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mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost-Admin.git synced 2023-12-14 02:33:04 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 3d341e2dd6
Koenig reboot - rich text (#952)
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/9311

Koenig is being fully rebooted, first port of call is to focus on getting the rich-text only aspect of mobiledoc-kit working with our popup toolbar.

- renames old koenig implementation (used for reference, will eventually be deleted)
- new `{{koenig-editor}}` mobiledoc-kit component implementation based on ember-mobiledoc-editor
  - markdown text expansions
- new `{{gh-koenig-edtor}}` that wraps our title+editor and handles keyboard navigation between the two
  - clicks below content will focus the editor
- new `{{koenig-toolbar}}` component for the popup formatting toolbar with improved behaviour and simplified code
2018-01-30 10:01:07 +00:00

599 lines
22 KiB

import $ from 'jquery';
import Component from '@ember/component';
import Editor from 'mobiledoc-kit/editor/editor';
import Ember from 'ember';
import counter from 'ghost-admin/utils/word-count';
import createCardFactory from '../lib/card-factory';
import defaultCards from '../cards/index';
import layout from '../templates/components/gh-koenig';
import registerKeyCommands from '../options/key-commands';
import registerTextExpansions from '../options/text-expansions';
import {MOBILEDOC_VERSION} from 'mobiledoc-kit/renderers/mobiledoc';
import {assign} from '@ember/polyfills';
import {
} from '../lib/utils';
import {computed} from '@ember/object';
import {run} from '@ember/runloop';
// ember-cli-shims doesn't export Ember.testing
const {testing} = Ember;
export const TESTING_EXPANDO_PROPERTY = '__koenig_editor';
export const BLANK_DOC = {
markups: [],
atoms: [],
cards: [],
sections: [[1, 'p', [[0, [], 0, '']]]]
export default Component.extend({
classNames: ['gh-koenig-container'],
// exterally set properties
mobiledoc: null,
placeholder: 'Click here to start ...',
spellcheck: true,
autofocus: false,
cards: null,
atoms: null,
serializeVersion: MOBILEDOC_VERSION,
options: null,
// exposed properties
editor: null,
editedCard: null,
selectedCard: null,
emberCards: null,
isMenuOpen: false,
editorHasRendered: false,
// internal properties
_domContainer: null,
// TODO: keyDownHandler is assigned event handlers when a card is
// hard-selected, is there a better way of handling this?
_keyDownHandler: null,
// merge in named options with the `options` property data-bag
editorOptions: computed(function () {
let options = this.get('options') || {};
let cards = this.get('cards') || [];
let atoms = this.get('atoms') || [];
// use our CardFactory to wrap our default and any user-supplied cards
// with Ghost specific functionality
// TODO: this also sets the emberCards property - do we need that indirection?
let createCard = createCardFactory.apply(this, {}); // need to pass the toolbar
cards = defaultCards.concat(cards).map(card => createCard(card));
// add our default atoms
atoms = atoms.concat([{
name: 'soft-return',
type: 'dom',
render() {
return document.createElement('br');
return assign({
placeholder: this.get('placeholder'),
spellchack: this.get('spellcheck'),
autofocus: this.get('autofocus'),
// cardOptions: this.get('cardOptions'),
}, options);
init() {
// grab the supplied mobiledoc value - if it's empty set our default
// blank document, if it's a JSON string then deserialize it
let mobiledoc = this.get('mobiledoc');
if (!mobiledoc) {
mobiledoc = BLANK_DOC;
this.set('mobiledoc', mobiledoc);
if (typeof mobiledoc === 'string') {
mobiledoc = JSON.parse(mobiledoc);
this.set('mobiledoc', mobiledoc);
this.set('emberCards', []);
this._keyDownHandler = [];
// we use css media width for most things but need to know if a device is touch
// to place the toolbar. Above the selected content on a mobile browser is the
// cut | copy | paste menu so we need to place our toolbar below.
// TODO: is this reliable enough? What about most Windows laptops now being touch enabled?
this.set('isTouch', 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement);
this._startedRunLoop = false;
didReceiveAttrs() {
if (this.get('autofocus') !== this._autofocus) {
this._autofocus = this.get('autofocus');
this._hasAutofocused = false;
willRender() {
// Use a default mobiledoc. If there are no changes, then return early.
let mobiledoc = this.get('mobiledoc') || BLANK_DOC;
let noMobiledocChanges
= (this._localMobiledoc && this._localMobiledoc === mobiledoc)
|| (this._upstreamMobiledoc && this._upstreamMobiledoc === mobiledoc);
if (noMobiledocChanges) {
// reset everything ready for an editor re-render
this._upstreamMobiledoc = mobiledoc;
this._localMobiledoc = null;
// trigger hook action
// teardown any old editor that might be around
let editor = this.get('editor');
if (editor) {
// create a new editor
let editorOptions = this.get('editorOptions');
editorOptions.mobiledoc = mobiledoc;
// TODO: instantiate component hooks?
