
142 lines
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import $ from 'jquery';
import Mixin from '@ember/object/mixin';
import ShortcutsRoute from 'ghost-admin/mixins/shortcuts-route';
import ctrlOrCmd from 'ghost-admin/utils/ctrl-or-cmd';
import styleBody from 'ghost-admin/mixins/style-body';
import {run} from '@ember/runloop';
let generalShortcuts = {};
generalShortcuts[`${ctrlOrCmd}+shift+p`] = 'publish';
export default Mixin.create(styleBody, ShortcutsRoute, {
classNames: ['editor'],
shortcuts: generalShortcuts,
actions: {
save() {
let selectedElement = $(document.activeElement);
if ('input[type="text"]')) {
run.scheduleOnce('actions', this, function () {
publish() {
let controller = this.get('controller');
controller.send('setSaveType', 'publish');
willTransition(transition) {
let controller = this.get('controller');
let scratch = controller.get('post.scratch');
let controllerIsDirty = controller.get('hasDirtyAttributes');
let post = controller.get('post');
let state = post.getProperties('isDeleted', 'isSaving', 'hasDirtyAttributes', 'isNew');
if (this.get('upgradeStatus.isRequired')) {
return this._super(...arguments);
let fromNewToEdit = this.get('routeName') === ''
&& transition.targetName === 'editor.edit'
&& transition.intent.contexts
&& transition.intent.contexts[0]
&& transition.intent.contexts[0].id === post.get('id');
let deletedWithoutChanges = state.isDeleted
&& (state.isSaving || !state.hasDirtyAttributes);
if (!fromNewToEdit && !deletedWithoutChanges && controllerIsDirty) {
controller.send('toggleLeaveEditorModal', transition);
// The controller may hold post state that will be lost in the
// new->edit transition, so we need to apply it now.
if (fromNewToEdit && controllerIsDirty) {
if (scratch !== post.get('mobiledoc')) {
post.set('mobiledoc', scratch);
// make sure the save tasks aren't still running in the background
// after leaving the edit route
// TODO: the edit screen should really be a component so that we get
// automatic state cleanup and task cancellation
if (state.isNew) {
// since the transition is now certain to complete..
window.onbeforeunload = null;
// remove post-related listeners created in editor-base-route
this.detachModelHooks(controller, post);
attachModelHooks(controller, post) {
// this will allow us to track when the post is saved and update the controller
// so that we can be sure controller.hasDirtyAttributes is correct, without having to update the
// controller on each instance of ``.
// another reason we can't do this on `` is because the post-settings-menu
// also saves the post, and passing messages is difficult because we have two
// types of editor controllers, and the PSM also exists on the route.
// The reason we can't just keep this functionality in the editor controller is
// because we need to remove these handlers on `willTransition` in the editor route.
post.on('didCreate', controller, controller.get('postSaved'));
post.on('didUpdate', controller, controller.get('postSaved'));
detachModelHooks(controller, post) {'didCreate', controller, controller.get('postSaved'));'didUpdate', controller, controller.get('postSaved'));
setupController(controller, post) {
let tags = post.get('tags');
post.set('scratch', post.get('mobiledoc'));
post.set('titleScratch', post.get('title'));
// reset the leave editor transition so new->edit will still work
controller.set('leaveEditorTransition', null);
if (tags) {
// used to check if anything has changed in the editor
controller.set('previousTagNames', tags.mapBy('name'));
} else {
controller.set('previousTagNames', []);
// trigger an immediate autosave timeout if post has changed between
// new->edit (typical as first save will only contain the first char)
// so that leaving the route waits for save instead of showing the
// "Are you sure you want to leave?" modal unexpectedly
if (!post.get('isNew') && post.get('hasDirtyAttributes')) {
// reset save-on-first-change (gh-koenig specific)
// controller._hasChanged = false;
// attach post-related listeners created in editor-base-route
this.attachModelHooks(controller, post);