(harmonics)f(whic)m(h)i(ob)s(ey)244 4441 +y(\001)325 4458 y Fo(S)372 4439 y Fg(2)411 4441 y Fp(Y)468 +4456 y Fo(`m)563 4441 y Fv(\()p Fp(\022)s(;)17 b(\036)p +Fv(\))27 b(=)g Fs(\000)p Fp(`)p Fv(\()p Fp(`)c Fv(+)f(1\))p +Fp(Y)1381 4456 y Fo(`m)1475 4441 y Fv(\()p Fp(\022)s(;)17 +b(\036)p Fv(\))p Fp(:)1971 b Fv(\(2.4\))146 4787 y(Plugging)34 +b(\(2.3\))e(in)m(to)h(the)g(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)h(equation)f(\(2.1\))f(w)m(e) +h(\014nd,)g(using)g(orthogonalit)m(y)-8 b(,)33 b(that)f(the)h(m)m +(ulti-)0 4962 y(p)s(ole)g(co)s(e\016cien)m(ts)h Fp( )765 +4977 y Fo(`m)894 4962 y Fv(and)e(\011)1159 4977 y Fo(`m)1287 +4962 y Fv(satisfy)244 5237 y Fs(\000)331 5169 y Fp(@)387 +5133 y Fn(2)428 5169 y Fp( )491 5184 y Fo(`)p 331 5214 +193 4 v 362 5305 a Fp(@)5 b(t)453 5276 y Fn(2)556 5237 +y Fv(+)664 5169 y Fp(@)720 5133 y Fn(2)760 5169 y Fp( )823 +5184 y Fo(`)p 664 5214 V 689 5305 a Fp(@)g(r)792 5276 +y Fn(2)889 5237 y Fv(+)997 5169 y(2)p 997 5214 49 4 v +998 5305 a Fp(r)1066 5169 y(@)g( )1185 5184 y Fo(`)p +1066 5214 154 4 v 1091 5305 a Fp(@)g(r)1251 5237 y Fs(\000)1361 +5169 y Fp(`)p Fv(\()p Fp(`)22 b Fv(+)g(1\))p 1361 5214 +327 4 v 1481 5305 a Fp(r)1528 5276 y Fn(2)1697 5237 y +Fp( )1760 5252 y Fo(`)1821 5237 y Fv(=)28 b(0)p Fp(;)1698 +b Fv(\(2.5\))p Black 1761 5645 a(3)p Black eop end +%%Page: 4 14 +TeXDict begin 4 13 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(2.)76 +b(Radiation)32 b(b)s(oundary)h(conditions)h(and)f(the)g(radial)f(w)m(a) +m(v)m(e)i(equation)p Black 0 440 a Fv(and)244 718 y Fs(\000)331 +651 y Fp(@)387 615 y Fn(2)428 651 y Fv(\011)504 666 y +Fo(`)p 331 695 206 4 v 368 787 a Fp(@)5 b(t)459 758 y +Fn(2)569 718 y Fv(+)677 651 y Fp(@)733 615 y Fn(2)773 +651 y Fv(\011)849 666 y Fo(`)p 677 695 V 708 787 a Fp(@)g(r)811 +758 y Fn(2)914 718 y Fs(\000)1023 651 y Fp(`)p Fv(\()p +Fp(`)22 b Fv(+)g(1\))p 1023 695 327 4 v 1144 787 a Fp(r)1191 +758 y Fn(2)1360 718 y Fv(\011)1436 733 y Fo(`)1497 718 +y Fv(=)27 b(0)p Fp(;)2023 b Fv(\(2.6\))0 997 y(where)38 +b(no)m(w)g(w)m(e)h(suppress)g(the)f Fp(m)f Fv(indices.)59 +b(Note)38 b(that)e(\(2.6\))h(is)h(similar)g(to)f(the)g(simple)i(1)25 +b(+)g(1)37 b(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)0 1171 y(equation)c Fs(\000)p +Fp(@)531 1135 y Fn(2)526 1196 y Fo(t)572 1171 y Fv(\011)22 +b(+)g Fp(@)824 1135 y Fn(2)819 1196 y Fo(r)865 1171 y +Fv(\011)27 b(=)h(0)k(except)i(for)e(the)h(p)s(oten)m(tial)g(term)g +Fp(V)49 b Fv(=)28 b Fp(`)p Fv(\()p Fp(`)22 b Fv(+)g(1\))p +Fp(=r)3054 1135 y Fn(2)3092 1171 y Fv(.)146 1417 y(The)30 +b(1)15 b(+)g(1)29 b(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)i(equation)f(has)g(solutions)g +Fp(g)t Fv(\()p Fp(t)15 b Fv(+)g Fp(r)s Fv(\),)29 b Fp(f)11 +b Fv(\()p Fp(t)k Fs(\000)g Fp(r)s Fv(\))30 b(for)f(general)g(pro\014le) +h(functions)g Fp(g)t Fv(\()p Fp(v)t Fv(\),)0 1591 y Fp(f)11 +b Fv(\()p Fp(u)p Fv(\).)43 b(In)32 b(fact,)h(for)f(the)h(radial)f(w)m +(a)m(v)m(e)j(equation)e(\(2.6\),)244 1909 y(\011)320 +1924 y Fo(`)353 1909 y Fv(\()p Fp(t;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))27 +b(=)743 1784 y Fo(`)685 1814 y Fk(X)693 2026 y Fo(k)r +Fn(=0)876 1841 y Fv(1)p 856 1886 90 4 v 856 1977 a Fp(r)903 +1948 y Fo(k)955 1909 y Fp(c)997 1924 y Fo(`k)1069 1909 +y Fp(f)1128 1868 y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fn(\))1309 +1909 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)22 b Fs(\000)h Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(;)211 +b(c)1869 1924 y Fo(`k)1968 1909 y Fv(=)2144 1841 y(1)p +2082 1886 173 4 v 2082 1977 a(2)2131 1948 y Fo(k)2173 +1977 y Fp(k)s Fv(!)2275 1841 y(\()p Fp(`)22 b Fv(+)g +Fp(k)s Fv(\)!)p 2274 1886 320 4 v 2274 1977 a(\()p Fp(`)g +Fs(\000)h Fp(k)s Fv(\)!)2604 1909 y Fp(;)1068 b Fv(\(2.7\))0 +2223 y(is)39 b(the)g(analog)f(of)h(the)g(outgoing)f(solution)h +Fp(f)11 b Fv(\()p Fp(t)26 b Fs(\000)h Fp(r)s Fv(\))38 +b(to)h(the)g(1)26 b(+)g(1)39 b(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)h(equation,)h(whic)m(h)g +(w)m(e)e(no)m(w)0 2398 y(form)m(ulate)33 b(as)g(a)f(lemma)h(with)h(pro) +s(of.)p Black 0 2661 a Fj(Lemma)54 b(2.2.1.)p Black 48 +w Fq(Given)47 b(a)f(su\016ciently)h(smo)-5 b(oth)46 b(pr)-5 +b(o\014le)46 b(function)g Fp(f)11 b Fv(\()p Fp(u)p Fv(\))p +Fq(,)49 b(the\\multip)-5 b(ole")46 b Fv(\011)3666 2676 +y Fo(`)3699 2661 y Fv(\()p Fp(t;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))0 2835 +y Fq(given)34 b(in)42 b Fv(\(2.7\))34 b Fq(is)h(a)g(solution)f(to)h +(the)g(r)-5 b(adial)35 b(wave)f(e)-5 b(quation)42 b Fv(\(2.6\))o +Fq(.)p Black 0 3167 a(Pr)-5 b(o)g(of.)p Black 48 w Fv(T)d(o)37 +b(pro)m(v)m(e)h(the)f(lemma,)h(note)f(that)f Fp(f)11 +b Fv(\()p Fp(t)25 b Fs(\000)g Fp(r)s Fv(\))37 b(is)g(clearly)g(a)f +(solution)i(to)e(\(2.6\))g(for)g Fp(`)e Fv(=)g(0,)k(and)0 +3341 y(then)c(pro)s(ceed)f(b)m(y)h(induction)g(on)f Fp(`)p +Fv(.)45 b(First,)33 b(app)s(ealing)g(to)f(the)i(explicit)g(form)m(ula)f +(\(2.7\))g(for)f Fp(c)3524 3356 y Fo(`k)3596 3341 y Fv(,)h(it)g(can)0 +3516 y(b)s(e)g(established)h(that)244 3808 y(\011)320 +3823 y Fo(`)380 3808 y Fv(=)28 b Fs(\000)561 3698 y Fk(\020)654 +3741 y Fp(@)p 631 3785 104 4 v 631 3877 a(@)5 b(r)767 +3808 y Fs(\000)879 3741 y Fp(`)p 876 3785 47 4 v 876 +3877 a(r)933 3698 y Fk(\021)992 3808 y Fv(\011)1068 3823 +y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fn(1)1191 3808 y Fp(;)212 b Fv(\011)1506 +3823 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fn(1)1629 3808 y Fv(\()p Fp(t;)17 +b(r)s Fv(\))27 b(=)1974 3684 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fn(1)1962 +3714 y Fk(X)1969 3926 y Fo(k)r Fn(=0)2153 3741 y Fv(1)p +2132 3785 90 4 v 2132 3877 a Fp(r)2179 3848 y Fo(k)2232 +3808 y Fp(c)2274 3823 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fn(1)p Fo(;k)2455 +3808 y Fp(f)2514 3767 y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fn(1)p +Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fn(\))2785 3808 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)22 b +Fs(\000)h Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(:)607 b Fv(\(2.8\))0 4123 +y(Next,)34 b(assume)g(that)e(\011)890 4138 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p +Fn(1)1046 4123 y Fv(in)g(\(2.8\))g(ob)s(eys)i(\(2.7\))e(with)h +Fp(`)g Fv(replaced)g(b)m(y)h Fp(`)22 b Fs(\000)h Fv(1)32 +b(in)h(the)g(p)s(oten)m(tial:)244 4401 y Fs(\000)331 +4334 y Fp(@)387 4297 y Fn(2)428 4334 y Fv(\011)504 4349 +y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fn(1)p 331 4378 296 4 v 413 4469 a +Fp(@)5 b(t)504 4440 y Fn(2)659 4401 y Fv(+)767 4334 y +Fp(@)823 4297 y Fn(2)863 4334 y Fv(\011)939 4349 y Fo(`)p +Fl(\000)p Fn(1)p 767 4378 V 843 4469 a Fp(@)g(r)946 4440 +y Fn(2)1094 4401 y Fs(\000)1204 4334 y Fp(`)p Fv(\()p +Fp(`)22 b Fs(\000)g Fv(1\))p 1204 4378 329 4 v 1325 4469 +a Fp(r)1372 4440 y Fn(2)1542 4401 y Fv(\011)1618 4416 +y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fn(1)1769 4401 y Fv(=)27 b(0)p Fp(:)1751 +b Fv(\(2.9\))0 4679 y(Finally)-8 b(,)33 b(apply)g(the)g(raising)g(op)s +(erator)f Fp(D)1579 4638 y Fn(+)1576 4707 y Fo(`)1665 +4679 y Fv(=)c Fs(\000)p Fp(@)1897 4694 y Fo(r)1958 4679 +y Fv(+)22 b Fp(`=r)35 b Fv(to)d(the)h(last)g(equation,)g(thereb)m(y)i +(\014nding)244 4958 y Fs(\000)p Fv(\()p Fp(D)443 4916 +y Fn(+)440 4985 y Fo(`)502 4958 y Fv(\011)578 4973 y +Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fn(1)701 4958 y Fv(\))739 4973 y Fo(tt)816 +4958 y Fv(+)22 b(\()p Fp(D)1036 4916 y Fn(+)1033 4985 +y Fo(`)1095 4958 y Fv(\011)1171 4973 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p +Fn(1)1294 4958 y Fv(\))1332 4973 y Fo(r)r(r)1426 4958 +y Fs(\000)1535 4890 y Fp(`)p Fv(\()p Fp(`)g Fv(+)g(1\))p +1535 4935 327 4 v 1656 5026 a Fp(r)1703 4997 y Fn(2)1872 +4958 y Fp(D)1956 4916 y Fn(+)1953 4985 y Fo(`)2015 4958 +y Fv(\011)2091 4973 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fn(1)2241 4958 +y Fv(=)28 b(0)p Fp(:)1230 b Fv(\(2.10\))0 5236 y(These)34 +b(steps)g(pro)m(v)m(e)g(the)f(lemma.)p 3829 5236 4 66 +v 3833 5173 59 4 v 3833 5236 V 3891 5236 4 66 v Black +1761 5645 a(4)p Black eop end +%%Page: 5 15 +TeXDict begin 5 14 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(2.)76 +b(Radiation)32 b(b)s(oundary)h(conditions)h(and)f(the)g(radial)f(w)m(a) +m(v)m(e)i(equation)p Black 0 440 a Fh(2.3)161 b(Macdonald)53 +b(function)f(as)i(an)g(outgoing)d(solution)0 784 y Fv(The)27 +b(Macdonald)g(function)f(\(see)h(p.)42 b(374)25 b(in)h([1],)h(also)f +([2]\))g Fp(K)2251 799 y Fo(\027)2294 784 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t +Fv(\))h(is)f(a)g(solution)g(to)g(the)g(mo)s(di\014ed)h(Bessel)0 +959 y(equation)244 1220 y Fp(z)293 1179 y Fn(2)333 1220 +y Fp(w)406 1179 y Fl(00)470 1220 y Fv(+)22 b Fp(z)t(w)690 +1179 y Fl(0)736 1220 y Fs(\000)g Fv(\()p Fp(z)922 1179 +y Fn(2)985 1220 y Fv(+)g Fp(\027)1137 1179 y Fn(2)1176 +1220 y Fv(\))p Fp(w)31 b Fv(=)c(0)p Fp(;)2157 b Fv(\(2.11\))0 +1481 y(and)42 b(it)h(pla)m(ys)g(a)f(prominen)m(t)i(role)e(in)h(the)g +(represen)m(tation)h(of)e(outgoing)g(solutions)h(to)f(the)h(ordinary)0 +1655 y(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)d(equation.)59 b(As)38 b(an)g(example,)i(\011)1476 +1670 y Fo(`;s)1562 1655 y Fv(\()p Fp(t;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))35 +b(=)i Fp(e)1957 1619 y Fo(st)2019 1655 y Fp(r)2066 1619 +y Fn(1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)2176 1655 y Fp(K)2259 1671 y Fo(`)p +Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)2452 1655 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)s Fv(\))h(ob)s(eys)g +(\(2.6\))f(and)h(this)g(solution)0 1830 y(is)c(the)g(one)g(in)f +(\(2.7\))g(with)h Fp(f)11 b Fv(\()p Fp(t)23 b Fs(\000)g +Fp(r)s Fv(\))29 b(=)g Fp(e)1538 1794 y Fo(s)p Fn(\()p +Fo(t)p Fl(\000)p Fo(r)r Fn(\))1777 1830 y Fv(for)k(the)h(underlying)h +(pro\014le)f(function.)47 b(Of)33 b(course)h(this)0 2005 +y(do)s(es)f(not)f(ha)m(v)m(e)i(compact)g(supp)s(ort)e(and)h(is)g(not)g +(used)g(in)g(the)g(follo)m(wing.)146 2250 y(F)-8 b(or)32 +b(half-in)m(teger)h(order,)g(w)m(e)g(ha)m(v)m(e)h([1])244 +2550 y Fp(K)327 2566 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)521 +2550 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))28 b(=)777 2405 y Fk(r)p +877 2405 119 4 v 907 2483 a Fp(\031)p 887 2528 99 4 v +887 2619 a Fv(2)p Fp(z)996 2550 y(e)1041 2509 y Fl(\000)p +Fo(z)1135 2550 y Fp(W)1227 2565 y Fo(`)1260 2550 y Fv(\()p +Fp(z)t Fv(\))p Fp(;)213 b(W)1717 2565 y Fo(`)1750 2550 +y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))28 b(=)2064 2426 y Fo(`)2007 2456 +y Fk(X)2014 2668 y Fo(k)r Fn(=0)2177 2483 y Fp(c)2219 +2498 y Fo(`k)p 2177 2528 114 4 v 2188 2619 a Fp(z)2237 +2590 y Fo(k)2301 2550 y Fp(;)212 b(c)2582 2565 y Fo(`k)2681 +2550 y Fv(=)2856 2483 y(1)p 2794 2528 173 4 v 2794 2619 +a(2)2843 2590 y Fo(k)2886 2619 y Fp(k)s Fv(!)2988 2483 +y(\()p Fp(`)22 b Fv(+)g Fp(k)s Fv(\)!)p 2987 2528 320 +4 v 2987 2619 a(\()p Fp(`)g Fs(\000)g Fp(k)s Fv(\)!)3316 +2550 y Fp(;)308 b Fv(\(2.12\))0 2848 y(and)33 b(the)g(\014rst)g(few)g +(Macdonald)g(functions)h(are)e(\(see)i(10.2.15-17)d(in)h([1]\))244 +3121 y(+)p Fp(K)403 3137 y Fn(3)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)513 3121 +y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))c(=)770 2975 y Fk(r)p 869 2975 +119 4 v 899 3054 a Fp(\031)p 879 3098 99 4 v 879 3190 +a Fv(2)p Fp(z)988 3121 y(e)1033 3080 y Fl(\000)p Fo(z)1144 +2981 y Fk(\022)1217 3121 y Fv(1)22 b(+)1397 3054 y(1)p +1396 3098 50 4 v 1396 3190 a Fp(z)1456 2981 y Fk(\023)270 +3403 y Fs(\005)p Fp(K)403 3418 y Fn(5)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)513 +3403 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))28 b(=)770 3257 y Fk(r)p +869 3257 119 4 v 899 3336 a Fp(\031)p 879 3380 99 4 v +879 3471 a Fv(2)p Fp(z)988 3403 y(e)1033 3362 y Fl(\000)p +Fo(z)1144 3262 y Fk(\022)1217 3403 y Fv(1)22 b(+)1397 +3336 y(3)p 1396 3380 50 4 v 1396 3471 a Fp(z)1478 3403 +y Fv(+)1606 3336 y(3)p 1586 3380 90 4 v 1586 3471 a Fp(z)1635 +3442 y Fn(2)1685 3262 y Fk(\023)270 3685 y Fs(\016)p +Fp(K)403 3700 y Fn(7)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)513 3685 y Fv(\()p +Fp(z)t Fv(\))28 b(=)770 3539 y Fk(r)p 869 3539 119 4 +v 899 3617 a Fp(\031)p 879 3662 99 4 v 879 3753 a Fv(2)p +Fp(z)988 3685 y(e)1033 3643 y Fl(\000)p Fo(z)1144 3544 +y Fk(\022)1217 3685 y Fv(1)22 b(+)1397 3617 y(6)p 1396 +3662 50 4 v 1396 3753 a Fp(z)1478 3685 y Fv(+)1586 3617 +y(15)p 1586 3662 98 4 v 1590 3753 a Fp(z)1639 3724 y +Fn(2)1716 3685 y Fv(+)1824 3617 y(15)p 1824 3662 V 1828 +3753 a Fp(z)1877 3724 y Fn(3)1931 3544 y Fk(\023)270 +3966 y Fs(\003)p Fp(K)403 3982 y Fn(9)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)513 +3966 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))28 b(=)770 3820 y Fk(r)p +869 3820 119 4 v 899 3899 a Fp(\031)p 879 3943 99 4 v +879 4035 a Fv(2)p Fp(z)988 3966 y(e)1033 3925 y Fl(\000)p +Fo(z)1144 3826 y Fk(\022)1217 3966 y Fv(1)22 b(+)1396 +3899 y(10)p 1396 3943 98 4 v 1420 4035 a Fp(z)1526 3966 +y Fv(+)1634 3899 y(45)p 1634 3943 V 1638 4035 a Fp(z)1687 +4006 y Fn(2)1764 3966 y Fv(+)1872 3899 y(105)p 1872 3943 +147 4 v 1900 4035 a Fp(z)1949 4006 y Fn(3)2050 3966 y +Fv(+)2158 3899 y(105)p 2158 3943 V 2187 4035 a Fp(z)2236 +4006 y Fn(4)2314 3826 y Fk(\023)2404 3966 y Fp(:)3651 +3539 y Fv(\(2.13\))0 4231 y(The)34 b Fp(K)284 4246 y +Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)477 4231 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t +Fv(\))f(can)g(also)g(b)s(e)g(expressed)i(as)244 4538 +y Fp(K)327 4554 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)521 4538 +y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))28 b(=)777 4392 y Fk(r)p 877 4392 +119 4 v 907 4471 a Fp(\031)p 887 4515 99 4 v 887 4607 +a Fv(2)p Fp(z)1005 4471 y(e)1050 4435 y Fl(\000)p Fo(z)p +1005 4515 140 4 v 1034 4607 a Fp(z)1083 4578 y Fo(`)1155 +4538 y Fp(p)1204 4553 y Fo(`)1237 4538 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t +Fv(\))p Fp(;)213 b(p)1651 4553 y Fo(`)1684 4538 y Fv(\()p +Fp(z)t Fv(\))28 b(=)1998 4414 y Fo(`)1940 4444 y Fk(X)1948 +4656 y Fo(k)r Fn(=0)2101 4538 y Fp(c)2143 4553 y Fo(`k)2214 +4538 y Fp(z)2263 4497 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)2391 4538 +y Fp(;)1233 b Fv(\(2.14\))0 4835 y(where)34 b(here)f(w)m(e)h(refer)f +(to)f(the)h(p)s(olynomial)g Fp(p)1702 4850 y Fo(`)1735 +4835 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))g(as)g(the)g Fq(Bessel)h(p)-5 +b(olynomial)p Fv(.)146 5081 y(Let)41 b(the)f(ro)s(ots)g(of)f +Fp(p)926 5096 y Fo(`)959 5081 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))i(b)s(e)f(denoted) +h(b)m(y)g Fs(f)p Fp(b)1875 5096 y Fo(`j)1982 5081 y Fv(:)f +Fp(j)47 b Fv(=)40 b(1)p Fp(;)17 b(:)g(:)g(:)f(;)h(`)p +Fs(g)p Fv(.)65 b(W)-8 b(atson)40 b([2])g(sho)m(ws)i(that)e(eac)m(h)0 +5255 y Fp(b)41 5270 y Fo(`j)140 5255 y Fv(lies)34 b(in)g(the)g +(left-half)f(plane)h(and)f(is)h(simple.)48 b(W)-8 b(atson's)34 +b(analysis)g(is)g(presen)m(ted)i(in)e(the)f(App)s(endix.)p +Black 1761 5645 a(5)p Black eop end +%%Page: 6 16 +TeXDict begin 6 15 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(2.)76 +b(Radiation)32 b(b)s(oundary)h(conditions)h(and)f(the)g(radial)f(w)m(a) +m(v)m(e)i(equation)p Black Black 0 2608 a @beginspecial +-38 @llx 175 @lly 651 @urx 616 @ury 4252 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: zerosofK.eps +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Creator: MATLAB, 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Version (R2007a). 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+/PA {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate 0 0 moveto scale + 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc closepath tMatrix setmatrix fill} bdef +/FAn {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate scale + 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arcn tMatrix setmatrix stroke} bdef +/PAn {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate 0 0 moveto scale + 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arcn closepath tMatrix setmatrix fill} bdef +/vradius 0 def /hradius 0 def /lry 0 def +/lrx 0 def /uly 0 def /ulx 0 def /rad 0 def +/MRR {/vradius xdef /hradius xdef /lry xdef /lrx xdef /uly xdef + /ulx xdef newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop ulx hradius add uly + vradius add translate hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 180 270 arc + tMatrix setmatrix lrx hradius sub uly vradius add translate + hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 270 360 arc tMatrix setmatrix + lrx hradius sub lry vradius sub translate hradius vradius scale + 0 0 1 0 90 arc tMatrix setmatrix ulx hradius add lry vradius sub + translate hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 90 180 arc tMatrix setmatrix + closepath} bdef +/FRR {MRR stroke } bdef +/PRR {MRR fill } bdef +/MlrRR {/lry xdef /lrx xdef /uly xdef /ulx xdef /rad lry uly sub 2 div def + newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop ulx rad add uly rad add translate + rad rad scale 0 0 1 90 270 arc tMatrix setmatrix lrx rad sub lry rad + sub translate rad rad scale 0 0 1 270 90 arc tMatrix setmatrix + closepath} bdef +/FlrRR {MlrRR stroke } bdef +/PlrRR {MlrRR fill } bdef +/MtbRR {/lry xdef /lrx xdef /uly xdef /ulx xdef /rad lrx ulx sub 2 div def + newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop ulx rad add uly rad add translate + rad rad scale 0 0 1 180 360 arc tMatrix setmatrix lrx rad sub lry rad + sub translate rad rad scale 0 0 1 0 180 arc tMatrix setmatrix + closepath} bdef +/FtbRR {MtbRR stroke } bdef +/PtbRR {MtbRR fill } bdef +/stri 6 array def /dtri 6 array def +/smat 6 array def /dmat 6 array def +/tmat1 6 array def /tmat2 6 array def /dif 3 array def +/asub {/ind2 exch def /ind1 exch def dup dup + ind1 get exch ind2 get sub exch } bdef +/tri_to_matrix { + 2 0 asub 3 1 asub 4 0 asub 5 1 asub + dup 0 get exch 1 get 7 -1 roll astore } bdef +/compute_transform { + dmat dtri tri_to_matrix tmat1 invertmatrix + smat stri tri_to_matrix tmat2 concatmatrix } bdef +/ds {stri astore pop} bdef +/dt {dtri astore pop} bdef +/db {2 copy /cols xdef /rows xdef mul dup 3 mul string + currentfile + 3 index 0 eq {/ASCIIHexDecode filter} + {/ASCII85Decode filter 3 index 2 eq {/RunLengthDecode filter} if } + ifelse exch readstring pop + dup 0 3 index getinterval /rbmap xdef + dup 2 index dup getinterval /gbmap xdef + 1 index dup 2 mul exch getinterval /bbmap xdef pop pop}bdef +/it {gs np dtri aload pop moveto lineto lineto cp c + cols rows 8 compute_transform + rbmap gbmap bbmap true 3 colorimage gr}bdef +/il {newpath moveto lineto stroke}bdef +currentdict end def +%%EndProlog + +%%BeginSetup +MathWorks begin + +0 cap + +end +%%EndSetup +%%BeginDocument: CMR10 +%!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMR10 1.00B +%%CreationDate: 1992 Feb 19 19:54:52 + +% Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. + +11 dict begin +/FontInfo 7 dict dup begin +/version (1.00B) readonly def +/Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def +/FullName (CMR10) readonly def +/FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def +/Weight (Medium) readonly def +/ItalicAngle 0 def +/isFixedPitch false def +end readonly def +/FontName /CMR10 def +/PaintType 0 def +/FontType 1 def +/FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def +/Encoding 256 array +0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for +dup 161 /Gamma put +dup 162 /Delta put +dup 163 /Theta put +dup 164 /Lambda put +dup 165 /Xi put +dup 166 /Pi put +dup 167 /Sigma put +dup 168 /Upsilon put +dup 169 /Phi put +dup 170 /Psi put +dup 173 /Omega put +dup 174 /ff put +dup 175 /fi put +dup 176 /fl put +dup 177 /ffi put +dup 178 /ffl put +dup 179 /dotlessi put +dup 180 /dotlessj put +dup 181 /grave put +dup 182 /acute put +dup 183 /caron put +dup 184 /breve put +dup 185 /macron put +dup 186 /ring put +dup 187 /cedilla put +dup 188 /germandbls put +dup 189 /ae put +dup 190 /oe put +dup 191 /oslash put +dup 192 /AE put +dup 193 /OE put +dup 194 /Oslash put +dup 195 /suppress put +dup 196 /dieresis put +dup 0 /Gamma put +dup 1 /Delta put +dup 2 /Theta put +dup 3 /Lambda put +dup 4 /Xi put +dup 5 /Pi put +dup 6 /Sigma put +dup 7 /Upsilon put +dup 8 /Phi put +dup 9 /Psi put +dup 10 /Omega put +dup 11 /ff put +dup 12 /fi put +dup 13 /fl put +dup 14 /ffi put +dup 15 /ffl put +dup 16 /dotlessi put +dup 17 /dotlessj put +dup 18 /grave put +dup 19 /acute put +dup 20 /caron put +dup 21 /breve put +dup 22 /macron put +dup 23 /ring put +dup 24 /cedilla put +dup 25 /germandbls put +dup 26 /ae put +dup 27 /oe put +dup 28 /oslash put +dup 29 /AE put +dup 30 /OE put +dup 31 /Oslash put +dup 32 /suppress put +dup 33 /exclam put +dup 34 /quotedblright put +dup 35 /numbersign put +dup 36 /dollar put +dup 37 /percent put +dup 38 /ampersand put +dup 39 /quoteright put +dup 40 /parenleft put +dup 41 /parenright put +dup 42 /asterisk put +dup 43 /plus put +dup 44 /comma put +dup 45 /hyphen put +dup 46 /period put +dup 47 /slash put +dup 48 /zero put +dup 49 /one put +dup 50 /two put +dup 51 /three put +dup 52 /four put +dup 53 /five put +dup 54 /six put +dup 55 /seven put +dup 56 /eight put +dup 57 /nine put +dup 58 /colon put +dup 59 /semicolon put +dup 60 /exclamdown put +dup 61 /equal put +dup 62 /questiondown put +dup 63 /question put +dup 64 /at put +dup 65 /A put +dup 66 /B put +dup 67 /C put +dup 68 /D put +dup 69 /E put +dup 70 /F put +dup 71 /G put +dup 72 /H put +dup 73 /I put +dup 74 /J put +dup 75 /K put +dup 76 /L put +dup 77 /M put +dup 78 /N put +dup 79 /O put +dup 80 /P put +dup 81 /Q put +dup 82 /R put +dup 83 /S put +dup 84 /T put +dup 85 /U put +dup 86 /V put +dup 87 /W put +dup 88 /X put +dup 89 /Y put +dup 90 /Z put +dup 91 /bracketleft put +dup 92 /quotedblleft put +dup 93 /bracketright put +dup 94 /circumflex put +dup 95 /dotaccent put +dup 96 /quoteleft put +dup 97 /a put +dup 98 /b put +dup 99 /c put +dup 100 /d put +dup 101 /e put +dup 102 /f put +dup 103 /g put +dup 104 /h put +dup 105 /i put +dup 106 /j put +dup 107 /k put +dup 108 /l put +dup 109 /m put +dup 110 /n put +dup 111 /o put +dup 112 /p put +dup 113 /q put +dup 114 /r put +dup 115 /s put +dup 116 /t put +dup 117 /u put +dup 118 /v put +dup 119 /w put +dup 120 /x put +dup 121 /y put +dup 122 /z put +dup 123 /endash put +dup 124 /emdash put +dup 125 /hungarumlaut put +dup 126 /tilde put +dup 127 /dieresis put +dup 128 /suppress put +dup 160 /space put +readonly def +/FontBBox{-251 -250 1009 969}readonly def +/UniqueID 5000793 def +currentdict end +currentfile eexec +8053514d28ec28da1630165fab262882d3fca78881823c5537fe6c3dda8e +e5b897e17cb027f5c73fdbb56b0a7c25fc3512b55fe8f3acfbffcc7f4a38 +2d8299cc8fd37d3cea49dabdca92847af0560b404ef71134b0f3d99934fc +9d0b4e602011b9cfb856c23f958f3c5a2fbe0ef8587d1f5774879c324e51 +fcb22888b74f241550d7401eb990d4f3a7af635198422283cac1b6cd446d +dbcbd915db9bff88844e784c6bf7389803d9450b0c21756a017306457c7e +62c1d269f306bd3402e266defc3b5e7d8a8d2f5bf0fe6ddd40d07391df4f 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14.447 L +205.071 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 13.18 m +103.715 13.813 L +116.384 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 14.13 m +236.745 14.13 L +243.08 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 14.288 m +268.419 14.13 L +262.084 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 14.13 m +281.089 14.447 L +281.089 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.497 m +78.376 13.813 L +78.376 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 13.813 m +205.071 14.447 L +217.741 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 13.813 m +141.723 14.447 L +154.393 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 13.18 m +78.376 13.813 L +91.045 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 13.18 m +91.045 13.813 L +103.715 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 10.646 m +116.384 11.279 L +129.054 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 13.18 m +116.384 13.813 L +129.054 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 13.18 m +141.723 13.813 L +154.393 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 13.18 m +154.393 13.813 L +167.063 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 13.18 m +167.063 13.813 L +179.732 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 13.18 m +179.732 13.813 L +192.402 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 13.18 m +192.402 13.813 L +205.071 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 13.18 m +205.071 13.813 L +217.741 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 13.655 m +268.419 13.497 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 13.497 m +236.745 13.497 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.497 m +281.089 13.813 L +281.089 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 13.813 m +217.741 14.447 L +230.41 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.863 m +78.376 13.18 L +78.376 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 12.546 m +154.393 13.18 L +167.063 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 12.546 m +91.045 13.18 L +103.715 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 12.546 m +103.715 13.18 L +116.384 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 12.546 m +116.384 13.18 L +129.054 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 12.546 m +129.054 13.18 L +141.723 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 12.546 m +141.723 13.18 L +154.393 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 13.18 m +129.054 13.813 L +141.723 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 12.546 m +167.063 13.18 L +179.732 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 12.546 m +78.376 13.18 L +91.045 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 13.18 m +217.741 13.813 L +230.41 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 12.546 m +179.732 13.18 L +192.402 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 12.546 m +205.071 13.18 L +217.741 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.863 m +281.089 13.18 L +281.089 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.23 m +78.376 12.546 L +78.376 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 13.022 m +268.419 12.863 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 11.913 m +78.376 12.546 L +91.045 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 11.913 m +103.715 12.546 L +116.384 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 11.913 m +91.045 12.546 L +103.715 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 12.388 m +268.419 12.23 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 12.863 m +236.745 12.863 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 11.913 m +116.384 12.546 L +129.054 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 11.913 m +129.054 12.546 L +141.723 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 11.913 m +179.732 12.546 L +192.402 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 11.913 m +154.393 12.546 L +167.063 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 11.913 m +192.402 12.546 L +205.071 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 11.913 m +217.741 12.546 L +230.41 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 12.23 m +236.745 12.23 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.23 m +281.089 12.546 L +281.089 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 11.913 m +141.723 12.546 L +154.393 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 11.913 m +205.071 12.546 L +217.741 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.596 m +78.376 11.913 L +78.376 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 11.279 m +78.376 11.913 L +91.045 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 11.596 m +236.745 11.596 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 11.279 m +103.715 11.913 L +116.384 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 11.279 m +116.384 11.913 L +129.054 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 11.279 m +129.054 11.913 L +141.723 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 11.279 m +141.723 11.913 L +154.393 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 11.279 m +192.402 11.913 L +205.071 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 11.279 m +91.045 11.913 L +103.715 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 11.279 m +154.393 11.913 L +167.063 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 11.279 m +167.063 11.913 L +179.732 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 12.546 m +192.402 13.18 L +205.071 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 11.279 m +179.732 11.913 L +192.402 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 12.546 m +217.741 13.18 L +230.41 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 11.755 m +268.419 11.596 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.596 m +281.089 11.913 L +281.089 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.963 m +78.376 11.279 L +78.376 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 10.646 m +78.376 11.279 L +91.045 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 11.279 m +217.741 11.913 L +230.41 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 11.279 m +205.071 11.913 L +217.741 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 10.646 m +91.045 11.279 L +103.715 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 10.646 m +103.715 11.279 L +116.384 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 13.18 m +205.071 12.546 L +192.402 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 10.646 m +129.054 11.279 L +141.723 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 10.646 m +154.393 11.279 L +167.063 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 10.646 m +179.732 11.279 L +192.402 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 10.646 m +192.402 11.279 L +205.071 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 10.646 m +167.063 11.279 L +179.732 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 10.646 m +205.071 11.279 L +217.741 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.329 m +78.376 10.646 L +78.376 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 11.121 m +268.419 10.963 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 10.646 m +217.741 11.279 L +230.41 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.963 m +281.089 11.279 L +281.089 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 10.012 m +78.376 10.646 L +91.045 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 10.012 m +192.402 10.646 L +205.071 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 10.012 m +116.384 10.646 L +129.054 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 10.012 m +129.054 10.646 L +141.723 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 10.012 m +141.723 10.646 L +154.393 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 10.012 m +154.393 10.646 L +167.063 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 10.012 m +91.045 10.646 L +103.715 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 10.963 m +236.745 10.963 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 10.012 m +167.063 10.646 L +179.732 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 10.012 m +179.732 10.646 L +192.402 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 10.646 m +141.723 11.279 L +154.393 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 10.012 m +205.071 10.646 L +217.741 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 10.329 m +236.745 10.329 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 10.488 m +268.419 10.329 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.329 m +281.089 10.646 L +281.089 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.696 m +78.376 10.012 L +78.376 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 9.379 m +78.376 10.012 L +91.045 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 9.379 m +91.045 10.012 L +103.715 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 9.379 m +129.054 10.012 L +141.723 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 9.379 m +116.384 10.012 L +129.054 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 9.379 m +141.723 10.012 L +154.393 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 10.012 m +103.715 10.646 L +116.384 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 9.379 m +154.393 10.012 L +167.063 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 9.854 m +268.419 9.696 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 9.379 m +179.732 10.012 L +192.402 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 9.379 m +192.402 10.012 L +205.071 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 9.379 m +205.071 10.012 L +217.741 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 9.379 m +217.741 10.012 L +230.41 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 9.696 m +236.745 9.696 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 10.012 m +217.741 10.646 L +230.41 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.696 m +281.089 10.012 L +281.089 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 9.379 m +167.063 10.012 L +179.732 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.062 m +78.376 9.379 L +78.376 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 8.746 m +78.376 9.379 L +91.045 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 8.746 m +91.045 9.379 L +103.715 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 8.746 m +129.054 9.379 L +141.723 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 8.746 m +141.723 9.379 L +154.393 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 8.746 m +154.393 9.379 L +167.063 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 8.746 m +167.063 9.379 L +179.732 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 8.112 m +129.054 8.746 L +141.723 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 8.746 m +116.384 9.379 L +129.054 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 8.746 m +179.732 9.379 L +192.402 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 8.746 m +192.402 9.379 L +205.071 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 8.112 m +141.723 8.746 L +154.393 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 8.746 m +205.071 9.379 L +217.741 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 9.062 m +236.745 9.062 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.062 m +281.089 9.379 L +281.089 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.429 m +78.376 8.746 L +78.376 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 9.221 m +268.419 9.062 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 8.112 m +78.376 8.746 L +91.045 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 8.112 m +103.715 8.746 L +116.384 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 8.746 m +217.741 9.379 L +230.41 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 8.112 m +91.045 8.746 L +103.715 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 8.112 m +116.384 8.746 L +129.054 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 11.913 m +167.063 12.546 L +179.732 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 8.112 m +154.393 8.746 L +167.063 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 7.479 m +116.384 8.112 L +129.054 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 8.112 m +192.402 8.746 L +205.071 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 8.112 m +205.071 8.746 L +217.741 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 8.112 m +217.741 8.746 L +230.41 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 8.429 m +236.745 8.429 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 7.479 m +78.376 8.112 L +91.045 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 8.112 m +179.732 8.746 L +192.402 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 8.587 m +268.419 8.429 L +262.084 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.429 m +281.089 8.746 L +281.089 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 8.112 m +167.063 8.746 L +179.732 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.795 m +78.376 8.112 L +78.376 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 8.746 m +103.715 9.379 L +116.384 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 7.479 m +129.054 8.112 L +141.723 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 7.479 m +141.723 8.112 L +154.393 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 7.479 m +154.393 8.112 L +167.063 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 7.479 m +167.063 8.112 L +179.732 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 7.479 m +103.715 8.112 L +116.384 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 7.479 m +91.045 8.112 L +103.715 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 7.479 m +179.732 8.112 L +192.402 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 7.479 m +192.402 8.112 L +205.071 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 9.379 m +103.715 10.012 L +116.384 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 7.479 m +205.071 8.112 L +217.741 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 7.795 m +236.745 7.795 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 6.845 m +78.376 7.479 L +91.045 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 6.845 m +91.045 7.479 L +103.715 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.162 m +78.376 7.479 L +78.376 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 6.845 m +103.715 7.479 L +116.384 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 6.845 m +129.054 7.479 L +141.723 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 6.845 m +116.384 7.479 L +129.054 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.528 m +78.376 6.845 L +78.376 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.795 m +281.089 8.112 L +281.089 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 6.845 m +141.723 7.479 L +154.393 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 6.845 m +154.393 7.479 L +167.063 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 6.845 m +205.071 7.479 L +217.741 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 6.845 m +179.732 7.479 L +192.402 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 6.845 m +217.741 7.479 L +230.41 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 7.32 m +268.419 7.162 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.162 m +281.089 7.479 L +281.089 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 6.212 m +78.376 6.845 L +91.045 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 6.845 m +167.063 7.479 L +179.732 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 7.162 m +236.745 7.162 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 6.212 m +91.045 6.845 L +103.715 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 6.212 m +103.715 6.845 L +116.384 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.528 m +281.089 6.845 L +281.089 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 6.212 m +129.054 6.845 L +141.723 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 6.212 m +141.723 6.845 L +154.393 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 6.212 m +154.393 6.845 L +167.063 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 6.212 m +167.063 6.845 L +179.732 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 6.212 m +217.741 6.845 L +230.41 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 6.212 m +116.384 6.845 L +129.054 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 6.212 m +179.732 6.845 L +192.402 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 6.212 m +192.402 6.845 L +205.071 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 6.845 m +192.402 7.479 L +205.071 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 6.212 m +205.071 6.845 L +217.741 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 5.578 m +154.393 6.212 L +167.063 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.895 m +78.376 6.212 L +78.376 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 5.578 m +78.376 6.212 L +91.045 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 5.578 m +91.045 6.212 L +103.715 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 5.578 m +103.715 6.212 L +116.384 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 6.687 m +268.419 6.528 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 6.528 m +236.745 6.528 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 5.578 m +116.384 6.212 L +129.054 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 5.578 m +129.054 6.212 L +141.723 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 3.678 m +91.045 4.311 L +103.715 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 5.578 m +141.723 6.212 L +154.393 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 3.678 m +78.376 4.311 L +91.045 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 5.578 m +217.741 6.212 L +230.41 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 5.895 m +236.745 5.895 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 5.578 m +205.071 6.212 L +217.741 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 6.053 m +268.419 5.895 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.261 m +78.376 5.578 L +78.376 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.895 m +281.089 6.212 L +281.089 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 4.945 m +205.071 5.578 L +217.741 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 5.578 m +192.402 6.212 L +205.071 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 4.945 m +78.376 5.578 L +91.045 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 4.945 m +91.045 5.578 L +103.715 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 4.945 m +141.723 5.578 L +154.393 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 4.945 m +116.384 5.578 L +129.054 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 4.945 m +154.393 5.578 L +167.063 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 4.945 m +179.732 5.578 L +192.402 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 4.945 m +192.402 5.578 L +205.071 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 4.945 m +217.741 5.578 L +230.41 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 4.945 m +103.715 5.578 L +116.384 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 4.945 m +167.063 5.578 L +179.732 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 5.261 m +236.745 5.261 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 5.42 m +268.419 5.261 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 4.311 m +192.402 4.945 L +205.071 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.628 m +78.376 4.945 L +78.376 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 4.311 m +78.376 4.945 L +91.045 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 4.311 m +91.045 4.945 L +103.715 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 4.311 m +103.715 4.945 L +116.384 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 4.311 m +154.393 4.945 L +167.063 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.261 m +281.089 5.578 L +281.089 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 4.311 m +116.384 4.945 L +129.054 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 4.311 m +129.054 4.945 L +141.723 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 5.578 m +167.063 6.212 L +179.732 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 4.311 m +141.723 4.945 L +154.393 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 5.578 m +179.732 6.212 L +192.402 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 4.311 m +205.071 4.945 L +217.741 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 4.311 m +217.741 4.945 L +230.41 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 4.628 m +236.745 4.628 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 4.786 m +268.419 4.628 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 4.311 m +179.732 4.945 L +192.402 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 4.311 m +167.063 4.945 L +179.732 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.628 m +281.089 4.945 L +281.089 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.994 m +78.376 4.311 L +78.376 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 3.678 m +103.715 4.311 L +116.384 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 3.678 m +116.384 4.311 L +129.054 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 14.447 m +230.41 13.813 L +217.741 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 3.678 m +154.393 4.311 L +167.063 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 3.678 m +167.063 4.311 L +179.732 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 3.678 m +141.723 4.311 L +154.393 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 3.678 m +179.732 4.311 L +192.402 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 3.678 m +205.071 4.311 L +217.741 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 3.678 m +192.402 4.311 L +205.071 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 3.994 m +236.745 3.994 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 3.678 m +129.054 4.311 L +141.723 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 3.678 m +217.741 4.311 L +230.41 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 4.153 m +268.419 3.994 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 3.044 m +91.045 3.678 L +103.715 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 3.044 m +103.715 3.678 L +116.384 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 3.044 m +116.384 3.678 L +129.054 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.994 m +281.089 4.311 L +281.089 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 3.044 m +141.723 3.678 L +154.393 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 7.954 m +268.419 7.795 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 3.044 m +154.393 3.678 L +167.063 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 3.044 m +129.054 3.678 L +141.723 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 3.044 m +167.063 3.678 L +179.732 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 3.044 m +192.402 3.678 L +205.071 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 2.411 m +141.723 3.044 L +154.393 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 3.044 m +217.741 3.678 L +230.41 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 3.361 m +236.745 3.361 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 3.519 m +268.419 3.361 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.361 m +281.089 3.678 L +281.089 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 2.411 m +103.715 3.044 L +116.384 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 3.044 m +205.071 3.678 L +217.741 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 2.727 m +78.376 3.044 L +78.376 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 2.411 m +78.376 3.044 L +91.045 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 3.044 m +78.376 3.678 L +91.045 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 2.411 m +91.045 3.044 L +103.715 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 3.044 m +179.732 3.678 L +192.402 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 2.411 m +154.393 3.044 L +167.063 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 2.411 m +167.063 3.044 L +179.732 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 2.411 m +179.732 3.044 L +192.402 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 2.411 m +192.402 3.044 L +205.071 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 2.411 m +129.054 3.044 L +141.723 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 2.411 m +116.384 3.044 L +129.054 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 2.411 m +205.071 3.044 L +217.741 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 2.411 m +217.741 3.044 L +230.41 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.361 m +78.376 3.678 L +78.376 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 2.727 m +236.745 2.727 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 2.886 m +268.419 2.727 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 14.447 m +116.384 13.813 L +103.715 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 14.447 m +129.054 13.813 L +116.384 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 14.447 m +141.723 13.813 L +129.054 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 13.813 m +116.384 13.18 L +103.715 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 14.447 m +167.063 13.813 L +154.393 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 14.447 m +103.715 13.813 L +91.045 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 13.813 m +129.054 13.18 L +116.384 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 14.447 m +154.393 13.813 L +141.723 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 13.813 m +141.723 13.18 L +129.054 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 14.447 m +91.045 13.813 L +78.376 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 14.447 m +192.402 13.813 L +179.732 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 14.13 m +230.41 13.813 L +230.41 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 14.447 m +217.741 13.813 L +205.071 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 14.13 m +274.754 14.13 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 13.813 m +91.045 13.18 L +78.376 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 13.813 m +103.715 13.18 L +91.045 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 14.447 m +179.732 13.813 L +167.063 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 14.447 m +205.071 13.813 L +192.402 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 13.497 m +72.041 13.497 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 7.479 m +217.741 8.112 L +230.41 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 13.813 m +154.393 13.18 L +141.723 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 13.18 m +129.054 12.546 L +116.384 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 13.813 m +192.402 13.18 L +179.732 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 13.813 m +205.071 13.18 L +192.402 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 13.813 m +217.741 13.18 L +205.071 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.863 m +72.041 12.863 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 13.497 m +230.41 13.18 L +230.41 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 13.813 m +179.732 13.18 L +167.063 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 2.727 m +281.089 3.044 L +281.089 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 13.813 m +230.41 13.18 L +217.741 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 13.18 m +116.384 12.546 L +103.715 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 13.813 m +167.063 13.18 L +154.393 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 13.18 m +91.045 12.546 L +78.376 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 13.18 m +141.723 12.546 L +129.054 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 13.18 m +154.393 12.546 L +141.723 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 13.18 m +167.063 12.546 L +154.393 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 13.18 m +103.715 12.546 L +91.045 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 13.18 m +192.402 12.546 L +179.732 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 13.497 m +274.754 13.497 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 14.13 m +72.041 14.13 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 13.18 m +179.732 12.546 L +167.063 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 3.044 m +243.828 3.007 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 13.18 m +217.741 12.546 L +205.071 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 12.863 m +230.41 12.546 L +230.41 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.23 m +72.041 12.23 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 12.546 m +91.045 11.913 L +78.376 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.863 m +274.754 12.863 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 12.546 m +103.715 11.913 L +91.045 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 12.546 m +167.063 11.913 L +154.393 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 12.546 m +141.723 11.913 L +129.054 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 12.546 m +116.384 11.913 L +103.715 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 12.546 m +154.393 11.913 L +141.723 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 12.546 m +179.732 11.913 L +167.063 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 11.913 m +103.715 11.279 L +91.045 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 12.546 m +217.741 11.913 L +205.071 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 12.546 m +230.41 11.913 L +217.741 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 12.23 m +230.41 11.913 L +230.41 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.23 m +274.754 12.23 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 12.546 m +192.402 11.913 L +179.732 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 12.546 m +129.054 11.913 L +116.384 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 11.596 m +72.041 11.596 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 11.913 m +91.045 11.279 L +78.376 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 9.379 m +167.063 8.746 L +154.393 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 11.913 m +116.384 11.279 L +103.715 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 11.913 m +141.723 11.279 L +129.054 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 11.913 m +154.393 11.279 L +141.723 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 11.913 m +167.063 11.279 L +154.393 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 11.913 m +179.732 11.279 L +167.063 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 11.913 m +192.402 11.279 L +179.732 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 11.913 m +205.071 11.279 L +192.402 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 11.596 m +230.41 11.279 L +230.41 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 11.913 m +230.41 11.279 L +217.741 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 11.596 m +274.754 11.596 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 12.546 m +205.071 11.913 L +192.402 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.963 m +72.041 10.963 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 11.279 m +167.063 10.646 L +154.393 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 11.279 m +103.715 10.646 L +91.045 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 11.279 m +116.384 10.646 L +103.715 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 11.279 m +129.054 10.646 L +116.384 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 11.279 m +141.723 10.646 L +129.054 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 11.279 m +154.393 10.646 L +141.723 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 11.913 m +129.054 11.279 L +116.384 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 11.279 m +179.732 10.646 L +167.063 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 11.279 m +91.045 10.646 L +78.376 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 11.913 m +217.741 11.279 L +205.071 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 11.279 m +192.402 10.646 L +179.732 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 11.279 m +217.741 10.646 L +205.071 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.329 m +72.041 10.329 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 10.646 m +91.045 10.012 L +78.376 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.963 m +274.754 10.963 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 10.646 m +103.715 10.012 L +91.045 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 10.646 m +129.054 10.012 L +116.384 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 10.646 m +116.384 10.012 L +103.715 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.696 m +72.041 9.696 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 10.963 m +230.41 10.646 L +230.41 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 10.646 m +141.723 10.012 L +129.054 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 10.646 m +154.393 10.012 L +141.723 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 10.646 m +205.071 10.012 L +192.402 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 10.646 m +179.732 10.012 L +167.063 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 10.646 m +217.741 10.012 L +205.071 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 10.329 m +230.41 10.012 L +230.41 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.329 m +274.754 10.329 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 10.012 m +91.045 9.379 L +78.376 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 10.646 m +167.063 10.012 L +154.393 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 10.646 m +230.41 10.012 L +217.741 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 10.012 m +103.715 9.379 L +91.045 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 10.012 m +116.384 9.379 L +103.715 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.062 m +72.041 9.062 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 10.012 m +141.723 9.379 L +129.054 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 10.012 m +154.393 9.379 L +141.723 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 10.012 m +167.063 9.379 L +154.393 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 10.012 m +179.732 9.379 L +167.063 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 10.012 m +230.41 9.379 L +217.741 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 10.012 m +129.054 9.379 L +116.384 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 10.012 m +192.402 9.379 L +179.732 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 10.012 m +205.071 9.379 L +192.402 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 11.279 m +205.071 10.646 L +192.402 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 10.012 m +217.741 9.379 L +205.071 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 11.279 m +230.41 10.646 L +217.741 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 9.379 m +91.045 8.746 L +78.376 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 9.379 m +103.715 8.746 L +91.045 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 9.379 m +116.384 8.746 L +103.715 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 9.379 m +129.054 8.746 L +116.384 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.696 m +274.754 9.696 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 9.696 m +230.41 9.379 L +230.41 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 9.379 m +141.723 8.746 L +129.054 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 9.379 m +154.393 8.746 L +141.723 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 13.18 m +230.41 12.546 L +217.741 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 9.379 m +179.732 8.746 L +167.063 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 9.379 m +205.071 8.746 L +192.402 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 9.379 m +230.41 8.746 L +217.741 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 9.062 m +230.41 8.746 L +230.41 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 9.379 m +217.741 8.746 L +205.071 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.062 m +274.754 9.062 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 8.746 m +129.054 8.112 L +116.384 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 8.746 m +103.715 8.112 L +91.045 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 8.429 m +72.041 8.429 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 8.746 m +116.384 8.112 L +103.715 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 8.746 m +141.723 8.112 L +129.054 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 8.429 m +274.754 8.429 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 8.746 m +179.732 8.112 L +167.063 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 8.746 m +192.402 8.112 L +179.732 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 8.746 m +205.071 8.112 L +192.402 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 8.746 m +217.741 8.112 L +205.071 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 8.746 m +154.393 8.112 L +141.723 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 8.746 m +91.045 8.112 L +78.376 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 8.746 m +230.41 8.112 L +217.741 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 8.429 m +230.41 8.112 L +230.41 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 9.379 m +192.402 8.746 L +179.732 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.795 m +72.041 7.795 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 8.112 m +103.715 7.479 L +91.045 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 8.112 m +116.384 7.479 L +103.715 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 8.112 m +129.054 7.479 L +116.384 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 8.112 m +141.723 7.479 L +129.054 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 8.112 m +154.393 7.479 L +141.723 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 8.112 m +167.063 7.479 L +154.393 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 8.112 m +205.071 7.479 L +192.402 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 8.112 m +192.402 7.479 L +179.732 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 8.112 m +217.741 7.479 L +205.071 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 8.746 m +167.063 8.112 L +154.393 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 8.112 m +230.41 7.479 L +217.741 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 7.479 m +129.054 6.845 L +116.384 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.795 m +274.754 7.795 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.162 m +72.041 7.162 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 7.479 m +91.045 6.845 L +78.376 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 7.479 m +103.715 6.845 L +91.045 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 7.479 m +116.384 6.845 L +103.715 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 8.112 m +91.045 7.479 L +78.376 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 7.479 m +141.723 6.845 L +129.054 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 7.795 m +230.41 7.479 L +230.41 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 7.479 m +154.393 6.845 L +141.723 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 7.479 m +167.063 6.845 L +154.393 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 7.479 m +179.732 6.845 L +167.063 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 7.479 m +217.741 6.845 L +205.071 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 7.479 m +230.41 6.845 L +217.741 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 7.162 m +230.41 6.845 L +230.41 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.162 m +274.754 7.162 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 6.845 m +230.41 6.212 L +217.741 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 7.479 m +205.071 6.845 L +192.402 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 6.528 m +72.041 6.528 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 6.845 m +91.045 6.212 L +78.376 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 6.528 m +230.41 6.212 L +230.41 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 6.845 m +103.715 6.212 L +91.045 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 6.845 m +129.054 6.212 L +116.384 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 6.845 m +154.393 6.212 L +141.723 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 6.845 m +167.063 6.212 L +154.393 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 6.845 m +141.723 6.212 L +129.054 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 6.845 m +179.732 6.212 L +167.063 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 6.845 m +205.071 6.212 L +192.402 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 6.845 m +116.384 6.212 L +103.715 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 6.845 m +192.402 6.212 L +179.732 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 6.845 m +217.741 6.212 L +205.071 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 10.646 m +192.402 10.012 L +179.732 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 6.528 m +274.754 6.528 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 6.212 m +230.41 5.578 L +217.741 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 6.212 m +103.715 5.578 L +91.045 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 6.212 m +116.384 5.578 L +103.715 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 6.212 m +129.054 5.578 L +116.384 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 6.212 m +141.723 5.578 L +129.054 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 6.212 m +192.402 5.578 L +179.732 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 6.212 m +91.045 5.578 L +78.376 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 6.212 m +154.393 5.578 L +141.723 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 6.212 m +167.063 5.578 L +154.393 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.895 m +72.041 5.895 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 6.212 m +179.732 5.578 L +167.063 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 7.479 m +192.402 6.845 L +179.732 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 5.895 m +230.41 5.578 L +230.41 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.895 m +274.754 5.895 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.261 m +72.041 5.261 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 5.578 m +91.045 4.945 L +78.376 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 6.212 m +217.741 5.578 L +205.071 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 6.212 m +205.071 5.578 L +192.402 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 5.578 m +103.715 4.945 L +91.045 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 5.578 m +116.384 4.945 L +103.715 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 5.578 m +129.054 4.945 L +116.384 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 5.578 m +141.723 4.945 L +129.054 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 5.578 m +154.393 4.945 L +141.723 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 5.578 m +205.071 4.945 L +192.402 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 5.578 m +217.741 4.945 L +205.071 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 5.578 m +192.402 4.945 L +179.732 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 5.578 m +230.41 4.945 L +217.741 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.261 m +274.754 5.261 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 5.261 m +230.41 4.945 L +230.41 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 4.945 m +205.071 4.311 L +192.402 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 5.578 m +179.732 4.945 L +167.063 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 4.628 m +72.041 4.628 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 4.945 m +91.045 4.311 L +78.376 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 4.945 m +141.723 4.311 L +129.054 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 4.945 m +116.384 4.311 L +103.715 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 4.945 m +154.393 4.311 L +141.723 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 4.945 m +179.732 4.311 L +167.063 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 4.945 m +192.402 4.311 L +179.732 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 4.945 m +217.741 4.311 L +205.071 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 4.945 m +103.715 4.311 L +91.045 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 4.945 m +167.063 4.311 L +154.393 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 4.945 m +230.41 4.311 L +217.741 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 4.628 m +230.41 4.311 L +230.41 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 4.311 m +205.071 3.678 L +192.402 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.994 m +72.041 3.994 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 4.311 m +91.045 3.678 L +78.376 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 4.311 m +103.715 3.678 L +91.045 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 4.311 m +116.384 3.678 L +103.715 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 4.311 m +167.063 3.678 L +154.393 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 4.628 m +274.754 4.628 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 4.311 m +129.054 3.678 L +116.384 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 4.311 m +141.723 3.678 L +129.054 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 4.945 m +129.054 4.311 L +116.384 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 4.311 m +154.393 3.678 L +141.723 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 3.678 m +116.384 3.044 L +103.715 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 4.311 m +217.741 3.678 L +205.071 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 4.311 m +230.41 3.678 L +217.741 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 3.994 m +230.41 3.678 L +230.41 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.994 m +274.754 3.994 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 4.311 m +192.402 3.678 L +179.732 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 4.311 m +179.732 3.678 L +167.063 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.361 m +72.041 3.361 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 3.678 m +91.045 3.044 L +78.376 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 3.678 m +103.715 3.044 L +91.045 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 3.678 m +129.054 3.044 L +116.384 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.311 m +262.084 4.628 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 3.678 m +167.063 3.044 L +154.393 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 3.678 m +179.732 3.044 L +167.063 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 3.678 m +192.402 3.044 L +179.732 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 3.678 m +205.071 3.044 L +192.402 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 3.044 m +179.732 2.411 L +167.063 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 3.678 m +154.393 3.044 L +141.723 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 3.678 m +217.741 3.044 L +205.071 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 3.678 m +230.41 3.044 L +217.741 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 3.044 m +192.402 2.411 L +179.732 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 3.361 m +230.41 3.044 L +230.41 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 2.727 m +72.041 2.727 L +65.706 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 3.044 m +103.715 2.411 L +91.045 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 3.044 m +116.384 2.411 L +103.715 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 3.044 m +91.045 2.411 L +78.376 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 3.044 m +129.054 2.411 L +116.384 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 3.044 m +154.393 2.411 L +141.723 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.361 m +274.754 3.361 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 3.044 m +141.723 2.411 L +129.054 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 3.044 m +167.063 2.411 L +154.393 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.678 m +262.084 3.994 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 3.044 m +205.071 2.411 L +192.402 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.746 m +262.084 9.062 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 2.727 m +230.41 2.411 L +230.41 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 2.727 m +274.754 2.727 L +268.419 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.813 m +262.084 14.13 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.18 m +262.084 13.497 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.646 m +262.084 10.963 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 3.044 m +230.41 2.411 L +217.741 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 12.546 m +262.084 12.863 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.913 m +262.084 12.23 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 3.044 m +217.741 2.411 L +205.071 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.279 m +262.084 11.596 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 3.678 m +141.723 3.044 L +129.054 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.112 m +262.084 8.429 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 7.479 m +262.084 7.795 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.845 m +262.084 7.162 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.212 m +262.084 6.528 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 9.379 m +262.084 9.696 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.012 m +262.084 10.329 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 5.578 m +262.084 5.895 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.945 m +262.084 5.261 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 4.945 m +129.054 5.578 L +141.723 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.044 m +262.084 3.361 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 8.587 m +72.041 8.746 L +72.041 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 13.022 m +262.084 13.18 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 12.388 m +262.084 12.546 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 13.655 m +262.084 13.813 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 11.755 m +262.084 11.913 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 10.488 m +262.084 10.646 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 11.121 m +262.084 11.279 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 9.221 m +262.084 9.379 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 14.288 m +262.084 14.447 L +268.419 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 9.854 m +262.084 10.012 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 8.587 m +262.084 8.746 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 6.053 m +262.084 6.212 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 5.42 m +262.084 5.578 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 4.786 m +262.084 4.945 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 7.954 m +262.084 8.112 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 3.519 m +262.084 3.678 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 5.578 m +167.063 4.945 L +154.393 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 2.886 m +262.084 3.044 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 4.153 m +262.084 4.311 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 14.288 m +72.041 14.447 L +72.041 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 13.972 m +65.706 14.13 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 12.071 m +65.706 12.23 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 13.655 m +72.041 13.813 L +72.041 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.18 m +72.041 13.497 L +78.376 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 13.338 m +65.706 13.497 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 13.655 m +65.706 13.497 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 13.022 m +65.706 12.863 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 14.288 m +65.706 14.13 L +65.706 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 13.022 m +72.041 13.18 L +72.041 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.546 m +72.041 12.863 L +78.376 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 6.687 m +262.084 6.845 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 12.705 m +65.706 12.863 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.813 m +72.041 14.13 L +78.376 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 12.388 m +65.706 12.23 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 11.755 m +72.041 11.913 L +72.041 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.279 m +72.041 11.596 L +78.376 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 11.438 m +65.706 11.596 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.913 m +72.041 12.23 L +78.376 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 12.388 m +72.041 12.546 L +72.041 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 11.755 m +65.706 11.596 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 11.121 m +72.041 11.279 L +72.041 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 7.32 m +262.084 7.479 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.646 m +72.041 10.963 L +78.376 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 10.804 m +65.706 10.963 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 10.488 m +65.706 10.329 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 9.854 m +72.041 10.012 L +72.041 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.379 m +72.041 9.696 L +78.376 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 7.637 m +65.706 7.795 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 9.854 m +65.706 9.696 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 10.171 m +65.706 10.329 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 7.954 m +65.706 7.795 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 9.537 m +65.706 9.696 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 7.32 m +72.041 7.479 L +72.041 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.012 m +72.041 10.329 L +78.376 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.746 m +72.041 9.062 L +78.376 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.112 m +72.041 8.429 L +78.376 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 9.221 m +65.706 9.062 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 8.27 m +65.706 8.429 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 7.954 m +72.041 8.112 L +72.041 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.479 m +72.041 7.795 L +78.376 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 9.221 m +72.041 9.379 L +72.041 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 8.904 m +65.706 9.062 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 8.587 m +65.706 8.429 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 2.411 m +262.084 2.727 L +268.419 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.845 m +72.041 7.162 L +78.376 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 5.103 m +65.706 5.261 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 6.687 m +72.041 6.845 L +72.041 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.212 m +72.041 6.528 L +78.376 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 6.37 m +65.706 6.528 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 5.737 m +65.706 5.895 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 6.053 m +72.041 6.212 L +72.041 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 7.32 m +65.706 7.162 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 11.121 m +65.706 10.963 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 6.687 m +65.706 6.528 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.945 m +72.041 5.261 L +78.376 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 7.003 m +65.706 7.162 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 6.053 m +65.706 5.895 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 5.42 m +65.706 5.261 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 4.786 m +72.041 4.945 L +72.041 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.311 m +72.041 4.628 L +78.376 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 5.42 m +72.041 5.578 L +72.041 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 4.786 m +65.706 4.628 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.578 m +72.041 5.895 L +78.376 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 10.488 m +72.041 10.646 L +72.041 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 4.47 m +65.706 4.628 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 4.153 m +72.041 4.311 L +72.041 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.678 m +72.041 3.994 L +78.376 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 3.836 m +65.706 3.994 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 3.203 m +65.706 3.361 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 3.519 m +65.706 3.361 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.044 m +72.041 3.361 L +78.376 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 2.886 m +72.041 3.044 L +72.041 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 2.569 m +65.706 2.727 L +65.706 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 2.411 m +72.041 2.727 L +78.376 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 13.18 m +236.745 12.863 L +230.41 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 3.519 m +72.041 3.678 L +72.041 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 2.886 m +65.706 2.727 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 14.13 m +62.539 14.288 L +65.706 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 14.13 m +243.08 14.13 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 14.447 m +236.745 14.13 L +230.41 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 13.813 m +236.745 13.497 L +230.41 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 13.497 m +243.08 13.497 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.863 m +62.539 13.022 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 12.546 m +236.745 12.863 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 13.497 m +62.539 13.655 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 13.18 m +236.745 13.497 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 12.863 m +243.08 12.863 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.23 m +62.539 12.388 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.329 m +62.539 10.488 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 11.913 m +236.745 12.23 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 12.23 m +243.08 12.23 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 11.596 m +62.539 11.755 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 11.913 m +236.745 11.596 L +230.41 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 11.279 m +236.745 10.963 L +230.41 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 12.546 m +236.745 12.23 L +230.41 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 11.279 m +236.745 11.596 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 11.596 m +243.08 11.596 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 13.813 m +236.745 14.13 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.963 m +62.539 11.121 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.062 m +62.539 9.221 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 10.646 m +236.745 10.329 L +230.41 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 10.012 m +236.745 10.329 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 10.329 m +243.08 10.329 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.696 m +62.539 9.854 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 10.963 m +243.08 10.963 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 10.646 m +236.745 10.963 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 10.012 m +236.745 9.696 L +230.41 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 9.379 m +236.745 9.696 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 2.727 m +243.08 2.727 L +243.08 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 9.696 m +243.08 9.696 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 2.411 m +236.745 2.727 L +243.08 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 8.746 m +236.745 8.429 L +230.41 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 8.112 m +236.745 8.429 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 8.429 m +62.539 8.587 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 8.429 m +243.08 8.429 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 8.112 m +236.745 7.795 L +230.41 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.795 m +62.539 7.954 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.895 m +62.539 6.053 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 9.062 m +243.08 9.062 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 7.479 m +236.745 7.795 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 7.795 m +243.08 7.795 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 7.162 m +243.08 7.162 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 7.479 m +236.745 7.162 L +230.41 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 6.528 m +62.539 6.687 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 6.212 m +236.745 6.528 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 6.528 m +243.08 6.528 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 6.212 m +236.745 5.895 L +230.41 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.162 m +62.539 7.32 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 6.845 m +236.745 6.528 L +230.41 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 5.578 m +236.745 5.895 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 5.895 m +243.08 5.895 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 3.994 m +243.08 3.994 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 5.578 m +236.745 5.261 L +230.41 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 4.945 m +236.745 5.261 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 5.261 m +243.08 5.261 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 4.628 m +62.539 4.786 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.994 m +62.539 4.153 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.261 m +62.539 5.42 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 4.945 m +236.745 4.628 L +230.41 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 4.311 m +236.745 4.628 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 9.379 m +236.745 9.062 L +230.41 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 4.628 m +243.08 4.628 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 8.746 m +236.745 9.062 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.361 m +62.539 3.519 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 3.678 m +236.745 3.361 L +230.41 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 3.044 m +236.745 3.361 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 3.361 m +243.08 3.361 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 3.678 m +236.745 3.994 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 4.311 m +236.745 3.994 L +230.41 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 2.727 m +62.539 2.886 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 3.044 m +236.745 2.727 L +230.41 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 14.288 m +62.539 14.447 L +65.706 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 14.13 m +72.041 14.447 L +78.376 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.261 m +72.041 5.578 L +78.376 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 14.13 m +72.041 13.813 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.497 m +72.041 13.813 L +78.376 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 14.13 m +68.874 14.288 L +72.041 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.813 m +68.874 13.655 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.497 m +72.041 13.18 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 13.497 m +68.874 13.655 L +72.041 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.18 m +68.874 13.022 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 14.447 m +68.874 14.288 L +65.706 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.863 m +72.041 13.18 L +78.376 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.863 m +68.874 13.022 L +72.041 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.23 m +68.874 12.388 L +72.041 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.23 m +72.041 11.913 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.596 m +72.041 11.913 L +78.376 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.863 m +72.041 12.546 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 11.596 m +68.874 11.755 L +72.041 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 13.497 m +265.252 13.655 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.596 m +72.041 11.279 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.913 m +68.874 11.755 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.963 m +72.041 11.279 L +78.376 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.963 m +68.874 11.121 L +72.041 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.062 m +68.874 9.221 L +72.041 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.329 m +72.041 10.646 L +78.376 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.646 m +68.874 10.488 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.329 m +68.874 10.488 L +72.041 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.329 m +72.041 10.012 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.696 m +72.041 9.379 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.963 m +72.041 10.646 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.696 m +72.041 10.012 L +78.376 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.012 m +68.874 9.854 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.546 m +68.874 12.388 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.696 m +68.874 9.854 L +72.041 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.279 m +68.874 11.121 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.062 m +72.041 8.746 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.429 m +72.041 8.746 L +78.376 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.746 m +68.874 8.587 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 8.429 m +68.874 8.587 L +72.041 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.379 m +68.874 9.221 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.062 m +72.041 9.379 L +78.376 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.429 m +72.041 8.112 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.795 m +72.041 8.112 L +78.376 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.23 m +72.041 12.546 L +78.376 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.112 m +68.874 7.954 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.795 m +68.874 7.954 L +72.041 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.162 m +72.041 6.845 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.528 m +72.041 6.845 L +78.376 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.845 m +68.874 6.687 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 4.628 m +68.874 4.786 L +72.041 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.528 m +72.041 6.212 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.162 m +68.874 7.32 L +72.041 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.628 m +72.041 4.311 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 6.528 m +68.874 6.687 L +72.041 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.994 m +72.041 4.311 L +78.376 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.479 m +68.874 7.32 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.212 m +68.874 6.053 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.578 m +68.874 5.42 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.895 m +72.041 5.578 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.261 m +68.874 5.42 L +72.041 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.628 m +72.041 4.945 L +78.376 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.945 m +68.874 4.786 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.895 m +72.041 6.212 L +78.376 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.895 m +68.874 6.053 L +72.041 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.261 m +72.041 4.945 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 6.845 m +236.745 7.162 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.311 m +68.874 4.153 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 14.288 m +268.419 14.13 L +268.419 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.361 m +72.041 3.678 L +78.376 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.678 m +68.874 3.519 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.361 m +68.874 3.519 L +72.041 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 2.727 m +68.874 2.886 L +72.041 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 2.727 m +72.041 3.044 L +78.376 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.994 m +72.041 3.678 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.795 m +72.041 7.479 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.361 m +72.041 3.044 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 14.13 m +268.419 14.13 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.994 m +68.874 4.153 L +72.041 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 14.288 m +274.754 14.447 L +274.754 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 14.13 m +265.252 14.288 L +268.419 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 14.447 m +265.252 14.288 L +262.084 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 13.655 m +274.754 13.813 L +274.754 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.813 m +274.754 14.13 L +281.089 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.497 