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% Plasmati Graduate CV
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (24/3/13)
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% Original author:
% Alessandro Plasmati (
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% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
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\par{\centering{\Huge Kaylee Robert \textsc{Tejeda}}\bigskip\par} % Your name
\section{Personal Data}
\textsc{Place and Date of Birth:} & USA | 19 December 1977 \\
\textsc{Address:} & 5021-C El Corte Miramar NE \\
& Albuquerque, NM, 87111 USA \\
\textsc{Phone:} & (505) 414-9509\\
\textsc{email:} & \href{}{} \\
\textsc{web:} & \href{}{}
\section{Work Experience}
\textsc{Aug 2018-Aug 2021} & Full Time Faculty at \textsc{\small CNM Community College}, Albuquerque \\
\emph{Mathematics Instructor}\\
& \footnotesize{Taught a full course load in Fall and Spring semesters, including traditional and online courses, at all levels, specializing in Introductory Statistics; designed online course templates for the Mathematics department; participated in various course revision focus groups}\\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Jun 2016-Aug 2018} & Part Time Faculty at \textsc{\small CNM Community College}, Albuquerque \\
\emph{Mathematics Instructor}\\
& \footnotesize{Taught a partial course load in Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters, specializing mostly in College Algebra and Introductory Statistics; participated in various course revision focus groups}\\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Aug 2015-Dec 2016} & Part Time Faculty at \textsc{\small Strayer University}, Albuquerque \\
\emph{Mathematics Professor}\\
& \footnotesize{Taught Algebra and Statistics courses for Verizon employees enrolled at Strayer on the Verizon Call Center campus}\\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Aug 2013-Aug 2015} & Math Tutor at \textsc{\small, LLC}, \href{}{} \\
\emph{Online Math Tutor}\\
& \footnotesize{Tutored students in mathematics using an online environment at all levels from middle school up to graduate school} \\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Aug 2010-Dec 2013} & Teaching Assistant at \textsc{\small University of New Mexico}, Albuquerque \\
\emph{Graduate TA}\\
& \footnotesize{Administered web-based learning resources; gave regular lectures; arranged guided group work; graded homework and exams; generated lesson plans and course content; met with students during office hours; graded for upper division and graduate-level mathematics courses}\\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\section{Volunteer Experience}
\textsc{2013-2019+} & Tech Director for \textsc{\small Carnicom Institute}, \href{}{} \\
\emph{Technical Director}\\
& \footnotesize{Maintained and upgraded websites for an nonprofit environmental citizen research organization; designed and implemented an international medical survey with and IRB, a web interface, and statistical reporting; archived over twenty years of research into an easily distributed platform-independent format, currently acting as a consultant on data distribution and web-related issues.} \\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{} \\
\textsc{Nov} 2021 & Professional Certification in \textsc{\small Data Science} \\
& \textbf{HarvardX}, \href{}{} \\
& Final Project: \href{}{``Detecting Bitcoin Ransomware using Random Forest} \\
& \hspace{7em} \href{}{and Self Organizing Maps''} Perfect Score: 50/50\\
& \normalsize \textsc{overall score}: 99.2\%\hyperlink{datsci}{| \footnotesize Detailed List of Scores}\\
\textsc{Apr} 2020 & Certificate of Achievement in \textsc{\small Online Teaching \& Learning}\\
& \textbf{CNM Community College}, \href{}{} \\
& \normalsize \textsc{Gpa}: 4.0/4.0\hyperlink{tlol}{| \footnotesize Detailed List of Scores}\\
\textsc{Jul} 2014 & Master of Science in \textsc{\small Mathematics}, \small\emph{Magna Cum Laude}\\
& \textbf{\small University of New Mexico}, Albuquerque \\
& Thesis: \href{}{``On Roots of the Macdonald Function''} | \small Advisor: Dr. Stephen \textsc{Lau}\\
&\normalsize \textsc{Gpa}: 3.83/4.0\href{}{| \footnotesize see UNM transcript}\\
\textsc{Dec} 2003 & Bachelor's Degree in \textsc{\small Pure Mathematics}, \small\emph{Cum Laude} \\
& \textbf{\small University of New Mexico}, Albuquerque\\
& Minor: Physics | \small Advisor: Dr. Charles \textsc{Boyer}\\
&\normalsize \textsc{Gpa}: 3.54/4.0 \href{}{| \footnotesize see UNM transcript}\\
\section{Scholarships and Awards}
1996-2000 & UNM Presidential Scholarship \\
2000-2003 & UNM Taft Scholarship \\
2004-2005 & College Reading \& Learning Association: Master Level Tutor Award
\textsc{English:} & Native\\
\textsc{Spanish:} & Basic Knowledge\\
\section{Computer Skills}
Basic Knowledge: & \textsc{php}, my\textsc{sql}, \textsc{C++}, \textsc{python}\\
Intermediate Knowledge: & \textsc{R}, RStudio, \textsc{git}, \textsc{bash} \\
Intimate Knowledge: & \LaTeX, \textsc{html}, WordPress, cPanel, \textsc{GNU/Linux}, \textsc{Slackware}
\section{Interests and Activities}
$\bullet$ Yoga \\
$\bullet$ Free and Open Source Software\\
$\bullet$ Porting Slackware to 64-bit ARM devices: \href{}{}\\
$\bullet$ Off-grid living, homesteading, earth-bag construction, photovoltaic systems\\
$\bullet$ \textsc{\small v a p o r w a v e } \AE{}$\int^{th}\epsilon{}\dagger{}\hat{\imath{}}\textcent{}\mathsection{}$\\
\par{\centering\Large \hypertarget{datsci}{Professional Certification in \textsc{Data Science}}\par}\large{\centering Grades\par}\normalsize{}
\href{}{Click Here for Online Records}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textsc{Course}} & \textsc{Grade}\\ \hline
R Basics & 100\% \\
Visualization & 100\% \\
Probability & 100\% \\
Inference and Modeling & 99\% \\
Productivity Tools & 100\% \\
Wrangling & 99\% \\
Linear Regression & 98\% \\
Machine Learning & 99\% \\
Capstone & 98\% \\
\par{\centering\Large \hypertarget{tlol}{Certificate of Achievement in \textsc{Online Teaching \& Learning}}\par}\large{\centering Grades\par}\normalsize
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textsc{Exam}} & \textsc{Grade} & \textsc{Grade Points}\\
Introduction to Teaching and Learning Online & A & 4\\
Online Curriculum Design and Instruction & A & 4\\
Assessing the Online Learner & A & 4\\
Instructional Resources for Teaching Online & A & 4\\
Communication and Engagement in Online Learning & A & 4\\
Universal Design Elements of Accessibility & A & 4\\
& &\\\cline{2-3}
& \textsc{Gpa} & \textbf{4.0}