import ModalComponent from 'ghost-admin/components/modal-base'; import cajaSanitizers from 'ghost-admin/utils/caja-sanitizers'; import {computed} from '@ember/object'; import {isEmpty} from '@ember/utils'; import {inject as service} from '@ember/service'; import {task} from 'ember-concurrency'; export default ModalComponent.extend({ config: service(), notifications: service(), model: null, url: '', newUrl: '', _isUploading: false, image: computed('model.{model,imageProperty}', { get() { let imageProperty = this.get('model.imageProperty'); return this.get(`model.model.${imageProperty}`); }, set(key, value) { let model = this.get('model.model'); let imageProperty = this.get('model.imageProperty'); return model.set(imageProperty, value); } }), didReceiveAttrs() { let image = this.image; this.set('url', image); this.set('newUrl', image); }, actions: { fileUploaded(url) { this.set('url', url); this.set('newUrl', url); }, removeImage() { this.set('url', ''); this.set('newUrl', ''); }, confirm() { this.uploadImage.perform(); }, isUploading() { this.toggleProperty('_isUploading'); } }, // TODO: should validation be handled in the gh-image-uploader component? // pro - consistency everywhere, simplification here // con - difficult if the "save" is happening externally as it does here // // maybe it should be handled at the model level? // - automatically present everywhere // - file uploads should always result in valid urls so it should only // affect the url input form keyDown() { this._setErrorState(false); }, _setErrorState(state) { if (state) { this.element.querySelector('.url').classList.add('error'); } else { this.element.querySelector('.url').classList.remove('error'); } }, _validateUrl(url) { if (!isEmpty(url) && !cajaSanitizers.url(url)) { this._setErrorState(true); return {message: 'Image URI is not valid'}; } return true; }, // end validation uploadImage: task(function* () { let model = this.get('model.model'); let newUrl = this.newUrl; let result = this._validateUrl(newUrl); let notifications = this.notifications; if (result === true) { this.set('image', newUrl); try { yield; } catch (e) { notifications.showAPIError(e, {key: 'image.upload'}); } finally { this.send('closeModal'); } } }).drop() });