# Chapter Three: Equipment "You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere." -Ursula K. Le Guin This section provides the Players and Moderators with a basic list of equipment for use by PCs and NPCs alike. ## Acquiring Equipment Money is abstracted a bit so as not to have to track every dollar and become your character's accountant. Compare the character's wealth against the accessibility of the purchase, anything at or below the character's wealth can be be reasonably bought at no cost. Anything one point above their wealth rating can be bought but requires a test of *2 dice vs TN 4*, 1 die if they are unprepared. If successful the item can be bought but the characters debt lowers their wealth by 1 the duration depends on MoS. MoS | Debt duration --- | --- 3+ | Month 2 | Year 1 | Decade Characters can [assist](#specialAction) another character in buying or selling. Any debt effects all characters who contributed. ### Selling Items A character can also decide to sell an item to erase their debt. Only a sale equal or greater than their current wealth reduce debt. If the item is one point above the character's wealth rating it can be sold the character rolls *2 dice* vs TN 4, 1 die for a quick sale. The item is always sold but If the test is successful the character's Debt is reduced based on MoS. MoS | Debt duration --- | --- 3+ | Decade 2 | Year 1 | Month A fumble indicates the character was fleeced, they loose the item and all debt remain. If an item is illegal, before selling it the character must find the buyer by making a *Streetwise + Charisma* vs *TN 3 + item's access cost*. ## Item list Item | Accessibility --- | :---: **Electronics** | Geiger Counter | 0 Laser Microphone | 1 Multi Motor Drone | 1 Power Bank | 0 Powersol | 1 Radio | 1 Signal Jammer | 1 Smart Phone | 1 Solar Charger | 1 Tracking Tag | 0 **Medical Equipment** | Antivenom | 0 Stempak | 2 Vaccine | 0 XSTAT | 0 **Imaging Equipment** | Endoscope | 1 Goggles | 2 **Tools** | Kit | 1 Shop | 2 Facility | 3 ## Electronics The most common items modern characters use are electronic. **Geiger Counter:** a blocky device that can detects radiation up to 50 meters away. **Laser Microphone:** Small listening device designed to pick up sound up to 300 meters away using infra red laser to pick up sound vibrations off of smooth objects. **Multi Motor Drone:** a small 4 propeller flying drone with cameras, that can be controlled by a smart phone up to 250 meters away, for about 30 minutes before its batteries run out. **Power bank:** a small portable battery able to charge most portable electronics. **Powersol:** a fusion of a solar panel and an umbrella, it allows the user to charge a device while providing shade. **Radio:** Only useful for voice communication with other radios in areas were cell or mesh connections aren't available. 15km range, encrypted military versions are available. **Smart Phone:** A cell phone with the ability to connect to infranets and the meshnet, and can use encrypted forms of communication. Their connectivity is limited to areas of cell towers or meshnet repeaters. **Signal Jammer:** a suitcase sized device capable of disrupting all wireless communication within 50 meters. **Solar Charger:** is a small solar cell with an internal battery, use for charging mobile devices or even powering some small devices. **Tracking Tags:** are small device that are trackable via GPS. Useful for keeping track of personal property but also common among stalkers tracking their victims. ## Imaging Equipment These are devices for enhancing the visual senses of the user. **Endoscope:** Thin wire like camera capable of seeing around corners and in small spaces, such as under doors, used as a minimal invasive medical examination tool. **Goggles:** These strap to the head or helmet of the user allowing them to benefit from one of the following sensors while freeing up their hands. *Flare Filter:* provides protections form flashing lights such as flash bangs and dazzlers. *Nightvision:* or light amplification allows the user to easily see at night the only in black and white. These reduce darkness penalties by 2 except in complete darkness or in bad weather. *Thermal:* allows the user to perceive based on heat instead of visible light. These work in complete darkness but details are completely lost. ## Medical Equipment Below are medical items not normally found in a medkit. **Antivenom:** Used to treat specific poisons produced by animals. It provides a +5 on Body tests against the specific poison but is reduced by 1 per round after being poisoned. **Stempak:** A syringe that contains stem cells and other drugs