drummyfish-s_based--data--/cheatsheets/gdscript cheatsheet.md

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work in progress


Comparison with Python

Only the differences between the languages are mentioned.

feature/construct Python GDScript
garbage collection yes no (only reference counting)
1st class citizen functions yes no (possible: o.call("func_name",[]))
exceptions try and except keywords no
built-in types basic:
bool, int, float, complex, str
list, dict, tuple, set, ...
null, bool, int, float, String
Array, Dictionary, PoolByteArray, ...
Vector2, Vector3, Rect2, Transform2D,Transform, Basis, Quat, AABB
Color, NodePath, RID, Object
basic constants None, True, False null, true, false
constructor name __init__ _init
module importing import keyword preload keyword
self variable only in class functions, has to be an explicit argument (e.g. __init__(self)) is always implicitly present (in non-static functions)
variable definition x = 5 var x = 5
or to assign when the node is ready:
onready var x = 5
or to export to GUI interface and save:
export var x = 5
call superclass method super(SelfClass,self).method() .method()
enumerations enum.Enum class enum MyEnum {C1, C2, C3} (syntactic sugar for constants)
π math.pi PI
τ = 2π no TAU
math.inf or float("inf") INF
not a number float("nan"), math.isnan(x) NAN
is keyword test for identity test for (sub)class
setters/getters @property and @x.setter decorators var x = 5 setget x_setter, x_getter
switch/case no match expression:
code # no break!
default code # no break!
signals no declare: signal sig(a,b)
coroutines no yield and resume keywords

Script template

# here there can possibly be the "tool" keyword

# The script is a class, so it has to inherits from something:
extends ClassName     # ClassName = class or subclass of the node the script is attached to

# class variables go here, e.g.:
# var memberVar = 5
# const MEMBER_CONST = 10

func _init():
    # constructor, called when the object is initialised 
func _ready():
    # called when the node is added to scene
#func _process(delta):
#    # called each frame
#    pass