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Chapter Four: Action

Drama depends heavy on the chance of failure, the following chapter deals will how to handle all actions in Autonomous Garden.

Dice rolling

Unless specifically mentioned otherwise, all dice rolls are resolved in the manner explained here.

A number of standard 6 sided dice are rolled. When two or more dice are rolled simultaneously, their results are not added together. Instead, the highest value rolled is considered to be the outcome of the die roll.

The totals of die rolls are often influenced by modifiers, such as Attributes or situation modifiers. Modifiers are added to the total of a die roll. If negative modifiers lower the total below zero, the final result is zero.

Critical rolls happen when more than one of any number is rolled, each extra number adds +1 to the total. This has no other effect on the outcome of the roll.

Fumbles happen when all dice rolled come up 1s, in addition to the low result the character also suffers a mishap such as the character slipping, pulling a muscle, dropping something etc.

Skill Rolls

The Skill roll is the most common form of Action test in the game. Roll a number of dice equal to the skill level, if the skill level is 0 roll two dice taking the lowest result. These will usually be formating like this Skill Name + Attribute Name indicating what skill is to be rolled and what attribute to add to the result, other modifiers maybe be added but are not listed.

Attribute Roll

An attribute test is less common than a skill roll relying on innate ability instead of learned. Attribute Rolls assume innate proficiency and are rolled with 2 dice + Attribute.

Margin of Success

How well a character beats a Target Number, ether set by the GM or the result of an opposed roll is called the Margin of Success. An attack with a higher MoS will deal more damage, a wealth roll will deplete less funds, etc.

Advantage and Complications: Sometimes the test fails but provides something useful anyway, and sometimes an test succeeds but has a draw back, these are advantage

Advantage: Usually happens when the test fails but provides something useful anyway.

Complication: Usually happens when the test succeeds but things don't go so well.

MoS Success

= 3 | Yes and an advantage +2 | Yes +1 | Yes but a complication 0 | Maybe but at a cost -1 | No but an advantage -2 | No <= -3 | No and a complication

On each bonus or complication the GM chooses one of the following.

  • Detail gain more or less detailed information.
  • Situational the GM adds something relevant to the situation.
  • Time +/- 25% time to finish an extended action test.

Succeed at a Cost: If the roll is tied the GM can offer the player to succeed at a cost. This allows the player to treat the MoS as 1 but there is a downside similar to fumbling. Or the player can choose to fail the test.

Taking Average

Whenever a character is not being rushed or threatened, they can treat the final result of a test as 2 + Skill level rather than roll, attributes and modifiers aren't added. This allows characters to be successful at routine tasks with enough skill.

Accumulated Success

Sometimes a task will require time and effort to complete, when this happens the task has an additional MoS requirement to fully complete. Each sucess adds towards the task and failure subtracts until the Mos is met.

This rule is useful when a character is trying to pick a lock while a guard is coming, influence an NPC into changing their beliefs, or even rebuilding a vehicle.

Action Tests

Unopposed Tests

An unopposed action tests consist of a die roll whose result is compared to a fixed difficulty value called a Target Number; a higher Target Number indicates a more difficult situation.

TN Description
1 Effortless
2 Very Easy
3 Easy
4 Moderate
5 Challenging
6 Difficult
7 Very Difficult
9 Extremely Difficult
11 Near Impossible
14+ Pray for Divine Intervention!

Opposed Tests

Whenever two individuals oppose each other's actions, they make an opposed action tests. Each opponent makes an action tests using the appropriate skill and attribute, and are compared to each other to determine success.

Actions and time

Most of the time characters can do things without needing any rules to govern them, open a door, pick fruit, ride a bike etc with the Moderator loosely tracking time. However during an action round many things are happening at once and are broken up into different types of actions.

During an action round, each character gets one major action but can take additional actions at a penalty to all major actions they make during their turn.

Minor Actions: Don't require much time or concentration. They don't take an action and don't usually require a test.
Examples include: talking, dropping something held, defending oneself in combat, basic perception, and opening a door.

Major Actions: These actions take a second or more to complete and usually require concentration.
Example include: picking something up, getting something from a pack or pocket, attacking, moving, opening a locked door.

