Update xonotic_config.cfg

This commit is contained in:
Miloslav Číž 2020-09-14 11:36:44 +00:00
parent dd8bdb2d20
commit db6f32f7cc
1 changed files with 1 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -5,13 +5,7 @@
alias pro_mode "r_ambient 32; gl_picmip_world 10; gl_texturecompression 1; cl_simple_items 1; cl_reticle 0; cl_zoomspeed -1; cl_bobfall 0; cl_bobmodel 0; cl_bobup 0; cl_deathscoreboard 0; cl_gentle_gibs 1; cl_particles_alpha 0.2; cl_particles_sparks 0; cl_particles_blood 0; r_coronas 0; r_bloom 0; r_dynamic 0; cl_particles_blood 0; cl_particles_collisions 0; cl_particles_smoke 0; hud_shownames_status 0; hud_shownames_offset 70; gl_lightmaps 0; r_glsl_deluxemapping 0; cl_decals 0; gl_picmip_other 3; gl_texture_anisotropy 0; r_mipnormals 0; r_sky 0; r_warpwater 0; r_shadow_gloss 0; cl_viewmodel_alpha 0.2; vid_restart;"
alias lq_mode "r_ambient 32; gl_picmip_world 10; gl_texturecompression 1; cl_simple_items 1; cl_reticle 0; cl_zooms
bobfall 0; cl_bobmodel 0; cl_bobup 0; cl_deathscoreboard 0; cl_gentle_gibs 1; cl_particles_alpha 0; cl_particles_sp
articles_blood 0; r_coronas 0; r_bloom 0; r_dynamic 0; cl_particles_blood 0; cl_particles_collisions 0; cl_particle
ud_shownames_status 0; hud_shownames_offset 70; gl_lightmaps 0; r_glsl_deluxemapping 0; cl_decals 0; gl_picmip_othe
ture_anisotropy 0; r_mipnormals 0; r_sky 0; r_warpwater 0; r_shadow_gloss 0; r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_dlightpart
er 0; r_deformvertexes 0; r_lerplightstyles 0; r_lerpsprites 0; cl_stainmaps 1; showfps 1; r_fullbright 1; cl_loddi
l_loddistance2 0; cl_modeldetailreduction 10; cl_playerdetailreduction 10; vid_restart;"
alias lq_mode "r_ambient 32; gl_picmip_world 10; gl_texturecompression 1; cl_simple_items 1; cl_reticle 0; cl_zooms bobfall 0; cl_bobmodel 0; cl_bobup 0; cl_deathscoreboard 0; cl_gentle_gibs 1; cl_particles_alpha 0; cl_particles_sparticles_blood 0; r_coronas 0; r_bloom 0; r_dynamic 0; cl_particles_blood 0; cl_particles_collisions 0; cl_particleud_shownames_status 0; hud_shownames_offset 70; gl_lightmaps 0; r_glsl_deluxemapping 0; cl_decals 0; gl_picmip_otheture_anisotropy 0; r_mipnormals 0; r_sky 0; r_warpwater 0; r_shadow_gloss 0; r_shadow_bouncegrid_dynamic_dlightparter 0;r_deformvertexes 0; r_lerplightstyles 0; r_lerpsprites 0; cl_stainmaps 1; showfps 1; r_fullbright 1; cl_loddil_loddistance2 0; cl_modeldetailreduction 10; cl_playerdetailreduction 10; vid_restart;"
alias half_pro_mode "cl_reticle 0; cl_zoomspeed -1; cl_bobfall 0; cl_bobmodel 0; cl_bobup 0; cl_deathscoreboard 0; cl_gentle_gibs 1; cl_particles_alpha 0.2; cl_particles_sparks 0; cl_particles_blood 0; r_coronas 0; r_bloom 0; cl_particles_blood 0; cl_particles_collisions 0; cl_particles_smoke 0; hud_shownames_status 0; hud_shownames_offset 70; cl_decals 0; r_shadow_gloss 0; vid_restart;"