import Component from 'ember-component'; import computed from 'ember-computed'; import {assign} from 'ember-platform'; import {copy} from 'ember-metal/utils'; import {isEmpty} from 'ember-utils'; import run from 'ember-runloop'; import formatMarkdown from 'ghost-admin/utils/format-markdown'; const MOBILEDOC_VERSION = '0.3.1'; export const BLANK_DOC = { version: MOBILEDOC_VERSION, markups: [], atoms: [], cards: [ ['card-markdown', { cardName: 'card-markdown', markdown: '' }] ], sections: [[10, 0]] }; export default Component.extend({ classNames: ['gh-markdown-editor'], classNameBindings: [ '_isFullScreen:gh-markdown-editor-full-screen', '_isSplitScreen:gh-markdown-editor-side-by-side' ], // Public attributes autofocus: false, imageMimeTypes: null, isFullScreen: false, mobiledoc: null, options: null, placeholder: '', uploadedImageUrls: null, // Closure actions onChange() {}, onFullScreenToggle() {}, onImageFilesSelected() {}, onPreviewToggle() {}, onSplitScreenToggle() {}, showMarkdownHelp() {}, // Internal attributes markdown: null, // Private _editor: null, _isFullScreen: false, _isSplitScreen: false, _isUploading: false, _statusbar: null, _toolbar: null, _uploadedImageUrls: null, simpleMDEOptions: computed('options', function () { let options = this.get('options') || {}; let defaultOptions = { // use our Showdown config with sanitization for previews previewRender(markdown) { return formatMarkdown(markdown); }, // Ghost-specific SimpleMDE toolbar config - allows us to create a // bridge between SimpleMDE buttons and Ember actions toolbar: [ 'bold', 'italic', 'heading', '|', 'quote', 'unordered-list', 'ordered-list', '|', 'link', { name: 'image', action: () => { this._openImageFileDialog(); }, className: 'fa fa-picture-o', title: 'Upload Image(s)' }, '|', { name: 'preview', action: () => { this._togglePreview(); }, className: 'fa fa-eye no-disable', title: 'Toggle Preview (Cmd-P)' }, { name: 'side-by-side', action: () => { this.send('toggleSplitScreen'); }, className: 'fa fa-columns no-disable no-mobile', title: 'Toggle Side by Side' }, { name: 'fullscreen', action: () => { this.send('toggleFullScreen'); }, className: 'fa fa-arrows-alt no-disable no-mobile', title: 'Toggle Fullscreen' }, '|', { name: 'spellcheck', action: () => { this._toggleSpellcheck(); }, className: 'fa fa-check', title: 'Toggle Spellcheck' }, { name: 'guide', action: () => { this.showMarkdownHelp(); }, className: 'fa fa-question-circle', title: 'Markdown Guide' } ], // disable shortcuts for side-by-side and fullscreen because they // trigger interal SimpleMDE methods that will result in broken // layouts shortcuts: { toggleFullScreen: null, togglePreview: null, toggleSideBySide: null }, // only include the number of words in the status bar status: ['words'] }; return assign(defaultOptions, options); }), // extract markdown content from single markdown card didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); let mobiledoc = this.get('mobiledoc') || copy(BLANK_DOC, true); let uploadedImageUrls = this.get('uploadedImageUrls'); if (!isEmpty(uploadedImageUrls) && uploadedImageUrls !== this._uploadedImageUrls) { this._uploadedImageUrls = uploadedImageUrls; // must be done afterRender to avoid double modify of mobiledoc in // a single render run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, () => { this._insertImages(uploadedImageUrls); // reset the file input so the same file can be selected again this.$('input[type=file]').val(''); }); } // eslint-disable-next-line ember-suave/prefer-destructuring let markdown =[0][1].markdown; this.set('markdown', markdown); // use internal values to avoid updating bound values if (!isEmpty(this.get('isFullScreen'))) { this.set('_isFullScreen', this.get('isFullScreen')); } if (!isEmpty(this.get('isSplitScreen'))) { this.set('_isSplitScreen', this.get('isSplitScreen')); } this._updateButtonState(); }, _insertImages(urls) { let cm = this._editor.codemirror; // loop through urls and generate image markdown let images = => { let filename = url.split('/').pop(); let alt = filename; // if we have a normal filename.ext, set alt to filename -ext if (filename.lastIndexOf('.') > 0) { alt = filename.slice(0, filename.lastIndexOf('.')); } return `![${alt}](${url})`; }); let text = images.join(' '); // clicking the image toolbar button will lose the selection so we use // the captured selection to re-select here if (this._imageInsertSelection) { // we want to focus but not re-position this.send('focusEditor', null); // re-select and clear the captured selection so drag/drop still // inserts at the correct place cm.setSelection( this._imageInsertSelection.anchor, this._imageInsertSelection.head ); this._imageInsertSelection = null; } // focus editor and place cursor at end if not already focused if (!cm.hasFocus()) { this.send('focusEditor'); } // insert at cursor or replace selection then position cursor at end // of inserted text cm.replaceSelection(text, 'end'); }, // mark the split-pane/full-screen/spellcheck buttons active when they're active _updateButtonState() { if (this._editor) { let fullScreenButton = this._editor.toolbarElements.fullscreen; let sideBySideButton = this._editor.toolbarElements['side-by-side']; let spellcheckButton = this._editor.toolbarElements.spellcheck; if (this.get('_isFullScreen')) { fullScreenButton.classList.add('active'); } else { fullScreenButton.classList.remove('active'); } if (this.get('_isSplitScreen')) { sideBySideButton.classList.add('active'); } else { sideBySideButton.classList.remove('active'); } if (this._editor.codemirror.getOption('mode') === 'spell-checker') { spellcheckButton.classList.add('active'); } else { spellcheckButton.classList.remove('active'); } } }, // set up the preview auto-update and scroll sync _connectSplitPreview() { let cm = this._editor.codemirror; let editor = this._editor; /* eslint-disable ember-suave/prefer-destructuring */ let editorPane = this.