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-# Chapter Two: Characters
-Before playing Autonomous Garden, Players will have to make a character. If you
-could live in this world, who would you want to be? Try to create a character
-that you can immerse yourself in to explore the world thru. They might just be
-a more idealized version of yourself or based of your favorite fictional
-The player characters are the protagonists of the story that will be told by
-playing the game. They are the players' link to the game world, as well has
-their voice in the story. They don't need to be perfect, our world is not one
-of perfection but one of change, something that good characters do over the
-course of a story. So don't feel locked into the decisions you make in the
-## Character Concept
-Start off with your character decide on a general concept, this is usually a
-job with a few adjectives, or maybe an established character with a slight
-Concepts might change as players figure out what they want to play, and what
-will work good in the same group and fit the setting and themes. It's on the
-players to build characters that work well with and are willing to involve
-themselves in the plot.
-## Defining Characters
-The following questions proved a basic background that players may wish to use.
-Players and Game Moderators can add more questions as they see fit. The answers
-to these questions can get kind of long so it is advised to use a separate
-sheet of paper for backgrounds.
-+ What is the character’s name and/or nickname?
-+ What is the character’s gender and pronouns?
-+ What is the character's race?
-+ What is the character's age?
-+ What is the character's religion and practice?
-+ What is the character’s physical appearance?
-+ What is the character’s occupation?
-+ Which organizations does the character belong to?
-+ What is the character’s lifestyle like?
-+ Where is the character from?
-+ Who are the character’s friends and rivals?
-+ What is the character’s family like, and relationship?
-+ Does the character's have romantic relationships?
-+ Does the character know other PCs and how?
-+ Does the character have any secrets?
-## Goals
-Goals tell us what a character wants to achieve. These might be based on that
-character's beliefs, motivation, or backstory. Motivations will help characters
-gain [plot points](#plotPoints)
-These goals shouldn't be something that is so simple that it is
-achievable in a single test, or so complex that it it would never get
-done in the campaign. It can be something like defeating the antagonist but
-but will usually be more personal, like asking out an NPC the character has had
-a crush on for months.
-Decide on one of each of the following:
-A short term goal, something achievable in a session.
-A long term goal, something achievable by the end of the campaign.
-A community goal, something that your community is working towards.
-## Values
-A character's values will influence their decisions. These are the reasons why
-a character does what they do. If used correctly they will help build a strong,
-dynamic character.
-Two characters might share the same goal but their values will tell you how
-they might go about achieving those goals.
-Pick 3-5 values
-+ Achievement
-+ Adventure
-+ Aesthetic
-+ Autonomy
-+ Caring
-+ Challenge
-+ Change and Variety
-+ Competition
-+ Cooperation
-+ Creativity
-+ Ecological stability
-+ Economic security
-+ Excitement
-+ Family happiness
-+ Free Time
-+ Freedom
-+ Friendship
-+ Health
-+ Help others
-+ Inner harmony
-+ Integrity
-+ Intellectual status
-+ Knowledge
-+ Leadership
-+ Leisure
-+ Location
-+ Loyalty
-+ Pleasure
-+ Power
-+ Precision
-+ Responsibility
-+ Recognition
-+ Stability
-+ Social Justice
-+ Spirituality
-+ Wealth
-+ Wisdom
-## Moreaus
-Moreaus are genetically engineered human and other animal hybrids. The result
-of a black project dating back to at least the cold war, Moreaus were created
-to be super soldiers and used in places that drones couldn't go without loss of
-human life. Before birth the fetus has animal DNA grafted onto it's own which
-causes significant animal characteristic. They are rare but still common enough
-that people know about them.
-## Attributes
-The broadest strokes of what a character is good at are displayed in their
-attributes. All characters have the same 8 basic attributes that cover their
-physical and mental abilities. Athletic characters will usually have higher
-Body while social characters will have higher charisma.
-### Picking Attributes
-Players are given a number of Attribute Points(APs) to purchase all the
-attributes that define their character. The cost of any attribute is listed
-next to the rating, a negative rating will refund a number a APs. Any APs left
-over can be used to buy more [Plot Points](#plotPoints) on a one for one
-Your average Joe off the street has 0 APs, enough for 0s in all attributes.
-Player characters are above average, they have 30 APs. And finally Major NPCs
-have 50 APs.
-Average Joe | PC | Major NPC
-:---: | :---: | :---:
-0 | 30 | 50
-Rating | Cost | Description | Deadlift
-:---: | --- | --- | ---
-+5 | 30 | Amazing | 180 kg
-+4 | 30 | Super Human | 140 kg
-+3 | 30 | Human Limit | 115 kg
-+2 | 20 | Highly Developed | 95 kg
-+1 | 10 | Above Average | 80 kg
- 0 | 0\* | Average Adult | 70 kg
--1 | -5\* | Below Average | 60 kg
--2 | -10\* | Undeveloped | 50 kg
--3 | -15\* | Human Minimum | 40 kg
-\*increases an attribute to this level with experience points costs a flat 5
-The deadlift column shows the maximum weight that can be deadlifted and carried
-a few paces based on the character's body attribute. Thus, a character with a
-+2 Body can heft around 95 kg and stagger for a few steps before running into
-difficulty. A mass equal to half the deadlift capacity can be held above the
-head and a mass double the deadlift capacity can be dragged along.
-### Quick Attribute Set
-To move the character process along, players can choose to just pick out
-attributes instead of tracking the costs themselves. For a quick set of
-attributes characters can take a single +2, three +1s, two 0s, and two -1s.
-This comes out being the standard 30 points.
-### Agility
-Agility measures the character's hand eye coordination, dexterity, and
-**Fumbles:** Character stumbles or trips, bumps into something, or drops what they're
-### Body
-Body measures the character’s speed, constitution, and physical might.
-**Fumbles:** Character pulls a muscle(flesh bruise), overdose, or pass out.
-### Charisma
-Charisma measures the character’s charm, grace, and likability.
-**Fumbles:** Character coughing fit, forget an important detail, or stumble words.
-### Intuition
-Intuition measures the character's ability to perceive the world thru non
-physical means.
-**Fumbles:** Character gets distracted, misinterprets symbolism, falls asleep.
-### Logic
-Logic measures the character's ability to use linear reasoning to reach a
-**Fumbles:** Character comes up with a dangerously wrong solution, or breaks
-### Manipulation
-Manipulation measures the character’s ability to convince, deceive, and gaslight.
-**Fumbles:** Character upsets other person reducing disposition, someone
-contradicts the character.
-### Perception
-Perception measures the character’s senses, alertness, and attentiveness.
