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Kevin Ansfield c1a9726f1b 💄 refactor setup screens to use ember-concurrency (#644)
refs TryGhost/Ghost#7865

💄 refactor signup to use ember-concurrency

refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/7865
- moves authentication actions from `signup` route to controller
- refactors authentication and signup logic into EC tasks
- replaces use of `gh-spin-button` with `gh-task-button` in signup template

💄 refactor setup screens to use ember-concurrency

refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/7865
- moves authentication actions from `setup/two` route to controller
- refactors authentication and setup logic into EC tasks
- replaces use of `gh-spin-button` with `gh-task-button`
- fixes some styling issues with the new SVG icons
- adds `app/styles/patterns/icons.css` back to contain per-icon overrides and animations (some SVGs use fills and others use strokes so we sometimes have conflicting styles)
2017-04-19 12:27:32 +02:00

156 lines
5.7 KiB

import $ from 'jquery';
import Controller from 'ember-controller';
import ValidationEngine from 'ghost-admin/mixins/validation-engine';
import injectController from 'ember-controller/inject';
import injectService from 'ember-service/inject';
import {isEmberArray} from 'ember-array/utils';
import {isVersionMismatchError} from 'ghost-admin/services/ajax';
import {task} from 'ember-concurrency';
export default Controller.extend(ValidationEngine, {
submitting: false,
loggingIn: false,
authProperties: ['identification', 'password'],
ajax: injectService(),
application: injectController(),
config: injectService(),
ghostPaths: injectService(),
notifications: injectService(),
session: injectService(),
settings: injectService(),
torii: injectService(),
flowErrors: '',
// ValidationEngine settings
validationType: 'signin',
authenticate: task(function* (authStrategy, authentication) {
try {
let authResult = yield this.get('session')
.authenticate(authStrategy, ...authentication);
// fetch settings for synchronous access
yield this.get('settings').fetch();
return authResult;
} catch (error) {
if (error && error.errors) {
// we don't get back an ember-data/ember-ajax error object
// back so we need to pass in a null status in order to
// test against the payload
if (isVersionMismatchError(error)) {
return this.get('notifications').showAPIError(error);
error.errors.forEach((err) => {
err.message = err.message.htmlSafe();
this.set('flowErrors', error.errors[0].message.string);
if (error.errors[0].message.string.match(/user with that email/)) {
this.get('model.errors').add('identification', '');
if (error.errors[0].message.string.match(/password is incorrect/)) {
this.get('model.errors').add('password', '');
} else {
// Connection errors don't return proper status message, only req.body
this.get('notifications').showAlert('There was a problem on the server.', {type: 'error', key: 'session.authenticate.failed'});
validateAndAuthenticate: task(function* () {
let model = this.get('model');
let authStrategy = 'authenticator:oauth2';
this.set('flowErrors', '');
// Manually trigger events for input fields, ensuring legacy compatibility with
// browsers and password managers that don't send proper events on autofill
// This is a bit dirty, but there's no other way to ensure the properties are set as well as 'signin'
try {
yield this.validate({property: 'signin'});
return yield this.get('authenticate')
.perform(authStrategy, [model.get('identification'), model.get('password')]);
} catch (error) {
this.set('flowErrors', 'Please fill out the form to sign in.');
// TODO: remove duplication with controllers/setup/two
authenticateWithGhostOrg: task(function* () {
let authStrategy = 'authenticator:oauth2-ghost';
this.set('flowErrors', '');
try {
let authentication = yield this.get('torii')
.open('ghost-oauth2', {type: 'signin'});
return yield this.get('authenticate').perform(authStrategy, [authentication]);
} catch (error) {
this.set('flowErrors', 'Authentication with Ghost.org denied or failed');
throw error;
forgotten: task(function* () {
let email = this.get('model.identification');
let forgottenUrl = this.get('ghostPaths.url').api('authentication', 'passwordreset');
let notifications = this.get('notifications');
this.set('flowErrors', '');
// This is a bit dirty, but there's no other way to ensure the properties are set as well as 'forgotPassword'
try {
yield this.validate({property: 'forgotPassword'});
yield this.get('ajax').post(forgottenUrl, {data: {passwordreset: [{email}]}});
'Please check your email for instructions.',
{type: 'info', key: 'forgot-password.send.success'}
return true;
} catch (error) {
// ValidationEngine throws "undefined" for failed validation
if (!error) {
return this.set('flowErrors', 'We need your email address to reset your password!');
if (isVersionMismatchError(error)) {
return notifications.showAPIError(error);
if (error && error.errors && isEmberArray(error.errors)) {
let [{message}] = error.errors;
this.set('flowErrors', message);
if (message.match(/no user with that email/)) {
this.get('model.errors').add('identification', '');
} else {
notifications.showAPIError(error, {defaultErrorText: 'There was a problem with the reset, please try again.', key: 'forgot-password.send'});
actions: {
authenticate() {