Irrlicht engine cheatsheet suited to my personal needs, not complete yet. REFERENCE: very well documented COMPILING: #include g++ -o main main.cpp -lIrrlicht # linking ARCHITECTURE, BASICS: - create scene nodes only via scene maneger (ISceneManager) - call drop() on objects created with methods starting with create (e.g. createFlyCircleAnimator), but not others (e.g. addSphereSceneNode) Y Z rotation: around X (going down), around Y (going right), around Z | / |/__X namespaces: irr core scene video io gui Phong (per-pixel) shading is sadly only possible with EMT_NORMAL_MAP_SOLID, EMT_PARALLAX_MAP_SOLID or custom shaders. CLASSES, TYPES, FUNCTIONS: IrrlichtDevice *irr::createDevice(driv,res,...) creates device with given driver (video::EDT_OPENGL, ...), size etc. TN numeric types, T is c/f/s/u (char/float/signed/unsigned), N is 8/16/32/64 irr::core::vectorXdT vector, X is 2/3, T is f/i (float/int) vec...(x,y,z) constructor, creates a new vector X Y Z vector components (members, not functions) vec... crossProduct(vec...) cross product T dotProduct(vec...) dot product bool equals(vec...,tolerance) check for equality within some error void getAsNValues(T *array) get the vector values into array, N is 3/4 T getDistanceFrom(vec...) get distance from another vector T getLength() get length of the vector vec... invert() inverts the vector vec... normalize() normalizes the vector (makes the length to be equal to 1) irr::core::matrix4 4x4 matrix, for transformations etc. [i] linear access to matrix elements double *pointer() gets pointer to internal array irr::core::aabboc3d axis-aligned bounding box irr::core::list templated list bool empty() check if the list is empty iterator begin() get list start iterator irr::core::iterator iterator -> * access the item irr::core::dimension2d represents width and height couple width height size, members irr::core::rect rectangle rect(x,y,x2,y2) constructor, make new rectangle position2d getCenter() get rectangle center dimension2d getSize() get the rectangle width and height T getHeight() get height T getWidth() get width irr::video::SMaterial holds material parameters for renderer SMaterial() constructor, creates white, lit material bool getFlag(flag) get binary material flag (EMF_WIREFRAME, EMF_POINTCLOUD, EMF_LIGHTING, EMF_BACK_FACE_CULLING, EMF_FOG_ENABLE, ...) bool isTransparent() check if the material is transparent void setFlag(flag,bool) set material flag (EMF_WIREFRAME, EMF_POINTCLOUD, EMF_LIGHTING, EMF_BACK_FACE_CULLING, EMF_FOG_ENABLE, ...) void setTexture(i,tex) set ith texture void setTextureMatrix(i,matrix) set ith texture transformation matrix SColor AmbientColor material ambient color SColor DiffuseColor material diffuse color SColor EmissiveColor material light emissive color SColor SpecularColor material specular color double Shininess material shininess double Thickness thickness for line and point rendering irr::IReferenceCounted object whose references are counted | bool drop() decrease reference count and delete if it is 0 (only call if you yourself called grab() or create...() function) | int getReferenceCount() get number of references | void grab() increase reference count, call if you need the object for some time | \_irr::IrrlichtDevice device that displays the graphics | ICursorControl *getCursorControl() get cursor control object to work with cursor (hide, move, ...) | bool isWindowActive() check if the window is active (can be checked in main loop etc.) | bool run() performs a step of device run, increments timer etc., this should be in the main loop condition | void setWindowCaption(caption) set the window caption | void setResizable(bool) set whether the window should be resizable | void sleep(int ms) sleep for given time | IVideoDriver* getVideoDriver() gets the video driver | ISceneManager* getSceneManager() get the scene manager | IGUIEnvironment* getGUIEnvironment() get the GUI environment | \_irr::video::IVideoDriver abstract driver for low-level drawing on some backend (OpenGL, DirectX, SW, ...) | bool beginScene(...) has to be called before start of scene rendering | void draw3DTriangle(...) draw 3D triangle | bool endScene() has to be called after the scene has been rendered | int getFPS() gets current FPS | void makeNormalMapTexture(tex) makes normal map from heightmap, stores it in the alpha channel of the source texture | \_irr::gui::IGUIEnvironment GUI manager, kind of 2D scene graph of IGUIElement objects | IGUIButton *addButton(rect,par*) creates