-**Fumbles:** Character gets distracted, misinterprets important detail,
-equipment malfunction.
-### Psyche
-Psyche measures the character's mental health, willpower, and feelings.
-**Fumbles:** Character can't resist, gives into temptation, or too afraid to act.
-## Skills
-Skills measure a characters expertise in a specific area. Where as Attributes
-measure general proficiencies, Skills are more specific. Skill levels range
-from 0-5, and determine the number of six sided dice rolled in a skill test.
-This list doesn’t cover every possible Skill a character could have, but rather
-those that are used most commonly in play. Players and GMs can come up with
-additional Skills and applications, as needed for their game.
-### Picking Skills
-Player characters receive 30 Skill Points(SPs) to spend on their skills and
-When creating a Player Character skills can not start out higher than level 3,
-and require a *specialization* before they can be increased beyond level 3.
-Average Joe | PC | Major NPC
-:---: | :---: | :---:
-20 | 30 | 50
-Level | Cost | Training quality | Description
-:---: | :---: | --- | ---
-0 | 0 | Untrained | Little to no skill
-1 | 2 | Hobbyist | Amateur or basic training
-2 | 4 | Professional | Average qualified person
-3 | 6 | Expert | Years of experience
-4 | 8 | Elite | Well known in their field for their skill
-5 | 10 | Legendary | Known to the general pubic for their skill
-- | 2 | Specialization | Specific field of knowledge in a skill
-### Quick Skill Set
-To move the character process along, characters can choose to just pick out
-skills instead of tracking the costs themselves. For a quick set of skills,
-characters can take one skill at lvl 3, three skills at lvl 2, and six skills
-at lvl 1. This totals the standard 30 points.
-### Skill Specialization
-A skill specialization gives more detail about a characters' skills. They
-improve the skill level by 1 under certain circumstances and allow a character
-to ignore the mishap associated with fumbling. Characters may have more than
-one specialization in a skill but the bonuses do not stack.
-Each skill specialization costs 2 skill points. A Specialization must be chosen
-before a character can advance past level 3 in a skill.
-### Skill Descriptions
-This section contains a description of the skill and other details.
-**Attributes:** Examples of which attributes are used for a task.
-**Specializations:** Examples of Specializations for the skill.
-**Possessed by:** Examples of characters who have the skill.
-#### Astralmancy
-**Attributes:** Psyche (Casting spells), Perception (observations)
-**Specializations:** Specific spell
-**Possessed by:** Parapsychologists, Magicians, Psychics
-The Astralmancy Skill is the ability to control ones consciousness and the
-spirit world.
-#### Athletics
-**Attributes:** Agility (grabbing items), Body (physical activities), Logic
-(evaluating moves), Perception (throwing items)
-**Specializations:** Break Fall, Climbing, Swimming, Throwing
-**Possessed by:** Athletes, Sports Enthusiasts, Soldiers
-The athletics skill is the ability to sports and general physical activities.
-This includes knowledge of rules and regulations along with the physical
-#### Awareness
-**Attributes:** Perception (Physical senses), Logic (observation techniques)
-**Specializations:** Ambushes, Specific sense, Wilderness
-**Possessed by:** Researchers, Soldiers, Police, Investigators
-The Awareness Skill is the ability to perceive the presence of something. This
-includes by any normal or psionic sense. This skill can also cover general
-awareness, such as fine print on a contract.
-#### Biology
-**Attributes:** Logic (reasoning), PER (observations)
-**Specializations:** Evolution, specific kingdom, Ecology
-**Possessed by:** Scientists, Permaculturists, Apothecaries
-The Biology skill is the knowledge of biologic organisms including plants,
-animals, and fungi.
-#### Craft
-**Attributes:** Intuition (abstraction creation), Logic (functional creation), Psyche (Narrative creation)
-**Specializations:** Commercial, Specific sub-category, Forgery
-**Possessed by:** Artist, Makers, Crafters
-The Craft Skill is the ability to create things, from visual art and useful
-items all the way up to a building.
-#### Deception
-**Attributes:** Manipulation (wits), Charisma (domination)
-**Specializations:** Control, Seduction, Lying
-**Possessed by:** Traders, Smugglers, Business people, Ambassadors
-The Deception skill is the ability to lie convincingly, convince others to go
-along with their ideas, or seduce others.
-#### Defense
-**Attributes:** Agility (using cover or dodging), Logic (techniques), Perception (spotting
-defensive positions)
-**Specializations:** Unarmed attacks, Melee attacks, Ranged attacks
-**Possessed by:** Police, Rebels, Security
-The Defense Skill is the ability to avoid attacks against them, this could be
-dodging melee and unarmed attacks or using cover to avoid bullets.
-#### Divination
-**Attributes:** Intuition (Applications)
-**Specializations:** Specific spell
-**Possessed by:** Parapsychologists, Magicians, Psychics
-The Divination Skill is the ability to precieve the world thru non physical
-senses, interpretate signs, and gain information that is otherwise unavaible.
-#### Electronics
-**Attributes:** Agility (Drone Pilot), Logic (applications)
-**Specializations:** Computers, Drones, Electronics
-**Possessed by:** Researchers, Drone piolets, Hackers
-The Technology Skill is the ability to to use a design, maintain, and operate
-computers, electronics, and drones.
-#### Evocation
-**Attributes:** Psyche (Casting spells), Perception (observations)
-**Specializations:** Specific spell
-**Possessed by:** Parapsychologists, Magicians, Psychics
-The Evocation Skill is the ability to call upon and manipulate spirits.
-#### Firearms
-**Attributes:** Logic (maintenance), Perception (attacking)
-**Specializations:** Pistols, Rifles, SMGs
-**Possessed by:** Military, Police, Rebels
-The Firearms Skill is ability to use firearms such as pistols, rifles, and
-submachine guns. The Skill includes basic knowledge of the maintenance
-#### Geoscience
-**Attributes:** Logic (reasoning), Perception (observations)
-**Specializations:** Geology, Climatology, Oceanography
-**Possessed by:** Scientists, Ecologists, Permaculturists
-The Geoscience skill is the knowledge of the planet earth.
-#### Humanities
-**Attributes:** Intuition (creating), Logic (reasoning)
-**Specializations:** Various Fields of Study
-**Possessed by:** Professors, Students, Researchers
-The Humanities skill is the ability to deal with the Social Sciences:
-Anthropology, Economics, History, Law, Linguistics, Sociology, Political
-Science, Philosophy, or Psychology.
