2022-02-22 17:28:12 -07:00

78 lines
4.4 KiB

% Plain Cover Letter
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (28/5/13)
% This template has been downloaded from:
% Original author:
% Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
\documentclass[11pt]{letter} % Default font size of the document, change to 10pt to fit more text
\usepackage{newcent} % Default font is the New Century Schoolbook PostScript font
%\usepackage{helvet} % Uncomment this (while commenting the above line) to use the Helvetica font
% Margins
\topmargin=-1in % Moves the top of the document 1 inch above the default
\textheight=8.5in % Total height of the text on the page before text goes on to the next page, this can be increased in a longer letter
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\textwidth=6.5in % Total width of the text, increase this if the left margin was decreased and vice-versa
\let\raggedleft\raggedright % Pushes the date (at the top) to the left, comment this line to have the date on the right
\begin{letter}{United World College-USA \\
PO BOX 248 \\
Montezuma, NM 87731}
\large\bf Mr. Kaylee Robert Tejeda \\ % Your name
\vspace{20pt} \hrule height 1pt % If you would like a horizontal line separating the name from the address, uncomment the line to the left of this text
5021 El Corte Miramar NE, Apt. C \\ Albuquerque, NM 87111 \\ (505) 414-9509 % Your address and phone number
\signature{Kaylee Robert Tejeda} % Your name for the signature at the bottom
\opening{To Whom It May Concern,}
This letter serves as my cover letter in applying for the position of ``Temporary IB Mathematics Instructor", as found on
After receiving my Masters Degree in Mathematics, I have worked mostly in the educational field as a University Professor and College Instructor. I worked professionally as a tutor for many years before completing my education, and have been privately tutoring select clients for the past 20 years. I became certified in Online Learning and Teaching from my former employer back when life seemed more normal. The COVID-19 situation radically changed the working environment, and all of the reasons that I enjoyed being a full-time College Mathematics Instructor were starting to disappear. I decided to sign up for the Data Science Professional Certification program through HarvardX, just to expand my credentials and to demonstrate my technical abilities as a programmer. I was about 2/3 of the way thorough the program when personal events inspired me to move out of Albuquerque and relocate to Las Vegas, NM. I completed the certification in November of 2021, and am currently looking for work while I build my dream off-grid home near Las Vegas. There is no time like the present to do what you have always wanted. I currently have one regular weekly online tutoring appointment with a retired database programmer where we are studying Abstract Algebra and Group Theory at his pace since he is not enrolled in any courses.
I look forward to arranging an interview if possible. Thank you for taking the time to look over my credentials and consider my candidacy.
%\encl{Curriculum vitae, employment form} % List your enclosed documents here, comment this out to get rid of the "encl:"