Commit Graph

28 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Aileen Nowak b134b24679
Updated links to docs (#1276)
no issue
2019-07-22 16:53:24 +08:00
Kevin Ansfield fdb4b46fd2 Updated for breaking changes in ember-cli-mirage@1.0.0 2019-05-27 09:58:33 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 371639f497 🐛 Fixed missing errors and confusing button text in theme upload modal
no issue
- fixed "Active with errors" button successful theme upload with no warnings/errors
- fixed fatal errors not showing due to change in API error response
- fixed "Retry" button not showing when there were fatal errors
- fixed "Upload successful!" message after clicking "Retry" on a failed upload
2019-04-15 22:43:29 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 55ed3322c8 🐛 Fixed missing error details when activating a theme with fatal errors
no issue
- the API response for theme activation when a fatal validation error occurred has changed but the client wasn't updated resulting in a modal containing an "Activation failed" header but no details
- updates the error details extraction path and adjusts the tests to match the real API response
2019-04-11 11:00:40 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield f0ad9dcdc4 🐛 Fixed missing error notification when attempting to activate an invalid theme
no issue
- updates error handling to work with new v2 error response formats
  - `.errorType` -> `.error`
  - `.errorDetails` -> `.details`
2019-03-25 11:32:29 +00:00
Peter Zimon b63f5f59d0
Left navigation menu update (#1102)
refs. [f8b03f5](f8b03f50b6)

- added icons for members and pages
- improved view site link visibility
- added view site to logo dropdown
- updated all navigation and logo menu icons
- rename 'team' to 'staff'
- lots of design refinement and update (colors, shadows)
2019-02-22 16:43:35 +07:00
Hannah Wolfe bcd8f485ad
Updated docs links to best equivalents (#1097)
- Our documentation has been overhauled, this updates the all the old links sprinkled through Ghost-Admin
2019-01-16 16:03:33 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield 079c8ccc2c
Migrate to latest ember, ember-mocha and modern ember testing (#1044)
no issue
- upgrade to latest `ember-source` and related dependencies including `ember-cli`
- upgrade to latest `ember-mocha` and modern ember testing setup
    - switch from using global acceptance test helpers and `native-dom-helpers` to using the new `ember-test-helpers` methods
    - use [`chai-dom`]( assertions where in some places (still a lot of places in the tests that could use these)
- pin `ember-in-viewport` to 3.0.x to work around incompatibilities between different versions used in `ember-light-table`, `ember-infinity`, and `ember-sticky-element`
    - incompatibilities manifested as "Invalid value used as weak map key" errors thrown when using `ember-light-table` (subscribers screen)
- pin `ember-power-datepicker` to unreleased version that contains a move from global acceptance test helpers to modern test helpers
2019-01-02 09:58:55 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield d7facd5c61 Cleaned up class and :contains based test selectors
no issue
- nav menu had many unused CSS classes that were sometimes used for test selectors
- `:contains` is not a native CSS selector so will cause issues when we switch to native test helpers
2018-10-23 18:11:48 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield c066bc8183
Bump dependencies (#991)
no issue
- bump `ember-cli-chai` and update tests
    - add missing Post model properties to the post factory with `null` to better match API output
    - replace uses of `.blank` which no longer exists, swapping for `.empty` or explicit checks for `null`
    - manually parse strings to numbers before using `.above` and `.below`
- bump top-level deps with no breaking changes
- bump yarn.lock sub-dependencies
2018-03-26 11:41:45 +01:00
Austin Burdine ae3b9f97d9 Contributor Role (#948)

* added save button for contributor
* hide tag filter & redirect to posts.index if post is published
* update editor controller test to need session service
2018-02-07 10:42:46 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 050f4d99b6 ESLint: Alias model in controllers
no issue
- replace `model` with a meaningful property name everywhere possible
- refactor `design` and `general` settings controllers to use a directly injected settings service rather than passing it in as a "model" to be more explicit
2018-01-12 12:17:56 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield 7afb88a0c2 Switch to eslint-plugin-ghost extending plugin:ghost/ember
no issue
- fix lint errors in lib/gh-koenig
- fix ghost:base eslint errors
- update ember plugin refs, remove ember-suave plugin refs
- remove old jshint refs
- add `lint:js` script
- switch to `eslint-plugin-ghost` extending `plugin:ghost/ember`
2018-01-12 12:17:56 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield bd83aab585 🐛 Fixed navigation url inputs when configured URL has special characters (#941)

- using an `<a>` element to parse a URL does not behave as expected when the URL has special characters because the `host` attribute will show the Puny URL version. Eg. `exä` will become ``
- `{{gh-navitem-url-input}}` was failing to manipulate the URL value because of the difference between the Puny URL encoded URL and the raw configured URL with unicode chars
- uses the `URI` module that's bundled with the imported version of `google-caja` to parse the URL via regexes rather than relying on native browser parsing
2018-01-07 12:14:24 +01:00
Aileen Nowak 6ef4c622ad 🎨 Added confirmation dialogs when leaving screens with unsaved changes (#891)
closes TryGhost/Ghost#9119, refs TryGhost/Ghost#8483

