quantum physics --------------- Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: An inequality stating that certain pairs of quntities, e.g. particle position and its momentum, can't be known completely precisely at the same time: dx * dp >= h / (2 * pi) ^ ^ | | | momentum uncertainty | position uncertainty This relationship appears also outside quntum physics and is a fundamental mathematical consequence: e.g. when making an audio spectrogram, the frequency and time (quantity pair) are in similar relationship: to compute frequencies more precisely, we have to span over a bigger time window, knowing less about where exactly that frequency appears. This also appears in Fourier transform: a signal localised in short time span has a wide spanning spectrum (less info about frequencies) and vice versa, a signal spanning wider time has a more precisely localized spectrum. Since particles are waves (of probability where we'll find them), this similarly applies to them: a particle with more spatially spread probability of its location has more precisely defined momentum and vice versa. Entanglement: When a property of one particle depends on another particle while being spatially separated. E.g. decay of some particles creates a pair of entagled particles A and B whose net spin has to be zero, i.e. one has to have up spin and the other one down. We can't know which one until we make a measurement -- if we e.g. measure A to have up spin, measurement of B will then give down spin even if they are very far away and the information couldn't have travelled there faster than light. This however cannot be used to transfer information faster than light. This seems like an instant interaction at distance by some interpretations, but can be explained by the hidden variable theory: it is randomly decided which particle has the up/down spin right after the decay and each particle carries this hidden information with it, not requiring any communication at distance. Similar "communication at distance" situation can happen even without entanglement. E.g.: the position of a particle is randomly spread throughout some space -- now given positions A and B within this space, if we detect the particle presence at A, it is instantly decided it cannot be detected at B, even if light couldn't have travelled there by the time measurement is performed. Interpretations: fundamental interactions (forces) --------------------------------- scale discreet (quanta of particles)? 1. gravitational force big (planetary) no, curvature of spactime 2. electromagnetic force big (human and bigger) yes 3. strong interaction atomic yes (gluon) 4. weak interaction atomic yes (W and Z bossons) particles --------- -particles: - elementary: not made of other particles, properties: - mass: how much energy takes to accelerate - charge: 1, -1 or 0 - spin: 1 or 1/2 - fermions: building block of mass, have half integer spin (1/2, 3/2, 5/2, ...) - quarks: - normal - UP - DOWN - TOP - BOTTOM - CHARM - STRANGE - antiquarks - UP - DOWN - TOP - BOTTOM - CHARM - STRANGE - leptons: spin 1/2, not affected by strong force - normal: - ELECTRON - anti leptons: - ANTIELECTRON (POSITRON) ... anti version of every normal lepton - bosons: carry forces, integer spin (1, 2, 3, ...) - gauge: - scalar: - HIGGS BOSON: creates Higgs field (the only scalar field, i.e. has no direction, plus is constant in vacuum) - composite: made of multiple fundamental ones - hadrons: made of quarks, e.g. protons and neutrons ________________________________________ | | | | | | symb | mass (MeV/c2) | charge (e) | spin | note _______________________________________________________________________________________________________|======|===============|============|======|====== | | | | UP QUARK | u | 2.2 | 2/3 | FERMIONS | QUARKS | NORMAL | DOWN QUARK | d | 4.6 | -1/3 | | | | TOP QUARK | t | 173100 | 2/3 | building block of mass, | | | BOTTOM QUARK | b | 4180 | -1/3 | half integer spin | | | CHARM QUAKR | c | 1280 | 2/3 | (1/2, 1/3, ...) | | | STRANGE QUARK | s | 96 | -1/3 | | |______________|_____________________________________|______|_______________|___________ | | | | UP ANTIQUARK | ^u | 2.2 | | | | ANTIQUARKS | DOWN ANTIQUARK | ^d | 4.6 | | | | | TOP ANTIQUARK | ^t | 173100 | | | | | BOTTOM ANTIQUARK | ^b | 4180 | | | | | CHARM ANTIQUARK | ^c | 1280 | | | | | STRANGE ANTIQUARK | ^s | 96 | | |________________________|______________|_____________________________________|______|_______________|__________ | | | | | ELECTRON | e- | 0.5 | -1 | | LEPTONS | NORMAL | NORMAL | MUON | U- | 105 | -1 | | | | | TAU | T- | 1776 | -1 | | | |___________|_________________________|______|_______________|__________ | | | | | ELECTRON NEUTRINO | v_e | 0.0000022 | | | | | NEUTRINOS | MUON NEUTRINO | v_U | 0.17 | | | | | | TAU NEUTRINO | v_T | 15 | | | |______________|___________|_________________________|______|_______________| | | | | | ANTIELECTRON (POSITRON) | e+ | 0.5 | | | | ATILEPTONS | NORMAL | ANTIMUON | U+ | 105 | | | | | | ANTITAU | T+ | 1776 | | | | |___________|_________________________|______|_______________| | | | | | ELECTRON ANTINEUTRINO | ^v_e | 0.0000022 | | | | | NEUTRINOS | MUON ANTINEUTRINO | ^v_U | 0.17 | | | | | | TAU ANTINEUTRINO | ^v_T | 15 | |_________________________|________________________|______________|___________|_________________________|______|_______________| | | | | PHOTONO | y | 0 | | BOSONS | GAUGE | NORAML | GRAVITON | G | 0 | | | |______________|_____________________________________|______|_______________| | | | | W+ BOSON | W+ | 80385 | | | | WEAK FORCE | W- BOSON | W- | 80385 | | | | | Z BOSON | Z | 911875 | | | |______________|_____________________________________|______|_______________| | | | | COLOR 1 GLUON | g ...| 0 | | | | GLUONS | COLOR 2 GLUON | g ...| 0 | | | | (STRONG | COLOR 3 GLUON | g ...| 0 | | | | FORCE) | COLOR 4 GLUON | g ...| 0 | | | | | COLOR 5 GLUON | g ...| 0 | | | | | COLOR 6 GLUON | g ...| 0 | | | | | COLOR 7 GLUON | g ...| 0 | | | | | COLOR 8 GLUON | g ...| 0 | | |________________________|______________|_____________________________________|______|_______________| | | | HIGGS BOSON | H0 | 125 | | | SCALAR | | | | | | create scalar (no | | | | | | direction) felds | | | | |_________________________|________________________|____________________________________________________|______|_______________|