Commit Graph

158 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Rishabh Garg 2d2472f18d Updated route for newsletter settings (#2353)
- updates newsletter settings route to `/settings/newsletters` for GA
2022-04-26 13:10:16 +01:00
Simon Backx eb5d82c0ef Fixed tests partially for updated member counts
no issue

Also moves some reused test methods to the test helpers folder (wasn't able to move it to the fixtures because too many tests were failing):
- enableNewsletters helper
- enableStripe helper
- enableMailgun helper
2022-04-26 13:10:16 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield b377927d26 Added "Opt-in existing subscribers" option to newsletter creation

- adds "opt-in existing" toggle to newsletter modal that's only shown when creating a newsletter
  - defaults to true
- updated newsletter save flow to show confirmation before creation
  - alters message to reflect auto-subscribe selection
  - count of existing subscribed members is not implemented as it's not yet supported by the API
- updated newsletter adapter and save flow to use auto opt-in selection
  - when option is checked the save URL is changed to `POST /members/?opt_in_existing=true`
- modified task button component to ignore a task return value of `canceled` so when it's received the buttons returns to the idle state instead of showing a saved or failed state
  - used by save routine when the "Back to edit" button is clicked in the create confirmation modal
2022-04-19 20:01:08 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 729a4bf6aa Updated newsletter email verification endpoint

- API endpoint used when completing verification of a newsletter email change has moved to `PUT /newsletters/verifications/` to follow our API patterns
2022-04-19 19:34:59 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 98270704d3 Updated newsletter management for switch to nullable `sender_name`

- `sender_name` is now nullable with a fallback to the site title
- updated new-newsletter route
  - removed default setting of site title in `senderName` of the new newsletter instance
  - removed extra checks when showing unsaved changes modal as we no longer need to compare the `senderName` attribute against the site title
- updated newsletter preview so the sender name falls back to the site title
- updated sender name input placeholder to show the site title
- removed not-empty validation
- fixed the switch to "multiple newsletter" state in the background of the new-newsletter modal
  - problem was `displayingDefault` getter was looking at all active newsletters rather than just the filtered ones so it was counting the new-but-unsaved newsletter even though it wasn't displayed in the list
  - fixes layout glitch when the new-newsletter modal animates out after cancelling creation
2022-04-15 09:43:22 +01:00
Rishabh Garg e240506c6c
Added newsletter management for member (#2336)

Allows site owners to manage member's newsletter preference directly in Admin.

- also adds `visibility` property for newsletter model
- updates members test model to include `visibility`
2022-04-14 20:10:04 +05:30
Kevin Ansfield 07d48c6497 Added sender email verification flow for newsletters

- updated newsletter save routine in `edit-newsletter` modal to open an email confirmation modal if the API indicates one was sent
  - modal indicates that the previously set or default email will continue to be used until verified
  - response from API when saving looks like `{newsletters: [{...}], meta: {sent_email_verification: ['sender_name]}}`
  - added custom newsletter serializer and updated model so that the `meta` property returned in the response when saving posts is exposed
    - Ember Data only exposes meta on array-response find/query methods
- added `/settings/members-email-labs/?verifyEmail=xyz` query param handling
  - opens email verification modal if param is set and instantly clears the query param to avoid problems with sticky params
  - when the modal opens it makes a `PUT /newsletters/verify-email/` request with the token in the body params, on the API side this works the same as a newsletter update request returning the fully updated newsletter record which is then pushed into the store
- removed unused from/reply address code from `<Settings::MembersEmailLabs>` component and controller
  - setting the values now handled per-newsletter in the edit-newsletter modal
  - verifying email change is handled in the members-email-labs controller
- fixed mirage not outputting pluralized root for "singular" endpoints such as POST/PUT requests to better match our API behaviour
2022-04-13 19:34:58 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 5a1430f96f Added newsletter dropdown to publish menu

- updated post adapter to append `?newsletter_id=xyz` when passed a `newsletterId` adapterOption
- updated editor save task to pass `options.newsletterId` through as `adapterOptions.newsletterId`
- set up `post.newsletter` relationship ready for handling embedded newsletter association from the API
  - explicitly deleted when serializing back to the API as it doesn't yet ignore the attribute
- updated `<GhPublishmenu>` for newsletter support
  - fetches newsletters on first render so they are available in the dropdown
  - sets "default" (first in the ordered list) newsletter as the initially selected newsletter
  - adds newsletter dropdown to draft publish menu
  - passes `newsletterId` option to editor save task when it's set

