no issue
- adds `eslint-plugin-sort-imports-es6-autofix` dependency
- implements ESLint's base `sort-imports` rule but has a distinction in that `import {foo} from 'bar';` is considered `multiple` rather than `single`
- fixes ESLint's autofix behaviour so `eslint --fix` will actually fix the sort order
- updates all unordered import rules by using `eslint --fix`
With the increased number of `import` statements since Ember+ecosystem started moving towards es6 modules I've found it frustrating at times trying to search through randomly ordered import statements. Recently I've been sorting imports manually when I've added new code or touched old code so I thought I'd add an ESLint rule to codify it.
refs TryGhost/Ghost#8455
- ensure `uploadUrls` and `errors` are cleared in `gh-uploader` when new uploads are started
- yield `isUploading` in `gh-uploader` component
- replace image upload modals in settings/general with in-page uploads
no issue
* move "save on first change" behaviour into editor controller
* allow TAB events to be specified in keyEvents hash of gh-input
* replace mobiledoc-kit/gh-koenig with a SimpleMDE based editor
- remove `gh-koenig` in-repo-addon from `package.json` so that test files etc aren't loaded
- remove `mobiledoc-kit` dependencies
- extends `gh-editor` to handle file drag/drop
- adds `gh-uploader` and `gh-progress-bar` components to handle file uploads in a more composable manner
- adds `gh-simplemde` component that wraps SimpleMDE
no issue
- adds `gh-image-uploader` that handles image uploads in a fully ember fashion and with no dependency on `uploader.js`
- adds `gh-image-uploader-with-preview` that can fully replace the old `gh-uploader`
- replace uses of `gh-uploader` in PSM & TSM with `gh-image-uploader-with-preview`
- updates the editor preview image handling to use the new `gh-image-uploader-with-preview` component
- updates the image upload modal to use `gh-image-uploader` (utilises the `saveButton=false` flag which means the preview has to be handled externally to avoid auto-replacement when typing a URL)
- removes all old `uploader.js` related code
- adds custom `RequestEntityTooLargeError` and `UnsupportedMediaTypeError` errors to our `ajax` service
no issue
- review use of Ember core hooks and add a call to `this._super` if missing
- fix a few occurrences of using the wrong component lifecycle hooks that could result in multiple/duplicate event handlers being attached
`_super` should always be called when overriding Ember's base hooks so that core functionality or app functionality added through extensions, mixins or addons is not lost. This is important as it guards against issues arising from later refactorings or core changes.
As example of lost functionality, there were a number of routes that extended from `AuthenticatedRoute` but then overrode the `beforeModel` hook without calling `_super` which meant that the route was no longer treated as authenticated.
no issue
- add ember-suave dependency
- upgrade grunt-jscs dependency
- add a new .jscsrc for the client's tests directory that extends from client's base .jscsrc
- separate client tests in Gruntfile jscs task so they pick up the test's .jscsrc
- standardize es6 usage across client
refs #5845
- Updates tag settings screen to match content screen behaviour. Each now tag has it's own route that is link-able from other areas of the app
- Updates a number of places where jQuery event handler code was not wrapped in Ember's run loop
- calls `reset()` on the uploader when re-rendered with a blank image
- calls `reset()` and `initWithImage()` on the uploader when re-rendered with an image and the uploader is still in the "blank" state
No issue
- removes more usage of function prototype extensions in favor of Ember functions
- replaces some event calls with the direct function name
- adds comments to functions replaced with the event name
No Issue
- Switches to the newer style of dependency injection.
- Instead of injection Controllers via "needs," use
- Get rid of initializers that were only injecting objects
into various factories. Converts these objects into Ember.Service
objects and declaratively inject them where needed via
Ember.inject.service(). The added benefit to this is that it's no
longer a mystery where these properties/methods come from and it's
straightforward to inject them where needed.