that cause the rapid regrowth of damaged tissue, healing a single wound. A flesh wound will heal in 1D6 hours, a deep wound in 1D6 Days, and full limb regeneration happens in 2 months. Broken bones still need brace or cast to set correctly but will heal completely. **Vaccine:** Vaccines give a +2 bonus on Body tests against specific diseases. **XSTAT:** A large 3 x 15 cm syringe that is designed to quickly stop the bleeding of wounds. It will stabilize a wound in 3 rounds and last for 4 hours. ## Tools Many items can be represented with a generic tool set, instead of having to stat all possible items. **Kits:** a bundle of tools used for a specific skill. The kit has the basic items needed to perform the task but not much else. These are usually portable. Example could be a medical kit allows a medic to stabilize wounds. **Shops:** a work space which includes tools that are not easily carried. The shop could be mobile such as in the back of a van, or stationary in a room. Shops provide a +1 equipment bonus to the test. Example could be an electronics repair shop with various spare parts, and bulky equipment. **Facilities:** are a dedicated and staffed building. In addition to the equipment bonus a shop provides, facilities have staff that can assist or even carry out tests on their own. Example could be a factory that manufactures bikes. ## Drugs and Toxins Generally Drugs don't need special rules when being casually administered, but in the event they are weaponized or a character is exposed to a dangerous substance, the following rules are used. Medical Drug | Potency | Route | Effect | Accessibility --- | :---: | :---: | --- | :---: Anesthetics, local | 7 | Injected, Topical | Analgesic, Sedative | 0 Anesthetics, general | 12 | Inhaled, Injected | Analgesic, Sedative | 0 Painkiller | 6 | Oral | Analgesic | 0 Sleep aid | 9 | Oral | Sedative, Ignore Fumbles | 0 Euphoric | 12 | Oral | Euphoric | 0 Tincture | -2 | Oral, Topical | Same as other drug | 0 Recreational Drug | Potency | Route | Effect | Accessibility --- | :---: | :---: | --- | :---: Adrenaline | 9 | Injected | Stimulant, Analgesic | 0 Alcohol | 6 | Oral | Sedative, Euphoric, Analgesic | 0 Amphetamine | 8 | Injected, Oral | Stimulant, Analgesic | 0 Barbiturates | 10 | Injected, Oral | Sedative, Euphoric | 0 Cannabis | 6 | Inhaled, Oral | Euphoric | 0 Cocaine | 12 | Inhaled, Injected | Stimulant | 1 Morphine, Heroin | 10 | Inhaled, Injected | Sedatives, Euphoric, Analgesic | 0 Opium | 8 | Inhaled, Oral | Sedative, Euphoric, Analgesic | 0 PCP | 12 | Inhaled, Oral | Hallucinogen, Stimulant, Analgesic | 0 Peyote | 6 | Oral | Hallucinogen | 0 Tobacco | 7 | Inhaled, Oral | Euphoric, Stimulant | 0 Toxins | Potency | Route | Effect | Accessibility --- | :---: | :---: | --- | :---: Black Widow Venom | 8 | Injected | Fatal | 1 Chlorine gas | 5 | Inhaled | Fatal | 0 Cyanide | 10 | Oral | Fatal | 0 Black Mamba Venom | 10 | Injected | Fatal | 1 Pesticide | 6 | Inhaled, Oral | Fatal | 0 Death Cap mushroom | 11 | Oral | Fatal | 0 **Potency:** is how strong a substance is. It acts as an attack result vs the character's Body test, dealing effects based on MoS. Multiple doses add 10% rounded down for every additional dose. **Administration route:** Determines how a drug is absorbed into the body and how long it takes to effect. The time it takes to take effect is onset time divided by MoS. If the character fumbled it take effect in 1/10th the listed time. Administration route | Onset time | Examples --- | --- | --- Inhaled | 1 Round | Inhalers, Snorted powders, Gas Injected | 1 minute | Needles, Animal venom Oral | 1 hour | Pills, Liquids Topical | 1 minute | Patches, Creams/Gels, Plant toxin **Effect:** The symptoms that the character experiences when exposed. Not all drug effects are listed only ones relevant to gameplay. Many substances have multiple effects, only use a single action penalty per exposure. **Tincture:** A type of medicine that is easily made with commonly available plants and herbs. These act as medicinal drugs with a potency 2 points lower. ### Toxin Effects **Analgesic** drugs numb pain. MoS | Effect --- | --- <= -1 | Reduce wound penalties by MoS. Reduces by 1 per hour <= -10 | Unconsciousness for 1d6 hours Fumble | Fails to reduce pain **Euphorics** induce a feeling of well-being and contentment. MoS | Effect --- | --- <= -1 | Action penalty equal to MoS, Penalty reduce by 1 per hour <= -5 | Incapacitated for Potency x MoS minutes, afterwards treat as MoS -4 <= -15 | Overdose, deals damage with a DV 1/5 Potency Fumble | Treat MoS as -14 **Fatal toxins** cause damage with a DV of 1/5 their Potency. Fumbled body tests lead