Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost-Admin.git synced 2023-12-14 02:33:04 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield 2245d93f2b Added gallery card to the editor
no issue
- added gallery card (initial implementation)
    - supports upto 9 images in gallery
    - max 3 images per row
- fixed gh-uploaded error handling for generic errors
- ignore jsconfig.json
2018-08-30 17:48:20 +01:00

1244 lines
46 KiB

* Based on ember-mobiledoc-editor
* https://github.com/bustle/ember-mobiledoc-editor
import Component from '@ember/component';
import Editor from 'mobiledoc-kit/editor/editor';
import EmberObject, {computed, get} from '@ember/object';
import Key from 'mobiledoc-kit/utils/key';
import MobiledocRange from 'mobiledoc-kit/utils/cursor/range';
import calculateReadingTime from '../utils/reading-time';
import countWords from '../utils/count-words';
import defaultAtoms from '../options/atoms';
import defaultCards, {CARD_COMPONENT_MAP} from '../options/cards';
import formatMarkdown from 'ghost-admin/utils/format-markdown';
import layout from '../templates/components/koenig-editor';
import parserPlugins from '../options/parser-plugins';
import registerKeyCommands from '../options/key-commands';
import registerTextExpansions from '../options/text-expansions';
import validator from 'npm:validator';
import {A} from '@ember/array';
import {MOBILEDOC_VERSION} from 'mobiledoc-kit/renderers/mobiledoc';
import {assign} from '@ember/polyfills';
import {camelize, capitalize} from '@ember/string';
import {copy} from '@ember/object/internals';
import {getContentFromPasteEvent} from 'mobiledoc-kit/utils/parse-utils';
import {getLinkMarkupFromRange} from '../utils/markup-utils';
import {getOwner} from '@ember/application';
import {guidFor} from '@ember/object/internals';
import {isBlank} from '@ember/utils';
import {run} from '@ember/runloop';
const UNDO_DEPTH = 50;
export const ADD_CARD_HOOK = 'addComponent';
export const REMOVE_CARD_HOOK = 'removeComponent';
// used in test helpers to grab a reference to the underlying mobiledoc editor
export const TESTING_EXPANDO_PROPERTY = '__mobiledoc_kit_editor';
// blank doc contains a single empty paragraph so that there's some content for
// the cursor to start in
export const BLANK_DOC = {
markups: [],
atoms: [],
cards: [],
sections: [
[1, 'p', [
[0, [], 0, '']
export const CURSOR_BEFORE = -1;
export const CURSOR_AFTER = 1;
export const NO_CURSOR_MOVEMENT = 0;
// markups that should not be continued when typing and reverted to their
// text expansion style when backspacing over final char of markup
export const SPECIAL_MARKUPS = {
S: '~~',
CODE: '`',
SUP: '^',
SUB: '~'
export function arrayToMap(array) {
let map = Object.create(null);
array.forEach((key) => {
if (key) { // skip undefined/falsy key values
key = `is${capitalize(camelize(key))}`;
map[key] = true;
return map;
// if the cursor is at the end of one of our "special" markups that can only be
// toggled via markdown expansions then we want to ensure that the markup is
// removed from the edit state so that you can type without being stuck with
// the special formatting
export function toggleSpecialFormatEditState(editor) {
let {head, isCollapsed} = editor.range;
if (isCollapsed) {
Object.keys(SPECIAL_MARKUPS).forEach((tagName) => {
tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
if (head.marker && head.marker.hasMarkup(tagName) && editor._editState.activeMarkups.findBy('tagName', tagName)) {
let nextMarker = head.markerIn(1);
if (!nextMarker || !nextMarker.hasMarkup(tagName)) {
// there is a bug somehwhere that means after pasting
// content the _editState can end up with multiple
// instances of the markup so we need to toggle all of them
editor._editState.activeMarkups.filterBy('tagName', tagName).forEach((markup) => {
// helper function to insert image cards at or after the current active section