-#### Insight
-**Attributes:** Psyche (empathy), Perception (reading body language)
-**Specializations:** Emotions, Lies, Motivations
-**Possessed by:** Social workers, Business people, Ambassadors
-The Insight skill is the ability to read peoples emotions and motivations.
-#### Intimidation
-**Attributes:** Body (physical intimidation), Charisma (domination), Manipulation (wits)
-**Specializations:** Threats, Interrogation, Goading
-**Possessed by:** Cops, Business people, Politicians
-Intimidation is used for coercing people thru fear to get what one wants. It
-doesn't change their minds, but it can change their behavior.
-#### Investigation
-**Attributes:** Logic (applications)
-**Specializations:** Searching, Surveillance, Forensics
-**Possessed By:** Police, Hackers, Investigators
-The Investigation Skill allows the character to collect information, put
-together clues, and solve mysteries.
-#### Mechanics
-**Attributes:** Logic (applications)
-**Specializations:** automotive, bicycle, hvac, explosive
-**Possessed by:** Mechanics, cyclists, repair people
-The Mechanics Skill is the ability to to use a design, maintain, and operate
-mechanical devices, and use explosives.
-#### Medicine
-**Attributes:** Logic (applications), Perception (observations)
-**Specializations:** Combat, Neurology, Forensics, Toxicology
-**Possessed by:** Soldiers, Medics, Acupuncturists
-The Medicine skill is the ability to diagnose and treat various medical
-conditions, diagnose diseases, perform surgery, or stabilize wounds.
-#### Melee
-**Attributes:** Agility (attacking), Logic (evaluating moves)
-**Specializations:** Knives, Clubs, Fencing
-**Possessed by:** Martial Artists, Police, Soldiers
-The Melee skill is the ability to fight using close combat weapons.
-#### Negotiation
-**Attributes:** Manipulation (wits), Charisma (domination)
-**Specializations:** Bartering, Mediating, Persuasion
-**Possessed by:** Traders, Smugglers, Business people, Ambassadors
-The Negotiation skill is the ability to use charm, and careful arguments to
-change minds and influence behavior.
-#### Performance
-**Attributes:** Charisma (acting), Intuition (creative process), Logic (techniques)
-**Specializations:** Improvised, Performance, Genre
-**Possessed by:** Sophisticates, Professionals, Youth
-The Performance Skill is the ability that covers all aspects of live or
-recorded performance. This includes the ability to produce, direct, act or
-otherwise work in these media.
-#### Physics
-**Attributes:** Logic (practical uses), Perception (observations)
-**Specializations:** Mathematics, Mechanical, Chemistry
-**Possessed by:** Physicists, Electricians, Chemists
-The Physics skill is the knowledge of the physical forces of the universe.
-#### Pilot
-**Attributes:** Agility (control), Logic (using onboard systems)
-**Specializations:** Ground, Air, Boats, Space
-**Possessed by:** Combat Crew, Joe Average, etc.
-The Pilot Skill is the ability to control the movements of vehicles. While many
-characters will know how to drive they usually don't have to do anything
-extreme, which is what this skill covers.
-#### Restoration
-**Attributes:** Psyche (Casting spells), Perception (observations)
-**Specializations:** Specific spell
-**Possessed by:** Healers, Magicians, Psychics
-The Restoration Skill is the ability to heal physical and mental damage.
-#### Security
-**Attributes:** Logic (defeating digital locks), Perception (defeating mechanical locks)
-**Specializations:** Physical, Digital
-**Possessed by:** Hackers, Burglars, OPSEC
-The Security skill is the knowledge of physical, and digital security systems.
-#### Stealth
-**Attributes:** Agility(sneaking), Intuition(hiding)
-**Specializations:** Specific terrain type, Nighttime, Winter
-**Possessed by:** Military, Rebels, Scavengers
-The Stealth skill is the ability to remain undetected.
-#### Streetwise
-**Attributes:** Charisma (interactions)
-**Specializations:** Black Market, Organized Crime, Rumors
-**Possessed by:** Drug dealer, Undercover cop, Urban Residents
-The Streetwise skill is the ability to interact with the underworld and
-streets. This can be obtaining illegal items or services, and find out out
-information through non standard means.
-#### Survival
-**Attributes:** Logic (applications), Perception (Navigating)
-**Specializations:** Foraging, Hunting, Shelter
-**Possessed by:** Soldiers, Rebels, Survivalists
-The Survival skill is the ability to survive wilderness environments. This
-includes hunting, making a shelter, finding and purifying water, navigating,
-and foraging for food.
-#### Unarmed
-**Attributes:** Agility (Blocking), Body (attacking), Logic (evaluating moves)
-**Specializations:** Striking, Grappling, Tripping, throwing
-**Possessed by:** Martial Artists, Military, Rebels
-The unarmed skill is the ability to fighter using nothing but their body.
-Characters without the unarmed skill can only deal bruising damage.
-#### Wrangle
-**Attributes:** Agility(riding), Psyche (training), Logic (animal care)
-**Specializations:** Specific animal, Training, Herding
-**Possessed by:** Horseback riders, Permaculturists, Veterinarians
-The Wrangle skill is the ability to care for, ride, and train animals. This can
-include signs of disease, but the Medicine skill is still needed to treat the
-## Traits
-Traits provide extra detail for characters that don't map well to attributes
-and skills, or define useful social relationships. Traits are broken up into
-two groups, *Perks* and *Flaws*, Perks being positive Traits while Flaws being
-Each Perk *costs* a certain amount of Trait Points (TPs) and each Flaw
-*refunds* a certain number of TPs. Perks and Flaws can also be acquired later
-on during the game, either by role play or bought during [downtime](#downtime).
-Any unspent Trait Points can be spent on [Wealth](#wealth) or [Plot
-Player Characters receive 5 trait points to spend on perks, they can take up to
-7 points of flaws to gain additional points to spend.
-Average Joe | PC | Major NPC
-:---: | :---: | :---:
-0 | 5 | 10
-### Perk List
-Name | TP Cost
---- | :---:
-Accelerated Healing | 4
-Ally | 3-7
-Ambidextrous | 2
-Animal Companion | 2-8
-Animal Kinship | 3
-Anonymity | 2/Rank
-Common Sense | 4
-Contact | 2
-Cool Under Pressure | 3
-Double Jointed | 3
-Fake Identity | 3 per
-Familiar | 1+
-Fast | 2/Rank
-Forgettable | 3
-Helpful | 3
-Influence | 2/Rank
-Immunity | 1
-Inheritance | 2/Rank
-Language | 1 per
-Perfect Pitch | 3
-Photographic Memory | 3
-Quick Draw | 3
-Radiation Resistance | 2
-Military Rank | 2/Rank
-Safe House | 2+
-Sense of Direction | 1
-Sense of Time | 1
-Strong Immune System | 3
-Subordinates | 1+
-Toughness | 3
-**Psi Perks** |
-Animal Communication | 5
-Astral Projection | 6+
-Aura sight | 3
-Channeling | 4
-Clairsentience | 5
-Empathy | 5
-Hunch | 4
-Ghost Sight | 4 or 6
-Precognition | 7
-Psychokinesis | 3-5
-Psychometry | 7
-Telepathy | 8 or 12
-Wraith Sight | 2
-### Perk descriptions
-#### Accelerated Healing
-**Cost:** 4TP
-The character [recovers](#recovery) from wounds 25% faster than normal.