to a coma. MoS | Effect --- | --- <= -1 | Damage with a DV 1/5 potency Fumble | Coma **Hallucinogenic toxins** cause altered perceptions which are often accompanied by strange emotional states. Mechanically they are the same as Euphorics. **Sedatives** cause drowsiness and sleep. MoS | Effect --- | --- <= -1 | Action Penalty equal to MoS, penalty reduces by 1 per hour <= -5 | Unconsciousness for Potency x MoS minutes, afterwards treat as MoS -4 <= -10 | Overdose, deals damage with a DV 1/6 Potency Fumble | Treat MoS as -10 **Stimulants** cause a feeling of excitation and anxiety. MoS | Effect --- | --- <= -1 | +1 priority to initiative. Sleep is difficult. MoS reduces by 1 per hour <= -5 | +2 Priority to initiative. Sleep is impossible. MoS reduces by 1 per hour <= -10 | Overdose, deals damage with a DV 1/6 Potency Fumble | Treat MoS as -10 ## Weapons Personal weaponry tends to be rugged and simple, designed and built for maximum efficiency and durability. While many other items are region specific, weapons tend to make their way around the world pretty quickly thanks to global imperialism. Visibly armed characters tend to draw a lot of attention to themselves, many places may ask the characters to check kit at the door or with local guards. PCs should always get their gear back to not cause resentment at the table or create a fear of always losing thier equipment everywhere they go. Weapon | DV | ACC | Range | Mag | Traits | Accessibility --- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: **Melee** | | | | | | Baton | 1+BOD | 0 | - | - | | 0 Knife | 1+BOD | 0 | 5+BOD | - | | 0 Sickle | 1+BOD | 0 | - | - | | 0 Sword | 2+BOD | 0 | - | - | | 0 Hatchet | 2+BOD | 0 | 4+BOD | - | | 0 Staff | 2+BOD | 0 | - | - | Reach | 0 Bastard Sword/Katana | 3+BOD | 0 | - | - | | 1 Heavy Chain | 3+BOD | -1 | - | - | | 0 Chainsaw | 4+BOD | -1 | - | - | | 1 Scythe | 4+BOD | -1 | - | - | Reach | 0 Whip | 1+BOD | 0 | - | - | Entangle, Reach | 0 **Bows** | | | | | | Compound Bow | 3 | 0 | 8 | 1 | Slow Reload | 1 Crossbow | 3 | 0 | 7 | 1 | Slow Reload | 1 Weapon | DV | ACC | Range | Mag | Traits | Accessibility --- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: **Pistols** | | | | | | | Semi Auto Pistol | 3 | 0 | 7 | 12+1 | | 1 Revolver | 4 | 0 | 9 | 6 | Slow Reload | 1 Machine Pistol | 3 | 0 | 7 | 17+1 | RoF 4 | 1 **Shotguns** | | | | | | | Double Barrel | 6 | 0 | 7 | 2 | Slow Reload | 1 Pump Action | 6 | 0 | 7 | 5+1 | Slow Reload | 1 Auto Shotgun | 6 | 0 | 6 | 12+1 | RoF 1 | 2 **Rifles** | | | | | | Hunting Rifle | 3 | 0 | 40 | 10+1 | | 1 DMR | 5 | 0 | 75 | 20+1 | | 2 Sniper Rifle | 6 | 0 | 130 | 5+1 | | 2 **Automatics** | | | | | | Submachine Gun | 4 | 0 | 25 | 30+1 | RoF 3 | 2 Personal Defense Weapon | 3 | 0 | 30 | 30+1 | AP, RoF 3 | 2 Assault Rifle | 5 | 0 | 60 | 30+1 | RoF 3 | 2 Weapon | DV | ACC | Range | Mag | Traits | Accessibility --- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: **Less Lethal** | | | | | Net gun | 2 | 0 | 5 | 1 | Entangle, Slow Reload | 1 Taser | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | | 1 Police Taser | 1 | 0 | 2 | 2 | | 2 Dazzler | 0 | +1 | 12 | 10 | | 2 Weapon | DV | ACC | Range | Traits | Accessibility --- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: **Grenades** | | | | | Concussion Grenade | 6 | 0 | 5+BOD | AoE 9 | 0 Fragmentation Grenade | 5/3 | 0 | 5+BOD | AoE 8/30 | 0 Flash Bang Grenade | 2/flash | 0 | 5+BOD | AoE 3/30 | 0 Molotov Cocktail | 4 | 0 | 5+BOD | AoE 2, Persistent | 0 Tear Gas Grenade | 1/gas | 0 | 5+BOD | AoE 2/15 | 0 Smoke Grenade | 1/smoke | 0 | 5+BOD | AoE 1/30 | 0 Dynamite | 6 | 0 | 5+BOD | AoE 10 | 0 **Damage Value:** is the weapon's potential to deal damage. Melee weapons add the characters' Body rating. **Accuracy:** is the equipment modifier that is applied to all attack rolls. **Range:** Indicates the short range of a weapon, in meters. Medium range is 2x short, long range is 4x short range, and extreme range is 8x short range. **Magazine:** the number of rounds found in the weapon's magazine. Weapons that list +1 at the end can hold one in the chamber allowing for an additional shot. ### Weapon Traits Like characters weapons often have traits that don't map cleanly into their base attributes. **3 Round Burst:** Special attack spends 3 rounds of ammo, adds an extra attack, rolled as a single die that ignores fumbles. **Area of Effect:** Indicates the radius in meters of the explosive's effect. The first number is the primary area of effect, the second number determines the secondary area of effect. Targets in the secondary area get a +1 on defense against the effect. Only one defense test is made per