This is a minimal implementation for testing. Not included:
- correct free/paid member counts based on selected newsletter
- correct member count in confirmation modal
- indication of selected newsletter for scheduled post
2022-04-06 10:22:06 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 1b7769b5d0 Wired up newsletter management with real newsletter model and API

- switched "leave settings" confirmation modal on members email settings screen over to modern modal pattern
- removed unused `showEmailDesignSettings` property and `closeEmailDesignSettings()` action on `<Settings::MembersEmailLabs>` component
  - the used property and action live on the controller, looks like it was a copy/paste hangover when functionality was moved to a component
- added newsletter model
  - includes design-related attributes which are not yet supported by the API but are due to be added
  - includes `default` attribute but there is no setting for it, due to be removed from the API but it's needed for save not to error for now
  - set up basic mirage model and endpoints
  - added validation for main settings to match API validation
- added `EditNewsletter` modal
  - separate tabs for general newsletter settings and design-related settings
  - used for both creating and editing newsletters
- added `/settings/members-email/newsletters/new` and `/settings/members-email/newsletters/:id` routes
  - both display the `EditNewsletter` modal on top of the members-email settings screen with the appropriate newsletter model
- updated `<Settings::MembersEmailLabs::NewsletterManagement>` component to work with real newsletter model instances and the new add/edit routes
- removed now-unused `newsletter` service that was providing mocked data for earlier design iteration
2022-04-04 19:30:52 +01:00
Thibaut Patel f5f69d01b1
Added canceled subscriptions in member detail screen (#2287)

Showing canceled subscriptions provide a more complete picture of the activity of a member.

- Given there is no `member.product` object when a subscription is canceled, use the `member.subscriptions.price.product` objects instead of `member.products`.
- applied boy-scout rule for linter errors and and code formatting
- removed `multipleTiers` flag conditionals as it's now GA
- set up subscriptions as a separate mirage resource so they are easier to work with
    - updated `PUT /members/:id/` endpoint to match real API's complimentary subscription behaviour
    - modified mirage member serializer to match API output

Co-authored-by: Kevin Ansfield <>
Co-authored-by: Peter Zimon <>
2022-03-18 16:15:42 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield cf3afa9247
Added "Name" members filter (#2289)

- switched to `@tryghost/nql` packages to get access to latest releases
- updated `GET /members` mirage endpoint with a try/catch and explicit logging to make any errors from NQL more visible
- added "Name" filter option
  - has `is`, `contains`, `does not contain`, `starts with`, `ends with` operators
  - uses a plain text field for the input value
- added support for `~`, `-~`, `~^`, and `~$` operators when generating NQL queries from filter definitions
2022-03-08 21:30:20 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield 66290622e0 Resolved ember-cli-mirage import deprecations

- `miragejs` has been extracted to a framework-independent library, the re-exports of `miragejs` elements in `ember-cli-mirage` have been deprecated making our test logs very noisy
- added `miragejs` as a top-level dependency
- updated all relevant imports to pull from `miragejs` instead of `ember-cli-mirage`
2022-03-08 11:32:01 +00:00
Rishabh 3c169ad99e Updated mirage with new tier visibility property
2022-03-08 15:51:40 +05:30
Rishabh Garg 5869553483
Added filter by tiers to members filter UI (#2274)

- allows site owner to filter members on specific tier
- needs tiers beta flag enabled and site should have more than 1 paid tiers.
2022-02-28 16:08:44 +05:30
Kevin Ansfield 8353a7b2dc Fixed mirage setup for members
refs 29feb87f98

- added missing relationship definitions for included relationships on member model
- cleaned up unnecessary forcing of `id: 99` when creating new records of some models
2022-02-23 14:21:28 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield 29feb87f98 Updated label filtering test to check labels column is populated correctly
no issue

- updated assertions to check that labels are shown inside the labels column when filtering members list by label
- added a member serializer to mirage so that relationships are correctly expanded to full embedded records
2022-02-23 13:54:23 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield b76e425b2a 🐛 Fixed "Enable email open-rate" toggle
refs a488b93465

- when the email newsletter settings was refactored, the `emailTrackOpens: reads('settings.emailTrackOpens')` was removed as it's a confusing redirection but it's usage in the toggle action was missed
2022-02-21 14:31:36 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield b58ec2a3cb Added non-Stripe members setting screen acceptance tests

