Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost-Admin.git synced 2023-12-14 02:33:04 +01:00
Kevin Ansfield ea34d49c89
🐛 Fixed failing Facebook URL validation for group urls (#906)
closes https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/9160
- simplified FB validation to allow any valid FB url (autocomplete of raw usernames and facebook-like URLs is still in place)
- fixed a bug with sticky Twitter validation message, if you entered an invalid URL then changed it to an invalid username you still saw the invalid URL message (surfaced through new test helpers for validating facebook/twitter fields)
2017-11-10 16:38:30 +00:00

297 lines
10 KiB

import $ from 'jquery';
import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import randomPassword from 'ghost-admin/utils/random-password';
import {
} from 'ghost-admin/components/gh-image-uploader';
import {computed} from '@ember/object';
import {observer} from '@ember/object';
import {run} from '@ember/runloop';
import {inject as service} from '@ember/service';
import {task} from 'ember-concurrency';
export default Controller.extend({
config: service(),
ghostPaths: service(),
notifications: service(),
session: service(),
availableTimezones: null,
iconExtensions: ['ico', 'png'],
iconMimeTypes: 'image/png,image/x-icon',
imageExtensions: IMAGE_EXTENSIONS,
imageMimeTypes: IMAGE_MIME_TYPES,
_scratchFacebook: null,
_scratchTwitter: null,
isDatedPermalinks: computed('model.permalinks', {
set(key, value) {
this.set('model.permalinks', value ? '/:year/:month/:day/:slug/' : '/:slug/');
let slugForm = this.get('model.permalinks');
return slugForm !== '/:slug/';
get() {
let slugForm = this.get('model.permalinks');
return slugForm !== '/:slug/';
generatePassword: observer('model.isPrivate', function () {
if (this.get('model.isPrivate') && this.get('model.hasDirtyAttributes')) {
this.get('model').set('password', randomPassword());
privateRSSUrl: computed('config.blogUrl', 'model.publicHash', function () {
let blogUrl = this.get('config.blogUrl');
let publicHash = this.get('model.publicHash');
return `${blogUrl}/${publicHash}/rss`;
_deleteTheme() {
let theme = this.get('store').peekRecord('theme', this.get('themeToDelete').name);
if (!theme) {
return theme.destroyRecord().catch((error) => {
save: task(function* () {
let notifications = this.get('notifications');
let config = this.get('config');
try {
let model = yield this.get('model').save();
config.set('blogTitle', model.get('title'));
// this forces the document title to recompute after
// a blog title change
this.send('collectTitleTokens', []);
return model;
} catch (error) {
if (error) {
notifications.showAPIError(error, {key: 'settings.save'});
throw error;
actions: {
save() {
setTimezone(timezone) {
this.set('model.activeTimezone', timezone.name);
removeImage(image) {
// setting `null` here will error as the server treats it as "null"
this.get('model').set(image, '');
* Opens a file selection dialog - Triggered by "Upload Image" buttons,
* searches for the hidden file input within the .gh-setting element
* containing the clicked button then simulates a click
* @param {MouseEvent} event - MouseEvent fired by the button click
triggerFileDialog(event) {
let fileInput = $(event.target)
if (fileInput.length > 0) {
// reset file input value before clicking so that the same image
// can be selected again
// simulate click to open file dialog
// using jQuery because IE11 doesn't support MouseEvent
* Fired after an image upload completes
* @param {string} property - Property name to be set on `this.model`
* @param {UploadResult[]} results - Array of UploadResult objects
* @return {string} The URL that was set on `this.model.property`
imageUploaded(property, results) {
if (results[0]) {
// Note: We have to reset the file input after upload, otherwise you can't upload the same image again
// See https://github.com/thefrontside/emberx-file-input/blob/master/addon/components/x-file-input.js#L37
// See https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/8545
return this.get('model').set(property, results[0].url);
toggleLeaveSettingsModal(transition) {
let leaveTransition = this.get('leaveSettingsTransition');
if (!transition && this.get('showLeaveSettingsModal')) {
this.set('leaveSettingsTransition', null);
this.set('showLeaveSettingsModal', false);
if (!leaveTransition || transition.targetName === leaveTransition.targetName) {
this.set('leaveSettingsTransition', transition);
// if a save is running, wait for it to finish then transition
if (this.get('save.isRunning')) {
return this.get('save.last').then(() => {
// we genuinely have unsaved data, show the modal
this.set('showLeaveSettingsModal', true);
leaveSettings() {
let transition = this.get('leaveSettingsTransition');
let model = this.get('model');
if (!transition) {
this.get('notifications').showAlert('Sorry, there was an error in the application. Please let the Ghost team know what happened.', {type: 'error'});
// roll back changes on model props
return transition.retry();
validateFacebookUrl() {
let newUrl = this.get('_scratchFacebook');
let oldUrl = this.get('model.facebook');
let errMessage = '';
// reset errors and validation
if (newUrl === '') {
// Clear out the Facebook url
this.set('model.facebook', '');
// _scratchFacebook will be null unless the user has input something
if (!newUrl) {
newUrl = oldUrl;
try {
// strip any facebook URLs out
newUrl = newUrl.replace(/(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?facebook\.com/i, '');
// don't allow any non-facebook urls
if (newUrl.match(/^(http|\/\/)/i)) {
throw 'invalid url';
// strip leading / if we have one then concat to full facebook URL
newUrl = newUrl.replace(/^\//, '');
newUrl = `https://www.facebook.com/${newUrl}`;
// don't allow URL if it's not valid
if (!validator.isURL(newUrl)) {
throw 'invalid url';
this.set('model.facebook', '');
run.schedule('afterRender', this, function () {
this.set('model.facebook', newUrl);
} catch (e) {
if (e === 'invalid url') {
errMessage = 'The URL must be in a format like '
+ 'https://www.facebook.com/yourPage';
this.get('model.errors').add('facebook', errMessage);
throw e;
} finally {
validateTwitterUrl() {
let newUrl = this.get('_scratchTwitter');
let oldUrl = this.get('model.twitter');
let errMessage = '';
// reset errors and validation
if (newUrl === '') {
// Clear out the Twitter url
this.set('model.twitter', '');
// _scratchTwitter will be null unless the user has input something
if (!newUrl) {
newUrl = oldUrl;
if (newUrl.match(/(?:twitter\.com\/)(\S+)/) || newUrl.match(/([a-z\d.]+)/i)) {
let username = [];
if (newUrl.match(/(?:twitter\.com\/)(\S+)/)) {
[, username] = newUrl.match(/(?:twitter\.com\/)(\S+)/);
} else {
[username] = newUrl.match(/([^/]+)\/?$/mi);
// check if username starts with http or www and show error if so
if (username.match(/^(http|www)|(\/)/) || !username.match(/^[a-z\d._]{1,15}$/mi)) {
errMessage = !username.match(/^[a-z\d._]{1,15}$/mi) ? 'Your Username is not a valid Twitter Username' : 'The URL must be in a format like https://twitter.com/yourUsername';
this.get('model.errors').add('twitter', errMessage);
newUrl = `https://twitter.com/${username}`;
this.set('model.twitter', '');
run.schedule('afterRender', this, function () {
this.set('model.twitter', newUrl);
} else {
errMessage = 'The URL must be in a format like '
+ 'https://twitter.com/yourUsername';
this.get('model.errors').add('twitter', errMessage);