explosion. **Entangle:** Targets that are hit by the attack are either damaged or ensnared and unable to move and fight. The attack choses to tangle or damage when attacking. Entangled characters need to roll Body or Agility(defender's choice) test against TN equal to DV+Mos to escape. **Minimum Body:** The weapon is cumbersome and requires that the user have a listed amount of body or take a penality to attack rolls equal to the difference in body. **Persistent:** Persistent systems cause the target to suffer the attack’s effects for a number of combat rounds equal to the original Margin of Success of the attack. Damage is calculated using the original MoS, minus one for each additional turn after the first one. For example, a MoS 4 attack would use MoS 3 on the second turn to calculate damage, MoS 2 on the third and MoS 1 on the fourth and final turn. **Rate of Fire:** Automatic weapons gain the 3 following special attack actions. Automatic weapons are able to be fired at any RoF up to their listed RoF. *Burst Fire:* spends 5 rounds per RoF used against a single opponent. Each point of RoF spent adds an extra attack, rolled as a single die that ignores fumbles. *Walking Fire:* spends 5 rounds per RoF used. An attack is made against every target along a 1+RoF meter long path. Anyone caught between this path and the attacker also needs to defend against the result of 1 + RoF number of dice. *Suppressing Fire:* full round action that spends 20 rounds per RoF used to fill a 5 meter wide area with bullets. Anyone entering the area during the round must defend against a single attack roll + RoF. Suppressing fire can be used at up to medium range. Suppressed NPCs can't move unless they pass a TN 2 + RoF willpower test. **Reach:** The attack range with this melee weapon is extended by 1 meter. **Slow Reload:** The weapon takes an action to reload one round or a full round to reload the magazine. ### Melee Weapons This category includes traditional hand-to-hand weapons, which have evolved little since the antiquity of humanity. These weapons are used with the Melee Skill; each category of Melee weapons can use a corresponding Melee Skill specialization. ### Bows Though simple, some people still like to use bows for hunting, if not combat. ### Pistols Pistols are available in several calibers. They are easy to make, use and conceal, and thus are the most common hand weapons around. **Revolvers:** are like a more primitive version of pistols. They have few moving parts that can break down. They usually come in calibers larger than most pistols to make up for their limited ammunition capacity. **Machine Pistols:** are a cross between a submachine gun and a pistol. They can spit out a larger amount of metal in the air than an equivalent-sized pistol, but are limited by the size of their ammunition magazine. ### Shotguns Shutguns are most commonly used for hunter but make good home defense weapons in a pinch. They are designed to fire a variety of ammunition, most commonly buckshot which is a large number of pellets in a spread making it easier to hit a target. ### Rifles **Hunting Rifles:** are used the world over for hunting, they provide excellent range and stopping power for anything from varmints to deer and bear. **Designated Marksman Rifles:** are designed to bridge the gap between assault rifles and sniper rifles, infect they are usually just based on assault rifles but with longer barrels, a semiautomatic firing mechanism, a quick deploy bipod, and a [optical sight](#weaponAccessories). **Sniper Rifles:** are long range high caliber rifles, designed for accuracy, concealment, and reliability. These are usually bolt action rifles fitting with an [optical sight](#weaponAccessories). ### Automatics **Submachine Guns:** are fully automatic weapons that use ordinary pistol ammunition of the same caliber. They can lay down a hail of fire and are easy to supply with ammo. For this reason, they are popular with many military units. **Personal Defense Weapons:** are like submachine guns except they all fire proprietary [armor piercing](#armorPiercing) rounds. **Assault Rifles:** are automatic, lightweight weapons designed for good accuracy, long range and large ammo capacity. ### Less Lethal Weapons These weapons are designed to incapacitate their targets rather than deal lethal damage. **Net Guns:** are weapons designed to fire light weight poles attacked with a net to capture animals without physically harming them. **Tasers:** are designed to fire wired prongs that stick into a target and deliver an electric current to incapacitate them. They don't cause more than a light wound unless the victim has a