This commit is contained in:
Shinmera 2015-03-15 17:07:25 +01:00
parent e232aad09e
commit 6718b426e1
2 changed files with 278 additions and 245 deletions

View file

@ -6,192 +6,211 @@ How To
LASS supports two modes, one being directly in your lisp code, the other in pure LASS files. Adding LASS into your code is easy:
:background black))
:background black))
background: black;
background: black;
LASS works on the following simple principles: A list is a block. The first argument in the list is a selector. The body of the list makes up the properties and sub-blocks. A property is started with a keyword that is used as the property name. Following is a bunch of property arguments until a new keyword, list, or the end is reached. A list inside a block is, again, a block with the twist that the parent block's selector is prepended to the sub-block's selector.
:list-style none
:margin 0 :padding 0
:display inline-block)))))
:list-style none
:margin 0 :padding 0
:display inline-block)))))
"nav ul{
list-style: none;
"nav ul{
list-style: none;
nav ul li{
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
display: inline-block;
nav ul li{
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
display: inline-block;
Since LASS' `COMPILE-SHEET` simply takes a bunch of lists as its argument, you can use the backquote and comma to integrate variables from your lisp environment:
(let ((color "#0088EE"))
:background ,color))))
(let ((color "#0088EE"))
:background ,color))))
background: #0088EE;
background: #0088EE;
Alternatively however, and this is especially useful in pure LASS files, you can use the `LET` block to create LASS-specific bindings:
'(:let ((color "#0088EE"))
:background #(color))))
'(:let ((color "#0088EE"))
:background #(color))))
background: #0088EE;
background: #0088EE;
LASS' selector mechanism is very flexible and allows for some complex logic to reduce duplication:
((:or p blockquote)
:margin 0 :padding 0
((:or p blockquote)
:margin 0 :padding 0
:color black)
:color black)
((:and a :hover)
:color darkred))))
((:and a :hover)
:color darkred))))
"article p, article blockquote{
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
"article p, article blockquote{
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
article p a, article blockquote a{
color: black;
article p a, article blockquote a{
color: black;
article p a:hover, article blockquote a:hover{
color: darkred;
article p a:hover, article blockquote a:hover{
color: darkred;
But it can go even further:
(:or article section)
(:= data-author (:or yukari ran chen))
(:nth-child (:or 1 2 3)))
:display none))
(:or article section)
(:= data-author (:or yukari ran chen))
(:nth-child (:or 1 2 3)))
:display none))
display: none;
display: none;
Whoa nelly!
Some CSS properties are not fully specified yet and require browser-specific prefixes. LASS can help you with that, too:
:linear-gradient "deg(45)" black 0% darkgray 100%
:transform rotate -45deg))
:linear-gradient "deg(45)" black 0% darkgray 100%
:transform rotate -45deg))
background: -moz-linear-gradient(deg(45), black 0%, darkgray 100%);
background: -o-linear-gradient(deg(45), black 0%, darkgray 100%);
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(deg(45), black 0%, darkgray 100%);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(deg(45), black 0%, darkgray 100%);
background: linear-gradient(deg(45), black 0%, darkgray 100%);
-moz-transform: rotate(-45deg);
-o-transform: rotate(-45deg);
-webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(-45deg);
transform: rotate(-45deg);
background: -moz-linear-gradient(deg(45), black 0%, darkgray 100%);
background: -o-linear-gradient(deg(45), black 0%, darkgray 100%);
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(deg(45), black 0%, darkgray 100%);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(deg(45), black 0%, darkgray 100%);
background: linear-gradient(deg(45), black 0%, darkgray 100%);
-moz-transform: rotate(-45deg);
-o-transform: rotate(-45deg);
-webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(-45deg);
transform: rotate(-45deg);
LASS also supports the various `@QUERY` operator blocks:
'(:media "(max-width: 800px)"
:margin 0)))
'(:media "(max-width: 800px)"
:margin 0)))
"@media (max-width: 800px){
margin: 0;
"@media (max-width: 800px){
margin: 0;
By default LASS activates pretty-printing and inserts newlines and spaces where appropriate in order to make the result readable and easy to debug. However, you can also deactivate that and directly produce minified CSS:
(let ((lass:*pretty* NIL))
'(:media "(max-width: 800px)"
:margin 0))))
(let ((lass:*pretty* NIL))
'(:media "(max-width: 800px)"
:margin 0))))
"@media (max-width: 800px){div{margin:0;}}"
"@media (max-width: 800px){div{margin:0;}}"
As mentioned above you can write pure LASS files to compile down to a CSS file. To do that, simply use `GENERATE`:
LASS Selector Syntax
The following list contains examples for the various uses of selectors.
