Revert "Add :include and unit math functions (#9)"

This reverts commit f51b9e941e.
This commit is contained in:
Shinmera 2021-03-29 08:24:24 +02:00
parent cbbe76370d
commit 0fcd24963f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: E12B14478BE4C922
5 changed files with 5 additions and 316 deletions

View File

@ -22,10 +22,7 @@
(:file "writer")
(:file "lass")
(:file "special")
(:file "units")
(:file "asdf"))
:depends-on (:trivial-indent

View File

@ -44,9 +44,6 @@ See COMPILE-CONSTRAINT."
(destructuring-bind ,args ,argsym
(defparameter *current-file* nil
"Current LASS file path")
(defun generate (in &key (out (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :type "css") in)) (pretty NIL) (if-exists :supersede))
"Generate a CSS file from a LASS file.
@ -56,8 +53,7 @@ PRETTY --- Whether to minify or not. See WRITE-SHEET.
Returns OUT"
(let ((eof (gensym "EOF"))
(*current-file* in))
(let ((eof (gensym "EOF")))
(with-open-file (outstream out :direction :output :if-exists if-exists)
(apply #'compile-sheet

View File

@ -42,8 +42,7 @@
;; special.lisp
;; writer.lisp

View File

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
(define-simple-property-function counter (var))
(define-special-block charset (charset)
(list (list :property (format NIL "@charset ~a" (resolve charset)))))
@ -100,55 +101,9 @@
(defmacro bind-vars* (bindings &body body)
`(let ((*vars* (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
(maphash #'(lambda (k v) (setf (gethash k table) v)) *vars*)
(loop for (k v) in ,bindings
do (setf (gethash k *vars*)
(resolve v)))
(define-special-block let (bindings &rest body)
(bind-vars bindings
(apply #'compile-sheet body)))
(define-special-block let* (bindings &rest body)
(bind-vars* bindings
(apply #'compile-sheet body)))
(define-special-block include (file)
(format t "~A ~%" *current-file*)
(let* ((eof (gensym "EOF"))
(in (resolve file))
(parent-dir (if *current-file*
(make-pathname :defaults *current-file*
:name nil :type nil)
(directory (pathname-directory in))
(parent-directory (pathname-directory parent-dir))
(make-pathname :defaults parent-dir
:directory (ecase (first directory)
((nil) parent-directory)
(:absolute directory)
(:relative (append parent-directory (rest directory))))
:name (pathname-name in)
:type (pathname-type in)
:version (pathname-version in)))
(*current-file* path))
(bind-vars* '()
(apply #'compile-sheet
(with-open-file (instream path :direction :input)
(loop for read = (read instream NIL eof)
until (eql read eof)
collect read))))))
;;; Function for constructing property value lists in let/let* bindings
(setf (property-function "values")
(lambda (&rest args) (format nil "~{~a~^ ~}" (mapcar #'resolve args))))
(apply #'compile-sheet body)))