m +268.419 13.497 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.044 m +68.874 2.886 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.162 m +72.041 7.479 L +78.376 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.18 m +274.754 13.497 L +281.089 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 13.655 m +268.419 13.497 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.813 m +265.252 13.655 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.361 m +274.754 3.678 L +281.089 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 13.022 m +268.419 12.863 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.863 m +265.252 13.022 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 12.863 m +268.419 12.863 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.18 m +265.252 13.022 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.913 m +274.754 12.23 L +281.089 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 12.388 m +274.754 12.546 L +274.754 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 11.121 m +274.754 11.279 L +274.754 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.546 m +274.754 12.863 L +281.089 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 12.23 m +268.419 12.23 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 12.388 m +268.419 12.23 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.279 m +274.754 11.596 L +281.089 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 12.546 m +265.252 12.388 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.596 m +268.419 11.596 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 11.596 m +265.252 11.755 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.913 m +265.252 11.755 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.646 m +274.754 10.963 L +281.089 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.23 m +265.252 12.388 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 11.755 m +268.419 11.596 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.963 m +268.419 10.963 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 11.121 m +268.419 10.963 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 9.854 m +268.419 9.696 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.279 m +265.252 11.121 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 10.488 m +274.754 10.646 L +274.754 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.012 m +274.754 10.329 L +281.089 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.329 m +268.419 10.329 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 9.854 m +274.754 10.012 L +274.754 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.963 m +265.252 11.121 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 10.488 m +268.419 10.329 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.329 m +265.252 10.488 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 11.755 m +274.754 11.913 L +274.754 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.646 m +265.252 10.488 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 9.379 m +265.252 9.221 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.696 m +265.252 9.854 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.012 m +265.252 9.854 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 9.221 m +274.754 9.379 L +274.754 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.746 m +274.754 9.062 L +281.089 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 9.696 m +268.419 9.696 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.379 m +274.754 9.696 L +281.089 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 9.062 m +268.419 9.062 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 9.221 m +268.419 9.062 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.062 m +265.252 9.221 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 8.587 m +274.754 8.746 L +274.754 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.945 m +265.252 4.786 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 8.587 m +268.419 8.429 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 8.429 m +265.252 8.587 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.746 m +265.252 8.587 L +262.084 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 7.954 m +274.754 8.112 L +274.754 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.212 m +274.754 6.528 L +281.089 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.429 m +268.419 8.429 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.479 m +274.754 7.795 L +281.089 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 7.795 m +268.419 7.795 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.528 m +268.419 6.528 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 7.954 m +268.419 7.795 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.112 m +265.252 7.954 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.845 m +274.754 7.162 L +281.089 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 7.162 m +268.419 7.162 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 7.32 m +274.754 7.479 L +274.754 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 7.32 m +268.419 7.162 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 7.479 m +265.252 7.32 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.795 m +265.252 7.954 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.162 m +265.252 7.32 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 6.687 m +274.754 6.845 L +274.754 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 4.153 m +274.754 4.311 L +274.754 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 6.687 m +268.419 6.528 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.261 m +265.252 5.42 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 6.053 m +274.754 6.212 L +274.754 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.578 m +274.754 5.895 L +281.089 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 5.895 m +268.419 5.895 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 6.053 m +268.419 5.895 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.945 m +274.754 5.261 L +281.089 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.845 m +265.252 6.687 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.895 m +265.252 6.053 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.212 m +265.252 6.053 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 6.528 m +265.252 6.687 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 5.42 m +274.754 5.578 L +274.754 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.112 m +274.754 8.429 L +281.089 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 5.578 m +265.252 5.42 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 4.786 m +274.754 4.945 L +274.754 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.311 m +274.754 4.628 L +281.089 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.628 m +268.419 4.628 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 5.42 m +268.419 5.261 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 5.261 m +268.419 5.261 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 4.786 m +268.419 4.628 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 4.628 m +265.252 4.786 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.678 m +271.586 3.519 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.678 m +274.754 3.994 L +281.089 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.795 m +274.754 8.112 L +281.089 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.311 m +265.252 4.153 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 3.519 m +274.754 3.678 L +274.754 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.994 m +265.252 4.153 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.044 m +274.754 3.361 L +281.089 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 3.519 m +268.419 3.361 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.361 m +268.419 3.361 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.678 m +265.252 3.519 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 4.153 m +268.419 3.994 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.361 m +265.252 3.519 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 2.886 m +274.754 3.044 L +274.754 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 2.727 m +265.252 2.886 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.044 m +265.252 2.886 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 14.13 m +274.754 14.447 L +281.089 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 2.411 m +274.754 2.727 L +281.089 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 14.13 m +271.586 14.288 L +274.754 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 13.022 m +274.754 13.18 L +274.754 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 14.13 m +274.754 13.813 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 14.447 m +271.586 14.288 L +268.419 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.497 m +274.754 13.813 L +281.089 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 13.497 m +271.586 13.655 L +274.754 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 11.596 m +271.586 11.755 L +274.754 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.863 m +274.754 13.18 L +281.089 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.18 m +271.586 13.022 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.863 m +271.586 13.022 L +274.754 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.863 m +274.754 12.546 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.23 m +274.754 11.913 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.497 m +274.754 13.18 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.23 m +274.754 12.546 L +281.089 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.546 m +271.586 12.388 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 2.886 m +268.419 2.727 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.23 m +271.586 12.388 L +274.754 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.813 m +271.586 13.655 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.596 m +274.754 11.279 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.963 m +274.754 11.279 L +281.089 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.279 m +271.586 11.121 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.963 m +271.586 11.121 L +274.754 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.913 m +271.586 11.755 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.596 m +274.754 11.913 L +281.089 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.963 m +274.754 10.646 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.329 m +274.754 10.646 L +281.089 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 2.727 m +268.419 2.727 L +268.419 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.646 m +271.586 10.488 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.329 m +271.586 10.488 L +274.754 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.696 m +274.754 9.379 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.062 m +274.754 9.379 L +281.089 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.379 m +271.586 9.221 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.162 m +271.586 7.32 L +274.754 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.062 m +274.754 8.746 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.696 m +271.586 9.854 L +274.754 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.162 m +274.754 6.845 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.062 m +271.586 9.221 L +274.754 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.528 m +274.754 6.845 L +281.089 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.012 m +271.586 9.854 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.746 m +271.586 8.587 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.112 m +271.586 7.954 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.429 m +274.754 8.112 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.795 m +271.586 7.954 L +274.754 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.162 m +274.754 7.479 L +281.089 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.479 m +271.586 7.32 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.429 m +274.754 8.746 L +281.089 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 8.429 m +271.586 8.587 L +274.754 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.795 m +274.754 7.479 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.994 m +268.419 3.994 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.845 m +271.586 6.687 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 4.628 m +271.586 4.786 L +274.754 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.895 m +274.754 6.212 L +281.089 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.212 m +271.586 6.053 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.895 m +271.586 6.053 L +274.754 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.261 m +271.586 5.42 L +274.754 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.261 m +274.754 5.578 L +281.089 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.528 m +274.754 6.212 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.329 m +274.754 10.012 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.895 m +274.754 5.578 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.945 m +271.586 4.786 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 6.528 m +271.586 6.687 L +274.754 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.261 m +274.754 4.945 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.628 m +274.754 4.311 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.994 m +274.754 4.311 L +281.089 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.311 m +271.586 4.153 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.628 m +274.754 4.945 L +281.089 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.994 m +274.754 3.678 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.578 m +271.586 5.42 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.696 m +274.754 10.012 L +281.089 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.994 m +271.586 4.153 L +274.754 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 8.112 m +179.732 7.479 L +167.063 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.361 m +271.586 3.519 L +274.754 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 9.696 m +243.828 9.658 L +243.08 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 14.168 m +243.822 14.13 L +243.08 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.032 m +243.822 3.994 L +243.08 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.665 m +243.822 4.628 L +243.08 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 14.447 m +243.828 14.409 L +243.08 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 14.394 m +261.045 14.447 L +262.084 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 2.765 m +243.822 2.727 L +243.08 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.398 m +243.822 3.361 L +243.08 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.267 m +243.822 12.23 L +243.08 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.566 m +243.822 6.528 L +243.08 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.634 m +243.822 11.596 L +243.08 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.199 m +243.822 7.162 L +243.08 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.833 m +243.822 7.795 L +243.08 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.901 m +243.822 12.863 L +243.08 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.932 m +243.822 5.895 L +243.08 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 2.78 m +60.429 2.991 L +62.539 2.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.681 m +60.429 4.892 L +62.539 4.786 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.848 m +60.429 8.059 L +62.539 7.954 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.414 m +60.429 3.625 L +62.539 3.519 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.314 m +60.429 5.525 L +62.539 5.42 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.948 m +60.429 6.159 L +62.539 6.053 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.581 m +60.429 6.792 L +62.539 6.687 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.215 m +60.429 7.426 L +62.539 7.32 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 2.727 m +274.754 3.044 L +281.089 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.299 m +243.822 5.261 L +243.08 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.044 m +271.586 2.886 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.761 m +261.045 13.813 L +262.084 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 2.727 m +271.586 2.886 L +274.754 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.534 m +243.822 13.497 L +243.08 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11 m +243.822 10.963 L +243.08 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.1 m +243.822 9.062 L +243.08 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 6.528 m +243.828 6.491 L +243.08 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.249 m +243.822 6.212 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 6.528 m +261.033 6.581 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.982 m +243.822 4.945 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 5.261 m +243.828 5.224 L +243.08 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 5.895 m +243.828 5.857 L +243.08 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 5.895 m +261.033 5.947 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 6.845 m +243.828 6.808 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.731 m +60.429 3.942 L +62.539 3.836 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 7.479 m +261.033 7.531 L +262.084 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.616 m +243.822 5.578 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 3.361 m +261.033 3.414 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 5.261 m +261.033 5.314 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 3.994 m +261.033 4.047 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.715 m +243.822 3.678 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.361 m +274.754 3.044 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.998 m +60.429 5.209 L +62.539 5.103 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.733 m +243.822 9.696 L +243.08 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.466 m +243.822 8.429 L +243.08 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.367 m +243.822 10.329 L +243.08 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.047 m +60.429 4.258 L +62.539 4.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.364 m +60.429 4.575 L +62.539 4.47 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.349 m +243.822 4.311 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.082 m +243.822 3.044 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 4.628 m +261.033 4.681 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 3.361 m +243.828 3.324 L +243.08 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 4.628 m +243.828 4.59 L +243.08 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 3.994 m +243.828 3.957 L +243.08 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.482 m +60.429 8.693 L +62.539 8.587 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.749 m +60.429 9.96 L +62.539 9.854 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 14.183 m +60.429 14.394 L +62.539 14.288 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.227 m +261.045 11.279 L +262.084 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.96 m +261.045 10.012 L +262.084 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.593 m +261.045 10.646 L +262.084 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.86 m +261.045 11.913 L +262.084 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.494 m +261.045 12.546 L +262.084 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.793 m +261.045 6.845 L +262.084 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.426 m +261.045 7.479 L +262.084 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.376 m +261.045 8.429 L +262.084 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.127 m +261.045 13.18 L +262.084 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.693 m +261.045 8.746 L +262.084 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.326 m +261.045 9.379 L +262.084 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.059 m +261.045 8.112 L +262.084 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.811 m +261.045 12.863 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.177 m +261.045 12.23 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.544 m +261.045 11.596 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.892 m +261.045 4.945 L +262.084 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.526 m +261.045 5.578 L +262.084 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.259 m +261.045 4.311 L +262.084 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.625 m +261.045 3.678 L +262.084 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 2.992 m +261.045 3.044 L +262.084 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.743 m +261.045 7.795 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 14.078 m +261.045 14.13 L +262.084 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.643 m +261.045 9.696 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.91 m +261.045 10.963 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.159 m +261.045 6.212 L +262.084 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.277 m +261.045 10.329 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.01 m +261.045 9.062 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.444 m +261.045 13.497 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 6.212 m +243.828 6.174 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.109 m +261.045 7.162 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.233 m +60.429 13.444 L +62.539 13.338 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.842 m +261.045 5.895 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.209 m +261.045 5.261 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.575 m +261.045 4.628 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 4.153 m +65.706 3.994 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.016 m +60.429 11.227 L +62.539 11.121 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.382 m +60.429 10.593 L +62.539 10.488 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.115 m +60.429 9.326 L +62.539 9.221 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.55 m +60.429 13.76 L +62.539 13.655 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.942 m +261.045 3.994 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.916 m +60.429 13.127 L +62.539 13.022 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.649 m +60.429 11.86 L +62.539 11.755 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.283 m +60.429 12.493 L +62.539 12.388 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.308 m +261.045 3.361 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 2.411 m +261.033 2.463 L +262.084 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 2.675 m +261.045 2.727 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.476 m +261.045 6.528 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.898 m +60.429 7.109 L +62.539 7.003 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.332 m +60.429 11.543 L +62.539 11.438 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.966 m +60.429 12.177 L +62.539 12.071 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.599 m +60.429 12.81 L +62.539 12.705 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.866 m +60.429 14.077 L +62.539 13.972 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.265 m +60.429 6.475 L +62.539 6.37 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.531 m +60.429 7.742 L +62.539 7.637 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.065 m +60.429 10.276 L +62.539 10.171 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.699 m +60.429 10.91 L +62.539 10.804 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.432 m +60.429 9.643 L +62.539 9.537 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.165 m +60.429 8.376 L +62.539 8.27 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.798 m +60.429 9.009 L +62.539 8.904 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 7.479 m +243.828 7.441 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.631 m +60.429 5.842 L +62.539 5.737 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 8.112 m +243.828 8.075 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 8.112 m +261.033 8.165 L +262.084 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 10.963 m +243.828 10.925 L +243.08 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 12.23 m +261.033 12.282 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 12.863 m +261.033 12.916 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 11.596 m +261.033 11.649 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 11.596 m +243.828 11.559 L +243.08 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.317 m +243.822 11.279 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 12.863 m +243.828 12.826 L +243.08 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.584 m +243.822 12.546 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.95 m +243.822 11.913 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 12.23 m +243.828 12.192 L +243.08 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.883 m +243.822 6.845 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 10.646 m +261.033 10.699 L +262.084 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 11.279 m +261.033 11.332 L +262.084 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 12.546 m +243.828 12.509 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 10.646 m +243.828 10.609 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 11.279 m +243.828 11.242 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 12.546 m +261.033 12.599 L +262.084 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 7.162 m +261.033 7.214 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 11.913 m +243.828 11.875 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 11.913 m +261.033 11.965 L +262.084 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 2.464 m +60.429 2.675 L +62.539 2.569 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 13.18 m +261.033 13.232 L +262.084 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.097 m +60.429 3.308 L +62.539 3.203 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.851 m +243.822 13.813 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 9.062 m +243.828 9.025 L +243.08 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.783 m +243.822 8.746 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 9.062 m +261.033 9.115 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 7.795 m +243.828 7.758 L +243.08 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.05 m +243.822 10.012 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 10.329 m +243.828 10.292 L +243.08 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 10.329 m +261.033 10.382 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.416 m +243.822 9.379 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 9.696 m +261.033 9.748 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.516 m +243.822 7.479 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 7.795 m +261.033 7.848 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 10.963 m +261.033 11.015 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.217 m +243.822 13.18 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 14.13 m +261.033 14.183 L +262.084 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 13.497 m +261.033 13.549 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 13.497 m +243.828 13.459 L +243.08 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.683 m +243.822 10.646 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 7.162 m +243.828 7.124 L +243.08 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 8.429 m +243.828 8.391 L +243.08 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 8.429 m +261.033 8.481 L +262.084 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.149 m +243.822 8.112 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 14.13 m +243.828 14.093 L +243.08 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 13.18 m +243.828 13.142 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 3.044 m +261.033 3.097 L +262.084 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 5.578 m +261.033 5.631 L +262.084 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 13.813 m +243.828 13.776 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 13.813 m +261.033 13.866 L +262.084 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 4.311 m +261.033 4.364 L +262.084 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 9.379 m +261.033 9.432 L +262.084 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 4.945 m +243.828 4.907 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 6.845 m +261.033 6.898 L +262.084 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 5.578 m +243.828 5.541 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 9.379 m +243.828 9.342 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 3.678 m +243.828 3.64 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 10.012 m +261.033 10.065 L +262.084 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 6.212 m +261.033 6.264 L +262.084 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 10.012 m +243.828 9.975 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 3.678 m +261.033 3.73 L +262.084 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 2.727 m +243.828 2.69 L +243.08 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 2.448 m +243.822 2.411 L +243.08 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 8.746 m +243.828 8.708 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 4.945 m +261.033 4.997 L +262.084 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 4.311 m +243.828 4.274 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 8.746 m +261.033 8.798 L +262.084 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 2.727 m +261.033 2.78 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.708 m +243.828 8.466 L +243.08 8.429 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.391 m +243.828 8.149 L +243.08 8.112 L +243.08 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.414 m +261.033 3.625 L +262.084 3.678 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 7.795 m +60.429 7.848 L +62.539 7.954 L +65.706 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.541 m +243.828 5.299 L +243.08 5.261 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 2.78 m +261.033 2.992 L +262.084 3.044 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.282 m +261.033 12.494 L +262.084 12.546 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 8.429 m +60.429 8.482 L +62.539 8.587 L +65.706 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.047 m +261.033 4.259 L +262.084 4.311 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.693 m +60.435 8.746 L +65.706 8.746 L +62.539 8.587 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.681 m +261.033 4.892 L +262.084 4.945 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.059 m +60.435 8.112 L +65.706 8.112 L +62.539 7.954 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 14.183 m +261.033 14.394 L +262.084 14.447 L +262.084 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 12.863 m +60.429 12.916 L +62.539 13.022 L +65.706 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.159 m +60.435 6.212 L +65.706 6.212 L +62.539 6.053 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.916 m +261.033 13.127 L +262.084 13.18 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.808 m +243.828 6.566 L +243.08 6.528 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.581 m +261.033 6.793 L +262.084 6.845 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.776 m +243.828 13.534 L +243.08 13.497 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.127 m +60.435 13.18 L +65.706 13.18 L +62.539 13.022 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.214 m +261.033 7.426 L +262.084 7.479 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.947 m +261.033 6.159 L +262.084 6.212 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.314 m +261.033 5.526 L +262.084 5.578 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.491 m +243.828 6.249 L +243.08 6.212 L +243.08 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.549 m +261.033 13.761 L +262.084 13.813 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.459 m +243.828 13.217 L +243.08 13.18 L +243.08 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.792 m +60.435 6.845 L +65.706 6.845 L +62.539 6.687 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.242 m +243.828 11 L +243.08 10.963 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.758 m +243.828 7.516 L +243.08 7.479 L +243.08 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.174 m +243.828 5.932 L +243.08 5.895 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.643 m +60.435 9.696 L +65.706 9.696 L +62.539 9.537 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 7.479 m +60.429 7.531 L +62.539 7.637 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.441 m +243.828 7.199 L +243.08 7.162 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 9.696 m +60.429 9.749 L +62.539 9.854 L +65.706 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 10.329 m +60.429 10.382 L +62.539 10.488 L +65.706 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.96 m +60.435 10.012 L +65.706 10.012 L +62.539 9.854 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.593 m +60.435 10.646 L +65.706 10.646 L +62.539 10.488 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.609 m +243.828 10.367 L +243.08 10.329 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 2.991 m +60.435 3.044 L +65.706 3.044 L +62.539 2.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.292 m +243.828 10.05 L +243.08 10.012 L +243.08 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.342 m +243.828 9.1 L +243.08 9.062 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.658 m +243.828 9.416 L +243.08 9.379 L +243.08 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 3.044 m +60.429 3.097 L +62.539 3.203 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 3.678 m +60.429 3.731 L +62.539 3.836 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.975 m +243.828 9.733 L +243.08 9.696 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 9.062 m +60.429 9.115 L +62.539 9.221 L +65.706 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 4.311 m +60.429 4.364 L +62.539 4.47 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 4.945 m +60.429 4.998 L +62.539 5.103 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.025 m +243.828 8.783 L +243.08 8.746 L +243.08 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.326 m +60.435 9.379 L +65.706 9.379 L +62.539 9.221 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.124 m +243.828 6.883 L +243.08 6.845 L +243.08 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 5.578 m +60.429 5.631 L +62.539 5.737 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 2.727 m +60.429 2.78 L +62.539 2.886 L +65.706 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 7.162 m +60.429 7.215 L +62.539 7.32 L +65.706 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.115 m +261.033 9.326 L +262.084 9.379 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 6.845 m +60.429 6.898 L +62.539 7.003 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.426 m +60.435 7.479 L +65.706 7.479 L +62.539 7.32 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.075 m +243.828 7.833 L +243.08 7.795 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 8.746 m +60.429 8.798 L +62.539 8.904 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 8.112 m +60.429 8.165 L +62.539 8.27 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 6.212 m +60.429 6.265 L +62.539 6.37 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.224 m +243.828 4.982 L +243.08 4.945 L +243.08 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 10.012 m +60.429 10.065 L +62.539 10.171 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 10.646 m +60.429 10.699 L +62.539 10.804 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 2.69 m +243.828 2.448 L +243.08 2.411 L +243.08 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 9.379 m +60.429 9.432 L +62.539 9.537 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 11.279 m +60.429 11.332 L +62.539 11.438 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 11.913 m +60.429 11.966 L +62.539 12.071 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.525 m +60.435 5.578 L +65.706 5.578 L +62.539 5.42 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 5.261 m +60.429 5.314 L +62.539 5.42 L +65.706 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.848 m +261.033 8.059 L +262.084 8.112 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 12.546 m +60.429 12.599 L +62.539 12.705 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.748 m +261.033 9.96 L +262.084 10.012 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.475 m +60.435 6.528 L +65.706 6.528 L +62.539 6.37 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.192 m +243.828 11.95 L +243.08 11.913 L +243.08 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.493 m +60.435 12.546 L +65.706 12.546 L +62.539 12.388 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.509 m +243.828 12.267 L +243.08 12.23 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 4.628 m +60.429 4.681 L +62.539 4.786 L +65.706 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.308 m +60.435 3.361 L +65.706 3.361 L +62.539 3.203 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 11.596 m +60.429 11.649 L +62.539 11.755 L +65.706 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 13.813 m +60.429 13.866 L +62.539 13.972 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.842 m +60.435 5.895 L +65.706 5.895 L +62.539 5.737 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.209 m +60.435 5.261 L +65.706 5.261 L +62.539 5.103 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.165 m +261.033 8.376 L +262.084 8.429 L +262.084 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.798 m +261.033 9.01 L +262.084 9.062 L +262.084 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 12.23 m +60.429 12.283 L +62.539 12.388 L +65.706 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 14.077 m +60.435 14.13 L +65.706 14.13 L +62.539 13.972 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.575 m +60.435 4.628 L +65.706 4.628 L +62.539 4.47 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.942 m +60.435 3.994 L +65.706 3.994 L +62.539 3.836 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.444 m +60.435 13.497 L +65.706 13.497 L +62.539 13.338 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.531 m +261.033 7.743 L +262.084 7.795 L +262.084 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 2.411 m +60.429 2.464 L +62.539 2.569 L +65.706 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.957 m +243.828 3.715 L +243.08 3.678 L +243.08 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.274 m +243.828 4.032 L +243.08 3.994 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.276 m +60.435 10.329 L +65.706 10.329 L +62.539 10.171 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.91 m +60.435 10.963 L +65.706 10.963 L +62.539 10.804 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.258 m +60.435 4.311 L +65.706 4.311 L +62.539 4.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.376 m +60.435 8.429 L +65.706 8.429 L +62.539 8.27 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.009 m +60.435 9.062 L +65.706 9.062 L +62.539 8.904 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 3.994 m +60.429 4.047 L +62.539 4.153 L +65.706 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 2.675 m +60.435 2.727 L +65.706 2.727 L +62.539 2.569 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.81 m +60.435 12.863 L +65.706 12.863 L +62.539 12.705 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.177 m +60.435 12.23 L +65.706 12.23 L +62.539 12.071 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 6.528 m +60.429 6.581 L +62.539 6.687 L +65.706 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.109 m +60.435 7.162 L +65.706 7.162 L +62.539 7.003 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 14.394 m +60.435 14.447 L +62.539 14.447 L +62.539 14.288 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.59 m +243.828 4.349 L +243.08 4.311 L +243.08 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.907 m +243.828 4.665 L +243.08 4.628 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.742 m +60.435 7.795 L +65.706 7.795 L +62.539 7.637 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.543 m +60.435 11.596 L +65.706 11.596 L +62.539 11.438 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.898 m +261.033 7.109 L +262.084 7.162 L +262.084 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.264 m +261.033 6.476 L +262.084 6.528 L +262.084 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.432 m +261.033 9.643 L +262.084 9.696 L +262.084 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.826 m +243.828 12.584 L +243.08 12.546 L +243.08 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 14.409 m +243.828 14.168 L +243.08 14.13 L +243.08 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.76 m +60.435 13.813 L +65.706 13.813 L +62.539 13.655 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 14.093 m +243.828 13.851 L +243.08 13.813 L +243.08 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.097 m +261.033 3.308 L +262.084 3.361 L +262.084 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.892 m +60.435 4.945 L +65.706 4.945 L +62.539 4.786 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.142 m +243.828 12.901 L +243.08 12.863 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.875 m +243.828 11.634 L +243.08 11.596 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 13.497 m +60.429 13.55 L +62.539 13.655 L +65.706 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 5.895 m +60.429 5.948 L +62.539 6.053 L +65.706 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.649 m +261.033 11.86 L +262.084 11.913 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.382 m +261.033 10.593 L +262.084 10.646 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 14.13 m +60.429 14.183 L +62.539 14.288 L +65.706 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.015 m +261.033 11.227 L +262.084 11.279 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 13.18 m +60.429 13.233 L +62.539 13.338 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.857 m +243.828 5.616 L +243.08 5.578 L +243.08 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.007 m +243.828 2.765 L +243.08 2.727 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 3.361 m +60.429 3.414 L +62.539 3.519 L +65.706 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.625 m +60.435 3.678 L +65.706 3.678 L +62.539 3.519 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 10.963 m +60.429 11.016 L +62.539 11.121 L +65.706 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.86 m +60.435 11.913 L +65.706 11.913 L +62.539 11.755 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.332 m +261.033 11.544 L +262.084 11.596 L +262.084 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.64 m +243.828 3.398 L +243.08 3.361 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.065 m +261.033 10.277 L +262.084 10.329 L +262.084 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.631 m +261.033 5.842 L +262.084 5.895 L +262.084 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.997 m +261.033 5.209 L +262.084 5.261 L +262.084 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.364 m +261.033 4.575 L +262.084 4.628 L +262.084 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.227 m +60.435 11.279 L +65.706 11.279 L +62.539 11.121 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.866 m +261.033 14.078 L +262.084 14.13 L +262.084 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.232 m +261.033 13.444 L +262.084 13.497 L +262.084 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.559 m +243.828 11.317 L +243.08 11.279 L +243.08 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 2.463 m +261.033 2.675 L +262.084 2.727 L +262.084 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.73 m +261.033 3.942 L +262.084 3.994 L +262.084 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.925 m +243.828 10.683 L +243.08 10.646 L +243.08 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.324 m +243.828 3.082 L +243.08 3.044 L +243.08 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.481 m +261.033 8.693 L +262.084 8.746 L +262.084 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.699 m +261.033 10.91 L +262.084 10.963 L +262.084 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.965 m +261.033 12.177 L +262.084 12.23 L +262.084 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.599 m +261.033 12.811 L +262.084 12.863 L +262.084 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +0 g +0.6 g +0.36 w +[ ] 0 setdash +3.25 setmiterlimit +72.041 14.447 m +65.706 14.447 L +62.539 14.447 L +60.435 14.447 L +60.429 14.394 L +60.429 14.183 L +60.435 14.13 L +60.429 14.077 L +60.429 13.866 L +60.435 13.813 L +60.429 13.76 L +60.429 13.55 L +60.435 13.497 L +60.429 13.444 L +60.429 13.233 L +60.435 13.18 L +60.429 13.127 L +60.429 12.916 L +60.435 12.863 L +60.429 12.81 L +60.429 12.599 L +60.435 12.546 L +60.429 12.493 L +60.429 12.283 L +60.435 12.23 L +60.429 12.177 L +60.429 11.966 L +60.435 11.913 L +60.429 11.86 L +60.429 11.649 L +60.435 11.596 L +60.429 11.543 L +60.429 11.332 L +60.435 11.279 L +60.429 11.227 L +60.429 11.016 L +60.435 10.963 L +60.429 10.91 L +60.429 10.699 L +60.435 10.646 L +60.429 10.593 L +60.429 10.382 L +60.435 10.329 L +60.429 10.276 L +60.429 10.065 L +60.435 10.012 L +60.429 9.96 L +60.429 9.749 L +60.435 9.696 L +60.429 9.643 L +60.429 9.432 L +60.435 9.379 L +60.429 9.326 L +60.429 9.115 L +60.435 9.062 L +60.429 9.009 L +60.429 8.798 L +60.435 8.746 L +60.429 8.693 L +60.429 8.482 L +60.435 8.429 L +60.429 8.376 L +60.429 8.165 L +60.435 8.112 L +60.429 8.059 L +60.429 7.848 L +60.435 7.795 L +60.429 7.742 L +60.429 7.531 L +60.435 7.479 L +60.429 7.426 L +60.429 7.215 L +60.435 7.162 L +60.429 7.109 L +60.429 6.898 L +60.435 6.845 L +60.429 6.792 L +60.429 6.581 L +60.435 6.528 L +60.429 6.475 L +60.429 6.265 L +60.435 6.212 L 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] 0 setdash +p +0 setlinecap +275.357 8.429 m +275.357 6.979 L +s +P +p +np 271 9 m +271 20 L +280 20 L +280 9 L +cp +clip np +p +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +[1 0 0 1 272.497 10.589 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +p +np -2.497 -2.589 m +-2.497 10.411 L +8.503 10.411 L +8.503 -2.589 L +cp +clip np +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +6.48 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +0 6 m +(r) N +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +4.601 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +2.547 7.008 m +(B) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -272.497 -10.589 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +[ ] 0 setdash +p +0 setlinecap +35.352 8.429 m +286.104 8.429 L +s +P +p +np 290 3 m +290 14 L +296 14 L +296 3 L +cp +clip np +p +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +[1 0 0 1 291.864 4.679 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +p +np -2.864 -2.679 m +-2.864 10.321 L +5.136 10.321 L +5.136 -2.679 L +cp +clip np +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +6.48 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +0 6 m +(r) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -291.864 -4.679 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +p +np 35 2 m +35 16 L +287 16 L +287 2 L +cp +clip np +1 0 0 r +1.44 w +[ ] 0 setdash +60.427 2.411 m +60.427 14.447 L +s +243.834 2.411 m +243.834 14.447 L +s +[ 0.72 2.88 ] 0 setdash +261.028 2.411 m +261.028 14.447 L +s +P +P +P +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +P +P +%Trailer +%EOF + +%%EndDocument + @endspecial Black 69 762 a Fv(Figure)f(3.1:)43 b(Radial)33 +b(axis)g(with)g(supp)s(ort)g(of)f(\011)1850 777 y Fo(`)1883 +762 y Fv(\(0)p Fp(;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))32 b(and)g(p)s(oin)m(t)h(at)f +Fp(r)2738 777 y Fo(B)2821 762 y Fs(\000)23 b Fp(\017\016)36 +b Fv(\(the)d(dashed)h(line\).)p Black Black Black 0 1186 +a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 260 @urx 16 @ury 4252 @rwi +@setspecial +%%BeginDocument: u-line_gr1.eps +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-1.2 +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 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+40.355 14.417 L +52.993 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 13.785 m +90.908 14.417 L +103.546 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 13.785 m +166.738 14.417 L +179.376 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 13.785 m +103.546 14.417 L +116.185 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 13.785 m +128.823 14.417 L +141.461 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 13.785 m +141.461 14.417 L +154.1 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 14.101 m +90.908 14.417 L +90.908 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 13.785 m +154.1 14.417 L +166.738 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 13.785 m +179.376 14.417 L +192.015 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 13.153 m +90.908 13.785 L +103.546 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 13.785 m +217.291 14.417 L +229.93 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 13.785 m +192.015 14.417 L +204.653 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 13.785 m +116.185 14.417 L +128.823 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 13.785 m +229.93 14.417 L +242.568 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 13.469 m +90.908 13.785 L +90.908 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 14.101 m +248.887 14.101 L +255.206 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 13.153 m +40.355 13.785 L +52.993 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.941 m +90.908 11.257 L +90.908 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 13.153 m +103.546 13.785 L +116.185 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 13.153 m +128.823 13.785 L +141.461 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 13.153 m +141.461 13.785 L +154.1 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 13.153 m +154.1 13.785 L +166.738 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 13.153 m +217.291 13.785 L +229.93 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 13.153 m +229.93 13.785 L +242.568 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 13.153 m +192.015 13.785 L +204.653 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 13.153 m +204.653 13.785 L +217.291 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 13.153 m +166.738 13.785 L +179.376 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 13.785 m +204.653 14.417 L +217.291 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 13.469 m +248.887 13.469 L +255.206 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 12.521 m +116.185 13.153 L +128.823 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.837 m +90.908 13.153 L +90.908 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 12.521 m +90.908 13.153 L +103.546 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 13.153 m +116.185 13.785 L +128.823 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 12.521 m +40.355 13.153 L +52.993 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 12.521 m +128.823 13.153 L +141.461 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 12.521 m +141.461 13.153 L +154.1 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 12.521 m +103.546 13.153 L +116.185 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 12.521 m +154.1 13.153 L +166.738 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 12.521 m +166.738 13.153 L +179.376 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 12.521 m +179.376 13.153 L +192.015 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 12.521 m +217.291 13.153 L +229.93 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 11.889 m +204.653 12.521 L +217.291 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 12.521 m +204.653 13.153 L +217.291 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 12.521 m +229.93 13.153 L +242.568 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.205 m +90.908 12.521 L +90.908 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 12.837 m +248.887 12.837 L +255.206 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 11.889 m +40.355 12.521 L +52.993 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 11.889 m +217.291 12.521 L +229.93 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 11.889 m +90.908 12.521 L +103.546 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 11.889 m +116.185 12.521 L +128.823 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 11.889 m +141.461 12.521 L +154.1 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 11.889 m +154.1 12.521 L +166.738 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 11.889 m +103.546 12.521 L +116.185 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 11.889 m +166.738 12.521 L +179.376 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 11.889 m +192.015 12.521 L +204.653 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 11.889 m +128.823 12.521 L +141.461 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 11.889 m +179.376 12.521 L +192.015 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 13.153 m +179.376 13.785 L +192.015 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 11.889 m +229.93 12.521 L +242.568 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 11.257 m +192.015 11.889 L +204.653 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 11.573 m +90.908 11.889 L +90.908 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 11.257 m +154.1 11.889 L +166.738 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 11.257 m +40.355 11.889 L +52.993 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 11.257 m +90.908 11.889 L +103.546 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 11.257 m +128.823 11.889 L +141.461 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 11.257 m +103.546 11.889 L +116.185 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 11.257 m +116.185 11.889 L +128.823 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 12.205 m +248.887 12.205 L +255.206 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 11.257 m +141.461 11.889 L +154.1 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 12.521 m +192.015 13.153 L +204.653 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 11.257 m +204.653 11.889 L +217.291 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 11.257 m +179.376 11.889 L +192.015 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 11.257 m +166.738 11.889 L +179.376 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 11.257 m +217.291 11.889 L +229.93 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 10.625 m +40.355 11.257 L +52.993 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 11.257 m +229.93 11.889 L +242.568 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 11.573 m +248.887 11.573 L +255.206 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 10.625 m +90.908 11.257 L +103.546 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 10.625 m +103.546 11.257 L +116.185 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 10.625 m +116.185 11.257 L +128.823 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 10.625 m +128.823 11.257 L +141.461 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 10.625 m +141.461 11.257 L +154.1 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 10.625 m +204.653 11.257 L +217.291 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 10.625 m +217.291 11.257 L +229.93 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 10.625 m +179.376 11.257 L +192.015 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 10.625 m +192.015 11.257 L +204.653 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 10.625 m +154.1 11.257 L +166.738 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 10.625 m +166.738 11.257 L +179.376 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 10.625 m +229.93 11.257 L +242.568 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 9.993 m +103.546 10.625 L +116.185 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 9.993 m +40.355 10.625 L +52.993 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.309 m +90.908 10.625 L +90.908 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 9.993 m +141.461 10.625 L +154.1 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 10.941 m +248.887 10.941 L +255.206 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 9.993 m +116.185 10.625 L +128.823 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 9.993 m +128.823 10.625 L +141.461 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 9.993 m +90.908 10.625 L +103.546 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 9.361 m +204.653 9.993 L +217.291 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 9.361 m +217.291 9.993 L +229.93 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 9.993 m +179.376 10.625 L +192.015 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 9.993 m +192.015 10.625 L +204.653 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 9.993 m +204.653 10.625 L +217.291 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.677 m +90.908 9.993 L +90.908 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 9.361 m +90.908 9.993 L +103.546 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 10.309 m +248.887 10.309 L +255.206 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 9.361 m +40.355 9.993 L +52.993 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 9.993 m +217.291 10.625 L +229.93 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 9.993 m +154.1 10.625 L +166.738 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 9.361 m +103.546 9.993 L +116.185 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 9.361 m +166.738 9.993 L +179.376 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 9.361 m +128.823 9.993 L +141.461 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 9.361 m +141.461 9.993 L +154.1 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 9.993 m +166.738 10.625 L +179.376 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 9.361 m +116.185 9.993 L +128.823 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 9.361 m +179.376 9.993 L +192.015 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 9.361 m +192.015 9.993 L +204.653 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 9.361 m +154.1 9.993 L +166.738 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 7.465 m +141.461 8.097 L +154.1 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 9.361 m +229.93 9.993 L +242.568 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 8.097 m +166.738 8.729 L +179.376 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 8.729 m +40.355 9.361 L +52.993 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.045 m +90.908 9.361 L +90.908 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 8.729 m +141.461 9.361 L +154.1 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 8.729 m +154.1 9.361 L +166.738 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 8.729 m +116.185 9.361 L +128.823 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 8.729 m +128.823 9.361 L +141.461 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 8.729 m +90.908 9.361 L +103.546 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 8.729 m +103.546 9.361 L +116.185 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 8.729 m +166.738 9.361 L +179.376 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 8.729 m +229.93 9.361 L +242.568 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 8.729 m +192.015 9.361 L +204.653 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 8.729 m +204.653 9.361 L +217.291 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 8.413 m +90.908 8.729 L +90.908 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 8.729 m +179.376 9.361 L +192.015 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 9.045 m +248.887 9.045 L +255.206 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 8.097 m +40.355 8.729 L +52.993 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 8.729 m +217.291 9.361 L +229.93 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 7.465 m +154.1 8.097 L +166.738 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 9.677 m +248.887 9.677 L +255.206 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 8.097 m +116.185 8.729 L +128.823 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 8.097 m +128.823 8.729 L +141.461 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 8.097 m +141.461 8.729 L +154.1 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 8.097 m +204.653 8.729 L +217.291 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 8.097 m +217.291 8.729 L +229.93 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 8.097 m +179.376 8.729 L +192.015 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 8.097 m +192.015 8.729 L +204.653 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 8.097 m +154.1 8.729 L +166.738 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 8.097 m +90.908 8.729 L +103.546 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 8.097 m +229.93 8.729 L +242.568 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 7.465 m +103.546 8.097 L +116.185 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 7.465 m +40.355 8.097 L +52.993 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.781 m +90.908 8.097 L +90.908 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 8.097 m +103.546 8.729 L +116.185 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 8.413 m +248.887 8.413 L +255.206 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 7.465 m +116.185 8.097 L +128.823 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 7.465 m +128.823 8.097 L +141.461 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 7.465 m +90.908 8.097 L +103.546 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 9.993 m +229.93 10.625 L +242.568 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 7.465 m +166.738 8.097 L +179.376 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 3.042 m +154.1 3.674 L +166.738 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 7.465 m +204.653 8.097 L +217.291 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 6.834 m +90.908 7.465 L +103.546 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 7.465 m +217.291 8.097 L +229.93 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 7.781 m +248.887 7.781 L +255.206 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 6.834 m +40.355 7.465 L +52.993 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 7.465 m +192.015 8.097 L +204.653 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.15 m +90.908 7.465 L +90.908 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 6.834 m +103.546 7.465 L +116.185 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 6.834 m +204.653 7.465 L +217.291 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 6.834 m +141.461 7.465 L +154.1 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 6.834 m +116.185 7.465 L +128.823 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 7.465 m +229.93 8.097 L +242.568 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 6.834 m +154.1 7.465 L +166.738 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 6.834 m +192.015 7.465 L +204.653 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 6.834 m +166.738 7.465 L +179.376 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 6.834 m +179.376 7.465 L +192.015 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 4.306 m +192.015 4.938 L +204.653 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 6.834 m +217.291 7.465 L +229.93 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 7.15 m +248.887 7.15 L +255.206 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 6.202 m +40.355 6.834 L +52.993 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 6.518 m +90.908 6.834 L +90.908 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 6.202 m +141.461 6.834 L +154.1 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 6.202 m +154.1 6.834 L +166.738 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 6.202 m +116.185 6.834 L +128.823 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 6.202 m +128.823 6.834 L +141.461 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 6.202 m +90.908 6.834 L +103.546 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 6.834 m +128.823 7.465 L +141.461 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 6.202 m +166.738 6.834 L +179.376 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 6.202 m +229.93 6.834 L +242.568 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 6.202 m +192.015 6.834 L +204.653 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 6.202 m +204.653 6.834 L +217.291 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 6.834 m +229.93 7.465 L +242.568 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 6.202 m +179.376 6.834 L +192.015 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 6.518 m +248.887 6.518 L +255.206 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 5.57 m +40.355 6.202 L +52.993 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 6.202 m +217.291 6.834 L +229.93 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.886 m +90.908 6.202 L +90.908 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 5.57 m +90.908 6.202 L +103.546 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 5.57 m +103.546 6.202 L +116.185 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 5.57 m +141.461 6.202 L +154.1 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 4.938 m +128.823 5.57 L +141.461 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 5.57 m +128.823 6.202 L +141.461 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 5.57 m +154.1 6.202 L +166.738 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 5.57 m +192.015 6.202 L +204.653 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 5.57 m +166.738 6.202 L +179.376 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 5.57 m +179.376 6.202 L +192.015 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 4.938 m +141.461 5.57 L +154.1 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 5.57 m +204.653 6.202 L +217.291 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 5.57 m +229.93 6.202 L +242.568 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 4.938 m +40.355 5.57 L +52.993 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.254 m +90.908 5.57 L +90.908 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 5.57 m +217.291 6.202 L +229.93 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 4.938 m +90.908 5.57 L +103.546 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 4.938 m +116.185 5.57 L +128.823 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 5.886 m +248.887 5.886 L +255.206 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 4.938 m +103.546 5.57 L +116.185 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 6.202 m +103.546 6.834 L +116.185 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 4.938 m +154.1 5.57 L +166.738 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 4.306 m +116.185 4.938 L +128.823 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 4.938 m +192.015 5.57 L +204.653 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 4.622 m +90.908 4.938 L +90.908 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 4.938 m +179.376 5.57 L +192.015 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 4.938 m +204.653 5.57 L +217.291 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 5.254 m +248.887 5.254 L +255.206 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 4.938 m +217.291 5.57 L +229.93 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 4.938 m +229.93 5.57 L +242.568 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 4.938 m +166.738 5.57 L +179.376 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 4.306 m +40.355 4.938 L +52.993 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 5.57 m +116.185 6.202 L +128.823 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 4.306 m +128.823 4.938 L +141.461 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 4.306 m +103.546 4.938 L +116.185 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 4.306 m +90.908 4.938 L +103.546 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 4.306 m +141.461 4.938 L +154.1 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 4.306 m +179.376 4.938 L +192.015 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 4.306 m +154.1 4.938 L +166.738 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 4.306 m +166.738 4.938 L +179.376 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 4.306 m +204.653 4.938 L +217.291 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 4.306 m +217.291 4.938 L +229.93 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 4.306 m +229.93 4.938 L +242.568 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 4.622 m +248.887 4.622 L +255.206 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 3.674 m +40.355 4.306 L +52.993 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 3.674 m +128.823 4.306 L +141.461 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 3.674 m +141.461 4.306 L +154.1 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 3.674 m +103.546 4.306 L +116.185 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 3.674 m +116.185 4.306 L +128.823 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.99 m +90.908 4.306 L +90.908 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 3.674 m +90.908 4.306 L +103.546 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 3.674 m +154.1 4.306 L +166.738 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 3.674 m +217.291 4.306 L +229.93 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 3.674 m +179.376 4.306 L +192.015 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 3.674 m +192.015 4.306 L +204.653 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 3.042 m +40.355 3.674 L +52.993 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 3.674 m +166.738 4.306 L +179.376 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 3.674 m +229.93 4.306 L +242.568 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 3.99 m +248.887 3.99 L +255.206 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 3.674 m +204.653 4.306 L +217.291 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 2.41 m +128.823 3.042 L +141.461 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 2.41 m +141.461 3.042 L +154.1 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 3.042 m +103.546 3.674 L +116.185 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 3.042 m +116.185 3.674 L +128.823 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 3.042 m +128.823 3.674 L +141.461 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 3.042 m +192.015 3.674 L +204.653 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 3.042 m +204.653 3.674 L +217.291 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 3.042 m +166.738 3.674 L +179.376 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 3.042 m +179.376 3.674 L +192.015 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 3.042 m +141.461 3.674 L +154.1 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.358 m +90.908 3.674 L +90.908 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 3.042 m +217.291 3.674 L +229.93 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 2.41 m +90.908 3.042 L +103.546 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 3.358 m +248.887 3.358 L +255.206 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 2.41 m +40.355 3.042 L +52.993 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 3.042 m +90.908 3.674 L +103.546 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 3.042 m +229.93 3.674 L +242.568 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 2.41 m +103.546 3.042 L +116.185 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 2.41 m +116.185 3.042 L +128.823 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 2.726 m +90.908 3.042 L +90.908 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 13.785 m +242.568 13.153 L +229.93 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 2.41 m +154.1 3.042 L +166.738 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 13.469 m +52.993 13.153 L +52.993 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 2.41 m +179.376 3.042 L +192.015 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 2.41 m +192.015 3.042 L +204.653 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 14.417 m +52.993 13.785 L +40.355 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 14.101 m +52.993 13.785 L +52.993 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 2.41 m +229.93 3.042 L +242.568 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 2.726 m +248.887 2.726 L +255.206 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 2.41 m +204.653 3.042 L +217.291 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 2.41 m +217.291 3.042 L +229.93 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 14.101 m +84.589 14.101 L +78.27 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 14.417 m +154.1 13.785 L +141.461 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 14.417 m +116.185 13.785 L +103.546 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 14.417 m +128.823 13.785 L +116.185 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 14.417 m +192.015 13.785 L +179.376 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 14.417 m +103.546 13.785 L +90.908 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 14.417 m +166.738 13.785 L +154.1 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 14.417 m +179.376 13.785 L +166.738 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 14.417 m +141.461 13.785 L +128.823 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 7.465 m +179.376 8.097 L +192.015 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 2.41 m +166.738 3.042 L +179.376 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 14.417 m +229.93 13.785 L +217.291 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 14.417 m +242.568 13.785 L +229.93 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 14.101 m +242.568 13.785 L +242.568 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 13.785 m +116.185 13.153 L +103.546 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 13.785 m +128.823 13.153 L +116.185 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 13.469 m +84.589 13.469 L +78.27 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 13.785 m +103.546 13.153 L +90.908 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 13.785 m +52.993 13.153 L +40.355 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 14.417 m +204.653 13.785 L +192.015 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 13.785 m +141.461 13.153 L +128.823 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 13.785 m +204.653 13.153 L +192.015 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 13.785 m +166.738 13.153 L +154.1 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 13.785 m +179.376 13.153 L +166.738 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 14.417 m +217.291 13.785 L +204.653 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 13.785 m +154.1 13.153 L +141.461 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 13.785 m +217.291 13.153 L +204.653 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 13.785 m +229.93 13.153 L +217.291 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 13.785 m +192.015 13.153 L +179.376 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 13.627 m +78.27 13.469 L +78.27 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 13.469 m +242.568 13.153 L +242.568 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 12.837 m +52.993 12.521 L +52.993 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 12.837 m +84.589 12.837 L +78.27 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 13.153 m +103.546 12.521 L +90.908 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 13.153 m +179.376 12.521 L +166.738 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 13.153 m +116.185 12.521 L +103.546 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 13.153 m +141.461 12.521 L +128.823 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 13.153 m +166.738 12.521 L +154.1 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 13.153 m +192.015 12.521 L +179.376 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 12.205 m +84.589 12.205 L +78.27 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 12.837 m +242.568 12.521 L +242.568 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 13.153 m +217.291 12.521 L +204.653 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 13.153 m +229.93 12.521 L +217.291 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 13.153 m +154.1 12.521 L +141.461 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 13.153 m +204.653 12.521 L +192.015 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 12.521 m +52.993 11.889 L +40.355 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 12.205 m +52.993 11.889 L +52.993 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 13.153 m +242.568 12.521 L +229.93 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 13.153 m +128.823 12.521 L +116.185 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 11.889 m +154.1 11.257 L +141.461 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 12.521 m +103.546 11.889 L +90.908 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 12.521 m +217.291 11.889 L +204.653 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 12.521 m +141.461 11.889 L +128.823 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 12.521 m +242.568 11.889 L +229.93 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 12.521 m +154.1 11.889 L +141.461 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 12.521 m +166.738 11.889 L +154.1 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 12.521 m +192.015 11.889 L +179.376 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 12.521 m +229.93 11.889 L +217.291 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 11.889 m +141.461 11.257 L +128.823 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 12.521 m +116.185 11.889 L +103.546 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 11.889 m +128.823 11.257 L +116.185 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 12.521 m +128.823 11.889 L +116.185 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 11.889 m +52.993 11.257 L +40.355 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 11.889 m +103.546 11.257 L +90.908 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 11.573 m +52.993 11.257 L +52.993 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 11.573 m +84.589 11.573 L +78.27 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 11.889 m +116.185 11.257 L +103.546 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 12.205 m +242.568 11.889 L +242.568 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 11.889 m +166.738 11.257 L +154.1 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 10.625 m +242.568 9.993 L +229.93 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 10.309 m +52.993 9.993 L +52.993 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 11.889 m +192.015 11.257 L +179.376 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 11.889 m +204.653 11.257 L +192.015 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 11.257 m +52.993 10.625 L +40.355 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 10.941 m +52.993 10.625 L +52.993 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 11.889 m +242.568 11.257 L +229.93 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 11.573 m +242.568 11.257 L +242.568 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 11.889 m +217.291 11.257 L +204.653 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 11.889 m +229.93 11.257 L +217.291 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 10.941 m +84.589 10.941 L +78.27 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 11.257 m +154.1 10.625 L +141.461 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 11.257 m +116.185 10.625 L +103.546 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 11.257 m +128.823 10.625 L +116.185 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 11.257 m +192.015 10.625 L +179.376 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 11.257 m +103.546 10.625 L +90.908 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 11.257 m +166.738 10.625 L +154.1 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 11.257 m +179.376 10.625 L +166.738 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 11.257 m +141.461 10.625 L +128.823 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 12.521 m +204.653 11.889 L +192.015 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 11.889 m +179.376 11.257 L +166.738 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 11.257 m +229.93 10.625 L +217.291 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 11.257 m +242.568 10.625 L +229.93 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 10.941 m +242.568 10.625 L +242.568 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 10.625 m +116.185 9.993 L +103.546 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 10.625 m +128.823 9.993 L +116.185 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 10.309 m +84.589 10.309 L +78.27 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 10.625 m +103.546 9.993 L +90.908 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 10.625 m +52.993 9.993 L +40.355 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 11.257 m +204.653 10.625 L +192.015 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 10.625 m +141.461 9.993 L +128.823 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 10.625 m +204.653 9.993 L +192.015 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 10.625 m +166.738 9.993 L +154.1 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 10.625 m +179.376 9.993 L +166.738 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 11.257 m +217.291 10.625 L +204.653 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 10.625 m +154.1 9.993 L +141.461 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 10.625 m +217.291 9.993 L +204.653 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 10.625 m +229.93 9.993 L +217.291 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 10.625 m +192.015 9.993 L +179.376 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 12.521 m +179.376 11.889 L +166.738 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 10.309 m +242.568 9.993 L +242.568 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 9.677 m +52.993 9.361 L +52.993 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 9.677 m +84.589 9.677 L +78.27 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 9.993 m +103.546 9.361 L +90.908 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 9.993 m +166.738 9.361 L +154.1 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 9.993 m +179.376 9.361 L +166.738 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 9.993 m +141.461 9.361 L +128.823 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 9.993 m +154.1 9.361 L +141.461 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 9.993 m +116.185 9.361 L +103.546 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 9.993 m +128.823 9.361 L +116.185 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 9.993 m +192.015 9.361 L +179.376 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 9.677 m +242.568 9.361 L +242.568 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 9.993 m +217.291 9.361 L +204.653 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 9.993 m +229.93 9.361 L +217.291 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 9.045 m +84.589 9.045 L +78.27 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 9.993 m +204.653 9.361 L +192.015 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 9.361 m +52.993 8.729 L +40.355 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 9.045 m +52.993 8.729 L +52.993 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 9.993 m +242.568 9.361 L +229.93 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 8.729 m +141.461 8.097 L +128.823 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 8.729 m +154.1 8.097 L +141.461 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 9.361 m +128.823 8.729 L +116.185 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 9.361 m +141.461 8.729 L +128.823 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 9.361 m +154.1 8.729 L +141.461 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 9.361 m +217.291 8.729 L +204.653 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 9.361 m +229.93 8.729 L +217.291 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 9.361 m +192.015 8.729 L +179.376 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 9.361 m +204.653 8.729 L +192.015 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 9.361 m +166.738 8.729 L +154.1 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 9.361 m +103.546 8.729 L +90.908 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 9.361 m +242.568 8.729 L +229.93 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 8.729 m +103.546 8.097 L +90.908 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 8.729 m +52.993 8.097 L +40.355 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 8.413 m +52.993 8.097 L +52.993 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 9.361 m +116.185 8.729 L +103.546 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 9.045 m +242.568 8.729 L +242.568 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 8.729 m +116.185 8.097 L +103.546 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 8.729 m +128.823 8.097 L +116.185 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 8.413 m +84.589 8.413 L +78.27 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 7.465 m +242.568 6.834 L +229.93 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 8.729 m +166.738 8.097 L +154.1 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 7.15 m +52.993 6.834 L +52.993 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 8.729 m +192.015 8.097 L +179.376 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 8.729 m +204.653 8.097 L +192.015 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 8.097 m +52.993 7.465 L +40.355 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 7.781 m +52.993 7.465 L +52.993 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 8.729 m +242.568 8.097 L +229.93 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 8.413 m +242.568 8.097 L +242.568 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 8.729 m +217.291 8.097 L +204.653 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 8.729 m +229.93 8.097 L +217.291 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 7.781 m +84.589 7.781 L +78.27 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 8.097 m +154.1 7.465 L +141.461 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 8.097 m +116.185 7.465 L +103.546 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 8.097 m +128.823 7.465 L +116.185 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 8.097 m +192.015 7.465 L +179.376 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 8.097 m +103.546 7.465 L +90.908 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 8.097 m +166.738 7.465 L +154.1 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 8.097 m +179.376 7.465 L +166.738 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 8.097 m +141.461 7.465 L +128.823 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 9.993 m +52.993 9.361 L +40.355 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 8.729 m +179.376 8.097 L +166.738 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 8.097 m +229.93 7.465 L +217.291 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 8.097 m +242.568 7.465 L +229.93 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 7.781 m +242.568 7.465 L +242.568 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 7.465 m +116.185 6.834 L +103.546 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 7.465 m +128.823 6.834 L +116.185 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 7.15 m +84.589 7.15 L +78.27 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 7.465 m +103.546 6.834 L +90.908 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 7.465 m +52.993 6.834 L +40.355 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 8.097 m +204.653 7.465 L +192.015 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 7.465 m +141.461 6.834 L +128.823 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 7.465 m +204.653 6.834 L +192.015 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 7.465 m +166.738 6.834 L +154.1 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 7.465 m +179.376 6.834 L +166.738 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 8.097 m +217.291 7.465 L +204.653 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 7.465 m +154.1 6.834 L +141.461 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 7.465 m +217.291 6.834 L +204.653 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 7.465 m +229.93 6.834 L +217.291 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 7.465 m +192.015 6.834 L +179.376 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 13.153 m +52.993 12.521 L +40.355 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 7.15 m +242.568 6.834 L +242.568 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 3.042 m +166.738 2.41 L +154.1 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 6.834 m +103.546 6.202 L +90.908 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 6.834 m +179.376 6.202 L +166.738 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 6.834 m +116.185 6.202 L +103.546 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 6.834 m +141.461 6.202 L +128.823 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 6.834 m +154.1 6.202 L +141.461 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 6.518 m +84.589 6.518 L +78.27 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 6.834 m +166.738 6.202 L +154.1 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 6.834 m +192.015 6.202 L +179.376 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 5.886 m +84.589 5.886 L +78.27 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 6.834 m +229.93 6.202 L +217.291 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 6.834 m +204.653 6.202 L +192.015 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 6.834 m +128.823 6.202 L +116.185 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 6.834 m +242.568 6.202 L +229.93 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 5.886 m +52.993 5.57 L +52.993 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 6.518 m +242.568 6.202 L +242.568 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 6.202 m +52.993 5.57 L +40.355 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 4.306 m +229.93 3.674 L +217.291 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 6.202 m +103.546 5.57 L +90.908 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 6.202 m +128.823 5.57 L +116.185 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 6.202 m +141.461 5.57 L +128.823 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 6.202 m +154.1 5.57 L +141.461 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 6.202 m +217.291 5.57 L +204.653 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 6.202 m +229.93 5.57 L +217.291 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 6.202 m +192.015 5.57 L +179.376 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 6.202 m +204.653 5.57 L +192.015 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 6.202 m +166.738 5.57 L +154.1 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 6.834 m +217.291 6.202 L +204.653 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 6.202 m +242.568 5.57 L +229.93 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 5.57 m +103.546 4.938 L +90.908 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 5.57 m +52.993 4.938 L +40.355 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 5.254 m +52.993 4.938 L +52.993 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 6.202 m +116.185 5.57 L +103.546 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 5.886 m +242.568 5.57 L +242.568 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 5.57 m +116.185 4.938 L +103.546 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 5.57 m +128.823 4.938 L +116.185 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 5.254 m +84.589 5.254 L +78.27 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 5.57 m +141.461 4.938 L +128.823 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 5.57 m +154.1 4.938 L +141.461 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 5.57 m +166.738 4.938 L +154.1 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 5.57 m +204.653 4.938 L +192.015 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 4.938 m +179.376 4.306 L +166.738 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 5.57 m +192.015 4.938 L +179.376 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 5.57 m +217.291 4.938 L +204.653 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 5.254 m +242.568 4.938 L +242.568 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 5.57 m +229.93 4.938 L +217.291 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 5.57 m +242.568 4.938 L +229.93 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 4.938 m +192.015 4.306 L +179.376 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 4.938 m +52.993 4.306 L +40.355 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 4.622 m +84.589 4.622 L +78.27 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 4.938 m +116.185 4.306 L +103.546 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 4.938 m +128.823 4.306 L +116.185 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 4.622 m +52.993 4.306 L +52.993 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 4.938 m +141.461 4.306 L +128.823 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 4.938 m +166.738 4.306 L +154.1 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 4.938 m +103.546 4.306 L +90.908 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 4.938 m +154.1 4.306 L +141.461 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 6.202 m +179.376 5.57 L +166.738 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 4.938 m +204.653 4.306 L +192.015 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 4.306 m +154.1 3.674 L +141.461 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 4.938 m +242.568 4.306 L +229.93 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 4.306 m +116.185 3.674 L +103.546 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 4.938 m +229.93 4.306 L +217.291 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 4.622 m +242.568 4.306 L +242.568 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 3.99 m +84.589 3.99 L +78.27 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 4.306 m +52.993 3.674 L +40.355 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 3.99 m +52.993 3.674 L +52.993 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 4.938 m +217.291 4.306 L +204.653 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 4.306 m +103.546 3.674 L +90.908 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 5.57 m +179.376 4.938 L +166.738 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 4.306 m +166.738 3.674 L +154.1 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 4.306 m +141.461 3.674 L +128.823 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 4.306 m +128.823 3.674 L +116.185 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 4.306 m +179.376 3.674 L +166.738 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 4.306 m +217.291 3.674 L +204.653 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 4.306 m +192.015 3.674 L +179.376 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 4.306 m +204.653 3.674 L +192.015 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 4.306 m +242.568 3.674 L +229.93 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 3.99 m +242.568 3.674 L +242.568 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 3.674 m +52.993 3.042 L +40.355 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 3.358 m +52.993 3.042 L +52.993 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 3.358 m +84.589 3.358 L +78.27 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 3.674 m +154.1 3.042 L +141.461 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 3.674 m +166.738 3.042 L +154.1 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 3.674 m +128.823 3.042 L +116.185 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 3.674 m +141.461 3.042 L +128.823 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 3.674 m +103.546 3.042 L +90.908 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 3.674 m +116.185 3.042 L +103.546 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 3.674 m +179.376 3.042 L +166.738 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 3.674 m +242.568 3.042 L +229.93 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 3.674 m +204.653 3.042 L +192.015 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 3.674 m +217.291 3.042 L +204.653 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 2.726 m +52.993 2.41 L +52.993 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 3.674 m +192.015 3.042 L +179.376 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 3.358 m +242.568 3.042 L +242.568 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 3.042 m +52.993 2.41 L +40.355 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 3.674 m +229.93 3.042 L +217.291 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 11.257 m +59.312 10.941 L +52.993 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 10.625 m +59.312 10.309 L +52.993 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 3.042 m +116.185 2.41 L +103.546 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 3.042 m +128.823 2.41 L +116.185 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 3.042 m +141.461 2.41 L +128.823 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 3.042 m +204.653 2.41 L +192.015 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 3.042 m +217.291 2.41 L +204.653 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 3.042 m +179.376 2.41 L +166.738 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 3.042 m +192.015 2.41 L +179.376 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 3.042 m +154.1 2.41 L +141.461 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 2.726 m +84.589 2.726 L +78.27 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 3.042 m +229.93 2.41 L +217.291 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 13.153 m +59.312 12.837 L +52.993 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 2.726 m +242.568 2.41 L +242.568 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 14.417 m +59.312 14.101 L +52.993 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 3.042 m +103.546 2.41 L +90.908 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 3.042 m +242.568 2.41 L +229.93 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 12.521 m +59.312 12.205 L +52.993 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 11.889 m +59.312 11.573 L +52.993 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 13.785 m +59.312 13.469 L +52.993 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 6.834 m +52.993 6.202 L +40.355 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 9.993 m +59.312 9.677 L +52.993 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 6.518 m +59.312 6.202 L +52.993 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 8.729 m +59.312 8.413 L +52.993 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 8.097 m +59.312 7.781 L +52.993 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 4.938 m +59.312 4.622 L +52.993 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 4.306 m +59.312 3.99 L +52.993 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 6.202 m +59.312 5.886 L +52.993 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 5.57 m +59.312 5.254 L +52.993 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 7.465 m +59.312 7.15 L +52.993 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 6.834 m +59.312 6.518 L +52.993 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 3.674 m +59.312 3.358 L +52.993 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 12.837 m +59.312 12.521 L +52.993 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 2.726 m +59.312 2.41 L +52.993 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 14.101 m +59.312 13.785 L +52.993 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 10.941 m +59.312 10.625 L +52.993 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 3.042 m +59.312 2.726 L +52.993 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 12.205 m +59.312 11.889 L +52.993 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 11.573 m +59.312 11.257 L +52.993 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 13.469 m +59.312 13.153 L +52.993 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 6.518 m +52.993 6.202 L +52.993 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 9.361 m +59.312 9.045 L +52.993 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 9.045 m +59.312 8.729 L +52.993 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 8.413 m +59.312 8.097 L +52.993 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 7.781 m +59.312 7.465 L +52.993 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 4.622 m +59.312 4.306 L +52.993 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 3.99 m +59.312 3.674 L +52.993 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 5.886 m +59.312 5.57 L +52.993 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 5.254 m +59.312 4.938 L +52.993 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 7.15 m +59.312 6.834 L +52.993 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 10.309 m +59.312 9.993 L +52.993 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 3.358 m +59.312 3.042 L +52.993 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 13.627 m +84.589 13.785 L +84.589 13.469 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 13.785 m +84.589 14.101 L +90.908 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 13.943 m +78.27 14.101 L +78.27 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 9.677 m +59.312 9.361 L +52.993 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 14.259 m +84.589 14.417 L +84.589 14.101 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 13.153 m +84.589 13.469 L +90.908 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 13.311 m +78.27 13.469 L +78.27 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 14.259 m +78.27 14.101 L +78.27 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 9.361 m +179.376 8.729 L +166.738 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 12.995 m +84.589 13.153 L +84.589 12.837 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 12.679 m +78.27 12.837 L +78.27 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 5.716 m +74.876 5.739 L +75.11 5.728 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 5.084 m +74.876 5.108 L +75.11 5.096 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 4.452 m +74.876 4.476 L +75.11 4.464 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 13.931 m +74.876 13.954 L +75.11 13.943 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 14.101 m +258.366 13.943 L +255.206 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 12.667 m +74.876 12.691 L +75.11 12.679 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 3.042 m +60.361 2.99 L +59.312 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 4.306 m +60.361 4.253 L +59.312 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 3.674 m +60.361 3.622 L +59.312 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 6.348 m +74.876 6.371 L +75.11 6.36 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 13.299 m +74.876 13.322 L +75.11 13.