// https://github.com/bustlelabs/ember-mobiledoc-editor/blob/master/addon/components/mobiledoc-editor/component.js#L163-L227
editor = new Editor(editorOptions);
// set up our default key handling and text expansions to emulate MD behaviour
// TODO: better place to do this?
editor.willRender(() => {
// The editor's render/rerender will happen after this `editor.willRender`,
// so we explicitly start a runloop here if there is none, so that the
// add/remove card hooks happen inside a runloop.
// When pasting text that gets turned into a card, for example,
// the add card hook would run outside the runloop if we didn't begin a new
// one now.
if (!run.currentRunLoop) {
this._startedRunLoop = true;
editor.didRender(() => {
// If we had explicitly started a run loop in `editor.willRender`,
// we must explicitly end it here.
if (this._startedRunLoop) {
this._startedRunLoop = false;
this.set('editorHasRendered', true);
editor.postDidChange(() => {
run.join(() => {
editor.cursorDidChange(() => {
if (this.isDestroyed) {
run.join(() => {
this.set('editor', editor);
// trigger hook action
didRender() {
// listen to keydown events outside of the editor, used to handle keydown
// events in the cards.
// TODO: is there a better way to handle this?
if (!document.onkeydown) {
document.onkeydown = event => this._keyDownHandler.reduce((returnType, handler) => {
let result = handler(event);
if (returnType !== false) {
return result;
return returnType;
}, true);
let editor = this.get('editor');
if (!editor.hasRendered) {
let $editor = this.$('.gh-koenig-surface');
let [domContainer] = $editor.parents(this.get('containerSelector'));
let [editorDom] = $editor;
editorDom.tabindex = this.get('tabindex');
this._domContainer = domContainer;
this._isRenderingEditor = true;
this._isRenderingEditor = false;
// autofocus is only true when transitioning from new to edit,
// otherwise it's false or undefined. therefore, if it's true it's after
// the first lot of content is entered and we expect the caret to be at
// the end of the document.
// TODO: can this be removed if we refactor the new/edit screens to not re-render?
if (this._autofocus && !this._hasAutofocused) {
let range = document.createRange();
let sel = window.getSelection();
editor._ensureFocus(); // PRIVATE API
// ensure we don't run the autofocus more than once between
// `autofocus` attr changes
this._hasAutofocused = true;
willDestroyElement() {
// TODO: should we be killing all global onkeydown event handlers?
document.onkeydown = null;
actions: {
// thin border, shows that a card is selected but the user cannot delete
// the card with keyboard events.
// used when the content of the card is selected and it is editing.
selectCard(cardId) {
if (!cardId) {
throw new Error('A selection must include a cardId');
let card = this.get('emberCards').find(card => card.id === cardId);
let cardHolder = $(`#${cardId}`).parent('.kg-card');
let selectedCard = this.get('selectedCard');
if (selectedCard && selectedCard !== card) {
// defer rendering until after the card is placed in the mobiledoc via the wormhole
if (!cardHolder[0]) {
run.schedule('afterRender', this, () => this.send('selectCard', cardId));
this.set('selectedCard', card);
this._keyDownHandler.length = 0;
// cardHolder.focus();
document.onclick = (event) => {
if (checkIfClickEventShouldCloseCard($(event.target), cardHolder)) {
// thicker border and with keyboard events for moving around the editor
// creating blocks under the card and deleting the card.
// used when selecting the card with the keyboard or clicking on the toolbar.
selectCardHard(cardId) {
if (!cardId) {
throw new Error('A selection must include a cardId');
// don't hard select an editing card.
if (this.editedCard && this.editedCard.id === cardId) {
this.send('editCard', cardId);
let card = this.get('emberCards').find(card => card.id === cardId);
let cardHolder = $(`#${cardId}`).parents('.kg-card');
let selectedCard = this.get('selectedCard');
if (selectedCard && selectedCard !== card) {
// defer rendering until after the card is placed in the mobiledoc via the wormhole
if (!cardHolder[0]) {
run.schedule('afterRender', this, () => this.send('selectCardHard', cardId));
this.set('selectedCard', card);
document.onclick = (event) => {
if (checkIfClickEventShouldCloseCard($(event.target), cardHolder)) {
this._keyDownHandler.push((event) => {
let editor = this.get('editor');
switch (event.keyCode) {
case 37: // arrow left
case 38: // arrow up
getCardFromDoc(cardId, editor)
.then((section) => {
if (section.prev && section.prev.isCardSection) {
let prevCard = ($(section.prev.renderNode.element).find('.gh-card-holder').attr('id'));
if (prevCard) {
this.send('selectCardHard', prevCard);
} else if (section.prev) {
let range = section.prev.toRange();
range.head.offset = range.tail.offset;
} else {
return false;
case 39: // arrow right
case 40: // arrow down
getCardFromDoc(cardId, editor)
.then((section) => {
if (section.next && section.next.isCardSection) {
let nextCard = ($(section.next.renderNode.element).find('.gh-card-holder').attr('id'));
if (nextCard) {
this.send('selectCardHard', nextCard);
} else if (section.next) {
let range = section.next.toRange();
range.tail.offset = 0;
} else {
return false;
case 13: // enter
getCardFromDoc(cardId, editor)
.then((section) => {
if (section.next) {
editor.run((postEditor) => {
let newSection = editor.builder.createMarkupSection('p');
postEditor.insertSectionBefore(editor.post.sections, newSection, section.next);
postEditor.setRange(newSection.toRange()); // new Mobiledoc.Range(newSection.headPosition)
} else {
editor.run((postEditor) => {
let newSection = editor.builder.createMarkupSection('p');
return false;
case 27: // escape
this.send('selectCard', cardId);
return false;
case 8: // backspace
this.send('deleteCard', cardId);
return false;
case 46: // delete
this.send('deleteCard', cardId, true);
return false;
deselectCard() {
let selectedCard = this.get('selectedCard');
if (selectedCard) {
let cardHolder = $(`#${selectedCard.id}`).parent('.kg-card');
this.set('selectedCard', null);
this._keyDownHandler.length = 0;
// TODO: do we want to kill all document onclick handlers?