and inserts a new button, return pointer to the new button | void clear() remove all elements from the environment | void drawAll() draws all GUI elements | IGUIFont *getBuiltinFont() get the pointer to the built-in font | IGUIElement *getHovered() get the element that was last under the cursor | IGUIElement *getRootGUIElement() get the root GUI element | IGUISkin *getSkin() get the current GUI skin | void setSkin(IGUISkin *skin) set the new GUI skin | \_irr::video::ITexture represents a texture | hasAlpha() checks is alpha channel is present | \_irr::scene::ISceneManager manages a single scene, including resources | IAnimatedMeshSceneNode *addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(mesh*,par*) create and add a new animated node from existing anim. mesh, returns its pointer, don't drop the node | IBillboardSceneNode *addBillboardSceneNode(par*) create and add a new billboard node, returns its pointer, don't drop the node | ICameraSceneNode *addCameraSceneNode(par*) create and add a new camera to the scene and set it as active, don't drop it | ICameraSceneNode *addCameraSceneNodeFPS(par*,rotSp,movSp,id, create and add a new FPS game-like camera controlled with mouse + keyboard | keymap,noVert,jumpSp,invert) | ICameraSceneNode *addCameraSceneNodeMaya(par*,rotSp,zoomSp, create and add a new Maya-like camera controlled with mouse + keyboard | movSp,id,dist) | IMeshSceneNode *addCubeSceneNode(size,par*) create and add a new cube scene node, returns pointer to it, don't drop the node | ISceneNode *addEmptySceneNode(par*) create and add a new empty scene node (good for grouping nodes together) | ILightSceneNode *addLightSceneNode(par*,pos,color,radius) create and add a new light scene node, don't drop the node | IMeshSceneNode *addMeshSceneNode(mesh*,par*,pos) create and add a new mesh node from existing mesh, returns its pointer, don't drop the node | IMeshSceneNode *addOctreeSceneNode(mesh*,par*) create and add a new (even animated) mesh node with octree (good for big level meshes etc.) | IParticleSystemSceneNode *addParticleSystemSceneNode(...) create and add new particle system scene node, don't drop the node | ISceneNode *addSkyBoxSceneNode(texTop,texBottom,...,par*) create skybox (cube around camera) scene node from 6 textures | ISceneNode *addSkyDomeSceneNode(tex) create skydome (sphere around camera) scene node from a texture | IMeshSceneNode *addSphereSceneNode(radius,polycount,par*) create and add a new sphere scene node, returns pointer to it, don't drop the node | IAnimatedMesh *addTerrainMesh(meshPath,tex,heightm,siz,height) create and add a new terrain scene node, don't drop the node | ISCeneNode *addWaterSurfaceSceneNode(...) create and add a new animated water surface scene node | ...* createCollisionResponseAnimator(world*,node*,...) create a new ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse object | ISceneNodeAnimator *createDeleteAnimator(int timeMs) create a new animator that deletes a node after given time, DO drop after use | ISceneNodeAnimator *createFlyCircleAnimator(cent,rad,speed) create a new animator that flies a node in circle, DO drop after use | ISceneNodeAnimator *createFlyStraightAnimator(s,e,time,loop) create a new animator that flies a node from start (s) point to end (e) point, DO drop after use | ISceneNodeAnimator *createFollowSplineAnimator(...) create a new animator that flies a node along spline defined by points, DO drop adter use | ITriangleSelector *createOctreeTriangleSelector(mesh*,node*) create a new ITriangleSelector object which selects triangles in optimized way with octrees, DO drop after use | ISceneNodeAnimator *createRotationAnimator(vector3df speed) create a new animator that rotates a node, DO drop after use | ITriangleSelector *createTerrainTriangleSelector(ternode*) create a new ITriangleSelector object that selects triangles from terrain node, DO drop after use | ISceneNodeAnimator *createTextureAnimator(textures,interval) create a new animator that switches node textures in given time interval, DO drop after use | drawAll() draw the whole scene, call this in the main loop | ICameraSceneNode *getActiveCamera() get the scene active camera | SColorf getAmbientLight() get scene ambient light color | IAnimatedMesh *getMesh(string filename) get pointer to animatable mesh, loads it from file if needed | ISceneNode *getRootSceneNode() get the scene root node | IMeshManipulator* getMeshManipulator() get mesh manipulator for operations