-#### Ally
-**Cost:** 3-7TP/Per
-The character knows someone who is willing to help the character even in dire
-circumstances. They wont usually ask for much in return. This can be an
-individual, organization, community, etc.
-#### Anonymity
-**Cost:** 2TP per rank max 3
-The character lives off grid, pays in cash, avoids social media etc.
-Investigation tests against the character suffer a -1 penalty per rank.
-#### Ambidextrous
-**Cost:** 2TP
-The character can fully use either of their hands for any task, they never
-suffer from an off hand penalty to tests.
-#### Animal Companion
-**Cost:** 2-8TP
-The character has a well trained and emotionally bonded pet, steed, or
-companion. These companion stay by their caretaker's side instead of wondering
-off and doing their own thing.
-Cost | Description
-:--: | ---
-1 | Small such as a house cat
-2 | Medium such as a dog
-4 | Large such as a bear
-+1 | Untrainable
-+2 | Basic training
-+4 | Advanced training
-#### Animal Kinship
-**Cost:** 3TP
-The character is naturally gifted with animals, they receive a +1 bonus on
-wrangle rolls to deal with animals, in addition wild animals are less likely to
-attack them and may respond to basic commands.
-#### Common Sense
-**Cost:** 4TP
-The character is considerate of their actions. The Game Moderator will warn the
-player if their action would be foolish.
-#### Contact
-**Cost:** 2TP/Per
-The characters knows someone who will provide information or a service to a
-character, but they will not put themselves at risk.
-#### Cool Under Pressure
-**Cost:** 3TP
-The Character can always [take average](#testsWithoutRolls).
-#### Double Jointed
-**Cost:** 3TP
-The character can contort and flex their body in unusual ways, allowing the
-character to fit into spaces half the size for someone of their build. This
-also provides a +1 on tests to escape restrains unless special precautions are
-#### Fake Identity
-**Cost:** 3TP/Identity
-The character has an extra fully detailed life, this includes a place to live,
-job, and identification. This extra identity is hard to trace back to the
-character's main identity. The downside of this perk is that it requires time
-to maintain.
-#### Familiar
-**Cost:** 1 per 5 CP/SP/TP
-The magician has a friendly spirit or a [servitor](#servitors), to help them
-magickally. These spirits come instantly when summoned but may have something
-they want in return.
-#### Famous
-**Cost:** 1-7TP
-The character well known, they may be an artist, athlete, or political figure.
-Disposition of NPCs are likely to be higher based on the NPCs values.
-Rank | Description
-:---: | ---
-1 | Stand out in local community
-2 | Known throughout your town/city
-3 | Known provincially
-4 | Known nationally
-5 | Famous in multiple countries
-6 | Well know on multiple continents
-7 | World famous
-#### Fast
-**Cost:** 2/Rank, max of 4 ranks
-The character gains +5 to their sprint speed per rank. Adjust run speed
-#### Forgettable
-**Cost:** 3TP
-The Character is average build and height, unremarkable looks and run of the
-mill dress. This causes the character's description to not really be remembered
-well by other characters unless the character interacted with them for a while.
-#### Helpful
-**Cost:** 3TP
-The character is good at being able to help others, they can
-[assist](#specialAction) others without having the relevant skill.
-#### Immunity
-**Cost:** 1TP
-The Character is immune to a single specific disease, drug, or poison in the story.
-#### Influence
-**Cost:** 3TP/Rank max of 2 Ranks
-The character has recognized privileges within a group. They gain a +1 to all
-Charisma tests, throughout there area of influence. Areas of influence are
-usually: business, media, military, and politics.
-The potential downside of influence is the character might become a target.
-#### Inheritance
-**Cost:** 2TP/Rank
-Inheritance is treated as an additional wealth rating. Because it is outside
-of the character's income using Inheritance doesn't accrue debt but lowers the
-Inheritance rating permanently.
-Rank | Value
-:---: | ---
-1 | Hundreds
-2 | Thousands
-3 | 10 Thousands
-4 | 100 Thousands
-5 | Millions
-6 | 10 Millions
-7 | 100 Millions
-8 | Billions
-#### Language
-**Cost:** 1TP/Language
-The character knows an additional language beyond their native tongue, they can
-read, write, and speak this chosen language.
-#### Military Rank
-**Cost:** 2TP/Rank
-The character is a member of the state military, or police force. They
-generally have immunity for many consequences as the hand of the state.
-The character has access to additional resources, and equipment.
-The downside of this perk is having to obey a strict hierarchy.
-Rank | Military Rank
-:---: | :---:
-1 | Enlisted
-2 | Non-Comissioned Officer
-3 | Junior Commissioned Officer
-4 | Senior Commissioned Officer
-5 | Flag Commissioned Officer
-#### Perfect Pitch
-**Cost:** 2TP
-The character can hear absolute pitch and know if an instrument is in tune.
-They gain a +1 bonus to any musical or sound related test related to
-identifying it.
-#### Photographic Memory
-**Cost:** 3TP
-The character has an ability to commit things they've seen, heard, or read
-memory. Passwords can be memorized instant, page of information takes a round
-#### Quick Draw
-**Cost:** 3TP
-The character can draw an object as a free action.
-#### Radiation Resistance
-**Cost:** 2TP
-The character is more resistant than normal to radiation poisoning. They gain a
-+1 bonus on body tests against radiation.
-#### Safe house
-**Cost:** 2TP+
-The character has a place that is unattached to their identity, or has
-some kind of security, making it a ideal place to hide out if needed.
-Cost | Example
-:---: | ----
-2 | Small, such as basement apartment
-3 | Average Size, Family home
-4 | Large, Mansion
-+1 | Location
-+1 | Luxury
-+1 | Secret Exit
-+1 | Security System
-+1 | Weapon cache
-+1 | Work Equipment
-#### Sense of Direction
-**Cost:** 1TP
-The character has an internal compass. They always know where they are and seem
-to not get lost.