* Any element
* An element with tag-name `e`
* An E element with the `:link` pseudo-selector
`(:and e :link)`
* The first formatted line of an E element
`(:and e |::first-line|)` or `(:and e "::first-line")`
* An E element with a "warning" class
* An E element with ID equal to "warning"
`|e#warning|` or `"e#warning"`
* An E element with a "foo" attribute
* An E element whose "foo" attribute value is exactly equal to "bar"
`(:and :a (:= foo "bar"))`
* An E element whose "foo" attribute value is a list of whitespace-separated values, one of which is exactly equal to "bar"
`(:and :a (:~= foo "bar"))`
* An E element whose "foo" attribute has a hyphen-separated list of values beginning (from the left) with "bar"
`(:and :a (:/= foo "bar"))`
* An E element whose "foo" attribute value begins exactly with the string "bar"
`(:and :a (:^= foo "bar"))`
* An E element whose "foo" attribute value ends exactly with the string "bar"
`(:and :a (:$= foo "bar"))`
* An E element whose "foo" attribute value contains the substring "bar"
`(:and :a (:*= foo "bar"))`
* An F element preceded by an E element
`(e ~ f)`
* An F element immediately precede by an E element
`(e + f)`
* An F element which is a descendant of E
`(e f)`
* An F element which is a direct descendant of E
`(e > f)`
Extending LASS
Pretty much every part of LASS is extensible through methods. Most useful will however probably be the `DEFINE-SPECIAL-PROPERTY`, `DEFINE-BROWSER-PROPERTY` and `DEFINE-SPECIAL-SELECTOR` helper-macros. Here's some examples from the `SPECIAL.LISP` file that defines some standard special handlers:
(define-special-property font-family (&rest faces)
(list (make-property "font-family" (format NIL "~{~a~^, ~}" (mapcar #'resolve faces)))))
(define-special-property font-family (&rest faces)
(list (make-property "font-family" (format NIL "~{~a~^, ~}" (mapcar #'resolve faces)))))
(define-browser-property linear-gradient (direction &rest colors)
(:default (property)
(make-property "background" (format NIL "~a(~a~{, ~a ~a~})"
property (resolve direction) (mapcar #'resolve colors)))))
(define-browser-property linear-gradient (direction &rest colors)
(:default (property)
(make-property "background" (format NIL "~a(~a~{, ~a ~a~})"
property (resolve direction) (mapcar #'resolve colors)))))
For more control, have a look at the various `COMPILE-*` generic functions.
@ -199,10 +218,8 @@ Emacs Support
LASS includes a tiny elisp file, `lass.el`. Add LASS' directory to your emacs `LOAD-PATH` and `REQUIRE` lass.
(add-to-list 'load-path "[path-to-lass-source-dir]/")
(require 'lass)
(add-to-list 'load-path "[path-to-lass-source-dir]/")
(require 'lass)
Once you visit a `.lass` file, it will automatically start in the `LASS` major-mode, which is a derived-mode from `COMMON-LISP-MODE`. Whenever you save, it will automatically try to compile the lass file to its CSS equivalent. If slime is connected, it will try to quickload LASS and evaluate `GENERATE`. If slime is not connected, it instead executes a shell command. In order for that to work, the [`lass` binary]( must be in your path.
@ -212,45 +229,8 @@ ASDF Integration
If you want to compile LASS files to CSS in your systems, you can now (v0.4+) do this via a `lass-file` component type, and `:defsystem-depends-on`-ing LASS.
(asdf:defsystem my-system
:defsystem-depends-on (:lass)
:components ((:lass-file "test-file")))
(asdf:defsystem my-system
:defsystem-depends-on (:lass)
:components ((:lass-file "test-file")))
You can also specify an `:output` argument to a `lass-file` to specify what the target css file should be.
List of all available selectors' syntax
The following list contains a selector vs. example of LASS selector list:
* An element of type E.
* An E element being the source anchor of a hyperlink of which the target is not yet visited (:link) or already visited
```(:and e :link)```
* The first formatted line of an E element.
```(:and e |::first-line|)```
* An E element whose class is "warning" .
* An E element with ID equal to "myid".