// used when pasting or dropping image files
function insertImageCards(files, postEditor) {
let {builder, editor} = postEditor;
let collection = editor.post.sections;
let section = editor.activeSection;
// when dropping an image on the editor before it's had focus there will be
// no active section so we insert the image at the end of the document
if (!section) {
section = editor.post.sections.tail;
// create a blank paragraph at the end of the document if needed because
// we use `insertSectionBefore` and don't want the image to be added
// before the last card
if (!section.isMarkerable) {
let blank = builder.createMarkupSection();
section = postEditor._range.head.section;
// place the card after the active section
if (!section.isBlank && !section.isListItem && section.next) {
section = section.next;
// list items cannot contain card sections so insert a blank paragraph after
// the whole list ready to be replaced by the image cards
if (section.isListItem) {
let list = section.parent;
let blank = builder.createMarkupSection();
if (list.next) {
postEditor.insertSectionBefore(collection, blank, list.next);
} else {
section = postEditor._range.head.section;
// insert an image card for each image, keep track of the last card to be
// inserted so that the cursor can be placed on it at the end
let lastImageSection;
files.forEach((file) => {
let payload = {
files: [file]
lastImageSection = builder.createCardSection('image', payload);
postEditor.insertSectionBefore(collection, lastImageSection, section);
// remove the current section if it's blank - avoids unexpected blank
// paragraph after the insert is complete
if (section.isBlank) {
// place cursor on the last inserted image
export default Component.extend({
tagName: 'article',
classNames: ['koenig-editor', 'w-100', 'flex-grow', 'relative', 'center', 'mb0', 'mt0'],
// public attrs
mobiledoc: null,
placeholder: 'Write here...',
autofocus: false,
spellcheck: true,
options: null,
headerOffset: 0,
dropTargetSelector: null,
scrollContainerSelector: null,
scrollOffsetTopSelector: null,
scrollOffsetBottomSelector: null,
// internal properties
editor: null,
activeMarkupTagNames: null,
activeSectionTagNames: null,
selectedRange: null,
componentCards: null,
linkRange: null,
selectedCard: null,
// private properties
_localMobiledoc: null,
_upstreamMobiledoc: null,
_startedRunLoop: false,
_lastIsEditingDisabled: false,
_isRenderingEditor: false,
_skipCursorChange: false,
_modifierKeys: null,
// closure actions
willCreateEditor() {},
didCreateEditor() {},
onChange() {},
cursorDidExitAtTop() {},
wordCountDidChange() {},
/* computed properties -------------------------------------------------- */
// merge in named options with any passed in `options` property data-bag
editorOptions: computed(function () {
let options = this.options || {};
let atoms = this.atoms || [];
let cards = this.cards || [];
// add our default atoms and cards, we want the defaults to be first so
// that they can be overridden by any passed-in atoms or cards.
// Use Array.concat to avoid modifying any passed in array references
atoms = Array.concat(defaultAtoms, atoms);
cards = Array.concat(defaultCards, cards);
return assign({
placeholder: this.placeholder,
spellcheck: this.spellcheck,
autofocus: this.autofocus,
}, options);
/* lifecycle hooks ------------------------------------------------------ */
init() {
// set a blank mobiledoc if we didn't receive anything
let mobiledoc = this.mobiledoc;
if (!mobiledoc) {
mobiledoc = BLANK_DOC;
this.set('mobiledoc', mobiledoc);
this.set('componentCards', A([]));
this.set('activeMarkupTagNames', {});
this.set('activeSectionTagNames', {});
this._modifierKeys = {
shift: false,
alt: false,
ctrl: false
// track mousedown/mouseup on the window rather than the ember component
// so that we're sure to get the events even when they start outside of
// this component or end outside the window.
