Better image/object scaling
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 43 additions and 39 deletions
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
<p>Note that either <strong>.ps</strong> or <strong>.eps</strong> formats are used; use the <code>\epsfig</code> or <code>\psfig</code> commands as appropriate for the different file types.</p>
<object width="25%" height="auto" data="rosette.svg"></object>
<object width="240" height="240" data="rosette.svg"></object>
<figcaption>A sample black and white graphic (.ps format) that has been resized with the <code>psfig</code> command.</figcaption>
@ -537,8 +537,8 @@
<div about="[this:#lsd-analysis]" property="dcterms:description">
<p>Statistical analysis from remote locations can be embedded in local documents, with the possibility to trace its source for further information to foster trust between publishers and consumers. <cite><a href="">Linked Statistical Data Analysis</a></cite> [<a class="ref" href="#ref-22">22</a>] offers a way to run analysis and explore distributed linked statistics, with accompanying provenance data. Figure [<a about="[this:#lsd-analysis]" rel="dcterms:hasPart" resource="[this:#figure-linked-statistical-data-analysis]" href="#figure-linked-statistical-data-analysis">1</a>] is an SVG scatter plot of <a href="">mortality rate and CPI</a> from the World Bank and Transparency International Linked Dataspaces respectively. The figure is embedded in this document by referencing its external object:</p>
<figure class="figure" id="figure-linked-statistical-data-analysis" about="[this:#figure-linked-statistical-data-analysis]" typeof="doco:FigureBox" rel="dcterms:hasPart">
<object id="figure-data-linked-statistical-data-analysis" about="[this:#figure-data-linked-statistical-data-analysis]" typeof="doco:Figure" rel="foaf:depiction" resource="" type="image/svg+xml" data="" width="100%" height="480"><a rel="dcterms:source" href="">Source</a></object>
<figure id="figure-linked-statistical-data-analysis" about="[this:#figure-linked-statistical-data-analysis]" typeof="doco:FigureBox" rel="dcterms:hasPart">
<object id="figure-data-linked-statistical-data-analysis" about="[this:#figure-data-linked-statistical-data-analysis]" typeof="doco:Figure" rel="foaf:depiction" resource="" type="image/svg+xml" data="" width="480" height="480"><a rel="dcterms:source" href="">Source</a></object>
<figcaption about="[this:#figure-label-linked-statistical-data-analysis]" typeof="doco:FigureLabel" property="dcterms:description"><strong>Figure 1</strong>: Linked Statistical Data Analysis.</figcaption>
@ -552,8 +552,8 @@
<div about="[this:#lsd-cube-designer]" property="dcterms:description">
<p><cite><a about="[this:#lsd-cube-designer]" rel="cito:citesAsPotentialSolution" href="">LSD (Linked Statistical Data) Cube Designer</a></cite> is a Web service with an user-interface for researchers to design their own statistical data cubes. The statistical objects that are part of the cube model are derived from and refer to Linked Statistical Dataspaces. It aims to lower the barrier for searching and reusing existing linked statistical components. LSD Cube Designer offers a way for researchers to search for existing cube component concepts from existing statistical linked dataspaces, select most suitable dimensions, measures, and attributes for their data structure and components, and then export the cube’s structural information (in RDF Turtle format). We can interact with this remote application in Figure [<a href="#figure-linked-statistical-data-cube-designer">2</a>]:</p>
<figure class="figure" id="figure-linked-statistical-data-cube-designer">
<object type="text/html" data="" height="480" width="100%"><a rel="dcterms:source" href="">Source</a></object>
<figure id="figure-linked-statistical-data-cube-designer">
<object type="text/html" data=""><a rel="dcterms:source" href="">Source</a></object>
<figcaption><strong>Figure 2</strong>: Linked Statistical Data Cube Designer.</figcaption>
@ -313,9 +313,9 @@
<li>Inclusion of provenance data.</li>
<figure class="figure" id="linked-sdmx-transformation-process">
<figure id="linked-sdmx-transformation-process">
