import Component from '@ember/component'; import layout from '../templates/components/koenig-plus-menu'; import {computed} from '@ember/object'; import {htmlSafe} from '@ember/string'; import {run} from '@ember/runloop'; export default Component.extend({ layout, // public attrs classNames: 'koenig-plus-menu', attributeBindings: ['style'], editor: null, editorRange: null, // internal properties showButton: false, showMenu: false, top: 0, // private properties _onResizeHandler: null, _onWindowMousedownHandler: null, _lastEditorRange: null, _hasCursorButton: false, _onMousemoveHandler: null, // closure actions replaceWithCardSection() {}, replaceWithListSection() {}, style: computed('top', function () { return htmlSafe(`top: ${this.get('top')}px`); }), init() { this._super(...arguments); this._onResizeHandler = run.bind(this, this._handleResize); window.addEventListener('resize', this._onResizeHandler); this._onMousemoveHandler = run.bind(this, this._mousemoveRaf); window.addEventListener('mousemove', this._onMousemoveHandler); }, didReceiveAttrs() { this._super(...arguments); let editorRange = this.get('editorRange'); // show the (+) button when the cursor as on a blank P tag if (!this.get('showMenu') && editorRange !== this._lastEditorRange) { this._showOrHideButton(editorRange); this._hasCursorButton = this.get('showButton'); } // re-position again on next runloop, prevents incorrect position after // adding a card at the bottom of the doc if (this.get('showButton')) {, this._positionMenu); } this._lastEditorRange = editorRange; }, willDestroyElement() { this._super(...arguments); run.cancel(this._throttleResize); window.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._onWindowMousedownHandler); window.removeEventListener('resize', this._onResizeHandler); window.removeEventListener('mousemove', this._onMousemoveHandler); }, actions: { openMenu() { this._showMenu(); }, closeMenu() { this._hideMenu(); }, replaceWithCardSection(cardName) { let range = this._editorRange; this.replaceWithCardSection(cardName, range); this._hideButton(); this._hideMenu(); }, replaceWithListSection(listType) { let range = this._editorRange; this.replaceWithListSection(listType, range); this._hideMenu(); } }, _showOrHideButton(editorRange) { if (!editorRange) { this._hideButton(); this._hideMenu(); return; } let {head: {section}} = editorRange; // show the button if the range is a blank paragraph if (editorRange && editorRange.isCollapsed && section && !section.isListItem && (section.isBlank || section.text === '')) { this._editorRange = editorRange; this._showButton(); this._hideMenu(); } else { this._hideButton(); this._hideMenu(); } }, _showButton() { this._positionMenu(); this.set('showButton', true); }, _hideButton() { this.set('showButton', false); }, // find the "top" position by grabbing the current sections // render node and querying it's bounding rect. Setting "top" // positions the button+menu container element .koenig-plus-menu _positionMenu() { // use the cached range if available because `editorRange` may have been // lost due to clicks on the open menu let {head: {section}} = this._editorRange || this.get('editorRange'); if (section) { let containerRect = this.element.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(); let selectedElement = section.renderNode.element; let selectedElementRect = selectedElement.getBoundingClientRect(); let top = -; this.set('top', top); } }, _showMenu() { this.set('showMenu', true); // move the cursor to the blank paragraph, ensures any selected card // gets inserted in the correct place because editorRange will be // wherever the cursor currently is if the menu was opened via a // mouseover button this.set('editorRange', this._editorRange); this.get('editor').run((postEditor) => { postEditor.setRange(this._editorRange); }); // focus the search immediately so that you can filter immediately run.schedule('afterRender', this, function () { this._focusSearch(); }); // watch the window for mousedown events so that we can close the menu // when we detect a click outside this._onWindowMousedownHandler = run.bind(this, (event) => { this._handleWindowMousedown(event); }); window.addEventListener('mousedown', this._onWindowMousedownHandler); }, _hideMenu() { if (this.get('showMenu')) { // reset our cached editorRange this._editorRange = null; // stop watching the body for clicks window.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._onWindowMousedownHandler); // hide the menu this.set('showMenu', false); } }, _focusSearch() { let search = this.element.querySelector('input'); if (search) { search.focus(); } }, _handleWindowMousedown(event) { if (!`#${this.elementId}`)) { this._hideMenu(); } }, _mousemoveRaf(event) { if (!this._mousemoveTicking) { requestAnimationFrame(run.bind(this, this._handleMousemove, event)); } this._mousemoveTicking = true; }, // show the (+) button when the mouse is over a blank P tag _handleMousemove(event) { if (!this.get('showMenu')) { let {pageX, pageY} = event; let editor = this.get('editor'); // add a horizontal buffer to the pointer position so that the // (+) button doesn't disappear when the mouse hovers over it due // to it being outside of the editor canvas let containerRect = this.element.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(); if (pageX < containerRect.left) { pageX = pageX + 40; } // grab a range from the editor position under the pointer. We can // rely on the same show/hide behaviour of our cursor implementation let position = editor.positionAtPoint(pageX, pageY); if (position) { let pointerRange = position.toRange(); this._showOrHideButton(pointerRange); } // if the button is hidden due to the pointer not being over a blank // P but we have a valid cursor position then fall back to the cursor // positioning if (!this.get('showButton') && this._hasCursorButton) { this._showOrHideButton(this.get('editorRange')); } } this._mousemoveTicking = false; }, _handleResize() { if (this.get('showButton')) { this._throttleResize = run.throttle(this, this._positionMenu, 100); } } });