
141 lines
3.7 KiB

#include "doctest.h"
#include "Entity.hpp"
#include "Utils.hpp"
#include "Math.hpp"
#include "Audio.hpp"
#include "Values.hpp"
#include "Logger.hpp"
#include "Renderwindow.hpp"
CHECK_NOTHROW(Birb::Debug::Log("Log (this is only a test)"));
CHECK_NOTHROW(Birb::Debug::Log("Log (this is only a test)", Birb::Debug::log));
CHECK_NOTHROW(Birb::Debug::Log("Warning (this is only a test)", Birb::Debug::warning));
CHECK_NOTHROW(Birb::Debug::Log("Error (this is only a test)", Birb::Debug::error));
TEST_CASE("window and rendering functions")
Birb::Window window("Title", Birb::Vector2int(1280, 720), 60);
SDL_Texture* texture = Birb::Resources::LoadTexture("/home/toasterbirb/git/birb2d/res/textures/giga_stretch.png");
TTF_Font* font = Birb::Resources::LoadFont("/home/toasterbirb/git/birb2d/res/fonts/freefont/FreeMonoBold.ttf", 32);
CHECK(window.win_title == "Title");
CHECK(window.window_dimensions.x == 1280);
CHECK(window.window_dimensions.y == 720);
CHECK(window.refresh_rate == 60);
CHECK(window.renderer != NULL);
CHECK(texture != nullptr);
CHECK(font != nullptr);
// ### Math stuff and other utilities ###
TEST_CASE("Default Vector2f")
Birb::Vector2f vector;
CHECK(vector.x == 0);
CHECK(vector.y == 0);
TEST_CASE("Vector2f with arguments")
CHECK(Birb::Vector2f(1, 4).x == 1);
CHECK(Birb::Vector2f(1, 4).y == 4);
CHECK(Birb::Vector2f(1.53f, 5.21f).x == 1.53f);
CHECK(Birb::Vector2f(1.53f, 5.21f).y == 5.21f);
TEST_CASE("Default Vector2int")
Birb::Vector2int vector;
CHECK(vector.x == 0);
CHECK(vector.y == 0);
TEST_CASE("Vector2int with arguments")
CHECK(Birb::Vector2int(1, 4).x == 1);
CHECK(Birb::Vector2int(1, 4).y == 4);
CHECK(Birb::Vector2int(1.53f, 5.21f).x == 2);
CHECK(Birb::Vector2int(1.53f, 5.21f).y == 5);
TEST_CASE("Default Vector3f")
Birb::Vector3f vector;
CHECK(vector.x == 0);
CHECK(vector.y == 0);
CHECK(vector.z == 0);
TEST_CASE("Vector3f with arguments")
CHECK(Birb::Vector3f(1, 4, 2).x == 1);
CHECK(Birb::Vector3f(1, 4, 2).y == 4);
CHECK(Birb::Vector3f(1, 4, 2).z == 2);
CHECK(Birb::Vector3f(1.53f, 5.21f, 2.45f).x == 1.53f);
CHECK(Birb::Vector3f(1.53f, 5.21f, 2.45f).y == 5.21f);
CHECK(Birb::Vector3f(1.53f, 5.21f, 2.45f).z == 2.45f);
TEST_CASE("Default Vector3int")
Birb::Vector3int vector;
CHECK(vector.x == 0);
CHECK(vector.y == 0);
CHECK(vector.z == 0);
TEST_CASE("Vector3int with arguments")
CHECK(Birb::Vector3int(1, 4, 2).x == 1);
CHECK(Birb::Vector3int(1, 4, 2).y == 4);
CHECK(Birb::Vector3int(1, 4, 2).z == 2);
CHECK(Birb::Vector3int(1.53f, 5.21f, 2.45f).x == 2);
CHECK(Birb::Vector3int(1.53f, 5.21f, 2.45f).y == 5);
CHECK(Birb::Vector3int(1.53f, 5.21f, 2.45f).z == 2);
TEST_CASE("Default Rect")
Birb::Rect defaultRect;
CHECK(defaultRect.x == 0);
CHECK(defaultRect.y == 0);
CHECK(defaultRect.w == 0);
CHECK(defaultRect.h == 0);
TEST_CASE("Rect with arguments")
Birb::Rect customRect(10.54, 20, 30.234, 40.6668);
CHECK(customRect.x == 10.54f);
CHECK(customRect.y == 20);
CHECK(customRect.w == 30.234f);
CHECK(customRect.h == 40.6668f);
TEST_CASE("Rect with rounded values (integer)")
Birb::Rect customRect(10.54, 20, 30.234, 40.6668);
Birb::Rect roundedRect = customRect.getInt();
CHECK(roundedRect.x == 11);
CHECK(roundedRect.y == 20);
CHECK(roundedRect.w == 30);
CHECK(roundedRect.h == 41);