- added acceptance tests for members settings screen
  - subscription access management
  - default post access management
  - free tier management
- fixed `enableLabsFlag()` test helper overwriting existing flag settings when enabling another one
- updated API mocks and fixtures
  - matched product fixtures to default tiers-enabled products
  - updated product API mocks to include benefit handling
2022-02-18 22:36:01 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield dc6171febb Removed errant console.log 2022-02-15 21:41:12 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield 882f1556f5 🐛 Fixed Admin crash when member filters were focused+blurred without entering a filter value

- the error occurred because the `<Members::FilterValue>` component detaches it's value from the passed in value it was initialized with. Due to the detached handling, after changing the filter type away from the default label filter to a text input based filter, the internal value stayed as `[]` even though the filter type's value was changed. When the blur event was triggered in that state the internal `[]` value was used to update the filter resulting in an invalid filter string
  - added a quick-fix of assigning the input's value in the blur event handler meaning we get the expected `''` value
  - allows for passing tests to be created ready for a deeper fix/refactor later
- added `nql` dependency and used it in the `GET /members` API mock to match members against the filter param so behaviour matches the real API
  - tested increase in code size - dev build increased by ~180KB, no difference in prod
- added acceptance tests for all current filters and search
2022-02-15 21:38:57 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield b76291ccb7 Added acceptance test for members search
refs 343ad982ea

- adds basic search param handling to `GET /members` API mock
- adds acceptance tests for basic search behaviour
- contains regression check for search input not being visible when no members match
2022-02-14 16:23:57 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield 7d8dcd2b9d Added basic happy path acceptance test for member csv upload

- fixed event handling in `gh-file-input` for test-initiated uploads
- added `POST /members/upload/` API mock that emulates uploading a single member
  - it's enough for this particular test and can be expanded as needed
- added acceptance test that does a simple 1-member, no Stripe, CSV upload with no mapping changes
2022-02-11 11:07:13 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield cf9f9027a2 Fixed linter error
refs 35dd9294ea

- removed unused import that was left over from an earlier approach
2022-01-19 13:15:19 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield 35dd9294ea Refactored member activity list components

- renamed `<GhActivityTimeline>` to `<GhMemberActivityEventParser>` and modified so that it yields parsed events rather than directly renders them
  - makes the component re-usable as it can be used to decorate raw events ready for use in context-specific templates
  - switches to using a getter to yield the parsed events so that they will update automatically when the `@events` argument changes
- updated `<Dashboard::LatestMemberActivity>` to use `<GhMemberActivityEventParser>` and keep the member activity box output local to itself
- added integration tests for `<Dashboard::LatestMemberActivity>`
  - added Mirage setup for member activity event models/serializers/route
2022-01-19 12:58:09 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield 0f983c5c4f Fixed linter error 2021-11-01 18:40:47 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield a08fbf11c3 Added acceptance tests for new design screen
no issue

- moved navigation settings tests from old settings/design tests to a separate file and unskipped them
- added happy-path acceptance tests for
  - rendering design screen
  - installing an official theme from the themes list
  - uploading a custom theme
2021-11-01 17:48:49 +00:00
Rishabh ef8caf30ee Fixed offer tests
no refs

- adds default tier to a offer factory
2021-10-20 18:44:38 +05:30
Rishabh 377dc64bf2 Fixed offer tests
no refs
2021-10-19 13:21:11 +05:30
Rishabh 00270bb0e3 Fixed offer tests
no refs

- adds new product fixtures
- allows loading of products data for offers page
2021-10-11 13:52:42 +05:30
Rishabh 8e865503cc Added basic acceptance tests for offers
2021-10-08 19:45:48 +05:30
Rishabh fc9457ef6c Added initial wiring for offer screens

- adds model/validator/config and router for offers
- updates template for offer list and detail with dynamic values
- updated route handling for offer list and creation
- wires offer data from API to list and detail pages
2021-10-06 20:01:25 +05:30
Naz 24f144c5c8 Added 'sent' status label in the posts list view

- This is a first iteration before replacing the status with an email icon in the future. It's meant to signal visually the current status instead of leaving it completely blank
2021-08-13 17:18:37 +04:00
Kevin Ansfield 7172715c34 Bumped eslint-plugin-ghost and fixed linter errors
no issue

- new linting rules that needed fixing:
   - calling `super` in lifecycle hooks
   - no usage of String prototype extensions
2021-07-15 15:27:29 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 7daf3c25da Fixed tests
no issue

- added basic products mocked endpoint
- fixed error when extracting filter param when filter is empty
2021-05-10 21:02:54 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 8855c98ed8 Fixed faker.random.number rename warnings
no issue