on geometry | ISceneNode *getSceneNodeFromId(int id) get scene node with given ID | ISceneNode *getSceneNodeFromName(name) get the first found node with given name | bool saveScene(filename) save the scene to file | bool loadScene(filename) load the scene from given file | void setActiveCamera(ICameraSceneNode *camera) set given camera node as active | void setAmbientLight(SColorf color) set the scene ambient color | \_irr::scene::IMeshManipulator can perform various useful operations on meshes | SMesh *createMeshCopy(IMesh *mesh) creates a copy of given mesh | IMesh *createMeshWelded(mesh*,err) creates a copy of given mesh with welded vertices (nearby vertices within err are merged) | void flipSurfaces(mesh*) flips triangles of given mesh | int getPolyCount(mesh*) count mesh polygons | void makePlanarTextureMapping(m*) create texture coordinates for given mesh using planar mapping | void recalculateNormals(m*,smooth) recalculates all mesh normals | void scale(mesh*, vector3df) scales given mesh | void scaleTCoords(mesh*,vector2df) scales mesh texture coords | void transform(mesh*,matrix4) apply transform to given mesh | \_irr::scene::IMesh holds object geometry | | aabbox3d getBoundingBox() get an axis-aligned bounding box of the mesh | | | \_irr::scene::SMesh static (non-animated) mesh | | | \_irr::scene::IAnimatedMesh animated mesh | double getAnimationSpeed() get the animation speed as FPS | int getFrameCount() get the number of frames | IMesh *getMesh(frame) get IMesh interface for given frame of animation | \_io::IAttributeExchangingObject object whose attributes can be (de)serialized (from) to Attributes object | void deserializeAttributes(atts*) read attributes of the object | void serializeAttributes(atts*) save attributes of the object | \_irr::gui::IGUIElement base class of GUI elements (buttons, checkboxes etc.) | void addChild(child *) add child element | bool bringToFront(element *) brings a child element to front | void draw() draw the element and its children | rect getAbsolutePosition() get the absolute position | list getChildren() get the element children | int getID() get the unique integer ID | IGUIElement *getParent() get the element parent | rect getRelativePosition() get relative element position | wchar *getText() get the element caption | bool isVisible() check if the element is visible | bool isEnabled() check if the element is enabled | void remove() remove this element from its parent | void removeChild(child *) remove given child | void setEnabled(bool) enable or disable the element | void setRelativePosition(rect) set the element relative position | void setText(text) set the element caption | void setVisible(bool) show or hide the element | \_irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimator can be attached to scene nodes to automatically animated them in some way | | void animateNode(node *,int ms) animates given scene node | | bool hasFinished() check if the animator is finished | | bool onEvent(SEvent event) reimplement this to make the object react to mouse/keyboard events | | | \_irr::scene::ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse makes the node detect and react to collisions (setPosition() is considered movement) | bool collisionOccurred() check if there was a collision | bool isFalling() check if the node is falling | vector3df getGravity() get gravity vector | void jump(double speed) make the node jump | void setAnimateTarget(bool) set whether the node should raect to collision (true by default) | void setCollisionCallback(cb*) set a function to call on collision | void setEllipsoidRadius(vec) set the collision elipsoid raidus | void setEllipsoidTranslation(vec) set the collision elipsoid translation | void setGravity(vector3df) set the gravity vector | void setWorld(TriangleSelector *) set triangle selector to detect collisions | \_irr::scene::ISceneNode scene node class, can have children | ISceneNode(parent *,scene_mgr *) constructor, creates a new node | void addAnimator(anim *) adds animator which will animate this node | void addChild(ISceneNode child*) adds child | ISceneNode *clone() creates a clone of the node and its children | vector3df getAbsolutePosition() get absolute position in world coordinates | list<...