
45 lines
1.8 KiB

var should = require('should'),
_ = require('lodash'),
crypto = require('crypto'),
schema = require('../../../../server/data/schema'),
fixtures = require('../../../../server/data/schema/fixtures');
* If this test fails for you, you have modified the database schema or fixtures.
* When you make a change, please test that:
* 1. A new blog get's installed and the database looks correct and complete.
* 2. A blog get's updated from a lower Ghost version and the database looks correct and complete.
* Typical cases:
* You have to add a migration script if you've added/modified permissions.
* You have to add a migration script if you've add a new table.
describe('DB version integrity', function () {
// Only these variables should need updating
const currentSchemaHash = 'fda0398e93a74b2dc435cb4c026679ba';
const currentFixturesHash = '40e10c96ee9a08164a637dc6b37d7b6b';
// If this test is failing, then it is likely a change has been made that requires a DB version bump,
// and the values above will need updating as confirmation
it('should not change without fixing this test', function () {
var tablesNoValidation = _.cloneDeep(schema.tables),
_.each(tablesNoValidation, function (table) {
return _.each(table, function (column, name) {
table[name] = _.omit(column, 'validations');
schemaHash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(JSON.stringify(tablesNoValidation), 'binary').digest('hex');
fixturesHash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(JSON.stringify(fixtures), 'binary').digest('hex');