<figcaption><strong>Figure </strong>: Transformation Process</figcaption>
<img type="image/svg+xml" src="linked-sdmx-transformation.svg" width="100%" height="auto"/>
<object type="image/svg+xml" data="linked-sdmx-transformation.svg" width="460" height="175"></object>
@ -577,9 +577,9 @@
<p>Figure [<a href="#linked-sdmx-concept-links">SDMX concept links</a>] gives an overview of the complete connectivity of a concept that's linked internally, externally, and with sdmx-codes where applicable, as well as the interlinking that was done to an external concept.</p>
<figure class="figure" id="linked-sdmx-concept-links">
<p><strong>Figure </strong>: SDMX Concept links</p>
<img type="image/svg+xml" src="linked-sdmx-concept-links.svg" width="100%" height="auto"/>
<figure id="linked-sdmx-concept-links">
<figcaption><strong>Figure </strong>: SDMX Concept links</figcaption>
<object type="image/svg+xml" data="linked-sdmx-concept-links.svg" width="557" height="175"></object>
@ -647,7 +647,7 @@
<section id="dataset-announcement" about="[this:]" rel="dcterms:hasPart">
<h3 about="[this:#dataset-announcement]" property="dcterms:title">Announcing the Datasets</h3>
<div about="[this:#dataset-announcement]" property="dcterms:description">
<p>For other ways for these datasets to be discovered, they are announced at mailing lists, status update services, and at the Data Hub: OECD is at <a href="">data/oecd-linked-data</a>, BFS is at <a href="">dataset/bfs-linked-data</a>, FAO is at <a href="">dataset/fao-linked-data</a>, ECB is at <a href="">dataset/ecb-linked-data</a>, IMF is at <a href="">dataset/imf-linked-data</a>, UIS is at <a href="">dataset/uis-linked-data</a>, FRB is at <a href="">dataset/frb-linked-data</a>, BIS is at <a href="">dataset/bis-linked-data</a>, ABS is at <a href="">dataset/abs-linked-data</a>.</p>
<p>For other ways for these datasets to be discovered, they are announced at mailing lists, status update services, and at the Data Hub: OECD is at <a href="">oecd-linked-data</a>, BFS is at <a href="">bfs-linked-data</a>, FAO is at <a href="">fao-linked-data</a>, ECB is at <a href="">ecb-linked-data</a>, IMF is at <a href="">imf-linked-data</a>, UIS is at <a href="">uis-linked-data</a>, FRB is at <a href="">frb-linked-data</a>, BIS is at <a href="">bis-linked-data</a>, ABS is at <a href="">abs-linked-data</a>.</p>
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
<div about="[this:#lsd-analysis]" property="dcterms:description">
<p>Our analysis platform focuses on two goals: 1) a Web user interface for researchers to compare macrodata observations and to view plots and analysis results, 2) caching and storage of analyses for future research and reuse. Here, we describe the platform at <a href=""></a>. Figure [<a href="#figure_linked-stats-analysis-architecture">1</a>] shows the architecture for Linked Stats Analysis.</p>
<figure class="figure" id="figure_linked-stats-analysis-architecture">
<figure id="figure_linked-stats-analysis-architecture">
<object type="image/svg+xml" width="640" height="415" data="linked-stats-analysis-architecture.svg"></object>
<figcaption><strong>Figure 1</strong>: Linked Stats Analysis Architecture.</figcaption>
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
<div about="[this:#user-interface]" property="dcterms:description">
<p>A web application was created to provide users with a simple interface to conduct regression analysis and display of scatter plots. In the case of regression analysis, the interface presents three drop-down selection areas for the user: an independent variable, a dependent variable, and a time series. Both, the independent and dependent variables are composed of a list of datasets with observations, and time series are composed of reference periods of those observations. Upon selecting and submitting datasets to compare, the interface then presents a scatter plot with a line of best fit from a list of tested linear models. Figure [<a href="">2</a>] shows a screenshot of the user interface. The points in the scatter plot represent locations, in this case countries, which happen to have a measure value for both variables as well as the reference period that was selected by the user. Below the scatter-plot, a table of analysis results is presented.</p>