-#### Sense of Time
-**Cost:** 1TP
-The character has an internal clock, and can accurately estimate how
-much time passes from event to event.
-#### Strong Immune System
-**Cost:** 3TP
-The character's body is especially resistant to ailments. They gain a +1 on
-body tests to resist drugs and toxins, and diseases.
-The downside to Strong immune system is that it also effects beneficial drugs.
-#### Subordinates
-**Cost:** 1 per 5 CP/SP/TP
-The character has a professionally bound servant. The subordinate should have a
-developed identity, and condition of subordination. Example subordinates
-include: servants, bodyguards, and assistants.
-The downside of this perk is that, subordinates don't always have perfect
-#### Toughness
-**Cost:** 3TP
-The character is tougher than normal. They gain +1 to their Flesh wound level and
-adjust all other thresholds accordingly.
-#### Wealth
-**Cost:** 4TP/rank
-The character has access to money in a market economy. This can be cash on hand
-or how good an investment a bank thinks they are, its also a recurring income.
-Rank | Credit
-:---: | ---
-10 | 100 Billions
-9 | 10 Billions
-8 | Billions
-7 | 100 Millions
-6 | 10 Millions
-5 | Millions
-4 | 100 thousands
-3 | 10 thousands
-2 | Thousands
-1 | Hundreds
-0 | Poverty
-### Psi descriptions
-Psi abilities give a character access to special abilities that most people
-don't have or even believe exist. They usually take the form an extra sense but
-the user does usually have control over when they are active. Psi abilities can
-become active at any point in someones life, common trigger events are
-experiencing an ADE, being abducted by aliens, meditation, etc.
-All Psi abilities have the downside that everyone could think you have mental
-health problems.
-#### Animal Communication
-**Cost:** 5TP
-The character is able to communicate with non-human animals.
-#### Astral Projection
-**Cost:** 8TP
-**Near Physical:** The character is able to shift their consciousness to leave
-their body and freely travel around the near physical plane, they see things
-mostly as they are normally except that furniture might be different, there
-might be a new room in their house, or rarely other spirits.
-**Cost:** 10TP
-The character is able to shift their consciousnesses to where people do their
-dreaming, it includes ones memory, imagination, and belief constructs. This
-focus will reflect back ones own beliefs about what it really is. Everything
-here including all inhabitants are part of the persons own mind. It's landscape
-is malleable just like any lucid dream, because it is.
-**Cost:** 12TP
-**Astral Plane:** The character is able to shift their consciousnesses to a
-common area, where consciousnesses can interact. It contains all the Heavens,
-Hells and everything in between.
-**Cost:** 14TP
-**Eternity:** The character is able to shift their consciousnesses to a place
-of pure subjective energy. There is no time here, no past, no present, no
-future, it just is.
-#### Aura sight
-**Cost:** 3TP
-The character can see auras of other characters and magickal energy. The
-initial action does don't require a roll but rolls may be required to utilize
-any information gathered.
-#### Channeling
-**Cost:** 4TP
-The character is opened up in a way that allows ghosts to easily take over
-their body.
-#### Clairsentience
-**Cost:** 5TP
-The character has extrasensory perception of an event, location, object, or
-If the character also has Precognition they can see a remote even that
-will happen in the future.
-#### Empathy
-**Cost:** 5TP
-The character can sense the emotions of others around them, in the way one
-feels the wind or hears a sound. This doesn't tell the character what emotion
-it is but the character can make an *Insight + Intuition* TN 3 test, to figure
-it out.
-#### Hunch
-**Cost:** 4TP
-The character gets uncanny hunches, and the Game Moderator can allow the player
-to make a creativity test whenever the character might get a burst of
-inspiration even if there are no obvious clues.
-#### Ghost sight
-**Cost:** 4TP
-The character perceives the full spectrum of the near physical plane as normal.
-Any spirits appear like any other person to the character.
-**Cost:** 6TP
-The character perceives spirits but is aware that they are not physical. The
-exact detail that discerns this is up to the player and Game Moderator.
-#### Precognition
-**Cost:** 7TP
-The character can sense future events of a location, object, or person as if
-they were in the present while in physical contact with the subject of the
-#### Psychometry
-**Cost:** 7TP
-The character gains sensory information about important evens that happened in
-the objects presence while in physical contact with the object.
-#### Psychokinesis
-**Cost:** 3-5TP
-The character is able to move objects with their mind. The maximum weight of
-object(s) is 1kg(3 TP), 2kg(4 TP), 3kg(5 TP). The character can throw objects
-using Psyche instead of Body for range and power.
-#### Telepathy
-**Cost:** 8TP
-The character can focus to be able to send and receive surface thoughts and
-**Cost:** 12TP
-The character is able to probe a target for specific information in the
-target's mind.
-#### Wraith Sight
-**Cost:** 2TP
-The character can see the apparition of recently dead characters that they were
-close to. These apparitions do little more than let the character know that
-they died.
-### Flaw List
-Name | TP Refund
---- | :---:
-Absent-minded | 4
-Addiction | Potency/4
-Animal Antipathy | 2
-Bad luck | 5
-Babyface | 1
-Beliefs | 1-3
-Bigot | 3
-Code of Honor | 1-4
-Curse | 2-5
-Dependency | Potency/4
-Faint of Heart | 1/Rank
-Frail | 3
-Guardian | 5
-Impaired Sense | 1+
-Infamous | 1-7
-Lofty Goal | 3
-Medical Condition | 1-7
-Mistaken Identity | 1/Rank
-Nemesis | 1 per 10 CP/SP/TP
-Obligation | 1-3
-Secret | 2-3
-Slow healing | 4
-Wanted | 5
-Weak Immune System | 2
-### Flaw descriptions
-#### Absent-minded
-**Refund:** 4TP
-The character forgets small details such as names, addresses, and codes.
-In order to remember more than the character's own name and address they need
-to make a TN 3 Logic test.
-#### Addiction
-**Refund:** Potency/4 TP
-The character has a physical addiction to a substance or activity. This could
-be drugs, adrenaline, or tech, etc but they need it regularly. Anytime the
-character misses a daily dose they need to make a Body test against (1/2
-Potency + 1).
-Dangerous activities or tech have a TN of 5 and refunds 2 TP.
-MoS | Effect
---- | ---
-<= -1 | Action penalty equal to MoS
-<= -5 | Incapacitated for -(MoS) - 4 days
-<= -9 | Life threatening fevers or convulsions for -(MoS) - 8 days
-Fumble | Treat as MoS -9
-#### Animal Antipathy
-**Refund:** 2TP
-The character is disturbing to animals. Domestic animals are treated as
-unfriendly with the character and wild animals antagonistic. This flaw has no
-effect on the character's animal companion if they have one.