Extended Actions: These are actions that take at least a full turn to do and usually require an action test. The duration can be in turns, minutes, or days. For durations of days or more it is assume that 8 hours is devoted to the task, which can be adjusted based on MoS.
Examples include: repairing, gardening, searching a room, etc.

Special Actions

Assist: Characters an help other characters out on a skill test. To do so the character(s) must have at at least 1 rank in the skill, and be able to communicate and work together to provide the bonus.

Group Size Mod
2-4 +1
5-8 +2
9-16 +3
17-32 +4

Ready: Characters can react to something outside of their turn, interrupting another character's actions when a specified event happens. The Readied character gets to take their readied action right after the specified event.

Characters can remained readied for as long as they wish, but if the specified event doesn't occur they lose that action.

Acting Fast

Sometimes characters need to do an extended action and there isn't enough time. Characters can take a penality to the test to reduce the time required for an extended action.

Time required Mod
1/2 -1
1/4 -2
1/8 -3
1/16 -4


Each turn characters can take various movement based actions. The movement can be split up as needed to perform other actions.

Each character has 3 movement rates, one for walking, one for running, and one of all out sprint. While movement takes an action to perform, action penalties for melee and unarmed attacks should be ignored as this tends to break believability.

Because moving makes one a harder target each movement speed also applies its action penalty as a bonus to defense tests(sprinting counts as +3), and movement based athletics tests.

Walking: This is the characters standard movement speed when not in a hurry. Walking is a minor action.

Running: The character moves quickly but still allow for other actions to be taken or to travel longer distances. Running counts as 2 minor actions.

Sprinting: The character spends the whole round moving as fast as possible. This is an extended action.


Swimming works a lot like walking except that it is slower and more dangerous. Unless they have a swimming movement characters move at 1/4th their standard rates and can walk thru shallow water at 1/2.

Staying afloat while swimming is a minor action. While swimming against a current takes a major action and an Athletics + Body test.

Acting in water: Characters performing actions use the appropriate skill or athletics whichever is lower. Encumbrance penalties while swimming are doubled.

Carrying Capacity

Characters movement is limited by how much they carry, their maximum capacity is the same as the deadlift for their Body. Treat objects which aren't designed to be easily carried with straps, handles, etc as double their weight. Objects which require balance and attention when carried apply a -1 action penalty, -2 for two handed objects.

Capacity Max Movement
1/2 Sprint
3/4 Run
Max walk

Chase Scenes

Chase scenes are a common element which allows for action without necessarily being life threatening. Each round, the characters on foot or in muscle powered vehicles make an Athletics + Body Test and add the result to their speed for the round. On a fumble characters loose 1d6 meters for the round.

Characters can choose to go over obstacles to try to lose their pursuers. When this happens both parties make another Athletics + Body test, the winner adds their MoS to their speed. Fumbles causes a crash, and the character looses a round recovering.

Obstacle TN
Low fence 2
Bench, garbage bins 4
Tall fence 6


Whenever a character falls they take damage equal to 1 for ever 3 meters fallen(max of dv 10) x impact surface x 2 dice taking the highest.

The character can roll Athletics + Agility and subtract the result from the number of meters fallen before calculating damage. If the result is higher than the distance fallen they land on their feet.

If the character is dropped on their head or fumbles their athletics test, half their wounds thresholds for damage.

Impact Surface Multiplier
Concrete x2
Grass or dirt x1
Sand or shallow water x0.5
Deep water x0.25
Crash pads x0.1


To jump, a character must make an Athletics + Body test, and the defensive modifier of the characters current movement. The horizontal distance jumped is MoS x 0.75 meters. Vertical distance is MoS x 0.25 in meters.

Surface TN
Standard 3
Rough 6
Slippery 10
Climbing 14

Social Actions

Characters can attempt to persuade NPCs into doing something they want. They could could do this with the Deception, Intimidation, Negotiation, or Wrangle skill. Characters can only attempt to make persuade an NPC once per scene with a specific skill.

NPCs may attempt to use these skills against a PC, aside from Deception, the GM will test the skill and report how convincing it is and the PCs can determine how they want to react.

Disposition: Describes how much an NPC likes another character. Initial disposition usually are usually Friendly or Neutral.