// Mouse events are used to track when a mousebutton is down so that we
// can disable automatic cursor-in-viewport scrolling
this._onMousedownHandler = run.bind(this, this.handleMousedown);
window.addEventListener('mousedown', this._onMousedownHandler);
this._onMouseupHandler = run.bind(this, this.handleMouseup);
window.addEventListener('mouseup', this._onMouseupHandler);
this._startedRunLoop = false;
willRender() {
// use a default mobiledoc. If there are no changes then return early
let mobiledoc = this.mobiledoc || BLANK_DOC;
let mobiledocIsSame =
(this._localMobiledoc && this._localMobiledoc === mobiledoc) ||
(this._upstreamMobiledoc && this._upstreamMobiledoc === mobiledoc);
let isEditingDisabledIsSame =
this._lastIsEditingDisabled === this.isEditingDisabled;
// no change to mobiledoc, no need to recreate the editor
if (mobiledocIsSame && isEditingDisabledIsSame) {
// update our internal references
this._lastIsEditingDisabled = this.isEditingDisabled;
this._upstreamMobiledoc = mobiledoc;
this._localMobiledoc = null;
// trigger the willCreateEditor closure action
// teardown any old editor that might be around
let editor = this.editor;
if (editor) {
// create a new editor
let editorOptions = this.editorOptions;
editorOptions.mobiledoc = mobiledoc;
editorOptions.showLinkTooltips = false;
editorOptions.undoDepth = UNDO_DEPTH;
editorOptions.parserPlugins = parserPlugins;
let componentHooks = {
// triggered when a card section is added to the mobiledoc
[ADD_CARD_HOOK]: ({env, options, payload}, koenigOptions) => {
let cardName = env.name;
let componentName = CARD_COMPONENT_MAP[cardName];
// the payload must be copied to avoid sharing the reference
// `payload.files` is special because it's set by paste/drag-n-drop
// events and can't be copied for security reasons
let {files} = payload;
let payloadCopy = copy(payload, true);
payloadCopy.files = files;
// all of the properties that will be passed through to the
// component cards via the template
let card = EmberObject.create({
payload: payloadCopy,
postModel: env.postModel,
isSelected: false,
isEditing: false
// the desination element is the container that gets rendered
// inside the editor, once rendered we use {{-in-element}} to
// wormhole in the actual ember component
let cardId = guidFor(card);
let destinationElementId = `koenig-editor-card-${cardId}`;
let destinationElement = document.createElement('div');
destinationElement.id = destinationElementId;
// after render we render the full ember card via {{-in-element}}
run.schedule('afterRender', () => {
// render the destination element inside the editor
return {card, element: destinationElement};
// triggered when a card section is removed from the mobiledoc
[REMOVE_CARD_HOOK]: (card) => {
editorOptions.cardOptions = componentHooks;
editor = new Editor(editorOptions);
// set up key commands and text expansions (MD conversion)
// TODO: this will override any passed in options, we should allow the
// default behaviour to be overridden by addon consumers
registerKeyCommands(editor, this);
registerTextExpansions(editor, this);
// set up editor hooks
editor.willRender(() => {
// The editor's render/rerender will happen after this `editor.willRender`,
// so we explicitly start a runloop here if there is none, so that the
// add/remove card hooks happen inside a runloop.
// When pasting text that gets turned into a card, for example,
// the add card hook would run outside the runloop if we didn't begin a new
// one now.
if (!run.currentRunLoop) {
this._startedRunLoop = true;
editor.didRender(() => {
// if we had explicitly started a runloop in `editor.willRender`,
// we must explicitly end it here
if (this._startedRunLoop) {
this._startedRunLoop = false;
if (this._cleanupScheduled) {
run.schedule('afterRender', this, this._cleanup);
editor.postDidChange(() => {
run.join(() => {
editor.cursorDidChange(() => {
run.join(() => {
editor.inputModeDidChange(() => {
if (this.isDestroyed) {
run.join(() => {
if (this.isEditingDisabled) {
this.set('editor', editor);
run.schedule('afterRender', this, this._calculateWordCount);
didInsertElement() {
let editorElement = this.element.querySelector('[data-kg="editor"]');
this._pasteHandler = run.bind(this, this.handlePaste);
editorElement.addEventListener('paste', this._pasteHandler);
if (this.scrollContainerSelector) {
this._scrollContainer = document.querySelector(this.scrollContainerSelector);