-#### Bad luck
-**Refund:** 5TP
-The character is constantly plagued by bad luck. Once per session, the Game
-Moderator can choose make the player roll as unskilled on a single test.
-#### Babyface
-**Refund:** 1TP
-The character looks a lot younger than they are, this might mean that they may
-be on the receiving end of ageism and not allowed to do somethings or be
-treated differently from their perceived youth.
-#### Beliefs
-**Refund:** 1-3TP
-The character has a non mainstream belief, that could cause ridicule. The only
-upside is that characters may attract allies who share their beliefs.
-Cost | Example
-:---: | ---
-1 | They saw a local cryptid
-2 | The earth is flat
-3 | Aliens run the world from the shadows
-#### Bigot
-**Refund:** 3TP
-The character carries negative views about a group of people. No matter what
-anyone tells them, they know that that group is lesser than them.
-**This flaw needs to be cleared with the GM and all players, and shouldn't be
-used to excuse real world bigotory**
-#### Code of Honor
-**Refund:** 1-4TP
-The character has some kind of code or restrictive rules that they live by. The
-player and GM should work out the details of this.
-#### Dependency
-**Refund:** Potency/4 TP
-The character has a mental dependency to a substance or activity. This could be
-drugs, adrenaline, or tech, etc but they need it regularly. Anytime the
-character is presented with their habit they must make a Psyche test against
-(1/2 potency +1). If they fail and choose not to indulge they take an action
-Dangerous activities or adrenaline have TN of 5 and refunds 1 TP.
-MoS | Effect
---- | ---
-<= -1 | -1 action penalty for 1 hour
-<= -5 | -2 action penalty, reduces by 1 per hour
-<= -10 | -3 action penalty, reduces by 1 per hour
-Fumble | Treat as MoS -10
-#### Faint of Heart
-**Refund:** 1TP/Rank, max of 3 Ranks
-The character has an aversion to blood and gore; anytime they see it they need
-to make a body test against a Target Number of 2 + rank to avoid becoming
-nauseous for the rest of the scene taking a -1 action penalty.
-#### Frail
-**Refund:** 3TP
-The character has a low pain Threshold, putting them out of commission on even
-the lightest injuries. They take -1 to their flesh wound threshold and
-recalculate their other thresholds accordingly.
-#### Guardian
-**Refund:** 5TP
-The character has to take care of someone, who keeps getting caught up in the
-plot, and often targeted by the antagonists for their association with the
-#### Impaired Sense
-**Refund:** 1TP
-The character has a lower than average basic sense(hearing, sight, smell/taste,
-touch), subtle sensations become hard to make out and the character will suffer a
--1 penalty to all Perception tests with that sense if they don't have an
-appropriate device to assist them.
-Characters who are blind or deaf long term develop coping techniques that allow
-them to participate.
-Cost | Effect
-:---: | ---
-1 | -1 to Perception tests with sense, unless using an aiding device
-2 | -1 to Perception tests with sense
-2 | Character cant perform actions that require sense, but it is curable
-8 | Character cant perform actions that require sense
-#### Infamous
-**Refund:** 1-7TP
-The character has a bad reputation, whether they deserve it or not. Disposition
-of NPCs are likely to be lower based on the NPCs values.
-Rank | Description
-:---: | ---
-1 | Stand out in local community
-2 | Known throughout your town/city
-3 | Known provincially
-4 | Known nationally
-5 | Infamous in multiple countries
-6 | Well know on multiple continents
-7 | World infamous
-#### Lofty Goal
-**Refund:** 3TP
-The character has a powerful, all consuming goal to which they are dedicated to
-the point of obsession. The player and Game Moderator should define this goal,
-making sure that it is largely unattainable, giving the character a strong
-motivation. This is mostly a roleplaying Flaw, but Game Moderators may request
-Psyche tests if a character wishes to do something that would hinder reaching the
-goal (such as letting a bad guy go free to help a friend).
-#### Medical Condition
-**Refund:** 1-7TP
-The character has some illness or medical condition that needs to be treated
-Total up the cost from the following table based on the Frequency and Severity
-of the symptoms.
-Refund | Description
-:---: | ---
- | **Frequency**
-0 | Specific circumstance or environment
-1 | Few times a month
-2 | Few times a week
-3 | Daily
- | **Severity**
-1 | -1 to actions
-2 | Flesh wound
-3 | Deep wound
-4 | Death
-#### Mistaken Identity
-**Refund:** 2TP
-The character looks similar in description to someone else. These situations
-can be awkward or even dangerous, especially if the character's "twin" has a
-bed reputation or is wanted for a crime.
-#### Nemesis
-**Refund:** 1TP/Per 10 CP/SP/TP
-The character has enemy who is out to get them. The player and GM should
-workout how the rivalry started and how far the characters are willing to take
-it. The cost depends on how strong the Nemesis is.
-#### Obligation
-**Refund:** 1-3TP
-The character is has something they need to do on the regular. The cost is
-based on how hard and often it must be done.
-Cost | Example
-:---: | ---
-1 | Easily finished or monthly
-2 | Moderate difficulty, or once every week or 2
-3 | Difficult or dangerous task, Multiple times a week
-#### Secret
-**Refund:** 2-3TP
-The character has a secret that they wish to keep hidden. This could be
-something embarrassing or more serious.
-#### Slow healing
-**Refund:** 4TP
-The character heals takes 50% longer to heal.
-#### Wanted
-**Refund:** 5TP
-The character is activity being searched for by an armed organization. The
-character's usual hangouts are being monitored. The player and GM should
-workout the details of the organization and why they're pursuing the character.
-#### Weak Immune System
-**Refund:** 2TP
-The character's body is especially weak to ailments. They suffer a -1 on
-body tests to resist drugs and toxins, and diseases.
-The upside to Weak Immune System is that it also effects beneficial drugs.
-## Secondary Attributes
-Secondary Attributes are labeled that way because they are not selected like
-the basic Attributes, but are derived on the latter. They represent facets of
-the character’s physical abilities but are never rolled.
-The character’s Secondary Attributes are calculated using the following
-formulas. Although the formulas appear involved, most of them are simply an
-addition of a number to a multiple on an Attribute. All secondary attributes
-have a minimum value of 1.