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 12.035 m +74.876 12.059 L +75.11 12.047 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 13.785 m +248.887 14.101 L +255.206 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 13.1 m +260.47 12.89 L +258.366 12.995 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 3.188 m +74.876 3.212 L +75.11 3.2 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 4.148 m +78.27 3.99 L +78.27 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 2.556 m +74.876 2.58 L +75.11 2.568 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 3.82 m +74.876 3.844 L +75.11 3.832 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 14.259 m +255.206 14.101 L +255.206 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 14.364 m +260.47 14.153 L +258.366 14.259 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 4.938 m +60.361 4.885 L +59.312 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 14.101 m +255.206 14.101 L +255.206 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.042 m +84.589 3.358 L +90.908 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 3.516 m +84.589 3.674 L +84.589 3.358 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 13.732 m +260.47 13.521 L +258.366 13.627 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 5.728 m +78.27 5.886 L +78.27 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 11.403 m +74.876 11.427 L +75.11 11.415 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 10.139 m +74.876 10.163 L +75.11 10.151 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 10.625 m +248.887 10.309 L +242.568 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 10.941 m +258.366 10.783 L +255.206 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 10.941 m +75.11 11.099 L +78.27 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 11.889 m +258.366 11.731 L +255.206 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 11.257 m +248.887 10.941 L +242.568 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 10.309 m +258.366 10.151 L +255.206 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 9.677 m +75.11 9.835 L +78.27 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 10.467 m +255.206 10.309 L +255.206 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 9.993 m +248.887 10.309 L +255.206 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 10.625 m +258.366 10.467 L +255.206 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 9.993 m +248.887 9.677 L +242.568 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 10.771 m +74.876 10.795 L +75.11 10.783 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 10.309 m +75.11 10.467 L +78.27 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 11.099 m +255.206 10.941 L +255.206 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 8.244 m +74.876 8.267 L +75.11 8.255 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 7.612 m +74.876 7.635 L +75.11 7.623 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 6.98 m +74.876 7.003 L +75.11 6.992 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 8.876 m +74.876 8.899 L +75.11 8.887 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 10.625 m +248.887 10.941 L +255.206 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 9.507 m +74.876 9.531 L +75.11 9.519 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 13.469 m +255.206 13.469 L +255.206 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 11.257 m +258.366 11.099 L +255.206 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 10.941 m +255.206 10.941 L +255.206 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.521 m +84.589 12.837 L +90.908 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 13.153 m +248.887 13.469 L +255.206 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 10.309 m +255.206 10.309 L +255.206 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 5.412 m +84.589 5.57 L +84.589 5.254 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 5.57 m +60.361 5.517 L +59.312 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 3.41 m +60.349 3.358 L +59.312 3.358 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 14.417 m +60.361 14.364 L +59.312 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 13.785 m +60.361 13.732 L +59.312 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 12.521 m +60.361 12.468 L +59.312 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 2.779 m +60.349 2.726 L +59.312 2.726 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 4.042 m +60.349 3.99 L +59.312 3.99 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 13.153 m +60.361 13.1 L +59.312 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 8.729 m +60.361 8.677 L +59.312 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 5.938 m +60.349 5.886 L +59.312 5.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 11.889 m +60.361 11.836 L +59.312 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 4.674 m +60.349 4.622 L +59.312 4.622 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 7.465 m +60.361 7.413 L +59.312 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 5.096 m +78.27 5.254 L +78.27 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 4.78 m +84.589 4.938 L +84.589 4.622 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 2.989 m +260.47 2.779 L +258.366 2.884 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 4.253 m +260.47 4.043 L +258.366 4.148 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 5.57 m +248.887 5.886 L +255.206 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 5.886 m +75.11 6.044 L +78.27 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 5.412 m +78.27 5.254 L +78.27 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 4.306 m +84.589 4.622 L +90.908 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 3.621 m +260.47 3.411 L +258.366 3.516 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.674 m +84.589 3.99 L +90.908 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 4.148 m +84.589 4.306 L +84.589 3.99 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 4.78 m +78.27 4.622 L +78.27 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 4.464 m +78.27 4.622 L +78.27 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 6.044 m +78.27 5.886 L +78.27 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 8.097 m +60.361 8.045 L +59.312 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 11.257 m +60.361 11.205 L +59.312 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 7.834 m +60.349 7.781 L +59.312 7.781 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 9.098 m +60.349 9.045 L +59.312 9.045 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 7.202 m +60.349 7.15 L +59.312 7.15 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 8.466 m +60.349 8.413 L +59.312 8.413 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 12.257 m +60.349 12.205 L +59.312 12.205 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 9.73 m +60.349 9.677 L +59.312 9.677 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 10.362 m +60.349 10.309 L +59.312 10.309 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 6.202 m +60.361 6.149 L +59.312 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 6.834 m +60.361 6.781 L +59.312 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 10.993 m +60.349 10.941 L +59.312 10.941 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 11.625 m +60.349 11.573 L +59.312 11.573 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 9.361 m +60.361 9.309 L +59.312 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 13.521 m +60.349 13.469 L +59.312 13.469 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 3.832 m +78.27 3.99 L +78.27 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 5.306 m +60.349 5.254 L +59.312 5.254 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 10.625 m +60.361 10.573 L +59.312 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 9.993 m +60.361 9.941 L +59.312 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 6.57 m +60.349 6.518 L +59.312 6.518 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.57 m +84.589 5.886 L +90.908 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 12.468 m +260.47 12.258 L +258.366 12.363 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 14.153 m +60.349 14.101 L +59.312 14.101 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 12.889 m +60.349 12.837 L +59.312 12.837 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 6.044 m +84.589 6.202 L +84.589 5.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 6.676 m +78.27 6.518 L +78.27 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 4.938 m +84.589 5.254 L +90.908 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 11.573 m +258.366 11.415 L +255.206 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 11.731 m +255.206 11.573 L +255.206 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 9.677 m +255.206 9.677 L +255.206 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 7.939 m +78.27 7.781 L +78.27 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 6.834 m +84.589 7.15 L +90.908 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 6.992 m +78.27 7.15 L +78.27 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 7.939 m +84.589 8.097 L +84.589 7.781 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 7.307 m +84.589 7.465 L +84.589 7.15 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 7.623 m +78.27 7.781 L +78.27 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 9.519 m +78.27 9.677 L +78.27 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 12.047 m +78.27 12.205 L +78.27 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 13.627 m +255.206 13.469 L +255.206 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 9.835 m +84.589 9.993 L +84.589 9.677 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.465 m +84.589 7.781 L +90.908 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 11.731 m +84.589 11.889 L +84.589 11.573 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.361 m +84.589 9.677 L +90.908 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 8.097 m +84.589 8.413 L +90.908 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 13.785 m +258.366 13.627 L +255.206 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 13.469 m +258.366 13.311 L +255.206 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 12.837 m +75.11 12.995 L +78.27 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 8.887 m +78.27 9.045 L +78.27 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 8.571 m +78.27 8.413 L +78.27 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 8.571 m +84.589 8.729 L +84.589 8.413 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 8.729 m +84.589 9.045 L +90.908 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 9.835 m +78.27 9.677 L +78.27 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 9.203 m +84.589 9.361 L +84.589 9.045 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 8.255 m +78.27 8.413 L +78.27 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 9.203 m +78.27 9.045 L +78.27 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 8.097 m +248.887 8.413 L +255.206 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 12.363 m +78.27 12.205 L +78.27 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 11.415 m +78.27 11.573 L +78.27 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 2.884 m +78.27 2.726 L +78.27 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 2.41 m +84.589 2.726 L +90.908 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 6.202 m +84.589 6.518 L +90.908 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 2.568 m +78.27 2.726 L +78.27 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 6.676 m +84.589 6.834 L +84.589 6.518 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 2.884 m +84.589 3.042 L +84.589 2.726 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 3.516 m +78.27 3.358 L +78.27 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 14.417 m +248.887 14.101 L +242.568 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 14.101 m +75.11 14.259 L +78.27 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 3.2 m +78.27 3.358 L +78.27 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 13.469 m +75.11 13.627 L +78.27 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 11.889 m +84.589 12.205 L +90.908 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 7.307 m +78.27 7.15 L +78.27 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 10.783 m +78.27 10.941 L +78.27 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 11.257 m +84.589 11.573 L +90.908 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 12.995 m +78.27 12.837 L +78.27 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 12.363 m +84.589 12.521 L +84.589 12.205 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 11.731 m +78.27 11.573 L +78.27 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.625 m +84.589 10.941 L +90.908 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 10.467 m +78.27 10.309 L +78.27 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 10.151 m +78.27 10.309 L +78.27 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 11.099 m +84.589 11.257 L +84.589 10.941 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 11.099 m +78.27 10.941 L +78.27 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.993 m +84.589 10.309 L +90.908 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 10.467 m +84.589 10.625 L +84.589 10.309 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 8.413 m +255.206 8.413 L +255.206 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 8.729 m +248.887 8.413 L +242.568 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 8.571 m +255.206 8.413 L +255.206 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 12.363 m +255.206 12.205 L +255.206 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 12.521 m +258.366 12.363 L +255.206 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 12.205 m +255.206 12.205 L +255.206 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 9.361 m +248.887 9.677 L +255.206 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 12.205 m +258.366 12.047 L +255.206 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 9.835 m +255.206 9.677 L +255.206 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 7.465 m +248.887 7.15 L +242.568 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 7.15 m +75.11 7.307 L +78.27 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 6.834 m +248.887 7.15 L +255.206 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 7.15 m +255.206 7.15 L +255.206 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 6.202 m +248.887 5.886 L +242.568 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 7.465 m +258.366 7.307 L +255.206 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 11.889 m +248.887 11.573 L +242.568 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 11.573 m +75.11 11.731 L +78.27 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 13.153 m +258.366 12.995 L +255.206 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 12.837 m +258.366 12.679 L +255.206 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 12.995 m +255.206 12.837 L +255.206 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 12.837 m +255.206 12.837 L +255.206 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 11.257 m +248.887 11.573 L +255.206 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 12.521 m +248.887 12.205 L +242.568 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 13.153 m +248.887 12.837 L +242.568 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 11.573 m +255.206 11.573 L +255.206 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 11.889 m +248.887 12.205 L +255.206 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 12.205 m +75.11 12.363 L +78.27 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 12.521 m +248.887 12.837 L +255.206 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 7.781 m +258.366 7.623 L +255.206 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 8.097 m +258.366 7.939 L +255.206 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 7.307 m +255.206 7.15 L +255.206 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 9.045 m +75.11 9.203 L +78.27 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 9.045 m +258.366 8.887 L +255.206 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 9.361 m +248.887 9.045 L +242.568 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 9.677 m +258.366 9.519 L +255.206 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 9.045 m +255.206 9.045 L +255.206 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 9.361 m +258.366 9.203 L +255.206 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 8.097 m +248.887 7.781 L +242.568 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 8.413 m +258.366 8.255 L +255.206 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 7.781 m +75.11 7.939 L +78.27 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 8.729 m +258.366 8.571 L +255.206 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 8.413 m +75.11 8.571 L +78.27 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 9.203 m +255.206 9.045 L +255.206 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 8.729 m +248.887 9.045 L +255.206 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 9.993 m +258.366 9.835 L +255.206 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 6.676 m +255.206 6.518 L +255.206 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 7.781 m +255.206 7.781 L +255.206 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 7.15 m +258.366 6.992 L +255.206 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 6.518 m +258.366 6.36 L +255.206 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 6.834 m +258.366 6.676 L +255.206 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 6.518 m +255.206 6.518 L +255.206 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 6.518 m +75.11 6.676 L +78.27 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 7.465 m +248.887 7.781 L +255.206 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 5.517 m +260.47 5.307 L +258.366 5.412 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 7.939 m +255.206 7.781 L +255.206 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 6.202 m +248.887 6.518 L +255.206 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 6.834 m +248.887 6.518 L +242.568 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 6.36 m +78.27 6.518 L +78.27 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 13.615 m +74.876 13.638 L +75.11 13.627 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 7.15 m +81.429 7.307 L +84.589 7.15 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 5.412 m +255.206 5.254 L +255.206 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 4.99 m +60.349 4.938 L +59.312 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 6.202 m +258.366 6.044 L +255.206 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 5.886 m +258.366 5.728 L +255.206 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 6.044 m +255.206 5.886 L +255.206 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 5.622 m +60.349 5.57 L +59.312 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 4.938 m +248.887 5.254 L +255.206 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 11.889 m +81.429 11.731 L +78.27 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 4.622 m +60.361 4.569 L +59.312 4.622 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 5.254 m +75.11 5.412 L +78.27 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 5.57 m +248.887 5.254 L +242.568 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 3.99 m +75.11 4.148 L +78.27 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 5.254 m +255.206 5.254 L +255.206 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 5.57 m +258.366 5.412 L +255.206 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 8.15 m +60.349 8.097 L +59.312 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 4.358 m +60.349 4.306 L +59.312 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 5.254 m +258.366 5.096 L +255.206 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 4.306 m +248.887 4.622 L +255.206 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 6.254 m +60.349 6.202 L +59.312 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 6.886 m +60.349 6.834 L +59.312 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 7.518 m +60.349 7.465 L +59.312 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 4.622 m +258.366 4.464 L +255.206 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 4.622 m +255.206 4.622 L +255.206 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 4.938 m +258.366 4.78 L +255.206 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 4.78 m +255.206 4.622 L +255.206 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 4.938 m +248.887 4.622 L +242.568 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 4.768 m +74.876 4.792 L +75.11 4.78 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 3.674 m +248.887 3.99 L +255.206 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 3.042 m +248.887 3.358 L +255.206 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 3.516 m +255.206 3.358 L +255.206 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 4.306 m +248.887 3.99 L +242.568 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 11.087 m +74.876 11.111 L +75.11 11.099 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 2.41 m +248.887 2.726 L +255.206 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 11.719 m +74.876 11.743 L +75.11 11.731 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 4.148 m +255.206 3.99 L +255.206 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 9.823 m +74.876 9.847 L +75.11 9.835 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 10.455 m +74.876 10.479 L +75.11 10.467 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 12.351 m +74.876 12.375 L +75.11 12.363 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 3.99 m +255.206 3.99 L +255.206 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 5.4 m +74.876 5.423 L +75.11 5.412 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 2.884 m +255.206 2.726 L +255.206 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 14.101 m +60.361 14.048 L +59.312 14.101 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 4.136 m +74.876 4.16 L +75.11 4.148 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 6.032 m +74.876 6.055 L +75.11 6.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 3.358 m +258.366 3.2 L +255.206 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 3.504 m +74.876 3.528 L +75.11 3.516 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 2.872 m +74.876 2.896 L +75.11 2.884 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 6.664 m +74.876 6.687 L +75.11 6.676 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 3.674 m +258.366 3.516 L +255.206 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 2.726 m +255.206 2.726 L +255.206 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 13.469 m +60.361 13.416 L +59.312 13.469 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 3.042 m +248.887 2.726 L +242.568 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 2.726 m +75.11 2.884 L +78.27 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 7.296 m +74.876 7.319 L +75.11 7.307 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 4.622 m +75.11 4.78 L +78.27 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 2.726 m +258.366 2.568 L +255.206 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 13.311 m +258.366 13.153 L +255.206 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 10.046 m +60.349 9.993 L +59.312 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 13.943 m +258.366 13.785 L +255.206 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 4.464 m +258.366 4.306 L +255.206 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 10.151 m +258.366 9.993 L +255.206 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 12.679 m +258.366 12.521 L +255.206 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 11.415 m +258.366 11.257 L +255.206 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 3.832 m +258.366 3.674 L +255.206 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 12.047 m +258.366 11.889 L +255.206 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 10.783 m +258.366 10.625 L +255.206 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 3.358 m +60.361 3.306 L +59.312 3.358 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 3.2 m +258.366 3.042 L +255.206 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 9.519 m +258.366 9.361 L +255.206 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 8.255 m +258.366 8.097 L +255.206 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 6.992 m +258.366 6.834 L +255.206 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 11.309 m +60.349 11.257 L +59.312 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 7.623 m +258.366 7.465 L +255.206 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 10.678 m +60.349 10.625 L +59.312 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 8.887 m +258.366 8.729 L +255.206 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 11.941 m +60.349 11.889 L +59.312 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 5.728 m +258.366 5.57 L +255.206 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 9.414 m +60.349 9.361 L +59.312 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 12.573 m +60.349 12.521 L +59.312 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 5.096 m +258.366 4.938 L +255.206 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 6.36 m +258.366 6.202 L +255.206 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 3.042 m +258.366 2.884 L +255.206 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 3.99 m +60.361 3.937 L +59.312 3.99 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 14.101 m +84.589 14.417 L +90.908 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 14.101 m +81.429 14.259 L +84.589 14.101 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 14.417 m +81.429 14.259 L +78.27 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 13.469 m +84.589 13.153 L +78.27 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 3.726 m +60.349 3.674 L +59.312 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 13.153 m +81.429 12.995 L +78.27 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.837 m +84.589 13.153 L +90.908 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 13.785 m +81.429 13.627 L +78.27 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 2.568 m +258.366 2.41 L +255.206 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 13.469 m +84.589 13.785 L +90.908 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 13.469 m +81.429 13.627 L +84.589 13.469 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 14.101 m +84.589 13.785 L +78.27 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 2.726 m +60.361 2.674 L +59.312 2.726 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 14.259 m +75.11 14.417 L +78.27 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 12.205 m +81.429 12.363 L +84.589 12.205 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 13.205 m +60.349 13.153 L +59.312 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.205 m +84.589 12.521 L +90.908 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.837 m +84.589 12.521 L +78.27 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 12.837 m +81.429 12.995 L +84.589 12.837 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 3.095 m +60.349 3.042 L +59.312 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.521 m +81.429 12.363 L +78.27 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 13.837 m +60.349 13.785 L +59.312 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 11.573 m +84.589 11.889 L +90.908 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 8.782 m +60.349 8.729 L +59.312 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.205 m +84.589 11.889 L +78.27 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 2.463 m +60.349 2.41 L +59.312 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 3.358 m +255.206 3.358 L +255.206 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 4.306 m +258.366 4.148 L +255.206 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 7.928 m +74.876 7.951 L +75.11 7.939 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.045 m +84.589 8.729 L +78.27 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 11.836 m +260.47 11.626 L +258.366 11.731 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.361 m +81.429 9.203 L +78.27 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 10.572 m +260.47 10.362 L +258.366 10.467 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 9.677 m +81.429 9.835 L +84.589 9.677 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 9.308 m +260.47 9.098 L +258.366 9.203 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 9.045 m +81.429 9.203 L +84.589 9.045 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.993 m +81.429 9.835 L +78.27 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 9.94 m +260.47 9.73 L +258.366 9.835 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 8.729 m +81.429 8.571 L +78.27 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 8.413 m +84.589 8.729 L +90.908 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.309 m +84.589 9.993 L +78.27 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.045 m +84.589 9.361 L +90.908 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.677 m +84.589 9.361 L +78.27 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 6.781 m +260.47 6.57 L +258.366 6.676 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 5.833 m +260.47 5.622 L +258.366 5.728 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 9.624 m +260.47 9.414 L +258.366 9.519 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 8.992 m +260.47 8.782 L +258.366 8.887 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 11.204 m +260.47 10.994 L +258.366 11.099 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 7.729 m +260.47 7.518 L +258.366 7.623 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 8.361 m +260.47 8.15 L +258.366 8.255 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.57 m +81.429 5.412 L +78.27 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.254 m +84.589 4.938 L +78.27 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 5.886 m +255.206 5.886 L +255.206 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 7.097 m +260.47 6.886 L +258.366 6.992 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 10.256 m +260.47 10.046 L +258.366 10.151 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 11.257 m +81.429 11.099 L +78.27 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 10.941 m +81.429 11.099 L +84.589 10.941 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 6.834 m +81.429 6.676 L +78.27 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 8.413 m +84.589 8.097 L +78.27 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 5.886 m +81.429 6.044 L +84.589 5.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.15 m +84.589 6.834 L +78.27 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.254 m +84.589 5.57 L +90.908 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 8.097 m +81.429 7.939 L +78.27 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 6.518 m +84.589 6.834 L +90.908 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 4.885 m +260.47 4.675 L +258.366 4.78 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.465 m +81.429 7.307 L +78.27 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.781 m +84.589 7.465 L +78.27 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 7.781 m +81.429 7.939 L +84.589 7.781 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 6.149 m +260.47 5.938 L +258.366 6.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.886 m +84.589 5.57 L +78.27 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 6.518 m +81.429 6.676 L +84.589 6.518 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.625 m +81.429 10.467 L +78.27 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.941 m +84.589 10.625 L +78.27 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.677 m +84.589 9.993 L +90.908 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 10.309 m +81.429 10.467 L +84.589 10.309 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 6.202 m +81.429 6.044 L +78.27 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.309 m +84.589 10.625 L +90.908 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 8.413 m +81.429 8.571 L +84.589 8.413 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.886 m +84.589 6.202 L +90.908 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 6.518 m +84.589 6.202 L +78.27 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.781 m +84.589 8.097 L +90.908 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 5.254 m +81.429 5.412 L +84.589 5.254 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 6.465 m +260.47 6.254 L +258.366 6.36 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 7.413 m +260.47 7.202 L +258.366 7.307 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 5.201 m +260.47 4.991 L +258.366 5.096 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 14.048 m +260.47 13.837 L +258.366 13.943 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.042 m +81.429 2.884 L +78.27 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 6.518 m +60.361 6.465 L +59.312 6.518 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 13.416 m +260.47 13.205 L +258.366 13.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 3.358 m +81.429 3.516 L +84.589 3.358 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 5.254 m +60.361 5.201 L +59.312 5.254 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 12.784 m +260.47 12.574 L +258.366 12.679 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 8.413 m +60.361 8.361 L +59.312 8.413 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.674 m +81.429 3.516 L +78.27 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 5.886 m +60.361 5.833 L +59.312 5.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 2.726 m +81.429 2.884 L +84.589 2.726 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.99 m +84.589 3.674 L +78.27 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 2.726 m +84.589 3.042 L +90.908 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.941 m +84.589 11.257 L +90.908 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 3.674 m +248.887 3.358 L +242.568 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 3.358 m +75.11 3.516 L +78.27 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 8.56 m +74.876 8.583 L +75.11 8.571 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 9.192 m +74.876 9.215 L +75.11 9.203 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.358 m +84.589 3.042 L +78.27 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 3.99 m +258.366 3.832 L +255.206 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 11.573 m +81.429 11.731 L +84.589 11.573 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 7.781 m +60.361 7.729 L +59.312 7.781 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 7.15 m +60.361 7.097 L +59.312 7.15 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 11.573 m +84.589 11.257 L +78.27 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 12.837 m +60.361 12.784 L +59.312 12.837 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.15 m +84.589 7.465 L +90.908 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 4.938 m +81.429 4.78 L +78.27 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 4.622 m +81.429 4.78 L +84.589 4.622 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 4.569 m +260.47 4.359 L +258.366 4.464 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 3.305 m +260.47 3.095 L +258.366 3.2 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 3.937 m +260.47 3.727 L +258.366 3.832 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 12.983 m +74.876 13.006 L +75.11 12.995 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 2.673 m +260.47 2.463 L +258.366 2.568 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 14.247 m +74.876 14.27 L +75.11 14.259 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 8.677 m +260.47 8.466 L +258.366 8.571 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 11.52 m +260.47 11.31 L +258.366 11.415 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 8.045 m +260.47 7.834 L +258.366 7.939 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 11.573 m +60.361 11.52 L +59.312 11.573 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 9.677 m +60.361 9.625 L +59.312 9.677 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 10.888 m +260.47 10.678 L +258.366 10.783 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 4.622 m +84.589 4.938 L +90.908 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 9.045 m +60.361 8.993 L +59.312 9.045 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 4.622 m +84.589 4.306 L +78.27 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.358 m +84.589 3.674 L +90.908 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 12.152 m +260.47 11.942 L +258.366 12.047 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 12.205 m +60.361 12.152 L +59.312 12.205 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 4.306 m +81.429 4.148 L +78.27 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 3.99 m +81.429 4.148 L +84.589 3.99 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 10.309 m +60.361 10.257 L +59.312 10.309 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.99 m +84.589 4.306 L +90.908 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 13.785 m +248.887 13.469 L +242.568 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 10.941 m +60.361 10.889 L +59.312 10.941 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 13.732 m +60.361 13.521 L +59.312 13.469 L +59.312 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 3.727 m +260.464 3.674 L +258.366 3.674 L +258.366 3.832 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 14.364 m +60.361 14.153 L +59.312 14.101 L +59.312 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 11.889 m +260.47 11.836 L +258.366 11.731 L +258.366 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 12.468 m +60.361 12.257 L +59.312 12.205 L +59.312 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 5.517 m +60.361 5.306 L +59.312 5.254 L +59.312 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 13.954 m +74.888 14.101 L +78.27 14.101 L +75.11 13.943 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 14.153 m +260.464 14.101 L +255.206 14.101 L +258.366 14.259 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 13.322 m +74.888 13.469 L +78.27 13.469 L +75.11 13.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 2.99 m +60.361 2.779 L +59.312 2.726 L +59.312 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 3.622 m +60.361 3.41 L +59.312 3.358 L +59.312 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 6.781 m +60.361 6.57 L +59.312 6.518 L +59.312 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 6.149 m +60.361 5.938 L +59.312 5.886 L +59.312 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 4.253 m +60.361 4.042 L +59.312 3.99 L +59.312 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 4.885 m +60.361 4.674 L +59.312 4.622 L +59.312 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 4.476 m +74.888 4.622 L +78.27 4.622 L +75.11 4.464 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 5.57 m +260.47 5.517 L +258.366 5.412 L +258.366 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 4.938 m +260.47 4.885 L +258.366 4.78 L +258.366 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 6.834 m +74.876 6.98 L +75.11 6.992 L +78.27 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 5.307 m +260.464 5.254 L +255.206 5.254 L +258.366 5.412 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 4.938 m +74.876 5.084 L +75.11 5.096 L +78.27 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 6.202 m +74.876 6.348 L +75.11 6.36 L +78.27 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 5.57 m +74.876 5.716 L +75.11 5.728 L +78.27 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 4.675 m +260.464 4.622 L +255.206 4.622 L +258.366 4.78 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 6.202 m +260.47 6.149 L +258.366 6.044 L +258.366 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 8.097 m +74.876 8.244 L +75.11 8.255 L +78.27 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 11.205 m +60.361 10.993 L +59.312 10.941 L +59.312 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 9.941 m +60.361 9.73 L +59.312 9.677 L +59.312 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 7.003 m +74.888 7.15 L +78.27 7.15 L +75.11 6.992 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 12.89 m +260.464 12.837 L +255.206 12.837 L +258.366 12.995 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 5.938 m +260.464 5.886 L +255.206 5.886 L +258.366 6.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 5.108 m +74.888 5.254 L +78.27 5.254 L +75.11 5.096 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 5.739 m +74.888 5.886 L +78.27 5.886 L +75.11 5.728 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 8.267 m +74.888 8.413 L +78.27 8.413 L +75.11 8.255 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 6.57 m +260.464 6.518 L +255.206 6.518 L +258.366 6.676 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 6.371 m +74.888 6.518 L +78.27 6.518 L +75.11 6.36 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 8.466 m +260.464 8.413 L +255.206 8.413 L +258.366 8.571 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 7.202 m +260.464 7.15 L +255.206 7.15 L +258.366 7.307 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 7.834 m +260.464 7.781 L +255.206 7.781 L +258.366 7.939 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 7.413 m +60.361 7.202 L +59.312 7.15 L +59.312 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 8.045 m +60.361 7.834 L +59.312 7.781 L +59.312 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 11.836 m +60.361 11.625 L +59.312 11.573 L +59.312 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 10.573 m +60.361 10.362 L +59.312 10.309 L +59.312 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 9.309 m +60.361 9.098 L +59.312 9.045 L +59.312 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 13.521 m +260.464 13.469 L +255.206 13.469 L +258.366 13.627 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 8.677 m +60.361 8.466 L +59.312 8.413 L +59.312 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 7.635 m +74.888 7.781 L +78.27 7.781 L +75.11 7.623 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 12.691 m +74.888 12.837 L +78.27 12.837 L +75.11 12.679 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 8.097 m +260.47 8.045 L +258.366 7.939 L +258.366 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 6.834 m +260.47 6.781 L +258.366 6.676 L +258.366 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 7.465 m +260.47 7.413 L +258.366 7.307 L +258.366 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 8.729 m +74.876 8.876 L +75.11 8.887 L +78.27 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 3.411 m +260.464 3.358 L +255.206 3.358 L +258.366 3.516 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 3.212 m +74.888 3.358 L +78.27 3.358 L +75.11 3.2 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 4.043 m +260.464 3.99 L +255.206 3.99 L +258.366 4.148 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 2.58 m +74.888 2.726 L +78.27 2.726 L +75.11 2.568 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 13.153 m +260.47 13.1 L +258.366 12.995 L +258.366 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 2.779 m +260.464 2.726 L +255.206 2.726 L +258.366 2.884 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 3.844 m +74.888 3.99 L +78.27 3.99 L +75.11 3.832 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 12.521 m +74.876 12.667 L +75.11 12.679 L +78.27 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 9.993 m +74.876 10.139 L +75.11 10.151 L +78.27 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 10.625 m +260.47 10.572 L +258.366 10.467 L +258.366 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 12.521 m +260.47 12.468 L +258.366 12.363 L +258.366 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 11.889 m +74.876 12.035 L +75.11 12.047 L +78.27 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 11.257 m +74.876 11.403 L +75.11 11.415 L +78.27 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 13.153 m +74.876 13.299 L +75.11 13.311 L +78.27 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 11.257 m +260.47 11.204 L +258.366 11.099 L +258.366 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 9.361 m +260.47 9.308 L +258.366 9.203 L +258.366 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 10.625 m +74.876 10.771 L +75.11 10.783 L +78.27 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 9.993 m +260.47 9.94 L +258.366 9.835 L +258.366 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 9.361 m +74.876 9.507 L +75.11 9.519 L +78.27 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 14.417 m +260.47 14.364 L +258.366 14.259 L +255.206 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 13.785 m +260.47 13.732 L +258.366 13.627 L +258.366 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 13.785 m +74.876 13.931 L +75.11 13.943 L +78.27 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 10.257 m +60.361 10.046 L +59.312 9.993 L +59.312 10.309 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 8.993 m +60.361 8.782 L +59.312 8.729 L +59.312 9.045 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 8.361 m +60.361 8.15 L +59.312 8.097 L +59.312 8.413 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 9.625 m +60.361 9.414 L +59.312 9.361 L +59.312 9.677 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 12.152 m +60.361 11.941 L +59.312 11.889 L +59.312 12.205 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 11.52 m +60.361 11.309 L +59.312 11.257 L +59.312 11.573 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 10.889 m +60.361 10.678 L +59.312 10.625 L +59.312 10.941 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 7.465 m +74.876 7.612 L +75.11 7.623 L +78.27 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 4.306 m +260.47 4.253 L +258.366 4.148 L +258.366 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 9.098 m +260.464 9.045 L +255.206 9.045 L +258.366 9.203 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 4.306 m +74.876 4.452 L +75.11 4.464 L +78.27 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 14.048 m +60.361 13.837 L +59.312 13.785 L +59.312 14.101 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 7.097 m +60.361 6.886 L +59.312 6.834 L +59.312 7.15 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 8.729 m +260.47 8.677 L +258.366 8.571 L +258.366 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 2.41 m +74.876 2.556 L +75.11 2.568 L +78.27 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 12.784 m +60.361 12.573 L +59.312 12.521 L +59.312 12.837 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 3.042 m +260.47 2.989 L +258.366 2.884 L +258.366 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 3.674 m +260.47 3.621 L +258.366 3.516 L +258.366 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 3.042 m +74.876 3.188 L +75.11 3.2 L +78.27 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 3.674 m +74.876 3.82 L +75.11 3.832 L +78.27 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 13.416 m +60.361 13.205 L +59.312 13.153 L +59.312 13.469 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 8.899 m +74.888 9.045 L +78.27 9.045 L +75.11 8.887 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 11.626 m +260.464 11.573 L +255.206 11.573 L +258.366 11.731 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 11.427 m +74.888 11.573 L +78.27 11.573 L +75.11 11.415 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 5.423 m +74.888 5.57 L +78.27 5.57 L +75.11 5.412 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 4.792 m +74.888 4.938 L +78.27 4.938 L +75.11 4.78 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 4.622 m +260.47 4.569 L +258.366 4.464 L +255.206 4.622 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 4.622 m +74.876 4.768 L +75.11 4.78 L +78.27 4.622 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 4.16 m +74.888 4.306 L +78.27 4.306 L +75.11 4.148 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 2.726 m +260.47 2.673 L +258.366 2.568 L +255.206 2.726 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 3.99 m +74.876 4.136 L +75.11 4.148 L +78.27 3.99 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 5.254 m +260.47 5.201 L +258.366 5.096 L +255.206 5.254 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 14.27 m +74.888 14.417 L +75.11 14.417 L +75.11 14.259 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 7.518 m +260.464 7.465 L +258.366 7.465 L +258.366 7.623 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 6.886 m +260.464 6.834 L +258.366 6.834 L +258.366 6.992 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 2.463 m +260.464 2.41 L +258.366 2.41 L +258.366 2.568 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 8.782 m +260.464 8.729 L +258.366 8.729 L +258.366 8.887 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 10.046 m +260.464 9.993 L +258.366 9.993 L +258.366 10.151 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 3.358 m +260.47 3.305 L +258.366 3.2 L +255.206 3.358 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 5.622 m +260.464 5.57 L +258.366 5.57 L +258.366 5.728 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 4.991 m +260.464 4.938 L +258.366 4.938 L +258.366 5.096 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 4.359 m +260.464 4.306 L +258.366 4.306 L +258.366 4.464 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 8.15 m +260.464 8.097 L +258.366 8.097 L +258.366 8.255 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 6.254 m +260.464 6.202 L +258.366 6.202 L +258.366 6.36 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 2.896 m +74.888 3.042 L +78.27 3.042 L +75.11 2.884 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 2.726 m +74.876 2.872 L +75.11 2.884 L +78.27 2.726 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 3.99 m +260.47 3.937 L +258.366 3.832 L +255.206 3.99 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 12.837 m +260.47 12.784 L +258.366 12.679 L +255.206 12.837 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 14.101 m +260.47 14.048 L +258.366 13.943 L +255.206 14.101 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 13.469 m +74.876 13.615 L +75.11 13.627 L +78.27 13.469 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 13.638 m +74.888 13.785 L +78.27 13.785 L +75.11 13.627 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 12.375 m +74.888 12.521 L +78.27 12.521 L +75.11 12.363 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 13.469 m +260.47 13.416 L +258.366 13.311 L +255.206 13.469 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 12.205 m +74.876 12.351 L +75.11 12.363 L +78.27 12.205 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 12.837 m +74.876 12.983 L +75.11 12.995 L +78.27 12.837 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 13.006 m +74.888 13.153 L +78.27 13.153 L +75.11 12.995 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 13.837 m +260.464 13.785 L +258.366 13.785 L +258.366 13.943 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 14.101 m +74.876 14.247 L +75.11 14.259 L +78.27 14.101 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 4.569 m +60.361 4.358 L +59.312 4.306 L +59.312 4.622 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 11.743 m +74.888 11.889 L +78.27 11.889 L +75.11 11.731 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 3.358 m +74.876 3.504 L +75.11 3.516 L +78.27 3.358 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 3.528 m +74.888 3.674 L +78.27 3.674 L +75.11 3.516 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 5.201 m +60.361 4.99 L +59.312 4.938 L +59.312 5.254 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 11.573 m +74.876 11.719 L +75.11 11.731 L +78.27 11.573 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 3.306 m +60.361 3.095 L +59.312 3.042 L +59.312 3.358 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 12.205 m +260.47 12.152 L +258.366 12.047 L +255.206 12.205 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 3.937 m +60.361 3.726 L +59.312 3.674 L +59.312 3.99 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 2.674 m +60.361 2.463 L +59.312 2.41 L +59.312 2.726 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 13.1 m +60.361 12.889 L +59.312 12.837 L +59.312 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 13.205 m +260.464 13.153 L +258.366 13.153 L +258.366 13.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 12.574 m +260.464 12.521 L +258.366 12.521 L +258.366 12.679 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 7.781 m +74.876 7.928 L +75.11 7.939 L +78.27 7.781 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 7.319 m +74.888 7.465 L +78.27 7.465 L +75.11 7.307 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 8.413 m +260.47 8.361 L +258.366 8.255 L +255.206 8.413 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 7.15 m +74.876 7.296 L +75.11 7.307 L +78.27 7.15 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 8.413 m +74.876 8.56 L +75.11 8.571 L +78.27 8.413 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 7.781 m +260.47 7.729 L +258.366 7.623 L +255.206 7.781 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 6.055 m +74.888 6.202 L +78.27 6.202 L +75.11 6.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 6.518 m +260.47 6.465 L +258.366 6.36 L +255.206 6.518 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 7.951 m +74.888 8.097 L +78.27 8.097 L +75.11 7.939 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 6.465 m +60.361 6.254 L +59.312 6.202 L +59.312 6.518 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 7.729 m +60.361 7.518 L +59.312 7.465 L +59.312 7.781 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 10.795 m +74.888 10.941 L +78.27 10.941 L +75.11 10.783 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 12.059 m +74.888 12.205 L +78.27 12.205 L +75.11 12.047 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 12.258 m +260.464 12.205 L +255.206 12.205 L +258.366 12.363 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 5.886 m +74.876 6.032 L +75.11 6.044 L +78.27 5.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 10.994 m +260.464 10.941 L +255.206 10.941 L +258.366 11.099 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 9.531 m +74.888 9.677 L +78.27 9.677 L +75.11 9.519 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 9.73 m +260.464 9.677 L +255.206 9.677 L +258.366 9.835 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 10.163 m +74.888 10.309 L +78.27 10.309 L +75.11 10.151 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 10.362 m +260.464 10.309 L +255.206 10.309 L +258.366 10.467 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 7.15 m +260.47 7.097 L +258.366 6.992 L +255.206 7.15 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 6.687 m +74.888 6.834 L +78.27 6.834 L +75.11 6.676 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 6.518 m +74.876 6.664 L +75.11 6.676 L +78.27 6.518 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 9.677 m +74.876 9.823 L +75.11 9.835 L +78.27 9.677 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 9.847 m +74.888 9.993 L +78.27 9.993 L +75.11 9.835 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 10.309 m +260.47 10.256 L +258.366 10.151 L +255.206 10.309 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 9.045 m +74.876 9.192 L +75.11 9.203 L +78.27 9.045 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 5.254 m +74.876 5.4 L +75.11 5.412 L +78.27 5.254 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 11.942 m +260.464 11.889 L +258.366 11.889 L +258.366 12.047 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 5.833 m +60.361 5.622 L +59.312 5.57 L +59.312 5.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 11.31 m +260.464 11.257 L +258.366 11.257 L +258.366 11.415 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 10.678 m +260.464 10.625 L +258.366 10.625 L +258.366 10.783 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 9.414 m +260.464 9.361 L +258.366 9.361 L +258.366 9.519 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 9.215 m +74.888 9.361 L +78.27 9.361 L +75.11 9.203 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 10.309 m +74.876 10.455 L +75.11 10.467 L +78.27 10.309 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 5.886 m +260.47 5.833 L +258.366 5.728 L +255.206 5.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 9.045 m +260.47 8.992 L +258.366 8.887 L +255.206 9.045 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 8.583 m +74.888 8.729 L +78.27 8.729 L +75.11 8.571 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 9.677 m +260.47 9.624 L +258.366 9.519 L +255.206 9.677 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 11.111 m +74.888 11.257 L +78.27 11.257 L +75.11 11.099 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 10.941 m +74.876 11.087 L +75.11 11.099 L +78.27 10.941 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 10.941 m +260.47 10.888 L +258.366 10.783 L +255.206 10.941 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 11.573 m +260.47 11.52 L +258.366 11.415 L +255.206 11.573 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 10.479 m +74.888 10.625 L +78.27 10.625 L +75.11 10.467 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 3.095 m +260.464 3.042 L +258.366 3.042 L +258.366 3.2 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +0 g +0.6 g +0.36 w +[ ] 0 setdash +3.25 setmiterlimit +52.993 14.417 m +40.355 14.417 L +40.355 13.785 L +40.355 13.153 L +40.355 12.521 L +40.355 11.889 L +40.355 11.257 L +40.355 10.625 L +40.355 9.993 L +40.355 9.361 L +40.355 8.729 L +40.355 8.097 L +40.355 7.465 L +40.355 6.834 L +40.355 6.202 L +40.355 5.57 L +40.355 4.938 L +40.355 4.306 L +40.355 3.674 L +40.355 3.042 L +40.355 2.41 L +52.993 2.41 L +59.312 2.41 L +60.349 2.41 L +60.361 2.463 L +60.361 2.674 L +60.349 2.726 L +60.361 2.779 L +60.361 2.99 L +60.349 3.042 L +60.361 3.095 L +60.361 3.306 L +60.349 3.358 L +60.361 3.41 L +60.361 3.622 L +60.349 3.674 L +60.361 3.726 L +60.361 3.937 L +60.349 3.99 L +60.361 4.042 L +60.361 4.253 L +60.349 4.306 L +60.361 4.358 L +60.361 4.569 L +60.349 4.622 L +60.361 4.674 L +60.361 4.885 L +60.349 4.938 L +60.361 4.99 L +60.361 5.201 L +60.349 5.254 L +60.361 5.306 L +60.361 5.517 L +60.349 5.57 L +60.361 5.622 L +60.361 5.833 L +60.349 5.886 L +60.361 5.938 L +60.361 6.149 L +60.349 6.202 L +60.361 6.254 L +60.361 6.465 L +60.349 6.518 L +60.361 6.57 L +60.361 6.781 L +60.349 6.834 L +60.361 6.886 L +60.361 7.097 L +60.349 7.15 L +60.361 7.202 L +60.361 7.413 L +60.349 7.465 L +60.361 7.518 L +60.361 7.729 L +60.349 7.781 L +60.361 7.834 L +60.361 8.045 L +60.349 8.097 L +60.361 8.15 L +60.361 8.361 L +60.349 8.413 L +60.361 8.466 L +60.361 8.677 L +60.349 8.729 L +60.361 8.782 L +60.361 8.993 L +60.349 9.045 L +60.361 9.098 L +60.361 9.309 L +60.349 9.361 L +60.361 9.414 L +60.361 9.625 L +60.349 9.677 L +60.361 9.73 L +60.361 9.941 L +60.349 9.993 L +60.361 10.046 L +60.361 10.257 L +60.349 10.309 L +60.361 10.362 L +60.361 10.573 L +60.349 10.625 L +60.361 10.678 L +60.361 10.889 L +60.349 10.941 L +60.361 10.993 L +60.361 11.205 L +60.349 11.257 L +60.361 11.309 L +60.361 11.52 L +60.349 11.573 L +60.361 11.625 L +60.361 11.836 L +60.349 11.889 L +60.361 11.941 L +60.361 12.152 L +60.349 12.205 L +60.361 12.257 L +60.361 12.468 L +60.349 12.521 L +60.361 12.573 L +60.361 12.784 L +60.349 12.837 L +60.361 12.889 L +60.361 13.1 L +60.349 13.153 L +60.361 13.205 L +60.361 13.416 L +60.349 13.469 L +60.361 13.521 L +60.361 13.732 L +60.349 13.785 L +60.361 13.837 L +60.361 14.048 L +60.349 14.101 L +60.361 14.153 L +60.361 14.364 L +60.349 14.417 L +59.312 14.417 L +52.993 14.417 L +s +84.589 14.417 m +78.27 14.417 L +75.11 14.417 L +74.888 14.417 L +74.876 14.27 L +74.876 14.247 L +74.888 14.101 L +74.876 13.954 L +74.876 13.931 L +74.888 13.785 L +74.876 13.638 L +74.876 13.615 L +74.888 13.469 L +74.876 13.322 L +74.876 13.299 L +74.888 13.153 L +74.876 13.006 L +74.876 12.983 L +74.888 12.837 L +74.876 12.691 L +74.876 12.667 L +74.888 12.521 L +74.876 12.375 L +74.876 12.351 L +74.888 12.205 L +74.876 12.059 L +74.876 12.035 L +74.888 11.889 L +74.876 11.743 L +74.876 11.719 L +74.888 11.573 L +74.876 11.427 L +74.876 11.403 L +74.888 11.257 L +74.876 11.111 L +74.876 11.087 L +74.888 10.941 L +74.876 10.795 L +74.876 10.771 L +74.888 10.625 L +74.876 10.479 L +74.876 10.455 L +74.888 10.309 L +74.876 10.163 L +74.876 10.139 L +74.888 9.993 L +74.876 9.847 L +74.876 9.823 L +74.888 9.677 L +74.876 9.531 L +74.876 9.507 L +74.888 9.361 L +74.876 9.215 L +74.876 9.192 L +74.888 9.045 L +74.876 8.899 L +74.876 8.876 L +74.888 8.729 L +74.876 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findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index/FID ne{def}{pop pop}ifelse}forall + /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def + currentdict + end + newfontname exch definefont pop +}def +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic +%%BeginResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%BeginFont: Times-Italic-MISO +/Times-Italic /Times-Italic-MISO MISOfy +%%EndFont +%%EndResource +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +6.48 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +4.172 6 m +(r) N +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +4.601 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +6.82 7.008 m +(B) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -40.869 -10.573 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +[ ] 0 setdash +p +0 setlinecap +74.866 8.413 m +74.866 6.967 L +s +P +p +np 64 9 m +64 20 L +86 20 L +86 9 L +cp +clip np +p +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +[1 0 0 1 65.276 10.573 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +p +np -2.276 -2.573 m +-2.276 10.427 L +21.724 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Times-Roman +%%IncludeFont: Times-Roman +%%BeginResource: font Times-Roman-MISO +%%BeginFont: Times-Roman-MISO +/Times-Roman /Times-Roman-MISO MISOfy +%%EndFont +%%EndResource +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO +4.601 /Times-Roman-MISO Msf +6.788 7.039 m +(0) N +6.48 /Mathematica1 Msf +10.445 6 m +(-) N +15.617 6 m +(d) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -251.156 -10.573 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +[ ] 0 setdash +p +0 setlinecap +35.352 8.413 m +285.486 8.413 L +s +P +p +np 290 3 m +290 14 L +296 14 L +296 3 L +cp +clip np +p +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +[1 0 0 1 291.246 4.663 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +p +np -2.246 -2.663 m +-2.246 10.337 L +5.754 10.337 L +5.754 -2.663 L +cp +clip np +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +6.48 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +0 6 m +(u) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -291.246 -4.663 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +p +np 35 2 m +35 16 L +287 16 L +287 2 L +cp +clip np +1 0 0 r +1.44 w +[ ] 0 setdash +74.866 2.41 m +74.866 14.417 L +s +260.472 2.41 m +260.472 14.417 L +s +[ 0.72 2.88 ] 0 setdash +60.365 2.41 m +60.365 14.417 L +s +P +P +P +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +P +P +%Trailer +%EOF + +%%EndDocument + @endspecial Black 541 1390 a(Figure)e(3.2:)44 b(Retarded)33 +b(time)g(axis)g(and)g(supp)s(ort)g(of)f(pro\014le)h(function)g +Fp(f)11 b Fv(.)p Black Black 146 1763 a(W)-8 b(e)33 b(care)g(only)g(ab) +s(out)f(\(3.2\))g(at)h Fp(r)1410 1778 y Fo(B)1503 1763 +y Fv(but)g(in)f(fact)h(it)f(holds)i(for)e Fp(r)e Fs(\025)e +Fp(r)2713 1778 y Fo(B)2774 1763 y Fv(.)0 2245 y Fh(3.1)161 +b(Pro)t(of)54 b(of)g(Theorem)f(3.0.1)0 2589 y Fv(Our)33 +b(\014rst)g(pro)s(of)e(of)h(the)h(theorem)h(relies)g(on)e(the)h(follo)m +(wing)g(lemma.)p Black 0 2826 a Fj(Lemma)56 b(3.1.1.)p +Black 49 w Fq(F)-7 b(or)48 b Fp(r)55 b Fs(2)d Fv(\()p +Fp(r)1219 2841 y Fo(B)1312 2826 y Fs(\000)32 b Fp(\017\016)n(;)17 +b Fs(1)p Fv(\))49 b Fq(with)f Fp(\017)53 b Fs(\024)g +Fv(1)48 b Fq(the)g(L)-5 b(aplac)g(e)47 b(tr)-5 b(ansform)3286 +2801 y Fk(b)3276 2826 y Fv(\011)3352 2841 y Fo(`)3385 +2826 y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))47 b Fq(of)h(the)0 +3001 y(expr)-5 b(ession)33 b Fv(\011)545 3016 y Fo(`)578 +3001 y Fv(\()p Fp(t;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))35 b Fq(given)f(in)g(\(3.1\))g +(with)h Fp(f)j Fs(2)29 b Fp(C)1902 2965 y Fl(1)1895 3026 +y Fn(0)1976 3001 y Fv(\()p Fp(D)s Fv(\))35 b Fq(has)f(form)g([cf.)45 +b(Eq.)f(\(2.12\)])254 3241 y Fk(b)244 3266 y Fv(\011)320 +3281 y Fo(`)353 3266 y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))27 +b(=)g Fp(a)p Fv(\()p Fp(s)p Fv(\))p Fp(s)915 3225 y Fo(`)948 +3266 y Fp(e)993 3225 y Fl(\000)p Fo(sr)1119 3266 y Fp(W)1211 +3281 y Fo(`)1244 3266 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)s Fv(\))p Fp(;)215 +b(a)p Fv(\()p Fp(s)p Fv(\))28 b(=)1960 3130 y Fk(Z)2059 +3156 y Fl(\000)p Fo(r)2146 3165 y Fg(0)2181 3156 y Fl(\000)p +Fo(\016)2015 3356 y Fl(\000)p Fo(r)2102 3367 y Ff(B)2154 +3356 y Fn(+)p Fo(\016)2290 3266 y Fp(e)2335 3225 y Fl(\000)p +Fo(su)2468 3266 y Fp(f)11 b Fv(\()p Fp(u)p Fv(\))p Fp(du:)906 +b Fv(\(3.4\))0 3526 y Fq(Notic)-5 b(e)35 b(that)g Fp(a)p +Fv(\()p Fp(s)p Fv(\))g Fq(is)g(indep)-5 b(endent)33 b(of)i +Fp(r)s Fq(,)f(and)h(that)g(this)g(holds)f(for)g(any)h(c)-5 +b(omplex)34 b(numb)-5 b(er)34 b Fp(s)p Fq(.)p Black 0 +3839 a(Pr)-5 b(o)g(of.)p Black 48 w Fv(T)d(o)49 b(obtain)g(\(3.4\),)k +(w)m(e)d(pro)s(ceed)g(as)f(follo)m(ws.)94 b(First)49 +b(consider)h(the)g(Laplace)f(transform)g(of)0 4014 y +Fp(f)59 3978 y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fn(\))240 +4014 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)24 b Fs(\000)f Fp(r)s Fv(\))34 b(whic)m(h)i(app)s +(ears)f(in)g(\(3.1\).)48 b(Rep)s(eated)35 b(in)m(tegration)g(b)m(y)g +(parts)g(generates)g Fp(t)c Fv(=)g(0)j(b)s(ound-)0 4188 +y(ary)40 b(terms)g(of)g(the)g(form)f Fp(f)1046 4152 y +Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fl(\000)p Fo(p)p Fn(\))1318 +4188 y Fv(\()p Fs(\000)p Fp(r)s Fv(\))g(for)g(1)h Fs(\024)g +Fp(p)g Fs(\024)g Fp(`)27 b Fs(\000)g Fp(k)s Fv(;)44 b(all)39 +b(suc)m(h)i(terms)g(v)-5 b(anish.)66 b(Indeed,)42 b(for)0 +4363 y Fp(r)35 b Fs(2)d Fv(\()p Fp(r)259 4378 y Fo(B)344 +4363 y Fs(\000)24 b Fp(\017\016)n(;)17 b Fs(1)p Fv(\),)36 +b(w)m(e)g(ha)m(v)m(e)h Fs(\000)p Fp(r)e(<)d Fs(\000)p +Fp(r)1529 4378 y Fo(B)1614 4363 y Fv(+)24 b Fp(\016)39 +b Fv(and)c(so)g Fs(\000)p Fp(r)47 b(=)-60 b Fs(2)32 b +Fp(D)s Fv(.)51 b(Moreo)m(v)m(er,)37 b(the)f(pro\014le)g(function)f +Fp(f)0 4538 y Fv(and)h(all)g(of)g(its)h(deriv)-5 b(ativ)m(es)38 +b(v)-5 b(anish)37 b(on)f Fm(R)p Fs(n)p Fp(D)s Fv(.)54 +b(The)37 b(rep)s(eated)g(in)m(tegration)f(b)m(y)h(parts)g(also)f +(generates)0 4712 y Fp(t)28 b Fv(=)f Fs(1)33 b Fv(b)s(oundary)g(terms)g +(whic)m(h)h(are)f(similarly)h(sho)m(wn)g(to)e(v)-5 b(anish.)146 +4958 y(The)34 b(previous)g(argumen)m(t)f(establishes)i(that)244 +5073 y Fk(Z)344 5099 y Fl(1)299 5298 y Fn(0)435 5208 +y Fp(e)480 5167 y Fl(\000)p Fo(st)597 5208 y Fp(f)656 +5167 y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fn(\))837 5208 +y Fv(\()p Fp(t)22 b Fs(\000)h Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(dt)k +Fv(=)h Fp(s)1380 5167 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)1506 5208 +y Fp(e)1551 5167 y Fl(\000)p Fo(sr)1693 5073 y Fk(Z)1793 +5099 y Fl(1)1749 5298 y(\000)p Fo(r)1884 5208 y Fp(e)1929 +5167 y Fl(\000)p Fo(su)2062 5208 y Fp(f)11 b Fv(\()p +Fp(u)p Fv(\))p Fp(du:)1312 b Fv(\(3.5\))p Black 1761 +5645 a(8)p Black eop end +%%Page: 9 19 +TeXDict begin 9 18 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(3.)76 +b(Nonre\015ecting)34 b(Boundary)f(Conditions)p Black +0 440 a Fv(The)i(lo)m(w)m(er)h(limit)f Fs(\000)p Fp(r)j +Fv(of)c(in)m(tegration)h(can)g(no)m(w)g(b)s(e)f(replaced)i(with)f +Fs(\000)p Fp(r)2716 455 y Fo(B)2801 440 y Fv(+)23 b Fp(\016)t +Fv(,)35 b(b)s(ecause)h Fp(f)11 b Fv(\()p Fp(u)p Fv(\))30 +b(=)h(0)j(for)0 615 y Fp(u)27 b Fs(2)h Fv([)p Fs(\000)p +Fp(r)m(;)17 b Fs(\000)p Fp(r)487 630 y Fo(B)571 615 y +Fv(+)22 b Fp(\016)t Fv(\))32 b(whic)m(h)j(implies)f Fp(u)k(=)-60 +b Fs(2)28 b Fp(D)s Fv(,)k(and)h(similarly)h(the)f(upp)s(er)g(limit)g(b) +m(y)g Fs(\000)p Fp(r)3242 630 y Fn(0)3304 615 y Fs(\000)23 +b Fp(\016)t Fv(.)p 3829 615 4 66 v 3833 552 59 4 v 3833 +615 V 3891 615 4 66 v 146 925 a(The)34 b(pro)s(of)e(of)g +Fj(Theorem)38 b(3.0.1)33 b Fv(follo)m(ws)g(from)f Fj(Lemma)39 +b(3.1.1)p Fv(.)p Black 0 1236 a Fq(Pr)-5 b(o)g(of.)p +Black 48 w Fv(The)56 b(explicit)h(expression)g(\(3.4\))e(for)1824 +1211 y Fk(b)1814 1236 y Fv(\011)1890 1251 y Fo(`)1923 +1236 y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))54 b(determines)j(an)e(exact)h +(frequency-domain)0 1410 y(b)s(oundary)33 b(condition)g(\(the)g(Diric)m +(hlet-to-Neumann)g(map\))244 1651 y Fp(s)300 1626 y Fk(b)290 +1651 y Fv(\011)366 1666 y Fo(`)399 1651 y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 +b(r)s Fv(\))k(+)h Fp(@)782 1666 y Fo(r)831 1626 y Fk(b)820 +1651 y Fv(\011)896 1666 y Fo(`)929 1651 y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 +b(r)s Fv(\))27 b(=)1283 1584 y(1)p 1283 1628 49 4 v 1284 +1720 a Fp(r)1349 1626 y Fk(b)1341 1651 y Fv(\012)1411 +1666 y Fo(`)1445 1651 y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))1668 +1626 y Fk(b)1658 1651 y Fv(\011)1734 1666 y Fo(`)1766 +1651 y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)g(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(;)1693 b Fv(\(3.6\))0 +1892 y(where)39 b(the)f Fq(fr)-5 b(e)g(quency-domain)39 +b(r)-5 b(adiation)39 b(kernel)1977 1867 y Fk(b)1969 1892 +y Fv(\012)2039 1907 y Fo(`)2073 1892 y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 +b(r)s Fv(\))37 b(de\014nes)i(the)f(Sommerfeld)i(residual.)60 +b(In-)0 2067 y(deed,)33 b(the)f(op)s(erator)f(on)g(the)h(left)g(hand)g +(of)f(\(3.6\))g(corresp)s(onds)i(to)e(the)h(Sommerfeld)h(op)s(erator)e +Fp(@)3664 2082 y Fo(t)3715 2067 y Fv(+)20 b Fp(@)3862 +2082 y Fo(r)0 2241 y Fv(in)34 b(the)g(time-domain.)48 +b(If)33 b Fp(`)d Fv(=)f(0,)34 b(then)h Fp(s)1559 2216 +y Fk(b)1549 2241 y Fv(\011)1625 2256 y Fo(`)1657 2241 +y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))22 b(+)h Fp(@)2042 2256 +y Fo(r)2091 2216 y Fk(b)2081 2241 y Fv(\011)2157 2256 +y Fo(`)2190 2241 y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))28 b(=)i(0.)47 +b(In)34 b(\(3.6\))3024 2216 y Fk(b)3017 2241 y Fv(\012)3087 +2256 y Fo(`)3120 2241 y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))33 +b(is)h(essen)m(tially)0 2416 y(the)f(logarithmic)g(deriv)-5 +b(ativ)m(e)34 b(of)e Fp(W)1333 2431 y Fo(`)1366 2416 +y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)s Fv(\),)251 2671 y Fk(b)244 2696 y Fv(\012)314 +2711 y Fo(`)347 2696 y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))27 +b Fs(\021)h Fp(sr)795 2628 y(W)901 2592 y Fl(0)887 2654 +y Fo(`)924 2628 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)s Fv(\))p 795 2673 298 +4 v 797 2764 a Fp(W)889 2779 y Fo(`)922 2764 y Fv(\()p +Fp(sr)s Fv(\))1130 2696 y(=)1291 2571 y Fo(`)1234 2601 +y Fk(X)1241 2813 y Fo(k)r Fn(=1)1488 2628 y Fp(b)1529 +2643 y Fo(`k)1601 2628 y Fp(=r)p 1404 2673 377 4 v 1404 +2764 a(s)22 b Fs(\000)h Fp(b)1613 2779 y Fo(`k)1685 2764 +y Fp(=r)1790 2696 y(:)1882 b Fv(\(3.7\))146 3043 y(The)45 +b(last)f(equalit)m(y)h(arises)g(from)f(the)g(follo)m(wing)g +(consideration.)78 b(W)-8 b(e)44 b(recognize)h Fp(W)3431 +3058 y Fo(`)3464 3043 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))g(as)f(the)0 +3218 y(expression)j(giv)m(en)e(in)g(\(2.12\))o(.)79 b(With)45 +b(this)g(result)g(and)g(\(3.6\))o(,)j(w)m(e)d(get)g(\(3.2\))e(-)h +(\(3.3\))g(up)s(on)h(in)m(v)m(erse)0 3393 y(Laplace)33 +b(transformation.)p 3829 3393 4 66 v 3833 3330 59 4 v +3833 3393 V 3891 3393 4 66 v 146 3703 a Fj(Remark:)58 +b Fv(The)41 b(pro)s(of)d(of)i Fj(Lemma)47 b(3.1.1)40 +b Fv(sho)m(ws)h(that)e Fj(Theorem)46 b(3.0.1)40 b Fv(actually)g(holds)g +(for)0 3878 y(an)m(y)34 b(\011)261 3893 y Fo(`)294 3878 +y Fv(\()p Fp(t;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))33 b(of)g(the)h(form)f(\(3.1\).)46 +b(That)34 b(is)g(the)g Fp(c)1870 3893 y Fo(`k)1975 3878 +y Fv(need)h(not)e(b)s(e)h(the)g(sp)s(ecial)g(expressions)j(in)d +(\(2.12\))o(.)0 4052 y(Of)44 b(course)h(for)e(general)h +Fp(c)1009 4067 y Fo(`k)1125 4052 y Fv(the)g Fp(b)1345 +4067 y Fo(`k)1461 4052 y Fv(in)g Fj(Theorem)51 b(3.0.1)44 +b Fv(m)m(ust)i(b)s(e)e(the)g(corresp)s(onding)h(ro)s(ots)e(of)0 +4227 y Fp(p)49 4242 y Fo(`)82 4227 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))37 +b(=)357 4152 y Fk(P)462 4178 y Fo(`)462 4256 y(k)r Fn(=1)612 +4227 y Fp(c)654 4242 y Fo(`k)725 4227 y Fp(z)774 4191 +y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)901 4227 y Fv(.)60 b(Moreo)m(v)m(er,)41 +b(if)d(the)g Fp(c)1760 4242 y Fo(`k)1870 4227 y Fv(are)g(not)g(those)g +(giv)m(en)h(in)g(\(2.12\))o(,)g(then)g(\011)3476 4242 +y Fo(`)3509 4227 y Fv(\()p Fp(t;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))37 b(will)0 +4401 y(not)32 b(generally)i(solv)m(e)g(the)f(radial)f(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)j +(equation)e(\(2.6\).)146 4647 y(Let)c(us)h(no)m(w)f(consider)h(what)f +(the)g(b)s(oundary)h(k)m(ernels)h(for)d(a)g(spherical)j(b)s(oundary)e +(lo)s(ok)f(lik)m(e)i(for)f(the)0 4821 y(cases)k Fp(`)28 +b Fv(=)f(1)k(and)h Fp(`)c Fv(=)f(2.)43 b(F)-8 b(or)31 +b(the)h(case)h Fp(`)27 b Fv(=)h(1,)j(w)m(e)i(refer)f(to)f(the)h +(general)g(radial)g(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)h(equation)f(\(2.6\))0 +4996 y(to)g(get)h(\(suppressing)i(the)e Fp(`)27 b Fv(=)h(1)k +(subscript\))244 5237 y Fs(\000)p Fp(s)367 5196 y Fn(2)417 +5212 y Fk(b)407 5237 y Fv(\011)22 b(+)613 5212 y Fk(b)603 +5237 y Fv(\011)679 5252 y Fo(r)r(r)773 5237 y Fs(\000)901 +5169 y Fv(2)p 882 5214 87 4 v 882 5305 a Fp(r)929 5276 +y Fn(2)988 5212 y Fk(b)978 5237 y Fv(\011)28 b(=)f(0)2465 +b(\(3.8\))p Black 1761 5645 a(9)p Black eop end +%%Page: 10 20 +TeXDict begin 10 19 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(3.)76 +b(Nonre\015ecting)34 b(Boundary)f(Conditions)p Black +0 440 a Fv(for)28 b(the)g(Laplace-transformed)h(equation.)43 +b(In)28 b(order)g(to)g(p)s(eel)h(o\013)e(the)i(exp)s(onen)m(tial)g(dep) +s(endence)i(of)d(the)0 615 y(outgoing)k(solution,)h(w)m(e)h(let)1092 +589 y Fk(b)1082 615 y Fv(\011)27 b(=)h Fp(e)1334 578 +y Fl(\000)p Fo(sr)1467 589 y Fk(b)1459 615 y Fv(\010)33 +b(to)g(obtain)251 1080 y Fk(b)244 1105 y Fv(\010)314 +1120 y Fo(r)r(r)408 1105 y Fs(\000)23 b Fv(2)p Fp(s)611 +1080 y Fk(b)603 1105 y Fv(\010)673 1120 y Fo(r)733 1105 +y Fs(\000)861 1038 y Fv(2)p 843 1083 87 4 v 843 1174 +a Fp(r)890 1145 y Fn(2)946 1080 y Fk(b)939 1105 y Fv(\010)28 +b(=)f(0)p Fp(:)2483 b Fv(\(3.9\))0 1351 y(Letting)33 +b Fp(z)f Fv(=)c Fp(sr)35 b Fv(giv)m(es)f(us)251 1571 +y Fk(b)244 1596 y Fv(\010)314 1611 y Fo(z)s(z)412 1596 +y Fs(\000)23 b Fv(2)569 1571 y Fk(b)561 1596 y Fv(\010)631 +1611 y Fo(z)693 1596 y Fs(\000)822 1529 y Fv(2)p 802 +1573 90 4 v 802 1665 a Fp(z)851 1636 y Fn(2)909 1571 +y Fk(b)901 1596 y Fv(\010)29 b(=)e(0)p Fp(:)2472 b Fv(\(3.10\))0 +1842 y(Linearly)33 b(indep)s(enden)m(t)i(solutions)f(to)e(this)h +(equation)h(are)244 2087 y Fp(W)336 2102 y Fn(1)375 2087 +y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))29 b(=)e(1)22 b(+)812 2020 y(1)p +811 2064 50 4 v 811 2155 a Fp(z)1066 2087 y(Z)1133 2102 +y Fn(1)1172 2087 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))28 b(=)g Fp(e)1474 +2046 y Fn(2)p Fo(z)1549 1977 y Fk(\020)1609 2087 y Fv(1)22 +b Fs(\000)1790 2020 y Fv(1)p 1789 2064 V 1789 2155 a +Fp(z)1849 1977 y Fk(\021)1909 2087 y Fp(:)1715 b Fv(\(3.11\))0 +2333 y(The)40 b(pro)s(duct)g(\012)650 2348 y Fn(1)690 +2333 y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))39 b(of)g Fp(z)44 +b Fv(and)c(the)g(logarithmic)g(deriv)-5 b(ativ)m(e)41 +b(of)e Fp(W)2707 2348 y Fn(1)2786 2333 y Fv(for)g Fp(z)44 +b Fv(=)39 b Fp(sr)k Fv(then)d(tak)m(es)h(the)0 2507 y(form)244 +2753 y(\012)314 2768 y Fn(1)354 2753 y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 +b(r)s Fv(\))27 b(=)707 2685 y Fp(z)t(W)862 2649 y Fl(0)848 +2710 y Fn(1)888 2685 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))p 707 2730 +307 4 v 732 2821 a Fp(W)824 2836 y Fn(1)864 2821 y Fv(\()p +Fp(z)t Fv(\))1052 2753 y(=)1165 2679 y Fp(z)t Fv(\()p +Fs(\000)1358 2640 y Fn(1)p 1339 2656 71 4 v 1339 2714 +a Fo(z)1375 2695 y Fg(2)1421 2679 y Fv(\))p 1165 2730 +294 4 v 1200 2824 a(1)22 b(+)1379 2784 y Fn(1)p 1378 +2801 36 4 v 1378 2858 a Fo(z)1496 2753 y Fv(=)28 b Fs(\000)1772 +2685 y Fv(1)p 1687 2730 219 4 v 1687 2821 a Fp(z)f Fv(+)22 +b(1)1916 2753 y Fp(:)1708 b Fv(\(3.12\))146 3083 y(No)m(w,)37 +b(for)e(the)g(case)h Fp(`)d Fv(=)f(2,)j(w)m(e)i(again)d(refer)i(to)f +(the)h(general)f(radial)g(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)i(equation)f(\(2.6\))f(to)g +(get)0 3257 y(\(suppressing)g(the)e Fp(`)27 b Fv(=)h(2)k(subscript\)) +251 3478 y Fk(b)244 3503 y Fv(\010)314 3518 y Fo(r)r(r)408 +3503 y Fs(\000)23 b Fv(2)p Fp(s)611 3478 y Fk(b)603 3503 +y Fv(\010)673 3518 y Fo(r)733 3503 y Fs(\000)861 3435 +y Fv(6)p 843 3480 87 4 v 843 3571 a Fp(r)890 3542 y Fn(2)946 +3478 y Fk(b)939 3503 y Fv(\010)28 b(=)f(0)2462 b(\(3.13\))0 +3748 y(for)32 b(the)h(Laplace-transformed)g(equation.)45 +b(Letting)32 b Fp(z)h Fv(=)27 b Fp(sr)35 b Fv(giv)m(es)f(us)251 +3968 y Fk(b)244 3994 y Fv(\010)314 4009 y Fo(z)s(z)412 +3994 y Fs(\000)23 b Fv(2)569 3968 y Fk(b)561 3994 y Fv(\010)631 +4009 y Fo(z)693 3994 y Fs(\000)822 3926 y Fv(6)p 802 +3971 90 4 v 802 4062 a Fp(z)851 4033 y Fn(2)909 3968 +y Fk(b)901 3994 y Fv(\010)29 b(=)e(0)p Fp(:)2472 b Fv(\(3.14\))0 +4239 y(The)34 b(linearly)f(indep)s(enden)m(t)i(solutions)e(to)g(this)g +(equation)g(are)g(then)244 4484 y Fp(W)336 4499 y Fn(2)375 +4484 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))c(=)e(1)22 b(+)812 4417 y(3)p +811 4462 50 4 v 811 4553 a Fp(z)893 4484 y Fv(+)1021 +4417 y(3)p 1001 4462 90 4 v 1001 4553 a Fp(z)1050 4524 +y Fn(2)1295 4484 y Fp(Z)1362 4499 y Fn(2)1401 4484 y +Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))29 b(=)e Fp(e)1703 4443 y Fn(2)p +Fo(z)1779 4374 y Fk(\020)1838 4484 y Fv(1)22 b Fs(\000)2019 +4417 y Fv(3)p 2019 4462 50 4 v 2019 4553 a Fp(z)2100 +4484 y Fv(+)2229 4417 y(3)p 2208 4462 90 4 v 2208 4553 +a Fp(z)2257 4524 y Fn(2)2308 4374 y Fk(\021)2367 4484 +y Fp(;)1257 b Fv(\(3.15\))0 4730 y(and)31 b(the)g(pro)s(duct)g(\012)788 +4745 y Fn(2)828 4730 y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))30 +b(of)g Fp(z)36 b Fv(and)30 b(the)i(logarithmic)f(deriv)-5 +b(ativ)m(e)32 b(of)e Fp(W)2774 4745 y Fn(2)2845 4730 +y Fv(for)g Fp(z)i Fv(=)c Fp(sr)33 b Fv(then)e(tak)m(es)i(the)0 +4904 y(form)244 5150 y(\012)314 5165 y Fn(2)354 5150 +y Fv(\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))27 b(=)707 5082 y Fp(z)t(W)862 +5046 y Fl(0)848 5107 y Fn(2)888 5082 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t +Fv(\))p 707 5127 307 4 v 732 5218 a Fp(W)824 5233 y Fn(2)864 +5218 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))1052 5150 y(=)1165 5077 y +Fp(z)t Fv(\()p Fs(\000)1358 5037 y Fn(3)p 1339 5054 71 +4 v 1339 5111 a Fo(z)1375 5092 y Fg(2)1443 5077 y Fs(\000)1570 +5037 y Fn(6)p 1552 5054 V 1552 5111 a Fo(z)1588 5092 +y Fg(3)1632 5077 y Fv(\))p 1165 5127 506 4 v 1200 5221 +a(1)22 b(+)1379 5182 y Fn(3)p 1379 5198 36 4 v 1379 5255 +a Fo(z)1447 5221 y Fv(+)1572 5182 y Fn(3)p 1555 5198 +71 4 v 1555 5255 a Fo(z)1591 5236 y Fg(2)1708 5150 y +Fv(=)1887 5082 y Fs(\000)p Fv(3)p Fp(z)27 b Fs(\000)22 +b Fv(6)p 1822 5127 477 4 v 1822 5218 a Fp(z)1871 5189 +y Fn(2)1933 5218 y Fv(+)g(3)p Fp(z)27 b Fv(+)22 b(3)2308 +5150 y Fp(:)1316 b Fv(\(3.16\))p Black 1736 5645 a(10)p +Black eop end +%%Page: 11 21 +TeXDict begin 11 20 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(3.)76 +b(Nonre\015ecting)34 b(Boundary)f(Conditions)p Black +0 440 a Fh(3.2)161 b(Alternativ)l(e)52 b(pro)t(of.)0 +784 y Fv(This)30 b(subsection)i(sk)m(etc)m(hes)g(an)d(outline)h(of)f(a) +g(di\013eren)m(t)i(formal)e(pro)s(of)f(of)h(the)h(con)m(v)m(olution)g +(result)g(\(3.2\))0 959 y(in)46 b Fj(Theorem)53 b(3.0.1)46 +b Fv(b)m(y)g(solving)i(\(2.6\))d(on)h(\()p Fp(r)1861 +974 y Fn(0)1900 959 y Fp(;)17 b Fs(1)p Fv(\))45 b(as)h(an)f(initial)h +(v)-5 b(alue)46 b(problem)g(assuming)h(\(i\))0 1133 y(\011\()p +Fp(t;)17 b(r)237 1148 y Fn(0)276 1133 y Fv(\))28 b(=)f(0)h(and)g +(\(ii\))f(data)h(of)f(compact)h(supp)s(ort)g(on)g([)p +Fp(r)2131 1148 y Fn(0)2183 1133 y Fv(+)12 b Fp(\016)n(;)17 +b(r)2400 1148 y Fo(B)2473 1133 y Fs(\000)12 b Fp(\016)t +Fv(])p Fp(;)73 b Fv(0)27 b Fp(<)h(\016)k(<)27 b Fv(\()p +Fp(r)3176 1148 y Fo(B)3249 1133 y Fs(\000)12 b Fp(r)3382 +1148 y Fn(0)3422 1133 y Fv(\))p Fp(=)p Fv(2.)41 b(Unlik)m(e)0 +1308 y(the)33 b(previous)h(pro)s(of,)e(this)i(one)f(relies)h(on)e(the)h +(w)m(a)m(v)m(e)i(equation)f(and)e(so)h(assumes)i(ultimately)f(that)f +(the)0 1482 y Fp(c)42 1497 y Fo(`k)149 1482 y Fv(are)i(those)h(giv)m +(en)h(in)e(\(2.12\).)51 b(Ho)m(w)m(ev)m(er,)39 b(this)d(pro)s(of)e +(allo)m(ws)j(for)e(di\013eren)m(t)h(initial)g(data)f(than)g(that)0 +1657 y(asso)s(ciated)e(with)h(\(3.1\))o(.)44 b(In)33 +b(the)g(pro)s(of)e(w)m(e)j(con)m(tin)m(ue)g(to)e(suppress)j(the)e +Fp(`)g Fv(on)f(\011.)p Black 0 1962 a Fq(Pr)-5 b(o)g(of.)p +Black 48 w Fv(The)34 b(Laplace)f(transform)g(of)39 b(\(2.6\))32 +b(is)244 2072 y Fk(h)324 2115 y Fp(d)375 2079 y Fn(2)p +301 2160 137 4 v 301 2251 a Fp(dr)399 2222 y Fn(2)470 +2183 y Fs(\000)579 2115 y Fp(`)p Fv(\()p Fp(`)22 b Fv(+)g(1\))p +579 2160 327 4 v 700 2251 a Fp(r)747 2222 y Fn(2)938 +2183 y Fs(\000)h Fp(s)1084 2142 y Fn(2)1123 2072 y Fk(i)1180 +2158 y(b)1170 2183 y Fv(\011\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))27 +b(=)g