Request: The character describes or role plays out the request, the nature of the request will effect how an NPC reacts, if it negativly effects them or someone they care about it is more likely to be denied. Some requests are are so far out of character that the NPC will just reject them outright.

Social Requests Modifiers

Situation TN
NPC Disposition
Hostile 6
Neutral 4
Friendly 2
Simple/short -1
Complex/long +1
Violates NPC's values +2
Beneficial to NPC -3
Dangerous to NPC +3

Resolving Combat

Many stories will involve some form of combat, an exciting high-speed chase, a shootout or a grand showdown. There is nothing quite as a satisfying as finally defeating the antagonist in a climactic battle. The game organizes combat around 6 second rounds, the order is determined by initiative and ends when everyone has taken their turn, and a new round begins.


Initiative determines who acts first in a combat round. At the beginning of each turn, players will declare their intent for the turn. This will determine who acts first in initiative.

  1. Close actions that don't require moving first
  2. Ranged actions
  3. Movement and all other close actions

If necessary, combatants can roll opposed Awareness + Perception tests highest roll goes first.


Surprise occurs when a character attempts to affect an unwary target. The target makes an Opposed Awareness + Perception test against the attacker's Stealth + Agility. Success means the target notices the attacker and can take defensive actions; this can sometimes happen long before the attacker was ready to attack.

Attacking unwary targets requires the attacker to pass a standard (not Opposed) Skill test with a Target Number number of 1 + the defenders combat modifiers.


Attacking is a major action opposed by the target's defense. The skill and attribute rolled depend on the type of attack being used:

  • Unarmed: Unarmed + Body
  • Melee: Melee + Agility
  • Ranged: Firearms + Perception
  • Thrown: Athletics + Perception
  • Explosives: Mechanics + Logic


Unless the target is surprised or incapacitated somehow, the defender makes a Defense + Agility test against attacks. Defending is a minor action.

Objects, locations, and unaware targets all have a defense of 1 + Combat Modifers against attacks. This assumes a human sized target, if smaller use the Aiming Rules

Special Defense Actions


The defender can block melee, thrown, and unarmed attacks using a melee weapon. Instead of a usual defense test, the defender can roll Melee + Agility.

Unarmed defenders can parry against unarmed attacks, they make an Unarmed + Agility test for their defense.


The character spends the full round defending themself, All defense rolls gain a +3 bonus until their next turn.

Multiple actions in combat

It is assumed that character get one major or minor action per turn. However if characters want then can take multiple actions in a round then can do so at the cost of a -1 penalty per additional action to all major action tests. Multiple actions must be declared at the beginning of the round.

Special Attack Actions


Characters can aim at specific body parts to increase damage or get around armor. Characters take a -1 to thier attack but the range they can make the attack is limited based on the location.

Critical wounds to limbs do not kill the target, but instead sever or obliterate the limb.

Burst fire attacks have too much recoil to be aimed at specific hit locations.

Location Size Distance Wound Levels
Torso Long x1
Limb Medium x1
Head Medium x0.5
Eye/Finger Short x0.5

Deception Attacks

An attacker in melee or unarmed combat uses feints and dirty tricks, decreasing the skill level of both their attack roll and the defender's defense rolls by a specified amount. If the defenders dice are reduced to zero, they roll as if unskilled.

Lining Up a Shot

A character can spend a few combat rounds steadying their aim to improve their odds to hit. Add one die to the attackers roll per combat round spent aiming, up to a maximum equal to the shooters Skill level. The character may not move while lining up a shot.

Combat Modifiers

The following modifiers apply to an attackers attempt to hit or affect a target.

Situation Attack Mod Defense Mod Example
light cover 0 +1 Foliage, furniture, thin walls
Heavy cover 0 +3 Rocks, motor vehicles, think walls
Fully hidden -2 +1* Only weapon is visible
Very bright -1 -1 Spotlight, tactical light
Dim -1 -1 Moonlight
Poor -2 -2 Starlight, fog or smoke
Barely lit -3 -3 Lighter, indirect light, heavy fog
Pitch black -4 -4 No light at all
Flanking 0 -1 Attacker behind and to side
Behind 0 -2 Attacker directly behind
Multiple attackers 0 -1 Per additional attacker after the first
Offhand -1 N/A Using non dominate hand
Medium range -1 N/A Within a dozen meters, 2x weapon range
Long range -2 N/A Within fifty meters, 4x weapon range
Extreme range -3 N/A Within a hundred meters, 8x weapon range

* Fully hidden behind heavy cover prevents defender from being hit


Weapons can only be used within a specific range. Weapons list their short range, medium range is 2x short, long range is 4x short range, and extreme range is 8x short.

