import ModalComponent from 'ghost-admin/components/modals/base'; import computed, {mapBy, or} from 'ember-computed'; import {invokeAction} from 'ember-invoke-action'; import ghostPaths from 'ghost-admin/utils/ghost-paths'; import { UnsupportedMediaTypeError, isThemeValidationError } from 'ghost-admin/services/ajax'; import run from 'ember-runloop'; import injectService from 'ember-service/inject'; export default ModalComponent.extend({ accept: ['application/zip', 'application/x-zip-compressed'], extensions: ['zip'], availableThemes: null, closeDisabled: false, file: null, theme: false, displayOverwriteWarning: false, eventBus: injectService(), hideUploader: or('theme', 'displayOverwriteWarning'), uploadUrl: computed(function () { return `${ghostPaths().apiRoot}/themes/upload/`; }), themeName: computed('theme.{name,}', function () { let t = this.get('theme'); return t.package ? `${} - ${t.package.version}` :; }), availableThemeNames: mapBy('model.availableThemes', 'name'), fileThemeName: computed('file', function () { let file = this.get('file'); return\.zip$/, ''); }), canActivateTheme: computed('theme', function () { let theme = this.get('theme'); return theme && !; }), actions: { validateTheme(file) { let themeName =\.zip$/, '').replace(/[^\w@.]/gi, '-'); let availableThemeNames = this.get('availableThemeNames'); this.set('file', file); let [, extension] = (/(?:\.([^.]+))?$/).exec(; let extensions = this.get('extensions'); if (!extension || extensions.indexOf(extension.toLowerCase()) === -1) { return new UnsupportedMediaTypeError(); } if (^casper\.zip$/i)) { return {errors: [{message: 'Sorry, the default Casper theme cannot be overwritten.
Please rename your zip file and try again.'}]}; } if (!this._allowOverwrite && availableThemeNames.includes(themeName)) { this.set('displayOverwriteWarning', true); return false; } return true; }, confirmOverwrite() { this._allowOverwrite = true; this.set('displayOverwriteWarning', false); // we need to schedule afterRender so that the upload component is // displayed again in order to subscribe/respond to the event bus run.schedule('afterRender', this, function () { this.get('eventBus').publish('themeUploader:upload', this.get('file')); }); }, uploadStarted() { this.set('closeDisabled', true); }, uploadFinished() { this.set('closeDisabled', false); }, uploadSuccess(response) { this.set('theme', response.themes[0]); // invoke the passed in confirm action invokeAction(this, 'model.uploadSuccess', this.get('theme')); }, uploadFailed(error) { if (isThemeValidationError(error)) { this.set('validationErrors', error.errors[0].errorDetails); } }, confirm() { // noop - we don't want the enter key doing anything }, activate() { invokeAction(this, 'model.activate', this.get('theme')); invokeAction(this, 'closeModal'); }, closeModal() { if (!this.get('closeDisabled')) { this._super(...arguments); } }, reset() { this.set('validationErrors', null); } } });