View File

@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
(defpackage :lass-units
(:use #:cl
(:export #:resolve-css-arg
(in-package :lass-units)
;;; Using physical-quantities to define units of measure relevant to CSS
(defmacro with-css-units (&body body)
(define-unit-prefix |yocto| -24 :abbrev |y|)
(define-unit-prefix |zepto| -21 :abbrev |z|)
(define-unit-prefix |atto| -18 :abbrev |a|)
(define-unit-prefix |femto| -15 :abbrev |f|)
(define-unit-prefix |pico| -12 :abbrev |p|)
(define-unit-prefix |nano| -9 :abbrev |n|)
(define-unit-prefix |micro| -6 :abbrev |u|)
(define-unit-prefix |milli| -3 :abbrev |m|)
(define-unit-prefix |centi| -2 :abbrev |c|)
(define-unit-prefix |deci| -1 :abbrev |d|)
(define-unit-prefix |deca| 1 :abbrev |da|)
(define-unit-prefix |hecto| 2 :abbrev |h|)
(define-unit-prefix |kilo| 3 :abbrev |k|)
(define-unit-prefix |mega| 6 :abbrev |M|)
(define-unit-prefix |giga| 9 :abbrev |G|)
(define-unit-prefix |tera| 12 :abbrev |T|)
(define-unit-prefix |peta| 15 :abbrev |P|)
(define-unit-prefix |exa| 18 :abbrev |E|)
(define-unit-prefix |zetta| 21 :abbrev |Z|)
(define-unit-prefix |yotta| 24 :abbrev |Y|)
(define-unit-prefix |kibi| 1 :abbrev |Ki| :base 1024)
(define-unit-prefix |mebi| 2 :abbrev |Mi| :base 1024)
(define-unit-prefix |gibi| 3 :abbrev |Gi| :base 1024)
(define-unit-prefix |tebi| 4 :abbrev |Ti| :base 1024)
(define-unit-prefix |pebi| 5 :abbrev |Pi| :base 1024)
(define-unit-prefix |exbi| 6 :abbrev |Ei| :base 1024)
(define-unit-prefix |zebi| 7 :abbrev |Zi| :base 1024)
(define-unit-prefix |yobi| 8 :abbrev |Yi| :base 1024)
;; Most units are named according to their name in CSS
(define-unit |m| :alias (|meter| |metres| |meters|) :prefix-test (pq::prefix-range 10 nil 3))
(define-unit |s| :alias (|second| |seconds|) :prefix-test (pq::prefix-range 10 nil -3))
(define-unit |rad| :def (1) :alias (|radian| |radians|) :prefix-test (pq::prefix-range 10 nil -3))
(define-unit |grad| :def (400/360 |rad|) :alias (|gradian| |gradians|) :prefix-test (pq::prefix-range 10 nil -3))
(define-unit |turn| :def ((* 2 pi) |rad|) :alias |turns| :prefix-test (constantly nil))
(define-unit |steradian| :def (1) :abbrev |sr| :prefix-test (pq::prefix-range 10 nil -3))
(define-unit |Hz| :def (1 / |second|) :alias |hertz| :prefix-test (pq::prefix-base 10 3))
(define-unit |byte| :def (1) :alias |bytes| :abbrev |b| :prefix-test (pq::prefix-or (pq::prefix-base 1024) (pq::prefix-range 10 3 nil)))
(define-unit |minute| :def (60 |s|) :alias |minutes| :abbrev |min| :prefix-test (constantly nil))
(define-unit |hour| :def (60 |minute|) :alias |hours| :abbrev |h| :prefix-test (constantly nil))
(define-unit |day| :def (24 |hour|) :alias |days| :abbrev |d| :prefix-test (constantly nil))
(define-unit |deg| :def ((/ pi 180) |rad|) :alias (|degrees| |degree|) :prefix-test (pq::prefix-range 10 nil -3))
(define-unit |%| :def (0.01) :alias (|percent| |percents|) :prefix-test (constantly nil))
(define-unit |in| :def (0.0254 |m|) :alias (|inch| |inches|) :prefix-test (constantly nil))
(define-unit |pt| :def (1/72 |inch|) :alias (|point| |points|) :prefix-test (constantly nil))
(define-unit |pc| :def (1/6 |inch|) :alias (|pica| |picas|) :prefix-test (constantly nil))
(define-unit |px| :def (1/96 |inch|) :alias (|pixel| |pixels|) :prefix-test (constantly nil))
;; relative units: em, ex, ch, rem, lh, vw, vh, vmin, vmax
,@(mapcar (lambda (unit)
`(define-unit ,unit :prefix-test (constantly nil)))
'(|em| |ex| |ch| |rem| |lh| |vw| |vh| |vmin| |vmax|))
(defun parse-css-number (x &key unit)
"Parses CSS number wrapping it in pq:quantity if unit of measure is present"
(cond ((stringp x)
(multiple-value-bind (val idx) (parse-float x :junk-allowed t)
(when (zerop idx)
(signal 'pq:invalid-unit-error))
(let ((q-unit (cond (unit unit)
((>= idx (length x)) nil)
((char-equal #\e (char x (1- idx))) (subseq x (1- idx)))
(t (subseq x idx)))))
(if q-unit
(make-quantity :value val :unit (make-unit (list q-unit 1)))
((symbolp x)
(parse-css-number (string x) :unit unit))
(make-quantity :value x :unit (make-unit (list unit 1))))
(defun reduce-percents (q)
"Collapses percents in quantity so that 100% * 100% = 100% and not 10000%^2"
(if (quantityp q)
(let ((units (unit q))
(value (value q)))
(multiple-value-bind (percents others)