Thrown range is equal to 6 + Body - item's weight(in kilograms rounded up).

Special Circumstances

Close Quarters: When fighting or acting in a small space or one full of inconvenient obstacles (e.g. in a tight corridor or a dense forest), powerful blows and actions that involve large items are more difficult. Any action done with the help of a piece of equipment longer than the characters arm is at -1. Some items are so cumbersome that they either cannot be used at all or deserve a higher penalty (e.g. a bull-whip).

Multiple Attackers: When several people are attacking a single defendant, that defendant gets penalties to their Defense and Parry rolls. The defender suffers a -1 penalty for all attacks from a second attacker, -2 for those from a third attackers and -3 for those from any additional attackers. A single attacker who takes multiple actions in a round does not count as two attackers for these purposes.


Characters can take two types of physical damage. Hand to hand combat and low impact trauma cause bruises. Weapons and collisions cause wounds. Both types of damage are recorded on the character's wound track.


If an attacker hits an opponent, they deal an amount of damage equal to their weapons Damage Value times the Margin of Success of the attack, up to a MoS of 6.

Wound Thresholds

Any time a character takes damage it is compared to their Wound Levels. If the damage is lower than their Flesh Wound, they receive only minor scrapes or bruises that are not worth tracking in game but do cause some paint to the character.

Flesh: Hurt but probably wont kill. Such as cracked ribs, deep cuts, bleeding bruises etc.

Deep: Are potentially life threatening. They're composed of broken bones, punctured organs, and severe concussions.

Critical Wound: Are instantly fatal. They compose blown off heads, decapitation, cut in half etc.

Critical Bruises: Knock the character out for 1d6 hours and fill up the remaining bruise track.

Wound Track

The wound track keeps record of the kinds and severity of wounds. There are 2 rows of boxes one for each type of damage.

Regardless of the damage type wounds are marked by putting a single slash across a box for a flesh round or across 2 boxes for deep wounds.

Once a character's wound track is filled up they begin to bleed out and must be stabilized within 10 minutes or die.

Once the character's bruise track is filled up they will begin to take wounds instead.

Wound Penalties

Wounds impair a characters ability to act. This penalty is applied to all attribute and skill tests a character makes as well as to medicine test by other characters to treat them.

Wounded characters also find it difficult to move from pain reducing their maximum movement rate.

Wound Penalty additional effect
Flesh -1 Can't sprint
Deep -2 Can't run, 2x wound can't stand
Flesh -1/2
Deep -1

Wound Degeneration

If a wound is left untreated it will continue to bleed, become infected, and cause additional trauma, unless it is stabilized. Bruises do not degenerate.

The character needs to make a Body test TN 1, failing the test means the wound worsens, causing an additional flesh wound. On a fumble the character gains a deep wound. Each type of wound is tested independently of each other, flesh wounds are tested every 24 hours divided by number of flesh wounds. Deep wounds are tested every hour divided by number of deep wounds.

Stabilizing Wounds

To prevent wound degeneration, needs to spend 5 minutes an pass a Medicine + Logic TN 1 test modified by the patient's Body, and wound and bruise penalties. Success stabilizes one wound, failure wastes time, and a fumble wastes time and cause an additional flesh wound.

Once a wound is stabilized it will not degenerate but can become destabilized again. Flesh wounds destabilize from heavy activities such as combat or running. Deep wounds destabilize more easily, anything more than bed rest, eating, and bathing.

Recovery from Injuries

Once a character is wounded they will need to recover. Characters will need medical care to cure their wounds fully, while bruises heal on their own. Only one injury heals at a time, flesh wounds heal before deep wounds and resuscitated characters must spend a week recovering before their wounds begin to heal.