this._dropTarget = document.querySelector(this.dropTargetSelector) || this.element;
this._dragOverHandler = run.bind(this, this.handleDragOver);
this._dragLeaveHandler = run.bind(this, this.handleDragLeave);
this._dropHandler = run.bind(this, this.handleDrop);
this._dropTarget.addEventListener('dragover', this._dragOverHandler);
this._dropTarget.addEventListener('dragleave', this._dragLeaveHandler);
this._dropTarget.addEventListener('drop', this._dropHandler);
// our ember component has rendered, now we need to render the mobiledoc
// editor itself if necessary
didRender() {
let editor = this.editor;
if (!editor.hasRendered) {
let editorElement = this.element.querySelector('[data-kg="editor"]');
this._isRenderingEditor = true;
this._isRenderingEditor = false;
willDestroyElement() {
let {editor, _dropTarget} = this;
_dropTarget.removeEventListener('dragover', this._dragOverHandler);
_dropTarget.removeEventListener('dragleave', this._dragLeaveHandler);
_dropTarget.removeEventListener('drop', this._dropHandler);
let editorElement = this.element.querySelector('[data-kg="editor"]');
editorElement.removeEventListener('paste', this._pasteHandler);
actions: {
exitCursorAtTop() {
if (this.selectedCard) {
toggleMarkup(markupTagName, postEditor) {
(postEditor || this.editor).toggleMarkup(markupTagName);
toggleSection(sectionTagName, postEditor) {
(postEditor || this.editor).toggleSection(sectionTagName);
toggleHeaderSection(headingTagName, postEditor, options = {}) {
let editor = this.editor;
// skip toggle if we already have the same heading level
if (!options.force && editor.activeSection.tagName === headingTagName) {
let operation = function (postEditor) {
// strip all formatting aside from links
m => m.tagName !== 'a'
this._performEdit(operation, postEditor);
replaceWithCardSection(cardName, range, payload) {
let editor = this.editor;
let {head: {section}} = range;
editor.run((postEditor) => {
let {builder} = postEditor;
let card = builder.createCardSection(cardName, payload);
let nextSection = section.next;
let needsTrailingParagraph = !nextSection;
postEditor.replaceSection(section, card);
// add an empty paragraph after if necessary so writing can continue
if (needsTrailingParagraph) {
let newSection = postEditor.builder.createMarkupSection('p');
} else {
// cards are pushed on to the `componentCards` array so we can
// assume that the last card in the list is the one we want to
// select. Needs to be scheduled afterRender so that the new card
// is actually present
run.schedule('afterRender', this, function () {
let card = this.componentCards.lastObject;
if (card.koenigOptions.hasEditMode) {
} else if (card.koenigOptions.selectAfterInsert) {
selectCard(card) {
editCard(card) {
deselectCard(card) {
// range should be set to the full extent of the selection or the
// appropriate <a> markup. If there's a selection when the link edit
// component renders it will re-select when finished which should
// trigger the normal toolbar
editLink(range) {
let linkMarkup = getLinkMarkupFromRange(range);
if ((!range.isCollapsed || linkMarkup) && range.headSection.isMarkerable) {
this.set('linkRange', range);
cancelEditLink() {
this.set('linkRange', null);
deleteCard(card, cursorMovement = CURSOR_AFTER) {
this.deleteCard(card, cursorMovement);
moveCursorToPrevSection(card) {
let section = this.getSectionFromCard(card);
if (section.prev) {
this.moveCaretToTailOfSection(section.prev, false);
moveCursorToNextSection(card) {
let section = this.getSectionFromCard(card);
if (section.next) {
this.moveCaretToHeadOfSection(section.next, false);
} else {
this.send('addParagraphAfterCard', card);
addParagraphAfterCard(card) {
let editor = this.editor;
let section = this.getSectionFromCard(card);
let collection = section.parent.sections;
let nextSection = section.next;
editor.run((postEditor) => {
let {builder} = postEditor;
let newPara = builder.createMarkupSection('p');
if (nextSection) {
postEditor.insertSectionBefore(collection, newPara, nextSection);
} else {
/* public interface ----------------------------------------------------- */
// TODO: find a better way to expose the public interface?
// HACK: this scheduled cleanup is a bit hacky. We call .cleanup when
// initializing Koenig in our editor controller but we have to wait for
// rendering to finish so that componentCards is populated, even then
// it's unlikely the card.component registration has finished.