- Apps - AMP
   - Added `leave-settings-modal` component to Settings - Apps - AMP
- Apps - Slack
   - Added `leave-settings-modal` component to Settings - Apps - Slack
   - Added a `triggerDirtyState` action that will uses a new Array with the input data to trigger the dirty state on the parent settings model
- Apps - Unsplash
   - Added `leave-settings-modal` component to Settings - Apps - Unsplash
   - Used manual tracking of changes with using a custom `dirtyAttributes` property and a `rollbackValue` to manually rollback the `isActive` attribute on the model
- Code injection
   - Added `leave-settings-modal` component to Settings - Code injection
- Design
   - Added `leave-settings-modal` component to Settings - Design (only for navigation model)
   - Used manual tracking of changes with using a custom `dirtyAttributes`
   - Added an additional `updateLabel` action to underlying `gh-navitem` component which gets fired on the `focusOut` event, to detect changes on the label
- Team - User
   - Added `leave-settings-modal` component to Team - User
   - Used manual tracking of changes with using a custom `dirtyAttributes` to track changes in slug and role properties
2017-10-31 15:27:25 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield b3d1474f40 Bump dependencies (#826)
no issue
- rollup of minor dependency updates
- bump yarn.lock sub-dependencies
- remove deprecated use of `testSelector`
2017-08-11 16:28:05 +01:00
Aileen Nowak 01469369a0 🎨 Improved theme validation messages (#812)
closes TryGhost/Ghost#8530

- Changed the wording for activation and uploading a theme to separate between error and warnings in the title and the body text for the modal
- Changed the wording of "Activated successful with warnings/errors" to "Activation successful with (warnings || errors)"
2017-08-02 14:30:47 +04:00
Aileen Nowak 3756f8a7da 💄 Theme upload modal style improvements (#784)
no issue

With GScan sending error details now, the modal was a bit overloaded.

This PR adds a toggle for each error rule which - when clicked - shows the details and the affected files.
2017-07-20 11:30:45 +01:00
Aileen Nowak a270d2b183 💅🏼 Imprve theme activation error messages (#756)
refs TryGhost/Ghost#8530

This PR takes care that the modals for theme activation gets the same treatment as theme upload modal:
- differentiate between normal and fatal errors
- list headings for each error type (fatal, normal or warning)
- update test
2017-06-22 19:19:01 +02:00
Katharina Irrgang 7ffc3c47ab 🎨 improve theme results (#726)
closes TryGhost/Ghost#8222

- there are fatal and normal errors
- fatal === can't activate a theme
- the normal errors are only returned in development mode (!)
- Separate between `fatal` and normal errors and group them
2017-06-06 13:09:52 +07:00
Kevin Ansfield d2a7466b7d 🐛 fix issue with re-uploading a deleted theme (#725)

- ensure the theme record is removed from the store when deleting because theme IDs get re-used unlike other models
2017-06-01 15:44:04 +02:00
Kevin Ansfield 7eefbba69f 💄🐷 sort-imports eslint rule (#712)
no issue

- adds `eslint-plugin-sort-imports-es6-autofix` dependency
  - implements ESLint's base `sort-imports` rule but has a distinction in that `import {foo} from 'bar';` is considered `multiple` rather than `single`
  - fixes ESLint's autofix behaviour so `eslint --fix` will actually fix the sort order
- updates all unordered import rules by using `eslint --fix`

With the increased number of `import` statements since Ember+ecosystem started moving towards es6 modules I've found it frustrating at times trying to search through randomly ordered import statements. Recently I've been sorting imports manually when I've added new code or touched old code so I thought I'd add an ESLint rule to codify it.
2017-05-29 20:50:03 +02:00
Aileen Nowak 371b9fd78e 🐛 Make `cmd+s` work for all save-buttons (#700)
closes TryGhost/Ghost#8443
- Fixes a bug where the keyboard shortcut `cmd+s` would cause a `Maximum call stack size` error and not save.
- Wherever there is a `save` button, the keyboard shortcut to save works now.
2017-05-18 11:48:37 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 1f3b79e289 💄 refactor acceptance tests to use async/await (#663)
no issue
- replaces `andThen(() => {}` blocks with usage of `async/await`
2017-04-25 00:29:48 +12:00
Kevin Ansfield 092b59fe3f show theme warnings/errors when activating a theme (#576)
- update theme activation to manually set other themes to `active: false` in the store now that we only the active theme back from `/themes/:name/activate` endpoint
- move theme warning list item rendering into `{{gh-theme-error-li error=x}}`
- add `theme-warnings` modal that accepts a warnings list, title, and optional message
- after activating a theme, check if the theme has any warnings or errors and display an appropriate modal informing the user
2017-03-14 08:54:58 -05:00
Kevin Ansfield df3da411df 🎨 move theme activation to /themes endpoint
- adds `theme.activate()` method and associated adapter method for activating themes rather than relying on `settings.activeTheme`
- minor refactors to the `modals/upload-theme` component to use a full theme model
2017-03-08 10:46:33 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield ec6a47f774 fix tests for new themes table styles (#553) 2017-02-27 12:34:46 +00:00
Kevin Ansfield 0f4ea73254 rename settings/navigation -> settings/design, move theme management (#543)
no issue

- following from the `settings/general` redesign, navigation and themes management are now co-located in `settings/design`
2017-02-21 19:04:50 +00:00