heart condition which can cause cardiac arrest. Victims need to make a Body test TN 5 + MoS or become Incapacitated. **Dazzlers:** Looks like a high powered flashlight but emits light at wave lengths that overload targets vision, causing temporary blindness and nausea leading to the nickname puke ray. Victims can not use do anything that requires vision, and take a general -1 penality for 1 minute per MoS of the attack. ### Grenades Grenades are small explosives designed to be thrown or fired from a launcher. They often produce a secondary effect listed with their damage. Unlike most weapons grenades don't need to actually hit their target to effect them and because of this they they require two **athletics + perception**(thrown), or **Firearms + Perception**(fired) tests with the same modifiers. The first test is for where the grenade lands, if the test fails the grenade will land MoF meters away. Roll 1d6, a 1 is straight ahead from the user and each number after that is a 60 degree clockwise increment. If the test is fumbled the grenade deviates back toward the user. ![image](assets/dieroll.png) The second test is used as the attack roll against everyone in its area of effect. **Concussion Grenades:** are designed to deliver a high explosive charge capable of being used against structures and vehicles. **Fragmentation Grenades:** are the most common grenades designed to release small fragments of metal. **Flashbang Grenades:** are designed to do disable targets with a bright flash and loud bang. Anyone caught in the secondary area of effect must make a Body test TN (30 - meters from grenade)/2 or become incapacitated(-4 penalty) for a number of rounds equal to MoS. **Molotov Cocktails:** are improvised weapons constructed by placing gasoline or something other combustible liquid in a glass bottle and lighting an oil-soaked rag stuffed in the cork. If not extinguished, they inflect fire damage for up to 3 rounds. **Smoke Grenades:** Create a smoke screen blocking light as if [Poor lighting](#combatModifiers) and able to be used as signal devices. They come in a hot smoke varient which burns at much hotter temeratures allowing them to block infrared sensors. **Tear Gas Grenades:** are chemical weapon banned by many international treaties that work like smoke grenades but exposure causes severe eye and respiratory pain, skin irritation, bleeding, and blindness. Characters exposed to the toxin must make **Body attribute test** against TN 8. MoS | Effect --- | --- <= -1 | Action penalty equal to MoS, reduces by 1 per minute outside gas <= -5 | -4 action penalty, reduces by 1 per hour outside gas <= -10 | Deals DV 1 damage, plus previous effects. Fumble | Treat as MoS -9 **Dynamite:** is commonly used mining and construction because of its easy of use and production. Dynamite comes in it's iconic stick shape which can easily be bundled together. ## Weapon Accessories Modern firearms often support additional attachments. Item | Accessibility --- | :---: **Accessory** | Covershot | 1 Extended Mag | 0 Quiver | 0 Smart Lock | 1 Speedloader | 0 Suppressor | 1 Tac Light | 0 **Sights** | Optical | 1 Passive Thermal | 0 Active Thermal | 0 Laser | 1 Light Intensifying | 1 **Special Ammo** | Armor Piercing | 0 Buckshot | 0 Flare | 0 Hellfire | 0 Paint | 0 **Covershot:** A special rifle like device with a hinge allows the user to mount a normal pistol and fire from behind cover via a camera and pop out display without exposing the shooter. This negates the attacker penalties from shooting from [cover](#combatModifiers). **Extended Magazine:** Increases the magazine size of firearms that use a box magazine by 50%(rounded down). **Quiver:** These allow for easy transportation and protection of arrows or bolts. Their capacity varies based on style, back quivers hold 24, side quivers hold 12, bow quivers hold 6. **Smart Lock:** This is a custom firing mechanism that only works when the accompanying RFID wrist band is with a few centimeters. **Speedloader:** Reduces the time to reload a revolver to a [minor action](#actions). **Surpressor:** Reduces the noise created by firing a weapon. Characters nearby must make *Awareness + Perception* TN 5 to determine where the shots are coming from. **Tactical Light:** A weapon mounted flash light. **Sights** Weapons are assumed to be using a iron sight built into the weapon. Sights add a +1 to long and extreme ranges and can have other bonuses. **Optical:** Typically a telescopic lens mounted on rifles. These don't provide any bonuses on bad weather nor at night. **Active thermal:** Is an infrared tactical light that can only be see via active thermal scope or thermal