// TODO: see if there's a way we can perform cleanup directly on the
// mobiledoc, maybe with a "cleanupOnInit" option so that we modify the
// mobiledoc before we start rendering
cleanup() {
this._cleanupScheduled = true;
_cleanup() {
this.componentCards.forEach((card) => {
let shouldDelete = card.koenigOptions.deleteIfEmpty;
if (!shouldDelete) {
if (typeof shouldDelete === 'string') {
let payloadKey = shouldDelete;
shouldDelete = card => isBlank(get(card, payloadKey));
if (shouldDelete(card)) {
this.deleteCard(card, NO_CURSOR_MOVEMENT);
this._cleanupScheduled = false;
/* mobiledoc event handlers --------------------------------------------- */
postDidChange(editor) {
let serializeVersion = this.serializeVersion;
let updatedMobiledoc = editor.serialize(serializeVersion);
this._localMobiledoc = updatedMobiledoc;
// trigger closure action
// re-calculate word count
cursorDidChange(editor) {
let {head, tail, direction, isCollapsed, head: {section}} = editor.range;
// sometimes we perform a programatic edit that causes a cursor change
// but we actually want to skip the default behaviour because we've
// already handled it, e.g. on card insertion, manual card selection
if (this._skipCursorChange) {
this._skipCursorChange = false;
this.set('selectedRange', editor.range);
// ignore the cursor moving from one end to the other within a selected
// card section, clicking and other interactions within a card can cause
// this to happen and we don't want to select/deselect accidentally.
// See the up/down/left/right key handlers for the card selection
if (this.selectedCard && this.selectedCard.postModel === section) {
// select the card if the cursor is on the before/after &zwnj; char
if (section && isCollapsed && section.type === 'card-section') {
if (head.offset === 0 || head.offset === 1) {
// select card after render to ensure that our componentCards
// attr is populated
run.schedule('afterRender', this, () => {
let card = this.getCardFromSection(section);
this.set('selectedRange', editor.range);
// deselect any selected card because the cursor is no longer on a card
if (this.selectedCard && !editor.range.isBlank) {
// if we have `code` or ~strike~ formatting to the left but not the right
// then toggle the formatting - these formats should only be creatable
// through the text expansions
// do not include the tail section if it's offset is 0
// fixes triple-click unexpectedly selecting two sections for section-level formatting
// https://github.com/bustle/mobiledoc-kit/issues/597
if (direction === 1 && !isCollapsed && tail.offset === 0 && tail.section.prev) {
let finalSection = tail.section.prev;
let newRange = new MobiledocRange(head, finalSection.tailPosition());
return editor.selectRange(newRange);
// pass the selected range through to the toolbar + menu components
this.set('selectedRange', editor.range);
// fired when the active section(s) or markup(s) at the current cursor
// position or selection have changed. We use this event to update the
// activeMarkup/section tag lists which control button states in our popup
// toolbar
inputModeDidChange(editor) {
let markupTags = arrayToMap(editor.activeMarkups.map(m => m.tagName));
// editor.activeSections are leaf sections.
// Map parent section tag names (e.g. 'p', 'ul', 'ol') so that list buttons
// are updated.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-confusing-arrow
let sectionParentTagNames = editor.activeSections.map(s => s.isNested ? s.parent.tagName : s.tagName);
let sectionTags = arrayToMap(sectionParentTagNames);
// On keyboard cursor movement our `cursorDidChange` toggle for special
// formats happens before mobiledoc's readstate updates the edit states
// so we have to re-do it here
// TODO: can we make the event order consistent in mobiledoc-kit?