Fs(\000)1691 2158 y Fv(_)1666 2183 y(\011)q(\(0)p +Fp(;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))k Fs(\000)i Fp(s)p Fv(\011\(0)p Fp(;)17 +b(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(:)1206 b Fv(\(3.17\))0 2404 y(Since)35 +b(\011\()p Fp(t;)17 b(r)493 2419 y Fn(0)532 2404 y Fv(\))31 +b(=)f(0,)k(w)m(e)h(ha)m(v)m(e)1199 2379 y Fk(b)1188 2404 +y Fv(\011\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)1436 2419 y Fn(0)1475 2404 +y Fv(\))30 b(=)h(0.)47 b(F)-8 b(urthermore,)35 b(w)m(e)g(require)2852 +2379 y Fk(b)2842 2404 y Fv(\011\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))29 +b Fs(\030)i Fp(e)3313 2368 y Fl(\000)p Fo(sr)3472 2404 +y Fv(as)k Fp(r)e Fs(!)c(1)0 2578 y Fv(\(the)k(latter)f(\\b)s(oundary)h +(condition)g(at)g Fs(1)p Fv(")f(is)h(the)g(outgoing)f(assumption\).)146 +2824 y(W)-8 b(e)35 b(solv)m(e)h(\(3.17\))e(sub)5 b(ject)36 +b(to)e(the)h(sp)s(eci\014ed)h(b)s(oundary)f(conditions)h(via)e(the)h +(metho)s(d)g(of)f(Green's)0 2998 y(functions.)71 b(The)43 +b(follo)m(wing)e(are)h(solutions)g(to)f(the)h(homogeneous)h(equation)f +([i.e.)71 b(\(3.17\))40 b(with)j(the)0 3173 y(righ)m(t-hand)33 +b(side)g(set)h(to)e(zero]:)244 3330 y Fs(p)p 327 3330 +201 4 v 87 x Fv(2)p Fp(\031)t(sr)r(I)570 3433 y Fo(`)p +Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)764 3417 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)s Fv(\))p +Fp(;)1171 3261 y Fk(r)p 1271 3261 162 4 v 1281 3350 a +Fv(2)p Fp(sr)p 1281 3394 142 4 v 1322 3485 a(\031)1432 +3417 y(K)1515 3433 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)1709 +3417 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)s Fv(\))p Fp(;)1746 b Fv(\(3.18\))0 +3638 y(where)37 b Fp(I)328 3653 y Fo(\027)371 3638 y +Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))f(is)g(the)g(other)g(mo)s(di\014ed)g(Bessel)i +(function.)53 b(Cho)s(osing)36 b(linearly)g(indep)s(enden)m(t)i +(solutions)0 3813 y Fp(u;)17 b(v)35 b Fv(\(for)d(Re\()p +Fp(s)p Fv(\))c Fp(>)g Fv(0\))k(suc)m(h)i(that)e Fp(u)p +Fv(\()p Fp(r)1426 3828 y Fn(0)1465 3813 y Fv(\))c(=)f(0)33 +b(and)f Fp(v)t Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))27 b Fs(\030)h Fp(e)2256 +3777 y Fl(\000)p Fo(sr)2415 3813 y Fv(w)m(e)33 b(obtain)244 +4046 y Fp(u)p Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))27 b(=)g Fp(I)596 +4062 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)790 4046 y Fv(\()p +Fp(r)872 4061 y Fn(0)911 4046 y Fp(s)p Fv(\))995 3900 +y Fk(r)p 1095 3900 126 4 v 1105 3979 a Fp(\031)t(r)p +1105 4023 106 4 v 1110 4115 a Fv(2)p Fp(s)1220 4046 y(K)1303 +4062 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)1497 4046 y Fv(\()p +Fp(sr)s Fv(\))22 b Fs(\000)g Fp(K)1870 4062 y Fo(`)p +Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)2064 4046 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)2146 4061 +y Fn(0)2185 4046 y Fp(s)p Fv(\))2269 3900 y Fk(r)p 2369 +3900 126 4 v 2379 3979 a Fp(\031)t(r)p 2379 4023 106 +4 v 2384 4115 a Fv(2)p Fp(s)2494 4046 y(I)2537 4062 y +Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)2731 4046 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)s +Fv(\))p Fp(;)724 b Fv(\(3.19\))249 4333 y Fp(v)t Fv(\()p +Fp(r)s Fv(\))27 b(=)553 4177 y Fk(r)p 653 4177 162 4 +v 663 4266 a Fv(2)p Fp(sr)p 663 4310 142 4 v 704 4402 +a(\031)814 4333 y(K)897 4349 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p +Fn(2)1091 4333 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)s Fv(\))p Fp(;)2364 b +Fv(\(3.20\))0 4554 y(where)43 b(of)d(course)j(these)f(solutions)h(also) +e(dep)s(end)i(on)e Fp(s)p Fv(.)70 b(Clearly)-8 b(,)44 +b Fp(u)p Fv(\()p Fp(r)2738 4569 y Fn(0)2777 4554 y Fv(\))f(=)f(0)f(and) +h Fp(v)t Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))g Fs(\030)h Fp(e)3646 4518 +y Fl(\000)p Fo(sr)3813 4554 y Fv(as)0 4729 y Fp(r)30 +b Fs(!)e(1)p Fv(.)43 b(The)33 b(W)-8 b(ronskian)34 b +Fs(W)8 b Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))28 b(=)f Fp(u)p Fv(\()p +Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(v)1648 4693 y Fl(0)1670 4729 y Fv(\()p +Fp(r)s Fv(\))22 b Fs(\000)h Fp(v)t Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))p +Fp(u)2145 4693 y Fl(0)2167 4729 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))32 +b(is)h(then)244 4931 y Fs(W)8 b Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))28 +b(=)f Fs(\000)p Fp(sr)s(K)857 4946 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p +Fn(2)1051 4931 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)1179 4946 y Fn(0)1218 +4931 y Fv(\))1273 4850 y Fk(\002)1314 4931 y Fp(I)1357 +4946 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)1551 4931 y Fv(\()p +Fp(sr)s Fv(\))p Fp(K)1810 4889 y Fl(0)1803 4955 y Fo(`)p +Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)1996 4931 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)s Fv(\))22 +b Fs(\000)h Fp(K)2370 4946 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)2563 +4931 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)s Fv(\))p Fp(I)2783 4889 y Fl(0)2775 +4955 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)2969 4931 y Fv(\()p +Fp(sr)s Fv(\))3138 4850 y Fk(\003)501 5161 y Fv(=)k Fs(\000)p +Fp(sr)s(K)857 5176 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)1051 +5161 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)1179 5176 y Fn(0)1218 5161 y Fv(\))1273 +5020 y Fk(\022)1346 5161 y Fs(\000)1456 5093 y Fv(1)p +1433 5138 93 4 v 1433 5229 a Fp(sr)1536 5020 y Fk(\023)1637 +5161 y Fv(=)h Fp(K)1824 5176 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p +Fn(2)2018 5161 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)2146 5176 y Fn(0)2185 +5161 y Fv(\))p Fp(;)3651 5057 y Fv(\(3.21\))p Black 1736 +5645 a(11)p Black eop end +%%Page: 12 22 +TeXDict begin 12 21 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(3.)76 +b(Nonre\015ecting)34 b(Boundary)f(Conditions)p Black +0 440 a Fv(where)28 b(the)g(prime)g(denotes)g(di\013eren)m(tiation)g +(in)g(the)f(argumen)m(t.)42 b(The)28 b(b)s(oundary)g(v)-5 +b(alue)28 b(problem)f(could)0 615 y(b)s(e)33 b(solv)m(ed)h(using)f(v)-5 +b(ariation)32 b(of)g(parameters,)i(ho)m(w)m(ev)m(er)h(w)m(e)f(tak)m(e)f +(a)f(Green's)i(function)f(approac)m(h.)146 860 y(The)h(Green's)f +(function)g Fp(G)p Fv(\()p Fp(r)m(;)17 b(\030)5 b Fv(;)17 +b Fp(s)p Fv(\))32 b(ob)s(eys)244 1002 y Fk(\024)330 1075 +y Fp(d)381 1039 y Fn(2)p 306 1120 137 4 v 306 1211 a +Fp(dr)404 1182 y Fn(2)475 1143 y Fs(\000)585 1075 y Fp(`)p +Fv(\()p Fp(`)22 b Fv(+)g(1\))p 585 1120 327 4 v 705 1211 +a Fp(r)752 1182 y Fn(2)944 1143 y Fs(\000)g Fp(s)1089 +1102 y Fn(2)1129 1002 y Fk(\025)1198 1143 y Fp(G)p Fv(\()p +Fp(r)m(;)17 b(\030)5 b Fv(;)17 b Fp(s)p Fv(\))26 b(=)i +Fs(\000)p Fp(\016)t Fv(\()p Fp(r)d Fs(\000)e Fp(\030)5 +b Fv(\))p Fp(;)1503 b Fv(\(3.22\))0 1426 y(as)41 b(w)m(ell)i(as)e(the)h +(b)s(oundary)f(conditions)i Fp(G)p Fv(\()p Fp(r)1722 +1441 y Fn(0)1761 1426 y Fp(;)17 b(\030)5 b Fv(;)17 b +Fp(s)p Fv(\))41 b(=)h(0)f(and)g Fp(G)p Fv(\()p Fp(r)m(;)17 +b(\030)5 b Fv(;)17 b Fp(s)p Fv(\))41 b Fs(\030)i Fp(e)3010 +1390 y Fl(\000)p Fo(sr)3177 1426 y Fv(as)e Fp(r)k Fs(!)d(1)p +Fv(.)69 b(The)0 1600 y(Green's)33 b(function)h(is)f(then)g([5])244 +2096 y Fp(G)p Fv(\()p Fp(r)m(;)17 b(\030)5 b Fv(;)17 +b Fp(s)p Fv(\))26 b(=)750 1743 y Fk(8)750 1832 y(>)750 +1862 y(>)750 1892 y(>)750 1922 y(>)750 1952 y(>)750 1982 +y(<)750 2161 y(>)750 2191 y(>)750 2221 y(>)750 2251 y(>)750 +2281 y(>)750 2311 y(:)880 1884 y Fs(\000)1032 1816 y +Fp(u)p Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(v)t Fv(\()p Fp(\030)5 +b Fv(\))p 967 1861 482 4 v 967 1952 a Fp(K)1050 1968 +y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)1244 1952 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)1372 +1967 y Fn(0)1411 1952 y Fv(\))1575 1884 y(for)32 b Fp(r)1768 +1899 y Fn(0)1835 1884 y Fp(<)c(r)i Fs(\024)e Fp(\030)880 +2301 y Fs(\000)1032 2234 y Fp(u)p Fv(\()p Fp(\030)5 b +Fv(\))p Fp(v)t Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))p 967 2278 V 967 +2369 a Fp(K)1050 2385 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)1244 +2369 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)1372 2384 y Fn(0)1411 2369 y Fv(\))1575 +2301 y(for)32 b Fp(\030)g Fs(\024)c Fp(r)j(<)c Fs(1)p +Fp(:)3651 2096 y Fv(\(3.23\))0 2615 y(The)34 b(solution)580 +2590 y Fk(b)570 2615 y Fv(\011)o(\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s +Fv(\))32 b(to)g(the)h(b)s(oundary)g(problem)h(\(3.17\))e(is)h(then)g +(the)g(spatial)g(con)m(v)m(olution)254 2887 y Fk(b)244 +2912 y Fv(\011\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))27 b(=)663 2776 +y Fk(Z)763 2803 y Fo(r)795 2814 y Ff(B)847 2803 y Fl(\000)p +Fo(\016)719 3002 y(r)751 3011 y Fg(0)785 3002 y Fn(+)p +Fo(\016)957 2912 y Fp(G)p Fv(\()p Fp(r)m(;)17 b(\030)5 +b(;)17 b(s)p Fv(\))1333 2831 y Fk(\002)1397 2887 y Fv(_)1373 +2912 y(\011\(0)p Fp(;)g(\030)5 b Fv(\))21 b(+)h Fp(s)p +Fv(\011\(0)p Fp(;)17 b(\030)5 b Fv(\))2124 2831 y Fk(\003)2164 +2912 y Fp(d\030)g(:)1361 b Fv(\(3.24\))0 3195 y(F)-8 +b(or)32 b Fp(r)e(>)e(r)397 3210 y Fo(B)479 3195 y Fs(\000)23 +b Fp(\016)t Fv(,)33 b(w)m(e)g(ha)m(v)m(e)254 3461 y Fk(b)244 +3486 y Fv(\011\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))27 b(=)g Fs(\000)757 +3351 y Fk(Z)857 3377 y Fo(r)889 3388 y Ff(B)941 3377 +y Fl(\000)p Fo(\016)813 3576 y(r)845 3585 y Fg(0)879 +3576 y Fn(+)p Fo(\016)1126 3419 y Fp(u)p Fv(\()p Fp(\030)5 +b Fv(\))p Fp(v)t Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))p 1061 3463 V 1061 +3555 a Fp(K)1144 3570 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)1337 +3555 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)1465 3570 y Fn(0)1505 3555 y Fv(\))1553 +3406 y Fk(\002)1619 3461 y Fv(_)1594 3486 y(\011\(0)p +Fp(;)17 b(\030)5 b Fv(\))21 b(+)h Fp(s)p Fv(\011\(0)p +Fp(;)17 b(\030)5 b Fv(\))2345 3406 y Fk(\003)2385 3486 +y Fp(d\030)560 3775 y Fv(=)27 b Fs(\000)905 3708 y Fp(v)t +Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))p 750 3752 V 750 3844 a Fp(K)833 +3859 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)1027 3844 y Fv(\()p +Fp(sr)1155 3859 y Fn(0)1195 3844 y Fv(\))1259 3640 y +Fk(Z)1359 3666 y Fo(r)1391 3677 y Ff(B)1443 3666 y Fl(\000)p +Fo(\016)1314 3865 y(r)1346 3874 y Fg(0)1381 3865 y Fn(+)p +Fo(\016)1553 3775 y Fp(u)p Fv(\()p Fp(\030)5 b Fv(\))1733 +3695 y Fk(\002)1797 3750 y Fv(_)1773 3775 y(\011\(0)p +Fp(;)17 b(\030)5 b Fv(\))21 b(+)h Fp(s)p Fv(\011\(0)p +Fp(;)17 b(\030)5 b Fv(\))2524 3695 y Fk(\003)2564 3775 +y Fp(d\030)560 4051 y Fv(=)27 b Fs(\000)905 3984 y Fp(v)t +Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))p 750 4028 V 750 4119 a Fp(K)833 +4135 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)1027 4119 y Fv(\()p +Fp(sr)1155 4134 y Fn(0)1195 4119 y Fv(\))1243 4051 y +Fp(A)p Fv(\()p Fp(s)p Fv(\))p Fp(:)3651 3766 y Fv(\(3.25\))0 +4343 y(Using)35 b(\(2.12\))c(and)i(\(3.20\))f(then)h(giv)m(es)254 +4624 y Fk(b)244 4649 y Fv(\011\()p Fp(s;)17 b(r)s Fv(\))27 +b(=)g Fs(\000)p Fp(A)p Fv(\()p Fp(s)p Fv(\))935 4492 +y Fk(r)p 1035 4492 162 4 v 1045 4582 a Fv(2)p Fp(sr)p +1045 4626 142 4 v 1086 4717 a(\031)1225 4578 y(K)1308 +4593 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)1502 4578 y Fv(\()p +Fp(sr)s Fv(\))p 1207 4626 482 4 v 1207 4717 a Fp(K)1290 +4733 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)1483 4717 y Fv(\()p +Fp(sr)1611 4732 y Fn(0)1651 4717 y Fv(\))560 4947 y(=)g +Fs(\000)p Fp(A)p Fv(\()p Fp(s)p Fv(\))935 4791 y Fk(r)p +1035 4791 162 4 v 1045 4880 a Fv(2)p Fp(sr)p 1045 4924 +142 4 v 1086 5015 a(\031)1423 4880 y Fv(1)p 1207 4924 +482 4 v 1207 5015 a Fp(K)1290 5031 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p +Fn(2)1483 5015 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)1611 5030 y Fn(0)1651 +5015 y Fv(\))1698 4801 y Fk(r)p 1798 4801 162 4 v 1849 +4880 a Fp(\031)p 1808 4924 142 4 v 1808 5015 a Fv(2)p +Fp(sr)1959 4947 y(e)2004 4906 y Fl(\000)p Fo(sr)2130 +4947 y Fp(W)2222 4962 y Fo(`)2255 4947 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)s +Fv(\))560 5203 y(=)g Fp(b)p Fv(\()p Fp(s)p Fv(\))p Fp(e)871 +5162 y Fl(\000)p Fo(sr)997 5203 y Fp(W)1089 5218 y Fo(`)1122 +5203 y Fv(\()p Fp(sr)s Fv(\))p Fp(:)3651 4895 y Fv(\(3.26\))p +Black 1736 5645 a(12)p Black eop end +%%Page: 13 23 +TeXDict begin 13 22 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(3.)76 +b(Nonre\015ecting)34 b(Boundary)f(Conditions)p Black +0 440 a Fv(Here)244 714 y Fp(b)p Fv(\()p Fp(s)p Fv(\))28 +b(=)f Fs(\000)842 647 y Fv(1)p 625 691 482 4 v 625 783 +a Fp(K)708 798 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)903 783 y +Fv(\()p Fp(sr)1031 798 y Fn(0)1070 783 y Fv(\))1134 579 +y Fk(Z)1234 605 y Fo(r)1266 616 y Ff(B)1319 605 y Fl(\000)p +Fo(\016)1190 804 y(r)1222 813 y Fg(0)1256 804 y Fn(+)p +Fo(\016)1428 714 y Fp(u)p Fv(\()p Fp(\030)5 b Fv(\))1608 +633 y Fk(\002)1673 689 y Fv(_)1648 714 y(\011\(0)p Fp(;)17 +b(\030)5 b Fv(\))21 b(+)h Fp(s)p Fv(\011\(0)p Fp(;)17 +b(\030)5 b Fv(\))2399 633 y Fk(\003)2439 714 y Fp(d\030)g(:)1086 +b Fv(\(3.27\))0 1005 y(F)-8 b(or)37 b(general)h(compact)g(initial)g +(data)f Fp(b)p Fv(\()p Fp(s)p Fv(\))h(cannot)g(b)s(e)g(expressed)j(as)c +Fp(s)2707 969 y Fo(`)2740 1005 y Fp(a)p Fv(\()p Fp(s)p +Fv(\))h(as)g(in)g(\(3.4\))o(.)59 b(F)-8 b(rom)37 b(this)0 +1179 y(p)s(oin)m(t)c(the)g(pro)s(of)e(follo)m(ws)j(exactly)g(the)f +(steps)h(of)e(the)h(\014rst)g(pro)s(of)f(after)g Fj(Lemma)39 +b(3.1.1)p Fv(.)p 3829 1179 4 66 v 3833 1117 59 4 v 3833 +1179 V 3891 1179 4 66 v Black 1736 5645 a(13)p Black +eop end +%%Page: 14 24 +TeXDict begin 14 23 bop Black Black 0 1254 a Fr(Chapter)78 +b(4)0 1810 y(Newton's)f(Iden)-6 b(tities)0 2520 y Fh(4.1)161 +b(Main)53 b(result)0 2864 y Fv(Our)33 b(goal)e(is)j(to)e(pro)m(v)m(e)i +(the)f(follo)m(wing)f(result.)p Black 0 3098 a Fj(Theorem)38 +b(4.1.1.)p Black 42 w Fq(The)c(r)-5 b(o)g(ots)35 b Fp(b)1256 +3113 y Fo(`j)1350 3098 y Fv(:)27 b Fp(j)34 b Fv(=)28 +b(1)p Fp(;)17 b(:::;)g(`)34 b Fq(of)h(the)f Fp(`)p Fq(th)h(de)-5 +b(gr)g(e)g(e)35 b(p)-5 b(olynomial)244 3387 y Fp(p)293 +3402 y Fo(`)326 3387 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))28 b(=)640 +3263 y Fo(`)583 3293 y Fk(X)590 3505 y Fo(k)r Fn(=0)743 +3387 y Fp(c)785 3402 y Fo(`k)857 3387 y Fp(z)906 3346 +y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)3699 3387 y Fv(\(4.1\))0 3665 +y Fq(also)34 b(ob)-5 b(ey)35 b(the)g(fol)5 b(lowing)33 +b(set)i(of)g Fp(`)g Fq(algebr)-5 b(aic)33 b(e)-5 b(quations)244 +3945 y Fs(\000)p Fp(k)s(c)417 3960 y Fo(`k)517 3945 y +Fv(=)678 3821 y Fo(`)620 3851 y Fk(X)626 4060 y Fo(n)p +Fn(=1)781 3945 y Fp(b)822 3960 y Fo(`n)967 3821 y(k)915 +3851 y Fk(X)924 4060 y Fo(q)r Fn(=1)1075 3945 y Fp(c)1117 +3960 y Fo(`;q)r Fl(\000)p Fn(1)1294 3945 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)1373 +3960 y Fo(`n)1449 3945 y Fv(\))1487 3904 y Fo(k)r Fl(\000)p +Fo(q)1618 3945 y Fp(;)216 b(k)31 b Fv(=)c(1)p Fp(;)17 +b(:::;)g(`;)1367 b Fv(\(4.2\))0 4233 y Fq(wher)-5 b(e)34 +b(her)-5 b(e)35 b(we)f(assume)g Fp(`)28 b Fs(\025)g Fv(1)p +Fq(.)146 4538 y Fj(Remark:)59 b Fv(All)40 b(of)f(the)h(factors)g(in)g +(this)h(system)g(\(ro)s(ots)f Fp(b)2391 4553 y Fo(`j)2496 +4538 y Fv(and)g(co)s(e\016cien)m(ts)i Fp(c)3236 4553 +y Fo(`j)3301 4538 y Fv(\))e(carry)g(a)g(lead)0 4712 y(\\name")45 +b(index)h Fp(`)p Fv(.)80 b(W)-8 b(e)45 b(no)m(w)g(suppress)i(this)e +(index,)50 b(and)44 b(reorganize)i(the)f(last)g(expressions)i(using)0 +4887 y Fp(c)42 4902 y Fo(`)p Fn(0)138 4887 y Fs(\021)28 +b Fp(c)285 4902 y Fn(0)352 4887 y Fv(=)g(1)k(and)h(the)g(re-indexing)g +Fp(p)28 b Fv(=)g Fp(q)e Fs(\000)c Fv(1)32 b(to)h(reac)m(h)244 +5168 y Fs(\000)p Fp(k)s(c)417 5183 y Fo(k)488 5168 y +Fv(=)649 5043 y Fo(`)591 5073 y Fk(X)597 5282 y Fo(n)p +Fn(=1)735 5168 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)814 5183 y Fo(n)862 5168 +y Fv(\))900 5127 y Fo(k)964 5168 y Fv(+)1070 5043 y Fo(k)r +Fl(\000)p Fn(1)1062 5073 y Fk(X)1071 5282 y Fo(p)p Fn(=1)1223 +5168 y Fp(c)1265 5183 y Fo(p)1379 5043 y(`)1321 5073 +y Fk(X)1327 5282 y Fo(n)p Fn(=1)1465 5168 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)1544 +5183 y Fo(n)1591 5168 y Fv(\))1629 5127 y Fo(k)r Fl(\000)p +Fo(p)1762 5168 y Fp(;)212 b(k)31 b Fv(=)d(1)p Fp(;)17 +b(:::;)g(`:)1226 b Fv(\(4.3\))p Black 1736 5645 a(14)p +Black eop end +%%Page: 15 25 +TeXDict begin 15 24 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(4.)76 +b(Newton's)34 b(Iden)m(tities)p Black 0 440 a Fv(These)f(form)m(ulas)f +(in)m(v)m(olv)m(e)h(the)f(p)s(o)m(w)m(er)g(sums)g Fp(s)1741 +455 y Fo(k)1812 440 y Fv(=)1915 365 y Fk(P)2020 392 y +Fo(`)2020 469 y(n)p Fn(=1)2157 440 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)2236 +455 y Fo(n)2284 440 y Fv(\))2322 404 y Fo(k)2396 440 +y Fv(of)e(the)i(ro)s(ots.)42 b(In)32 b(terms)g(of)f(the)g +Fp(s)3669 455 y Fo(k)3743 440 y Fv(and)0 615 y Fp(a)51 +630 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)205 615 y Fs(\021)d Fp(c)352 +630 y Fo(k)395 615 y Fv(,)33 b(w)m(e)g(then)g(ha)m(v)m(e)244 +908 y Fs(\000)p Fp(k)s(a)426 923 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)581 +908 y Fv(=)27 b Fp(s)730 923 y Fo(k)795 908 y Fv(+)901 +784 y Fo(k)r Fl(\000)p Fn(1)893 814 y Fk(X)902 1023 y +Fo(p)p Fn(=1)1054 908 y Fp(a)1105 923 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p +Fo(p)1228 908 y Fp(s)1274 923 y Fo(k)r Fl(\000)p Fo(p)1407 +908 y Fp(;)212 b(k)31 b Fv(=)c(1)p Fp(;)17 b(:::;)g(`;)1582 +b Fv(\(4.4\))0 1211 y(whic)m(h)34 b(w)m(e)g(recognize)f(as)g(a)f +(subset)j(of)d(Newton's)i(iden)m(tities)g([6].)146 1457 +y(In)41 b(what)f(remains)i(of)e(this)g(section,)k(w)m(e)d(pro)m(v)m(e)h +Fj(Theorem)47 b(4.1.1)40 b Fv(assuming)i Fj(Theorem)47 +b(3.0.1)0 1631 y Fv(whic)m(h)27 b(w)m(as)f(established)h(in)f(the)g +(previous)g(c)m(hapter.)42 b(The)27 b(idea)e(of)g(the)h(pro)s(of)e(is)i +(fairly)f(straigh)m(tforw)m(ard;)0 1806 y(using)33 b(the)g(expressions) +j(\(3.1\))c(and)g(\(3.2\),)g(w)m(e)i(\014nd)f(the)g(iden)m(tit)m(y)142 +2348 y Fs(\000)294 2224 y Fo(`)236 2253 y Fk(X)244 2466 +y Fo(k)r Fn(=1)469 2281 y Fp(k)p 407 2325 180 4 v 407 +2424 a(r)454 2383 y Fo(k)r Fn(+1)451 2451 y Fo(B)596 +2348 y Fp(c)638 2363 y Fo(`k)710 2348 y Fp(f)769 2307 +y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fn(\))949 2348 y Fv(\()p +Fp(t)13 b Fs(\000)g Fp(r)1169 2363 y Fo(B)1231 2348 y +Fv(\))27 b(=)1438 2281 y(1)p 1410 2325 105 4 v 1410 2416 +a Fp(r)1454 2431 y Fo(B)1541 2212 y Fk(Z)1640 2239 y +Fo(t)1596 2438 y Fn(0)1687 2348 y Fv(\012)1757 2363 y +Fo(`)1790 2348 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)13 b Fs(\000)g Fp(t)2001 +2307 y Fl(0)2025 2348 y Fp(;)k(r)2113 2363 y Fo(B)2173 +2348 y Fv(\))2211 2178 y Fk(")2344 2224 y Fo(`)2286 2253 +y Fk(X)2294 2466 y Fo(k)r Fn(=0)2477 2281 y Fv(1)p 2457 +2325 90 4 v 2457 2416 a Fp(r)2504 2388 y Fo(k)2556 2348 +y Fp(c)2598 2363 y Fo(`k)2669 2348 y Fp(f)2728 2307 y +Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fn(\))2909 2348 y Fv(\()p +Fp(t)2982 2307 y Fl(0)3019 2348 y Fs(\000)c Fp(r)3153 +2363 y Fo(B)3214 2348 y Fv(\))3252 2178 y Fk(#)3310 2348 +y Fp(dt)3396 2307 y Fl(0)3419 2348 y Fp(;)212 b(t)28 +b(>)f Fv(0)p Fp(:)3699 2583 y Fv(\(4.5\))0 2841 y(The)34 +b(pro)s(of)d(amoun)m(ts)j(to)e(a)g(careful)h(comparison)h(of)e(b)s(oth) +g(sides)i(in)f(the)g(last)g(equation.)p Black 0 3084 +a Fj(Lemma)39 b(4.1.2.)p Black 42 w Fq(L)-5 b(et)35 b +Fp(r)c Fv(=)c Fp(r)1090 3099 y Fo(B)1186 3084 y Fq(and)34 +b Fp(f)k Fs(2)29 b Fp(C)1633 3048 y Fl(1)1626 3109 y +Fn(0)1707 3084 y Fv(\()p Fp(D)s Fv(\))35 b Fq(as)f(in)h +Fj(Theorem)j(3.0.1)p Fq(,)d(and)f(de\014ne)244 3350 y +Fp(I)295 3309 y Fn(\()p Fo(p)p Fn(\))389 3350 y Fv([)p +Fp(b;)17 b(r)m(;)g(f)11 b Fv(])28 b(=)804 3215 y Fk(Z)903 +3241 y Fo(t)859 3440 y Fn(0)949 3350 y Fp(e)994 3309 +y Fo(b)p Fn(\()p Fo(t)p Fl(\000)p Fo(t)1156 3286 y Fe(0)1180 +3309 y Fn(\))p Fo(=r)1281 3350 y Fp(f)1340 3309 y Fn(\()p +Fo(p)p Fn(\))1434 3350 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)1507 3309 y Fl(0)1553 +3350 y Fs(\000)23 b Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(dt)1824 3309 y +Fl(0)1846 3350 y Fp(:)1826 b Fv(\(4.6\))0 3608 y Fq(Then,)34 +b(we)g(have)244 3885 y Fp(I)295 3844 y Fn(\()p Fo(p)p +Fn(\))389 3885 y Fv([)p Fp(b;)17 b(r)m(;)g(f)11 b Fv(])28 +b(=)g(\()p Fp(b=r)s Fv(\))1017 3844 y Fo(p)1056 3885 +y Fp(I)1107 3844 y Fn(\(0\))1201 3885 y Fv([)p Fp(b;)17 +b(r)m(;)g(f)11 b Fv(])22 b(+)1659 3757 y Fo(p)1604 3791 +y Fk(X)1615 4001 y Fo(j)t Fn(=1)1748 3885 y Fv(\()p Fp(b=r)s +Fv(\))1961 3844 y Fo(p)p Fl(\000)p Fo(j)2088 3885 y Fp(f)2147 +3844 y Fn(\()p Fo(j)t Fl(\000)p Fn(1\))2328 3885 y Fv(\()p +Fp(t)h Fs(\000)f Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(:)1064 b Fv(\(4.7\))p +Black 0 4242 a Fq(Pr)-5 b(o)g(of.)p Black 48 w Fv(W)d(e)33 +b(pro)m(v)m(e)h(the)f(lemma)h(b)m(y)f(induction,)h(sho)m(wing)f(that) +244 4519 y Fp(I)295 4478 y Fn(\()p Fo(p)p Fn(\))389 4519 +y Fv([)p Fp(b;)17 b(r)m(;)g(f)11 b Fv(])28 b(=)g(\()p +Fp(b=r)s Fv(\))1017 4478 y Fo(p)1056 4519 y Fp(I)1107 +4478 y Fn(\(0\))1201 4519 y Fv([)p Fp(b;)17 b(r)m(;)g(f)11 +b Fv(])22 b(+)1659 4391 y Fo(p)1604 4425 y Fk(X)1615 +4635 y Fo(j)t Fn(=1)1748 4519 y Fv(\()p Fp(b=r)s Fv(\))1961 +4478 y Fo(p)p Fl(\000)p Fo(j)2088 4439 y Fk(\002)2130 +4519 y Fp(f)2189 4478 y Fn(\()p Fo(j)t Fl(\000)p Fn(1\))2370 +4519 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)g Fs(\000)h Fp(r)s Fv(\))f Fs(\000)g +Fp(e)2816 4478 y Fo(bt=r)2945 4519 y Fp(f)3004 4478 y +Fn(\()p Fo(j)t Fl(\000)p Fn(1\))3186 4519 y Fv(\()p Fs(\000)p +Fp(r)s Fv(\))3386 4439 y Fk(\003)3427 4519 y Fp(;)245 +b Fv(\(4.8\))0 4823 y(where)38 b(the)g(second)g(term)g(within)g(the)f +(square)i(brac)m(k)m(ets)g(v)-5 b(anishes)38 b(since)h +Fp(r)f Fv(=)d Fp(r)3063 4838 y Fo(B)3171 4823 y Fp(=)-61 +b Fs(2)36 b Fp(D)s Fv(.)57 b(In)m(tegration)0 4998 y(b)m(y)33 +b(parts)g(establishes)i(the)e(last)g(form)m(ula)g(for)f +Fp(p)27 b Fv(=)h(1.)43 b(Similarly)-8 b(,)34 b(in)m(tegration)f(b)m(y)g +(parts)g(yields)244 5255 y Fp(I)295 5214 y Fn(\()p Fo(p)p +Fn(\))389 5255 y Fv([)p Fp(b;)17 b(r)m(;)g(f)11 b Fv(])28 +b(=)g(\()p Fp(b=r)s Fv(\))p Fp(I)1068 5214 y Fn(\()p +Fo(p)p Fl(\000)p Fn(1\))1252 5255 y Fv([)p Fp(b;)17 b(r)m(;)g(f)11 +b Fv(])22 b(+)g Fp(f)1714 5214 y Fn(\()p Fo(p)p Fl(\000)p +Fn(1\))1899 5255 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)g Fs(\000)h Fp(r)s Fv(\))e +Fs(\000)i Fp(e)2345 5214 y Fo(bt=r)2474 5255 y Fp(f)2533 +5214 y Fn(\()p Fo(p)p Fl(\000)p Fn(1\))2717 5255 y Fv(\()p +Fs(\000)p Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(:)755 b Fv(\(4.9\))p Black +1736 5645 a(15)p Black eop end +%%Page: 16 26 +TeXDict begin 16 25 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(4.)76 +b(Newton's)34 b(Iden)m(tities)p Black 0 440 a Fv(Assuming)g(no)m(w)g +(that)f(\(4.8\))f(holds)i(with)f Fp(p)g Fv(replaced)h(b)m(y)g +Fp(p)22 b Fs(\000)h Fv(1,)33 b(w)m(e)h(insert)f(the)h +Fp(p)22 b Fs(\000)h Fv(1)33 b(result)g(in)m(to)h(the)0 +615 y(last)f(equation,)g(thereb)m(y)h(reco)m(v)m(ering)h(\(4.8\))d(and) +h(v)m(erifying)h(the)f(induction)g(step.)p 3829 615 4 +66 v 3833 552 59 4 v 3833 615 V 3891 615 4 66 v 146 923 +a(W)-8 b(e)33 b(no)m(w)h(use)f Fj(Theorem)38 b(3.0.1)33 +b Fv(to)f(pro)m(v)m(e)i Fj(Theorem)k(4.1.1)p Fv(.)0 1403 +y Fh(4.2)161 b(Pro)t(of)54 b(of)g(Theorem)f(4.1.1)p Black +0 1747 a Fq(Pr)-5 b(o)g(of.)p Black 48 w Fv(First,)39 +b(taking)e Fp(r)h Fv(=)d Fp(r)1118 1762 y Fo(B)1216 1747 +y Fv(and)i Fp(t)e(>)g Fv(0)i(and)g(then)h(app)s(ealing)f(to)g(the)g +(form)m(ulas)h(\(3.1\))e(and)h(\(3.3\),)0 1922 y(w)m(e)d(get)254 +2122 y(1)p 254 2167 49 4 v 255 2258 a Fp(r)329 2054 y +Fk(Z)429 2080 y Fo(t)385 2280 y Fn(0)475 2190 y Fv(\012)545 +2205 y Fo(`)578 2190 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)23 b Fs(\000)f Fp(t)808 +2148 y Fl(0)832 2190 y Fp(;)17 b(r)s Fv(\)\011)1037 2205 +y Fo(`)1069 2190 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)1142 2148 y Fl(0)1166 +2190 y Fp(;)g(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(dt)1381 2148 y Fl(0)1431 +2190 y Fv(=)1592 2065 y Fo(`)1534 2095 y Fk(X)1540 2304 +y Fo(n)p Fn(=1)1678 2190 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)1757 2205 y Fo(`n)1833 +2190 y Fp(=r)1929 2148 y Fn(2)1968 2190 y Fv(\))2023 +2054 y Fk(Z)2122 2080 y Fo(t)2078 2280 y Fn(0)2169 2190 +y Fv(exp)q(\()p Fp(b)2397 2205 y Fo(`n)2473 2190 y Fv(\()p +Fp(t)22 b Fs(\000)h Fp(t)2703 2148 y Fl(0)2726 2190 y +Fv(\))p Fp(=r)s Fv(\)\011)2974 2205 y Fo(`)3007 2190 +y Fv(\()p Fp(t)3080 2148 y Fl(0)3103 2190 y Fp(;)17 b(r)s +Fv(\))p Fp(dt)3318 2148 y Fl(0)3651 2190 y Fv(\(4.10\))1431 +2528 y(=)1592 2403 y Fo(`)1534 2433 y Fk(X)1540 2643 +y Fo(n)p Fn(=1)1678 2528 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)1757 2543 y Fo(`n)1833 +2528 y Fp(=r)1929 2487 y Fn(2)1968 2528 y Fv(\))2080 +2403 y Fo(`)2023 2433 y Fk(X)2030 2645 y Fo(k)r Fn(=0)2183 +2528 y Fp(r)2230 2487 y Fl(\000)p Fo(k)2328 2528 y Fp(c)2370 +2543 y Fo(`k)2441 2528 y Fp(I)2492 2487 y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p +Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fn(\))2673 2528 y Fv([)p Fp(b)2741 2543 +y Fo(`n)2818 2528 y Fp(;)g(r)m(;)g(f)11 b Fv(])p Fp(:)0 +3045 y Fv(W)-8 b(e)33 b(will)g(no)m(w)g(fo)s(cus)g(on)g(reducing)g +(this)h(last)e(expression)j(to)e(a)f(desirable)i(form.)43 +b(Lemma)33 b(4.1.2)f(giv)m(es)244 3313 y Fp(I)295 3272 +y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fn(\))476 3313 y Fv([)p +Fp(b)544 3328 y Fo(`n)620 3313 y Fp(;)17 b(r)m(;)g(f)11 +b Fv(])28 b(=)f(\()p Fp(b)1045 3328 y Fo(`n)1121 3313 +y Fp(=r)s Fv(\))1255 3272 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)1381 +3313 y Fp(I)1432 3272 y Fn(\(0\))1526 3313 y Fv([)p Fp(b)1594 +3328 y Fo(`n)1671 3313 y Fp(;)17 b(r)m(;)g(f)11 b Fv(])21 +b(+)2016 3188 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)2005 3218 y Fk(X)2016 +3428 y Fo(j)t Fn(=1)2149 3313 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)2228 3328 +y Fo(`n)2304 3313 y Fp(=r)s Fv(\))2438 3272 y Fo(`)p +Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fl(\000)p Fo(j)2651 3313 y Fp(f)2710 +3272 y Fn(\()p Fo(j)t Fl(\000)p Fn(1\))2892 3313 y Fv(\()p +Fp(t)h Fs(\000)h Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(:)452 b Fv(\(4.11\))0 +3588 y(Com)m(bination)34 b(of)e(the)h(last)f(t)m(w)m(o)i(equations)g +(yields)254 3788 y(1)p 254 3833 V 255 3924 a Fp(r)329 +3720 y Fk(Z)429 3746 y Fo(t)385 3946 y Fn(0)475 3856 +y Fv(\012)545 3871 y Fo(`)578 3856 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)23 +b Fs(\000)f Fp(t)808 3814 y Fl(0)832 3856 y Fp(;)17 b(r)s +Fv(\)\011)1037 3871 y Fo(`)1069 3856 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)1142 +3814 y Fl(0)1166 3856 y Fp(;)g(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(dt)1381 +3814 y Fl(0)1431 3856 y Fv(=)27 b Fp(r)1581 3814 y Fl(\000)p +Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fn(+2\))1888 3731 y Fo(`)1830 3761 y Fk(X)1836 +3970 y Fo(n)p Fn(=1)1991 3856 y Fp(b)2032 3871 y Fo(`n)2108 +3856 y Fp(I)2159 3814 y Fn(\(0\))2253 3856 y Fv([)p Fp(b)2321 +3871 y Fo(`n)2398 3856 y Fp(;)17 b(r)m(;)g(f)11 b Fv(])2686 +3731 y Fo(`)2629 3761 y Fk(X)2636 3973 y Fo(k)r Fn(=0)2789 +3856 y Fp(c)2831 3871 y Fo(`k)2903 3856 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)2982 +3871 y Fo(`n)3058 3856 y Fv(\))3096 3814 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p +Fo(k)3651 3856 y Fv(\(4.12\))1425 4197 y(+)1581 4072 +y Fo(`)1523 4102 y Fk(X)1529 4312 y Fo(n)p Fn(=1)1667 +4197 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)1746 4212 y Fo(`n)1822 4197 y Fp(=r)1918 +4156 y Fn(2)1957 4197 y Fv(\))2069 4072 y Fo(`)2012 4102 +y Fk(X)2019 4314 y Fo(k)r Fn(=0)2172 4197 y Fp(r)2219 +4156 y Fl(\000)p Fo(k)2316 4197 y Fp(c)2358 4212 y Fo(`k)2457 +4072 y(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)2447 4102 y Fk(X)2457 4312 +y Fo(j)t Fn(=1)2590 4197 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)2669 4212 y Fo(`n)2746 +4197 y Fp(=r)s Fv(\))2880 4156 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r +Fl(\000)p Fo(j)3093 4197 y Fp(f)3152 4156 y Fn(\()p Fo(j)t +Fl(\000)p Fn(1\))3333 4197 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)22 b Fs(\000)h +Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(:)0 4725 y Fv(Since)259 4650 y Fk(P)364 +4676 y Fo(`)364 4754 y(k)r Fn(=0)513 4725 y Fp(c)555 +4740 y Fo(`k)627 4725 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)706 4740 y Fo(`n)782 +4725 y Fv(\))820 4688 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)981 4725 +y Fv(=)35 b Fp(p)1141 4740 y Fo(`)1174 4725 y Fv(\()p +Fp(b)1253 4740 y Fo(`n)1329 4725 y Fv(\))i(is)g(the)g(Bessel)i(p)s +(olynomial)e(ev)-5 b(aluated)37 b(at)g(one)g(of)f(its)h(ro)s(ots,)h +(the)0 4899 y(\014rst)33 b(term)g(on)g(the)g(righ)m(t-hand)f(side)i(of) +e(the)h(last)g(expression)i(v)-5 b(anishes.)45 b(Whence,)34 +b(up)f(to)f(no)m(w)217 5100 y(1)p 217 5144 V 218 5235 +a Fp(r)293 5031 y Fk(Z)392 5058 y Fo(t)348 5257 y Fn(0)439 +5167 y Fv(\012)509 5182 y Fo(`)542 5167 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)19 +b Fs(\000)g Fp(t)765 5126 y Fl(0)789 5167 y Fp(;)e(r)s +Fv(\)\011)994 5182 y Fo(`)1026 5167 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)1099 +5126 y Fl(0)1122 5167 y Fp(;)g(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(dt)1337 +5126 y Fl(0)1388 5167 y Fv(=)1549 5042 y Fo(`)1491 5072 +y Fk(X)1497 5281 y Fo(n)p Fn(=1)1635 5167 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)1714 +5182 y Fo(`n)1790 5167 y Fp(=r)1886 5126 y Fn(2)1925 +5167 y Fv(\))2037 5042 y Fo(`)1980 5072 y Fk(X)1987 5284 +y Fo(k)r Fn(=0)2140 5167 y Fp(r)2187 5126 y Fl(\000)p +Fo(k)2284 5167 y Fp(c)2326 5182 y Fo(`k)2425 5042 y(`)p +Fl(\000)p Fo(k)2414 5072 y Fk(X)2425 5282 y Fo(j)t Fn(=1)2558 +5167 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)2637 5182 y Fo(`n)2714 5167 y Fp(=r)s +Fv(\))2848 5126 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fl(\000)p Fo(j)3061 +5167 y Fp(f)3120 5126 y Fn(\()p Fo(j)t Fl(\000)p Fn(1\))3301 +5167 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)i Fs(\000)g Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(:)50 +b Fv(\(4.13\))p Black 1736 5645 a(16)p Black eop end +%%Page: 17 27 +TeXDict begin 17 26 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(4.)76 +b(Newton's)34 b(Iden)m(tities)p Black 146 440 a Fv(Within)46 +b(the)f(sum)h(o)m(v)m(er)g Fp(k)s Fv(,)i(the)d(sum)h(o)m(v)m(er)g +Fp(j)51 b Fv(is)45 b(empt)m(y)h(when)g Fp(k)52 b Fv(=)c +Fp(`)d Fv(\(no)g(b)s(oundary)g(term)g(is)0 615 y(generated)h(b)m(y)g +(the)f(term)h(in)f(\(3.1\))g(corresp)s(onding)h(to)f(the)g +(undi\013eren)m(tiated)i(pro\014le)f(function)f Fp(f)11 +b Fv(\).)0 789 y(Therefore,)52 b(here)d(w)m(e)f(ma)m(y)h(replace)1444 +714 y Fk(P)1549 741 y Fo(`)1549 818 y(k)r Fn(=0)1730 +789 y Fv(b)m(y)1880 714 y Fk(P)1985 741 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p +Fn(1)1985 818 y Fo(k)r Fn(=0)2118 789 y Fv(.)88 b(This)49 +b(replacemen)m(t,)k(follo)m(w)m(ed)c(b)m(y)f(the)g(re-)0 +964 y(indexing)34 b Fp(q)d Fv(=)d Fp(k)d Fv(+)d(1,)33 +b(yields)147 1200 y(1)p 147 1245 49 4 v 148 1336 a Fp(r)222 +1132 y Fk(Z)322 1159 y Fo(t)278 1358 y Fn(0)368 1268 +y Fv(\012)438 1283 y Fo(`)472 1268 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)12 +b Fs(\000)g Fp(t)681 1227 y Fl(0)706 1268 y Fp(;)17 b(r)s +Fv(\)\011)911 1283 y Fo(`)943 1268 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)1016 +1227 y Fl(0)1039 1268 y Fp(;)g(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(dt)1254 +1227 y Fl(0)1304 1268 y Fv(=)1466 1143 y Fo(`)1408 1173 +y Fk(X)1413 1382 y Fo(n)p Fn(=1)1552 1268 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)1631 +1283 y Fo(`n)1707 1268 y Fp(=r)1803 1227 y Fn(2)1842 +1268 y Fv(\))1954 1143 y Fo(`)1897 1173 y Fk(X)1906 1382 +y Fo(q)r Fn(=1)2057 1268 y Fp(r)2104 1227 y Fl(\000)p +Fn(\()p Fo(q)r Fl(\000)p Fn(1\))2342 1268 y Fp(c)2384 +1283 y Fo(`;q)r Fl(\000)p Fn(1)2577 1139 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p +Fo(q)r Fn(+1)2609 1173 y Fk(X)2620 1383 y Fo(j)t Fn(=1)2785 +1268 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)2864 1283 y Fo(`n)2940 1268 y Fp(=r)s +Fv(\))3074 1227 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(q)r Fl(\000)p Fo(j)t +Fn(+1)3372 1268 y Fp(f)3431 1227 y Fn(\()p Fo(j)t Fl(\000)p +Fn(1\))3613 1268 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)12 b Fs(\000)g Fp(r)s +Fv(\))p Fp(:)3651 1514 y Fv(\(4.14\))0 1755 y(No)m(w,)42 +b(the)e(double)g(sum)967 1681 y Fk(P)1072 1707 y Fo(`)1072 +1785 y(q)r Fn(=1)1217 1681 y Fk(P)1322 1707 y Fo(`)p +Fl(\000)p Fo(q)r Fn(+1)1322 1785 y Fo(j)t Fn(=1)1534 +1755 y Fv(\(terms\))1848 1770 y Fo(j)t(q)1959 1755 y +Fv(is)g(equiv)-5 b(alen)m(t)41 b(to)2660 1681 y Fk(P)2765 +1707 y Fo(`)2765 1785 y(j)t Fn(=1)2908 1681 y Fk(P)3014 +1707 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(j)t Fn(+1)3014 1785 y Fo(q)r +Fn(=1)3224 1755 y Fv(\(terms\))3538 1770 y Fo(j)t(q)3609 +1755 y Fv(.)64 b(As)40 b(a)0 1930 y(result,)34 b(w)m(e)f(ma)m(y)h +(group)e(the)h(t)m(w)m(o)g(inner)h(sums)f(and)g(mak)m(e)h(this)f(exc)m +(hange,)i(thereb)m(y)f(reac)m(hing)109 2142 y(1)p 109 +2186 V 110 2278 a Fp(r)184 2074 y Fk(Z)284 2100 y Fo(t)240 +2299 y Fn(0)330 2209 y Fv(\012)400 2224 y Fo(`)434 2209 +y Fv(\()p Fp(t)9 b Fs(\000)g Fp(t)637 2168 y Fl(0)661 +2209 y Fp(;)17 b(r)s Fv(\)\011)866 2224 y Fo(`)898 2209 +y Fv(\()p Fp(t)971 2168 y Fl(0)994 2209 y Fp(;)g(r)s +Fv(\))p Fp(dt)1209 2168 y Fl(0)1259 2209 y Fv(=)1421 +2085 y Fo(`)1363 2115 y Fk(X)1368 2324 y Fo(n)p Fn(=1)1524 +2209 y Fp(b)1565 2224 y Fo(`n)1715 2085 y(`)1657 2115 +y Fk(X)1668 2325 y Fo(j)t Fn(=1)1818 2209 y Fp(r)1865 +2168 y Fo(j)t Fl(\000)p Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fn(+2\))2146 2081 +y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(j)t Fn(+1)2178 2115 y Fk(X)2188 +2324 y Fo(q)r Fn(=1)2369 2209 y Fp(c)2411 2224 y Fo(`;q)r +Fl(\000)p Fn(1)2588 2209 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)2667 2224 y Fo(`n)2743 +2209 y Fv(\))2781 2168 y Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(q)r Fl(\000)p +Fo(j)t Fn(+1)3080 2209 y Fp(f)3139 2168 y Fn(\()p Fo(j)t +Fl(\000)p Fn(1\))3321 2209 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)9 b Fs(\000)g +Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(:)50 b Fv(\(4.15\))0 2492 y(Finally)-8 +b(,)33 b(re-indexing)h(b)m(y)f Fp(k)e Fv(=)c Fp(`)22 +b Fs(\000)h Fp(j)28 b Fv(+)22 b(1)32 b(leads)i(to)254 +2700 y(1)p 254 2744 V 255 2835 a Fp(r)329 2632 y Fk(Z)429 +2658 y Fo(t)385 2857 y Fn(0)475 2767 y Fv(\012)545 2782 +y Fo(`)578 2767 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)23 b Fs(\000)f Fp(t)808 +2726 y Fl(0)832 2767 y Fp(;)17 b(r)s Fv(\)\011)1037 2782 +y Fo(`)1069 2767 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)1142 2726 y Fl(0)1166 +2767 y Fp(;)g(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(dt)1381 2726 y Fl(0)1431 +2767 y Fv(=)1592 2643 y Fo(`)1534 2672 y Fk(X)1540 2882 +y Fo(n)p Fn(=1)1695 2767 y Fp(b)1736 2782 y Fo(`n)1886 +2643 y(`)1829 2672 y Fk(X)1836 2885 y Fo(k)r Fn(=1)1989 +2767 y Fp(r)2036 2726 y Fl(\000)p Fn(\()p Fo(k)r Fn(+1\))2348 +2643 y Fo(k)2295 2672 y Fk(X)2305 2882 y Fo(q)r Fn(=1)2456 +2767 y Fp(c)2498 2782 y Fo(`;q)r Fl(\000)p Fn(1)2674 +2767 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)2753 2782 y Fo(`n)2829 2767 y Fv(\))2867 +2726 y Fo(k)r Fl(\000)p Fo(q)2999 2767 y Fp(f)3058 2726 +y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fn(\))3239 2767 y Fv(\()p +Fp(t)22 b Fs(\000)h Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(;)105 b Fv(\(4.16\))0 +3049 y(whic)m(h)34 b(is)f(the)g(aforemen)m(tioned)h(desirable)g(form.) +146 3294 y(Equation)g(\(4.16\))e(can)h(no)m(w)h(b)s(e)f(used)h(to)f +(\014nish)h(the)f(pro)s(of.)43 b(Recalling)34 b(that)f(w)m(e)g(ha)m(v)m +(e)i(set)e Fp(r)e Fv(=)d Fp(r)3812 3309 y Fo(B)3873 3294 +y Fv(,)0 3469 y(with)33 b(\(4.16\))f(the)h(iden)m(tit)m(y)h(\(4.5\))e +(b)s(ecomes)232 3750 y Fs(\000)384 3625 y Fo(`)326 3655 +y Fk(X)334 3867 y Fo(k)r Fn(=1)487 3750 y Fp(k)s(r)588 +3709 y Fl(\000)p Fn(\()p Fo(k)r Fn(+1\))830 3750 y Fp(c)872 +3765 y Fo(`k)943 3750 y Fp(f)1002 3709 y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p +Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fn(\))1183 3750 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)22 b +Fs(\000)f Fp(r)s Fv(\))27 b(=)1649 3625 y Fo(`)1592 3655 +y Fk(X)1600 3867 y Fo(k)r Fn(=1)1752 3750 y Fp(r)1799 +3709 y Fl(\000)p Fn(\()p Fo(k)r Fn(+1\))2116 3625 y Fo(`)2058 +3655 y Fk(X)2064 3864 y Fo(n)p Fn(=1)2219 3750 y Fp(b)2260 +3765 y Fo(`n)2405 3625 y(k)2353 3655 y Fk(X)2363 3864 +y Fo(q)r Fn(=1)2513 3750 y Fp(c)2555 3765 y Fo(`;q)r +Fl(\000)p Fn(1)2732 3750 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)2811 3765 y Fo(`n)2887 +3750 y Fv(\))2925 3709 y Fo(k)r Fl(\000)p Fo(q)3056 3750 +y Fp(f)3115 3709 y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fn(\))3296 +3750 y Fv(\()p Fp(t)22 b Fs(\000)f Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(;)50 +b Fv(\(4.17\))0 4032 y(and)33 b(w)m(e)g(ma)m(y)h(express)g(that)f(last) +g(equation)g(as)244 4307 y(0)27 b(=)481 4182 y Fo(`)424 +4212 y Fk(X)431 4424 y Fo(k)r Fn(=1)584 4307 y Fp(r)631 +4266 y Fl(\000)p Fn(\()p Fo(k)r Fn(+1\))874 4307 y Fp(E)946 +4322 y Fo(k)989 4307 y Fp(f)1048 4266 y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p +Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fn(\))1229 4307 y Fv(\()p Fp(u)p Fv(\))p +Fp(;)211 b(E)1671 4322 y Fo(k)1741 4307 y Fv(=)28 b Fp(k)s(c)1941 +4322 y Fo(`k)2035 4307 y Fv(+)2190 4182 y Fo(`)2133 4212 +y Fk(X)2138 4421 y Fo(n)p Fn(=1)2293 4307 y Fp(b)2334 +4322 y Fo(`n)2480 4182 y(k)2427 4212 y Fk(X)2437 4421 +y Fo(q)r Fn(=1)2587 4307 y Fp(c)2629 4322 y Fo(`;q)r +Fl(\000)p Fn(1)2806 4307 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)2885 4322 y Fo(`n)2961 +4307 y Fv(\))2999 4266 y Fo(k)r Fl(\000)p Fo(q)3131 4307 +y Fp(:)493 b Fv(\(4.18\))0 4589 y(Here)33 b Fp(u)27 b +Fv(=)h Fp(t)22 b Fs(\000)h Fp(r)35 b Fv(is)e(retarded)h(time.)146 +4834 y(In)m(tro)s(ducing)g(the)f(op)s(erator)f Fp(Q)c +Fs(\021)g Fv(\()p Fp(@)1535 4849 y Fo(t)1587 4834 y Fv(+)22 +b Fp(@)1736 4849 y Fo(r)1774 4834 y Fv(\))p Fp(r)1859 +4798 y Fn(2)1898 4834 y Fv(,)33 b(w)m(e)h(then)f(use)g(induction)h(to)e +(sho)m(w)i(that)244 5115 y Fp(Q)321 5074 y Fo(p)435 4990 +y(`)377 5020 y Fk(X)385 5232 y Fo(k)r Fn(=1)538 5115 +y Fp(r)585 5074 y Fl(\000)p Fn(\()p Fo(k)r Fn(+1\))827 +5115 y Fp(E)899 5130 y Fo(k)942 5115 y Fp(f)1001 5074 +y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r Fn(\))1182 5115 y Fv(\()p +Fp(u)p Fv(\))27 b(=)1540 4990 y Fo(`)1482 5020 y Fk(X)1445 +5232 y Fo(k)r Fn(=)p Fo(p)p Fn(+1)1664 5115 y Fv(\()p +Fs(\000)p Fv(1\))1866 5074 y Fo(p)2001 5047 y Fv(\()p +Fp(k)e Fs(\000)e Fv(1\)!)p 1916 5092 499 4 v 1916 5183 +a(\()p Fp(k)i Fs(\000)d Fp(p)g Fs(\000)h Fv(1\)!)2424 +5115 y Fp(r)2471 5074 y Fl(\000)p Fn(\()p Fo(k)r Fl(\000)p +Fo(p)p Fn(+1\))2804 5115 y Fp(E)2876 5130 y Fo(k)2918 +5115 y Fp(f)2977 5074 y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(k)r +Fn(\))3158 5115 y Fv(\()p Fp(u)p Fv(\))p Fp(:)334 b Fv(\(4.19\))p +Black 1736 5645 a(17)p Black eop end +%%Page: 18 28 +TeXDict begin 18 27 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(4.)76 +b(Newton's)34 b(Iden)m(tities)p Black 0 440 a Fv(F)-8 +b(or)32 b Fp(p)27 b Fv(=)h Fp(`)22 b Fs(\000)h Fv(1,)32 +b(this)h(iden)m(tit)m(y)i(implies)f Fp(E)1580 455 y Fo(`)1641 +440 y Fv(=)27 b(0.)43 b(Then)34 b(assuming)g Fp(E)2614 +455 y Fo(p)p Fn(+2)2772 440 y Fv(=)27 b Fs(\001)17 b(\001)g(\001)26 +b Fv(=)i Fp(E)3195 455 y Fo(`)3256 440 y Fv(=)f(0,)32 +b(w)m(e)i(\014nd)244 756 y Fp(Q)321 715 y Fo(p)435 632 +y(`)377 662 y Fk(X)385 874 y Fo(k)r Fn(=1)538 756 y Fp(r)585 +715 y Fl(\000)p Fn(\()p Fo(k)r Fn(+1\))827 756 y Fp(E)899 +771 y Fo(k)942 756 y Fp(f)1001 715 y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p +Fo(k)r Fn(\))1182 756 y Fv(\()p Fp(u)p Fv(\))27 b(=)h(\()p +Fs(\000)p Fv(1\))1647 715 y Fo(p)1701 689 y Fp(p)p Fv(!)p +1696 734 87 4 v 1696 825 a Fp(r)1743 796 y Fn(2)1793 +756 y Fp(E)1865 771 y Fo(p)p Fn(+1)1995 756 y Fp(f)2054 +715 y Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fl(\000)p Fo(p)p Fl(\000)p Fn(1\))2322 +756 y Fv(\()p Fp(u)p Fv(\))p Fp(;)1170 b Fv(\(4.20\))0 +1061 y(yielding)41 b Fp(E)445 1076 y Fo(p)p Fn(+1)615 +1061 y Fv(=)e(0.)65 b(Therefore,)42 b(bac)m(kw)m(ards)g(iteration)e +Fp(p)g Fv(=)f Fp(`)27 b Fs(\000)h Fv(1)p Fp(;)17 b(`)26 +b Fs(\000)h Fv(2)p Fp(;)17 b(:)g(:)g(:)f(;)h Fv(0)39 +b(establishes)j(that)0 1236 y Fp(E)72 1251 y Fo(k)143 +1236 y Fv(=)27 b(0)32 b(for)g Fp(k)f Fv(=)d(1)p Fp(;)17 +b(:)g(:)g(:)e(;)i(`)p Fv(.)p 3829 1236 4 66 v 3833 1173 +59 4 v 3833 1236 V 3891 1236 4 66 v Black 1736 5645 a(18)p +Black eop end +%%Page: 19 29 +TeXDict begin 19 28 bop Black Black 0 1254 a Fr(Chapter)78 +b(5)0 1810 y(Numerical)e(ro)6 b(ot)79 b(ev)-13 b(aluation)77 +b(and)0 2172 y(iden)-6 b(tit)g(y)76 b(c)-6 b(hec)g(k)77 +b(for)h(sev)-6 b(eral)75 b(v)-13 b(alues)77 b(of)h Fd(`)0 +2791 y Fv(As)30 b(a)g(means)g(of)g(v)m(erifying)h(the)f(result)h(from)e +(the)h(previous)h(c)m(hapter,)h(w)m(e)e(no)m(w)h(pro)s(ceed)f(to)g(c)m +(hec)m(k)i(these)0 2965 y(iden)m(tities)25 b(n)m(umerically)-8 +b(.)43 b(One)24 b(migh)m(t)f(ask)i(wh)m(y)f(there)g(is)g(need)h(to)e(c) +m(hec)m(k)i(Newton's)g(iden)m(tities,)i(classical)0 3140 +y(form)m(ulas)33 b(kno)m(wn)i(for)d(cen)m(turies.)46 +b(The)34 b(p)s(oin)m(t)f(is)g(that)g(b)m(y)g(c)m(hec)m(king)j(them)d +(for)f(the)i(particular)f(case)g(of)0 3314 y(the)24 b(Bessel)h(p)s +(olynomial)f(w)m(e)g(ma)m(y)h(\(i\))e(understand)i(their)f +(conditioning)g(in)f(this)i(setting)f(and)f(\(ii\))h(further)0 +3489 y(con\014rm)32 b(the)g(accuracy)h(of)d(our)i(n)m(umerically)h +(generated)f(Macdonald)h(ro)s(ots.)42 b(Using)32 b Fj(Mathematica)p +Fv(,)0 3663 y(w)m(e)i(\014rst)g(generate)g(the)g(ro)s(ots)f(of)g(the)h +(p)s(olynomial)f Fp(p)1988 3678 y Fo(`)2021 3663 y Fv(\()p +Fp(z)t Fv(\))h(in)g(\(2.14\))f(to)g(as)g(m)m(uc)m(h)i(precision)g(as)e +(needed)0 3838 y(for)k(sev)m(eral)j(v)-5 b(alues)39 b(of)e +Fp(`)p Fv(.)59 b(These)40 b(ro)s(ot)d(sets)i(for)e(eac)m(h)i(v)-5 +b(alue)38 b(of)f Fp(`)h Fv(are)g(then)g(input)h(in)m(to)f(the)g(set)h +(of)e Fp(`)0 4013 y Fv(iden)m(tities)e(\(4.2\))o(,)e(sp)s(eci\014cally) +h(b)m(y)g(ev)-5 b(aluating)33 b(the)g(expression)244 +4281 y Fp(k)s(c)340 4296 y Fo(`k)434 4281 y Fv(+)589 +4157 y Fo(`)532 4187 y Fk(X)537 4396 y Fo(n)p Fn(=1)692 +4281 y Fp(b)733 4296 y Fo(`n)879 4157 y(k)826 4187 y +Fk(X)836 4396 y Fo(q)r Fn(=1)986 4281 y Fp(c)1028 4296 +y Fo(`;q)r Fl(\000)p Fn(1)1205 4281 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)1284 +4296 y Fo(`n)1360 4281 y Fv(\))1398 4240 y Fo(k)r Fl(\000)p +Fo(q)1530 4281 y Fp(;)211 b(k)31 b Fv(=)d(1)p Fp(;)17 +b(:::;)g(`)1486 b Fv(\(5.1\))0 4557 y(to)41 b(the)g(desired)h +(precision.)70 b(The)42 b(accuracy)g(with)g(whic)m(h)g(this)g +(expression)h(\(5.1\))d(ev)-5 b(aluates)42 b(to)f(zero)0 +4732 y(can)33 b(b)s(e)g(seen)i(as)e(a)g(v)m(eri\014cation)h(of)e(the)i +(iden)m(tit)m(y)i(\(4.5\))o(.)45 b(F)-8 b(or)32 b(eac)m(h)i +Fp(`)f Fv(v)-5 b(alue,)34 b(this)f(generates)h(a)f(set)h(of)e +Fp(`)0 4906 y Fv(errors)f(for)f(eac)m(h)i(v)-5 b(alue)31 +b(of)f Fp(k)j Fv(in)e(\(4.2\).)43 b(The)31 b(maxim)m(um)h(absolute)g +(error)e(of)g(the)i(iden)m(tit)m(y)g(in)f(this)g(set)g(of)0 +5081 y Fp(`)d Fv(errors)g(is)h(then)f(found)h(as)f Fs(j)p +Fp(E)6 b(r)s(r)1234 5096 y Fo(max)1377 5081 y Fs(j)27 +b Fv(=)h(max)p Fs(fj)p Fp(E)6 b(r)s(r)1964 5096 y Fo(k)2006 +5081 y Fs(jg)p Fv(,)29 b(where)g Fp(E)6 b(r)s(r)2586 +5096 y Fo(k)2656 5081 y Fv(is)29 b(the)f(error)g(in)g(the)h +Fp(k)3474 5045 y Fo(th)3572 5081 y Fv(iden)m(tit)m(y)0 +5255 y(for)35 b(a)g(particular)g(v)-5 b(alue)36 b(of)f +Fp(`)p Fv(.)51 b(The)36 b(accuracy)g(to)f(whic)m(h)i(this)f(error)f(is) +h(kno)m(wn)g(is)g(then)g(output.)52 b(One)p Black 1736 +5645 a(19)p Black eop end +%%Page: 20 30 +TeXDict begin 20 29 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(5.)76 +b(Numerical)34 b(ro)s(ot)d(ev)-5 b(aluation)33 b(and)g(iden)m(tit)m(y)h +(c)m(hec)m(k)h(for)d(sev)m(eral)j(v)-5 b(alues)33 b(of)f +Fp(`)p Black 0 440 a Fv(observ)m(es)e(that)d(the)h(accuracy)h(of)e(the) +h(errors)f(reduces)j(as)d Fp(`)h Fv(gro)m(ws.)42 b(The)29 +b(concluding)f(section)h(discusses)0 615 y(this)k(observ)-5 +b(ation.)0 1233 y Fh(5.1)161 b(Ro)t(ot)56 b(\014nding)e(and)i(iden)l +(tit)l(y)e(v)l(eri\014cation)g(for)i Fc(`)44 b Fb(=)g(20)56 +b Fh(to)368 1497 y(27)d(digits)f(of)i(precision)0 1868 +y Fv(The)36 b Fj(Mathematica)g Fv(co)s(de)g(and)f(asso)s(ciated)g +(output)h(follo)m(w,)f(sho)m(wing)h(that)f(the)g(iden)m(tit)m(y)i(is)f +(indeed)0 2042 y(v)m(eri\014ed)44 b(for)d(these)i Fp(`)f +Fv(v)-5 b(alues)43 b(at)e(this)i(lev)m(el)g(of)f(precision.)73 +b(This)43 b(co)s(de)f(can)g(b)s(e)g(altered)h(to)e(increase)0 +2217 y(b)s(oth)32 b(with)i(satisfying)g(results.)45 b(Since)34 +b(complex)g(ro)s(ots)e(app)s(ear)h(as)g(conjugate)g(pairs,)g(only)g +(the)g(upp)s(er)0 2392 y(conjugate)g(is)g(listed)g(for)f(the)h(sak)m(e) +h(of)e(brevit)m(y)-8 b(.)-4 2637 y(\(*)32 b(set)h(precision)h(of)e +(calculations)i(and)f(highest)g(l)g(v)-5 b(alue)33 b(*\))-2 +2634 y(\(*)f(set)h(precision)h(of)e(calculations)i(and)f(highest)g(l)g +(v)-5 b(alue)33 b(*\))0 2637 y(\(*)f(set)i(precision)g(of)e +(calculations)h(and)g(highest)g(l)g(v)-5 b(alue)33 b(*\))-4 +2812 y(n)m(umdigits)q(:=28)-2 2809 y(n)m(umdigits)q(:=28)0 +2812 y(n)m(umdigits)r(:=28)-4 2986 y(lmax:=20)-2 2983 +y(lmax:=20)0 2986 y(lmax)q(:=20)-4 3161 y($MaxExtraPrecision)r(:=)p +Fs(1)-2 3158 y Fv($MaxExtraPrecision)r(:=)p Fs(1)0 3161 +y Fv($MaxExtraPrecision)s(:=)p Fs(1)-4 3510 y Fv(\(*)o(de\014ne)h(c)p +413 3510 30 4 v 36 w Fs(f)p Fp(l)r(;)17 b(k)s Fs(g)p +Fv(*\))-2 3507 y(\(*)o(de\014ne)34 b(c)p 415 3507 V 36 +w Fs(f)p Fp(l)r(;)17 b(k)s Fs(g)p Fv(*\))0 3510 y(\(*de\014ne)34 +b(c)p 418 3510 V 35 w Fs(f)p Fp(l)r(;)17 b(k)s Fs(g)p +Fv(*\))-4 3684 y(cee)q([l)p 186 3684 V 35 w Fp(;)g Fv(k)p +316 3684 V 35 w(]:=\(1)p Fp(=)p Fv(\(2)698 3648 y Fl(^)749 +3684 y Fp(k)25 b Fs(\003)d Fp(k)s Fv(!\)\))g Fs(\003)g +Fv(\()p Fp(l)i Fv(+)e Fp(k)s Fv(\)!)p Fp(=)p Fv(\()p +Fp(l)j Fs(\000)d Fp(k)s Fv(\)!)-2 3681 y(cee)q([l)p 188 +3681 V 35 w Fp(;)17 b Fv(k)p 318 3681 V 35 w(]:=)q(\(1)p +Fp(=)p Fv(\(2)701 3645 y Fl(^)751 3681 y Fp(k)25 b Fs(\003)d +Fp(k)s Fv(!\)\))g Fs(\003)g Fv(\()p Fp(l)j Fv(+)d Fp(k)s +Fv(\)!)p Fp(=)p Fv(\()p Fp(l)i Fs(\000)e Fp(k)s Fv(\)!)0 +3684 y(cee)q([l)p 190 3684 V 35 w Fp(;)17 b Fv(k)p 320 +3684 V 36 w(]:=\(1)p Fp(=)p Fv(\(2)703 3648 y Fl(^)753 +3684 y Fp(k)25 b Fs(\003)d Fp(k)s Fv(!\)\))h Fs(\003)e +Fv(\()p Fp(l)k Fv(+)d Fp(k)s Fv(\)!)p Fp(=)p Fv(\()p +Fp(l)i Fs(\000)f Fp(k)s Fv(\)!)-4 4033 y(\(*)32 b(de\014ne)i(p)s +(olynomial)f(to)f(\014nd)h(ro)s(ots)f(of)g(*\))-2 4030 +y(\(*)g(de\014ne)i(p)s(olynomial)f(to)f(\014nd)h(ro)s(ots)f(of)g(*\))0 +4033 y(\(*)g(de\014ne)i(p)s(olynomial)f(to)f(\014nd)h(ro)s(ots)f(of)h +(*\))-4 4208 y(p)s(olyro)s(ots)o(:=NSolv)m(e)r([Sum)q([cee)q([)p +Fp(l)r(;)17 b(k)s Fv(])22 b Fs(\003)g Fp(z)1493 4172 +y Fl(^)1545 4208 y Fv(\()p Fp(l)i Fs(\000)f Fp(k)s Fv(\))p +Fp(;)17 b Fs(f)p Fp(k)s(;)g Fv(0)p Fp(;)g(l)r Fs(g)p +Fv(])27 b(==)g(0)p Fp(;)17 b(z)t(;)g Fv(n)m(umdigits)q(])-2 +4205 y(p)s(olyro)s(ots:=NSolv)m(e)q([Sum)q([cee)q([)p +Fp(l)r(;)g(k)s Fv(])22 b Fs(\003)g Fp(z)1495 4169 y Fl(^)1547 +4205 y Fv(\()p Fp(l)i Fs(\000)f Fp(k)s Fv(\))p Fp(;)17 +b Fs(f)p Fp(k)s(;)g Fv(0)p Fp(;)g(l)r Fs(g)p Fv(])27 +b(==)g(0)p Fp(;)17 b(z)t(;)g Fv(n)m(umdigits)r(])0 4208 +y(p)s(olyro)s(ots:=NSolv)m(e)q([Sum)q([cee)q([)p Fp(l)r(;)g(k)s +Fv(])22 b Fs(\003)g Fp(z)1497 4172 y Fl(^)1549 4208 y +Fv(\()p Fp(l)j Fs(\000)d Fp(k)s Fv(\))p Fp(;)17 b Fs(f)p +Fp(k)s(;)g Fv(0)p Fp(;)g(l)r Fs(g)p Fv(])27 b(==)g(0)p +Fp(;)17 b(z)t(;)g Fv(n)m(umdigits)r(])-4 4557 y(\(*)32 +b(de\014ne)i(iden)m(tit)m(y)g(from)e(main)h(theorem)h(*\))-2 +4554 y(\(*)e(de\014ne)i(iden)m(tit)m(y)g(from)f(main)f(theorem)i(*\))0 +4557 y(\(*)e(de\014ne)i(iden)m(tit)m(y)g(from)f(main)g(theorem)g(*\))-4 +4732 y(iden)m(tit)m(y)q(:=)p Fp(k)26 b Fs(\003)c Fv(cee)q([)p +Fp(l)r(;)17 b(k)s Fv(])22 b(+)g(SetPrecision)r([)-2 4729 +y(iden)m(tit)m(y)r(:=)p Fp(k)j Fs(\003)d Fv(cee)q([)p +Fp(l)r(;)17 b(k)s Fv(])22 b(+)g(SetPrecision)r([)0 4732 +y(iden)m(tit)m(y)r(:=)p Fp(k)j Fs(\003)d Fv(cee)q([)p +Fp(l)r(;)17 b(k)s Fv(])22 b(+)g(SetPrecision)s([)-4 4906 +y(Sum[P)m(art)q([)p Fs(f)p Fp(z)t Fs(g)p Fv(/.p)s(olyro)s(ots)p +Fp(;)17 b(n)p Fv(])22 b Fs(\003)g Fv(Sum)q([cee)q([)p +Fp(l)r(;)17 b(q)26 b Fs(\000)c Fv(1])g Fs(\003)g Fv(P)m(art)q([)p +Fs(f)p Fp(z)t Fs(g)p Fv(/.p)s(olyro)s(ots)p Fp(;)17 b(n)p +Fv(])3031 4870 y Fl(^)3082 4906 y Fv(\()p Fp(k)25 b Fs(\000)e +Fp(q)t Fv(\))p Fp(;)17 b Fs(f)p Fp(q)t(;)g Fv(1)p Fp(;)g(k)s +Fs(g)p Fv(])p Fp(;)-2 4903 y Fv(Sum[P)m(art)q([)p Fs(f)p +Fp(z)t Fs(g)p Fv(/.p)s(olyro)s(ots)p Fp(;)g(n)p Fv(])22 +b Fs(\003)g Fv(Sum)q([cee)q([)p Fp(l)r(;)17 b(q)26 b +Fs(\000)d Fv(1])f Fs(\003)g Fv(P)m(art[)p Fs(f)p Fp(z)t +Fs(g)p Fv(/.p)s(olyro)s(ots)p Fp(;)17 b(n)p Fv(])3033 +4867 y Fl(^)3084 4903 y Fv(\()p Fp(k)26 b Fs(\000)c Fp(q)t +Fv(\))p Fp(;)17 b Fs(f)p Fp(q)t(;)g Fv(1)p Fp(;)g(k)s +Fs(g)p Fv(])p Fp(;)0 4906 y Fv(Sum)q([P)m(art[)p Fs(f)p +Fp(z)t Fs(g)p Fv(/.p)s(olyro)s(ots)p Fp(;)g(n)p Fv(])22 +b Fs(\003)g Fv(Sum)q([cee)q([)p Fp(l)r(;)17 b(q)26 b +Fs(\000)d Fv(1])f Fs(\003)g Fv(P)m(art[)p Fs(f)p Fp(z)t +Fs(g)p Fv(/.)q(p)s(olyro)s(ots)o Fp(;)17 b(n)p Fv(])3035 +4870 y Fl(^)3087 4906 y Fv(\()p Fp(k)25 b Fs(\000)d Fp(q)t +Fv(\))p Fp(;)17 b Fs(f)p Fp(q)t(;)g Fv(1)p Fp(;)g(k)s +Fs(g)p Fv(])p Fp(;)-4 5081 y Fs(f)p Fp(n;)g Fv(1)p Fp(;)g(l)r +Fs(g)p Fv(])p Fp(;)g Fv(n)m(umdigits])-2 5078 y Fs(f)p +Fp(n;)g Fv(1)p Fp(;)g(l)r Fs(g)p Fv(])p Fp(;)g Fv(n)m(umdigits])0 +5081 y Fs(f)p Fp(n;)g Fv(1)p Fp(;)g(l)r Fs(g)p Fv(])p +Fp(;)g Fv(n)m(umdigits)q(])p Black 1736 5645 a(20)p Black +eop end +%%Page: 21 31 +TeXDict begin 21 30 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(5.)76 +b(Numerical)34 b(ro)s(ot)d(ev)-5 b(aluation)33 b(and)g(iden)m(tit)m(y)h +(c)m(hec)m(k)h(for)d(sev)m(eral)j(v)-5 b(alues)33 b(of)f +Fp(`)p Black -4 440 a Fv(\(*)g(lo)s(op)g(through)g(eac)m(h)i(v)-5 +b(alue)33 b(of)f(l)h(*\))-2 437 y(\(*)f(lo)s(op)g(through)h(eac)m(h)g +(v)-5 b(alue)33 b(of)f(l)h(*\))0 440 y(\(*)f(lo)s(op)g(through)h(eac)m +(h)g(v)-5 b(alue)33 b(of)f(l)h(*\))-4 615 y(F)-8 b(or)o([)p +Fp(l)30 b Fv(=)d(1)p Fp(;)17 b(l)30 b(<)d Fv(lmax)c(+)f(1)p +Fp(;)17 b(l)r Fv(++)p Fp(;)-2 612 y Fv(F)-8 b(or)o([)p +Fp(l)30 b Fv(=)e(1)p Fp(;)17 b(l)29 b(<)f Fv(lmax)22 +b(+)g(1)p Fp(;)17 b(l)r Fv(++)p Fp(;)0 615 y Fv(F)-8 +b(or)o([)p Fp(l)30 b Fv(=)e(1)p Fp(;)17 b(l)29 b(<)f +Fv(lmax)23 b(+)f(1)p Fp(;)17 b(l)r Fv(++)o Fp(;)-4 789 +y Fv(Prin)m(t[])-2 786 y(Prin)m(t)q([])0 789 y(Prin)m(t)q([])-4 +964 y(Prin)m(t[\\real)33 b(and)g(imaginary)g(parts)f(of)h(ro)s(ots)f +(for)g(l=")o Fp(;)17 b(l)r Fv(])-2 961 y(Prin)m(t)q([\\real)32 +b(and)h(imaginary)g(parts)g(of)f(ro)s(ots)g(for)g(l=")p +Fp(;)17 b(l)r Fv(])0 964 y(Prin)m(t)q([\\real)32 b(and)h(imaginary)g +(parts)g(of)f(ro)s(ots)g(for)g(l=")p Fp(;)17 b(l)r Fv(])-4 +1138 y(Prin)m(t[])-2 1135 y(Prin)m(t)q([])0 1138 y(Prin)m(t)q([])-4 +1487 y(\(*)32 b(prin)m(t)h(out)f(formatted)h(tables)g(of)f(p)s +(olynomial)h(ro)s(ots)f(*\))-2 1484 y(\(*)g(prin)m(t)h(out)g(formatted) +f(tables)h(of)g(p)s(olynomial)g(ro)s(ots)f(*\))0 1487 +y(\(*)g(prin)m(t)h(out)g(formatted)f(tables)i(of)e(p)s(olynomial)h(ro)s +(ots)f(*\))-4 1662 y(F)-8 b(or)o([)p Fp(j)34 b Fv(=)27 +b(1)p Fp(;)17 b(j)33 b(<)28 b(l)c Fv(+)e(1)p Fp(;)17 +b(j)6 b Fv(++)-2 1659 y(F)-8 b(or)o([)p Fp(j)34 b Fv(=)27 +b(1)p Fp(;)17 b(j)33 b(<)28 b(l)c Fv(+)e(1)p Fp(;)17 +b(j)6 b Fv(++)0 1662 y(F)-8 b(or)o([)p Fp(j)34 b Fv(=)28 +b(1)p Fp(;)17 b(j)33 b(<)27 b(l)e Fv(+)d(1)p Fp(;)17 +b(j)6 b Fv(++)-4 1836 y(If[Im[P)m(art)q([P)m(art[)p Fs(f)p +Fp(z)t Fs(g)p Fv(/.p)s(olyro)s(ots)p Fp(;)17 b(j)28 b +Fs(\000)23 b Fv(1])p Fp(;)17 b Fv(1]])27 b Fp(<)g Fv(0)p +Fp(;)17 b(;)-2 1833 y Fv(If[Im[P)m(art)q([P)m(art[)p +Fs(f)p Fp(z)t Fs(g)p Fv(/.)q(p)s(olyro)s(ots)o Fp(;)g(j)28 +b Fs(\000)23 b Fv(1])p Fp(;)17 b Fv(1]])27 b Fp(<)h Fv(0)p +Fp(;)17 b(;)0 1836 y Fv(If[Im)q([P)m(art[P)m(art[)p Fs(f)p +Fp(z)t Fs(g)p Fv(/.)q(p)s(olyro)s(ots)p Fp(;)g(j)27 b +Fs(\000)c Fv(1])p Fp(;)17 b Fv(1]])27 b Fp(<)h Fv(0)p +Fp(;)17 b(;)-4 2011 y Fv(Prin)m(t[Scien)m(ti\014cF)-8 +b(orm)r([Re[P)m(art)q([P)m(art[)p Fs(f)p Fp(z)t Fs(g)p +Fv(/.)q(p)s(olyro)s(ots)o Fp(;)17 b(j)28 b Fs(\000)23 +b Fv(1])p Fp(;)17 b Fv(1]])p Fp(;)g Fv(n)m(umdigits)23 +b Fs(\000)f Fv(1)p Fp(;)-2 2008 y Fv(Prin)m(t)q([Scien)m(ti\014cF)-8 +b(orm)q([Re)q([P)m(art[P)m(art[)p Fs(f)p Fp(z)t Fs(g)p +Fv(/.)q(p)s(olyro)s(ots)p Fp(;)17 b(j)27 b Fs(\000)c +Fv(1])p Fp(;)17 b Fv(1]])p Fp(;)g Fv(n)m(umdigits)23 +b Fs(\000)g Fv(1)p Fp(;)0 2011 y Fv(Prin)m(t)q([Scien)m(ti\014cF)-8 +b(orm)r([Re[P)m(art[P)m(art)q([)p Fs(f)p Fp(z)t Fs(g)p +Fv(/.p)s(olyro)s(ots)p Fp(;)17 b(j)28 b Fs(\000)22 b +Fv(1])p Fp(;)17 b Fv(1]])p Fp(;)g Fv(n)m(umdigits)23 +b Fs(\000)g Fv(1)p Fp(;)-4 2186 y Fv(Num)m(b)s(erF)-8 +b(ormat)28 b Fs(!)-2 2183 y Fv(Num)m(b)s(erF)-8 b(ormat)28 +b Fs(!)0 2186 y Fv(Num)m(b)s(erF)-8 b(ormat)28 b Fs(!)-4 +2360 y Fv(\(Ro)m(w[)p Fs(f)p Fv(#1)p Fp(;)17 b Fv(E)p +Fp(;)g Fv(If[#3)27 b(==)h(\\")o Fp(;)17 b Fv(\\+000")o +Fp(;)g Fv(If[P)m(art[Characters)q([#3])p Fp(;)g Fv(1])28 +b(==)f(\\-")o Fp(;)-2 2357 y Fv(\(Ro)m(w[)p Fs(f)p Fv(#1)p +Fp(;)17 b Fv(E)p Fp(;)g Fv(If[#3)28 b(==)f(\\")p Fp(;)17 +b Fv(\\+000")n Fp(;)g Fv(If[P)m(art[Characters)q([#3)q(])p +Fp(;)g Fv(1])27 b(==)g(\\-")o Fp(;)0 2360 y Fv(\(Ro)m(w[)p +Fs(f)p Fv(#1)p Fp(;)17 b Fv(E)p Fp(;)g Fv(If[#3)28 b(==)f(\\")p +Fp(;)17 b Fv(\\+000")n Fp(;)g Fv(If[P)m(art[Characters)r([#3])p +Fp(;)g Fv(1])27 b(==)h(\\-")o Fp(;)-4 2535 y Fv(StringJoin[\\-00")o +Fp(;)17 b Fv(StringDrop)o([#3)p Fp(;)g Fv(1]])p Fp(;)g +Fv(StringJoin[\\+00")o Fp(;)g Fv(#3]]])p Fs(g)p Fv(]&\)])p +Fp(;)-2 2532 y Fv(StringJoin[\\-00")o Fp(;)g Fv(StringDrop)o([#3)p +Fp(;)g Fv(1]])p Fp(;)g Fv(StringJoin[\\+00")o Fp(;)g +Fv(#3]]])p Fs(g)p Fv(]&\)])p Fp(;)0 2535 y Fv(StringJoin[\\-00")o +Fp(;)g Fv(StringDrop)o([#3)p Fp(;)g Fv(1]])p Fp(;)g Fv +(StringJoin[\\+00")o Fp(;)g Fv(#3]]])p Fs(g)p Fv(]&\)])p +Fp(;)-4 2709 y Fv(\\)32 b(")p Fp(;)17 b Fv(Scien)m(ti\014cF)-8 +b(orm)q([Im)q([P)m(art[P)m(art[)p Fs(f)p Fp(z)t Fs(g)p +Fv(/.)q(p)s(olyro)s(ots)p Fp(;)17 b(j)27 b Fs(\000)c +Fv(1])p Fp(;)17 b Fv(1]])p Fp(;)g Fv(n)m(umdigits)23 +b Fs(\000)g Fv(1)p Fp(;)-2 2706 y Fv(\\)32 b(")p Fp(;)17 +b Fv(Scien)m(ti\014cF)-8 b(orm)q([Im)q([P)m(art[P)m(art)q([)p +Fs(f)p Fp(z)t Fs(g)p Fv(/.p)s(olyro)s(ots)p Fp(;)17 b(j)28 +b Fs(\000)22 b Fv(1])p Fp(;)17 b Fv(1]])p Fp(;)g Fv(n)m(umdigits)23 +b Fs(\000)g Fv(1)p Fp(;)0 2709 y Fv(\\)32 b(")p Fp(;)17 +b Fv(Scien)m(ti\014cF)-8 b(orm)q([Im)q([P)m(art[P)m(art)q([)p +Fs(f)p Fp(z)t Fs(g)p Fv(/.p)s(olyro)s(ots)p Fp(;)17 b(j)28 +b Fs(\000)22 b Fv(1])p Fp(;)17 b Fv(1]])p Fp(;)g Fv(n)m(umdigits)23 +b Fs(\000)g Fv(1)p Fp(;)-4 2884 y Fv(Num)m(b)s(erF)-8 +b(ormat)28 b Fs(!)-2 2881 y Fv(Num)m(b)s(erF)-8 b(ormat)28 +b Fs(!)0 2884 y Fv(Num)m(b)s(erF)-8 b(ormat)28 b Fs(!)-4 +3058 y Fv(\(Ro)m(w[)p Fs(f)p Fv(#1)p Fp(;)17 b Fv(E)p +Fp(;)g Fv(If[#3)27 b(==)h(\\")o Fp(;)17 b Fv(\\+000")o +Fp(;)g Fv(If[P)m(art[Characters)q([#3])p Fp(;)g Fv(1])28 +b(==)f(\\-")o Fp(;)-2 3055 y Fv(\(Ro)m(w[)p Fs(f)p Fv(#1)p +Fp(;)17 b Fv(E)p Fp(;)g Fv(If[#3)28 b(==)f(\\")p Fp(;)17 +b Fv(\\+000")n Fp(;)g Fv(If[P)m(art[Characters)q([#3)q(])p +Fp(;)g Fv(1])27 b(==)g(\\-")o Fp(;)0 3058 y Fv(\(Ro)m(w[)p +Fs(f)p Fv(#1)p Fp(;)17 b Fv(E)p Fp(;)g Fv(If[#3)28 b(==)f(\\")p +Fp(;)17 b Fv(\\+000")n Fp(;)g Fv(If[P)m(art[Characters)r([#3])p +Fp(;)g Fv(1])27 b(==)h(\\-")o Fp(;)-4 3233 y Fv(StringJoin[\\-00")o +Fp(;)17 b Fv(StringDrop)o([#3)p Fp(;)g Fv(1]])p Fp(;)g +Fv(StringJoin[\\+00")o Fp(;)g Fv(#3]]])p Fs(g)p Fv(]&\)]])-2 +3230 y(StringJoin[\\-00")o Fp(;)g Fv(StringDrop)o([#3)p +Fp(;)g Fv(1]])p Fp(;)g Fv(StringJoin[\\+00")o Fp(;)g +Fv(#3]]])p Fs(g)p Fv(]&\)]])0 3233 y(StringJoin[\\-00")o +Fp(;)g Fv(StringDrop)o([#3)p Fp(;)g Fv(1]])p Fp(;)g Fv +(StringJoin[\\+00")o Fp(;)g Fv(#3]]])p Fs(g)p Fv(]&\)]])-4 +3407 y(]])-2 3404 y(]])0 3407 y(]])-4 3757 y(\(*)32 b(prin)m(t)h(error) +f(norm)h(of)f(all)h(ro)s(ots)f(for)g(a)g(giv)m(en)i(v)-5 +b(alue)33 b(of)f(l)h(*\))-2 3754 y(\(*)f(prin)m(t)h(error)g(norm)f(of)g +(all)h(ro)s(ots)f(for)g(a)g(giv)m(en)i(v)-5 b(alue)33 +b(of)f(l)h(*\))0 3757 y(\(*)f(prin)m(t)h(error)g(norm)g(of)f(all)g(ro)s +(ots)g(for)g(a)h(giv)m(en)g(v)-5 b(alue)33 b(of)f(l)h(*\))-4 +3931 y(Prin)m(t[])-2 3928 y(Prin)m(t)q([])0 3931 y(Prin)m(t)q([])-4 +4106 y(Prin)m(t[\\iden)m(tit)m(y)i(error)d(accuracy)i +Fs(\030)f Fv(")p Fp(;)-2 4103 y Fv(Prin)m(t)q([\\iden)m(tit)m(y)h +(error)e(accuracy)i Fs(\030)f Fv(")p Fp(;)0 4106 y Fv(Prin)m(t)q +([\\iden)m(tit)m(y)h(error)f(accuracy)g Fs(\030)g Fv(")p +Fp(;)-4 4280 y Fv(Scien)m(ti\014cF)-8 b(orm)q([Max)q([Abs)q([P)m(art[P) +m(art)q([Delete[Reap)q([F)g(or)o([)p Fp(k)31 b Fv(=)c(1)p +Fp(;)17 b(k)31 b(<)c(l)d Fv(+)e(1)p Fp(;)17 b(k)s Fv(++)p +Fp(;)g Fv(So)m(w[iden)m(tit)m(y)r(]];)-2 4277 y(Scien)m(ti\014cF)-8 +b(orm)q([Max)q([Abs)q([P)m(art[P)m(art)q([Delete)q([Reap[F)g(or)o([)p +Fp(k)31 b Fv(=)c(1)p Fp(;)17 b(k)31 b(<)c(l)e Fv(+)d(1)p +Fp(;)17 b(k)s Fv(++)o Fp(;)g Fv(So)m(w[iden)m(tit)m(y)r(]];)0 +4280 y(Scien)m(ti\014cF)-8 b(orm)r([Max[Abs)q([P)m(art)q([P)m +(art[Delete)q([Reap[F)g(or)o([)p Fp(k)31 b Fv(=)d(1)p +Fp(;)17 b(k)30 b(<)d(l)e Fv(+)d(1)p Fp(;)17 b(k)s Fv(++)o +Fp(;)g Fv(So)m(w)q([iden)m(tit)m(y)r(]];)-4 4455 y(])p +Fp(;)g Fv(1])p Fp(;)g Fv(1])p Fp(;)g Fv(1]]])p Fp(;)g +Fv(n)m(umdigits)p Fp(;)-2 4452 y Fv(])p Fp(;)g Fv(1])p +Fp(;)g Fv(1])p Fp(;)g Fv(1]]])p Fp(;)g Fv(n)m(umdigits)p +Fp(;)0 4455 y Fv(])p Fp(;)g Fv(1])p Fp(;)g Fv(1])p Fp(;)g +Fv(1]]])p Fp(;)g Fv(n)m(umdigits)p Fp(;)-4 4629 y Fv(Num)m(b)s(erF)-8 +b(ormat)28 b Fs(!)-2 4626 y Fv(Num)m(b)s(erF)-8 b(ormat)28 +b Fs(!)0 4629 y Fv(Num)m(b)s(erF)-8 b(ormat)28 b Fs(!)-4 +4804 y 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Fs(g)p Fv(]&\)]]])p Black +1736 5645 a(21)p Black eop end +%%Page: 22 32 +TeXDict begin 22 31 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(5.)76 +b(Numerical)34 b(ro)s(ot)d(ev)-5 b(aluation)33 b(and)g(iden)m(tit)m(y)h +(c)m(hec)m(k)h(for)d(sev)m(eral)j(v)-5 b(alues)33 b(of)f +Fp(`)p Black Black Black 987 498 a Fv(T)-8 b(able)33 +b(5.1:)43 b(Ro)s(ots)32 b(of)g Fp(K)1925 514 y Fo(`)p +Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)2119 498 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))h(for)f +Fp(`)c Fv(=)f(1)p Fp(;)17 b(:::;)g Fv(20)p Black 0 640 +3901 2 v 0 681 2 42 v 3898 681 V 0 802 2 121 v 43 766 +a Fa(real)53 b(and)f(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f(roots)g(for)g(l=1)p +3898 802 V 0 922 V 3898 922 V 0 1042 V 43 1006 a +(-1.000000000000000000000)q(0000)q(0E+0)q(00)109 b(0E+000)p +3898 1042 V 0 1163 V 3898 1163 V 0 1283 V 43 1247 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-028)p 3898 1283 V 0 1325 +2 42 v 3898 1325 V 0 1327 3901 2 v Black Black 0 1656 +V 0 1698 2 42 v 3898 1698 V 0 1818 2 121 v 43 1782 a(real)i(and)f +(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f(roots)g(for)g(l=2)p 3898 1818 +V 0 1938 V 3898 1938 V 0 2059 V 43 2023 a(-1.500000000000000000000)q +(0000)q(0E+0)q(00)109 b(8.660254037844386467637231)q(71E-)q(001)p +3898 2059 V 0 2179 V 3898 2179 V 0 2299 V 43 2263 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-027)p 3898 2299 V 0 2341 +2 42 v 3898 2341 V 0 2343 3901 2 v Black Black 0 2672 +V 0 2714 2 42 v 3898 2714 V 0 2834 2 121 v 43 2798 a(real)i(and)f +(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f(roots)g(for)g(l=3)p 3898 2834 +V 0 2954 V 3898 2954 V 0 3075 V 43 3039 a(-2.322185354626085592911)q +(4707)q(1E+0)q(00)109 b(0E+000)p 3898 3075 V 0 3195 V +43 3159 a(-1.838907322686957203544)q(2646)q(4E+0)q(00)g +(1.754380959783721660951830)q(60E+)q(000)p 3898 3195 +V 0 3316 V 3898 3316 V 0 3436 V 43 3400 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-026)p 3898 3436 V 0 3478 +2 42 v 3898 3478 V 0 3480 3901 2 v Black Black 1736 5645 +a Fv(22)p Black eop end +%%Page: 23 33 +TeXDict begin 23 32 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(5.)76 +b(Numerical)34 b(ro)s(ot)d(ev)-5 b(aluation)33 b(and)g(iden)m(tit)m(y)h +(c)m(hec)m(k)h(for)d(sev)m(eral)j(v)-5 b(alues)33 b(of)f +Fp(`)p Black Black 0 347 3901 2 v 0 388 2 42 v 3898 388 +V 0 509 2 121 v 43 472 a Fa(real)53 b(and)f(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f +(roots)g(for)g(l=4)p 3898 509 V 0 629 V 3898 629 V 0 +749 V 43 713 a(-2.896210602820372168394)q(3939)q(3E+0)q(00)109 +b(8.672341289345037518189732)q(15E-)q(001)p 3898 749 +V 0 870 V 43 834 a(-2.103789397179627831605)q(6060)q(7E+0)q(00)g +(2.657418041856752716858322)q(10E+)q(000)p 3898 870 V +0 990 V 3898 990 V 0 1110 V 43 1074 a(identity)54 b(error)e(accuracy)i +(~)d(1.E-025)p 3898 1110 V 0 1152 2 42 v 3898 1152 V +0 1154 3901 2 v Black Black 0 1476 V 0 1517 2 42 v 3898 +1517 V 0 1638 2 121 v 43 1601 a(real)i(and)f(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f +(roots)g(for)g(l=5)p 3898 1638 V 0 1758 V 3898 1758 V +0 1878 V 43 1842 a(-3.646738595329643259735)q(1696)q(4E+0)q(00)109 +b(0E+000)p 3898 1878 V 0 1999 V 43 1963 a(-3.351956399153533143016)q +(4142)q(5E+0)q(00)g(1.742661416183197722726323)q(47E+)q(000)p +3898 1999 V 0 2119 V 43 2083 a(-2.324674303181645227116)q(0009)q(3E+0)q +(00)g(3.571022920337976400386102)q(61E+)q(000)p 3898 +2119 V 0 2240 V 3898 2240 V 0 2360 V 43 2324 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-024)p 3898 2360 V 0 2401 +2 42 v 3898 2401 V 0 2403 3901 2 v Black Black 0 2725 +V 0 2767 2 42 v 3898 2767 V 0 2887 2 121 v 43 2851 a(real)i(and)f +(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f(roots)g(for)g(l=6)p 3898 2887 +V 0 3007 V 3898 3007 V 0 3128 V 43 3092 a(-4.248359395863363944936)q +(0797)q(5E+0)q(00)109 b(8.675096732313656063864415)q(71E-)q(001)p +3898 3128 V 0 3248 V 43 3212 a(-3.735708356325814667941)q(3619)q(7E+0)q +(00)g(2.626272311447125640493551)q(59E+)q(000)p 3898 +3248 V 0 3369 V 43 3333 a(-2.515932247810821387122)q(5582)q(8E+0)q(00)g +(4.492672953653942535918243)q(92E+)q(000)p 3898 3369 +V 0 3489 V 3898 3489 V 0 3609 V 43 3573 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-023)p 3898 3609 V 0 3651 +2 42 v 3898 3651 V 0 3653 3901 2 v Black Black 0 3975 +V 0 4016 2 42 v 3898 4016 V 0 4137 2 121 v 43 4100 a(real)i(and)f +(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f(roots)g(for)g(l=7)p 3898 4137 +V 0 4257 V 3898 4257 V 0 4377 V 43 4341 a(-4.971786858527935677861)q +(1778)q(5E+0)q(00)109 b(0E+000)p 3898 4377 V 0 4498 V +43 4462 a(-4.758290528154628945237)q(4628)q(1E+0)q(00)g +(1.739286061130536542893811)q(90E+)q(000)p 3898 4498 +V 0 4618 V 43 4582 a(-4.070139163638137471705)q(9277)q(1E+0)q(00)g +(3.517174047709753165815180)q(78E+)q(000)p 3898 4618 +V 0 4738 V 43 4702 a(-2.685676878943265744126)q(0205)q(6E+0)q(00)g +(5.420694130716748895848494)q(22E+)q(000)p 3898 4738 +V 0 4859 V 3898 4859 V 0 4979 V 43 4943 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-022)p 3898 4979 V 0 5021 +2 42 v 3898 5021 V 0 5023 3901 2 v Black Black 1736 5645 +a Fv(23)p Black eop end +%%Page: 24 34 +TeXDict begin 24 33 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(5.)76 +b(Numerical)34 b(ro)s(ot)d(ev)-5 b(aluation)33 b(and)g(iden)m(tit)m(y)h +(c)m(hec)m(k)h(for)d(sev)m(eral)j(v)-5 b(alues)33 b(of)f +Fp(`)p Black Black 0 455 3901 2 v 0 496 2 42 v 3898 496 +V 0 616 2 121 v 43 580 a Fa(real)53 b(and)f(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f +(roots)g(for)g(l=8)p 3898 616 V 0 737 V 3898 737 V 0 +857 V 43 821 a(-5.587886043263085198999)q(0929)q(6E+0)q(00)109 +b(8.676144453527864598163028)q(23E-)q(001)p 3898 857 +V 0 978 V 43 941 a(-5.204840790636881918250)q(3652)q(3E+0)q(00)g +(2.616175152642527428738777)q(31E+)q(000)p 3898 978 V +0 1098 V 43 1062 a(-4.368289217202402407030)q(9225)q(3E+0)q(00)g +(4.414442500471539083550261)q(46E+)q(000)p 3898 1098 +V 0 1218 V 43 1182 a(-2.838983948897630475719)q(6192)q(8E+0)q(00)g +(6.353911298604876822084696)q(39E+)q(000)p 3898 1218 +V 0 1339 V 3898 1339 V 0 1459 V 43 1423 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-020)p 3898 1459 V 0 1501 +2 42 v 3898 1501 V 0 1503 3901 2 v Black Black 0 2040 +V 0 2082 2 42 v 3898 2082 V 0 2202 2 121 v 43 2166 a(real)i(and)f +(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f(roots)g(for)g(l=9)p 3898 2202 +V 0 2323 V 3898 2323 V 0 2443 V 43 2407 a(-6.297019181714968537759)q +(1960)q(3E+0)q(00)109 b(0E+000)p 3898 2443 V 0 2563 V +43 2527 a(-6.129367904274272787781)q(1635)q(7E+0)q(00)g +(1.737848383480862503700313)q(46E+)q(000)p 3898 2563 +V 0 2684 V 43 2648 a(-5.604421819507781416213)q(3716)q(3E+0)q(00)g +(3.498156917886093576014656)q(26E+)q(000)p 3898 2684 +V 0 2804 V 43 2768 a(-4.638439887180390296658)q(1249)q(5E+0)q(00)g +(5.317271675435651142303427)q(31E+)q(000)p 3898 2804 +V 0 2924 V 43 2888 a(-2.979260798180071230467)q(7418)q(3E+0)q(00)g +(7.291463688342182090760058)q(32E+)q(000)p 3898 2924 +V 0 3045 V 3898 3045 V 0 3165 V 43 3129 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-019)p 3898 3165 V 0 3207 +2 42 v 3898 3207 V 0 3209 3901 2 v Black Black 0 3746 +V 0 3788 2 42 v 3898 3788 V 0 3908 2 121 v 43 3872 a(real)i(and)f +(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f(roots)g(for)g(l=10)p 3898 3908 +V 0 4029 V 3898 4029 V 0 4149 V 43 4113 a(-6.922044905427246115423)q +(2081)q(2E+0)q(00)109 b(8.676651954512214384461343)q(23E-)q(001)p +3898 4149 V 0 4269 V 43 4233 a(-6.615290965476870258945)q(1546)q(7E+0)q +(00)g(2.611567920800089873494008)q(99E+)q(000)p 3898 +4269 V 0 4390 V 43 4354 a(-5.967528328587785840361)q(4053)q(8E+0)q(00)g +(4.384947188941932068184058)q(74E+)q(000)p 3898 4390 +V 0 4510 V 43 4474 a(-4.886219566858999579896)q(0421)q(5E+0)q(00)g +(6.224985482471567107526815)q(39E+)q(000)p 3898 4510 +V 0 4631 V 43 4594 a(-3.108916233649098205374)q(1896)q(7E+0)q(00)g +(8.232699459073587450461410)q(02E+)q(000)p 3898 4631 +V 0 4751 V 3898 4751 V 0 4871 V 43 4835 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-018)p 3898 4871 V 0 4913 +2 42 v 3898 4913 V 0 4915 3901 2 v Black Black 1736 5645 +a Fv(24)p Black eop end +%%Page: 25 35 +TeXDict begin 25 34 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(5.)76 +b(Numerical)34 b(ro)s(ot)d(ev)-5 b(aluation)33 b(and)g(iden)m(tit)m(y)h +(c)m(hec)m(k)h(for)d(sev)m(eral)j(v)-5 b(alues)33 b(of)f +Fp(`)p Black Black 0 354 3901 2 v 0 396 2 42 v 3898 396 +V 0 516 2 121 v 43 480 a Fa(real)53 b(and)f(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f +(roots)g(for)g(l=11)p 3898 516 V 0 637 V 3898 637 V 0 +757 V 43 721 a(-7.622339845796429492076)q(6451)q(2E+0)q(00)109 +b(0E+000)p 3898 757 V 0 877 V 43 841 a(-7.484229860731938791640)q(9857) +q(7E+0)q(00)g(1.737102820753403824150041)q(81E+)q(000)p +3898 877 V 0 998 V 43 962 a(-7.057892387669953137329)q(9933)q(5E+0)q +(00)g(3.489014503555829719735805)q(20E+)q(000)p 3898 +998 V 0 1118 V 43 1082 a(-6.301337454871308381709)q(1595)q(8E+0)q(00)g +(5.276191743696768284397561)q(31E+)q(000)p 3898 1118 +V 0 1238 V 43 1202 a(-5.115648283908278920362)q(6816)q(0E+0)q(00)g +(7.137020758893366720176331)q(85E+)q(000)p 3898 1238 +V 0 1359 V 43 1323 a(-3.229722089920306022918)q(8571)q(5E+0)q(00)g +(9.177111568708578444331813)q(15E+)q(000)p 3898 1359 +V 0 1479 V 3898 1479 V 0 1600 V 43 1563 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-016)p 3898 1600 V 0 1641 +2 42 v 3898 1641 V 0 1643 3901 2 v Black Black 0 1980 +V 0 2022 2 42 v 3898 2022 V 0 2142 2 121 v 43 2106 a(real)i(and)f +(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f(roots)g(for)g(l=12)p 3898 2142 +V 0 2262 V 3898 2262 V 0 2383 V 43 2347 a(-8.253422011412080963882)q +(4275)q(1E+0)q(00)109 b(8.676935720097688159992604)q(68E-)q(001)p +3898 2383 V 0 2503 V 43 2467 a(-7.997270599601434163957)q(7168)q(0E+0)q +(00)g(2.609066536945798158983580)q(31E+)q(000)p 3898 +2503 V 0 2623 V 43 2587 a(-7.465571240351770416354)q(3455)q(1E+0)q(00)g +(4.370169593354565163285532)q(17E+)q(000)p 3898 2623 +V 0 2744 V 43 2708 a(-6.611004249956351863700)q(3644)q(5E+0)q(00)g +(6.171534993037229696775564)q(13E+)q(000)p 3898 2744 +V 0 2864 V 43 2828 a(-5.329708590875829174619)q(9381)q(6E+0)q(00)g +(8.052906864257032639308699)q(28E+)q(000)p 3898 2864 +V 0 2985 V 43 2949 a(-3.343023307802533417485)q(2075)q(7E+0)q(00)g +(1.012429680724081988767353)q(01E+)q(001)p 3898 2985 +V 0 3105 V 3898 3105 V 0 3225 V 43 3189 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-015)p 3898 3225 V 0 3267 +2 42 v 3898 3267 V 0 3269 3901 2 v Black Black 0 3606 +V 0 3647 2 42 v 3898 3647 V 0 3768 2 121 v 43 3732 a(real)i(and)f +(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f(roots)g(for)g(l=13)p 3898 3768 +V 0 3888 V 3898 3888 V 0 4009 V 43 3972 a(-8.947709674391791018007)q +(9517)q(5E+0)q(00)109 b(0E+000)p 3898 4009 V 0 4129 V +43 4093 a(-8.830252084144904160967)q(5411)q(0E+0)q(00)g +(1.736666400307630543340320)q(15E+)q(000)p 3898 4129 +V 0 4249 V 43 4213 a(-8.470591771477184563058)q(3398)q(4E+0)q(00)g +(3.483868450660993049601254)q(71E+)q(000)p 3898 4249 +V 0 4370 V 43 4334 a(-7.844380277062596223382)q(9097)q(0E+0)q(00)g +(5.254903406611961884228862)q(80E+)q(000)p 3898 4370 +V 0 4490 V 43 4454 a(-6.900372826146659844093)q(5026)q(7E+0)q(00)g +(7.070644312152948957638437)q(68E+)q(000)p 3898 4490 +V 0 4610 V 43 4574 a(-5.530680983344036536126)q(1432)q(8E+0)q(00)g +(8.972247775155787699511136)q(56E+)q(000)p 3898 4610 +V 0 4731 V 43 4695 a(-3.449867220628723163367)q(5875)q(4E+0)q(00)g +(1.107392855221619704044849)q(11E+)q(001)p 3898 4731 +V 0 4851 V 3898 4851 V 0 4972 V 43 4936 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-013)p 3898 4972 V 0 5013 +2 42 v 3898 5013 V 0 5015 3901 2 v Black Black 1736 5645 +a Fv(25)p Black eop end +%%Page: 26 36 +TeXDict begin 26 35 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(5.)76 +b(Numerical)34 b(ro)s(ot)d(ev)-5 b(aluation)33 b(and)g(iden)m(tit)m(y)h +(c)m(hec)m(k)h(for)d(sev)m(eral)j(v)-5 b(alues)33 b(of)f +Fp(`)p Black Black 0 700 3901 2 v 0 742 2 42 v 3898 742 +V 0 862 2 121 v 43 826 a Fa(real)53 b(and)f(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f +(roots)g(for)g(l=14)p 3898 862 V 0 983 V 3898 983 V 0 +1103 V 43 1067 a(-9.583171393646966665459)q(3955)q(9E+0)q(00)109 +b(8.677110288642531653595997)q(86E-)q(001)p 3898 1103 +V 0 1224 V 43 1187 a(-9.363145851609552225187)q(1785)q(4E+0)q(00)g +(2.607553324381666611797169)q(45E+)q(000)p 3898 1224 +V 0 1344 V 43 1308 a(-8.911000555375044264317)q(1342)q(8E+0)q(00)g +(4.361604178302447365904630)q(16E+)q(000)p 3898 1344 +V 0 1464 V 43 1428 a(-8.198846969988474621600)q(8974)q(4E+0)q(00)g +(6.143041071470796739556077)q(66E+)q(000)p 3898 1464 +V 0 1585 V 43 1549 a(-7.172395962171817315476)q(2771)q(4E+0)q(00)g +(7.973217354184968494512447)q(18E+)q(000)p 3898 1585 +V 0 1705 V 43 1669 a(-5.720352383827518890045)q(9946)q(1E+0)q(00)g +(9.894707597489159270725614)q(05E+)q(000)p 3898 1705 +V 0 1825 V 43 1789 a(-3.551086883380626017913)q(1224)q(0E+0)q(00)g +(1.202573803225452449243879)q(64E+)q(001)p 3898 1825 +V 0 1946 V 3898 1946 V 0 2066 V 43 2030 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-012)p 3898 2066 V 0 2108 +2 42 v 3898 2108 V 0 2110 3901 2 v Black Black 0 3139 +V 0 3181 2 42 v 3898 3181 V 0 3301 2 121 v 43 3265 a(real)i(and)f +(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f(roots)g(for)g(l=15)p 3898 3301 +V 0 3422 V 3898 3422 V 0 3542 V 43 3506 a(-1.027310966632247780788)q +(9351)q(6E+0)q(01)109 b(0E+000)p 3898 3542 V 0 3662 V +43 3626 a(-1.017091399644006817786)q(4260)q(7E+0)q(01)g +(1.736388919450455948421849)q(13E+)q(000)p 3898 3662 +V 0 3783 V 43 3747 a(-9.859567228396279223316)q(3181)q(5E+0)q(00)g +(3.480671211432766326211613)q(17E+)q(000)p 3898 3783 +V 0 3903 V 43 3867 a(-9.323599320608969428988)q(3273)q(2E+0)q(00)g +(5.242258895237616943605634)q(58E+)q(000)p 3898 3903 +V 0 4023 V 43 3987 a(-8.532459052298340601842)q(4643)q(8E+0)q(00)g +(7.034393625517045592701146)q(46E+)q(000)p 3898 4023 +V 0 4144 V 43 4108 a(-7.429396992942153796598)q(8977)q(5E+0)q(00)g +(8.878982621121515700447378)q(78E+)q(000)p 3898 4144 +V 0 4264 V 43 4228 a(-5.900151713664647630058)q(3117)q(6E+0)q(00)g +(1.081999913775357320634440)q(92E+)q(001)p 3898 4264 +V 0 4385 V 43 4348 a(-3.647356862488302237386)q(7441)q(6E+0)q(00)g +(1.297950107076041946091175)q(19E+)q(001)p 3898 4385 +V 0 4505 V 3898 4505 V 0 4625 V 43 4589 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-011)p 3898 4625 V 0 4667 +2 42 v 3898 4667 V 0 4669 3901 2 v Black Black 1736 5645 +a Fv(26)p Black eop end +%%Page: 27 37 +TeXDict begin 27 36 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(5.)76 +b(Numerical)34 b(ro)s(ot)d(ev)-5 b(aluation)33 b(and)g(iden)m(tit)m(y)h +(c)m(hec)m(k)h(for)d(sev)m(eral)j(v)-5 b(alues)33 b(of)f +Fp(`)p Black Black 0 640 3901 2 v 0 682 2 42 v 3898 682 +V 0 802 2 121 v 43 766 a Fa(real)53 b(and)f(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f +(roots)g(for)g(l=16)p 3898 802 V 0 923 V 3898 923 V 0 +1043 V 43 1007 a(-1.091188607867750306504)q(3945)q(0E+0)q(01)109 +b(8.677225274357204523922721)q(92E-)q(001)p 3898 1043 +V 0 1163 V 43 1127 a(-1.071898581897801347992)q(3112)q(0E+0)q(01)g +(2.606567007258289479116211)q(49E+)q(000)p 3898 1163 +V 0 1284 V 43 1248 a(-1.032511960234146225337)q(7272)q(6E+0)q(01)g +(4.356163380609608595401587)q(49E+)q(000)p 3898 1284 +V 0 1404 V 43 1368 a(-9.712326332563503781955)q(6677)q(8E+0)q(00)g +(6.125760891021766972370964)q(23E+)q(000)p 3898 1404 +V 0 1524 V 43 1488 a(-8.847968196502784980658)q(9189)q(5E+0)q(00)g +(7.928772855889371645889935)q(04E+)q(000)p 3898 1524 +V 0 1645 V 43 1609 a(-7.673240790867159984390)q(8614)q(5E+0)q(00)g +(9.787697438369068308111835)q(39E+)q(000)p 3898 1645 +V 0 1765 V 43 1729 a(-6.071241382908699818573)q(2963)q(5E+0)q(00)g +(1.174787493848088826408044)q(52E+)q(001)p 3898 1765 +V 0 1886 V 43 1850 a(-3.739231797160872636076)q(9258)q(8E+0)q(00)g +(1.393502847581338258460016)q(79E+)q(001)p 3898 1886 +V 0 2006 V 3898 2006 V 0 2126 V 43 2090 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-09)p 3898 2126 V 0 2168 +2 42 v 3898 2168 V 0 2170 3901 2 v Black Black 0 3079 +V 0 3121 2 42 v 3898 3121 V 0 3241 2 121 v 43 3205 a(real)i(and)f +(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f(roots)g(for)g(l=17)p 3898 3241 +V 0 3361 V 3898 3361 V 0 3482 V 43 3446 a(-1.159852949233955016189)q +(9920)q(3E+0)q(01)109 b(0E+000)p 3898 3482 V 0 3602 V +43 3566 a(-1.150807677713975961431)q(7556)q(1E+0)q(01)g +(1.736201537908063409472491)q(02E+)q(000)p 3898 3602 +V 0 3722 V 43 3686 a(-1.123343681726954392838)q(5376)q(2E+0)q(01)g +(3.478543890764696856885360)q(76E+)q(000)p 3898 3722 +V 0 3843 V 43 3807 a(-1.076413417756284329059)q(2609)q(6E+0)q(01)g +(5.234074902036876315721765)q(95E+)q(000)p 3898 3843 +V 0 3963 V 43 3927 a(-1.008029444485778070959)q(7671)q(5E+0)q(01)g +(7.012009982693768389736109)q(42E+)q(000)p 3898 3963 +V 0 4084 V 43 4048 a(-9.147588677603154525972)q(8289)q(5E+0)q(00)g +(8.825998301493333861180617)q(96E+)q(000)p 3898 4084 +V 0 4204 V 43 4168 a(-7.905449595937342302664)q(5281)q(4E+0)q(00)g +(1.069914507546516716942452)q(13E+)q(001)p 3898 4204 +V 0 4324 V 43 4288 a(-6.234580978360413729589)q(6729)q(4E+0)q(00)g +(1.267812022906650460413693)q(18E+)q(001)p 3898 4324 +V 0 4445 V 43 4409 a(-3.827173785099386817929)q(7964)q(0E+0)q(00)g +(1.489215892466428927967397)q(70E+)q(001)p 3898 4445 +V 0 4565 V 3898 4565 V 0 4686 V 43 4649 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-07)p 3898 4686 V 0 4727 +2 42 v 3898 4727 V 0 4729 3901 2 v Black Black 1736 5645 +a Fv(27)p Black eop end +%%Page: 28 38 +TeXDict begin 28 37 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(5.)76 +b(Numerical)34 b(ro)s(ot)d(ev)-5 b(aluation)33 b(and)g(iden)m(tit)m(y)h +(c)m(hec)m(k)h(for)d(sev)m(eral)j(v)-5 b(alues)33 b(of)f +Fp(`)p Black Black 0 580 3901 2 v 0 622 2 42 v 3898 622 +V 0 742 2 121 v 43 706 a Fa(real)53 b(and)f(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f +(roots)g(for)g(l=18)p 3898 742 V 0 862 V 3898 862 V 0 +983 V 43 947 a(-1.223990213682502947516)q(0871)q(2E+0)q(01)109 +b(8.677305005306093744926807)q(08E-)q(001)p 3898 983 +V 0 1103 V 43 1067 a(-1.206813584493677302760)q(7872)q(1E+0)q(01)g +(2.605887881733454212151545)q(85E+)q(000)p 3898 1103 +V 0 1224 V 43 1187 a(-1.171894879565529082339)q(8359)q(0E+0)q(01)g +(4.352479754299835238551804)q(69E+)q(000)p 3898 1224 +V 0 1344 V 43 1308 a(-1.118003901653704038805)q(1654)q(7E+0)q(01)g +(6.114394093036995361090752)q(13E+)q(000)p 3898 1344 +V 0 1464 V 43 1428 a(-1.043001296530214524642)q(5016)q(4E+0)q(01)g +(7.900893103313035211013245)q(59E+)q(000)p 3898 1464 +V 0 1585 V 43 1549 a(-9.433132220808712951012)q(6156)q(0E+0)q(00)g +(9.725900314128457008451721)q(64E+)q(000)p 3898 1585 +V 0 1705 V 43 1669 a(-8.127283945095624923753)q(0710)q(6E+0)q(00)g +(1.161313175119599298592696)q(19E+)q(001)p 3898 1705 +V 0 1825 V 43 1789 a(-6.390972783683974868966)q(3390)q(1E+0)q(00)g +(1.361054734909143267336657)q(56E+)q(001)p 3898 1825 +V 0 1946 V 43 1910 a(-3.911572291155408295624)q(2010)q(6E+0)q(00)g +(1.585075359693773367822272)q(90E+)q(001)p 3898 1946 +V 0 2066 V 3898 2066 V 0 2187 V 43 2150 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-06)p 3898 2187 V 0 2228 +2 42 v 3898 2228 V 0 2230 3901 2 v Black Black 0 3019 +V 0 3060 2 42 v 3898 3060 V 0 3181 2 121 v 43 3145 a(real)i(and)f +(imaginary)h(parts)g(of)f(roots)g(for)g(l=19)p 3898 3181 +V 0 3301 V 3898 3301 V 0 3422 V 43 3385 a(-1.292396305542372787122)q +(9150)q(6E+0)q(01)109 b(0E+000)p 3898 3422 V 0 3542 V +43 3506 a(-1.284282779689522230426)q(2942)q(4E+0)q(01)g +(1.736069050902733201114099)q(63E+)q(000)p 3898 3542 +V 0 3662 V 43 3626 a(-1.259706280966476209730)q(5215)q(9E+0)q(01)g +(3.477054900106677132805136)q(35E+)q(000)p 3898 3662 +V 0 3783 V 43 3747 a(-1.217923126038293849236)q(6455)q(5E+0)q(01)g +(5.228450548390897779491908)q(98E+)q(000)p 3898 3783 +V 0 3903 V 43 3867 a(-1.157560106540318319639)q(8451)q(1E+0)q(01)g +(6.997076374701257179698822)q(30E+)q(000)p 3898 3903 +V 0 4023 V 43 3987 a(-1.076353844000327841299)q(9187)q(7E+0)q(01)g +(8.792293021673026531362157)q(67E+)q(000)p 3898 4023 +V 0 4144 V 43 4108 a(-9.706102400758248581682)q(2037)q(8E+0)q(00)g +(1.062832110024628786271364)q(75E+)q(001)p 3898 4144 +V 0 4264 V 43 4228 a(-8.339800719136736082606)q(3816)q(2E+0)q(00)g +(1.252948382394462392547639)q(41E+)q(001)p 3898 4264 +V 0 4385 V 43 4348 a(-6.541095062161414030753)q(0046)q(3E+0)q(00)g +(1.454499130302121081645401)q(77E+)q(001)p 3898 4385 +V 0 4505 V 43 4469 a(-3.992758917882352866011)q(5821)q(3E+0)q(00)g +(1.681069206011162285244044)q(69E+)q(001)p 3898 4505 +V 0 4625 V 3898 4625 V 0 4746 V 43 4710 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-04)p 3898 4746 V 0 4787 +2 42 v 3898 4787 V 0 4789 3901 2 v Black Black 1736 5645 +a Fv(28)p Black eop end +%%Page: 29 39 +TeXDict begin 29 38 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(Chapter)33 b(5.)76 +b(Numerical)34 b(ro)s(ot)d(ev)-5 b(aluation)33 b(and)g(iden)m(tit)m(y)h +(c)m(hec)m(k)h(for)d(sev)m(eral)j(v)-5 b(alues)33 b(of)f +Fp(`)p Black Black 0 1800 3901 2 v 0 1841 2 42 v 3898 +1841 V 0 1961 2 121 v 43 1925 a Fa(real)53 b(and)f(imaginary)h(parts)g +(of)f(roots)g(for)g(l=20)p 3898 1961 V 0 2082 V 3898 +2082 V 0 2202 V 43 2166 a(-1.356742428315331329044)q(0980)q(5E+0)q(01) +109 b(8.677362549557982775639012)q(21E-)q(001)p 3898 +2202 V 0 2323 V 43 2286 a(-1.341259714360660189843)q(0250)q(4E+0)q(01)g +(2.605400147179497542405280)q(38E+)q(000)p 3898 2323 +V 0 2443 V 43 2407 a(-1.309882247457716324902)q(1302)q(3E+0)q(01)g +(4.349864911791462401482658)q(78E+)q(000)p 3898 2443 +V 0 2563 V 43 2527 a(-1.261728131660985172501)q(1788)q(7E+0)q(01)g +(6.106479870052396461246236)q(49E+)q(000)p 3898 2563 +V 0 2684 V 43 2648 a(-1.195309080249998725352)q(9864)q(9E+0)q(01)g +(7.882058434247449891574381)q(23E+)q(000)p 3898 2684 +V 0 2804 V 43 2768 a(-1.108258033373115202720)q(8286)q(9E+0)q(01)g +(9.686093241828578511196379)q(90E+)q(000)p 3898 2804 +V 0 2924 V 43 2888 a(-9.967762478860391124616)q(2051)q(1E+0)q(00)g +(1.153311472851624663864126)q(96E+)q(001)p 3898 2924 +V 0 3045 V 43 3009 a(-8.543895726850031908732)q(1321)q(3E+0)q(00)g +(1.344804527341969972471124)q(42E+)q(001)p 3898 3045 +V 0 3165 V 43 3129 a(-6.685526878295190200923)q(9536)q(9E+0)q(00)g +(1.548130618792361855433304)q(17E+)q(001)p 3898 3165 +V 0 3286 V 43 3249 a(-4.071018561816317322085)q(2353)q(7E+0)q(00)g +(1.777186906888545612259739)q(49E+)q(001)p 3898 3286 +V 0 3406 V 3898 3406 V 0 3526 V 43 3490 a(identity)54 +b(error)e(accuracy)i(~)d(1.E-03)p 3898 3526 V 0 3568 +2 42 v 3898 3568 V 0 3570 3901 2 v Black Black 1736 5645 +a Fv(29)p Black eop end +%%Page: 30 40 +TeXDict begin 30 39 bop Black Black 0 1254 a Fr(Chapter)78 +b(6)0 1810 y(Conclusion)0 2429 y Fv(W)-8 b(e)26 b(conclude)g(with)g +(some)g(commen)m(ts)i(on)d(the)g(signi\014cance)j(of)c(the)i(analysis)h +(done)e(here)h(as)g(it)f(relates)h(to)0 2604 y(the)i(larger)f(con)m +(text.)43 b(The)28 b(main)f(result)h(can)g(b)s(e)f(view)m(ed)j(from)c +(t)m(w)m(o)i(p)s(ersp)s(ectiv)m(es)i(regarding)e(Newton's)0 +2779 y(iden)m(tities)35 b(\(4.2\))d(and)g(their)h(relation)g(to)f(the)h +(con)m(v)m(olution)h(result)g(\(3.2\))o(.)146 3024 y(Recall)d(that)f +(the)g(\014rst)h(pro)s(of)e(of)g Fj(Theorem)36 b(3.0.1)30 +b Fv(do)s(es)h(not)e(rely)i(on)f(the)h(particular)f(form)g(of)g(the)0 +3199 y(co)s(e\016cien)m(ts)40 b Fp(c)541 3214 y Fo(`k)649 +3199 y Fv(in)e(\(2.12\))o(.)58 b(See)38 b Fj(Lemma)45 +b(3.1.1)38 b Fv(and)f(the)h(follo)m(wing)g(remark.)58 +b(Th)m(us,)41 b Fj(Chapter)i(4)0 3373 y Fv(ma)m(y)38 +b(b)s(e)g(view)m(ed)i(as)e(a)f(deriv)-5 b(ation)38 b(of)f(general)i +(Newton's)g(iden)m(tities)g(\(or)e(at)h(least)g(a)f(subset)j(thereof,)0 +3548 y(see)e([6]\),)h(with)e(the)h(deriv)-5 b(ation)38 +b(assuming)g(the)g(con)m(v)m(olution)g(result)g(pro)m(vided)h(earlier)f +(in)f Fj(Theorem)0 3722 y(3.0.1)p Fv(.)51 b(Alternativ)m(ely)-8 +b(,)37 b(b)m(y)f(\014rst)g(assuming)g(Newton's)g(iden)m(tities,)i(the)d +(analysis)h(in)f Fj(Chapter)41 b(4)35 b Fv(can)0 3897 +y(also)c(b)s(e)f(view)m(ed)j(as)e(a)f(time-domain)h(pro)s(of)f(of)g +(the)h(con)m(v)m(olution)h(result)f(in)g Fj(Theorem)36 +b(3.0.1)30 b Fv(without)0 4071 y(the)j(need)h(for)e(the)h(Laplace)g +(transform.)146 4317 y(Newton's)f(iden)m(tities)h(for)d(the)i +(particular)f(case)g(of)g(the)g(ro)s(ots)f(and)h(co)s(e\016cien)m(ts)i +(of)d(the)h(Macdonald)0 4491 y(function)36 b(app)s(ear)g +(ill-conditioned.)53 b(In)36 b(other)g(w)m(ords,)h(they)g(seem)g +(di\016cult)f(to)g(v)m(erify)h(accurately)f(for)0 4666 +y(large)42 b(v)-5 b(alues)43 b(of)f Fp(`)p Fv(.)73 b(This)44 +b(is)e(most)h(lik)m(ely)h(due)f(to)g(the)f(co)s(e\016cien)m(ts)j +Fp(c)2713 4681 y Fo(`k)2827 4666 y Fv(whic)m(h)e(for)f(a)g(\014xed)i +(large)e Fp(`)0 4840 y Fv(\()p Fp(`)28 b Fv(=)f(20)32 +b(for)h(example\))h(v)-5 b(ary)33 b(o)m(v)m(er)g(a)g(large)f(range,)h +(b)s(eing)g(factorially)g(de\014ned)h(as)e(they)i(are)f(in)g(\(2.12\))o +(.)0 5015 y(This)g(com)m(bined)h(with)f(the)g(relativ)m(e)g(pro)m +(ximit)m(y)h(of)e(the)h(ro)s(ots)f(to)g(the)g(origin)g(\(see)i(Fig)d +(2.1\))h(leads)h(to)f(a)0 5190 y(necessit)m(y)k(of)c(man)m(y)h(digits)g +(of)f(precision)i(for)e(accurate)i(n)m(umerical)g(v)m(eri\014cation.)p +Black 1736 5645 a(30)p Black eop end +%%Page: 31 41 +TeXDict begin 31 40 bop Black Black 0 1254 a Fr(App)6 +b(endix)78 b(A)0 1810 y(Lo)6 b(cation)78 b(and)g(coun)-6 +b(t)78 b(of)f(Macdonald)0 2172 y(ro)6 b(ots)0 2791 y +Fv(F)-8 b(or)26 b(an)m(y)i(p)s(ositiv)m(e)g Fp(\027)34 +b Fs(\025)28 b Fv(0)f(W)-8 b(atson)27 b([2])g(has)g(shewn)i(that)e(the) +g(ro)s(ots)f(of)h Fp(K)2697 2806 y Fo(\027)2740 2791 +y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))h(are)e(simple)j(and)e(lie)g(in)h(the)0 +2965 y(left-half)d Fp(z)30 b Fv(plane.)42 b(This)26 b(app)s(endix)h +(presen)m(ts)g(some)f(of)f(his)h(analysis,)i(often)e(tailoring)f(it)g +(to)g(our)g(sp)s(eci\014c)0 3140 y(case)33 b Fp(\027)h +Fv(=)27 b Fp(`)21 b Fv(+)f(1)p Fp(=)p Fv(2,)31 b(that)h(is)g(half-in)m +(teger)g(order.)43 b(In)32 b(what)g(follo)m(ws)h(w)m(e)f(often)g(follo) +m(w)g([2])g(quite)g(closely)-8 b(.)0 3314 y(Since)36 +b Fp(K)340 3329 y Fo(\027)384 3314 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))g(ob)s(eys)g +(the)g(di\013eren)m(tial)g(equation)g(\(2.11\))o(,)h(an)m(y)f(ro)s(ot)e +Fp(b)f Fs(6)p Fv(=)f(0)j(m)m(ust)i(b)s(e)e(simple.)53 +b(Indeed,)0 3489 y(w)m(ere)35 b Fp(b)c Fs(6)p Fv(=)e(0)34 +b(a)g(ro)s(ot)f(of)g(m)m(ultiplicit)m(y)-8 b(,)37 b(then)d(w)m(e)h +(could)g(conclude)g(that)f Fp(K)2770 3453 y Fl(00)2763 +3513 y Fo(\027)2812 3489 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)p Fv(\))d(=)f +Fp(K)3156 3453 y Fl(0)3149 3513 y Fo(\027)3192 3489 y +Fv(\()p Fp(b)p Fv(\))g(=)g Fp(K)3528 3504 y Fo(\027)3571 +3489 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)p Fv(\))g(=)g(0,)0 3663 y(and)j(b)m(y)h(rep)s +(eated)f(di\013eren)m(tiation)h(of)39 b(\(2.11\))32 b(that)h +Fp(K)2055 3612 y Fn(\()p Fo(p)p Fn(\))2048 3674 y Fo(\027)2150 +3663 y Fv(\()p Fp(b)p Fv(\))28 b(=)g(0)k(for)h(all)f +Fp(p)p Fv(.)44 b(Since)34 b(all)f(nonzero)g(p)s(oin)m(ts)0 +3838 y(of)g(the)h(Bessel)i(equation)e(are)f(regular)h(p)s(oin)m(ts,)h +(this)f(w)m(ould)g(imply)h Fp(K)2625 3853 y Fo(\027)2668 +3838 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))30 b(=)g(0)j(in)h(a)f(neigh)m(b)s(orho)s(o) +s(d)g(of)0 4013 y Fp(b)p Fv(.)50 b(Additionally)-8 b(,)36 +b(the)f(small)g Fp(z)40 b Fv(asymptotic)c(expansion)g(for)e +Fp(K)2408 4028 y Fo(\027)2451 4013 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))h(\(see)h +([1]\))e(sho)m(ws)i(that)f Fp(z)h Fv(=)31 b(0)j(is)h(a)0 +4187 y(singular)e(p)s(oin)m(t)g(of)f Fp(K)818 4202 y +Fo(\027)861 4187 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))h(and)g(not)f(a)h(ro)s(ot.)146 +4432 y(W)-8 b(e)33 b(b)s(egin)g(b)m(y)h(noting)e(that)g(the)h +(generalization)h(of)e(Bessel's)j(in)m(tegral)e(\(see)g(9.6.24)f([1]\)) +244 4757 y Fp(K)327 4772 y Fo(\027)370 4757 y Fv(\()p +Fp(z)t Fv(\))c(=)627 4621 y Fk(Z)727 4647 y Fl(1)682 +4847 y Fn(0)818 4757 y Fp(e)863 4715 y Fl(\000)p Fo(z)14 +b Fn(cosh)q(\()p Fo(t)p Fn(\))1200 4757 y Fv(cosh)q(\()p +Fp(\027)6 b(t)p Fv(\))p Fp(dt;)212 b Fs(j)p Fv(arg)32 +b Fp(z)t Fs(j)c Fp(<)2290 4717 y Fo(\031)p 2290 4734 +43 4 v 2294 4791 a Fn(2)2342 4757 y Fp(;)1306 b Fv(\(A.1\))0 +5081 y(mak)m(es)43 b(it)e(clear)g(that)g Fp(K)952 5096 +y Fo(\027)996 5081 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))g(has)h(no)f(p)s(ositiv)m(e)h +(real)g(ro)s(ots.)68 b(W)-8 b(atson)42 b(has)f(extended)i(this)f +(result)g(to)0 5255 y(sho)m(w)34 b(that)e Fp(K)536 5270 +y Fo(\027)579 5255 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))h(has)g(no)g(ro)s(ots)f(suc)m +(h)i(that)e Fs(j)p Fv(arg)g Fp(z)t Fs(j)c(\024)2141 5216 +y Fo(\031)p 2141 5232 V 2145 5290 a Fn(2)2194 5255 y +Fv(.)p Black 1736 5645 a(31)p Black eop end +%%Page: 32 42 +TeXDict begin 32 41 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(App)s(endix)34 +b(A.)65 b(Lo)s(cation)32 b(and)h(coun)m(t)g(of)f(Macdonald)i(ro)s(ots)p +Black 146 440 a Fv(In)i(order)f(to)g(demonstrate)i(this,)f(w)m(e)h(m)m +(ust)f(\014rst)g(consider)g(a)f(result)h(of)f(Macdonald)h(\(and)f(pro)m +(v)m(en)0 615 y(in)i([2]\))f(whic)m(h)i(represen)m(ts)h(the)e(pro)s +(duct)g Fp(K)1666 630 y Fo(\027)1709 615 y Fv(\()p Fp(Z)7 +b Fv(\))p Fp(K)1942 630 y Fo(\027)1985 615 y Fv(\()p +Fp(z)t Fv(\))37 b(as)f(an)h(in)m(tegral)g(in)m(v)m(olving)h(a)e(single) +h(function)0 789 y(of)32 b(t)m(yp)s(e)i Fp(K)414 804 +y Fo(\027)457 789 y Fv(:)244 1048 y Fp(K)327 1063 y Fo(\027)370 +1048 y Fv(\()p Fp(Z)7 b Fv(\))p Fp(K)603 1063 y Fo(\027)646 +1048 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))28 b(=)913 980 y(1)p 913 +1025 49 4 v 913 1116 a(2)988 912 y Fk(Z)1088 938 y Fl(1)1044 +1138 y Fn(0)1163 1048 y Fv(exp)1311 877 y Fk(")1392 1048 +y Fs(\000)1501 980 y Fp(v)p 1501 1025 51 4 v 1502 1116 +a Fv(2)1584 1048 y Fs(\000)1694 980 y Fp(Z)1768 944 y +Fn(2)1829 980 y Fv(+)22 b Fp(z)1976 944 y Fn(2)p 1694 +1025 323 4 v 1805 1116 a Fv(2)p Fp(v)2026 877 y Fk(#)2085 +1048 y Fp(K)2168 1063 y Fo(\027)2211 877 y Fk( )2300 +980 y Fp(Z)7 b(z)p 2300 1025 124 4 v 2336 1116 a(v)2433 +877 y Fk(!)2522 980 y Fp(dv)p 2522 1025 102 4 v 2547 +1116 a(v)2633 1048 y(;)1015 b Fv(\(A.2\))0 1312 y(whic)m(h)36 +b(is)e(v)-5 b(alid)35 b(for)e(all)i(v)-5 b(alues)35 b(of)e +Fp(\027)k Fs(\025)31 b Fv(0)j(when)h Fs(j)p Fv(arg)f +Fp(Z)7 b Fs(j)30 b(\024)h Fp(\031)t Fv(,)j Fs(j)p Fv(arg)f +Fp(z)t Fs(j)e(\024)g Fp(\031)t Fv(,)k(and)f Fs(j)p Fv(arg)f(\()p +Fp(Z)d Fv(+)23 b Fp(z)t Fv(\))p Fs(j)31 b(\024)3820 1272 +y Fo(\031)p 3820 1289 43 4 v 3824 1346 a Fn(4)3873 1312 +y Fv(.)0 1486 y(No)m(w,)37 b(if)f Fp(z)h Fv(=)c Fp(r)s(e)629 +1450 y Fl(\000)p Fo(i\013)793 1486 y Fv(w)m(ere)k(suc)m(h)g(a)e(ro)s +(ot)g(\()p Fp(r)h(>)c Fv(0)p Fp(;)17 b Fs(\000)1946 1447 +y Fo(\031)p 1946 1463 V 1950 1521 a Fn(2)2032 1486 y +Fp(<)33 b(\013)g(<)2355 1447 y Fo(\031)p 2355 1463 V +2359 1521 a Fn(2)2408 1486 y Fv(\),)k(then)f Fp(Z)k Fv(=)32 +b Fp(r)s(e)3042 1450 y Fo(i\013)3151 1486 y Fv(w)m(ould)37 +b(b)s(e)f(another)0 1661 y(ro)s(ot)c(b)m(y)i(\(A.1\).)44 +b(Ho)m(w)m(ev)m(er,)35 b(the)e(in)m(tegral)g(sho)m(ws)h(us)f(that)244 +1925 y Fp(K)327 1940 y Fo(\027)370 1925 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s(e)500 +1884 y Fo(i\013)573 1925 y Fv(\))p Fp(K)694 1940 y Fo(\027)737 +1925 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s(e)867 1884 y Fl(\000)p Fo(i\013)996 +1925 y Fv(\))27 b(=)1175 1857 y(1)p 1175 1902 49 4 v +1175 1993 a(2)1250 1789 y Fk(Z)1350 1815 y Fl(1)1305 +2015 y Fn(0)1424 1925 y Fv(exp)1572 1754 y Fk(")1654 +1925 y Fs(\000)1763 1857 y Fp(v)p 1763 1902 51 4 v 1764 +1993 a Fv(2)1846 1925 y Fs(\000)1956 1857 y Fp(r)2003 +1821 y Fn(2)2059 1857 y Fv(cos\(2)p Fp(\013)q Fv(\))p +1956 1902 421 4 v 2141 1993 a Fp(v)2386 1754 y Fk(#)2445 +1925 y Fp(K)2528 1940 y Fo(\027)2571 1754 y Fk( )2660 +1857 y Fp(r)2707 1821 y Fn(2)p 2660 1902 87 4 v 2677 +1993 a Fp(v)2756 1754 y Fk(!)2844 1857 y Fp(dv)p 2844 +1902 102 4 v 2870 1993 a(v)1122 2189 y(>)g Fv(0)p Fp(;)2374 +b Fv(\(A.3\))0 2399 y(whic)m(h)35 b(is)e(con)m(trary)h(to)f(the)g(h)m +(yp)s(othesis)i(that)e(these)i(are)e(ro)s(ots)f(of)h +Fp(K)2606 2414 y Fo(\027)2649 2399 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\).)46 +b(If)33 b Fp(\013)c Fv(=)f Fs(\006)3227 2360 y Fo(\031)p +3227 2376 43 4 v 3231 2433 a Fn(2)3281 2399 y Fv(,)33 +b(then)g(w)m(e)i(ha)m(v)m(e)0 2573 y(\(again,)d(see)i([2]\))244 +2804 y Fs(j)p Fp(K)355 2819 y Fo(\027)398 2804 y Fv(\()p +Fp(r)s(e)528 2763 y Fl(\006)593 2736 y Ff(\031)p 592 +2748 38 3 v 596 2789 a Fg(2)640 2763 y Fo(i)669 2804 +y Fv(\))p Fs(j)27 b Fv(=)875 2737 y Fp(\031)p 875 2781 +59 4 v 880 2873 a Fv(2)944 2714 y Fk(p)p 1044 2714 586 +4 v 90 x Fp(J)1107 2776 y Fn(2)1098 2829 y Fo(\027)1146 +2804 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))22 b(+)g Fp(Y)1467 2776 y +Fn(2)1446 2829 y Fo(\027)1507 2804 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))o +Fp(;)2019 b Fv(\(A.4\))0 3035 y(and)39 b(so)g Fp(K)405 +3050 y Fo(\027)448 3035 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))g(has)g(no)g(purely)h +(imaginary)f(ro)s(ots,)h(b)s(ecause)g Fp(J)2408 3050 +y Fo(\027)2451 3035 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))e(and)h Fp(Y)2865 +3050 y Fo(\027)2908 3035 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))f(cannot)h(b)s(oth)f(v) +-5 b(anish)0 3210 y(sim)m(ultaneously)d(.)0 3689 y Fh(A.1)161 +b(Ro)t(ot)54 b(coun)l(t)d(for)j Fc(K)1625 3715 y Fp(`)p +Fv(+1)p Fp(=)p Fv(2)1892 3689 y Fb(\()p Fc(z)6 b Fb(\))0 +4033 y Fv(F)-8 b(or)42 b Fp(\027)52 b Fv(=)45 b Fp(`)29 +b Fv(+)g(1)p Fp(=)p Fv(2)42 b(\(half-in)m(teger)h(order\))g(w)m(e)h(ha) +m(v)m(e)g(form)m(ula)f(\(2.13\))o(.)75 b(Since)43 b Fp(p)3057 +4048 y Fo(`)3090 4033 y Fv(\(0\))i(=)g Fp(c)3423 4048 +y Fo(``)3530 4033 y Fs(6)p Fv(=)g(0)e(and)0 4123 y Fk(p)p +100 4123 157 4 v 85 x Fp(\031)t(=)p Fv(2)o Fp(e)301 4172 +y Fl(\000)p Fo(z)396 4208 y Fp(z)445 4172 y Fl(\000)p +Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fn(+2\))709 4208 y Fv(is)31 b(singular)g(at)f +Fp(z)i Fv(=)c(0,)j(then)g(the)g(origin)f(is)h(clearly)g(not)f(a)h(ro)s +(ot.)41 b(This)32 b(is)f(an)f(explicit)0 4383 y(c)m(hec)m(k)36 +b(of)d(the)h(general)g(result)h(stated)f(ab)s(o)m(v)m(e.)48 +b(Moreo)m(v)m(er,)36 b(from)d(\(2.14\))g(w)m(e)i(conclude)g(that)f +Fp(K)3581 4398 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)3774 4383 +y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))0 4557 y(has)i Fp(`)f Fv(ro)s(ots,)h(since)h +Fp(p)822 4572 y Fo(`)855 4557 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))f(is)f(degree)i +Fp(`)p Fv(.)52 b(Notice)36 b(that)f Fp(p)2115 4572 y +Fo(`)2148 4557 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))h(ma)m(y)g(ha)m(v)m(e)h(a)e(ro)s +(ot)f(on)h(the)h(negativ)m(e)h(real)0 4732 y(axis,)42 +b(whic)m(h)f(is)f(tec)m(hnically)h(not)f(in)f(the)h(domain)g(of)f +(analyticit)m(y)i(of)d Fp(K)2759 4747 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p +Fo(=)p Fn(2)2953 4732 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))i(due)g(to)f(the)h(branc)m +(h)0 4906 y(asso)s(ciated)45 b(with)g Fp(z)759 4870 y +Fl(\000)p Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fn(+2\))1037 4906 y Fv(in)g(the)g(prefactor) +1769 4821 y Fk(p)p 1869 4821 V 85 x Fp(\031)t(=)p Fv(2)o +Fp(e)2070 4870 y Fl(\000)p Fo(z)2165 4906 y Fp(z)2214 +4870 y Fl(\000)p Fn(\()p Fo(`)p Fn(+2\))2448 4906 y Fv(.)78 +b(Nev)m(ertheless,)51 b(w)m(e)46 b(shall)f(consider)0 +5081 y(suc)m(h)36 b(a)e(ro)s(ot)g(of)f Fp(p)677 5096 +y Fo(`)710 5081 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))i(also)g(as)g(a)f(ro)s(ot)f(of)h +Fp(K)1679 5096 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)1873 5081 +y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\).)50 b(With)34 b(the)h(ab)s(o)m(v)m(e)g +(analysis,)i(w)m(e)e(conclude)h(that)0 5255 y Fp(K)83 +5271 y Fo(`)p Fn(+1)p Fo(=)p Fn(2)277 5255 y Fv(\()p +Fp(z)t Fv(\))d(has)g Fp(`)f Fv(simple)i(ro)s(ots,)f(eac)m(h)g(lying)g +(in)g(the)g(left-half)f Fp(z)37 b Fv(plane.)p Black 1736 +5645 a(32)p Black eop end +%%Page: 33 43 +TeXDict begin 33 42 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(App)s(endix)34 +b(A.)65 b(Lo)s(cation)32 b(and)h(coun)m(t)g(of)f(Macdonald)i(ro)s(ots)p +Black 0 448 a Fh(A.2)161 b(Ro)t(ot)54 b(coun)l(t)d(for)j +Fc(K)1625 469 y Fp(\027)1683 448 y Fb(\()p Fc(z)6 b Fb(\))0 +792 y Fv(No)m(w)39 b(w)m(e)h(turn)f(our)f(atten)m(tion)h(to)f(general)h +Fp(\027)45 b(>)37 b Fv(0)i(and)f(the)h(ro)s(ots)g(for)f(whic)m(h)i +Fp(R)q(e)p Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))f Fp(<)e Fv(0)i(and)f(with)10 +927 y Fo(\031)p 10 944 43 4 v 14 1001 a Fn(2)106 966 +y Fp(<)k Fs(j)p Fv(arg)f Fp(z)t Fs(j)i Fp(<)f(\031)t +Fv(.)70 b(W)-8 b(e)42 b(sho)m(w)h(that)e(the)h(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)h(of)e +(ro)s(ots)f(in)i(these)h(t)m(w)m(o)f(quadran)m(ts)h(is)e(the)h(ev)m(en) +0 1141 y(in)m(teger)34 b(nearest)g(to)f Fp(\027)c Fs(\000)967 +1102 y Fn(1)p 967 1118 36 4 v 967 1175 a(2)1012 1141 +y Fv(,)34 b(unless)h Fp(\027)29 b Fs(\000)1549 1102 y +Fn(1)p 1549 1118 V 1549 1175 a(2)1627 1141 y Fv(itself)34 +b(is)g(an)f(in)m(teger,)h(in)g(whic)m(h)g(case)g(\(as)g(seen)g(ab)s(o)m +(v)m(e\))g(it)f(is)0 1316 y(also)g(the)g(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)h(of)e(ro)s +(ots.)146 1561 y(If)48 b Fp(\027)39 b Fs(\000)465 1522 +y Fn(1)p 465 1538 V 465 1595 a(2)558 1561 y Fv(is)48 +b(not)f(an)h(in)m(teger,)k(then)c(there)g(are)g(no)f(ro)s(ots)g(on)g +(the)h(negativ)m(e)h(real)f(axis,)k(where)0 1736 y(arg)32 +b Fp(z)g Fv(=)c Fs(\006)p Fp(\031)t Fv(.)44 b(This)34 +b(follo)m(ws)f(from)244 1982 y Fp(K)327 1997 y Fo(\027)370 +1982 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s(e)500 1941 y Fl(\006)p Fo(\031)r(i)626 +1982 y Fv(\))27 b(=)h Fp(e)840 1941 y Fl(\007)p Fo(\027)t(\031)r(i)1005 +1982 y Fp(K)1088 1997 y Fo(\027)1131 1982 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s +Fv(\))22 b Fs(\007)h Fp(\031)t(iI)1511 1997 y Fo(\027)1554 +1982 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(;)1971 b Fv(\(A.5\))0 +2229 y(and)33 b(for)f(b)s(oth)g(the)h(real)g(and)f(imaginary)h(parts)g +(to)f(v)-5 b(anish,)34 b(then)f(w)m(e)h(m)m(ust)f(ha)m(v)m(e)244 +2475 y(cos\()p Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t Fv(\))p Fp(K)646 2490 +y Fo(\027)690 2475 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))27 b(=)h(0)p +Fp(;)195 b Fv(sin\()p Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t Fv(\))p Fp(K)1606 +2490 y Fo(\027)1650 2475 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))22 b(+)g +Fp(\031)t(I)1995 2490 y Fo(\027)2038 2475 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s +Fv(\))27 b(=)g(0)p Fp(:)1308 b Fv(\(A.6\))0 2722 y(The)37 +b(W)-8 b(ronskian)37 b(of)e(the)i(functions)g(on)f(the)g(left)g(of)g +(the)g(equations)h(is)2725 2682 y Fo(\031)p 2725 2699 +43 4 v 2730 2756 a(r)2778 2722 y Fv(cos\()p Fp(\027)6 +b(\031)t Fv(\).)54 b(Therefore,)38 b Fp(K)3734 2737 y +Fo(\027)3777 2722 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))0 2896 y(and)44 +b Fp(I)244 2911 y Fo(\027)288 2896 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))f(cannot)i(v) +-5 b(anish)45 b(sim)m(ultaneously)i(unless)f(cos\()p +Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t Fv(\))48 b(=)f(0.)79 b(W)-8 b(e)44 +b(no)m(w)h(use)g(the)g(Argumen)m(t)0 3071 y(principle)34 +b(to)e(coun)m(t)i(the)f(ro)s(ots)f(in)g(the)h(second)h(and)f(third)g +(quadran)m(ts.)146 3316 y(No)m(w)38 b(w)m(e)f(consider)h(the)f(c)m +(hange)h(in)e(phase)i(of)e Fp(z)1960 3280 y Fo(\027)2004 +3316 y Fp(K)2087 3331 y Fo(\027)2130 3316 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t +Fv(\))h(as)g Fp(z)k Fv(describ)s(es)e(a)d(con)m(tour)h(consisting)h(of) +0 3491 y(small)33 b(and)g(large)f(circles)j(terminated)e(b)m(y)h(the)f +(lines)h(arg)e Fp(z)g Fv(=)c Fs(\006)p Fp(\031)t Fv(,)33 +b(together)f(with)i(the)f(parts)g(of)f(these)0 3665 y(lines)e +(terminated)g(b)m(y)f(the)g(circular)h(arcs)f([cf.)42 +b(Fig.)g(A.1].)g(Let)29 b(us)h(refer)f(to)f(the)h(circles)i(as)e(\000)f +(and)h Fp(\015)5 b Fv(,)30 b(the)0 3840 y(equations)39 +b(of)e(whic)m(h)i(are)e Fs(j)p Fp(z)t Fs(j)f Fv(=)g Fp(R)i +Fv(and)g Fs(j)p Fp(z)t Fs(j)e Fv(=)g Fp(\016)t Fv(,)i(resp)s(ectiv)m +(ely)-8 b(.)61 b(It)38 b(is)g(clear)f(then)h(that)g(the)g(n)m(um)m(b)s +(er)0 4014 y(of)j(ro)s(ots)h(of)f Fp(K)580 4029 y Fo(\027)623 +4014 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))i(in)f(the)g(pair)g(of)f(quadran)m(ts)i +(under)g(consideration)g(is)f(equal)h(to)e(the)h(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)h(of)0 +4189 y(ro)s(ots)34 b(of)g Fp(z)411 4153 y Fo(\027)455 +4189 y Fp(K)538 4204 y Fo(\027)581 4189 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t +Fv(\))h(inside)h(the)e(con)m(tour,)i(and)e(therefore)h(is)g(equal)g(to) +2688 4150 y Fn(1)p 2666 4166 79 4 v 2666 4223 a(2)p Fo(\031)2789 +4189 y Fv(times)g(the)g(c)m(hange)g(in)g(phase)0 4363 +y(of)d Fp(z)160 4327 y Fo(\027)204 4363 y Fp(K)287 4378 +y Fo(\027)330 4363 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))h(as)g Fp(z)k +Fv(tra)m(v)m(erses)e(the)e(con)m(tour.)44 b(The)34 b(c)m(hange)f(in)g +(phase)g(is)h(no)m(w)172 4524 y Fk(h)219 4635 y Fv(arg)355 +4554 y Fk(\000)401 4635 y Fp(z)450 4599 y Fo(\027)493 +4635 y Fp(K)576 4650 y Fo(\027)620 4635 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t +Fv(\))745 4554 y Fk(\001)791 4524 y(i)838 4704 y Fn(\000)902 +4635 y Fs(\000)995 4524 y Fk(h)1042 4635 y Fv(arg)1178 +4554 y Fk(\000)1223 4635 y Fp(z)1272 4599 y Fo(\027)1316 +4635 y Fp(K)1399 4650 y Fo(\027)1442 4635 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t +Fv(\))1567 4554 y Fk(\001)1614 4524 y(i)1661 4704 y Fo(\015)1721 +4635 y Fv(+)1813 4524 y Fk(h)1859 4635 y Fv(arg\()p Fp(z)2082 +4599 y Fo(\027)2126 4635 y Fp(K)2209 4650 y Fo(\027)2252 +4635 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\)\))2415 4524 y Fk(i)2462 4547 +y Fo(\016)15 b Fn(exp)q(\()p Fo(\031)r(i)p Fn(\))2462 +4704 y Fo(R)e Fn(exp)q(\()p Fo(\031)r(i)p Fn(\))2777 +4635 y Fv(+)2869 4524 y Fk(h)2916 4635 y Fv(arg\()p Fp(z)3139 +4599 y Fo(\027)3182 4635 y Fp(K)3265 4650 y Fo(\027)3308 +4635 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\)\))3471 4524 y Fk(i)3519 4547 +y Fo(R)f Fn(exp)q(\()p Fl(\000)p Fo(\031)r(i)p Fn(\))3519 +4704 y Fo(\016)i Fn(exp)q(\()p Fl(\000)p Fo(\031)r(i)p +Fn(\))3873 4635 y Fp(:)3675 4834 y Fv(\(A.7\))0 5081 +y(As)38 b Fp(R)g Fs(!)f(1)g Fv(and)h Fp(\016)j Fs(!)36 +b Fv(0,)j(the)f(\014rst)h(t)m(w)m(o)f(terms)h(tend)g(resp)s(ectiv)m +(ely)h(to)m(w)m(ards)f(2)p Fp(\031)t Fv(\()p Fp(\027)32 +b Fs(\000)3383 5042 y Fn(1)p 3383 5058 36 4 v 3383 5115 +a(2)3429 5081 y Fv(\))37 b(and)h(zero.)0 5255 y(This)j(is)g(eviden)m(t) +h(from)e(the)h(consideration)g(that)f(the)h(follo)m(wing)g(asymptotic)g +(expansions)h(are)f(v)-5 b(alid)p Black 1736 5645 a(33)p +Black eop end +%%Page: 34 44 +TeXDict begin 34 43 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(App)s(endix)34 +b(A.)65 b(Lo)s(cation)32 b(and)h(coun)m(t)g(of)f(Macdonald)i(ro)s(ots)p +Black Black 1123 1968 a @beginspecial 0 @llx 0 @lly 319 +@urx 314 @ury 1984 @rwi @setspecial +%%BeginDocument: keyhole.eps +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 +%%Title: keyhole.xfig +%%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 5d +%%CreationDate: Tue May 13 16:46:45 2014 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Fo(\027)t Fl(\000)874 2750 y Fg(1)p 875 +2762 31 3 v 875 2803 a(2)920 2818 y Fp(e)965 2777 y Fl(\000)p +Fo(z)1060 2672 y Fk(r)p 1159 2672 79 4 v 1169 2751 a +Fp(\031)p 1169 2795 59 4 v 1174 2887 a Fv(2)1238 2818 +y Fp(;)212 b(z)1526 2777 y Fo(\027)1570 2818 y Fp(K)1653 +2833 y Fo(\027)1696 2818 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))28 b +Fs(\030)g Fv(2)2003 2777 y Fo(\027)t Fl(\000)p Fn(1)2136 +2818 y Fv(\000\()p Fp(\027)6 b Fv(\))p Fp(:)1321 b Fv(\(A.8\))0 +3076 y(The)34 b(second)f(expansion)h(requires)h(mo)s(di\014cation)e +(when)g Fp(\027)i Fv(=)27 b(0.)146 3321 y(In)m(tro)s(duce)48 +b(the)e(phase)h(\(angle\))g(function)f(ph)q(\()p Fp(u;)17 +b(v)t Fv(\))45 b(whic)m(h)i(is)g(de\014ned)h(as)e(ph\()p +Fp(u;)17 b(v)t Fv(\))50 b(=)h(arg)q(\()p Fp(w)s Fv(\),)0 +3496 y(where)36 b Fp(w)d Fv(=)d Fp(u)23 b Fv(+)g Fp(iv)38 +b Fv(and)d(arg)g(is)f(the)h(argumen)m(t)g(function)g(in)f(\(A.6\).)49 +b(\(In)34 b(this)h(app)s(endix)h Fp(u;)17 b(v)37 b Fv(clearly)0 +3671 y(ha)m(v)m(e)31 b(a)e(di\013eren)m(t)i(meaning)f(than)f(in)h(the)g +(main)g(text.