> getAnimators() get list of the node animators | aabbox3d getBoundingBox() gets non-transformed, axis-aligned bounding box of the node | list getChildren() gets the list of node children | int getID() gets the node unique integer ID | SMaterial getMaterial(i) get the ith material of the node (i starts with 0) | int getMaterialCount() get the number of materials the node has | char *getName() get the node name | ISCeneNode *getParent() get the node parent | vector3df getPosition() get the node position (relative to parent) | vector3df getRotation() get the node rotation (relative to parent) in degrees | vector3df getScale() get the node scale (relative to parent) | ISceneManager *getSceneManager() get the scene manager associated with the node | bool isTrulyVisible() checks if the node is visible, taking into account the parents' visibility | void onAnimate(double timeMs) this is called just before rendering the whole scene | void remove() removes the node from the scene | void removeAll() removes all children of this node | void removeAnimators() removes all animators from the node | void removeChild(child *) remove given child from the node | void render() draw the node | void setID(int id) set ID of the node, IDs are set automatically, no need to call this | void setMaterialFlag(flag, bool val) set given flag of all the node materials to given value (backface culling, lighting, mipmap, ...) | void setMaterialTexture(int layer, tex*) set texture for all the node materials | void setMaterialType(type) set type of all the node materials (solid, 2layered, lightmap, transparent, ...) | void setName(name) set the node name | void setParent(parent *) set the new node parent | void setPosition(vector3df new) set the new node position (relative to parent) | void setRotation(vector3df new) set the new node rotation (relative to parent) in degrees | void setScale(vector3df new) set the new node scale (relative to parent) | void setVisible(bool isVisible) set whether the node will be visible (affects children) | void setTriangleSelector(sel *) set triangle selector for the node | \_irr::scene::IMeshSceneNode scene node displaying a static mesh | IMesh *getMesh() get the mesh associated with the node | void setMesh(IMesh *mesh) set mesh for the node | \_irr::scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode scene node that is animated | double getAnimationSpeed() get the animation speed (in fps) | int getEndFrame() get the last frame number | int getFrameNr() get the current frame number | IAnimatedMesh *getMesh() get the mesh associated with the node | void setAnimationSpeed(double fps) set the animation speed | void setCurrentFrame(double) set the current frame number | void setFrameLoop(double s, double e) set the range of the animation loop as frame numbers (from s to e) | void setLoopMode(bool doLoop) set animation looping | void setMesh(IAnimatedMesh *mesh) set the animated mesh for the node | \_irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode scene node representing a camera | void bindTargetAndRotation(bool) bind the camera rotation to the target set with setTarget() | double getAspectRatio() get the aspect ratio | double getFarValue() get the projection far value | double getFOV() get the field of view | double getNearValue() get the projection near value | matrix getProjectionMatrix() get the matrix used for the projection | vector3df getUpVector() get vector pointing up from the camera point of view | bool onEvent(SEvent event) reimplement this to make the camera react to mouse/keyboard events, also call setInputReceiverEnabled() | void setFOV(double fov) set the field of view value | void setInputReceiverEnabled(bool) enable/disable the receiving of input events | void setTarget(vector3df pos) set given position as the camera look at target | setUpVector(vec3 up) set given direction as the camera up vector | \_irr::scene::ILightSceneNode dynamic light (turn on/off by setting visibility) | void enableCastShadow(bool) enable/disable casting shadows, shadow nodes are additionally needed for shadows to work | E_LIGHT_TYPE getLightType() get the light type (ELT_POINT, ELT_SPOT, ELT_DIRECTIONAL) | double getRadius() get the light radius | void setLightData(SLight data) set the light data (color, falloff, ...) with SLight struct | void setLightType(type) set the light type (ELT_POINT, ELT_SPOT, ELT_DIRECTIONAL) | setRadius(float) set the light radius, further objects won't be affected | setVisible(bool) set light visibility (turns it on/off) | \_irr::scene::IBillboardSceneNode billboard scene node (rotates itself towards camera at all times) | \_irr::scene::ITerrainSceneNode terrain supporting heightmaps, LOD etc.