Injury Time
Flesh 1d6 hours
Deep 1d6 days
Aided Flesh 3 days
Aided Deep 2 weeks
Unaided Flesh 1 week
Unaided Deep 1 Month

Unaided: is when the wound receives only minimal treatment such as bandages or a splint. Deep ones inflect a -1 penalty to physical actions until the character makes it thru rehabilitation. A Comatose character will not survive more than a week without medical aid.

Aided: is when the wound receives treatment and rehabilitation from a medical hospital. Comatose characters can survive indefinitely on life support.


Outside of combat there are a number of general hazards characters can face.


The average adult can hold their breath for two minutes before blacking out. For every 30 seconds after the fist minute the character needs to make a Body test vs TN 2, each 30 seconds apply a -1 penalty to the test. If the character is doing strenuous activity 1/2 all times.

Asphyxiation is a terrifying experience which usually leads to panic. Characters need to make a Psyche test vs TN 3 or panic. Panicking characters will need to make additional Psyche tests TN 3 to perform any action other than saving themselves.


when a character comes into contact with a disease they need to make a Body test

Virulence: How strong a disease is. When exposed characters make a Body test against this value. Failure means the character contracts the illness.

Onset Time: The longest interval before the substance takes effect. The time it takes to take effect is onset time divided by MoS. Fumbled results take effect in 1/10th the listed onset time.

Effect: The symptoms that the character experiences when exposed.


Virulence: 9 Onset Time: One Week Airborne illness.

MoS Effect

= 0 | Sore thought and runny noise. Lasts for 4 - MoS days <= -1 | Aches, cough, and congestion, action penalty equal to MoS, reduces by 1 per day <= -5 | Incapacitated for MoS + 6 days, afterwards treat as MoS -4 Fumble | Incapacitated with life threatening fever for a week, Roll 1d6 every day, with medical aid the character dies on a 1, without aid they die on a 1 or 2/. Treat as MoS of -8 once fever breaks.


Fire automatically deals 2 dice x DV damage from a full round of exposure, less than a full round the DV is halved, and on a fumble the DV is also halved.

Source DV
Lighter, Match 0
Campfire, Torch, Flare 1
Bonfire, Chemical fire, Inferno 2

On a deep wound the character is incapacitated for 1d6 rounds as they thrash about in agony.

Vehicles and Fire

If a vehicle tries to pass thru burning terrain they must make make a Pilot + Agility test TN 3x the DV of the fire. Failure is treated as an attack with the same MoS.


Electricity will deal 2 dice x DV from a full round of exposure, less than a full round the DV is halved, and on a fumbled the DV is also halved.

Source DV
Wall outlet 1
Power lines 2
Power mains 4
Small lightning strike 5
Large lightning strike 10
Hydroelectric dam generator 20

Characters who receive a flesh wound are locally paralyzed as their muscles clench up uncontrollability from contact. Characters who receive a deep wound are fully paralyzed and may suffer a heart attack.

Regardless of the type of wound characters must also make a Body test TN 5x the DV.

MoS Effect
<= -1 Character is knocked out
<= -5 Character slips into a coma
Fumble Instant death


Characters accumulate ionizing radiation in the form of Decigrays, 1/10th the standard measurement of radiation. Once a day, whenever a character's decigray total increases past 7 they will need to make a body test. Radiation causes both an immediate effect and a long term illness, but only one test is need for both effects. If they succeed they will have only minor effects such as red itchy skin.

Characters who are able to be treated before their long term effects start at a modern medical facility gain a +2 on their Body tests.

While radiation accumulation is somewhat permanent characters purge 1 decigray every 2 week to a minimum of 1/10th the highest accumulated total.

Decigray Total Target Number Onset Time Illness

= 7 | 6 | - | - = 10 | 8 | 8 weeks | Mild leukopenia, fatigue, weakness, -1 action penalty = 20 | 12 | 6 weeks | Moderate leukopenia, hemorrgae, infections, alocpecia, -2 action penalty = 60 | 14 | 4 weeks | Severe leukopenia, high fever, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, hypotension, electrolyte disturbance, -3 action penalty = 80 | 16 | 2 weeks | Nausea, vomiting, sever diarrhea, high fever, electrolyte disturbance, shock, -4 action penalty = 300 | 18 | 2 days | Death

Immediate effects: In the short term radiation poisoning causes fatigue, fever, headaches, lack of appetite, nausea, reddening of skin, and vomiting.