goggles. **Passive thermal:** Is a scope equivalent to thermal goggles. The user doesn't really see in colors only black and white. These reduce penalties from darkness by 2 and weather by 1. **Light Intensifying:** Is a scope equivalent to night vision goggles. These reduce darkness penalties by 1 except in complete darkness or in bad weather. **Laser:** Small and light weight option, which shoots a beam of light. Targets and anyone nearby can make a *Awareness + Perception* TN 5 to notice it. Some version are only visible in thermal or light intensify version, so they can only been seen with appropriate goggles. **Special Ammo** Firearms are assumed to be firing standard slugs for their type, however there are many special ammo types with different effects available. **Armor Piercing:** The round is designed to penetrate armor, armor ratings are halved against AP rounds. Sold in box of 20. **Buckshot:** The most common shotgun ammo, fires multiple pellets in a cone. These rounds provide a +1 Accuracy, but armor is double against buckshot. Sold in boxes of 20 rounds. **Flare:** A special shotgun round that fires a signal flare. Each flare sold individually. **Hellfire:** A special shotgun round that fires an incendiary charge. This attack only works at the weapon's close combat ranges and is treated as a DV 1 fire attack. Hallfire rounds are sold individually. **Paint:** This round contains a capsule that breaks upon impact, splashing the target with bright paint that is visible from a considerable distance and doesn't wash off easily. Paint rounds are sold in boxes of 10. ## Armor Protective Suits and Armor allow humans to survive extreme environments and combat. Armor | Rating | Encumbrance | Accessibility --- | :---: | :---: | :---: **Protective** | | | Arc Flash Suit | 0 | 0 | 1 CBRN Suit | 0 | -1 | 2 Desert Suit | 0 | 0 | 1 ECW Clothing | 0 | 0 | 1 Fire Entry Suit | 0 | 0 | 1 Gas Mask | 0 | 0 | 0 Ghillie Suit | 0 | 0 | 1 Land Suit | 0 | 0 | 1 Soft Diving Suit | 0 | 0 | 1 **Armor** | | | | | Bike Helmet | 1 | 0 | 0 Combat Helmet | 2 | 0 | 0 Leather Jacket | 1 | 0 | 0 Ballistic Vest | 3 | 0 | 1 Tactical Vest | 6 | -1 | 1 Bomb Suit | 8 | -2 | 1 Shield | Rating | Acc | DV | Accessibility --- | :--: | :---: | :---: | :---: Trash can lid | 1 | -1 | 1+BOD | 0 Riot Shield | 4 | -2 | 2+BOD | 1 **Armor Rating:** Personal body armor is rated by its Armor Rating. That rating is added to all three of the character’s Wound Levels. Some armor only protects against a specific type of damage such as fire or electric which uses that value instead of the suits general value. **Encumbrance:** A penalty applied to all physical tests. This penalty can be countered by having a positive Body attribute on a one for one basis up to a 0 penalty. ### Arc Flash Suit Arc flash suits are a type of personal protective equipment worn to protect the wearer from electrical discharge. They come in various levels of protection and designs from overalls and helmets to full suits depending on the environment theyre meant to be used in. The suit provides electrical armor of 3, 4, 5, or 6. ### CBRN Suit CBRN suits, also called HAZMAT suits, are type of full body personal protective equipment designed to protect the wearer from direct contacted with and contamination by radioactive, biological, and chemical substances. Includes a gas mask. The suit provides a [Radiation Shielding Factor](#radiationShieldingFactor) of 2. ### Desert Suit A skintight, liquid cooled suit equipped with a filtered fan system at the belt allows the wearer to comfortably exist in up to 50 degrees Celsius environments as if they were a more temperate weather. Originally deveopled for mascots in the summer to stay cool while performing its designed to wear under normal clothing without being very noticeable. ### Extreme Cold Weather Clothing Extreme cold weather clothing is designed for arctic or mountainous environments for -37c a lower. The multiple layers trap warm air in and keeps the user dry. ### Fire Entry Suit Fire Entry Suits are designed for entry into hight heat environments such as a heated kiln or burning building. Protecting the wearer in ambient temperatures up to 1000c for a short duration. The suit comes with a respirator and temperature monitor. The suit provides fire armor 8. ### Gas Mask Gas mask protects the wearer from inhaling airborne pollutants, particulates, or toxic gas. General filters last 8 hours while filters against a specific chemical against last 20 hours. ### Ghillie Suit Ghillie suits are designed to camouflage the wearer into a specific environment(forests, swamps, snow, desert). Inside the cloth suit can