document.onclick = null;
this.set('editedCard', null);
editCard(cardId) {
let card = this.get('emberCards').find(card => card.id === cardId);
this.set('editedCard', card);
this.send('selectCard', cardId);
deleteCard(cardId, forwards = false) {
let editor = this.get('editor');
let card = this.get('emberCards').find(card => card.id === cardId);
getCardFromDoc(cardId, editor).then(function (section) {
let range;
if (forwards && section.next) {
range = section.next.toRange();
range.tail.offset = 0;
} else if (section.prev) {
range = section.prev.toRange();
range.head.offset = range.tail.offset;
} else if (section.next) {
range = section.next.toRange();
range.tail.offset = 0;
} else {
stopEditingCard() {
this.set('editedCard', null);
menuOpened() {
this.set('isMenuOpen', true);
menuClosed() {
this.set('isMenuOpen', false);
// drag and drop images onto the editor
dropImage(event) {
if (event.dataTransfer.files.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < event.dataTransfer.files.length; i += 1) {
let file = [event.dataTransfer.files[i]];
this.editor.insertCard('card-image', {pos: 'top', file});
dragOver(event) {
// required for drop events to fire on markdown cards in firefox.
// makes sure the cursor is on screen except when selection is happening in
// which case the browser mostly ensures it. there is an issue with keyboard
// selection on some browsers though so the next step may be to record mouse
// and touch events.
cursorMoved() {
let editor = this.get('editor');
if (editor.range.isCollapsed) {
let scrollBuffer = 33; // the extra buffer to scroll.
let position = getPositionOnScreenFromRange(editor, $(this.get('containerSelector')));
if (!position) {
let windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
if (position.bottom > windowHeight) {
this._domContainer.scrollTop += position.bottom - windowHeight + scrollBuffer;
} else if (position.top < 0) {
this._domContainer.scrollTop += position.top - scrollBuffer;
if (editor.range && editor.range.headSection && editor.range.headSection.isCardSection) {
let id = $(editor.range.headSection.renderNode.element).find('.kg-card > div').attr('id');
// let id = card.find('div').attr('id');
// if the element is first and we create a card with the '/' menu then the cursor moves before
// element is placed in the dom properly. So we figure it out another way.
if (!id) {
id = editor.range.headSection.renderNode.element.children[0].children[0].id;
this.send('selectCardHard', id);
} else {
} else {
// NOTE: This wordcount function doesn't count words that have been entered in cards.
// We should either allow cards to report their own wordcount or use the DOM
// (innerText) to calculate the wordcount.
processWordcount() {
let wordcount = 0;
if (this.editor.post.sections.length) {
this.editor.post.sections.forEach((section) => {
if (section.isMarkerable && section.text.length) {
wordcount += counter(section.text);
} else if (section.isCardSection && section.payload.wordcount) {
wordcount += Number(section.payload.wordcount);
let action = this.get('wordcountDidChange');
if (action) {
_willCreateEditor() {
let action = this.get('willCreateEditor');
if (action) {
_didCreateEditor(editor) {
let action = this.get('didCreateEditor');
if (action) {
postDidChange(editor) {
// store a cache of the local doc so that we don't need to reinitialise it.
let serializeVersion = this.get('serializeVersion');
let updatedMobiledoc = editor.serialize(serializeVersion);
let onChangeAction = this.get('onChange');
let onFirstChangeAction = this.get('onFirstChange');
this._localMobiledoc = updatedMobiledoc;
if (onChangeAction) {
// we need to trigger a first-change action so that we can trigger a
// save and transition from new-> edit
if (this._localMobiledoc !== BLANK_DOC && !this._hasChanged) {
this._hasChanged = true;
if (onFirstChangeAction) {
_setExpandoProperty(editor) {
// Store a reference to the editor for the acceptance test helpers
if (this.element && testing) {
this.element[TESTING_EXPANDO_PROPERTY] = editor;