package haccerinteractions import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "math/rand" "net/http" "net/url" "sync" "time" "" ) type haccerInteractionsRunner struct { Session *discordgo.Session commandRunLock map[string]*sync.Mutex } func (hir *haccerInteractionsRunner) getCommandMutex(name string) *sync.Mutex { if _, ok := hir.commandRunLock[name]; !ok { newMutex := sync.Mutex{} hir.commandRunLock[name] = &newMutex return &newMutex } return hir.commandRunLock[name] } // Create a command runner func NewRunner(s *discordgo.Session) haccerInteractionsRunner { s.StateEnabled = true s.Identify.Intents = discordgo.IntentsAll s.Open() newRunner := haccerInteractionsRunner{ Session: s, commandRunLock: make(map[string]*sync.Mutex), } return newRunner } // Get slash commands in a channel. Limit is ignored if application id is set. func (hir haccerInteractionsRunner) GuildChannelGetSlashCommands(channelID string, limit int, applicationID string) (*[]Command, error) { payload := url.Values{} payload.Add("type", "1") if applicationID != "" { payload.Add("application_id", applicationID) } else { payload.Add("limit", fmt.Sprint(limit)) } response, err := hir.Session.Request(http.MethodGet, fmt.Sprintf(``, channelID, payload.Encode()), nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } searchResponse := CommandSearchResponse{} json.Unmarshal(response, &searchResponse) return &searchResponse.Commands, nil } // Interact with a component // Remember that the top level components in a message are action rows. func (hir haccerInteractionsRunner) GuildChannelComponentRequest(gc GuildChannel, messageID string, botID string, customID string, data interface{}) error { var dataMap map[string]interface{} jsonEncoded, err := json.Marshal(data) if err != nil { return errors.New("error encoding data to json for component type detection: " + err.Error()) } json.Unmarshal(jsonEncoded, &dataMap) var componentType discordgo.ComponentType switch data.(type) { case ButtonClickRequestData: componentType = discordgo.ButtonComponent case SelectMenuSelectRequestData: componentType = dataMap["type"].(discordgo.ComponentType) } dataMap["component_type"] = componentType dataMap["custom_id"] = customID source := rand.NewSource(int64(time.Now().Nanosecond())) gen := rand.New(source) requestStruct := ComponentInteractRequest{ Type: discordgo.InteractionMessageComponent, Flags: 0, SessionID: hir.Session.State.SessionID, Nonce: fmt.Sprint(gen.Intn(99999999999999)), GuildID: gc.GuildID, ChannelID: gc.ChannelID, MessageID: messageID, BotID: botID, Data: dataMap, } _, err = hir.Session.Request(http.MethodPost, "", requestStruct) return err }