* An F element descendant of an E element
```(e (f ...))```
* Any element
* An E element with a "foo" attribute
* An E element whose "foo" attribute value is exactly equal to "bar"
```(:and :a (:= foo "bar"))```
* An E element whose "foo" attribute value is a list of whitespace-separated values, one of which is exactly equal to "bar"
```(:and :a (:~= foo "bar"))```
* An E element whose "foo" attribute has a hyphen-separated list of values beginning (from the left) with "bar"
```(:and :a (:/= foo "bar"))```
* An E element whose "foo" attribute value begins exactly with the string "bar"
```(:and :a (:^= foo "bar"))```
* An E element whose "foo" attribute value ends exactly with the string "bar"
```(:and :a (:$= foo "bar"))```
* An E element whose "foo" attribute value contains the substring "bar"
```(:and :a (:*= foo "bar"))```
* An F element preceded by an E element
```(e ~ f)```

View file

@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
background: black;
<p>LASS works on the following simple principles: A list is a block. The first argument in the list is a selector. The body of the list makes up the properties and sub-blocks. A property is started with a keyword that is used as the property name. Following is a bunch of property arguments until a new keyword, list, or the end is reached. A list inside a block is, again, a block with the twist that the parent block's selector is prepended to the sub-block's selector.</p>
@ -60,7 +61,8 @@ nav ul li{
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
display: inline-block;
<p>Since LASS' <code><a href="#LASS:COMPILE-SHEET">COMPILE-SHEET</a></code> simply takes a bunch of lists as its argument, you can use the backquote and comma to integrate variables from your lisp environment:</p>
@ -71,7 +73,8 @@ nav ul li{
background: #0088EE;
<p>Alternatively however, and this is especially useful in pure LASS files, you can use the <code><a href="">LET</a></code> block to create LASS-specific bindings:</p>
@ -82,7 +85,8 @@ nav ul li{
background: #0088EE;
<p>LASS' selector mechanism is very flexible and allows for some complex logic to reduce duplication:</p>
@ -108,7 +112,8 @@ article p a, article blockquote a{
article p a:hover, article blockquote a:hover{
color: darkred;
<p>But it can go even further:</p>
@ -138,7 +143,8 @@ article p a:hover, article blockquote a:hover{
display: none;
<p>Whoa nelly!</p>
@ -160,7 +166,8 @@ article p a:hover, article blockquote a:hover{
-webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(-45deg);
transform: rotate(-45deg);
<p>LASS also supports the various <code>@QUERY</code> operator blocks:</p>
@ -173,7 +180,8 @@ article p a:hover, article blockquote a:hover{
margin: 0;
<p>By default LASS activates pretty-printing and inserts newlines and spaces where appropriate in order to make the result readable and easy to debug. However, you can also deactivate that and directly produce minified CSS:</p>
@ -183,12 +191,54 @@ article p a:hover, article blockquote a:hover{
:margin 0))))
&quot;@media (max-width: 800px){div{margin:0;}}&quot;</code></pre>
&quot;@media (max-width: 800px){div{margin:0;}}&quot;
<p>As mentioned above you can write pure LASS files to compile down to a CSS file. To do that, simply use <code><a href="#LASS:GENERATE">GENERATE</a></code>:</p>
<p><img src="" alt="generate-example"/></p>
<h2>LASS Selector Syntax</h2>
<p>The following list contains examples for the various uses of selectors.</p>
<li>Any element<br/>
<li>An element with tag-name <code>e</code><br/>
<li>An E element with the <code>:link</code> pseudo-selector<br/>
<code>(:and e :link)</code></li>
<li>The first formatted line of an E element<br/>
<code>(:and e |::first-line|)</code> or <code>(:and e &quot;::first-line&quot;)</code></li>
<li>An E element with a &quot;warning&quot; class<br/>