\))43 b(The)30 b(phase)h(function)f(ph\()p +Fp(u;)17 b(v)t Fv(\))27 b(=)g(arctan\()p Fp(v)t(=u)p +Fv(\))0 3845 y(if)g Fp(u)h(>)f Fv(0,)h(but)g(otherwise)h(giv)m(es)g +(the)f(correct)g(v)-5 b(alues)28 b(in)g(the)g(second)h(and)f(third)f +(quadran)m(ts.)43 b(Moreo)m(v)m(er,)0 4020 y Fs(\000)p +Fp(\031)33 b(<)c Fv(ph\()p Fp(u;)17 b(v)t Fv(\))27 b +Fp(<)i(\031)37 b Fv(and)c(the)h(expression)h(is)f(unde\014ned)h(for)d +Fp(v)h Fv(=)28 b(0)p Fp(;)17 b(u)28 b Fs(\024)h Fv(0.)45 +b(No)m(w,)34 b(ab)s(o)m(v)m(e)g(and)f(b)s(elo)m(w)0 4194 +y(the)g(negativ)m(e)h(real)e Fp(z)t Fv(-axis)i Fp(z)1072 +4158 y Fo(\027)1116 4194 y Fp(K)1199 4209 y Fo(\027)1242 +4194 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))f(can)g(b)s(e)g(expressed)i(as)244 +4452 y(\()p Fp(r)s(e)374 4411 y Fn(+)p Fo(\031)r(i)500 +4452 y Fv(\))538 4411 y Fo(\027)581 4452 y Fp(K)7 b Fv(\()p +Fp(r)s(e)801 4411 y Fn(+)p Fo(\031)r(i)927 4452 y Fv(\))27 +b(=)h Fp(r)1143 4411 y Fo(\027)1186 4371 y Fk(\002)1227 +4452 y Fp(K)1310 4467 y Fo(\027)1353 4452 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s +Fv(\))22 b(+)g Fp(\031)f Fv(sin\()p Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t +Fv(\))p Fp(I)2023 4467 y Fo(\027)2067 4452 y Fv(\()p +Fp(r)s Fv(\))2190 4371 y Fk(\003)2253 4452 y Fs(\000)23 +b Fp(ir)2433 4411 y Fo(\027)2476 4452 y Fp(\031)d Fv(cos)q(\()p +Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t Fv(\))p Fp(I)2914 4467 y Fo(\027)2957 +4452 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))595 b(\(A.9\))244 4651 y(\()p +Fp(r)s(e)374 4610 y Fl(\000)p Fo(\031)r(i)500 4651 y +Fv(\))538 4610 y Fo(\027)581 4651 y Fp(K)7 b Fv(\()p +Fp(r)s(e)801 4610 y Fl(\000)p Fo(\031)r(i)927 4651 y +Fv(\))27 b(=)h Fp(r)1143 4610 y Fo(\027)1186 4571 y Fk(\002)1227 +4651 y Fp(K)1310 4666 y Fo(\027)1353 4651 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s +Fv(\))22 b(+)g Fp(\031)f Fv(sin\()p Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t +Fv(\))p Fp(I)2023 4666 y Fo(\027)2067 4651 y Fv(\()p +Fp(r)s Fv(\))2190 4571 y Fk(\003)2253 4651 y Fv(+)22 +b Fp(ir)2431 4610 y Fo(\027)2474 4651 y Fp(\031)f Fv(cos\()p +Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t Fv(\))p Fp(I)2912 4666 y Fo(\027)2956 +4651 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(:)520 b Fv(\(A.10\))0 +4909 y(Therefore,)34 b(the)f(com)m(bination)g(of)f(the)h(last)g(t)m(w)m +(o)g(terms)h(in)f(\(A.6\))f(is)283 5167 y(lim)256 5239 +y Fo(\016)r Fl(!)p Fn(0)395 5215 y Fg(+)254 5295 y Fo(R)p +Fl(!1)475 5167 y Fv(2)524 5056 y Fk(h)571 5167 y Fv(ph)679 +5086 y Fk(\000)725 5167 y Fp(K)808 5182 y Fo(\027)851 +5167 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))22 b(+)g Fp(\031)e Fv(sin)q(\()p +Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t Fv(\))p Fp(I)1521 5182 y Fo(\027)1565 +5167 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))p Fp(;)17 b(\031)i Fv(cos)q(\()p +Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t Fv(\))p Fp(I)2169 5182 y Fo(\027)2212 +5167 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))2335 5086 y Fk(\001)2381 +5056 y(i)2428 5079 y Fo(R)2428 5236 y(\016)2485 5167 +y Fp(:)1114 b Fv(\(A.11\))p Black 1736 5645 a(34)p Black +eop end +%%Page: 35 45 +TeXDict begin 35 44 bop Black 0 100 a Fi(App)s(endix)34 +b(A.)65 b(Lo)s(cation)32 b(and)h(coun)m(t)g(of)f(Macdonald)i(ro)s(ots)p +Black 0 440 a Fv(No)m(w,)39 b Fp(K)338 455 y Fo(\027)381 +440 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))d(is)i(a)f(p)s(ositiv)m(e)h(decreasing)h +(function)e(of)g Fp(r)i Fv(that)e(v)-5 b(anishes)39 b(at)d(in\014nit)m +(y)-8 b(,)40 b(while)e Fp(I)3546 455 y Fo(\027)3589 440 +y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))f(is)g(a)0 615 y(p)s(ositiv)m(e)h(increasing)g +(function)f(of)f Fp(r)j Fv(that)e(v)-5 b(anishes)38 b(at)e +Fp(r)i Fv(=)c(0.)55 b(Therefore,)39 b Fp(K)3015 630 y +Fo(\027)3058 615 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))25 b(+)g Fp(\031)20 +b Fv(sin)q(\()p Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t Fv(\))p Fp(I)3734 +630 y Fo(\027)3777 615 y Fv(\()p Fp(r)s Fv(\))0 789 y(has)33 +b(one)f(ro)s(ot)f(if)h(sin)q(\()p Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t +Fv(\))32 b(is)h(negativ)m(e,)g(and)g(no)f(ro)s(ot)f(if)h(sin)q(\()p +Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t Fv(\))32 b(is)h(non-negativ)m(e.)44 +b(In)32 b(the)h(latter)f(case)0 964 y(the)h(last)g(expression)i(is)283 +1255 y(lim)256 1326 y Fo(\016)r Fl(!)p Fn(0)395 1303 +y Fg(+)254 1383 y Fo(R)p Fl(!1)475 1255 y Fv(2)541 1114 +y Fk(\024)593 1255 y Fv(arctan)1070 1187 y Fp(\031)20 +b Fv(cos)q(\()p Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t Fv(\))p 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2125 y Fv(has)33 +b(the)0 2300 y(same)g(sign)g(as)g(cos)q(\()p Fp(\027)6 +b(\031)t Fv(\),)33 b(and,)g(moreo)m(v)m(er,)h(is)f(less)h(than)e +Fp(\031)37 b Fv(in)32 b(absolute)i(v)-5 b(alue.)146 2545 +y(Therefore,)35 b(b)m(y)f(the)g(Argumen)m(t)g(Principle,)h(the)f(total) +e(n)m(um)m(b)s(er)j(of)e(ro)s(ots)f(of)h Fp(K)3135 2560 +y Fo(\027)3178 2545 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t Fv(\))h(in)g(the)f(pair)g(of)0 +2720 y(quadran)m(ts)h(for)e(whic)m(h)i Fp(R)q(e)p Fv(\()p +Fp(z)t Fv(\))28 b Fp(<)g Fv(0)k(and)h Fs(j)p Fv(arg)q +Fp(z)t Fs(j)28 b Fp(<)f(\031)37 b Fv(is)244 2984 y(#)c(of)f(ro)s(ots)g +(of)g Fp(K)910 2999 y Fo(\027)953 2984 y Fv(\()p Fp(z)t +Fv(\))c(=)g Fp(\027)h Fs(\000)1396 2917 y Fv(1)p 1396 +2961 49 4 v 1396 3053 a(2)1477 2984 y(+)1590 2917 y(1)p +1585 2961 59 4 v 1585 3053 a Fp(\031)1654 2984 y Fv(ph)1762 +2904 y Fk(\000)1825 2984 y Fv(sin\()p Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t +Fv(\))p Fp(;)17 b Fv(cos)q(\()p Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t Fv(\))2497 +2904 y Fk(\001)1106 3217 y Fv(=)28 b Fp(\027)h Fs(\000)1396 +3150 y Fv(1)p 1396 3195 49 4 v 1396 3286 a(2)1477 3217 +y(+)1590 3150 y(1)p 1585 3195 59 4 v 1585 3286 a Fp(\031)1654 +3217 y Fv(ph)1762 3137 y Fk(\000)1825 3217 y Fv(cos\()2003 +3150 y Fp(\031)p 2003 3195 V 2008 3286 a Fv(2)2094 3217 +y Fs(\000)23 b Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t Fv(\))p Fp(;)17 b Fv(sin)q(\()2557 +3150 y Fp(\031)p 2557 3195 V 2562 3286 a Fv(2)2647 3217 +y Fs(\000)23 b Fp(\027)6 b(\031)t Fv(\))2898 3137 y Fk(\001)1106 +3451 y Fv(=)28 b Fp(\027)h Fs(\000)1396 3383 y Fv(1)p +1396 3428 49 4 v 1396 3519 a(2)1477 3451 y(+)1590 3383 +y(1)p 1585 3428 59 4 v 1585 3519 a Fp(\031)1654 3370 +y Fk(\000)1710 3383 y Fp(\031)p 1710 3428 V 1715 3519 +a Fv(2)1801 3451 y Fs(\000)22 b Fp(\027)6 b(\031)27 b +Fv(+)22 b(2)p Fp(\031)t(k)2296 3370 y Fk(\001)1106 3674 +y Fv(=)28 b(2)p Fp(k)s(;)3626 3315 y Fv(\(A.14\))0 3917 +y(where)34 b Fp(k)h Fv(is)e(c)m(hosen)i(so)d(that)h(2)p +Fp(k)i Fv(is)e(closest)h(to)e Fp(\027)d Fs(\000)1959 +3877 y Fn(1)p 1959 3894 36 4 v 1959 3951 a(2)2004 3917 +y Fv(.)p Black 1736 5645 a(35)p Black eop end +%%Page: 36 46 +TeXDict begin 36 45 bop Black Black 0 1287 a Fr(References)p +Black 0 1810 a Fv([1])p Black 49 w(Milton)49 b(Abramo)m(witz)g(and)f +(Irene)i(A.)e(Stegun)h Fq(Handb)-5 b(o)g(ok)49 b(of)g(Mathematic)-5 +b(al)49 b(F)-7 b(unctions)47 b Fv(1964:)152 1931 y(National)32 +b(Bureau)h(of)f(Standards.)p Black 0 2134 a([2])p Black +49 w(G.)k(N.)g(W)-8 b(atson)36 b Fq(A)j(T)-7 b(r)i(e)g(atise)37 +b(on)h(the)h(The)-5 b(ory)37 b(of)h(Bessel)g(F)-7 b(unctions,)37 +b(2nd.)h(e)-5 b(d)36 b Fv(1966:)50 b(Cam)m(bridge)152 +2255 y(Univ)m(ersit)m(y)35 b(Press.)p Black 0 2458 a([3])p +Black 49 w(Marcus)30 b(J.)f(Grote)g(and)g(Joseph)h(B.)f(Keller)h(\\On)f +(Nonre\015ecting)h(Boundary)g(Conditions")g Fq(Journal)152 +2578 y(of)k(Computational)g(Physics)p Fv(,)f(122,)f(231)f(-)h(243,)g +(1995.)p Black 0 2782 a([4])p Black 49 w(F.)42 b(W.)h(J.)g(Olv)m(er,)j +Fq(The)e(Asymptotic)g(Exp)-5 b(ansion)43 b(of)h(Bessel)f(F)-7 +b(unctions)43 b(of)h(L)-5 b(ar)g(ge)43 b(Or)-5 b(der)p +Fv(,)45 b(Phil.)152 2902 y(T)-8 b(rans.)33 b(Ro)m(y)-8 +b(.)33 b(So)s(c.)g(Lond.)f(A)h(247)f(\(1954\))f(328-368.)p +Black 0 3106 a([5])p Black 49 w(P)-8 b(.)33 b(K.)g(Chattopadh)m(y)m(a)m +(y)-8 b(,)35 b Fq(Mathematic)-5 b(al)35 b(Physics)p Fv(,)e(1990:)44 +b(New)34 b(Age)f(In)m(ternational)h(\(P\))f(Limited,)152 +3226 y(Publishers.)p Black 0 3429 a([6])p Black 49 w(D.)28 +b(Kalman,)i Fq(A)i(Matrix)f(Pr)-5 b(o)g(of)32 b(of)f(Newton)-10 +b('s)31 b(Identities)p Fv(,)e(Mathematics)h(Magazine,)h(v)m(ol.)e(73,)g +(No)m(v.)152 3550 y(4,)j(Octob)s(er)h(2000.)p Black 1736 +5645 a(36)p Black eop end +%%Trailer + +userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if +%%EOF diff --git a/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.tex b/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fec2c01 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.tex @@ -0,0 +1,1156 @@ +% Example template for using the unmeethesis style +% This example is for a Master's candidate in Mathematics +% It contains 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Maybe not \emph{`the'} truth, but I always think of the positivist philosopher Wittgenstein who was once asked, in a classroom situation about a certain proposition, `Is it the truth?', and he said `Well, it's certainly true enough!'; and that is where we are with our modelling of the world and with our mathematics. It is the truest truth we know. It is true enough." + -- Terence McKenna +\end{dedication} + +\begin{acknowledgments} + \vspace{1.1in} + I would like to thank my advisor Stephen Lau for his generous guidance, in addition to all remaining UNM Department of Mathematics and Statistics faculty and staff, particularly Ana Parra Lombard, for their assistance and mentorship over the years. I thank my family, for without them I would not exist. I would also like to thank those who believed in me, for their moral support; as well as those who doubted me, for the inspiration to prove otherwise. Some of this work was supported by NSF grant No. PHY 0855678. +\end{acknowledgments} + +\maketitleabstract %(required even though there's no abstract title anymore) + +\begin{abstract} + +An overview is given for the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for outgoing solutions to the ``radial wave equation" in the context of nonreflecting radiation boundary conditions on a spherical domain. We then consider the Macdonald function $K_{\ell + 1/2} (z)$ for $\ell \in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0} $, a solution to the half-integer order modified Bessel equation. This function can be expressed as $K_{\ell + 1/2} (z) = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2z}} e^{-z}z^{-\ell}p_{\ell}(z)$, where $p_{\ell}(z)$ is a degree-$\ell$ monic polynomial with simple roots in the left-half plane. By exploiting radiation boundary conditions for the ``radial wave equation", we show that the root set of $p_{\ell}(z)$ also obeys $\ell$ additional polynomial constraints. These constraints are in fact Newton's identities which relate a polynomial's coefficients to the power sums of its roots. We follow this with numerical verification up to order $\ell=20$. +\clearpage %(required for 1-page abstract) +\end{abstract} + +\tableofcontents +\listoffigures +\listoftables + +\begin{glossary}{$I_\nu(z)$, $K_\nu(z)$} + + \item[$\psi_\ell$] + General solution to the radial wave equation + \item[$\Psi_\ell$] + General solution defined to remove $\dfrac{1}{r}$ decay + \item[$\widehat{\Psi}_\ell$] + Laplace transform of the general non-decaying solution above + \item[$\Omega_\ell$] + Radiation boundary kernel for the radial wave equation + \item[$Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi)$] + Spherical harmonics + \item[$I_\nu(z)$, $K_\nu(z)$] + Modified Bessel functions + \item[$p_\ell(z)$] + Bessel polynomial + \item[$b_{\ell n}$] + Roots of Bessel polynomial + \item[$\mathcal{W}(r)$] + Wronskian + \item[$G(r,\xi; s)$] + Green's function + +\end{glossary} + +\mainmatter + +\chapter{Introduction} + +The overall goal of this thesis is to explore a set of identities that arise in the context of outgoing waves and the half-integer order modified Bessel equation. We derive identities for the roots of the Macdonald function, a solution to the modified Bessel equation. These identities prove to be Newton's identities which relate a polynomial's coefficients to the power sums of its roots. Our derivation of these identities exploits the concept of nonreflecting boundary conditions for the wave equation in the presence of a spherical ``computational" domain. These identities are then verified numerically using {\bf Mathematica} up to a specified order. The actual code used, along with the tables of roots generated and numerical verification of the identity for each root set are presented in the final chapter. Arguments \cite{watson} by Watson concerning the location of the roots of Macdonald's function are presented in the Appendix. + +Both subscript style notation $\partial_r$ and ratio notation $\frac{\partial}{\partial r}$ are used interchangeably in this paper to represent the partial derivative with respect to the radial variable $r$ (for example), with the choice of notation based on readability and typesetting. Sometimes we also use, for example, the notation $\Psi_{tt} = \partial^2_t\Psi$ to denote derivatives. + +\chapter{Radiation boundary conditions and the radial wave equation} +\section{\label{section:Overview}Overview} +In mathematical physics, wave phenomena are typically modelled by hyperbolic partial differential equations on an unbounded domain. Examples include acoustic, electromagnetic, elastic, and gravitational phenomena. In numerical situations, this unbounded domain is usually truncated to produce a computational domain, with ``artificial" boundary conditions (BCs) placed at the domain's boundary, an artificial boundary. One approach for producing BCs which achieve exact domain reduction (i.e. the solution on the computational domain agrees with the restriction thereon of the solution on the unbounded domain) involves the Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN) map \cite{keller}. + +Consider the case of the ordinary wave equation on $\mathbb{R}^{3}$, +\begin{equation}\label{eq:3+1wave} +\Delta\psi - \frac{1}{c^{2}}\frac{\partial^{2}\psi}{\partial t^{2}} = 0. +\end{equation} +The initial value problem for the wave equation can be solved using spherical coordinates, chosen for symmetry considerations. We will also assume unit speed $c=1$ in the rest of this paper for simplicity. + +Let $D= \Big \{ x \Big | |x| \leq r_B \Big \}$ contain the support of the initial data. Then BCs are constructed on the boundary $\partial D$ with the purpose of approximating the exact solution for the whole-space problem restricted to $D$. We want BCs which are transparent (i.e. nonreflecting). An otherwise approximate BC which does not behave in this manner will generate a spurious reflection, leading to numerical error in the computational domain $D$. Such BC's are specified in the next chapter. Here we lay some groundwork for their formulation. + +\section{\label{section:The radial wave equation}The radial wave equation} + +In spherical coordinates the Laplace operator has the form +\begin{equation} +\Delta\psi = \frac{1}{r^{2}}\frac{\partial}{\partial r} r^{2} \frac{\partial}{\partial r} \psi + \frac {1}{r^{2}}\Delta_{S^2} \psi, \hspace{2em} \Delta_{S^2} = \frac{1}{\sin \theta}\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta}\sin\theta\frac{\partial}{\partial\theta} + \frac{1}{\sin^{2}\theta}\frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial \phi^{2}}, +\end{equation} +where $\Delta_{S^2}$ is the Laplace operator on the unit sphere. + +The general solution to \eqref{eq:3+1wave} can then be expanded in terms of the eigenfunctions $Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi)$ of $\Delta_{S^2}$: +\begin{equation}\label{gensolution} +\psi = \sum_{\ell =0}^\infty \sum_{m = - \ell}^\ell \psi_{\ell m}(t,r) Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi) = \sum_{\ell =0}^\infty \sum_{m = - \ell}^\ell \frac{\Psi_{\ell m}(t,r)}{r}Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi). +\end{equation} +Here the $Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi)$ are the standard spherical harmonics which obey +\begin{equation}\label{eq:harmonic} +\Delta_{S^2}Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi) = -\ell(\ell+1)Y_{\ell m}(\theta,\phi). +\end{equation} + +Plugging \eqref{gensolution} into the wave equation \eqref{eq:3+1wave} we find, using orthogonality, that the multipole coefficients $\psi_{\ell m}$ and $\Psi_{\ell m}$ satisfy +\begin{equation}\label{eq:radial1} +- \frac{\partial^2 \psi_\ell}{\partial t^2} ++ \frac{\partial^2 \psi_\ell}{\partial r^2} ++ \frac{2}{r}\frac{\partial \psi_\ell}{\partial r} +- \frac{\ell(\ell+1)}{r^2}\psi_\ell = 0, +\end{equation} +and +\begin{equation}\label{eq:radial2} +- \frac{\partial^2 \Psi_\ell}{\partial t^2} ++ \frac{\partial^2 \Psi_\ell}{\partial r^2} +- \frac{\ell(\ell+1)}{r^2}\Psi_\ell = 0, +\end{equation} +where now we suppress the $m$ indices. Note that \eqref{eq:radial2} is similar to the simple $1+1$ wave equation $-\partial^2_t \Psi + \partial^2_r \Psi = 0$ except for the potential term $V=\ell(\ell+1)/r^2$. + +The $1+1$ wave equation has solutions $g(t+r)$, $f(t-r)$ for general profile functions $g(v)$, $f(u)$. In fact, for the radial wave equation \eqref{eq:radial2}, +\begin{equation}\label{wavefield} +\Psi_{\ell}(t,r)=\sum_{k=0}^\ell \frac{1}{r^k}c_{\ell k}f^{(\ell-k)}(t-r), \hspace{2em} c_{\ell k} = \frac{1}{2^k k!}\frac{(\ell + k)!}{(\ell - k)!}, +\end{equation} +is the analog of the outgoing solution $f(t-r)$ to the $1+1$ wave equation, which we now formulate as a lemma with proof. +\begin{lemma} +Given a sufficiently smooth profile function $f(u)$, the``multipole'' $\Psi_{\ell}(t,r)$ given in \eqref{wavefield} is a solution to the radial wave equation \eqref{eq:radial2}. +\end{lemma} +\begin{proof} +To prove the lemma, note that $f(t-r)$ is clearly a solution to \eqref{eq:radial2} for $\ell=0$, and then proceed by induction on $\ell$. First, appealing to the explicit formula \eqref{wavefield} for $c_{\ell k}$, it can be established that +\begin{equation}\label{established} +\Psi_{\ell} = -\Big(\frac{\partial}{\partial r} - \frac{\ell}{r}\Big )\Psi_{\ell -1}, \hspace{2em} \Psi_{\ell -1}(t,r) = \sum_{k=0}^{\ell -1} \frac{1}{r^k}c_{\ell -1, k}f^{(\ell - 1 - k)} (t-r). +\end{equation} +Next, assume that $\Psi_{\ell-1}$ in \eqref{established} obeys \eqref{wavefield} with $\ell$ replaced by $\ell -1$ in the potential: +\begin{equation} +-\frac{\partial^2\Psi_{\ell-1}}{\partial t^2} + \frac{\partial^2\Psi_{\ell-1}}{\partial r^2} - \frac{\ell(\ell-1)}{r^2}\Psi_{\ell-1} = 0. +\end{equation} +Finally, apply the raising operator $D^+_\ell = - \partial_r + \ell / r$ to the last equation, thereby finding +\begin{equation} +-(D^+_\ell \Psi_{\ell -1})_{tt} +(D^+_\ell \Psi_{\ell-1})_{rr} - \frac{\ell(\ell +1)}{r^2}D^+_\ell \Psi_{\ell-1} = 0. +\end{equation} +These steps prove the lemma. +\end{proof} + +\section{\label{section:Bessel functions as outgoing solutions}Macdonald function as an outgoing solution} + +The Macdonald function (see p. 374 in \cite{stegun}, also \cite{watson}) $K_\nu (z)$ is a solution to the modified Bessel equation +\begin{equation}\label{bessel} +z^2 w'' + zw' - (z^2 + \nu^2)w = 0, +\end{equation} +and it plays a prominent role in the representation of outgoing solutions to the ordinary wave equation. As an example, $\Psi_{\ell, s}(t,r) = e^{st} r^{1/2} K_{\ell + 1/2}(sr)$ obeys \eqref{eq:radial2} and this solution is the one in \eqref{wavefield} with $f(t-r) = e^{s(t-r)}$ for the underlying profile function. Of course this does not have compact support and is not used in the following. + +For half-integer order, we have \cite{stegun} +\begin{equation}\label{eq:kerneldef} +K_{\ell + 1/2}(z) = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2z}} e^{-z} W_\ell(z), \qquad +W_\ell(z) = \sum_{k=0}^\ell \frac{c_{\ell k}}{z^k},\qquad +c_{\ell k} = \frac{1}{2^k k!}\frac{(\ell + k)!}{(\ell - k)!}, +\end{equation} +and the first few Macdonald functions are (see 10.2.15-17 in \cite{stegun}) +\begin{align}\label{macdonald} +\begin{split} +\displaystyle ++K_{3/2}(z) & = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2 z}} e^{-z} + \left(1+\frac{1}{z}\right) +\\ +\displaystyle +\diamond K_{5/2}(z) & = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2 z}}e^{-z} + \left(1+\frac{3}{z}+\frac{3}{z^2}\right) +\\ +\displaystyle +\circ K_{7/2}(z) & = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2 z}} e^{-z} + \left(1+\frac{6}{z} + + \frac{15}{z^2} + \frac{15}{z^3}\right) +\\ +\displaystyle +*K_{9/2}(z) & = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2 z}} e^{-z} + \left(1+\frac{10}{z} + \frac{45}{z^2} + + \frac{105}{z^3} + \frac{105}{z^4}\right). +\end{split} +\end{align} +The $K_{\ell+1/2}(z)$ can also be expressed as +\begin{equation}\label{besselpoly} +K_{\ell+1/2}(z) = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2z}}\frac{e^{-z}}{z^\ell}p_{\ell}(z), \hspace{2em} p_{\ell}(z) = \sum_{k=0}^{\ell}c_{\ell k}z^{\ell-k}, +\end{equation} +where here we refer to the polynomial $p_{\ell}(z)$ as the \emph{Bessel polynomial}. + +Let the roots of $p_\ell(z)$ be denoted by $\{b_{\ell j}: j = 1,\dots,\ell\}$. Watson \cite{watson} shows that each $b_{\ell j}$ lies in the left-half plane and is simple. Watson's analysis is presented in the Appendix. The set $\{b_{\ell j}/(\ell+1/2): j = 1,\dots,\ell\}$ is the collection of roots scaled by the Bessel order $\nu = \ell + 1/2$. For $\ell = 1,2,3,4$ the \emph{scaled roots} are depicted in Fig. \ref{fig:zerosofK} using the symbols $+, \diamond, \circ, *$ respectively. Olver \cite{olver} showed that for large $\ell$ the scaled roots tend to lie on the curve given by +\begin{equation}\nonumber +z(\lambda) = +-\sqrt{\lambda^2 - \lambda\tanh\lambda}\pm +\mathrm{i}\sqrt{\lambda\coth\lambda-\lambda^2} +\end{equation} +for $\lambda \in [0,\lambda_0]$, +where $\lambda_0 \simeq 1.19967864025773$ +solves $\tanh\lambda_0 = 1/\lambda_0$. +Note that $z(0)=\pm i$, giving the two points at the end of the arc. To the eye the roots are on this curve for even small $\ell$, which also illustrates that often asymptotics are good when the parameter is not large. +\begin{figure} +\includegraphics[width=15cm]{zerosofK.eps} +\caption{ +Scaled roots of $K_{\ell+1/2}(z)$.} +\label{fig:zerosofK} +\end{figure} + + +\chapter{Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions} + +Our goal in this section is to specify an exact transparent BC for the wave equation in the presence of a spherical boundary. Again, we will work ``multipole by multipole" and specify a condition obeyed by \eqref{wavefield}. Technically, the analysis will be easier if we work with a spherical annulus centered at $r=0$, thereby avoiding issues at the origin $r=0$ which are not relevant for the outer BCs we are considering here. Therefore, we introduce inner $r_0$ and outer $r_B$ radii ($B$ for ``boundary"). + +In this chapter we prove the following. + +\begin{theorem}\label{thm2} +Consider $1 \leq r_0 < r_B$ and the associated interval $D=[-r_B+\delta, -r_0-\delta]$, where $0<\delta<(r_B-r_0)/2$. Suppose that $f\in C^\infty_0(D)$, and consider the ``wave field" +\begin{equation}\label{thrm2eq1} +\Psi_{\ell}(t,r)=\sum_{k=0}^\ell \frac{1}{r^k}c_{\ell k}f^{(\ell-k)}(t-r). +\end{equation} +Then at $r=r_B$ the wave field obeys +\begin{equation}\label{thrm2eq2} +\Psi_t(t,r_B)+\Psi_{r}(t,r_B) = \frac{1}{r_B}\int_0^t\Omega_\ell(t-t',r_B)\Psi_\ell(t',r_B)dt', +\end{equation} +where the kernel +\begin{equation}\label{thrm2eq3} +\Omega_\ell(t,r)=\sum_{n=1}^\ell (b_{\ell n}/r)\exp(b_{\ell n}t/r)=\partial_t \sum_{n=1}^\ell \exp(b_{\ell n}t/r). +\end{equation} +\end{theorem} +We care only about \eqref{thrm2eq2} at $r_B$ but in fact it holds for $r \geq r_B$. +\section{Proof of {\bf Theorem \ref{thm2}}} + +\begin{figure} +\includegraphics[width=15cm]{r-line_gr1.eps} +\caption{ +Radial axis with support of $\Psi_\ell(0,r)$ and point at $r_B-\epsilon\delta$ (the dashed line). +} +\label{fig:radialaxis} +\end{figure} + +\begin{figure} +\includegraphics[width=15cm]{u-line_gr1.eps} +\caption{ +Retarded time axis and support of profile function $f$. +} +\label{fig:retardedtimeaxis} +\end{figure} + +Our first proof of the theorem relies on the following lemma. + +\begin{lemma}\label{laplacelemma} +For $r \in (r_B - \epsilon\delta, \infty)$ with $\epsilon \leq 1$ the Laplace transform $\widehat{\Psi}_{\ell}(s,r)$ of the expression $\Psi_\ell(t,r)$ given in (\ref{thrm2eq1}) with $f \in C^\infty_0 (D)$ has form [cf. Eq. (\ref{eq:kerneldef})] +\begin{equation}\label{laplacetransform} +\widehat{\Psi}_{\ell}(s,r) = a(s)s^{\ell}e^{-sr}W_\ell (sr), \hspace{2em} a(s) = \int_{-r_B+ \delta}^{-r_0-\delta} e^{-su} f(u) du. +\end{equation} +Notice that $a(s)$ is independent of $r$, and that this holds for any complex number $s$. +\end{lemma} +\begin{proof} +To obtain (\ref{laplacetransform}), we proceed as follows. First consider the Laplace transform of \linebreak $f^{(\ell-k)}(t-r)$ which appears in (\ref{thrm2eq1}). Repeated integration by parts generates $t=0$ boundary terms of the form $f^{(\ell - k - p)}(-r)$ for $1 \leq p \leq \ell -k$; all such terms vanish. Indeed, for $r \in (r_B-\epsilon\delta,\infty)$, we have +$-r < -r_B+\delta$ and so $-r\notin D$. Moreover, the profile +function $f$ and all of its derivatives vanish on +$\mathbb{R}\backslash D$. The repeated integration by parts +also generates $t=\infty$ boundary terms which are similarly +shown to vanish. + +The previous argument establishes that +\begin{equation} +\int_0^\infty e^{-st} f^{(\ell-k)}(t-r)dt = s^{\ell-k}e^{-sr} \int_{-r}^\infty e^{-su}f(u) du. +\end{equation} +The lower limit $-r$ of integration can now be replaced with $-r_B+\delta$, because $f(u) = 0$ for $u \in [-r,-r_B + \delta)$ +which implies $u \notin D$, and similarly the upper limit by $-r_0 - \delta$. +\end{proof} + +The proof of {\bf Theorem \ref{thm2}} follows from {\bf Lemma \ref{laplacelemma}}. +\begin{proof} +The explicit expression (\ref{laplacetransform}) for $\widehat{\Psi}_\ell(s,r)$ determines an exact frequency-domain \linebreak boundary condition (the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map) +\begin{equation}\label{fdbc} +s\widehat{\Psi}_\ell(s,r) + \partial_r\widehat{\Psi}_\ell(s,r) = \frac{1}{r}\widehat{\Omega}_\ell(s,r)\widehat{\Psi}_\ell(s,r), +\end{equation} +where the \emph{frequency-domain radiation kernel} $\widehat{\Omega}_\ell(s,r)$ defines the Sommerfeld residual. Indeed, the operator on the left hand of (\ref{fdbc}) corresponds to the Sommerfeld operator $\partial_t + \partial_r$ in the time-domain. If $\ell=0$, then $s\widehat{\Psi}_\ell(s,r) + \partial_r\widehat{\Psi}_\ell(s,r) = 0$. In \eqref{fdbc} $\widehat{\Omega}_{\ell}(s,r)$ is essentially the logarithmic derivative of $W_\ell(sr)$, +\begin{equation} +\widehat{\Omega}_{\ell}(s,r) \equiv sr \frac{W'_{\ell}(sr)}{W_{\ell}(sr)} += \sum_{k=1}^{\ell} \frac{b_{\ell k}/r}{s-b_{\ell k}/r}. +\end{equation} + +The last equality arises from the following consideration. We recognize $W_\ell(z)$ as the expression given in \eqref{eq:kerneldef}. With this result and \eqref{fdbc}, we get \eqref{thrm2eq2} - \eqref{thrm2eq3} upon inverse Laplace transformation. +\end{proof} + +{\bf Remark:} The proof of {\bf Lemma \ref{laplacelemma}} shows that {\bf Theorem \ref{thm2}} actually holds for any $\Psi_\ell(t,r)$ of the form \eqref{thrm2eq1}. That is the $c_{\ell k}$ need not be the special expressions in \eqref{eq:kerneldef}. Of course for general $c_{\ell k}$ the $b_{\ell k}$ in {\bf Theorem \ref{thm2}} must be the corresponding roots of $p_\ell(z) = \sum_{k=1}^\ell c_{\ell k}z^{\ell-k}$. Moreover, if the $c_{\ell k}$ are not those given in \eqref{eq:kerneldef}, then $\Psi_\ell(t,r)$ will not generally solve the radial wave equation \eqref{eq:radial2}. + +Let us now consider what the boundary kernels for a spherical boundary look like for the cases $\ell = 1$ and $ \ell = 2$. For the case $\ell = 1$, we refer to the general radial wave equation \eqref{eq:radial2} to get (suppressing the $\ell=1$ subscript) +\begin{equation} +-s^2 \widehat{\Psi} + \widehat{\Psi}_{rr} + - \frac{2}{r^2}\widehat{\Psi} += 0 +\end{equation} +for the Laplace-transformed equation. In order to peel off the exponential dependence of the outgoing solution, we let $\widehat{\Psi} = e^{-sr}\widehat{\Phi}$ to obtain + +\begin{equation} +\widehat{\Phi}_{rr} + - 2s \widehat{\Phi}_r + - \frac{2}{r^2}\widehat{\Phi} += 0. +\end{equation} +Letting $z= sr$ gives us +\begin{equation} +\widehat{\Phi}_{zz} + - 2 \widehat{\Phi}_z + - \frac{2}{z^2}\widehat{\Phi} += 0. +\end{equation} +Linearly independent solutions to this equation are +\begin{equation} +W_1(z) = 1+\frac{1}{z} \qquad Z_1(z) = e^{2z}\Big(1-\frac{1}{z}\Big). +\end{equation} +The product $\Omega_1(s,r)$ of $z$ and the logarithmic derivative of $W_1$ for $z=sr$ then takes the form +\begin{equation} +\Omega_1(s,r) =\dfrac{zW'_1(z)}{W_1(z)} = \frac{z(-\frac{1}{z^2})}{1+\frac{1}{z}} = - \frac{1}{z+1}. +\end{equation} + +Now, for the case $\ell = 2$, we again refer to the general radial wave equation \eqref{eq:radial2} to get (suppressing the $\ell=2$ subscript) +\begin{equation} +\widehat{\Phi}_{rr} + - 2s \widehat{\Phi}_r + - \frac{6}{r^2}\widehat{\Phi} += 0 +\end{equation} +for the Laplace-transformed equation. Letting $z= sr$ gives us +\begin{equation} +\widehat{\Phi}_{zz} + - 2 \widehat{\Phi}_{z} + - \frac{6}{z^2}\widehat{\Phi} += 0. +\end{equation} +The linearly independent solutions to this equation are then +\begin{equation} +W_2(z) = 1+\frac{3}{z} + \frac{3}{z^2} \qquad Z_2(z) = e^{2z}\Big(1-\frac{3}{z}+\frac{3}{z^2}\Big), +\end{equation} +and the product $\Omega_2(s,r)$ of $z$ and the logarithmic derivative of $W_2$ for $z=sr$ then takes the form +\begin{equation} +\Omega_2(s,r) = \dfrac{zW_2'(z)}{W_2(z)} = \frac{z(-\frac{3}{z^2}-\frac{6}{z^3})}{ 1+\frac{3}{z} + \frac{3}{z^2}} = \frac{-3z-6}{z^2+3z+3}. +\end{equation} + +\section{Alternative proof.} +This subsection sketches an outline of a different formal proof of the convolution result \eqref{thrm2eq2} in {\bf Theorem \ref{thm2}} by solving \eqref{eq:radial2} on $(r_0,\infty)$ as an initial value problem assuming (i) $\Psi(t,r_0) = 0$ and (ii) data of compact support on $[r_0+\delta, r_B-\delta], ~~ 0< \delta < (r_B -r_0)/2$. Unlike the previous proof, this one relies on the wave equation and so assumes ultimately that the $c_{\ell k}$ are those given in \eqref{eq:kerneldef}. However, this proof allows for different initial data than that associated with \eqref{thrm2eq1}. In the proof we continue to suppress the $\ell$ on $\Psi$. +\begin{proof} +The Laplace transform of \eqref{eq:radial2} is +\begin{equation}\label{laplacekernel} +\Big[\frac{d^2}{dr^2} - \frac{\ell(\ell+1)}{r^2} - s^2 \Big] \widehat{\Psi}(s,r) = -\dot{\Psi}(0,r) - s\Psi(0,r). +\end{equation} +Since $\Psi(t,r_0)=0$, we have $\widehat{\Psi}(s,r_0) = 0$. Furthermore, we require $\widehat{\Psi}(s,r) \sim e^{-sr}$ as $r \rightarrow \infty$ (the latter ``boundary condition at $\infty$" is the outgoing assumption). + +We solve (\ref{laplacekernel}) subject to the specified boundary conditions via the method of Green's functions. The following are solutions to the homogeneous equation [i.e. (\ref{laplacekernel}) with the right-hand side set to zero]: +\begin{equation} +\sqrt{2\pi sr} I_{\ell+1/2}(sr),\qquad \sqrt{\frac{2sr}{\pi}}K_{\ell+1/2}(sr), +%\sqrt{\frac{2sr}{\pi}}I_{\ell+1/2}(sr),\qquad +%\sqrt{\frac{2sr}{\pi}}K_{\ell+1/2}(sr), +\end{equation} +where $I_\nu(z)$ is the other modified Bessel function. Choosing linearly independent solutions $u,v$ (for Re$(s) > 0$) such that $u(r_0)=0$ and $v(r)\sim e^{-sr}$ we obtain +\begin{align}\label{incoming} +u(r) &= I_{\ell+1/2}(r_0 s) + \sqrt{\frac{\pi r}{2s}}K_{\ell+1/2}(sr) + - K_{\ell+1/2}(r_0 s) + \sqrt{\frac{\pi r}{2s}}I_{\ell+1/2}(sr), \\ +v(r) &= \sqrt{\frac{2sr}{\pi}}K_{\ell+1/2}(sr), \label{outgoing} +\end{align} +where of course these solutions also depend on $s$. Clearly, $u(r_0) = 0$ and $v(r) \sim e^{-sr}$ as $r \rightarrow \infty$. The Wronskian +$\mathcal{W}(r) = u(r)v'(r) - v(r)u'(r)$ is then +\begin{align}\label{wronskian} +\begin{split} +\mathcal{W}(r) & = +-sr K_{\ell + 1/2}(sr_0)\left[I_{\ell+1/2}(sr) K_{\ell+1/2}'(sr) + -K_{\ell+1/2}(sr) I_{\ell+1/2}'(sr) + \right] \\ +& =-sr K_{\ell + 1/2}(sr_0)\left( - \frac{1}{sr}\right) = K_{\ell + 1/2}(sr_0), +\end{split} +\end{align} +where the prime denotes differentiation in the argument. The boundary value problem could be solved using variation of parameters, however we take a Green's function approach. + +The Green's function $G(r,\xi; s)$ obeys +\begin{equation} +\left[\frac{d^2}{dr^2} + - \frac{\ell(\ell+1)}{r^2} + - s^2 \right]G(r,\xi;s) = -\delta(r-\xi), +\end{equation} +as well as the boundary conditions $G(r_0,\xi;s) = 0$ and $G(r,\xi;s) \sim e^{-sr}$ as $r\rightarrow\infty$. +The Green's function is then \cite{mathphys} +\begin{equation} +G(r,\xi; s) = \left\{ +\begin{array}{ll} +\displaystyle +-\frac{u(r)v(\xi)}{K_{\ell + 1/2}(sr_0)} +& \text{ for } r_0 < r \leq \xi \\ +& \\ +\displaystyle-\frac{u(\xi) v(r)}{K_{\ell + 1/2}(sr_0)} +& \text{ for } \xi \leq r < \infty. \\ +\end{array} +\right. +\end{equation} +The solution $\widehat{\Psi}(s,r)$ to the boundary problem (\ref{laplacekernel}) is then the spatial convolution +\begin{equation} +\widehat{\Psi}(s,r) = \int_{r_0+\delta}^{r_B-\delta} G(r,\xi,s) +\big[\dot{\Psi}(0,\xi) + s \Psi(0,\xi)\big]d\xi. +\end{equation} +For $r>r_B-\delta$, we have +\begin{align} +\begin{split} +\widehat{\Psi}(s,r) &= -\int_{r_0+\delta}^{r_B-\delta} \frac{u(\xi) v(r)}{K_{\ell + 1/2}(sr_0)} +\big[\dot{\Psi}(0,\xi) + s \Psi(0,\xi)\big]d\xi \\ +&= -\frac{v(r)}{K_{\ell + 1/2}(sr_0)}\int_{r_0+\delta}^{r_B-\delta}u(\xi)\big[\dot{\Psi}(0,\xi) + s \Psi(0,\xi)\big]d\xi \\ +&= -\frac{v(r)}{K_{\ell + 1/2}(sr_0)}A(s). +\end{split} +\end{align} +Using \eqref{eq:kerneldef} and \eqref{outgoing} then gives +\begin{align} +\begin{split} +\widehat{\Psi}(s,r) &= -A(s) \sqrt{\frac{2sr}{\pi}}\frac{K_{\ell+1/2}(sr)}{K_{\ell+1/2}(sr_0)} \\ +&= -A(s) \sqrt{\frac{2sr}{\pi}}\frac{1}{K_{\ell+1/2}(sr_0)} \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2sr}}e^{-sr}W_\ell(sr) \\ +&= b(s)e^{-sr}W_\ell(sr). +\end{split} +\end{align} +Here +\begin{equation} +b(s) = -\dfrac{1}{K_{\ell+1/2}(sr_0)}\int_{r_0+\delta}^{r_B-\delta}u(\xi)\big[\dot{\Psi}(0,\xi) + s \Psi(0,\xi)\big]d\xi. +\end{equation} +For general compact initial data $b(s)$ cannot be expressed as $s^\ell a(s)$ as in \eqref{laplacetransform}. From this point the proof follows exactly the steps of the first proof after {\bf Lemma \ref{laplacelemma}}. +\end{proof} + +\chapter{Newton's Identities} + + +\section{\label{section:Main Result}Main result} + +Our goal is to prove the following result. + +\begin{theorem}\label{thm1} +The roots ${b_{\ell j} : j = 1,...,\ell}$ of the $\ell$th degree polynomial +\begin{equation} +p_{\ell}(z)= \sum_{k=0}^{\ell}c_{\ell k}z^{\ell-k} +\end{equation} +also obey the following set of $\ell$ algebraic equations +\begin{equation}\label{thrm1eq1} +-kc_{\ell k} = \sum_{n=1}^{\ell} b_{\ell n}\sum_{q=1}^k c_{\ell,q-1}(b_{\ell n})^{k-q}, \hspace{2em} k=1,...,\ell, +\end{equation} +where here we assume $\ell \geq 1$. +\end{theorem} + +{\bf Remark:} All of the factors in this system (roots $b_{\ell j}$ and coefficients $c_{\ell j}$) carry a lead ``name" index $\ell$. We now suppress this index, and reorganize the last expressions using $c_{\ell 0} \equiv c_0 = 1$ and the re-indexing $p=q-1$ to reach +\begin{equation}\label{newtonid} +-kc_{k} = \sum_{n=1}^{\ell} (b_n)^k + \sum_{p=1}^{k-1} c_p \sum_{n=1}^\ell(b_n)^{k-p}, \hspace{2em} k=1,...,\ell. +\end{equation} +These formulas involve the power sums $s_k = \sum_{n=1}^\ell (b_n)^k$ of the roots. In terms of the $s_k$ and $a_{\ell - k} \equiv c_k$, we then have +\begin{equation}\label{newtonid2} +-ka_{\ell- k} = s_k + \sum_{p=1}^{k-1} a_{\ell-p}s_{k-p}, \hspace{2em} k=1,...,\ell, +\end{equation} +which we recognize as a subset of Newton's identities \cite{kalman}. + +In what remains of this section, we prove {\bf Theorem \ref{thm1}} assuming {\bf Theorem \ref{thm2}} which was established in the previous chapter. The idea of the proof is fairly straightforward; using the expressions \eqref{thrm2eq1} and \eqref{thrm2eq2}, we find the identity + +\begin{equation}\label{identity} +-\sum_{k=1}^\ell \frac{k}{r_B^{k+1}}c_{\ell k} f^{(\ell-k)}(t-r_B) = \frac{1}{r_B}\int_0^t \Omega_\ell(t-t',r_B)\Bigg[\sum_{k=0}^\ell \frac{1}{r^k}c_{\ell k}f^{(\ell-k)}(t'-r_B)\Bigg]dt', \hspace{2em} t>0. +\end{equation} +The proof amounts to a careful comparison of both sides in the last equation. + +\begin{lemma}\label{lem1} +Let $r=r_B$ and $f \in C_0^\infty (D)$ as in {\bf Theorem \ref{thm2}}, and define +\begin{equation} +I^{(p)}[b,r,f]=\int_0^t e^{b(t-t')/r}f^{(p)}(t'-r)dt'. +\end{equation} +Then, we have +\begin{equation} +I^{(p)}[b,r,f]=(b/r)^p I^{(0)}[b,r,f] + \sum_{j=1}^{p}(b/r)^{p-j}f^{(j-1)}(t-r). +\end{equation} +\end{lemma} + +\begin{proof} +We prove the lemma by induction, showing that +\begin{equation}\label{proofeq2} +I^{(p)} [b,r,f] = (b/r)^p I^{(0)}[b,r,f] +\sum_{j=1}^p (b/r)^{p-j}\big[f^{(j-1)}(t-r)-e^{bt/r}f^{(j-1)}(-r)\big], +\end{equation} +where the second term within the square brackets vanishes since $r=r_B \notin D$. Integration by parts establishes the last formula for $p=1$. Similarly, integration by parts yields +\begin{equation} +I^{(p)} [b,r,f] = (b/r)I^{(p-1)}[b,r,f] + f^{(p-1)}(t-r)-e^{bt/r}f^{(p-1)}(-r). +\end{equation} +Assuming now that (\ref{proofeq2}) holds with $p$ replaced by $p-1$, we insert the $p-1$ result into the last equation, thereby recovering (\ref{proofeq2}) and verifying the induction step. +\end{proof} + +We now use {\bf Theorem \ref{thm2}} to prove {\bf Theorem \ref{thm1}}. + +\section{Proof of {\bf Theorem \ref{thm1}}} + + +\begin{proof} +First, taking $r=r_B$ and $t>0$ and then appealing to the formulas (\ref{thrm2eq1}) and (\ref{thrm2eq3}), we get +\begin{align} +\frac{1}{r}\int_0^t \Omega_{\ell}(t-t',r)\Psi_{\ell}(t',r)dt' & = \sum_{n=1}^\ell (b_{\ell n}/r^2)\int_0^t \exp(b_{\ell n}(t-t')/r)\Psi_{\ell}(t',r)dt' \\ \nonumber +& = \sum_{n=1}^{\ell}(b_{\ell n}/r^2)\sum_{k=0}^\ell r^{-k} c_{\ell k} I^{(\ell-k)}[b_{\ell n},r,f]. \\ \nonumber +\end{align} +We will now focus on reducing this last expression to a desirable form. Lemma \ref{lem1} gives +\begin{equation} +I^{(\ell - k)} [b_{\ell n},r,f] = (b_{\ell n}/r)^{\ell -k} I^{(0)} [b_{\ell n},r,f] + \sum_{j=1}^{\ell -k} (b_{\ell n}/r)^{\ell - k - j} f^{(j-1)}(t-r). +\end{equation} +Combination of the last two equations yields +\begin{align} +\frac{1}{r}\int_0^t \Omega_{\ell}(t-t',r)\Psi_{\ell}(t',r)dt' & = r^{-(\ell+2)} \sum_{n=1}^\ell b_{\ell n}I^{(0)}[b_{\ell n},r,f] \sum_{k=0}^{\ell} c_{\ell k}(b_{\ell n})^{\ell -k} \\ \nonumber +& + \sum_{n=1}^{\ell}(b_{\ell n}/r^2)\sum_{k=0}^\ell r^{-k} c_{\ell k} \sum_{j=1}^{\ell-k}(b_{\ell n}/r)^{\ell - k - j} f^{(j-1)}(t-r). \\ \nonumber +\end{align} +Since $\sum_{k=0}^{\ell} c_{\ell k}(b_{\ell n})^{\ell-k} = p_{\ell}(b_{\ell n})$ is the Bessel polynomial evaluated at one of its roots, the first term on the right-hand side of the last expression vanishes. Whence, up to now +\begin{equation} +\frac{1}{r}\int_0^t \Omega_{\ell}(t-t',r)\Psi_{\ell}(t',r)dt' = \sum_{n=1}^{\ell}(b_{\ell n}/r^2)\sum_{k=0}^\ell r^{-k} c_{\ell k} \sum_{j=1}^{\ell-k}(b_{\ell n}/r)^{\ell - k - j} f^{(j-1)}(t-r). +\end{equation} + +Within the sum over $k$, the sum over $j$ is empty when $k=\ell$ (no boundary term is generated by the term in (\ref{thrm2eq1}) corresponding to the undifferentiated profile function $f$). Therefore, here we may replace $\sum_{k=0}^{\ell}$ by $\sum_{k=0}^{\ell-1}$. This replacement, followed by the re-indexing $q = k+1$, yields +\begin{equation} +\frac{1}{r}\int_0^t \Omega_{\ell}(t-t',r)\Psi_{\ell}(t',r)dt' = \sum_{n=1}^{\ell}(b_{\ell n}/r^2)\sum_{q=1}^\ell r^{-(q-1)} c_{\ell, q-1} \sum_{j=1}^{\ell-q+1}(b_{\ell n}/r)^{\ell - q - j +1} f^{(j-1)}(t-r). +\end{equation} +Now, the double sum $\sum_{q=1}^\ell \sum_{j=1}^{\ell - q + 1}($terms$)_{jq}$ is equivalent to $\sum_{j=1}^\ell \sum_{q=1}^{\ell - j + 1}($terms$)_{jq}$. As a result, we may group the two inner sums and make this exchange, thereby reaching +\begin{equation} +\frac{1}{r}\int_0^t \Omega_{\ell}(t-t',r)\Psi_{\ell}(t',r)dt' = \sum_{n=1}^{\ell}b_{\ell n}\sum_{j=1}^\ell r^{j-(\ell+2)} \sum_{q=1}^{\ell-j+1}c_{\ell, q-1}(b_{\ell n})^{\ell - q - j +1} f^{(j-1)}(t-r). +\end{equation} +Finally, re-indexing by $k=\ell - j +1$ leads to +\begin{equation}\label{desired} +\frac{1}{r}\int_0^t \Omega_{\ell}(t-t',r)\Psi_{\ell}(t',r)dt' = \sum_{n=1}^{\ell}b_{\ell n}\sum_{k=1}^\ell r^{-(k+1)} \sum_{q=1}^{k}c_{\ell, q-1}(b_{\ell n})^{k - q} f^{(\ell -k)}(t-r), +\end{equation} +which is the aforementioned desirable form. + +Equation (\ref{desired}) can now be used to finish the proof. Recalling that we have set $r=r_B$, with (\ref{desired}) the identity (\ref{identity}) becomes +\begin{equation} +-\sum_{k=1}^\ell kr^{-(k+1)}c_{\ell k} f^{(\ell-k)}(t-r) = \sum_{k=1}^{\ell}r^{-(k+1)} \sum_{n=1}^\ell b_{\ell n} \sum_{q=1}^{k} c_{\ell , q-1} (b_{\ell n})^{k-q}f^{(\ell-k)}(t-r), +\end{equation} +and we may express that last equation as +\begin{equation} +0 = \sum_{k=1}^\ell r^{-(k+1)}E_k f^{(\ell-k)}(u), \hspace{2em} E_k = kc_{\ell k} + \sum_{n=1}^\ell b_{\ell n} \sum_{q=1}^k c_{\ell ,q-1} (b_{\ell n})^{k-q}. +\end{equation} +Here $u=t-r$ is retarded time. + +Introducing the operator $Q \equiv (\partial_t + \partial_r) r^2$, +we then use induction to show that +\begin{align} +Q^p \sum_{k=1}^\ell r^{-(k+1)}E_k f^{(\ell-k)}(u) += \sum_{k=p+1}^\ell (-1)^p \frac{(k-1)!}{(k-p-1)!} +r^{-(k-p+1)}E_k f^{(\ell-k)}(u). +\end{align} +For $p=\ell-1$, this identity implies $E_\ell = 0$. +Then assuming $E_{p+2} = \dots = E_\ell = 0$, we find +\begin{align} +Q^p \sum_{k=1}^\ell r^{-(k+1)}E_k f^{(\ell-k)}(u) += (-1)^p \frac{p!}{r^2} E_{p+1} f^{(\ell-p-1)}(u), +\end{align} +yielding $E_{p+1} = 0$. +Therefore, backwards iteration +$p = \ell-1,\ell-2,\dots,0$ establishes that $E_k=0$ for +$k=1,\dots,\ell$. +\end{proof} + +\chapter{Numerical root evaluation and identity check for several values of $\ell$} +As a means of verifying the result from the previous chapter, we now proceed to check these identities numerically. One might ask why there is need to check Newton's identities, classical formulas known for centuries. The point is that by checking them for the particular case of the Bessel polynomial we may (i) understand their conditioning in this setting and (ii) further confirm the accuracy of our numerically generated Macdonald roots. Using {\bf Mathematica}, we first generate the roots of the polynomial $p_\ell(z)$ in \eqref{besselpoly} to as much precision as needed for several values of $\ell$. These root sets for each value of $\ell$ are then input into the set of $\ell$ identities \eqref{thrm1eq1}, specifically by evaluating the expression +\begin{equation}\label{idcheck} +kc_{\ell k} + \sum_{n=1}^{\ell} b_{\ell n}\sum_{q=1}^k c_{\ell,q-1}(b_{\ell n})^{k-q}, \hspace{2em} k=1,...,\ell +\end{equation} +to the desired precision. The accuracy with which this expression \eqref{idcheck} evaluates to zero can be seen as a verification of the identity \eqref{identity}. For each $\ell$ value, this generates a set of $\ell$ errors for each value of $k$ in \eqref{thrm1eq1}. The maximum absolute error of the identity in this set of $\ell$ errors is then found as $ +|Err_{max}| = \max\{|Err_k|\}$, where $Err_k$ is the error in the $k^{th}$ identity for a particular value of $\ell$. The accuracy to which this error is known is then output. One observes that the accuracy of the errors reduces as $\ell$ grows. The concluding section discusses this observation. +\section{Root finding and identity verification for $\ell = 20$ to 27 digits of precision} +The {\bf Mathematica} code and associated output follow, showing that the identity is indeed verified for these $\ell$ values at this level of precision. This code can be altered to increase both with satisfying results. Since complex roots appear as conjugate pairs, only the upper conjugate is listed for the sake of brevity. + + +\noindent\(\pmb{\text{(* set precision of calculations and highest l value *)}}\\ +\pmb{\text{numdigits}\text{:=}28}\\ +\pmb{\text{lmax}\text{:=}20}\\ +\pmb{\text{$\$$MaxExtraPrecision} \text{:=}\infty }\\ +\pmb{}\\ +\pmb{\text{(*} \text{define } \text{c$\_$}\{l,k\} \text{*)}}\\ +\pmb{\text{cee}[\text{l$\_$},\text{k$\_$}]\text{:=}(1/(2{}^{\wedge}k*k!))*(l+k)!/(l-k)! }\\ +\pmb{}\\ +\pmb{\text{(* define polynomial to find roots of *)}}\\ +\pmb{\text{polyroots} \text{:=} \text{NSolve}[\text{Sum}[\text{cee}[l,k]*z{}^{\wedge}(l-k),\{k,0,l\}]==0,z,\text{numdigits}]}\\ +\pmb{}\\ +\pmb{\text{(* define identity from main theorem *)}}\\ +\pmb{\text{identity} \text{:=} k*\text{cee}[l,k]+ \text{SetPrecision}[}\\ +\pmb{\text{Sum}[\text{Part}[\{z\}\text{/.}\text{polyroots},n]*\text{Sum}[\text{cee}[l,q-1]*\text{Part}[\{z\}\text{/.}\text{polyroots},n]{}^{\wedge}(k-q),\{q,1,k\}],}\\ +\pmb{\{n,1,l\}],\text{numdigits}]}\\ +\pmb{}\\ +\pmb{\text{(* loop through each value of l *)}}\\ +\pmb{\text{For}[l=1,l< \text{lmax} +1, l\text{++},}\\ +\pmb{\text{Print}[]}\\ +\pmb{\text{Print}[\text{{``}real and imaginary parts of roots for l={''}},l]}\\ +\pmb{\text{Print}[]}\\ +\pmb{}\\ +\pmb{\text{(* print out formatted tables of polynomial roots *)}}\\ +\pmb{\text{For}[j=1, j<l+1, j\text{++}}\\ +\pmb{\text{If}[\text{Im}[\text{Part}[\text{Part}[\{z\}\text{/.}\text{polyroots},j-1],1]]<0,,}\\ +\pmb{\text{Print}[\text{ScientificForm}[\text{Re}[\text{Part}[\text{Part}[\{z\}\text{/.}\text{polyroots},j-1],1]],\text{numdigits}-1, }\\ +\pmb{\text{NumberFormat} \to }\\ +\pmb{(\text{Row}[\{\text{$\#$1},\text{E},\text{If}[\text{$\#$3}==\text{{``}{''}},\text{{``}+000{''}},\text{If}[\text{Part}[\text{Characters}[\text{$\#$3}],1]==\text{{``}-{''}},}\\ +\pmb{\text{StringJoin}[\text{{``}-00{''}},\text{StringDrop}[\text{$\#$3},1]], \text{StringJoin}[\text{{``}+00{''}},\text{$\#$3}]]]\}]\&)], }\\ +\pmb{\text{{``} {''}},\text{ScientificForm}[\text{Im}[\text{Part}[\text{Part}[\{z\}\text{/.}\text{polyroots},j-1],1]],\text{numdigits}-1, }\\ +\pmb{\text{NumberFormat} \to }\\ +\pmb{(\text{Row}[\{\text{$\#$1},\text{E},\text{If}[\text{$\#$3}==\text{{``}{''}},\text{{``}+000{''}},\text{If}[\text{Part}[\text{Characters}[\text{$\#$3}],1]==\text{{``}-{''}},}\\ +\pmb{\text{StringJoin}[\text{{``}-00{''}},\text{StringDrop}[\text{$\#$3},1]], \text{StringJoin}[\text{{``}+00{''}},\text{$\#$3}]]]\}]\&)]]}\\ +\pmb{]]}\\ +\pmb{}\\ +\pmb{\text{(* print error norm of all roots for a given value of l *)}}\\ +\pmb{\text{Print} []}\\ +\pmb{\text{Print}[\text{{``}identity error accuracy $\sim $ {''}},}\\ +\pmb{\text{ScientificForm}[\text{Max}[\text{Abs}[\text{Part}[\text{Part}[\text{Delete}[\text{Reap}[\text{For}[k=1, k<l+1, k\text{++},\text{Sow}[\text{identity}]];}\\ +\pmb{],1],1],1]]],\text{numdigits},}\\ +\pmb{\text{NumberFormat}\to }\\ +\pmb{(\text{Row}[\{\text{{``}1.{''}},\text{E},\text{If}[\text{$\#$3}==\text{{``}{''}},\text{{``}+000{''}},\text{If}[\text{Part}[\text{Characters}[\text{$\#$3}],1]==\text{{``}-{''}},}\\ +\pmb{\text{StringJoin}[\text{{``}-0{''}},\text{StringDrop}[\text{$\#$3},1]], \text{StringJoin}[\text{{``}+0{''}},\text{$\#$3}]]]\}]\&)]]] }\\ +\pmb{}\) + + +\begin{singlespace} +\begin{table}\caption{Roots of $K_{\ell+1/2}(z)$ for $\ell = 1, ..., 20$} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=1 + +-1.00000000000000000000000000E+000 0E+000 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-028 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=2 + +-1.50000000000000000000000000E+000 8.66025403784438646763723171E-001 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-027 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=3 + +-2.32218535462608559291147071E+000 0E+000 +-1.83890732268695720354426464E+000 1.75438095978372166095183060E+000 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-026 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=4 + +-2.89621060282037216839439393E+000 8.67234128934503751818973215E-001 +-2.10378939717962783160560607E+000 2.65741804185675271685832210E+000 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-025 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=5 + +-3.64673859532964325973516964E+000 0E+000 +-3.35195639915353314301641425E+000 1.74266141618319772272632347E+000 +-2.32467430318164522711600093E+000 3.57102292033797640038610261E+000 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-024 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=6 + +-4.24835939586336394493607975E+000 8.67509673231365606386441571E-001 +-3.73570835632581466794136197E+000 2.62627231144712564049355159E+000 +-2.51593224781082138712255828E+000 4.49267295365394253591824392E+000 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-023 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=7 + +-4.97178685852793567786117785E+000 0E+000 +-4.75829052815462894523746281E+000 1.73928606113053654289381190E+000 +-4.07013916363813747170592771E+000 3.51717404770975316581518078E+000 +-2.68567687894326574412602056E+000 5.42069413071674889584849422E+000 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-022 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=8 + +-5.58788604326308519899909296E+000 8.67614445352786459816302823E-001 +-5.20484079063688191825036523E+000 2.61617515264252742873877731E+000 +-4.36828921720240240703092253E+000 4.41444250047153908355026146E+000 +-2.83898394889763047571961928E+000 6.35391129860487682208469639E+000 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-020 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=9 + +-6.29701918171496853775919603E+000 0E+000 +-6.12936790427427278778116357E+000 1.73784838348086250370031346E+000 +-5.60442181950778141621337163E+000 3.49815691788609357601465626E+000 +-4.63843988718039029665812495E+000 5.31727167543565114230342731E+000 +-2.97926079818007123046774183E+000 7.29146368834218209076005832E+000 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-019 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=10 + +-6.92204490542724611542320812E+000 8.67665195451221438446134323E-001 +-6.61529096547687025894515467E+000 2.61156792080008987349400899E+000 +-5.96752832858778584036140538E+000 4.38494718894193206818405874E+000 +-4.88621956685899957989604215E+000 6.22498548247156710752681539E+000 +-3.10891623364909820537418967E+000 8.23269945907358745046141002E+000 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-018 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=11 + +-7.62233984579642949207664512E+000 0E+000 +-7.48422986073193879164098577E+000 1.73710282075340382415004181E+000 +-7.05789238766995313732999335E+000 3.48901450355582971973580520E+000 +-6.30133745487130838170915958E+000 5.27619174369676828439756131E+000 +-5.11564828390827892036268160E+000 7.13702075889336672017633185E+000 +-3.22972208992030602291885715E+000 9.17711156870857844433181315E+000 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-016 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=12 + +-8.25342201141208096388242751E+000 8.67693572009768815999260468E-001 +-7.99727059960143416395771680E+000 2.60906653694579815898358031E+000 +-7.46557124035177041635434551E+000 4.37016959335456516328553217E+000 +-6.61100424995635186370036445E+000 6.17153499303722969677556413E+000 +-5.32970859087582917461993816E+000 8.05290686425703263930869928E+000 +-3.34302330780253341748520757E+000 1.01242968072408198876735301E+001 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-015 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=13 + +-8.94770967439179101800795175E+000 0E+000 +-8.83025208414490416096754110E+000 1.73666640030763054334032015E+000 +-8.47059177147718456305833984E+000 3.48386845066099304960125471E+000 +-7.84438027706259622338290970E+000 5.25490340661196188422886280E+000 +-6.90037282614665984409350267E+000 7.07064431215294895763843768E+000 +-5.53068098334403653612614328E+000 8.97224777515578769951113656E+000 +-3.44986722062872316336758754E+000 1.10739285522161970404484911E+001 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-013 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=14 + +-9.58317139364696666545939559E+000 8.67711028864253165359599786E-001 +-9.36314585160955222518717854E+000 2.60755332438166661179716945E+000 +-8.91100055537504426431713428E+000 4.36160417830244736590463016E+000 +-8.19884696998847462160089744E+000 6.14304107147079673955607766E+000 +-7.17239596217181731547627714E+000 7.97321735418496849451244718E+000 +-5.72035238382751889004599461E+000 9.89470759748915927072561405E+000 +-3.55108688338062601791312240E+000 1.20257380322545244924387964E+001 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-012 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=15 + +-1.02731096663224778078893516E+001 0E+000 +-1.01709139964400681778642607E+001 1.73638891945045594842184913E+000 +-9.85956722839627922331631815E+000 3.48067121143276632621161317E+000 +-9.32359932060896942898832732E+000 5.24225889523761694360563458E+000 +-8.53245905229834060184246438E+000 7.03439362551704559270114646E+000 +-7.42939699294215379659889775E+000 8.87898262112151570044737878E+000 +-5.90015171366464763005831176E+000 1.08199991377535732063444092E+001 +-3.64735686248830223738674416E+000 1.29795010707604194609117519E+001 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-011 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=16 + +-1.09118860786775030650439450E+001 8.67722527435720452392272192E-001 +-1.07189858189780134799231120E+001 2.60656700725828947911621149E+000 +-1.03251196023414622533772726E+001 4.35616338060960859540158749E+000 +-9.71232633256350378195566778E+000 6.12576089102176697237096423E+000 +-8.84796819650278498065891895E+000 7.92877285588937164588993504E+000 +-7.67324079086715998439086145E+000 9.78769743836906830811183539E+000 +-6.07124138290869981857329635E+000 1.17478749384808882640804452E+001 +-3.73923179716087263607692588E+000 1.39350284758133825846001679E+001 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-09 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=17 + +-1.15985294923395501618999203E+001 0E+000 +-1.15080767771397596143175561E+001 1.73620153790806340947249102E+000 +-1.12334368172695439283853762E+001 3.47854389076469685688536076E+000 +-1.07641341775628432905926096E+001 5.23407490203687631572176595E+000 +-1.00802944448577807095976715E+001 7.01200998269376838973610942E+000 +-9.14758867760315452597282895E+000 8.82599830149333386118061796E+000 +-7.90544959593734230266452814E+000 1.06991450754651671694245213E+001 +-6.23458097836041372958967294E+000 1.26781202290665046041369318E+001 +-3.82717378509938681792979640E+000 1.48921589246642892796739770E+001 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-07 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=18 + +-1.22399021368250294751608712E+001 8.67730500530609374492680708E-001 +-1.20681358449367730276078721E+001 2.60588788173345421215154585E+000 +-1.17189487956552908233983590E+001 4.35247975429983523855180469E+000 +-1.11800390165370403880516547E+001 6.11439409303699536109075213E+000 +-1.04300129653021452464250164E+001 7.90089310331303521101324559E+000 +-9.43313222080871295101261560E+000 9.72590031412845700845172164E+000 +-8.12728394509562492375307106E+000 1.16131317511959929859269619E+001 +-6.39097278368397486896633901E+000 1.36105473490914326733665756E+001 +-3.91157229115540829562420106E+000 1.58507535969377336782227290E+001 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-06 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=19 + +-1.29239630554237278712291506E+001 0E+000 +-1.28428277968952223042629424E+001 1.73606905090273320111409963E+000 +-1.25970628096647620973052159E+001 3.47705490010667713280513635E+000 +-1.21792312603829384923664555E+001 5.22845054839089777949190898E+000 +-1.15756010654031831963984511E+001 6.99707637470125717969882230E+000 +-1.07635384400032784129991877E+001 8.79229302167302653136215767E+000 +-9.70610240075824858168220378E+000 1.06283211002462878627136475E+001 +-8.33980071913673608260638162E+000 1.25294838239446239254763941E+001 +-6.54109506216141403075300463E+000 1.45449913030212108164540177E+001 +-3.99275891788235286601158213E+000 1.68106920601116228524404469E+001 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-04 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\begin{Verbatim}[frame=single,framerule=0.2pt,framesep=5pt] +real and imaginary parts of roots for l=20 + +-1.35674242831533132904409805E+001 8.67736254955798277563901221E-001 +-1.34125971436066018984302504E+001 2.60540014717949754240528038E+000 +-1.30988224745771632490213023E+001 4.34986491179146240148265878E+000 +-1.26172813166098517250117887E+001 6.10647987005239646124623649E+000 +-1.19530908024999872535298649E+001 7.88205843424744989157438123E+000 +-1.10825803337311520272082869E+001 9.68609324182857851119637990E+000 +-9.96776247886039112461620511E+000 1.15331147285162466386412696E+001 +-8.54389572685003190873213213E+000 1.34480452734196997247112442E+001 +-6.68552687829519020092395369E+000 1.54813061879236185543330417E+001 +-4.07101856181631732208523537E+000 1.77718690688854561225973949E+001 + +identity error accuracy ~ 1.E-03 +\end{Verbatim} +\end{table} +\end{singlespace} + +\chapter{Conclusion} +We conclude with some comments on the significance of the analysis done here as it relates to the larger context. The main result can be viewed from two perspectives regarding Newton's identities \eqref{thrm1eq1} and their relation to the convolution result \eqref{thrm2eq2}. + +Recall that the first proof of {\bf Theorem \ref{thm2}} does not rely on the particular form of the coefficients $c_{\ell k}$ in \eqref{eq:kerneldef}. See {\bf Lemma \ref{laplacelemma}} and the following remark. Thus, {\bf Chapter 4} may be viewed as a derivation of general Newton's identities (or at least a subset thereof, see \cite{kalman}), with the derivation assuming the convolution result provided earlier in {\bf Theorem \ref{thm2}}. Alternatively, by first assuming Newton's identities, the analysis in {\bf Chapter 4} can also be viewed as a time-domain proof of the convolution result in {\bf Theorem \ref{thm2}} without the need for the Laplace transform. + +Newton's identities for the particular case of the roots and coefficients of the Macdonald function appear ill-conditioned. In other words, they seem difficult to verify accurately for large values of $\ell$. This is most likely due to the coefficients $c_{\ell k}$ which for a fixed large $\ell$ ($\ell = 20$ for example) vary over a large range, being factorially defined as they are in \eqref{eq:kerneldef}. This combined with the relative proximity of the roots to the origin (see Fig \ref{fig:zerosofK}) leads to a necessity of many digits of precision for accurate numerical verification. + +%In general, Newton's identities allow expressing the sums of the $k^{th}$ powers of all roots of any monic polynomial of one variable (counted with multiplicity) in terms of the coefficients of this polynomial, without needing to find these roots. Thus, when an important relation under certain circumstances is shown to be equivalent to Newton's identities, one can assume that the relation will hold true for all roots, without having to actually calculate the roots. We have illustrated one such case where this could potentially be put to use. + +\appendix +\chapter{Location and count of Macdonald roots} + +For any positive $\nu \geq 0$ Watson \cite{watson} has shewn that the roots of $K_\nu(z)$ are simple and lie in the left-half $z$ plane. This appendix presents some of his analysis, often tailoring it to our specific case $\nu = \ell + 1/2$, that is half-integer order. In what follows we often follow \cite{watson} quite closely. Since $K_\nu(z)$ obeys the differential equation \eqref{bessel}, any root $b \neq 0$ must be simple. Indeed, were $b \neq 0$ a root of multiplicity, then we could conclude that $K''_\nu(b) = K'_\nu(b) = K_\nu(b) = 0$, and by repeated differentiation of \eqref{bessel} that $K^{(p)}_\nu(b) = 0$ for all $p$. Since all nonzero points of the Bessel equation are regular points, this would imply $K_\nu(z)=0$ in a neighborhood of $b$. Additionally, the small $z$ asymptotic expansion for $K_\nu(z)$ (see \cite{stegun}) shows that $z=0$ is a singular point of $K_\nu(z)$ and not a root. + +We begin by noting that the generalization of Bessel's integral (see 9.6.24 \cite{stegun}) +\begin{equation}\label{besselintegral} +K_\nu(z)=\int_0^\infty e^{-z \cosh(t)} \cosh(\nu t) dt, \hspace{2em} |$arg$~z| < \frac{\pi}{2}, +\end{equation} +makes it clear that $K_\nu(z)$ has no positive real roots. Watson has extended +this result to show that $K_\nu(z)$ has no roots such that $|$arg$~z| \leq \frac{\pi}{2}$. + +In order to demonstrate this, we must first consider a result of Macdonald (and proven in \cite{watson}) which represents the product $K_\nu(Z)K_\nu(z)$ as an integral involving a single function of type $K_\nu$: +\begin{equation} +K_\nu(Z)K_\nu(z) = \frac{1}{2} \int_0^\infty $exp$\Bigg[-\dfrac{v}{2}-\dfrac{Z^2+z^2}{2v}\Bigg]K_\nu\Bigg(\dfrac{Zz}{v}\Bigg)\dfrac{dv}{v}, +\end{equation} +which is valid for all values of $\nu \geq 0$ when $|$arg$~Z| \leq \pi$, $|$arg$~z| \leq \pi$, and $|$arg$~(Z+z)| \leq \frac{\pi}{4}$. +Now, if $z=re^{-i\alpha}$ were such a root $(r > 0, -\frac{\pi}{2}<\alpha<\frac{\pi}{2})$, then $Z=re^{i\alpha}$ would be another root by \eqref{besselintegral}. However, the integral shows us that +\begin{equation} +K_\nu(re^{i\alpha})K_\nu(re^{-i\alpha}) = \frac{1}{2} \int_0^\infty $exp$\Bigg[-\dfrac{v}{2}-\dfrac{r^2\cos(2\alpha)}{v}\Bigg]K_\nu\Bigg(\dfrac{r^2}{v}\Bigg)\dfrac{dv}{v} \nonumber +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} +\hspace {9em} >0, +\end{equation} +which is contrary to the hypothesis that these are roots of $K_\nu(z)$. +If $\alpha = \pm \frac{\pi}{2}$, then we have (again, see \cite{watson}) +\begin{equation} +|K_\nu(re^{\pm \frac{\pi}{2}i})|=\frac{\pi}{2}\sqrt{J_\nu^2(r)+Y_\nu^2(r)}, +\end{equation} +and so $K_\nu(z)$ has no purely imaginary roots, because $J_\nu(r)$ and $Y_\nu(r)$ cannot both vanish simultaneously. + +\section{Root count for $K_{\ell+1/2}(z)$} +For $\nu = \ell + 1/2$ (half-integer order) we have formula \eqref{macdonald}. Since $p_\ell(0)=c_{\ell \ell} \neq 0$ and $\sqrt{\pi/2}e^{-z}z^{-(\ell+2)}$ is singular at $z=0$, then the origin is clearly not a root. This is an explicit check of the general result stated above. Moreover, from \eqref{besselpoly} we conclude that $K_{\ell+1/2}(z)$ has $\ell$ roots, since $p_\ell(z)$ is degree $\ell$. Notice that $p_\ell(z)$ may have a root on the negative real axis, which is technically not in the domain of analyticity of $K_{\ell+1/2}(z)$ due to the branch associated with $z^{-(\ell+2)}$ in the prefactor $\sqrt{\pi/2}e^{-z}z^{-(\ell+2)}$. Nevertheless, we shall consider such a root of $p_\ell(z)$ also as a root of $K_{\ell+1/2}(z)$. With the above analysis, we conclude that $K_{\ell+1/2}(z)$ has $\ell$ simple roots, each lying in the left-half $z$ plane. + +\section{Root count for $K_\nu(z)$} +Now we turn our attention to general $\nu > 0$ and the roots for which $Re(z) < 0$ and with $\frac{\pi}{2}<|$arg$~z|<\pi$. We show that the number of roots in these two quadrants is the even integer nearest to $\nu-\frac{1}{2}$, unless $\nu-\frac{1}{2}$ itself is an integer, in which case (as seen above) it is also the number of roots. + +If $\nu - \frac{1}{2}$ is not an integer, then there are no roots on the negative real axis, where arg$~z =\pm\pi$. This follows from +\begin{equation}\label{kreim} +K_\nu(re^{\pm \pi i})= e^{\mp \nu \pi i}K_\nu(r)\mp \pi i I_\nu(r), +\end{equation} +and for both the real and imaginary parts to vanish, then we must have +\begin{equation} +$cos$(\nu \pi)K_\nu(r)=0, \hspace{2em} $sin$(\nu \pi)K_\nu(r) + \pi I_\nu(r)=0. +\end{equation} +The Wronskian of the functions on the left of the equations is $\frac{\pi}{r}$cos$(\nu \pi)$. Therefore, $K_\nu(r)$ and $I_\nu(r)$ cannot vanish simultaneously unless cos$(\nu \pi)=0$. We now use the Argument principle to count the roots in the second and third quadrants. + +Now we consider the change in phase of $z^\nu K_\nu(z)$ as $z$ describes a contour consisting of small and large circles terminated by the lines arg$~z = \pm \pi$, together with the parts of these lines terminated by the circular arcs [cf. Fig. \ref{fig:keyhole}]. +\begin{figure} +\centering +\includegraphics[width=7cm]{keyhole.eps} +\caption{ +Keyhole contour with arcs $\Gamma: |z|= R$ and $\gamma: |z|=\delta$} +\label{fig:keyhole} +\end{figure} +Let us refer to the circles as $\Gamma$ and $\gamma$, the equations of which are $|z|=R$ and $|z|=\delta$, respectively. It is clear then that the number of roots of $K_\nu(z)$ in the pair of quadrants under consideration is equal to the number of roots of $z^\nu K_\nu(z)$ inside the contour, and therefore is equal to $\frac{1}{2\pi}$ times the change in phase of $z^\nu K_\nu(z)$ as $z$ traverses the contour. The change in phase is now +\begin{equation}\label{phasechange} +\Big[$arg$\big(z^\nu K_\nu(z)\big)\Big]_\Gamma - \Big[$arg$\big(z^\nu K_\nu(z)\big)\Big]_\gamma ++\Big[$arg$(z^\nu K_\nu(z))\Big]_{R \exp(\pi i)}^{\delta \exp(\pi i)} +\Big[$arg$(z^\nu K_\nu(z))\Big]^{ R \exp(-\pi i)}_{\delta \exp(-\pi i)}. +\end{equation} +As $R \rightarrow \infty$ and $\delta \rightarrow 0$, the first two terms tend respectively towards $2 \pi (\nu - \frac{1}{2})$ and zero. This is evident from the consideration that the following asymptotic expansions are valid when $|$arg$~z|<\pi$ \cite{watson}. Respectively, when $|z|$ is large or small on the contour, +\begin{equation} +z^\nu K_\nu(z) \sim z^{\nu-\frac{1}{2}}e^{-z}\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2}}, \hspace{2em} z^\nu K_\nu(z) \sim 2^{\nu -1} \Gamma (\nu). +\end{equation} +The second expansion requires modification when $\nu =0$. +% +%In the limit, the last two terms in \eqref{phasechange} become through \eqref{kreim} +%\begin{equation} +%\lim_{\stackrel{\delta \rightarrow 0}{R \rightarrow \infty}} 2 \Big[\arctan \frac{\pi \cos(\nu \pi)I_\nu(r)}{K_\nu(r)+\pi \sin(\nu \pi)I_\nu(r)}\Big]_\delta^R. +%\end{equation} + +Introduce the phase (angle) function $\mathrm{ph}(u,v)$ +which is defined as $\mathrm{ph}(u,v) = \mathrm{arg}(w)$, +where $w=u+iv$ and $\mathrm{arg}$ is the argument function +in (A.6). (In this appendix $u,v$ clearly have a different +meaning than in the main text.) +The phase function $\mathrm{ph}(u,v) = +\arctan (v/u)$ if $u > 0$, but otherwise gives the +correct values in the second and third quadrants. Moreover, +$-\pi < \mathrm{ph}(u,v) < \pi$ and the expression is +undefined for $v = 0, u \leq 0$. Now, above and below the +negative real $z$-axis $z^\nu K_\nu(z)$ can be expressed +as +\begin{align} +(r e^{+\pi i})^\nu K(re^{+\pi i}) +& = r^\nu \big[K_\nu(r) + \pi \sin(\nu\pi) I_\nu(r)\big] +- ir^\nu \pi \cos (\nu\pi) I_\nu(r)\\ +(r e^{-\pi i})^\nu K(re^{-\pi i}) +& = r^\nu \big[K_\nu(r) + \pi \sin(\nu\pi) I_\nu(r)\big] ++ ir^\nu \pi \cos (\nu\pi) I_\nu(r). +\end{align} +Therefore, the combination of the last two terms in (A.6) is +\begin{equation}\label{eq:phase} +\lim_{{{\scriptstyle \delta \rightarrow 0^+}\atop { +\scriptstyle R \rightarrow \infty}}} 2 +\Big[\mathrm{ph}\big( +K_\nu(r) + \pi \sin(\nu\pi) I_\nu(r), +\pi \cos (\nu\pi) I_\nu(r) +\big)\Big]_{\delta}^R. +\end{equation} +Now, $K_\nu(r)$ is a positive decreasing function of $r$ that +vanishes at infinity, while $I_\nu(r)$ is a positive increasing +function of $r$ that vanishes at $r=0$. Therefore, +$K_\nu(r) + \pi \sin(\nu\pi) I_\nu(r)$ has one root if $\sin(\nu\pi)$ +is negative, and no root if $\sin(\nu\pi)$ is non-negative. In the +latter case the last expression is +\begin{equation} +\lim_{{{\scriptstyle \delta \rightarrow 0^+}\atop { +\scriptstyle R \rightarrow \infty}}} 2 +\left[\arctan \frac{\pi \cos (\nu\pi) I_\nu(r)}{ +K_\nu(r) + \pi \sin(\nu\pi) I_\nu(r)} +\right]_{\delta}^R. +\end{equation} +Taking the $\delta \rightarrow 0^+,R\rightarrow\infty$ limits +in \eqref{eq:phase}, we then find the phase +\begin{equation} +2\,\mathrm{ph}\big(\sin(\nu\pi),\cos(\nu\pi)\big) +\end{equation} +for the combination of the last two terms in (A.6). The phase +$\mathrm{ph}\big(\sin(\nu\pi),\cos(\nu\pi)\big)$ +has the same sign as $\cos(\nu\pi)$, and, moreover, is +less than $\pi$ in absolute value. + +Therefore, by the Argument Principle, the total number +of roots of $K_\nu(z)$ in the pair of quadrants for +which $Re(z) < 0$ and $|\mathrm{arg}z| < \pi$ is +\begin{align} +\begin{split} +\text{\# of roots of } K_\nu(z) &= \nu +- \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{\pi} +\mathrm{ph}\big(\sin(\nu\pi),\cos(\nu\pi)\big) \\ +&= \nu - \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{\pi} +\mathrm{ph}\big(\cos(\frac{\pi}{2} - \nu\pi),\sin(\frac{\pi}{2} - \nu\pi)\big) \\ +&= \nu - \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{\pi}\big(\frac{\pi}{2} - \nu\pi +2\pi k\big) \\ +&= 2k, +\end{split} +\end{align} +where $k$ is chosen so that $2k$ is closest to $\nu - \frac{1}{2}$. +%Now $K_\nu(r)$ is a positive decreasing function of $r$ that vanishes at infinity while $I_\nu(r)$ is a positive increasing function that vanishes at the origin, and so the last denominator has one root if $\sin(\nu \pi)$ is negative, and no root if $\sin(\nu \pi)$ is positive. Therefore, if we take the inverse function to vanish when $r\rightarrow 0$, its limit when $r\rightarrow \infty$ is $\arctan(\cot(\nu \pi))$, the value assigned to the inverse function being numerically less than two right angles and having the same sign as $\cos(\nu \pi)$. Hence, by the Argument principle, the total number of roots of $K_\nu(z)$ in the pair of quadrants in which $Re(z)<0$ and $|$arg$~z|<\pi$ is +%\begin{equation} +%\nu - \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{\pi} \arctan(\cot(\nu \pi)), +%\end{equation} +%and due to the range of arctan previously stated, this number is the even integer which is nearest to $\nu - \frac{1}{2}$. +%When $\nu - \frac{1}{2}$ is an integer, $K_\nu(z)$ is a polynomial in $z$ multiplied by function with no roots in the finite part of the plane, and so the number of roots for which $Re(z)<0$ is exactly $\nu - \frac{1}{2}$. +%Now we switch our attention to the portion of the plane for which $\pi<$arg$~z\leq 2\pi$. If we write $z=\zeta e^{\frac{3}{2} \pi i}$, we have +%\begin{equation} +%K_\nu(z) = -\frac{1}{2}\pi e^{\frac{3}{2} \pi i}[Y_\nu(\zeta)+i(1+2 e^{2 \nu \pi i})J_\nu(\zeta)], +%\end{equation} +%and so $K_\nu(z)$ has a sequence of roots lying near the negative part of the imaginary axis. The roots of large modulus which belong to this sequence are given approximately by the roots of the equation +%\begin{equation} +%\tan(\zeta - \frac{1}{2}\nu \pi - \frac{1}{4} \pi)= -i (1+2 e^{2 \nu \pi i}); +%\end{equation} +%it may be verified that they are ultimately on the right or the left of the imaginary axis in the $z$-plane according as $\cos^2(\nu \pi)$ is less than or greater than $\frac{1}{4}$; i.e. according as $\nu$ differs from the nearest integer by more or less than $\frac{1}{3}$. The sequence does not exist when $e^{2\nu \pi i} = -1$, i.e. when $\nu$ is half of an odd integer. There is a corresponding sequence of roots near the line arg $z=-\frac{3}{2}\pi$. + +\begin{thebibliography}{1} + + + \bibitem{stegun} Milton Abramowitz and Irene A. Stegun {\em Handbook of Mathematical Functions} 1964: National Bureau of Standards. + + + \bibitem{watson} G. N. Watson {\em A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions, 2nd. ed} 1966: Cambridge University Press. + + + \bibitem{keller} Marcus J. Grote and Joseph B. Keller ``On Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions" {\em Journal of Computational Physics}, 122, 231 - 243, 1995. + + \bibitem{olver} F. W. J. Olver, {\em The Asymptotic Expansion of Bessel Functions of Large Order}, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 247 (1954) 328-368. + + \bibitem{mathphys} P. K. Chattopadhyay, {\em Mathematical Physics}, 1990: New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers. + + \bibitem{kalman} D. Kalman, {\em A Matrix Proof of Newton's Identities}, Mathematics Magazine, vol. 73, Nov. 4, October 2000. + + \end{thebibliography} + + +\end{document} diff --git a/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.toc b/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.toc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d9ef06 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/tex etc/krt-thesis_5-14c.toc @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +\contentsline {chapter}{List of Figures}{ix} +\contentsline {chapter}{List of Tables}{x} +\contentsline {chapter}{Glossary}{xi} +\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}Introduction}{1} +\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {2}Radiation boundary conditions and the radial wave equation}{2} +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.1}Overview}{2} +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.2}The radial wave equation}{3} +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2.3}Macdonald function as an outgoing solution}{5} +\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {3}Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions}{7} +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.1}Proof of {\bf Theorem 3.0.1\hbox {}}}{8} +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3.2}Alternative proof.