quickly heat up to 50 degrees even in moderate climates, and holds a lot of water when wet. While in the appropriate environment the wearer has a +2 bonus on stealth tests to hide. ### Land Suit A special suit designed to keep the bodies of [Cephalopod and Cetacean Moreaus](#moreaus) wet and cephalopod moreaus to breath outside for about an hour. ### Soft Diving Suit Soft Diving suits such as dive skins, wetsuits and dry suits are often used for thermal protection in the water and also provide a barrier against marine life. The suit does not come with any additional diving gear like flippers or breathing apparatus. ### Ballistic Vest Ballistic vests are a soft body armor that protects the wearer from handgun fire using woven fabrics and can be concealed under common clothing. ### Tactical Vest Tactical vests are a hard body armor that protects the wearer from rifle and grenade fire using hard ballistic plates. The vest includes easy access pockets and webbing for gear. ### Bomb Suit A bomb suit is a heavy suit of body armor designed to withstand the blast of bombs. Because the suit heavily armored all over the wearer's vision is limited to 90 degrees. ### Layering Armor Characters may want to layer up their armor for additional protection. The armor values are added together, and the encumbrance penalties are added together with an additional -1 for every layer. ### Shields Shields follow the same general rules as armor however they only protect the users body from the front but don't add to encumbrance like stacking armor does. ## Vehicles Vehicles are mostly the same as modern equivalents. Stats assume a mid size version. Vehicle | Durability | Maneuver | Movement | Pilot/Seat | Mass | Traits | Accessibility --- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: **Mobility Aid** | | | | | | | | Wheelchair | 1 | 0 | 8+Body | 1/0 | 1 | Quick | 2 Motorized Wheelchair | 2 | 0 | 20 | 1/0 | 2 | Quick | 2 **Muscle Powered** | | | | | | | | Cargo Bike | 2 | 0 | 35+10Body | 1/0 | 2 | Quick | 2 City Bike | 3 | +1 | 40+10Body | 1/0 | 1 | Quick | 1 Velomobile | 2 | 0 | 60+15Body | 1/1 | 2 | Poor Off Road | 2 Vehicle | Durability | Maneuver | Movement | Pilot/Seat | Mass | Traits | Accessibility --- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: **Bikes** | | | | | | | EUC | 2 | +1 | 100 | 1/0 | 1 | Quick | 2 Motorcycle | 3 | +1 | 270 | 1/1 | 2 | Quick | 2 Moto Scooter | 2 | +1 | 200 | 1/1 | 2 | Quick | 2 **Cars** | | | | | | | Microcar | 4 | 0 | 125 | 1/1 | 5 | Poor Off Road | 2 Sedan | 6 | 0 | 365 | 1/4 | 6 | Crash Safe | 3 Sports Car | 5 | 0 | 460 | 1/3 | 6 | Quick, Poor Off Road | 3 **Utility** | | | | | | | Pickup Truck | 8 | -1 | 255 | 1/5 | 7 | Off road | 3 SUV | 8 | -1 | 320 | 1/7 | 8 | Off road | 3 Cargo Van | 8 | -1 | 255 | 1/1 | 8 | Poor Off Road | 3 **Transportation** | | | | | | | Passenger Airship | 30 | -5 | 225 | 2/100 | 30 | | 6 Transit Bus | 15 | -4 | 150 | 1/39 | 15 | | 4 **Watercraft** | | | | | | | Sloop | 8 | -3 | 35 | 5/5 | 10 | | 5 Runaboat| 7 | -2 | 150 | 1/5 | 7 | | 4 PWC | 3 | -1 | 100 | 1/1 | 3 | | 3 Vehicle | Durability | Maneuver | Movement | Pilot/Seat | Mass | Traits | Accessibility --- | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: **Military** | | | | | | | Humvee | 12 | -2 | 180 | 1/3 | 10 | | 3 5 Ton truck | 14 | -2 | 160 | 1/1 | 14 | | 3 IFV | 16 | -1 | 160 | 3/6 | 16 | Off road | 4 **Durability:** This lists how much punishment a vehicle can take before taking serious damage. Damage less than this value has no effect, greater than this value is light damage. 2x durability is heavy damage. 3x durability destroys the vehicle. **Maneuver:** The Equipment modifier applied to all pilot/technology tests to maneuver the vehicle. **Movement:** The maximum speed of a vehicle on road, vehicles accelerate at 1/10 their maximum movement. **Pilot/Seats:** The first number is how many crew members are needed to operate the vehicle and the second is how many passengers it can carry. **Mass:** Size and weight of the vehicle and its Damage Value in crashes. **Traits:** *Crash Safe:* The vehicle is treated as 2 mass smaller when dealing damage in a crash. *Off Road:* The vehicle ignores one point of difficult train. This doesn't effect inclines. *Poor Off Road:* The vehicle treats the movement cost of difficult terrain one point higher. *Quick:* The vehicle accelerates at 1/5 its maximum speed. ### Mobility Aid **Wheelchair:** Manual Wheelchair with push rims allowing the user to maneuver without pushing against the tires and push handles at the back which many users remove to prevent unwanted pushing from strangers. **Motorized Wheelchair:** Like the manual