-Attribute | Formula
---- | ---
-**Wound Threshold** |
-Flesh Wound Level | 3 + Body
-Deep Wound Level | 2x Flesh Wound Level
-Critical Wound Level | 2x Deep Wound Level
-**Movement Rates** |
-Walk | 10m per round
-Run | 1/2 Sprint speed, rounded up to nearest increment of 5
-Sprint | 30 + 5x Body
-### Wound Levels
-Wound levels represent how much damage a character can take before becoming
-injured. If damage dealt does not beat the flesh would level it does no damage
-worth recording but it still hurts the Character.
-**Flesh wound:** Half 3 + Body
-**Deep wound:** Double Flesh Wound
-**Death:** Tripple Deep Wound
-### Movement Rates
-There are a few movement rates the characters have, however for simplicity some
-of them are not shown on character sheets.
-**Crawl:** 5m per round.
-**Walk:** 10m per round.
-**Run:** 15 + 5x Body per round.
-**Sprint:** 30 + 10x Body per round.
-## Plot Points
-Eventually protagonists will be down on their luck, but for the story to go on
-something needs to happen outside the normal rules, that's where *Plot Points*
-come in. Plot points are a pool of resource for players to have more narrative
-agency in game, while still giving challenge to their characters. Points are
-spent on various effects listed below.
-Newly created Player characters start with 3 Plot Points and will gain 1 for an
-especially good narration. Antagonists can use PPs as well, though in general
-henchmen shouldn’t.
-Average Joe | PC | Minor Antagonists | Major Antagonists
-:---: | :---: | :---: | :---:
-0 | 3 | 1-3 | 5+1/PC
-### Deus Ex Machina
-**Cost:** 3 PP
-When the group is in a no win situation, something happens to save the day.
-Such as an unknown faction appearing to distract the antagonists.
-### Emergency Dice
-**Cost:** 1-5 PP
-For each plot point add a die to a single test.
-### Donate Point
-**Cost:** 1+donated PP
-The charcter donates some of their plot point(s) to another character if they
-don't have enough.
-### Downgrade Wound
-**Cost:** 3 per Wound Level PP
-When taking a wound something lucky happens, the character's clothing absorbs
-the flames, bullets deflect off something, etc. Wounds are downgraded by wound
-level, if a wound is reduced below a flesh wound it's negated.
-### Immediate Action
-**Cost:** 1 PP
-the character gains a free action, that does not count towards penailites which
-can interrupt other character's actions.
-### Malfunction
-**Cost:** 2 PP
-A specific device stops working for a short period of time.
-### Reroll
-**Cost:** 2 PP
-The player chooses wether thier own or another NPC rerolls their dice. The new
-result is the one that counts.
-## Equipment
-Characters are assumed to have transportation, a place to live, enough money to
-pay the bills, and any equipment necessary for their job. The exact specifics
-will vary by profession and are up to the player and GM to work out.
-## Example Characters
-### Anish Kumar
-**Gender:** Man He/Him
-**Race:** South East Asian
-**Age:** 28
-**Religion:** Practicing Hindu
-**Occupation:** Community Worker
-**Goals:** Find romance
-**Values:** Inner harmony, Caring, Loyalty
-Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value
---- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---:
-Agility | -1 || Body | 0 || Charisma | 0 || Intuition | -1
-Logic | +1 || Manipulation | +2 || Perception | 0 || Psyche | 0
-Skill | Lvl
---- | :---:
-Awareness | 2
-Deception | 1
-Defense | 1
-Humanities | 2
-Insight | 2
-Medicine | 1
-Negotiation | 3
-Streetwise | 1
-Unarmed | 1
-Wrangle | 1
-Cool Under Pressure, Language(Spanish)
-**Wound Levels**
-Flesh 3, Deep 6, Death 12
-Walk 10, Run 15, Sprint 25
-Restraints, Smart phone, First Aid Kit
-### Bobbie Chalakatha
-**Gender:** Enby They/Them
-**Race:** Native American
-**Age:** 23
-**Religion:** Questioning atheist
-**Occupation:** Musician
-**Goals:** Find out the fate of sister
-**Values:** Aesthetic, Family happiness, Freedom
-Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value
---- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---:
-Agility | 0 || Body | -1 || Charisma | +1 || Intuition | +2
-Logic | 0 || Manipulation | 0 || Perception | +1 || Psyche | -1
-Skill | Lvl
---- | :---:
-Awareness | 2
-Craft | 1
-Deception | 1
-Defense | 1
-Electronics | 1
-Insight | 2
-Negotiation | 1
-Performance | 3
-Streetwise | 1
-Unarmed | 1
-Perfect Pitch, Ambidextrous
-**Wound Levels**
-Flesh 3, Deep 6, Death 12
-Walk 10, Run 15, Sprint 25
-Smart phone, Muscial instrument
-Weapon | DM | ACC | Range | Mag | Traits
---- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---:
-Knife | 1+BOD | 0 | 5+BOD | - |
-### Isabel Maldonado
-**Gender:** Woman She/Her
-**Race:** Latino
-**Age:** 37
-**Religion:** Serious Pagan(Baphomet)
-**Occupation:** Psychologist
-**Goals:** Better herself
-**Values:** Responsibility, Leisure, Inner harmony
-Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value
---- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---:
-Agility | -1 || Body | -1 || Charisma | 0 || Intuition | +1
-Logic | +1 || Manipulation | 0 || Perception | 0 || Psyche | +2
-Skill | Lvl
---- | :---:
-Astralmancy | 2
-Awareness | 1
-Biology | 1
-Evocation | 2
-Insight | 1
-Investigate | 1
-Negotiation | 2
-Divination | 3
-Survival | 1
-Wrangle | 1
-**Wound Levels**
-Flesh 3, Deep 6, Death 12
-Walk 10, Run 15, Sprint 25
-Backpack, Sleeping bag, Tent
-Weapon | DM | ACC | Range | Mag | Traits
---- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---:
-Knife | 1+Body | 0 | 5+Body | - |
-Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value
---- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---:
-Agility | - || Body | - || Charisma | 0 || Intuition | +1
-Logic | +0 || Manipulation | 0 || Perception | 0 || Psyche | +1
-Skill | Lvl
---- | :---:
-Astralmancy | 1
-Awareness | 1
-Insight | 1
-Investigate | 1
-**Wound Levels**
-Flesh 3, Deep 6, Death 12
-Walk 10, Run 15, Sprint 25
-### Joeanna Carlson
-**Gender:** Women She/Her
-**Race:** White
-**Age:** 27
-**Religion:** non practicing Christan
-**Occupation:** Self defense trainer
-**Goals:** Protect their community
-**Values:** Achievement, Health, Recognition
-Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value
---- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---:
-Agility | +1 || Body | +2 || Charisma | 0 || Intuition | -1
-Logic | 0 || Manipulation | -1 || Perception | +1 || Psyche | 0
-Skill | Lvl
---- | :---:
-Athletics | 2
-Awareness | 2
-Defense | 2
-Humanities | 1
-Intimidate | 1
-Medicine | 1
-Melee | 1
-Negotiation | 1
-Stealth | 1
-Unarmed | 3
-**Wound Levels**
-Flesh 5/6, Deep 10/11, Death 20/21
-Walk 10, Run 20, Sprint 40
-Leather Jacket(+1), First aid kit, XSTAT, Flashlight, Rope
-Weapon | DM | ACC | Range | RoF | Mag
---- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---:
-Knife x2 | 1+Body | 0 | 5+Body | - |
-### Juan Romero
-**Gender:** Man He/Him
-**Race:** Latino
-**Age:** 26
-**Religion:** Satanist
-**Occupation:** Computer Programmer
-**Goals:** Be the greatest hacker
-**Values:** Competition, Creativity, Leisure
-Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value
---- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---:
-Agility | 0 || Body | 0 || Charisma | -1 || Intuition | +1
-Logic | +2 || Manipulation | -1 || Perception | +1 || Psyche | 0
-Skill | Lvl
---- | :---:
-Awareness | 1
-Craft | 2
-Deception | 1
-Electronics | 3
-Humanities | 1
-Investigate | 2
-Negotiation | 1
-Physics | 1
-Security | 2
-Stealth | 1
-Fake ID, Contact
-**Wound Levels**
-Flesh 3, Deep 6, Death 12
-Walk 10, Run 15, Sprint 30
-Smart Phone, Laptop, Electronics and mechanical tool kits, Drone, Throat/eat
-comm set.