// Avoid updating this component's properties synchronously while
// rendering the editor (after rendering the component) because it
// causes Ember to display deprecation warnings
if (this._isRenderingEditor) {
run.schedule('afterRender', () => {
this.set('activeMarkupTagNames', markupTags);
this.set('activeSectionTagNames', sectionTags);
} else {
this.set('activeMarkupTagNames', markupTags);
this.set('activeSectionTagNames', sectionTags);
/* custom event handlers ------------------------------------------------ */
handlePaste(event) {
let {editor} = this;
// don't trigger our paste handling for pastes within cards or outside
// of the editor canvas. Avoids double-paste of content when pasting
// into cards
if (!editor.cursor.isAddressable(event.target)) {
// if we have image files pasted, create an image card for each and set
// the payload.files property which will cause the image to be auto-uploaded
// NOTE: browser support varies as of May 2018:
// - Safari: will paste all images
// - Chrome: will only paste the first image
// - Firefox: will not paste any images
let images = Array.from(event.clipboardData.files).filter(file => file.type.indexOf('image') > -1);
if (images.length > 0) {
editor.run((postEditor) => {
insertImageCards(images, postEditor);
let range = editor.range;
let {html, text} = getContentFromPasteEvent(event);
if (text && validator.isURL(text)) {
// if we have a text selection, make that selection a link
if (range && !range.isCollapsed && range.headSection === range.tailSection && range.headSection.isMarkerable) {
let linkMarkup = editor.builder.createMarkup('a', {href: text});
editor.run((postEditor) => {
postEditor.addMarkupToRange(range, linkMarkup);
// prevent mobiledoc's default paste event handler firing
// if there's no selection and cursor is on an empty paragraph,
// insert the url as an embed card, unless SHIFT is pressed. Setting
// the `linkOnError` option results in an immediate switch to a
// plain link if the embed fails for any reason (eg, unknown provider)
if (range && range.isCollapsed && range.headSection.isBlank && !range.headSection.isListItem) {
if (!this._modifierKeys.shift) {
editor.run((postEditor) => {
let payload = {url: text, linkOnError: true};
let card = postEditor.builder.createCardSection('embed', payload);
let nextSection = range.headSection.next;
postEditor.replaceSection(range.headSection, card);
// move caret to the next section, creating a blank one
// if none exists
if (nextSection) {
} else {
let newSection = postEditor.builder.createMarkupSection('p');
} else {
// ensure the pasted URL is still auto-linked when Shift is pressed
editor.run((postEditor) => {
let linkMarkup = editor.builder.createMarkup('a', {href: text});
postEditor.insertTextWithMarkup(range.head, text, [linkMarkup]);
// prevent mobiledoc's default paste event handler firing
// if plain text is pasted we run it through our markdown parser so that
// we get better output than mobiledoc's default text parsing and we can
// provide an easier MD->Mobiledoc conversion route
// NOTE: will not work in Edge which only ever exposes `html`
if (text && !html && !this._modifierKeys.shift) {
// prevent mobiledoc's default paste event handler firing
// we can't modify the paste event itself so we trigger a mock
// paste event with our own data
let pasteEvent = {
type: 'paste',
preventDefault() {},
target: editor.element,
clipboardData: {
getData(type) {
if (type === 'text/html') {
return formatMarkdown(text, false);
editor.triggerEvent(editor.element, 'paste', pasteEvent);
// we need to standardise HTML here because parserPlugins do not get
// passed inline markup such as `<b>` or `<i>`
if (html) {
// prevent mobiledoc's default paste event handler firing
let normalizedHtml = html
.replace(/<b(\s|>)/gi, '<strong$1')
.replace(/<\/b>/gi, '</strong>')
.replace(/<i(\s|>)/gi, '<em$1')
.replace(/<\/i>/gi, '</em>');
// we can't modify the paste event itself so we trigger a mock
// paste event with our own data
let pasteEvent = {
type: 'paste',
preventDefault() {},
target: editor.element,
clipboardData: {
getData(type) {
if (type === 'text/plain') {
return text;
if (type === 'text/html') {
return normalizedHtml;
editor.triggerEvent(editor.element, 'paste', pasteEvent);
handleMousedown(event) {
// we only care about the left mouse button
if (event.which === 1) {
this._isMouseDown = true;
handleMouseup(event) {
if (event.which === 1) {