}{11} +\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {4}Newton's Identities}{14} +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.1}Main result}{14} +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4.2}Proof of {\bf Theorem 4.1.1\hbox {}}}{16} +\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {5}Numerical root evaluation and identity check for several values of $\ell $}{19} +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5.1}Root finding and identity verification for $\ell = 20$ to 27 digits of precision}{20} +\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {6}Conclusion}{30} +\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {A}Location and count of Macdonald roots}{31} +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {A.1}Root count for $K_{\ell +1/2}(z)$}{32} +\contentsline {section}{\numberline {A.2}Root count for $K_\nu (z)$}{33} +\contentsline {chapter}{References}{36} diff --git a/thesis/tex etc/r-line_gr1.eps b/thesis/tex etc/r-line_gr1.eps new file mode 100644 index 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+P +p +np 35 2 m +35 16 L +287 16 L +287 2 L +cp +clip np +0.798 0.825 0.968 r +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 14.13 m +78.376 14.447 L +78.376 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 13.813 m +91.045 14.447 L +103.715 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 13.813 m +103.715 14.447 L +116.384 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 13.813 m +78.376 14.447 L +91.045 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 13.813 m +116.384 14.447 L +129.054 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 13.813 m +179.732 14.447 L +192.402 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 13.813 m +154.393 14.447 L +167.063 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 13.813 m +129.054 14.447 L +141.723 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 13.813 m +167.063 14.447 L +179.732 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 13.813 m +192.402 14.447 L +205.071 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 13.18 m +103.715 13.813 L +116.384 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 14.13 m +236.745 14.13 L +243.08 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 14.288 m +268.419 14.13 L +262.084 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 14.13 m +281.089 14.447 L +281.089 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.497 m +78.376 13.813 L +78.376 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 13.813 m +205.071 14.447 L +217.741 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 13.813 m +141.723 14.447 L +154.393 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 13.18 m +78.376 13.813 L +91.045 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 13.18 m +91.045 13.813 L +103.715 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 10.646 m +116.384 11.279 L +129.054 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 13.18 m +116.384 13.813 L +129.054 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 13.18 m +141.723 13.813 L +154.393 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 13.18 m +154.393 13.813 L +167.063 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 13.18 m +167.063 13.813 L +179.732 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 13.18 m +179.732 13.813 L +192.402 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 13.18 m +192.402 13.813 L +205.071 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 13.18 m +205.071 13.813 L +217.741 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 13.655 m +268.419 13.497 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 13.497 m +236.745 13.497 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.497 m +281.089 13.813 L +281.089 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 13.813 m +217.741 14.447 L +230.41 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.863 m +78.376 13.18 L +78.376 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 12.546 m +154.393 13.18 L +167.063 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 12.546 m +91.045 13.18 L +103.715 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 12.546 m +103.715 13.18 L +116.384 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 12.546 m +116.384 13.18 L +129.054 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 12.546 m +129.054 13.18 L +141.723 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 12.546 m +141.723 13.18 L +154.393 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 13.18 m +129.054 13.813 L +141.723 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 12.546 m +167.063 13.18 L +179.732 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 12.546 m +78.376 13.18 L +91.045 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 13.18 m +217.741 13.813 L +230.41 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 12.546 m +179.732 13.18 L +192.402 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 12.546 m +205.071 13.18 L +217.741 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.863 m +281.089 13.18 L +281.089 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.23 m +78.376 12.546 L +78.376 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 13.022 m +268.419 12.863 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 11.913 m +78.376 12.546 L +91.045 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 11.913 m +103.715 12.546 L +116.384 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 11.913 m +91.045 12.546 L +103.715 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 12.388 m +268.419 12.23 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 12.863 m +236.745 12.863 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 11.913 m +116.384 12.546 L +129.054 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 11.913 m +129.054 12.546 L +141.723 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 11.913 m +179.732 12.546 L +192.402 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 11.913 m +154.393 12.546 L +167.063 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 11.913 m +192.402 12.546 L +205.071 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 11.913 m +217.741 12.546 L +230.41 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 12.23 m +236.745 12.23 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.23 m +281.089 12.546 L +281.089 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 11.913 m +141.723 12.546 L +154.393 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 11.913 m +205.071 12.546 L +217.741 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.596 m +78.376 11.913 L +78.376 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 11.279 m +78.376 11.913 L +91.045 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 11.596 m +236.745 11.596 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 11.279 m +103.715 11.913 L +116.384 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 11.279 m +116.384 11.913 L +129.054 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 11.279 m +129.054 11.913 L +141.723 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 11.279 m +141.723 11.913 L +154.393 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 11.279 m +192.402 11.913 L +205.071 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 11.279 m +91.045 11.913 L +103.715 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 11.279 m +154.393 11.913 L +167.063 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 11.279 m +167.063 11.913 L +179.732 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 12.546 m +192.402 13.18 L +205.071 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 11.279 m +179.732 11.913 L +192.402 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 12.546 m +217.741 13.18 L +230.41 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 11.755 m +268.419 11.596 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.596 m +281.089 11.913 L +281.089 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.963 m +78.376 11.279 L +78.376 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 10.646 m +78.376 11.279 L +91.045 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 11.279 m +217.741 11.913 L +230.41 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 11.279 m +205.071 11.913 L +217.741 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 10.646 m +91.045 11.279 L +103.715 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 10.646 m +103.715 11.279 L +116.384 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 13.18 m +205.071 12.546 L +192.402 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 10.646 m +129.054 11.279 L +141.723 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 10.646 m +154.393 11.279 L +167.063 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 10.646 m +179.732 11.279 L +192.402 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 10.646 m +192.402 11.279 L +205.071 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 10.646 m +167.063 11.279 L +179.732 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 10.646 m +205.071 11.279 L +217.741 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.329 m +78.376 10.646 L +78.376 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 11.121 m +268.419 10.963 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 10.646 m +217.741 11.279 L +230.41 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.963 m +281.089 11.279 L +281.089 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 10.012 m +78.376 10.646 L +91.045 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 10.012 m +192.402 10.646 L +205.071 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 10.012 m +116.384 10.646 L +129.054 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 10.012 m +129.054 10.646 L +141.723 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 10.012 m +141.723 10.646 L +154.393 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 10.012 m +154.393 10.646 L +167.063 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 10.012 m +91.045 10.646 L +103.715 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 10.963 m +236.745 10.963 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 10.012 m +167.063 10.646 L +179.732 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 10.012 m +179.732 10.646 L +192.402 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 10.646 m +141.723 11.279 L +154.393 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 10.012 m +205.071 10.646 L +217.741 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 10.329 m +236.745 10.329 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 10.488 m +268.419 10.329 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.329 m +281.089 10.646 L +281.089 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.696 m +78.376 10.012 L +78.376 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 9.379 m +78.376 10.012 L +91.045 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 9.379 m +91.045 10.012 L +103.715 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 9.379 m +129.054 10.012 L +141.723 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 9.379 m +116.384 10.012 L +129.054 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 9.379 m +141.723 10.012 L +154.393 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 10.012 m +103.715 10.646 L +116.384 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 9.379 m +154.393 10.012 L +167.063 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 9.854 m +268.419 9.696 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 9.379 m +179.732 10.012 L +192.402 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 9.379 m +192.402 10.012 L +205.071 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 9.379 m +205.071 10.012 L +217.741 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 9.379 m +217.741 10.012 L +230.41 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 9.696 m +236.745 9.696 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 10.012 m +217.741 10.646 L +230.41 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.696 m +281.089 10.012 L +281.089 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 9.379 m +167.063 10.012 L +179.732 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.062 m +78.376 9.379 L +78.376 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 8.746 m +78.376 9.379 L +91.045 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 8.746 m +91.045 9.379 L +103.715 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 8.746 m +129.054 9.379 L +141.723 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 8.746 m +141.723 9.379 L +154.393 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 8.746 m +154.393 9.379 L +167.063 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 8.746 m +167.063 9.379 L +179.732 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 8.112 m +129.054 8.746 L +141.723 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 8.746 m +116.384 9.379 L +129.054 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 8.746 m +179.732 9.379 L +192.402 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 8.746 m +192.402 9.379 L +205.071 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 8.112 m +141.723 8.746 L +154.393 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 8.746 m +205.071 9.379 L +217.741 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 9.062 m +236.745 9.062 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.062 m +281.089 9.379 L +281.089 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.429 m +78.376 8.746 L +78.376 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 9.221 m +268.419 9.062 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 8.112 m +78.376 8.746 L +91.045 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 8.112 m +103.715 8.746 L +116.384 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 8.746 m +217.741 9.379 L +230.41 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 8.112 m +91.045 8.746 L +103.715 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 8.112 m +116.384 8.746 L +129.054 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 11.913 m +167.063 12.546 L +179.732 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 8.112 m +154.393 8.746 L +167.063 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 7.479 m +116.384 8.112 L +129.054 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 8.112 m +192.402 8.746 L +205.071 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 8.112 m +205.071 8.746 L +217.741 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 8.112 m +217.741 8.746 L +230.41 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 8.429 m +236.745 8.429 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 7.479 m +78.376 8.112 L +91.045 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 8.112 m +179.732 8.746 L +192.402 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 8.587 m +268.419 8.429 L +262.084 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.429 m +281.089 8.746 L +281.089 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 8.112 m +167.063 8.746 L +179.732 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.795 m +78.376 8.112 L +78.376 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 8.746 m +103.715 9.379 L +116.384 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 7.479 m +129.054 8.112 L +141.723 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 7.479 m +141.723 8.112 L +154.393 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 7.479 m +154.393 8.112 L +167.063 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 7.479 m +167.063 8.112 L +179.732 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 7.479 m +103.715 8.112 L +116.384 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 7.479 m +91.045 8.112 L +103.715 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 7.479 m +179.732 8.112 L +192.402 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 7.479 m +192.402 8.112 L +205.071 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 9.379 m +103.715 10.012 L +116.384 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 7.479 m +205.071 8.112 L +217.741 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 7.795 m +236.745 7.795 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 6.845 m +78.376 7.479 L +91.045 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 6.845 m +91.045 7.479 L +103.715 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.162 m +78.376 7.479 L +78.376 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 6.845 m +103.715 7.479 L +116.384 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 6.845 m +129.054 7.479 L +141.723 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 6.845 m +116.384 7.479 L +129.054 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.528 m +78.376 6.845 L +78.376 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.795 m +281.089 8.112 L +281.089 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 6.845 m +141.723 7.479 L +154.393 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 6.845 m +154.393 7.479 L +167.063 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 6.845 m +205.071 7.479 L +217.741 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 6.845 m +179.732 7.479 L +192.402 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 6.845 m +217.741 7.479 L +230.41 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 7.32 m +268.419 7.162 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.162 m +281.089 7.479 L +281.089 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 6.212 m +78.376 6.845 L +91.045 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 6.845 m +167.063 7.479 L +179.732 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 7.162 m +236.745 7.162 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 6.212 m +91.045 6.845 L +103.715 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 6.212 m +103.715 6.845 L +116.384 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.528 m +281.089 6.845 L +281.089 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 6.212 m +129.054 6.845 L +141.723 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 6.212 m +141.723 6.845 L +154.393 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 6.212 m +154.393 6.845 L +167.063 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 6.212 m +167.063 6.845 L +179.732 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 6.212 m +217.741 6.845 L +230.41 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 6.212 m +116.384 6.845 L +129.054 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 6.212 m +179.732 6.845 L +192.402 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 6.212 m +192.402 6.845 L +205.071 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 6.845 m +192.402 7.479 L +205.071 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 6.212 m +205.071 6.845 L +217.741 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 5.578 m +154.393 6.212 L +167.063 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.895 m +78.376 6.212 L +78.376 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 5.578 m +78.376 6.212 L +91.045 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 5.578 m +91.045 6.212 L +103.715 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 5.578 m +103.715 6.212 L +116.384 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 6.687 m +268.419 6.528 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 6.528 m +236.745 6.528 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 5.578 m +116.384 6.212 L +129.054 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 5.578 m +129.054 6.212 L +141.723 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 3.678 m +91.045 4.311 L +103.715 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 5.578 m +141.723 6.212 L +154.393 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 3.678 m +78.376 4.311 L +91.045 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 5.578 m +217.741 6.212 L +230.41 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 5.895 m +236.745 5.895 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 5.578 m +205.071 6.212 L +217.741 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 6.053 m +268.419 5.895 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.261 m +78.376 5.578 L +78.376 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.895 m +281.089 6.212 L +281.089 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 4.945 m +205.071 5.578 L +217.741 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 5.578 m +192.402 6.212 L +205.071 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 4.945 m +78.376 5.578 L +91.045 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 4.945 m +91.045 5.578 L +103.715 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 4.945 m +141.723 5.578 L +154.393 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 4.945 m +116.384 5.578 L +129.054 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 4.945 m +154.393 5.578 L +167.063 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 4.945 m +179.732 5.578 L +192.402 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 4.945 m +192.402 5.578 L +205.071 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 4.945 m +217.741 5.578 L +230.41 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 4.945 m +103.715 5.578 L +116.384 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 4.945 m +167.063 5.578 L +179.732 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 5.261 m +236.745 5.261 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 5.42 m +268.419 5.261 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 4.311 m +192.402 4.945 L +205.071 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.628 m +78.376 4.945 L +78.376 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 4.311 m +78.376 4.945 L +91.045 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 4.311 m +91.045 4.945 L +103.715 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 4.311 m +103.715 4.945 L +116.384 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 4.311 m +154.393 4.945 L +167.063 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.261 m +281.089 5.578 L +281.089 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 4.311 m +116.384 4.945 L +129.054 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 4.311 m +129.054 4.945 L +141.723 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 5.578 m +167.063 6.212 L +179.732 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 4.311 m +141.723 4.945 L +154.393 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 5.578 m +179.732 6.212 L +192.402 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 4.311 m +205.071 4.945 L +217.741 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 4.311 m +217.741 4.945 L +230.41 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 4.628 m +236.745 4.628 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 4.786 m +268.419 4.628 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 4.311 m +179.732 4.945 L +192.402 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 4.311 m +167.063 4.945 L +179.732 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.628 m +281.089 4.945 L +281.089 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.994 m +78.376 4.311 L +78.376 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 3.678 m +103.715 4.311 L +116.384 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 3.678 m +116.384 4.311 L +129.054 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 14.447 m +230.41 13.813 L +217.741 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 3.678 m +154.393 4.311 L +167.063 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 3.678 m +167.063 4.311 L +179.732 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 3.678 m +141.723 4.311 L +154.393 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 3.678 m +179.732 4.311 L +192.402 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 3.678 m +205.071 4.311 L +217.741 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 3.678 m +192.402 4.311 L +205.071 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 3.994 m +236.745 3.994 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 3.678 m +129.054 4.311 L +141.723 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 3.678 m +217.741 4.311 L +230.41 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 4.153 m +268.419 3.994 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 3.044 m +91.045 3.678 L +103.715 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 3.044 m +103.715 3.678 L +116.384 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 3.044 m +116.384 3.678 L +129.054 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.994 m +281.089 4.311 L +281.089 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 3.044 m +141.723 3.678 L +154.393 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 7.954 m +268.419 7.795 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 3.044 m +154.393 3.678 L +167.063 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 3.044 m +129.054 3.678 L +141.723 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 3.044 m +167.063 3.678 L +179.732 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 3.044 m +192.402 3.678 L +205.071 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 2.411 m +141.723 3.044 L +154.393 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 3.044 m +217.741 3.678 L +230.41 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 3.361 m +236.745 3.361 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 3.519 m +268.419 3.361 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.361 m +281.089 3.678 L +281.089 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 2.411 m +103.715 3.044 L +116.384 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 3.044 m +205.071 3.678 L +217.741 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 2.727 m +78.376 3.044 L +78.376 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 2.411 m +78.376 3.044 L +91.045 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 3.044 m +78.376 3.678 L +91.045 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 2.411 m +91.045 3.044 L +103.715 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 3.044 m +179.732 3.678 L +192.402 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 2.411 m +154.393 3.044 L +167.063 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 2.411 m +167.063 3.044 L +179.732 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 2.411 m +179.732 3.044 L +192.402 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 2.411 m +192.402 3.044 L +205.071 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 2.411 m +129.054 3.044 L +141.723 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 2.411 m +116.384 3.044 L +129.054 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 2.411 m +205.071 3.044 L +217.741 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 2.411 m +217.741 3.044 L +230.41 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.361 m +78.376 3.678 L +78.376 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 2.727 m +236.745 2.727 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 2.886 m +268.419 2.727 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 14.447 m +116.384 13.813 L +103.715 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 14.447 m +129.054 13.813 L +116.384 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 14.447 m +141.723 13.813 L +129.054 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 13.813 m +116.384 13.18 L +103.715 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 14.447 m +167.063 13.813 L +154.393 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 14.447 m +103.715 13.813 L +91.045 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 13.813 m +129.054 13.18 L +116.384 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 14.447 m +154.393 13.813 L +141.723 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 13.813 m +141.723 13.18 L +129.054 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 14.447 m +91.045 13.813 L +78.376 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 14.447 m +192.402 13.813 L +179.732 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 14.13 m +230.41 13.813 L +230.41 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 14.447 m +217.741 13.813 L +205.071 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 14.13 m +274.754 14.13 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 13.813 m +91.045 13.18 L +78.376 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 13.813 m +103.715 13.18 L +91.045 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 14.447 m +179.732 13.813 L +167.063 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 14.447 m +205.071 13.813 L +192.402 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 13.497 m +72.041 13.497 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 7.479 m +217.741 8.112 L +230.41 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 13.813 m +154.393 13.18 L +141.723 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 13.18 m +129.054 12.546 L +116.384 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 13.813 m +192.402 13.18 L +179.732 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 13.813 m +205.071 13.18 L +192.402 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 13.813 m +217.741 13.18 L +205.071 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.863 m +72.041 12.863 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 13.497 m +230.41 13.18 L +230.41 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 13.813 m +179.732 13.18 L +167.063 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 2.727 m +281.089 3.044 L +281.089 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 13.813 m +230.41 13.18 L +217.741 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 13.18 m +116.384 12.546 L +103.715 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 13.813 m +167.063 13.18 L +154.393 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 13.18 m +91.045 12.546 L +78.376 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 13.18 m +141.723 12.546 L +129.054 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 13.18 m +154.393 12.546 L +141.723 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 13.18 m +167.063 12.546 L +154.393 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 13.18 m +103.715 12.546 L +91.045 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 13.18 m +192.402 12.546 L +179.732 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 13.497 m +274.754 13.497 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 14.13 m +72.041 14.13 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 13.18 m +179.732 12.546 L +167.063 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 3.044 m +243.828 3.007 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 13.18 m +217.741 12.546 L +205.071 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 12.863 m +230.41 12.546 L +230.41 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.23 m +72.041 12.23 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 12.546 m +91.045 11.913 L +78.376 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.863 m +274.754 12.863 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 12.546 m +103.715 11.913 L +91.045 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 12.546 m +167.063 11.913 L +154.393 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 12.546 m +141.723 11.913 L +129.054 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 12.546 m +116.384 11.913 L +103.715 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 12.546 m +154.393 11.913 L +141.723 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 12.546 m +179.732 11.913 L +167.063 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 11.913 m +103.715 11.279 L +91.045 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 12.546 m +217.741 11.913 L +205.071 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 12.546 m +230.41 11.913 L +217.741 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 12.23 m +230.41 11.913 L +230.41 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.23 m +274.754 12.23 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 12.546 m +192.402 11.913 L +179.732 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 12.546 m +129.054 11.913 L +116.384 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 11.596 m +72.041 11.596 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 11.913 m +91.045 11.279 L +78.376 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 9.379 m +167.063 8.746 L +154.393 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 11.913 m +116.384 11.279 L +103.715 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 11.913 m +141.723 11.279 L +129.054 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 11.913 m +154.393 11.279 L +141.723 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 11.913 m +167.063 11.279 L +154.393 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 11.913 m +179.732 11.279 L +167.063 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 11.913 m +192.402 11.279 L +179.732 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 11.913 m +205.071 11.279 L +192.402 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 11.596 m +230.41 11.279 L +230.41 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 11.913 m +230.41 11.279 L +217.741 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 11.596 m +274.754 11.596 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 12.546 m +205.071 11.913 L +192.402 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.963 m +72.041 10.963 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 11.279 m +167.063 10.646 L +154.393 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 11.279 m +103.715 10.646 L +91.045 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 11.279 m +116.384 10.646 L +103.715 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 11.279 m +129.054 10.646 L +116.384 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 11.279 m +141.723 10.646 L +129.054 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 11.279 m +154.393 10.646 L +141.723 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 11.913 m +129.054 11.279 L +116.384 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 11.279 m +179.732 10.646 L +167.063 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 11.279 m +91.045 10.646 L +78.376 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 11.913 m +217.741 11.279 L +205.071 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 11.279 m +192.402 10.646 L +179.732 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 11.279 m +217.741 10.646 L +205.071 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.329 m +72.041 10.329 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 10.646 m +91.045 10.012 L +78.376 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.963 m +274.754 10.963 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 10.646 m +103.715 10.012 L +91.045 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 10.646 m +129.054 10.012 L +116.384 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 10.646 m +116.384 10.012 L +103.715 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.696 m +72.041 9.696 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 10.963 m +230.41 10.646 L +230.41 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 10.646 m +141.723 10.012 L +129.054 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 10.646 m +154.393 10.012 L +141.723 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 10.646 m +205.071 10.012 L +192.402 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 10.646 m +179.732 10.012 L +167.063 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 10.646 m +217.741 10.012 L +205.071 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 10.329 m +230.41 10.012 L +230.41 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.329 m +274.754 10.329 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 10.012 m +91.045 9.379 L +78.376 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 10.646 m +167.063 10.012 L +154.393 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 10.646 m +230.41 10.012 L +217.741 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 10.012 m +103.715 9.379 L +91.045 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 10.012 m +116.384 9.379 L +103.715 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.062 m +72.041 9.062 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 10.012 m +141.723 9.379 L +129.054 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 10.012 m +154.393 9.379 L +141.723 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 10.012 m +167.063 9.379 L +154.393 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 10.012 m +179.732 9.379 L +167.063 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 10.012 m +230.41 9.379 L +217.741 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 10.012 m +129.054 9.379 L +116.384 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 10.012 m +192.402 9.379 L +179.732 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 10.012 m +205.071 9.379 L +192.402 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 11.279 m +205.071 10.646 L +192.402 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 10.012 m +217.741 9.379 L +205.071 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 11.279 m +230.41 10.646 L +217.741 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 9.379 m +91.045 8.746 L +78.376 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 9.379 m +103.715 8.746 L +91.045 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 9.379 m +116.384 8.746 L +103.715 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 9.379 m +129.054 8.746 L +116.384 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.696 m +274.754 9.696 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 9.696 m +230.41 9.379 L +230.41 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 9.379 m +141.723 8.746 L +129.054 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 9.379 m +154.393 8.746 L +141.723 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 13.18 m +230.41 12.546 L +217.741 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 9.379 m +179.732 8.746 L +167.063 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 9.379 m +205.071 8.746 L +192.402 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 9.379 m +230.41 8.746 L +217.741 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 9.062 m +230.41 8.746 L +230.41 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 9.379 m +217.741 8.746 L +205.071 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.062 m +274.754 9.062 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 8.746 m +129.054 8.112 L +116.384 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 8.746 m +103.715 8.112 L +91.045 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 8.429 m +72.041 8.429 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 8.746 m +116.384 8.112 L +103.715 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 8.746 m +141.723 8.112 L +129.054 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 8.429 m +274.754 8.429 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 8.746 m +179.732 8.112 L +167.063 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 8.746 m +192.402 8.112 L +179.732 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 8.746 m +205.071 8.112 L +192.402 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 8.746 m +217.741 8.112 L +205.071 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 8.746 m +154.393 8.112 L +141.723 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 8.746 m +91.045 8.112 L +78.376 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 8.746 m +230.41 8.112 L +217.741 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 8.429 m +230.41 8.112 L +230.41 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 9.379 m +192.402 8.746 L +179.732 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.795 m +72.041 7.795 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 8.112 m +103.715 7.479 L +91.045 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 8.112 m +116.384 7.479 L +103.715 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 8.112 m +129.054 7.479 L +116.384 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 8.112 m +141.723 7.479 L +129.054 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 8.112 m +154.393 7.479 L +141.723 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 8.112 m +167.063 7.479 L +154.393 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 8.112 m +205.071 7.479 L +192.402 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 8.112 m +192.402 7.479 L +179.732 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 8.112 m +217.741 7.479 L +205.071 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 8.746 m +167.063 8.112 L +154.393 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 8.112 m +230.41 7.479 L +217.741 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 7.479 m +129.054 6.845 L +116.384 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.795 m +274.754 7.795 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.162 m +72.041 7.162 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 7.479 m +91.045 6.845 L +78.376 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 7.479 m +103.715 6.845 L +91.045 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 7.479 m +116.384 6.845 L +103.715 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 8.112 m +91.045 7.479 L +78.376 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 7.479 m +141.723 6.845 L +129.054 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 7.795 m +230.41 7.479 L +230.41 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 7.479 m +154.393 6.845 L +141.723 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 7.479 m +167.063 6.845 L +154.393 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 7.479 m +179.732 6.845 L +167.063 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 7.479 m +217.741 6.845 L +205.071 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 7.479 m +230.41 6.845 L +217.741 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 7.162 m +230.41 6.845 L +230.41 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.162 m +274.754 7.162 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 6.845 m +230.41 6.212 L +217.741 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 7.479 m +205.071 6.845 L +192.402 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 6.528 m +72.041 6.528 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 6.845 m +91.045 6.212 L +78.376 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 6.528 m +230.41 6.212 L +230.41 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 6.845 m +103.715 6.212 L +91.045 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 6.845 m +129.054 6.212 L +116.384 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 6.845 m +154.393 6.212 L +141.723 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 6.845 m +167.063 6.212 L +154.393 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 6.845 m +141.723 6.212 L +129.054 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 6.845 m +179.732 6.212 L +167.063 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 6.845 m +205.071 6.212 L +192.402 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 6.845 m +116.384 6.212 L +103.715 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 6.845 m +192.402 6.212 L +179.732 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 6.845 m +217.741 6.212 L +205.071 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 10.646 m +192.402 10.012 L +179.732 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 6.528 m +274.754 6.528 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 6.212 m +230.41 5.578 L +217.741 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 6.212 m +103.715 5.578 L +91.045 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 6.212 m +116.384 5.578 L +103.715 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 6.212 m +129.054 5.578 L +116.384 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 6.212 m +141.723 5.578 L +129.054 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 6.212 m +192.402 5.578 L +179.732 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 6.212 m +91.045 5.578 L +78.376 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 6.212 m +154.393 5.578 L +141.723 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 6.212 m +167.063 5.578 L +154.393 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.895 m +72.041 5.895 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 6.212 m +179.732 5.578 L +167.063 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 7.479 m +192.402 6.845 L +179.732 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 5.895 m +230.41 5.578 L +230.41 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.895 m +274.754 5.895 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.261 m +72.041 5.261 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 5.578 m +91.045 4.945 L +78.376 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 6.212 m +217.741 5.578 L +205.071 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 6.212 m +205.071 5.578 L +192.402 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 5.578 m +103.715 4.945 L +91.045 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 5.578 m +116.384 4.945 L +103.715 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 5.578 m +129.054 4.945 L +116.384 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 5.578 m +141.723 4.945 L +129.054 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 5.578 m +154.393 4.945 L +141.723 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 5.578 m +205.071 4.945 L +192.402 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 5.578 m +217.741 4.945 L +205.071 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 5.578 m +192.402 4.945 L +179.732 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 5.578 m +230.41 4.945 L +217.741 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.261 m +274.754 5.261 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 5.261 m +230.41 4.945 L +230.41 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 4.945 m +205.071 4.311 L +192.402 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 5.578 m +179.732 4.945 L +167.063 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 4.628 m +72.041 4.628 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 4.945 m +91.045 4.311 L +78.376 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 4.945 m +141.723 4.311 L +129.054 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 4.945 m +116.384 4.311 L +103.715 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 4.945 m +154.393 4.311 L +141.723 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 4.945 m +179.732 4.311 L +167.063 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 4.945 m +192.402 4.311 L +179.732 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 4.945 m +217.741 4.311 L +205.071 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 4.945 m +103.715 4.311 L +91.045 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 4.945 m +167.063 4.311 L +154.393 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 4.945 m +230.41 4.311 L +217.741 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 4.628 m +230.41 4.311 L +230.41 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 4.311 m +205.071 3.678 L +192.402 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.994 m +72.041 3.994 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 4.311 m +91.045 3.678 L +78.376 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 4.311 m +103.715 3.678 L +91.045 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 4.311 m +116.384 3.678 L +103.715 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 4.311 m +167.063 3.678 L +154.393 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 4.628 m +274.754 4.628 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 4.311 m +129.054 3.678 L +116.384 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 4.311 m +141.723 3.678 L +129.054 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 4.945 m +129.054 4.311 L +116.384 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 4.311 m +154.393 3.678 L +141.723 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 3.678 m +116.384 3.044 L +103.715 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 4.311 m +217.741 3.678 L +205.071 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 4.311 m +230.41 3.678 L +217.741 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 3.994 m +230.41 3.678 L +230.41 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.994 m +274.754 3.994 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 4.311 m +192.402 3.678 L +179.732 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 4.311 m +179.732 3.678 L +167.063 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.361 m +72.041 3.361 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 3.678 m +91.045 3.044 L +78.376 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 3.678 m +103.715 3.044 L +91.045 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 3.678 m +129.054 3.044 L +116.384 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.311 m +262.084 4.628 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 3.678 m +167.063 3.044 L +154.393 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 3.678 m +179.732 3.044 L +167.063 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 3.678 m +192.402 3.044 L +179.732 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 3.678 m +205.071 3.044 L +192.402 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 3.044 m +179.732 2.411 L +167.063 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 3.678 m +154.393 3.044 L +141.723 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 3.678 m +217.741 3.044 L +205.071 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 3.678 m +230.41 3.044 L +217.741 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.732 3.044 m +192.402 2.411 L +179.732 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 3.361 m +230.41 3.044 L +230.41 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 2.727 m +72.041 2.727 L +65.706 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 91.045 3.044 m +103.715 2.411 L +91.045 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.715 3.044 m +116.384 2.411 L +103.715 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.376 3.044 m +91.045 2.411 L +78.376 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.384 3.044 m +129.054 2.411 L +116.384 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 3.044 m +154.393 2.411 L +141.723 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.361 m +274.754 3.361 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 3.044 m +141.723 2.411 L +129.054 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 3.044 m +167.063 2.411 L +154.393 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.678 m +262.084 3.994 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.402 3.044 m +205.071 2.411 L +192.402 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.746 m +262.084 9.062 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 2.727 m +230.41 2.411 L +230.41 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 2.727 m +274.754 2.727 L +268.419 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.813 m +262.084 14.13 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.18 m +262.084 13.497 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.646 m +262.084 10.963 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.741 3.044 m +230.41 2.411 L +217.741 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 12.546 m +262.084 12.863 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.913 m +262.084 12.23 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 205.071 3.044 m +217.741 2.411 L +205.071 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.279 m +262.084 11.596 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 129.054 3.678 m +141.723 3.044 L +129.054 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.112 m +262.084 8.429 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 7.479 m +262.084 7.795 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.845 m +262.084 7.162 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.212 m +262.084 6.528 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 9.379 m +262.084 9.696 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.012 m +262.084 10.329 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 5.578 m +262.084 5.895 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.945 m +262.084 5.261 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.723 4.945 m +129.054 5.578 L +141.723 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.044 m +262.084 3.361 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 8.587 m +72.041 8.746 L +72.041 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 13.022 m +262.084 13.18 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 12.388 m +262.084 12.546 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 13.655 m +262.084 13.813 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 11.755 m +262.084 11.913 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 10.488 m +262.084 10.646 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 11.121 m +262.084 11.279 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 9.221 m +262.084 9.379 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 14.288 m +262.084 14.447 L +268.419 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 9.854 m +262.084 10.012 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 8.587 m +262.084 8.746 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 6.053 m +262.084 6.212 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 5.42 m +262.084 5.578 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 4.786 m +262.084 4.945 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 7.954 m +262.084 8.112 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 3.519 m +262.084 3.678 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.393 5.578 m +167.063 4.945 L +154.393 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 2.886 m +262.084 3.044 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 4.153 m +262.084 4.311 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 14.288 m +72.041 14.447 L +72.041 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 13.972 m +65.706 14.13 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 12.071 m +65.706 12.23 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 13.655 m +72.041 13.813 L +72.041 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.18 m +72.041 13.497 L +78.376 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 13.338 m +65.706 13.497 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 13.655 m +65.706 13.497 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 13.022 m +65.706 12.863 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 14.288 m +65.706 14.13 L +65.706 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 13.022 m +72.041 13.18 L +72.041 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.546 m +72.041 12.863 L +78.376 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 6.687 m +262.084 6.845 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 12.705 m +65.706 12.863 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.813 m +72.041 14.13 L +78.376 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 12.388 m +65.706 12.23 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 11.755 m +72.041 11.913 L +72.041 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.279 m +72.041 11.596 L +78.376 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 11.438 m +65.706 11.596 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.913 m +72.041 12.23 L +78.376 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 12.388 m +72.041 12.546 L +72.041 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 11.755 m +65.706 11.596 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 11.121 m +72.041 11.279 L +72.041 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 265.252 7.32 m +262.084 7.479 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.646 m +72.041 10.963 L +78.376 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 10.804 m +65.706 10.963 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 10.488 m +65.706 10.329 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 9.854 m +72.041 10.012 L +72.041 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.379 m +72.041 9.696 L +78.376 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 7.637 m +65.706 7.795 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 9.854 m +65.706 9.696 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 10.171 m +65.706 10.329 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 7.954 m +65.706 7.795 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 9.537 m +65.706 9.696 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 7.32 m +72.041 7.479 L +72.041 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.012 m +72.041 10.329 L +78.376 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.746 m +72.041 9.062 L +78.376 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.112 m +72.041 8.429 L +78.376 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 9.221 m +65.706 9.062 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 8.27 m +65.706 8.429 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 7.954 m +72.041 8.112 L +72.041 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.479 m +72.041 7.795 L +78.376 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 9.221 m +72.041 9.379 L +72.041 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 8.904 m +65.706 9.062 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 8.587 m +65.706 8.429 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 2.411 m +262.084 2.727 L +268.419 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.845 m +72.041 7.162 L +78.376 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 5.103 m +65.706 5.261 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 6.687 m +72.041 6.845 L +72.041 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.212 m +72.041 6.528 L +78.376 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 6.37 m +65.706 6.528 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 5.737 m +65.706 5.895 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 6.053 m +72.041 6.212 L +72.041 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 7.32 m +65.706 7.162 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 11.121 m +65.706 10.963 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 6.687 m +65.706 6.528 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.945 m +72.041 5.261 L +78.376 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 7.003 m +65.706 7.162 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 6.053 m +65.706 5.895 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 5.42 m +65.706 5.261 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 4.786 m +72.041 4.945 L +72.041 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.311 m +72.041 4.628 L +78.376 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 5.42 m +72.041 5.578 L +72.041 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 4.786 m +65.706 4.628 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.578 m +72.041 5.895 L +78.376 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 10.488 m +72.041 10.646 L +72.041 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 4.47 m +65.706 4.628 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 4.153 m +72.041 4.311 L +72.041 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.678 m +72.041 3.994 L +78.376 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 3.836 m +65.706 3.994 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 3.203 m +65.706 3.361 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 3.519 m +65.706 3.361 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.044 m +72.041 3.361 L +78.376 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 2.886 m +72.041 3.044 L +72.041 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 2.569 m +65.706 2.727 L +65.706 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 2.411 m +72.041 2.727 L +78.376 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 13.18 m +236.745 12.863 L +230.41 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 3.519 m +72.041 3.678 L +72.041 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 2.886 m +65.706 2.727 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 14.13 m +62.539 14.288 L +65.706 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 14.13 m +243.08 14.13 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 14.447 m +236.745 14.13 L +230.41 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 13.813 m +236.745 13.497 L +230.41 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 13.497 m +243.08 13.497 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.863 m +62.539 13.022 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 12.546 m +236.745 12.863 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 13.497 m +62.539 13.655 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 13.18 m +236.745 13.497 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 12.863 m +243.08 12.863 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.23 m +62.539 12.388 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.329 m +62.539 10.488 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 11.913 m +236.745 12.23 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 12.23 m +243.08 12.23 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 11.596 m +62.539 11.755 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 11.913 m +236.745 11.596 L +230.41 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 11.279 m +236.745 10.963 L +230.41 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 12.546 m +236.745 12.23 L +230.41 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 11.279 m +236.745 11.596 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 11.596 m +243.08 11.596 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 13.813 m +236.745 14.13 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.963 m +62.539 11.121 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.062 m +62.539 9.221 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 10.646 m +236.745 10.329 L +230.41 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 10.012 m +236.745 10.329 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 10.329 m +243.08 10.329 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.696 m +62.539 9.854 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 10.963 m +243.08 10.963 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 10.646 m +236.745 10.963 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 10.012 m +236.745 9.696 L +230.41 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 9.379 m +236.745 9.696 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 2.727 m +243.08 2.727 L +243.08 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 9.696 m +243.08 9.696 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 2.411 m +236.745 2.727 L +243.08 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 8.746 m +236.745 8.429 L +230.41 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 8.112 m +236.745 8.429 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 8.429 m +62.539 8.587 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 8.429 m +243.08 8.429 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 8.112 m +236.745 7.795 L +230.41 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.795 m +62.539 7.954 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.895 m +62.539 6.053 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 9.062 m +243.08 9.062 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 7.479 m +236.745 7.795 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 7.795 m +243.08 7.795 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 7.162 m +243.08 7.162 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 7.479 m +236.745 7.162 L +230.41 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 6.528 m +62.539 6.687 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 6.212 m +236.745 6.528 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 6.528 m +243.08 6.528 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 6.212 m +236.745 5.895 L +230.41 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.162 m +62.539 7.32 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 6.845 m +236.745 6.528 L +230.41 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 5.578 m +236.745 5.895 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 5.895 m +243.08 5.895 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 3.994 m +243.08 3.994 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 5.578 m +236.745 5.261 L +230.41 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 4.945 m +236.745 5.261 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 5.261 m +243.08 5.261 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 4.628 m +62.539 4.786 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.994 m +62.539 4.153 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.261 m +62.539 5.42 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 4.945 m +236.745 4.628 L +230.41 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 4.311 m +236.745 4.628 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 9.379 m +236.745 9.062 L +230.41 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 4.628 m +243.08 4.628 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 8.746 m +236.745 9.062 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.361 m +62.539 3.519 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 3.678 m +236.745 3.361 L +230.41 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 3.044 m +236.745 3.361 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 236.745 3.361 m +243.08 3.361 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 3.678 m +236.745 3.994 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 4.311 m +236.745 3.994 L +230.41 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 2.727 m +62.539 2.886 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.08 3.044 m +236.745 2.727 L +230.41 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 62.539 14.288 m +62.539 14.447 L +65.706 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 14.13 m +72.041 14.447 L +78.376 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.261 m +72.041 5.578 L +78.376 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 14.13 m +72.041 13.813 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.497 m +72.041 13.813 L +78.376 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 14.13 m +68.874 14.288 L +72.041 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.813 m +68.874 13.655 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.497 m +72.041 13.18 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 13.497 m +68.874 13.655 L +72.041 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 13.18 m +68.874 13.022 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 14.447 m +68.874 14.288 L +65.706 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.863 m +72.041 13.18 L +78.376 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.863 m +68.874 13.022 L +72.041 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 12.23 m +68.874 12.388 L +72.041 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.23 m +72.041 11.913 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.596 m +72.041 11.913 L +78.376 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.863 m +72.041 12.546 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 11.596 m +68.874 11.755 L +72.041 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 13.497 m +265.252 13.655 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.596 m +72.041 11.279 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.913 m +68.874 11.755 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.963 m +72.041 11.279 L +78.376 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.963 m +68.874 11.121 L +72.041 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.062 m +68.874 9.221 L +72.041 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.329 m +72.041 10.646 L +78.376 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.646 m +68.874 10.488 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 10.329 m +68.874 10.488 L +72.041 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.329 m +72.041 10.012 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.696 m +72.041 9.379 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.963 m +72.041 10.646 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.696 m +72.041 10.012 L +78.376 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 10.012 m +68.874 9.854 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.546 m +68.874 12.388 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 9.696 m +68.874 9.854 L +72.041 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 11.279 m +68.874 11.121 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.062 m +72.041 8.746 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.429 m +72.041 8.746 L +78.376 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.746 m +68.874 8.587 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 8.429 m +68.874 8.587 L +72.041 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.379 m +68.874 9.221 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 9.062 m +72.041 9.379 L +78.376 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.429 m +72.041 8.112 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.795 m +72.041 8.112 L +78.376 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 12.23 m +72.041 12.546 L +78.376 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 8.112 m +68.874 7.954 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.795 m +68.874 7.954 L +72.041 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.162 m +72.041 6.845 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.528 m +72.041 6.845 L +78.376 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.845 m +68.874 6.687 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 4.628 m +68.874 4.786 L +72.041 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.528 m +72.041 6.212 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 7.162 m +68.874 7.32 L +72.041 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.628 m +72.041 4.311 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 6.528 m +68.874 6.687 L +72.041 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.994 m +72.041 4.311 L +78.376 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.479 m +68.874 7.32 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 6.212 m +68.874 6.053 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.578 m +68.874 5.42 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.895 m +72.041 5.578 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.261 m +68.874 5.42 L +72.041 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.628 m +72.041 4.945 L +78.376 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.945 m +68.874 4.786 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.895 m +72.041 6.212 L +78.376 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 5.895 m +68.874 6.053 L +72.041 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 5.261 m +72.041 4.945 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 230.41 6.845 m +236.745 7.162 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 4.311 m +68.874 4.153 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 14.288 m +268.419 14.13 L +268.419 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.361 m +72.041 3.678 L +78.376 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.678 m +68.874 3.519 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.361 m +68.874 3.519 L +72.041 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 2.727 m +68.874 2.886 L +72.041 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 2.727 m +72.041 3.044 L +78.376 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.994 m +72.041 3.678 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.795 m +72.041 7.479 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.361 m +72.041 3.044 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 14.13 m +268.419 14.13 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 65.706 3.994 m +68.874 4.153 L +72.041 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 14.288 m +274.754 14.447 L +274.754 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 14.13 m +265.252 14.288 L +268.419 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 14.447 m +265.252 14.288 L +262.084 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 13.655 m +274.754 13.813 L +274.754 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.813 m +274.754 14.13 L +281.089 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.497 m +268.419 13.497 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 3.044 m +68.874 2.886 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 72.041 7.162 m +72.041 7.479 L +78.376 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.18 m +274.754 13.497 L +281.089 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 13.655 m +268.419 13.497 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.813 m +265.252 13.655 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.361 m +274.754 3.678 L +281.089 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 13.022 m +268.419 12.863 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.863 m +265.252 13.022 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 12.863 m +268.419 12.863 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 13.18 m +265.252 13.022 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.913 m +274.754 12.23 L +281.089 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 12.388 m +274.754 12.546 L +274.754 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 11.121 m +274.754 11.279 L +274.754 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.546 m +274.754 12.863 L +281.089 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 12.23 m +268.419 12.23 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 12.388 m +268.419 12.23 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.279 m +274.754 11.596 L +281.089 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 12.546 m +265.252 12.388 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.596 m +268.419 11.596 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 11.596 m +265.252 11.755 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.913 m +265.252 11.755 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.646 m +274.754 10.963 L +281.089 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.23 m +265.252 12.388 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 11.755 m +268.419 11.596 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.963 m +268.419 10.963 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 11.121 m +268.419 10.963 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 9.854 m +268.419 9.696 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 11.279 m +265.252 11.121 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 10.488 m +274.754 10.646 L +274.754 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.012 m +274.754 10.329 L +281.089 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.329 m +268.419 10.329 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 9.854 m +274.754 10.012 L +274.754 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.963 m +265.252 11.121 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 10.488 m +268.419 10.329 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.329 m +265.252 10.488 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 11.755 m +274.754 11.913 L +274.754 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.646 m +265.252 10.488 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 9.379 m +265.252 9.221 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.696 m +265.252 9.854 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 10.012 m +265.252 9.854 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 9.221 m +274.754 9.379 L +274.754 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.746 m +274.754 9.062 L +281.089 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 9.696 m +268.419 9.696 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.379 m +274.754 9.696 L +281.089 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 9.062 m +268.419 9.062 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 9.221 m +268.419 9.062 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.062 m +265.252 9.221 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 8.587 m +274.754 8.746 L +274.754 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.945 m +265.252 4.786 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 8.587 m +268.419 8.429 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 8.429 m +265.252 8.587 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.746 m +265.252 8.587 L +262.084 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 7.954 m +274.754 8.112 L +274.754 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.212 m +274.754 6.528 L +281.089 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.429 m +268.419 8.429 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.479 m +274.754 7.795 L +281.089 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 7.795 m +268.419 7.795 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.528 m +268.419 6.528 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 7.954 m +268.419 7.795 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 8.112 m +265.252 7.954 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.845 m +274.754 7.162 L +281.089 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 7.162 m +268.419 7.162 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 7.32 m +274.754 7.479 L +274.754 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 7.32 m +268.419 7.162 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 7.479 m +265.252 7.32 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.795 m +265.252 7.954 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.162 m +265.252 7.32 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 6.687 m +274.754 6.845 L +274.754 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 4.153 m +274.754 4.311 L +274.754 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 6.687 m +268.419 6.528 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.261 m +265.252 5.42 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 6.053 m +274.754 6.212 L +274.754 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.578 m +274.754 5.895 L +281.089 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 5.895 m +268.419 5.895 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 6.053 m +268.419 5.895 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.945 m +274.754 5.261 L +281.089 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.845 m +265.252 6.687 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.895 m +265.252 6.053 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 6.212 m +265.252 6.053 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 6.528 m +265.252 6.687 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 5.42 m +274.754 5.578 L +274.754 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.112 m +274.754 8.429 L +281.089 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 5.578 m +265.252 5.42 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 4.786 m +274.754 4.945 L +274.754 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.311 m +274.754 4.628 L +281.089 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.628 m +268.419 4.628 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 5.42 m +268.419 5.261 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 5.261 m +268.419 5.261 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 4.786 m +268.419 4.628 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 4.628 m +265.252 4.786 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.678 m +271.586 3.519 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.678 m +274.754 3.994 L +281.089 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.795 m +274.754 8.112 L +281.089 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 4.311 m +265.252 4.153 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 3.519 m +274.754 3.678 L +274.754 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.994 m +265.252 4.153 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.044 m +274.754 3.361 L +281.089 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 3.519 m +268.419 3.361 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.361 m +268.419 3.361 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.678 m +265.252 3.519 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 4.153 m +268.419 3.994 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.361 m +265.252 3.519 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 2.886 m +274.754 3.044 L +274.754 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 2.727 m +265.252 2.886 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.044 m +265.252 2.886 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 14.13 m +274.754 14.447 L +281.089 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 2.411 m +274.754 2.727 L +281.089 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 14.13 m +271.586 14.288 L +274.754 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 13.022 m +274.754 13.18 L +274.754 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 14.13 m +274.754 13.813 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 14.447 m +271.586 14.288 L +268.419 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.497 m +274.754 13.813 L +281.089 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 13.497 m +271.586 13.655 L +274.754 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 11.596 m +271.586 11.755 L +274.754 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.863 m +274.754 13.18 L +281.089 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.18 m +271.586 13.022 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.863 m +271.586 13.022 L +274.754 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.863 m +274.754 12.546 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.23 m +274.754 11.913 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.497 m +274.754 13.18 L +268.419 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.23 m +274.754 12.546 L +281.089 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 12.546 m +271.586 12.388 L +268.419 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 271.586 2.886 m +268.419 2.727 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 12.23 m +271.586 12.388 L +274.754 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 13.813 m +271.586 13.655 L +268.419 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.596 m +274.754 11.279 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.963 m +274.754 11.279 L +281.089 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.279 m +271.586 11.121 L +268.419 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.963 m +271.586 11.121 L +274.754 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.913 m +271.586 11.755 L +268.419 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 11.596 m +274.754 11.913 L +281.089 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.963 m +274.754 10.646 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.329 m +274.754 10.646 L +281.089 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 2.727 m +268.419 2.727 L +268.419 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.646 m +271.586 10.488 L +268.419 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 10.329 m +271.586 10.488 L +274.754 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.696 m +274.754 9.379 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.062 m +274.754 9.379 L +281.089 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.379 m +271.586 9.221 L +268.419 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.162 m +271.586 7.32 L +274.754 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.062 m +274.754 8.746 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.696 m +271.586 9.854 L +274.754 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.162 m +274.754 6.845 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 9.062 m +271.586 9.221 L +274.754 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.528 m +274.754 6.845 L +281.089 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.012 m +271.586 9.854 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.746 m +271.586 8.587 L +268.419 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.112 m +271.586 7.954 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.429 m +274.754 8.112 L +268.419 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 7.795 m +271.586 7.954 L +274.754 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.162 m +274.754 7.479 L +281.089 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.479 m +271.586 7.32 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 8.429 m +274.754 8.746 L +281.089 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 8.429 m +271.586 8.587 L +274.754 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 7.795 m +274.754 7.479 L +268.419 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 262.084 3.994 m +268.419 3.994 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.845 m +271.586 6.687 L +268.419 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 4.628 m +271.586 4.786 L +274.754 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.895 m +274.754 6.212 L +281.089 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.212 m +271.586 6.053 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.895 m +271.586 6.053 L +274.754 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 5.261 m +271.586 5.42 L +274.754 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.261 m +274.754 5.578 L +281.089 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 6.528 m +274.754 6.212 L +268.419 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 10.329 m +274.754 10.012 L +268.419 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.895 m +274.754 5.578 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.945 m +271.586 4.786 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 6.528 m +271.586 6.687 L +274.754 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.261 m +274.754 4.945 L +268.419 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.628 m +274.754 4.311 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.994 m +274.754 4.311 L +281.089 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.311 m +271.586 4.153 L +268.419 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 4.628 m +274.754 4.945 L +281.089 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.994 m +274.754 3.678 L +268.419 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 5.578 m +271.586 5.42 L +268.419 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 9.696 m +274.754 10.012 L +281.089 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.994 m +271.586 4.153 L +274.754 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 167.063 8.112 m +179.732 7.479 L +167.063 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 3.361 m +271.586 3.519 L +274.754 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 9.696 m +243.828 9.658 L +243.08 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 14.168 m +243.822 14.13 L +243.08 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.032 m +243.822 3.994 L +243.08 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.665 m +243.822 4.628 L +243.08 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 14.447 m +243.828 14.409 L +243.08 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 14.394 m +261.045 14.447 L +262.084 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 2.765 m +243.822 2.727 L +243.08 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.398 m +243.822 3.361 L +243.08 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.267 m +243.822 12.23 L +243.08 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.566 m +243.822 6.528 L +243.08 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.634 m +243.822 11.596 L +243.08 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.199 m +243.822 7.162 L +243.08 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.833 m +243.822 7.795 L +243.08 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.901 m +243.822 12.863 L +243.08 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.932 m +243.822 5.895 L +243.08 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 2.78 m +60.429 2.991 L +62.539 2.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.681 m +60.429 4.892 L +62.539 4.786 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.848 m +60.429 8.059 L +62.539 7.954 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.414 m +60.429 3.625 L +62.539 3.519 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.314 m +60.429 5.525 L +62.539 5.42 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.948 m +60.429 6.159 L +62.539 6.053 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.581 m +60.429 6.792 L +62.539 6.687 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.215 m +60.429 7.426 L +62.539 7.32 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 2.727 m +274.754 3.044 L +281.089 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.299 m +243.822 5.261 L +243.08 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.044 m +271.586 2.886 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.761 m +261.045 13.813 L +262.084 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 268.419 2.727 m +271.586 2.886 L +274.754 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.534 m +243.822 13.497 L +243.08 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11 m +243.822 10.963 L +243.08 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.1 m +243.822 9.062 L +243.08 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 6.528 m +243.828 6.491 L +243.08 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.249 m +243.822 6.212 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 6.528 m +261.033 6.581 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.982 m +243.822 4.945 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 5.261 m +243.828 5.224 L +243.08 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 5.895 m +243.828 5.857 L +243.08 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 5.895 m +261.033 5.947 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 6.845 m +243.828 6.808 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.731 m +60.429 3.942 L +62.539 3.836 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 7.479 m +261.033 7.531 L +262.084 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.616 m +243.822 5.578 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 3.361 m +261.033 3.414 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 5.261 m +261.033 5.314 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 3.994 m +261.033 4.047 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.715 m +243.822 3.678 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 274.754 3.361 m +274.754 3.044 L +268.419 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.998 m +60.429 5.209 L +62.539 5.103 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.733 m +243.822 9.696 L +243.08 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.466 m +243.822 8.429 L +243.08 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.367 m +243.822 10.329 L +243.08 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.047 m +60.429 4.258 L +62.539 4.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.364 m +60.429 4.575 L +62.539 4.47 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.349 m +243.822 4.311 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.082 m +243.822 3.044 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 4.628 m +261.033 4.681 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 3.361 m +243.828 3.324 L +243.08 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 4.628 m +243.828 4.59 L +243.08 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 3.994 m +243.828 3.957 L +243.08 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.482 m +60.429 8.693 L +62.539 8.587 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.749 m +60.429 9.96 L +62.539 9.854 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 14.183 m +60.429 14.394 L +62.539 14.288 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.227 m +261.045 11.279 L +262.084 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.96 m +261.045 10.012 L +262.084 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.593 m +261.045 10.646 L +262.084 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.86 m +261.045 11.913 L +262.084 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.494 m +261.045 12.546 L +262.084 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.793 m +261.045 6.845 L +262.084 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.426 m +261.045 7.479 L +262.084 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.376 m +261.045 8.429 L +262.084 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.127 m +261.045 13.18 L +262.084 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.693 m +261.045 8.746 L +262.084 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.326 m +261.045 9.379 L +262.084 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.059 m +261.045 8.112 L +262.084 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.811 m +261.045 12.863 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.177 m +261.045 12.23 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.544 m +261.045 11.596 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.892 m +261.045 4.945 L +262.084 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.526 m +261.045 5.578 L +262.084 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.259 m +261.045 4.311 L +262.084 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.625 m +261.045 3.678 L +262.084 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 2.992 m +261.045 3.044 L +262.084 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.743 m +261.045 7.795 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 14.078 m +261.045 14.13 L +262.084 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.643 m +261.045 9.696 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.91 m +261.045 10.963 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.159 m +261.045 6.212 L +262.084 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.277 m +261.045 10.329 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.01 m +261.045 9.062 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.444 m +261.045 13.497 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 6.212 m +243.828 6.174 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.109 m +261.045 7.162 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.233 m +60.429 13.444 L +62.539 13.338 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.842 m +261.045 5.895 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.209 m +261.045 5.261 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.575 m +261.045 4.628 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 68.874 4.153 m +65.706 3.994 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.016 m +60.429 11.227 L +62.539 11.121 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.382 m +60.429 10.593 L +62.539 10.488 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.115 m +60.429 9.326 L +62.539 9.221 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.55 m +60.429 13.76 L +62.539 13.655 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.942 m +261.045 3.994 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.916 m +60.429 13.127 L +62.539 13.022 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.649 m +60.429 11.86 L +62.539 11.755 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.283 m +60.429 12.493 L +62.539 12.388 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.308 m +261.045 3.361 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 2.411 m +261.033 2.463 L +262.084 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 2.675 m +261.045 2.727 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.476 m +261.045 6.528 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.898 m +60.429 7.109 L +62.539 7.003 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.332 m +60.429 11.543 L +62.539 11.438 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.966 m +60.429 12.177 L +62.539 12.071 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.599 m +60.429 12.81 L +62.539 12.705 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.866 m +60.429 14.077 L +62.539 13.972 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.265 m +60.429 6.475 L +62.539 6.37 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.531 m +60.429 7.742 L +62.539 7.637 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.065 m +60.429 10.276 L +62.539 10.171 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.699 m +60.429 10.91 L +62.539 10.804 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.432 m +60.429 9.643 L +62.539 9.537 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.165 m +60.429 8.376 L +62.539 8.27 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.798 m +60.429 9.009 L +62.539 8.904 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 7.479 m +243.828 7.441 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.631 m +60.429 5.842 L +62.539 5.737 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 8.112 m +243.828 8.075 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 8.112 m +261.033 8.165 L +262.084 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 10.963 m +243.828 10.925 L +243.08 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 12.23 m +261.033 12.282 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 12.863 m +261.033 12.916 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 11.596 m +261.033 11.649 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 11.596 m +243.828 11.559 L +243.08 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.317 m +243.822 11.279 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 12.863 m +243.828 12.826 L +243.08 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.584 m +243.822 12.546 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.95 m +243.822 11.913 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 12.23 m +243.828 12.192 L +243.08 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.883 m +243.822 6.845 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 10.646 m +261.033 10.699 L +262.084 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 11.279 m +261.033 11.332 L +262.084 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 12.546 m +243.828 12.509 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 10.646 m +243.828 10.609 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 11.279 m +243.828 11.242 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 12.546 m +261.033 12.599 L +262.084 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 7.162 m +261.033 7.214 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 11.913 m +243.828 11.875 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 11.913 m +261.033 11.965 L +262.084 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 2.464 m +60.429 2.675 L +62.539 2.569 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 13.18 m +261.033 13.232 L +262.084 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.097 m +60.429 3.308 L +62.539 3.203 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.851 m +243.822 13.813 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 9.062 m +243.828 9.025 L +243.08 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.783 m +243.822 8.746 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 9.062 m +261.033 9.115 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 7.795 m +243.828 7.758 L +243.08 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.05 m +243.822 10.012 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 10.329 m +243.828 10.292 L +243.08 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 10.329 m +261.033 10.382 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.416 m +243.822 9.379 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 9.696 m +261.033 9.748 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.516 m +243.822 7.479 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 7.795 m +261.033 7.848 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 10.963 m +261.033 11.015 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.217 m +243.822 13.18 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 14.13 m +261.033 14.183 L +262.084 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 13.497 m +261.033 13.549 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 13.497 m +243.828 13.459 L +243.08 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.683 m +243.822 10.646 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 7.162 m +243.828 7.124 L +243.08 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 8.429 m +243.828 8.391 L +243.08 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 8.429 m +261.033 8.481 L +262.084 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.149 m +243.822 8.112 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 14.13 m +243.828 14.093 L +243.08 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 13.18 m +243.828 13.142 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 3.044 m +261.033 3.097 L +262.084 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 5.578 m +261.033 5.631 L +262.084 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 13.813 m +243.828 13.776 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 13.813 m +261.033 13.866 L +262.084 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 4.311 m +261.033 4.364 L +262.084 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 9.379 m +261.033 9.432 L +262.084 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 4.945 m +243.828 4.907 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 6.845 m +261.033 6.898 L +262.084 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 5.578 m +243.828 5.541 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 9.379 m +243.828 9.342 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 3.678 m +243.828 3.64 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 10.012 m +261.033 10.065 L +262.084 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 6.212 m +261.033 6.264 L +262.084 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 10.012 m +243.828 9.975 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 3.678 m +261.033 3.73 L +262.084 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 2.727 m +243.828 2.69 L +243.08 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 2.448 m +243.822 2.411 L +243.08 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 8.746 m +243.828 8.708 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 4.945 m +261.033 4.997 L +262.084 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.822 4.311 m +243.828 4.274 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 8.746 m +261.033 8.798 L +262.084 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.045 2.727 m +261.033 2.78 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.708 m +243.828 8.466 L +243.08 8.429 L +243.08 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.391 m +243.828 8.149 L +243.08 8.112 L +243.08 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.414 m +261.033 3.625 L +262.084 3.678 L +262.084 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 7.795 m +60.429 7.848 L +62.539 7.954 L +65.706 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.541 m +243.828 5.299 L +243.08 5.261 L +243.08 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 2.78 m +261.033 2.992 L +262.084 3.044 L +262.084 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.282 m +261.033 12.494 L +262.084 12.546 L +262.084 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 8.429 m +60.429 8.482 L +62.539 8.587 L +65.706 8.429 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.047 m +261.033 4.259 L +262.084 4.311 L +262.084 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.693 m +60.435 8.746 L +65.706 8.746 L +62.539 8.587 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.681 m +261.033 4.892 L +262.084 4.945 L +262.084 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.059 m +60.435 8.112 L +65.706 8.112 L +62.539 7.954 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 14.183 m +261.033 14.394 L +262.084 14.447 L +262.084 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 12.863 m +60.429 12.916 L +62.539 13.022 L +65.706 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.159 m +60.435 6.212 L +65.706 6.212 L +62.539 6.053 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 12.916 m +261.033 13.127 L +262.084 13.18 L +262.084 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.808 m +243.828 6.566 L +243.08 6.528 L +243.08 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.581 m +261.033 6.793 L +262.084 6.845 L +262.084 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.776 m +243.828 13.534 L +243.08 13.497 L +243.08 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.127 m +60.435 13.18 L +65.706 13.18 L +62.539 13.022 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.214 m +261.033 7.426 L +262.084 7.479 L +262.084 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.947 m +261.033 6.159 L +262.084 6.212 L +262.084 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.314 m +261.033 5.526 L +262.084 5.578 L +262.084 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.491 m +243.828 6.249 L +243.08 6.212 L +243.08 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 13.549 m +261.033 13.761 L +262.084 13.813 L +262.084 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.459 m +243.828 13.217 L +243.08 13.18 L +243.08 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.792 m +60.435 6.845 L +65.706 6.845 L +62.539 6.687 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.242 m +243.828 11 L +243.08 10.963 L +243.08 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.758 m +243.828 7.516 L +243.08 7.479 L +243.08 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 6.174 m +243.828 5.932 L +243.08 5.895 L +243.08 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.643 m +60.435 9.696 L +65.706 9.696 L +62.539 9.537 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 7.479 m +60.429 7.531 L +62.539 7.637 L +65.706 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.441 m +243.828 7.199 L +243.08 7.162 L +243.08 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 9.696 m +60.429 9.749 L +62.539 9.854 L +65.706 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 10.329 m +60.429 10.382 L +62.539 10.488 L +65.706 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.96 m +60.435 10.012 L +65.706 10.012 L +62.539 9.854 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.593 m +60.435 10.646 L +65.706 10.646 L +62.539 10.488 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.609 m +243.828 10.367 L +243.08 10.329 L +243.08 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 2.991 m +60.435 3.044 L +65.706 3.044 L +62.539 2.