MoS Effect
<= -1 Action penalty equal to MoS(max -4) after Body roll hours, reduce by 1 ever 12 hours
<= -10 Death in 8/MoS weeks
Fumble Death in 2 weeks

Radiation Sources

Radiation Source Decigray/rate
Nuclear reactor meltdown 1-5/minute
Solar flare 0-3
Kiloton air burst at 1 km 10
Megaton air burst
at 2 km 600
at 10 km 50
at 25 10
Fallout from megaton ground burst at ground zero
after 1 hour 30/hour
after 2 hour 12/hour
after 6 hour 3/hour
after 1 day 1/hour


Protection is measured in a Radiation Shielding Factor. This number effectively divides the amount of radiation a character receives.

Source RSF
Unprotected vehicle 1.5
Typical house 15
Public Fallout shelter 40


Magicians have the ability to cause change in the world, where this comes from or if it's the magician doing it all doesn't really matter to the magician. Magick works, how it works is less important, tho many magicians will likely have a view as to how.

The following is a non exhaustive list of magickal abilities and how to use them. This list describes the spells common to mortals, organized by their discipline.


Astralmancy is the practice of manipulating ones consciousness and the Astral plane.

Entropomancy: moves sets of events to be in favor of completing a specified task. The caster makes an Astralmancy + Psyche test TN 5. This allows for a mundane event or synchronistic event to occur that helps the goal of the spell.

Shield: creates a barrier that completely covers it's target. The caster makes an Astralmancy + Psyche test TN 3. The target gains a +2 to defensive rolls against spells and spirit attacks for the scene.

Ward: creates a magical wall against spells and spirits. The caster makes an Astralmancy + Psyche test TN 4. The wall works like a physical wall except it doesn't stop perception.


Divination is the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of an occultic, standardized process or ritual. Used in various forms throughout history, diviners ascertain their interpretations of how a querent should proceed by reading signs, events, or omens, or through alleged contact with a paranormal agency.

Remote Viewing: the caster "views" a target via non local senses. The caster makes an Divination + Intuition test TN 5. The amount of information gathered is determined by the MoS of the spell.

MoS Information
1 Vague information
2 Basic information
3 Detailed information
4 Secret information
5 Unknown information

Scrying: by using a Focus(Map and pendulum, dowsing rod, etc...) the caster learns the location of the target. The caster makes an Divination + Intuition test TN 3. The accuracy of information gathered is determined by the MoS of the spell.

MoS Information
1 Vague information
2 Basic information
3 Detailed information
4 Secret information
5 Unknown information


Evocation is the practice of calling upon spirits. Comparable practices exist in many religions and magical traditions and may employ the use of mind-altering substances with and without uttered word formulas.

Banish: forces a spirit out of the area for a scene. The caster makes an Evocation + Psyche test opposed by Psyche.

Invocate: the caster allows themself to become partially possessed. The caster makes an Evocation + Psyche test TN 5. The caster gains an additional level in a specific skill for the scene.

Summon: calls for a spirit to appear before the caster. The caster makes an Evocation + Psyche test TN 5. Once the spirit appears they may be asked to perform actions for the caster.


Restoration is the practice of manipulating the body(Energy, cells, etc...) to heal wounds.

Bolster: The caster enhances the target's immune system to counter an aliment. The caster makes a Restoration + Psyche test TN 5. The target gains a +2 bonus against the aliment.

Dispel: damages the target of an ongoing spell equal to MoS. The caster makes a Restoration + Psyche vs Psyche of the spells caster. Once the spell takes more than 5 points of damage it's effect is completely ended.

Harm: deals damage with DV 1 + Psyche. The caster makes a Restoration + Psyche vs the targets Psyche.

Heal: the target is treated for traumatic experiences and can heal after a month of rest. The caster makes a Restoration + Psyche TN 1. The caster makes the test with the target's action penalties.

Regenerate: The target's heals wounds 25% faster than normal for a week. The caster makes a Restoration + Psyche test TN 4. This effect is additive with other healing rate modifiers.