<li>An E element with ID equal to &quot;warning&quot;<br/>
<code>|e#warning|</code> or <code>&quot;e#warning&quot;</code></li>
<li>An E element with a &quot;foo&quot; attribute<br/>
<li>An E element whose &quot;foo&quot; attribute value is exactly equal to &quot;bar&quot;<br/>
<code>(:and :a (:= foo &quot;bar&quot;))</code></li>
<li>An E element whose &quot;foo&quot; attribute value is a list of whitespace-separated values, one of which is exactly equal to &quot;bar&quot;<br/>
<code>(:and :a (:~= foo &quot;bar&quot;))</code></li>
<li>An E element whose &quot;foo&quot; attribute has a hyphen-separated list of values beginning (from the left) with &quot;bar&quot;<br/>
<code>(:and :a (:/= foo &quot;bar&quot;))</code></li>
<li>An E element whose &quot;foo&quot; attribute value begins exactly with the string &quot;bar&quot;<br/>
<code>(:and :a (:^= foo &quot;bar&quot;))</code></li>
<li>An E element whose &quot;foo&quot; attribute value ends exactly with the string &quot;bar&quot;<br/>
<code>(:and :a (:$= foo &quot;bar&quot;))</code></li>
<li>An E element whose &quot;foo&quot; attribute value contains the substring &quot;bar&quot;<br/>
<code>(:and :a (:*= foo &quot;bar&quot;))</code></li>
<li>An F element preceded by an E element<br/>
<code>(e ~ f)</code></li>
<li>An F element immediately precede by an E element<br/>
<code>(e + f)</code></li>
<li>An F element which is a descendant of E<br/>
<code>(e f)</code></li>
<li>An F element which is a direct descendant of E
<code>(e &gt; f)</code></li>
<h2>Extending LASS</h2>
<p>Pretty much every part of LASS is extensible through methods. Most useful will however probably be the <code><a href="#LASS:DEFINE-SPECIAL-PROPERTY">DEFINE-SPECIAL-PROPERTY</a></code>, <code><a href="#LASS:DEFINE-BROWSER-PROPERTY">DEFINE-BROWSER-PROPERTY</a></code> and <code><a href="#LASS:DEFINE-SPECIAL-SELECTOR">DEFINE-SPECIAL-SELECTOR</a></code> helper-macros. Here's some examples from the <code>SPECIAL.LISP</code> file that defines some standard special handlers:</p>
@ -199,7 +249,8 @@ article p a:hover, article blockquote a:hover{
(<a href="#LASS:DEFINE-BROWSER-PROPERTY">define-browser-property</a> linear-gradient (direction &amp;rest colors)
(:default (property)
(<a href="#LASS:MAKE-PROPERTY">make-property</a> &quot;background&quot; (<a href="">format</a> NIL &quot;~a(~a~{, ~a ~a~})&quot;
property (<a href="#LASS:RESOLVE">resolve</a> direction) (<a href="">mapcar</a> #'resolve colors)))))</code></pre>
property (<a href="#LASS:RESOLVE">resolve</a> direction) (<a href="">mapcar</a> #'resolve colors)))))
<p>For more control, have a look at the various <code>COMPILE-*</code> generic functions.</p>
@ -208,7 +259,8 @@ article p a:hover, article blockquote a:hover{
<p>LASS includes a tiny elisp file, <code>lass.el</code>. Add LASS' directory to your emacs <code>LOAD-PATH</code> and <code><a href="">REQUIRE</a></code> lass.</p>
<pre><code>(add-to-list 'load-path &quot;[path-to-lass-source-dir]/&quot;)
(<a href="">require</a> 'lass)</code></pre>
(<a href="">require</a> 'lass)
<p>Once you visit a <code>.lass</code> file, it will automatically start in the <code>LASS</code> major-mode, which is a derived-mode from <code>COMMON-LISP-MODE</code>. Whenever you save, it will automatically try to compile the lass file to its CSS equivalent. If slime is connected, it will try to quickload LASS and evaluate <code><a href="#LASS:GENERATE">GENERATE</a></code>. If slime is not connected, it instead executes a shell command. In order for that to work, the <a href=""><code>lass</code> binary</a> must be in your path.</p>
@ -220,7 +272,8 @@ article p a:hover, article blockquote a:hover{
<pre><code>(asdf:defsystem my-system
:defsystem-depends-on (:lass)
:components (<a href="#LASS:LASS-FILE">(:lass-file</a> &quot;test-file&quot;)))</code></pre>
