Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost-Admin.git synced 2023-12-14 02:33:04 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 2265ee25c8 switch from jshint/jscs to eslint
no issue
- drop `jshint`, `jscs`, and `ember-suave` dependencies
- remove `grunt` related linting dependencies and tasks
- remove linting build from Travis so that linting can be performed as part of the normal test suite (refs TryGhost/Ghost#7427)
- add `ember-cli-eslint` and `eslint-plugin-ember-suave` dependencies
- configure `eslint` to match our previous coding style
- update config to run eslint tests as part of the normal test run
- add `npm run lint` command to only run linter tests
2016-11-14 13:25:36 +00:00

214 lines
7.2 KiB

/* global -moment */
/* jshint node: true */
/* jscs:disable */
var _ = require('lodash'),
fs = require('fs-extra'),
path = require('path'),
https = require('https'),
getTopContribs = require('top-gh-contribs'),
moment = require('moment'),
chalk = require('chalk'),
Promise = require('bluebird');
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Find all of the task which start with `grunt-` and load them, rather than explicitly declaring them all
require('matchdep').filterDev(['grunt-*', '!grunt-cli']).forEach(grunt.loadNpmTasks);
clean: {
built: {
src: [
dependencies: {
src: [
tmp: {
src: ['tmp/**']
// ### grunt-bg-shell
// Used to run ember-cli watch in the background
bgShell: {
ember: {
cmd: 'npm run build -- --watch',
bg: true
watch: {
csscomb: {
files: ['app/styles/**/*.css'],
tasks: ['shell:csscombfix']
shell: {
'npm-install': {
command: 'npm install'
'bower-install': {
command: 'bower install'
ember: {
command: function (mode) {
switch (mode) {
case 'prod':
return 'npm run build -- --environment=production --silent';
case 'dev':
return 'npm run build';
options: {
execOptions: {
stdout: false
csscombfix: {
command: 'csscomb -c app/styles/csscomb.json -v app/styles'
csscomblint: {
command: 'csscomb -c app/styles/csscomb.json -lv app/styles'
test: {
command: 'npm test'
options: {
preferLocal: true
grunt.registerTask('init', 'Install the client dependencies',
['shell:npm-install', 'shell:bower-install']
// ### Build About Page *(Utility Task)*
// Builds the github contributors partial template used on the about page,
// and downloads the avatar for each of the users.
// Run by any task that compiles ember assets or manually via `grunt buildAboutPage`.
// Only builds if the template does not exist.
// To force a build regardless, supply the --force option.
// `grunt buildAboutPage --force`
grunt.registerTask('buildAboutPage', 'Compile assets for the About Ghost page', function () {
var done = this.async(),
templatePath = 'app/templates/-contributors.hbs',
imagePath = 'public/assets/img/contributors',
timeSpan = moment().subtract(90, 'days').format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
oauthKey = process.env.GITHUB_OAUTH_KEY,
contribNumber = 18;
if (fs.existsSync(templatePath) && !grunt.option('force')) {
grunt.log.writeln('Contributors template already exists.');
return done();
grunt.verbose.writeln('Downloading release and contributor information from Github');
function mergeContribs(first, second) {
_.each(second, function (contributor) {
var contributorInFirst = _.find(first, ['name', contributor.name]);
if (contributorInFirst) {
contributorInFirst.commitCount += contributor.commitCount;
} else {
return _(first)
.filter(function (contributor) {
// remove greenkeeper from contributor list
return contributor.name !== 'greenkeeperio-bot';
return Promise.join(
user: 'tryghost',
repo: 'ghost',
oauthKey: oauthKey,
sinceDate: timeSpan,
count: contribNumber,
retry: true
user: 'tryghost',
repo: 'ghost-admin',
oauthKey: oauthKey,
sinceDate: timeSpan,
count: contribNumber,
retry: true
).then(function (results) {
var contributors = mergeContribs(results[1], results[2]),
contributorTemplate = '<article>\n <a href="<%= githubUrl %>" title="<%= name %>">\n' +
' <img src="{{gh-path "asset" "/img/contributors"}}/<%= name %>" alt="<%= name %>" />\n' +
' </a>\n</article>',
downloadImagePromise = function (url, name) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var file = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(__dirname, imagePath, name));
https.get(url, function (response) {
file.on('finish', function () {
}).on('error', reject);
grunt.verbose.writeln('Creating contributors template');
_.map(contributors, function (contributor) {
var compiled = _.template(contributorTemplate);
return compiled(contributor);
grunt.verbose.writeln('Downloading images for top contributors');
return Promise.all(_.map(contributors, function (contributor) {
return downloadImagePromise(contributor.avatarUrl + '&s=60', contributor.name);
}).then(done).catch(function (error) {
if (error.http_status) {
grunt.log.writeln('GitHub API request returned status: ' + error.http_status);
if (error.ratelimit_limit) {
grunt.log.writeln('Rate limit data: limit: %d, remaining: %d, reset: %s', error.ratelimit_limit, error.ratelimit_remaining, moment.unix(error.ratelimit_reset).fromNow());