<figure class="figure" id="">
<figure id="">
<img src="" width="480" height="440" alt=" user interface"/>
<figcaption><strong>Figure 2</strong>: analysis user interface.</figcaption>
@ -178,9 +178,9 @@
<p>In addition to well-formedness, to compare variables from two datasets, there needs to be an agreement on the concepts that are being matched for in respective observations. In the case of regression analysis, the primary concern is about reference areas (i.e. locations), and making sure that the comparison made for the observations from dataset<sub>x</sub> (independent variable) and dataset<sub>y</sub> (dependent variable) are using concepts that are interlinked (using the property <code>skos:exactMatch</code>). Practically, a concept, for example Switzerland, from at least one of the dataset's code lists should have an arc to the other dataset's concept. It ensures that there is a reliable degree of confidence that the particular concept is interchangeable. Hence, the measure corresponding to the phenomenon being observed, is about the same location in both datasets. Concepts in the datasets were interlinked using the <a href="">LInk discovery framework for MEtric Spaces</a> (LIMES) [<a href="#r_23">23</a>]. Figure [<a href="">3</a>] shows outbound interlinks for the datasets at <a href=""></a>.</p>
<figure class="figure" id="">
<figure id="">
<object type="image/svg+xml" width="640" height="480" data=""></object>
<figure><strong>Figure 3</strong>: Outbound interlinks for datasets.</figure>
<figcaption><strong>Figure 3</strong>: Outbound interlinks for datasets.</figcaption>
<p>One additional requirement from the datasets is that the RDF Data Cube component properties (e.g., dimensions, measures) either use <code>sdmx-dimension:refArea</code>, <code>sdmx-dimension:refPeriod</code>, <code>sdmx-measure:obsValue</code> directly or respective sub-properties (<code>rdfs:subPropertyOf</code>). Given decentralized mappings of the statistical datasets (published as SDMX-ML), their commonality is expected to be the use, or a reference to SDMX-RDF properties in order to achieve generalized federated queries without having complete knowledge of the structures of the datasets, but rather only the essential bits.</p>
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
<p>The anatomy of the query is shown in Figure [<a href="#federated-sparql-query">3</a>]. The SPARQL Endpoint and the dataset URIs are the only requirements. The structure of the statements and operations tries to get the most out of <a href="">Apache Jena</a>'s [<a href="#r_32">32</a>] <a href="">TDB</a> storage system [<a href="#r_33">33</a>], <a href="">TDB Optimizer</a> [<a href="#r_34">34</a>] and <a href="">Fuseki</a> [<a href="#r_35">35</a>] SPARQL endpoints. Better performing queries can be achieved by knowing the predicate frequency upfront, and ordering them in for a dataset to avoid processing of false negatives.</p>
<figure class="figure" id="federated-sparql-query">
<figure id="federated-sparql-query">
SELECT DISTINCT ?refAreaY ?x ?y ?identityX ?identityY
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XXX: column-width doesn't seem to get applied in Firefox
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@ -238,11 +238,11 @@
<div class="figure-column-2">
<figure class="figure" id="figure_lsd-sense-worldbank-2012">
<figure id="figure_lsd-sense-worldbank-2012">
<img src="lsd-sense-worldbank-2012.png" width="300" height="300" alt="Figure of scatter plot showing 2012 World Bank indicators with all topics"/>
<figcaption><strong>Figure 1</strong>: 2012 World Bank indicators with all topics</figcaption>
<figure class="figure" id="figure_lsd-sense-worldbank-2012-topic-4">
<figure id="figure_lsd-sense-worldbank-2012-topic-4">
<img src="lsd-sense-worldbank-2012-4.png" width="300" height="300" alt="Figure of scatter plot showing 2012 World Bank indicators with topic education"/>
<figcaption><strong>Figure 2</strong>: 2012 World Bank indicators with topic education.</figcaption>
Reference in a new issue