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 10.292 m +243.828 10.05 L +243.08 10.012 L +243.08 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.342 m +243.828 9.1 L +243.08 9.062 L +243.08 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.658 m +243.828 9.416 L +243.08 9.379 L +243.08 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 3.044 m +60.429 3.097 L +62.539 3.203 L +65.706 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 3.678 m +60.429 3.731 L +62.539 3.836 L +65.706 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.975 m +243.828 9.733 L +243.08 9.696 L +243.08 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 9.062 m +60.429 9.115 L +62.539 9.221 L +65.706 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 4.311 m +60.429 4.364 L +62.539 4.47 L +65.706 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 4.945 m +60.429 4.998 L +62.539 5.103 L +65.706 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 9.025 m +243.828 8.783 L +243.08 8.746 L +243.08 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.326 m +60.435 9.379 L +65.706 9.379 L +62.539 9.221 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 7.124 m +243.828 6.883 L +243.08 6.845 L +243.08 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 5.578 m +60.429 5.631 L +62.539 5.737 L +65.706 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 2.727 m +60.429 2.78 L +62.539 2.886 L +65.706 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 7.162 m +60.429 7.215 L +62.539 7.32 L +65.706 7.162 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.115 m +261.033 9.326 L +262.084 9.379 L +262.084 9.062 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 6.845 m +60.429 6.898 L +62.539 7.003 L +65.706 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.426 m +60.435 7.479 L +65.706 7.479 L +62.539 7.32 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 8.075 m +243.828 7.833 L +243.08 7.795 L +243.08 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 8.746 m +60.429 8.798 L +62.539 8.904 L +65.706 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 8.112 m +60.429 8.165 L +62.539 8.27 L +65.706 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 6.212 m +60.429 6.265 L +62.539 6.37 L +65.706 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.224 m +243.828 4.982 L +243.08 4.945 L +243.08 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 10.012 m +60.429 10.065 L +62.539 10.171 L +65.706 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 10.646 m +60.429 10.699 L +62.539 10.804 L +65.706 10.646 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 2.69 m +243.828 2.448 L +243.08 2.411 L +243.08 2.727 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 9.379 m +60.429 9.432 L +62.539 9.537 L +65.706 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 11.279 m +60.429 11.332 L +62.539 11.438 L +65.706 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 11.913 m +60.429 11.966 L +62.539 12.071 L +65.706 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.525 m +60.435 5.578 L +65.706 5.578 L +62.539 5.42 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 5.261 m +60.429 5.314 L +62.539 5.42 L +65.706 5.261 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.848 m +261.033 8.059 L +262.084 8.112 L +262.084 7.795 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 12.546 m +60.429 12.599 L +62.539 12.705 L +65.706 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.748 m +261.033 9.96 L +262.084 10.012 L +262.084 9.696 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 6.475 m +60.435 6.528 L +65.706 6.528 L +62.539 6.37 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.192 m +243.828 11.95 L +243.08 11.913 L +243.08 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.493 m +60.435 12.546 L +65.706 12.546 L +62.539 12.388 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.509 m +243.828 12.267 L +243.08 12.23 L +243.08 12.546 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 4.628 m +60.429 4.681 L +62.539 4.786 L +65.706 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.308 m +60.435 3.361 L +65.706 3.361 L +62.539 3.203 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 11.596 m +60.429 11.649 L +62.539 11.755 L +65.706 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 13.813 m +60.429 13.866 L +62.539 13.972 L +65.706 13.813 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.842 m +60.435 5.895 L +65.706 5.895 L +62.539 5.737 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 5.209 m +60.435 5.261 L +65.706 5.261 L +62.539 5.103 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.165 m +261.033 8.376 L +262.084 8.429 L +262.084 8.112 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 8.798 m +261.033 9.01 L +262.084 9.062 L +262.084 8.746 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 12.23 m +60.429 12.283 L +62.539 12.388 L +65.706 12.23 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 14.077 m +60.435 14.13 L +65.706 14.13 L +62.539 13.972 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.575 m +60.435 4.628 L +65.706 4.628 L +62.539 4.47 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.942 m +60.435 3.994 L +65.706 3.994 L +62.539 3.836 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.444 m +60.435 13.497 L +65.706 13.497 L +62.539 13.338 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 7.531 m +261.033 7.743 L +262.084 7.795 L +262.084 7.479 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 2.411 m +60.429 2.464 L +62.539 2.569 L +65.706 2.411 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.957 m +243.828 3.715 L +243.08 3.678 L +243.08 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.274 m +243.828 4.032 L +243.08 3.994 L +243.08 4.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.276 m +60.435 10.329 L +65.706 10.329 L +62.539 10.171 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 10.91 m +60.435 10.963 L +65.706 10.963 L +62.539 10.804 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.258 m +60.435 4.311 L +65.706 4.311 L +62.539 4.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 8.376 m +60.435 8.429 L +65.706 8.429 L +62.539 8.27 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 9.009 m +60.435 9.062 L +65.706 9.062 L +62.539 8.904 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 3.994 m +60.429 4.047 L +62.539 4.153 L +65.706 3.994 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 2.675 m +60.435 2.727 L +65.706 2.727 L +62.539 2.569 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.81 m +60.435 12.863 L +65.706 12.863 L +62.539 12.705 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 12.177 m +60.435 12.23 L +65.706 12.23 L +62.539 12.071 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 6.528 m +60.429 6.581 L +62.539 6.687 L +65.706 6.528 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.109 m +60.435 7.162 L +65.706 7.162 L +62.539 7.003 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 14.394 m +60.435 14.447 L +62.539 14.447 L +62.539 14.288 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.59 m +243.828 4.349 L +243.08 4.311 L +243.08 4.628 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 4.907 m +243.828 4.665 L +243.08 4.628 L +243.08 4.945 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 7.742 m +60.435 7.795 L +65.706 7.795 L +62.539 7.637 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.543 m +60.435 11.596 L +65.706 11.596 L +62.539 11.438 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.898 m +261.033 7.109 L +262.084 7.162 L +262.084 6.845 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 6.264 m +261.033 6.476 L +262.084 6.528 L +262.084 6.212 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 9.432 m +261.033 9.643 L +262.084 9.696 L +262.084 9.379 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 12.826 m +243.828 12.584 L +243.08 12.546 L +243.08 12.863 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 14.409 m +243.828 14.168 L +243.08 14.13 L +243.08 14.447 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 13.76 m +60.435 13.813 L +65.706 13.813 L +62.539 13.655 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 14.093 m +243.828 13.851 L +243.08 13.813 L +243.08 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 3.097 m +261.033 3.308 L +262.084 3.361 L +262.084 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 4.892 m +60.435 4.945 L +65.706 4.945 L +62.539 4.786 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 13.142 m +243.828 12.901 L +243.08 12.863 L +243.08 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 11.875 m +243.828 11.634 L +243.08 11.596 L +243.08 11.913 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 13.497 m +60.429 13.55 L +62.539 13.655 L +65.706 13.497 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 5.895 m +60.429 5.948 L +62.539 6.053 L +65.706 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.649 m +261.033 11.86 L +262.084 11.913 L +262.084 11.596 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.382 m +261.033 10.593 L +262.084 10.646 L +262.084 10.329 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 14.13 m +60.429 14.183 L +62.539 14.288 L +65.706 14.13 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.015 m +261.033 11.227 L +262.084 11.279 L +262.084 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 13.18 m +60.429 13.233 L +62.539 13.338 L +65.706 13.18 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 5.857 m +243.828 5.616 L +243.08 5.578 L +243.08 5.895 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.007 m +243.828 2.765 L +243.08 2.727 L +243.08 3.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 3.361 m +60.429 3.414 L +62.539 3.519 L +65.706 3.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 3.625 m +60.435 3.678 L +65.706 3.678 L +62.539 3.519 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.435 10.963 m +60.429 11.016 L +62.539 11.121 L +65.706 10.963 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.429 11.86 m +60.435 11.913 L +65.706 11.913 L +62.539 11.755 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 11.332 m +261.033 11.544 L +262.084 11.596 L +262.084 11.279 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 243.828 3.64 m +243.828 3.398 L +243.08 3.361 L +243.08 3.678 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 10.065 m +261.033 10.277 L +262.084 10.329 L +262.084 10.012 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 5.631 m +261.033 5.842 L +262.084 5.895 L +262.084 5.578 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 261.033 4.997 m 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] 0 setdash +p +0 setlinecap +275.357 8.429 m +275.357 6.979 L +s +P +p +np 271 9 m +271 20 L +280 20 L +280 9 L +cp +clip np +p +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +[1 0 0 1 272.497 10.589 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +p +np -2.497 -2.589 m +-2.497 10.411 L +8.503 10.411 L +8.503 -2.589 L +cp +clip np +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +6.48 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +0 6 m +(r) N +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +4.601 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +2.547 7.008 m +(B) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -272.497 -10.589 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +[ ] 0 setdash +p +0 setlinecap +35.352 8.429 m +286.104 8.429 L +s +P +p +np 290 3 m +290 14 L +296 14 L +296 3 L +cp +clip np +p +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +[1 0 0 1 291.864 4.679 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +p +np -2.864 -2.679 m +-2.864 10.321 L +5.136 10.321 L +5.136 -2.679 L +cp +clip np +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +6.48 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +0 6 m +(r) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -291.864 -4.679 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +p +np 35 2 m +35 16 L +287 16 L +287 2 L +cp +clip np +1 0 0 r +1.44 w +[ ] 0 setdash +60.427 2.411 m +60.427 14.447 L +s +243.834 2.411 m +243.834 14.447 L +s +[ 0.72 2.88 ] 0 setdash +261.028 2.411 m +261.028 14.447 L +s +P +P +P +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +P +P +%Trailer +%EOF diff --git a/thesis/tex etc/sample.bib b/thesis/tex etc/sample.bib new file mode 100644 index 0000000..696d580 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/tex etc/sample.bib @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +@STRING{CACM = {Communications of the ACM}} +@STRING{JACM = {Journal of the ACM}} +@STRING{SIAMJC = {SIAM Journal of Computing}} +@STRING{SPIE = {The International Society for Optical Engineering}} +@STRING{IEEETAES = {IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems}} +@STRING{IEEETGARS = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}} +@STRING{IEE-EL = {IEE Electronics Letters}} +@STRING{IEEESIG = {IEEE Signal Processing Society}} +@STRING{IEEEPROC = {Proceedings of the IEEE}} +@STRING{IEEETIP = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing}} +@STRING{GP = {Geophysical Prospecting}} +@STRING{IGARSS = {IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing}} +@STRING{IEEEGARS = {IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society}} +@STRING{SPIE = {The International Society for Optical Engineering}} +@STRING{IEEE = {Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers}} +@STRING{IEEETSP = {IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing}} +@STRING{PC = {Parallel Computing}} +@STRING{IJRS = {International Journal of Remote Sensing}} +@STRING{IEEETASSP = {IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processi +ng}} +@STRING{AO = {Applied Optics}} +@INPROCEEDINGS{Adams:1989, + AUTHOR = {J. W. Adams and R. E. Hudson and R. W. Bayma and J +. E. Nelson}, + ADDRESS = {Orlando, FL, USA}, + BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the SPIE}, + KEY = {343}, + MONTH = {Mar. 27--28}, + ORGANIZATION = SPIE, + PAGES = {34--45}, + SERIES = {Millimeter Wave and Synthetic Aperture Radar}, + TITLE = {Digital Interpolators for Polar Format Processing} +, + VOLUME = {1101}, + YEAR = {1989}, + CRINDEX = {chap2b} +} + +@ARTICLE{Adams:1991, + AUTHOR = {J. W. Adams and R. W. Bayma and M. E. Lawrence and + L. Petrosian}, + JOURNAL = IEEETSP, + MONTH = apr, + NUMBER = {4}, + PAGES = {953--955}, + TITLE = {On the Modified Chirp {$Z$} Transform for Syntheti +c Aperture Radar Systems}, + VOLUME = {39}, + YEAR = {1991}, + CRINDEX = {chap1} +} + +@PHDTHESIS{Bauck:1990, + AUTHOR = {J. L. Bauck}, + ADDRESS = {Urbana, IL, USA}, + KEY = {unused}, + MONTH = jan, + SCHOOL = {University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign}, + TITLE = {Tomographic Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar + Signals for Enhanced Resolution}, + TYPE = {Doctoral Dissertation}, + YEAR = {1990}, + CRINDEX = {chap1} +} + +@MISC{Burns:1997, + AUTHOR = {B. L. Burns and J. T. Cordaro}, + HOWPUBLISHED = {United States Patent No. 5,608,404}, + KEY = {308}, + MONTH = {Mar. 3}, + TITLE = {Imaging Synthetic Aperture Radar}, + YEAR = {1997}, + CRINDEX = {chap1} +} + +@BOOK{Blahut:1985, + AUTHOR = {R. E. Blahut}, + ADDRESS = {Reading, MA, USA}, + KEY = {bluebook}, + PUBLISHER = {Addison-Wesley}, + TITLE = {Fast Algorithms for Digital Signal Processing}, + YEAR = {1985}, + CRINDEX = {chap6}, + ANNOTE = {This the is the big, blue ERIM book} +} + +@TECHREPORT{Doerry1:1995, + AUTHOR = {A. W. Doerry and N. Magotra}, + ADDRESS = {P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM., 87185}, + INSTITUTION = {Sandia National Laboratories}, + KEY = {309}, + MONTH = oct, + NUMBER = {SAND95-2284J}, + TITLE = {Wide Angle Fine Resolution Spotlight {S}{A}{R} wit +h Tiered Subapertures}, + TYPE = {Sandia Report}, + YEAR = {1995}, + CRINDEX = {chap1} +} + +@UNPUBLISHED{Ghiglia:1991, + AUTHOR = {D. C. Ghiglia}, + MONTH = mar, + NOTE = {Internal company memorandum, Sandia National Labor +atories, Albuquerque, NM. USA}, + TITLE = {{I}{P}{R} Spread in Pixels as a Function of Quadra +tic Phase Error}, + YEAR = {1991}, + CRINDEX = {appenda} +} + +@MASTERSTHESIS{Schwartz:1980, + AUTHOR = {D. A. Schwartz}, + ADDRESS = {Urbana, IL, USA}, + MONTH = mar, + SCHOOL = {University of Illinois}, + TITLE = {Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Three S +ynthetic Aperture Radar Formats}, + TYPE = {{M}.{S}. {T}hesis ({C}oordinated {S}cience {L}ab - + Tech. Rep. T-94)}, + YEAR = {1980}, + CRINDEX = {chap2b} +} +@book{JAJA92, + author = {J.~J\'{a}J\'{a}}, + title = {{An Introduction to Parallel Algorithms}}, + year = {1992}, + publisher = {Addison-Wesley Publishing Company}, + address = {New York} +} + diff --git a/thesis/tex etc/template.tex b/thesis/tex etc/template.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9cb0b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/tex etc/template.tex @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +% Example template for using the unmeethesis style +% This example is for a Master's candidate in Mathematics +% It contains examples of front matter and most sections that the +% typical graduate student would need to include +% By: N. Doren 02/10/00 +% Minor mods by N. Doren 08/26/11 + +% Use the following specification for BOTTOM page numbering: +\documentclass[botnum, fleqn]{unmeethesis} + % OR +% Use the following specification for TOP page numbering: +% \documentclass[fleqn]{unmeethesis} + +\begin{document} + +\frontmatter + +% Uncomment the next command if you see weird paragraph spacing: +% That is, if you see paragraphs float with lots of white space +% in between them: + +% \setlength{\parskip}{0.30cm} + + +\title{An Awesome Thesis That Will Prove \\ to the Universe + That I Really Deserve This Honorable Degree} + +\author{Albert Richard Einstein, III} + +\degreesubject{M.S., Mathematics} + +\degree{Master of Science \\ Mathematics} + +\documenttype{Thesis} + +\previousdegrees{A.A.S., University of Southern Swampland, 1988 \\ + M.S., Art Therapy, University of New Mexico, 1991} + +\date{December, \thisyear} + +\maketitle + +\makecopyright + +\begin{dedication} + To my parents, Albert II and Gladys, for their support, + encouragement and the Corvette they're giving me for graduation. \\[3ex] + ``A bird in hand is worth two in the bush'' + -- Anonymous +\end{dedication} + +\begin{acknowledgments} + \vspace{1.1in} + I would like to thank my advisor, Professor Martin Sheen, for his support + and some great action movies. I would also like to thank my dog, Spot, + who only ate my homework two or three times. I have several other people + I would like to thank, as well.\footnote{To my brother and sister, who + are really cool.} +\end{acknowledgments} + +\maketitleabstract %(required even though there's no abstract title anymore) + +\begin{abstract} + The theory of relativity is a real ``toughie'' to prove, but with the + help of my family and my great grandpa Al, this paper presents the + proof in its entirety. Most of the math is correct, and the + part about ``warp speed'' and ``parallel universe'' sounds very high-tech. +\clearpage %(required for 1-page abstract) +\end{abstract} + +\tableofcontents +\listoffigures +\listoftables + +\begin{glossary}{Longest string} + \item[$a_{lm}$] + Taylor series coefficients, where $l,m = \{0..2\}$ + \item[$A_{\bf{p}}$] + Complex-valued scalar denoting the amplitude and phase. + \item[$A^T$] + Transpose of some relativity matrix. +\end{glossary} + +\mainmatter + +\chapter{Introduction} +\section{\label{section:overview}Overview} + The classic approach to proving a theorem is some really difficult + mathematics. For the theory of relativity, I asked grandpa Al exactly + how he proved it. He gave me a few hints, including some stuff about + rest mass and big electro-motive force. I think he is really smart. +\section{Conclusions} + I conclude that this is a really short thesis. + +\chapter{Future Work} + I'm sure my future work will consist of lots of other famous stuff. + +\chapter*{Appendices} + +\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendices} + % Next lines duplicated from .toc file and used to create mini + % "Appendix Table of Contents," if desired: + \contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {A}Proving $E=MC^2$}{4} + \contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {B}Derivation of $A = \pi r^2$}{5} + % End mini table of contents + +\appendix +\chapter{Proving $E=MC^2$} + I refer the reader to many of grandpa's famous books on this subject. +\chapter{Derivation of $A = \pi r^2$} + A circle is really a square without corners. QED. + +%\bibliographystyle{AMS} +%\bibliography{bibfile_name} + +\end{document} diff --git a/thesis/tex etc/u-line_gr1.eps b/thesis/tex etc/u-line_gr1.eps new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da61b98 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/tex etc/u-line_gr1.eps @@ -0,0 +1,13405 @@ +%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-1.2 +%%BoundingBox: 0 0 260 16 +%%HiResBoundingBox: 0 0 260 16 +%%Creator: (Wolfram Mathematica 9.0 for Linux x86 (64-bit) (February 7, 2013)) +%%CreationDate: (Sunday, May 11, 2014)(19:24:46) +%%Title: Clipboard +%%DocumentNeededResources: font Times-Roman +%%+ font Times-Italic +%%DocumentSuppliedResources: font Times-Roman-MISO +%%+ font Mathematica1 +%%+ font Times-Italic-MISO +%%DocumentNeededFonts: Times-Roman +%%+ Times-Italic +%%DocumentSuppliedFonts: Times-Roman-MISO +%%+ Mathematica1 +%%+ Times-Italic-MISO +%%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman +%%+ Times-Italic +%%+ Times-Roman-MISO +%%+ Mathematica1 +%%+ Times-Italic-MISO +%%EndComments +/p{gsave}bind def +/P{grestore}bind def +/g{setgray}bind def 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35 2 m +35 19 L +296 19 L +296 2 L +cp +clip np +3.239 setmiterlimit +p +np 35 2 m +35 16 L +287 16 L +287 2 L +cp +clip np +P +p +np 35 2 m +35 16 L +287 16 L +287 2 L +cp +clip np +P +p +np 35 2 m +35 16 L +287 16 L +287 2 L +cp +clip np +0.798 0.825 0.968 r +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 13.785 m +40.355 14.417 L +52.993 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 13.785 m +90.908 14.417 L +103.546 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 13.785 m +166.738 14.417 L +179.376 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 13.785 m +103.546 14.417 L +116.185 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 13.785 m +128.823 14.417 L +141.461 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 13.785 m +141.461 14.417 L +154.1 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 14.101 m +90.908 14.417 L +90.908 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 13.785 m +154.1 14.417 L +166.738 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 13.785 m +179.376 14.417 L +192.015 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 13.153 m +90.908 13.785 L +103.546 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 13.785 m +217.291 14.417 L +229.93 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 13.785 m +192.015 14.417 L +204.653 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 13.785 m +116.185 14.417 L +128.823 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 13.785 m +229.93 14.417 L +242.568 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 13.469 m +90.908 13.785 L +90.908 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 14.101 m +248.887 14.101 L +255.206 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 13.153 m +40.355 13.785 L +52.993 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.941 m +90.908 11.257 L +90.908 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 13.153 m +103.546 13.785 L +116.185 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 13.153 m +128.823 13.785 L +141.461 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 13.153 m +141.461 13.785 L +154.1 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 13.153 m +154.1 13.785 L +166.738 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 13.153 m +217.291 13.785 L +229.93 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 13.153 m +229.93 13.785 L +242.568 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 13.153 m +192.015 13.785 L +204.653 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 13.153 m +204.653 13.785 L +217.291 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 13.153 m +166.738 13.785 L +179.376 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 13.785 m +204.653 14.417 L +217.291 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 13.469 m +248.887 13.469 L +255.206 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 12.521 m +116.185 13.153 L +128.823 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.837 m +90.908 13.153 L +90.908 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 12.521 m +90.908 13.153 L +103.546 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 13.153 m +116.185 13.785 L +128.823 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 12.521 m +40.355 13.153 L +52.993 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 12.521 m +128.823 13.153 L +141.461 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 12.521 m +141.461 13.153 L +154.1 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 12.521 m +103.546 13.153 L +116.185 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 12.521 m +154.1 13.153 L +166.738 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 12.521 m +166.738 13.153 L +179.376 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 12.521 m +179.376 13.153 L +192.015 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 12.521 m +217.291 13.153 L +229.93 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 11.889 m +204.653 12.521 L +217.291 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 12.521 m +204.653 13.153 L +217.291 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 12.521 m +229.93 13.153 L +242.568 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.205 m +90.908 12.521 L +90.908 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 12.837 m +248.887 12.837 L +255.206 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 11.889 m +40.355 12.521 L +52.993 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 11.889 m +217.291 12.521 L +229.93 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 11.889 m +90.908 12.521 L +103.546 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 11.889 m +116.185 12.521 L +128.823 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 11.889 m +141.461 12.521 L +154.1 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 11.889 m +154.1 12.521 L +166.738 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 11.889 m +103.546 12.521 L +116.185 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 11.889 m +166.738 12.521 L +179.376 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 11.889 m +192.015 12.521 L +204.653 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 11.889 m +128.823 12.521 L +141.461 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 11.889 m +179.376 12.521 L +192.015 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 13.153 m +179.376 13.785 L +192.015 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 11.889 m +229.93 12.521 L +242.568 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 11.257 m +192.015 11.889 L +204.653 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 11.573 m +90.908 11.889 L +90.908 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 11.257 m +154.1 11.889 L +166.738 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 11.257 m +40.355 11.889 L +52.993 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 11.257 m +90.908 11.889 L +103.546 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 11.257 m +128.823 11.889 L +141.461 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 11.257 m +103.546 11.889 L +116.185 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 11.257 m +116.185 11.889 L +128.823 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 12.205 m +248.887 12.205 L +255.206 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 11.257 m +141.461 11.889 L +154.1 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 12.521 m +192.015 13.153 L +204.653 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 11.257 m +204.653 11.889 L +217.291 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 11.257 m +179.376 11.889 L +192.015 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 11.257 m +166.738 11.889 L +179.376 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 11.257 m +217.291 11.889 L +229.93 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 10.625 m +40.355 11.257 L +52.993 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 11.257 m +229.93 11.889 L +242.568 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 11.573 m +248.887 11.573 L +255.206 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 10.625 m +90.908 11.257 L +103.546 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 10.625 m +103.546 11.257 L +116.185 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 10.625 m +116.185 11.257 L +128.823 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 10.625 m +128.823 11.257 L +141.461 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 10.625 m +141.461 11.257 L +154.1 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 10.625 m +204.653 11.257 L +217.291 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 10.625 m +217.291 11.257 L +229.93 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 10.625 m +179.376 11.257 L +192.015 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 10.625 m +192.015 11.257 L +204.653 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 10.625 m +154.1 11.257 L +166.738 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 10.625 m +166.738 11.257 L +179.376 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 10.625 m +229.93 11.257 L +242.568 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 9.993 m +103.546 10.625 L +116.185 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 9.993 m +40.355 10.625 L +52.993 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.309 m +90.908 10.625 L +90.908 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 9.993 m +141.461 10.625 L +154.1 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 10.941 m +248.887 10.941 L +255.206 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 9.993 m +116.185 10.625 L +128.823 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 9.993 m +128.823 10.625 L +141.461 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 9.993 m +90.908 10.625 L +103.546 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 9.361 m +204.653 9.993 L +217.291 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 9.361 m +217.291 9.993 L +229.93 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 9.993 m +179.376 10.625 L +192.015 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 9.993 m +192.015 10.625 L +204.653 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 9.993 m +204.653 10.625 L +217.291 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.677 m +90.908 9.993 L +90.908 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 9.361 m +90.908 9.993 L +103.546 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 10.309 m +248.887 10.309 L +255.206 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 9.361 m +40.355 9.993 L +52.993 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 9.993 m +217.291 10.625 L +229.93 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 9.993 m +154.1 10.625 L +166.738 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 9.361 m +103.546 9.993 L +116.185 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 9.361 m +166.738 9.993 L +179.376 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 9.361 m +128.823 9.993 L +141.461 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 9.361 m +141.461 9.993 L +154.1 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 9.993 m +166.738 10.625 L +179.376 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 9.361 m +116.185 9.993 L +128.823 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 9.361 m +179.376 9.993 L +192.015 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 9.361 m +192.015 9.993 L +204.653 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 9.361 m +154.1 9.993 L +166.738 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 7.465 m +141.461 8.097 L +154.1 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 9.361 m +229.93 9.993 L +242.568 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 8.097 m +166.738 8.729 L +179.376 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 8.729 m +40.355 9.361 L +52.993 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.045 m +90.908 9.361 L +90.908 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 8.729 m +141.461 9.361 L +154.1 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 8.729 m +154.1 9.361 L +166.738 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 8.729 m +116.185 9.361 L +128.823 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 8.729 m +128.823 9.361 L +141.461 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 8.729 m +90.908 9.361 L +103.546 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 8.729 m +103.546 9.361 L +116.185 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 8.729 m +166.738 9.361 L +179.376 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 8.729 m +229.93 9.361 L +242.568 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 8.729 m +192.015 9.361 L +204.653 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 8.729 m +204.653 9.361 L +217.291 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 8.413 m +90.908 8.729 L +90.908 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 8.729 m +179.376 9.361 L +192.015 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 9.045 m +248.887 9.045 L +255.206 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 8.097 m +40.355 8.729 L +52.993 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 8.729 m +217.291 9.361 L +229.93 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 7.465 m +154.1 8.097 L +166.738 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 9.677 m +248.887 9.677 L +255.206 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 8.097 m +116.185 8.729 L +128.823 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 8.097 m +128.823 8.729 L +141.461 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 8.097 m +141.461 8.729 L +154.1 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 8.097 m +204.653 8.729 L +217.291 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 8.097 m +217.291 8.729 L +229.93 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 8.097 m +179.376 8.729 L +192.015 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 8.097 m +192.015 8.729 L +204.653 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 8.097 m +154.1 8.729 L +166.738 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 8.097 m +90.908 8.729 L +103.546 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 8.097 m +229.93 8.729 L +242.568 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 7.465 m +103.546 8.097 L +116.185 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 7.465 m +40.355 8.097 L +52.993 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.781 m +90.908 8.097 L +90.908 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 8.097 m +103.546 8.729 L +116.185 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 8.413 m +248.887 8.413 L +255.206 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 7.465 m +116.185 8.097 L +128.823 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 7.465 m +128.823 8.097 L +141.461 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 7.465 m +90.908 8.097 L +103.546 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 9.993 m +229.93 10.625 L +242.568 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 7.465 m +166.738 8.097 L +179.376 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 3.042 m +154.1 3.674 L +166.738 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 7.465 m +204.653 8.097 L +217.291 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 6.834 m +90.908 7.465 L +103.546 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 7.465 m +217.291 8.097 L +229.93 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 7.781 m +248.887 7.781 L +255.206 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 6.834 m +40.355 7.465 L +52.993 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 7.465 m +192.015 8.097 L +204.653 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.15 m +90.908 7.465 L +90.908 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 6.834 m +103.546 7.465 L +116.185 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 6.834 m +204.653 7.465 L +217.291 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 6.834 m +141.461 7.465 L +154.1 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 6.834 m +116.185 7.465 L +128.823 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 7.465 m +229.93 8.097 L +242.568 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 6.834 m +154.1 7.465 L +166.738 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 6.834 m +192.015 7.465 L +204.653 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 6.834 m +166.738 7.465 L +179.376 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 6.834 m +179.376 7.465 L +192.015 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 4.306 m +192.015 4.938 L +204.653 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 6.834 m +217.291 7.465 L +229.93 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 7.15 m +248.887 7.15 L +255.206 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 6.202 m +40.355 6.834 L +52.993 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 6.518 m +90.908 6.834 L +90.908 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 6.202 m +141.461 6.834 L +154.1 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 6.202 m +154.1 6.834 L +166.738 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 6.202 m +116.185 6.834 L +128.823 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 6.202 m +128.823 6.834 L +141.461 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 6.202 m +90.908 6.834 L +103.546 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 6.834 m +128.823 7.465 L +141.461 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 6.202 m +166.738 6.834 L +179.376 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 6.202 m +229.93 6.834 L +242.568 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 6.202 m +192.015 6.834 L +204.653 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 6.202 m +204.653 6.834 L +217.291 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 6.834 m +229.93 7.465 L +242.568 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 6.202 m +179.376 6.834 L +192.015 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 6.518 m +248.887 6.518 L +255.206 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 5.57 m +40.355 6.202 L +52.993 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 6.202 m +217.291 6.834 L +229.93 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.886 m +90.908 6.202 L +90.908 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 5.57 m +90.908 6.202 L +103.546 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 5.57 m +103.546 6.202 L +116.185 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 5.57 m +141.461 6.202 L +154.1 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 4.938 m +128.823 5.57 L +141.461 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 5.57 m +128.823 6.202 L +141.461 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 5.57 m +154.1 6.202 L +166.738 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 5.57 m +192.015 6.202 L +204.653 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 5.57 m +166.738 6.202 L +179.376 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 5.57 m +179.376 6.202 L +192.015 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 4.938 m +141.461 5.57 L +154.1 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 5.57 m +204.653 6.202 L +217.291 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 5.57 m +229.93 6.202 L +242.568 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 4.938 m +40.355 5.57 L +52.993 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.254 m +90.908 5.57 L +90.908 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 5.57 m +217.291 6.202 L +229.93 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 4.938 m +90.908 5.57 L +103.546 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 4.938 m +116.185 5.57 L +128.823 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 5.886 m +248.887 5.886 L +255.206 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 4.938 m +103.546 5.57 L +116.185 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 6.202 m +103.546 6.834 L +116.185 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 4.938 m +154.1 5.57 L +166.738 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 4.306 m +116.185 4.938 L +128.823 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 4.938 m +192.015 5.57 L +204.653 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 4.622 m +90.908 4.938 L +90.908 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 4.938 m +179.376 5.57 L +192.015 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 4.938 m +204.653 5.57 L +217.291 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 5.254 m +248.887 5.254 L +255.206 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 4.938 m +217.291 5.57 L +229.93 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 4.938 m +229.93 5.57 L +242.568 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 4.938 m +166.738 5.57 L +179.376 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 4.306 m +40.355 4.938 L +52.993 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 5.57 m +116.185 6.202 L +128.823 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 4.306 m +128.823 4.938 L +141.461 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 4.306 m +103.546 4.938 L +116.185 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 4.306 m +90.908 4.938 L +103.546 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 4.306 m +141.461 4.938 L +154.1 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 4.306 m +179.376 4.938 L +192.015 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 4.306 m +154.1 4.938 L +166.738 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 4.306 m +166.738 4.938 L +179.376 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 4.306 m +204.653 4.938 L +217.291 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 4.306 m +217.291 4.938 L +229.93 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 4.306 m +229.93 4.938 L +242.568 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 4.622 m +248.887 4.622 L +255.206 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 3.674 m +40.355 4.306 L +52.993 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 3.674 m +128.823 4.306 L +141.461 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 3.674 m +141.461 4.306 L +154.1 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 3.674 m +103.546 4.306 L +116.185 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 3.674 m +116.185 4.306 L +128.823 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.99 m +90.908 4.306 L +90.908 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 3.674 m +90.908 4.306 L +103.546 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 3.674 m +154.1 4.306 L +166.738 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 3.674 m +217.291 4.306 L +229.93 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 3.674 m +179.376 4.306 L +192.015 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 3.674 m +192.015 4.306 L +204.653 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 3.042 m +40.355 3.674 L +52.993 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 3.674 m +166.738 4.306 L +179.376 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 3.674 m +229.93 4.306 L +242.568 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 3.99 m +248.887 3.99 L +255.206 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 3.674 m +204.653 4.306 L +217.291 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 2.41 m +128.823 3.042 L +141.461 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 2.41 m +141.461 3.042 L +154.1 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 3.042 m +103.546 3.674 L +116.185 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 3.042 m +116.185 3.674 L +128.823 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 3.042 m +128.823 3.674 L +141.461 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 3.042 m +192.015 3.674 L +204.653 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 3.042 m +204.653 3.674 L +217.291 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 3.042 m +166.738 3.674 L +179.376 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 3.042 m +179.376 3.674 L +192.015 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 3.042 m +141.461 3.674 L +154.1 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.358 m +90.908 3.674 L +90.908 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 3.042 m +217.291 3.674 L +229.93 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 2.41 m +90.908 3.042 L +103.546 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 3.358 m +248.887 3.358 L +255.206 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 52.993 2.41 m +40.355 3.042 L +52.993 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 3.042 m +90.908 3.674 L +103.546 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 3.042 m +229.93 3.674 L +242.568 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 2.41 m +103.546 3.042 L +116.185 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 2.41 m +116.185 3.042 L +128.823 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 2.726 m +90.908 3.042 L +90.908 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 13.785 m +242.568 13.153 L +229.93 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 2.41 m +154.1 3.042 L +166.738 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 13.469 m +52.993 13.153 L +52.993 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 2.41 m +179.376 3.042 L +192.015 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 2.41 m +192.015 3.042 L +204.653 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 14.417 m +52.993 13.785 L +40.355 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 14.101 m +52.993 13.785 L +52.993 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 2.41 m +229.93 3.042 L +242.568 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 2.726 m +248.887 2.726 L +255.206 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 2.41 m +204.653 3.042 L +217.291 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 2.41 m +217.291 3.042 L +229.93 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 14.101 m +84.589 14.101 L +78.27 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 14.417 m +154.1 13.785 L +141.461 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 14.417 m +116.185 13.785 L +103.546 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 14.417 m +128.823 13.785 L +116.185 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 14.417 m +192.015 13.785 L +179.376 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 14.417 m +103.546 13.785 L +90.908 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 14.417 m +166.738 13.785 L +154.1 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 14.417 m +179.376 13.785 L +166.738 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 14.417 m +141.461 13.785 L +128.823 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 7.465 m +179.376 8.097 L +192.015 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 2.41 m +166.738 3.042 L +179.376 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 14.417 m +229.93 13.785 L +217.291 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 14.417 m +242.568 13.785 L +229.93 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 14.101 m +242.568 13.785 L +242.568 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 13.785 m +116.185 13.153 L +103.546 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 13.785 m +128.823 13.153 L +116.185 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 13.469 m +84.589 13.469 L +78.27 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 13.785 m +103.546 13.153 L +90.908 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 13.785 m +52.993 13.153 L +40.355 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 14.417 m +204.653 13.785 L +192.015 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 13.785 m +141.461 13.153 L +128.823 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 13.785 m +204.653 13.153 L +192.015 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 13.785 m +166.738 13.153 L +154.1 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 13.785 m +179.376 13.153 L +166.738 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 14.417 m +217.291 13.785 L +204.653 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 13.785 m +154.1 13.153 L +141.461 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 13.785 m +217.291 13.153 L +204.653 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 13.785 m +229.93 13.153 L +217.291 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 13.785 m +192.015 13.153 L +179.376 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 13.627 m +78.27 13.469 L +78.27 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 13.469 m +242.568 13.153 L +242.568 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 12.837 m +52.993 12.521 L +52.993 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 12.837 m +84.589 12.837 L +78.27 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 13.153 m +103.546 12.521 L +90.908 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 13.153 m +179.376 12.521 L +166.738 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 13.153 m +116.185 12.521 L +103.546 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 13.153 m +141.461 12.521 L +128.823 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 13.153 m +166.738 12.521 L +154.1 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 13.153 m +192.015 12.521 L +179.376 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 12.205 m +84.589 12.205 L +78.27 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 12.837 m +242.568 12.521 L +242.568 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 13.153 m +217.291 12.521 L +204.653 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 13.153 m +229.93 12.521 L +217.291 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 13.153 m +154.1 12.521 L +141.461 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 13.153 m +204.653 12.521 L +192.015 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 12.521 m +52.993 11.889 L +40.355 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 12.205 m +52.993 11.889 L +52.993 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 13.153 m +242.568 12.521 L +229.93 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 13.153 m +128.823 12.521 L +116.185 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 11.889 m +154.1 11.257 L +141.461 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 12.521 m +103.546 11.889 L +90.908 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 12.521 m +217.291 11.889 L +204.653 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 12.521 m +141.461 11.889 L +128.823 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 12.521 m +242.568 11.889 L +229.93 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 12.521 m +154.1 11.889 L +141.461 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 12.521 m +166.738 11.889 L +154.1 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 12.521 m +192.015 11.889 L +179.376 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 12.521 m +229.93 11.889 L +217.291 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 11.889 m +141.461 11.257 L +128.823 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 12.521 m +116.185 11.889 L +103.546 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 11.889 m +128.823 11.257 L +116.185 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 12.521 m +128.823 11.889 L +116.185 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 11.889 m +52.993 11.257 L +40.355 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 11.889 m +103.546 11.257 L +90.908 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 11.573 m +52.993 11.257 L +52.993 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 11.573 m +84.589 11.573 L +78.27 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 11.889 m +116.185 11.257 L +103.546 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 12.205 m +242.568 11.889 L +242.568 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 11.889 m +166.738 11.257 L +154.1 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 10.625 m +242.568 9.993 L +229.93 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 10.309 m +52.993 9.993 L +52.993 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 11.889 m +192.015 11.257 L +179.376 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 11.889 m +204.653 11.257 L +192.015 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 11.257 m +52.993 10.625 L +40.355 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 10.941 m +52.993 10.625 L +52.993 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 11.889 m +242.568 11.257 L +229.93 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 11.573 m +242.568 11.257 L +242.568 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 11.889 m +217.291 11.257 L +204.653 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 11.889 m +229.93 11.257 L +217.291 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 10.941 m +84.589 10.941 L +78.27 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 11.257 m +154.1 10.625 L +141.461 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 11.257 m +116.185 10.625 L +103.546 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 11.257 m +128.823 10.625 L +116.185 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 11.257 m +192.015 10.625 L +179.376 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 11.257 m +103.546 10.625 L +90.908 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 11.257 m +166.738 10.625 L +154.1 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 11.257 m +179.376 10.625 L +166.738 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 11.257 m +141.461 10.625 L +128.823 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 12.521 m +204.653 11.889 L +192.015 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 11.889 m +179.376 11.257 L +166.738 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 11.257 m +229.93 10.625 L +217.291 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 11.257 m +242.568 10.625 L +229.93 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 10.941 m +242.568 10.625 L +242.568 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 10.625 m +116.185 9.993 L +103.546 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 10.625 m +128.823 9.993 L +116.185 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 10.309 m +84.589 10.309 L +78.27 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 10.625 m +103.546 9.993 L +90.908 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 10.625 m +52.993 9.993 L +40.355 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 11.257 m +204.653 10.625 L +192.015 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 10.625 m +141.461 9.993 L +128.823 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 10.625 m +204.653 9.993 L +192.015 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 10.625 m +166.738 9.993 L +154.1 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 10.625 m +179.376 9.993 L +166.738 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 11.257 m +217.291 10.625 L +204.653 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 10.625 m +154.1 9.993 L +141.461 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 10.625 m +217.291 9.993 L +204.653 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 10.625 m +229.93 9.993 L +217.291 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 10.625 m +192.015 9.993 L +179.376 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 12.521 m +179.376 11.889 L +166.738 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 10.309 m +242.568 9.993 L +242.568 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 9.677 m +52.993 9.361 L +52.993 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 9.677 m +84.589 9.677 L +78.27 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 9.993 m +103.546 9.361 L +90.908 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 9.993 m +166.738 9.361 L +154.1 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 9.993 m +179.376 9.361 L +166.738 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 9.993 m +141.461 9.361 L +128.823 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 9.993 m +154.1 9.361 L +141.461 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 9.993 m +116.185 9.361 L +103.546 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 9.993 m +128.823 9.361 L +116.185 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 9.993 m +192.015 9.361 L +179.376 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 9.677 m +242.568 9.361 L +242.568 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 9.993 m +217.291 9.361 L +204.653 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 9.993 m +229.93 9.361 L +217.291 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 9.045 m +84.589 9.045 L +78.27 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 9.993 m +204.653 9.361 L +192.015 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 9.361 m +52.993 8.729 L +40.355 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 9.045 m +52.993 8.729 L +52.993 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 9.993 m +242.568 9.361 L +229.93 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 8.729 m +141.461 8.097 L +128.823 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 8.729 m +154.1 8.097 L +141.461 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 9.361 m +128.823 8.729 L +116.185 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 9.361 m +141.461 8.729 L +128.823 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 9.361 m +154.1 8.729 L +141.461 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 9.361 m +217.291 8.729 L +204.653 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 9.361 m +229.93 8.729 L +217.291 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 9.361 m +192.015 8.729 L +179.376 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 9.361 m +204.653 8.729 L +192.015 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 9.361 m +166.738 8.729 L +154.1 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 9.361 m +103.546 8.729 L +90.908 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 9.361 m +242.568 8.729 L +229.93 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 8.729 m +103.546 8.097 L +90.908 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 8.729 m +52.993 8.097 L +40.355 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 8.413 m +52.993 8.097 L +52.993 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 9.361 m +116.185 8.729 L +103.546 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 9.045 m +242.568 8.729 L +242.568 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 8.729 m +116.185 8.097 L +103.546 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 8.729 m +128.823 8.097 L +116.185 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 8.413 m +84.589 8.413 L +78.27 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 7.465 m +242.568 6.834 L +229.93 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 8.729 m +166.738 8.097 L +154.1 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 7.15 m +52.993 6.834 L +52.993 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 8.729 m +192.015 8.097 L +179.376 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 8.729 m +204.653 8.097 L +192.015 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 8.097 m +52.993 7.465 L +40.355 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 7.781 m +52.993 7.465 L +52.993 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 8.729 m +242.568 8.097 L +229.93 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 8.413 m +242.568 8.097 L +242.568 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 8.729 m +217.291 8.097 L +204.653 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 8.729 m +229.93 8.097 L +217.291 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 7.781 m +84.589 7.781 L +78.27 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 8.097 m +154.1 7.465 L +141.461 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 8.097 m +116.185 7.465 L +103.546 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 8.097 m +128.823 7.465 L +116.185 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 8.097 m +192.015 7.465 L +179.376 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 8.097 m +103.546 7.465 L +90.908 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 8.097 m +166.738 7.465 L +154.1 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 8.097 m +179.376 7.465 L +166.738 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 8.097 m +141.461 7.465 L +128.823 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 9.993 m +52.993 9.361 L +40.355 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 8.729 m +179.376 8.097 L +166.738 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 8.097 m +229.93 7.465 L +217.291 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 8.097 m +242.568 7.465 L +229.93 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 7.781 m +242.568 7.465 L +242.568 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 7.465 m +116.185 6.834 L +103.546 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 7.465 m +128.823 6.834 L +116.185 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 7.15 m +84.589 7.15 L +78.27 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 7.465 m +103.546 6.834 L +90.908 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 7.465 m +52.993 6.834 L +40.355 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 8.097 m +204.653 7.465 L +192.015 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 7.465 m +141.461 6.834 L +128.823 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 7.465 m +204.653 6.834 L +192.015 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 7.465 m +166.738 6.834 L +154.1 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 7.465 m +179.376 6.834 L +166.738 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 8.097 m +217.291 7.465 L +204.653 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 7.465 m +154.1 6.834 L +141.461 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 7.465 m +217.291 6.834 L +204.653 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 7.465 m +229.93 6.834 L +217.291 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 7.465 m +192.015 6.834 L +179.376 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 13.153 m +52.993 12.521 L +40.355 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 7.15 m +242.568 6.834 L +242.568 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 3.042 m +166.738 2.41 L +154.1 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 6.834 m +103.546 6.202 L +90.908 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 6.834 m +179.376 6.202 L +166.738 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 6.834 m +116.185 6.202 L +103.546 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 6.834 m +141.461 6.202 L +128.823 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 6.834 m +154.1 6.202 L +141.461 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 6.518 m +84.589 6.518 L +78.27 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 6.834 m +166.738 6.202 L +154.1 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 6.834 m +192.015 6.202 L +179.376 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 5.886 m +84.589 5.886 L +78.27 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 6.834 m +229.93 6.202 L +217.291 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 6.834 m +204.653 6.202 L +192.015 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 6.834 m +128.823 6.202 L +116.185 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 6.834 m +242.568 6.202 L +229.93 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 5.886 m +52.993 5.57 L +52.993 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 6.518 m +242.568 6.202 L +242.568 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 6.202 m +52.993 5.57 L +40.355 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 4.306 m +229.93 3.674 L +217.291 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 6.202 m +103.546 5.57 L +90.908 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 6.202 m +128.823 5.57 L +116.185 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 6.202 m +141.461 5.57 L +128.823 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 6.202 m +154.1 5.57 L +141.461 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 6.202 m +217.291 5.57 L +204.653 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 6.202 m +229.93 5.57 L +217.291 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 6.202 m +192.015 5.57 L +179.376 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 6.202 m +204.653 5.57 L +192.015 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 6.202 m +166.738 5.57 L +154.1 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 6.834 m +217.291 6.202 L +204.653 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 6.202 m +242.568 5.57 L +229.93 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 5.57 m +103.546 4.938 L +90.908 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 5.57 m +52.993 4.938 L +40.355 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 5.254 m +52.993 4.938 L +52.993 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 6.202 m +116.185 5.57 L +103.546 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 5.886 m +242.568 5.57 L +242.568 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 5.57 m +116.185 4.938 L +103.546 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 5.57 m +128.823 4.938 L +116.185 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 5.254 m +84.589 5.254 L +78.27 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 5.57 m +141.461 4.938 L +128.823 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 5.57 m +154.1 4.938 L +141.461 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 5.57 m +166.738 4.938 L +154.1 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 5.57 m +204.653 4.938 L +192.015 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 4.938 m +179.376 4.306 L +166.738 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 5.57 m +192.015 4.938 L +179.376 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 5.57 m +217.291 4.938 L +204.653 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 5.254 m +242.568 4.938 L +242.568 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 5.57 m +229.93 4.938 L +217.291 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 5.57 m +242.568 4.938 L +229.93 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 4.938 m +192.015 4.306 L +179.376 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 4.938 m +52.993 4.306 L +40.355 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 4.622 m +84.589 4.622 L +78.27 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 4.938 m +116.185 4.306 L +103.546 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 4.938 m +128.823 4.306 L +116.185 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 4.622 m +52.993 4.306 L +52.993 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 4.938 m +141.461 4.306 L +128.823 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 4.938 m +166.738 4.306 L +154.1 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 4.938 m +103.546 4.306 L +90.908 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 4.938 m +154.1 4.306 L +141.461 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 6.202 m +179.376 5.57 L +166.738 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 4.938 m +204.653 4.306 L +192.015 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 4.306 m +154.1 3.674 L +141.461 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 4.938 m +242.568 4.306 L +229.93 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 4.306 m +116.185 3.674 L +103.546 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 4.938 m +229.93 4.306 L +217.291 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 4.622 m +242.568 4.306 L +242.568 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 3.99 m +84.589 3.99 L +78.27 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 4.306 m +52.993 3.674 L +40.355 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 3.99 m +52.993 3.674 L +52.993 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 4.938 m +217.291 4.306 L +204.653 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 4.306 m +103.546 3.674 L +90.908 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 5.57 m +179.376 4.938 L +166.738 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 4.306 m +166.738 3.674 L +154.1 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 4.306 m +141.461 3.674 L +128.823 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 4.306 m +128.823 3.674 L +116.185 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 4.306 m +179.376 3.674 L +166.738 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 4.306 m +217.291 3.674 L +204.653 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 4.306 m +192.015 3.674 L +179.376 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 4.306 m +204.653 3.674 L +192.015 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 4.306 m +242.568 3.674 L +229.93 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 3.99 m +242.568 3.674 L +242.568 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 3.674 m +52.993 3.042 L +40.355 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 3.358 m +52.993 3.042 L +52.993 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 3.358 m +84.589 3.358 L +78.27 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 3.674 m +154.1 3.042 L +141.461 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 154.1 3.674 m +166.738 3.042 L +154.1 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 3.674 m +128.823 3.042 L +116.185 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 3.674 m +141.461 3.042 L +128.823 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 3.674 m +103.546 3.042 L +90.908 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 3.674 m +116.185 3.042 L +103.546 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 3.674 m +179.376 3.042 L +166.738 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 3.674 m +242.568 3.042 L +229.93 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 3.674 m +204.653 3.042 L +192.015 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 3.674 m +217.291 3.042 L +204.653 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 2.726 m +52.993 2.41 L +52.993 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 3.674 m +192.015 3.042 L +179.376 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 3.358 m +242.568 3.042 L +242.568 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 3.042 m +52.993 2.41 L +40.355 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 3.674 m +229.93 3.042 L +217.291 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 11.257 m +59.312 10.941 L +52.993 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 10.625 m +59.312 10.309 L +52.993 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 103.546 3.042 m +116.185 2.41 L +103.546 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 116.185 3.042 m +128.823 2.41 L +116.185 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 128.823 3.042 m +141.461 2.41 L +128.823 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 192.015 3.042 m +204.653 2.41 L +192.015 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 204.653 3.042 m +217.291 2.41 L +204.653 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 3.042 m +179.376 2.41 L +166.738 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 179.376 3.042 m +192.015 2.41 L +179.376 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 141.461 3.042 m +154.1 2.41 L +141.461 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 2.726 m +84.589 2.726 L +78.27 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 217.291 3.042 m +229.93 2.41 L +217.291 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 13.153 m +59.312 12.837 L +52.993 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 2.726 m +242.568 2.41 L +242.568 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 14.417 m +59.312 14.101 L +52.993 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 90.908 3.042 m +103.546 2.41 L +90.908 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 229.93 3.042 m +242.568 2.41 L +229.93 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 12.521 m +59.312 12.205 L +52.993 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 11.889 m +59.312 11.573 L +52.993 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 13.785 m +59.312 13.469 L +52.993 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 40.355 6.834 m +52.993 6.202 L +40.355 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 9.993 m +59.312 9.677 L +52.993 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 6.518 m +59.312 6.202 L +52.993 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 8.729 m +59.312 8.413 L +52.993 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 8.097 m +59.312 7.781 L +52.993 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 4.938 m +59.312 4.622 L +52.993 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 4.306 m +59.312 3.99 L +52.993 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 6.202 m +59.312 5.886 L +52.993 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 5.57 m +59.312 5.254 L +52.993 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 7.465 m +59.312 7.15 L +52.993 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 6.834 m +59.312 6.518 L +52.993 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 3.674 m +59.312 3.358 L +52.993 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 12.837 m +59.312 12.521 L +52.993 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 2.726 m +59.312 2.41 L +52.993 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 14.101 m +59.312 13.785 L +52.993 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 10.941 m +59.312 10.625 L +52.993 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 3.042 m +59.312 2.726 L +52.993 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 12.205 m +59.312 11.889 L +52.993 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 11.573 m +59.312 11.257 L +52.993 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 13.469 m +59.312 13.153 L +52.993 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 6.518 m +52.993 6.202 L +52.993 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 9.361 m +59.312 9.045 L +52.993 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 9.045 m +59.312 8.729 L +52.993 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 8.413 m +59.312 8.097 L +52.993 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 7.781 m +59.312 7.465 L +52.993 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 4.622 m +59.312 4.306 L +52.993 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 3.99 m +59.312 3.674 L +52.993 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 5.886 m +59.312 5.57 L +52.993 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 5.254 m +59.312 4.938 L +52.993 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 7.15 m +59.312 6.834 L +52.993 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 10.309 m +59.312 9.993 L +52.993 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 3.358 m +59.312 3.042 L +52.993 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 13.627 m +84.589 13.785 L +84.589 13.469 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 13.785 m +84.589 14.101 L +90.908 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 13.943 m +78.27 14.101 L +78.27 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 59.312 9.677 m +59.312 9.361 L +52.993 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 14.259 m +84.589 14.417 L +84.589 14.101 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 13.153 m +84.589 13.469 L +90.908 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 13.311 m +78.27 13.469 L +78.27 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 14.259 m +78.27 14.101 L +78.27 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 166.738 9.361 m +179.376 8.729 L +166.738 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 12.995 m +84.589 13.153 L +84.589 12.837 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 12.679 m +78.27 12.837 L +78.27 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 5.716 m +74.876 5.739 L +75.11 5.728 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 5.084 m +74.876 5.108 L +75.11 5.096 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 4.452 m +74.876 4.476 L +75.11 4.464 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 13.931 m +74.876 13.954 L +75.11 13.943 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 14.101 m +258.366 13.943 L +255.206 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 12.667 m +74.876 12.691 L +75.11 12.679 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 3.042 m +60.361 2.99 L +59.312 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 4.306 m +60.361 4.253 L +59.312 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 3.674 m +60.361 3.622 L +59.312 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 6.348 m +74.876 6.371 L +75.11 6.36 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 13.299 m +74.876 13.322 L +75.11 13.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 12.035 m +74.876 12.059 L +75.11 12.047 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 13.785 m +248.887 14.101 L +255.206 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 13.1 m +260.47 12.89 L +258.366 12.995 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 3.188 m +74.876 3.212 L +75.11 3.2 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 4.148 m +78.27 3.99 L +78.27 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 2.556 m +74.876 2.58 L +75.11 2.568 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 3.82 m +74.876 3.844 L +75.11 3.832 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 14.259 m +255.206 14.101 L +255.206 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 14.364 m +260.47 14.153 L +258.366 14.259 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 4.938 m +60.361 4.885 L +59.312 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 14.101 m +255.206 14.101 L +255.206 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.042 m +84.589 3.358 L +90.908 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 3.516 m +84.589 3.674 L +84.589 3.358 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 13.732 m +260.47 13.521 L +258.366 13.627 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 5.728 m +78.27 5.886 L +78.27 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 11.403 m +74.876 11.427 L +75.11 11.415 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 10.139 m +74.876 10.163 L +75.11 10.151 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 10.625 m +248.887 10.309 L +242.568 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 10.941 m +258.366 10.783 L +255.206 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 10.941 m +75.11 11.099 L +78.27 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 11.889 m +258.366 11.731 L +255.206 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 11.257 m +248.887 10.941 L +242.568 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 10.309 m +258.366 10.151 L +255.206 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 9.677 m +75.11 9.835 L +78.27 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 10.467 m +255.206 10.309 L +255.206 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 9.993 m +248.887 10.309 L +255.206 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 10.625 m +258.366 10.467 L +255.206 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 9.993 m +248.887 9.677 L +242.568 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 10.771 m +74.876 10.795 L +75.11 10.783 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 10.309 m +75.11 10.467 L +78.27 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 11.099 m +255.206 10.941 L +255.206 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 8.244 m +74.876 8.267 L +75.11 8.255 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 7.612 m +74.876 7.635 L +75.11 7.623 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 6.98 m +74.876 7.003 L +75.11 6.992 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 8.876 m +74.876 8.899 L +75.11 8.887 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 10.625 m +248.887 10.941 L +255.206 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 9.507 m +74.876 9.531 L +75.11 9.519 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 13.469 m +255.206 13.469 L +255.206 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 11.257 m +258.366 11.099 L +255.206 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 10.941 m +255.206 10.941 L +255.206 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.521 m +84.589 12.837 L +90.908 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 13.153 m +248.887 13.469 L +255.206 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 10.309 m +255.206 10.309 L +255.206 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 5.412 m +84.589 5.57 L +84.589 5.254 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 5.57 m +60.361 5.517 L +59.312 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 3.41 m +60.349 3.358 L +59.312 3.358 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 14.417 m +60.361 14.364 L +59.312 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 13.785 m +60.361 13.732 L +59.312 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 12.521 m +60.361 12.468 L +59.312 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 2.779 m +60.349 2.726 L +59.312 2.726 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 4.042 m +60.349 3.99 L +59.312 3.99 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 13.153 m +60.361 13.1 L +59.312 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 8.729 m +60.361 8.677 L +59.312 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 5.938 m +60.349 5.886 L +59.312 5.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 11.889 m +60.361 11.836 L +59.312 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 4.674 m +60.349 4.622 L +59.312 4.622 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 7.465 m +60.361 7.413 L +59.312 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 5.096 m +78.27 5.254 L +78.27 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 4.78 m +84.589 4.938 L +84.589 4.622 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 2.989 m +260.47 2.779 L +258.366 2.884 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 4.253 m +260.47 4.043 L +258.366 4.148 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 5.57 m +248.887 5.886 L +255.206 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 5.886 m +75.11 6.044 L +78.27 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 5.412 m +78.27 5.254 L +78.27 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 4.306 m +84.589 4.622 L +90.908 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 3.621 m +260.47 3.411 L +258.366 3.516 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.674 m +84.589 3.99 L +90.908 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 4.148 m +84.589 4.306 L +84.589 3.99 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 4.78 m +78.27 4.622 L +78.27 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 4.464 m +78.27 4.622 L +78.27 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 6.044 m +78.27 5.886 L +78.27 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 8.097 m +60.361 8.045 L +59.312 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 11.257 m +60.361 11.205 L +59.312 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 7.834 m +60.349 7.781 L +59.312 7.781 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 9.098 m +60.349 9.045 L +59.312 9.045 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 7.202 m +60.349 7.15 L +59.312 7.15 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 8.466 m +60.349 8.413 L +59.312 8.413 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 12.257 m +60.349 12.205 L +59.312 12.205 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 9.73 m +60.349 9.677 L +59.312 9.677 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 10.362 m +60.349 10.309 L +59.312 10.309 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 6.202 m +60.361 6.149 L +59.312 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 6.834 m +60.361 6.781 L +59.312 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 10.993 m +60.349 10.941 L +59.312 10.941 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 11.625 m +60.349 11.573 L +59.312 11.573 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 9.361 m +60.361 9.309 L +59.312 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 13.521 m +60.349 13.469 L +59.312 13.469 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 3.832 m +78.27 3.99 L +78.27 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 5.306 m +60.349 5.254 L +59.312 5.254 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 10.625 m +60.361 10.573 L +59.312 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 9.993 m +60.361 9.941 L +59.312 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 6.57 m +60.349 6.518 L +59.312 6.518 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.57 m +84.589 5.886 L +90.908 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 12.468 m +260.47 12.258 L +258.366 12.363 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 14.153 m +60.349 14.101 L +59.312 14.101 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 12.889 m +60.349 12.837 L +59.312 12.837 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 6.044 m +84.589 6.202 L +84.589 5.