$('.gh-markdown-editor-pane')[0]; let previewPane = this.$('.gh-markdown-editor-preview')[0]; let previewContent = this.$('.gh-markdown-editor-preview-content')[0]; /* eslint-enable ember-suave/prefer-destructuring */ this._editorPane = editorPane; this._previewPane = previewPane; this._previewContent = previewContent; // from SimpleMDE ------- let sideBySideRenderingFunction = function() { previewContent.innerHTML = editor.options.previewRender( editor.value(), previewContent ); }; cm.sideBySideRenderingFunction = sideBySideRenderingFunction; sideBySideRenderingFunction(); cm.on('update', cm.sideBySideRenderingFunction); // Refresh to fix selection being off (#309) cm.refresh(); // ---------------------- this._onEditorPaneScroll = this._scrollHandler.bind(this); editorPane.addEventListener('scroll', this._onEditorPaneScroll, false); this._scrollSync(); }, _scrollHandler() { if (!this._scrollSyncTicking) { requestAnimationFrame(this._scrollSync.bind(this)); } this._scrollSyncTicking = true; }, _scrollSync() { let editorPane = this._editorPane; let previewPane = this._previewPane; let height = editorPane.scrollHeight - editorPane.clientHeight; let ratio = parseFloat(editorPane.scrollTop) / height; let move = (previewPane.scrollHeight - previewPane.clientHeight) * ratio; previewPane.scrollTop = move; this._scrollSyncTicking = false; }, _disconnectSplitPreview() { let cm = this._editor.codemirror;'update', cm.sideBySideRenderingFunction); cm.refresh(); this._editorPane.removeEventListener('scroll', this._onEditorPaneScroll, false); delete this._previewPane; delete this._previewPaneContent; delete this._onEditorPaneScroll; }, _openImageFileDialog() { // capture the current selection before it's lost by clicking the // file input button this._imageInsertSelection = { anchor: this._editor.codemirror.getCursor('anchor'), head: this._editor.codemirror.getCursor('head') }; // trigger the dialog via gh-file-input, when a file is selected it will // trigger the onImageFilesSelected closure action this.$('input[type="file"]').click(); }, // wrap SimpleMDE's built-in preview toggle so that we can trigger a closure // action that can apply our own classes higher up in the DOM _togglePreview() { this.onPreviewToggle(!this._editor.isPreviewActive()); this._editor.togglePreview(); }, _toggleSpellcheck() { let cm = this._editor.codemirror; if (cm.getOption('mode') === 'spell-checker') { cm.setOption('mode', 'markdown'); } else { cm.setOption('mode', 'spell-checker'); } this._updateButtonState(); }, willDestroyElement() { if (this.get('_isSplitScreen')) { this._disconnectSplitPreview(); } this._super(...arguments); }, actions: { // put the markdown into a new mobiledoc card, trigger external update updateMarkdown(markdown) { let mobiledoc = copy(BLANK_DOC, true);[0][1].markdown = markdown; this.onChange(mobiledoc); }, // store a reference to the simplemde editor so that we can handle // focusing and image uploads setEditor(editor) { this._editor = editor; // disable CodeMirror's drag/drop handling as we want to handle that // in the parent gh-editor component this._editor.codemirror.setOption('dragDrop', false); // HACK: move the toolbar & status bar elements outside of the // editor container so that they can be aligned in fixed positions let container = this.$().closest('.gh-editor').find('.gh-editor-footer'); this._toolbar = this.$('.editor-toolbar'); this._statusbar = this.$('.editor-statusbar'); this._toolbar.appendTo(container); this._statusbar.appendTo(container); this._updateButtonState(); }, // used by the title input when the TAB or ENTER keys are pressed focusEditor(position = 'bottom') { this._editor.codemirror.focus(); if (position === 'bottom') { this._editor.codemirror.execCommand('goDocEnd'); } else if (position === 'top') { this._editor.codemirror.execCommand('goDocStart'); } return false; }, toggleFullScreen() { let isFullScreen = !this.get('_isFullScreen'); this.set('_isFullScreen', isFullScreen); this._updateButtonState(); this.onFullScreenToggle(isFullScreen); // leave split screen when exiting full screen mode if (!isFullScreen && this.get('_isSplitScreen')) { this.send('toggleSplitScreen'); } }, toggleSplitScreen() { let isSplitScreen = !this.get('_isSplitScreen'); let previewButton = this._editor.toolbarElements.preview; this.set('_isSplitScreen', isSplitScreen); this._updateButtonState(); // set up the preview rendering and scroll sync // afterRender is needed so that necessary components have been // added/removed and editor pane length has settled if (isSplitScreen) { // disable the normal SimpleMDE preview if it's active if (this._editor.isPreviewActive()) { let preview = this._editor.toolbar.find((button) => { return === 'preview'; }); preview.action(this._editor); } previewButton.classList.add('disabled'); run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._connectSplitPreview); } else { previewButton.classList.remove('disabled'); run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._disconnectSplitPreview); } this.onSplitScreenToggle(isSplitScreen); // go fullscreen when entering split screen mode if (isSplitScreen && !this.get('_isFullScreen')) { this.send('toggleFullScreen'); } }, // put the toolbar/statusbar elements back so that SimpleMDE doesn't throw // errors when it tries to remove them destroyEditor() { let container = this.$('.gh-markdown-editor-pane'); this._toolbar.appendTo(container); this._statusbar.appendTo(container); this._editor = null; } } });