drummyfish-s_based--data--/public domain essentials.txt

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Copyright is so fucked up that you can't create public domain resources because
all the very basic building blocks are copyrighted, even if freely licensed.
This is a list of some nice essential public domain building-block resources that
I have found.
dotcolon fonts: professional fonts, all CC0, site is in Japanese, http://dotcolon.net/
Aileron: many variants, includes Czech accents, http://dotcolon.net/font/aileron/
Medio: nice serif, one variant, no Czech glyps, http://dotcolon.net/font/medio/
Vegur: https://dotcolon.net/font/vegur/
Penna: https://dotcolon.net/font/penna/
Seshat: https://dotcolon.net/font/seshat/
Ferrum: https://dotcolon.net/font/ferrum/
Eunomia (old): https://dotcolon.net/font/eunomia/
Tenderness (old): https://dotcolon.net/font/tenderness/
GirlsAreDumb: fixed-size font, CC0, Czech glyphs, https://gitlab.com/drummyfish/fonts
Mr Henry: beautiful professionally looking CC0 sans-serif, has Czech glyphs, https://github.com/nickdaze/mr-henry
unscii: monospace Unicode fonts, with Czech accents, all except one variant are in PD, http://pelulamu.net/unscii/
CC0 on fontlibrary.org there is a few CC0 fonts, https://fontlibrary.org/en/search?license=CC-0&order=
Kenney: game oriented, simple, only a few glyphs, https://kenney.nl/assets/kenney-fonts
monogram: monospace pixel font (for games), https://datagoblin.itch.io/monogram
PETSCII dont: CC0 bitmap TTF font, https://github.com/josefnpat/cc0-custom-fonts/tree/master/PETSCII%20Commodore
drummyfish's fonts basic bitmap fonts, from moderate size to extremely small, https://opengameart.org/content/1bit-graphics-collection
RKHive Unison: small, reasonable quality, http://rkhive.com/banks.html
RKHive Masterpiece: small, reasonable quality, http://rkhive.com/banks.html
DSoundFont: big, https://sites.google.com/site/strixsoundfont/home
VSCO CE: orchestral, https://vis.versilstudios.com/vsco-community.html
PALETTES (set of colors is not copyrightable, but rendering in an image can be)
256 drummyfish: general, HSL-based, computed, https://gitlab.com/drummyfish/palette
256 drummyfish 2: improved, https://gitlab.com/drummyfish/palette2
mapkeyicons: quality but not very big CC0 icon font, http://mapkeyicons.com/