wheelchair only powered, good for users who get fatigued easily. ### Muscle Powered Vehicles Before the invention of the combustion engine or even the electric motor self propelled vehicles, they are the primary means of transportation for many regions. **Cargo Bike:** These bikes are designed to carry large amounts of goods or furniture up to the size of a refrigerator. **City Bike:** Built to be reliable and comfortable. They have sturdy frame made of steel or bamboo. They come with back racks strong enough to carry another person, a front basket, fenders and coat guard to keep riders dry, minimal gears and simple brakes to minimize maintenance, and handlebars that curve towards the rider allowing them to sit up in a comfortable position. **Velomobile:** Related to bicycles, velomobiles, use many of the same parts, they have a outer shell that protects the driver from weather, increases comfort and significantly increases aerodynamics and speed. Velomobiles are less likely to tip over than bikes because of their 3 or 4 wheel design and lower center of gravity meaning it is not necessary to wear a helmet. ### Motorized Bikes **Electric Wheel:** Sometimes called an electric unicycle, this is a single wheeled personal transportation device the size of a large backpack. **Motorcycle:** Another relative of the bicycle, who over the centuries has been built for longer distance and speed with thicker frame and tires to accommodate a powerful electric or combustion engine. **Scooter:** A variation on the motorcycle focusing on comfort and fuel efficiency. They're easier to mount and don't require a clutch level. ### Cars **Microcar:** The smallest class of cars, they're light weight and relatively inexpensive. In some places they're even allowed to use cycling infrastructure. **Sedan:** The most popular style of car, designed with 3 distinct compartments for engine, passengers, and cargo. They have two rows of seats and usually have four doors but some classifications include only two. **Sports Car:** A type of car designed around performance and the thrill of driving more than any practical use. They're theatrically faster but can really only go as fast as the car in front of them. ### Utility Vehicles **Pickup Truck:** Originally designed for farm use these light trucks have mostly become a lifestyle accessory. Often having reduced their cargo bed for more passenger space. **Sport Utility Vehicle:** The combination of a passenger car and an off road vehicle, with raised suspension and for wheel drive. **Cargo Van:** About the size of a pickup or SUV but with bigger enclosed cargo space for transporting goods or passengers. Their cargo areas are big enough to hold a [skill shop](#tools). ### Military Vehicles **Humvee:** A light four wheel drive military truck with added armor and partially protected turret on top. Its equipped with an encrypted radio with a 10km range and a heavy machine gun pintle mounted on the roof. Heavy Machinegun Turret, DV 9, ACC 0, BR 125, RoF +2, Mag 1000 **5 Ton Truck:** 6 wheeled Medium tuck designed to carry 5 ton payload. It comes equipped with an encrypted radio with a 10km range. **Infantry Fighting Vehicle:** Light armored 8 wheeled amphibious vehicle designed to carry infantry into battle and provide support. It has an encrypted radio with a 20km range and the following weapons: Light Autocannon Turret, DV 16, ACC 0, BR , RoF +1, Mag 210 Medium Machinegun Turret, DV 6, ACC 0, BR 100, RoF +2, Mag 660 Coaxial Medium Machinegun, DV 6, ACC 0, BR 100, RoF +2, Mag 660 Smoke Launcher, dv 0, ACC 0, BR 0, RoF 0, AoE 30, 8 uses ### Transportation **Passenger Airship:** Use lighter than air gases to raise this yacht into the air and bulletproof materials to keep the balloon lightweight and durable. They don't need runways or to land to load and unload cargo and passengers. Passengers have their own quarters, there is a common room, dinning room, multiple toilets, a medical bay, engineering room, and a cockpit minimum tho different ships like to have their own personal touches. A variation on this is the cargo airship which reduces the passenger space down to 12 to allow more cargo. **Transit Bus:** Used for short distant urban public transport. Variations could include the trolley bus, which is hooked up to local power instead of using batteries. ### Watercraft **Sloop:** The most common sailboats featuring a single mast and typically only 2 sails. **Runaboat:** is a small motorized boat, used for boating, fishing, and water skiing. **Personal Watercraft:** are designed to hold only a few people and be ridden on top like a motorcycle instead of inside most other boats.