- `faker.random.number` is now `faker.datatype.number`
2021-04-12 15:32:39 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 2da9f187f9 Added automatic CSV export when bulk deleting members

- updated bulk destroy task to first use the current query params to fetch from the appropriate CSV export endpoint and trigger a download
  - fetches via JS and triggers download from a blob URL link instead of an iframe so that we can be sure the download is successful before we hit the bulk delete endpoint
  - works differently to user deletion download because the server is not generating an export file and saving it meaning the client has to be sure we don't delete data before it's exported
- updated copy in the confirmation modal to reflect the download behaviour
2021-04-08 16:06:00 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 605ca321c8
Added ability to bulk delete members by label or status (#1883)

When a label or status filter is selected on the members screen show a "Delete selected" option in the actions dropdown. Bulk deleted members will _not_ have any subscription data modified in Stripe, if a member should be deleted and have their subscription cancelled it's necessary to do that on a per-member basis.

- updated bulk delete handling to match API
- added link to bulk delete confirmation modal in members actions dropdown (only shown when label, status, or search is used)
- updated testing framework for members
  - added label factory for easier test setup
  - updated `GET /members` and `DEL /members` endpoints to work with label filters
  - updated test selectors for easier reference in tests
2021-04-08 12:06:27 +01:00
Sanne de Vries ef98d3014f
Clarified staff user roles in Admin (#1874)

- Replaced dropdown in invite-user modal with radio buttons
- Added description for each user role
- Added icon to provide more info on hover for each role
- Got rid of unused box styling
2021-04-07 15:20:30 +01:00
Rish 6e6e39a214 Updated mock member stats to use new count endpoint
refs 72e8894eac

- Fixes tests
2021-04-06 14:38:45 +05:30
Naz f8acb8a972 Removed more leftover unsplash code & fixed tests
refs refs 244e824e50

- Found some more unnecessary code for previous unsplash setting structure and removed it.
- Refactored the tests to be more in line to how AMP tests are done
2021-02-18 15:03:53 +13:00
Kevin Ansfield 1d96f785c3 Switched from v3 to canary API

- we're getting ready for the 4.0 API version so we should be using canary to fully test the changes
- changed from `v3` to `canary` in `utils/ghost-paths.js`
- updated mirage and tests to use `ghostPaths` util so we only need to change the version in one place in the future
2021-02-05 09:12:26 +00:00
Naz e1915abfa3 Removed unused locale fields

- These fields have been deprecated since API v2 and no longer are returned or exposed
2021-02-04 19:04:34 +13:00
Aileen Nowak 0bf09d88ed Updated links to sites
no issue

Follow-up task of the updated Ghost Docs structure. Updated links reflecting the new structure to prevent unnecessary 404s and redirects.
2021-01-19 13:18:59 +13:00
Kevin Ansfield e450d4351e Default developer experiments to "off" in tests
no issue

- we should be testing production functionality by default, if tests need to test functionality behind the developer experiments flag they should explicitly enable it
2021-01-18 09:13:43 +00:00
Thibaut Patel e2dc14b1f7 Added staff personal tokens
refs TryGhost/Ghost#12373
2020-11-20 10:23:19 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 5606b9c068 Implemented first iteration of content snippets

- adds "Create snippet" icon to the editor toolbar
- uses the same link input component design for specifying snippet titles
- snippets are loaded in the background when the editor is accessed
- snippets are listed at the bottom of the card menus of the + and / menus
- clicking a snippet inserts the snippet's contents in place of the current blank section
2020-10-15 18:03:35 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 68efc5bff3 Resolved "already declared in upper scope" linting warnings
no issue

- fixed all `no-shadow` linter warnings
- changed `no-shadow` eslint rule from `warn` to `error` so we don't re-introduce shadowed variables in the future
2020-10-05 09:56:21 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 3da8815759 Renamed `activeTimezone` setting to `timezone`

- API has been updated to still work with `active_timezone` for backwards compatibility but it makes sense for the client to match the underlying settings keys
2020-06-24 15:34:59 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 9f9273fafc Renamed `defaultLocale` setting to `lang`

- API has been updated to still work with `default_locale` for backwards compatibility but it makes sense for the client to match the underlying settings keys
2020-06-24 15:27:17 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield c8a93925a3 Updated to fetch settings using `/settings/?group=` instead of `?type=`

- primary change is in the settings service which is the only place we fetch the settings endpoint
- mocked APIs and fixture data updated to expect and to filter on `?group` rather than `?type`
2020-06-24 14:23:51 +01:00