:components (<a href="#LASS:LASS-FILE">(:lass-file</a> &quot;test-file&quot;)))
<p>You can also specify an <code>:output</code> argument to a <code><a href="#LASS:LASS-FILE">lass-file</a></code> to specify what the target css file should be.</p>
@ -244,7 +297,7 @@ article p a:hover, article blockquote a:hover{
@ -257,8 +310,8 @@ article p a:hover, article blockquote a:hover{
<h4><a href="#LASS:LASS-FILE">LASS-FILE</a></h4>
<pre>An ASDF source-file component to allow compilation of LASS to CSS in ASDF systems.</pre>
@ -270,7 +323,7 @@ article p a:hover, article blockquote a:hover{
<span>(&amp;REST FORMS)</span>
@ -283,7 +336,7 @@ article p a:hover, article blockquote a:hover{
<h4><a href="#LASS:COMPILE-SHEET">COMPILE-SHEET</a></h4>
<span>(&amp;REST BLOCKS)</span>
@ -298,7 +351,7 @@ together into one list of blocks and properties.</pre>
<h4><a href="#LASS:GENERATE">GENERATE</a></h4>
@ -319,8 +372,8 @@ Returns OUT</pre>
<h4><a href="#LASS:INDENT">INDENT</a></h4>
<pre>Returns a string of the appropriate number of spaces depending on *PRETTY* and *INDENT-LEVEL*</pre>
@ -332,7 +385,7 @@ Returns OUT</pre>
<h4><a href="#LASS:MAKE-BLOCK">MAKE-BLOCK</a></h4>
<span>(SELECTOR VALUES)</span>
@ -345,7 +398,7 @@ Returns OUT</pre>
<h4><a href="#LASS:MAKE-PROPERTY">MAKE-PROPERTY</a></h4>
<span>(PROPERTY &amp;OPTIONAL VALUE)</span>
@ -358,7 +411,7 @@ Returns OUT</pre>
@ -371,7 +424,7 @@ Returns OUT</pre>
<span>(FUNCTION &amp;REST ARGS)</span>
@ -384,7 +437,7 @@ Returns OUT</pre>
<h4><a href="#LASS:WRITE-SHEET">WRITE-SHEET</a></h4>
<span>(SHEET &amp;KEY (STREAM NIL) (PRETTY *PRETTY*))</span>
@ -402,7 +455,7 @@ STREAM can be a STREAM, T for *STANDARD-OUTPUT*, or NIL for a STRING.</pre>
<span>(STREAM BLOCK CP AP)</span>
@ -416,7 +469,7 @@ Calls WRITE-SHEET-OBJECT with (CAR BLOCK) (CDR BLOCK) STREAM.</pre>
<h4><a href="#LASS:COMPILE-BLOCK">COMPILE-BLOCK</a></h4>
<span>(HEADER FIELDS)</span>
@ -447,7 +500,7 @@ See DEFINE-SPECIAL-BLOCK.</pre>
<span>(FUNC ARGS)</span>
@ -483,7 +536,7 @@ See DEFINE-SPECIAL-SELECTOR.</pre>
<span>(KEY VALUE)</span>
@ -509,7 +562,7 @@ See DEFINE-SPECIAL-PROPERTY</pre>
@ -532,7 +585,7 @@ Returns a list with the RESOLVEd SELECTOR.</pre>
<h4><a href="#LASS:CONSUME-ITEM">CONSUME-ITEM</a></h4>
<span>(ITEM READABLE-LIST)</span>
@ -560,7 +613,7 @@ Signals an error.</pre>
<h4><a href="#LASS:RESOLVE">RESOLVE</a></h4>
@ -582,7 +635,7 @@ T: PRINC-TO-STRING of THING</pre>
<span>(TYPE OBJECT STREAM)</span>
@ -607,7 +660,7 @@ if *PRETTY* is non-NIL.</pre>
@ -632,7 +685,7 @@ is used as a fallback.</pre>
@ -654,7 +707,7 @@ for example for when you encounter an item you don't want to read.</pre>
<span>(NAME ARGS &amp;BODY BODY)</span>
@ -678,7 +731,7 @@ to handle the reading of the property values manually.</pre>
@ -699,7 +752,7 @@ You can use (RETURN) in a clause body to stop reading values altogether.</pre>
<span>(NAME ARGS)</span>
@ -713,7 +766,7 @@ Only required arguments are allowed.</pre>
<span>(PROPERTY &amp;REST FUNCSPECS)</span>
@ -731,7 +784,7 @@ See DEFINE-PROPERTY-FUNCTION-CASE.</pre>
@ -744,7 +797,7 @@ See DEFINE-PROPERTY-FUNCTION-CASE.</pre>
<span>(NAME ARGS &amp;BODY BODY)</span>
@ -763,7 +816,7 @@ See COMPILE-BLOCK</pre>
<span>(NAME ARGS &amp;BODY BODY)</span>
@ -781,7 +834,7 @@ See COMPILE-PROPERTY</pre>
<span>(NAME ARGS &amp;BODY BODY)</span>
@ -800,8 +853,8 @@ See COMPILE-CONSTRAINT.</pre>
<h4><a href="#LASS:*INDENT-LEVEL*">*INDENT-LEVEL*</a></h4>
<pre>Directs the current amount of spaces used to indent.</pre>
@ -813,8 +866,8 @@ See COMPILE-CONSTRAINT.</pre>
<h4><a href="#LASS:*PRETTY*">*PRETTY*</a></h4>
<pre>Directs whether to pretty-print using whitespace or not.</pre>
@ -826,8 +879,8 @@ See COMPILE-CONSTRAINT.</pre>
<h4><a href="#LASS:*VARS*">*VARS*</a></h4>
<pre>Special variable containing LASS-environment variables.