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Jason Williams 3ef1167815 Use Ember.inject instead of needs and initializers
No Issue
- Switches to the newer style of dependency injection.
- Instead of injection Controllers via "needs," use
- Get rid of initializers that were only injecting objects
  into various factories. Converts these objects into Ember.Service
  objects and declaratively inject them where needed via
  Ember.inject.service().  The added benefit to this is that it's no
  longer a mystery where these properties/methods come from and it's
  straightforward to inject them where needed.
2015-05-27 07:41:42 -05:00

142 lines
4.7 KiB

import Ember from 'ember';
import PaginationMixin from 'ghost/mixins/pagination-controller';
import SettingsMenuMixin from 'ghost/mixins/settings-menu-controller';
import boundOneWay from 'ghost/utils/bound-one-way';
export default Ember.ArrayController.extend(PaginationMixin, SettingsMenuMixin, {
tags: Ember.computed.alias('model'),
activeTag: null,
activeTagNameScratch: boundOneWay('activeTag.name'),
activeTagSlugScratch: boundOneWay('activeTag.slug'),
activeTagDescriptionScratch: boundOneWay('activeTag.description'),
activeTagMetaTitleScratch: boundOneWay('activeTag.meta_title'),
activeTagMetaDescriptionScratch: boundOneWay('activeTag.meta_description'),
init: function (options) {
options = options || {};
options.modelType = 'tag';
application: Ember.inject.controller(),
config: Ember.inject.service(),
notifications: Ember.inject.service(),
showErrors: function (errors) {
errors = Ember.isArray(errors) ? errors : [errors];
saveActiveTagProperty: function (propKey, newValue) {
var activeTag = this.get('activeTag'),
currentValue = activeTag.get(propKey),
self = this;
newValue = newValue.trim();
// Quit if there was no change
if (newValue === currentValue) {
activeTag.set(propKey, newValue);
activeTag.save().catch(function (errors) {
seoTitle: Ember.computed('scratch', 'activeTagNameScratch', 'activeTagMetaTitleScratch', function () {
var metaTitle = this.get('activeTagMetaTitleScratch') || '';
metaTitle = metaTitle.length > 0 ? metaTitle : this.get('activeTagNameScratch');
if (metaTitle && metaTitle.length > 70) {
metaTitle = metaTitle.substring(0, 70).trim();
metaTitle = Ember.Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(metaTitle);
metaTitle = Ember.String.htmlSafe(metaTitle + '…');
return metaTitle;
seoURL: Ember.computed('activeTagSlugScratch', function () {
var blogUrl = this.get('config.blogUrl'),
seoSlug = this.get('activeTagSlugScratch') ? this.get('activeTagSlugScratch') : '',
seoURL = blogUrl + '/tag/' + seoSlug;
// only append a slash to the URL if the slug exists
if (seoSlug) {
seoURL += '/';
if (seoURL.length > 70) {
seoURL = seoURL.substring(0, 70).trim();
seoURL = Ember.String.htmlSafe(seoURL + '…');
return seoURL;
seoDescription: Ember.computed('scratch', 'activeTagDescriptionScratch', 'activeTagMetaDescriptionScratch', function () {
var metaDescription = this.get('activeTagMetaDescriptionScratch') || '';
metaDescription = metaDescription.length > 0 ? metaDescription : this.get('activeTagDescriptionScratch');
if (metaDescription && metaDescription.length > 156) {
metaDescription = metaDescription.substring(0, 156).trim();
metaDescription = Ember.Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(metaDescription);
metaDescription = Ember.String.htmlSafe(metaDescription + '…');
return metaDescription;
actions: {
newTag: function () {
this.set('activeTag', this.store.createRecord('tag', {post_count: 0}));
editTag: function (tag) {
this.set('activeTag', tag);
saveActiveTagName: function (name) {
this.saveActiveTagProperty('name', name);
saveActiveTagSlug: function (slug) {
this.saveActiveTagProperty('slug', slug);
saveActiveTagDescription: function (description) {
this.saveActiveTagProperty('description', description);
saveActiveTagMetaTitle: function (metaTitle) {
this.saveActiveTagProperty('meta_title', metaTitle);
saveActiveTagMetaDescription: function (metaDescription) {
this.saveActiveTagProperty('meta_description', metaDescription);
setCoverImage: function (image) {
this.saveActiveTagProperty('image', image);
clearCoverImage: function () {
this.saveActiveTagProperty('image', '');
closeNavMenu: function () {