this._isMouseDown = false;
handleDragOver(event) {
if (!event.dataTransfer || event.target.closest('.__mobiledoc-card')) {
// this is needed to work around inconsistencies with dropping files
// from Chrome's downloads bar
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') > -1) {
let eA = event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed;
event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = (eA === 'move' || eA === 'linkMove') ? 'move' : 'copy';
// indicate to the browser that we want to handle drop behaviour here
handleDragLeave(event) {
handleDrop(event) {
// drops on cards that are in an edit state should be cancelled
// editable cards should handle drag-n-drop themselves if needed
let cardElem = event.target.closest('.__mobiledoc-card');
if (cardElem) {
let cardId = cardElem.firstChild.id;
let card = this.componentCards.findBy('destinationElementId', cardId);
if (card.isEditing || card.component.handlesDragDrop) {
if (event.dataTransfer.files) {
let images = Array.from(event.dataTransfer.files).filter(file => file.type.indexOf('image') > -1);
if (images.length > 0) {
this.editor.run((postEditor) => {
insertImageCards(images, postEditor);
this._scrollCursorIntoView({jumpToCard: true});
/* Ember event handlers ------------------------------------------------- */
// disable dragging
dragStart(event) {
// we keep track of the modifier keys that are pressed so that in other event
// handlers we can adjust the behaviour. Necessary because the browser doesn't
// natively provide any info on non-key events about which keys are pressed
keyDown(event) {
let key = Key.fromEvent(event);
this._updateModifiersFromKey(key, {isDown: true});
keyUp(event) {
let key = Key.fromEvent(event);
this._updateModifiersFromKey(key, {isDown: false});
/* public methods ------------------------------------------------------- */
selectCard(card, isEditing = false) {
// no-op if card is already selected
if (card === this.selectedCard && isEditing === card.isEditing) {
// deselect any already selected card
if (this.selectedCard && card !== this.selectedCard) {
// setting a card as selected trigger's the cards didReceiveAttrs
// hook where the actual selection state change happens. Put into edit
// mode if necessary
isSelected: true
this.selectedCard = card;
// hide the cursor and place it after the card so that ENTER can
// create a new paragraph and cursorDidExitAtTop gets fired on LEFT
// if the card is at the top of the document
let section = this.getSectionFromCard(card);
editCard(card) {
// no-op if card is already being edited
if (card === this.selectedCard && card.isEditing) {
// select the card with edit mode
this.selectCard(card, true);
deselectCard(card) {
card.set('isEditing', false);
card.set('isSelected', false);
this.selectedCard = null;
deleteCard(card, cursorDirection) {
this.editor.run((postEditor) => {
let section = card.env.postModel;
let nextPosition;
if (cursorDirection === CURSOR_BEFORE) {
nextPosition = section.prev && section.prev.tailPosition();
} else {
nextPosition = section.next && section.next.headPosition();
// if there's no prev or next section then the doc is empty, we want
// to add a blank paragraph and place the cursor in it
if (cursorDirection !== NO_CURSOR_MOVEMENT && !nextPosition) {
let {builder} = postEditor;
let newPara = builder.createMarkupSection('p');
return postEditor.setRange(newPara.tailPosition());
if (cursorDirection !== NO_CURSOR_MOVEMENT) {
return postEditor.setRange(nextPosition);
getCardFromSection(section) {
if (!section || section.type !== 'card-section') {
let cardId = section.renderNode.element.querySelector('.__mobiledoc-card').firstChild.id;
return this.componentCards.findBy('destinationElementId', cardId);
getSectionFromCard(card) {
return card.env.postModel;
moveCaretToHeadOfSection(section, skipCursorChange = true) {
this.moveCaretToSection(section, 'head', skipCursorChange);
moveCaretToTailOfSection(section, skipCursorChange = true) {
this.moveCaretToSection(section, 'tail', skipCursorChange);
moveCaretToSection(section, position, skipCursorChange = true) {
let sectionPosition = position === 'head' ? section.headPosition() : section.tailPosition();
let range = sectionPosition.toRange();
// don't trigger another cursor change selection after selecting
if (skipCursorChange && !range.isEqual(this.editor.range)) {
this._skipCursorChange = true;
/* internal methods ----------------------------------------------------- */