(loop for u in units
if (string= "%" (uf-unit u))
collect u into percents
else collect u into others
finally (return (values percents others)))
(cond ((not percents) q)
((not others)
(let ((power (- (uf-power (car percents)) 1)))
(make-quantity :value (/ value (expt 100.0 power))
:unit (make-unit (list "%" (max 1 power))))))
(t (make-quantity :value (/ value (expt 100.0 (uf-power (car percents))))
:unit others)))))
(defun resolve-css-number (x)
"Returns CSS number with unit, only power 1 units are properly supported."
(if (quantityp x)
(let* ((q (reduce-percents x))
(value (value q))
(units (unit q))
(unit (when units (uf-unit (car units)))))
(values (if (string= "%" unit) (/ value 100.0) value) unit value))
(values x nil x)))
(defun css-number-string-format (value unit raw)
"Render a quantity with unit in CSS format"
(cond ((string= "%" unit)
(format nil "~$%" raw))
(format nil "~$~A" value unit))
((integerp value)
(format nil "~A" value))
(format nil "~$" value))))
(defun css-number-string (q)
(multiple-value-call 'css-number-string-format (resolve-css-number q)))
(defun wrap-funcall (fn q)
(multiple-value-bind (value unit raw) (resolve-css-number q)
(declare (ignore raw))
(let ((result (funcall fn value)))
(values result unit (if (string= "%" unit) (* 100.0 result) result))))))
(defun wrap-funcall-raw (fn q)
(multiple-value-bind (value unit raw) (resolve-css-number q)
(declare (ignore value))
(let ((result (funcall fn raw)))
(values (if (string= "%" unit) (/ result 100.0) result) unit result)))))
(defun resolve-css-arg (expr)
"Utility function to get the numeric value of the value with unit of measure"
(resolve expr)))))
;;; Convert PQ function with 'q' prefix to a LASS propery function by reading and resolving CSS values and properly
;;; formatting the result
(defmacro define-css-op (op)
`(define-property-function ,(string op) (&rest args)
(handler-case (with-css-units
(apply #',(intern (string-upcase (concatenate 'string "q" (string op))))
(mapcar (lambda (x) (parse-css-number (resolve x))) args))))
;; Catch errors that originate from non-existing or non-convertable (e.g. px and em) units.
(format nil ,(format nil "(~~{~~a~~^ ~a ~~})" op) (mapcar #'resolve args))))))
;;; Assign unit to a number
(define-property-function unit (value &optional unit)
(let ((numeric-value (resolve-css-number
(resolve value)))))
(make-quantity :value (if (string= "%" unit)
(* numeric-value 100)
:unit (when unit (make-unit (list unit 1))))))))
;;; Convert value to the specified unit if compatible
(define-property-function convert-unit (value unit)
(let ((numeric-value (parse-css-number
(resolve value))))
(convert-unit (if (quantityp numeric-value)
(make-quantity :value numeric-value))
(list (list unit 1)))))))
;;; Adding math functions
(define-css-op +)
(define-css-op -)
(define-css-op /)
(define-css-op *)
(define-css-op =)
(define-css-op /=)
(define-css-op >)
(define-css-op <)
(define-css-op <=)
(define-css-op >=)
(define-css-op round)
(define-css-op ln)
(define-css-op log)
(define-css-op exp)
(define-css-op expt)
(define-css-op root)
(define-css-op sqrt)
(define-css-op pow)
(define-css-op sin)
(define-css-op asin)
(define-css-op sinh)
(define-css-op asinh)
(define-css-op cos)
(define-css-op acos)
(define-css-op cosh)
(define-css-op acosh)
(define-css-op tan)
(define-css-op atan)
(define-css-op tanh)
(define-css-op atanh)
(define-css-op abs)
(defun qclamp (min-value value max-value)
"Value clamping function"
((q< value min-value)
((q> value max-value)
(t value)))
(define-css-op clamp)
(defun qhypot (&rest args)
"Function returns a sum of squares of its arguments"
(reduce #'q+ args :key (lambda (x) (qpow x 2))))
(define-css-op hypot)
(defun qrandom (&optional (range 1.0))
"Generates random number, if range is specified as a quantity it's value will be used as parameter to CL:RANDOM and unit would be used for resulting quantity"
(q* (random 1.0) range))
(define-css-op random)
;;; Rounds 45.5% to 46%
(define-property-function ceil (a)
(multiple-value-call 'css-number-string-format
(wrap-funcall-raw #'ceiling (parse-css-number (resolve a))))))
(define-property-function floor (a)
(multiple-value-call 'css-number-string-format
(wrap-funcall-raw #'floor (parse-css-number (resolve a))))))