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 6.676 m +78.27 6.518 L +78.27 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 4.938 m +84.589 5.254 L +90.908 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 11.573 m +258.366 11.415 L +255.206 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 11.731 m +255.206 11.573 L +255.206 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 9.677 m +255.206 9.677 L +255.206 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 7.939 m +78.27 7.781 L +78.27 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 6.834 m +84.589 7.15 L +90.908 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 6.992 m +78.27 7.15 L +78.27 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 7.939 m +84.589 8.097 L +84.589 7.781 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 7.307 m +84.589 7.465 L +84.589 7.15 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 7.623 m +78.27 7.781 L +78.27 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 9.519 m +78.27 9.677 L +78.27 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 12.047 m +78.27 12.205 L +78.27 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 13.627 m +255.206 13.469 L +255.206 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 9.835 m +84.589 9.993 L +84.589 9.677 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.465 m +84.589 7.781 L +90.908 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 11.731 m +84.589 11.889 L +84.589 11.573 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.361 m +84.589 9.677 L +90.908 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 8.097 m +84.589 8.413 L +90.908 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 13.785 m +258.366 13.627 L +255.206 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 13.469 m +258.366 13.311 L +255.206 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 12.837 m +75.11 12.995 L +78.27 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 8.887 m +78.27 9.045 L +78.27 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 8.571 m +78.27 8.413 L +78.27 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 8.571 m +84.589 8.729 L +84.589 8.413 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 8.729 m +84.589 9.045 L +90.908 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 9.835 m +78.27 9.677 L +78.27 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 9.203 m +84.589 9.361 L +84.589 9.045 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 8.255 m +78.27 8.413 L +78.27 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 9.203 m +78.27 9.045 L +78.27 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 8.097 m +248.887 8.413 L +255.206 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 12.363 m +78.27 12.205 L +78.27 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 11.415 m +78.27 11.573 L +78.27 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 2.884 m +78.27 2.726 L +78.27 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 2.41 m +84.589 2.726 L +90.908 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 6.202 m +84.589 6.518 L +90.908 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 2.568 m +78.27 2.726 L +78.27 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 6.676 m +84.589 6.834 L +84.589 6.518 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 2.884 m +84.589 3.042 L +84.589 2.726 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 3.516 m +78.27 3.358 L +78.27 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 14.417 m +248.887 14.101 L +242.568 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 14.101 m +75.11 14.259 L +78.27 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 3.2 m +78.27 3.358 L +78.27 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 13.469 m +75.11 13.627 L +78.27 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 11.889 m +84.589 12.205 L +90.908 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 7.307 m +78.27 7.15 L +78.27 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 10.783 m +78.27 10.941 L +78.27 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 11.257 m +84.589 11.573 L +90.908 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 12.995 m +78.27 12.837 L +78.27 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 12.363 m +84.589 12.521 L +84.589 12.205 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 11.731 m +78.27 11.573 L +78.27 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.625 m +84.589 10.941 L +90.908 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 10.467 m +78.27 10.309 L +78.27 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 10.151 m +78.27 10.309 L +78.27 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 11.099 m +84.589 11.257 L +84.589 10.941 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 11.099 m +78.27 10.941 L +78.27 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.993 m +84.589 10.309 L +90.908 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 81.429 10.467 m +84.589 10.625 L +84.589 10.309 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 8.413 m +255.206 8.413 L +255.206 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 8.729 m +248.887 8.413 L +242.568 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 8.571 m +255.206 8.413 L +255.206 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 12.363 m +255.206 12.205 L +255.206 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 12.521 m +258.366 12.363 L +255.206 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 12.205 m +255.206 12.205 L +255.206 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 9.361 m +248.887 9.677 L +255.206 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 12.205 m +258.366 12.047 L +255.206 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 9.835 m +255.206 9.677 L +255.206 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 7.465 m +248.887 7.15 L +242.568 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 7.15 m +75.11 7.307 L +78.27 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 6.834 m +248.887 7.15 L +255.206 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 7.15 m +255.206 7.15 L +255.206 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 6.202 m +248.887 5.886 L +242.568 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 7.465 m +258.366 7.307 L +255.206 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 11.889 m +248.887 11.573 L +242.568 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 11.573 m +75.11 11.731 L +78.27 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 13.153 m +258.366 12.995 L +255.206 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 12.837 m +258.366 12.679 L +255.206 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 12.995 m +255.206 12.837 L +255.206 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 12.837 m +255.206 12.837 L +255.206 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 11.257 m +248.887 11.573 L +255.206 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 12.521 m +248.887 12.205 L +242.568 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 13.153 m +248.887 12.837 L +242.568 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 11.573 m +255.206 11.573 L +255.206 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 11.889 m +248.887 12.205 L +255.206 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 12.205 m +75.11 12.363 L +78.27 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 12.521 m +248.887 12.837 L +255.206 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 7.781 m +258.366 7.623 L +255.206 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 8.097 m +258.366 7.939 L +255.206 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 7.307 m +255.206 7.15 L +255.206 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 9.045 m +75.11 9.203 L +78.27 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 9.045 m +258.366 8.887 L +255.206 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 9.361 m +248.887 9.045 L +242.568 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 9.677 m +258.366 9.519 L +255.206 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 9.045 m +255.206 9.045 L +255.206 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 9.361 m +258.366 9.203 L +255.206 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 8.097 m +248.887 7.781 L +242.568 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 8.413 m +258.366 8.255 L +255.206 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 7.781 m +75.11 7.939 L +78.27 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 8.729 m +258.366 8.571 L +255.206 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 8.413 m +75.11 8.571 L +78.27 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 9.203 m +255.206 9.045 L +255.206 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 8.729 m +248.887 9.045 L +255.206 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 9.993 m +258.366 9.835 L +255.206 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 6.676 m +255.206 6.518 L +255.206 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 7.781 m +255.206 7.781 L +255.206 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 7.15 m +258.366 6.992 L +255.206 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 6.518 m +258.366 6.36 L +255.206 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 6.834 m +258.366 6.676 L +255.206 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 6.518 m +255.206 6.518 L +255.206 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 6.518 m +75.11 6.676 L +78.27 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 7.465 m +248.887 7.781 L +255.206 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 5.517 m +260.47 5.307 L +258.366 5.412 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 7.939 m +255.206 7.781 L +255.206 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 6.202 m +248.887 6.518 L +255.206 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 6.834 m +248.887 6.518 L +242.568 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 6.36 m +78.27 6.518 L +78.27 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 13.615 m +74.876 13.638 L +75.11 13.627 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 7.15 m +81.429 7.307 L +84.589 7.15 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 5.412 m +255.206 5.254 L +255.206 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 4.99 m +60.349 4.938 L +59.312 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 6.202 m +258.366 6.044 L +255.206 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 5.886 m +258.366 5.728 L +255.206 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 6.044 m +255.206 5.886 L +255.206 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 5.622 m +60.349 5.57 L +59.312 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 4.938 m +248.887 5.254 L +255.206 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 11.889 m +81.429 11.731 L +78.27 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 4.622 m +60.361 4.569 L +59.312 4.622 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 5.254 m +75.11 5.412 L +78.27 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 5.57 m +248.887 5.254 L +242.568 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 3.99 m +75.11 4.148 L +78.27 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 5.254 m +255.206 5.254 L +255.206 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 5.57 m +258.366 5.412 L +255.206 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 8.15 m +60.349 8.097 L +59.312 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 4.358 m +60.349 4.306 L +59.312 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 5.254 m +258.366 5.096 L +255.206 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 4.306 m +248.887 4.622 L +255.206 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 6.254 m +60.349 6.202 L +59.312 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 6.886 m +60.349 6.834 L +59.312 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 7.518 m +60.349 7.465 L +59.312 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 4.622 m +258.366 4.464 L +255.206 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 4.622 m +255.206 4.622 L +255.206 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 4.938 m +258.366 4.78 L +255.206 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 4.78 m +255.206 4.622 L +255.206 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 4.938 m +248.887 4.622 L +242.568 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 4.768 m +74.876 4.792 L +75.11 4.78 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 3.674 m +248.887 3.99 L +255.206 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 3.042 m +248.887 3.358 L +255.206 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 3.516 m +255.206 3.358 L +255.206 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 4.306 m +248.887 3.99 L +242.568 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 11.087 m +74.876 11.111 L +75.11 11.099 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 242.568 2.41 m +248.887 2.726 L +255.206 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 11.719 m +74.876 11.743 L +75.11 11.731 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 4.148 m +255.206 3.99 L +255.206 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 9.823 m +74.876 9.847 L +75.11 9.835 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 10.455 m +74.876 10.479 L +75.11 10.467 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 12.351 m +74.876 12.375 L +75.11 12.363 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 3.99 m +255.206 3.99 L +255.206 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 5.4 m +74.876 5.423 L +75.11 5.412 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 2.884 m +255.206 2.726 L +255.206 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 14.101 m +60.361 14.048 L +59.312 14.101 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 4.136 m +74.876 4.16 L +75.11 4.148 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 6.032 m +74.876 6.055 L +75.11 6.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 3.358 m +258.366 3.2 L +255.206 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 3.504 m +74.876 3.528 L +75.11 3.516 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 2.872 m +74.876 2.896 L +75.11 2.884 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 6.664 m +74.876 6.687 L +75.11 6.676 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 3.674 m +258.366 3.516 L +255.206 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 2.726 m +255.206 2.726 L +255.206 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 13.469 m +60.361 13.416 L +59.312 13.469 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 3.042 m +248.887 2.726 L +242.568 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 2.726 m +75.11 2.884 L +78.27 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 7.296 m +74.876 7.319 L +75.11 7.307 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 4.622 m +75.11 4.78 L +78.27 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 2.726 m +258.366 2.568 L +255.206 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 13.311 m +258.366 13.153 L +255.206 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 10.046 m +60.349 9.993 L +59.312 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 13.943 m +258.366 13.785 L +255.206 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 4.464 m +258.366 4.306 L +255.206 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 10.151 m +258.366 9.993 L +255.206 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 12.679 m +258.366 12.521 L +255.206 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 11.415 m +258.366 11.257 L +255.206 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 3.832 m +258.366 3.674 L +255.206 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 12.047 m +258.366 11.889 L +255.206 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 10.783 m +258.366 10.625 L +255.206 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 3.358 m +60.361 3.306 L +59.312 3.358 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 3.2 m +258.366 3.042 L +255.206 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 9.519 m +258.366 9.361 L +255.206 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 8.255 m +258.366 8.097 L +255.206 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 6.992 m +258.366 6.834 L +255.206 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 11.309 m +60.349 11.257 L +59.312 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 7.623 m +258.366 7.465 L +255.206 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 10.678 m +60.349 10.625 L +59.312 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 8.887 m +258.366 8.729 L +255.206 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 11.941 m +60.349 11.889 L +59.312 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 5.728 m +258.366 5.57 L +255.206 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 9.414 m +60.349 9.361 L +59.312 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 12.573 m +60.349 12.521 L +59.312 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 5.096 m +258.366 4.938 L +255.206 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 6.36 m +258.366 6.202 L +255.206 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 3.042 m +258.366 2.884 L +255.206 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 3.99 m +60.361 3.937 L +59.312 3.99 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 14.101 m +84.589 14.417 L +90.908 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 14.101 m +81.429 14.259 L +84.589 14.101 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 14.417 m +81.429 14.259 L +78.27 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 13.469 m +84.589 13.153 L +78.27 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 3.726 m +60.349 3.674 L +59.312 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 13.153 m +81.429 12.995 L +78.27 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.837 m +84.589 13.153 L +90.908 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 13.785 m +81.429 13.627 L +78.27 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 2.568 m +258.366 2.41 L +255.206 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 13.469 m +84.589 13.785 L +90.908 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 13.469 m +81.429 13.627 L +84.589 13.469 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 14.101 m +84.589 13.785 L +78.27 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 2.726 m +60.361 2.674 L +59.312 2.726 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 75.11 14.259 m +75.11 14.417 L +78.27 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 12.205 m +81.429 12.363 L +84.589 12.205 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 13.205 m +60.349 13.153 L +59.312 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.205 m +84.589 12.521 L +90.908 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.837 m +84.589 12.521 L +78.27 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 12.837 m +81.429 12.995 L +84.589 12.837 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 3.095 m +60.349 3.042 L +59.312 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.521 m +81.429 12.363 L +78.27 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 13.837 m +60.349 13.785 L +59.312 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 11.573 m +84.589 11.889 L +90.908 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 8.782 m +60.349 8.729 L +59.312 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 12.205 m +84.589 11.889 L +78.27 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 2.463 m +60.349 2.41 L +59.312 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 3.358 m +255.206 3.358 L +255.206 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 258.366 4.306 m +258.366 4.148 L +255.206 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 7.928 m +74.876 7.951 L +75.11 7.939 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.045 m +84.589 8.729 L +78.27 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 11.836 m +260.47 11.626 L +258.366 11.731 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.361 m +81.429 9.203 L +78.27 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 10.572 m +260.47 10.362 L +258.366 10.467 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 9.677 m +81.429 9.835 L +84.589 9.677 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 9.308 m +260.47 9.098 L +258.366 9.203 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 9.045 m +81.429 9.203 L +84.589 9.045 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.993 m +81.429 9.835 L +78.27 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 9.94 m +260.47 9.73 L +258.366 9.835 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 8.729 m +81.429 8.571 L +78.27 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 8.413 m +84.589 8.729 L +90.908 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.309 m +84.589 9.993 L +78.27 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.045 m +84.589 9.361 L +90.908 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.677 m +84.589 9.361 L +78.27 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 6.781 m +260.47 6.57 L +258.366 6.676 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 5.833 m +260.47 5.622 L +258.366 5.728 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 9.624 m +260.47 9.414 L +258.366 9.519 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 8.992 m +260.47 8.782 L +258.366 8.887 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 11.204 m +260.47 10.994 L +258.366 11.099 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 7.729 m +260.47 7.518 L +258.366 7.623 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 8.361 m +260.47 8.15 L +258.366 8.255 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.57 m +81.429 5.412 L +78.27 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.254 m +84.589 4.938 L +78.27 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 248.887 5.886 m +255.206 5.886 L +255.206 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 7.097 m +260.47 6.886 L +258.366 6.992 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 10.256 m +260.47 10.046 L +258.366 10.151 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 11.257 m +81.429 11.099 L +78.27 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 10.941 m +81.429 11.099 L +84.589 10.941 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 6.834 m +81.429 6.676 L +78.27 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 8.413 m +84.589 8.097 L +78.27 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 5.886 m +81.429 6.044 L +84.589 5.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.15 m +84.589 6.834 L +78.27 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.254 m +84.589 5.57 L +90.908 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 8.097 m +81.429 7.939 L +78.27 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 6.518 m +84.589 6.834 L +90.908 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 4.885 m +260.47 4.675 L +258.366 4.78 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.465 m +81.429 7.307 L +78.27 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.781 m +84.589 7.465 L +78.27 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 7.781 m +81.429 7.939 L +84.589 7.781 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 6.149 m +260.47 5.938 L +258.366 6.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.886 m +84.589 5.57 L +78.27 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 6.518 m +81.429 6.676 L +84.589 6.518 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.625 m +81.429 10.467 L +78.27 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.941 m +84.589 10.625 L +78.27 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 9.677 m +84.589 9.993 L +90.908 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 10.309 m +81.429 10.467 L +84.589 10.309 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 6.202 m +81.429 6.044 L +78.27 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.309 m +84.589 10.625 L +90.908 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 8.413 m +81.429 8.571 L +84.589 8.413 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 5.886 m +84.589 6.202 L +90.908 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 6.518 m +84.589 6.202 L +78.27 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.781 m +84.589 8.097 L +90.908 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 5.254 m +81.429 5.412 L +84.589 5.254 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 6.465 m +260.47 6.254 L +258.366 6.36 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 7.413 m +260.47 7.202 L +258.366 7.307 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 5.201 m +260.47 4.991 L +258.366 5.096 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 14.048 m +260.47 13.837 L +258.366 13.943 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.042 m +81.429 2.884 L +78.27 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 6.518 m +60.361 6.465 L +59.312 6.518 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 13.416 m +260.47 13.205 L +258.366 13.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 3.358 m +81.429 3.516 L +84.589 3.358 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 5.254 m +60.361 5.201 L +59.312 5.254 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 12.784 m +260.47 12.574 L +258.366 12.679 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 8.413 m +60.361 8.361 L +59.312 8.413 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.674 m +81.429 3.516 L +78.27 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 5.886 m +60.361 5.833 L +59.312 5.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 2.726 m +81.429 2.884 L +84.589 2.726 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.99 m +84.589 3.674 L +78.27 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 2.726 m +84.589 3.042 L +90.908 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 10.941 m +84.589 11.257 L +90.908 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 3.674 m +248.887 3.358 L +242.568 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 3.358 m +75.11 3.516 L +78.27 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 8.56 m +74.876 8.583 L +75.11 8.571 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 9.192 m +74.876 9.215 L +75.11 9.203 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.358 m +84.589 3.042 L +78.27 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 3.99 m +258.366 3.832 L +255.206 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 11.573 m +81.429 11.731 L +84.589 11.573 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 7.781 m +60.361 7.729 L +59.312 7.781 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 7.15 m +60.361 7.097 L +59.312 7.15 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 11.573 m +84.589 11.257 L +78.27 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 12.837 m +60.361 12.784 L +59.312 12.837 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 7.15 m +84.589 7.465 L +90.908 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 4.938 m +81.429 4.78 L +78.27 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 4.622 m +81.429 4.78 L +84.589 4.622 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 4.569 m +260.47 4.359 L +258.366 4.464 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 3.305 m +260.47 3.095 L +258.366 3.2 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 3.937 m +260.47 3.727 L +258.366 3.832 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 12.983 m +74.876 13.006 L +75.11 12.995 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 2.673 m +260.47 2.463 L +258.366 2.568 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 14.247 m +74.876 14.27 L +75.11 14.259 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 8.677 m +260.47 8.466 L +258.366 8.571 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 11.52 m +260.47 11.31 L +258.366 11.415 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 8.045 m +260.47 7.834 L +258.366 7.939 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 11.573 m +60.361 11.52 L +59.312 11.573 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 9.677 m +60.361 9.625 L +59.312 9.677 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 10.888 m +260.47 10.678 L +258.366 10.783 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 4.622 m +84.589 4.938 L +90.908 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 9.045 m +60.361 8.993 L +59.312 9.045 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 4.622 m +84.589 4.306 L +78.27 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.358 m +84.589 3.674 L +90.908 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 12.152 m +260.47 11.942 L +258.366 12.047 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 12.205 m +60.361 12.152 L +59.312 12.205 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 4.306 m +81.429 4.148 L +78.27 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 78.27 3.99 m +81.429 4.148 L +84.589 3.99 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 10.309 m +60.361 10.257 L +59.312 10.309 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 84.589 3.99 m +84.589 4.306 L +90.908 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 255.206 13.785 m +248.887 13.469 L +242.568 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.349 10.941 m +60.361 10.889 L +59.312 10.941 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 13.732 m +60.361 13.521 L +59.312 13.469 L +59.312 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 3.727 m +260.464 3.674 L +258.366 3.674 L +258.366 3.832 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 14.364 m +60.361 14.153 L +59.312 14.101 L +59.312 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 11.889 m +260.47 11.836 L +258.366 11.731 L +258.366 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 12.468 m +60.361 12.257 L +59.312 12.205 L +59.312 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 5.517 m +60.361 5.306 L +59.312 5.254 L +59.312 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 13.954 m +74.888 14.101 L +78.27 14.101 L +75.11 13.943 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 14.153 m +260.464 14.101 L +255.206 14.101 L +258.366 14.259 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 13.322 m +74.888 13.469 L +78.27 13.469 L +75.11 13.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 2.99 m +60.361 2.779 L +59.312 2.726 L +59.312 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 3.622 m +60.361 3.41 L +59.312 3.358 L +59.312 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 6.781 m +60.361 6.57 L +59.312 6.518 L +59.312 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 6.149 m +60.361 5.938 L +59.312 5.886 L +59.312 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 4.253 m +60.361 4.042 L +59.312 3.99 L +59.312 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 4.885 m +60.361 4.674 L +59.312 4.622 L +59.312 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 4.476 m +74.888 4.622 L +78.27 4.622 L +75.11 4.464 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 5.57 m +260.47 5.517 L +258.366 5.412 L +258.366 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 4.938 m +260.47 4.885 L +258.366 4.78 L +258.366 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 6.834 m +74.876 6.98 L +75.11 6.992 L +78.27 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 5.307 m +260.464 5.254 L +255.206 5.254 L +258.366 5.412 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 4.938 m +74.876 5.084 L +75.11 5.096 L +78.27 4.938 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 6.202 m +74.876 6.348 L +75.11 6.36 L +78.27 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 5.57 m +74.876 5.716 L +75.11 5.728 L +78.27 5.57 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 4.675 m +260.464 4.622 L +255.206 4.622 L +258.366 4.78 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 6.202 m +260.47 6.149 L +258.366 6.044 L +258.366 6.202 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 8.097 m +74.876 8.244 L +75.11 8.255 L +78.27 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 11.205 m +60.361 10.993 L +59.312 10.941 L +59.312 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 9.941 m +60.361 9.73 L +59.312 9.677 L +59.312 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 7.003 m +74.888 7.15 L +78.27 7.15 L +75.11 6.992 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 12.89 m +260.464 12.837 L +255.206 12.837 L +258.366 12.995 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 5.938 m +260.464 5.886 L +255.206 5.886 L +258.366 6.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 5.108 m +74.888 5.254 L +78.27 5.254 L +75.11 5.096 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 5.739 m +74.888 5.886 L +78.27 5.886 L +75.11 5.728 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 8.267 m +74.888 8.413 L +78.27 8.413 L +75.11 8.255 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 6.57 m +260.464 6.518 L +255.206 6.518 L +258.366 6.676 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 6.371 m +74.888 6.518 L +78.27 6.518 L +75.11 6.36 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 8.466 m +260.464 8.413 L +255.206 8.413 L +258.366 8.571 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 7.202 m +260.464 7.15 L +255.206 7.15 L +258.366 7.307 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 7.834 m +260.464 7.781 L +255.206 7.781 L +258.366 7.939 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 7.413 m +60.361 7.202 L +59.312 7.15 L +59.312 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 8.045 m +60.361 7.834 L +59.312 7.781 L +59.312 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 11.836 m +60.361 11.625 L +59.312 11.573 L +59.312 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 10.573 m +60.361 10.362 L +59.312 10.309 L +59.312 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 9.309 m +60.361 9.098 L +59.312 9.045 L +59.312 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 13.521 m +260.464 13.469 L +255.206 13.469 L +258.366 13.627 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 8.677 m +60.361 8.466 L +59.312 8.413 L +59.312 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 7.635 m +74.888 7.781 L +78.27 7.781 L +75.11 7.623 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 12.691 m +74.888 12.837 L +78.27 12.837 L +75.11 12.679 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 8.097 m +260.47 8.045 L +258.366 7.939 L +258.366 8.097 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 6.834 m +260.47 6.781 L +258.366 6.676 L +258.366 6.834 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 7.465 m +260.47 7.413 L +258.366 7.307 L +258.366 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 8.729 m +74.876 8.876 L +75.11 8.887 L +78.27 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 3.411 m +260.464 3.358 L +255.206 3.358 L +258.366 3.516 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 3.212 m +74.888 3.358 L +78.27 3.358 L +75.11 3.2 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 4.043 m +260.464 3.99 L +255.206 3.99 L +258.366 4.148 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 2.58 m +74.888 2.726 L +78.27 2.726 L +75.11 2.568 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 13.153 m +260.47 13.1 L +258.366 12.995 L +258.366 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 2.779 m +260.464 2.726 L +255.206 2.726 L +258.366 2.884 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 3.844 m +74.888 3.99 L +78.27 3.99 L +75.11 3.832 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 12.521 m +74.876 12.667 L +75.11 12.679 L +78.27 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 9.993 m +74.876 10.139 L +75.11 10.151 L +78.27 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 10.625 m +260.47 10.572 L +258.366 10.467 L +258.366 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 12.521 m +260.47 12.468 L +258.366 12.363 L +258.366 12.521 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 11.889 m +74.876 12.035 L +75.11 12.047 L +78.27 11.889 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 11.257 m +74.876 11.403 L +75.11 11.415 L +78.27 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 13.153 m +74.876 13.299 L +75.11 13.311 L +78.27 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 11.257 m +260.47 11.204 L +258.366 11.099 L +258.366 11.257 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 9.361 m +260.47 9.308 L +258.366 9.203 L +258.366 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 10.625 m +74.876 10.771 L +75.11 10.783 L +78.27 10.625 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 9.993 m +260.47 9.94 L +258.366 9.835 L +258.366 9.993 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 9.361 m +74.876 9.507 L +75.11 9.519 L +78.27 9.361 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 14.417 m +260.47 14.364 L +258.366 14.259 L +255.206 14.417 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 13.785 m +260.47 13.732 L +258.366 13.627 L +258.366 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 13.785 m +74.876 13.931 L +75.11 13.943 L +78.27 13.785 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 10.257 m +60.361 10.046 L +59.312 9.993 L +59.312 10.309 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 8.993 m +60.361 8.782 L +59.312 8.729 L +59.312 9.045 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 8.361 m +60.361 8.15 L +59.312 8.097 L +59.312 8.413 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 9.625 m +60.361 9.414 L +59.312 9.361 L +59.312 9.677 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 12.152 m +60.361 11.941 L +59.312 11.889 L +59.312 12.205 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 11.52 m +60.361 11.309 L +59.312 11.257 L +59.312 11.573 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 10.889 m +60.361 10.678 L +59.312 10.625 L +59.312 10.941 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 7.465 m +74.876 7.612 L +75.11 7.623 L +78.27 7.465 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 4.306 m +260.47 4.253 L +258.366 4.148 L +258.366 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 9.098 m +260.464 9.045 L +255.206 9.045 L +258.366 9.203 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 4.306 m +74.876 4.452 L +75.11 4.464 L +78.27 4.306 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 14.048 m +60.361 13.837 L +59.312 13.785 L +59.312 14.101 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 7.097 m +60.361 6.886 L +59.312 6.834 L +59.312 7.15 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 8.729 m +260.47 8.677 L +258.366 8.571 L +258.366 8.729 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 2.41 m +74.876 2.556 L +75.11 2.568 L +78.27 2.41 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 12.784 m +60.361 12.573 L +59.312 12.521 L +59.312 12.837 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 3.042 m +260.47 2.989 L +258.366 2.884 L +258.366 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 3.674 m +260.47 3.621 L +258.366 3.516 L +258.366 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 3.042 m +74.876 3.188 L +75.11 3.2 L +78.27 3.042 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 3.674 m +74.876 3.82 L +75.11 3.832 L +78.27 3.674 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 13.416 m +60.361 13.205 L +59.312 13.153 L +59.312 13.469 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 8.899 m +74.888 9.045 L +78.27 9.045 L +75.11 8.887 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 11.626 m +260.464 11.573 L +255.206 11.573 L +258.366 11.731 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 11.427 m +74.888 11.573 L +78.27 11.573 L +75.11 11.415 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 5.423 m +74.888 5.57 L +78.27 5.57 L +75.11 5.412 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 4.792 m +74.888 4.938 L +78.27 4.938 L +75.11 4.78 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 4.622 m +260.47 4.569 L +258.366 4.464 L +255.206 4.622 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 4.622 m +74.876 4.768 L +75.11 4.78 L +78.27 4.622 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 4.16 m +74.888 4.306 L +78.27 4.306 L +75.11 4.148 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 2.726 m +260.47 2.673 L +258.366 2.568 L +255.206 2.726 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 3.99 m +74.876 4.136 L +75.11 4.148 L +78.27 3.99 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 5.254 m +260.47 5.201 L +258.366 5.096 L +255.206 5.254 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 14.27 m +74.888 14.417 L +75.11 14.417 L +75.11 14.259 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 7.518 m +260.464 7.465 L +258.366 7.465 L +258.366 7.623 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 6.886 m +260.464 6.834 L +258.366 6.834 L +258.366 6.992 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 2.463 m +260.464 2.41 L +258.366 2.41 L +258.366 2.568 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 8.782 m +260.464 8.729 L +258.366 8.729 L +258.366 8.887 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 10.046 m +260.464 9.993 L +258.366 9.993 L +258.366 10.151 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 3.358 m +260.47 3.305 L +258.366 3.2 L +255.206 3.358 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 5.622 m +260.464 5.57 L +258.366 5.57 L +258.366 5.728 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 4.991 m +260.464 4.938 L +258.366 4.938 L +258.366 5.096 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 4.359 m +260.464 4.306 L +258.366 4.306 L +258.366 4.464 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 8.15 m +260.464 8.097 L +258.366 8.097 L +258.366 8.255 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 6.254 m +260.464 6.202 L +258.366 6.202 L +258.366 6.36 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 2.896 m +74.888 3.042 L +78.27 3.042 L +75.11 2.884 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 2.726 m +74.876 2.872 L +75.11 2.884 L +78.27 2.726 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 3.99 m +260.47 3.937 L +258.366 3.832 L +255.206 3.99 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 12.837 m +260.47 12.784 L +258.366 12.679 L +255.206 12.837 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 14.101 m +260.47 14.048 L +258.366 13.943 L +255.206 14.101 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 13.469 m +74.876 13.615 L +75.11 13.627 L +78.27 13.469 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 13.638 m +74.888 13.785 L +78.27 13.785 L +75.11 13.627 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 12.375 m +74.888 12.521 L +78.27 12.521 L +75.11 12.363 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 13.469 m +260.47 13.416 L +258.366 13.311 L +255.206 13.469 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 12.205 m +74.876 12.351 L +75.11 12.363 L +78.27 12.205 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 12.837 m +74.876 12.983 L +75.11 12.995 L +78.27 12.837 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 13.006 m +74.888 13.153 L +78.27 13.153 L +75.11 12.995 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 13.837 m +260.464 13.785 L +258.366 13.785 L +258.366 13.943 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 14.101 m +74.876 14.247 L +75.11 14.259 L +78.27 14.101 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 4.569 m +60.361 4.358 L +59.312 4.306 L +59.312 4.622 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 11.743 m +74.888 11.889 L +78.27 11.889 L +75.11 11.731 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 3.358 m +74.876 3.504 L +75.11 3.516 L +78.27 3.358 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 3.528 m +74.888 3.674 L +78.27 3.674 L +75.11 3.516 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 5.201 m +60.361 4.99 L +59.312 4.938 L +59.312 5.254 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 11.573 m +74.876 11.719 L +75.11 11.731 L +78.27 11.573 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 3.306 m +60.361 3.095 L +59.312 3.042 L +59.312 3.358 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 12.205 m +260.47 12.152 L +258.366 12.047 L +255.206 12.205 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 3.937 m +60.361 3.726 L +59.312 3.674 L +59.312 3.99 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 2.674 m +60.361 2.463 L +59.312 2.41 L +59.312 2.726 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 13.1 m +60.361 12.889 L +59.312 12.837 L +59.312 13.153 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 13.205 m +260.464 13.153 L +258.366 13.153 L +258.366 13.311 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 12.574 m +260.464 12.521 L +258.366 12.521 L +258.366 12.679 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 7.781 m +74.876 7.928 L +75.11 7.939 L +78.27 7.781 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 7.319 m +74.888 7.465 L +78.27 7.465 L +75.11 7.307 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 8.413 m +260.47 8.361 L +258.366 8.255 L +255.206 8.413 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 7.15 m +74.876 7.296 L +75.11 7.307 L +78.27 7.15 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 8.413 m +74.876 8.56 L +75.11 8.571 L +78.27 8.413 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 7.781 m +260.47 7.729 L +258.366 7.623 L +255.206 7.781 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 6.055 m +74.888 6.202 L +78.27 6.202 L +75.11 6.044 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 6.518 m +260.47 6.465 L +258.366 6.36 L +255.206 6.518 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 7.951 m +74.888 8.097 L +78.27 8.097 L +75.11 7.939 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 6.465 m +60.361 6.254 L +59.312 6.202 L +59.312 6.518 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 7.729 m +60.361 7.518 L +59.312 7.465 L +59.312 7.781 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 10.795 m +74.888 10.941 L +78.27 10.941 L +75.11 10.783 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 12.059 m +74.888 12.205 L +78.27 12.205 L +75.11 12.047 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 12.258 m +260.464 12.205 L +255.206 12.205 L +258.366 12.363 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 5.886 m +74.876 6.032 L +75.11 6.044 L +78.27 5.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 10.994 m 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ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 9.677 m +74.876 9.823 L +75.11 9.835 L +78.27 9.677 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.876 9.847 m +74.888 9.993 L +78.27 9.993 L +75.11 9.835 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.464 10.309 m +260.47 10.256 L +258.366 10.151 L +255.206 10.309 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 9.045 m +74.876 9.192 L +75.11 9.203 L +78.27 9.045 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 74.888 5.254 m +74.876 5.4 L +75.11 5.412 L +78.27 5.254 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 11.942 m +260.464 11.889 L +258.366 11.889 L +258.366 12.047 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 60.361 5.833 m +60.361 5.622 L +59.312 5.57 L +59.312 5.886 L +cp +false upath dup ufill ustroke +P +p +0.1 w +2 setlinejoin +np 260.47 11.31 m +260.464 11.257 L +258.366 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+2E349D6B9A1F90B123DEDE3DA50EDF929F9285747CD504C8F4A73D522F312D623BD65A35419C0729 +30976129B2D99B32D1DEDD81D64F7879CEDDFF04BBBF1286E07BCE651E2DEC190DFB9D25F3C1EEC8 +D7277752BB7CCC313A0FEEBF0EFFA2A189861AD4EA13AD4FDBD5160DC273F12525815F0D693C1413 +AFE4FBE09BCBD71E16C33E6CF8D18732447FFDCC2E4AF9E270D725C1D262D96E72538CA3309BCAF2 +35A3FAFAB27D265C583E6F6F062B555C97DFD89AC46E6154670ADCA13FD99F7A4B9B8BB224D43764 +8CC9DB76E177F562862C912D8CBC248A4C628FF2D0C9688611CED3DFB89064B988F16655633B7CC7 +AFAE34B2937528EA0814ED245D6B0D2AEF87A5B63E2BD7E4F7D9CFE372C295A0891F97C3855C97EC +C03C7C2A231704BED419612255F8B2C9262D48CB4FB46D63CC9697A210FA9D7BFC3BAB7E46172D3F +52A4AF9C4114BC72A5C7CBA042FA633AFD5E404F29408D4485837E55E6F9702F04C7AB410C351039 +6A78C8672F8EAD53BB9CBCED63FB9E72E7238CC88FB4E7C48C3DE3E4B80E277B952727916A4127A2 +5CC1413C390F4DAFD5253B07BC96DAE8CF4DA08330DEE580CBC1E12B75A661819E96B018D47A8B71 +B6BFAFC5E3CBFE68E5193417B6E730E6A2820838D22049BE6BB64B74AA13779D46519965ED80D5FC +30B0A6F73D26DEBD8150B3D27B3F135F608D59BB1632AD9C2E11177FAF54CBD1C4E58D58C395BAE8 +AD7C7AEEB0E1C3F0C0B7A5E7142E9A1DCCC8B4EF56C319D4A4F750857D2FD180F871772B9CC69FB9 +B222F83C3ACCB66125AF6848B2EFDCE3D2284FA5844641FB32F701FBF32F1D2F2E2233B66E36CCD1 +49FCB3FCDB6EA04367D11624717D73D9128EA7D9AABB8658BE9E9986E532 +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +cleartomark{restore}if + +%%EndFont +%%EndResource +6.48 /Mathematica1 Msf +0 6 m +(-) N +/MISOfy +{ + /newfontname exch def + /oldfontname exch def + oldfontname findfont + dup length dict begin + {1 index/FID ne{def}{pop pop}ifelse}forall + /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def + currentdict + end + newfontname exch definefont pop +}def +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic +%%BeginResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%BeginFont: Times-Italic-MISO +/Times-Italic /Times-Italic-MISO MISOfy +%%EndFont +%%EndResource +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +6.48 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +4.172 6 m +(r) N +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +4.601 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +6.82 7.008 m +(B) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -40.869 -10.573 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +[ ] 0 setdash +p +0 setlinecap +74.866 8.413 m +74.866 6.967 L +s +P +p +np 64 9 m +64 20 L +86 20 L +86 9 L +cp +clip np +p +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +[1 0 0 1 65.276 10.573 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +p +np -2.276 -2.573 m +-2.276 10.427 L +21.724 10.427 L +21.724 -2.573 L +cp +clip np +6.48 /Mathematica1 Msf +0 6 m +(-) N +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +6.48 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +4.172 6 m +(r) N +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +4.601 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +6.82 7.008 m +(B) N +6.48 /Mathematica1 Msf +10.992 6 m +(+) N +16.164 6 m +(d) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -65.276 -10.573 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +[ ] 0 setdash +p +0 setlinecap +260.472 8.413 m +260.472 6.967 L +s +P +p +np 250 9 m +250 20 L +271 20 L +271 9 L +cp +clip np +p +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +[1 0 0 1 251.156 10.573 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +p +np -2.156 -2.573 m +-2.156 10.427 L +20.844 10.427 L +20.844 -2.573 L +cp +clip np +6.48 /Mathematica1 Msf +0 6 m +(-) N +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +6.48 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +4.172 6 m +(r) N +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman +%%IncludeFont: Times-Roman +%%BeginResource: font Times-Roman-MISO +%%BeginFont: Times-Roman-MISO +/Times-Roman /Times-Roman-MISO MISOfy +%%EndFont +%%EndResource +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Roman-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Roman-MISO +4.601 /Times-Roman-MISO Msf +6.788 7.039 m +(0) N +6.48 /Mathematica1 Msf +10.445 6 m +(-) N +15.617 6 m +(d) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -251.156 -10.573 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +[ ] 0 setdash +p +0 setlinecap +35.352 8.413 m +285.486 8.413 L +s +P +p +np 290 3 m +290 14 L +296 14 L +296 3 L +cp +clip np +p +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +[1 0 0 1 291.246 4.663 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +p +np -2.246 -2.663 m +-2.246 10.337 L +5.754 10.337 L +5.754 -2.663 L +cp +clip np +%%IncludeResource: font Times-Italic-MISO +%%IncludeFont: Times-Italic-MISO +6.48 /Times-Italic-MISO Msf +0 6 m +(u) N +P +[1 0 0 1 -291.246 -4.663 ] concat +1 w +[ ] 0 setdash +P +P +p +np 35 2 m +35 16 L +287 16 L +287 2 L +cp +clip np +1 0 0 r +1.44 w +[ ] 0 setdash +74.866 2.41 m +74.866 14.417 L +s +260.472 2.41 m +260.472 14.417 L +s +[ 0.72 2.88 ] 0 setdash +60.365 2.41 m +60.365 14.417 L +s +P +P +P +1 w +0 g +0 g +[ ] 0 setdash +2 setlinecap +0 setlinejoin +10 setmiterlimit +P +P +%Trailer +%EOF diff --git a/thesis/tex etc/unm10.clo b/thesis/tex etc/unm10.clo new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae6ddfd --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/tex etc/unm10.clo @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +%% +%% This is file `unm10.clo', generated +%% on <1995/7/26> with the jwhhacks utility (v3.2zzz). +%% +%% The original source files were: +%% +%% unmeethesis.dtx (with options: `10pt') +%% +%% +%% This is a generated file. +%% +%% Copyright 1995 by James W. Howse IV. All rights reserved. +%% Modified with permission by Neall E. Doren, January 27, 2000. +%% +%% This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. +%% +%% This file is a modified form of the standard size format size10.clo. It is +%% based on size10.clo version 1.3g dated 1995/06/26. +%% +%% The names of the source files used are shown above. +%% +%% +%% \CharacterTable +%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z +%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z +%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 +%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# +%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& +%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) +%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, +%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ +%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< +%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? +%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ +%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ +%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| +%% Right brace \} Tilde \~} +\ProvidesFile{unm10.clo} + [1995/07/26 + Standard UNM file (size option)-mod 01/27/00] +\renewcommand\normalsize{% + \@setfontsize\normalsize\@xpt\@xiipt + \abovedisplayskip 10\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus5\p@ + \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus3\p@ + \belowdisplayshortskip 6\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus3\p@ + \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip + \let\@listi\@listI} +\normalsize +\newcommand\small{% + \@setfontsize\small\@ixpt{11}% + \abovedisplayskip 8.5\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus4\p@ + \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus2\p@ + \belowdisplayshortskip 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus2\p@ + \def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini + \topsep 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus2\p@ + \parsep 2\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@ + \itemsep \parsep}% + \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip +} +\newcommand\footnotesize{% + \@setfontsize\footnotesize\@viiipt{9.5}% + \abovedisplayskip 6\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@ + \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus\p@ + \belowdisplayshortskip 3\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus2\p@ + \def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini + \topsep 3\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@ + \parsep 2\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@ + \itemsep \parsep}% + \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip +} +\newcommand\scriptsize{\@setfontsize\scriptsize\@viipt\@viiipt} +\newcommand\tiny{\@setfontsize\tiny\@vpt\@vipt} +\newcommand\large{\@setfontsize\large\@xiipt{14}} +\newcommand\Large{\@setfontsize\Large\@xivpt{18}} +\newcommand\LARGE{\@setfontsize\LARGE\@xviipt{22}} +\newcommand\huge{\@setfontsize\huge\@xxpt{25}} +\newcommand\Huge{\@setfontsize\Huge\@xxvpt{30}} +\if@twocolumn + \setlength\parindent{1em} +\else + \setlength\parindent{15\p@} +\fi +\setlength\headheight{12\p@} +\setlength\headsep {25\p@} +\setlength\topskip {10\p@} +\setlength\footskip{41\p@} +\if@compatibility \setlength\maxdepth{4\p@} \else +\setlength\maxdepth{.5\topskip} \fi +\setlength\@maxdepth\maxdepth +\if@compatibility + \if@twocolumn + \setlength\textwidth{450\p@} + \else + \setlength\textwidth{450\p@} + \fi +\else + \setlength\@tempdima{\paperwidth} + \addtolength\@tempdima{-2in} + \setlength\@tempdimb{450\p@} + \if@twocolumn + \ifdim\@tempdima>2\@tempdimb\relax + \setlength\textwidth{2\@tempdimb} + \else + \setlength\textwidth{\@tempdima} + \fi + \else + \ifdim\@tempdima>\@tempdimb\relax + \setlength\textwidth{\@tempdimb} + \else + \setlength\textwidth{\@tempdima} + \fi + \fi +\fi +\if@compatibility\else + \@settopoint\textwidth +\fi +\if@compatibility + \setlength\textheight{43\baselineskip} +\else + \setlength\@tempdima{\paperheight} + \addtolength\@tempdima{-2in} + \addtolength\@tempdima{-0.5in} + \divide\@tempdima\baselineskip + \@tempcnta=\@tempdima + \setlength\textheight{\@tempcnta\baselineskip} +\fi +\addtolength\textheight{\topskip} +\if@twocolumn + \setlength\marginparsep {10\p@} +\else + \setlength\marginparsep{11\p@} +\fi +\setlength\marginparpush{5\p@} +\if@compatibility + \if@twoside + \setlength\oddsidemargin {44\p@} + \setlength\evensidemargin {82\p@} + \setlength\marginparwidth {107\p@} + \else + \setlength\oddsidemargin {63\p@} + \setlength\evensidemargin {63\p@} + \setlength\marginparwidth {90\p@} + \fi + \if@twocolumn + \setlength\oddsidemargin {30\p@} + \setlength\evensidemargin {30\p@} + \setlength\marginparwidth {48\p@} + \fi +\else + \if@twoside + \setlength\@tempdima {\paperwidth} + \addtolength\@tempdima {-\textwidth} + \setlength\oddsidemargin {0.5\@tempdima} + \addtolength\oddsidemargin {-0.72in} + \setlength\marginparwidth {0.6\@tempdima} + \addtolength\marginparwidth {-\marginparsep} + \addtolength\marginparwidth {-0.4in} + \else + \setlength\@tempdima {\paperwidth} + \addtolength\@tempdima {-\textwidth} + \setlength\oddsidemargin {0.5\@tempdima} + \addtolength\oddsidemargin {-0.735in} + \setlength\marginparwidth {0.5\@tempdima} + \addtolength\marginparwidth {-\marginparsep} + \addtolength\marginparwidth {-0.4in} + \addtolength\marginparwidth {-0.4in} + \fi + \ifdim \marginparwidth >2in + \setlength\marginparwidth{2in} + \fi + \@settopoint\oddsidemargin + \@settopoint\marginparwidth + \setlength\evensidemargin {\paperwidth} + \addtolength\evensidemargin{-2in} + \addtolength\evensidemargin{-\textwidth} + \addtolength\evensidemargin{-0.8\oddsidemargin} + \@settopoint\evensidemargin +\fi +\if@compatibility + \setlength\topmargin{27pt} +\else + \setlength\topmargin{\paperheight} + \addtolength\topmargin{-2in} + \addtolength\topmargin{-\headheight} + \addtolength\topmargin{-\headsep} + \addtolength\topmargin{-\textheight} + \addtolength\topmargin{-.3\footskip} + \addtolength\topmargin{-.5\topmargin} + \@settopoint\topmargin +\fi +\setlength\footnotesep{6.65\p@} +\setlength{\skip\footins}{9\p@ \@plus 4\p@ \@minus 2\p@} +\setlength\floatsep {12\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 2\p@} +\setlength\textfloatsep{20\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 4\p@} +\setlength\intextsep {12\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 2\p@} +\setlength\dblfloatsep {12\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 2\p@} +\setlength\dbltextfloatsep{20\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 4\p@} +\setlength\@fptop{0\p@ \@plus 1fil} +\setlength\@fpsep{8\p@ \@plus 2fil} +\setlength\@fpbot{0\p@ \@plus 1fil} +\setlength\@dblfptop{0\p@ \@plus 1fil} +\setlength\@dblfpsep{8\p@ \@plus 2fil} +\setlength\@dblfpbot{0\p@ \@plus 1fil} +\setlength\partopsep{2\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@} +\def\@listI{\leftmargin\leftmargini + \parsep 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus\p@ + \topsep 8\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@ + \itemsep4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus\p@} +\let\@listi\@listI +\@listi +\def\@listii {\leftmargin\leftmarginii + \labelwidth\leftmarginii + \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep + \topsep 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus\p@ + \parsep 2\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@ + \itemsep \parsep} +\def\@listiii{\leftmargin\leftmarginiii + \labelwidth\leftmarginiii + \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep + \topsep 2\p@ \@plus\p@\@minus\p@ + \parsep \z@ + \partopsep \p@ \@plus\z@ \@minus\p@ + \itemsep \topsep} +\def\@listiv {\leftmargin\leftmarginiv + \labelwidth\leftmarginiv + \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} +\def\@listv {\leftmargin\leftmarginv + \labelwidth\leftmarginv + \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} +\def\@listvi {\leftmargin\leftmarginvi + \labelwidth\leftmarginvi + \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} +\endinput +%% +%% End of file `unm10.clo'. diff --git a/thesis/tex etc/unm11.clo b/thesis/tex etc/unm11.clo new file mode 100644 index 0000000..995ce11 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/tex etc/unm11.clo @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +%% +%% This is file `unm11.clo', generated +%% on <1995/7/26> with the jwhhacks utility (v3.2zzz). +%% +%% The original source files were: +%% +%% unmeethesis.dtx (with options: `11pt') +%% +%% +%% This is a generated file. +%% +%% Copyright 1995 by James W. Howse IV. All rights reserved. +%% Modified with permission by Neall E. Doren, January 27, 2000. +%% +%% This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. +%% +%% This file is a modified form of the standard size format size11.clo. It is +%% based on size11.clo version 1.3g dated 1995/06/26. +%% +%% The names of the source files used are shown above. +%% +%% +%% \CharacterTable +%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z +%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z +%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 +%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# +%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& +%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) +%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, +%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ +%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< +%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? +%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ +%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ +%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| +%% Right brace \} Tilde \~} +\ProvidesFile{unm11.clo} + [1995/07/26 + Standard UNM file (size option)-mod 01/27/00] +\renewcommand\normalsize{% + \@setfontsize\normalsize\@xipt{13.6}% + \abovedisplayskip 11\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus6\p@ + \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus3\p@ + \belowdisplayshortskip 6.5\p@ \@plus3.5\p@ \@minus3\p@ + \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip + \let\@listi\@listI} +\normalsize +\newcommand\small{% + \@setfontsize\small\@xpt\@xiipt + \abovedisplayskip 10\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus5\p@ + \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus3\p@ + \belowdisplayshortskip 6\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus3\p@ + \def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini + \topsep 6\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus2\p@ + \parsep 3\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus\p@ + \itemsep \parsep}% + \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip +} +\newcommand\footnotesize{% + \@setfontsize\footnotesize\@ixpt{11}% + \abovedisplayskip 8\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@ + \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus\p@ + \belowdisplayshortskip 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus2\p@ + \def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini + \topsep 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus2\p@ + \parsep 2\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@ + \itemsep \parsep}% + \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip +} +\newcommand\scriptsize{\@setfontsize\scriptsize\@viiipt{9.5}} +\newcommand\tiny{\@setfontsize\tiny\@vipt\@viipt} +\newcommand\large{\@setfontsize\large\@xiipt{14}} +\newcommand\Large{\@setfontsize\Large\@xivpt{18}} +\newcommand\LARGE{\@setfontsize\LARGE\@xviipt{22}} +\newcommand\huge{\@setfontsize\huge\@xxpt{25}} +\newcommand\Huge{\@setfontsize\Huge\@xxvpt{30}} +\if@twocolumn + \setlength\parindent{1em} +\else + \setlength\parindent{17\p@} +\fi +\setlength\headheight{12\p@} +\setlength\headsep {25\p@} +\setlength\topskip {11\p@} +\setlength\footskip{42\p@} +\if@compatibility \setlength\maxdepth{4\p@} \else +\setlength\maxdepth{.5\topskip} \fi +\setlength\@maxdepth\maxdepth +\if@compatibility + \if@twocolumn + \setlength\textwidth{450\p@} + \else + \setlength\textwidth{450\p@} + \fi +\else + \setlength\@tempdima{\paperwidth} + \addtolength\@tempdima{-2in} + \setlength\@tempdimb{450\p@} + \if@twocolumn + \ifdim\@tempdima>2\@tempdimb\relax + \setlength\textwidth{2\@tempdimb} + \else + \setlength\textwidth{\@tempdima} + \fi + \else + \ifdim\@tempdima>\@tempdimb\relax + \setlength\textwidth{\@tempdimb} + \else + \setlength\textwidth{\@tempdima} + \fi + \fi +\fi +\if@compatibility\else + \@settopoint\textwidth +\fi +\if@compatibility + \setlength\textheight{38\baselineskip} +\else + \setlength\@tempdima{\paperheight} + \addtolength\@tempdima{-2in} + \addtolength\@tempdima{-0.5in} + \divide\@tempdima\baselineskip + \@tempcnta=\@tempdima + \setlength\textheight{\@tempcnta\baselineskip} +\fi +\addtolength\textheight{\topskip} +\if@twocolumn + 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2\p@ \@plus\p@\@minus\p@ + \parsep \z@ + \partopsep \p@ \@plus\z@ \@minus\p@ + \itemsep \topsep} +\def\@listiv {\leftmargin\leftmarginiv + \labelwidth\leftmarginiv + \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} +\def\@listv {\leftmargin\leftmarginv + \labelwidth\leftmarginv + \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} +\def\@listvi {\leftmargin\leftmarginvi + \labelwidth\leftmarginvi + \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep} +\endinput +%% +%% End of file `unm11.clo'. diff --git a/thesis/tex etc/unm12.clo b/thesis/tex etc/unm12.clo new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d63cf68 --- /dev/null +++ b/thesis/tex etc/unm12.clo @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ +%% +%% This is file `unm12.clo', generated +%% on <1995/7/26> with the jwhhacks utility (v3.2zzz). +%% +%% The original source files were: +%% +%% unmeethesis.dtx (with options: `12pt') +%% +%% +%% This is a generated file. +%% +%% Copyright 1995 by James W. Howse IV. All rights reserved. +%% Modified with permission by Neall E. Doren, January 27, 2000. +%% Change history: +%% 09/17/01: Slight margin adjustments (top and bottom). N. Doren +%% +%% This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. +%% +%% This file is a modified form of the standard size format size12.clo. It is +%% based on size12.clo version 1.3g dated 1995/06/26. +%% +%% The names of the source files used are shown above. +%% +%% +%% \CharacterTable +%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z +%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z +%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 +%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# +%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& +%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) +%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, +%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ +%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< +%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? +%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ +%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ +%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| +%% Right brace \} Tilde \~} +\ProvidesFile{unm12.clo} + [1995/07/26 + Standard UNM file (size option)-mod 09/17/01] +\renewcommand\normalsize{% + \@setfontsize\normalsize\@xiipt{14.5}% + \abovedisplayskip 12\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus7\p@ + \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus3\p@ + \belowdisplayshortskip 6.5\p@ \@plus3.5\p@ \@minus3\p@ + \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip + \let\@listi\@listI} +\normalsize +\newcommand\small{% + \@setfontsize\small\@xipt{13.6}% + \abovedisplayskip 11\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus6\p@ + \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus3\p@ + \belowdisplayshortskip 6.5\p@ \@plus3.5\p@ \@minus3\p@ + \def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini + \topsep 9\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus5\p@ + \parsep 4.5\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus\p@ + \itemsep \parsep}% + 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+20 dict begin + +% define space for color conversions +/grays 224 string def % space for gray scale line +/npixls 0 def +/rgbindx 0 def + +% lower left corner +194 325 translate + +% size of image (on paper, in 1/72inch coords) +223.99200 141.98400 scale + +% define 'colorimage' if it isn't defined +% ('colortogray' and 'mergeprocs' come from xwd2ps +% via xgrab) +/colorimage where % do we know about 'colorimage'? + { pop } % yes: pop off the 'dict' returned + { % no: define one + /colortogray { % define an RGB->I function + /rgbdata exch store % call input 'rgbdata' + rgbdata length 3 idiv + /npixls exch store + /rgbindx 0 store + 0 1 npixls 1 sub { + grays exch + rgbdata rgbindx get 20 mul % Red + rgbdata rgbindx 1 add get 32 mul % Green + rgbdata rgbindx 2 add get 12 mul % Blue + add add 64 idiv % I = .5G + .31R + .18B + put + /rgbindx rgbindx 3 add store + } for + grays 0 npixls getinterval + } bind def + + % Utility procedure for colorimage operator. + % This procedure takes two procedures off the + % stack and merges them into a single procedure. + + /mergeprocs { % def + dup length + 3 -1 roll + dup + length + dup + 5 1 roll + 3 -1 roll + add + array cvx + dup + 3 -1 roll + 0 exch + putinterval + dup + 4 2 roll + putinterval + } bind def + + /colorimage { % def + pop pop % remove 'false 3' operands + {colortogray} mergeprocs + image + } bind def + } ifelse % end of 'false' case + + + +% define the colormap +/cmap 15 string def + + +% load up the colormap +currentfile cmap readhexstring +ffffff b0ffff c0c0c0 808080 000000 +pop pop % lose return values from readhexstring + + +% rlecmapimage expects to have 'w h bits matrix' on stack +/rlecmapimage { + /buffer 1 string def + /rgbval 3 string def + /block 384 string def + + % proc to read a block from file, and return RGB data + { currentfile buffer readhexstring pop + /bcount exch 0 get store + bcount 128 ge + { % it's a non-run block + 0 1 bcount 128 sub + { currentfile buffer readhexstring pop pop + + % look up value in color map + /rgbval cmap buffer 0 get 3 mul 3 getinterval store + + % and put it in position i*3 in block + block exch 3 mul rgbval putinterval + } for + block 0 bcount 127 sub 3 mul getinterval + } + + { % else it's a run block + currentfile buffer readhexstring pop pop + + % look up value in colormap + /rgbval cmap buffer 0 get 3 mul 3 getinterval store + + 0 1 bcount { block exch 3 mul rgbval putinterval } for + + block 0 bcount 1 add 3 mul getinterval + } ifelse + } % end of proc + false 3 colorimage +} bind def + + +224 142 8 % dimensions of data +[224 0 0 -142 0 142] % mapping matrix +rlecmapimage + +5f001c016200 +5a0029015a00 +540033015600 +50003b015200 +4d0041014f00 +4a0047014c00 +47004d014900 +450052014600 +430056014400 +40005b014200 +3e005f014000 +3c0063013e00 +3a0068013b00 +37006d013900 +350071013700 +340074013500 +320078013300 +31007a013200 +2f007d013100 +2d007f018101002f00 +2c007f0102012f00 +2b007f0105012d00 +2a007f0107012c00 +29007f010a012a00 +28007f010c012900 +26007f010f012800 +25007f0112012600 +24007f0114012500 +23007f0116012400 +22007f0118012300 +21007f011a012200 +20007f011c012100 +1f007f011e012000 +1d007f0121011f00 +1d007f0122011e00 +1c007f0125011c00 +1b007f0126011c00 +1a007f0128011b00 +19007f0129011b00 +18007f012b011a00 +17007f012e011800 +16007f012f011800 +15007f0131011700 +14007f0133011600 +13007f0134011600 +13007f0135011500 +12007f0137011400 +12007f0137011400 +11007f0139011300 +10007f013b011200 +10006a0101028103014d011100 +0f006501810302050201008102014b011100 +0f005d0183030203020b02040081020149011000 +0e0058018103021302060081020147011000 +0e004f01820203021b02090081020145010f00 +0d004c0122020b0081020144010e00 +0c00450181030228020d008202030141010e00 +0b004001820203022d020f00010241010d00 +0b003b018103023302120041010c00 +0a003a01370214008103013d010c00 +0a003a01370216008102013b010c00 +09003b01370218008102013a010b00 +09003b0137021b0081020138010a00 +08003c0137021d0081020136010a00 +08003b0181030236021f0081020135010900 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Howse IV. All rights reserved. +%% Modified with permission by Neall E. Doren, January 27, 2000. +%% Further mods as per D. Bader, EECE, by N. Doren, March 07, 2000. +%% +%% This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. +%% +%% This file is a modified form of the standard report format report.cls. +%% It is based on report.cls version 1.3g dated 1995/06/26. +%% +%% The names of the source files used are shown above. +%% +%% +%% \CharacterTable +%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z +%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z +%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 +%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# +%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& +%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) +%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, +%% Minus \- Point \. 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\addvspace{2.25em \@plus\p@}% + \begingroup + \setlength\@tempdima{3em}% + \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth + \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth + {\leavevmode + \large \bfseries #1\hfil \hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}}\par + \nobreak + \global\@nobreaktrue + \everypar{\global\@nobreakfalse\everypar{}} + \endgroup + \fi} +\newcommand*\l@chapter[2]{% + \ifnum \c@tocdepth >\m@ne + \addpenalty{-\@highpenalty}% + \vskip 1.0em \@plus\p@ + \setlength\@tempdima{1.5em}% + \begingroup + \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth + \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth + \leavevmode \bfseries + \advance\leftskip\@tempdima + \hskip -\leftskip + #1\nobreak\hfil \nobreak\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par + \penalty\@highpenalty + \endgroup + \fi} +\newcommand*\l@section{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}} +\newcommand*\l@subsection{\@dottedtocline{2}{3.8em}{3.2em}} +\newcommand*\l@subsubsection{\@dottedtocline{3}{7.0em}{4.1em}} +\newcommand*\l@paragraph{\@dottedtocline{4}{10em}{5em}} 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+ \fi + \usecounter{enumiv}% + \let\p@enumiv\@empty + \renewcommand\theenumiv{\@arabic\c@enumiv}}% + \if@openbib + \renewcommand\newblock{\par}% + \else + \renewcommand\newblock{\hskip .11em \@plus.33em \@minus.07em}% + \fi + \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000% + \sfcode`\.=\@m} + {\def\@noitemerr + {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}% + \endlist} +\newcommand\newblock{} +\newenvironment{theindex} + {\if@twocolumn + \@restonecolfalse + \else + \@restonecoltrue + \fi + \columnseprule \z@ + \columnsep 35\p@ + \twocolumn[\@makeschapterhead{\indexname}]% + \@mkboth{\indexname}% + {\indexname}% + \thispagestyle{plain}\parindent\z@ + \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax + \let\item\@idxitem} + {\if@restonecol\onecolumn\else\clearpage\fi} +\newcommand\@idxitem{\par\hangindent 40\p@} +\newcommand\subitem{\par\hangindent 40\p@ \hspace*{20\p@}} +\newcommand\subsubitem{\par\hangindent 40\p@ \hspace*{30\p@}} +\newcommand\indexspace{\par \vskip 10\p@ \@plus5\p@ \@minus3\p@\relax} +\renewcommand\footnoterule{% + \kern-3\p@ + \hrule\@width.4\columnwidth + \kern2.6\p@} +\@addtoreset{footnote}{chapter} +\long\def\@makefntext#1{% + \parindent 1em% + \noindent + \hb@xt@1.8em{\hss\@makefnmark}#1} +\newcommand\contentsname{Contents} +\newcommand\listfigurename{List of Figures} +\newcommand\listtablename{List of Tables} +\newcommand\bibname{Bibliography} +\newcommand\indexname{Index} +\newcommand\figurename{Figure} +\newcommand\tablename{Table} +\newcommand\partname{Part} +\newcommand\chaptername{Chapter} +\newcommand\appendixname{Appendix} +\newcommand\abstractname{Abstract} +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +\newcommand\keywordname{Key Words} +\newcommand\acknowledgename{Acknowledgments} +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +\newcommand\today{\ifcase\month\or + January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or + July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi 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Howse IV. All rights reserved. +%% Modified with permission by Neall E. Doren, January 27, 2000. +%% Further mods as per D. Bader, EECE, by N. Doren, March 07, 2000. +%% +%% This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +%% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. +%% +%% This file is a modified form of the standard book format book.cls. It is +%% based on book.cls version 1.3g dated 1995/06/26. +%% Modification history: +%% /9/17/01: Slight margin changes (top and bottom). N. Doren +%% /3/27/02: Slight margin changes for title boxes. N. Doren +%% /8/24/11: Removed box from thesis/dissertation title page. +%% Removed Abstract title page. +%% Removed 'final' mode (ignored if used) +%% Minor margin changes. N. Doren +%% The names of the source files used are shown above. +%% +%% +%% \CharacterTable +%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z +%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z +%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 +%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# +%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& +%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) +%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, +%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ +%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< +%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? +%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ +%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ +%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| +%% Right brace \} Tilde \~} +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesClass{unmeethesis} + [1995/10/31 + UNM EECE dissertation class-mod 03/27/02] +\newcommand\@ptsize{} +\newif\if@restonecol +\newif\if@openright +\newif\if@openbib +\newif\if@draft +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +% Added an 'if' to check whether the 'draft' or 'final' option is +% selected +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +\newif\if@draft +\newif\if@nobox +\newif\if@botnum +\@openbibfalse +\newif\if@mainmatter \@mainmattertrue +\DeclareOption{a4paper} + {\setlength\paperheight {297mm}% + \setlength\paperwidth {210mm}} +\DeclareOption{a5paper} + {\setlength\paperheight {210mm}% + \setlength\paperwidth {148mm}} +\DeclareOption{b5paper} + {\setlength\paperheight {250mm}% + \setlength\paperwidth {176mm}} +\DeclareOption{letterpaper} + {\setlength\paperheight {10.92in}% + \setlength\paperwidth {8.5in}} +\DeclareOption{legalpaper} + {\setlength\paperheight {14in}% + \setlength\paperwidth {8.5in}} +\DeclareOption{executivepaper} + {\setlength\paperheight {10.5in}% + \setlength\paperwidth {7.25in}} +\DeclareOption{landscape} + {\setlength\@tempdima {\paperheight}% + \setlength\paperheight {\paperwidth}% + \setlength\paperwidth {\@tempdima}} +\DeclareOption{10pt}{\renewcommand\@ptsize{0}} +\DeclareOption{11pt}{\renewcommand\@ptsize{1}} +\DeclareOption{12pt}{\renewcommand\@ptsize{2}} +\DeclareOption{oneside}{\@twosidefalse \@mparswitchfalse} +\DeclareOption{twoside}{\@twosidetrue \@mparswitchtrue} +\DeclareOption{botnum}{\@botnumtrue} +\DeclareOption{draft}{\@drafttrue \setlength\overfullrule{5pt}} +\DeclareOption{final}{\@drafttrue \setlength\overfullrule{5pt}} +%\DeclareOption{final}{\@draftfalse \setlength\overfullrule{0pt}} +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +% Removed 'notitlepage' option +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +\DeclareOption{openright}{\@openrighttrue} +\DeclareOption{openany}{\@openrightfalse} +\DeclareOption{nobox}{\@noboxtrue} +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +% Removed 'twocolumn' option +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +\DeclareOption{leqno}{\input{leqno.clo}} +\DeclareOption{fleqn}{\input{fleqn.clo}} +\DeclareOption{openbib}{\@openbibtrue} +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +% Changed the default option from final to draft +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +\ExecuteOptions{letterpaper,12pt,oneside,draft,nobox,openright} +\ProcessOptions + \if@botnum + \setlength\paperheight {10.7in}% + \fi +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +% In order to generate the red box around the title pages, the 'color' +% package MUST be loaded +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +\if@draft +\else + \RequirePackage{color} +\fi +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +% Changed the input file from {bk1\@ptsize.clo} since the bk??.clo +% files only support two-sided formatting +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +\input{unm1\@ptsize.clo} +\setlength\lineskip{1\p@} +\setlength\normallineskip{1\p@} +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +% Modified \baselinestretch to appear "double" spaced. +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +\renewcommand\baselinestretch{1.45} +\newlength\@chosenpointsize +\setlength\@chosenpointsize{1\@ptsize\p@} +\newlength\@scaledpointsize +\setlength\@scaledpointsize{\baselinestretch\@chosenpointsize} +\setlength\parskip{0.5\@scaledpointsize \@plus \p@} +\@lowpenalty 51 +\@medpenalty 151 +\@highpenalty 301 +\setcounter{topnumber}{2} +\renewcommand\topfraction{.7} +\setcounter{bottomnumber}{1} +\renewcommand\bottomfraction{.7} +\setcounter{totalnumber}{3} +\renewcommand\textfraction{0} +\renewcommand\floatpagefraction{1} +\setcounter{dbltopnumber}{2} +\renewcommand\dbltopfraction{.7} +\renewcommand\dblfloatpagefraction{.5} +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +% Made the following changes to the default headings. +% +% 1) The headings are no longer upper case. +% 2) Removed the \MakeUppercase command from the 'tableofcontents', +% 'listoffigures', and 'listoftables' commands and from the +% 'thebibliography', and 'theindex' environments. +% 3) Due to Graduate Studies requirements the frontmatter and the +% mainmatter have different headings. Specifically, the frontmatter +% has the page numbers at the bottom center of the page, and the +% mainmatter has the page numbers at the top right corner of the page. +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +\if@twoside + \def\ps@mainheadings{% + \if@botnum + \def\@oddfoot{\hfil\thepage\hfil}\let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot + \def\@evenhead{\hfil{\slshape\leftmark}}% + \def\@oddhead{{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil}% + \else + \let\@oddfoot\@empty\let\@evenfoot\@empty + \def\@evenhead{\thepage\hfil{\slshape\leftmark}}% + \def\@oddhead{{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil\thepage}% + \fi + \let\@mkboth\markboth + \def\chaptermark##1{% + \markboth {% + \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne + \if@mainmatter + \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ % + \fi + \fi + ##1}{}}% + \def\sectionmark##1{% + \markright {% + \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\z@ + \thesection. \ % + \fi + ##1}}} +\else + \def\ps@mainheadings{% + \let\@oddfoot\@empty + + \if@botnum + \def\@oddfoot{\hfil\thepage\hfil} + \else + \def\@oddhead{{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil\thepage}% + \fi + +% \def\@evenhead{\thepage\hfil{\slshape\leftmark}}% + \let\@mkboth\markboth + \def\chaptermark##1{% + \markright {% + \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne + \if@mainmatter + \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ % + \fi + \fi + ##1}}} +\fi + +\if@twoside + \def\ps@frontheadings{% + + \if@botnum + \def\@oddhead{{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil}% + \def\@evenhead{\hfil{\slshape\leftmark}}% + \def\@oddfoot{\hfil\thepage\hfil}\let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot + \else + \def\@oddhead{{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil\thepage}% + \def\@evenhead{\thepage\hfil{\slshape\leftmark}}% + \let\@oddfoot\@empty + \fi + +% \def\@evenhead{\hfil{\slshape\leftmark}}% + \let\@mkboth\markboth + \def\chaptermark##1{% + \markboth {##1}{}}% + \def\sectionmark##1{% + \markright {##1}}} +\else + \def\ps@frontheadings{% + \let\@oddfoot\@empty + \def\@oddhead{{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil\thepage}% + + \if@botnum + \def\@oddfoot{\hfil\thepage\hfil} + \def\@oddhead{{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil}% + \else + \def\@evenhead{\thepage\hfil{\slshape\leftmark}}% + \fi + + \let\@mkboth\markboth + \def\chaptermark##1{% + \markright {##1}}} +\fi + +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +\def\ps@myheadings{% + \let\@oddfoot\@empty\let\@evenfoot\@empty + \def\@evenhead{\thepage\hfil\slshape\leftmark}% + \def\@oddhead{{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil\thepage}% + \let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo + \let\chaptermark\@gobble + \let\sectionmark\@gobble + } +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +% comment out whole routine between colon separators for bottom page numbering +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: + \if@botnum + \else + \def\ps@plain{% + \let\@oddfoot\@empty\let\@evenfoot\@empty + % \def\@evenhead{\thepage\hfil\slshape\leftmark}% + % \def\@oddhead{{\slshape\rightmark}\hfil\thepage}% + \def\@oddhead{\hfil\thepage}% + \let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo + \let\chaptermark\@gobble + \let\sectionmark\@gobble + } + \fi + +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +% This material was taken from fancybox.sty by Timothy Van Zandt. It is all +% part of the definition for the command '\thisfancypage' which allows a box +% to be put around an entire page. +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: + +\newbox\@fancybox +\@ifundefined{@tempdimc}{\newdimen\@tempdimc}{} + +% \singlebox + +\def\singlebox{\VerbBox\@singlebox} +\def\@singlebox#1{% + \begingroup + \setbox\@fancybox\hbox{{#1}}% + \if@nobox + \fboxrule=0pt% + \else + \fboxrule=2pt% + \fi + \if@draft + \if@nobox + \fbox{\hspace{-2pt} \box\@fancybox}% + \else + \fbox{\box\@fancybox}% + \fi + + \else + \fcolorbox{red}{white}{\box\@fancybox}% + \fi + \endgroup} + +% \VerbBox + +\newtoks\do@VerbBox + +\def\VerbBox#1{% + \do@VerbBox{#1}% + \afterassignment\begin@VerbBox + \setbox\@fancybox=\hbox} +\def\begin@VerbBox{\aftergroup\end@VerbBox} +\def\end@VerbBox{\the\do@VerbBox{\box\@fancybox}}% + +% \fb@outputpage +% This is a modification of the version of \@outputpage copied from the file +% latex.ltx, stored in /usr/local/texmf/lib/tex/latex/misc. + +\def\fb@outputpage{% + \let \protect \noexpand + \shipout \vbox{% + \set@typeset@protect + \aftergroup\set@typeset@protect + \if@specialpage + \global\@specialpagefalse\@nameuse{ps@\@specialstyle}% + \fi + \if@twoside + \ifodd\count\z@ \let\@thehead\@oddhead \let\@thefoot\@oddfoot + \let\@themargin\oddsidemargin + \else \let\@thehead\@evenhead + \let\@thefoot\@evenfoot \let\@themargin\evensidemargin + \fi + \fi + \reset@font + \normalsize + \baselineskip\z@skip \lineskip\z@skip \lineskiplimit\z@ +% \@shipoutsetup + \@begindvi +% + \ifx\this@fancypage\@empty\else + \this@fancypage + \gdef\this@fancypage{}% + \fi + \ifx\the@fancypage\@empty\else + \setbox\@outputbox\hbox{\the@fancypage{\box\@outputbox}}% + \fi +% + \setbox\@outputbox \vbox{% + \setbox\@tempboxa \vbox to\headheight{% + \vfil + \color@hbox + \normalcolor + \hb@xt@\textwidth {% + \let \label \@gobble + \let \index \@gobble + \let \glossary \@gobble %% 21 Jun 91 + \@thehead + }% + \color@endbox + }% %% 22 Feb 87 + \dp\@tempboxa \z@ + \box\@tempboxa + \vskip \headsep + \box\@outputbox + \baselineskip \footskip + \color@hbox + \normalcolor + \hb@xt@\textwidth{% + \let \label \@gobble + \let \index \@gobble %% 22 Feb 87 + \let \glossary \@gobble %% 21 Jun 91 + \@thefoot + }% + \color@endbox + }% +% + \ifx\the@@fancypage\@empty\else + \setbox\@outputbox\hbox{\the@@fancypage{\box\@outputbox}}% + \fi +% + \vbox{% +% +% \ifnum\fancyput@flag>-1 \do@fancyput\fi +% + \vskip \topmargin + \moveright\@themargin\box\@outputbox + }% + }% + \global \@colht \textheight + \stepcounter{page}% + \let\firstmark\botmark +} + +% \fancypage + +\def\the@fancypage{} +\def\the@@fancypage{} +\def\this@fancypage{} + +\def\fancypage#1#2{% + \def\the@fancypage{#1}% + \def\the@@fancypage{#2}% + \def\@outputpage{\fb@outputpage}} + +\def\thisfancypage#1#2{% + \gdef\@outputpage{\fb@outputpage}% + \gdef\this@fancypage{\def\the@fancypage{#1}\def\the@@fancypage{#2}}} + +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +% The following commands define the title page +%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: +\def\title#1{\gdef\@title{#1}} +\def\author#1{\gdef\@author{#1}} +\def\previousdegrees#1{\gdef\@previousdegrees{#1}} +\def\date#1{\gdef\@date{#1}} + \date{\today} +\def\degree#1{\gdef\@degree{#1}} + \degree{Doctor of Philosophy \\ Engineering} +\def\degreesubject#1{\gdef\@degreesubject{#1}} + \degreesubject{Ph.D., Electrical Engineering} +\def\documenttype#1{\gdef\@documenttype{#1}} + \documenttype{Dissertation} +\def\schoolname#1{\gdef\@schoolname{#1}} + \schoolname{University of New Mexico} +\def\schooladdress#1{\gdef\@schooladdress{#1}} + \schooladdress{Albuquerque, New Mexico} +\def\degreetext#1{\gdef\@degreetext{#1}} + \degreetext{Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the \\ + Requirements for the Degree of} + +\newlength\@temptextheight +\setlength\@temptextheight{\textheight} +\newlength\@temptextwidth +\setlength\@temptextwidth{\textwidth} +\newlength\@temptopmargin +\setlength\@temptopmargin{\topmargin} +\newlength\@tempheadheight +\setlength\@tempheadheight{\headheight} +\newlength\@tempheadsep +\setlength\@tempheadsep{\headsep} +\newlength\@tempfootskip +\setlength\@tempfootskip{\footskip} + +\newcommand\@resetpagesize{% + \setlength{\topmargin}{\@temptopmargin}% + \setlength{\headheight}{\@tempheadheight}% + \setlength{\headsep}{\@tempheadsep}% + \setlength{\footskip}{\@tempfootskip}% + \setlength{\textheight}{\@temptextheight}% + \setlength{\textwidth}{\@temptextwidth}% +} + +\newcommand\maketitle{% + \thisfancypage{}{% + \setlength{\fboxsep}{-6pt}% + \singlebox +} + \@maketitle + \clearpage% + \mbox{\@resetpagesize}% + \if@twoside% + \thispagestyle{empty}% + \mbox{}% + \clearpage% + \fi +} + +\def\@maketitle{% + \thispagestyle{empty} +% + \setlength{\textheight}{648pt} + \setlength{\textwidth}{427.5pt} + \if@botnum + \setlength{\topmargin}{-6pt} + 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4 dpi2point mul] 0 setdash } bdef +/DA { [6 dpi2point mul] 0 setdash } bdef +/DD { [.5 dpi2point mul 4 dpi2point mul 6 dpi2point mul 4 + dpi2point mul] 0 setdash } bdef +% macros for lines and objects +/L {lineto stroke} bdef +/MP {3 1 roll moveto 1 sub {rlineto} repeat} bdef +/AP {{rlineto} repeat} bdef +/PDlw -1 def +/W {/PDlw currentlinewidth def setlinewidth} def +/PP {closepath eofill} bdef +/DP {closepath stroke} bdef +/MR {4 -2 roll moveto dup 0 exch rlineto exch 0 rlineto + neg 0 exch rlineto closepath} bdef +/FR {MR stroke} bdef +/PR {MR fill} bdef +/L1i {{currentfile picstr readhexstring pop} image} bdef +/tMatrix matrix def +/MakeOval {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate scale +0 0 1 0 360 arc tMatrix setmatrix} bdef +/FO {MakeOval stroke} bdef +/PO {MakeOval fill} bdef +/PD {currentlinewidth 2 div 0 360 arc fill + PDlw -1 eq not {PDlw w /PDlw -1 def} if} def +/FA {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate scale + 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc tMatrix setmatrix stroke} bdef +/PA {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate 0 0 moveto scale + 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arc closepath tMatrix setmatrix fill} bdef +/FAn {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate scale + 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arcn tMatrix setmatrix stroke} bdef +/PAn {newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop translate 0 0 moveto scale + 0 0 1 5 -2 roll arcn closepath tMatrix setmatrix fill} bdef +/vradius 0 def /hradius 0 def /lry 0 def +/lrx 0 def /uly 0 def /ulx 0 def /rad 0 def +/MRR {/vradius xdef /hradius xdef /lry xdef /lrx xdef /uly xdef + /ulx xdef newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop ulx hradius add uly + vradius add translate hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 180 270 arc + tMatrix setmatrix lrx hradius sub uly vradius add translate + hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 270 360 arc tMatrix setmatrix + lrx hradius sub lry vradius sub translate hradius vradius scale + 0 0 1 0 90 arc tMatrix setmatrix ulx hradius add lry vradius sub + translate hradius vradius scale 0 0 1 90 180 arc tMatrix setmatrix + closepath} bdef +/FRR {MRR stroke } bdef +/PRR {MRR fill } bdef +/MlrRR {/lry xdef /lrx xdef /uly xdef /ulx xdef /rad lry uly sub 2 div def + newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop ulx rad add uly rad add translate + rad rad scale 0 0 1 90 270 arc tMatrix setmatrix lrx rad sub lry rad + sub translate rad rad scale 0 0 1 270 90 arc tMatrix setmatrix + closepath} bdef +/FlrRR {MlrRR stroke } bdef +/PlrRR {MlrRR fill } bdef +/MtbRR {/lry xdef /lrx xdef /uly xdef /ulx xdef /rad lrx ulx sub 2 div def + newpath tMatrix currentmatrix pop ulx rad add uly rad add translate + rad rad scale 0 0 1 180 360 arc tMatrix setmatrix lrx rad sub lry rad + sub translate rad rad scale 0 0 1 0 180 arc tMatrix setmatrix + closepath} bdef +/FtbRR {MtbRR stroke } bdef +/PtbRR {MtbRR fill } bdef +/stri 6 array def /dtri 6 array def +/smat 6 array def /dmat 6 array def +/tmat1 6 array def /tmat2 6 array def /dif 3 array def +/asub {/ind2 exch def /ind1 exch def dup dup + ind1 get exch ind2 get sub exch } bdef +/tri_to_matrix { + 2 0 asub 3 1 asub 4 0 asub 5 1 asub + dup 0 get exch 1 get 7 -1 roll astore } bdef +/compute_transform { + dmat dtri tri_to_matrix tmat1 invertmatrix + smat stri tri_to_matrix tmat2 concatmatrix } bdef +/ds {stri astore pop} bdef +/dt {dtri astore pop} bdef +/db {2 copy /cols xdef /rows xdef mul dup 3 mul string + currentfile + 3 index 0 eq {/ASCIIHexDecode filter} + {/ASCII85Decode filter 3 index 2 eq {/RunLengthDecode filter} if } + ifelse exch readstring pop + dup 0 3 index getinterval /rbmap xdef + dup 2 index dup getinterval /gbmap xdef + 1 index dup 2 mul exch getinterval /bbmap xdef pop pop}bdef +/it {gs np dtri aload pop moveto lineto lineto cp c + cols rows 8 compute_transform + rbmap gbmap bbmap true 3 colorimage gr}bdef +/il {newpath moveto lineto stroke}bdef +currentdict end def +%%EndProlog + +%%BeginSetup +MathWorks begin + +0 cap + +end +%%EndSetup +%%BeginDocument: CMR10 +%!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMR10 1.00B +%%CreationDate: 1992 Feb 19 19:54:52 + +% Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. + +11 dict begin +/FontInfo 7 dict dup begin +/version (1.00B) readonly def +/Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def +/FullName (CMR10) readonly def +/FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def +/Weight (Medium) readonly def +/ItalicAngle 0 def +/isFixedPitch false def +end readonly def +/FontName /CMR10 def +/PaintType 0 def +/FontType 1 def +/FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def +/Encoding 256 array +0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for +dup 161 /Gamma put +dup 162 /Delta put +dup 163 /Theta put +dup 164 /Lambda put +dup 165 /Xi put +dup 166 /Pi put +dup 167 /Sigma put +dup 168 /Upsilon put +dup 169 /Phi put +dup 170 /Psi put +dup 173 /Omega put +dup 174 /ff put +dup 175 /fi put +dup 176 /fl put +dup 177 /ffi put +dup 178 /ffl put +dup 179 /dotlessi put +dup 180 /dotlessj put +dup 181 /grave put +dup 182 /acute put +dup 183 /caron put +dup 184 /breve put +dup 185 /macron put +dup 186 /ring put +dup 187 /cedilla put +dup 188 /germandbls put +dup 189 /ae put +dup 190 /oe put +dup 191 /oslash put +dup 192 /AE put +dup 193 /OE put +dup 194 /Oslash put +dup 195 /suppress put +dup 196 /dieresis put +dup 0 /Gamma put +dup 1 /Delta put +dup 2 /Theta put +dup 3 /Lambda put +dup 4 /Xi put +dup 5 /Pi put +dup 6 /Sigma put +dup 7 /Upsilon put +dup 8 /Phi put +dup 9 /Psi put +dup 10 /Omega put +dup 11 /ff put +dup 12 /fi put +dup 13 /fl put +dup 14 /ffi put +dup 15 /ffl put +dup 16 /dotlessi put +dup 17 /dotlessj put +dup 18 /grave put +dup 19 /acute put +dup 20 /caron put +dup 21 /breve put +dup 22 /macron put +dup 23 /ring put +dup 24 /cedilla put +dup 25 /germandbls put +dup 26 /ae put +dup 27 /oe put +dup 28 /oslash put +dup 29 /AE put +dup 30 /OE put +dup 31 /Oslash put +dup 32 /suppress put +dup 33 /exclam put +dup 34 /quotedblright put +dup 35 /numbersign put +dup 36 /dollar put +dup 37 /percent put +dup 38 /ampersand put +dup 39 /quoteright put +dup 40 /parenleft put +dup 41 /parenright put +dup 42 /asterisk put +dup 43 /plus put +dup 44 /comma put +dup 45 /hyphen put +dup 46 /period put +dup 47 /slash put +dup 48 /zero put +dup 49 /one put +dup 50 /two put +dup 51 /three put +dup 52 /four put +dup 53 /five put +dup 54 /six put +dup 55 /seven put +dup 56 /eight put +dup 57 /nine put +dup 58 /colon put +dup 59 /semicolon put +dup 60 /exclamdown put +dup 61 /equal put +dup 62 /questiondown put +dup 63 /question put +dup 64 /at put +dup 65 /A put +dup 66 /B put +dup 67 /C put +dup 68 /D put +dup 69 /E put +dup 70 /F put +dup 71 /G put +dup 72 /H put +dup 73 /I put +dup 74 /J put +dup 75 /K put +dup 76 /L put +dup 77 /M put +dup 78 /N put +dup 79 /O put +dup 80 /P put +dup 81 /Q put +dup 82 /R put +dup 83 /S put +dup 84 /T put +dup 85 /U put +dup 86 /V put +dup 87 /W put +dup 88 /X put +dup 89 /Y put +dup 90 /Z put +dup 91 /bracketleft put +dup 92 /quotedblleft put +dup 93 /bracketright put +dup 94 /circumflex put +dup 95 /dotaccent put +dup 96 /quoteleft put +dup 97 /a put +dup 98 /b put +dup 99 /c put +dup 100 /d put +dup 101 /e put +dup 102 /f put +dup 103 /g put +dup 104 /h put +dup 105 /i put +dup 106 /j put +dup 107 /k put +dup 108 /l put +dup 109 /m put +dup 110 /n put +dup 111 /o put +dup 112 /p put +dup 113 /q put +dup 114 /r put +dup 115 /s put +dup 116 /t put +dup 117 /u put +dup 118 /v put +dup 119 /w put +dup 120 /x put +dup 121 /y put +dup 122 /z put +dup 123 /endash put +dup 124 /emdash put +dup 125 /hungarumlaut put +dup 126 /tilde put +dup 127 /dieresis put +dup 128 /suppress put +dup 160 /space put +readonly def +/FontBBox{-251 -250 1009 969}readonly def +/UniqueID 5000793 def +currentdict end +currentfile eexec +8053514d28ec28da1630165fab262882d3fca78881823c5537fe6c3dda8e +e5b897e17cb027f5c73fdbb56b0a7c25fc3512b55fe8f3acfbffcc7f4a38 +2d8299cc8fd37d3cea49dabdca92847af0560b404ef71134b0f3d99934fc +9d0b4e602011b9cfb856c23f958f3c5a2fbe0ef8587d1f5774879c324e51 +fcb22888b74f241550d7401eb990d4f3a7af635198422283cac1b6cd446d +dbcbd915db9bff88844e784c6bf7389803d9450b0c21756a017306457c7e +62c1d269f306bd3402e266defc3b5e7d8a8d2f5bf0fe6ddd40d07391df4f 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