// nested editor.run loops will create additional undo steps so this is a
// shortcut for when we already have a postEditor
_performEdit(editOperation, postEditor) {
if (postEditor) {
} else {
this.editor.run((postEditor) => {
_hideCursor() {
this.editor.element.style.caretColor = 'transparent';
_showCursor() {
this.editor.element.style.caretColor = 'auto';
_updateModifiersFromKey(key, {isDown}) {
if (key.isShiftKey()) {
this._modifierKeys.shift = isDown;
} else if (key.isAltKey()) {
this._modifierKeys.alt = isDown;
} else if (key.isCtrlKey()) {
this._modifierKeys.ctrl = isDown;
_scrollCursorIntoView(options = {jumpToCard: false}) {
// disable auto-scroll if the mouse or shift key is being used to create
// a selection - the browser handles scrolling well in this case
if (!this._scrollContainer || this._isMouseDown || this._modifierKeys.shift) {
let {range} = this.editor;
let selection = window.getSelection();
let windowRange;
// Safari can throw an IndexSizeError from selection.getRangeAt(0)
if (selection.type !== 'None') {
windowRange = selection && selection.getRangeAt(0);
let element = range.head && range.head.section && range.head.section.renderNode && range.head.section.renderNode.element;
// prevent scroll jumps when a card is selected
if (!options.jumpToCard && range && range.head.section && range.head.section.isCardSection) {
if (windowRange) {
// cursorTop is relative to the window rather than document or scroll container
let {top: cursorTop, height: cursorHeight} = windowRange.getBoundingClientRect();
let viewportHeight = window.innerHeight;
let offsetTop = 0;
let offsetBottom = 0;
let scrollTop = this._scrollContainer.scrollTop;
if (this.scrollOffsetTopSelector) {
let topElement = document.querySelector(this.scrollOffsetTopSelector);
offsetTop = topElement ? topElement.offsetHeight : 0;
if (this.scrollOffsetBottomSelector) {
let bottomElement = document.querySelector(this.scrollOffsetBottomSelector);
offsetBottom = bottomElement ? bottomElement.offsetHeight : 0;
// for empty paragraphs the window selection range will be 0,0,0,0
// so grab the element's bounding rect instead
if (cursorTop === 0 && cursorHeight === 0) {
if (!element) {
({top: cursorTop, height: cursorHeight} = element.getBoundingClientRect());
// keep cursor in view at the top
if (cursorTop < 0 + offsetTop) {
this._scrollContainer.scrollTop = scrollTop - offsetTop + cursorTop - 20;
let cursorBottom = cursorTop + cursorHeight;
let paddingBottom = 0;
let distanceFromViewportBottom = cursorBottom - viewportHeight;
let atBottom = false;
// if we're at the bottom of the doc we should keep the bottom
// padding in view, otherwise just scroll to keep the cursor in view
if (this._scrollContainer.scrollTop + this._scrollContainer.offsetHeight + 200 >= this._scrollContainer.scrollHeight) {
atBottom = true;
paddingBottom = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(this.element.parentNode).getPropertyValue('padding-bottom'));
if (cursorBottom > viewportHeight - offsetBottom - paddingBottom) {
if (atBottom) {
this._scrollContainer.scrollTop = this._scrollContainer.scrollHeight;
} else {
this._scrollContainer.scrollTop = scrollTop + offsetBottom + distanceFromViewportBottom + 20;
// calculate the number of words in rich-text sections and query cards for
// their own word and image counts. Image counts are used for reading-time
_calculateWordCount() {
run.throttle(this, this._throttledWordCount, 100, false);
_throttledWordCount() {
let wordCount = 0;
let imageCount = 0;
this.editor.post.walkAllLeafSections((section) => {
if (section.isCardSection) {
// get counts from card components
let card = this.getCardFromSection(section);
let cardCounts = get(card, 'component.counts') || {};
wordCount += cardCounts.wordCount || 0;
imageCount += cardCounts.imageCount || 0;
} else {
wordCount += countWords(section.text);
if (wordCount !== this.wordCount || imageCount !== this.imageCount) {
let readingTime = calculateReadingTime({wordCount, imageCount});
this.wordCount = wordCount;
this.imageCount = imageCount;
this.readingTime = readingTime;
this.wordCountDidChange({wordCount, imageCount, readingTime});
// store a reference to the editor for the acceptance test helpers
_setExpandoProperty(editor) {
let config = getOwner(this).resolveRegistration('config:environment');
if (this.element && config.environment === 'test') {
this.element[TESTING_EXPANDO_PROPERTY] = editor;