Add "Friendly Command Names" section.

user202729 2020-09-25 11:36:58 +07:00
parent 46c429caa8
commit 82e375ac12

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ This page contains an explanation for the syntax used in Plover's dictionaries,
- [Lowercase Last Word](#lowercase-last-word)
- [Canceling Formatting of Next Word](#canceling-formatting-of-next-word)
- [Format Currency](#format-currency)
- [Friendly Command Names](#friendly-command-names)
- [Undoable Line Breaks and Tabs](#undoable-line-breaks-and-tabs)
- [Macros](#macros)
- [Undo / Delete Last Stroke](#undo--delete-last-stroke)
@ -256,6 +257,35 @@ There is a built-in meta in Plover that allows you to format the last-written nu
Here are some other currency symbols, in case you need to copy-paste them into your entries: £, ¥, €, $, ₩, ¢
## Friendly Command Names
In a sufficiently-new Plover version, it's possible to use friendly names for some commands/metas.
For detailed descriptions of the commands, see the other sections.
| Meta | Equivalent |
| `{^}` | `{:attach}` |
| `{^word}` | `{:attach:^word}` |
| `{word^}` | `{:attach:word^}` |
| `{^word^}` | `{:attach:word}` |
| `{&a}` | `{:glue:a}` |
| `{-\|}` | `{:case:cap_first_word}` |
| `{*-\|}` | `{:retro_case:cap_first_word}` |
| `{~\|word}` | `{:carry_capitalize:word}` |
| `{<}` | `{:case:upper_first_word}` |
| `{*<}` | `{:retro_case:upper_first_word}` |
| `{>}` | `{:case:lower_first_char}` |
| `{*>}` | `{:retro_case:lower_first_char}` |
| `{*($c)}` | `{:retro_currency:$c}` |
| `{#shift(a)}` | `{:key_combo:shift(a)}` |
| `{PLOVER:LOOKUP}` | `{:command:LOOKUP}` |
| `{MODE:CAPS}` | `{:mode:CAPS}` |
| `{.}` | `{:stop:.}` |
| `{,}` | `{:comma:,}` |
Note that currently the `{#a}` form will be interpreted literally in the "Strokes" text box of the Plover "Add Translation" dialog box, however entering a stroke mapped to `{:key_combo:a}` will enter the raw stroke into the text box.
## Undoable Line Breaks and Tabs
When you use [keyboard shortcuts](#keyboard-shortcuts), the asterisk/undo command on Plover will not have any effect. This is a limitation imposed by the fact that most commands will not have a meaningful undo. For example, you wouldn't "undo" a "copy" command. For this reason, `{#return}` and `{#tab}` don't work how many users would expect.