-### Keyanna Smith
-**Gender:** Woman She/Her
-**Race:** Black
-**Age:** 24
-**Religion:** Non practicing christan
-**Occupation:** Forest Ranger
-**Goals:** Resolve guilt
-**Values:** Power, Friendship, Autonomy
-Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value
---- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---:
-Agility | +1 || Body | +1 || Charisma | -1 || Intuition | 0
-Logic | 0 || Manipulation | -1 || Perception | +2 || Psyche | 0
-Skill | Lvl
---- | :---:
-Athletics | 1
-Awareness | 3
-Defense | 1
-Firearms | 2
-Medicine | 1
-Pilot | 1
-Stealth | 1
-Survival | 2
-Unarmed | 1
-Wrangle | 2
-Strong Immune System, Sense of Direction 2D
-**Wound Levels**
-Flesh 3, Deep 6, Death 12
-Walk 10, Run 20, Sprint 35
-patrol vehicle, comm gear, flashlight, restraints, Flairs, medical kit,
-Binoculars, Flare x10, Gogles, Survival Kit, Tent
-Weapon | DM | ACC | Range | Mag | Traits
---- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---:
-Assult Rifle | 5 | 0 | 60 | 30 | RoF +3
-Knife | 1+Body | 0 | 5+Body | - |
-### Maia Ngyun
-**Gender:** Woman She/Her
-**Race:** East Asian
-**Age:** 16
-**Religion:** Questioning aethist
-**Occupation:** Scavenger
-**Goals:** Explore the unexplored
-**Values:** Advenutre, Autonomy, Alone time
-Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value
---- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---:
-Agility | +2 || Body | 0 || Charisma | -1 || Intuition | 0
-Logic | +1 || Manipulation | 0 || Perception | +1 || Psyche | -1
-Skill | Lvl
---- | :---:
-Athletics | 1
-Awareness | 2
-Defense | 2
-Electronics | 3
-Firearms | 1
-Geoscience | 1
-Medicine | 1
-Melee | 1
-Stealth | 2
-Survival | 1
-Animal Companion(Dog, basic intelligence), Language
-**Wound Levels**
-Flesh 3/4, Deep 6/7, Death 12/13
-Walk 10, Run 15, Sprint 30
-Pickup truck, Comm gear, Flashlight, Restraints, Metal Detector, Leather
-Weapon | DM | ACC | Range | Mag | Traits
---- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---:
-Police Taser | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | Stun
-Knife | 1+Body | 0 | 5+Body | - |
-Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value
---- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---:
-Agility | +2 || Manipulation | +2 || Instinct | +2 ||
-Perception | +2 || Body | +1 || Psyche | +1
-### Aferin Guli
-**Gender:** Enby she/her
-**Race:** Middle Eastern
-**Age:** 35
-**Religion:** Islam
-**Occupation:** Radio Host
-**Goals:** Make the world safer
-**Values:** Family, Integrity, Social Justice
-Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value || Attribute | Value
---- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---: | --- | --- | :---:
-Agility | -1 || Body | -1 || Charisma | +2 || Intuition | 0
-Logic | 0 || Manipulation | +1 || Perception | +1 || Psyche | 0
-Skill | Lvl
---- | :---:
-Awareness | 1
-Deception | 2
-Defense | 1
-Insight | 1
-Investigation | 2
-Medicine | 1
-Negotiation | 2
-Performance | 3
-Streetwise | 1
-Unarmed | 1
-Famous 3, Language(Kurdish, Spanish)
-**Wound Levels**
-Flesh 2, Deep 4, Death 8
-Walk 10, Run 15, Sprint 25
-## Downtime and Experience
-Characters gain 1 xp at the end of each session and an additional 1 at the end
-of an arc.
-In between sessions PCs go about their day to day lives, take time to recover,
-and prepare for things to come. This is where PCs will spend their experience
-+ Acquire
-+ Long term project
-+ Make things
-+ Train
-### Acquire
-The character can set up favors to temporarily gain the benefits of one of the
-+ A special item
-+ An ally
-+ A vehicle
-+ A service
-### Long Term Project
-Long term projects cover a verity of activities, such as starting/improving a
-food forest, establishing someone's trust, making a new friend, doing research
-on a target, etc.
-Based on the project, the GM will set the cost for the activity.
-Project | Cost
---- | :---:
-Food forest | 4
-Establish trust | 3
-New friend | 2
-### Make Things
-Characters with the right skills can often produce items and goods themselves,
-which reduces the cost to buy and item by 1. The character will have to make a
-TN 4 craft test. Obviously only items that can reasonably be crafted in a week
-can be made, anything longer than that is better modeled with long term project
-event. A failed test leaves the project unfinished and a fumble destroys the
-project, and the player will have to acquire new components to try again.
-### Train
-Most players will want to improve their character's abilities ether by
-improving their skills or attributes. Most perks can aquired and flaws paid off
-during downtime, however it might be worth checking with the GM first.